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Friday • September 20 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 5 min 34 sec ago

The Preservation of Organic Humanity – A Conservative Act of Disassociation

Sat, 2022-10-29 01:30 +0000

I want to pose a line of reasoning, a question that may perhaps lead us* somewhere in the future. And to clarify, the ‘us’ I am referring to here is the ‘organic humans,’ the collective of good-hearted and common sense-driven people who have and will continue to oppose genetic alterations or artificial upgrades of any kind; those who believe We are all Divine Creations and should remain as such.

We want to thank Allyforfreedom for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

There are strange opportunities looming in the near future, and it’s idiotic to attempt to ignore them or act like it will not be offered. The white coats have conveniently decided for all of us that ‘science’ wins.

They will (at least attempt) to merge organic and artificial systems in experiments that disregard the sacred mystery of God or the Source connection within the human.

These distorted priests seek ultimate control over mind, body, and soul in this NWO global religion. AI is their god, and data is the power source. They do not value life. They do not see the human being as sacred or sovereign or irreplaceable. They think you’re an overgrown clump of cells, sparked into existence by static electricity or some other easily explainable “reaction,” like a Frankenstein doll that grows when you put it in water.

It’s laughable, truly, and so I won’t waste any more time writing about their nonsense plans, which will likely fall apart anyways, like a crappy soapbox cart some lazy fool put together without reading the directions the night before Race Day.

The real questions at hand are…

  • Could the organic human being cease to exist – just like, say, the Neanderthals?
  • Will our current “model” be upgraded so much so that the former, natural version could be cast aside forever – seen as useless, archaic or just plain out-of-date?

And most importantly, we must ask:

  • What if a person does not want to merge with the internet and allow AI to run their life?
  • What will happen to those of us who refuse their proposed ‘Singularity’?

I think we’ve witnessed a little taste of the warmup with 2020’s scamdemic lockdown tactics – They were getting a feel for the crowd with this round.

I’m pretty confident that the digital cage is bound to drop soon and that every single angle and possible outcome scenario has been run (in silico) through countless data sets to predict and prepare for any choice point made within their ‘broad’ variety of available selections. This is why our solutions must be heart-driven, uniquely human-focused, and spur of the moment. We have to stay on our toes and think outside the box as much as possible to move outside their preset statistical parameters.

This is where my line of thinking started, and then I wondered why organic humans couldn’t find some sort of reservation or conservation area where we would be allowed to live undisturbed by all the technological advances and maybe even by the ‘mutha-WEFers’ would get the hint.

It may be impossible… and yes, in the end, AI and its minions may very well “win”…

But regardless, I feel it’s detrimental that at this time in history, we start asking ourselves; if we don’t stop and conserve present-day Man as we are now – who will?

Organic Man could be forever altered and lost.

Computer technology might be neat, useful, and convenient, but it is not necessary for life. It is not naturally occurring out there on Mother Earth and it does have quite a few serious negative side effects and potentials that come with using, developing, and especially relying on the tech.

There is too much wiggle room for misuse when we allow computer technology to be placed into a position to dictate, control or design any aspect of human life. And yet, here we are. The white-coats are paid and sponsored to affirm the necessity of “computer technology” and to discredit the naturally infinite intelligence of Mankind and the imagination connection.

It was one thing to try to decimate all the tribal cultures of the world and turn the hues of Man into a homogenous race of industrial producers and consumers but now they are upping the ante and attempting to dilute humanity and forever contaminate our gene pool with inorganic, artificial technology. This could wipe out the organic human all together.

Of course, people may argue that those on top won’t allow that to happen; they will preserve their bloodlines – however still more may reply that perhaps their bloodline isn’t even Human and… that may very well be true, so who’s to say WHAT “they” want, right?

Whatever their “purpose”, the negative agenda has clearly chosen to extend itself into the artificial realm and incorporate inorganic substances into physical vessels to undermine the divine creation and in extension the Creator.

This means the positive must seek to honor and serve the original version with as much passion and vigor. Those who choose to stand by God, Source, originality, organic life – whatever you want to call it – those of us who seek to remain undisrupted must unite and work together outside this scientism sphere of influence that is so prevalent in our world. We must wake as many people to their spell as possible, before they choose irrevocable and possibly lethal experimental procedures.

In New Hampshire, we may have a real chance to get this concept circulating because more people are most connected to real life here. Whether it’s because a lot of people here still live off their land, or that small town city workers actually live in the areas they represent, or because this is a pro-2A, “red’ state that respects family values and the privacy of its citizens – the exact reasoning doesn’t matter as much as the environment/vibe that has been preserved here in NH – and that has created fertile ground for honest, human-focused solutions.

I feel it’s pertinent to the conservation of organic life that we acknowledge the high potential for contamination and irreversible effects that are sparked into reality when scientists tamper with organic life systems.

Not to mention, the dangerous precipice we’re already posed atop with the digital surveillance taking place with the epic extortion of our online activity and biofeedback data.

Then we have Agenda21 / 2030 and the climate initiatives that our politicians subscribe so dearly to, waiting in the background to lock us into smart cities where humans will be logged and traced at every transaction point. It’s only a matter of time before this grid of control tightens and they install some kind of “social-credit-system”. Humans will be ranked from “trust-worthy” to “dishonest” or even worse labeled as a “terrorist” with just one click. Actually, no clicks needed because AI algorithms will be storing and flagging all transactions without any human oversight needed. There will be no 800 number to call and complain at when your points dip below acceptable or your little icon turns “red”.

We all know how indiscreetly the “System” has infiltrated the indigenous cultures and sought to force them into the New World. I would hope that some of humanity’s more mature beings could see the similarities at play here and work to avoid the destruction and genocides before they take place this time around. We cannot change the past, but we can design and impact the future.

Shouldn’t those who want nothing to do with these inhumane and disgusting practices be able to live separately and unaffected? I would hope so; and with that notion I’m proposing that people start conversations in their local communities about these serious issues that stand on the threshold of our immediate future.

Could we possibly organize ourselves like the Amish and solidify our “right” to be left alone?

This newly outlined ‘We’ could get together and agree there will be an underlying respect for each human life, there will be no more book burnings, no more wiping out of traditions and people’s histories, no more desecration of life for the sake of the “advancement” of society or industry.

Solutions can be sought through harmonious means, where each individual is valued within the system and in control of their own energetic interactions throughout the entire process. This would provide a whole new world of working solutions that allow space for movement, alteration, improvements even to our current setup.

If our societal structures were positively focused systems that did not rely on energetic input to flow and manage, then “users” of said structures would be allowed to move in and out of service as they desired instead of being chained into the role for life, feeling the system is dependent on their energetic input to maintain functionality. But again, the white-coats don’t want anyone to even talk about other kinds of exchange systems or energy transactions so, it’s no surprise really that these negatively focused systems have grown so ‘comfortable’ and ‘reliable’ out there in the 3D Matrix.

This is way too out of the box for many mainstream thinkers and so, I’m never offended by others’ confusion, disbelief, or inquiries into my line of thinking. I only hope to spark imaginative thoughts within those others and get them to start poking around at the veil in their world.

We must all test out what seems solid in our own worlds. Don’t be afraid to question things which feel “off” or appear to be straight up falsity; instead point out the discrepancy with honesty, without cruelty or critiquing, just call it as it is and accept it. Then offer your truest assistance to help solve or realign the wrong in order to bring back balance, happiness and comfort.

