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Thursday • September 19 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
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Rights are Not Gifts from The Government

Thu, 2022-10-20 16:30 +0000

The world is filled with self-evident truths — truisms — that philosophers, lawyers and judges know need not be proven. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Two plus two equals four.

A cup of hot coffee sitting on a table in a room, the temperature of which is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, will eventually cool down.

These examples, of which there are many, are not true because we believe they are true. They are true essentially and substantially. They are true whether we accept their truthfulness or not. Of course, recognizing a universal truth acknowledges the existence of an order of things higher than human reason, certainly higher than government.

The generation of Americans that fought the war of secession against England — according to Professor Murray Rothbard, the last moral war Americans waged — understood the existence of truisms and recognized their origin in nature.

The most famous of these recognitions was Thomas Jefferson’s iconic line in the Declaration of Independence that self-evident truths come not from persons but from “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Thus, “All Men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” is a truism.

Jefferson’s neighbor and colleague, James Madison, understood this as well when he wrote the Bill of Rights so as to reflect that human rights do not come from the government. They come from our individual humanity.

Thus, your right to be alive, to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to worship or not, to associate or not, to shake your fist in the tyrant’s face by petitioning the government, your right to defend yourself and repel tyrants using and carrying the same weapons as the government does, your right to be left alone, to own property, to travel or to stay put — these natural aspects of human existence are natural rights that come from our humanity and for the exercise of which all rational persons yearn.

This is the natural rights understanding of Jefferson’s Declaration and Madison’s Bill of Rights, to the latter of which all in government have sworn allegiance and deference.

A right is not a privilege. A right is an indefeasible personal claim against the whole world. It does not require a government permission slip. It does not require preconditions except the ability to reason. It does not require the approval of family or neighbors.

A privilege is something the government doles out to suit itself or calm the masses. The government gives those who meet its qualifications the privilege to vote so it can claim a form of Jeffersonian legitimacy. Jefferson argued in the Declaration that no government is morally licit without the consent of the governed.

No one alive today has consented to the government, but most accept it. Is acceptance consent? Of course not — no more than walking on a government sidewalk is consent to government’s lies, theft and killing. Surely, the Germans who voted against the Nazis and could not escape their grasp hardly consented to that awful form of government.

We need to distinguish between privileges that the government doles out and rights that we have by virtue of our humanity, rights so human and natural that they exist in all persons even in the absence of government.

Are our rights equal to each other? Some are equal to each other, but one is greater than all, as none of the rights catalogued briefly above can be exercised without it. That is, of course, the right to live. This is the right most challenging to governments that have enslaved masses and gloried in fighting morally illicit wars that kill and thus destroy the right to live.

But if a right is a claim against the whole world, how can a government — whether popular or totalitarian or both — extinguish it by death or slavery? The short answer is no governments, notwithstanding the public oaths their officers take upon assuming office, accept the natural origins of rights. To government, rights are privileges.

Stated differently, governments do not take rights seriously.

Governments hate and fear the exercise of natural rights. Ludwig von Mises properly called government “the negation of liberty.” Freedom is the default position. We are literally born free, naturally free.

Government is an artificial creation based on a monopoly of force in a geographical area that could not exist if it did not negate our freedoms. Government denies our rights by punishing the exercise of them and by stealing property from us.

Rights are not just claims against the government. They are claims against the whole world. This was best encapsulated by Rothbard’s non-aggression principle, which teaches that initiating all real and threatened aggression — whether by violence, coercion or deception — is morally illicit. That applies to your neighbors as well as to the police.

Of course, in Rothbard’s world, there would be no government police unless all persons consented; and he wouldn’t have. A private police entity — paid to protect life, liberty and property — would be far more efficient and faithful to its job — which it would lose if it failed — than the government’s police, which thrives on assaulting life, liberty and property and keeping their jobs.

The exercise of rights requires abandonment of fear, acceptance of truth, and rejection of compromise with government. As Ayn Rand famously observed, any compromise between good and evil, natural rights and slavery, food and poison, results in death — death of the body, death of liberty, death of both.

Reprinted with Permission from The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Simple Checklist When Starting Your Independent Restaurant

Thu, 2022-10-20 15:26 +0000

Opening a restaurant is a dream that many people share across the country. Not only does this allow you to deliver great food to customers, sharing your love of cuisine and the culinary arts with others, but it also allows you to become an independent and potentially successful business owner.

This process is no easy task, however. Starting a restaurant requires a lot of investment of money and time. Committing to this should not be a decision you take lightly, but if you are determined to take this path, there are a few important things to think about to turn this into a successful endeavor.

Plan Your Restaurant

This is a fairly obvious starting point, but you would be surprised at just how many people decide to jump into this headfirst without assessing the situation beforehand. You must remember that starting a restaurant is a business decision first and foremost and a passion second. This means you’ll have to come up with a solid business plan for your restaurant, including your budgets, targets, market research, and investment plans. Once you have all of this in order, you’ll also want to start planning out your restaurant itself, including the layout of the building, the menu, and the cost.

Hire A Great Team

A restaurant will struggle if you fail to hire the right team to run it. Certain small-scale restaurant businesses, especially street food vendors, can get by running things on their own or alongside a partner. However, for a static, sit-in restaurant, you will need to hire chefs, front-of-house staff, and possibly even managerial staff to pick up the slack where needed. Hiring a team should not be rushed, either. You want to ensure that your team can hit the ground running when you launch your restaurant business, so take your time and hire the right people for the job.

Protect Your Business

One of the most important considerations when running a business is that it is protected from certain threats. There are a few different categories of threats to worry about, including financial, physical, and legal threats. A financial threat may come from the economy taking a nosedive or even from the two other types of threats themselves. A fire or flooding are examples of a physical threat as well as a robbery. These can ruin your business if you don’t have the means to remedy the issue. Insurance for small business owners is one of the best ways to protect your business against these threats, as you will be able to receive a payout to cover any losses in events like this.

Developing A Brand

Your food may end up being some of the best cuisines in the state, but if people don’t know about your restaurant, or walk by without being enticed inside to try it out, then you will not find the success that food of that quality demands. Creating and nurturing a high-quality brand takes a lot of time and effort, but in the long run, this can easily set you apart from the crowd within the restaurant industry. While many of us can come up with a brand, a logo, or a slogan, creating something of substance and quality is no simple feat. This is why there are branding and marketing experts who essentially treat this as an artform in itself. Consider working with a talented branding agency to produce a great brand for your restaurant.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

JD Vance ENDS “Tim Ryan’s Political Career” In EPIC Debate Smackdown

Thu, 2022-10-20 15:00 +0000

Ohio Senate candidate JD Vance delivered a crushing blow to establishment hack Tim Ryan, a career politician with no legacy other than rubber stamping anti-American legislation from Barack Obama and Joe Biden, in their final debate before the midterm elections.

