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Thursday • September 19 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 18 sec ago

Sunday Spotlight: He May Not Be With Us But Still Influences Us

Mon, 2022-10-31 00:00 +0000

Most people fade quickly, but some make an indelible mark that lives on for years after they leave this earth. Sometimes we need to step back and look at people who left a mark on us before they leave us.

This week’s Sunday Spotlight is about a man who had my attention every time his lips moved, or his thoughts went to type and who I wish was here today to add some sense to our mess. This week’s Spotlight is on the genius who was Charles Krauthammer.

Three men analyzed the political world for us that I admired and could not tell you whether they leaned Left or Right. Tony Snow, Tim Russert, and Charles Krauthammer were gentlemen in an ugly arena. They were thinking men who could calmly analyze the political pulse and break it down so we all could understand it. They all left us far too early but crammed more than a lifetime into their time on earth. Charles was the cream of the crop. I would say that he stood above the rest, but he had not been able to stand for years. Being captive to his wheelchair since college did not hold down this genius of a man.

I used to plan my day to be in front of the TV each night to watch Charles on Special Report. He and Bret Baier had a unique chemistry, and Charles would anchor the nightly panel discussion. He had a calming voice and demeanor and always had insightful thoughts that often had me nodding my head in unison with the other panelists. It did not matter the topic, the guests would debate the issue, and then Charles would put a wrap on the conversation.

Minds like Charles’ do not come around often. There is no one currently in the media that I would put in his league. Charles did not have a political slant. I never thought about him as a Liberal or Conservative. I just thought of him as logical and solid. His confidence was palpable but never in your face. The only person who even comes close is Harold Ford Jr. of Fox News. Ford wears many hats, and one was a former Congressman from Tennessee. Harold is a Democrat but, like Charles, is more logical than political in his thinking. Another is Shannon Bream, the new host of Fox News Sunday. In the spirit of Tim Russert, you do not get leading questions to get a particular slant. She delivers straight down the middle.

Charles was soft spoken but always confident. If Charles had not had tragedy to overcome in his life, he would be impressive. Knowing his story makes him inspirational. He showed how regardless of what life throws, you have the intestinal fortitude to overcome the challenges. A quadriplegic, doctor, philosopher, and maybe a once-in-a-lifetime national treasure. Taken from us far too soon, we are lucky to have had his life and work for the time God gave us. We who admired and listened to his words are better people for his influence.

We need people like Charles, Harold, and Shannon. The news is volatile and divisive, with everyone pointing fingers at the other side. We need a calming voice that can settle the rhetoric. We need people who are not about sensationalism but are sensational in their analysis of the news. Charles Krauthammer set the bar high, and that is what we need in life- a standard of excellence to shoot for.


The post Sunday Spotlight: He May Not Be With Us But Still Influences Us appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Introducing … GrokPAC!

Sun, 2022-10-30 21:00 +0000

For years, GraniteGrok has been “Writing and Saying.” And since all of the Groksters are also political activists, we’ve got the “Do” part covered as well – but as individuals only. While that gives us a credibility bump that other political bloggers (that only blog) don’t, we’ve been wondering what else we can do.

Over the years, several readers have suggested we set up a PAC (Political Action Committee) to allow us to put our words into Action. And we’ve been talking about it off and on for the better part of a decade. As of today or tomorrow (as folks drive around), they will see that we have finally lit that cannon and created GrokPAC (See above, our “working” logo – Steve’s handiwork),

My idea was to do a pirate ship under full sail with the sea foaming at the bow and cannons firing through gun ports. Sounds good but wouldn’t work when a small logo would be needed.

Anyway, someone sent us something a bit ago that illustrates how PARTISAN that Democrat founded, organized, funded, and strategized Citizens for Belknap PAC is in a great illustration of how it has manipulated voting here in the county for its November 8th:

So, just to let them know that they are no longer the only game in town, I used it. One hundred roadside signs (hey, it’s late, and we were scrambling) with the following at the necessary legally required tagline:

Paid for by GrokPAC, Skip Murphy, Treasurer, PO BOX 7287, Gilford, NH  03249

It’s a start.  We do have a much LARGER project, more state-wide than county-wide, that will be dropping into view at the end of this week/beginning of next week. I’m looking forward to “some” people’s reactions. And we’re hoping to do more like that as well as the above.

By the way, the writing in the crossed bones above is “No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy.”  Sure, a bit of hyperbole, but we want to have some fun with this as well. Many of you will recognize that as one of the “unofficial” U.S. Marine Corps’ mottos.  I didn’t serve but the Eldest did in the Marines and he made sure that I learned that lesson well.

Heh!  That’s actually the text I used in registering the “Purpose” or aim of the PAC.  I think it fits – do you?

No, we don’t have a separate website for it…yet. It’s on the “to-do” list. We’re also taking suggestions as to what other things we can mess around in with this new capability; after all, you all are SMAHT people, and I bet a bunch of you will have a number of great ideas!


The post Introducing … GrokPAC! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will Anyone on the Executive Council Also Please Ask Judicial Nominees about Protected Free Speech?

Sun, 2022-10-30 19:30 +0000

I’ve recently received a flyer in the mail (attached) that says, “Reproductive Rights are on the Ballot,” but I can’t identify where, on my sample ballot (also attached), there’s any mention of “Reproductive Rights.” Is anyone able to assist me?

We want to thank Dana Albrecht for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

More importantly, however, the flyer also promises me that “As your Executive Councilor, I [Ms. Kelly] will only be confirming judges who … will restore funding to Planned Parenthood.”

Will Ms. Kelly be asking all New Hampshire judicial nominees during all future confirmation hearings if they will “restore funding to Planned Parenthood?”

As a modest proposal, concerning equitable relief for our children, I certainly hope Ms. Kelly keeps her promise!! I’d anticipate it’s just “part of the three-point plan to fix everything” and that it would be … quite entertaining!

Nevertheless, I hope that other members of the Executive Council might ask some different questions to future New Hampshire judicial nominees concerning our fundamental constitutional liberties.

Will anyone on the Council also please ask nominees about protected free speech? See, e.g. McCullen v. Coakley, 134 S. Ct. 2518 (2014). Or what a judicial nominee thinks about “flipping the bird” in the courthouse, like former judge Julie Introcaso did, after her plea and sentencing hearing last year:



I mean, I “get” that “flipping the bird” is protected speech! And, sometimes, there’s a time and a place where that’s totally appropriate. Cruise-Gulyas v. Minard, 918 F. 3d 494 (6th Cir. 2019). But, I’d still like to know what any future judicial nominees think about that issue, and I think the Council should ask!

Also, I’d like to know what a judicial nominee thinks about the use of the F-word in open court. That’s protected speech also, at least when a citizen does it. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971). Cf. Judicial Conduct Committee Complaint JC-21-072-C, also attached.

Pursuant to Cohen, will a judicial nominee respect protected speech on jackets worn inside New Hampshire court facilities?

Or, for that matter, protected speech outside New Hampshire court facilities that simply quotes our very own New Hampshire State Constitution (i.e. Article 10)?



Regardless, at the end of the day, will a New Hampshire judicial nominee follow the United States Supreme Court precedent?

See Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, No. 19-1392, 597 U.S. ___ (2022). If a prior judicial decision in New Hampshire was “egregiously wrong from the start,” (Id.) an “abuse of judicial authority,” (Id.) “deeply damaging,” (Id.) and based on “nothing but ‘raw judicial power,'” (Id.) will some new judicial nominee be willing to correct the damage previously done by the New Hampshire Judicial Branch?

Because, contrary to the opinion of the NHJB, my children are not “a bunch of morons,” and they deserve that.

Or, instead, will a judicial nominee hide behind res judicatacollateral estoppel, and even sua sponte, appear to make every effort to have some different state clean up those messes that New Hampshire created?

Thank you for your consideration.



Joseph D. Kenney<><><><><>CCSununu.Press@nh.govJames S. Scully Jr.<>elections@sos.nh.govelectionlaw@doj.nh.govShoshanna Kelly<>Shoshanna Kelly<>Robin Partello<>Vivian Girard<>



The post Will Anyone on the Executive Council Also Please Ask Judicial Nominees about Protected Free Speech? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Stephen Scaer, Nashua’s Conservative Choice for NH Senate

Sun, 2022-10-30 19:30 +0000

Nashua Senator Cindy Rosenwald thinks that she and the Democrat party know how to raise your children and manage your money better than you do. Rosenwald sponsored a bill for mandatory COVID vaccines for school children, and voted to keep parents in the dark about what their children are learning in school.

Related: Meet Stephen Scaer, Candidate for NH Senate, Nashua

Although she sent her own children to private schools, she tried to keep poor New Hampshire children trapped in underperforming public schools by opposing education freedom accounts.

Sen. Rosenwald helped to make it a crime for therapists to help gender-confused girls and boys feel comfortable in their own bodies. Now licensed therapists in New Hampshire must affirm gender identities, even for children with autism. She voted to allow men in women’s locker rooms and for mediocre male athletes to compete as elite athletes in women’s sports. And she voted for a 0.5% income tax.

But you have a choice.

As state senator I’ll oppose mandatory vaccinations, work to make sure that everyone has school choice, not just the wealthy, and I’ll fight to keep moms and dads informed about what their children are learning in school. I’ll work to get the state out of the child therapy business, to keep children safe from chemically castrating drugs, to get men out of women’s sports and private spaces, and I’ll oppose any income or sales tax.

