The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • March 9 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

Syndicate content NH Liberty Alliance
Liberty: Too Big to Fail
Updated: 36 sec ago

House Gold Standard – March 06, 2025

Mon, 2025-03-03 15:20 +0000

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Senate Gold Standard – March 06, 2025

Mon, 2025-03-03 14:56 +0000

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Bill Hearings for Week of March 03, 2025

Sun, 2025-03-02 23:06 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 48 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 12 and opposition of 3 with 1 being of interest.
Of the 35 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 7 and opposition of 5 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB748 establishing a local education freedom account program. Education Policy and Administration Mon 3/3 9:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill allows school districts to adopt a program for local education freedom accounts for a parent of an eligible student to receive a grant from a scholarship organization for qualifying educational expenses at a public school, chartered public school, nonpublic school, or program approved by the department of education.
Support HB231 prohibiting school district personnel from transporting students to medical procedures without parental consent. Education Policy and Administration Mon 3/3 3:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school districts to create a policy prohibiting school district personnel from transporting any student who is a minor for any medical or health-related procedures or appointments without knowledge and approval of a parent or guardian unless he or she is following a published school district emergency health or medical protocol or policy.
Support HB413 relative to subdivision regulations on the completion of improvements and the regulation of building permits. Municipal and County Government Mon 3/3 9:40 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill: I. Extends the existing 5-year exemption for subdivision plats to 7 years and increases the preliminary step from 2 years to 3 years. II. Changes the building code and fire code appeals process, limiting the jurisdiction of the local building code board of appeals to hearing decisions made under local amendments to those codes. III. Provides that decisions of the building code review board regarding decisions of the fire marshal and local building code board of appeals may be appealed to superior court or the housing appeals board.
Of Interest HB266 relative to structural changes to the department of energy. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 3/3 9:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill: I. Ensures the department’s full party status in proceedings before the public utilities commission. II. Requires the department to support the public utilities commission, site evaluation committee, office of the consumer advocate, and any related entities. III. Allow the department to demand documents and specific answers from public utilities or related entities. This bill is at the request of the department of energy.
Oppose HB493 requiring education on child abuse and neglect for certain healthcare providers as a condition for licensure. Children and Family Law Tue 3/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires education on child abuse and neglect for certain healthcare providers as a condition for licensure.
Support SB90 allowing high-density residential development on land zoned for commercial use. Commerce Tue 3/4 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill authorizes high-density residential development on commercially zoned land.
Support SB175 relative to the use of covenants by municipalities. Commerce Tue 3/4 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill grants municipalities the authority to enforce private covenants while prohibiting municipalities and state government from requiring or encouraging covenants as a condition of zoning or land use approval, with exceptions made for workforce housing developments.
Support SB281 prohibiting municipalities from denying building or occupancy permits for property adjacent to class VI roads under certain circumstances. Commerce Tue 3/4 10:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill changes the requirements that allow a building to be constructed on a lot adjacent to a class VI roadway.
Support SB283 relative to the calculation of floor-area-ratios under local building ordinances. Commerce Tue 3/4 11:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires municipalities to exclude below-grade areas from floor-area-ratio (FAR) calculations and review and adjust height limitations as needed to maximize capacity and height potential for new construction.
Support SB163 prohibiting local moratoria and limitations on building permits. Commerce Tue 3/4 11:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill prohibits municipalities from adopting new ordinances, regulations, or policies that establish moratoria or limitations on building permits or approvals for subdivisions and site plans, and repeals existing authority for temporary moratoria or limitations.
Support HB463 relative to the composition of the board of recount in elections for the select board and for the school board. Election Law Tue 3/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill prohibits candidates for the select board and the school board from sitting on a board of recount in an election where such candidate is on the ballot.
Oppose SB214 enabling no-excuse absentee registration and voting. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 3/4 9:15 AM LOB Room 103 This bill allows for no-excuse absentee registration and voting.
Support SB231 relative to road frontage requirements and setbacks for wetlands. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/4 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill adopts limits on road frontage requirements and setbacks for wetlands and lot lines to improve housing density, ensuring these requirements do not exceed 50 feet and are consistent with existing shoreland protection and environmental standards.
Oppose SB235 enabling funds from the Pitman-Robertson Act to be spent by the fish and game department on threatened and endangered species in New Hampshire. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 3/4 9:40 AM SH Room 103 This bill enables funds from the Pitman-Robertson Act to be spent by the fish and game department on threatened and endangered species in New Hampshire.
Support HB616 relative to the confiscation of animals from persons suspected of or charged with abuse of animals. Environment and Agriculture Tue 3/4 1:30 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill prohibits the confiscation of animals from persons suspected of abuse of animals unless such person is charged with cruelty to animals or the animals require temporary protective custody. This bill also requires the state veterinarian or their designee to accompany an investigating officer when livestock are the subject of a cruelty case in order to set probable cause criteria for the taking of the animal.
Support SB270 relative to allowing owners to gather items necessary for work from impounded vehicles. Judiciary Tue 3/4 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill allows individuals to retrieve personal and work-related items from an impounded vehicle so long as the individual is accompanied by the vehicle’s owner.
Oppose SB259 creating an exception to physical attendance and quorum requirements under the right-to-know law for individuals with disabilities. Judiciary Tue 3/4 1:10 PM SH Room 100 This bill creates an exception to physical attendance and quorum requirements under the right-to-know law for individuals with disabilities.
Oppose SB263 criminalizing and creating a private right of action for the facilitation, encouragement, offer, solicitation, or recommendation of certain acts or actions through a responsive generative communication to a child. Judiciary Tue 3/4 1:40 PM SH Room 100 This bill criminalizes and creates a private right of action for the facilitation, encouragement, offer, solicitation, or recommendation of certain acts or actions through a responsive generative communication to a child.
Oppose HB660 requiring historic horse racing facilities to compensate their host communities with a percentage of the revenue generated from their historic horse racing machines. Ways and Means Tue 3/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires historic horse racing facilities to transfer 10 percent of revenue generated, after breakage and payment of winnings, to host municipalities.
Support HB529 relative to the liquor commission. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 3/5 1:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill: I. Extends the hours of sales of alcoholic beverages. II. Allows on-premises licensees to deliver liquor to customers who order a meal for home delivery. III. Allows on-premises licensees to sell beer in refillable containers and refill such containers with beer.
Support HB695 relative to school districts and medically-related grants. Education Policy and Administration Wed 3/5 2:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill directs the department of education to require school districts to adopt a policy prohibiting schools from seeking grants for medical products or services or accepting grant-provided medical products or services, or funds therefor, unless the citizens of the municipality vote in favor of such action.
Oppose HB250 enabling local governing bodies to regulate the muzzling of dogs. Environment and Agriculture Wed 3/5 10:00 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill enables local governing bodies to regulate the muzzling of dogs.
Oppose SB302 requiring background checks for solid waste facility owners. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 3/5 9:15 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires background checks for solid waste facility owners including partners and managers.
Support HB559 relative to staffing requirements in emergency medical transport vehicles. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 3/5 9:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill provides that not more than one emergency medical care provider shall be required to provide care to a patient during transport in an ambulance or other emergency medical service vehicle.
Support HB357 relative to the department of health and human services’ rulemaking authority regarding immunization requirements. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 3/5 10:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill limits childhood immunization requirements to diseases identified in statute. The bill removes the authority of the commissioner of health and human services to adopt rules requiring immunization for additional childhood diseases.
Support HB358 relative to exemption from immunization requirements on the basis of religious belief. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 3/5 11:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill provides that a parent or legal guardian may claim an exemption from childhood immunization requirements on the basis of religious belief by providing a signed statement to that effect. The bill removes the statutory reference to a form used for such purpose.
Support HB701 relative to a health care patient’s right to try certain emergency health care treatment options. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 3/5 1:00 PM LOB Room 201 This bill expands a health care patient’s right to try emerging health care treatment options.
Support HB522 relative to the expectation of privacy in personal information maintained by the state. Judiciary Wed 3/5 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill establishes an expectation of privacy in personal information maintained by the state.

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Civic Action Movie Night

Sun, 2025-02-23 18:05 +0000

In support of our Civic Action fund and in celebration of progress on Defend the Guard, we’re hosting a screening of WarGames at Chunky’s in Manchester.

Please grab a ticket today and join us on Tuesday, May 6. See you there!

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Bill Hearings for Week of February 24, 2025

Sun, 2025-02-23 15:40 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 31 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 5 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 0 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 0 and opposition of 0 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB200 relative to the procedure for overriding a local tax cap. Municipal and County Government Thu 2/27 9:00 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires a supermajority vote of the legislative body to override a local tax cap.
Support HB138 relative to tax impact notation on warrant articles with multi-year tax impacts. Municipal and County Government Thu 2/27 10:20 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires a notation stating the estimated tax impact for any special warrant article with a multi-year tax impact in towns that have voted to require a notation stating the estimated tax impact of the annual budget and all special warrant articles.
Support HB284 requiring tax impact statements on municipal warrant articles. Municipal and County Government Thu 2/27 10:40 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires that municipalities require tax impact statements on budgets and warrant articles and a total tax summary statement.
Support HB613 relative to enabling local political subdivisions to vote and set a reduced default budget option. Municipal and County Government Thu 2/27 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill enables local political subdivisions that have adopted the official ballot referendum form of meeting to adopt provisions for an annual choice for a reduced default budget.
Support HB475 relative to the reductions from the default budget for official ballot town meetings. Municipal and County Government Thu 2/27 1:45 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill alters the definition of default budget to include salary and benefit reductions which occur as a result of position turnover.

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House Gold Standard – February 20, 2025

Thu, 2025-02-20 14:17 +0000

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House Gold Standard – February 20, 2025

Tue, 2025-02-18 15:01 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-02-20-25-H-y.pdf

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House Gold Standard – February 20, 2025

Mon, 2025-02-17 18:37 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-02-20-25-H-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of February 17, 2025

