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Friday • September 20 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 2 min 43 sec ago

End Slavery as a Form of Punishment

Sat, 2022-11-12 02:30 +0000

This past Tuesday, four States abolished slavery. Yes, slavery as punishment is legal in the United States under the 13th Amendment punishment clause.

I am the contemporary abolitionist in New Hampshire. I have been advocating for the abolition of slavery since 2018.

In my 2022 bid for United States Senate, I committed to repealing the punishment clause of the 13th amendment.

Slavery is not a New Hampshire value. Neither is slavery an American value.

However, slavery is still permitted as a form of punishment in New Hampshire and in the United States.

Slavery is cruel and unusual punishment leading to societal miasmas which prevent reformation of wrongdoers and inhibit restoration of the injured.

Yet, our incarceration system, and really our entire criminal justice system, is premised on slavery. These systems are certainly systemically inhumane, and appear to be aggressively employed against the marginalized of society.

For example, right now, under RSA 141-C:1-a III, incarcerated individuals in the State of New Hampshire may be subjected to mandated Covid-19 vaccination, a vaccination that has harmed thousands and may be altering the natural genetic constitution of individuals to unknown ends.

The abuses justified by public health are an extension of the reasoning that the State may, at its discretion, end your humanity. We must reject the idea that “due process” is a magical ritual that transforms a human soul into chattel; and that “public health direct threat” is a magical incantation that does the same.

Slavery and dehumanization are exterminations of the human race.

I call on my fellow citizens to immediately end slavery as a form of punishment, as well as end mandated vaccines. Both are a fruit from the same poisonous idea tree, that humans may have their humanity stripped from them by the State. Both are slavery.


The post End Slavery as a Form of Punishment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Emperor Sununu’s “Coattails” Were Just Long Enough to Cover Himself.

Sat, 2022-11-12 01:00 +0000

A few days before Election Week, Papa Sununu was on Newsmax. Grinning from ear to ear, he announced that “the governor” (I guess saying saying “my son” might sound less than objective) was going to win by 12-15 points and “pull all three state-wide candidates across the finish line.”

Even though the state’s leading light had done absolutely nothing to date to help Don Bolduc, Karoline Leavitt, or Robert Burns in their races, the implication was clear: they would only win because of the Son King’s political prowess—and everyone had better remember that fact when lil’ Chris runs for President in 2024.

I didn’t get the reasoning—I mean, I got the “they’ll owe my boy” part. What I didn’t get was why Papa Sununu thought his son’s coattails would be so long. In 2020, Chris Sununu won re-election by 15 points. Who won on his coattails then? Senator Messmer? Representative Mowers? Negron? Hmm—no. I didn’t really believe the “win by 12-15 points” part either.

The 2020 election was held at the height of the pandemic. Chris Sununu was basking in the left and timid middle’s bizarre support of arbitrary closures and regulations. Two years prior, in 2018, he was supposedly ten points ahead just before election day, yet barely hung on. What if this year was more like 2018 than 2020? And lo and behold, it was, or close to.

Sununu won another term but with a much smaller margin than in 2020. But his coattails were exactly the same length as in each past election: just long enough to cover himself.

With the pandemic in the rear mirror, democrats and “independents” mostly returned to earlier voting patterns. However, a good portion of the GOP base was disillusioned with Sununu’s many royal decrees during covid, his lack of tolerance for any dissent (but only from the right), and his unreasonable vetoes of bills favored by the Republican base.

Some of the bills he vetoed sought to curb the governor’s seemingly limitless powers in a future “emergency.” Others might have helped in this election cycle, namely the earlier primary date and congressional map bills. I convinced several (not all) of these malcontents to vote for Sununu this week, as the alternative would be worse. But in a presidential primary?

Never. Not them, not me.

If Chris Sununu wants to join the many GOP candidates who have run on a “I won in a Blue State” platform, he’ll meet the same fate they did. In short, someone should tell Papa Sununu that, not only did his son not have any coattails, he may not even have a coat if he’s planning a 2024 run.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Open Thread – How Ya Feeling About the NH GOP? Or Is It Time for Something Else?

Sat, 2022-11-12 00:30 +0000

I just don’t know what to say. Actually I do and “righteous anger” is among my favorite emotions right now. But that’s just me.

How are you all handling the results of Tuesday?  And that with the Democrat spawned early voting and vote by mail, it’s no longer Election Day but seems to be turning into “Election Month” or even Election Quarter?  Should NH add “Ranked Choice Voting” (and here, too) that the Democrats so much love (and yes, there is an LSR-soon-to-be-a-bill in the NH House bill hopper submitted by a Democrat) just to make life interesting?

Another – should the NH GOP, as an organization, concentrate all its efforts year round on building Get Out The Vote infrastructure? And do it NOW?

But as always, this is YOUR thread – take it where ever you want! Just plunk down a GPS bracelet on it so I can find it later…thank you ever so much!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Seem to Have Nothing for Today So I’ll Just Put up Another Democrat Disparaging Parents.

Fri, 2022-11-11 23:30 +0000

Shades of Jeanne Dietsch, former NH State Senator, who infamously uttered the words:

“This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble,” Dietsch said.

… “If the dad’s a carpenter, and you want to become a carpenter, then yes — listen to your dad.”

She actually was a ball of fun in providing a ton of blog fodder for us over the years from her elitist attitude (her brother as well). And her latest gambit, having failed with “GraniteCrock“, she now trying to “make an impact” with “Granite State Matters” which was linked up with the Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap in the latter’s efforts in throwing shade at the Free Staters that have come to NH simply to live their lives and being left along by Government. Who knew that personal Liberty and Freedom were evil things; she must be talking non-stop with former NH State Rep Cynthia who made it clear she hates Freedom.

Well, now that Chinese spy bedding (re: Fang Fang for the pillow talk?) California Democrat Congressman is now acting like Dietsch:

So Congresstwitt Eric Swalwell is now ideologically in bed with Dietsch concerning parents homeschooling their children (such a choice!)?  Nice way to go through life and thinking that your constituent voters are too stupid to be in charge of their children’s education.

Oh, I’ll answer his question of “When did we stop trusting experts.”.  When the so called experts believed themselves SO expert that their “expertise” leaked out into any other problem domains they chose to opine on.  Sorry, unless you are a bona fide polymath, life doesn’t work that way. What it does show is that your EGO is far larger than said expertise.

And from another view point, what he REALLY means is that Government always knows what’s better for you than you do. Both of them share this condescending attitude.

Senator Tim Scott is right – PARENTS should always be in charge of their kids. The analogy is that they get to delegate their responsibility to the Government when THEY want to – and have the responsibility to take it back when it is necessary to do so for whatever reason they see fit.

Like over this:

We should ask Jeanne Dietsch if she and her brother approve of porn in NH Public School Libraries…

(H/T: BizPac Review)


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Welcome to (blue) New Hampshire

Fri, 2022-11-11 22:00 +0000

So, the 2022 elections are over, and NH decided that it had no intention of bringing about a change in political direction in Washington, DC.

Please don’t tell me about “how close” the challengers came.  In politics, “close” is meaningless.  Close is a loss.  The winners can claim anything they want: “the voters didn’t want change,” “the voters want us to stay the course,” “the voters stayed home,” etc.  They can claim whatever they wish because… well, because they won.

I won’t discuss whether Sununu intentionally torpedoed any of the GOP candidates.  But it is obvious he’s not fully supportive of those of his own party.  Morse lost the primary to Boldoc, but Sununu refused to support Boldoc until it was too late.  Sununu forgot Reagan’s rule: “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”  Enough about Sununu – we all know who and what he is, and what he stands for.

Did NH have a good slate of candidates on the Republican side of the ballot?  Well, yes and no.  But please don’t tell me they lost because “they didn’t have experience in political office”.  NOBODY has experience in political office until they’ve actually been elected.

