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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
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Karoline Leavitt Is Your Only Choice

Tue, 2022-11-01 19:30 +0000

A public service that advertises the out-of-control spending habits of each officeholder in all 50 states called The FreedomIndex informs us that all citizens’ pocketbooks have been picked for $243,797 dollars.

This is each taxpayer’s share of the Federal debt as of 8/12/22.

New Hampshire 1st district constituents suffer the consequences of their Honorable Representative Chris Pappas voting 124 – 0 in agreement with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s agenda. After checking the congressional scorecard at Freedom Index, a sad truth is revealed: In New Hampshire’s Federal delegation to Congress, both Senators, and Representatives are less loyal to the Constitution than their Massachusetts colleagues.

It’s a sad truth. These officeholders vote like they think the United States Constitution is obsolete.

Has your vote been part of the problem of adding $9,091 to each household budget? If you voted for Chris Pappas, you are part of the problem. He voted for the HR 3684 Infrastructure bill,

And HR 5376, President Biden’s Build Back Better program to implement the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. The cost per household is $13,258. How can you trust one whose loyalty to a party supersedes his loyalty to the U.S. Constitution? He spends your money to buy more regulations and less freedom.

Candidate Karoline Leavitt offers a change for NH 1st District voters. For the first time in decades, there is a choice, I believe, for less spending. Compare her Americanist principles with Rep. Pappas’ self-serving party-line principles, and it’s clear he needs to be replaced.

LEavitt stands tall for the philosophy of government that rewards hard work and individual responsibility. I believe she sees the process that FDR Aide Harry Hopkin’s described: “Tax and Tax, Spend and Spend, Elect and Elect,” as an accurate political strategy the left uses to buy votes with government programs.

So we have Leavitt, who tells voters hard truths of what they don’t want to hear to ensure posterity is blessed with liberty vs. Pappas, who tells the “voters” what they need to know so he can get reelected. Why else would NH’s former great Senator, Bob Smith, campaign for her?

If your source of information comes from high-cost smear cards and TV marketing strategy, you may disagree. But remember, PAC Committees and parties don’t have your freedom as a priority. Just like prescription medicines have side effects, the price of government going higher is the side effect when Congress spends; taxes go up, and liberty declines.

The bottom line is we have an incumbent Congressman who swore before God that he would protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. After his tenure in office, moral scrutiny exposes his dishonesty against “We The People.” For he has continuously broken his promise to that oath that he made before Almighty God. His loyalty is to his party, which is his “god” that determines what is right and wrong. If you want more truth to prevail when you vote, Karoline Leavitt is your only choice.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

To Dems ‘Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

Tue, 2022-11-01 18:00 +0000

When Democrats prattle on about “defending” or “protecting” Democracy, the pat response from the right is ‘we live in a Republic.’ That’s a fact, but it is not compelling if you have to explain, and if you do, odds are you’ve lost them. So, what might carry more weight?

A reality check, as provided here by  E.M. Cadwaladr (emphasis, mine).


I remember talking to a childhood friend a little before the 2016 election.  What he said to me sticks in my memory verbatim because it was so stunning.

“If Trump wins this election, it will be the end of democracy.”

To him, democracy meant something other than a president being elected through the free choice of millions of ordinary voters.  To him, “democracy” meant “the cause,” the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up.  “Democracy,” in other words, could not be left to the people.  It was the proper province of the enlightened and sophisticated few. 


I’m not suggesting you try to make this case verbatim but instead consider the collectivist conscience. To the political Left ‘Democracy’ is not a system where every resident or citizen (legal or otherwise) has a voice. “The last thing that such people would want is an honest election — ever.”


Whatever shakes out after the circus of mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and all the other tricks we’ve come to expect — we must remember that the leadership of the Democrat party does not believe in elections even in principle.  They will not consider any manipulation of the electoral process to be cheating.  In their view, they’re entitled to win.  If I eat a piece of steak, I do not moralize at all about the unfair slaughter of the beast that it was taken out of.  Our political rights, in the eyes of most of the political class, are something on the order of the civil rights of cattle.  This is to say — they are rights they don’t believe exist.


The Left will cheat to win, and they must win. They’ve even institutionalized it.

Hillary Clinton’s PR bit for the latest banner under which the Left has both admitted and justified rampant election fraud is called ‘Indivisible.’ It is committed to rooting out and stopping Republicans from stealing elections. Since Democrats always tell you what they are doing by accusing their opponents of doing it, we know the cheat is on, and there’s no end in sight. And I have to admit; they are good at that.

Related: Reminder: Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy

By creating an echo chamber focused on dishonest narratives from the right, they hope to invalidate (maybe abort is a better word) any argument about election integrity in the womb. Not because they care about honest elections, we know that’s not true. From postmarking late ballots to dismissing verified cases of ballot harvesting and vote buying to inventing them in boxes delivered long after they could legally count (and counting them), Democrats are the party of “stolen election,” and it cannot be denied. But it’s not stealing to them, so their conscience is clear.

For them, this is what is necessary to protect “the democracy,” and to them, Democracy is mob rule.” ‘[T]he cause,’ the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up,” is always messing up.

And I know that I have not delivered to you a dagger of a narrative that could drive home the point, so perhaps I should lean on a previous point and hope you can walk away from this raw material with a tool of your own making.

Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy.


Elections have been tampered with and rigged since the idea of voting first occurred. The pursuit of power by people most likely to abuse it are more often than not those most drawn to it – which guarantees tampering.