I know this can sound strictly sci-fi or else, out there somewhere in the far and distant future, but transhumanism is on our doorstep – they have already begun with cloning, DNA & rNA alterations, with implanting technology into the organic body vessel and who knows what else behind closed doors.

If we do not clear the air and get folks educated and conversing about these real threats, we will wind up either totally blindsided when it does happen or worse, we’ll allow the wool to be pulled over our collective eyes, yet again and the organic human race will be exist in memory only.

The common sense approach would be to first delineate between those who wish to explore the scientific venture of transhumanism and those who oppose such action – after which, we can find space for each to live out their lives as they see fit, right? Hopefully!

But one thing is for certain, if we do not get this conversation going sometime soon, and work out some solutions for ourselves within our local communities, we will miss this window of opportunity to build outside/decentralized communities and we will be forced into their centralized smart city solution… and the battle to exit that hellish Matrix is something I pray we never need to talk about!

The post The Preservation of Organic Humanity – A Conservative Act of Disassociation appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems Funded GOP Candidates They Now Label ‘Extreme’

Sat, 2022-10-29 00:00 +0000

Have you noticed the ads? Don Bolduc is too extreme for New Hampshire. Democrats and their blue water navy are dumping insane sums on advertising to ensure you know this. But, before they did that, they spent over two million dollars to support Don Bolduc.

I mentioned it here and again in the final installment of Life With Liz. Democrats wanted Don Bolduc to win the Republican primary. They spent more money than many candidates running for any office in New Hampshire. It was a significant investment, especially since his name is Don, and they hate that name.

Their support probably helped him win a tight race.

But now he’s an extremist. Too extreme for New Hampshire. It is alleged “Extremism,” bought and paid for by the Democrat party. Chuck Morse must be kicking himself. If he had just said a few “crazy things,” like life begins at conception (it does), or defended states’ rights, he’d be facing Maggie The Red Hassan.

No such luck, and he’s not the only one. Democrats spent a lot of money backing “extremists.” Project Veritas dropped some undercover video of the twin sister of the Dem running for governor of Arizona admitting as much.



If they are willing to spend millions, maybe tens of millions, on opponents, on the idea that it might give them a political advantage, what else might they be willing to do? It’s not a rhetorical question.

They spent tens of millions getting the FBI to investigate claims in a dossier they knew were fake. A 24/7/365 campaign based on fraudulent opposition research peddled by the FBI, DOJ, Democrats, and the media as legitimate. They did that for political advantage and even impeached a president based on this fake investigation of fake claims.

And that effort makes any speculation about entrapment on January 6th look like it has legs (big hairy ones, even), so there’s that too.

It brings us to whatever else the Dems are capable of, like using the public health apparatus to shut down the country, which just happened to favor them during a presidential election. It could be a coincidence except for the wailing, screaming, and gnashing of political teeth on the left.

Blocking election observers and illegally changing voting laws overnight when breaking tells us there is no limit to how far they might stretch credibility to accomplish the desired end. And that’s not a conspiracy theory. That all happened.

They have no problem bullying people into accepting an emergency-use pharmaceutical with sketchy provenance, lacking details that would allow for informed consent. A drug that was incapable of preventing transmission but upon whose acceptance all life as we know it turned. It is making people sick, killing many, and their response is to insist we need more of it.

When you consider what the political left has embraced or at least tolerated in just the past few years, little is beyond possibility, ladies and gentlemen, so buying elections based on the idea that the candidates are extreme is very small potatoes.

What I find amusing is that their extremism is the very thing that made America possible. By the left’s definition, the founders were extremist insurrectionists who should have spent their waning days on a prison barge in the Hudson river instead of creating America. A nation that has created more opportunities, realized more dreams, and lifted more people out of poverty than any in human existence. Historically, that is incredibly unique. Extreme even.


The post Dems Funded GOP Candidates They Now Label ‘Extreme’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Noble 9 Disqualify State Attorneys

Fri, 2022-10-28 22:30 +0000

Terese and the seven other defendants in the Noble 9 case filed a motion to disqualify the attorneys that were trying their case. Why? The attorneys don’t work for the Attorney General’s Office.

We want to thank Megan for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

The attorneys that have been representing the state in the Noble 9 case actually work for the Department of Safety and report directly to Governor Sununu. Therefore, there may be a conflict of interest.

Thus, the attorney representing seven of the eight defendants has filed to change attorneys. He has asked to have an attorney from the Attorney General’s office represent the state.

On trial for doing nothing:

Terese and seven other defendants, excluding Monica Holm, are going on trial for their “disorderly conduct” on October 13, 2021. The trial date was postponed due to a problem with the state attorney.

Their trial will be the 6th hearing of their case. At the 5th hearing, the judge watched the video of the alleged disorderly conduct, and although she saw and heard no disorderly conduct, she pushed the case to trial.

Following the 5th hearing, the judge, Judge McIntyre, who presided over the first five hearings, recused herself from trying the case. It appears that watching the video evidence and pushing the case to trial was too much for her.

Sign up for the newsletter to find out what will happen next.

We all need to support the Noble 9 and stand with them. Governor Sununu cannot think that He can arrest citizens for doing absolutely nothing.

Watch the video to see the arrest.



The post Noble 9 Disqualify State Attorneys appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

My Name Is Patrice Myers, and I’m Running for State Rep in Ward 5, Concord

Fri, 2022-10-28 21:00 +0000

My name is Patrice Myers, and I’m running for State Rep in Ward 5, Concord. I’m a Mom, Grandmother, and Great Grandmother, a US Air Force veteran, and Chairman of the Merrimack County Committee of Safety.

We want to thank Patrice Myers for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

I have a degree in Education, which I used to homeschool and tutor. My platform is based on the Bible, and the NH (1784), and U.S. Constitution.

I ran for State Rep in the last election for Concord Ward 2. Due to redistricting, I was moved to Ward 5 – from the Penacook line to Clinton Street. Since I’m self funded (for lots of reasons), I’ve been going door-to-door for the past couple of months, like they used to do way back when. They called it stumping and now I know why! Thank God for Epsom salts. But I’ve really enjoyed meeting the people whom I will potentially represent.

I’d like to take this opportunity to share and clarify where I stand on the issues.

The Economy:   Having worked in 3 State departments, I saw how much wasteful spending goes on. For example, just before the new fiscal year, to keep the same budget for the new year, the departments have a “spend down”. They spend any surplus they may have because that surplus goes back to the general fund, and their budgets are reduced. In order to keep their budgets, they have to show that they have no surplus. I believe a win-win solution for both the State departments and the taxpayer can be accomplished.

Schools: The Concord school system has no oversight on its budget. They get what they ask for because they answer to no one. The Concord Patch has excellent articles detailing this. Not to mention all the other issues, one being the academic (or lack thereof) education in our schools. Question: If the public schools were for sale in Wal-Mart or Macy’s, would you buy them?

Sidenote: Have you noticed that when the State gives us a “tax break/cut,” the city promptly takes it away?

Pro-Life: Life starts at conception. That’s science. When the egg is fertilized, the cells begin to multiply and grow; growth = life. And Life is one of our unalienable rights as outlined in both NH and U.S. constitutions.