Residents of Nashua Wards 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9, please send me to the State House to work for you and your families.

Learn more at



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors

The post Stephen Scaer, Nashua’s Conservative Choice for NH Senate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I’ve Had It with the Constant Cultural Class Warfare by the Democrats

Sun, 2022-10-30 18:00 +0000

It seems that just saying your name when meeting someone for the first time is insufficient. It seems that seeing someone is insufficient.  It seems that just saying “Hello, my name is…” is insufficient.

But ticking off every single Democrat Identity Group Totem Pole to which one “belongs” is mandatory – unless you’re somebody like me. It always seems that the purpose is to ENSURE that they don’t qualify as an old white Christian that espoused traditional America values.

So this I’ve had for a while and it PERFECTLY encapsulates how I feel:

That second frame really says it for me: I DON’T CARE!

  • I don’t CARE if you are Black. Your skin color doesn’t matter a whit to me.
  • I don’t CARE if you are gay. In fact, shoving your sexuality in my face is both obnoxious and irritating.
  • I don’t CARE if you are an immigrant. After all, isn’t it the Left that is ALWAYS telling us that we are an nation of immigrants – so they can better justify their Open Border policies and putting illegal aliens ahead of our native born that need help FIRST???

And what torques me off the most is this stupid practice of saying “The first <identity group member> to be <wherever> or accomplished <this status/task/whatever>.

Why do I say this?

E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One

That’s what America should be. That was our foundation – that people would come from all over the world because of the IDEAS on which our county was founded on. That all would ascribe to them, inculcate them, express them, and live them. Casting off ALL the former caste identities from their old countries.

And the Left has, for decades, been trying to resurrect them once again.  How can a country to united when the Democrats are always insisting on those things that separate us one from another?

What I DO care about is if you are an immigrant, are you embracing those ideas and assimilating?  Being part of our Melting Pot instead of insisting on being that Mixed Salad in which one hold onto your previous culture instead of your new one. Sure, be proud of your former country’s culture but not to the point of rejecting your new one.

Keep your sexuality to yourself – I want no part of it and I certainly don’t want you telling my children what it is and why it is normal.  That goes for straight people as well.

And again, I don’t care if you are pasty White or deep Black or something else. I want to see you as a PERSON – not the type of melanin you are.

WHAT do you believe in, HOW do you treat your family and friends, ARE you embracing our ideals, DO you know how our Civic systems work, ARE you pulling “the cart” or free loading, and are you paying the taxes you have to (but not a penny more).

And are you kind to small children and pets?

And I really don’t care if you are FIRST – or last.

Just stop it.

I don’t care. Don’t make me care. If you do, you may make me care – but not in the way you are demanding that I do.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

(H/T: Powerline)


The post I’ve Had It with the Constant Cultural Class Warfare by the Democrats appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Sun, 2022-10-30 16:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.




Top of the fold:

WHAT? Election-Denier Hillary Clinton Says “Right-Wing Extremists” Have a Plan to “Literally Steal the Next Presidential Election” (

Hillary Claims “Right Wing Extremists” Plan to “Steal” 2024 Election (

Prepping the shock troops for the fight.  If they win (by stealing it) they’ll crow that this is a repudiation of the GOP and the “MAGA Republicans”.  If they lose (because it’s so overwhelmingly a Red Wave) they’ve got their messaging out that they KNEW it would be stolen.

And then spicy time starts.  Either way IMHO.  They’ll either figure it’s time to act if they *cough* win, or as revenge for the Right’s *cough* theft.  Heads they go violent, tails they go violent.  This, of course, assumes that “something” doesn’t happen to *cough temporarily cough* push back the midterms until the crisis is over:

How are they going to do it?  I don’t know . . . but I’m pretty sure it’ll involve some sudden crisis that can be used as an excuse to delay, or postpone, or even cancel the elections.  The explosion of a nuclear weapon in or near Russia or Ukraine?  Some other military provocation, such as a Chinese assault on Taiwan?  Another major terrorist attack inside the USA?  An economic catastrophe of some sort?  It’s anybody’s guess, but I’m sure something is planned.

And from the same link (link in the original):

Sundance notes that in 2018 and 2020, precisely 15 days before each election, the FBI produced evidence of some or other plot to disrupt the elections.  Today, precisely 15 days before this year’s election, they’re doing the same thing, alleging “multiple threats to the nation’s election security infrastructure ahead of the midterms”.  Same old, same old . . . from a visibly and demonstrably corrupt security agency.  I’m far from convinced.

The Systemic Multigenerational Genocide of Humanity | Gates of Vienna

Systemic attack.

Europe Dies with BASF — and BASF-Ludwigshafen… – Michael Yon

Economic lynchpin.







Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

How to Make Soap at Home – 5 Ingredient DIY Bar Soap Recipe (

Common Plants You Can Use For Wound Healing – Ask a Prepper



And if you’re buying lots of one item, spread it out over different stores too.


Related to Spicy Time:

“The Flight 93 Election” revisited

Yes, this essay is as pertinent now as then.  Add in vote fraud off the scale…




“We are partisans who fired at German troops.” Soviet underground fighters before execution. In the center – 16-year-old Maria Bruskina, on the left – Kirill Trus, on the right – Volodya Shcherbatsevich. Minsk. USSR. 26 October 1941

What you will risk if you fight.  But you guarantee enslavement – not just for yourself but your posterity – if you will not fight.

Here’s Why You Should Get Your Ham Radio License. (

Need to look into this.  Then again, if SHTF, what’s the point of a license?







Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?







I just started a FORAGING group on Gab.  No luck in trying to let people join – not been a high priority but I’ll get on it this week.


Foraging: One-up articles

Nothing found this week.

Foraging: Permanent sites:

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

Germany Could Witness A Cash Renaissance As Its Economy Continues To Deteriorate

And thus the war on cash will accelerate; TPTB cannot afford to have a renaissance of people using cash.  And related:

Australian Bank Begins Linking Customer Transactions to Carbon Footprint – Summit News

Schools Making Kids Eat Bugs, Banning Meat – Summit News

Another German school has banned meat entirely.

What strikes me is the sheer, relentless advance of this.  It’s inexorable, it feels unstoppable.  And people truly still believe we’re going to protest and vote our way out of this???  Our enemies are MISSIONARIES and Globalism – under their rule – is their RELIGION.  The sooner you grasp that this is not merely a political ideology, but a religion wherein they see themselves as the anointed high priests, the better.



“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”

All good advice.  Some easier than other things.  But you can’t do NOTHING.

1.5 Million Saudis Forcibly Displaced To Make Way For Extravagant Project

I remember seeing the video for this project.  I thought “Nobody’s this insane”.  Looks like I was wrong.  And in general, get used to less meat:

Great Reset: High Prices Result in ‘More Sustainable Behaviour’ Such as Eating Less Meat, Says Dutch Study



Traditional Japanese dining experience inspires micro-apartment design (

I’ve seen lots and lots of articles over the last several years trying to get people interested in the idea of micro-houses and micro-apartments.  Perfect timing for:

Saudi Arabia begins construction on the Line, 105-mile car-free ‘linear city’ of the future | Daily Mail Online



National Security (specifically):

“Don’t Trust Experts, Experts Say” – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Experts require authority. The more experts we generate, the more the master class grows. And it’s a master class of idiots who are very sensitive about it and obsessed with suppressing dissent. During COVID, we discovered the proliferation of Masters of Public Health, bureaucrats knew nothing about science, understood even less and claimed total authority anyway.

What did I say about the rise of – and trust in – experts?

The Danger of Knowledge – Granite Grok

Biden Is Destroying Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve – American Thinker

This cannot NOT be deliberate weakening of America.

This Bill Would Sanction Iran’s Leaders for Human Rights Crimes. Not a Single Democrat Supports It. (

Aid and comfort.  But that’s all of a pattern:



America’s Woke Military Has Never Been This Weak | Frontpage Mag

If I WANTED to emasculate our military what would I do differently?



Shortages (broadly):



Nationwide Amoxicillin shortage expected to hit local pharmacies (

This is double-plus ungood.




Bidenflation: Cost of Thanksgiving Turkey Up 73 Percent From Last Year

The cost of the average Thanksgiving meal has risen by 12 percent since last holiday season, including the price of turkeys, which have shot up by an astonishing 73 percent.

Americans’ Savings Rate Plunges Near Record Lows as Inflation Overwhelms Income Growth

I’m sure this is not just America…

Biden Suggests People Struggling to Afford Groceries Can Buy Generic-Brand Food to Save Money

“Let them eat off-brand goods…”

Brits Brace for the Biggest Tax Burden Since World War Two: Jeremy Hunt’s November Budget ‘Set to Add £25billion in Hikes’ As New Chancellor Battles to Fill £50bn Black Hole in Public Finances

Channeling Lenin, I see.












Looks like this didn’t go the way they expected.  BWAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA!  More:




Know your enemy:

2020 Prediction by Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Was Correct – Republicans Are Being Hunted Down Since Biden Stole Election (

Now two years later we know that Scott Adams was correct.

Republicans, some who attended the Jan 6 protests, and others like Steve Bannon or Roger Stone who didn’t attend the protests, are being hunted down by their government.