Speaking about the media and Ryan’s overt calls for violence against members of the MAGA movement, Vance put what many are seeing as a nail in the coffin of Ryan’s cushy, work-free lifestyle.

In the clip below, Donald Trump, Jr. rightly assesses that Vance needed less than sixty seconds to end Tim Ryan’s political career:

So this is this is disgusting I’d like to get here’s exactly what happens when the media and people like Tim Ryan accused me of engaging the graceful great replacement theory. I’ll tell you exactly what happens Tim, what happens is that my own children, my biracial children get attacked by scumbags online and in person because you are so desperate for political power that you’ll accuse me the father of three beautiful biracial babies of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. 

You can believe in a border without being a racist. You can believe in the country without being a racist. And this just shows how desperate this guy is for political power. I know you’ve been in office for 20 years, Tim, and I know it’s a sweet gig, but you’re so desperate not to have a real job that you’ll slander me and slander my family. It’s disgraceful.


These debates have been absolutely brutal for the incumbent Ryan, which should be no surprise. When forced to defend their positions by well-versed, unafraid conservatives, leftists have nowhere to fall back.

As much of a fraud as Ryan has been and is, nothing he has done better exemplifies the left’s hatred of dissent – and specifically dissenters – of their pernicious worldview than his recent statement where he said people needed to “kill and confront” the MAGA movement. Call for violence much?

Speaking on the obnoxiously bad Morning Joe show last month, Ryan said:

Some of those answers will come from Republicans, not the extremists that we are dealing with every single day. We’ve got to kill and confront that movement, but working with normal mainstream Republicans, I think that’s going to be really, really important because we have to reform these systems.

Yikes. Can you imagine if Donald Trump said we needed to “kill and confront” AOC’s or Joe Biden’s voters? I’ll answer that: We can all imagine what that would be like. If Trump was impeached and kicked off Twitter for saying his supporters needed to peacefully make their voices heard on January 6th and, it is impossible to understate how the zealous media would react to actual calls for violence.

For his part, Vance hit back on that. In their first televised debate, he directly called out Ryan for his dangerous, divisive rhetoric:

“Tim Ryan, who runs all these tv commercials saying that he wants to appeal to Trump voters, wants to appeal to Republicans also says that he wants to ‘kill and confront ‘… the MAGA movement.”

“That’s not exactly the rhetoric of a unifier,” Vance finished.

In the latest polls, Vance is shown to be edging out Ryan by 2%. After his marvelous debate performances, he should gain ground and be staring down victory in three weeks.

Hailey Sanibel writes at The Blue State Conservative

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CPAC Rates The Most “Conservative” State Legislatures – New Hampshire Ranks 31st, Vermont 47th

Thu, 2022-10-20 13:30 +0000

I’m not sure what CPAC means by conservative policy, but this list was built based on how state legislators voted, and it looks like it hews closely to how the New Hampshire House Republican Alliance rates reps. I’d call that a decent measuring stick.

I know it’s CPAC, it should be conservative, but you can’t trust anything to be conservative just because it is in their name. RINOs have hijacked the badge for years, making it almost unusable. But this seems legitimate.

As for numbers, New Hampshire ranked 31st. Better than most, with room for improvement, but excellent given our proximity to Connecticut (41), Vermont (47th), Rhode Island (48), and Massachusetts (50).

The bluest of blue Massachusetts is just across our southern border and Vermont – which is working hard to beat the Bay State, a close 47th.

And the votes make all the difference. New Hampshire’s top 50 CPAC featured reps for 2021 (House or Senate), all rated at 97% or better, with thirteen earning 100%.

Vermont’s top 50 didn’t have any at 100%. They had two at 94%, one at 93%, with everyone else below 90 – quickly tumbling to the low 80s and mid-70s.

Massachusetts? One ranked 94%, one at 90%, and it’s downhill from after that; the bigger problem is so many Democrats and so few Republicans of any sort.

And what about all those other states? Who were the best and worst?

The top five most conservative legislatures were:

1. Tennessee
2. Florida
3. Indiana
4. Ohio
5. North Carolina

The bottom five were:

46. Maryland 47. Vermont 48. Rhode Island 49. Hawaii 50. Massachusetts


New Hampshire is bordered by the 47th and 50th most liberal legislatures in America, according to CPAC. It makes it much harder for us to protect the New Hampshire advantage because Liberals looking to escape these places may come here thinking they can still vote for Democrats and New Hampshire won’t be affected.

History tells a different tale. Every time the Democrats get a majority in our state, they grossly overestimate revenue so they can spend more now, then announce (when we fail to reach those inflated estimates, that we need new or higher taxes or “they will have to cut essential services.”

Rolling-back spending or expansions of government are rare. New Hampshire did it in 2011-2012 when Bill O’Brien was Speaker, but it’s an uncommon accomplishment. The secret is to keep it limited or controlled – in check – every legislature, every vote, and only taxpayers can do that.

Massachusetts and Vermont pulled the same song and dance as the NH Dems but nothing ever got rolled back. Democrats took control and kept spending—building government-dependent constituencies with tax dollars. Before too long, there was no going back, and Maine is headed the way of Vermont (which used to be very conservative not all that long ago) if they are not careful.

Maine, by the way, ranked 35th in CPACs 2021 survey, so New Hampshire needs to watch how it votes as well. Every election, every ballot, every seat.


Note: If you are interested, CPAC has state legislator ratings from 2015 to the present.


HT | TrueNorth Reports

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

4 Perfect Gifts for the Man in Your Life This Christmas

Thu, 2022-10-20 13:00 +0000

Buying the perfect gift for someone isn’t always an easy task. Sure, you could go with something simple and risk-free like a gift card but that may not have the personal touch you were hoping for.

If you’ve got a real manly man in your life, gift buying can be all the more difficult as their likes and interests can seem more streamlined. So, before you give in and purchase a gift card, here are four perfect gifts for the man in your life this Christmas.