Sun, 2025-02-16 12:34 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 84 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 18 and opposition of 14 with 1 being of interest.
Of the 51 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 6 and opposition of 10 with 0 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB285 relative to determination of parental rights and responsibilities. Children and Family Law Tue 2/18 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill adds to the list of factors for a court to consider in determining parental rights and responsibilities any known mental health conditions of the parent.
Oppose SB169 requiring employers to provide certain information regarding cost sharing to employees receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Commerce Tue 2/18 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires employers who provide supplemental pay to employees receiving workers’ compensation benefits to notify the employee with a breakdown of payments, anticipated financial adjustments, employee costs of withholdings, and method of payment options.
Oppose SB177 relative to requiring New Hampshire employers with over 25 employees use the E-Verify system. Commerce Tue 2/18 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires New Hampshire employers with over 25 employees to use the E-Verify system and provides for complaint investigation through the department of labor.
Oppose SB176 relative to the state minimum hourly rate. Commerce Tue 2/18 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill provides for increases in the minimum hourly rate.
Support SB33 relative to the regulation of public school materials. Education Tue 2/18 10:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires local school districts to adopt and publicly post policies describing materials authorized for use by students in the district and outlining procedures to address complaints alleging that material is harmful or age-inappropriate for use in the district’s schools.
Support HB709 allowing parents or guardians to admit their children into any school district where they pay any property or school district taxes. Education Policy and Administration Tue 2/18 2:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill allows parents or guardians to admit their children into any school district where they pay any property tax or school district taxes.
Support HB741 allowing parents to send their children to any school district they choose. Education Policy and Administration Tue 2/18 3:15 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill allows parents to send their children to public schools outside of their resident district.
Oppose HB714 creating a single primary ballot. Election Law Tue 2/18 1:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill creates a single party ballot for use in state and congressional primaries.
Support SB105 enabling towns to adopt budget caps. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 2/18 9:15 AM LOB Room 103 This bill enables towns to adopt budget caps.
Support SB217 relative to public notice of historic tax rates and tax impacts of proposed projects. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 2/18 9:30 AM LOB Room 103 This bill requires cities and towns to provide public notice of historical tax rates and proposed building projects.
Support SB229 relative to the sale of uninspected bison, red deer, and elk meat. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/18 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill allows the sale of uninspected bison, red deer, and elk meat and removes the prospective repeal of the provisions governing the sale of uninspected bison, red deer, and elk meat.
Oppose SB234 relative to the electric assistance program. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/18 9:40 AM SH Room 103 This bill:I. Establishes an advisory council for the electric assistance program. II. Caps the system benefits charge for the program at 2 mills (or 0.2 cents) per kilowatt-hour, with adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index. The bill is a request of the office of the consumer advocate.
Oppose SB226 suspending applications for new landfills and establishing a committee to study the feasibility of incinerating solid waste. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/18 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill suspends applications for new landfills and establishes a committee to study the feasibility of incinerating solid waste.
Oppose SB227 relative to site setbacks for landfills. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/18 10:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires certain tests and setbacks before the department of environmental services grants a landfill permit in New Hampshire.
Support HB505 allowing the sale of freeze dried foods produced in homestead food operations. Environment and Agriculture Tue 2/18 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill allows the sale of freeze dried foods produced in homestead food operations.
Support HB396 exempting meat and meat food products slaughtered and prepared in state for sale in state from certain inspections. Environment and Agriculture Tue 2/18 2:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill exempts meat and meat food products slaughtered and prepared in state for sale in state from certain inspections.
Support HB457 relative to zoning restrictions on dwelling units. Housing Tue 2/18 1:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill prohibits the adoption and enforcement of any zoning ordinance that restricts the number of occupants of a dwelling unit to fewer than 2 occupants per bedroom. The bill also prohibits the adoption and enforcement of any zoning ordinance that discriminates based on familial, non-familial, or marital status.
Oppose SB139 creating a private right of action in civil rights cases. Judiciary Tue 2/18 1:40 PM SH Room 100 This bill creates a private right of action in civil rights cases.
Oppose HB542 relative to weekly benefit amounts for unemployment compensation. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/18 10:00 AM LOB Room 307 This bill updates the weekly benefit amount for total unemployment and the maximum total amount of benefits payable during any benefit year.
Oppose HB744 relative to workers’ compensation indemnity benefits percentage. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/18 11:00 AM LOB Room 307 This bill changes the percentage of workers’ compensation indemnity benefits to 66 2/3 percent.
Oppose HB554 enabling municipalities to choose whether or not to place political advertising on municipal property. Municipal and County Government Tue 2/18 9:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill designates the authority to decide where political signs will be placed in a municipality to that municipality.
Support HB512 relative to preventing municipal employees from being paid under multiple municipal contracts simultaneously. Municipal and County Government Tue 2/18 9:20 AM LOB Room 201 This bill:I. Prevents town managers, administrators, and school superintendents from being compensated by more than one town or district contract at a time. II. Creates criminal penalties for town managers, administrators, and school superintendents who accept compensation from more than one town or district contract at a time.
Oppose HB490 relative to indemnification for municipalities adopting policies to address homelessness. Municipal and County Government Tue 2/18 10:20 AM LOB Room 201 This bill allows public property to be used to aid and shelter the homeless and indemnifies the governmental unit from claims for injury related to such aid and shelter absent intentional misconduct or a conscious disregard for safety.
Oppose HB668 authorizing municipalities to hold a referendum to rescind the licenses of historic horse racing facilities. Municipal and County Government Tue 2/18 11:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill authorizes municipalities to hold a referendum on whether to prohibit the sale of pari-mutuel wagers on historic horse racing.
Of Interest HB755 relative to the state’s electric utility market. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 2/18 9:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill revises the definition of grid modernization to reference cost-effective measures intended to create a competitive market place of electricity suppliers, defines “load reducer” for purposes of electric utility restructuring; and establishes certain retail market reforms intended to enable innovation.
Oppose HB533 relative to the use of civilian employees in commercial truck inspections. Transportation Tue 2/18 10:10 AM LOB Room 203 This bill authorizes the division of state police to use civilian automotive equipment inspectors in certain inspections and authorizes any officer of the department of safety or other law enforcement agent certified to conduct truck inspections to enter, during regular business hours, the commercial premises owned or leased by a commercial carrier, wherein certain required records are stored or maintained, for the purpose of conducting a compliance review, new entrant safety audit, or investigation, and to inspect, in a reasonable manner, the records for the purpose of enforcing certain regulations. This bill is a request of the department of safety.
Support HB721 relative to establishing gold and silver as legal tender. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/19 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes gold and silver as legal tender.
Oppose HB454 requiring that retailers of fuel blends with 15% ethanol also offer fuel blends with 10% or lower ethanol content. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/19 10:45 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires a fuel retailer to sell a fuel blend with 10% ethanol or less if they sell a fuel blend with 15% or more of ethanol.
Support HB517 repealing the Granite State paid family leave plan. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/19 11:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill repeals the Granite State paid family leave plan.
Oppose HB774 requiring Medicare supplemental policies to cover pre-existing conditions. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/19 1:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires Medicare supplemental policies to cover pre-existing conditions.
Support HB565 allowing persons under 21 into veterans’ clubs, private clubs, and social clubs under certain conditions. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/19 2:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows persons under 21 into veterans’ clubs, private clubs, and social clubs if they are signed in by a person who is 21 years of age or older.
Support HB361 prohibiting mandatory mask policies in schools. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/19 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill prohibits school boards and other public education agencies from adopting, enforcing, or implementing a policy that requires students or members of the public to wear a facial covering.
Support HB360 prohibiting public schools from performing diagnostic tests or surgical procedures, or prescribing pharmaceutical drugs. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/19 2:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill prohibits public schools from performing diagnostic tests or surgical procedures, or prescribing pharmaceutical drugs.
Oppose HB50 relative to teaching discrimination in public schools and discrimination in public workplaces. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/19 3:15 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill provides that no education law of this state shall be construed to bar any school employee from teaching the historical or current experiences of any group that is protected from discrimination. The bill also repeals provisions of the law relating to the right to freedom from discrimination in public workplaces and education.
Support HB779 allowing the sale of rabbit meat in intrastate commerce. Environment and Agriculture Wed 2/19 10:15 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill allows for the sale of uninspected rabbit meat in intrastate commerce.
Support HB694 requiring leases of land, buildings, or space by state agencies to be at fair market value. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/19 10:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill requires that property leased by state agencies be leased at a rate which would be considered a fair market rate, unless a sub-market rate is agreed to by the property owner.
Oppose SB243 relative to the child care scholarship program. Health and Human Services Wed 2/19 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill requires the commissioner of the department of health and human services to adopt administrative rules regarding payments for child care providers, the child care scholarship presumptive eligibility pilot program, and the child care scholarship application process study.
Support HB117 relative to the substitution of biological products. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/19 11:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill modifies the definition of “interchangeable biological product” and allows for interchangeable biological products to be provided by pharmacists subject to certain restrictions.
Support HB148 permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain circumstances. Judiciary Wed 2/19 9:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill permits classification of individuals based on biological sex in lavatory facilities and locker rooms, sporting competitions, and detention facilities.
Support HB584 relative to public health, safety, and state sovereignty. Judiciary Wed 2/19 10:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill: I. Provides that the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction in New Hampshire. II. Removes a reference to medical schools recognized by the World Health Organization and replaces it with a reference to the World Directory of Medical Schools. III. Creates a cause of action against counties, cities, towns, precincts, water districts, school districts, school administrative units, or quasi-public entities who create and enforce policies based on the claims of the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum.
Oppose HB641 establishing a private right of action for civil rights violations. Judiciary Wed 2/19 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill allows a person who is the subject of a civil rights violation to bring suit and receive punitive damages.
Support HB620 relative to the exercise of the freedom of religion. Judiciary Wed 2/19 1:45 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill enacts a religious freedom restoration act, prohibiting the government from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion unless it is in furtherance of a compelling government interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering such interest. The bill further provides for remedies for violations of the act’s provisions.
Oppose HB477 establishing a commission to study safety and security procedures in the New Hampshire state house. Legislative Administration Wed 2/19 9:45 AM LOB Room 203 This bill establishes a commission to study the feasibility and implementation of certain state house complex safety and security procedures; provides the commission with duties; and provides for the commission’s repeal.
Support HB314 prohibiting the use of federal, state, or local funds for lobbying activities. Legislative Administration Wed 2/19 1:00 PM LOB Room 203 This bill regulates the use of public funds for lobbying activities and establishes certain additional enforcement mechanisms.
Oppose HB605 relative to employment protections for members of the general court. Legislative Administration Wed 2/19 1:45 PM LOB Room 203 This bill provides that serving as a member of state legislature shall be considered public service for purposes of federal student loan forgiveness programs. The bill also provides members of the general court with employment protections during the legislative session.
Support SB282 relative to stairway requirements in certain residential buildings. Commerce Thu 2/20 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows residential buildings between 6 and 4 floors above grade to have only one stairway under certain conditions.
Support SB284 relative to the required maximum number of residential parking spaces. Commerce Thu 2/20 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill limits residential parking spaces to one per unit, with exceptions for certain workforce housing and multi-family developments.
Oppose SB267 relative to the penalty for engaging in prostitution as a patron. Judiciary Thu 2/20 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes a mandatory $500 fine for engaging in prostitution as a patron, in addition to any other penalty, and directs that the funds are to be forwarded for use in the victims’ assistance fund.
Oppose SB144 authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities. Judiciary Thu 2/20 1:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill authorizes the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and provides processes for the confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.

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House Gold Standard – February 13, 2025

Tue, 2025-02-11 20:38 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-02-13-25-H-y.pdf

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House Gold Standard – February 13, 2025

Mon, 2025-02-10 22:30 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-02-13-25-H-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – February 13, 2025

Mon, 2025-02-10 22:24 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-02-13-25-S-y.pdf

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Bill Hearings for Week of February 10, 2025