Until you are actually seated in office, you don’t realize the gravity of your situation.

Unless, of course, you came into office assuming you were already an expert, that others should bow to your “expertise”, and that you are “in power” and not a “public servant.”

The current and now reelected members of the NH delegation to DC believe they are the “experts” on what NH needs, and therefore they don’t need to listen to their constituents.  Please tell me whether Hassan, Shaheen, Pappas, or Kuster have held regular town halls to find out what their constituents want – not what their sponsors or backers want – and whether they take those suggestions to heart when returning to DC.

The citizens of NH decided that the current set of representatives to Washington was exactly what they wanted.

Nashua just finished its property reassessment and has announced the new tax rate: $18 (and cents) per $1000.  On the property that we owned, that was about a $900 increase from 2021 – or close to 10%.  Nashuans’ will soon receive their new tax bills as well as the increased gas, electric, and oil bills for this winter.  There will be gnashing of teeth, wails of sorrow, and some will wonder whether they will have to make a choice between food, heat, or medicine.

But that is what the voters of Nashua – and the voters of NH – decided they want.  They decided to keep the status quo in Washington.

The voters of NH will soon feel real economic pain.

But that is what they wanted.

They voted for it.


(Image H/T: Charlie Wollborg at Flikr, Image made smaller, license here)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Way to Pad the Vote

Fri, 2022-11-11 20:30 +0000

One thing you can count on with the Democrats and elections is their creativity in creating new voters and votes. Two ideas that I hope will never come to fruition are giving non-citizens the right to vote in the United States elections and lowering the voting age to sixteen. Our Constitution secures the right to vote.

To paraphrase, several Constitutional amendments require that the voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age (18 and older). Note that the provisions specify the rights of U.S. citizens.

The Progressives, who do not look upon the Constitution as most Patriots do, have worked tirelessly to find ways around the Constitution to broaden their voting block. In December 2021, New York City passed a law allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. Fortunately, the courts quickly overturned the law in 2022 before the first non-citizen could cast a vote. The Radical Left has also made moves to federalize the election process against the state rights spelled out in Article 14. They also wish to drop the legal voting age to 16. Both of these moves have met sufficient resistance to hold them at bay.

One change that the Left has been able to pass in some states is to allow non-resident college students to vote in the locale of their school rather than in their hometown by absentee ballot. Two states where this may have had an impact on Tuesday are New Hampshire and Michigan. These two states saw record-high same-day registration and voting in polls around universities.

It is easy to see the impact the student votes could have. In Michigan, the University of Michigan and Michigan State combine for almost 100,000 students. The entire population of Ann Arbor is 123,000. In New Hampshire, the University of New Hampshire has 15,000 students, while Durham, where UNH is located, has a population of 15,500. Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH, is the smallest Ivy League school, with an enrollment of 7,000. The town boasts 12,000 residents.

All of these schools, and others in the states, recorded historic levels of registration and voting in the midterms. This age demographic leans Left and generating this level of motivation certainly helped the Democrat candidates. You have to give the Dems credit for finding ways to manipulate the electorate.

To make clear what is happening, college students in these states have a choice when it comes to casting their vote. They can obtain and vote by absentee ballot at home, or they can use their student ID to register in the town where the college is located. According to the students interviewed, this choice is a no-brainer. It is far easier to cast their vote on campus. This option is not given to any other voter in this country, which is wrong.

In contrast, a person who lives in one state and has property in another has to vote in the state of their permanent residence. Even though they pay taxes for their other properties, they have no chance to participate in the local elections that impact their second homes. This doesn’t seem right and needs to be corrected. We need to reach out to our local state representatives and start the process before it spreads.


The post Another Way to Pad the Vote appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Judge Nixes Biden’s Student Loan Bailout a Few Weeks Too Late

Fri, 2022-11-11 19:00 +0000

After Joe Biden invented the executive branch authority of blanket student loan amnesty, several states sued. They weren’t grinches; what Biden did was illegal and unconstitutional. A judge in Texas just agreed with them.


“Whether the Program constitutes good public policy is not the role of this Court to determine. Still, no one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the  United States,” United States District Judge Mark Pittman wrote.


No joy for Joe on the Student Loan thing, not that he cares much about anything but ice cream and a nap. He was just reading what they put on the ‘prompter. And while you can probably “phone and pen” a lot of crap into existence, putting taxpayers on the hook for another trillion (or whatever it costs) only comes with a process.


“In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government…The Court is not blind to the current political division in our country. But it is fundamental to the survival of our Republic that the separation of powers as outlined in our Constitution be preserved. And having interpreted the HEROES Act, the Court holds that it does not provide ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the Program proposed by the Secretary,”


Biden’s handlers’ plan was to claim that “student loan forgiveness … is legal under the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 (HEROES Act), which grants the Department of Education the authority to cancel so much debt for so many people because of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

I know, what isn’t authorized under “The Pandemic.”

Public Health and all that. But the Founders understood that the best thing for public health was to secure natural rights from infringement by the State no matter what. Sure, they almost immediately ignored that, and we’ve been back and forth about it ever since, but the separation of powers gives that necessary division teeth the Machine politicians have been pulling as fast as they can.

Another problem is that “Biden’s” program is discriminatory, unequal, and unfair. There are loads of “education loans” that are excluded whose product was or will be far more valuable to the nation than another Liberal arts degree in Left-Handed Albino Lesbian Studies.

Businesses invest millions on trade school and other loans to bring up qualified candidates to fill jobs. Wouldn’t it make more sense to do even more to incentivize that? It would. And that could be a tax benefit to the job creator, not an expense for taxpayers. But the Left gains nothing politically from this, so they’ll never try to phone and pen it into existence. Instead, that idea will have to slug its way through the legislature, and even if it became law, the Dems or some so-called Soros-funded non-profited would have lawyers lined up to challenge it before the ink was dry.

As it stood, the loan bailout was a sop to likely Liberal voters and a recommitment to the Marxist mills doing business as Higher Education to continue jacking up tuition that is then laundered back into the Progressive movement as cash, activists, and brain trust doing business as lifetime Dem party donors.

A few states (not mine) stepped up to say, excuse me, this is dodgy as hell, and they happened to find a judge who agreed. It could have gone the other way, wandering like a liquored-up Kennedy until it tripped over an unconscious blonde to fall at the feet of the US Supreme Court, where the outcome should be certain but is not.

As of today, “Biden’s” Student Loan bail-out is the unconscious blonde who already drank the spiked Kool-Aid. At some point, they’ll try to wake her up, and while she may not remember what happened, they’ll make sure she has their story straight, so the party will start again – right after “she” figures out what the range burning sensation is and what happened to her panties.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2022-11-11 17:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


Diatribe about the election and my thoughts on what I fear is the inevitable spicy time included, here and more below.  We in America are being pushed to accept Socialism.  Drip, drip, drip, pushing through culture and schools, through the enemedia, our culture has been changed by design for decades.  I can only conclude that Trump was the last chance.

No, not our last chance.  We have another option, a doomsday option – spicy time – and I do not want that.  No, Trump was the Left’s last chance: a last chance to understand that we Americans do not wish to be ruled by Socialist oligarchs.  And they spit on that last chance, MISSIONARIES that they are.  They are so blinded by their adherence to their faith, and so arrogant that despite every failure before, this time will be different.

They believe themselves to be Anointed Intellectuals.  The Elite.  From their writings, from their speeches, drips arrogance and disdain.  They are the wise ones, the smart ones, the educated ones, the ones with better vision and caring.  Don’t believe them, just ask they and they’ll tell you.  They are superior beings made from finer clay, and they WILL tell you what to do because they know better than you.



Hubris brings Nemesis.  Always.