Related, at least to me:

Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule (

Moms for Liberty Uncovers “How to” Sex Manual Previously on 7th Grade “Book Tasting” List in Charlotte, NC. – Book Also Appeared in a Massachusetts School…**Warning: Graphic** (

Vile.  Related:

“The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour”

When you click through to the embedded / source article (links in the original):

As the movement behind drag shows for children has gained notoriety and expanded its reach, some drag performers have let the mask slip: in Minneapolis, a drag queen in heels and a pink miniskirt spread his legs open in front of children; in Portland, a large male transvestite allowed toddlers to climb on top of him, grab at his fake breasts, and press themselves against his body; and in England, a drag queen taught a group of preschoolers how to perform a sexually suggestive dance.

Scenes from drag events hosted across the United States in bars, clubs, and outdoor festivals have been even more shocking and disturbing: in Miami, a man with enormous fake breasts and dollar bills stuffed into his G-string grabs the hand of a preschool-aged girl and struts her in front of the crowd; in Washington, D.C., a drag queen wearing leather and chains teaches a young child how to dance for cash tips; in Dallas, hulking male figures with makeup smeared across their faces strip down to undergarments, simulate a female orgasm, and perform lap dances on members of a roaring audience of adults and children. Newspaper headlines have also announced abuses: “Tucson High School Counselor Behind Teen Drag Show Arrested for Relationship with Minor”; “Houston Public Library Admits Registered Child Sex Offender Read to Kids in Drag Queen Storytime”; “Drag Queen Charged with 25 Counts of Felony Child Sexual Abuse Material Possession”; “Second ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ Reader in Houston Exposed as Convicted Child Sex Offender”; “Drag Queen Story Hour Activist Arrested for Child Porn, Still Living with His Adopted Kids.”

Absolute degeneracy, and so often met with Meh! by the school boards, and even worse by parents who think this is a good idea.  More:

Republicans tear into Kansas’ Democratic Governor for taxpayer-funded ‘all ages’ drag show | Daily Mail Online

They don’t reproduce.  They recruit.

Every House Democrat just voted against parental rights legislation – TheBlaze

House Democrats on Thursday unanimously voted to block legislation that would have required informed parental consent before a school provides mental health services related to sexual orientation or gender identity to students.

Voted unanimously.  Related:

German Government’s ‘Rainbow Portal’ Advises Children to Take Puberty Blockers, Change Genders

Yikes: The Pennsylvania Senate Debate Between The Unfortunate John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz – IOTW Report

Fetterman Starts Debate: “Hi. Good Night Everybody.”

Sh*t show of a candidate.  Nevertheless:

Fetterman raises $1M+ in hours after debate | NC Renegades



MSNBC Host Claims Minority Republican Candidates Are Not “Voices Of Color”…

They’re only “approved minorities” if they vote D.





Economy at large:



Federal deficit topped $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2022, nearly 50% above pre-COVID level

The Biden administration Friday released its budgetary data for the last month of fiscal year 2022 which showed the U.S. government ran up a roughly $1.4 trillion deficit.

Home Prices Plunge Most Since 2009, Pulte CEO Fears “Financial & Psychological Hurdles” Ahead For Homebuyers

The house next door just went on the market.  Under contract… finally.  Nice house, thought it’d have moved faster.



12 Reasons Why It Is Impossible For Any Rational Person To Be Optimistic About The US Economy At This Point

My accountant is a good man, but he’s insanely naïve.



I now go to local farm places as often as I can.  More expensive, actually, but it keeps the money local.

6 Warning Signs Before An Economic Collapse That Most People Miss (

Recessions don’t necessarily follow a pattern. However, some indicators can predict a recession.

Knowing these indications can even help you understand how to prepare for a downturn so you aren’t stuck fighting to make ends meet when the economy drops.



US Stability (broad catch-all):

Kamala Falsely Claims Her Own Support of Bailing Out Violent Criminals is ‘Misinformation’

When “leaders” say things with a straight face that outright contradict actual history… you know your nation is doomed and, certainly, those leaders cannot be trusted.

Report: September’s “Shocking” Border Numbers At “Record Levels,” Enough To Fill Two Football Stadiums

Invasion.  Nothing less.  And here… sleep tight:

Report: 98 People On Terror Watchlist Attempted To Cross The Border This Fiscal Year…

Maricopa County Elections Center DropBox Concealed With Tarp – Heavily Armed Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputies Assigned To Watch Dropboxes And Prevent Patriots From Observing Or Recording Potential Fraud (

Read that again.  Sheriff’s Deputies assigned to prevent people from observing or recording fraud.  Related – and file under “Don’t get cocky”:

Here Comes the Democrat Rout | Frontpage Mag

BREAKING: Marxist Medical Boards Strip Top Dr. Peter McCullough’s Medical Credentials for Speaking the Truth About COVID Vaccine (

And it’s not JUST being stripped of your creds and ability to work:

Why Doctors Are Lying to You ( (bolding added):

According to Marik, some of his colleagues who have gone against the narrative have even been physically threatened, and had the lives of their families threatened unless they stop talking. “So, this is serious,” Marik says. The fact of the matter is that doctors who argue against the Big Pharma narrative are a threat to trillion-dollar revenues. Compared to such sums, the value of a doctor’s life is nil.

The more I look the more I see the entirety of medicine as completely owned by pharma.

Sources: Brighton Heights Funeral Shooting Possible Result of Escalating Conflict Between Rival Groups

When you fear being shot as you step out the door…



World Stability (broad catch-all):

China Can Sneak-Attack Taiwan :: Gatestone Institute

The naivete that we’ll see it coming is massive.  More:

China’s CPC Congress Passes Resolution To Boost Armed Forces, Speed Up ‘Taiwan Reunification’ – Summit News

And here – China’s economic feet of clay provide another incentive for them to act sooner rather than later:

China May Never Become a Superpower – 19FortyFive

Russia Warns Of ‘Dirty Bomb’ False Flag Plot In Flurry Of Rare Calls To Western Leaders

Back in college we played a board game called Scruples; one of the things was that we would have a question to ask another player, and we had to predict what they’d say (YES, NO, or DEPENDS).  We’d reverse psychology the answer, and then flip that, in a mental side-game we called N-think.  This feels like that.  Who is telling the truth, and who is gaming trying to position themselves – well, besides everyone trying to position themselves.

U.S. Military “Fully Prepared” to Cross Into Ukraine at a Moment’s Notice – Truth Press

Why does this scene from the movie Lord of the Rings come to mind, when Gandalf says “It’s the deep breath before the plunge”?




RUMINT Or Reality: US Ballistic Subs And Very Short Attack Warning Times

Looking at that map, my in-laws are a possible fallout pattern.




The only resource environmentalists think is unlimited is other people’s money

 – Steven Hayward




Specific to energy:






This Was Supposed To Be A Day Off… – Liberty’s Torch ( (bolding added):

If we can’t eject these bastards electorally, there will be mass death. If we refuse to fight, thousands of Americans will freeze to death or die of diseases exacerbated by the cold. If we rise up, thousands will die in combat: Usurpers, their hangers-on, and patriots who’ve put their lives on the line because they’ve had enough. There’ll be mass death one way or another. All that will remain to us is to choose who will die and by what method.

The avalanche has started.  Alas.  Also:

Nolte: Heating Oil Already Being Rationed in Joe Biden’s America (

Energy Rationing Arrives in America – The Burning Platform

I’ve talked with people about this… and many are utterly clueless about the dire situation in diesel oil supplies.

LNG Bottlenecks Are Emerging In Crisis-Stricken Europe | ZeroHedge

Look for energy facility “accidents” to start happening, to be explained away by demand straining them.



EU To Raise Climate Target In 2023, Putting Their Citizens Into More Energy Poverty

I remember reading how Stalin and Hitler hated negative news, and thus the staffers avoided grim-reality reports.  I have that feeling now.

Price of Birch Firewood Doubles in Finland Amin Energy Crunch

I’m sure it’s not just Finland.

A personal note: I just got an oil delivery; pushing $6 a gallon.



Gardening, animals, food preservation, overall health, etc.:

Can Your Lawn Cut Back on Chicken Upkeep Costs? – The Frugalite

What Are the 10 Easiest Medicinal Plants to Grow? (




Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics







Big Tech in general:

Activists Say Instagram Blocking Content on Iran Protests

At this point I think it’s safe to say that ALL Big Tech is on the side of the tyrants.

If You Liked Big Brother, Meet Google’s Big MUM – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Conservatives are one of the cultural barriers because their existence is a marked reminder that Big Tech does not control everything. While its executives and employees are socially insulated wokes operating in major urban centers, they manage systems that extend around the country and the world. When they encounter different points of view, they seek to wipe them out.

MUM is yet another tool for enforcing a totalitarian conformity on the diversity of the internet.

Google doesn’t want you to think differently or to think for yourself. What it wants users to do is to shut up and listen to Big MUM.



Self-defense (broad) & Hunting:

Canada Is Being Disarmed: Trudeau Now Coming for Handguns After Mandatory ‘Assault Rifle’ Surrender (



Black shooter, nothing to see here, move along, move along…

I can almost see the editors of all the MSM stations and papers cussing and throwing fits, “Damnit, why couldn’t he have been a White Conservative???”

Security Mistakes You’re Probably Making On Your Property – Ask a Prepper

All good stuff.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

US Still Denies Entry to Unvaccinated Legal Travelers but Not Illegal Aliens Walking Across the Open Border (

Screaming that they’re not really serious.  It’s all about the illegals coming in.



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:


As a part of video browsing I rewatched this scene.



There is a moment after Aragorn is coronated, before he turns to face the crowd, when it’s clear the weight of his new role hits him.  He takes a brief moment, sighs, and turns to the new life into which he is stepping.  I can only wonder what prayer or thoughts he has, but I must imagine it is one where he implores upward to be worthy.