Sun, 2025-02-09 18:09 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 108 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 17 and opposition of 20 with 6 being of interest.
Of the 50 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 3 and opposition of 11 with 2 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB781 requiring school districts to adopt policies establishing a cell phone-free education, and making an appropriation therefor. Education Policy and Administration Mon 2/10 10:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school districts to adopt policies governing student cell phone use in schools and makes an appropriation therefore.
Support HB765 consolidating school administrative units and making school superintendents jobs an elected position. Education Policy and Administration Mon 2/10 10:45 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill: I. Consolidates the authority and duties of school administrative units. II. Empowers school boards to develop, evaluate, and implement school curriculums. III. Makes school superintendents elected officials.
Support HB283 relative to the list of subjects that comprise an adequate education. Education Policy and Administration Mon 2/10 1:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill reduces the list of subjects which comprise an adequate education.
Support HB768 allowing public schools to contract with any approved private school. Education Policy and Administration Mon 2/10 2:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill allows public schools to enter into contracts with any approved private school, including religious schools.
Oppose HB431 establishing a commission to review draft rules related to minimum standards for public school approval and state academic standards developed by the department of education. Education Policy and Administration Mon 2/10 2:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill creates a commission to review all drafts of education rules related to minimum standards for public school approval and state academic standards.
Oppose SB129 relative to establishing an uncompensated health care fund to be administered by the department of insurance and assessed by a surcharge on commercial insurers, reinsurers, and trusts overseeing self-insured plans. Health and Human Services Mon 2/10 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill establishes an uncompensated health care fund to be administered by the department of insurance and assessed by a surcharge on commercial insurers, reinsurers, and trusts overseeing self-insured plans.
Oppose SB136 establishing an uncompensated care assessment, fund, and committee within the department of insurance. Health and Human Services Mon 2/10 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill establishes an uncompensated health care fund to be administered by the department of insurance and assessed by a surcharge on commercial insurers, reinsurers, and trusts overseeing self-insured plans.
Oppose HB547 relative to county reimbursement of funds. Municipal and County Government Mon 2/10 9:30 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill provides a credit to counties for reimbursement expenses due to the state for expenditures for residents receiving services from nursing homes.
Oppose HB681 establishing a statewide online energy data platform. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 2/10 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill outlines the framework and operational guidelines for an online energy data platform, as approved by the commission in Order No. 26,589 on March 2, 2022.
Support HB723 repealing the multi-use energy data platform. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 2/10 2:00 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill repeals the multi-use energy data platform.
Support HB672 to allow for off-grid electricity providers in New Hampshire. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 2/10 2:30 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill defines “off-grid electricity providers” and establishes a specific category for off-grid electricity providers, exempting them from certain regulations as long as they remain independent from the regulated electric grid.
Support HB430 reducing the retention period for records of unfounded abuse and neglect reports by the department of health and human services. Children and Family Law Tue 2/11 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill reduces the retention period for records of unfounded abuse and neglect reports by the department of health and human services from 10 years to 3 years.
Support HB652 abolishing the family division, creating the office of family mediation, and reassigning the jurisdiction of the family division. Children and Family Law Tue 2/11 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill abolishes the family division, creates the office of family mediation, and reassigns the jurisdiction of the family division.
Oppose SB162 relative to restrictions on acquisition of ownership, controlling, and occupancy interests in real property by certain foreign principals on or around certain military installations, and criminal penalties and civil forfeiture procedures for illegal acquisition. Commerce Tue 2/11 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill restricts foreign principals from countries of concern, or their agents, from acquiring ownership, controlling, or occupancy interests in real property within 10 miles of a protected facility. This bill also establishes an affidavit filing requirement to confirm eligibility for acquiring such property interests and introduces criminal penalties and a forfeiture procedure for violations.
Oppose SB86 relative to the housing finance authority’s affordable housing guarantee program. Commerce Tue 2/11 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill established a affordable housing guarantee program within the housing finance authority to promote affordable housing for low- and moderate-income persons.
Oppose SB203 relative to administration of the education freedom accounts program. Education Tue 2/11 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill changes income eligibility and reporting requirements for the education freedom account program and modifies the program’s administration and oversight.
Oppose SB204 relative to the responsibility of local school districts to provide meals to students during school hours, reimbursing schools for meals provided to students at no cost, and making an appropriation therefor. Education Tue 2/11 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires local school districts to provide breakfast and lunch to pupils under their jurisdiction at no cost to children from households with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. It also appropriates funds to reimburse school districts for these costs and to assist schools in establishing an online application process.
Oppose SB205 requiring schools to offer free or reduced cost breakfast and lunch to children who meet federal income eligibility guidelines. Education Tue 2/11 9:45 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires school boards to provide breakfast and lunch to pupils under their jurisdiction.
Of Interest HB739 relative to excess funds paid to municipalities for the use of school districts. Education Funding Tue 2/11 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires municipalities to remit any excess statewide education property tax to the state for deposit in the general fund.
Oppose HB729 making an appropriation to the department of education for an attorney to recodify education laws. Education Funding Tue 2/11 11:20 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires the department of education to hire an attorney solely to review the content and structure of education laws. The cost shall be paid from the education trust fund.
Of Interest HB684 preventing the use of student identification cards as a means to obtain a ballot. Election Law Tue 2/11 10:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill: I. Prevents student identification cards from being used to obtain a ballot. II. Changes the period for which expired identification can be used to obtain a ballot.
Of Interest HB618 enables election officials to verify the single use of an out-of-state driver’s license presented when a person votes by using the centralized voter registration database. Election Law Tue 2/11 11:40 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill enables election officials to verify the single use of an out-of-state driver’s license presented when a person votes by using the centralized voter registration database.
Oppose HB172 restricting undeclared voters from same-day voting in a presidential or state primary. Election Law Tue 2/11 1:40 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill restricts undeclared voters from registering with a party on the same day of a primary in order to vote in a presidential or state primary election.
Oppose HB175 relative to defined coordinated expenditures. Election Law Tue 2/11 2:20 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill: I. Creates and expands upon the definitions of coordinated and independent expenditures. II. Creates a new maximum expenditure limit for political advocacy committees.
Of Interest SB219 requiring the secretary of state to enter into a membership agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 2/11 9:15 AM LOB Room 103 This bill requires the secretary of state to enter into a membership agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center.
Of Interest SB223 relative to using college or university student identification cards to obtain a ballot. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 2/11 10:00 AM LOB Room 103 This bill provides for in-state tuition at any institution in the university system of New Hampshire or the community college system for any person who is registered to vote in this state. The bill also removes college or university identification cards from valid photo identification for obtaining a ballot.
Oppose HB304 relative to labeling requirements for food produced in homestead kitchens. Environment and Agriculture Tue 2/11 1:30 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill details labeling requirements for food products produced in homestead kitchens.
Support HB307 relative to the food production area for homestead food. Environment and Agriculture Tue 2/11 3:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill allows homestead food production in a food production area.
Oppose SB241 relative to construction of a public pier on Hampton Beach and making an appropriation therefor. Finance Tue 2/11 1:40 PM SH Room 103 This bill establishes and makes an appropriation to the Hampton Beach State Park pier fund, a dedicated fund to be administered by the department of natural and cultural resources for the purpose of siting, permitting, design, and construction of a public pier at Hampton Beach.
Support HB280 relative to wage payments. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/11 1:45 PM LOB Room 307 This bill repeals the weekly or biweekly payment of wage methods and authorizes employers to choose the payment method of their employees.
Oppose HB487 relative to providing employees with advance notice of the work schedule. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/11 2:30 PM LOB Room 307 This bill provides employees with advance notice of the work schedule.
Support HB411 relative to making the use of a mobile electronic device while driving a secondary offense. Transportation Tue 2/11 10:20 AM LOB Room 203 This bill establishes that the offense prohibiting the use of mobile electronic devices while driving is a secondary offense only enforceable when a driver of a motor vehicle has been stopped for a suspected violation of another provision of Title XXI or some other offense.
Support HB649 removing the requirement for physical safety inspections and on-board diagnostic tests for passenger vehicles and eliminating funding for the motor vehicle air pollution abatement fund. Transportation Tue 2/11 1:00 PM LOB Room 203 This bill removes the requirement for physical safety inspections and on-board diagnostic tests for passenger vehicles and eliminates funding for the motor vehicle air pollution abatement fund.
Oppose SB274 establishing a 4-year pilot program with potential for statewide expansion to improve rail trails in New Hampshire through federal, state, and private funding and making a bonded appropriation therefor. Transportation Tue 2/11 2:00 PM LOB Room 101 This bill: I. Transfers ownership of 4 rail corridors, and all duties and responsibilities therefor, to the department of natural and cultural resources. II. Establishes a pilot project to improve the rail trails in 4 rail corridors with funding from federal grants, state sources, and private contributions. III. Establishes the rail trail project fund and the rail trail emergency fund. IV. Makes a bonded appropriation to the bureau of trails for the rail trail pilot project.
Oppose HB387 relative to balloons being released into the air. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/12 11:15 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill prohibits the release of lighter-than-air balloons into the air and establishes penalties for violations of this prohibition.
Oppose HB466 relative to refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration and penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/12 1:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill modifies periods of suspension under different circumstances stemming from a refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration. This bill further modifies the penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. This bill is at the request of the department of safety.
Oppose HB473 criminalizing multiple forms of exposing children to controlled substances and allowing law enforcement to take a child into protective custody for screening and testing in an instance of suspected or actual criminal exposure to controlled substances. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/12 3:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill expands the criminal statute criminalizing exposing children to methamphetamine and allowing for law enforcement to take a child into protective custody for screening or testing for criminal exposure to methamphetamine to cover all controlled substances, except those possessed pursuant to a lawful prescription.
Support HB528 legalizing the possession and use of psilocybin for persons 21 years of age or older. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/12 3:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill establishes that it is not an offense for a person 21 years of age or older to obtain, purchase, transport, possess, or use psilocybin.
Oppose SB293 relative to using enrollment in Medicaid as a measure of eligibility for school lunches. Education Finance Wed 2/12 3:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill: I. Expands the meaning of pupil as it pertains to school funding. II. Increases funding for schools who have pupils enrolled in Medicaid.
Support SB295 expanding the number of students eligible for education freedom accounts. Education Finance Wed 2/12 3:20 PM SH Room 100 This bill increases the number of students eligible for education freedom accounts by removing household income thresholds.
Oppose HB719 repealing the use of unused district facilities by chartered public schools. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/12 2:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill removes the right of first refusal for chartered public schools regarding unused school district facilities.
Oppose HB738 requiring certain non-public schools or education service providers that accept public funds to perform background checks on all employees and volunteers. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/12 3:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires nonpublic schools and education service providers that accept public funds to comply with requirements for criminal history background checks for employees and volunteers.
Support HB435 relative to the definition of professional engineer. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/12 10:15 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill clarifies that the “practice of engineering” for purposes of the regulation of professional engineers does not include any professional service or creative work performed in the fields of information technology, information security, electronics, digital systems, or computing.
Of Interest HB176 relative to changing the state flag design. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/12 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill changes the design of the state flag.
Oppose HB720 prohibiting the importation and sale of live bait fish from out of state. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Wed 2/12 11:00 AM LOB Room 307 This bill prohibits the importation and sale of live bait fish from out of state.
Of Interest HB589 defining and prohibiting wanton animal waste and prohibiting certain wildlife hunting contests. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Wed 2/12 1:15 PM LOB Room 307 This bill defines and prohibits wanton animal waste and prohibits certain wildlife hunting contests.
Oppose SB245 prohibiting surprise ambulance billing and regulating ground ambulance reimbursement. Health and Human Services Wed 2/12 10:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill prohibits health carriers and providers from balance billing for ambulance services and establishes parameters for reimbursement of ground ambulance services by participating and non-participating ambulance service providers.
Of Interest HB743 relative to patient access to health care prices and billing practices. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/12 10:00 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires health care entities to provide an estimate of the price of health care services to be provided. The bill also requires health care entities to post notice of a patient’s right to request this information and requires health insurance carriers to provide an insured patient with an advanced explanation of benefits withing 3 business days of receiving a good faith estimate from a health care entity. The bill also requires hospitals to comply with federal price transparency requirements, directs the department of health and human services to adopt rules regarding the disclosure requirements, and provides for the assessment of fines for noncompliance.
Support HB548 relative to licensing requirements for health care facilities that operate on a membership-based business model. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/12 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill exempts direct-pay health care facilities from certain licensing requirements and policies in RSA 151:2-f as well as the moratorium on licensing and bed capacity in RSA 151:2, VI(a). The bill also establishes a patient’s bill of right for direct-pay facilities and directs the department of health and human services to study direct-pay models.
Support HB223 relative to licensing requirements for health care facilities that operate within 15 miles of a critical access hospital. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/12 1:45 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill exempts ambulatory surgical centers, emergency medical care centers, birthing centers, drop-in or walk-in care centers, dialysis centers, and special health care services from the notice and consent requirements for establishment within 15 miles of a critical access hospital.
Support CACR6 relating to the right to compute. Providing that the right of individuals to use computation resources shall not be infringed. Judiciary Wed 2/12 9:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution would amend the constitution to recognize an individual’s right to use computation resources.
Support HB509 relative to the contents of the attorney general’s annual report detailing state forfeiture information for the preceding fiscal year. Judiciary Wed 2/12 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill changes the requirements for the annual report from the attorney general concerning forfeitures of personal property.
Oppose HB587 allowing admission of one-party audio and video recordings in certain circumstances. Judiciary Wed 2/12 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill allows a person to record or possess a recording of what he or she reasonably believes to be a crime and to provide it to law enforcement for use in court.
Oppose HB402 relative to liability as taxable income of education freedom account payments. Ways and Means Wed 2/12 10:00 AM LOB Room 203 This bill: I. Repeals the statement that education freedom account funds shall not constitute taxable income to the parent of the education freedom account student. II. Requires the timely delivery of IRS 1099 forms to parties responsible for tax liabilities incurred from payments made from a education freedom account.
Oppose HB483 relative to the definition of a scholarship organization for purposes of the education tax credit. Ways and Means Wed 2/12 10:30 AM LOB Room 203 This bill provides that, for purposes of the education tax credit, a qualifying scholarship organization shall be incorporated in this state.
Oppose HB503 amending how revenues from taxes are allocated to the education trust fund. Ways and Means Wed 2/12 11:00 AM LOB Room 203 This bill increases the rates of the business profits tax, business enterprise tax, and meals and rooms tax, and reestablishes the interest and dividends tax. The bill provides for deposit of the additional revenue in the education trust fund.
Oppose HB669 relative to requiring all revenue raised under the statewide education property tax to be deposited in the education trust fund, and setting an equalized statewide tax rate. Ways and Means Wed 2/12 1:00 PM LOB Room 203 This bill requires all revenue raised from the statewide education property tax to be deposited in the education trust fund and sets an equalized statewide tax rate.
Support SB268 permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain
limited circumstances.
Judiciary Thu 2/13 2:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill permits classification of individuals based on biological sex in lavatory facilities and locker rooms, sporting competitions, and detention facilities.
Support SB38 relative to state recognition of biological sex. Judiciary Thu 2/13 2:45 PM SH Room 100 This bill provides a definition for “biological sex” and provides that certain designations by biological sex do not constitute unlawful discrimination.