Rule of Law: We are a Republic, not a democracy. We need to go back to the basics. The constitution outlines the rights we have as human beings. It doesn’t give us those rights. Then it describes what the government’s duties are – first and foremost, to protect those rights – and how to perform those duties. The Bible also describes our rights and, if properly understood, is the best lawbook ever written: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Then it lists the ways in which you do that. (If you aren’t into religion, it’s still a good read.)

“If you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any!”

Term Limits: Yes, we need to limit the number of terms a representative can serve. My opponent has been in office for 22 terms (44 years). However, I am not at this time, in favor of a Constitutional Convention. I am told that it would ONLY be held to codify term limits. Where have we heard that before (“It will ONLY be for…”)? At this point, I’m not willing to trust in that.

Right to Work: I do not believe that one should be coerced into paying to be part of a union that s/he is not, nor does s/he want to be, part of. Especially when that union uses his/her money to support agendas that one disagrees with.

Guns: Second amendment. Period.

Voting Integrity: Do not use machines to count the votes. Go back to the original terms for absentee voting—only citizens of NH vote. Our NH Constitution (1784) outlines exactly how to conduct elections.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, but in a nutshell, this is what I support (and don’t). This is where I stand. If you agree, I would very much appreciate your vote. If not, that’s what elections are for.

Thank you so much for you attention!



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post My Name Is Patrice Myers, and I’m Running for State Rep in Ward 5, Concord appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Acta non verba”

Fri, 2022-10-28 19:30 +0000

“Acta non verba.” Those words are Latin for “Actions, not words.” They also happen to serve as the motto of the US Merchant Marine Academy, an organization whose graduates serve this country with actions, not words. It’s also a great motto to live by, and to use in our everyday lives.

We want to thank Michael Petruzziello for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

Do our words carry weight? Can people count on us to do what we say we’re going to do? Are we trustworthy, or do our words ring hollow? Are we attracted to people who lie to us and deceive us? I think not.

We trust people who back up their words with concrete and real actions. Those kinds of people earn our trust and respect, through their ACTIONS, not their WORDS.

So during this political season, why would any of us vote for someone whose words never match their actions? I’m sure you’ve noticed that we are all being targeted with a lot of “noise” from millionaire politicians and their billionaire donors. Their television ads, postal flyers and junk emails are all chock full of deception and lies.

Do they really think we are that dumb? I believe their actions clearly show that they do. Do they really think that they can buy our votes with inane ads? I believe their actions clearly show that they do. If we filter out this political noise, we’re able to compare each candidate and compare their talk with their walk.

Obviously, incumbents have held office for a number of years.

Their ACTIONS during those years provide us with a clear record of what they’ve actually DONE vs. what their WORDS told us they would do.

Our incumbent leaders have given us rising inflation, rising gas prices, rising consumer prices, rising interest rates, rising national debt, a rising crime and murder rate, lawlessness, an illegal border invasion, a deadly drug epidemic, and a foreign policy that has brought us to the brink of nuclear war.

Leaders can delegate authority, but not responsibility, that rests with them alone. A true leader always accepts responsibility for their ACTIONS, and they never make excuses.

Our incumbent leaders are responsible for where we are as a nation today, period. If you like what their ACTIONS have given us, I guess they’ve earned your vote. On the other hand, despite the conjecture articulated by our incumbent political ad creators, their opponents have not yet cast a single vote in Washington.

This fact of course, discredits those ads, rendering them both deceptive and moot.

Their opponents have yet to take any ACTION. They have only told us, in their own WORDS, what they plan to do for Granite Staters. A vote for them would give them the same opportunity our incumbents were given, a chance to back up their WORDS with ACTIONS. So we need to ask ourselves some basic questions about these incumbents, and their opponents, who are both asking for our vote on November 8th.

Why are our incumbents refusing to debate their opponents? Is this what they call being transparent to the voters of New Hampshire?

Why are the WORDS of our incumbents telling us what their opponent’s ACTIONS will bring us instead of telling us what their ACTIONS have actually brought us? Do they truly believe that these fear-mongering tactics will work on common sense Granite Staters? I believe their actions clearly show that they do.

Why aren’t they proudly pointing out what they’ve actually accomplished for the Granite Staters they represent?

I think anyone who is a free thinker with a pulse and an active EEG knows the answer to that question.

I say, Live FREE or DIE, New Hampshire!

It’s time for every Granite Stater to think for themselves and to vote for themselves. We don’t need the media, talking heads or political pundits to tell us who to vote for. We simply need to open our eyes and look at what’s being done to our great country.

Silence the noise, look at the facts without the political spin, and you will see that we are all being used as political pawns. It’s time to use common sense, and the free will that God gave us.

We all need to be Independent voters in this election.

The future of our great country, and our beloved state, are both at stake.


The post “Acta non verba” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Would Germany Dismantle a Wind Farm to Expand a Coal Mine?

Fri, 2022-10-28 18:00 +0000

Germany is losing the war on cheap energy. The headlines are everywhere. “Wind farm in Germany is being dismantled to expand coal mine.” The center-right has embraced it as a poster child for failure, and why not. What’s more iconic than pulling down useless wind machines to mine more coal?

Related: It Isn’t Easy Being Green – Lessons From Germany in The Winter

Wind turbines near the Garzweiler open pit mine in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, run by German energy giant RWE, is being removed to make way for more lignite exploitation.


Those wind machines are unreliable, intermittent, not green to make, you can’t recycle them, and they kill innumerable bats and birds, including protected species. And while coal may not always be pretty (like in China, for example), it is energy-dense, cheap, and abundant, and you could filter emissions without all the negative BS that comes from propping up the windmill fantasy and for a lot less money (coal companies would pay instead of you)

Yes, prop up. One of the points I am not seeing as often as I’d like in the coverage of the “wind farm comes down to make way for coal mine” story is the root cause of this change of heart.

Germany is still all-in on so-called green energy. They are committed to using it to free them from their dependence on Gas from Russia. So, why pull down the avian sausage mills when the goal is more of them, not less?


The turbines were in operation since 2001, and government subsidies have expired. Energiekontor and wpd, which is also active in the Balkans, operate the wind farm.


The subsidies ended: three words that will send a chill down what passes for the spine of every wind and solar investor, green-energy business or activist (if ad when they differ) and progressives all over the world. The “free” money train has been derailed. Whatever shall we do?

In the US, Biden and Congressional Dems print a few trillion (screw inflation) and hand it out to friends and family. The myth is expensive, but the only plan it will advance is the laundering of tax dollars to the Dem donor class, who will share the bounty in the form of campaign contributions to candidates and super PACs (think back to the green waste fraud and abuse during Obama’s).

Even in the make-believe world of climatism, nothing good will come of it.

And that might be true in Germany on a typical day, but they face the likelihood of outages over the winter, so letting a coal mine expand makes some sense. This is Europe. The people may be descended from the peasant class, but when they “protest,” it’s a large and messy business.

Related: Green Party Vice Chancellor – Germany is Going to have to Burn More Coal.

When the cold comes, and the lights go out, telling the peeps we are expanding a coal mine will buy a lot more patience than, “hey, your tax dollars are still propping up a wind farm, and that is the reason why you are sitting in the cold dark.” The latter lends itself to people warming themselves in front of piles of burning tires or the flames consuming the local magistrate’s office (not an insurrection if you have the right motives).