Lowball Glasses Have a Cool and Sophisticated Vibe to Them

What’s your guy’s drink of choice when he chooses to have alcohol? If he likes a good whiskey, old fashioned and anything served over rocks, then the lowball glass is the way to go. Pair this with a cool decanter and you have a whole theme going. If the man in your life has a bar at home, you’ll want to pick up at least four lowballs.

How About an Everyday Carry Knife with a Personalized Touch?

Pocket knives and everyday carry knives have long been popular with men, but the knives themselves have changed over the years. Today you can purchase designs that are more compact, lightweight, easier to handle and yet can cause maximum damage if needed. Just take a look at the popular KRUDO knife that feels high-end and extremely competent. You can even customize the KRUDO knife with knife laser engraving, which helps to make the gift even more memorable.

BBQ Accessories – the Gift the Household Benefits From

BBQing is one of the most popular forms of cooking in the US and depending on which state you live in, it may be something you can enjoy year-round. In the southern states, grilling season has no start and end date. You can speak to his love and passion for grilling with BBQ accessories. Most of these take a beating so they have to be replaced every few years.

Some fabulous accessories to purchase include:

  • Grilling tongs and flipper
  • BBQ Skewers
  • Meat thermometer
  • Grill roasters
  • Wire-free grill brush
  • Grill gloves
  • Shredder claws
Backyard Games That Are Perfect for Enjoying with Friends

The great outdoors is something many men appreciate, which opens the door to another category of gifts. Backyard games have become quite the popular trend as they can be enjoyed as a family and are perfect for keeping guests entertained. He can invite his buddies over, hang out in the backyard and have a blast with any of these games.

Some great backyard games include:

  • Cornhole
  • Horseshoes
  • Faux axe throwing
  • Darts
  • Ultimate frisbee
  • Bocce ball
  • Lawn darts

You’ll want to look for backyard games that feature quick and easy set-up so there is no fuss involved.

Each of the items listed here can make a perfect Christmas gift idea for the manly man in your life. If you’ve got a large budget, you may even be able to pick up a few of these and treat him in a big way.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Winnacunnet High School Administering the Flawed PISA Assessment

Thu, 2022-10-20 12:00 +0000

Students at Winnacunnet High School may be participating in an international assessment soon. This notice was sent home to parents to see if they wanted their children to participate in the PISA international assessment. My advice on this assessment: NO WAY.

Not because I oppose an international test of knowledge, actually I’d support a test like that, but PISA is not going to tell parents how their children are competing against children in top-performing countries.

If school administrators wanted you to know how well the students were doing when it comes to their proficiency in math and science, they would be administering the TIMSS test every four years.  TIMSS is an excellent achievement test in the subjects of math and science.

Let’s start with some of the glaring problems with PISA.

Many assessments are now used as a way to change your child’s values, attitudes and beliefs. You might be wondering how an assessment can do that. Shouldn’t they be asking my child how to solve a math problem? Of course, but that’s not what what’s going on here.

Let’s take a look at an example of how PISA uses their questions to push a certain political belief on children;


In this statement by PISA, they use the assessment to assess children on their “global competence.”

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a triennial survey of 15-year-old students that assesses the extent to which they have acquired the key knowledge and skills essential for full participation in society. The assessment focuses on proficiency in reading, mathematics, science and an innovative domain. In 2018, the innovative domain was global competence.


In its 2018 cycle of data collection among 15-year-old students, PISA assessed the global competences needed to live in an interconnected and changing world. Global competence is defined as a multidimensional capacity that encompasses the ability to: 1) examine issues of local, global and cultural significance; 2) understand and appreciate the perspectives and worldviews of others; 3) engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions across cultures; and 4) take action for collective well-being and sustainable development. Students in 27 countries and economies both sat the global competence test and completed the global competence module in the student questionnaire. Students in a further 39 countries and economies completed the global competence module in the questionnaire only. Students in Germany completed the questionnaire only.

This is a good time to remind everyone that a questionnaire like this must be available to parents to read on the district web site, and requires your consent.

What do they actually mean by global competence? Since this is Germany, it’s also worth considering the dire situation they are currently in based on their lack of energy resources.

PISA goes on to state:

Examine issues of local, global and cultural significance

  • Students in Germany reported some of the highest levels of self-efficacy regarding global issues, scoring substantially higher than the OECD average, along with students in Albania, the Dominican Republic, Peru and the United Arab Emirates. In particular, they were the most confident when discussing the different reasons why people become refugees, with 88% saying that they could do the task easily or with some effort (OECD average 77%). Students were also very confident on explaining why some countries suffer more from global climate change than others (77%, compared to the OECD average of 72%). Students in Germany were the least confident on explaining how carbon-dioxide emissions affect global climate change (61%, compared to the OECD average of 63%) and how economic crises in single countries affect the global economy (60%, compared to the OECD average of 61%).

It appears as if the survey figures out the beliefs of children, in this case climate change, and then the next step is to include assessment questions that work to change their beliefs. That’s what many standardized assessments are all about now; changing the values, attitudes and beliefs in children.

At this age, children should be learning about science, so that if they decide to pursue a career in atmospheric sciences, they have the academic foundation. This assessment is used to push a political belief system at an early age.

The purpose of a standardized test is so parents know if their child has learned how to multiply and divide, not to be persuaded on how to view a political position.

IN: Dishonesty: A Defining Characteristic of Common Core Advocacy :

…..Unlike the other major international assessment, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), PISA focuses not on academic content knowledge but on the “skills and competencies students have acquired and can apply . . . to real-world contexts by age 15.” In other words, PISA is aligned to the same type of non-academic training embodied in the Common Core standards…..


Scholars in other countries have reached the same conclusions about PISA and TIMSS. Dr. Paul Andrews of Stockholm University examined the math performance of students in Finland – a country routinely held out by the U.S. education establishment as exemplary – and found the claims of stellar performance to be misleading. Those claims, he notes, are based on PISA results.

But Finnish students’ scores on the TIMSS content-based assessments – particularly with respect to algebra and geometry –are much less impressive, so much so that Finnish mathematicians have warned that students aren’t really being prepared for higher education. “University mathematicians have voiced concerns that curricular reforms have compromised the intellectual integrity of mathematics,” Andrews reports. “They argue that emphases on equity and preparation for a world beyond school may have secured PISA success but are incompatible with preparation for higher mathematics.”