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House Gold Standard – February 06, 2025

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Bill Hearings for Week of February 03, 2025

Sun, 2025-02-02 19:53 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 159 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 23 and opposition of 32 with 8 being of interest.
Of the 61 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 6 and opposition of 9 with 5 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support CACR7 relating to the presumption of innocence. Providing that in all cases and suits of the state against one of the people, the defendant shall be innocent unless proven guilty. Judiciary Mon 2/3 9:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution would amend the New Hampshire constitution to require that in all cases and suits of the state against a person the defendant shall be innocent unless proven guilty.
Of Interest HB687 relative to class action settlements and consent decrees. Judiciary Mon 2/3 10:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill provides that any money that can ultimately not be distributed to the class in a class action suit is escheated to the state general fund, and a court may not modify the judgment or apply the doctrine of cy pres to avoid that result. This bill also limits certain attorneys’ fees to a certain rate unless a court determines otherwise.
Oppose HB722 relative to establishing causes of actions against educational institutions that charge excessive tuition rates. Judiciary Mon 2/3 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill: I. Creates criminal penalties for educational institutions that charge excessive tuition rates. II. Creates civil rights of action against educational institutions that charge excessive tuition rates.
Support HB746 relative to an award of attorney’s fees upon a successful appeal of a local property tax assessment. Judiciary Mon 2/3 1:45 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill awards a taxpayer reasonable attorney’s fees for a successful appeal of a property assessment.
Of Interest HB350 requiring that all family division hearings be video and audio recorded and broadcast live. Children and Family Law Tue 2/4 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires that the family division audio and video record all proceedings and broadcast live proceedings upon request of named parties or representatives.
Support SB89 enabling non-citizens who are legally authorized to work in the United States to deliver alcohol. Commerce Tue 2/4 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill enables non-citizens who are legally authorized to work in the United States to deliver alcohol.
Oppose SB80 consolidating licensing, auditing, and enforcement responsibilities for wholesale and retail e-cigarettes sales under the liquor commission. Commerce Tue 2/4 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill consolidates licensing, auditing, and enforcement responsibilities for wholesale and retail e-cigarettes sales under the liquor commission.
Support SB87 relative to one day liquor license requirements and making salons and barber shops eligible for on-premise licenses. Commerce Tue 2/4 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows for-profit organizations to receive a one day liquor license and makes barber shops, salons, and spas eligible for on-premises licenses.
Oppose SB100 relative to violations of the prohibition on teaching discrimination. Education Tue 2/4 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill repeals the provision of law classifying violations of the prohibition on teaching discrimination as a violation of the educator code of conduct.
Oppose HB769 relative to the base annual cost per pupil of providing the opportunity for an adequate education and statewide education property tax rate. Education Funding Tue 2/4 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the base cost of providing the opportunity for an adequate education, and changes the statewide education property tax rate.
Of Interest HB773 relative to aid to school districts for the cost of special education. Education Funding Tue 2/4 11:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill removes the requirement that catastrophic special education funds be prorated among the school districts entitled to such aid and requires that disbursements for special education to a school district shall be at least 80 percent of the district’s entitlement for catastrophic aid costs in the fiscal year.
Oppose HB772 establishing a foundation opportunity budget program for funding public education. Education Funding Tue 2/4 2:15 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill modifies the determination and funding for an opportunity for a constitutionally adequate education by establishing foundation opportunity budgets and state foundation opportunity grants.
Oppose CACR5 relating to absentee ballots. Providing that no excuse shall be needed by the voter to receive an absentee ballot. Election Law Tue 2/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This constitutional amendment concurrent resolution amends the constitution to allow absentee voting for any reason.
Of Interest HB136 extending the time period for delivery of an absentee ballot from 5:00 p.m. to the close of the polls. Election Law Tue 2/4 10:40 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill extends the time period for delivery of an absentee ballot from 5:00 p.m. on election day to the close of the polling place.
Support HB217 relative to absentee ballots. Election Law Tue 2/4 11:20 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill requires absentee ballot voters to submit information demonstrating citizenship, age, domicile, and identity in order to qualify to vote.
Support HB464 prohibiting candidates for political office from participating in counting ballots. Election Law Tue 2/4 11:40 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill prohibits candidates that appear on the ballot from participating in counting ballots before the election.
Of Interest SB108 relative to the department of energy. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/4 9:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill transfers specific regulatory and adjudicative responsibilities from the public utilities commission to the department of energy, including prohibiting unauthorized telecommunications service provision, protecting ratepayer communication preferences, and refining net energy metering, assessment, complaint, investigation, and aggregation procedures.
Support SB109 relative to alteration of terrain permits. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/4 9:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill: I. Requires that an applicant for a permit, approval, or other written authorization submit a request for a consultation to the executive director of the fish and game department. II. Requires that rules adopted for the threatened and endangered species compensatory mitigation fund contain provisions stating when payments are required to be made to the fund.
Support SB110 relative to terrain permitting. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 2/4 9:40 AM SH Room 103 This bill raises the threshold for alteration of terrain permitting from 100,000 square feet to 200,000 square feet.
Oppose HB707 requiring the department of environmental services to establish a site-specific setback distance for proposed new landfills. Environment and Agriculture Tue 2/4 2:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill establishes a formula for determining the distance for which a new landfill shall be located from a perennial river, lake, or coastal water.
Support HB685 permitting in all residentially zoned areas by right the construction of manufactured housing. Housing Tue 2/4 11:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill updates the definition of manufactured housing, and establishes the requirement that manufactured housing must be permitted in all residential zoned areas within every municipality in the state, overriding any local zoning ordinances that prohibit or unreasonably restrict its placement.
Support HB459 relative to acreage requirements and zoning regarding sewer infrastructure and single-family residential uses. Housing Tue 2/4 1:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill prohibits zoning ordinances regarding single-family residential uses from requiring larger acreage sizes than are necessary for community health and safety, given sewer infrastructure.
Support HB631 permitting residential building in commercial zoning by right. Housing Tue 2/4 1:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill allows multifamily or mixed-use developments as a permitted use by right in certain urban municipalities, outlines specific zoning regulations that cannot be imposed on such developments, and provides definitions for key terms.
Support SB141 extending the time to petition for a new trial in certain cases. Judiciary Tue 2/4 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill creates an exception to the 3-year timeframe to petition for a new trial.
Oppose HB542 relative to weekly benefit amounts for unemployment compensation. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/4 11:30 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill updates the weekly benefit amount for total unemployment and the maximum total amount of benefits payable during any benefit year.
Oppose HB442 relative to prohibiting payment of subminimum wages. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/4 1:00 PM LOB Room 210-211 This bill prohibits payment of a base wage different than standard minimum wage for tipped workers earning more than $30 per month.
Oppose HB726 relative to the state minimum hourly rate. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/4 2:00 PM LOB Room 210-211 This bill increases the minimum hourly rate and increases the base rate for tipped employees.
Oppose HB744 relative to workers’ compensation indemnity benefits percentage. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/4 3:00 PM LOB Room 210-211 This bill changes the percentage of workers’ compensation indemnity benefits to 66 2/3 percent.
Oppose HB378 relative to an employee’s unused earned time. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 2/4 4:00 PM LOB Room 210-211 This bill requires an employer to pay an employee for unused earned time.
Of Interest HB561 relative to the transfer of state-owned real property to municipalities. Public Works and Highways Tue 2/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill requires the state of New Hampshire to seek approval from municipal legislative bodies prior to transferring state-owned class I or II highways.
Support HB209 allowing a new vehicle purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase. Transportation Tue 2/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 203 This bill allows new vehicles purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase.
Oppose HB305 relative to speed and red-light cameras for traffic enforcement. Transportation Tue 2/4 10:20 AM LOB Room 203 This bill allows law enforcement agencies to install and use traffic cameras such as speed monitoring cameras and red-light cameras in a municipality if the municipality chooses to have them.
Oppose HB368 prohibiting smoking and e-cigarettes in motor vehicles when a passenger is under 16 years of age. Transportation Tue 2/4 10:40 AM LOB Room 203 This bill prohibits smoking and e-cigarettes in motor vehicles when a passenger under the age of 16 is in the vehicle.
Oppose HB419 requiring vehicle headlights to be on when windshield wipers are also on. Transportation Tue 2/4 11:20 AM LOB Room 203 This bill requires that headlights must be turned on whenever windshield wipers are in use.
Support HB414 prohibiting the division of motor vehicles from suspending a license on the basis of debt owed to a private entity related to the towing or storing of a motor vehicle. Transportation Tue 2/4 1:00 PM LOB Room 203 This bill prohibits the division of motor vehicles from suspending a person’s license or driving privileges based on their failure to pay a debt related to a commercial entity’s towing or storage of a vehicle.
Oppose SB150 defining electric vehicle charging station and charging a fee for annual testing by the division of weights and measures. Transportation Tue 2/4 1:00 PM LOB Room 101 This bill: I. Defines electric vehicle charging station. II. Charges a fee for annual testing by the division of weights and measures. III. Authorizes the department of agriculture, markets, and food to appropriate funds for electric vehicle charging station testing and certification.
Support HB439 relative to non-driving related violations and driver’s license suspension. Transportation Tue 2/4 1:20 PM LOB Room 203 This bill eliminates driver’s license suspension for reasons unrelated to motor vehicle offenses.
Oppose HB530 increasing the amount of revenue transfered from the real estate transfer tax to the affordable housing fund. Ways and Means Tue 2/4 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases the amount of moneys transfered to the affordable housing fund from the real estate transfer tax.
Oppose HB531 setting annual limits on the amount of charitable gaming revenue which may be distributed to one charitable organization. Ways and Means Tue 2/4 10:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill limits the amount which may be awarded to any one charity from historic horse race wagering and games of chance to $50,000, and provides that excess revenue shall be paid to the lottery commission.
Oppose HB588 relative to the distribution of revenues generated from historic horse racing pari-mutuel pools. Ways and Means Tue 2/4 11:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires entities licensed to conduct historic horse race wagering to collect a sum equal to 25 percent of revenues generated after breakage and payment of winnings to patrons and pay it to the lottery commission.
Oppose HB434 requiring a policyholder’s insurance company to provide a rental car for at least 7 days after determination that the vehicle is totaled or unsafe to operate when the policyholder is not at fault for the accident. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/5 11:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires a policyholder’s insurance company to provide a rental car for at least 7 days after determination that the vehicle is totaled or unsafe to operate when the policyholder is not at fault for the accident.
Of Interest HB705 relative to health care cost transparency. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 2/5 2:45 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires health carriers to disclose specific cost information regarding covered items and services under a health benefit plan. The bill is a request of the insurance department.
Support HB87 prohibiting the posting of land not owned by the poster. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/5 10:45 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill prohibits the posting of land not owned by the poster and creates a penalty therefor.
Support HB102 relative to oversight of federal law enforcement actions. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/5 11:15 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill provides county sheriffs with the duty to oversee all federal law enforcement actions in their respective counties, and provides them with authority to stop unauthorized or improperly conducted federal law enforcement actions.
Support HB103 relative to fugitives from justice. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/5 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill provides a mechanism for an accused whose extradition is sought by another state to be declared as politically or maliciously persecuted and not subject to the extradition.
Support HB206 relative to government agent entries into secured premises. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/5 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill establishes requirements for when a government agent may enter a secured premises without a warrant.
Support HB338 relative to the authority of fish and game officers. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 2/5 3:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill allows fish and game officers to conduct warrantless searches if they have probable cause.
Support HB557 relative to the information that appears on the school budget ballot. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/5 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires the printing of certain information on the school budget ballot.