First things first.  Happy Veterans Day.  I make it a point to thank any veteran I recognize by hat, tattoo, or insignia.  365.












In my piece dashed out on Wednesday, post the midterm, I predicted that spicy time is close – then again, I’ve been afraid of this for a while, but I do believe that it’s close-close.  From an essay I wrote a while ago, The Avalanche Has Already Started…, I stated – and maintain now:

I am an American, and do not wish for violence in this country or indeed any country, whether on a local scale, regional, or national.  I do not wish to see people hurting others, nor arson, or beatings, or any asymmetric warfare techniques to be used against anyone, Left or Right, or Hashem forbid an actual civil war.  I state, clearly, that such things are the last thing on my mind.  In other words, I just want to be left alone 

Slogging through the woods in a guerilla war that I know I’ll die in is not how I want to end my life.  But there are worse fates.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

― Winston S. Churchill

Not for me, but for my children’s freedom, will I do it…





We are besieged by advice that we must remain calm regardless of the provocations or actions of the other side.  We must be peaceful.  We can win, we just need to convince more people, just wait until 2024, this is not the hill to die on, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.  Hopeful words – for no sane person wants civil war.  No sane person wants The Switch to be thrown.



Now, again, I don’t want a civil war; I keep questing for a good solution.  I’m not slathering at the bit to go start something.  I certainly have no plans to start sniping anyone.  As I said before and will keep saying until I’m blue in the face, I do not want this.  But  look at the image above – when the VOTE side doesn’t work, in 2020 and now in 2022, increasingly I am feeling this way:



Yes, indeed, I believe open war is upon us.  Tyranny is upon us, with the DOJ loosed on concerned parents, with pro-life protestors arrested with thug tactics, with firebombings of cities and beatings of people ignored but if one whispers There are just two, male and female, one gets investigated and disappeared off social media.  And if they can disappear you from electronic life, it’s not such a large step to disappear you from real life.



They advance, and we fall back and counsel restraint.  They take over school boards, and state houses, and cheat-cheat-cheat and cheat some more in elections, and we counsel restraint.  We HOPE constantly, again and again and again, that they will be restrained… but they advance.  They riot and burn property by the multiple millions in city after city, let our country be invaded by millions and distribute them to dilute our electoral strength; they deliberately destroy the economy, inflate our currency to meaningless paper scrip, and we counsel restraint.  We protest by the hundreds of thousands, leaving the protest areas cleaner than before we arrived, but protests only work on the powerful who can be shamed at what they’ve done… and the Left is proud of their accomplishments thus far and their future intentions.  We reach across the aisle time and again, and get rebuffed as they refuse to share even a scintilla of power.  And if we do somehow gain power, they immediately moderate and ask to work together and compromise.  And we share power despite being burned time and again.



No.  The line must be drawn.  Here.  Now.  No more compromising with cancer.  No more coexisting with gangrene.  We’re nigh on the last box for sure:



Am I counseling that we go start shooting?  No.  I don’t think we’re there.  YET.  But IMHO we’re on the knife edge.  Channeling a firebrand speech (edited):

“Are hordes of FBI agents and 87,000 new IRS agents necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? …Have Democrats any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of federal enforcement power? No, sir, they have none. These agents and their unofficial ANTIFA & BLM armies are meant for us; they can be meant for no other.”

Thus, like our ancestors in the Revolution understood, it’s close.  The Left, and not just Democrats but across the world the Globalists, mean to have us as slaves, herded by digital IDs and CBDCs, and then culled with enforced Jabs, starvation, and war.  Non-compliers to be dealt with; do not forget Larry Grathwohl’s warning:

I brought up the subject of what’s going to happen after we take over the government: we become responsible then for administrating 250 million people. And there was no answers. No one had given any thought to economics, how you’re going to clothe and feed these people.

They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter revolution and they felt that this counter revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing reeducation centers in the Southwest where would take all the people who needed to be reeducated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.

I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill – 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”

Understand that these people are of a piece, united globally: MISSIONARIES for the Great Reset and a one-world-government Socialist Oligarchy.  No matter what comprises that utopia’s foundation:



Elie Wiesel, the noted Holocaust survivor, once said “When someone tells you they want to kill you, believe them”.  What can we say about quotes like this – copied from an earlier essay of mine (italics replaced by bolding):

They have openly called for genocide against Trump supporters over political differences.  Understand that they hate anyone to the Right of Stalin:

When a bullet goes through the fatty tumor a Nazi has in the space where a human being would have a brain, nothing is lost

A pile of meat that moved and spoke and acted like a person was made to stop moving, and thus could no longer fool people into thinking it was one of them

— Arthur Chu (@arthur_affect) January 7, 2021

This is not the language of people who want peaceful coexistence, but your elimination.  They have that history, written in blood over a century.  MISSIONARIES for their cause, and that they are without question.





So please allow me the liberty of doing some thought-exercises should spicy time start.  As an example, look at this map of Texas; islands of blue in a sea of red.  Our enemies are concentrated in places that are not self-sufficient.  This brings thoughts of opportunity.  And again, I’m not advocating anyone do any of these things; and note that all of these have been out in the public domain for months – I am merely collating.  I am certainly not proposing anything new.  Our biggest weakness is our disorganization, but that too could be an asset for, if captured, we cannot betray others.



Cities rely on power.  Power can be interrupted in any of a number of ways.  Even a cluster of balloons with interconnected wires rising into power lines will trip the breakers and shut things down for a day or more.  Let alone if the towers themselves sustain damage.  Water mains and aqueducts are vulnerable too.  Hard to get your daily mocha half-caf cappuccino when there’s no power or water, let alone any of the other chaos being without power and/or water would entail.  Without power there’s no running water, no heat / air conditioning.  Gas doesn’t get pumped.  Elevators don’t run.  Sewage plants back up or overflow.  Hospitals and other agencies run out of generator fuel quickly.  And now imagine those damaged areas under guard from sniper fire from our side.  With due respect to electric linemen, nobody’s going to go repair an electrical tower when they could get ventilated from 500 yards away.  As demonstrated by the body of the first guy who tried.  Same for electrical transformer stations.

Roads and trucking are very vulnerable to a few boxes of roofing nails scattered about.  Let alone other obstacles.  Most cities are no more than three days from having no food.  Trucks need fuel; hard to refuel – or load – when at best your fuel tank has a bullet hole or two, or at worst it’s a burned-out husk from the fire that ignited from that bullet hole.  Lather, rinse, repeat at truck parking depots.



Fires in wood-frame house neighborhoods, especially on dry & windy days, would be a horrific tactic and while I would decry it happening as it would catch countless innocents in its net… but it’d be effective.  No power, no water, no food, and now no shelter.  Maybe with a blizzard closing in.  Any US forces would be rapidly faced with choosing:

  • Fight us
  • Handle the burgeoning chaos in the cities

Either way, we win.  In the first, by focusing on fighting us, the Leftist city-dwellers die en masse; or the military is distracted and thus not paying attention to us as we press attacks.  Yes, messy like nothing you’ve ever seen.

Meanwhile an Unintended Consequences-style campaign against politicians would bring more pressure, and pull more military from attacking us to defending those politicians who suddenly realize that people who practice sniping from hundreds of yards away are not people you should piss off lightly.  Remember the chaos that the DC snipers achieved… one car, one city.  Now imagine this in every city, with multiple and completely independent cars and military-trained infiltrators looking to find targets.  Speaking of snipers:


Hundreds of thousands if not millions of veterans currently own rifles strikingly similar to those they carried in the armed forces, lacking only the full-automatic selector switch. Their brothers, sisters, parents, friends, and neighbors who did not serve in the military are often just as familiar with the weapons, if not the tactics. Today the AR-pattern rifle (the semi-automatic civilian version of the familiar full-auto-capable M-16 or M-4) is the most popular model of rifle in America, with millions sold in the past decade. Virtually all of them produced in the past decade have abandoned the old M-16’s signature “carrying handle” rear iron sight for a standardized sight mounting rail, meaning that virtually every AR sold today can be easily equipped with an efficient optical sight. Firing the high-velocity 5.56×45 mm cartridge and mounted with a four-power tactical sight, a typical AR rifle can shoot two-inch groups at one hundred yards when fired from a steady bench rest. That translates to shooting eight- to ten-inch groups at four hundred yards.