In a similar scene, a completely different movie, where Prince Caspian speaks of not being ready to be a King of Naria:



Humility.  Understanding of the enormous responsibility of being a ruler.

And a personal experience.  This is the first ultrasound picture of my first child.



I am not a “weepy” guy; pretty stoic mostly.  I wept openly seeing that image and hearing the heartbeat.  And what was my prayer?  For a healthy child.  More importantly, to be worth of this great responsibility that He was laying upon me.  Because I understood that my life was not mine any more… but until I send her, and then her younger baby bother brother, into the world as adults, mine is the role of provider, protector, and teacher.  A 24/7 responsibility.

A pity more politicians and so-called leaders don’t think of themselves as being given an enormous responsibility instead of what they mostly see: an opportunity for personal enrichment and ego-stroking.



Palate cleansers:








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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Paul Pelosi Hammered by a Three-Armed Nude Jehovah Riding an Invisible Unicorn

Sun, 2022-10-30 13:30 +0000

You will (by now) have heard the media’s interpretation of an alleged attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. The details are sketchy, but “A Psychotic Homeless Addict Estranged From His Pedophile Lover & Their Children,” who is “a pro-BLM commune walked in only underwear from Berkeley to the ultrarich neighborhood in San Francisco” …

“…entered Paul Pelosi’s mansion while predator invisible cloaked to avoid security cameras…

…wrestled with Paul Pelosi while a mysterious 3rd man watched, Paul went to the bathroom, called 911, returned to wrestle the hippie nudist, the unnamed 3rd man let police in, and then the hippie hit Paul with a hammer, because he saw a Kevin McCarthy news conference a year ago.”


While shouting where’s Nancy?

The media has labeled the attacker as a Republican, which is how Saddam, Adolf, Joe (Stalin), Mao, Fidel, the Democrat media, and Joe Biden’s teleprompter spin everything. Who else could it be?

Question? Was Paul eating a Subway sandwich, and did his alleged attacker have rope and bleach?

As Prof. William Jacobs reminds us, here, the media lies a lot, and you can’t trust a damn thing they say. So what happened? No one has a clue, least of all the media, but it’s an opportunity to smear the political right days before another alleged attack (on the Democracy) by voters, should they deliver – as expected – a tidal wave of Republican victories.

I must admit, as October surprises go, this one’s a bit of a stretch (are you sure it wasn’t Vlad Putin?).

Far Fetched

As noted increasingly everywhere, Pelosi’s San Francisco estate isn’t some farmhouse in flyover country where no one locks their doors. It has a security perimeter, staff, and surveillance. One does not simply walk into chez Pelosi. In your underwear. Carrying a hammer.

The talking heads could just have easily straight-faced a headline like, Paul Pelosi was attacked by a three-armed nude Jehova riding an invisible unicorn, and anyone who disputes this account is a denier who should expect a visit from the new fully armed and operational IRS.

Nancy was in DC, so the more likely scenario is that her hubby and his ideologically similar pro-BLM, pseudo-nudist “acquaintance” were drunk and up to something that went sideways. The only escape plan Pelosi could come up with is this thin gruel we’ve been asked to ingest.

When the mysterious third person opens the door to let the police in, David attacks me with this hammer. Don’t worry; someone will bail you out.”

The truth, much like Hunter Biden’s Laptop, is probably not just embarrassing to the family but damaging to the left.


And, as I discovered yesterday, DePape lived with a notorious local nudist in a Berkeley home, complete with a Black Lives Matter sign in the window and an LGBT rainbow flag, emblazoned with a marijuana symbol, hanging from a tree. A closer look reveals the characteristics of a homeless encampment, or what Europeans call “an open drug scene.” In the driveway, there is a broken-down camper van. On the street is a yellow school bus, which neighbors said DePape occasionally stayed in. Both are filled with garbage typical of such structures in homeless encampments. People come and go from the house and the vehicles, neighbors say, in part to partake in the use of a potent psychedelic drug, ibogaine.

Neighbors described DePape as a homeless addict with a politics that was, until recently, left-wing,



Don’t be as surprised as David DePape when he “hangs himself” like Epstein or ends up dead by other means so that whatever truth he might tell dies with him.

That is, after all, what Paul would have meant by “someone will bail you out.”


HT | Legal Insurrection

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Students Identifying as Cats and Dogs at School

Sun, 2022-10-30 12:00 +0000

I had heard about this new trend a while ago. Many parents from Timberlane posted on social media about the students identifying as cats and dogs at schools.

I figured this news was out there, and most people knew this. But recently, Don Bolduc, a candidate for the United States Senate, brought this up during a campaign event. Is anyone really surprised by this? When you open the door to allowing children to identify as the opposite gender, of course, children will take that to the next level. Why not a cat or a dog?

This isn’t to say that all children must conform to strict fashion statements. But when transgender children take on the role of the opposite sex and demand that they use the opposite sex restroom or play sports for the opposite sex, other children will then push the limits.

As a parental rights advocate focused on education, I can confirm that there are “furries” walking around many of our New Hampshire public schools. Are parents happy about this ? As far as I can tell, NO.

Those who deny this is happening, obviously haven’t been to the all of the schools in New Hampshire. I’ve seen video and pictures, but I will not post them on this blog to protect the privacy of those children. Yes, this is happening in some of the New Hampshire public schools.

Is it any wonder enrollment in public schools continues to decline?  



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Walter Williams on the Welfare State

Sun, 2022-10-30 10:30 +0000

“We have abandoned many personal freedoms. The primary justification for the attack on private property and economic freedom and privacy, I might add,  can be found in peoples desire for  Government to do good.”

IMHO, people now have, in many instances, failed to realize that it is up to THEM to do good – and not Government (“Somebody’s got to do something about it!”). People have become lazy, self-absorbed, and unwilling to take on the initiatives to do good themselves and simply have outsourced this responsibility to “faceless others” in which it is not goodness but just yet another job.


(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

The post Walter Williams on the Welfare State appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Government Should Learn from Sports

Sun, 2022-10-30 01:30 +0000

Major League Baseball (MLB) recently announced some changes to the Rules of Baseball.  Setting aside for the moment the particular details of the changes, or the wisdom of making them, I’d like to take this opportunity to remind people of how the process they went through is a valuable demonstration of how separation of powers should work in government.

What’s most important about that process is what didn’t happen.  They didn’t have individual umpires making changes to the rules on the fly, and then expecting all the other umpires to engage in the baseball equivalent of stare decisis — that is, the idea that it would be more important for umpires to agree with each other, than for them to agree with the rules as written.

As Justice Brandeis said in defense of stare decisis:  ‘It is more important that the applicable rule of law be settled than that it be settled right.’

Yes, he really said that.

In baseball, if it turns out that the rules are leading to unfortunate consequences (games taking too long, not enough bases being stolen, too many ankles being stepped on, athleticism being suppressed), then those problems are noted, and at the next available opportunity, they are addressed by the ‘branch’ of baseball whose job it is to make the rules.

In a case where something unanticipated happens — for example, a ball struck with a bat splits perfectly in half, with one half being caught by a player, and the other half falling to the ground — it is necessary for the umpire to be able to make a decision in order to allow the game to continue.  But his decision doesn’t apply to any other games.  It’s left for the rules committee to figure out how to handle such events in the future.

This is how separation of powers is supposed to work.  The rules committee makes the rules, and the umpires make sure those rules are followed.

Imagine what kind of uproar we would see if umpires began usurping the process of updating the rules of baseball in the same way that our courts have usurped the processes of updating statutes, regulations, and constitutions — something that has been going on, largely without comment, since Marbury v. Madison in 1803, in which the courts asserted that it is their job ‘to say what the law is.’

If you’re looking for a good, one-sentence explanation for how things have gone so far off the rails in this country, it might be:  We take our sports more seriously than we take our courts. 


The post What Government Should Learn from Sports appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Condos Believes Vermont Can Be #1

Sun, 2022-10-30 00:00 +0000

Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos has been looking at the data and crunching the numbers and is excited about this year’s mid-term elections.

“We’re ready to take the top spot” beams a confident Condos.

Which spot is that? According to a Heritage Foundation Election Integrity Scorecard Vermont currently ranks 47 out of 51 states (Washington D.C. included) for election integrity.

“Flip that around and we’re the fourth best at delivering fraudulent election results” sounding almost braggadocious as he glances at the signed portrait of Senator Bernie Sanders on his office wall.

“We may not be the Clintons but this little state is ready to kill the competition this year.”

As one of the first states to use Dominion voting machines, Condos felt like Vermont had laid the groundwork for churning out a steady stream of unelected elected officials.

“How else do you think we have so many communists…err…progressives in the state legislature?” he asks. It’s a legitimate question with an illegitimate answer. “We cheat like a seventh grader taking a math test next to the Asian kid, duh!”

Still, the fact remains there is much heavy lifting to do before taking over the number one spot. When asked what he plans to do differently this year he marshal his desk with the seriousness of a military general.

“We’ve been studying lots of tapes thanks to D’nesh D’souza’s movie (2,000 Mules). We made the mistake of giving everyone an Obama phone but forgot to tell them to turn their location feature off. We’ve fixed that.”

“Vermont has the highest percentage of people with multiple-personality disorder, so we believe it’s fair if each personality gets a ballot. We also have a growing transgender population who will be getting a ballot for each of their genders until they’ve picked one, to avoid discrimination. We’re also going to be stuffing the ballot boxes like a Thanksgiving Day turkey.”