Oppose HB673 relative to school bullying and discrimination plans. Education Policy and Administration Wed 2/5 3:30 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school boards to develop policies prohibiting bullying and cyberbullying, requires reporting of such incidents by all schools at the end of each semester, and requires the department of education to publish such data aggregated by school.
Of Interest SB187 adopting the dentist and dental hygienist compact. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/5 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill adopts dentist and dental hygienist compact.
Support HB438 relative to immigration detention facilities. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/5 10:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill regulates the contracting and operation of an immigration detention facility in this state and requires the governor to obtain executive council approval before deploying the national guard to any immigration detention facility.
Support SB188 allowing independent permitting and inspections, and allowing local governments to authorize licensed engineers and architects to perform building code inspections. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/5 10:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill: I. Allows independent third-parties, hired by the property owner, to inspect land, buildings, and structures to determine compliance with state and local building codes. II. Establishes private providers as an alternative to local enforcement agencies for conducting building code inspections and plan reviews.
Of Interest HB598 establishing a committee to study data sources of all entities operated by all branches of government that are or are potentially made available to the public, identify the data formats of those sources, and recommend legislation to standardize types and formats of data output from all or select governmental entities. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/5 11:00 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes a committee to study data sources of all entities operated by all three branches of government that are or are potentially made available to the public, identify the data formats of those sources, and recommend legislation to standardize types and formats of data output from all or select governmental entities.
Oppose SB286 creating the New Hampshire office of film and creative media. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 2/5 1:15 PM SH Room 103 This bill: I. Establishes an office of film and creative media within the department of business and economic affairs. II. Establishes business enterprise tax credits for qualifying film and motion picture companies. III. Appropriates funds to staff the office of film and creative media.
Support HB211 relative to the use of air rifles for hunting game. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Wed 2/5 11:00 AM LOB Room 307 This bill: I. Allows the taking of game in New Hampshire with air rifles. II. Further defines “air rifle.” III. Requires the fish and game commission to make rules creating and administering a hunting tag program for air rifle hunting.
Oppose HB579 requiring applicants for a fish and game guide license to take and pass a standardized test provided by the fish and game department before receiving their license. Fish and Game and Marine Resources Wed 2/5 2:45 PM LOB Room 307 This bill requires applicants for a fish and game guide license to take an exam in a standardized test format, administered by a specifically qualified fish and game officer.
Oppose SB132 relative to health insurance coverage for prosthetics. Health and Human Services Wed 2/5 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires health insurance policies to provide coverage for adult prosthetics, including activity-specific prosthetic devices. Current law requires such coverage for children’s prosthetics.
Oppose SB122 relative to financial eligibility for the Medicare savings program. Health and Human Services Wed 2/5 9:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill directs the department of health and human services to remove asset limits and increase income thresholds for the Medicare savings program and to submit any amendment to the state Medicaid plan required for implementation.
Oppose SB244 relative to expanding access to primary health care services, increasing the number of direct health care providers, increasing Medicaid reimbursement rates, and making an appropriation therefor. Health and Human Services Wed 2/5 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill expands access to primary health care services by directing the department of health and human services to amend its contract with the Bi-State Primary Care Association’s Recruitment Center in order to expand health care workforce recruitment and retention efforts, increases funding for such programs, and increases Medicaid reimbursement rates.
Support HB392 directing the dissolution of the department of health and human services’ office of health equity, department of environmental services’ functions for civil rights and environmental justice, and the governor’s council on diversity and inclusion. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/5 9:30 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill directs the dissolution of the department of health and human services’ office of health equity, department of environmental services’ functions for civil rights and environmental justice, and the governor’s advisory council on diversity and inclusion.
Oppose HB751 relative to certification of alcohol and other substance misuse treatment facilities. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/5 10:30 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill provides for certification of substance use treatment programs by the department of health and human services. The bill also directs the department to establish within the office of the ombudsman, a behavioral health specialist dedicated to complaint investigations regarding substance use and mental health treatment programs.
Oppose HB724 relative to lead paint poisoning prevention and remediation. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/5 1:00 PM LOB Room 210-211 This bill lowers the childhood blood lead action level from 5 micrograms/deciliter to 3.5 micrograms/deciliter; mandates that municipal building permits include the EPA-RRP license number for any person engaged in renovation, repair, or painting of buildings erected prior to January 1, 1978; directs the department of health and human services to inspect the other dwelling units when one unit in a multi-unit building has a lead hazard; and creates a rebuttable presumption that pre-1978 housing contains lead hazards.
Oppose HB756 relative to establishing a blood lead level testing requirement for children entering daycare and public schools. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 2/5 2:30 PM LOB Room 210-211 This bill establishes a blood lead level testing requirement for children entering day care and public schools.
Oppose HB232 relative to the rights of conscience for medical professionals. Judiciary Wed 2/5 9:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill provides that health care providers have a right to conscientiously object to participating in providing abortion, sterilization, or artificial contraception services. The bill requires health care institutions to prominently post a notice to this effect and establishes civil remedies, including fines, for its violation.
Of Interest HB253 relative to interest-bearing pooled trust accounts maintained by lawyers. Judiciary Wed 2/5 10:15 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires attorneys in control of interest-bearing pooled trust accounts to remit quarterly the interest or dividends to the public defender’s office, provided that the public defender’s office complies with certain restrictions.
Oppose HB293 preventing minors from accessing obscenity on certain electronic devices with internet access. Judiciary Wed 2/5 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires manufacturers of electronic tablets and smartphones to install filters on those devices that prevent minors from accessing obscene material and creates civil liability against a manufacturer that does not install filters in devices. The bill also creates civil and criminal liability against a manufacturer or person who disables a filter with the intent to allow a minor to access obscene material.
Support HB391 relative to preventing strategic lawsuits against public participation. Judiciary Wed 2/5 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill establishes a legal process for preventing strategic lawsuits against public participation (anti-SLAPP) by granting qualified immunity from suit, prosecution, and from liability for any defendant or counter-defendant in any action, case, claim, administrative proceeding, arbitration, or any other legal process that impacts their First Amendment rights.
Support HB400 requiring a public body’s collective bargaining negotiations to be deemed public meetings and requiring that arguments made and information generated during the meetings be made available to the public under the right-to-know law. Judiciary Wed 2/5 1:45 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill provides that collective bargaining negotiations with a public body are a meeting under the right-to-know law.
Oppose HB601 relative to causes of action against companies that misstate the impacts of their business on the environment. Judiciary Wed 2/5 2:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill: I. Creates a private cause of action against companies that misstate the impacts of their business on the environment. II. Creates criminal penalties for companies that misstate the impacts of their business on the environment.
Oppose HB568 allowing subdivision regulations concerning water supply. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 2/5 10:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill allows the adoption of subdivision regulations that require water supply studies, determination of adequate water quantity for reasonably anticipated future water uses, and minimum on-lot private well testing requirements. This bill also clarifies the applicant’s duty to pay associated costs.
Oppose HB582 relative to safety requirements for operation of personal water crafts. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 2/5 10:30 AM LOB Room 305 This bill defines the term “personal water craft” and prohibits certain types of operation.
Oppose HB595 relative to coastal resilience zones. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 2/5 11:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill: I. Adds flood resiliency improvements to the definition of qualifying improvements for the purposes of C-PACE and R-PACE funding. II. Enables municipalities to offer property owners who engage in flood resilience projects a property tax abatement or tax assessment freeze for a specified period of time. III. Enable municipalities to assess a fee on properties in a flood resilience zone to be deposited into a non-lapsing flood resilience investment fund. IV. Makes an appropriation to the department of business and economic development to fund a statewide analysis of the costs and benefits of flood risk and flood risk mitigation efforts.
Support HB644 relative to flying drones in state parks. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 2/5 2:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill allows for the commercial and recreational use of drones or small unmanned aircraft in state parks subject to exceptions and limitations, and establishes fees and authorizes fines to be assessed for violations.
Oppose SB60 relative to advanced deposit account wagering. Ways and Means Wed 2/5 9:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows advanced deposit wagering on pari-mutuel betting on horse racing and authorizes the lottery commission to adopt rules governing the license and regulation of such wagers.
Of Interest SB83 establishing an elderly, disabled, blind, and deaf property tax exemption reimbursement fund, authorizing video lottery terminals, renaming the lottery commission, and creating a voluntary statewide self-exclusion database. Ways and Means Wed 2/5 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill: I. Establishes an elderly, disabled, blind, and deaf property tax exemption fund to provide reimbursements to municipalities. II. Authorizes video lottery terminals at facilities licensed to conduct charitable gaming. III. Creates a statewide self-exclusion list to combat problem gambling. IV. Renames the state lottery commission to better reflect its statutory obligations.
Of Interest SB168 regulating online gambling and directing net proceeds to the education trust fund, the general fund, and to reimburse municipalities for elderly, disabled, blind, and deaf tax exemptions. Ways and Means Wed 2/5 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill regulates online gambling and directs proceeds to a newly established elderly, disabled, blind, and deaf tax exemption fund for reimbursement to municipalities.
Oppose SB119 relative to Medicaid pharmaceutical services. Health and Human Services Thu 2/6 10:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill directs pharmacists to dispense brand name drugs to Medicaid beneficiaries when the brand name drug is on the department of health and human services preferred drug list. The bill also directs the department to develop a standing order for certain Medicaid-covered, over-the-counter medications, medical supplies, and laboratory tests when deemed medically necessary and cost effective by the department. The bill is a request of the department of health and human services.
Of Interest SB127 relative to the office of the public guardian and making appropriations to the department of health and human services. Health and Human Services Thu 2/6 10:15 AM LOB Room 101 This bill amends the obligations of the department of health and human services with respect to contracting for public guardianship, and provides appropriations to the department to fund new contract guardian slots.
Support HB700 relative to orders of protection. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 2/7 11:30 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires certain individuals seeking certain orders of protection to be informed and to attest that they understand that material false statements made in the petition would be subject to prosecution for perjury. The bill also allows for individuals seeking certain orders of protection in non-domestic violence situations, to elect not to seek removal of firearms or deadly weapons from the possession of the restrained party.
Oppose HB159 authorizing the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and providing for processes for confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 2/7 3:15 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill authorizes the state to report mental health data for firearms background check purposes and provides processes for the confiscation of firearms following certain mental health-related court proceedings and for relief from mental health-related firearms disabilities.
Oppose HB659 establishing the New Hampshire college graduate retention incentive program. Education Funding Fri 2/7 9:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes the New Hampshire college graduate retention incentive program with the purpose of retaining graduates from New Hampshire higher education institutions and incentivizing businesses to hire local graduates.
Oppose HB770 relative to establishing a program to earn tuition credits for state of New Hampshire higher education institutions through community service. Education Funding Fri 2/7 10:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes a program in the department of education for eligible students to earn tuition credits at state higher education institutions through community service.
Oppose HB665 relative to eligibility for free school meals. Education Funding Fri 2/7 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the eligibility for free school meals to household incomes up to 300 percent of federal poverty guidelines, and provides funding from the education trust fund for the additional costs.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of February 03, 2025 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Senate Gold Standard – January 30, 2025

