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Thursday • September 19 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 6 min 6 sec ago

Breaking: New Hampshire Will NOT Require Students to Get the COVID Vaccine to Attend School

Sat, 2022-10-22 12:00 +0000

The CDC’s advisory committee voted to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of recommended vaccines for children on Thursday. That is not just a bad idea. It is dangerous. But like all things COVID, states and schools might heed the suggestion to require kids to get this junk, just not in New Hampshire.

It’s against the law.

From the New Hampshire Department of Education and Commissioner Frank Edelblut.


“… I am writing to confirm that this recommendation by ACIP has no impact on immunization requirements for students in New Hampshire.

The VFC program allows children to receive ACIP and CDC recommended vaccines, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. The VFC is a federal program, which allows New Hampshire to purchase childhood vaccines at a reduced cost. Participation in the VFC program is voluntary and requires parental consent for a child to receive individual vaccines.

RSA 141-C:1-a provides that no person may be compelled to receive an immunization for COVID-19 in order to access public school districts or school administrative units. There is no change to the required list of vaccines for children entering childcare or K-12 school in New Hampshire (RSA 141-C). The NH Department of Health and Human Services has stated that they have no plans to seek legislative approval to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the required list. Parents and guardians can find more information regarding which vaccines are required for school attendance, in addition to information regarding medical and religious exemptions at


Parents, taxpayers, even administrators, and teachers, please take note. Immunization is optional and at parents’ discretion. Schools may not require it of students or parents who participate in or need lawful access to school property for sports, plays, activities, events, conferences, or even school board meetings.


So the headline could read, “New Hampshire cannot require,” but that protection is transitory. If Democrats get the votes in the Legislature and a willing governor, they will roll that back, and not just for Public Schools.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rep. Nutting-Wong’s House of Mirrors

Sat, 2022-10-22 10:30 +0000

After reading Rep. Allison Nutting-Wong’s (Nashua, Ward 5) recent op-ed that attacked state representative candidate Di Lothrop’s defense of the Republican stand on life, I’m stunned. That’s saying something in these times marked by blatant misrepresentation and untruths regarding our state’s modest protections for the preborn. I thought I could no longer be surprised by any statement a pro-abortionist might make, but I was wrong. Ms. Nutting-Wong’s claims and assertions are deeply and personally offensive to me and many other women who have suffered the unspeakable heartbreak of a miscarriage. If there were an award for editorial malpractice, she’s earned it.

Yes, Ms. Nutting-Wong sadly suffered a miscarriage, which I and many women can personally relate to. In no world can the natural and tragic ending of a pregnancy be conflated with abortion and abortion laws, medical terminology notwithstanding. In fact, our NH law specifically excludes miscarriage from the definition of abortion. And it includes exceptions for the life of the mother and fetal anomalies incompatible with life.

We want to thank Shannon McGinley for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Yet, in the wake of deliberately misleading the reader by equating her miscarriage with the decision to terminate a viable pregnancy, she assumes the mantle of addressing “the confusion and myths” of the other side. It’s like a hall of mirrors – reflect, deflect – it’s an illusion designed to deceive and misdirect.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point: Americans Believe American Government Has Too Much Power

Sat, 2022-10-22 01:30 +0000

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A 54% majority of Americans say the federal government has too much power, while 39% say it has about the right amount of power and 6% say too little. These figures have generally been stable throughout the Donald Trump and Joe Biden presidential administrations. Since 2005, no less than 50% of Americans have said they believe the federal government is too powerful, with some of those readings reaching 60%.

(Image H/T: Gallup)


I’m in the 54% category, I think that the 39% aren’t paying attention, and I have NO idea what that totalitarian 6% is thinking. How MUCH more Government do they want?  Or better, how much do they really think they NEED?  DO “they” need it or are they thinking more that those of us in the 54% and 39% have to be controlled MORE than we are already?

After all, the Declaration of Independence laid out what the primary role and responsibility of government are supposed to be: protecting our Liberty.  Look at it this way – The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen. The smaller the citizen, in making our own decisions for ourselves, means far less Liberty exists.

Are they all for what the Chinese Social Credit system is doing to its subjects? And what the World Economic Forum (e.g, the Davos elite) want to do in the Great Reset and replace our current social contracts (the DoI and our Constitutions) with what is best for them (after all “owning nothing and being happy about it” isn’t very Liberty oriented, is it?).



(H/T: True North Reports)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pandemic of the Vaccintated

Sat, 2022-10-22 00:00 +0000

Anyone who breathes a word about public health, regardless of occupation or position, must step back from the approved narratives and take a serious look at who among us is most likely to spread COVID this winter. You know, to save grandma!

Related: Why Did The NH Hospital Association Stop Tracking The Vaccine Status of COVID Patients?

That’s been the mantra for almost three years. Community transmission, public good, take one for the team, safe and effective! Get your “vaccination” to protect the vulnerable, you selfish bastards.

That’s been flipped on its head and we’ve reported on it more times than I can count. So, what if Walgreens, a member, and benefactor of the largess of the Public Health Industrial Complex, just happened to have a pile of data about positive COVID tests and vaccine status collected from their 8000+ locations?

They did, they do, and it’s not pretty for the COVIDIOTS because if you care about grandma or the community, the vaccinated need a passport so we can tell who is most likely to catch it or infect others.


According to recent data from over 8,000 Walgreens stores in the United States, the unvaccinated have the lowest incidence of COVID-19, and vaccinated people are more likely to test positive. … Last May, Walgreens released the data from April 30 to May 6, 2022. It showed that unvaccinated have the lowest positivity rate for COVID — triple and double-vaxxed groups have the worst rate.