When asked about the notoriously slow and error-prone postal workers in the state he assures us as government employees they are nearly all registered Democrats or Progressive or Green Party and can be trusted to show up and work hard for at least this one week out of the year.

“If you’re going to be number one you have to step in a little number two, you know what I’m saying?”

Mr. Condos is full of pithy aphorisms, among other things.

These utterly reasonable conclusions and clear-thinking strategies are why Condos has been able to re-elect himself since 2011. After discussing the failures and successes of 2020 he reminds us of his favorite saying.

“It was the most fair and secure election in history,” he says smiling widely and winking into the camera.

Which he reminds us, coming from the soon-to-be top state for election fraud, is just a dog whistle to his supporters that they’re ready to be top dogs this time around.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Someone Else is taking on SAU70-Hanover School Board Over their “Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students” Policy

Sat, 2022-10-29 22:30 +0000

It has taken a while, but parents and other groups are starting to push back on school districts that include pop culture sexuality into their culture, activities, behavior models, and curriculum.

Note: this Letter from FAIR has now been sent to me for publication a few times by readers and those that know about GraniteGrok!

It’s almost as if schools have turned into “sexuality evangelists” – and  getting called out for which should be the purview of Parents. This is long, and quite “dense”,  but well worth your time!  Reformatted (slightly), emphasis mine  -Skip



September 27, 2022

Dr. Jay Badams, Superintendent
Ms. Lisa Christie, School Board Chair
School Administrative Unit 70
41 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH 03755

Sent via email

Dear Dr. Badams and Ms. Christie:

The Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity. Our website,, can give you a fuller sense of our identity and activities.

We write in response to a report submitted to us through our reporting site,, regarding SAU 70’s “Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students” policy. That policy requires teachers and staff to conceal transgender students’ gender identity from their parents, unless the student consents or the school is “legally required” to disclose the information:

School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation to others, including parents and other school personnel, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure. Transgender and gender nonconforming students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity and expression openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much to share private information. When contacting the parent or guardian of a transgender or gender nonconforming student, school personnel should use the student’s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student’s gender assigned at birth unless the student, parent, or guardian has specified otherwise.

The policy also suggests that districts should store transgender students’ chosen name in unofficial records, presumably to keep such information from their parents: “The District is required to maintain a mandatory permanent pupil record (‘official record’) that includes a student’s legal name and legal gender. However, the District is not required to use a student’s legal name and gender on other school records or documents.”

Additionally, SAU 70’s policy requires community members to use students’ preferred pronouns and suggests that “intentional or persistent” failure to do so will be deemed punishable harassment or discrimination:

The intentional or persistent refusal to respect a student’s gender identity (for example, intentionally referring to the student by a name or pronoun that does not correspond to the student’s gender identity) is a violation of this policy.

It is the responsibility of each school and the District to ensure that transgender and gender nonconforming students have a safe school environment. This includes ensuring that any incident of discrimination, harassment, or violence is given immediate attention, including investigating the incident, taking appropriate corrective action, and providing students and staff with appropriate resources. Complaints alleging discrimination or harassment based on a person’s actual or perceived transgender status or gender nonconformity are to be handled in the same manner as other discrimination or harassment complaints.

We appreciate that SAU 70 may be seeking to protect its transgender students and create environments of respect. But its gender policy is inconsistent with constitutional and statutory law.

I. Gender Identity Non-Disclosure

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires public schools to disclose a student’s name and sex to their parents, upon request at the very least. That statute gives parents of minor children “the right to inspect and review the education records of their children.” 20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(1)(A). The term “education records” means “information directly related to a student” that is “maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution,” id. §1232g(a)(4)(A)—colloquially known as “official records.” Few things are more directly related to a student than their name and sex/gender, which are routinely (and appropriately) stored in a student’s official records and must, therefore, be available to parents under FERPA.

However, SAU 70’s policy suggests that schools should maintain transgender students’ information in separate, unofficial locations to keep it beyond the reach of parents and FERPA. In so doing, the policy contravenes FERPA. Simply moving information or labeling it “unofficial” does not change its character or disclosability. FERPA would be eviscerated if schools could escape compliance simply by moving information around or marking it “unofficial.” Moreover, SAU 70’s policy establishes different rules for transgender students and non-transgender students: the claimed sex and name of the former can be hidden from parents, while those of the latter may not be. That is the case even if a non-transgender student uses a name at school that differs from their legal name. Nothing in FERPA authorizes different disclosure rules depending on the student’s gender identity.

Additionally, concealing gender transition from parents violates their constitutional rights. The Supreme Court has consistently held that parents have a “fundamental right” under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to direct the upbringing, care, and control of their children. See, e.g., Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, 65-6 (2000) (“[T]he interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children is perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by this Court.”). It is parents, and not the state or its schools, who have the primary role in the care and rearing of children. Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 232 (1972) (stating that it “is now established beyond debate” that parents have the “primary role” in rearing their children); see Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S 510, 535 (1925) (“[A] child is not the mere creature of the State.”). Parental authority over their minor children is broad. Parham v. J.R., 442 U.S. 584, 602 (1979). It includes involvement in their children’s medical and personal decisions, as “most children, even in adolescence, simply are not able to make sound judgments concerning many decisions, including their need for medical care or treatment.” Id. at 603. Because gender transition profoundly affects a child’s mental, emotional, and physical development, involvement in that process is well within the scope of parents’ fundamental rights.

SAU 70’s gender non-disclosure policy deprives parents of those rights with no due process. It directs school personnel to actively conceal a student’s gender transition from their parents upon the child’s command, unless disclosure is required by law.1

(1 As discussed herein, disclosure is legally required under the Constitution and FERPA.)

There is no process, no preliminary finding of parental unfitness, no appeal, and no notice. Thus, parents not only are denied input into the extremely consequential matter of their child’s gender transition, but also are kept from even knowing whether their child is entering the transition process. Such double infringement upon parents’ fundamental due process
rights is unconstitutional.

“[T]here is a presumption that fit parents act in the best interests of their children.” Troxel, 530 U.S. at 68. That presumption originates from the historical recognition that the natural bond between parent and child leads parents to act in the best interests of their children. Parham, 442 U.S. at 602. Without ample evidence that a parent is unfit to raise children, the state may not “inject itself into the private realm of the family to further question the ability of that parent to make the best decisions concerning the rearing of that parent’s children.” Troxel, 530 U.S. at 68-9. SAU 70’s non-disclosure policy turns that longstanding principle on its head by presuming (if not concluding) that parents must be unfit to address their child’s gender transition simply if their child says so. The consequences are amplified in the case of adolescents, who frequently conceal information from their parents (often very effectively) not because of a lack of support, but as a byproduct of the normal teenage separation process.

The recent lower court decision in Doe v. Manchester School District, Case No. 216-2022-CV-00117 (N.H. Sup. Ct. Sept. 5, 2022), does not warrant a different conclusion. Certainly, it is correct that parents’ fundamental rights regarding their children do not include the right to demand that a public school’s educational program be tailored to their individual preferences. See id. at p. 6; Arnold v. Board of Educ., 880 F.2d 305, 313 (11th Cir. 1989); Blau v. Fort Thomas Pub. Sch. Dist., 401 F.3d 381, 395 (6th Cir. 2005). That line of authority, however, applies to the school curriculum and similar matters that historically and reasonably fall within the sphere of public education. See, e.g., Parker v. Hurley, 474 F. Supp. 2d (D. Mass. 2007) (parents’ fundamental rights do not require schools to revise their curriculum); Brown v. Hot, Sexy & Safer Prod., Inc., 68 F.3d 525, 533-4 (1st Cir. 1995) (parents could not “dictate the curriculum” at their children’s public school), abrogated on other grounds by Martinez v. Cui, 608 F.3d 54 (1st Cir. 2010); Leebaert v. Harrington, 332 F.3d 134, 141 (2d Cir. 2003) (parents’ fundamental rights do not include “tell[ing] a public school what his or her child will and will not be taught”); Swanson v. Guthrie Indep. Sch. Dist., 135 F.3d 694, 700 (10th Cir. 1998) (school’s refusal to allow student to attend classes part-time did not infringe upon parental rights); Herndon v. Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Bd. of Educ., 89 F.3d 174, 176 (4th Cir. 1996) (school’s public service requirement did not violate parents’ right to control their child’s education); Littlefield v. Forney, 268 F.3d 275, 291 (5th Cir. 2001) (parents’ substantive due process rights did not apply to school uniform policies); Blau, 401 F.3d at 395-6 (parent did not have a right to exempt child from school dress code). Assisting a child in gender transition, which is what SAU 70’s policy does, is not a curricular matter or within a public school’s purview. Rather, it is a form of therapeutic and psychosocial treatment that significantly affects the child’s entire well-being, including outside of school and long after he or she has graduated. Children considering or undergoing transition require ongoing psychological, medical, and other forms of care beyond school hours that only their parents or guardians can provide or authorize. Additionally, emerging research indicates that children who socially transition are extremely likely to seek medical and surgical interventions, many of which result in permanent effects and dependencies. See Annelou de Vries et al., Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment (PEDIATRICS vol. 134 issue 4, Oct. 1, 2014); Annelou de Vries et al., Puberty Suppression in Adolescents with Gender Identity Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study (J. SEX. MED. vol. 8 issue 8, Aug. 2011). Public schools may not knowingly abridge parents’ fundamental right to know of and be involved in a process that has such deep, broad, and lasting effects on their children’s lives.