There’s more:

Jerome Dancis, PhD Associate Professor Emeritus Department of Mathematics University of Maryland College Park, MD

From Dr. Dancis’ commentary which begins on page 31:
What Does the International PISA Math Test Really Tell Us?

The results suggest that PISA is not a valid measure of the overall quality of mathematics achievement in a country. PISA mathematics largely avoids measuring Arithmetic calculations.”

On page 32 :
The December 18, 2013 New York Times editorial, “Why Other Countries Teach Better: Three Reasons Students Do Better Overseas,” discussed the findings of the 2013 PISA report. 
The author argues that, “… Finland has for years been in the highest global ranks in literacy and mathematical skills.” “…[Finnish] schools stand out in several ways, providing daily hot meals; health and dental services; psychological counseling; and an array of services for families and children in need.” “… But the most important effort has been in the training of teachers,” “… The country decided to move preparation out of teachers’ colleges and into the universities, where it became more rigorous.”As a Finnish university professor noted, “PISA test items are measuring the achievements of everyday life mathematics … [with no need for students] to learn mathematics as a structure. We do know in Finland that we wouldn’t get any success in PISA, if the test items were related to the understanding of mathematical concepts or relations.Finnish college faculty complain about the low knowledge of arithmetic and simple Algebra of Finnish college students. …

Is PISA valid? This question is rarely asked. The data suggest it is not a valid measure of overall mathematical ability or the quality of an education at the national level.  (Page 40)

There is more:
From: Wayne Bishop/  wbishop@exchange.calstatela.ed
Date: October 30, 2015As the author intimates (and I’m speaking only for mathematics), TIMSS is alive and well (housed at Boston University) and remains a more reliable assessment of mathematics achievement.  At 4th and 8th grades, the US has moved up well above highly publicized Finland (using PISA) although still far behind the high-performing Asian nations…….  Nothing summarizes the situation as well as the finish mathematicians and engineers themselves:
in fact the mathematical knowledge of new students has declined dramatically”

Clearly those working in the field of mathematics do not share an admiration for PISA but instead, they recommend the TIMSS test. Why would school administrators use a flawed international assessment when we know the TIMSS is a far better way to determine how children are competing against their international peers?  That’s a question to ask of your school administrators. If they truly want to be honest with parents, skip the PISA and administer the TIMSS test. If your school administrators refuse, then maybe there is something more to all of this.

When those in Finland do not have confidence in this assessment, why would so many administrators have confidence?
We pay Superintendents six figure salaries, it’s time to start demanding quality in our public schools.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems Used Fake Hurricane Ian Charity to Launder Donations to Democrats

Thu, 2022-10-20 10:30 +0000

This will make a great question to ask local Democrats running for office. The Florida Ian Response Fund, housed at the same address as “Organize Action,’ a 501(c)4 tax-exempt dark money organization, collected donations for hurricane relief that found its way into Democrat campaigns.


A phony “charity” that has been collecting donations for Hurricane Ian victims has been exposed as a shill to raise money for Democrat politicians in Florida, according to reports. …

An investigation revealed that the website has been funneling all of its donations into the election campaigns of Democratic politicians in Florida.



Hey, local Democrat for town, city, county, or state government, can we get your thoughts on using the tragedy of Hurricane Ian to deceive donors into giving to left-Wing candidates?

What’s that? I’m a racist. That’s what I thought you’d say.


The suggestion is that Florida Ian Response Fund is a veiled disguise to raise money for Florida Rising.

“As Floridians continue to rebuild and recover, we strongly urge those who want to help to give to reputable organizations positioned to help people, not political organizations using this money ‘to win elections and change laws,’” the Republican Senate committee said in a statement.

DeSantis War Room added on Twitter “DISGUSTING: After Hurricane Ian made landfall, Democrat anti-police group Florida Rising began fundraising off of the catastrophic storm.

“They pushed donors to, claiming to be ‘for rebuilding & recovery after #HurricaneIan’ BUT donations went to ActBlue!”

“’’ is NOT a registered charity,” DeSantis War Room added.

“It’s a left-wing dark money activist fund.”


Well? Is this too low even for local lefties? Ask them.

The only possible excuse I can imagine has something to do with Democrats using the government to stop climate change, so more government means more climate change “funding,” which they claim will mean fewer hurricanes.

Ergo hurricane relief.

See, also fraud.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Brentwood Rally for Don Bolduc with Tulsi Gabbard

Thu, 2022-10-20 01:30 +0000

It is clear from the energy and enthusiasm that Tulsi Gabbard is determined to halt the destruction of our republic by feckless Democrats, and she’s making a serious effort to rally the troops and send real leaders like Don to DC. It is equally clear that the Democratic Party tried to destroy her in 2019/ 2020, and it’s time to return the favor (words borrowed from Elbert Guillory, but so appropriate)!





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Experts: Climate Change Probably “Ended” Life on Mars

Thu, 2022-10-20 00:00 +0000

Here’s some above-the-fold climate news you may have missed. Something that the Left would consider as life in a womb was probably wiped out on Mars because of climate change.


The new theory comes from a climate modeling study that simulated hydrogen-consuming, methane-producing microbes living on Mars roughly 3.7 billion years ago. At the time, atmospheric conditions were similar to those that existed on ancient Earth during the same period.

But instead of creating an environment that would help them thrive and evolve, as happened on Earth, Martian microbes may have doomed themselves just as they were getting started, according to the study published October 10 in the journal Nature Astronomy.



Let’s unpack that.

First, climate modelers can’t seem to get one damn thing right with the atmosphere in which they live. What are the odds they have a clue about one that (depending on the day) is between 35 million and 250 million miles away?

Better, worse? I’d go with worse.

Second, lots of ‘life’ outside the womb has been wiped out by changes in climate. The earth’s history is tumultuous and includes all extremes of weather. The recent calmness that has allowed humans to thrive and survive is the exception, not the rule, and neither modernity nor CO2 was responsible.

Third, I get what you’re trying to do. Look at barren Mars. If we don’t pick the pockets of working families to fund researchers and favored (but useless) energy projects, the earth will end up like that. It’s a lovely image, and I bet the theory is already making its way into the public schools, so future generations are prepared to accept socialism as their god and savior (and hey, let’s not be like Mars).

Ironically, socialism (by which they mean Marxism) as a political system is probably the fastest way to make you wish you lived on Mars. It is everything they don’t tell you and nothing they do.

