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England’s National Health Service: Gender Dysphoria is Probably ‘Just a Phase’ That Does Not Persist

Tue, 2022-10-25 18:00 +0000

The government-run health services over there in Mother England have reached a controversial conclusion. The majority of children wondering about their sex is “a “transient phase” and that [in] “most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence.”

A globally recognized government agency that the American left aspires to here in the New World (the NHS) just told doctors to hold off on the scalpels for a just wee bit. 

The clinical approach has to be mindful of the risks of an inappropriate gender transition and the difficulties that the child may experience in returning to the original gender role upon entering puberty if the gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence,

Wait, there’s more (from the Daily Mail).

Professionals working with children need to reflect on that and make sure they aren’t inadvertently causing harm by providing short term relief that leads to long term distress.

“At Genspect we believe that children should be free to wear whatever clothes they want, boys should be free to run around waving fairy wands in princess dresses and girls should be free to act however they wish, yet we don’t think changing pronouns helps anyone — it creates more problems than it resolves.

The NHS had a facility to address so-called gender-health issues. It has the Orwellian name, Gender Identity Development Service. The government is shutting it down after a review ruled it unsafe. Was it the transitioning drugs killing kids, the suicides after surgeries (‘cuz it was just a phase), or something else?

It found that other mental health issues were ‘overshadowed’ in favour of gender identity treatment, prompting accusations that staff rushed children onto powerful drugs.


Don’t worry, Gender Warriors. The NHS is not giving up. There will be services. But the NHS is asking doctors to be considerate, start with a friendly chat here and there (therapy), and hold off on state-sanctioned chemical castration or mutilation (my words). Those who still exhibit gender dysphoria after puberty might need more invasive care and should be evaluated then.

So, what have we learned? Incredibly woke England has taken a step back from the cliff, so to speak. They don’t advise the grooming that’s taken hold here in the States. That using a preferred pronoun is not beneficial. That chemical or surgical transition could do more harm than good.

It’s almost as if they are more concerned for the child’s well-being and future citizens than some partisan political agenda.

What’s gotten into them because we could use it around here?



The post England’s National Health Service: Gender Dysphoria is Probably ‘Just a Phase’ That Does Not Persist appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Best Dissertation Writing Services in 2022

Tue, 2022-10-25 17:23 +0000

Custom writing services can be very useful when writing a thesis. Many highly rated services provide various writing and editing services. Some are more reputable than others, so it is important to do your research before choosing a company to work with for your thesis.

What are the advantages of hiring a dissertation writing service?

One of the main advantages of dissertation writing services is that they guarantee a plagiarism-free paper.

If you are trying to get an advanced degree, you may have to manage your studies and support your family, which can create huge pressure. Using a writing service provides a way to cope with the stress of writing a dissertation. Writing services often have exceptional writers who can write on a variety of topics.

What do you look for when you hire a dissertation writing service?

You should consider various factors when hiring an essay writing service. You want to make sure that you can hire a quality writer who is a native English speaker. The writer also needs an academic background to understand the rigorous requirements of academic writing. They need to know how to research and find valid points to support their arguments. Referencing is an important part of academic writing; he or she must know how to cite sources accurately.

Pricing and customer support are other factors to consider if you want to get your money’s worth. Other issues are privacy, meeting deadlines, and originality. Below is a top dissertation writing service ranking to help you decide if you need help with your thesis or dissertation.Let’s take a look at good services that will help you make your dissertation the best.

Bidforwriting is a service that students can rely on for even the most challenging dissertations. The Bidforwriting reviews rate it as the best dissertation writing service. Writers and Qualifications: professional research papers writers are native English speakers with academic dissertation writing skills. Privacy Bidforwriting promises that private information will remain confidential.

Order process: all you need to do is register, fill in the form, upload the requirements and choose a deadline.

Pricing: This site works with a bidding system, so prices will vary depending on complexity, urgency, etc. Includes a convenient price calculator.

Refunds: students can request a full or partial refund if they offer proof of poor quality or failure to follow instructions. A support representative will review the case and refund the money if the claim is legitimate.

Deadlines: writers pay attention to details and deadlines.

Customer Service: The customer support team is patient and courteous. Even if you are not registered on the site, you can ask questions and get answers in the online chat.

Plagiarism: Work is checked using plagiarism checkers to ensure it is original.

Editius is a reputable writing service that earned an excellent rating of 5/2022 in a 4.8 review on Essay Review Expert. It offers a large selection of free sample essays that can guide you in writing a similar essay or dissertation. Privacy Policy Private information remains confidential on the site and they do not ask for more information than they need to process the order. Payment is also safe and secure and is offered via credit card, PayPal, and Visa.