II. Compelled Pronoun Use

Additionally, SAU 70’s policy of requiring students to use the preferred pronouns of others, under threat of harassment charges, violates those students’ First Amendment rights. A public school may not restrict, chill, or punish student speech unless it “materially disrupts classwork or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others.” Tinker v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 513 (1969). That is particularly the case where the speech touches upon a matter of public concern, such as pronoun usage, which is a topic of ongoing public debate and controversy. See Meriwether v. Hartop, 992 F.3d 492, 508-9 (6th Cir. 2021) (preferred pronoun usage is a topic of public concern for First Amendment purposes). “[S]peech concerning matters of public concern occupies the ‘highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values,’ and is entitled to special protection.” Connick v. Myers, 461 U.S. 138, 145 (1983) (citing NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., 458 U.S. 886, 913 (1982)).

Civilly declining to use alternative pronouns would not materially disrupt classwork or create substantial disorder. Nor would it invade the rights of any student. We are aware of no applicable law giving students the legal right to force others to use their alternative pronouns. Title IX of the Civil Rights Act—the controlling authority on sex and gender discrimination in schools—does not recognize or grant any student the right to compel their classmates to use whatever pronouns they demand. See 20 U.S.C. §§1681 et seq.; 86 Fed. Reg. 32637-01 (eff. June 22, 2021). Nor could it, for the federal government lacks the power to compel speech on ideological matters. West Virginia State Bd. of Educ. v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 642 (1943); Oliver v. Arnold, 3 F.4th 152, 162 (5th Cir. 2021); see discussion below at p. 5. Avoiding “the discomfort and unpleasantness that always accompany an unpopular viewpoint” is an insufficient basis for restricting student speech. Tinker, 393 U.S. at 509. As the Supreme Court elaborated:

[I]n our system, undifferentiated fear or apprehension of disturbance is not enough to overcome the right to freedom of expression. Any departure from absolute regimentation may cause trouble. Any variation from the majority’s opinion may inspire fear. Any word spoken, in class, in the lunchroom, or on the campus, that deviates from the views of another person may start an argument or cause a disturbance. But our Constitution says we must take this risk, and our history says that it is this sort of hazardous freedom—this kind of openness—that is the basis of our national strength and of the independence and vigor of Americans who grow up and live in this relatively permissive, often disputatious, society.

Id. at 508-9 (internal citations omitted).

Moreover, threatening students with harassment charges for not using the alternative pronouns of others compels them to affirm beliefs they may not hold. The First Amendment forbids public schools from requiring students to recite ideological beliefs against their conscience. Barnette, 319 U.S. at 642; Oliver, 3 F.4th at 162. Alternative pronouns are not value-neutral terms such as name and age. They are politically loaded and premised on a specific set of ideological beliefs: that more than two genders exist, that one can be neither male nor female (or both), and that gender is a matter of personal choice rather than a biological condition. Requiring students to use others’ preferred pronouns (and punishing them if they do not) necessarily compels them to affirm faith in a gender ideology they may not accept. It confines them to “the expression of those sentiments that are officially approved,” which public schools may not do. Tinker, 393 U.S. at 511. As famously written by Justice Jackson:

“If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” Barnette, 319 U.S. at 642.

Compelling students to use the preferred pronouns of others may also violate their religious freedoms. The First Amendment protects against state intrusion into an individual’s sincerely-held religious beliefs. Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual Grp., 515 U.S. 557, 573 (1995); Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 705, 714 (1977) (“A system which secures the right to proselytize religious, political, and ideological causes must also guarantee the concomitant right to decline to foster such concepts.”). Many world religions deny the existence of numerous genders and the ability of an individual to select their own gender. Mandating the affirmance of such ideas would violate the rights of students whose sincerely-held religious beliefs reject them. In fact, as you may know, a free speech and religious liberty lawsuit was filed last year against SAU 16 arising from a compelled pronoun use policy similar to SAU 70’s. See M.P. v. New Hampshire Sch. Admin. Unit 16, Case No. 218-2021-CV-01123 (N.H. Sup. Ct., filed Nov. 4, 2021). That action is pending.

FAIR advocates for a healthy partnership between and among educators, students, and parents. That partnership is not honored when schools systematically deny parents their fundamental right to participate in their minor child’s decision of whether to transition. We also support efforts to encourage respect for others in the classroom. But such measures should not in turn result in intolerance of protected speech that differs from the prevailing orthodoxy. However well-intentioned, SAU 70’s gender policy must conform with constitutional and statutory requirements. We urge the district to revise its policy to achieve a balance consistent with the rights of parents, guardians, and all students.

We would like to give SAU 70 an opportunity to respond. Please let us know within the next five days if you intend to do so.

Very truly yours,
Letitia Kim
Managing Director of the Legal Network
Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism


cc: Benjamin Keeney, Chair, Hanover School Board
Tom Candon, Chair, Norwich School Board
Rick Johnson, Chair, Dresden School Board

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Unjust Judgements

Sat, 2022-10-29 21:00 +0000

I awoke today to see that an unnamed “contributor” to the blogsite known as “The Bastion” had taken out against me under the mocking title, ”On a Mission from God.” I suppose I should have expected this sort of piece at some point, given who I am and how I strive to live my life.

I regret that for me to address and respond to the two most damning of the charges leveled against me that I must mention them.

The first is that in comments (not a “sermon” or “speech”) I made at an event to which I was invited some weeks ago, I allegedly “compared the somewhat disgraced Gunstock Commissioner Strang to the Lord Almighty himself…”

Doctor David Strang is a friend of mine, but I do not think he would be at all disappointed or hurt to learn that I cannot and do not believe he can be compared to God. Nor have I ever implied such. What I did claim was my belief that the treatment being given to Dr. Strang by some of his political opponents was reminiscent of the way Jesus was treated when he was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea at the time. Both were “railroaded” to unjust judgments.

The Gunstock issue is complicated, with many twists and turns in its sorry recent saga. But one thing is clear regardless of this week’s court decision dismissing Dr. Strang’s suit because the judge said he did not sue the correct party—a technical point having nothing to do with facts and merit.

The one thing that is clear is never once and to this very day have or can Dr. Strang’s opponents produce a letter of resignation. Dr. Strang has said he never wrote, signed, and submitted such a letter. The assertion that it exists somewhere appears to be a fabrication, a fabrication that was the basis for the rendering of a vote accepting its existence and by a bare majority of the Belknap County Delegation.

We want to thank NH State Rep Rev. Paul Terry for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Similarly, there was no evidence produced upon which to charge Jesus and serve as the basis for a conviction. Pilate is recorded as having said, “You brought me this man as one who was inciting the people to rebellion. I have examined him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against him” (Luke 23:14, NIV). Subsequently, however, Pilate capitulated to political pressure and gave Jesus over to judgment.

The comparison I made between Jesus and Dr. Strang was not personal. Jesus was the Son of God. Dr. Strang is not. The comparison I made was on the wholly unfair and unjust way in which the two were treated at certain key moments in their lives. Lacking the necessary evidence to act justly, both were nevertheless indeed “railroaded.” So, as Jeff Kuhner often says on his weekday morning show on WRKO, I say too: “If no one else has the guts to say this, I will.”

The second charge made by the unnamed writer of the hit piece posted in “The Bastion” was that I “can often be heard at various events delivering invocations and political speeches resembling tiresome and rambling sermons of New England’s early Puritan past.”

This charge is almost so laughable as to not merit a response. But to be fair, I invite the party attacking me with this charge to meet and speak with me. I would love to learn what he or she knows about “New England’s early Puritan past” and its notable pastors and preachers. I would be thrilled to speak with the person about the works of Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards, for example, two brilliant and often unfairly maligned figures of their times. Or is this comparison merely a uniformed and mean-spirited caricature about a period in American history and Puritan clergy? Come out from the shadows please, and reveal which of the two is true.

Before I ever was a New Hampshire State Representative I was an ordained minister who served four different congregations over thirty-nine years. But before both. and long before both, I became a Christian by faith and a follower of Jesus Christ. As much as I love my family, my highest calling in life is to be faithful to my Savior and Lord and to live as he has taught me in his Word, the Bible.

Accordingly, I am duty bound to obey Jesus’ command (one that he adhered to in the most extraordinary way by “laying down his life” even for those who hated and killed him). In one of the harder things for me to do, Jesus said: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:43-45a, NIV).

I suspect some of those who have attacked me know that I have to do this. What they may not know is that I actually want to do this, not for any personal gain, but for their sake. Rail unjustly and meanly against me as they might and may, they like all of us, like it or not, are ones who are in the words of the old spiritual, ”’ Standin’ in the need of prayer.”

Mock me, ridicule me, tell untruths and make uninformed and unsubstantiated accusations against me. Tell me you care not for me to pray for you. I will do so anyway—because Jesus tells me to. And who knows? One day, one or more of you may become more than a name to me, but also a brother or sister in Christ.

Note: This op-ed is written on my father’s birthday, the man who more than any other showed me what it meant to be a man—and, a man for God.

Paul Terry is a Pastor who honorably retired from active service to congregations after 39 years. He was elected as a New Hampshire State Representative from Alton in 2020 and is standing for reelection on November 8 of this year.


The post Unjust Judgements appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manchester Transgender Policy

Sat, 2022-10-29 19:30 +0000

In case you haven’t heard, a lawsuit was filed against the Manchester School District. A young child chose to be referred to as a different pronoun, unbeknownst to parents. The parent found out inadvertently, but the school stood by the policy to withhold gender identity information from parents.