No change in the political climate has ended more life than the Marxist bent. But, before that happens, there is crime, penury, and all the benefits of the police state and a two-class system that won’t tolerate individual rights of any sort or group rights unless the group is the Marxists – and they make all the rules, most of which don’t apply to the people in charge.


The model suggests that the reason life thrived on Earth and was doomed on Mars is because of the gas compositions of the two planets, and their relative distances from the Sun. Being farther away from our star than Earth, Mars was more reliant on a potent fog of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen, to maintain hospitable temperatures for life.

So as ancient Martian microbes ate hydrogen (a potent greenhouse gas) and produced methane (a significant greenhouse gas on Earth but less potent than hydrogen) they slowly ate into their planet’s heat-trapping blanket, eventually making Mars so cold that it could no longer evolve complex life.


The moral of the story is that you can’t live to save your life, so Marxism (or is that Marsism?)

I’m still going with no to all of it.

Like I said in the opening, these fools and their models can’t predict the weather this week on this planet; I have zero faith that their “models” can do much elsewhere unless, by “else,” you mean create scenarios that justify their paychecks at other people’s expense.



HT | The Blaze

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Revisiting the San Jose Doctrine

Wed, 2022-10-19 22:30 +0000

The city of San Jose, California, is about to begin fining gun owners for not carrying the liability insurance that the city requires them to have.

That makes it a good time to revisit where this leads.

Spoiler: Taken to its logical conclusion, the reasoning behind the ‘San Jose Doctrine’ leads directly to the end of programs like Medicare, Medicaid, public schools, Social Security, government-guaranteed college loans, and so on.

As the saying goes: Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it — good and hard.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Brittney Griner May End up in a Russian Labor Camp

Wed, 2022-10-19 21:00 +0000

One of the problems with being the party of “Democracy,” as Democrats claim they are, is mob rule. Democracy is the tyranny of the 50.01%. That’s why we live in a Republic which Democrats hate. They’d rather be more like China (or Russia), and speaking of Russia, Britney Griner might be in for more trouble.

Griner was busted, arrested, tried, and convicted of violating the laws of Russia. I’m sure that’s a very selective process, unequally applied, with the same filters applied to progressives here in the United States. Laws are for little people if you have the right last name or party affiliation – and you have not embarrassed leadership. Hunter Biden comes to mind.

Brittney Griner is not little. She’s quite tall but” little” enough to Russia. And despite her disregard for the American flag or our national anthem after a career criminal died of a self-induced overdose in police custody, Russia decided to enforce a law. Traveling into the country with a hashish oil vape nestled in your designer luggage is illegal.

She was “tried,” convicted, and sentenced to nine years in some form of detention, which may now include a Russian labor camp. They are not nice places if the travel literature is to be believed. And no path to freedom appears forthcoming.

The party that promised to elevate our standing in the world is not presently on speaking terms with Vladimir Putin. We’re sort of kind of at war or on the brink of nuclear war with Russia, which predecessor Donald Trump, while often accused, never managed.

The likelihood of a conversation about a prisoner exchange seems thin.

Griner’s wife is despondent, but you have to admit it’s ironic.

Griner got a reputation for hating America for celebrating a drug criminal who overdosed, and here she is, a drug criminal, in the People’s Republic of Putinstan, at risk of detention in a forced labor camp.

I wouldn’t wish it on anybody, including someone dumb enough to bring hashish into Russia but wouldn’t it be ironic if they made her clean up debris from those “peaceful protests” put on by the Russian military in occupied Ukraine?

It’s just a thought.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Crunch Time and the Left is Sucking Wind

Wed, 2022-10-19 19:30 +0000

This campaign season has been a gruesome and dirty event. The process has become more personal and untruthful in the last decade. Still, Biden Democrats have nothing positive to campaign on, so the attacks, lies, and misinformation have been barraging us in the mail, texts, and media ads. Abortion and personal attacks are all the Dems have in their quiver, and they are out of arrows. If this election is not a significant gain for Republicans, we may need an investigation.

One of the issues that may haunt Republicans is the quality of some of the candidates. Hershel Walker is a cult hero for sports fans in Georgia, but that does not equate to a strong candidate. Maggie Hassan should have been an easy gain for the Red, but General Bolduc was low on funds, and it took weeks after the primary before we saw Bolduc ads on the tube. Hassan had tons of money and an equal amount of lies and mistruths. The race is a draw, and the stretch run should be interesting. The one extremely frustrating race is the Pennsylvania Senate Race. A stroke victim with many communication challenges may win this critical seat. Dr. Oz has had to spend too much time defending himself, which took away from the issues. The attention to Fetterman’s health and criticism of anyone mentioning it has masked the Fetterman policies, which should have been enough to disqualify him from the Senate.

This election should have been a test of Biden’s first two years which have been dismal. The focus should have been on the economy, crime, and the Border. The Democrats did all they could to stay away from the key issues. Instead, they wanted to make it about Women’s Rights, LGBTQ Rights, the Climate, and gun control.

NextGen PAC released the following statement. It outlines the issues that are paramount in the minds of Gen Z:

“We are dedicated to investing in efforts to help elect these candidates and fighting against the extreme agenda of the GOP, which would end access to abortion, block gun safety legislation, reverse climate protections, and endanger the LGBTQIA+ community. Every seat is critical in the upcoming election and we will use our collective power to elect lawmakers that truly reflect and represent the most diverse generation in American history.”

Democrat insiders are bracing for defeat. They claim they peaked too early, spending far too much money on the abortion issue. Even in Blue New York, there are projections of Republican wins for House seats. This is not an election but a core change. The Democrats are realizing that they have gone too far with their Progressive policies and the Republicans know they better come out ready to govern. It is time for candidates on the Right to get specific. They rolled out a vague plan for America, but now it is time to bring the meat. 

The Democrats have given Republicans a golden opportunity. By allowing the Radical Left to become too powerful and electing an old, feeble, and ineffective President, they played their hand and came up bust. 

One thing is for sure, we have to repair the divide first because repairing the country will take both sides. Joe Biden did his best to dismantle America. How long will it take to put the pieces back together?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Newborn-Killing Dems Pivot on “Women’s Health Care” and End Up Under a Different Narrative Bus

Wed, 2022-10-19 18:00 +0000

The Left’s all-in abortion argument is about killing newborns. That’s what they are running on (at least, here, in New Hampshire). The right to kill a baby at birth. But almost no one but the far Left thinks abortion should be permitted in the third trimester and certainly not during birth. So, the Dems are pivoting…into a hole.

