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Thursday • September 19 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
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Biden’s #Woke America: Transwomen Have To Register for the Draft Like any Other “Man”

Thu, 2022-10-13 01:30 +0000

All this confusion about what a woman is, and all we needed to do was ask the Selective Service—no need for Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to find a biologist. The Biden Administration already had the answer.


According to the Selective Service System website, nearly “all male US citizens and male immigrants, who are 18 through 25, are required to register with Selective Service.” The website states that all biological males must register for the draft, including “U.S. citizens or immigrants who are born male and have changed their gender to female.”


American Military News also notes that transmen do not need to register.

The most recent Defense Authorization Act (Dec 2021), approved by more Democrats than we can shake a stick at, “remove[d] a provision requiring women to register for the Selective Service from the National Defense Authorization Act.” It also did nothing about the requirement that all men are required to register no matter how they identify.

They left transwomen in the lurch.

Yes, there are Democrats who say they support having biological women required to register for the draft (including transwomen, we can only assume). Still, given a chance, they abandoned that for a few votes for something else they wanted more – military justice system reforms.

So, is this that selective justice about which we hear so much?

And what of all the anti-war leftists who were going to have their child identify as a woman at age 18 to avoid the draft? It looks like their elected progressive leaders are out to get them signed up either way.


And if anyone in New Hampshire cares, Jeanne Shaheen is a ranking majority member of that Senate Armed Services committee.



HT | Gateway Pundit


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ukraine, Nuclear War, and the 1967 Sinking of the USS Liberty

Thu, 2022-10-13 00:00 +0000

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has come out with a strong statement on the Joe Rogan show that the driving force behind the US sending Billions of Bucks to Ukraine is for weapons manufacturers to make money. This includes the makers of nukes.

I find that plausible.  However, I am going to float another idea here — that somebody, somewhere, wants nuclear war to happen for power’s sake. First, I will discuss the fact that the US had a plan to nuke Egypt back in 1967 because Gamal Nasser looked like being charismatic in the Middle East. And today, Putin could be Nasser. Then I will quote two other men, Dr. Richard Day and Al Martin, on the US’s apparent willingness to nuke itself.

What? Yes, the United States often does things that are harmful to Americans. Think vaccine! But it does seem that someone in the US — or the globalists who control the US — are so reckless as to think they can drop nuclear bombs on the homeland. (When I say ‘globalists,’ I don’t mean Israel. I mean globalists.)

My story below may have merit, or may be worthless, but at least we ought to grow up to the point where we don’t have to believe that everything a national government undertakes coincides with its domestic public wants.

“The USS Liberty Incident,” So-called

Here I will abbreviate an article I published in 2019. It was based on Philip Nelson’s book Remember the Liberty. There’s no point calling this a conspiracy theory; the official Navy Inquiry already agreed that the Israeli planes attacked a US spy ship, to the point of almost sinking it.

Also, the US government admits to having initially dispatched planes to attack the attackers, but the White House yelled, “No, send them back to their carriers.” Furthermore, in 2000, the BBC ran Peter Houman’s documentary about the Liberty incident with the title Dead in the Water. So don’t give me grief about that much.

By the way, there’s a band of veterans still trying to make more Americans aware of this story.  Sadly, Congress refuses to conduct an investigation, even though it has always done so when a ship is attacked. The leader of the veterans is Joe Meador of Michigan. During the attack, 34 men died, another 174 were injured, and 86 were unharmed. As the very youngest sailor was 18 years old, born in 1949, all of them today are 73 years of age or older.

Long story short, the USS Liberty was ordered to go and wait in the Mediterranean. The crew saw Israeli planes attack them and called for help, but their radios were jammed. After a while, the planes flew off, but soon some motorboats came along and torpedoed the Liberty. Israeli shooters on those boats hit our men who were getting into lifeboats.

Meanwhile, as I said, US planes were sent to the rescue but were quickly recalled. The Liberty crew worked amazingly hard to prevent complete loss of the ship and brought it to Malta.

Now for the part that I believe but can’t prove. Evidence came into private hands that the US had planned to start a nuclear war on June 15, 1967. This was Operation Frontlet615. Israel was not yet at war, but she performed the famously successful Six Day War starting on June 5, destroying the 300 planes in Egypt’s fleet in one fell swoop.

According to Philip Nelson’s book, the nuclear plan had to be moved to an earlier date — June 8 instead of the “Frontlet” date of June 15.  Recall that the alleged goal was regime change in Egypt (partly because Nasser was schmoozing with Russia).

LBJ was OK with the nuking. But because the Liberty failed to sink, the big plan had to be chucked.  If the Liberty had sunk, it was to be announced that Egypt sunk it. (Betcha the media had the photos ready!). No doubt Americans would have supported retaliation.

Two Other Threats To Use Nukes Domestically

Pardon me for being a Cassandra, but I don’t subscribe to the psychology of “Hey Everybody, stay calm and think nice thoughts.”  If there is a danger, it is better to know of it. The matter today is Ukraine, but I won’t say much about that. The news constantly tells us that Biden might start war against Russia for invading Ukraine.  And just a month ago, the media was hinting that an N-war night start with China because of Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan.

Here are the two “at home” usages of nuclear weapons — though neither actually eventuated. One was mentioned in 1969 by a physician who worked for David Rockefeller, namely, Dr. Richard Day. He gave an after-dinner speech to medical students and their teachers and told them not to record it. One doctor in the audience, Lawrence Dunegan, MD, did take notes, and in 1988 he reported them on the Randy Engels Christian Radio show.

The Dr. Day speech should be widely known. He predicted many things that subsequently came true (such as new diseases and bridges collapsing). I consider his mention of N-weapons to be a trial balloon to see if anyone reacted angrily but they didn’t. Here is Dunegan’s recollection of what Day said regarding a New World Order:

“Out of all of this was to come the New International Governing Body, probably to come through the U.N. and with a World Court, but not necessarily through those structures. It could be brought about in other ways. Acceptance of the U.N. at that time was seen as not being as wide as was hoped. People would be more and more used to the idea of relinquishing some national sovereignty…

“We would bring in the ‘New International Political System.’ ‘If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two or possibly more nuclear weapons.’ As it was put this would be possibly needed to convince people that, ‘We mean business.’ That was followed by the statement that, ‘By the time one or two of those went off then everybody, even the most reluctant, would yield’.” [Emphasis added]


My other “at home” example of Americans planning to nuke Americans comes from Al Martin. He is an ex-CIA man, and author of the 2002 book The Conspirators. Do you remember  Col. Oliver North, who worked in the White House Basement with General Alexander Haig, doing God knows what?