Gateway Pundit has lots of charted data at that link if you like that sort of thing or feel the need to wave in the faces of the Truth-Hesitant Karens clinging to their masks and distancing (no offense to non-Karen “Karens.”) It’s an impressive display of opposite day every day forever.

We were told to get the shot to return to normal and protect those around us. Surprise! The Jabbed are all Typhoid marys, or I guess we could truly say COVID Karens, while the unvaxxed are a mere fraction of the total testing positive.

Remember when testing positive was the Gold Standard? Remember when vaccine status was the Gold standard? The olde days but at this point what difference does it make?

Take this report form Vermont. Cases are up as are hospitalizations and deaths.


Vermont’s statewide Covid-19 levels hit “medium” last week, the state Department of Health reported Wednesday, marking the first time the state has been above “low” levels since June.

According to the department’s weekly surveillance report, the higher rating was based on the number of hospital admissions for the disease, which rose to 73, or 11.7 per 100,000 people, in the past week. That’s the highest rate of hospital admissions reported since mid-May. A rate exceeding 10 hospital admissions per 100,000 people triggers the department’s “medium” designation.

Similarly, the number of people currently in the hospital with Covid reached 66 on Wednesday, the most Covid patients the state has reported since May. That includes six intensive care patients, about in line with recent weeks.


There are lots of charts and graphs and words but not one of them is “vaccinated,” probably because the satet department of health’s recommendation give this change to “Defcon Medium” is to get the new bivalent booster.


​​The department said that a seasonal increase in Covid is not unexpected, while urging people to get the Covid bivalent booster, which targets the Omicron strain of the virus currently dominating the state.

“Freely available bivalent booster vaccines are effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying,” the department said on its website along with the report.


The bivalent booster that never had human test trials and is emergency use authorized by the FDA. I’m sure it’s safe and effective as the previous mRNA”vaccines.” Do it for grandma even though it will probably make you no less infections or contagious, just like its predecessors.

Just don’t tell anyone.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Republican is proud of our pro-life platform

Fri, 2022-10-21 22:30 +0000

A NEW HAMPSHIRE Republican friend of mine said it best: “I cannot believe so many people really do think the most important thing in life is to end it.”

Democrats have been on a voter registration tear since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. There’s just one problem for them — it’s the only issue they have! Their party can’t run on Joe Biden and inflation.

A few of my fellow Republican candidates for state office in New Hampshire are afraid to bring up the abortion issue for fear of losing votes. I personally will not back off because I think it’s important to expose the Democrat lies.

Democrat pro-choice people claim pro-lifers are criminalizing abortion. They claim Republicans are taking away women’s freedom. They are using a deceptive narrative heavy on emotions and light on facts.

We want to thank Di Lothrop for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

It is all that Democrats have in their arsenal. We need to remind voters that abortion is still legal and probably won’t ever go away; it just might be a little harder for some. But it will still be available.

To put it into perspective, say you or a family member, God forbid, had a medical problem that required special treatment or life-saving surgery. You go to your local hospital and find they cannot do the surgery and they send you to another hospital that can treat the condition. It could be 20 miles, 50 miles, or 100 miles away. This doesn’t mean you have lost your freedom to have it done. Your choice was narrowed, but the surgery remains available to you.

The lie from abortion advocates that women’s freedoms have been taken away in New Hampshire is negated. Women still have a choice to go somewhere else. It might be inconvenient to them, but they’ll still have the opportunity to kill their baby.

Another misconception is that the pro-choice movement is “powerful.” That is just another lie. The pro-life movement (which includes Democrats and Republicans) is huge and in the majority. Check out Democrats for Life in America (DLFA) who are focused on ending the mass lethal injustice of abortion.

You don’t hear about those organizations because the Democrat-controlled media won’t promote them. They control the narrative by keeping their dirty little secrets to themselves and instead bombard the masses with pro-abortion lies.

I was pro-choice a hundred years ago, until I discovered the horrific and violent practice of dismemberment abortions on viable preborn humans. I am happy I changed my views.
I especially abhor abortion when it is used as a contraception method. Abortion is one thing for a few exceptions — as in saving the life of a mother, which I support — but it is repugnant to see young women who have multiple pregnancies by multiple men use abortion as casually as a contraceptive.

It is the moral decadence of our society. If we don’t push back on abortion lies and we remain quiet, then we appear to condone it.

Long-time conservative activist Di Lothrop (R) is a candidate for state representative in Nashua’s Ward 5.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Damn I Missed It! – Wednesday Was International Pronouns Day

Fri, 2022-10-21 21:00 +0000

October 19th was international pronouns day, and I missed it. What a bummer, not that I have a clue what an international pronoun might be,

So I looked.

I found,  Reflexive Pronouns, Intensive Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Reciprocal Pronouns, and even Personal Pronouns. No International  Pronouns.

But it’s a thing.

The VA “LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator in Spokane, Washington, Daniel McCrary, [sent] out an email to all veterans to remind them to celebrate “International Pronouns Day.”


“I hope this message finds you well. I am sending this out in my LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator (VCC) capacity. Thank you all for the frontline work you do with veterans every day!” McCrary wrote in the email.


I know what you’re thinking. The Veterans Administration can’t manage to care for Veterans, but they are spending my tax dollars on an LGBT Veteran Care Coordinator. Yup! And everyone gets the email no matter their sexual inclinations.


“If you have questions about pronoun use and gender-affirming care, please do not hesitate to contact me!” said on another email.


I have questions, but you won’t affirm my “gender,” if I ask.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Real Republican Governors Saying NO To CDC’s New COVID-“Vaccine” Mandate For Schoolchildren … What Sayeth Sununu?