Related: NH Democrats Confirm Support for “Post-Birth Abortion”

To Democrats, women’s health is about conception to live birth abortion. Anything less is you or the government getting between women and their doctors. But you don’t need a doctor in New Hampshire to perform an abortion. Hairdressers are more highly regulated. Almost anyone can do it, and there are no reporting requirements to document who did what to whom. Oh, and you should pay for them!

We could easily say that Democrats don’t want the government to come between you and your landscaper, plumber, accountant, hygenist, nurse practitioner, or anyone, and health care. But that’s another lie. They want the government to come between you and everything except (they say) women’s health care (also a lie)

But here we are (in NH) with a reasonable 24-week drop-dead date for abortions that most of the world embraces, if not sooner, and the Dems are ranting about how extreme that is. They won’t stand for anything less than abortion up to birth, but no one agrees with that, so they must couch the details in a lie.

Hello COVID!

Yes, we’ve traveled this well-worn road before, but this is essential stuff. When Ann Kuster, Maggie Hassan, or Chris “Norovirus” Pappas flap their yap about extremism and health, it is immediately negated by their behavior during the so-called pandemic. And it is up to us (yes, you) to push back.

When they say Republicans are extreme on abortion, ask them, so as a supporter, how do you think live birth abortions should be performed? Hey, if you’re good with this, what’s the most humane way to end it? Chemical execution like they do with condemned criminals or pull a Kermit Gosnell and cut their spinal cord at the neck?

What are your thoughts, Mr. Ms. Ze or whatever Democrat Abortion supporter?

I’m expected to explain my support for capital punishment. How is this any different, except for the lack of evidence, criminal charges, a trial, and a verdict of one’s peers?

What if they were born that way, but you sanctioned their execution ala abortion? Does that qualify as anti-gay bigotry? Are you guilty of a hate crime? Is the mother eligible for reparations? Are you going to make me pay them?

When the coming between doctor and patient rears its two-faced head, ask why that doesn’t apply to doctors who think FDA-approved drugs are best for their patients with COVID. How come the government can get between women and their doctors then? Why isn’t that hypocritical or contradictory, and now more than ever, after two years of human test trials on hundreds of millions of recipients?

There are better ways to protect and treat people, but the government keeps getting in the way.

They might swear and call you names or change the subject, but you keep them on point. And make sure, especially if this is on social media, to screengrab things regularly as they are likely to disappear or you are likely to get banned or blocked.

Nothing says tolerance like a Lefty bailing on an argument they can’t win, especially regarding women’s health care and abortion.



The post Newborn-Killing Dems Pivot on “Women’s Health Care” and End Up Under a Different Narrative Bus appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2022-10-19 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***

And please do check out my latest at Tommy Robinson’s Urban Scoop:

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop








Elie Wiesel, the noted Holocaust survivor, said “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them”.  Also recall, from 2015, this video (also embedded in my post about depopulation; Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok):


Time and time and time and time and time again, they’ve talked about depopulation over decades.  Now, finally, they’re getting serious about it.  And remember, they will do it with a clear conscience because they believe they are doing good.

Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok

















Pick of the post:



For the sheer laugh factor!





We HAVE TO get the youth or, long term, we lose.  The problem is not the content… as Bill explains in an earlier video, it’s the packaging:





Palate cleansers:









The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Priceless: Kari Lake Has 150 Examples of Election Denial by Democrats and the Media (Which She Shares with the Media)

Wed, 2022-10-19 15:00 +0000

We’ve shared a few highlights from Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake. She’s a priceless gem in the GOP field and fearless. She doesn’t pander to Left-Wing narratives like some Republicans we could mention. Today’s installment is a gut shot to the Left’s “republicans are election-deniers narrative,” and it’s brilliant.

Related: AZ Gov. Hopeful Kari Lake DECIMATES Democrat Wannabe Liz Cheney

She’s running for governor so much like the 2016 presidential election, the media must cover it. Kari is not wasting the opportunity. She uses these events and moments to poke holes in the approved narratives and to expose the elites for who they are – hypocrites and liars.

And she makes it look easy (which it is), so why do so many Republicans struggle to expose the progressives for who they are? In most cases, it means they want to be like them or liked by them so they can get a seat at the kiddie table in the Dems DC.

Ms. Lake has no such aspiration…yet. It’s early, but her career appears bright should she win the governorship in AZ.

Here she is, taking down the Dems on election denial.


The post Priceless: Kari Lake Has 150 Examples of Election Denial by Democrats and the Media (Which She Shares with the Media) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Parasites and How the World May End

Wed, 2022-10-19 13:30 +0000

This is how the world ends. This is how the world will end. This is how the world is ending. Not with a bang but an Oh well.

My elderly friends — and myself, for that matter — are ready to take “the demise pill.” We don’t see any chance for improvement. We remember a good life with scads of hope in it. We assumed our progeny would have an even better world, but now it seems there is no chance. It’s gone (or rapidly going). We are saying, “Oh well.”

It appears to be impossible to turn things around. How can one alter a situation when one can’t contact the hidden monsters who have wrecked the place? We can’t even have an honest chat with our fellow sufferers, as they appear to be in a trance! Darn.

I was lucky today to peruse a September 6, 2022, article written by Colin Todhunter, which rehashed an article by Michael Hudson. Let me summarize it third-hand. Those two critics hypothesize (actually, they out-and-out declare) that the US hegemon does all kinds of things to maintain world hegemony. Currently, the US is undermining the strength of Europe and Russia to keep them from moving toward China. At every citizen’s personal expense, of course.

The US impoverishes the Third World also by giving it the means to increase the output of agriculture via machines and chemicals that then become more expensive. And those crops are for export! Nations, and individuals, are now hopelessly in debt — to a few banks and the IMF. And let’s not forget the way local police worldwide are becoming militarized. Hmm.

I mention those particulars only to convey the fact that it is difficult to compete with the Big Guys who operate with great coordination planetwide and who control the militaries of most countries! My purpose here will be to inventory various ways of knocking down this hegemon. As I said, it feels hopeless, but I am conversant with the intellectual approach, so let’s run it.


Sociobiologist EO Wilson defines “parasite” as a predator that eats less than one unit. Not like a bird that kills a mouse and consumes it, but like a parasite in your stomach that lives off your innards. “Hegemon” is a Greek word meaning leader; it’s used to indicate one nation dominating others — subtly or blatantly.