Four hundred yards is a long walk. Pace it off on a straight road, and observe how tiny somebody appears at that distance. Yet a typical AR rifle, like those currently owned by millions of American citizens, can hit a man-sized target at that range very easily, given a stable firing platform and a moderate level of shooting ability.

And there are a far greater number of scoped bolt-action hunting rifles in private hands in the United States. Keep this number in mind: based on deer stamps sold, approximately twenty million Americans venture into the woods every fall armed with such rifles, fully intending to shoot and kill a two-hundred-pound mammal. Millions of these scoped bolt-action deer rifles are quite capable of hitting a man-sized target at ranges out to and even beyond a thousand yards, or nearly three-fifths of a mile. In that context, the 500-yard effective range of the average semi-auto AR-pattern rifle is not at all remarkable.



Those on the Left who think this would be fine sport watching us unwashed get whipped should recall what happened to the Washington DC socialites who turned out to see those “uncouth” Rebs get whipped at the Battle of Bull Run… and were forced to flee for their lives as those despised and derided Rebs routed the Union.  I can imagine those bullsh*t-slinging pols and their families scampering for their hides, so in some way it was not the Battle of Bull Run, but the Battle of Bullsh*t running!   I see the same arrogance today on the Left.



Also read – both for morale and encouragement, as well as thoughts:

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation

There will be no secure delivery of ammo, food, and fuel, because the guys who build that, grow that, and ship that, well, you just dropped a Hellfire on his cousin Bill because he wouldn’t turn over his SKS. F*ck you. Starve. And that’s assuming they don’t still make the delivery but the gas is tainted and food is poisoned.  [Mushrooms served in restaurants to groups of police or soldiers, anyone?]

Oh wait… Poison? That would be unsportsmanlike! Really? Because your guy just brought up nuclear weapons. What? You think that you’re going to declare war on half of America, with rules of engagement that would make Genghis Khan blush, and my side would keep using Marquis of Queensbury rules?

Oh hell no.

The scariest single conversation I’ve ever heard in my life was five Special Forces guys having a fun thought exercise about how they would bring a major American city to its knees. They picked Chicago, because it was a place they’d all been. It was fascinating, and utterly terrifying. And I’ll never ever put any of it in a book, because I don’t want to give crazy people any ideas. Give it about a week and people would be eating each other (and gee whiz, take one wild guess what the political leanings of most Green Berets are?).



As I read in the book SJWs Always Lie, often times in military conflicts it’s not about weapons or tactics – though obviously they factor in.  It’s about who wants it more.  And while, yes, there are many on their side that want us dead… there are tens of millions on our side for whom these apply:




And, of course, myriad posts exist.  Including fiction:

The Feral Irishman: It was time…………….(an interesting short story)

Also see:

Belling the cat | The Zelman Partisans

Belling the Cat, Revisited | The Zelman Partisans

Once more: I am not advocating or wanting any of this.  But I fear it’s going to start regardless.  When that does – and sorry to my Southern readers – let me channel Sherman. and LeMay, as a combined strategy:


“War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.”

— William Tecumseh Sherman


“If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.”

— General Curtis Emerson LeMay


One last time: I. DO. NOT. WANT. THIS.  But, as JFK said, when you make peaceful revolution impossible (voting), you make violent revolution inevitable (the other option on the switch).  They want this because they think they’ll win; they want this because they believe they’re superior, good people.  In their arrogance, their hubris, is an opportunity to make them be wrong.  Theyve been succeeding in their LONG GAME for so long that I’d like to share a lesson I wrote down for my kids:





And we have another strength.  We understand that heaven is our home (amazing song, English subtitles).  For them, mostly atheists and agnostics, they’re terrified of death.  Use that too.

If it starts – I fear WHEN it starts – we need to win.  And win big.





Pick of the post:



I’m already seeing the circular firing squad in some groups on Telegram and some blog posts.  It was Trump’s fault.  It was the pro-lifers.  It was the these people, or those people.  Yet when you look, who did well?  People whose “conservative” had some genuine conservative in it.

3 Takeaways From DeSantis’s Win For Every Republican Governor (

The GOP’s Defensive ‘Victories’ Aren’t Going To Save The Country (

We’re getting distracted again, and our mono-block, herdbeast MISSIONARY enemies will take full advantage.




Palate Cleansers:




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Bluebeard and Redbeard Parties

Fri, 2022-11-11 16:00 +0000

Explaining the election results to the grandkids (ages 9 and 7), I decided to use a metaphor.

Imagine that there are two pirate crews — Bluebeard’s crew, and Redbeard’s crew — who go house to house to (1) steal your money and (2) tell you what kinds of behaviors you can and can’t engage in, or must engage in.  And they claim that both of these have to be done, against your will, ‘for your own good.

Every now and then, you get to vote on which crew will get to deprive you of your property and your liberty.  The crew that gets the most votes has control until it’s time to vote again.  We call that an election.

About half the people seem to prefer Bluebeard to Redbeard, while about half seem to prefer Redbeard to Bluebeard.

As a result, the crews switch places every few years, creating the stability and predictability of a rowboat in which two people are rowing at the same time but in opposite directions.

More precisely, about half the people seem to hate Redbeard more than Bluebeard, while about half seem to hate Bluebeard more than Redbeard.  Which is how the pirates can keep the deal going, even though practically everyone hates both of them.

(Is there any other way to explain what happened in Pennsylvania, where nearly half the people voted ‘for’ a guy who was an idiot even before being incapacitated by a stroke?)

So we choose the lesser of two evils, but in a way that lets the winner claim that he has the support of everyone who didn’t vote against him.

(Imagine you’re in a room full of people who decide that there should be a vote on whether to break your arm or your leg.  How should you vote?  And if you vote for either of those options, in what sense do you support it?)

This will continue to be the case until we change how voting is done, to let people vote against the pirates they hate more instead of forcing them to vote for the pirates they hate only slightly less.

But is the pirate story really just a metaphor?  If you change ‘pirate crew’ to ‘major political party, isn’t it simply an accurate description of what’s going on?

The main difference is that instead of going door to door, the Bluebeard and Redbeard parties operate by threatening to send armed employees — whose salaries are paid by you — to force you into submission.

I’m done using the labels Democratic and Republican to refer to the major parties when the labels Bluebeard Party and Redbeard Party more accurately reflect their natures.


The post The Bluebeard and Redbeard Parties appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair): Do You Want to Play a Game of Thermonuclear Warfare? I Obliged.

Fri, 2022-11-11 14:30 +0000

As with many wars, this one started slowly and then gained velocity and I’m tired of being polite, especially the superficial kind that we often see in politics. And especially with those that use the “passive-aggressive” throwing shade “just” this side of obnoxious.

The problem is, too many people KNOW it IS obnoxious, it doesn’t rise to the level of decent repartee, but do not want to be seen as contentious while being truthful in return.

I rarely have that problem nowadays as like with teens that achieve the Age of Majority (or what seems to pass for being adultish nowadays), I have attained my Age of Curmudgeoness and no longer care. Those that have earned my respect are given such. Otherwise, I no longer care much about the phoniness that is required to NOT be a curmudgeon.

So, where am I going with this?