Elections are also – even if rigged – a barrier to the progressive agenda. Central planning is inequitable, incompetent, frequently cruel, and destined to devolve into some form of despotism, but that’s what they are after. So when the Left insists that talk about election integrity is little more than wide-eyed conspiracy, what they mean is to thank you for invalidating the institution.


If they can get you to give up voting, they won’t have to steal elections anymore. Their side shows up in person or on paper, and with nothing to stop them, they will use the power to end elections that are anything other than lip service to the one-party state.

While no political system is perfect, we know how that one ends, and while we’ve few options, one thing we can do is vote for every seat and every race and not one of them for Democrats.



HT | American Thinker

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So What’s in Your Child’s Public School Library? I Didn’t Know, So I Did a Right to Know.

Tue, 2022-11-01 16:30 +0000

“Right to knows” are like a Lay’s potato chip; you just can’t eat just one or send only one. So, I sent more than one, more than a few.  And more to come, but here was a first effort. Here was the “payload” (minus the normal boilerplate):

This request is for the Berlin/SAU 3 S

chool District library “card catalog”. This is for any and all books located in the following:

  • District-wide “main” library
    Each school within the District’s “main” library
    If a school has multiple “main” libraries (such as Brockton High, Brockton, MA)
    All classrooms with cataloged books that are tracked by the District.

The information for each Responsive Record shall include:

  • Name of the book
    Name of the Author(s)
    Content Summary
    ISBN identification (or other such designated ID)
    Name of the School
    If a School has multiple libraries, a designation of which library is being referenced (in the case of Brockton High, the five libraries: Red, Azure/Blue, Green, Yellow, and the Science libraries)
    Name/designation of the Classroom within a School

I’ll tell you about the others later (so far, 15 school districts) and it’s not too pretty.

I also know that a whole bunch of folks that normally don’t read GraniteGrok are about to find out as well and they aren’t going to be happy at all in a coupla/few days. They all voted against upholding Parental Rights last year. It’s almost like they agree that Public Schools should be able to override what Parents are trying to teach their children at home with respect to morality…and more.

I certainly don’t want that for mine.

The Berlin School District was an “interesting” case which is why I am using “the payload” from its RTK. I finally did get the card catalog contents for their schools but it took a bit. Turned out to be rather amusing from my perspective but that tale will be posted a bit later on in its recounting.

The important bit: Shouldn’t our elected and appointed officials be held accountable? Shouldn’t they hold themselves to be responsible to We The People? But why do some of our representatives, and the bureaucrats that work for them, go to great length, spending taxpayer dollars, in using lawyers to hide stuff from Parents?

That will continue until we all start telling them, in no uncertain terms, that “We pay your salaries and we put your butts into those seats. We don’t work for you”.

Note: IF you have a hankering / interest to see what’s in your child’s public school library, I can post the entire RTK here and you can adapt it as needed. Just let me know in the comments.

I’d be glad to have your help. You see, I have plans for this information…and the more I get, the better we Parents will be.  And our children.

Second Note: the mention of Brockton High.  That would be Brockton, MA where I grew up. I was in the first Class that entered into the new Brockton High school in 1970 and graduated in 1974.  Half mile long from the Gym building through the “Academic” buildings ending at the Fine Arts building, there were 5600 kids that attended. While it was better equipped than some smaller nearby colleges, it had five libraries – one each in the four Academic buildings and one central Science library.  That’s the reason why I mentioned it in “the payload” because I do not know how the various Districts, especially the larger ones, organize their collections. Thus, it made for a good example.

The post So What’s in Your Child’s Public School Library? I Didn’t Know, So I Did a Right to Know. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

October Surprise

Tue, 2022-11-01 15:00 +0000

Surprise, surprise – we Republicans are all to blame. A white supremacist MAGA supporter invaded the San Francisco home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi and cracked Paul’s head with a hammer. “Yeah, no”!

Related: Paul Pelosi Hammered by a Three-Armed Nude Jehovah Riding an Invisible Unicorn

This is just all too good as the Left’s media stooges are trying to spin a “fairy tail” (pun intended) where this skivvies-clad assailant is said to have wandered through San Francisco to (Fort Pelosi), gained entry without arousing any concerns and then, and then? This is where things get weird, confusing, and somehow just not very believable. After wrestling with the “intruder,” Paul called a “time out” to go to the bathroom to pee. Inside the bathroom, he calls the police saying the invader is David, a “friend”?

Was Paul confused from an already cracked scull, or did that come after the call to the police? Then we learn of the “third man”; where did this guy come from? Okay, it was after three in the morning,  and all were in their undies, and why was David asking where Nancy was? Proof positive of an assassination plot?

Now I don’t know, but there has to have been someone who suspects something is a bit queer about all this? Despite the usually helpful media spin, people are shaking their heads in confusion, if not disbelief, that it all sounds like a frantic made-up cover-up story (like the drunk driver telling the cops the car brakes failed after running over a little old lady in the crosswalk.) And we are all expected to believe all this?

I’m betting the cops aren’t through investigating this yet, but we’re not likely to ever get a straight story from the Leftist-friendly media. I also am betting most people have that “are you kidding me” look on their faces when hearing and reading this stuff. Goes to prove they can make this stuff up.

Add this “surprise” to the already disaster that is the Democratic Party burdened with Biden’s failures and lies being exposed on the “new” Twitter, and things are not looking good for them. Yeah, Nancy would, in truth, be very wise to retire before things get even worse.