They take their protests seriously, like BLM serious. Panty-twisted elites enjoy screwing over the rank and file but only as long as they believe their groundlings will stay in the pit and not try to join them in the good seats.

The end of subsidies is as good a reason as any to let the coal mine expand, an act you’d be hard-pressed to find an American progressive embrace. We can’t even get a pipeline built, and they could care less if we freeze to death. They’ll blame it on someone else and print more money to throw at the problem: too many of us still breathing air and above ground, but they’ll call it something else.

As for Germany, they are being practical, but let’s not get too excited about it. The government is committed to the green-energy lie, and only the people of Germany can convince them to do something different. Them and the whole of the EU.

Maybe a few very cold winters will get the job done?

It’s sad if it has to come to that.


The post Why Would Germany Dismantle a Wind Farm to Expand a Coal Mine? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2022-10-28 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



















Whether or not one cares of Alex Jones, this is an absolute attempt to silence him.








Understand that I love my wife and kids and would never give them up.  But if I were single, and won the lottery (or at least could somehow swing it financially), I’d be so far off the grid it’d make your head spin.  E.g., “Drive to East Nowhere, take a left, drive another 20 miles, hang a right, and then a dirt road takes to Middle-of-Forsaken-Territory Pond” kind of thing.

Many years ago, in high school, I my father and I did a two-week course in energy efficient design and house building.  Classes in the morning, practical application/practice in the afternoon, on two houses that were being built without plans for electricity.  At the time I thought this was insane.  Now?  I’d be down with that (well, maybe solar to power a fridge).  Somewhere far, far away from anywhere, a garden, some animals, and foraging-worthy woods with a water source.







Pick of the post:



I’ve said this before and say it again now: The Democrats know they cannot win an honest election and – in the theoretical world of fair elections – are due for a shellacking unheard-of in recent history.  For example:

Republicans are Going to Win Big in November, Here’s Why –

If they lose the House and Senate… and the GOP has a set (don’t bet on it)… it’s hearings and investigations and impeachments.  Regardless, enough people on the Right are pissed enough that it’d be utter gridlock at the least.

So if 2020 was vote fraud at a level we’ve never seen because it was a Trumpslide until they stopped counting and started vote dumping, 2022 will be even worse.  And that’s if we have an election at all.  My prediction – and I hope I’m wrong – is that “something” will happen to create calls for the election to be “temporarily” postponed.  Until the crisis is over.  Speaking of, they’re already telegraphing intentions:



Days until they know how many votes they need to find.  Fixed it for them.




Palate Cleansers:





The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Where Maggie Hassan Unintentionally “Defines Abortion Clinics” and Stomps on the Pro “Choice” Argument

Fri, 2022-10-28 15:00 +0000

I regularly donate to support pregnancy care centers. They save women, and relationships, build families and protect unborn lives. They do that work with the aid of registered nurses, paid staff, volunteers, and care counselors who will even help you if you’ve decided to have an abortion.

Related: War on Pregnancy Crisis Centers Proves Democrats are Not “Pro-Choice”

These are real choices that Democrats despise.

When the Dobbs decision dropped, the Left lost its hive mind because choice was never an option. Women go to “health centers” that provide either contraception or abortion” or go nowhere. DC ambassador to New Hampshire Maggie Hassan was Janey on the spot with a press release mocking pregnancy crisis centers as fake.


When a woman facing an unintended pregnancy seeks medical advice, she deserves accurate and honest medical facts so she can determine her own future. What she does not need, however, is false or inaccurate information when making a deeply personal health care decision. …

These fake health centers are often located near real medical health centers. They use deceptive websites and advertising to bring women in, and once they get there, women can be subjected to lies about medical facts and undergo medically unnecessary tests, often administered by unlicensed individuals.


Hassan has provided an accurate description of abortion clinics in New Hampshire and, I would guess, most of the country. You don’t need to be a licensed professional to perform an abortion in New Hampshire, and the staff does little more than encourage you to make an appointment to end the life inside you. And after this traumatic event, they show you the door.

And we know this is true. Every effort to require some association between abortion mills and nearby hospitals (licensed health care facilities) is meat with outrage. How dare you expect these vital community resources to have doctors on staff or on-call in an emergency?

The deafening silence from Hassan and her ideological ilk as pregnancy crisis centers are vandalized, their facilities fire-bombed, or shut down by unhinged abortion activists is also telling.


Did you know that in New Hampshire, it is against the law to protest in front of an abortion clinic if it in any way – deliberately or not- impedes access? The law has never been enforced, and it is unconstitutional, but there are no such protections for pregnancy crisis centers.

And not a word from Maggie’ Pro-Choice’ Hassan. That’s because she’s not about having choices. She is about the Progs agenda, and if she has to lie about that, she will, and we know it’s a lie. She’s probably never been in a Pregnancy Crisis center. She has no idea what they do, their advice, or the services or counseling they offer to women for free, whether they choose abortion or not.

And it shows.

Maggi Hassan doesn’t care about choice or women. She cares about the agenda regardless of what it does to them, or the lives lost to abortion.



Note: And yes, I have been to an abortion clinic. I know how it works, what they do and don’t do, and the complete absence of support that comes with making that choice.

The post ICYMI – Where Maggie Hassan Unintentionally “Defines Abortion Clinics” and Stomps on the Pro “Choice” Argument appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dumbing Down NH Schools: Why It’s Happening

Fri, 2022-10-28 13:30 +0000

I was not surprised by this bad news.  As NHPR reported:

“Test scores released this week by the U.S. Department of Education show New Hampshire students’ reading and math test scores on the decline, continuing a trend seen over the last nine years.”

According to 2022 assessments taken by a sample of students, 30% of the state’s eighth graders and 40% of fourth graders are proficient or above in math. The same assessments showed 33% of eighth graders and 37% of fourth graders are proficient or above in reading. In both subjects, scores were lower than prior to the pandemic.

One can certainly blame the pandemic for some of this. Many school administrators and unions ignored parents who were pleading with them to reopen schools. Some schools opened before others. Parents could see their children were failing to receive a proper education while school board members rubber-stamped these foolish decisions. Well, reckoning day is here, and you can see the school shutdowns contributed to the decline in literacy in New Hampshire.
But there is more to this story.

This problem has been going on pre-pandemic. The paradigm shift to dumbed-down workforce training began with the dumbing down in our public schools when the New Hampshire State Board of Education adopted Common Core Math and Next Generation Science Standards. We cannot ignore this enormous problem. Until that is remedied in this state, our kids will continue to suffer.

Now that children are back in school, what do parents see? A new focus on Critical Race Theory, SEL/Social and Emotional Learning, and Gender Ideology. Way to go, administrators!!  You failed by locking kids out of schools then you invite in social engineering, which contributes to this illiteracy problem.

To the school board members who allow this injustice, shame on you too. These are YOUR kids who are suffering. Anyone who has watched this self destruction pulled their kids out a while ago. Some private schools were having too close due to low enrollment numbers, now they have waiting lists.

Not only are the proficiency scores declining, so are the enrollment numbers.

I get it that the feds are pushing this garbage on our schools, but there are ways to minimize the damage. You don’t embrace it, you do as minimal damage as possible. You’d be amazed at how parents will unify and rally behind you and your teachers when academic excellence becomes a priority again.