Wed, 2025-01-29 18:55 +0000

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(gold) goldstandard-01-30-25-S-y.pdf

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Senate Gold Standard – January 30, 2025

Mon, 2025-01-27 17:06 +0000

(white) goldstandard-01-30-25-S.pdf
(gold) goldstandard-01-30-25-S-y.pdf

The post Senate Gold Standard – January 30, 2025 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Bill Hearings for Week of January 27, 2025

Sun, 2025-01-26 01:19 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 141 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 23 and opposition of 26 with 0 being of interest.
Of the 42 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 9 and opposition of 8 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Support HB208 relative to certification requirements for school nurses. Education Policy and Administration Mon 1/27 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill changes credential standards for school nurses.
Support HB68 making best interest placements within the same school district mandatory in the absence of a valid reason to deny the placement. Education Policy and Administration Mon 1/27 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires superintendents to approve student requests for reassignment within the same school district, and requires superintendents to provide written reasons to parents for denials of requests.
Support HB189 defining “clean energy” and the department of energy’s 10-year state energy strategy to include new technology small-scale nuclear energy, renewable energy, and fuel diversity; and, removing references to the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 1/27 9:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill defines “clean energy” to mean small-scale nuclear energy, renewable energy, and fuel diversity and makes it part of the department of energy’s 10-year state energy strategy. This bill also removes reference to the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board.
Support HB224 relative to rebates to ratepayers from the renewable energy fund. Science, Technology and Energy Mon 1/27 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires moneys paid into the renewable energy fund to be rebated to ratepayers.
Oppose HB553 relative to the definition of abuse and neglect and conditions triggering a rebuttable presumption of harm in abuse and neglect cases. Children and Family Law Tue 1/28 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill makes modifications to the purpose statement, definitions, and terms of rebuttable presumption for abuse and neglect.
Oppose SB81 increasing the annual real estate transfer tax revenue contribution and making an appropriation to the affordable housing fund. Commerce Tue 1/28 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill increases the amount of annual real estate transfer tax revenues that are transferred to the affordable housing fund.
Oppose SB82 relative to the housing opportunity project extension and homes for homeland heroes grant program. Commerce Tue 1/28 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill incentivizes New Hampshire counties and municipalities to open land for affordable workforce housing by establishing housing opportunity zones, setting zoning and design requirements, mandating owner-occupancy, providing state grants, and exempting initial property transfers from real estate transfer taxes.
Support SB78 relative to the zoning board of adjustments appeal period. Commerce Tue 1/28 10:00 AM SH Room 100 This bill removes the zoning board of adjustment’s discretion for determining when to take an appeal and replaces it with a non-discretionary 30-day period.
Support SB84 relative to zoning procedures concerning residential housing. Commerce Tue 1/28 10:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill sets maximum lot sizes for single-family residential uses based on the type of infrastructure servicing the lot.
Support SB91 allowing one-time special appraisals of residences located in commercial zones. Commerce Tue 1/28 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows owners of a residence in an industrial or commercial zone to file one application for a special appraisal of the residence based on its current use as a residence.
Support SB97 relative to intra-district public school transfers. Education Tue 1/28 9:50 AM LOB Room 101 This bill authorizes parents to transfer their children to other schools within their resident district as long as such school has the capacity to accommodate the student.
Support SB101 authorizing parents to enroll their children in any public school in the state. Education Tue 1/28 10:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill allows parents to send their children to public schools outside of their resident district.
Oppose HB651 modifying the base cost and differential aid costs of an adequate education. Education Funding Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the base cost and differential aid costs of an adequate education and expands the definition of the cost of an adequate education.
Oppose HB583 relative to state participation in the Medicaid direct certification program for free and reduced price school meals. Education Funding Tue 1/28 11:00 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires the department of education to seek participation in the Medicaid direct certification methodology for school meals program for free and reduced price meals for students in public kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools.
Oppose HB646 requiring school districts to establish an online application for participation in the free and reduced price meal program. Education Funding Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill directs the department of education to adopt rules to require school districts to offer online and physical free or reduced price school meals applications. It also requires the department to provide administrative and technical assistance to districts for this purpose and makes an appropriation therefor.
Oppose HB703 relative to prohibiting school districts from denying meals to students with unpaid meal balances, and making an appropriation therefor. Education Funding Tue 1/28 1:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school districts with meal programs approved to operate through the United States Department of Agriculture to adopt school meal policies that do not deny or stigmatize students with unpaid meal balances. It also requires the department of education to pay for school meal debts accrued by students participating in the USDA National School Lunch program, and makes an appropriation therefor.
Support HB656 relative to the authority of local school districts to accept federal grants. Education Funding Tue 1/28 2:15 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires that all funds disbursed from a federal government unit to a school district be deemed unanticipated money for the purposes of appropriation of unanticipated funds made available during the year. It also requires that the notice of a hearing for action on unanticipated funds, or minutes of the school board meeting that takes action on unanticipated funds, include a summary of any obligations incurred by accepting the funds.
Oppose HB716 making an appropriation for the dual and concurrent enrollment program. Education Funding Tue 1/28 3:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill makes an appropriation to the community college system of New Hampshire for the purpose of providing scholarships and program support for the dual and concurrent enrollment program.
Oppose HB423 requiring the consent of property owners for the placement of political advertisements on public property abutting their land. Election Law Tue 1/28 10:40 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill: I. Requires the consent of the closest abutting property owner to a public rights-of-way prior to the placement of political advertisements on said public property. II. Allows a private citizen whose property abuts public property to remove or take down political advertisements on said public property.
Of Interest SB106 relative to the participation of customer generators in net energy metering. Energy and Natural Resources Tue 1/28 9:20 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires large customer-generators participating in net energy metering to consume at least 20 percent of their own generation.
Oppose HB355 relative to the membership of the solid waste working group. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill changes a member on the solid waste working group and extends the due dates for interim and final reports.
Oppose HB171 establishing a moratorium on the issuance of permits for new landfills. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/28 2:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill establishes a moratorium on the issuance of permits for new landfills.
Oppose SB64 relative to an appropriation to the department of justice for the purpose of funding the New Hampshire child advocacy centers. Finance Tue 1/28 1:15 PM SH Room 103 This bill appropriates $3,000,000 to the department of justice for the purpose of funding the New Hampshire child advocacy centers.
Oppose SB113 making appropriations to the department of health and human services for homeless services and homeless prevention. Finance Tue 1/28 1:25 PM SH Room 103 This bill makes appropriations to the department of health and human services to support homeless prevention, rehousing, and homeless shelter services, and directs the renewal of the 1915(i) Medicaid state plan amendment for supportive housing services.
Oppose SB117 making an appropriation to the department of education to fund the online tutoring program. Finance Tue 1/28 1:55 PM SH Room 103 This bill makes an appropriation of $1,000,000 to the department of education to fund the online tutoring program,
Oppose HB572 establishing the “partners in housing” program, a low-interest loan and grant program under the housing champions fund to assist municipalities, counties, and developers in building workforce housing. Housing Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill creates the “partners in housing” program, a low-interest loan and grant program under the housing champions fund to assist municipalities, counties, and developers in building modestly priced housing, and provides an additional $10 million in funding for the housing champions fund.
Oppose HB604 relative to a loan forgiveness program for low-income homeowners to build new accessory dwelling units or renovate existing structures into accessory dwelling units. Housing Tue 1/28 10:30 AM LOB Room 305 This bill establishes a conditional loan forgiveness program to encourage lower-income homeowners to construct or renovate accessory dwelling units.
Oppose HB558 creating a public county registry of the monthly rent charged by landlords for each owned unit and prohibiting landlords from using algorithms or software to determine rental rates. Housing Tue 1/28 1:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill creates a public registry of rents and prohibits landlords from using any algorithms or software to determine rental rates, and requires an affidavit attesting to compliance.
Oppose HB628 prohibiting landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants holding certain vouchers under the housing choice voucher program. Housing Tue 1/28 2:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill prohibits discrimination against tenants holding certain vouchers for purposes of renting dwellings.
Oppose HB623 relative to prohibiting corporations from purchasing single-family homes for a certain amount of time. Housing Tue 1/28 2:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill restricts the acquisition of single-family and multi-family housing to natural persons with certain exceptions. It requires any non-natural person acquiring such housing under these exceptions to register and file reports with the secretary of state.
Oppose SB49 establishing the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of unmanned aircraft systems. Judiciary Tue 1/28 1:00 PM SH Room 100 This bill establishes the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of small unmanned aircraft systems. This bill is at the request of the department of safety.
Oppose SB54 relative to refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration and penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Judiciary Tue 1/28 1:30 PM SH Room 100 This bill modifies periods of suspension under different circumstances stemming from a refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration. This bill further modifies the penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated.
Oppose HB586 establishing an employee assistance program for small town first responders and making an appropriation therefor. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 11:45 AM LOB Room 307 This bill establishes a fund to cover the costs of enrolling first responders from small communities into the state-provided Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and outlines eligibility, enrollment, and reporting requirements for the department of health and human services. This bill also makes an appropriation for the fund.
Oppose HB303 relative to requiring the department of labor review and adopt workers’ occupational safety requirements that are similar to OSHA standards. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 1:45 PM LOB Room 307 This bill: I. Requires state employers to adhere to OSHA-level safety standards. II. Authorizes the commissioner to adopt rules, review standards annually, and update them as needed. III. Provides for the hiring of up to 6 labor inspectors and one support staff to enforce these standards.
Oppose HB378 relative to an employee’s unused earned time. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 2:45 PM LOB Room 307 This bill requires an employer to pay an employee for unused earned time.
Support HB735 relative to elections in collective bargaining. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/28 3:30 PM LOB Room 307 This bill provides for changes to public employee bargaining unit voting.
Support HB375 allowing municipalities to designate sections of state and local highways for all terrain vehicles. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill allows a municipality’s governing body to designate any part of any state or local highway, including any bridges or road connectors on those highways, for ATV use.
Oppose HB181 relative to making the state responsible for maintaining Opticom systems for fire and emergency on state roads and making an appropriation therefor. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 10:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill expands the department of transportation’s responsibility to include the maintenance of traffic signal preemption technology and makes an appropriation therefor.
Oppose HB300 relative to directing the department of transportation to issue a request for proposals regarding the Conway Branch rail line and establishing a study committee to investigate the future of railroads in the state. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 11:00 AM LOB Room 201 This bill directs the department of transportation issue a request for proposals regarding the Conway Branch rail line and establishes a study committee to investigate the future of railroads in the state.
Support HB100 prohibiting the use of state funds for new passenger rail projects. Public Works and Highways Tue 1/28 11:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill prohibits the department of transportation from utilizing state funds for the planning, construction, operation, or management of new passenger rail projects.
Support HB504 relative to the state energy policy. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill revises the state energy policy to promote affordable, reliable, and secure energy resources for the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.
Support HB209 allowing a new vehicle purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase. Transportation Tue 1/28 10:40 AM LOB Room 203 This bill allows new vehicles purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase.
Support SB39 relative to establishing an alternative driver education program. Transportation Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 101 This bill establishes an alternative driver education program and authorizes the commissioner of safety to develop and adopt rules for said purpose.
Support SB40 relative to safe boater education certificates. Transportation Tue 1/28 1:15 PM LOB Room 101 This bill adds an online examination approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) to the safe boater education certificate qualification and requires the department of safety to adopt rules relative to its implementation.
Support HB135 relative to the collection of sales taxes of foreign jurisdictions by New Hampshire businesses. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill states that no New Hampshire business shall be required to collect sales taxes for a foreign jurisdiction unless mandated by Congress or New Hampshire law.
Support HB155 reducing the rate of the business enterprise tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 10:45 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill reduces the rate of the business enterprise tax for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2026.
Oppose HB502 relative to complete corporate reporting for unitary businesses under the business profits tax and revenues from the state education property tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 11:15 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill: I. Repeals the water’s edge combined group provisions of the business profits tax. II. Requires the department of revenue administration to receive the revenues from thestate education property tax and deposit them in the education trust fund. III. Revises the procedures for calculating state education grants. IV. Modifies the criteria for relief under the low and moderate income homeowners property tax relief program. V. Establishes a committee to study the low and moderate income homeowners property tax relief program.
Support HB417 relative to repealing the communications services tax. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 1:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill: I. Reduces the rate of the communications services tax for the 2026 tax year. II. Abolishes the communications services tax in the 2027 tax year.
Oppose HB596 relative to reporting requirements for entities that collect meals and rooms taxes. Ways and Means Tue 1/28 1:45 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires the department of revenue administration to collect and report to cities and towns the amount of meals and room tax revenues collected in the city or town.
Oppose HB648 relative to insurance coverage for glucose monitoring. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/29 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires health insurance providers to cover glucose monitoring devices and supplies for individuals with diabetes.
Support HB639 relative to the use of and disputes over blockchain and digital currencies. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/29 1:15 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill: I. Creates an act to protect blockchain technology and its users. II. Amends definitions pertaining to decentralized autonomous organizations. III. Establishes a blockchain dispute docket to oversee blockchain-related disputes.
Support HB388 requiring local school boards to issue public reports on special education in their district. Education Policy and Administration Wed 1/29 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires superintendents to provide public quarterly reports to school boards on special education statistics within their district.
Support SB94 prohibiting municipal amendments to the state building code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/29 9:30 AM SH Room 103 This bill prohibits all local legislative bodies from adopting any new regulations that differ from the state building code.
Support SB74 relative to real property annual reporting requirements of state departments for permitting programs. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/29 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill requires all state departments administering permitting programs to annually report detailed information on their permitting activities to the senate president, speaker of the house, and relevant committee chairs.
Oppose HB278 relative to proxy carbon pricing in state procurement. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/29 11:15 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill requires the department of administrative services to consider proxy carbon pricing in transportation costs and building project costs.
Oppose SB75 providing health insurance carriers access to the state immunization registry and making an appropriation therefor. Health and Human Services Wed 1/29 9:30 AM LOB Room 101 This bill allows health insurance carriers to access the state immunization registry and makes an appropriation to the department of health and human services for this purpose.
Support HB254 relative to options for end of life care. Judiciary Wed 1/29 1:00 PM SH Room Reps Hall This bill establishes a procedure for an individual with terminal illness to receive medical aid-in-dying medication. The bill establishes criteria for the prescription of such medication and establishes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance.
Oppose HB56 requiring a background check and mandatory waiting period during certain firearm transfers. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires firearm transfers to be subject to a criminal background check and a mandatory waiting period, subject to certain exceptions.
Support HB207 relative to repealing the prohibition on the possession or sale of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles except by or to minors. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 11:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill amends the prohibition against carrying or selling a blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles to prohibit sale to or possession of the said items by those under 18 years of age.
Oppose HB352 prohibiting possession of a firearm at a polling place. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill prohibits possessing a firearm at a polling place and includes certain exceptions. This bill further allows individuals who are unwilling or unable to comply with this prohibition to vote by absentee ballot.
Support HB381 exempting firearms and firearm accessories manufactured for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill exempts firearms and firearm accessories manufactured for in-state use only from the National Firearm Act.
Support HB551 repealing the license to sell pistols and revolvers. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/30 3:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill repeals the local licensing requirement for the sale of pistols and revolvers.
Support HB581 establishing a state retirement plan group for new state employee members of the retirement system. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/30 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill establishes a group III, defined contribution state retirement plan for new state employee members of the retirement system, who begin service on or after July 1, 2025. All new employees of state employers on and after July 1, 2025 will be required to join the group III defined contribution plan as administered by the retirement system, and any other group I employees may join.
Support HB230 relative to the adoption of public health ordinances by municipalities. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/30 10:30 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill changes when town public health officials may make regulations relating to public health.
Support HB146 relative to the use of body-worn cameras. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/31 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill requires an arresting agency to preserve and disclose upon request body-worn camera recordings related to certain motor vehicle stops.
Support HB698 criminalizing the act of a person claiming to be a member of law enforcement when the person is not in uniform and cannot produce identification proving the claim. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/31 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill creates a felony-level offense for claiming to be law enforcement when not in uniform and being unable to produce identification to prove the claim.
Support HB640 relative to the transparency of federal agency operations within New Hampshire. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/31 3:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill directs the attorney general to collect and publish certain information regarding federal agency operations within the state.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of January 27, 2025 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Bill Hearings for Week of January 20, 2025