Al Martin says Ollie North had Operation Sledgehammer at the ready. It would use nukes to kill off 70 million Americans. Seriously. (You’d better re-read that sentence.)


I have no real conclusion. Some people may be getting ready right now, to make the most horrible attack. And where is the protest?  Better yet, where is the citizen’s arrest of whoever is likely to do such a zany thing?

“It’s up to you, New York, New York.”

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pfizer Admits “COVID-Vaccine” NEVER Tested For Stopping Transmission

Wed, 2022-10-12 22:30 +0000

It was just one of many LIES told to us about COVID. But it is a disgusting and horrible LIE because it caused people to lose their jobs, be ostracized, and in some cases become very sick and even DIE. The “vaccine” was NEVER tested to determine if it actually stopped transmission:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pediatric Cardiologist Says mRNA Spike Proteins are Toxic to the Human Heart

Wed, 2022-10-12 21:00 +0000

Shot to heart, and you’re to blame, baby. You give vaccines a bad name. Too much? Not enough? Do we need to talk about vaccine deniers? People who have had all sorts of vaccines but had doubts about the mRNA thing the government pushed at us? Can we talk about how these “deniers” were right?

Related: Florida’s Surgeon General Warns Men 18-39 Years of Age About Cardiac Risks From the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines


For example, children never needed them. Unvaccinated kids have little to no risk from any variant of the Wuhan flu. But the Machine pushed it hard. The media got paid (as did schools) to promote the Jab. Politicians peddled the fed’s narrative. But the case, hospitalization, and mortality numbers for kids still told us no.

The elites’ non-stop fearmongering got needles into kids’ arms, and their ‘cure’ is doing more harm to them than the virus ever would.

A day rarely goes by when I am not provided more evidence of this public health failure. Today’s lesson comes from Board Certified Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan. He did a presentation whose thesis was this.


In his Aug. 26 talk, Milhoan said the evidence shows that infection with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, likely results in the smallest exposure to the spike protein. In contrast, the mRNA vaccines cause the body to produce spike proteins for an unknown period, perhaps indefinitely.


He has the evidence. Giving kids either the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA injections was a more significant threat to their health. YOu can read more here or watch his presentation below, but there are unspoken complications for us to add to the debate.

We know these “vaccines’ were neither safe nor effective. We know that Pfizer, the CDC, and the FDA knew that before a roll-out predicated on the idea that you had an obligation to protect those around you.

Related: Dr. Robert Malone: mRNA Covid Vaccines Will “Often Cause PERMANENT DAMAGE in Children’s Critical Organs.”

Neither Pfizer, Moderna, the complicit national and state governments, politicians, public schools, nor their media spokesmodels had any obligation to protect those around them (you) even after it became clear that there were serious issues with their so-called cure.

They told you that getting “vaccinated” would relieve the strain on the public health infrastructure. Still, children who would have never been a burden have been stuffed into the public health funnel as a result of getting jabbed. While “vaccinated” adults became the majority of those needing hospitalization and care.

I guess when you are immune from prosecution, you have no obligation to anyone but yourself. And as sinister as that may be, it didn’t stop with adults. They did this to the children, more of whom have or will die from the “cure” than from the disease. Young people became a vector for infection and spread after injection when they were not one before it.

And they are still at it.

Dr. Milhoan has stepped up at significant risk to his career and personal safety as an expert on pediatric cardiology to share evidence that this is harming children. Harms that could go undetected.


The damage to the heart from myocarditis can be missed, he said, pointing to a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study reviewed the cases of Big Ten Conference college athletes with a recent COVID-19 diagnosis and found that 37 of the 1,597 athletes studied were shown to have myocarditis when cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging was done. Only half of the 37 showed any heart issues with other testing methods, including electrocardiograms and by measuring troponin levels.


Undiagnosed cases in athletes result in dead athletes, often on the field or during practice—individuals who had nothing to fear from the Chinese Flu.

Related: Inventor of RNA Vaccines: Before You Inject Your Child, You Need to Hear This …

And while that is a tragedy, it is not just children or their parents who were hoodwinked, and millions could die or suffer from vaccine harms- straining public health resources when the narrative was that this would do the opposite.

And they call us deniers.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

91-a Right to Know Request Filed in Greenland/ SAU50

Wed, 2022-10-12 19:30 +0000

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA, 91-1), I am requesting public access, within five business days, to the governmental records:

1) A copy of the consent form sent to parents by Maggie Olsen, the School counselor, or any other representative from the Greenland School District, to treat children with the Kimochis program.
2) A copy of the credentials of all counselors or school personnel who will be providing therapy for students using the Kimochis program.
3) A copy of all questions on any screenings or assessments used to accompany the Kimochis program.

Per RSA 91-A:4IV(C), If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.

For more information on this:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Institutional Disinformation from the Public Health Industrial Complex

Wed, 2022-10-12 18:00 +0000

I had to drive someone to the emergency room last night. I spent four hours (from 11 pm to 3 am) lounging uncomfortably in a chair made to prevent napping. The “patient” was seen, attended to, and dismissed with the typical diagnosis. They had no idea what was causing the problem. But it wasn’t a wasted trip.

Between reading on my phone, surfing memes on iFunny, and changing positions in an effort to “rest my eyes,” I noticed a television in the waiting room set up to provide information. It cycled, so when I thought I didn’t see what I thought I saw, I had plenty of chances to prove I did. I did. I did see a putty-tat!

“Did you know that the risk of a heart attack is six times higher after you catch the flu?”

Since when? Since COVID-19 and that pharmaceutical intervention about which everyone got so excited? That’s my take. It means the graphic and the copy could use a bit of editing, which I did in my mind.

It was a quiet four hours at the ER. A few folks complained of abdominal pain. Someone came in because their father had arrived by ambulance. And there was a young lady who said without any obvious embarrassment that she had a persistent, hot, itchy rash on her ass.