Fri, 2022-10-21 19:30 +0000

The response from New Hampshire’s Governor … the August Sun-King Chris Sununu … to the CDC saying that COVID “vaccines” should be mandatory for children to attend school … NOT MY CALL; I GOT NOTHING TO SAY: IT’S UP TO THE LEGISLATURE.

WHAT A COWARD Chris Sununu is. Here is what REAL Republican Governors are saying. It’s a hard and unequivocal NO:

The post Real Republican Governors Saying NO To CDC’s New COVID-“Vaccine” Mandate For Schoolchildren … What Sayeth Sununu? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Is Great! This Is Exactly How We Normals Should Be Treating These Self-Righteous Self-Indignant Climate Nincompoops

Fri, 2022-10-21 19:30 +0000

Climatistas all over (more in Europe than here in the US – so far) are doing all kinds of stunts that just make Normal people mad.  Oh, they are calling attention to the “fact” that we’re all gonna die if we don’t immediately surrender our standards of modern living RIGHT NOW.  Sorry, living at a Stone Age level of life? Might as well die but they just won’t leave the rest of us alone. They block streets, block highways, despoil art, stop new nat gas lines for electricity (and here in the Northeast, heat our homes in winter), and shut down coal electricity plants….the list is endless.  Lately, these “protesters” are gluing themselves to “stuff.  There’s this great reaction from a couple of climatists that superglued themselves to the asphalt road during rush hour to “bring awareness” that we are killing our planet by driving gas-fueled cars – and the police just yank their hands off the tar and haul them off to the local clink:

Note that the young woman barely squeaks out a “owe!” while the “man” does a worse acting job than an NBA player trying to “play the ref”. And if that is real, serves him right for inconveniencing a lot of other people.  Love the officer’s reaction: yeah, yeah, yeah. I do note that after the high school acting, you can see the young woman’s hand – it is missing a good bit of skin as she sits there in silence contemplating that Urkel line: “Did I do

But this next one is FAR better – just ignore them completely (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Hilarious: This May Just Be the Best Response to Climate Change Radicals

…The usual reaction to people like this has been to cut them loose or free them from the glue and arrest them.

But the folks at Volkswagen may just have had the best response ever to this kind of idiocy. Sixteen members of “Scientist Rebellion” (which looks like an offshoot of Extinction Rebellion) went to the Porsche pavilion at Volkswagen’s Autostadt in Germany. Nine of them glued themselves to the floor, they also had six other people, and one of the glued “scientists” claimed that some were “on hunger strike until our demands to decarbonize the German transport sector are met.”

Yeah, trying to extort people using your own deaths as a bargaining chip is one that I’ve never EVER listened to or taken seriously.  If that’s what you want to do, kill yourself over something this stupid as a political stunt, knock yourselves out.  I really don’t care so leave me out of it.  If you want to be remembered (IF you are!) as “that guy” that depends on the politeness of others to survive, well, SURPRISE when you’ve made life harder for others and…they…simply…ignore…you.

This response is GLORIOUS!

But hold on, here comes the best part. Rather than calling the police, getting them loose, and having them arrested, the Volkswagen people left them there and closed, turning everything off, with them glued to the floor, without food, heat, and as, they complained, any way to go to the bathroom.

Well, welcome to the Stone Age – not even a pot to pi** into, eh?  Complaining that you’re going to get cold; isn’t that part and parcel that you are forcing othersdecarbonize into involuntarily?  YOU HAD A CHOICE – and you made it. Decisions have consequences and this is yours – you just got EXACTLY what you are protesting FOR – decarbonized!

Such a forlorn look on his face.  What was he, and the other monomaniacs, thinking?  Going to an auto display and being decarbonized welcomed with open arms?  Stupidity reigns supreme!

Shoulda thought of that before the superglue dried, eh sport?

Absolutely the correct response – ignore them. Completely. Remove all vestiges of modern life – heat, light, and they should have brought their own bowls.

Which is another point – what self-respecting protester who is trying to “bring down” an industry sector relies on the folks you want to put out of business to give you ANYTHING??  Isn’t that a rather big ego of you?  That those people are supposed to supply you with ANYTHING???

A couple of tweets were included in the article:

You’ve nailed it mate. No heating, no lights. You’ve successfully decarbonized the hall that you are in. Let us know how it’s working out for you, and see if you can join the dots.

Quite a few pithy comments making fun of the situation into which they’ve put themselves. But they’ve succeeded in the micro – the heat in the building, supplied by fossil fuels, has been “withdrawn” from them. They should consider that a success – they WON as they now have no fossil-based heat. But just wait for the shivering to set in. And nobody there cares. Nor should anyone care. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Every time one of these nitwits want to make themselves a permanent part of an inanimate object like a floor or a wall, just walk away.  For a day – and then return to smile at them. Then walk away again for another day.  After all, they put themselves there and I have no compassion for people who are demanding attention from others but get ignored. Serves them right.

Then let the police, maybe, get them out and escort them to the nearest subway station and let them make their own way home.

And get yet another set of people mad at their “mission” in making others miserable.

Smart people there at VW – I hope that many more people watch this and learn.




(H/T: RedState)


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Watch as Massive Dome of Jakarta Islamic Centre Grand Mosque Burns then Collapses

Fri, 2022-10-21 18:00 +0000

No planes full of jihadis appear to have been involved in the destruction of Jakarta’s Grand Mosque. The Islamic center caught fire, flames engulfing the massive dome until it collapsed. All caught on video.

“BREAKING: The dome of the Jakarta Islamic Centre Grand Mosque in Koja, Indonesia has collapsed after being engulfed in flames during renovations”




If it happened during renovations, it was definitely an “inside job.”

Exit Question: who will be the first to blame climate change?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2022-10-21 16:30 +0000

I have not only found a few more sources for memes, but I have also had memes sent to Skip and/or Steve to be sent on to me. I’ve found many worthy… and thank you for sending them along.  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.