For his 1985 book, The World Order, Eustace Mullins gave the subtitle “A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism.” His book is about the great heist accomplished by bankers circa 1910. He says they are parasites. I will adopt that concept here. So just as a doctor might try to figure out how to get the parasites out of your stomach, I will inventory any “medicines” I know of that could relieve us of the bank crowd’s hegemonic fixations.

Remember that I am operating today with a personal eye on the demise pill. So the following is (allegedly) just a heuristic exercise.

Imagine ten ways that we could kick the parasites off the throne. I mean, out of our stomachs. Or whatever. The first two ways can be disposed of in one sentence each since I’ve elaborated on them many times elsewhere:

Ten Ways

1. Get’em by applying the law — both to punish them and to stop their activity.

2. Get them out of our legislatures, where they put clever details into laws that enable their big schemes.

3. Don’t do anything. Let the forces of man and nature work it out. (Presumably, this will entail much cruelty and destruction.). That will frustrate the parasites as soon as they realize their prey are becoming scarce.

4. Smoke them out. Sure, the bankers have henchmen galore. They have a henchman in every pot. But not every henchman is 100% brainwashed. Shakespeare, who had no illusions, wrote, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Even parasite bankers have to sleep at night.

5. Build up religion. I know from Negro spirituals, which are great music that faith in God pulled the US slaves through difficult times. I envision “God” as everything we believe in, that comes under the heading “morality.” Religion also makes for a strengthener against an enemy. “God said we should do this…” Pow!

6. If it’s impossible to get at the big guys, get the low-hanging fruit. If you punish them good, this will make the uneasy crown-wearers even more uneasy. It also will also send a message to other low-hanging fruit. They will whisper to one another “Are we really in the right business?”

7. If you do get a biggie (Henry Kissinger if he is still alive), stay your hand form the paddle or the gun or anything. Just administer sodium amytal or scopolamine, aka truth serum. Or use hypnosis. “Look at this pendulum. You are getting sleepy, sleeepy…” If his lawyer says that’s against the Fifth Amendment, tell him not to worry about amendments. This is quite possibly the world’s biggest outlaw that has ever been captured. He has codes that we need to elicit. Make nice with Hank.

8. Encourage birth control, seriously. Put a moratorium on births. I say this, as a way to prevent a more violent way to kill off the tribe. It will be too difficult to live in a civilized way with ten billion individuals. We are not built for it. Be pro-life — save humanity.

9. Design a kind world. Even if it does not look practical. Maybe it’s eminently doable. Check Philip Allott’s 2016 book “Eutopia” (and Law professor Allott is, believe me, no slouch). Today we see kindness slipping away. Why? Just because some jerk parasites have to have their stupid way?

10. Meet up locally as a set of elders plus youth. Teach one another. Ask the public to say what they dream of as a good life. Then declare your authority to speak for the group.

As Terese Grinnell once said: Amen.

The post Parasites and How the World May End appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CDC Advisory Committee Considers Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids

Wed, 2022-10-19 12:00 +0000

Beginning at 8:30 Eastern Time this morning, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) will meet for two days. One of the items on their Thursday agenda is adding the COVID-19 Jab to the childhood immunization schedule. Every kid would need to get the juice.

Related: Harvard and Johns Hopkins Report the COVID Vaccines are More Dangerous than COVID

I know, not ever kid, but public schools or activities or groups at schools could expect them if they are on the schedule.

But wait. The data clearly shows that kids who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine are not a vector for infection or spread. Every state has the same results. The same information tells us that the unvaccinated under 20 age group rarely needs hospitalization and rarely dies from COIVD. It’s rare.

The over-the-counter medication works fine if needed, and other FDA-licensed drugs are available if OTCs are not enough.

So why put these emergency-use medications on the Children’s immunization schedule? Liability. The FDA and CDC can never officially authorize the mRNA Covid inoculation because someone could sue them or the pharmaceutical companies if they did.

You can’t make informed consent if you are not fully informed, and they don’t want to admit that these are neither safe nor effective.

Putting them on the childhood schedule grants liability protection even against an adult who receives the vaccine.

ACIP isn’t considering this to protect kids. It is doing it to protect the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, Big Pharma, and everyone in between who hinted, suggested, cajoled, nagged, or demanded you get one.

Related: New England Journal of Medicine: The Vaxxed Remain Contagious for Longer Than the UnVaxxed!



Related: Pediatric Cardiologist Says mRNA Spike Proteins are Toxic to the Human Heart


Citizens Free Press shared contact info for the members of the advisory board.



The meeting may have started by the time you read this, but the agenda places this issue on their Thursday Calendar. If you do reach out, be polite and brief. Write some notes beforehand and stick to them.

There is ample evidence that children do not need this and are better off without it.

And yes, I think they will add it due to both political and institutional pressure. Oh, and all the Pharma money. That’s no reason not to try.



The post CDC Advisory Committee Considers Putting the COVID Vaccine on the Childhood Immunization Schedule to Protect Big Pharma Not Your Kids appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tulsi and Don at the Duck Pond House, Nashua

Wed, 2022-10-19 10:30 +0000

A fundraising breakfast was hosted by Cathy and Eric Park at Nashua’s historic Duck Pond House. Eric introduced Tulsi, who described very vividly the dangers to our country and Constitution posed by the current administration that the Democratic Party. She encouraged other patriotic and disaffected Dems to join her in leaving the party ( #WalkAway on steroids), and emphasized the need to send real leaders like Don to Washington. Don gave a great speech, too. The whole thing is only 23 minutes, and well worth your time.



Not on camera, but asked and answered at the event: How did Tulsi and Don get to be working together?
It turns out, that as vocal critics of the failures of current military leadership and the dangers it poses to the nation, both of them had become supporters of Lt Col Stu Scheller, and as they talked, Tulsi came to learn more about Don from other service members and chose to support him. Her breakaway from the party has freed her to support and endorse good leaders like Don to turn congress around.

The post Tulsi and Don at the Duck Pond House, Nashua appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Election Rigging By Adam Sexton … Censorship Of Hassan’s Policies Decimating Retirement Savings

Wed, 2022-10-19 01:30 +0000

Do you know why Maggie Hassan doesn’t have to campaign and do more than a handful of debates? Because she has Adam Sexton and the rest of New Hampshire’s regime media to campaign for her.