And I’m betting they will.


The post October Surprise appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karine: “We Inherited an Economy That Was in Ruins”

Tue, 2022-11-01 13:30 +0000

 The administration has no problem using Karine Jean-Pierre to appear on the Sunday talk shows to blatantly lie about the reality of the economy. Karine is very comfortable with mistruths as she is guilty of spreading them daily. She validated her claim with only one fact.

She stated the unemployment rate in January 2021 was 6% and is now at a historic low of 3.4%. She fails to point out that we were still under lockdowns in 2021, which explains the 6%. And those workers returning is what brought the rate down to 3.4%. It was not Biden’s policies. It was the workplace opening up after the Pandemic. Karine didn’t dare compare the 1.2% inflation rate Biden inherited and how he blew it up to 8.2%

Joe, one thing we know about you from your fifty years in Washington is how the truth challenges you. Remember how you ran for President twice before 2020 and had to drop out in disgrace because you plagiarized yourself twice? Well, apparently, the Democrats don’t remember either, as they lined up behind you in 2020. You have kept your staff busy for the last two years mopping up after your exaggerations, mistruths, and lies. The mainstream media that had covered for you since the campaign now have to call a spade a spade and call you out. The midterms are less than ten days away, and you are on another vacation in Delaware. The Democrats are okay with that, as they do not want you near their campaigns.

Here is a collection of Pinocchio-worthy statements from Joe:

  • There was no vaccine when I took office
  • You will not get COVID if you take the jab
  • Inflation will be transitory
  • Our economy is strong as hell
  • I never told migrants to come to America
  • Build Back Better will cost zero dollars
  • I never talked to my son about his business dealings
  • High gas prices ate Putin’s fault
  • Gas was $5 a gallon when I took office
  • Afghanistan was the most successful evacuation in history

That is just the Top 10, and, of course, I could go on, but this is why no Democrat wants Joe Biden anywhere near their campaign. He has lost any semblance of credibility, and anything he would say would need to be walked back by the White House.

Credibility might be the essential characteristic in a person, but certainly in a leader. Credibility has always been a problem with Biden, but voters looked past it, and now we are paying the price. This shortcoming has hurt us tremendously on the global stage. There is little respect for Biden or any of his surrogates from foreign allies and foes alike. You cannot respect those you cannot trust. The fallout from the White House will be seen on November 8th. The failures of the Biden administration have left nothing for Democrats in Congress or state-level government to run on. This lack of a solid and positive message is why the polls have tightened to dead even, or Republicans leading in solidly blue states.

Nobody trusts polls, and there is only one that is important, and that is Election Day. However, the panic we see in Democrats indicates they are seeing doom in their immediate future. Many are getting their resumes updated and calling lobbyists for job opportunities. I have been tempered in my expectations, but I am getting more confident in a beautiful red wave next Tuesday.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Anyone Interested in Offering Amnesty to COVID Tyrants?

Tue, 2022-11-01 12:00 +0000

Tim Meads has a piece at The Daily Wire about a writer for The Atlantic who is asking for a free pass. On what? All that unnecessary COVID tyranny we had to endure. She’d like a “Pandemic Amnesty.”


 We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID.” In it, Oster lays out several examples of transgressions during that time, such as school closures that led to “alarming” learning loss, Los Angeles closing beaches, and confusion about the efficacy of various vaccines.

In one excerpt, the professor wrote that “getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward.”


That’s an interesting take, like how insisting we all carry vaccine passports or there was no way for the unvaccinated to move anywhere. Who could possibly hold a grudge about any of that except that all the things you now claim were ‘mistakes’ are those we were talking and writing about throughout while “the medical establishment, legacy media, and the Left worked hand-in-hand to demonize anybody who offered different viewpoints about COVID, its origins, or appropriate policies to handle the pandemic.”

Then there’s this unavoidable fact.


The pandemic wasn’t the cause of the Left’s awful governing policies — it was always there. COVID just exposed those flaws.


It’s a point we’ve made on these pages time and again. COVID was a test, and it wasn’t just the Democrats who failed.


Given a taste of power, their first instinct is not just to abuse it but with blatant disregard for the limitations placed on them by State and Federal Constitutions. … You put politics ahead of principle and treated your citizens like a rental car; demonstrated without any doubt that you are incapable of being entrusted with authority.

You arbitrarily closed businesses, fined otherwise law-abiding citizens, constrained movement, killed jobs, and allowed warrantless searches and seizures of property.


So no, you don’t get a pass, not without a complete repudiation of the narratives you embraced and the policies facilitated by them. As Mead reminds us, “true reconciliation requires three things from those requesting it: remorse for one’s actions, the admittance of guilt, and a firm commitment to not repeat those mistakes.”


The Left, and [The Atlantic writer] Oster herself, haven’t done any of that.

They don’t regret their actions because they thought it was all in the best interest of the country. The Left doesn’t admit guilt because they blame evolving science for errors. There is no plan to avoid repeating their mistakes because doing so would mean admitting that their entire political philosophy is a failure.


No amnesty, and God willing, that will make itself evident on the ballot next Tuesday. An election that ought to be a referendum on the COVID snapshot. A look at how life under one-party Democrat rule – regardless of party registration -would look. I’m not convinced that is the case, but only because of inflation and the economy in general.