In light of the recent CDC ruling on Covid Jabs and kids… here are four IMHO very hard-hitting cartoons.  Concepts by yours truly.  I tremble that parents all over the country will obey, and then learn what “liability free” really means.





Far, far, far too many will “trust the science” until it’s too late.









There’s a scene in the classic movie “Planet of the Apes” where Taylor (Charlton Heston) is about to set out into the forbidden zone.  Dr. Zeus warns him that he might not like what he finds.  All these greenies wishing for actual Net Zero… won’t like the life they find.









To take no action, is an action”, is an oriental proverb.









I stay awake.

Now, for the most part, I truly pity these people who took it in good faith – particularly those who took it early.  But for those who are in the system, part of the pharma matrix like employees who know and keep quiet, I simply say: FASTER PLEASE.  That these people who, IMHO, desperately drove this stuff are still kicking and haven’t ADE’ed out, or stroked out, or SADS’ed out, etc., is a gross travesty of injustice.  Faster!  Faster!!







Pick of the Post:



This is why I don’t fit in at parties and many social events.  I hate “small talk” aside from introductions.  I want to discuss things that matter.  The Jab, particularly in children.  The economy and inflation and shortages.  What the average Joe-or-Jane Doe can do.  The danger of the situation in the Ukraine spreading, and the parallel danger of China vs. Taiwan.  And so on.  Related is this one:



All people want to do is talk sports, or fashion, or whatever.  I had a conversation last week with someone and he was all about his favorite football team.  Fifteen endless minutes about their season, the quarterback, specific plays they did.  OK, you like the team, I get it.  But there are things afoot in the world that are far, far, far more important than your f*cking football team.  And if, as one example, the US gets EMPed and we haven’t hardened the grid, I sincerely doubt there’s going to be another season – for years – for you to gush over.  Assuming you’re even alive.



And if they recognize that I’m talking at all, it’s always “Oh, that can’t happen”.  I’ve literally had people look at me when I say something as they’re talking about Covid and/or the Jab, like “Not one healthy child died of Covid in the US, not one”, and then continue talking like I had said nothing.




Palate Cleanser:









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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Europe Committed to Replacing Russian Fossil Fuel Dependence With … Rolling Blackouts in Freezing Temps?

Fri, 2022-10-21 15:00 +0000

There is a narrative percolating through the internet that ‘Europe’ should have enough natural gas this winter. They spent a small fortune to fill storage tanks (infrastructure) built for this sort of thing, much of it with LNG from the US. So why is the BBC prepping scripts to calm folks during blackouts?

Related: Northeast Activists Still Working to Ensure We All Freeze to Death

The Guardian has obtained scripts from the BBC to be read over the air if a “major” power loss results in phone, internet, banking, and traffic light failures across England, Wales, and Scotland. The broadcast could be received over FM radio or “long-wave frequencies usually reserved for Radio 2 and Radio 4,” according to the UK news outlet.

“One draft BBC script warns that a blackout could last for up to two days, with hospitals and police placed under ‘extreme pressure,’” The Guardian shared.

Another script for a potential news bulletin reads, “Officials are saying there is no current risk to food supply and distribution. But they’re asking people to look out for vulnerable neighbours and relatives.”


This seems a bit ironic.

They are preparing scripts in the event of power outages resulting from a headlong embrace of a flawed energy strategy without any backup plan. Sorry, my mistake. Europe has a backup plan.

Related: Pay Attention America: Winter is Coming, and Green Energy Can’t Keep Europe Warm


In May 2022, [European Commission president Ursula] Von Der Leyen declared regarding Russia’s restriction of gas supplies, “This behavior has only strengthened Europe’s resolve to get rid of Russian fossil fuel dependency, rapidly.”

“The climate cannot wait. But now the geopolitical reasons are evident, too. We have to diversify away from fossil fuels. We have set our course already towards climate neutrality. So now we must accelerate our clean energy transition.”


The answer is more of what didn’t work and won’t work. Yes, all-in, they are, and no turning back. The climate can’t wait… for them to kill people, so there’s more of it for them. A strategy that appears to have been duplicated in the northeast where, unlike Europe, we lack the infrastructure to prepare for an oil, gas, or electricity “shortage.”

Related: Vermont Democrats Want You to Freeze to Death

We have to hope there’s a foreign tanker filled with natural gas willing to divert to Boston at a cost higher than our already unaffordable energy prices.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Halloween Horror Films (For Leftists)

Fri, 2022-10-21 13:30 +0000

Following the success of their feature film hits Run, Hide, Fight and the Shut In, the crew at the Daily Wire have their sites set on Halloween.  Though conservative horror films are a relatively new genre they are confident there is a viewing audience awaiting their latest offerings.

“We’re living through a live-action horror story every day under Biden,” quips co-founder Ben Shapiro.

“We’re literally moments away from a transgender president leading us into World War III – what can be more horrifying than that?” rejoinders his counterpart Jeremy Boreing.

Not content with simply making films that appeal to their conservative base, they hope to use horror films to connect with their leftist critics and turn them into fans.

Believers in the American dream ready to capitalize on the current American nightmare, the two entrepreneurs are excited about their latest list of movies slated to hit the online box office in time for Halloween.


Don of the Red features conservative talk show host Steven Crowder in his acting debut as Donald Trump turned zombie after a series of failed COVID-19 booster shots infect him and a massive crowd of supporters who likewise get the free vaccine boosters at one of his rallies’s outside of San Francisco.  The undead flesh-eating horde stumbles into the streets of the Golden Gate city, where they attack the citizenry until a small band of gay men is left to defend what remains of humanity, only to realize they can’t procreate.  This dystopian nightmare also features cameos from Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsome.