Stop going along with this nonsense, and start defying this purposeful attempt to destroy our public schools. Parents will fight for their children and their public schools. However, they will only fight for so long. Eventually, they will remove their kids and become school choice supporters. You will cry and whine that money shouldn’t be removed from the public schools, but YOU are the ones responsible for their actions. You drove them out. They had no choice because you refused to listen to them. They were the ones fighting FOR public education, but they weren’t going to stand by and watch their children suffer.   If you don’t want more school choice programs, then do something.

Provide quality curriculum in your schools. Stop the social engineering, dividing our children by race, pushing radical gender ideology on kids, acting as if schools are good at psychology in the classroom, and do what you are supposed to do–educate children with quality academics.  It’s not that hard, ask a home-school mom how to do it.

Parents are not fighting to push their political agenda in the schools, they just want a neutral atmosphere where their kids are learning the best academic content in the core subjects. That’s not too much to ask for.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Elon’s Twitter Now

Fri, 2022-10-28 12:00 +0000

Where were you on Friday morning, October 28th, 2022? That’s the day Twitter is delisted from the New York Stock Exchange. It’s a private company owned by a guy named Elon Musk. The word is he’s already fired Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and CFO Ned Segal (among other execs. The head of that serpent, if you like.

Related: Free Speech, Climate, and Twitter’s Climate

Not to worry, they will all find jobs elsewhere in the liberal internet world of big tech. Who knows, maybe they’ll start their own “Twitter” because there’s no way they can tolerate the one Musk plans to run.


“My strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization,” Musk said at the TED2022 Conference in Vancouver in April. “I don’t care about the economics at all.” …

“The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” he wrote. “There is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing echo chambers that generate more hate and divide our society.”

He added that he didn’t buy Twitter “to make more money. I did it to try to help humanity, whom I love.”


How he plans to make that happen remains unclear. Getting rid of the speech police is a good start,  and the community standards wing needs a good scrubbing. Twitter also has a plethora of intolerant liberal watchdog panels who guide the standards-Stasi, so expect changes there.Please!

There is no Choice

Libs outside Twitter are already lining up to sue, smear, and harass the man. Sort of an, If I can’t have you, no one can.” The Dems would burn it down rather than let it exist in a manner that might permit any of that free speech mumbo jumbo.

Related: Elon Musk Exposes Democrat’s Other “Other” Left-Flank

Not to worry. While Musk is no conservative or even a libertarian, he’s no wallflower. And he seems genuine about the effort to secure a space where free speech is honored no matter whose. It’s the sort of thing Big Tech bragged about in the early days before they were lured to the power of the dark side.

Nowadays, anything with which the Left disagrees is hate speech, and they hate that Musk controls Twitter.

October 28th, 2022 – Democrats completely lose their sh!t. A great day indeed.

So, when does Elon start buying up shares of Facebook?



HT | Epoch Times

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Joe, Let’s Go Grocery Shopping

Fri, 2022-10-28 10:30 +0000

Mr. President, I invite you to New Hampshire this weekend to visit a couple of grocery stores. I want you to see firsthand what Americans are experiencing with runaway, historic inflation. The inflation rate is still at a forty-year high of 8.3%, but food prices are much higher.

I was hoping you could talk to young mothers and fathers with carts full to feed their families for a week and spend three to four hundred dollars. I would like you to talk to some senior citizens with hand-held baskets instead of a cart. These folks are in the difficult place of balancing the cost of groceries, home heating fuel, and putting gas in their tank.

You probably have plans to go to Delaware for a long weekend. You are setting records with the amount of time you have taken off. Most Americans cannot afford to go to the beach for a weekend. They are living check to check and are concerned about things getting worse as the recession takes hold. Living on a fixed income has not been this problematic in many decades. So how about you give up a weekend and talk to some people?

These people do not want to hear you tell them how great the economy is because of your policies. They do not want to hear that we are doing better than other countries. That does nothing to make the situation better for these people uncertain of their economic future.

Let’s stop by a diner for lunch and chat with people about their 401k accounts and retirement plans. Let them tell you how comforting it was to see these funds grow in the four years before you took the oath. Listen to the stories about these funds dropping 25% in value and how these people will need to postpone their planned retirements. In less than two years, Joe, you have changed these people’s lives and disrupted their futures. These are not things that words alone will remedy. These folks want to see positive action.

We cannot figure you out, Joe. We are not sure if you are ignorant of the plight of middle-income Americans or if you are gaslighting Americans. We watched you brag about gas prices continuing to fall this week, but they were high because of you. Don’t take credit for the drop until you are ready to accept the blame for the meteoric rise. You blame Trump for leaving you an unstable economy, but Americans know better. Inflation was under 2%, there was steady growth coming out of the Pandemic, and the job growth you take credit for is the ten million returning to work after COVID. No, Joe, we are not buying your tales. We know the truth. And you have harmed our lives, and it will take years to recover.

Step up, Joe. It is time to admit you were not ready for the task. The people you staffed your administration with are ineffective and over their heads. You need help, but most of all, you need to reverse course. You arbitrarily killed Trump policies on day one, and you need to bring some back. You will be a one-term President. You have time to repair your legacy, but not if you hold on to your failing policies. It is up to you, and I hope the good people of New Hampshire can get your attention. These are real people who are hurting, and only Joe Biden changing course can help them.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Life With Liz Radio Show (on WMSW) – All Good Things Come to an End

Fri, 2022-10-28 01:30 +0000

And so it has. Yesterday was the last hurrah for Live With Liz. Steve and I have been fortunate to be regular guests on her show with a once-a-month in-studio gig and a number of phone-in’s.

To be honest, we were a bit mischievous as we just loved to get her laughing and the show went just a bit out of control.  However, we also had our serious moments as well.


While I won’t miss the 4 hour round trip, I will very much miss the banter during the show quite a LOT.

We wish Liz well in her next set of ventures!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dan Richard: Stop Stalling, Chris Sununu!

Fri, 2022-10-28 00:00 +0000


Now comes the Plaintiff objecting to the Defendants notice of intent to reply to the Plaintiff’s filings. Said notice is the continued obstruction by the Defendants to attempt to circumvent and delay the Plaintiff’s motion for expedited hearing of relevant testimony.

We want to thank Dan Richard for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

The Defendants notice of intent is erroneous, as the Court has accepted the Plaintiff’s Motions and Evidence as of October 19, 2022 and no more time is needed to file that which the Court has accepted and docketed into the Court record.

The Plaintiff’s motion for expedited hearing was filed on the 12th of October, and Plaintiff’s objection to the Defendants Motion to Dismiss was filed on the 14th of October, both were rejected by the Court in error, claiming that Plaintiff failed to notify the Defendants of such filing, which is imposable as the web portal will not allow the Plaintiff to complete a filing unless the Plaintiff selects method of service (U.S. mail or by hand) in order to complete said filing. The Court web site either by unintended mistake or by design, is obstructing the presentment of the Plaintiff’s pleadings and evidence.

Therefore, the Plaintiff respectfully moves the court for a hearing forthwith in order to provide sufficient time for the Secretary of State to notify the cities and towns of New Hampshire to provide and accommodate for hand counting.