But on a brighter note, the same people are responsible, so electoral justice may still have its day.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are the Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC Endorsed Republicans Going to Push Back on the CfB Derived Attacks on Nikki McCarter

Tue, 2022-11-01 10:30 +0000

My friend, candidate for state representative Nikki McCarter, has been targeted in a mailing by Citizens for Belknap. If you vote in Belmont, Sanbornton or Tilton, you may have already received a yellow postcard with the title, “Ready for More Chaos?” and on the reverse, “Let’s not get fooled again.” The text goes on to accuse Nikki of being “another Libertarian-pretending-to-be-a-Republican”.

Nikki is a kind, sincere, hardworking, ethical person, a Constitutionalist and fiscal conservative who wants only to serve the people of Belknap County. I’m honored to know her and hope that she will be able to represent me in the NH House of Representatives.

Please do your own research into local candidates and issues and do not rely on the recommendations of this (despite their protestations otherwise) very partisan organization that clearly has an agenda to remove conservatives in Belknap County. Ask yourself why this organization is targeting people who expect our government to abide by the Constitution.

Furthermore and case in point: the quote from Governor Sununu which says:

“These are not Republicans. These are anti-government individuals.”

It was taken completely out of context and was not in any way directed at Nikki. Using the Governor’s quote as they have in this mailing should be enough to discredit anything these people say. The full article including the quote may be found at https: //…/sununu-calls-3-gop…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Now Hiring: Non-Stupid People

Tue, 2022-11-01 01:30 +0000

Having held several jobs that required me to hire, train, or fire people, this seemed like a no-brainer. A sign that says, “Now Hiring Non-Stupid People.” And while the existence of your co-workers might contradict what I’m about to write, that’s usually the goal of everyone who has to hire.

No one wants idiots working for them. They are bad for morale and everything about your business. But you can’t always tell just how stupid someone is until you give them a task -or, more likely, two at once. And speaking of once – once that spot is filled, suffering fools can appear more desirable than looking for new ones.

We’ll train the lad to paraphrase Marine Col. Nathan Jessup from the film ‘A Few Good Men.” But some stupid is too much too soon or too often, and small businesses, in particular, cannot afford to suffer them long.

Such is the case with The Pets Gone Wild Resort. They’ve got animals that need tending, and you can’t be looking at your phone or fooling around, so they got themselves a sign.

Now Hiring Non-Stupid People.

It got a lot of attention – which was the point, and speaking of which, the owner makes several that matter, and he’s happy with the results. But not everyone is happy. Ever.

Make sure you stick around to hear the woman who represents the offended, and let us know what you think.

Length 2 min.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Questions to the Reasonable and Rational Candidates Endorsed by Citizens of Belknap County

Tue, 2022-11-01 00:00 +0000

Citizens of Belknap County consider the four of you reasonable and rational. I think your answers to the following questions will be helpful in determining how rational and reasonable you are.

We want to thank Hal Shurtleff for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

1, The Biden Administration has declared the United States systemically racist. Do you agree?
2, The Biden Administration not only refuses to enforce immigration laws, but it has sent thousands of illegal aliens all over the county. Many of these illegals are habitual criminals, and gang members who are smuggling fentanyl into the country. Do you support the Administration, or do you think immigration laws should be enforced?
3, Many Democrats controlled cities have illegally been declared “sanctuary cities” meaning that they welcome illegal aliens to live in their cities without. Do you support sanctuary cities?
4, The Biden Administration supports biological boys using girls dressing rooms. What is your position?
5, The Democrat Party supports full term abortions and even some like former Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam supports aborting a baby after he or she had been born. What restrictions if any would you put on abortion?
6, What is your position on Critical Race Theory being taught in schools across the United States?
7, Biden and his handlers have declared war against fossil fuels. Do you want to see fossil fuels banned in New Hampshire?
8, Democrats are known to raise taxes in towns, cities, and states that they control. Do you support a state sales tax and a state income tax?
9, How many genders are there?
10, While all rational and reasonable people condemn the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. But when it comes to the riots of 2020, Democrat leaders applauded the violence and some including Kamala Harris raised money to bail out the rioters. One such released rioter went on to commit murder. Do you condemn the riots of 2020.
11, Democrats abolished county government in Connecticut as well as some counties in Massachusetts. Do you want to abolish county governments?
12, Democrats have defunded the police leading to skyrocketing crime in most major U.S. cities. Do you support defunding the police?

Hal Shurtleff,
Alton, NH

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Twitter Flags Joe Biden Tweet – Adds “Reader Context They Thought People Might Want to Know”

Mon, 2022-10-31 22:30 +0000

If you deigned to suffer the intolerable nonsense of Left-Wing Big-Tech Social-Media, you’ve been flagged for something in the past few years. Missing context, community standards, or just not being one of them – only enforced on the political Right. That just changed over at Twitter.

Elon’s commitment to spanking everyone equally (paraphrased) has already raised its hand and taken a swing at that Joe Biden fella or whoever pulls his strings.




If Musk’s commitment to free-speech Twitter does nothing more than apply the same Twitter rules to the left as it has to the Right, it will be a significant improvement.

Watching the progs twist their panties at being challenged in a way they can’t block or mute is priceless. The added context tag in this application is brilliant. They either suffer the burden of having to defend their nonsense or delete it.

I hope they choose to defend it. The result will prove even more embarrassing, but that’s Free Speech? The more there is, the harder it is to pass off your half-baked BS as unimpeachable truth. Or to defend that truth if it is legitimate. And you should be able to defend it.

I hope we see a lot more of this. No more banning, shadow-banning, or virtual prisons for a different opinion and, ideally, none of this tagging for context business. Let the people do that and hash it out. It’s good for the platform and free speech.