The Texas Ballot Box Massacre takes place in Austin, Texas where the local Democrat operatives plan to steal the election. Utilizing the strategy uncovered in D’nesh Disouza’s film 2,000 Mules the bold liberals set out to stuff the ballot boxes only to find out the hard way Texas law allows citizens to fire at will on those committing election fraud.  A blood bath ensues around the city as armed bandits stake out ballot stations waiting for the right time to bring swift justice.  Starring Ted Nugent and Alex Jones with cameos by Herschel Walker and Larry Elder.

Nightmare on Carlson Street sees Gina Carano playing Jennifer Lawrence who is taunted and haunted by her real life nightmare stalker Tucker Carlson.  Set in suburban Louisville, Lawrence aspires to leave her conservative roots and head to Hollywood where she hopes to realize her dreams only to be confronted with the ghoulish fiend Carlson.  Carlson tortures the poor woman with lengthy monologues about foreign policy, ridiculous elitists and border security all while laughing hysterically as she begins to unravel.  She appeals to her family to get her help only to find they believe in Carlson and every word he says.  The surprise and tragic ending to the film takes place at a fish house overseeing the Mississippi river.  Carlson is ably played by Jim Carey and the cast includes Jon Voigt and Angelina Jolie as Lawrence’s racist father and fascist sister.

Borrowing the plot line from Stephen King’s Carrie the thriller Karen is sure to turn heads and induce vomiting.  Staring Kathy Bates as Karen the film is a whirlwind tour of the daily life of an underappreciated woman whose need for authority can only be obtained by force.   Set in the small coastal town of Naples, Florida where she terrorizes the locals into living right, Karen is more than just a rebuke of modernity and the lack of politically correct values.  This movie is a commentary on why some people are better than others and why that age old axiom is worth killing over with an axe.  Co-starring Whoopie Goldberg as the loyal friend with guest appearances by Rosie O’Donnell and Jeb Bush.

No Safe Spaces is a psychological thriller starring recently transitioned Eliot Page as newly matriculated freshman who finds her college campus is filled with free thinking people who dare to dialogue.  Page’s fragile sense of identity is challenged in class by an unsympathetic professor leading her to seek the safety and solitude she had back in her Seattle high school, only she’s not in Seattle but Hillsdale College in Michigan.  Page tries mightily to find safe spaces both on and off campus yet her attempts are futile and she must grapple with the reality that not everyone agrees with her.  Co-starring James Woods as the professor this film will leave you squirming in your seat ready to run for the door once it’s over.

The Blue Pill is another psychological thriller that goes after alpha males who are overdue for a comeuppance.  Three middle-aged conservative men all living in the liberal enclave of Madison, Wisconsin share a common suffering – erectile dysfunction.  Targeted by their Facebook algorithm they all take a chance on this little blue pill which promises hours of masculinity only to find the secret plan of its left-wing chemist is the opposite.  Rather than launch them into testosterone fueled erotic sessions with their disenchanted spouses the pills change their estrogenous M-RNA turning them into soy latte drinking beta-males with a penchant for art shows and drum circles.  This character study sees the men all slowly descend into a liberal hell they cannot escape as the blue pill creates its own addiction by slowly and methodically turning them into sensitive girly-men.  Starring Kurt Russel, Sam Eliot and with Jeff Goldblum as the evil chemist The Blue Pill will have you begging for the Red Pill.


Which of these movies would you most like to see from the Daily Wire?  Please let us know in the comment section below.

The post New Halloween Horror Films (For Leftists) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Thinks Trump Supporters Are “Lice, Fleas, and the Blood-Sucking Ticks.”

Fri, 2022-10-21 12:00 +0000

I learned something new today. Former RNC chairman (2009-2011) Michael Steele (no known relation to Christopher of the fake Dossier) has a paid gig as a political analyst at MSNBC. So, while Christopher got paid to collect lies, Michael gets paid to create them. And he does.

Related: Those 87,000 Armed IRS Agents Are Coming for Your Free Speech

On a recent MSNBC appearance, he had what, in the grand scheme of things, was not as unkind as an opinion you might find on The View but glowing, it was not.


“Kevin McCarthy has not learned from the history of three prior Republican speakers of the House who’ve all been thrown out by their Republican caucus. Stop and think about that — what Republicans have done to themselves going back to Newt Gingrich, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan, right?” Steele said.

“So McCarthy is now next in line with a base that is prepared to throw him out should they allow him to be speaker,” he added. “Kevin has decided to make his bed and is prepared to lie down with the lice, the fleas, and the blood-sucking ticks.”


Two things (probably more). First, McCarthy and Steele are stitched from the same shoddy cloth. They are both republican elites content to feed at whatever trough the Left will allow. Kiddie table? Sure! At least we’re at a table.

You know the sort. We have one for our governor here in New Hampshire. Their Republican party is not ours, and if demeaning a significant portion of them earns them favor on the Left, they might take a shot.

Second, as is noted at the source link, Steele has taken this disregard to a new low, not for Democrats, but nearly. By openly equating Trump supporters with parasites, he appeases the intolerance of the Left while dehumanizing them (at least he didn’t call them lumps of cells).


Shockingly, a political analyst on a prominent cable news outlet was permitted by the network and its MAGA-loathing host, Wallace, to dehumanize millions of Donald Trump-aligned conservatives by comparing fellow Americans to parasites for simply having different political views from Democrats in power and RINOs who support them.


It’s not shocking. In the Red speech, that Biden fellow opened the door to any act of dehumanization. Everything is permitted.


This is straight-up Nazi imagery. This is the kind of language that historically has been the prelude to a massacre. …  So all that’s left is brute force. Will the Biden regime resort to brute force to crush its political opponents, with applause from useful idiots such as Michael Steele? The groundwork is being laid.