Sun, 2025-01-19 21:24 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 156 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 34 and opposition of 29 with 6 being of interest.
Of the 19 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 1 and opposition of 1 with 1 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Of Interest HB204 relative to criteria for reporting child support delinquencies to federal agencies. Children and Family Law Tue 1/21 2:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires the department of health and human services to ensure that the automated system of reporting child support delinquencies meets, but does not exceed, federal guidelines. The bill also directs the department to provide the amount of the arrearage to the requesting agency.
Of Interest HB243 relative to the penalty for false reports of suspected abuse and neglect made to the division for children, youth, and families. Children and Family Law Tue 1/21 3:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill provides that reports of suspected abuse and neglect may include the name of the person making the report and that a report made maliciously or with the intent to cause harm may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. The bill also provides that a person who in their professional capacity is a mandatory reporter of suspected abuse and neglect may be subject to civil liability for the failure to report.
Support SB34 relative to parental consent for student participation in Medicaid to schools program. Education Tue 1/21 9:00 AM LOB Room 101 This bill requires schools to obtain parental consent for each new service that is provided to a student under the Medicaid to schools program. The bill also requires certain legislative policy committees to receive reports regarding the Medicaid to schools program.
Oppose HB366 relative to school building aid for eligible projects. Education Funding Tue 1/21 9:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the amount to be appropriated by the legislature for school building aid construction and renovation projects of school districts. The bill also allocates a portion of funds to be paid for school building projects approved in prior years but which were not funded.
Support HB510 relative to establishing certain due process rights for students, student organizations, and faculty members facing disciplinary actions by state institutions of higher learning. Education Funding Tue 1/21 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill establishes for students, student organizations, and faculty members of publicly funded New Hampshire colleges and universities the right to certain due process protections when disciplinary proceedings are brought against them by such institutions, and addresses the provisions’ applicability to collective bargaining agreements.
Oppose HB550 modifying the base cost of an adequate education. Education Funding Tue 1/21 2:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill increases the base cost of an adequate education and expands the definition of an adequate education.
Oppose HB215 requiring a landfill permit applicant to submit a report listing potential harms and benefits of the project. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/21 10:30 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill requires a landfill permit applicant to submit a report listing potential harms and benefits of the project and requires the department of environmental services to make a determination that the landfill is a net public benefit.
Support HB240 removing the penalty of forfeiture for non-payment of dog licenses. Environment and Agriculture Tue 1/21 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill removes the penalty of forfeiture for non-payment of dog licenses.
Support HB60 relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term. Housing Tue 1/21 10:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill adds the expiration of the term of the lease or tenancy if over 6 months as grounds for an eviction.
Oppose HB351 requiring landlords to give tenants of at-will tenancies at least 60-days notice to evict. Housing Tue 1/21 11:00 AM LOB Room 305 This bill requires landlords to give tenants of at-will tenancies at least 60-days notice to evict.
Oppose HB65 directing landlords to offer tenants the option of reporting rental payments to consumer reporting agencies. Housing Tue 1/21 11:30 AM LOB Room 305 This bill provides tenants an option to have rental payments to their landlords reported to nationwide consumer reporting agencies.
Oppose HB309 relative to making electronic rent payments optional. Housing Tue 1/21 1:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill prohibits landlords from requiring a tenant or prospective tenant to pay by electronic funds transfers.
Support HB296 relative to issuing building permits along private roads. Housing Tue 1/21 1:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill adds an alternative condition and provides another pathway to authorization for local governing bodies to erect buildings along private roads.
Support HB342 relative to the approval process for new construction. Housing Tue 1/21 2:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill allows property owners to build on their property without seeking a variance for minimum lot size or lot coverage if the proposed building density conforms to that of the surrounding neighborhood, as verified by the local planning board.
Oppose HB444 relative to a tenant’s right to notification prior to the sale of a multi-family home. Housing Tue 1/21 2:30 PM LOB Room 305 This bill requires the owner of restricted multi-family residential property to provide tenants with notice of sale of the property and an opportunity to make an offer to purchase the property.
Oppose HB69 requiring businesses to use the federal E-Verify system of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/21 1:00 PM LOB Room 307 This bill requires employers to verify employment eligibility through the federal E-Verify system.
Oppose HB225 relative to the employment of military spouses in the event of involuntary deployment of service member. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Tue 1/21 3:15 PM LOB Room 307 This bill provides employment protections to the spouses of military service members who are involuntarily mobilized in support of war, national emergency, or contingency operations.
Oppose HB526 establishing a climate change and damage division in the department of environmental services. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 1/21 2:00 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes a climate change and damage division within the department of environmental services, establishes a director of the division, and enumerates the duties thereof.
Oppose HB182 prohibiting electric vehicles in commercial parking garages. Transportation Tue 1/21 10:40 AM LOB Room 203 This bill prohibits parking an electric vehicle in a commercial parking garage.
Oppose HB287 requiring police departments to provide fire departments with certain motorist personal and insurance information following a motor vehicle incident. Transportation Tue 1/21 2:20 PM LOB Room 203 This bill requires police departments to provide fire departments with certain motorist personal and insurance information following a motor vehicle accident.
Oppose HB326 prohibiting the operation of antique passenger vehicles, model year 1968 or older, on state or local highways for more than 20 miles unless the vehicle is fitted or retrofitted with seat or safety belts. Transportation Tue 1/21 3:15 PM LOB Room 203 This bill requires drivers and passengers of antique vehicles with model years of 1968 or older to wear seat or safety belts unless participating in a parade or traveling off-road.
Oppose HB83 increasing the minimum age for sports betting. Ways and Means Tue 1/21 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill raises the minimum age for sports betting.
Oppose HB257 establishing the crime of criminal neglect of a child. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Wed 1/22 11:00 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill establishes the crime of criminal neglect of a child and provides penalties for committing the offense.
Support HB446 relative to parental notice for non-academic surveys in public schools. Education Policy and Administration Wed 1/22 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill requires school districts to email parents copies of non-academic surveys in public schools.
Support HB428 prohibiting municipal amendments to the state building code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/22 11:30 AM LOB Room 306-308 This bill prohibits local legislative bodies from making any new changes to the state building codes.
Of Interest HB244 updating and recodifying the municipal enforcement of the building and fire code. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/22 1:15 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill reorganizes the state building and fire code by repealing it from certain parts of the RSA and reenacting it with some modifications to another part of the RSA. This bill makes some grammar and spelling corrections.
Oppose HB96 requiring New Hampshire builders to use the 2021 Energy Building codes or a similar code that achieves equivalent or greater energy savings. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/22 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill updates the definition of the state building code to include a more recent version of the international energy conservation code or similar code that achieves equivalent or greater energy savings.
Oppose SB47 requiring certain health insurance policies of a birth mother to provide coverage for a newly born child from the moment of birth. Health and Human Services Wed 1/22 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill makes a birth mother’s health insurance policy the primary policy for a newborn child’s health care unless the mother has no insurance or coverage under an employer-sponsored health plan. This bill is at the request of the insurance department.
Support HB51 relative to hemp-derived cannabinoids and the definition of cannabis in therapeutic cannabis. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 1/22 9:30 AM LOB Room 201 This bill: I. Eliminates “seeds” from the definition of “cannabis” concerning therapeutic cannabis. II. Permits alternative treatment centers to purchase non-intoxicating hemp cannabinoids for use in products.
Support HB53 permitting qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 1/22 10:15 AM LOB Room 201 This bill permits qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use.
Support HB54 allowing alternative treatment centers to operate for-profit. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Wed 1/22 1:45 PM LOB Room 201 This bill allows alternative treatment centers to operate for-profit.
Support HB66 relative to material subject to disclosure under the right to know law. Judiciary Wed 1/22 10:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill allows any person to invoke the right to know law, includes preliminary drafts of documents that are distributed to a quorum of a body among the materials that must be disclosed, allows persons to request documents in either paper or electronic form, and modifies the manner in which the right to know ombudsman’s ruling may be appealed to superior court.
Support HB80 allowing a public body member’s presence at a meeting by electronic or other means of communication only if physical presence is unavoidable and providing that physical presence is necessary for voting. Judiciary Wed 1/22 11:00 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires a public body’s member to be physically present at a meeting unless physical presence is unavoidable and provides that physical presence is required for voting.
Support HB164 relative to local records retention. Judiciary Wed 1/22 11:30 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill funds and equips the local government record manager with online storage of records that are available for public access.
Of Interest HB265 requiring that a public body’s meeting minutes include start and end times of the meeting and the printed name and signature of the recording secretary Judiciary Wed 1/22 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill requires that public meeting minutes be documented with the start time, end time, and recording secretary’s signature.
Support HB114 removing fees and charges for governmental records under the right-to-know law and reinstating potential liability for disclosure of information exempt from disclosure. Judiciary Wed 1/22 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill removes fees and charges for governmental records under the right-to-know law and reinstates potential liability for disclosure of information exempt from disclosure.
Support HB273 relative to a parent’s access to their minor child’s library records. Judiciary Wed 1/22 3:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill allows parents to access all of their minor child’s library records.
Support HB238 prohibiting collective bargaining agreements from requiring employees join or contribute to a labor union. Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services Wed 1/22 10:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.
Oppose HB334 relative to the comprehensive state development plan. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 1/22 10:45 AM LOB Room 305 This bill adds provisions to the comprehensive state development plan concerning protecting natural resources and identifying environmental threats.
Oppose HB422 increasing penalties for violations of the shoreland and water quality protection act. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 1/22 1:00 PM LOB Room 305 This bill increases penalties for violations of the shoreland and water quality protection act.
Oppose HB290 increasing the taxes on cigarettes and electronic cigarettes and establishing a committee to study taxes on tobacco and other nicotine products. Ways and Means Wed 1/22 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases the taxes on cigarettes and electronic cigarettes and establishes a committee to study taxes on tobacco and other nicotine products.
Support HB234 relative to the statewide education property tax and excess revenue from games of chance. Ways and Means Wed 1/22 1:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill annually reduces the state education property tax by the amount of revenue paid to the state through games of chance in excess of the estimated amount paid in the 2023 fiscal year.
Of Interest HB255 increasing the percentage of revenue deposited in the education trust fund from the business profits tax. Ways and Means Wed 1/22 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases the percentage of revenue from the business profits tax certified for deposit in the education trust fund.
Of Interest HB318 relative to the percentage of revenue from the business enterprise tax deposited in the education trust fund. Ways and Means Wed 1/22 2:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases the percentage of revenue from the business enterprise tax deposited in the education trust fund.
Of Interest SB55 providing temporary exemptions from the land use change tax for qualifying housing projects. Commerce Thu 1/23 10:10 AM SH Room 100 This bill provides temporary exemptions from the land use change tax for qualifying housing projects.
Oppose HB167 prohibiting the sale of ski, boat, and board waxes that contain intentionally added per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Thu 1/23 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill prohibits the sale of ski, boat, and board waxes that contain intentionally added per and polyfluorinated alkyl substances.
Support HB312 relative to the right of intercollegiate student-athletes to earn compensation through the use of their name, image, or likeness. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Thu 1/23 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill allows collegiate student-athletes to earn compensation for the use of their name, image, or likeness within certain parameters.
Oppose HB427 relative to amending the uniform commercial code. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Thu 1/23 11:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill: I. Specifies New Hampshire state law will govern certain UCC transactions. II. Changes the priority of claims among security interests and entitlement holders.
Oppose HB241 relative to treatment alternatives to opioids. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Thu 1/23 1:45 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires insurance coverage for certain pain management therapies prescribed as alternatives to treatment with opioids.
Support HB75 legalizing cannabis for persons 21 years of age or older. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/23 10:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill legalizes the possession and use of cannabis for persons 21 years of age and older.
Support HB190 relative to therapeutic cannabis possession limits. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/23 11:00 AM LOB Room 202-204 This bill increases qualifying patients’ limit on possession of therapeutic cannabis from 2 to 4 ounces, and increases the amount they may obtain in a 10-day period from 2 to 4 ounces.
Support HB196 relative to annulling, resentencing, or discontinuing prosecution of certain cannabis offenses. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/23 12:00 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill allows for additional annulments, resentencings, or discontinuations of prosecutions for certain cannabis offenses.
Support HB198 relative to legalizing certain quantities of cannabis and establishing penalties for the smoking or vaping of cannabis in public. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/23 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill legalizes the possession of a certain amount of cannabis for persons 21 years or older and prohibits public consumption of cannabis.
Support HB226 relative to the use of drug checking equipment. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/23 2:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill amends and adds definitions to the Controlled Drug Act to exclude drug checking equipment from being considered drug paraphernalia and authorizes the use of drug checking equipment.
Oppose HB380 relative to penalties for criminal violations of the therapeutic use of cannabis. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Thu 1/23 3:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill amends the penalty for the unauthorized sale of cannabis by a qualifying patient or designated caregiver.
Support HB90 relative to the definition of part-time teachers. Education Policy and Administration Thu 1/23 10:45 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill defines “part-time teacher.”
Support HB235 relative to amending the educator code of ethics and code of conduct to include responsibility to parents. Education Policy and Administration Thu 1/23 11:15 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill amends the educator code of conduct to include responsibility to parents.
Support HB349 relative to the practice of optometry and authorization to perform ophthalmic laser procedures. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/23 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill authorizes optometrists who meet criteria established by the board of registration in optometry to perform certain ophthalmic laser procedures.
Oppose HB197 relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers. Finance Thu 1/23 10:00 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill provides that the state shall pay 7.5 percent of contributions of retirement system employers other than the state for group I teachers and group II members.
Oppose HB519 making an appropriation to the department of health and human services to fund and support the Waypoint youth and young adult shelter. Finance Thu 1/23 11:30 AM LOB Room 210-211 This bill makes an appropriation to the department of health and human services to fund and support the Waypoint youth and young adult shelter.
Support HB63 relative to the use of nasal spray to treat anaphylaxis. Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Thu 1/23 12:30 PM LOB Room 201 This bill allows authorized entities, including schools, camps, and day care facilities, to possess and administer epinephrine nasal spray to treat anaphylaxis. The law currently permits epinephrine administration through auto-injectors.
Oppose HB347 relative to protection of employment for members of the general court. Legislative Administration Thu 1/23 1:15 PM LOB Room 203 This bill provides members of the general court with employment protections during voting sessions.
Support HB456 relative to testimony of agency employees in general court hearings. Legislative Administration Thu 1/23 1:45 PM LOB Room 203 This bill requires that state agency personnel and state employees shall only provide information to the committee at the committee’s request and shall not take a position in support of or opposition to a matter before the committee.
Support HB173 relative to maintaining the purpose of a petitioned warrant article. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/23 10:40 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill prevents warrant articles from being amended to change their purpose.
Support HB348 relative to eligibility for local assistance. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/23 11:15 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill provides that municipalities may establish a residency requirement of up to 90 days for local assistance.
Support HB453 prohibiting municipalities from banning use of grounds maintenance and snow and ice removal equipment with internal combustion engines. Municipal and County Government Thu 1/23 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill prohibits municipalities from banning the use of grounds maintenance and snow and ice removal equipment with internal combustion engines.
Support HB291 removing certain penalties for incorrect application of fertilizers. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/24 1:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill provides that violation of the statute regulating application of fertilizers on urban turf and lawn shall be a violation, rather than subject to the criminal penalties and fines otherwise applicable to the subdivision.
Support HB218 relative to providing victims of crime with a free police report of the investigation. Criminal Justice and Public Safety Fri 1/24 2:30 PM LOB Room 202-204 This bill provides victims of crime with a right to a free police report of the investigation following the disposition of the case.
Oppose HB295 making school building aid program funds nonlapsing. Education Funding Fri 1/24 9:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill makes the funds appropriated to the school building aid program nonlapsing.
Support HB319 relative to the responsibility of local school districts to provide transportation and meals for pupils in kindergarten. Education Funding Fri 1/24 11:30 AM LOB Room 205-207 This bill removes the requirement that school districts provide transportation and meals to half-day kindergarten students.
Oppose HB549 relative to the use of education freedom account funds in religious schools and institutions of higher education. Education Funding Fri 1/24 12:45 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill prohibits the use of education freedom account funds at religious schools or for religious education or training, and repeals provisions relating to independence of and legal proceedings concerning education freedom account providers.
Oppose HB64 relative to extending hiring preferences for military members and their spouses to the state and private businesses, and establishing purchase preferences for disabled veterans and military spouses regarding state supply purchases. State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Fri 1/24 10:10 AM LOB Room 206-208 This bill expands the definition of veteran for purposes of veteran hiring and employment preferences to include a veteran’s spouse and any active duty service member regardless of length of service. This bill also extends employment preferences for veterans or their spouse to include veteran owned suppliers of goods and services in dealings with the state.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of January 20, 2025 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