But if you intend to keep doing it,  when can we expect some of that on New Hampshire’s current congressional delegation?




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Slip Slidin’ Away” – GOP Candidate Lisa Smart (NH House, Meredith) Slides from Pro-Life to Pro-Choice

Mon, 2022-10-31 21:00 +0000

NH House Candidate Lisa Smart (R) earned a Cornerstone endorsement for being Pro-Life. Cornerstone is a Conservative, Christian-oriented organization. But at the 10-24-2022 Bipartisan Candidate Forum for NH House & Senate, held at the Meredith (NH) Community Center, something changed.

She hedged her stance with the phrase, “…I am Pro-Choice…”  Is this due to the endorsement of the Democrat-founded, funded, organized, and strategized Citizens for Belmont PAC (CFB)?

As one of the few Republicans still standing after the CFB knocked off 10 Conservatives, she was attacked by actual Democrats in the media/social media.

Flip-flop or a desperate attempt to keep from being crowded out by the two real Democrats running in the two-seat race (and she’d be the third man out)?

Appreciate that this Lakes Region Public Access ( video was brought to my attention.

As I do many times (but not always), I leave it up to you to make the decision:


However, in general, it is NEVER a good idea to change Principles in mid/late stream for political expediency (er, I WON’T GET ELECTED IF I DON’T FLIP-FLOP!!). Even those that aren’t immersed in the steaming mess that is politics just before an election can suss that out.



The post “Slip Slidin’ Away” – GOP Candidate Lisa Smart (NH House, Meredith) Slides from Pro-Life to Pro-Choice appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another NH School Vaccinates a Child After The Parent Told Them No!

Mon, 2022-10-31 19:30 +0000

As I warned months ago, the CDC’s agenda of turning schools into medical and mental health clinics will become a big problem. Recently children in Nashua and Rochester were vaccinated despite their parents’ objections.

I heard from a parent in Rochester who said her kindergarten daughter was given the flu vaccine after she sent documentation instructing school officials and Keady Medical not to vaccinate her child.


Here is an article from 2021 where:

Rochester’s Superintendent Kyle Repucci announced that Rochester Public Schools collaborated with the Rochester Fire Department, Strafford County Public Health Network and the University of New Hampshire to hold a series of clinics to offer COVID-19 vaccines to students in Rochester Schools.

In a school district that is struggling to teach children basic math, their Superintendent thought it was a good idea to start a medical clinic to vaccinate the children. Someone needs to tell Repucci to “STAY IN YOUR LANE!!!!!  Whether it is mental health or medical health, public schools have enough trouble with their mission of educating children. Adding more to their plate is foolish, and can be dangerous to your children.



The flu vaccine can cause mild to severe medical problems.  In this case, the parent was concerned about the vaccine being distributed to her daughter at school. Many parents would like to observe their child after a vaccine is injected.

The clinic was set up in the school library for kindergarten children who are about five years old. The vaccine is not supposed to be administered if a child is sick. Sometimes a young child cannot make that determination, but that didn’t matter to those in charge. In this case, the parent said her daughter was sick at the time of the forced injection.

Students from UNH came in and administer the vaccine under the supervision of a registered nurse. After this physical assault, the clinics were suspended, and the contract was canceled. So who will be accountable?

Let me guess, Kyle Repucci will take NO responsibility for this horrible decision. They never do.

What will the school board do? Look to the taxpayer-funded attorneys instead of representing the child and parent who are supposed to be represented by them?  You are elected by the people, not to make excuses for bad decisions by school administrators, but to hold them accountable.

Anyone with common sense would understand that turning schools into medical or mental health clinics,  could lead to bigger problems. This is not the mission of the school district, yet here we are.

The parent was told that the person administering the vaccine never looked at the paperwork to check to see if she had consented. The parent was also told that the closing nurse noticed the medical error, and then contacted her boss. After that, everyone was notified, even the governor. Why was the governor involved in this? Did this go through the Department of Health and Human Services? Where is the money coming from to turn schools into medical clinics? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered. What is the connection between Governor Sununu and the owner of Keady Medical?

The parent was asked how to avoid mistakes like these in the future. As I’ve said, this should never happen inside a school building–they have enough trouble teaching your kids how to read and write. Now they are in charge of administering vaccines to children without their parents being present, and against their will!  Who didn’t see this train wreck coming? I know I did.

The parent offered her advice on how to prepare the forms in the future but also believes that this should not be done in the school system. Parents can take their children into CVS or Walgreens if they want their children vaccinated. There is absolutely no reason to do this during school.

We can see from the actions of school officials, and the medical community in Pennsylvania, that they thought it was a good idea to give gynecological exams to girls in 6th grade without their parent’s knowledge or consent. Parents need to be in charge of their children’s medical decisions. Otherwise, you can expect more of these physical assaults on children.

My message to parents is this, get involved in your school. Speak to administrators and board members—tell them NO to this kind of medical treatment in our schools. Tell them to focus on academics. That’s why we send our children to school.


The post Another NH School Vaccinates a Child After The Parent Told Them No! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden and Austin Have Taken Our Military From Strong to Woke

Mon, 2022-10-31 18:00 +0000

This article is appropriate to be published on Halloween because it should scare every American. The fact it does not spook the Left is a story in itself. The Heritage Foundation recently released its assessment of our Military strength and readiness and gave their lowest scores in history.