Writers and Qualifications: Once you start browsing essay topics, a banner pops up asking if you want to order a completely original essay from a professional writer. Their profiles are available on the website with samples of their work and reviews.

Order process: You can register on the site using your email address or Facebook account. You will fill out a form about what type of essay you need, the topic, the number of pages, and the deadline. You can attach the citation material that you mention in the thesis. The platform will then suggest suitable authors. There is an option to chat with the writers before you commit to one.

Pricing and Refunds: The prices are reasonable and the service is well worth the money. You then deposit the funds, which are frozen until you accept the paper. If you are not satisfied, you can get a refund if you provide proof of poor quality.

Deadlines: The writers respect deadlines and you get your order with enough time to make any changes if necessary.

Customer service: Getting real human operators can take a while because AI will help you in the beginning, but the service is 24/7 and you will get a response. Writers also work around the clock.

Plagiarism: Editius writers provide original work that passes Turnitin.

Essay professional writers offer Onlineessaywriter paper writing reviews and state that it offers extensive services and you can even choose a citation style from a comprehensive list. Writers and qualifications: professional writers have higher education and understand the requirements of dissertation writing. According to reviews, experience in dealing with writers can vary; some are better than others. Privacy Policy This site guarantees the confidentiality of personal information.

Ordering process: The ordering process is quick and simple.

Prices: You get 15% off your first order and 20% off if you are a regular customer.

Refunds: It has a refund policy, and if you don’t get your paper on time, you can get a partial refund.

Deadlines: the site promises that authors will meet deadlines, and while some reviews confirm this, others mention that submissions were late.

Customer Service: This platform has a 24/7 customer service system. According to some reviews, the service can be slow.

Plagiarism: Quality assurance tests confirm the accuracy and originality of the content and a free PDF plagiarism report will be sent to your email address.


Anyone can order a dissertation from an essay writing service without any negative legal consequences. Choosing price over quality can backfire, so you should choose a platform with high-quality writers and a money-back guarantee. The above three services are legitimate companies that offer value for money.

Awesome, I hope this article answered your question!


The post Best Dissertation Writing Services in 2022 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Tue, 2022-10-25 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Yes, they want civil war.  They want a pretext to declare martial law.  Here’s the problem, as noted here:

If we can’t eject these bastards electorally, there will be mass death. If we refuse to fight, thousands of Americans will freeze to death or die of diseases exacerbated by the cold. If we rise up, thousands will die in combat: Usurpers, their hangers-on, and patriots who’ve put their lives on the line because they’ve had enough. There’ll be mass death one way or another. All that will remain to us is to choose who will die and by what method.

I truly fear it is not a fight or not fight situation… but merely a choose your time and place situation.  Got ammo?  Got bullet resistant gear?  (I own several from here.)



Local, baby, local.

No, I don’t want this.  No, I’m not looking forward to it.  I just want to be left alone, as so many on our side want.  But it boils down to this, their arrogance:









Amen.  From the highest to the smallest.

Personally, and just MHO, I want beheadings.  I want forests of heads on pikes permanently mounted in every city and town and village, left to rot until the sun gleams white on the skulls as a lesson to the next ten generations of Socialists / Communists / Globalists as a deterrent.  Rant above inspired by:










I also vote for the toast.

I remember a liberal blogger who wrote a panicked piece, during Trump’s time in office, about how the aspartame in Trump’s Diet Coke could lead to dementia and how this required a pre-emptive 25th Amendment removal.  Now, now, now!  And now with the Potato clearly and actually addled, nothing.

If they didn’t have double-standards they wouldn’t have any.








Wait until they learn that their immune system has been razed and that they need quarterly or even bi-monthly shots to keep from dying.






Pick of the post:



There’s a reason I call them the enemedia.  The same happens, specifically and near-and-dear to my heart, wrt the Fakestinians and the racists who carry their water because “brown people” can’t possibly be that deceptive.  For example:



And an infamous picture:



Horrific, isn’t it?  A soldier, stepping on a child?  It makes the rounds now and again as an example of EEEEVIL Israel.  Now, here’s that picture, but the camera’s field of view is wider:



So many things wrong with this, but… just three points (in addition to the comments on the photo):

  1. Can you imagine a crowd standing at attention, calm, as a child is stepped on by a soldier?
  2. Where are the soldier’s companions?  No soldier, having been trained in any way, would do this to a child without massive backup.
  3. Notice two men strolling by, just behind the soldier?  The people further back, apparently smiling?