If that was her boyfriend with her, I have a thought or two about how she got that way.

And I don’t mean to sound crass. I hope they all got better results than we did, but how can you be sure when the propaganda vision is telling us “that the risk of a heart attack is six times higher after you catch the flu when it should say “the risk of a heart attack is higher after you “catch” the mRNA flu shot.” Just how much higher depends on who you are and how many of them-there fancy-new-fangled gene-therapy injections you allowed in the temple (that’s your body).

The Vaccinated, peace be upon them, just drop dead, and age is no defense. Children, teens, college age, and anyone injected have some percentage chance that they will suffer myocarditis or pericarditis or drop dead. The Public Health Powers that be have even admitted to these ailments while downplaying the odds or severity.

That’s not public health. That’s marketing.

And yes, if you have a preexisting heart condition, the stress of a full-blown case of flu could cause you grief. Heck, full-blown flu can knock you out for two weeks easily if you are healthy. But Pneumonia is a more likely risk. That’ll kill you if the hospital hasn’t.

There is no mention of that on the Obey machine, which seems like a misstep unless you’ve got other plans, so I wonder if we could find some of that middle ground across which the Left is always trying to drag Republicans.

You need to stop censoring people – especially medical experts – whose science or research contradicts the paid programming. Like Dr. Meryl Nass. She had her license revoked to practice medicine in Maine for spreading “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation.”

The powers that be have since dialed back many of their charges as it has become obvious that she was right, and they can no longer hide that fact.

Dr. Nass had a hearing yesterday to get her license back.

The world needs one of those to get its free speech back, especially in America, where that natural right is protected by a Constitution. A distinction that matters, especially on this topic.

The Machine was the source of the misinformation and disinformation, and on so many levels, we could lose count. Medicine and public health have suffered a mortal wound that, as I’ve noted in the past, is on purpose and whose cure, according to the folks who broke it, is for them to run it.

If that were to happen, medical science would come to a shuttering halt because, without objective dissent, science and progress are impossible. Medical freedom would cease to exist. And the only message would be the one on the TV in the ER waiting room but it would be everywhere.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Equity is the Death of Excellence

Wed, 2022-10-12 16:30 +0000

We entrust our children to the American education system for thirteen years, and it may be the most devastating decision of their lives. The department of education is toxic. The last thing they have in mind is the betterment and education of our children.

The Socialist plan to engulf the entire system, from K-16, is complete. The goal now is to indoctrinate your children, separate them from the family unit, and convince them that the greatest country on earth is a racist-infested hellhole that needs to be broken down and rebuilt. By the academic scores, low graduation rates, historic low military recruitment rates, and the number of years kids stay at home, the Left has won, or is at least winning. I, for one, am not ready to call uncle.

In a country where we have fallen from the top ten in the world in math and science, crime is rampant, 100,000 die every year from Fentanyl poisoning, inflation has given way to recession, and the Border is non-existent, the biggest issue on the mind of Vice President Kamala “Word-Salad” Harris and John “Empty the Prisons” Fetterman is pardoning every incarcerated individual in prison because of a weed conviction. Drive every state highway in Maine, where every other address is a pot shop, and a reasonable person has to wonder what direction we are taking, let alone the condition of the driver heading your way.

Our concern is no longer excellence and assuring that the best are challenged to reach the highest of levels. Our concern has shifted to ensure we do not embarrass those at the low end of the scale. We need to hold back the excellent to assuage the mediocre. It is pathetic.

We have abandoned advanced classes and no longer recognize a valedictorian or salutatorian for fear it will offend those not so fortunate. The concept of equality, where everyone enjoys the same opportunity, has been replaced with equity, where everyone finishes the race tied for last. If there are no winners, then everyone is a loser.

It is incredible that Parental Rights should be a question going into the midterms. You would think everyone would be behind parents’ involvement in the child’s education, but that is far from reality. There are still interactions between parents and school boards where the boards are not heeding the will of parents. There are now highly paid people on the staff of school boards to push the philosophy of DEIJ. These people were placed at the request of BLM. Now that we know BLM was nothing but a money-making scam for a few, why are these people still in place.

We always wanted the best for our children and challenged them to be the best they could be in whatever they pursued. Now, all children are pushed to the lowest level. The money we spend on education, which is a huge percentage of local tax dollars, is wasted.

When the education system is broken, our future is in jeopardy. Our system is broken, and we can see the future, and it is not bright.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Warmer Air-Warmer Oceans-More/Severe Hurricane Myth Continues to Have a Rough Season

Wed, 2022-10-12 15:00 +0000

If the Hurricane intensity-frequency myth is all they’ve got, then climate change is not well. We know it’s not, but tis the season, and it has been less than stellar for the warming planet, heating oceans, more and more intense hurricane cult.

Related: Is The Planet Cooling?

It has been below average, and that is being kind as we near mid-October with nothing on tap. The Atlantic hurricane machine appears to be off. Again.


Oct 11th, 2022 – Not a “creature was stirring.”


But it’s not supposed to be like that. Hurricanes are supposed to be more frequent and more powerful. CO2 warming fueled behemoths.


“Now over a 90% of the extra heat that’s being trapped by that blanket [of greenhouse gases] is going into the ocean where it is powering stronger storms and enabling those storms to ratchet up far more quickly from a tropical storm to category 1, 2 or even 3, 4 or 5.” 


No storms and no ratcheting, but we did have one. Hurricane Ian made landfall and made a mess. This killer storm is all the Cult has, which is why “Canadian atmospheric scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe” says Ian was made more powerful because of all that warming. But Madhav L. Khandekar and Tom Harris, writing at Real Clear Energy, blow that theory away in one paragraph.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 storm with maximum sustain winds of 175 mph, causing over $150 billion in damages. Ian was a category 4 at its peak and maxed out at 155 mph sustained wind speed. There has been no hurricane stronger than Katrina in the 17 years since. 

For what are our superheated oceans waiting? Where are all these storms? And if man-made CO2 has been superheating the atmosphere, which superheats the oceans, why has the global mean temperature been declining since 2016?

Related: Despite any “Modern Warming,” The Earth has Still Been Cooling for the Past 8,000 Years.