Secondly, that court order the town of Auburn to disqualify any and all votes that don’t meet the N.H. Bill of Rights requirements, that they by qualified (registered) voters in Auburn, who will be absent from the town of Auburn on the day of the election, or registered voters who are unable to attend in person because of a physically disability, as required by the absentee voting provisions of the N.H. Bill of Rights, Part, 1 art. 11. The Plaintiff respectfully asserts that no additional provision for a mail ballot be counted, nor any additional provisions be allowed outside of that which the N.H. Bill of Right provides for.

I, Daniel Richard, swear under pains and penalties that foregoing is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Daniel Richard

Date: October 26, 2022             /s/ Daniel Richard



I hear by certify that a copy of the foregoing was served upon the Defendants Attorneys of record in this matter via the Court’s electronic filing system.

Daniel Richard
Date: October 26, 2022             /s/ Daniel Richard




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Debates Showed Why They Don’t Debate

Thu, 2022-10-27 22:30 +0000

Tuesday night was the equivalent of the MLB playoffs and just as one-sided. The Democrats lost ground and made it clear why they have been avoiding the debate stage in every critical race across the country. Republicans pushed for more than one debate in every race earlier in the process but met incredible resistance.

The Democrats yielded to one and well after early voting began.

Let’s see how that worked out in Pennsylvania. After Fetterman’s double-digit lead ultimately erodes, the two candidates are in a virtual tie in the polls. The campaign’s focus is on Fetterman’s health rather than his policies…or lack thereof. This situation is a national embarrassment. We can have empathy towards Fetterman, but this is beyond feelings. This election is to choose one of the one hundred most powerful people in the world. Fetterman is not in that group. He is recovering from a stroke, and his primary concern should be to get healthy. He cannot string a sentence together and is obviously mentally impaired. Yet, people in his corner are pushing him to D.C. I guess the only question is, what is their motive should they get him there? Dr.Oz did well on Tuesday and should win this election on a ten count.

New York gave us a remarkable contrast. The well-spoken and deep-thinking Lee Zeldin schooled the current Governor, Kathy Hochul. It was an hour of substance against a forced smile. Hochul moved into the Governor’s mansion fourteen months ago when Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace. She is ill-prepared to be Governor, for that was never the plan. She was the female on the ticket to get the women’s vote. As chief executive, she has no clue what to do, but as a Democrat, performance is not a consideration. Zeldin could be Ron DeSantis, and it would still be an uphill battle for the Republicans in New York.

To wrap up this three-ring circus, we have Michigan. Gretchen Whitmer should not have survived the recall effort for what she did to this great state during the Pandemic. Her forte is control and not the betterment of the people of Michigan. The damage she did to the children of the state may never be understood. Tudor Dixon is new to politics but is polished and clearly won this debate. She understands the plight of the people and took the incumbent Governor to school. If the voters of Michigan were watching the debate, Tudor Dixon would be sworn in next January.

The polls are swinging Right, and it is difficult for the mainstream media to report. Americans are not ready for a change but for sanity and patriotism. The people want our country back, and November 8th will be as devastating for Democrats as they want to make January 6th.

I am looking forward to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi stepping down. I hope they bow out gracefully. They have brought incredible power to the Democrat party but at the expense of the people and the country. The pendulum is swinging and just in time to save this great country.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Yes, I Confronted Rep. Kuster about Pornographic Books in Schools (And Ray Buckley’s Comment about Parents). I Have No Regrets.

Thu, 2022-10-27 21:00 +0000

OPINION: At the Dartmouth College event, Democrat Rep. Ann Kuster evaded questions as Dartmouth College Democrats accused me of harassing her.

We want to thank Chloe Ezzo for this Op-Ed and permission to cross-post it from The College Fix. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, submit it to

HANOVER, N.H. — At a College Democrats-sponsored event at Dartmouth College on Thursday, I demanded some answers from guest Rep. Ann Kuster, who is seeking reelection, about her stance on pornographic material in local K-12 school libraries.

I also wanted to ask her about some outlandish comments made on Twitter by Ray Buckley, chairman of the New Hampshire Democratic Party, who dismissed parental rights.

I attended the event with Dartmouth alumnus Griffin Mackey, who is working to get Kuster to state on the record what her stance is on inappropriate material in school libraries.

She evaded our question of whether they belong on shelves in elementary schools. She said “books don’t make you gay” and stated the topic is not pertinent to her role in Congress.

Shortly after, she left the auditorium. Mackey and I followed her to her car to get answers but to no avail.

Now, some of my left-leaning peers have accused me and Mackey in online chats of disrupting the event. That’s false, but what’s more, there’s irony in this accusation.

Last fall, left-leaning students worked to shut down a Dartmouth Republicans panel with then-Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn, Republican Congressional candidate Karoline Leavitt, and GOP strategist Alex Bruesewitz.

The Dartmouth Democrats denounced our event on social media and shouted outside the event in protest. After it was over, some students effectively prevented Rep. Cawthorn from leaving the venue despite the fact that he is in a wheelchair. They stood in front of him and hammered him with questions. They also crowded around our other speakers, doing the same thing.

Last winter, the Antifa-inspired Darmouth Anarchists created an Instagram page and coordinated with comrades in the region to make threats to shut down an event with independent journalist Andy Ngo. Sadly, the Dartmouth administration forced our event online at the last minute, capitulating to left-wing extremism on campus.

Free discourse is especially critical in Kuster’s race since as of now, she has refused to schedule debates with her Republican opponent, Bob Burns, despite the fact that the election is weeks away.

Just days earlier, Burns attended a mid-October townhall at Dartmouth hosted by the nonpartisan Dartmouth Political Union, which Kuster refused to attend. Burns had no problem answering a variety of tough questions from a challenging crowd.

Kuster would only agree to show up for the Dartmouth Democrats. With this as the backdrop, enter Thursday evening, when it was finally time for Republican students to ask some tough questions during the “Conversation with Congresswoman Annie Kuster ‘78” event. Kuster represents Hanover and she is my congresswoman.

Mackey and I sat through her short five-minute speech, during which she talked about climate change, some trauma she experienced on Jan. 6, and conflated late-term abortion with miscarriage, in addition to making other leftist talking points.

When the Q&A began, the Dartmouth Democrats only called on their friends. Mackey and I raised our hands and were ignored, despite the relatively small size of the audience of about 25 students.

At the end of the event, I stood up to ask Rep. Kuster about some recent comments made by Buckley, the New Hampshire Democratic Party chair. Buckley had made outlandish comments in response to a recent press conference that Karoline Leavitt, a Republican running for Congress in another district in New Hampshire, held on Parental Rights in education.

“You’re purposely going after children, endangering their lives, mental health & safety, and its disgusting,” Buckey tweeted Sept. 30 in response to Leavitt’s press conference that criticized pro-transgender ideologies in schools as well as pornographic books young children have access to in the public school system.

Buckley continued:

“Not all families are the same, some kids will be kicked out or beaten (to death), or commit suicide. All to try to get votes for Karoline?”

I asked Kuster about Buckley’s tweet:

“He speaks for the New Hampshire Democratic Party of which you are a part – does he speak for you? Do you agree with that?”

As I asked the question, a Dartmouth Democrats leader told Kuster “you don’t have to answer that.” Kuster cut me off anyway, saying it’s not in her purview, student organizers began shouting, her aides started talking, and the room sort of erupted in a cacophony of confusion.