Norm Silber, the Belknap County Republican Chair (and targeted by the Democrat Citizens for Belknap [“CfB”] PAC in the Primary), sent out a status email to the NH GOP Leadership as to what the BCRC had accomplished during the runup to Election Day:

From: Norman J Silber <>
Sent: Monday, November 7, 2022 12:07:21 PM
To: Elliot Gault <>; david strang <>; PAUL TERRY <>; Marc Abear <>
Cc: Jade Wood <>; Stephen Stepanek <>; Pamzt <>; Scott Maltzie <>; Bill O’Brien <>; Lara Bezich <>; Erica NH Graphic Designer <>; nikkimc1973 <>; Jacquelyn Sandstrom <>; Skip Murphy <>; Jose Cambrils <>
Subject: RE: Belknap County General Election Activities
The Belknap County Republican Committee (the “BCRC”) has been very active in the campaign leading up to the General Election tomorrow.

In keeping with the principles and goals of the platform of the NHGOP, the BCRC has undertaken numerous expensive steps to try to persuade voters to vote the entire slate of Republican candidates, from the top to the bottom of the ballots, irrespective of what might have been prior differences among us.

To develop and implement our strategy, a subcommittee was formed consisting of Vice Chair Paul Terry, Treasurer David Strang, member at large Marc Abear, and BCRC General Members Lara Bezich, Erica Golter, Nikki McCarter, Jackie Sandstrom, & David “Skip” Murphy.  The later 5 individuals have extensive experience in graphic design and implementation.

The result of the work of the subcommittee was as follows:

  • 4 different version of road/yard signs, each with a relevant message were developed, and 600 of those signs were placed throughout Belknap County.  Copies of those signs at attached.
  • 100 of 2 versions of the signs were obtained in a much larger 4 x 4 size and those were placed around the county.
  • All signs refer people to  “Stand Up Belknap” is a registered trade name of the BCRC with the NH Department of State, and clicks on are automatically redirected to the BCRC website, where our urgings to vote Republican have prominent positions.
  • Our BCRC Facebook Page is also active with similar messaging to vote Republican.
  • Full page ads were placed in the Weirs Times and the Laconia Dily Sun, urging voters to vote Republican.  A copy of that ad is also attached.
  • A voter guide listing the Republican candidates in the county was developed in a small, folded format to be handed out to voters- 5,000 copies will be distributed, some of which distribution has already started.
  • A cadre of volunteers to wave signs at the polls has been recruited and that recruitment continues- Nikki McCarter is the coordinator.

Hopefully we will see some positive results from our efforts.

Norm Silber
Chair, Belknap County Republican Committee
Member of the New Hampshire Bar & The Florida Bar

Rather innocuous – just a statement of the facts while thanking the folks who helped.  How controversial could that be?

Jade Wood, NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair and a Gunstock Area Commissioner, couldn’t resist smearing all of the BCRC subcommittee members.

Her actions as a Commissioner, in my humble opinion, have directly aligned with the CfB. Publicly this was shown by her constant berating of two Commissioners, Republicans Peter Ness and Dr. David Strang (also the Treasurer of the BCRC), during the GAC meetings, yelling (often in concert with Douglas Lambert who had his BCRC General Membership removed by the General Members over a misdemeanor assault charge against a General Member female) that they had to resign from the GAC for “violating their oaths of office.” However, neither ever specified which ordinance, bylaw, statute, or Constitutional Article necessary to have violated their oaths.

A simple thank you would have been sufficient. However, she just couldn’t help herself (I’ve been watching this trend for a while from her) – read closely to see the bit that carries on the demagoguing used against Ness and Strang.  First, the part where she just HAD to pat herself on the back:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Jade Wood” <>
To: “Elliot Gault” <>; “david strang” <>; “PAUL TERRY” <>; “Marc Abear” <>; “Norman J Silber” <>
Cc: “Stephen Stepanek” <>; “Pamzt” <>; “Scott Maltzie” <>; “Bill O’Brien” <>; “Lara Bezich” <>; “Erica NH Graphic Designer” <>; “nikkimc1973” <>; “Jacquelyn Sandstrom” <>; “Skip Murphy” <>; “Jose Cambrils” <>
Sent: 11/7/2022 2:52:54 PM
Subject: Re: Belknap County General Election Activities

Thanks for the update Chairman Silber:

Using the resources you speak of including the signs and voter guides (special thanks to Marc and Nikki for coordinating deliveries) the Lakes Region Federated Republican Women’s chapter worked with local candidates to mobilize a sign wave in Laconia on Saturday and is also coordinating volunteers to pass out voter guides at polling places. In addition, as you know from the last BCRC meeting, I worked with Elliot and the Tri-county Republican committee to secure the remaining neccessary funding required for a mailer to support candidates in Alton, Barnstead and beyond in the amount of 1000.00.

Belknap County has healing to do and is learning many important lessons from this election cycle, however, it’s good to see correspondence like this underscoring our efforts as conservatives.

Remember, calling yourself a Republican doesn’t necessarily make you a Conservative.

Thank you to the members of the subcommittee, I recognize and appreciate the things all of you have done to help Republicans get elected…hopefully they outweigh the other things.

I’ll see you tomorrow or Wednesday at the BCRC meeting.

Good luck!


Classic – lift up oneself at the expense of others. And I hate it when people resort to a passive-aggressive tone – not honest enough to make a point but still just HAVE to shove their elbow into somebody’s ribs (e.g., the classic “wave of the hand” but done verbally). Problem for this response is that I no longer allow bullies to get away with bullying without a response of my own. Generally rather bluntly:

—— Forwarded Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Jade Wood” <>; “Elliot Gault” <>; “david strang” <>; “PAUL TERRY” <>; “Marc Abear” <>; “Norman J Silber” <>
Cc: “Stephen Stepanek” <>; “Pamzt” <>; “Scott Maltzie” <>; “Bill O’Brien” <>; “Lara Bezich” <>; “Erica NH Graphic Designer” <>; “nikkimc1973” <>; “Jacquelyn Sandstrom” <>; “Jose Cambrils” <>
Sent: 11/7/2022 8:23:10 PM
Subject: Re[2]: Belknap County General Election Activities

>>…hopefully they outweigh the other things.

Thanks for the backhanded compliment and for trying to paint yourself as innocent as newly driven snow.  Unfortunately, your response falls under the header of a “thank you CYA”.  Why?

Remember, it was YOU who demonized two good and decent Republicans on the GAC, Commissioners Peter Ness and David Strang, for months accusing them of violating their Oaths of Office (Part 2, Article 28) in trying to force them off the Gunstock Area Commission simply because they were asking uncomfortable and penetrating questions concerning the operations of Gunstock (like that hotel in the new Master Plan that was to be built on land that Gunstock didn’t own – and that was just a surface level question).

Yet, neither you (or Douglas Lambert) have ever proved that either of them violated any GAC ByLaw, BCRC ByLaw, NH GOP ByLaw, local ordinance, State RSA, or NH Constitutional Article.  No once.  But what a hell of a demagogue marketing campaign on your part in forcing Ness to finally resign (a political newbie that had no resources [with which to fight back) . You destroyed the reputations of two decent men for simply for political reasons and gain. One of them the Treasurer of the BCRC – nicely done as an elected officer of the NH GOP.

And remember, I have LOTS of video “receipts” to prove it if you want to contest me on this. Folks, all the video is up on GraniteGrok and/or the GraniteGrok Youtube Channel.

No, this “thank you”, with that phrase, is a CYA move and a sanctimonious passive-aggressive back-handed dig

and doesn’t outweigh what you did in helping the aims of the Democrat PAC named “Citizens for Belknap” – destroying the then Conservative GAC that led to the tremendous division within the all Republican Belknap County Delegation.  The CfB then, with your [intentional | unintentional] assistance, eliminated almost all of the Conservative Republicans in the Primary (with the exceptions of Paul Terry, Barbara Comtois, Peter Vadney, and Dawn Johnson who are now under attack by even by some Republicans).