This was street theater – a performance in IIRC Bangladesh.  Presented as reality.

The enemedia lies.  Lies about Israel.  Lies about climate change.  Lies in the service of the Jab.



As a friend of mine once said… once the main shooting stops, they go against the wall too.




If you can spare a little, please support Terry Roy in the NH House race.  He’s solid.




Palate cleansers:









The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Cindy Creteau-Miller gets blindsided, Survivor style, by Citizens for Belknap; WHAT did she expect from a Democrat PAC???

Tue, 2022-10-25 15:00 +0000

Useful idiot whose usefulness ended right after the September Primary – and she still hasn’t figured out the Democrat founded, funded, and stratagized Citizens for Belknap PAC’s (“CfB”) end goal, aimed at the General Election in November, never included her.  Democrats PACs don’t want Republicans elected in the General but are “useful” in Primaries in weeding out more Conservative Republicans (and getting a “D” rating from the NRA (no, their surveys don’t get hacked) and supporting the killing of an unborn child an inch from the end of the birth canal is not “conservative”).

Sure, she was first persuaded by former Gunstock Area Commissioner (“GAC”) Gary Kiedaisch to be his proxy GAC candidate to fill an empty seat on the Commission. When that failed, fall back to Plan B (the second plot as part of the overall plan to “seal off” the GAC from the influence of the then-conservative Belknap County Delegation asking uncomfortable and intrusive questions about the operation of Gunstock Mountain Resort). He squired her around some of the more elite areas of Meredith after signing up for the 2022 NH House campaign as a Republican – even had her sign in out front of his home:

BTW, it’s now been removed from what I’ve been informed, lending more credence to my ruminations. Gary Kiedaisch played her like a fiddle.

Yes, she was endorsed in the Primary by CfB, as well as in the General…

…but there’s two Democrats in the race for two seats.  Seriously, why would the Democrat founded, funded, and strategized PAC pick any Republican in that situation? She was always just a token Shiny Object inVfB trying to show that they were “non-partisan” to the low information voters. When it counts, their true purposes are now shown.  Just like Richard Littlefield as well (who is now targeted for defeat by the CfB – useful before and now not needed -and turning himself into being another Gregg Hough annoying all sides (thrown away by the CfB and now angering Conservatives.).

Now, sources are telling me (since I’m not on Twitter or Facebook), Belknap County based Democrats are assaulting Creteau-Miller on social media. They invited her into their bed and then threw her out when her usefulness was over:

Am I making sport of her?  No, just commenting that on the reasoning of  “who really didn’t see this coming?”. Another tipster sent this along:

No, they weren’t “against the GAC” – just those Commissioners that overstayed their term limits and were not being open about their deliberations (re: all the missing meeting minutes, for one thing, the $110K spent by Kiedaisch of GMR money on legal expenses that were never voted on by the GAC, and including the new Master Development Plan that was created mostly in secrecy). That was merely Step 2.  And you were part of that process, whether you realized it or not (mostly not, from my standpoint).

And now YOU are throwing THEM under the bus?  Sorry, it’s not going to work out that way. Not even close.

And she shows her complete naivety concerning hard ball politics when she calls for the CfB to back off. Sorry, dear, you were the appetizer and now that they’ve finished the main course, they are ready for their just dessert(s) – and you’re on the table. They don’t exist for YOUR benefit – you were used for THEIR’S. And to prove the point, a good question by Democrat Matt Coker:

Why WOULD ANY Republican accept an endorsement from a Democrat PAC?? 

Sidenote: Oh, and by the way, Keidash doesn’t have a Creteau-Miller campaign sign out front anymore. Will we see a Matt Coker sign there soon?

I’ve already reviewed how the General may will turn out. Thanks to “Republicans like these”, it may well come true.

If I was domiciled in Meredith, I’d be writing in Jeanne Tofts for NH House as my choice and voting for Lisa Smart who has now been “X” out, as a Republican, by the CfB. Perhaps they should be teaming up as a more conservative alternative to the CfB progressive democrat selections.

The post So Cindy Creteau-Miller gets blindsided, Survivor style, by Citizens for Belknap; WHAT did she expect from a Democrat PAC??? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It is an Election of Commonsense and Patriotism

Tue, 2022-10-25 13:30 +0000

Never have I seen the contrast so clear. Never have I seen such a choice between black and white. It is futile to claim you are an Independent, for the options are so diametrically opposed that there is no middle ground.

This is an election between reason and commonsense or fantasy and lunacy. The polls indicate that sanity may be rising to the top.

Let’s take a look at some of the beliefs of the Left. I think you will see the views of the Right are the opposite.