This is not new in the US or uncommon in politics generally, but when high-profile figures ape this narrative, bad things follow. And not just for the so-called MAGA-Republicans. A government and leaders (and pundits) permitted to use these tactics without pushback will direct them to everyone or anyone as the need arises. And it will.

Related: The Biden Administration Summed Up In One Short Video

That includes groups like BLM and Antifa, should they perk up and get pissy about their place on the progressive identity politics totem.

If you let them go down this road uncontested, and in the case of BLM and Antifa in particular, help them the way the King’s guards “helped” King Henry II with his Thomas Becket problem, you deserve what you get. The authoritarian Left will let you help them (want you to help them), but the moment you appear to be a problem or a distraction, they’ll come for you “with F-15s and Nukes” to borrow a metaphorical turn of phrase from “Brandon.”

Imagery that means by any means at our disposal – to facilitate your disposal.

If you think I’m kidding, pick up a history book, if you can find one, and look at Venezuela, Cuba, China, Russia, Italy, and Germany. Assuming they’ve not all been rewritten.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Which Costs More and Scares You Less: Halloween or the 2022 Election?

Fri, 2022-10-21 10:30 +0000

Many Americans will spend October stoking fear and building tension, with no shortage of blood-curdling screams. Then there’s Halloween. Over a two-year period, more than $9 billion will be spent on Election 2022.

Money will be thrown at Americans to get them to choose between political candidates and parties, just like it will be spent on Marvel costumes, candy corn, and the rest. Between the midterm elections and Halloween celebrations, U.S. spending will total upwards of $20 billion, dominating public discourse.

While Halloween spending is driven by market demand and impervious to criticism (as it should be), election-related spending drives some people crazy. Spending money to promote your ideas is far scarier than Halloween to those whose ideas your particular spending may oppose.

Campaign finance “reform” is now a top priority of the Democratic Party, with End Citizens United spokesman Adam Bozzi claiming “it’s both good policy and good politics.” (Side note: End Citizens United, as a nonprofit organization, does not disclose its own donors.)

The Left’s insistence on shutting down free speech and free association is strangely obsessive when it comes to politics. It seems like only speech and association that has to do with the electoral system and the democratic process are worth condemning, despite the fact that they form the very foundations of our democracy.

What is democracy but your freedom to organize and communicate on behalf of your ideas? And yes, meaningful communication requires spending money—something Democrats have no problem with, so long as their ideas are being communicated.

But, as long as you’re not spending money on politics, it’s quite alright. And, yes, a Marvel Halloween is quite alright. Consumerism is a good thing, just like money in politics is a good thing. In fact, American politics needs more money in it, not less, because political spending is associated with the free flow of ideas. It is a reflection of public discourse in the idea marketplace, with the most popular ones (like Marvel) dominating the discourse while the least popular ones (sorry Green Lantern) ultimately fade away. Similarly, candy choices with the most appeal attract the most consumer dollars, while the organic alternatives get thrown away.

That’s the whole point. The market is the ultimate freedom: Taking the product of your own hard work (or that of your parents) and spending it on whatever ideas—or candy—you may choose. In politics, good ideas attract money, just like sugary candy attracts the most kids.

Winning candidates and political parties draw attention from donors large and small. Of course, losing ones (i.e. Michael Bloomberg) can flood the political system with billions of dollars, but money is no guarantee of victory. Bloomberg knows that better than most, and plenty of candy ideas are just as flawed. But, some people liked Bloomberg, and the “top 10 worst candies ever” list is admittedly rife with my own childhood favorites!

So why shouldn’t we be free to choose, in any marketplace, what’s right for us?

No amount of money will get Americans to embrace ideas that aren’t actually popular, just like you can’t pay me enough to eat Hot Tamales for Halloween.

The amount of money in politics is a barometer of civic engagement writ large, and civic engagement is inherently beneficial to democracy. A democratic system can’t function with it. The more money spent, the more people are engaged and the more ideas compete to curry favor in the marketplace. Just like in the U.S. economy and on candy shelves, competition leads to greater consumer choice, and more personal freedom.

Leading up to Election Day, here’s a pro tip: Don’t listen to Democrats crying wolf about political spending. Keep dressing up as Spiderman, keep eating your Skittles, and keep contributing to American democracy.

Free speech and free association are every bit as sweet as candy corn.


Dan Backer is a veteran campaign counsel, having served more than 100 candidates and PACs, including two of the largest pro-Trump super PACs, and now Ready for Ron. He is of counsel at Chalmers & Adams LLC, a political law and litigation firm.

The post Which Costs More and Scares You Less: Halloween or the 2022 Election? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What are the Benefits of Playing Crash Games?

Fri, 2022-10-21 09:00 +0000

Online casinos keep growing daily, especially since the introduction of new games. Among several other innovations, crypto crash games seem to have caught the attention of betting people. It is safe to say that the rapid popularity of cryptocurrencies also contributed to the adoption of crash games.

A crypto trader would be more familiar with a crash game due to its similarity with trading. Every bettor keeps betting on a multiplier while they observe the game trends. However, once the bet crashes, a player may lose all capital. As a result, bettors are encouraged to keep withdrawing their payout at intervals.

In this article, we shall unravel why crash gambling is the best form of betting.

Ease of Usage

Although the ease of playing a crash game depends on the website’s interface, the game is simple to understand. Most websites will have simple interfaces that will be easy to use and understand.

Before choosing a website, you should make sure that it is reputable. All certified websites will have easy-to-spot certifications that identify them as legitimate.

High Convenience and Accessibility

You can easily register for crash gambling from anywhere across the internet through your mobile device. Crash gambling is also compatible with several devices, including iPhones, Android, and PCs.