The policies that Hassan has supported since Biden was sworn in as President have DECIMATED our retirement savings. The values of our IRAs and 401Ks have dropped between 25 percent and 30 percent.

Yet Sexton and the rest of the pro-Hassan media never talk about this … never talk about how people are having to delay retirement and in some case come out of retirement. Instead, they allow Hassan … as she is doing below at one of the handful of “debates” in friendly forums she is willing to do… to pose as a champion of retirees and near-retirees, and lob false claims about Bolduc. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the “fact-check” from Sexton and his ilk … they are NOT journalists. They are Democrat-activists:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Humor: I’m an Engineer So This Isn’t “Cultural Appropriation”: Engineer Identification Test

Wed, 2022-10-19 00:00 +0000

You walk into a room and notice that a picture is hanging crooked.  You…

  • Straighten it.
  • Ignore it.
  • Buy a CAD system and spend the next six months designing a solar-powered, self-adjusting picture frame while often stating aloud your belief that the inventor of the nail was a total moron.

The correct answer is “C” but partial credit can be given to anybody who writes “It depends” in the margin of the test or simply blames the whole stupid thing on “Marketing.”


Engineers have different objectives when it comes to social interaction.  “Normal” people expect to accomplish several unrealistic things from social interaction:

  • Stimulating and thought-provoking conversation
  • Important social contacts
  • A feeling of connectedness with other humans

In contrast to “normal” people, engineers have rational objectives for social interactions:

  • Get it over with as soon as possible.
  • Avoid getting invited to something unpleasant.
  • Demonstrate mental superiority and mastery of all subjects.


To the engineer, all matter in the universe can be placed into one of two categories:

(1) things that need to be fixed, and
(2)  things that will need to be fixed after you’ve had a few minutes to play with them.

Engineers like to solve problems.  If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.  Normal people don’t understand this concept; they believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.  Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.

No engineer looks at a television remote control without wondering what it would take to turn it into a stun gun.  No engineer can take a shower without wondering if some sort of Teflon coating would make showering unnecessary.  To the engineer, the world is a toy box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys.


Clothes are the lowest priority for an engineer, assuming the basic thresholds for temperature and decency have been satisfied.  If no appendages are freezing or sticking together, and if no genitalia are in plain view, then the objective of clothing has been met; anything else is a waste.


Dating is never easy for engineers.  A normal person will employ various indirect and duplicitous methods to create a false impression of attractiveness. Engineers are incapable of placing appearance above function.

Fortunately, engineers have an ace in the hole.  They are widely recognized as superior marriage material: intelligent, dependable, employed, honest, and handy around the house.  While it’s true that many normal people would prefer not to date an engineer, most normal people harbor an intense desire to mate with them, thus producing engineer-like children who will have high-paying jobs long before losing their virginity.

Male engineers reach their peak of sexual attractiveness later than normal men, becoming irresistible erotic dynamos in their mid-thirties to late-forties.  Just look at these examples of sexually irresistible men in technical professions:

  • Bill Gates.
  • MacGyver.
  • Etcetera.

Female engineers become irresistible at the age of consent and remain that way until about thirty minutes after their clinical death.  Longer if it’s a warm day.


Engineers are always honest in matters of technology and human relationships.  That’s why it’s a good idea to keep engineers away from customers, romantic interests, and other people who can’t handle the truth.  Engineers sometimes bend the truth to avoid work.  They say things that sound like lies but technically are not because nobody could be expected to believe them.  The complete list of engineer lies is listed below.

“I won’t change anything without asking you first.”

“I’ll return your hard-to-find cable tomorrow.”

“I have to have new equipment to do my job.”

“I’m not jealous of your new computer.”


Engineers are notoriously frugal.  This is not because of cheapness or mean spirit; it is simply because every spending situation is simply a problem in optimization, that is, “How can I escape this situation while retaining the greatest amount of cash?”


If there is one trait that best defines an engineer it is the ability to concentrate on one subject to the complete exclusion of everything else in the environment.  This sometimes causes engineers to be pronounced dead prematurely.  Some funeral homes in high-tech areas have started checking resumes before processing the bodies.  Anybody with a degree in electrical engineering or experience in computer programming is propped up in the lounge for a few days just to see if he or she snaps out of it.


Engineers hate risk.  They try to eliminate it whenever they can.  This is understandable, given that when an engineer makes one little mistake the media will treat it like it’s a big deal or something.


*   Hindenberg.

*   Space Shuttle Challenger.

*   SPANet(tm)

*   Hubble space telescope.

*   Apollo 13.

*   Titanic.

*   Ford Pinto (with Firestone 500 tires).

*   Corvair.

The risk/reward calculation for engineers looks something like this:

RISK:   Public humiliation and the death of thousands of innocent people.REWARD: A certificate of appreciation in a handsome plastic frame.  Being practical people, engineers evaluate this balance of risks and rewards and decide that risk is not a good thing.  The best way to avoid risk is by advising that any activity is technically impossible for reasons that are far too complicated to explain.  If that approach is not sufficient to halt the project, then the engineer will fall back to a second line of defense:

“It’s technically possible but it will cost too much.”


Ego-wise, two things are important to engineers:

*   How smart they are.

*   How many cool devices they own.

The fastest way to get an engineer to solve a problem is to declare that the problem is unsolvable.  No engineer can walk away from an unsolvable problem until it’s solved.  No illness or distraction is sufficient to get the engineer off the case.  These types of challenges quickly become personal—a battle between the engineer and the laws of nature.

Engineers will go without food and hygiene for days to solve a problem.  (Other times just because they forgot.)  And when they succeed in solving the problem they will experience an ego rush that is better than sex— and I’m including the kind of sex where other people are involved.

Nothing is more threatening to the engineer than the suggestion that somebody has more technical skill.  Normal people sometimes use that knowledge as a lever to extract more work from the engineer.  When an engineer says that something can’t be done (a code phrase that means it’s not fun to do), some clever normal people have learned to glance at the engineer with a look of compassion and pity and say something along these lines:  “I’ll ask Bob to figure it out.  He knows how to solve difficult technical problems.”

At that point, it is a good idea for the normal person to not stand between the engineer and the problem.  The engineer will set upon the problem like a starved Chihuahua on a pork chop.

Enjoy your week!

(H/T: Matt)

The post Humor: I’m an Engineer So This Isn’t “Cultural Appropriation”: Engineer Identification Test appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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