With your “assistance”, we only have Republicans to vote for who are both anti-Parental Rights (Bordes especially), and those sucking on the teat of Union Monies from Brodie Deshaies’ Common Sense PAC that was almost entirely funded with 2-$10,000 tranches from 2 Union PACs:

  • Mike Bordes – $1,000 (twice!)
  • Travis O’Hara – $1,000 (twice!)
  • Doug Trottier – $1,000
  • Tim Lang – $5,000

Along with Howard Pearl (also $5,000 union money), the GOP can kiss Right To Work legislation goodbye.  And yes, I have posted the filings of the Common Sense PAC on GraniteGrok:

I have remained silent on your part in all this to this point. However, with that aimed remark, “hopefully they outweigh the other things“, no longer. You are the LAST person that I’d be listening to for “healing” given that you were at the forefront of creating the damage in the first place…meeting after meeting after meeting.

YOU NEED TO RESIGN YOUR NH GOP AREA 5 Vice-Chair position for behavior unbecoming such a position and aiding that Democrat PAC with your actions that has destroyed the Republican Party in Belknap County.

Have a great evening (snort!).


Yeah, she saw me last night at the BCRC – and quickly walked away. She, too, disrupted the meeting along with Lambert and Hough. I did laugh when finally a lady upfront got up and berated both Lambert and Hough with some choice words and effectively called them bullies for being the ones creating the disorder and trying to take over the meetings (and noted that they had just started to attend) even as they have been trying to wage a PR against the BCRC and its leadership.

Good for her.

And what response did THAT get from the NH GOP Leadership?

<crickets>.  Absolutely <crickets>

I agree with the plethora of posts about the NH GOP that Steve, Ed, and Ray have put up in the contrast with the organizing by the Democrats: absolutely useless. In this lack of an answer, they are no better than the run-0f-the-mill School Board (aka “The Easter Island stone faced Moa statues”) – a silence that is deafening.

I won my race for NH GOP Delegate – I get to vote for the next slate of NH GOP elected Officials.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Day for the Veterans

Fri, 2022-11-11 13:00 +0000

Today is set aside to show gratitude to every man or woman who has donned the uniform. Today we put aside talking about the 535 elected officials who work at the Capitol in Washington, D.C., and give thanks to every man and woman who chose to serve and protect this incredible country.

These veterans are our true heroes. This 1% of Americans chose to protect the other 99%

We are saying farewell to our WWII vets at an alarming rate. There are 18 million veterans living in the United States, which is down considerably from the 24 million in 2000. The most significant contributor to this drop is our lost World War II veterans. There were nearly 6 million of the Greatest Generation still with us in 2000, and that number dropped to 500,000 in 2018. All veterans are exceptional, but we must cherish those who saved the world by serving in Europe and the Pacific to protect us from German and Japanese aggression.

Veteran services need to be the finest available and easily accessible for every person who served. The VA hospitals need to be staffed at a level that ensures speedy and effective relief, and the ability to use VA benefits at every hospital needs to be guaranteed. No cost should be spared to take care of and thank our veterans.

Two saddest facts about our veterans are the 22 veterans who choose suicide as their only option daily and the 37,000 veterans who find themselves homeless. Both of these situations are unacceptable and preventable. If our government gave the veterans half the attention they provide to the illegals flooding our Southern Border, we could eradicate these statistics. Fortunately, we have tremendous NGOs like the Wounded Warrior Project and Tunnels to Towers who generate attention and resources for our veterans, first responders, and their families who need services or housing. These private organizations and the public support they muster make up for what our government fails to do.

We have had an all-volunteer military since the 70s, and unfortunately, the number of young people choosing to serve in our armed services is declining yearly. We must make military service attractive, a combination of how they are treated during and after their active duty. When their commitment ends, ours should begin. We also need to stop the effort to make our military more woke. They do not need to be Woke. They need to be feared. A strong military is our best deterrent from conflict.

Veterans deserve not only our thanks and respect but also our support. Our military deserves compensation at a level commensurate with the private sector. There should never be any consideration for a Congressional pay raise unless it includes the same for our military. No military family should ever qualify for food stamps or assistance. That is a crime.

Our military and veterans are the essential security of our freedom and country. It is apolitical and ready to serve no matter what party is in power. As we say thanks, we must ensure that our military is equipped and prepared to meet any challenge and that no veteran is ever forgotten. We thank you, love you, and pray that God watches over you.

The post A Day for the Veterans appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Everyone is Claiming Vermonters Voted to Protect Abortion But That’s Not What the Amendment Says

Fri, 2022-11-11 11:30 +0000

This is one of those stories that keeps coming around. Vermont proposition 5 added article 22 to the State Constitution. Voters overwhelmingly approved what was billed as an abortion protection amendment, but it doesn’t say that.

This is my fourth bite at this apple in 2022 and still tastes lousy, but it’s an issue that requires our continued attention.

Proposition 5, approved by 77% of voters, most of whom have no idea what it really means, enshrines article 22 into the State Constitution.


Sec. 2.  Article 22. [Personal reproductive liberty] That an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed unless justified by a compelling State interest achieved by the least restrictive means.


As noted here, if some judge declares the unborn a person (giving them individual rights), article 22 bans abortion in Vermont. That’s not too far-fetched an idea, but the ‘abort them all lobby’ went with this version after fearing trip-wires with previous language.

Did they overthink it?

I’ve pondered the problems here, here, and here, but let’s revisit them since it is not just a Green Mountain State Right to choose to or to not reproduce.


  • [W]hat if a minor wants to get pregnant? Having survived the “right” to abortion and achieved an age where reproduction is possible, are they not entitled to their own reproductive freedom?
  • Even prefaced as referring to reproductive freedom, a talented lawyer could leverage it to mean anything, including a constitutional right to refuse the latest vaccine if it might in some way infringe on that right.
  • [I]f you are free to choose your life course or the process or reproduction, then who is to say that whether pregnant now or in the future, you could not make the case that something the government wanted or did is an infringement upon that right (measured using the least restrictive means)?
  • Reproduction is not possible without both sperm and eggs. And the freedom and dignity to reproduce could encompass more than those who lay claim to a womb or external forces that infringe on that right.
  • Does Sec. 2 Article 22 create a constitutional right to statutory rape, assuming consent? (as in, is statutory rape law abrogated by the act of consent?).

Vermont Parents! Did you consider any of this before you voted for the new Constitutional amendment? Did anyone aside from me try to warn you (and I doubt you were reading GraniteGrok)?

I can see Libs being okay with the first and last (underage sex in both cases) but not the three in between, which is why this could be a problem that people recognized but couldn’t put into words.

Even after they tweaked the language passed by the legislature, about 75% of Vermont votes either didn’t understand Prop 5 or sort of, kind of, thought they understood -meaning probably not.

In the end, 77% voted for it, and based on these numbers, 2% of them were certain, but as we’ve pointed out (I think), they were just hoping it meant what they wanted it to mean, but the word salad gymnasts could wreck it all with the swing of a gavel.

I guess what I’m saying is, why so coy?

If you wanted to make abortion a right, you should have just said, “abortion is a protected right in the state of Vermont.” Full stop. That’s your goal. Conception to birth abortion. It’s a simple thing, really.

The fact that you didn’t say that says that such an amendment would have failed, even in deep blue Vermont. The sort of foolishness that arises when you fool around with the language to hide your true intentions. And it is a problem you can’t fix with legislation because the Constitution would invalidate any law that infringes on whatever the hell any court on any day decides this article means.

In other words, Vermont did not protect abortion rights. They did something, but what it is remains to be seen, and it could be the opposite of what they advertised.