However, you may need to confirm your eligibility status before registering on a website. This will help you determine if any restrictions are placed on crash gambling within your region.

Access to Many Game Options

Playing a crash game is more fun when there are varieties of options to choose from. The beauty of online casinos is the invention of new games in their collections.

As a bettor, you can expand your gambling portfolio by diversifying your bets. This will possibly earn huge profits for gamblers who understand gaming strategies.

Meanwhile, as you read further, you shall discover possible strategies to implement. Also, the welcome bonus on each platform gives players a chance to try out different games before investing their own money.

You can try out these welcome bonuses until you choose the most suitable games for you.

Exclusive Offers and Bonuses

Players interested in crash gambling do not necessarily need to stake their real money. There are various offers and bonuses you can maximize.

You can wager any additional coins you win from a particular game. However, only players who meet the terms and conditions are eligible for exclusive bonuses.

Sometimes, you must have generated a loyalty account before accessing exclusive bonuses. Nevertheless, these perks are easy to access if you are consistent with a particular website.

Is Crash Gambling Profitable?

Unfortunately, not every player is good at betting. Thus, they wonder if a crash game will ever earn them profit. The good news is that many players have become millionaires from crash gambling, and you can also have the same record.

You may start by practicing with a free game plan until you know how the crash game works. More so, patience is needed to become a successful gambler.

Below are some strategies that can contribute to the success of your crash gambling experience.

Automatic Cashout

Auto-cashout is a less active form of gambling. You need to set up the expected payout on every bet you make. For instance, choosing a 2.5x wager would mean receiving $5 from betting $2. You can also set your wager as high as 5x. However, bear in mind that the higher the value, the greater chances of losing, but the higher the payout.

Martingale Betting Strategy

The Martingale is a popular betting strategy adopted by many gamblers today.

Here is how it works; a player can choose to keep doubling their bet after losing the previous one.If you bet 20$ and lost, you would bet 40$ in the next round.

If you won the second bet, you would recover the amount you lost with the initial bet. However, when you lose the stake, you neither get your capital nor your intended ROI. Thus, the best way to implement this strategy is to keep staking until you win.

Anti-Martingale Betting Strategy

This is considered the best strategy for every crash game. The anti-Martingale, or reverse Martingale, strategy entails halving a bet each time there is a trade loss and doubling it each time there is a gain.

The most experienced players employ this strategy.

We hope we were able to elucidate your doubts regarding crypto crash games. Time to find a good website and start your venture!



The post What are the Benefits of Playing Crash Games? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sad, Depressing, and Deluded

Fri, 2022-10-21 01:30 +0000

Just read that Joy Behar of the (View?) or whatever they call it on TV, read a pole saying 71% of Americans believe our democracy is in danger, but only 7% rank it a high concern, and she is “sad and depressed.” Whoopie chimed in, saying “that’s why I don’t like polls.”

Can I say, here are two rich, totally self-absorbed, disassociated from reality personalities.

Joy might want to consider how real people are mostly concerned with putting food on the table, heating their homes, paying their rent or mortgage, and buying gas to get to work every day.

As for Whoopie, yeah, if I were a leftist I wouldn’t like hearing this either.

But back to Joy. I’m sure she believes the danger to democracy isn’t from her side, which it is, so she is in denial. She is unable to put together facts such as the Left’s crusade to end fossil fuel use without having any viable replacement for it. Pushing absurd mandates down the throats of the American people. Opening the southern border to violent criminals, drugs, sex trafficking, and terrorists. That this has created that depression. Yes, DEPRESSION. This was not done by any other than the leftist Marxist Socialists now in power.

Inflation, according to these geniuses, was created by the pandemic and (yes, she said) the “Iraq War.”

Okay, she corrected that, but this is what the left always does; blame someone or something else for the problems (disasters) they create.

There is not one Biden order, mandate, or program anyone can point to that has not failed in spectacular fashion. Take the six-plus years of investigations, hearings, and unsupported allegations by the FBI, Justice Dept., Homeland Security, and every intelligence agency under government control trying to link President Trump to a crime. None of these have found one ounce of evidence against Trump, not one.

Since they can’t get Trump, they are going after everyone and anyone who supports him. Raids by the FBI, 86,000 new IRS agents to harass and intimidate American citizens looking for even some minor mistake on their taxes.

So yes 71% of Americans believe our democracy is in danger; why wouldn’t we? But Joy, it’s because of people like you, not Trump supporters.

The post Sad, Depressing, and Deluded appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Reproductive Rights: Callousness or Ignorance

Fri, 2022-10-21 00:00 +0000

The Left is famous for changing names when the old has worn out, didn’t hit the right tone, or was ill-conceived in the first place. Climate Change is a perfect example. Beginning as Global Warming, the name had to be reconsidered as the earth actually cooled from 1940-1970.

Related: The Goal of the “Climate Change” Movement (Ironically) is a Political Climate in Which Nothing Changes

Many believe this happened because of the post-World War II Industrial Revolution that increased atmospheric pollutants blocking the sun. The new name became Climate Change, an accurate description of the constant changes in our atmosphere. However, people like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg have achieved fame and fortune by promoting the warming of our planet. If they had been correct, we would have been extinct a number of years ago. We are still here.

The Northeast is experiencing a colder-than-average fall, Al has his Nobel Prize, and Greta was Time’s youngest Person of the Year.

Reproductive Rights are another example. It has such a positive connotation. The name makes you think of producing new life, so how does it equate to what it really means; the killing of a million babies a year? It doesn’t, but what matters is that abortion and reproductive rights mean the same thing.