It was the first time the Foundation rated our military as “weak.” With so many hot spots in the world, a weak military does not let me sleep soundly. The weak rating is a product of Joe Biden’s vision and why he put the feckless Lloyd Austin in the slot of Secretary of Defense. Like this administration has done with every aspect of America, Biden and Austin have destroyed our military in just two years.

We saw the result of their efforts with the disastrous and embarrassing retreat from Afghanistan. We see how weak our military has become by how are foes are taking advantage of our lack of desire to stop their actions. Russia invaded Ukraine. China is preparing to take over Taiwan. Iran is close to a nuclear warhead to aim at Israel, and North Korea test-fires its missiles over Japan. None of this would happen under a Republican-controlled military.

Lloyd Austin is more concerned with a WOKE military focused on diversity, gender neutrality, and vaccine requirements than being the toughest, best-equipped, trained, and ready military. At a time when we see Putin threaten to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the Pentagon announced a decrease in our nuclear arms. This action is the sign of weakness that makes our foes salivate.

This past week, it was uncovered that the 50 schools which fall under the control of the Department of Defense had stocked their libraries with explicit pornographic material. It was confirmed that these”books” had been placed in the last two years. In most libraries, these titles are in a section boasting they are “banned books.”

Some of the titles are:

  • This Book is Gay
  • All Boys Aren’t Blue
  • Sex: A Book for Teens
  • Big Questions Book of Sex & Consent
  • Respect: Everything a Guy Needs to Know About Sex, Love, and Consent
  • Gender Queer
  • Middle School is a Drag
  • Flamer
  • A Quick and Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns

These books are the DOD focus when recent results show a sharp decline in student test scores in math and reading. Like everything else this administration does, it misses the mark. It is an administration geared towards breaking down traditional America and replacing it with a more diverse and WOKE version.

It is imperative that we elect more Conservative officials in the midterms who can put the brakes on the destructive Biden policies. So much has happened in the first two years of the Biden Presidency that it is beyond our imagination what he has in store for the last two years. We must stop and reverse this trend before it is too late. The first step to taking back our country is voting Republican on November 8th. Get out and vote and be a part of the Red Wave that will save America.

The post Biden and Austin Have Taken Our Military From Strong to Woke appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2022-10-31 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow (probably Wednesday) and I will back-edit to include the link.  And there will likely be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… getting close to done in my “copious free time”!  I know, I know, I keep saying that. *sigh*

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




Holiday humor, to start HAPPY HALLOWEEN!






Now, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.





On the above.  If the predicted “Red Tsunami” happens and we do take the House and Senate, expect 24/7, wall-to-wall calls for “bipartisanship” and “compromise” and so on.  Don’t fall for it.  Evil preaches tolerance until it gains power.











Not into eugenics, but I have to say that this level of stupid makes me think the human gene pool does need some chlorine.  Seven Hairy Hells, this is dumb.









Stop appropriating my culture and civilization’s accomplishments.  Better yet, get on a plane and move back to the homeland if you’re going to cause strife and division.








Actually, in principle I can respect a person who voted for Biden over Trump – no, really!  I understand that people have different opinions and priorities, even if I disagree with those.  But the above is definitely me when talking (or at least listening to) someone who still thinks that Biden’s doing a good job.








This is from 2017, I think.  Long-term predictive programming.








Disarming The People will be deemed legal.  Even despite the Second Amendment.








Pick of the post:



They’re desperate for this:





I love a happy ending!




Palate Cleansers:









The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The First Thing Dems Will Do If They Win Next Week is Raise Your Taxes – So, Stop Them!

Mon, 2022-10-31 15:00 +0000

One of the devils in those details of Democrat policy is that taxpayers get both edges of the sword. The policy-driven cost increase hits first (as you’ve seen for months now), followed by the inevitable rise in taxes because those same forces make government cost more.

Tax hikes, on top of your current pain, are inevitable.

The sky-high prices you pay for progressive meddling with electricity, water, and transportation don’t stop at the door of the town or city hall. Those bills go up too. Fueling emergency vehicles and keeping the bureaucracy running (offices heated, lights on, equipment operating) is more expensive. Add inflation. Everything your local, county, state, or federal government claims to need costs that much more. From office supplies to uniforms to everything, and Democrats never cut spending.


Faced with rising costs, Dems will NOT look for places to cut. Government always comes first. They will use increased costs as an excuse to jack up spending higher than the damage done by inflation or Democrat policy and then raise taxes that will never go down.

This cannot be understated.

If you vote for even one Democrat on November 8th, you will pay for it (literally). Your lifestyle, whatever may be left of it after nearly three years of Biden and DC Democrat tyranny, will decline further. You’ll have less, so they can have more.

They will raise property taxes to pay for increased costs in local spending. They will add new taxes at the state and federal levels to cover those cost increases. And with the IRS trying to add 87,000 new armed IRS agents (salaries, benefits, office space, expense accounts, travel), escaping the backswing becomes more difficult.

So, what do you do?

The smart fiscal decision on election day is to vote in your own self-interest and elect Republicans. While no one is perfect, they will at least look for ways to make things more efficient. They will find opportunities for cost-cutting, streamlining, and, where possible making it less expensive to do business which can raise revenue to help offset the burden placed on all of us by Democrat priorities.

Put more simply, the dems will make the government bigger and more intrusive, and your declining lifestyle that much more expensive. Republicans will try to get the government out of the way if possible, keeping costs down while giving you more control over your life and finances.