  1. This election is about abortion and reproductive rights. The ads have been quite clear and inaccurate. The Supreme Court DID NOT take away a woman’s choice to abort her unborn baby. The ruling took abortion out of the federal arena and turned it back to the states where it should have always been. The Left has taken abortion to the extreme, saying there should be no limits on when an abortion can be performed, including the time of birth. They also feel that a fetus that survives an abortion can be allowed to die. They have lost all sanctity of life.
  2. We no longer need to be a sovereign country. A country is sovereign when it has defined borders. Many feel that is one of the primary jobs of the federal government. To the thrill of the Left, this Administration does not believe in a closed secure border at our southwestern quarter. At least four million illegals from over 150 countries have entered and stayed via our southwestern quarter. The Southern Border is now the most dangerous crossing in the world. Nearly 1,000 illegals have lost their lives attempting the crossing. The Border is a humanitarian disaster.
  3. Defund the Police. They said it, and we watched the results in the summer of love in 2020. They deflect it to the Right and try to deny it, but there is far too much video for them to hide from their belief. Crime in every Democrat run city is on the rise, and homicide records are being crushed by the dead bodies. In New York, 4,000 officers have filed for retirement this year, and there are nowhere near the recruits to replace them. People are leaving these cities, and nobody is in a hurry to visit.
  4. There are no longer only two genders. This thinking defies science but what is worse is the Left feels there should be no restrictions on when a child can undergo gender transformation surgery. Young children are having their bodies mutilated when they do not even understand what they are doing to themselves.
  5. We face an existential threat from the damage we are doing to the environment. These people do not even understand the difference between weather and climate, yet they have been screaming the sky is falling for decades and that we should have been extinct years ago. We are still here, and our carbon emissions drop yearly as we become more efficient in using fossil fuels. Al Gore and Geta Thunberg have made tons of money from these false claims.

There are many more examples, but I hope you see the contrast. This election is a turning point. We can preserve the country we have loved and honored for over two centuries, or we can throw it all away and turn to a Socialist based country where morals are just a fading memory. Which direction do you want to travel?

The post It is an Election of Commonsense and Patriotism appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Performers Keep Dropping Dead on Stage From Heart Attacks

Tue, 2022-10-25 12:00 +0000

A few months into the everyone get the jab narrative, news broke that athletes of all ages were just dropping dead. On the field, the court, during warmups, and mid-game. Dead. Their physically intensive occupation, combined with known issues related to heart ailments after vaccination, killed them.

Related: New Research Shows Why the COVID19 “Vaccines” are Killing Professional Athletes

But they weren’t the only ones.

The media industrial complex and the public health industrial complex tried to hide it and even dismiss it as they worked their false pandemic of the unvaccinated schtick (we reported the truth). Becasue it wasn’t just athletes. Kids, and ordinary adults, were dropping dead. They even named it without ever daring to suggest a correlation with the “get vaccines or be a pariah” program.

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, which is a misspelling of the more accurate “the government killed you but accepts no responsibility.”

And we have no idea how many have been harmed or killed by the mRNA injections (and never will), but the numbers are large.

Hide it they will, but another high-profile problem has peaked over the edge of the approved narrative. Celebrities, performers, musicians, comedians, and actors are dropping dead or becoming so ill they can’t perform.

Many of them are on stage when they collapse, typically from a sudden heart attack. Fifty-three of them in the past few months.

That’s hard to hide, so instead, they don’t talk about it the way they would say, the Bush Era body count during the Iraq war, or the number of homeless under any Republican president. Front page top of the program news, it would be, but not when it’s a Democrat, or it’s the Left’s baby. Their gun control leads to more violence not less while welfare causes more poverty, and so on and on.

The Left owns the “all-in” on COVID-19 policy and the vaccine in particular, so in keeping with our tradition of shining a light on things when we can, we present this with thanks to the checkur6 for aggregating it.

A video montage of headlines for the fifty-three performers who have become too ill or just died.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Adam Sexton Is Chris Pappas’ Minister Of Propoganda

Tue, 2022-10-25 10:30 +0000

We have so many major problems that need IMMEDIATE attention … INFLATION, RECESSION, OPEN BORDERS, CRT, GROOMING, FENTANYL, CRIME, THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA … but what issue does Adam Sexton choose to highlight in CD-1 … social security FIFTY years from now:

Of course the reason Sexton is trying to focus voters on social security is that Pappas’ policies caused all the major problems we are currently facing.

Adam Sexton is FAKE-NEWS. Indeed, it is fair to call him Chris Pappas’ Minister of Propaganda.