Or maybe I’m overthinking it?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH-Democrats Turn Out Voters … NH-Republicans Turn Out Excuses

Fri, 2022-11-11 02:30 +0000

From top to bottom, the excuses are flying fast and furious for this Tuesday’s debacle. As I discussed HERE, our illustrious Sun-King, Chris Sununu … Second-of-His-Name-and-Protector-of-the-RINOs … is blaming Trump.

Yeah right … it’s Trump’s fault that the NHGOP lost numerous State Representative seats … putting themselves essentially at parity with the Democrats … and made no gains in the State Senate.

How about some accountability for NHGOP leadership … starting with none other than the Sun-King himself and the so-called State Chairman Steve Stepanek? It wasn’t Donald J. Trump who made the decision to churn out redundant flyer after redundant flyer … oh look, it’s Chris Pappas with AOC, and this one has Chris Pappas with Nancy Pelosi, oh wow that’s Chris Pappas with Che Guevara (okay I made that one up) … instead of creating the political-infrastructure to turn out Red-voters.

It was the LAZINESS and INCOMPETENCE of Sun-King Sununu and Stepanek that led to the loss of numerous State Representative seats and the lack of gains in the State Senate. Where are the demands for Stepanek to resign for failing … despite having had years to do so … to build the political-infrastructure to turn out Red-voters? Where is the criticism of Sununu for doing practically nothing to elect down-ballot Republicans?

The absence of demands for Stepanek’s resignation and the lack of criticism of Sununu’s indifference to any race but his own suggest that NHGOP activists are content with being perennial losers and complainers.

Dear NHGOP activist, Mitch McConnell obviously deserves your criticism for failing to fund Don Bolduc … BUT Mitch similarly stiffed other candidates … for example, Blake Masters … and they didn’t lose in landslides like Bolduc (and Leavitt and Burns). There UNDENIABLY is more to it than that … and the more-to-it is that other States … I’m thinking of Arizona … have a viable State Party that turns out Red-Voters. In other words, Sun-King and Stepanek deserve at least as much criticism as Mitch. And yet you are giving them a pass.

Other excuses I have seen include that the voters were somehow “confused” and that the media created a false sense of complacency among GOP voters.  Maybe it’s time to stop blaming everyone and everything for the NHGOP “leadership’s” incompetence, laziness and self-indulgence … and start putting the blame where it belongs – on the NHGOP leadership?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Thanksgiving: One Third Are Having Pizza; 26% Are Going to Skip It (Too Expensive!)

Fri, 2022-11-11 01:00 +0000

There’s a lot of economic misery out there, represented in new research “commissioned by digital wealth management company Personal Capital” that suggests one-in-four Americans are skipping Thanksgiving because they can’t afford it.”


In 2021, researchers note that an IPSOS survey found that nine in 10 Americans planned to celebrate Thanksgiving. This year, the new poll of 1,000 people found that number has fallen to just 74 percent. In fact, 47 percent say they’re celebrating “Friendsgiving” because of its more budget-friendly menu. Specifically, just 24 percent of Friendsgiving celebrations will even have a turkey on the table, with 33 percent opting for a pizza instead!


Friendsgiving is the Marxist Identitarians’ squeeze to get faith out of the holiday. But you don’t need faith or family because a friend gathering is no different. The point is to give thanks for what you have and for each other, related or not.

I imagine that’s something you could do over a Zoom meeting. Everyone has their bowl of microwaved Kraft Mac-N-Cheese ready and a bottle of YooHoo!. At the appointed time, y’all log in for five minutes to “eat together” and say hello.

Someone will lag, and everyone will remember the lag from last year.

Festive, and don’t forget to thank the eavesdropping NSA.


With many Americans struggling with higher prices at the grocery store, 52 percent are asking guests to bring a dish to Thanksgiving dinner. Three in four are asking guests to bring their own alcohol, while just under half (46%) are asking people to provide the dessert. Another 42 percent are going a step further, asking their friends and family to help pay for the big meal.


Not sure how it works in your family or “people circle,” but we don’t show up anywhere without something. You bring a bottle of wine, a six-pack (both), a salad, dessert, or something!

Maybe we can call it Bidensgiving (it’s really Biden-taking) and line up with the illegal aliens and homeless vets at the local soup kitchen.


Overall, 45 percent of the country say they feel financially stressed by Thanksgiving 2022. Gen X Americans have the least amount of stress (33%) while Gen Z is feeling it the most (54%).


As a culture, it’s essential to understand that giving thanks for what you have, meager or not, is an integral part of the humility and gratitude you should embrace being in America. Most of our ancestors did more with much less to get us to a place where folks whine on social media about whether anyone cares about how many genders they were this week.

The culture is a bit whacked.

But the Holiday shouldn’t be. Just ask Charlie Brown. Popcorn, jelly beans, buttered toast, pretzels, and ice cream sundaes. It’s not about the food. It’s about the friends, and the family, and giving thanks.

In other words, unless you want to thank the Democrats for record-high inflation, soaring energy prices, food shortages, rolling blackouts, and devaluing the dollar (and some of us did by not showing more of them the door on November 8th), be thankful for the opportunity to get another shot at fixing the political climate.

It’s the only “climate” that threatens America and the world, and we still have free speech (sort of) and all that.

Happy Holidays!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought: Red Tsunami to Barely a Red Ripple. Blood-letting has started with Douglas Lambert (for cause)

Thu, 2022-11-10 23:30 +0000

I, along with a lot of Conservatives (and a whole lot of Republicans – see what I did there?) are sorely surprised and very disappointed at the results – certainly here in NH.

I was reminded of this in reading Landrigan’s piece, and this stuck out:

Democrats swept all 27 seats in Nashua, and Rep. Rosemarie Rung, D-Merrimack, topped the ticket in her town, where the GOP has a decided advantage in voter registration.

Now, to be completely honest, I had little to no idea of how things would turn out in the State, given my preoccupation with Belknap County these last few months. Nashua, as we all know, is a deep Blue city (like most cities around the State), so I was not surprised at that. But knowing that Merrimack is NOT Nashua, I asked Steve:

No idea. The top two vote-getters in Merrimack were Dems. The GOP down ticket voting was mostly to blame. Need to look at the exact numbers – will ask Jeanine for them.

Sununu got 7740 in Merrimack. Wheeler got 6447. Daniels got 6395. The highest House vote getter got 6037 / the highest Dem was 6245 – so if Down-ticket only gets what Daniels got we take all 8 seats. Frustrating.

Indeed – very frustrating.

Partly due to this weird mid-term election that felt like a Presidential. And that different issues TOTALLY animated the two sides.  But one thing has stuck out – who got organized and WHERE did they organize TO (I know, grammar, but you get the point)?

At least here in Belknap, for all the money spent by the Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC ($60K or so), they only “gained” 3 seats now occupied by Democrats  (WMUR). They also, however, got rid of several good Conservative Republicans in the Primary and because of other and various reasons (and grudges), turned a number of the remaining Republicans against the Conservatives on the Belknap County Republican Committee (but more on that later). Still, a few Conservatives remained standing:

  • Nikki McCarter
  • Barbara Comtois
  • Paul Terry
  • Peter Varney

Of course, it’s clear that Democrats have money advantages almost every time – just look at the campaign filing reports. They also have better group-oriented organizations. In fact, Democrat Brian Beihl, the Citizens for Belknap PAC strategist, according to reports sent to me, was heard to have said “That’s ok – “we know what we did wrong and we’ll fix that for the next election“.

Sidenote: I still find it ludicrous that people spend THOUSANDS, sometimes 10s of thousands for a seat in the NH House that pays only $100/year per diem.