Madhav L. Khandekar and Tom Harris also note that “The North Atlantic is cooling and overall, hurricane activity in the region is now at a low point, and there is no other hurricane developing. With luck, we may not see another major hurricane this season.” And that “It was during the global cooling period between 1945 and 1977, when ocean temperatures were undoubtedly lower than today, that we witnessed stronger hurricanes than now.” So there’s hope?

If the planet is beginning to simmer down after the start of the Grand Solar minimum, Dr. Hayhoe may still get her wish. More time on MSNBC and the opportunity to blame warming for something more likely caused by cooling. Whose result is more funding for “scientists” of her ilk.

She could be the Climate Cult’s little Tony Fauci. The Baghdad Bob of weather.

Related: Ruh-Roh – “Warming Causes Cooling” Experts Admit Warming Does Not Cause Cooling

Chicken Little with a microphone. Look, the sky is falling, and it’s your fault, and the only cure is socialism and lots of money laundered through my “research.”

So stop being a climate denier.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

President Trump has Been Canceled by My Public School

Wed, 2022-10-12 13:30 +0000

Imagine you begin to question your child’s IN SCHOOL reading app for its content, so you start searching around to see what you find. I found graphic porn in the book “Flamer,” and was upset and surprised, but this wasn’t the most upsetting thing I found.

We want to thank Betsy Harrington for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

I found racist books like “This Book Is Anti Racist” which I found to be the complete opposite and is likely the most racist book I’ve actually ever read. It’s propaganda. But that’s still NOT what upset me enough to write to you.

I was shocked when I searched for the term “Donald Trump” in the Sora reading app. The ONLY book that comes up is a book about JOE BIDEN! That’s an AGENDA 100%. You search for our last president, who is a prolific writer, and you get his opponent? Explain THAT!

It’s undeniable and NOT ok. How might a student at SAU34 write a report on our last president?

Many schools around the state use the Sora reading app and are completely unaware of the agenda they are pushing on their students. I can only hope that this issue will be exposed and other parents will demand the app be removed from their child’s chrome book and school.

I spoke with Frank Edelblut, the director of the Department of Education, last week and he was shocked. It does the same thing when HE searches for Trump. He is aware now.

I also wanted to find out if there were ANY Trump books in the physical library at my kids’ school (after finding NONE on their online Sora reading app) but there were ZERO books on our last president, Donald Trump.

Apparently, Trump has been canceled at SAU34. I was upset about the Sora library because it’s supposed to open the kids up to so many more books.  It only opens them up to the agenda.

But now I think I’m even more upset by the physical library having the same agenda. The librarian is responsible.  How do you answer to this?

How might he proceed? It’s undeniably inappropriate.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We have The List and Links to Democrat David Brock’s “Swing” State Fake News Sites

Wed, 2022-10-12 12:00 +0000

Thanks to the persistence of a Grok reader (crowdsourcing is great!), we have the list of Progressive “fake’ news sites paid for with Dark Money linked back to Democrat operative David Brock.

If you missed the original report:


A network of at least 51 locally branded news sites has popped up since last year under names like the Milwaukee Metro Times, the Mecklenburg Herald, and the Tri-City Record. The sites are focused on key swing states with elections in 2021 and 2022: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. …

Each follows a similar template: aggregated local news content and short write-ups about local sports teams and attractions — interspersed with heavily slanted political news aimed at boosting Democratic midterm candidates and attacking Republican opponents.


We could not originally locate any of these slimy outlets alleged to be operating in New Hampshire, so I asked readers if they could poke around, and they did.  We’ve got not just ours but all of them (we think) – at least those being fed by The American Independent.


Brock’s Dem-Money laundromat powers them with content generated by the American Independent, a progressive news source that bills itself a number one resource, though it has very little actual traffic. That might be because the news is written to end up on local sites in swing states.

It’s not local, but it is peddled as that, surrounded by local sports or special interest stories.


Your more well-known local media can pick these up and run with them as if they are legitimate unbiased news as if they’d ever published something that wasn’t biased against the Left. It’s standard echo-chamber stuff, and it looks like NH has four of these.

The Amoskeag Times, Everett Times, Rockingham Journal, and Seacoast Standard. Sports, local interest, and the occasional story-spinning things to make Democrats look moderate or the product of their policies more positive.

That means we’ve got more homework, people. Check these out and see what sort of BS they’ve hidden between the local interest and sports stories.

As for the rest of you, here is the list with links in alphabetical order by state. Ten states have two or more of these operating so check them out and then make fun of their reporting.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Have I Got a Climate-Change Rebuttal for You!

Wed, 2022-10-12 10:30 +0000

My friend Malcolm Hughes lives in Western Australia, near Perth. He is the most diligent citizen I know, always acting responsibly about whatever his government gets up to. Mal has now come up with a common-sense rebuttal to the narrative of climate change, especially its element of flatulence.

Ahem, I don’t mean the theory’s intrinsic flatulence. I mean the blame-the-cow strategy, which, for all we know, could be a new way of sending all cows to the knackers.

(An even better way, as pointed out by Dee McLachlan and others, is to give all cows a shot of the mRNA vaccine, which is about to be mandated. This may mean you may have had your last glass of milk! Please think about that before it’s too late.)

Now, before I present Malcolm Hughes’s flatulence story, I must mention that he cured me of the climate change theory of rising sea levels a few years ago when he mentioned a local shipwreck in Perth.  Mal is 77 years old and says he recalls playing on that boat as a 7-year-old.  So how much has the water level changed in regard to that ship’s position?  Mal says it is exactly the same today as it was 70 years ago. So much for the rising sea levels.

Here is the article by Malcolm R. Hughes (with permission to reprint, from

Which Came First: Flatulence or Climate Change?

Can anyone give me a realistic reason why in the CO2 versus climate change ridiculous nonsense, is it that only the cow and cow farmers are being blamed for the so-called problem? Of course, the red meat eater, milk drinker user of custard, cream, and ice cream are partly to blame as well. Don’t crickets and insects, to put it crudely, fart? If humans gave away eating red meat and replaced that diet with more fruit and vegetable we would also create far greater volumes of carbon dioxide. I had a bowl of cooked porridge (oats) for breakfast this morning; guess what happened when I arose from my desk moments ago?