The thinking on abortion, like climate change, has changed over the years. The effort to make abortion more acceptable to all people has failed, just like the concept of the world getting warmer to the point of our extinction. The Left has tried to dehumanize the fetus and disavow any signs of life to mechanical failure.

Stacey Abrams, the Democrat candidate for Governor in the fine state of Georgia, declared that the beating sound on a sonogram was not the fetal heartbeat but an echo of the equipment. Nice try, but nobody bought it. What used to be restricted to the first trimester is now boundless. Some states allow the killing of a fetus after it survives an abortion. Simply set it aside, make it comfortable, and it will eventually pass away. That may be the most gruesome example of callousness you could ever find.

Related: Newborn-Killing Dems Pivot on “Women’s Health Care” and End Up Under a Different Narrative Bus

Stacey was not done with the subject and once again placed her big foot in her mouth. She managed to combine the topics of inflation and abortion in one ridiculous comment. In her statement, she suggests that abortion is a tool against inflation.

“Right now we are walking away so often from the real issues that people care about. Abortion is an economic issue. It’s been reduced to this idea of a culture war. But for women in Georgia, this is very much a question of whether they’re going to end up in poverty in the next five years because women who are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies end up within poverty — they’re four times more likely to be impoverished in five years,”

I’m not sure about abortion being a tool, but Stacey Abrams is, and I hope the people of Georgia do not put her in the Governor’s office except to sign the guest book. Maybe she can stick to writing her porn novels.

Democrats insist on making abortion their number one issue in the midterm election. They do so foolishly as there are many concerns above abortion in the polls. This will not be a productive cycle for Democrats, and the polls are showing a bigger gain for Republicans every day. The only question is whether the Right gains just the House or both chambers. Nineteen days and counting.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden-Regime Going All In To RIG Election For NH-Dems … Special “Election Officer” Appointed For New Hampshire

Thu, 2022-10-20 22:30 +0000

As if the election wasn’t already stacked enough in the Democrats’ favor … with WMUR’s Adam Sexton and the rest of New Hampshire’s regime-media carrying on as the unofficial press-secretaries of the New Hampshire Democrats

… now comes the news that Merrick Garland’s and Christopher Wray’s TOTALLY CORRUPT Department of Justice and FBI intend to throw their weight behind the New Hampshire Democrats:

The post Biden-Regime Going All In To RIG Election For NH-Dems … Special “Election Officer” Appointed For New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nineteen States Investigating Major Banks over Biased Net-Zero (ESG) Lending Policies – is Yours One of Them?

Thu, 2022-10-20 21:00 +0000

Nineteen states, led by Missouri AG Eric Schmitt, are investigating Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo for putting UN (BS) Net Zero ESG banking goals ahead of American laws.

Related: Sen. Tom Cotton: CEOs Embracing ESG Might Want to Lawyer Up!



 Missouri farmers, oil leasing companies, and other businesses that are vital to Missouri’s and America’s economy will be unable to get a loan because of this alliance,” said Attorney General Schmitt. “We are leading a coalition investigating banks for ceding authority to the U.N., which will only result in the killing of American companies that don’t subscribe to the woke, climate agenda. These banks are accountable to American laws — we don’t let international bodies set the standards for our businesses.”


This effort follows in the footsteps of Sen Tom Cotton, who made it clear in July that CEOs and banks, in particular, who embrace ESG may be in breach of their fiduciary duties, violating civil trust laws, with the potential for criminal offenses. So, it is not difficult to see why state Attorneys General might want to get into the weeds in the interest of protecting legitimate businesses that would be unfairly impacted by a globalist cult trying to supersede US Law.


The interrogatories in the civil investigative demands are extensive and detailed. They seek to identify the specific commitments the banks made to Global Climate Initiatives, who decided to make them, and details of the staff’s participation in meetings related to the NZBA.  Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia have joined the investigation into the six banks. Five additional states can’t be named due to state laws or regulations regarding confidentiality.


I guess we can’t answer the question asked in the title, but maybe you can work it out for yourselves? My governor plays the “all of the above” energy card to hide how much of a climate stooge he truly is, so I doubt we are one of those five. But that leaves a lot of states from which to choose. Maybe one of them is yours, but you’ll have to do local digging to figure it out.

Just let us know if you do. We want to give credit where it’s due, and since the state’s pushing back is about the only hope we have left for the Republic (Obi-Wan Kenobi), we’d like to encourage it as much as possible.



HT | PJ Media

The post Nineteen States Investigating Major Banks over Biased Net-Zero (ESG) Lending Policies – is Yours One of Them? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Anthony Fauci

Thu, 2022-10-20 19:30 +0000

Robert Kennedy Jr. took it upon himself to challenge Big Pharma as a result of some mothers in his hometown appealing to his legal expertise on behalf of their children, whom they believed had been harmed by vaccines. 

His reluctance was overcome by their persistence and this once environmental lawyer would become David to the Big Pharma, Big Government, and Big Social Media unholy trinity.

He has more than fifteen years of experience in dealing directly with Dr. Anthony Fauci, who became the patron saint of COVID-19 policy in the United States.  In hindsight, we now see the measures endorsed by Fauci and carried out by local, state, and federal government officials can fairly be characterized at best as bad policy and at worst as anti-human and un-American.

Not everyone knows the details of how horribly wrought and executed this pandemic of malpractice was waged in the name of “science” by megalomaniacs and sociopaths who span the globe.  From Thedros Adonham at the WHO to Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerberg and Anthony Fauci, we find would-be world leaders whose incompetence can only be explained by malevolence toward science, medicine, and humanity.

This documentary reveals it clearly.  It’s available for free right now via Facebook (ironically). Please watch and share it with as many people as you love and wish to keep safe from these super-predators.



The post The Real Anthony Fauci appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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