How many Republican groups say that?  Fewer still, how many Republican groups say that and then actually start planning and activating NOW for an event two years in the future? This should be common on the right side of the aisle – but isn’t. Sure, they’re finally doing what I’ve said for years – you can’t just campaign for two weeks before the election by putting in an op-ed, throw a few signs into the ground, and a couple of ads in the local paper.  Now, they’ve started a few months earlier.

In this time, that’s not helpful.

But planning like this?  At the detailed level?  I’ve not heard Republicans talk like this EVER!  That has to change. Especially with the NH GOP Leadership.

Yes, in going back to my prediction about the election (which I admitted then, I suck at doing but did it anyways):


  • Governor: ho hum – Sununu by 30 points. Big whoop. (ACTUAL: by 16% – still a landslide)
  • Executive Council: Republicans hold the majority but Dems gain 1 seat. (ACTUAL: it remained 4-1)
  • NH Senate: I dunno. Still guessing that the Republicans hold the majority but instead of 14-10 to 13-11.  Bradley becomes the Senate President (ACTUAL: 14-10, no change)
  • NH House: Republicans gain another 10 seats (ACTUAL: they lost seats and the majority teeters on a count of 203-197).

Well, I have ideas – and if the NH GOP keeps doing the same-old, same-old, there are better ideas. I’ve already reached out to several people – we’ll see.

I will say that, however,  there is going to be a bit of blood-letting that’s going to happen within the Right for a while – and we saw that last night at the BCRC meeting.

Doug Lambert, who seems to be a CfB collaborator in the end goal of destroying the Conservative Republican Party here in Belknap and has now been charged with a criminal misdemeaner of “unwanted touching” that happened during last month’s BCRC meeting, was voted out of the BCRC general membership given the video evidence presented (courtesy of GraniteGrok). The secret ballot vote was 24 for removing his General Membership status was 13 against, and 3 abstentions. More on this, however, will be forthcoming. And yes, the charge is public record – the Gilford Police Log:

Gilford Police Department                    Page: 1
Dispatch Log From: 11/08/2022 Thru: 11/08/2022 0000 – 2359 Printed: 11/09/2022

For Date: 11/08/2022 – Tuesday
Time         Call              Reason


1050                                  Service of Paperwork
Location/Address:         FARMER DR

And yes, this is a Public Record. Along with the text he read himself at the meeting (and weakly tried to make himself the victim and the female accuser the aggressor – nice misogynistic action). And yes, I have more to say about this.

Oh, and just for giggles at last night’s meeting, Gregg Hough (Lambert’s “Bobbsey Twin” from those old enough to catch the reference) angrily announced at the BCRC Executive Committee, that he would be the next BCRC Chair.

I was quite amused at the reaction of the BCRC General Members reaction to that: they giggled in derision.

Who says politics is boring?

(H/T: Union Leader)

The post Quick Thought: Red Tsunami to Barely a Red Ripple. Blood-letting has started with Douglas Lambert (for cause) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

College Students in NH Admit They Have More Voting Rights Than True Granite Staters

Thu, 2022-11-10 22:00 +0000

The November 2022 midterm elections are fading into history, but the problems with how New Hampshire carries them out have not. The law is not only unfair, but it also creates rights for out-of-state college kids that actual NH residents do not have.

I can’t vote in any state but New Hampshire but listen to the actual words of students who live out of state and chose to vote here.

Audrey Willette can decide in which state her vote will “have more impact.” Here or at home in Rochester, New York



I can’t do that, which means NH Law gives Audrey, a non-resident, more voting rights than I have.



Bernadette Farmer is a student that lives in Massachusetts, where voting in person or by mail is not a hardship, but because NH law is full of holes, she stole your vote by casting a ballot in New Hampshire.

A practice the editors at The Dartmouth encourage.



And not just at Dartmouth College. Thousands of votes are stolen across the state every election by students who live outside New Hampshire but have more voting rights than the residents who have to live with the consequences of those votes.



There was record midterm participation this year, thanks partly to record numbers of non-residents deciding where their vote might have the most impact and deciding that was here.


Record college-kid same-day registration in Durham NH

We’ve been beating this drum for over a decade, but this is criminal, and something needs to change. Out-of-state students have more voting rights than residents, which means they decide who represents us. Non-residents are tipping the balance of political power, which determines what laws get submitted and voted on, how much of our money the state spends, and the regulatory burden placed upon businesses and individuals.

When Democrats talk about protecting student voting rights, they mean the extra rights they have, which you are denied.

It has been a problem in NH for nearly 20 years, and it amazes me that we can’t fix it. Not one legislature has erased these extra rights. No court case or judge has managed to see how the law grants non-residents more rights than actual Granite Staters.

It’s aggravating, and I don’t expect it to change by 2024. No court challenge, no bill passed and signed.

But consider that a challenge. You can’t give me the right to vote in someone else’s state, but I bet you won’t have the stones to stop non-resident college kids from stealing our votes in New Hampshire. You won’t remove their extra rights and give us equal voting rights in our state.

But I encourage you to prove me wrong.



The post College Students in NH Admit They Have More Voting Rights Than True Granite Staters appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – The Secret of Success

Thu, 2022-11-10 20:30 +0000

The Right often says that achievement of success is a bit of luck, education, and hard work. The Left says that “Society” robs the poor by the “rich” cheating and stealing their “opportunities”.  Here’s a chart that shows it differently:

(click to embiggen)

Rich: Abilities, Hard Work, and Spirit (as in “never give up!”)

Middle of the road: appropriately enough, a “middling” approach

Poor: always the victims.

(H/T: Caveman Circus)

The post Data Point – The Secret of Success appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

US Senate Race in Georgia has a Familiar Late-Night Vote Spike for Democrat Raphael Warnock

Thu, 2022-11-10 19:00 +0000

We saw a lot of this in 2020, and there’s no denying it has happened again. The US Senate race in Georgia between Herschel Walker and Raphael Warnock has all the signs of dodgy antics beginning at 9:30 PM. Out of nowhere, Warnock gets a significant vote spike.

And it’s right at the point where Walker is taking the lead.



Nothing to see here, ladies and gentlemen. This is perfectly normal. Don’t be an election denier.

Note: This is going to a run-off, so…will we see another one of these, you think?

The post US Senate Race in Georgia has a Familiar Late-Night Vote Spike for Democrat Raphael Warnock appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Mighty Sun-King Sununu Is … In Reality … An Obedient Little Puppy-Dog

Thu, 2022-11-10 17:30 +0000

So the GOP Establishment has gone into overdrive, blaming Trump for the debacle they made out of the 2022 elections. Yeah, right … it was Trump’s fault that the RNC and other GOP infrastructure just sat on their hands while Democrats built insurmountable leads during “early voting,”

… and it was Trump’s fault that Mitch refused to fund GOP Senate candidates who wouldn’t kiss his ring. For example:

And guess who is loyally … like the obedient, little puppy-dog that he really is … bloviating the same stupid bromides … the mighty, exalted Sun-King Chris Sununu:

The post The Mighty Sun-King Sununu Is … In Reality … An Obedient Little Puppy-Dog appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Reason There Was No Red Wave … COVID

Thu, 2022-11-10 16:00 +0000

I have already posted my analysis of the debacle that the 2022 midterms were for Republicans in New Hampshire. What follows applies not to New Hampshire, but to other States:

Here are some twitter-threads for you that explain why there was no “red wave” last night. In a nutshell, the Democrats in 2020 used COVID as an excuse to change the voting rules … then never changed the rules back. As a result, we no longer have Election Day. We have Election Month … or longer.

For example, Oz never had a chance in Pennsylvania because Fetterman had banked millions of votes BEFORE the debate revealed he was incapacitated and unfit to serve.

The Democrats are playing … and winning … under the new rules. The Republicans … not.

The post The Real Reason There Was No Red Wave … COVID appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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