Not only is the cow being blamed for excessive CO2, but also for the possible importation and spreading of a possible foot and mouth disease epidemic into Australia. Where do the morons that we refer to as politicians get their gall? They certainly don’t use their brains, nor have done any research into either subject (as with the Covid-19 hoax).

I don’t remember Bill Gates or Klaus Slobs volunteering to come to Australia to round up and eradicate the possibly millions of feral cloven-hoofed animals roaming the Australian outback. You know, those that eat a similar diet as a cow. We know them as camels, donkeys, buffaloes, goats — and what about the millions of sheep in farmer’s paddocks around our continent? Then there are non-hoofed, herbaceous wild animals such as kangaroos, koalas, rabbits, emus, and possums creating CO2. Oh, deary me, everywhere we look, CO2 is rising into the atmosphere to create havoc. That’s just to mention from the continent of Australia.

(That statement above is not an invitation to either of those very sick individuals to visit Australia. We have a sufficient number of sick in our local population after the Gates- Slobs “vaccine” was introduced via mandate to our once thriving country.)

From memory, the continent of North America once had a huge number of grass eating animals that would exude similar quantities of CO2 as our humble cow. The numbers of those beasts, bison, deer, horse, bear, and antelope, I would imagine far outnumber all the farmed animals in Australia or possibly the World. There were also smaller animals, such as hares and beaver, that created CO2, did they not?

In Africa, there were herds of huge (in size) animals elephants, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and gnu, zebra, deer, cattle, and giraffes, all herbaceous eaters.

The other continents except Antarctica had their grass-eating animals as well. However, since the numbers of these free animals have decreased in numbers due to human expansion across the landscape, so too has the number of cattle increased. But before this transition happened, nobody complained that animals in the “wild” were creating climate change. There are no historical records to prove that this was the case.

On another tack, and this is coming from a long-time punter, has anyone heard that Charles and Camilla or any of the World’s royalty or elite are willing to empty their stables of their beloved four-legged racing animals for the benefit of reducing man-made CO2? No, neither have I.

If the cattle-producing industry is done away with, where are the elite, especially in the northern hemisphere, going to get their fashionable leather products such as jackets, skirts, and coats? Other prestigious goods, such as leather lounge suites, would have to be forgotten as well.

Why don’t we and the farmers just say to the nitwits that go on with this false story that CO2 creates climate change, “if you don’t want to live on a planet with CO2, take an overdose or a genuine Covid “vaccine” course? Don’t forget the booster shots.”



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is 40 Cal Better than 9mm?

Wed, 2022-10-12 09:00 +0000

9mm vs. 40 cal, which is better? It’s a question that has been debated among gun enthusiasts for years. There are pros and cons to each caliber, and ultimately it comes down to personal preference.

40-cal ammunition is generally more expensive than 9mm ammo, but it also packs a bigger punch. 40 cal rounds are also typically heavier than 9mm rounds, which can make them more difficult to control for some shooters.

9mm ammunition is less expensive and generally easier to find than 40 cal ammo. 9mm rounds are also typically lighter than 40 cal rounds, making them easier to control.


The .40 40 Cal Pros:

-More stopping power than smaller caliber guns
-Can penetrate most types of body armor
-Higher muzzle velocity than most handguns

40 Cal Cons:

-More recoil than smaller caliber guns
-Larger and heavier than most handguns
-More expensive ammunition than most handgun calibers


The 9mm 9mm Pros:

-Easier to control than larger caliber guns
-More ammunition can be carried
– lower recoil than larger caliber guns

9mm Cons:

-Less stopping power than larger caliber guns
-Bullets can sometimes bounce off of an assailant
-May not penetrate some types of body armor

So, which caliber is better? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference.

If you’re looking for a powerful round that packs a punch, then 40 cal is probably the way to go. If you’re looking for an inexpensive round that is easy to find and control, then 9mm is probably the better choice.

Whichever caliber you choose, practice with it regularly. The more you shoot, the more comfortable you’ll become with your firearm.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It Is as I Foretold: The “Non-partisan” but Democrat Founded & Run Citizens for Belknap PAC Is Endorsing (Gasp!) Democrats over Republicans

Wed, 2022-10-12 01:30 +0000

Calling themselves “non-partisan” was always a ruse – simply camouflage for the end game and that end game is now here: November 8th’s General Elections. A loyal reader let me know that the Citizens for Belknap PAC is now endorsing extremist Democrats (and Republicans that support major Democrat issues) as only Democrats can be moderate. Including those Progressive Democrats that openly support socialist and communist agenda items and values.

You know, like the Critical Race Theory maxim that holds that ALL Whites are racists and Oppressors and everyone else is Oppressed by them so the latter must always rise up against the former because ONLY “group level” struggle matters – individuals don’t.

The CfB hasn’t yet shown their endorsements in all of the districts in Belknap County but the first four are out: District 7 (Alton/Barnstead), District 4 (Belmont), and District 1 (Center Harbor). This was never about “extremist” Republicans, it was a Trojan Horse where Gunstock was the Horse and Republicans (like Jade Wood, Doug Lambert, Tim Lang, Harry Bean) opened City County’s gates expected to be rewarded:

I dryly note that in Center Harbor, Tom Ploszaj went from being a “neutral” to a “yer outta theah!”.  After all, for a Democrat PAC, a Democrat is ALWAYS better than a Republican even if, as the PAC said of him “…While we appreciate him standing up for Gunstock on August 1…” – usefulness complete. Barbara Comtois, Paul Terry, and Peter Varney are good to rock solid Republicans. The CfB could not persuade the good voters in Alton and Barnstead to remove them (and David Hershey, their endorsement in the Primary “melted” in the heat of battle).

If these were the only Districts, the Democrats would now be in total control of the (abbreviated) Delegation – with 6 Democrats and 1 Republicans (currently all those seats are in Republican hands).  Guess what that means across a whole range of issues and governance? But the goal of the monied people, some now former commissioners, would be sealed from observation with this firewall.  And I’m betting that the other districts will turn out to be similar in “endorsement outcomes”.

I dryly note that the only Republican endorsed is anti-Parental Rights and anti-Right To Work as well as being part of the Lang Gang: Travis O’Hara. I guess they still view him as “useful” so what does that tell you when a Republican is endorsed by a Democrat PAC?