Kuster sarcastically remarked that she didn’t care about banning books in school libraries. Mackey then told Rep. Kuster he helped file a right-to-know request in the Hanover public school system over some books in K-12 libraries that contain shocking pornographic content.

Audio (parts hard to understand): Listen for “Books don’t make you gay”.

The books have sparked controversy and outrage from parents in school districts across the nation, such as “This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson, “Flamer” by Mike Curato, “Sex: An Uncensored Introduction” by Nikol Hasler, and “Genderqueer” by Maia Kobabe.

As Mackey continued, aides moved toward him to tell him he had to leave, and shouts and name-calling ensued. Kuster left the room after that. Now some leftist students have accused Mackey and I of chasing Kuster out of the event in online chatter.

False — we politely and quietly sat through her entire speech and most of the Q&A before we finally tried to get our questions answered.

We followed Kuster out to her car and demanded answers. Buckley is the leader of the Democratic Party of New Hampshire. Asking Rep. Kuster her thoughts on Buckley’s recent statement over parental rights is not unreasonable, nor is asking her about the books in the Hanover public school system. After all, she frequently comments on state politics.

I have no regrets. Rep. Kuster is a public servant, and she implored all of us to vote for her at the end of her speech.

As for Buckley’s ridiculous tweet, to this day, there has been no record of any New Hampshire parent beating or murdering their child due to their sexuality.

Chloe Ezzo is a senior at Dartmouth College, president of its Network of Enlightened Women chapter, president of its Turning Point USA chapter, and president of the Dartmouth Republicans.

MORE: Dartmouth shut down my campus event featuring Andy Ngo — then blamed me for it

The post Yes, I Confronted Rep. Kuster about Pornographic Books in Schools (And Ray Buckley’s Comment about Parents). I Have No Regrets. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat Values vs. TEA Party Values: Technocrats or Elected Officials – Who Should Actually Govern?

Thu, 2022-10-27 19:30 +0000

BUMPED from 9/30/2012: MaggieCare. Having just put up a video, HARD WORK, for Don Bolduc (for US Senate), I remember this about Maggie Hassan’s attempt to “nationalizing” NH’s hospitals and putting with a “Commission” that would have been beyond the reach of voters (sorta like what Democrat US Senator Elizabeth Warren did with the Consumer Protection Bureau – which just got shot down as unconstitutional in its structure and operation).

Just another data point of how she’s such a lover of the Deep State / Socialism in believing Government has subjects instead of We the People happen to have a Government. This is just as true now as it was over 10 years ago.

Is rule by an unelected, unaccountable, and unassailable Administrative State elite an NH Value, or a Democrat one?  The history of NH is one of local control by locally elected officials, one shared by TEA Party folks.  They WANT to elected their officials that would then govern – and via their votes, the electorate would be able to drop-kick them if they fail in their duty to carry out what they were elected to do.  Democrats kicked out Republicans in NH in 2006 / 2008 as Republicans had shown they had lost their philosophical way and focus.  And then the Democrats were kicked out with as much (if not more) vigor by voters after they saw the true colors of what a Progressive Democrat governance had wrought and were much afeared what a continuence would have meant.

Grokster Steve:

The Tea Party supports lower taxes, fewer meddling government bureaucrats, more local control, and free markets that allow for more choices and more personal responsibility.

Mike at Concord Patch who thinks the idea that Progressives wish us all to be governed by other than elected officials is pure bunkum:

“Are we ruled by unaccountable bureacrats?” (the end game of Progressives – The Administrative State)”,  Another Granite Grok Consperacy Theory.

Mike, this post’s for you, as you may have willfully “force forgot” what Maggie “The Red” Hassan, former NH State Senator and now Democrat nominee for NH Governor actually tried to do exactly what you made sport of.  MaggieCare that would do EXACTLY just that – just like Obamacare’s IPAB (e.g., “death panel”), sorta sideways. From a post at the time when this ill-conceived plan was rolling out (reformated slightly here):

She just wants to do it to hospitals instead of insurance companies (Jeanne Shaheen took care of the latter). Or shall we take Hassan as President Nixon (see below)???   NH State Senator Maggie Hassan wants to do with Senate Bill 505 what Obama wants to do nationally – regulate healthcare here in NH even MORE, and turn it, well, her own words:

Senate Bill 505 would set up an independent three-member commission and give it the power to look at rates the same way we do with the Public Utility Commission.

Which is exactly what Progressives want to do as the intermediate step before a complete takeover – a public utility by which their every move will be second guessed by politicians and bureaucrats that never had to meet a payroll themselves (just tax it more and more).  Just like what the Democrats are trying to do so small businesses (more govt control by taking more income from them and deciding how much “reasonable” compensation is), they are now going to decide what are reasonable prices for all hospitals will charge patients for care.  In addition, it will “take” money from some hospitals and give it to others that need it (can you hear Marx smiling?).

And, oh by the way, charge the hospitals a fee for telling them what they can charge to boot!  The “soothing words” is that they are going to prevent overcharging to the uninsured – so they will now get both ends of the line with the uninsured and the Medicaid patients.  Who gets the shaft?  Yeah, those of us who are covered – driving up costs to insurance carriers.  So adding insult to injury to what our former Gov. (and now US Senator) Jeanne Shaheen did to the insurance market place, this will add to the pressure to get them out of the state.  Shaheen started the crisis by rigging the rules so as to force out the small carriers (and now the Dems cry that there isn’t competition) and MaggieCarr is going to put the screws to them again AND the hospitals.

…Charlie Arlinghaus over at NH Watchdog has a great summary piece up (details are still sketchy) and he has a good insight:

The commission itself will have the ability to determine how large it becomes. It is given its own authority to assess and collect a tax on hospital income – an “administrative assessment” on “net operating revenues.”

Commissions that control their own budgets and raise their own taxes don’t have a tendency to be small ones. The commission will have broad authority to require hospitals to unveil virtually any information about rates, payments, costs, and the way they do business.

More than just setting rates, the new bureaucracy will be required by law to “promote” new systems of payments and structures of care like medical homes or accountable care organizations.

Economics Professor Walter Williams has more to say on this mentality:

While American politicians and intellectuals have not reached the depths of tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler, they share a common vision. Tyrants denounce free markets and voluntary exchange. They are the chief supporters of reduced private property rights, reduced rights to profits, and they are anti-competition and pro-monopoly. They are pro-control and coercion, by the state. These Americans who run Washington, and their intellectual supporters, believe they have superior wisdom and greater intelligence than the masses. They believe they have been ordained to forcibly impose that wisdom on the rest of us. Like any other tyrant, they have what they consider good reasons for restricting the freedom of others. A tyrant’s primary agenda calls for the elimination or attenuation of the market. Why? Markets imply voluntary exchange and tyrants do not trust that people behaving voluntarily will do what the tyrant thinks they should do. Therefore, they seek to replace the market with economic planning and regulation, which is little more than the forcible superseding of other people’s plans by the powerful elite.

So Mike, this is a perfect example of the Progressive Administrative State (albeit, writ small):

  • Appointed, not elected
  • It’s own taxing authority instead of the regular statutory budget process while taxing those over those it is supposed to regulate
  • Make its own rules without oversight as to cost or regard to the Private Property of those private concerns (i.e., hospitals and in the future, other medical providers)

And remember, Hassan said on WMUR’s Closeup that she wants revisit this if elected: spin up a new board and just let it go without any of the normal oversight mechanisms.  This is a NH Value, Mike?  Isn’t this EXACTLY what the Progressive Administrative State would look like?  Or do you not know the foundations of the political philosophy that you support?