We want to thank Joanna Brown for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

There is nothing educational about having and hiding gender change conversations with any child of ANY AGE without parental knowledge or permission. Categorizing all parents as abusers is heading toward more lawsuits.  And taxpayers are going to be very unhappy to see the School Board pay millions in legal bills to defend their harsh Transgender policy.

As a simple example, a Massachusetts middle school teacher was recently arrested for selling cocaine in New Hampshire.  Thankfully, there are plenty of great teachers in Manchester, but it only takes one bad teacher to destroy a child’s life under the protection of this misguided policy.

Bulimia is body dysphoria just like gender confusion, so why don’t the schools teach that behind parents’ backs?  For kids who can’t even decide their favorite color to then decide they want to change their gender is disgusting and evil for schools to encourage behind closed doors.  Puberty cannot be paused; it can only be destroyed. Gender changes are not a magic solution for the unhappiness, stress, and confusion of puberty.  In fact, the suicide rate of transgender people is 19X higher after sex change operations.  Many transgender people are detransitioning, desperately trying to undo their sex change, but they are permanently disfigured.  They are speaking out against the push of medical doctors and psychologists who never warned them of the consequences and risks and the irreversibility of their sex change. Parents are guilted into going along with it because they are told their child will commit suicide if they don’t change their gender. This gender change craze must be stopped.

Gays for Groomers is a coalition of gay and transgender people who oppose the trend of sexualizing and medicalizing children under the guise of LGBTQA+ rights. They have a video describing 3 reasons to stop grooming children immediately:

  1. It is leaving the door open for any adult to talk to our kids about sex
  2. It is attacking the nuclear family and teaching kids to distrust their parents
  3. Kids won’t be able to differentiate between the good intentions and bad intentions of adults

Teaching gender fluidity to children will make them easier to be groomed, they won’t recognize a predator because talking about genders and sex will seem normal.  They could either be a victim of a pervert or become the pervert.

The School Board’s argument that they are saving transgender kids from abusive parents is full of holes.  If a parent is abusive, school officials have a duty to report them to the authorities.  This is a poor excuse to hide conversations from any parent at any time. And puberty blockers come with a host of side effects, but taken too long will result in permanent, irreversible damage, including infertility.  This decision is not to be taken lightly, certainly not at a young age and absolutely never by school officials!

Last month in North Carolina a high school biological male playing on the girls volleyball team spiked the ball directly into the face of the victim at approximately 70 mph.  The girl was immediately knocked out and laid lifeless on the ground for an extended period. She suffered trauma to her head and neck and has long-term concussion symptoms with vision impairment. A month later she still was not cleared to return to play.  The Cherokee County Board of Education has forfeited all games against their opponent to protect their players.  Transgender people deserve respect and compassion, but biology is crystal clear. It is unsafe and unfair for biological boys to play on girls teams! Save Girl Sports!

The Manchester School Board’s original intention behind the Transgender Policy may have been good, albeit not very well thought out, but the negative results speak for themselves.  This policy is likely to get an innocent child maimed or killed.  They can and they must revise this policy! Even the NH School Board Association has adjusted their standing on this policy.  It is time for the Manchester Board of School Committee to wake up and fix this problem!


Joanna Brown

Resident and Parent in Manchester, NH

The post Manchester Transgender Policy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Illegal Border Crossings Surge … In Vermont!

Sat, 2022-10-29 18:00 +0000

If you have not seen this, here’s a quick share in serving two ends. First, hey, look at this! There is an alleged ring of human traffickers moving people into the US across the Canada-Vermont border. The second is, hey – can we crowd-source this to see if any of them entered through New Hampshire?

I’m seriously strapped for time. Someone sent me this, and I don’t have time to dig into it, but I want to share it, so here are the basics.


In recent weeks, hundreds of illegal aliens have been caught entering Border Patrol’s Swanton Sector, which covers the entire state of Vermont, as well as New Hampshire and part of New York.

More than 1,000 illegals were apprehended in Swanton Sector during Fiscal Year 2022.

However, that number could triple this fiscal year, which began on October 1.

“Upward Trend Continues: 25 days into October & Swanton Sector #BorderPatrol has encountered nearly 25% of the 1,065 total encounters for Fiscal Year 2022,” Swanton Sector Acting Chief Patrol Agent Keith Hoops wrote on social media on Wednesday.



I can see why they’d choose Vermont. Burlington is a sanctuary city, and it is against the law to prosecute sex work (prostitution). Nothing like that in New Hampshire. But we have a border, and where there’s a border, people will try to cross it (illegally), especially under the current DC regime.

Any new details are appreciated. You can email them to me.

We’ll do a follow-up if there’s new intel.


The post Illegal Border Crossings Surge … In Vermont! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Was It or Wasn’t It an Insurrection?

Sat, 2022-10-29 16:30 +0000

On May 27, 2022, Rep Debbie Wasserman-Shultz of Florida introduced a House Concurrent Resolution in Congress as follows:

“Finding that the January 6, 2021, attack on the United States Capitol Complex and the corresponding attempt to bypass constitutional order and obstruct through corrupt means the counting of certified electoral votes of the several States under section 15 of title 3, United States Code, on January 6, 2021, with intent to displace the lawfully elected President of the United States or thwart the will of the majority of electors, constitute an insurrection against the United States….” [Underlining added]

Are you OK with that so far?  I am OK, in principle, that Congress attempts to register an insurrection. After all, they are the lawmakers and we do have a law against insurrection, which by the way, is precisely expressed in 18 USC 2382 as follows:

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

I would quibble with Rep Wasserman-Schultz’s wording: “obstruct through corrupt means the counting of certified electoral votes … with intent to displace the lawfully elected President.” My quibble is that there is no “lawfully elected president” until after the two chambers, assembled jointly, have carried out all their January 6 work. But that’s a small correction of wording that could be fixed.

Also, though, I don’t feel right about her wishing to make a “finding” that what went on that day was indeed an insurrection, as this is something that all Americans need to have investigated and it hasn’t been done. (And you don’t want the investigation to be like that of the Warren Commission or the 9-11 Commission, right?)

The same resolution (which did not pass; it died in the Committee on Crime) said:

“and that any person who participated in the attack, or conspired or attempted to bypass constitutional order and obstruct through corrupt means the counting of certified electoral votes of the several States under section 15 of title 3, United States Code, on January 6, 2021, with intent to displace the lawfully elected President of the United States or thwart the will of the majority of electors, is deemed to have engaged in an insurrection in violation of section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.”

Ah, that means that “the eyes of Texas” or in Rep Wasserman-Shultz’s case, the Eyes of Florida’s Congressional District 23, were on the 14th Amendment which says:

“No person shall … hold any office …who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States… shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion….”

(Ratified in 1868, referring to rebels of the Confederacy). In other words, this is an attempt to keep Trump out of the 2024 election. Cute.

How To Investigate?

Now let’s pretend that the 435 members of Congress have all set aside their Party badge and want to do what is right for America, no matter who may get blamed — assuming, of course, that any assigning of blame will be done lawfully.

Can they order an investigation? Yes. Congress can investigate anything that it has responsibility for. Like the House of Commons in England, the House of Reps is “the Grand Inquest.”

What about demanding a president to give testimony under oath? Yes, sure. Isn’t that disrespectful of the man himself?  Of course not. We need to give great respect to our presidents (I personally do not approve of “Let’s go, Brandon”). But asking him to explain whether or not he incited a riot is too important to give way to etiquette.

It seems to me that Trump would not have incited a riot (much less incited anyone to physically assault Mike Pence). I have stated my reasons in the video below. I do think Trump — who was still president on January 6, 2021 — did not act fast enough to end the invasion.  Even his son said so, on that very afternoon. But don’t listen to me; I have no special knowledge of the Jan 6 event.  We need a proper investigation.

Let me dispose of some elements that confuse the issue about the propriety of the investigation.

  1. Did Nancy Pelosi break rules in appointing a select committee? Yes I believe she did and Ia lso believe it doesn’t matter. The House makes its own rules. If they get broken, the House can decide to foreswear any punishment.  Surely 51% of the House would have let Nancy off the hook for that.  Alternatively, the Rules Committee could come up quickly with a draft of a new Rule to cover any situation.
  1. Did the Republican majority leader Kevin McCarthy neglect his duty to participate in the selection of the GOP members for the Jan 6 select Committee? Yes, he did, but again it does not matter. His duty is to his Party and, for whatever reason, his Party did not object to his “recusal.”
  1. Is a president entitled to access all classified material? I think he is, but this does not seem relevant. Don’t mix this Jan 6 problem up with the Mar-a-lago raid, which is completely separate. (But both are probably games that Dems — or higher ups — are playing to get Trump discredited.)
  1. Can a president refuse to testify under oath? Well, he can try, by taking it to court. One imagines that Trump will go the court route in order to buy time till after the November 8 election.
  1. Is he likely to win in court? I don’t think any president would win the right to refuse to answer Congress’ questions under oath. There is a “precedent” but it is not a judicial president, just a customary one, from 2002. Namely both President Bush and his VP Dick Cheney gave unsworn testimony to the 911 Commission. (They were NOT ASKED to take an oath and risk perjury.)
  1. Does a president have legal immunity if he commits a crime? You’re joking.
  1. Can Congress punish a person who does not show up when subpoena’d. Yes, but as far as I know they don’t do it to fancy people. (The punishment would consist of referring the matter to the DoJ. You can see how Congress didn’t bother to refer Bill Barr, US Atty Gen (and thus head of the DOJ) when he ignored a subpoena.
  1. Can a president ask that his testimony be given in secret? Yes, there is no law against that. But in the current case, it is the Congress that has asked for the secrecy of Trump’s testimony. (One wonders why.) Trump himself told the New York Times that he “is considering attending the hearing on the proviso that it be publicized” — or words to that effect.
  1. Is there a principle in the Constitution that can be labelled Executive Privilege? I say no, and would like to be drawn on that.
  1. If the current Congress decides that Trump “did” the insurrection, do they have a means of punishing him? No. Congress has a means of punishing a president by impeachment. The House already tried that twice, but the Senate failed to convict.  As for criminal punishment, that is not in Congress’s constitutional powers. It belongs to the Third Branch of government, the judiciary.