I’ve called the CfB a “Revenge PAC” twice over. First is in retaliation of Conservatives, as I have said over and over, in the Delegation putting people onto the Gunstock Area Commission asking uncomfortable and penetrating questions about both the Gunstock Area Commission itself and the Gunstock Mountain Resort. The entire goal was to stop that cold (via political stunts) and then shutting the door (electorally). Second, and as expected, the Democrat PAC’s purpose was to use Gunstock as a front and then get Democrats elected in their stead and turn Belknap County from Red to Blue – something that the Democrats haven’t been able to accomplish.  And it is likely that those Republicans that DO make it passed November 8 will be MUCH more malleable to the Democrats (and further CfB political punishment) than the Principle driven ones they beat in the Primary.

Note: for a moment, as I was working on this, other endorsements came up but flickered out when I refreshed the pages.  I was not surprised at what I saw but I guess I will have to wait to present it here.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Here in the City of Baneh, We Will Set Fire to the Scarf and Hijab That Killed Mehsa, Nika, Sarina, and Hadith.

Wed, 2022-10-12 00:00 +0000

The Iranian awakening has already begun. Islamdom is at a crossroads. Millions in Iran, a hugely important in sustaining and fanning Islamic fire, have turned or are turning against the Islmaic credo of the Ayatollahs.

They, and the rest of the world, need to hear the voices of secular decent people who are in league with them and can help to put Islamic ideology, the very spawning swamp of the deadly virus that makes jihadists, out of business.



The post Here in the City of Baneh, We Will Set Fire to the Scarf and Hijab That Killed Mehsa, Nika, Sarina, and Hadith. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Update from Last Monday’s Gilford School Board’s Meeting: Policy JBAB

Tue, 2022-10-11 22:30 +0000

“Should” does not mean “shall” or “must” but is a permissive term. Nothing in this Policy limits the rights of individuals under the federal or state constitutions.

About time that our Constitutions are brought front and center! Most of what I wanted to say, I did here (“Gilford School Board Meeting – They Have Finally Seen the Light! Well, except for One School Board Member“). Sorry, but after fighting this “transgenders given more Rights than other students and staff” fight for two long years, I’m allowing myself a bit of a smile for just a little bit longer but there are certainly more issues still afoot as I DO and AM reading the school Policies to ferret out what my School Boards can’t mandate – heads will explode on the next big one). Again, when it comes to a Government agency (and School Boards ARE The Government and because they are elected, it IS a political issue), they can’t mandate this:

“A transgender student has the right to be called by their preferred pronouns and name

and finally, I can relax, a bit, with this now being officially part of Policy JBAB – no more mandate:

“…Should be called by their preferred pronouns and name” (with Superintendent Kirk Beitler, in a phone conversation, telling me that the meaning of “should” was mandatory -I had to drag that out of him!)

See that top-of-post quote again. I sit here at my keyboard and just have to continue to wonder and despair as to WHY our elected representatives don’t keep Constitutional strictures on them and protections for us uppermost as they craft policies and laws. Be that as it may, I’m still basking in contentment.  But I also have a new set of questions (further below).

And even BETTER news – this updated JBAB is now “law” within the District.  I thought that it had to go through one more Reading (for a total of three) – and I am HAPPY to admit that I was wrong – two Readings and it becomes official. So NO one has to worry (students, staff, or visitors) of being accused of harassment or discrimination for hewing to their long-held beliefs that God made only male and female and that Science affirms that and not the Heinz 57 thousands of sexes/genders the Left would have you believe – they are the same thing.

But I still have an issue that was not settled that night and I wasn’t going to bring it up full-bore – lying to Parents.  While that language was also changed (PDF is below), I had questions.

It’s been a long-running issue, as readers well know, that anyone trying to get answers from a School Board ANYWHERE is like trying to cut steak with a wet piece of paper.  However, during the meeting, I was asked to email my questions instead of asking during the meeting.  So I DID!

——– Original message ——–
From: Skip <>
Date: 10/6/22 7:54 AM (GMT-05:00)
To:,,,, “Hogan, Nicole” <>
Subject: Questions from a constituent to my Elected Representatives

Good morning,

Given the review of the various Policies (First and Second Readings) held on this past Monday evening, I have some clarification questions for which I am looking for answers. Given that my earlier inquiry of when can voters ask questions of their elected representatives (as for any other board or commission) has not yet been answered but was told to try emailing the Board (again), here are some questions that I would not be able to ask during a regular Board meeting:

1) In support of Policy BBA (which acknowledges that the Board has only such Powers delegated to it by the Legislature and, secondarily, through the NH Dept of Education rules), each of the policies reviewed had citations from when those specific Powers were granted or mandated. For example, for those “Second Reading” policies:

  • IHBB – Programs for Gifted and Talented Students

Legal References:
RSA 189:29-b, Identification and Accommodation of Gifted and Talented Students

  • BIE – Board Member and District Employee Indemnification

Legal References:
RSA 31:104, Powers and Duties of Towns: Liability of Municipal Executives
RSA 31:105, Powers and Duties of Towns: Indemnification for Damages
RSA 31:106, Powers and Duties of Towns: Indemnification: Civil Rights Act
RSA 31:107, Powers and Duties of Towns: Purchase of Insurance

  • JBAB – Transgender and Nonbinary Students  RSA 193:38 in line with the policy’s 1. PURPOSE, paragraph 2:

193:38 Discrimination in Public Schools. – No person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in public schools because of their age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, marital status, familial status, disability, religion, or national origin, all as defined in RSA 354-A. Any person claiming to be aggrieved by a discriminatory practice prohibited under this section, including the attorney general, may initiate a civil action against a school or school district in Superior Court for legal or equitable relief, or with the New Hampshire commission for human rights, as provided in RSA 354-A:27-28.

SB263, which introduced the notion of gender identity, has been enrolled into 193:39:

Each school district and chartered public school shall develop a policy that guides the development and implementation of a coordinated plan to prevent, assess the presence of, intervene in, and respond to incidents of discrimination on the basis of age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, color, marital status, familial status, disability, religion, national origin, or any other class projected under RSA 354-A.