That’s how New Hampshire has survived and y5if we can elect Republican majorities we can even get a few things done despite the inclinations of our squishy RINO governor.

But to do that you have to vote Republican, and that means every seat. Any box, oval, or election you leave unmarked is an opportunity to allow the left come for whatever is left of your paycheck and your lifestyle.



The post The First Thing Dems Will Do If They Win Next Week is Raise Your Taxes – So, Stop Them! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Things You Never Expect to Hear

Mon, 2022-10-31 13:30 +0000

A pro-gun state senator in New Jersey recently testified against a bill that would expand concealed carry in the state, in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling in Bruen.

His reasoning?  That citizens should be able to carry the same kinds of guns as the police and carry them wherever the police can.

“I fully support law enforcement 100 percent, but I do not believe they should have preferential treatment that would make any other citizens second-class citizens,” Ed Durr said in an interview on Friday.

“When the government keeps the citizens from having the same rights as the police,” he said, “it’s their way of control. They want people to need government for everything, including self-protection.”

To be sure, the bill itself was awful. Among other things, it would require permit-holders to get liability insurance, as well as pay a $200 application fee that would be re-imposed every two years.

As Justice Thomas noted, you don’t have to do these kinds of things to exercise your other rights.  So the bill flatly contradicts both the letter and the spirit of his opinion in Bruen.

But it was refreshing to hear someone say what should be obvious to everyone:  Since the police work for the people, the idea that they would have more rights or powers than their employers — whether with respect to guns or anything else — is ludicrous.



The post Things You Never Expect to Hear appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Go Woke Go… “Facebook’s” Value Has Plunged Nearly 70% Since Last Year …

Mon, 2022-10-31 12:00 +0000

We’ve had a beef with Facebook for Years (impossible beef, since it’s Facebook). The Social media beast trampled on our speech because they didn’t like it, so is this Karmic revenge? While the markets have taken a beating under Biden (down 30+ percent), Meta (Facebook) is down 67%.


Facebook parent Meta Platforms is making a huge investment in virtual reality, but its actual reality is looking like a real disaster.

Meta shares tumbled 24% on Thursday to its lowest level in nearly four years following an earnings report that one Wall Street analyst described as a “train wreck.”  … with its shares down 67% from a year earlier compared with the tech-heavy Nasdaq’s 31% slide over the same period. Meta’s plunge translates into an eye-popping loss of about $700 billion in market value.


When the Market thought you were worth a trillion, and then you lose 700 billion in value, that’s not exactly a sign of confidence. It also has real-world consequences. According to Bloomberg (via ABC), The Zuckerberger Meister Berger has watched as 88 Billion of his own “worth” has vanished alongside Metas.’

People are not flocking to the Metaverse as advertising on Facebook declined, and here’s where that bitch Karam comes in to bite you on the ass.

The people the Zuckerberger Meister Berger spent tens of millions on to get elected in 2020 – to which we should add the investment in time and personnel massaging what speech people see on Facebook – have wrecked the economy. What might once have been discretionary revenue for ads is not chewed up by increased operating costs (fuel, electricity, water, – food, and everything else).

That’s not getting better, and while the Z-man is still worth about 37 billion, his businesses and the stockholders are suffering. Imagine if some deep-pocketed billionaire made a play for the shares and pushed Mark onto the digital street.

Sorry, just dreaming. You know, go woke, go “broke” and all that.

Elon is at Twitter trying to ensure balance – equal time and space for both sides, so maybe we’re a bit giddy about competing on ideas instead of being shadowbanned, blocked, and blacklisted by the platform.

And while the Zuckerberger Meister Bergerwouldn’t be broke, seeing him knocked off his pedestal (as a result of his meddling) would be cathartic, given how many have been wronged by Facebook’s partisan policies and standards.



HT | CBS News

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The NHPR/New Hampshire Bulletin RIGGED Senate “Debate” … A Caricature Of A Debate

Mon, 2022-10-31 10:30 +0000

So this past Thursday, NHPR and New Hampshire Bulletin hosted a “debate” between Hassan and Don Bolduc. It was so RIGGED that it could have been a skit on the old Saturday Night Live (back when SNL was funny) caricaturing a rigged debate.

I did NOT waste my time watching, but based on the recap by New Hampshire Bulletin:

The top issue was whether Bolduc is an “election-denier”. I kid you not. At a time when voters are focused on INFLATION, RECESSION, OPEN BORDERS, CRT, GROOMING, FENTANYL, CRIME, THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA, the “reporters” at NHPR and New Hampshire Bulletin lie awake at night focused on how to out Bolduc as an “election-denier.”

The next most important issue? ABORTION … OF COURSE. Funny how this “debate” sounds just like Hassan’s attack-ads on Bolduc isn’t it?

Next in the recap was a token mention of inflation. But NO MENTION, unsurprisingly, of the trillions in spending made possible by Hassan’s vote that created the inflation.

Next … wait for it; wait for it … CLIMATE CHANGE! Yes, with winter just around the corner and voters facing the highest energy costs in history … DUE TO BIDEN’S WAR ON DOMESTIC FOSSIL FUELS, the “reporters” at NHPR and New Hampshire Bulletin believe that these voters should NOT be worried about heating their homes but about “climate change.”

The New Hampshire “press” is by and large a JOKE … as shown by this laughable, pathetic faux-debate.

The post The NHPR/New Hampshire Bulletin RIGGED Senate “Debate” … A Caricature Of A Debate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Are People Choosing THC Pen Over THC Oil?