Bill Hearings for Week of January 13, 2025

Sat, 2025-01-11 19:41 +0000
  • These are the most liberty-critical hearings for the week
  • Click on the bill number to read the bill.
  • Click on the committee name to email the committee your thoughts.

Of the 36 hearings in the House, we are recommending support of 9 and opposition of 4 with 8 being of interest.
Of the 25 hearings in the Senate, we are recommending support of 4 and opposition of 6 with 2 being of interest.

Position Bill Title Committee Day Time Room State Analysis
Oppose HB84 allowing municipalities to collect fees for certain recreational vehicles located on campground properties. Municipal and County Government Mon 1/13 10:30 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill allows municipalities to impose a fee on campground owners for recreational vehicles on campgrounds that are not taxable as real estate.
Oppose HB86 increasing the cost of service for notice of civil forfeiture of unlicensed dogs to the rate for certified mail. Municipal and County Government Mon 1/13 10:45 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill increases the cost of service for notice of civil forfeiture of unlicensed dogs to the rate for certified mail.
Of Interest HB99 relative to a waiver from property taxes for disabled veterans. Municipal and County Government Mon 1/13 11:20 AM LOB Room 301-303 This bill increases the range of the optional tax credit for service-connected total disability.
Of Interest HB101 relative to exempting certain elderly homeowners from paying property taxes. Municipal and County Government Mon 1/13 1:00 PM LOB Room 301-303 This bill creates a qualified persons tax exemption to allow certain seniors property tax relief on their primary residence.
Support SB19 relative to hotel and motel operations. Commerce Tue 1/14 9:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill: I. Repeals the requirement that hotel keepers post a notice of rental rates in hotel rooms. II. Repeals the requirement that motel operators place signs displaying rates for rental units.
Support SB24 allowing students under age 21 to taste wine in educational settings. Commerce Tue 1/14 9:45 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows students under age 21 to taste wine in certain educational settings.
Support SB27 relative to dwellings over water. Commerce Tue 1/14 10:30 AM SH Room 100 This bill allows improvements to certain dwellings over water.
Support HB81 allowing patrons to take purchased alcoholic beverages into the restroom of a restaurant. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Tue 1/14 10:15 AM LOB Room 307 This bill allows patrons in on-premises establishments to take purchased alcoholic beverages into the restroom of the establishment.
Of Interest HB79 establishing a commission to study the privatization of the liquor commission. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Tue 1/14 1:15 PM LOB Room 307 This bill establishes a commission to study the privatization of the liquor commission.
Support HB276 removing the requirement that on-premises beverage licensees serve food. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Tue 1/14 2:00 PM LOB Room 307 This bill removes the requirement that on-premises beverage licensees serve food.
Of Interest SB11 relative to the allocation of electoral college votes. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 1/14 9:30 AM LOB Room 103 This bill apportions the state’s presidential electors so that 2 at-large presidential electors shall cast their ballots for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who received the highest number of votes in the state, and congressional district presidential electors shall cast their ballots for the presidential and vice-presidential candidates who received the highest number of votes in their respective congressional districts.
Support SB45 clarifying the placement of political signs on municipal property. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 1/14 9:50 AM LOB Room 103 This bill clarifies the conditions under which political advertising may be placed on municipal property.
Of Interest SB43 removing articles of clothing from the definition of electioneering. Election Law and Municipal Affairs Tue 1/14 10:00 AM LOB Room 103 This bill removes articles of clothing from the definition of electioneering.
Oppose SB35 making an appropriation for rail trail project matching funds. Finance Tue 1/14 1:20 PM SH Room 103 This bill appropriates funds to the department of transportation to be granted to the town of Warner as matching funds for a section of the rail trail in Warner.
Oppose SB20 relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers. Finance Tue 1/14 1:30 PM SH Room 103 This bill provides that the state shall pay 7.5 percent of contributions of retirement system employers other than the state for group I teachers and group II members.
Oppose HB106 establishing a commission to determine the monetary costs of climate damage to the state of New Hampshire and the best means of recouping such costs. Science, Technology and Energy Tue 1/14 3:30 PM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes a commission to determine the financial cost of climate damage to New Hampshire and methods of recouping such costs.
Of Interest HB310 establishing a commission to study the creation of a regulatory framework for stable tokens and tokenized real-world assets in New Hampshire. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/15 10:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill establishes a commission to study the creation of a regulatory framework for stable tokens and tokenized real-world assets (“RWAs”) in New Hampshire.
Support HB302 relative to enabling the state treasury to invest in precious metals and digital assets. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/15 10:30 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill enables the state treasurer to invest state funds into precious metals and digital assets.
Of Interest HB359 prohibiting denial of banking and insurance services based on any factor that is not quantitative, impartial, and risk-based as measured by an objective standard. Commerce and Consumer Affairs Wed 1/15 11:00 AM LOB Room 302-304 This bill requires that financial institutions and insurers use objective information when providing banking services and prohibits those institutions from denying or canceling services based certain personally held beliefs.
Oppose SB21 relative to establishing a New Hampshire state trooper recruitment loan debt relief program and making an appropriation therefor. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/15 9:45 AM SH Room 103 This bill establishes the New Hampshire state trooper school loan debt relief program.
Oppose SB28 relative to workers’ compensation claims involving emergency responders with acute stress disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/15 10:00 AM SH Room 103 This bill provides that “date of injury” for purposes of workers’ compensation claims by emergency responders with acute stress disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder shall be determined in accordance with the statute governing date of injury for occupational disease or cumulative trauma.
Oppose SB29 relative to membership, jurisdiction, and reports of the health care workplace safety commission and relative to health care facility reporting requirements under the workplace violence prevention program. Executive Departments and Administration Wed 1/15 10:15 AM SH Room 103 This bill adds a representative of Hampstead hospital to the health care workplace safety commission, requires monthly reporting of incidents to the department of labor, repeals an exemption for state operated health care facilities from jurisdiction of the commission, and clarifies that annual reports of the commission are not confidential. The bill is a request of the health care workplace safety commission.
Oppose SB37 relative to residential care and health facility licensing. Health and Human Services Wed 1/15 9:15 AM SH Room 100 This bill revises residential care and health facility licensing requirements by (1) requiring licensed residential care facilities to have quality assurance programs; (2) requiring the results of any investigation be posted in a conspicuous place in the facility; (3) requiring facilities to post the results of Life Safety inspections known as “notices to correct;” (4) removing a redundant reference to administrative fines; (5) changing the term “hospital” to the term “facility;” and (6) removing the word “continuing” from the initial education requirements and replacing the term “ongoing training” with continuing education in the annual training requirement. The bill is a request of the department of health and human services.
Of Interest HB88 establishing community property trusts. Judiciary Wed 1/15 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill allows community property trusts to be formed in New Hampshire.
Of Interest HB111 extending the position of right-to-know ombudsman for 2 years. Judiciary Wed 1/15 2:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill extends the office of the right-to-know ombudsman, complaint process, appeal and enforcement, and rulemaking for 2 years.
Of Interest HB127 extending the closing date of the OHRV trails on the Connecticut River Headwaters property from September 30 to Columbus Day. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 1/15 10:30 AM LOB Room 305 This bill extends the annual closing date for OHRV trails on the Connecticut Lakes headwaters working forest property until the second Monday in October, which is Columbus Day.
Oppose HB203 relative to coast guard approved personal flotation devices while on New Hampshire state waters. Resources, Recreation and Development Wed 1/15 11:30 AM LOB Room 305 This bill requires occupants of canoes, kayaks, or rowing sculls on state waters who are not part of an official competition to wear a personal floatation device of a type approved by the United States Coast Guard.
Support HB115 relative to universal eligibility for the education freedom account program. Education Funding Thu 1/16 1:00 PM LOB Room 205-207 This bill removes the household income criteria from eligibility requirements for the education freedom account program.
Support HB267 relative to animal chiropractors. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/16 1:30 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill exempts individuals with degrees in veterinary medicine or chiropractics who have completed a nationally recognized animal chiropractic program, as determined by the executive director of the office of professional licensure and certification, from veterinary licensure requirements.
Support HB85 relative to temporary licensure for student respiratory therapists. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/16 2:00 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill allows for the temporary licensure of student respiratory therapists and authorizes the office of professional licensure and certification, in consultation with the advisory board of respiratory care practitioners, to adopt rules governing this temporary licensure.
Support HB82 relative to the regulation of various occupations. Executive Departments and Administration Thu 1/16 2:30 PM LOB Room 306-308 This bill amends licensing statutes and the office of professional licensure and certification’s governing statutes to shift certain responsibilities and regulation to the office, in keeping with prior legislation. This bill amends statutes related to the regulation of (1) land surveyors, (2) landscape architects; (3) alcohol and other drug use professionals, (4) mental health practitioners, (5) professional engineers, (6) psychologists, (7) architects, (8) podiatrists, (9) the boxing and wrestling commission, (10) auctioneers, (11) electricians, (12) professional bondsmen, (13) nurse agency registration, and (14) doula and lactation specialist certification. This bill is at the request of the office of professional licensure and certification.
Support HB55 repealing the Selective Service Compliance Act. State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Fri 1/17 1:00 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill repeals the Selective Service Registration Awareness and Compliance Act.
Support HB104 relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard in a foreign state. State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Fri 1/17 1:30 PM LOB Room 206-208 This bill limits the activation of the New Hampshire national guard to only those times where the United States Congress has passed an official action pursuant to Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

The post Bill Hearings for Week of January 13, 2025 appeared first on NH Liberty Alliance.

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