Superintendent Beitler claimed that legal counsel, at the beginning of the Reading, held that a separate policy on the Religious protected class is already protected in the Harassment and Discrimination Policies and therefore does not need a policy of its own. His statement makes the nuance that all of the other protected class, including Religion, are similarly covered.

Question: What is the Board’s reasoning on this? What is the equality and equity in having transgender students receive special treatment as a class that is not extended to the other Legislature-mandated classes?


2) During the third Public Comment Session, I read the oath of office that each of you must pledge fealty to before taking your elected seats.  Part Second – Form of Government, Article 84 (

[Art.] 84. [Oath of Civil Officers.] Any person chosen governor, councilor, senator, or representative, military or civil officer, (town officers excepted) accepting the trust, shall before he proceeds to execute the duties of his office, make and subscribe the following declaration, viz.

I, A.B. do solemnly swear, that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the United States of America and the state of New Hampshire, and will support the constitution thereof. So help me God.

I, A.B. do solemnly and sincerely swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all duties incumbent on me as …………………………………………., according to the best of my abilities, agreeably to the rules and regulations of this constitution and laws of the state of New Hampshire. So help me God.

Question: When contemplating a revision of a current Policy or adoption of a new Policy, does the Board analyze any and all parts of that Policy relative to the strictures placed upon you as elected representatives having taken your good faith oath?


  • 3) In II. DEFINITIONS, there are several newly minted /made-up vocabulary sexuality-related words/phrases that are only mentioned in the Definitions and not utilized anywhere else in the Policy:
    gender transition
    sexual orientation

Question: What purpose do they serve in this Policy other than to further establish a sexuality ideology that is not shared by many (e.g., People of Faith, as I said on Monday night) and are present only to further ingrain and enroll that secular humanist outlook into a government document?  If they are not used outside the Definition section, why have them in the document at all? Otherwise, they serve no purpose other than virtue-signaling.


4) III GUIDANCE A. Privacy

The Gilford School Board recognizes a student’s right to keep private one’s transgender status or nonbinary presentation at school. The Board also recognizes a transgender and nonbinary student’s right to discuss and express their gender identity openly. Information about a student’s transgender status, legal name or biological sex gender assigned at birth listed on a person’s birth certificate also may constitute confidential information. School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or nonbinary presentation to others. School personnel shall include parent(s) or legal guardian(s) when implementing a written plan for a student to address their needs as it relates to their transgender or nonbinary status. When contacting the parent or legal guardian of a transgender or nonbinary student, school personnel should use the student’s preferred name and pronoun listed in the student information system. Student’s legal names shall not be changed in the official records unless legally required to do so.

Question: “to others” – if one takes this sentence alone, its sentence construction can be construed in several ways.  Is it the Board’s intent that Parents are part of that set referred to as “to others” and therefore, this Policy still insists that staff are to continue to lie (by omission or commission) to parents about their child’s transgender status?

Question: the following sentence to that mandates that “School personnel shall include parent(s) or legal guardian(s) when implementing a written plan”.  Does this mean that Parents are NOT part of the previous sentence’s “to others” or that Parents will only be correctly informed of their child’s transgender status once setting up a plan has begun?

Question: Does “school personnel should use the student’s preferred name and pronoun listed in the student information system” signify “always”, only when a student gives staff permission to tell his/her Parents, or only once the written plan has commenced?

Question: When an RSA 91A or FERPA demand has been submitted by a Parent, will the Gilford School District give ALL of the requested information in all of its Information Systems to the Parent?  Or will the response be moderated depending if a plan is in place?

Question: if the latter (only when a plan is in place), please show where in FERPA withholding such information is condoned/allowed by FERPA/Federal law.


5) III GUIDANCE B. Official Records

The last four questions are to be repeated relative to the subject matter in this paragraph relative to answering Parents’ inquiries.


6) J. Discrimination/Harassment

It is the responsibility of each school and the District to ensure that transgender and nonbinary students have a safe school environment. This includes ensuring that any incident of discrimination, harassment, or violence is given immediate attention, including investigating the incident, taking appropriate corrective action, and providing students and staff with appropriate resources, see Gilford School Board Policy ACAC. Complaints alleging discrimination, harassment or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived transgender status or gender nonconformity are to be handled in the same manner as other discrimination, harassment or bullying complaints. Refer to policy AC, ACAC, and/or JICK.

It was clear from Monday night’s meeting that Kyle was taking the middle ground on students or staff refusing to use preferred pronouns (e.g., that the intent of non-usage is paramount) whereas Jessica and Nicole seem to be adamant that any non-usage of preferred pronouns will automatically be judged to be “trauma-inducing” and discriminatory and that the offender (other than the example of what parents often do in running through all their children’s names until arriving at the right one (and sometimes including pets and husband) – a mistake).

Question: Is it the sense of the Board that a highly detailed/delineated process is going to be needed, and if so, will the Public be included in the crafting of that process, due to the widely divergent outlooks of the Board members?



Superintendent Beitler mentioned that a contingent of Gilford staff will be going to Plymouth University for training without stating what the training purpose was.  Please consider the following a Right To Know/RSA 91A request (and I can formalize it if you find this format unacceptable):

  • Provide the audit financial trail (requestor/authorizer, RFP, Quote, Quote Acceptance, Invoice, payment voucher, the GL Account(s) from which the Invoice is paid
  • The training materials that were purchased
  • The listing of which Gilford School District Staff received the training either in person or by electronic presence (such as Zoom, Teams, Go To Meeting, et al.
  • A copy of any certificate given to attendees.

Best regards,


There’s a lot there to digest in my email.  Either there is nothing “there” and I’m being a bit paranoid (why not? I thought “should” was already a “voluntary” word until I was told it wasn’t) or it is good that I’m questioning it. Why NOT question our Government, at ALL levels? It’s clear that Government HAS become partisan, HAS become ideological (yes, on both sides) and it’s clear in this issue, there are some that have been trying to game the system.

Oh, and I did put in a formal Right to Know for that last part on the Plymouth training. I have a REALLY good idea what it is about but I want it out in the open.

I merely want it to return back to bedrock principles. But I’m called an extremist for insisting on it. C’est la, you Constitution deniers (heh!)!