Mon, 2022-10-31 09:00 +0000

THC Pen has become increasingly popular recently, especially among medical marijuana patients. There are several reasons why THC pens are favored over other forms of cannabis consumption:

  • These pens provide a discreet and easy way to consume cannabis. They can be used in public without drawing attention and don’t require special equipment or preparation.
  • These pens offer a precise and consistent dose of THC. This is especially important for medical patients who must carefully monitor their intake.
  • These pens are relatively portable and low-maintenance.
Here’s Why People Are Choosing THC Pen Over THC Oil


1.  The Pens Don’t Produce A Strong Odor As The Oil Does

THC pens are vaporizer devices filled with THC oil. These pens don’t produce a strong odor like the oil because the pen heats the oil to a temperature that turns THC into vapor. There is no combustion, so there is no smoke. The pen has a cartridge that contains the oil. The cartridge is attached to the pen by a connector piece.

2.  The Pens Are More Affordable Than The Oil

These pens are an increasingly popular way to consume THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. These pens are small, portable devices that heat the oil to produce vapor, which is then inhaled.

These pens are typically more affordable than The oil, making them a popular choice for budget-conscious consumers. These pens are also relatively easy to use, which makes them a good choice for first-time THC consumers.

3.  The Effects Of A Pen Last For Hours, Whereas The Effects Of The Oil Only Last For A Few Minutes

THC is the primary psychoactive component in cannabis. It is absorbed differently depending on how it is consumed. For example, when it is inhaled from a vape pen, it enters the bloodstream directly through the lungs and produces a more robust and longer-lasting high than when it is consumed orally in oil.

The effects of inhaling tetrahydrocannabinol can last for several hours, whereas the effects of consuming the oil typically only last for a few minutes. The exact duration of the high depends on various factors, including the person’s metabolism, the amount of THC consumed, and whether other drugs are also present in the system.

4.  A Pen Is More Accessible To Dose Than The Oil

These pens are a type of vaporizer that is designed specifically for THC oil. The oil is a potent form of cannabis that can be difficult to dose accurately. THC pens are equipped with a cartridge that contains the oil and a heating element that vaporizes the oil.

The user simply inhales the vapor, and the tetrahydrocannabinol is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs. These pens offer a more accurate and convenient way to dose tetrahydrocannabinol than other methods, such as smoking or eating cannabis edibles.

5.  The Battery Life On A Pen Is Much Longer Than That Of A Oil Cartridge

These pens have a battery life that is much longer than the oil cartridges. These pens use a much higher voltage than the oil cartridges. These pens also have a more prominent heating element than the oil cartridges. This allows the THC pen to heat the THC oil to a much higher temperature, which evaporates more of the oil. As a result, these pens are a much more efficient way to consume THC oil than THC oil cartridges.

6.  There Is Less Waste With A Pen As Compared To The Oil Because The Cartridges Can Be Reused

A cartridge for a pen is designed to be used only once and then disposed of. This is because the material that the cartridge is made out of cannot be cleaned or reused. One can use THC oil multiple times as it can be drained from the cartridge, cleaned, and then refilled. This not only saves money but also reduces waste.

In addition, some of these pens come with replaceable cartridges, while others are disposable. Replacing the cartridge is more expensive than disposing of it, but it produces less waste overall. Therefore, when considering the cost and waste production, a pen is a more efficient way to consume THC.

What Are The Major Differences Between THC Pens And THC Oil?

Understanding the difference between THC pens and THC oil is crucial for finding the right product for you. Both products are derived from the cannabis plant, but the extraction process differs. The pens use CO2 extraction to remove the oils from the plant material. This process uses pressure and temperature to strip away the plant’s waxes, lipids, and other nonpolar molecules, leaving behind a highly concentrated oil.

On the other hand, the oil is produced using a process called solvent extraction. In this method, solvents like hexane or butane strip the the oils from the plant material. The result is a less concentrated oil that contains some impurities. When consuming these products, it’s important to note that THC pens can be used with oil and dry herbs. However, you can use THC oil with dry herbs.

Another key difference to remember is that THC pens offer a more discreet way to consume cannabis since they produce less odor. Lastly, THC pens tend to be more expensive than THC oil. So, when deciding which product is right for you, you must consider your budget and needs.



The post Why Are People Choosing THC Pen Over THC Oil? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pumpkin Fest Handouts

Mon, 2022-10-31 01:30 +0000

Yes I did: I went to the Laconia City Pumpkin Fest yesterday and spent my time handing out Belknap County Republican Committee cards and asking people to “vote Republican and save our economy”. Now, this is a very small sampling but my time there for well over an hour was very positive. I got far more “yes” responses than) just “maybes”  or “no way in hell” (as I did from only one gentleman.

I did get a few “I’m a Democrat” but not so many that it concerned me. I can’t say this is in any way a predictable sampling but it did make me hopeful for November 8th.

Now look, sharing my experience does in no way mean you and I can relax, or God forbid, stay home in case of inclement weather. We need to keep pushing, talking to your neighbors and friends as nothing is certain in getting out the vote.

Sununu may be a “lock” but we really must replace Hassan with Don Bolduc for US Senate, Pappas with Karoline Leavitt in NH’s First Congressional District,  and Kuster with Bob Burns in NH’s Second Congressional District.

I ask that we all vote Republican from the top of the ballot to bottom. Drain that darn swamp, or at least start draining it.

The post Pumpkin Fest Handouts appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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