Is this a NH Democrat value or a traditional NH / TEA Party value?  Again, the TEA Party wants a constitutional based system by which the elected are accountable to the electors – MaggieCare is not that, eh Mike?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Anthony Fauci Plan-demic Film: Part 2 Premiering Today

Thu, 2022-10-27 18:00 +0000

The first part of the documentary introduces us to the players involved at the level of corruption not seen in American history, with Anthony Fauci at the center for pandemic control. Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, EVENT 201, Deborah Birx, the WHO and Tedros Adhanom, The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab, Johns Hopkins; all played their well-crafted and predetermined roles having practiced for this global exercise for years.

Part Two of the documentary shows the history of practice extends beyond the current actors with a history that runs through the presidency of John Kennedy, who is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s uncle. JFK was approached by his military leaders to enact conspiratorial war games scenarios, similar to 9/11 (see Operation Northwoods), and others involving releasing diseases on unwitting Americans. President Kennedy, unlike his advisors, had enough of a conscience to leave the meetings shaking his head at the callous and psychopathic suggestions. His resistance to their plans may have cost him his life.

Robert Kennedy Jr. reminisces his uncle and father having to consider who they were up against. Both were assassinated in questionable at best scenarios of lone gunmen. Kennedy Jr. is the author of the book The Real Anthony Fauci and one person uniquely situation to give us the modern story as well as its history. His book, like SARS-COV2, was difficult to pick up without becoming violently ill. I made it through a third of the book and couldn’t pick it back up for lack of wanting to find these super-predators and take them down violently. Please – send some agents to interview me so we can watch this film together and they’ll know why.

If you haven’t already watched the first it’s imperative that you not only watch both but share them as far and as wide as you can. No person is too left-leaning to be exposed to this film that shines a light on the horrific truth of the sociopath class that has taken over much of the world’s Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech, Big Medicine, Big Education….Big Evil conglomerate. Their plans are of the most devious nature – a war on humanity pretending to be its saviors.

If the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil you will find it at the root of this plot to “fundamentally transform” America and bring us to the Great Reset. There is no greater battle to fight than this one Vermont.

Watch The Real Anthony Fauci Part 2 here.

The post The Real Anthony Fauci Plan-demic Film: Part 2 Premiering Today appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don Bolduc: Hard Work

Thu, 2022-10-27 16:30 +0000

Driven, yes he IS!

Note: GraniteGrok endorsed The General in the Primary in his bid to replace Maggie Hassan as the US Senator from New Hampshire and we continue to support him now!

The post Don Bolduc: Hard Work appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mike Bordes – A Very Angry Person

Thu, 2022-10-27 15:00 +0000

Although it might be useful to think of Mike Bordes merely as a “useful idiot,” i.e. generally understood to be a person propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause’s goals, in reality, he is a malicious individual masquerading as a Republican but viciously attacking real Republicans, one after the other in an apparent sequence.

He has even had the gall to openly attack Rep Paul Terry, a retired minister, for Terry’s use of historical biblical precedents in a speech to a private group that was recorded without his consent.

Keep in mind that Bordes was one of the RINOs who voted down the Parental Bill of Rights in the NH House this year, and last year he walked out of the House and refused to vote on the Right To Work bill, which then died.  His major legislative “accomplishment” has been the introduction of a bill to eliminate the speed limit on Lake Winnipesaukee, which never passed.

He has complained about the Belknap County Republican Committee but has failed to attend any of its meetings after he failed to attain a leadership position in the group in the election for those leaders held in 2021.

The bottom line as to Bordes is that he is a very angry person who likes to strike out against anyone with whom he disagrees.  But smart politicians know that reasonable people can disagree on important issues without being disagreeable and without stooping to personal attacks.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Irony Alert: Does the “Wind Drought” Mean the End of ‘Global Warming’?

Thu, 2022-10-27 13:30 +0000

“Who’s trippin’ down the streets of the city, Smilin’ at everybody she sees? Who’s reachin’ out to capture a moment? Everyone knows it’s Windy.” Except when it’s not. Europe went all-in on wind machines to power the future, and now they may not have one.

It’s the alleged wind drought. A thing that sailors were well aware of for centuries before someone found a way to burn fossil fuels to save them from the whimsy of weather. Ships reliant on the wind could be trapped for days or weeks in open water until steam engines, coal, oil, gas (and even nuclear power). But these energy-dense materials were either too inexpensive or reliable, so the progressives dumped them for intermittent solar and wind power, and now they are paying the price.


In its latest report, the IPCC predicts a drop of 6% to 8% in average wind speeds across Europe by 2050. As wind speeds become increasingly inconstant, the cost of wind energy will become more unpredictable and its provision more unreliable — that is, unless the energy industry invests in massive storage systems that can capture the excess energy produced on windier days and release it when the wind turbines stand idle.


But there is no strategist sun or wind reserve, none on the horizon (or perhaps ever), and according to this report, the wind drought has people worried.


Last year, the load factor — that is, the ratio of actual output to the theoretical maximum — dropped by 13% in Germany and the UK and by 15% to 16% in Ireland and the Czech Republic, Les Echos reports.

The 2021 “wind drought” hit Northern Europe particularly hard, especially those countries relying most on wind energy — notably Denmark, which gets 44% of its energy from wind, and Ireland, where the share of wind in total energy production is 31%. Other European countries relying heavily on wind include Portugal (26%), Spain (24%), Germany (23%), the UK (22%), and Sweden (19%). In France, which gets most of its power from nuclear, it’s just 8%.


But should it have them worried? The sun heating the earth creates wind.


The sun creates wind by heating the ground which heats the air above it which then causes the heated air to rise. The rising heated air creates a vacuum underneath it as it rises so that air from the surrounding side rushes in to fill the hole – this is wind


Mission Accomplished?

You were after a cooler planet. Wasn’t that the goal? A wind drought suggests less warming. But here you are, filling your strategic oil and gas reserves with evil fossil fuels to keep homes and businesses lit and heated. It is a problem you would always have because neither wind nor solar has delivered to projected capacity even when the sun shines and the wind blows.

And Putin did not do that; Europe did it.

The EU can’t say, on the one hand, that they embraced alternative energy to escape Putin’s yoke, then blame him for the problems resulting from too much reliance on “alternative” energy. Putin didn’t tell you to build wind farms instead of Nuclear energy facilities; Europe (and America)  did that (with France being the lone exception and on the cusp of decommissioning themselves into the same stranded boat with the rest of the idiots).

A total commitment to wind and solar makes about as much sense as loaning more money to the unreliable uncle who never paid anyone back. He’s unreliable. It’s a given that you are throwing cash down a hole. It’s an investment in loss and planned failure.

And that’s wind and solar but for this critical point. It’s not just about other people’s money. You’ve also thrown millions of families down that hole with it, and they let you do it.

When winter comes, they will burn things to keep warm, and hopefully, the experts whose drought of common sense pushed them headlong into this mess are not among them.



Note: “Windy” was a 1967 Number One hit by The Association.

The post Irony Alert: Does the “Wind Drought” Mean the End of ‘Global Warming’? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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