Updated Policy JBAB. Hover over it and you’ll see the navigation bar popup:


Updated Gilford School District Policy JBAB – Transgender and Nonbinary Students

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There is a Connection Between the Education System and Military

Tue, 2022-10-11 21:00 +0000

The last two years have seen a dramatic change in our military. Donald Trump rebuilt our armed forces after the Obama Administration had decimated them with severe funding cuts. Joe Biden has picked up where Obama left off.

We have the worst Secretary of Defense ever in Lloyd Austin, who is far more concerned with a WOKE military than a robust national defense.

We have a very unique military that has relied on volunteers to fill its ranks since the selective service and draft was stopped in 1973. The Vietnam War ended, and the Army was not in good favor with most Americans. We have always had a supply of patriotic men and women who have stepped up to protect their country, but that has changed. Every military branch is seeing its lowest recruitment rates this year. Something has changed, and I feel it is a collection of different factors.

For decades, the United States military stood for patriotism and toughness. These were two traits that appealed to a lot of young men and women. They answered their nation’s call and sacrificed years to keep the rest of us safe. Over the last two years, they have seen a change in our military, specifically the Army. The new administration is more concerned with WOKE and may be turning away young patriots.

With recruitment ads that feature young gay women to the lowering of physical standards, the macho image is changing. Lloyd Austin is more concerned about provisions for transgender recruits and enforcing the vaccine mandate than making sure we have the finest fighting machine in the world. Young people who thrive on discipline, training, and toughness will have to look elsewhere. It is not in the man’s Army.

These potential recruits also witnessed the embarrassment of Afghanistan and the needless deaths of thirteen young men and women. Not only do young recruits want to be part of a group that only has one mission; to win and never leave a brother or sister behind. That is not what they see.

The other intangible is the impact on our young people by our education system. We grew up with patriotism, respect for the military, and love of this country. In today’s schools, from the first day of class in kindergarten, our children are now taught to hate their country and its past. History and patriotism are not taught, and the culture is not nurtured.

Teachers are turning their students off to the idea of America being the greatest country on earth and how lucky they are to enjoy the gifts she gives us. Instead, they are taught to curse our past, destroy connection to our history, and believe that radical Democrats will lead them to a better future. It is a philosophy that is not only leaving our military depleted, but destroying our future.

Our children have no connection with America, are not being prepared for the future by our schools, have no motivation for hard work, and expect to be supported and coddled forever. It is not a sustainable recipe for a healthy society. We need a reversal of philosophy quickly, as recruits are not keeping up with those leaving the service.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NHGOP Candidates Should Do What JD Vance Did When WMUR Rigs The Debate

Tue, 2022-10-11 19:30 +0000

If I had my druthers the NHGOP candidates would boycott the WMUR “debates” because these “debates” are rigged to help the Democrats. Assuming they don’t, they need to be prepared when Adam Sexton and the other Democrat-activists masquerading as moderators try to distract from the devastation caused by the policies that New Hampshire’s incumbent Democrats have supported. JD Vance shows how it is done:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Stupidity is Painful

Tue, 2022-10-11 18:00 +0000

US Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) has a new campaign ad in which he frames the current Democrat majority and administration as idiots.

I almost wish he could have made a more extended ad because there is a long list of things he could say about Democrat priorities that demonstrate how out of touch they are with everyday Americans. But he does say this, among other things.


“The Left thinks that government employees have a constitutional right to talk to five-year-olds about sexuality. I know, it’s frustrating to me too, to see our country, which was founded by geniuses, and being run by idiots.”


Are enough parents and taxpayers as unnerved by this radical notion to add to the projected Republican wave this November?

If not, then we’re the idiots for not doing enough to convince people that Democrats cannot be allowed to hold power at any level of government.

Here’s the ad, and stick around for the end. He explains the jellyfish.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Tue, 2022-10-11 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








There’s another reason for voting in person on THE DAY – fighting vote fraud.  You see, the majority of people who vote early are likely to be “D” voters.  So they’ve already used up part of their supply.  By voting in person, and as late in the day as possible, you force them to have to scramble if they plan to overcome your vote.  People in haste make mistakes.









They’ve been saying it for DECADES.  Nobody’s taken them seriously.  And that’s their strength – alas – because people don’t want to believe stuff like this.

Like I said in Just Give Me Yavneh, people don’t WANT to think that their illusory stable world can fall apart.  They have normalcy bias.  The problem is when things go awry, it means people get caught unawares.









Rules are for the little people.  I keep hammering at this – when the “common Roman” saw how corrupt the Imperial City had become, they ceased being willing to fight for it.







Pick of the post:



The Left truly believes, in their historic slave-owner fashion, that they still own minorities.  Slave owners then, slave owners now.







Palate cleansers:




The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Teacher’s Union President Visits Ukraine “To Bear Witness and Call Attention to the Effects on Children”

Tue, 2022-10-11 15:00 +0000

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) is directly responsible for policies that have undermined years of education for American children, and not just during the COIVD plandemic. So, what does the union president do?

Randi Weingarten travels to Ukraine to meet with union leaders there.



“…to offer solidarity and support in the face of relentless attacks that have forced hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee the country’s east,”” Fox News reported.

“The AFT was invited by the Ukrainian teachers union, the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers, to bear witness and call attention to the effects on children, families and educators and the impact of Russia’s attacks on democracy and democratic institutions,” the press release explained.”


And with some creative editing on my part, we get this.


“The AFT was invited by parents, to bear witness and call attention to the effects on children, families, and educators and the impact of the Democrat Party and Teacher’s Union policy on American Education, but declined, calling them domestic terrorists, instead.”


I’m sure the union has a political interest in reinforcing the Democrat party’s use of Ukraine as another taxpayer-funded laundromat. I feel confident that is the only reason she is there. Create a press event for the complicit media to peddle. But the optics are lousy, even if she is there for other reasons.

Schools in America were in trouble before the public school lockouts. And while online learning is an excellent tool for some kids, the unions and government schools turned it into the alien abduction conspiracy equivalent of lost time. Students woke up after two years of “distance learning” with few, if any, new skills.

They were left behind while teachers and unions collected pay and benefits many of their parents lost due to similar policies.

Randi should be visiting the front lines in the war zones of Chicago, Los Angeles, and Baltimore, not Kyiv and Lviv.



HT | Gateway Pundit

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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