Long story short, Congress should do a proper investigation of the Invasion.  (Please see my October 26, 2022 GraniteGrok article in support of the Oath Keepers.) Just think how much damage has been done to the life of ordinary citizens by their “learning” from the press that a president sent hoodlums to the Capitol to do mayhem.

As expressed in the video below, I wrote to the Grand Jury of Fulton County, Georgia, when it was considering an indictment of Trump for messing with the Georgia election. The Foreman did not sign the return post card, so I don’t know if it was seen.

Note: the content of my video is not identical to what I said in the letter to Fulton County, as I went off script as soon as I mentioned my dad in the polling booth of the 1950s. Also, I made an error in the video by saying that it was Rep Marjorie Greene who challenged the Arizona electoral ballots; no, she challenged Michigan. And the session of Congress continued till around 3am on January 7.

By the way, as far as I know, the New Hampshire legislature is entitled to open its own investigation of the Jan 6th Washington DC event.

The post Was It or Wasn’t It an Insurrection? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Elon Musk the Left’s New Trump?

Sat, 2022-10-29 15:00 +0000

An essential feature of the Left’s endless war on Donald Trump is that they did it. The relentless smearing of the President, the man, his associates, and his family. Why? He represented a significant threat to their grasp of power. No matter who or what. They’ll use the government to ruin you.

Trump fought back and still does. He has the will and resources. But the Feds are spending your money, and if you failed to notice, there is no end to the pot, and they’ve no issue wasting trillions on progressive whimsy.

That’s the what and why of 87,000 new IRS agents. Apply pressure to get everyone in line. You make a few high-profile examples, and the rest lay down.

So, is it Elon’s turn?

The war on Trump has not worked as planned ever, and they need someone to isolate and target.

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has been a love-hate thing for progs. He wanted it, and they cried foul. He walked away, and some of them demanded he stick with the deal. But when Elon comes back and takes over, it’s the world’s end. How dare he say he will protect free speech in this public square?

The Left hates free speech, and, oh, by the way, Tesla is under investigation.

As Reuters reported exclusively earlier this week, multiple insider sources revealed the Department of Justice has been conducting a previously undisclosed investigation into Tesla and Musk’s repeated misleading and false claims regarding their Autopilot system capabilities since last year. The DOJ’s criminal probe reportedly centers on more than a dozen accidents, some of them fatal, involving Teslas that occurred while the EVs were engaged in Autopilot mode.

I’m sure they have been “investigating this for a while.” It’s a Stasi-like feature of modern US “justice.” Copious files. Laws are so complex that anyone can be charged with something when needed or – not charged if they are the right sort of person.

Lawfare on demand.

We should expect that trend to continue—death by a thousand cuts. Wear away at the edges. There may even be a Musk dossier out there waiting to come to light.

I doubt Musk cares, and like Trump, he may enjoy the attention and the opportunity. These are men who thrive on adversity or challenge. It gets them focused. So it will be an exciting ride.

And for the record, I’m not a fan of the idea of automated self-driving vehicles. If the allegations are correct, then it makes sense to correct the record. But this task has been undertaken by a partisan DoJ that gets its marching orders from the political Left. It serves their priorities. And it and they are as or more guilty of “repeated misleading and false claims” than any entity in modern existence.

If anyone is guilty of misleading people, it’s the government and the political Left. They can’t tell the truth, or they’d never win an election, but for the ideological ghettoes in places like San Francisco, Berkeley, Cambridge, and the like.

So, they lie.

Maybe Muk will make time to point that out. It’s not like he doesn’t have a platform for that.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Adam Sexton’s Desperation (To Reelect Hassan) Reaching Peak Level

Sat, 2022-10-29 13:30 +0000

Did you know that the issue first and foremost in voters’ minds is the “fair tax”? Of course you didn’t … because it does not even register among the issues voters currently care about. BUT … it’s Maggie Hassan’s latest attack on Don Bolduc, so OF COURSE Adam Sexton is pushing it:

This election is about INFLATION, RECESSION, OPEN BORDERS, CRT, GROOMING, FENTANYL, CRIME, THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA … but Maggie Hassan is on the wrong side on all of those issues so Adam Sexton is talking “fair tax” instead. Sexton is a total disgrace.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ACLU Sues County (To Protect Our Democracy!) That Plans to Hand Count Every Ballot

Sat, 2022-10-29 12:00 +0000

When an election result is challenged, what happens? They hand-count the ballots. It is regarded as the best way to determine the actual tally and, therefore, the winner. Nye County in Nevada decided that, too, so the county commissioners voted to hand count all ballots. No more machines. The ACLU sued.


“This isn’t about being partisan. It is about protecting our democracy,” stated Athar Haseebullah, the Executive Director of ACLU of Nevada. Haseebullah says Nye County’s new hand counting of ballots approved by Nye County Commissioners in a 5-0 vote back in March raises serious concerns.

“They had no real processes for how they wanted to do it, it was totally disorganized and chaotic and all fueled by conspiracy theories,” Haseebullah asserted.


As a spreader of conspiracies, the ACLU ought to know. That once respected organization has devolved so wholly into a partisan bag man for the political Left you can’t even rely on them to protect free speech. Objecting to hand-counting is just another opportunity to push a different narrative.


The ACLU says it is almost unheard of not to use machines to count ballots and instead rely on people to count them by hand.



And I get it. The ACLU thinks (or wants you to believe that) it is impossible to count the entire county accurately and in a timely fashion, but claiming this is about protecting our Democracy (which they do) is absurd. Hand counting is the last resort for ensuring an accurate result. During the 2000 elections, the Left made us wait for weeks while they tried to win Florida for Al Gore to protect “our” Democracy.

To this day, they claim the Supreme Court elected GW Bush in 2000 when all they did was force Florida to comply with State election laws.

Nye County, Nevada’s election law states that it will hand-count all ballots. It might not be pretty, but if they get the correct result, then Democracy is served.

As for the ACLU, they might win their suit or get a stay on the new plan (you can never tell with judges), forcing the county to use Skynet to tabulate election winners. Either way, expect the same treatment if you attempt to implement a similar policy in your neck of the election woods.3



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Happens When the Trucks and Furnaces Stop

Sat, 2022-10-29 10:30 +0000

November 1st is right around the corner. So is the winter heating and the holiday shopping season. The Joe Biden energy policies have devastated the economy and are about to worsen things. Diesel fuel cost is currently at a historic high, and things are not improving as it was announced this week that we have a twenty-eight-day supply of diesel fuel in our country.

That is the lowest diesel supply since 2008. It should not go unnoticed that Joe Biden was a common denominator between 2008 and 2022. Biden was Vice President in 2008; unfortunately, he is our President in 2022.

Virtually everything we use and buy in this country relies on diesel fuel. We are already at 8.3% inflation, hurting every American household, but the shortage, and subsequent price hike, will drive that inflation rate higher. In New England, the problem is compounded by many homes and businesses using diesel oil as a primary heating supply. Many homes already see heating oil rationing, or they can only buy a smaller quantity they can afford. Either way, people have to keep their homes colder than desired. It is not hyperbole to say that we may have a loss of life from people not being able to heat their homes.

Truckers are paying exorbitant amounts of money to fill their tanks, and that cost has to be passed onto the consumer. We all share in the increased fuel cost, but what happens when the tanks run dry? The trucks stop, the product flow is interrupted, produce rots in the field, and livestock will need to be destroyed. Does this sound like a well thought out energy plan? Not even in a third-world country.

Joe Biden has to recognize he has to pivot on energy. He can either continue to align with the climate folk or see the damage he is doing to America and say enough. Our national security is at risk with our dependence on foreign crude. Just two years ago, we were exporting oil and LNG to our allies in Europe. Today, we have left these folks to beg for oil and gas from a hostile Russia. There are already brown and blackouts, and buying anything from Putin always comes with a hook. That puts NATO in a precarious position where they may compromise positions to ensure their people can stay warm.

Biden has been tapping our Strategic Energy Reserves in his futile effort to reduce gas prices. Unfortunately, he has also sold some of our reserves to foreign countries, even China. How does that reduce our costs? It doesn’t. There is no plan to replace the millions of barrels already withdrawn, which means, should we experience a catastrophe, we may not have the surplus needed. This, again, is another example of hurting our national security. Now Biden wants to start drawing from our diesel surplus. How about turning on the drills and refineries instead?

Our current energy policies is a great reason to hope for a Red Wave on November 8th. The polls continue to trend in the direction of the Republicans. And it is looking more like a takeover of both chambers of Congress, which will pause Joe Biden’s step.

The post What Happens When the Trucks and Furnaces Stop appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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