The post Adam Sexton Is Chris Pappas’ Minister Of Propoganda appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How to Retire Without Debt

Tue, 2022-10-25 10:00 +0000

Retirement is something to which many people look forward throughout their careers. However, retiring with debt can put a damper on your fun and games.

Combining financial obligations with a fixed income is a recipe for anxiety, unhappiness and a dearth of discretionary dollars with which to enjoy your leisure years. With this in mind, let’s take a look at how to retire without debt.

1. Stop Charging

In the final decade or so leading up to your retirement, the smart play is to wean yourself off of credit cards. This will save you much money in terms of interest payments and it will make you think twice before shopping on a whim.

Do yourself a quick favor and look through your closets, garage and attic. All of those things sitting there gathering dust? Yeah, they used to be money. And, they still could be money if you’d been a bit more discerning about your purchases.

Credit cards make it too easy to buy impulsively.

Stop using them — and pay them off.

Florida is one of the most popular states for retirees. Among the best debt relief advice for Floridians is credit card debt consolidation. But that’s just one of many debt relief options out there to consider. Look around and find one that will work within your timeline and your budget.

2. Buy The Last Car You’ll Ever Need

Somewhere within the last seven or so years before you retire, if you haven’t dome so already, buy yourself (do not lease—buy) the last car you’ll ever need. Purchasing it at that point means it will be paid off when you retire. Choose carefully, because it should be something with which you’ll be happy from here on out.

Make sure it’s reliable, so you don’t have high maintenance costs and make sure it’s economical, so you don’t have to spend a whole lot of cash to fuel it. An electric car is a good idea if you live in a house or a condominium complex with ready access to a charging station.

And yes, we know we said stop charging above—but that’s different OK?

3. Get a Smaller Home

Odds are your kids are grown and gone. This means you don’t need as many bedrooms in your home as you did when they were growing up. Putting the house up for lease will give you a steady stream of passive income, which can help offset the payments you’ll make on a smaller place.

If the idea of being a landlord doesn’t appeal to you, sell the house and use part of the proceeds to acquire something smaller, newer and more easily managed. Some experts recommend renting a place, rather than owning, as it will free you of property taxes and maintenance costs.

4. Start Saying No

Younger relatives, seeing you living comfortably, might be tempted to consider you the family ATM. Watching them struggle will tear at your heartstrings and you will be tempted to help them out financially. Requests might come in the form of a loan to tide them over, or cosigning for a large purchase. Thing is, those loans sometimes go unpaid and co-signing often ends with you making payments on something you never wanted, nor need.

Just say no.

Yes, it will be difficult, but things will be even worse if they default on the loan. More family animosities have been fomented over financial issues than pretty much any other cause.

Plus, you’re going to need all of your dollars to live.

5. Mind Your Health

Start exercising regularly if you have yet to do so. Learn all you can about nutrition and adjust your diet accordingly. Cut your sugar and salt intake drastically.

Find an affordable health insurance plan into which you can buy before you retire, to help keep premiums down. Medical debt has sunk many a retirement dream. Do everything you can to help your body avoid illnesses and fight off disease.

These five tips on how to retire without debt will help you retire debt free and keep you that way—so you can enjoy that hard won time to yourself.


The post How to Retire Without Debt appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bank Starts Calculating Customers Carbon Footprints But Is Anyone Calculating the Bank’s?

Tue, 2022-10-25 01:30 +0000

One thing more accurate than any other when talking about the climate cult is emissions offshoring. Specifically, ignoring the carbon production required elsewhere to ‘Green’ up (on paper) here. But it also applies to the activity exerted in the name of forcing others to bow before the same alter against their will.

As I’ve noted often, and just yesterday,

“It’s ixnay on the environmental ostcay of wind, solar, EVs, recycling, or reusable shopping bags. These chapter-and-verse solutions have the climate cult equivalent of papal dispensation. The result is trillions of US dollars to China, the world’s largest polluter, so American progressives pretend they are saving the air and water.”

A bank in Australia is a shining new example of this. Banks already track credit card transactions, but this one has aligned itself with a third party to calculate the carbon footprint of everything you spend money on (not including bank fees, I imagine). The goal is to guilt you into doing less because they are convinced (or telling you they are) that the planet is doomed, and this will help.


A person’s carbon footprint is calculated and then an ‘equivalent’ metric is show to make the customer feel guilty about it, such as “8 trees being cut”.

“By combining our rich customer data and CoGo’s industry-leading capability in measuring carbon outputs, we will be able to provide greater transparency for customers so that they can take actionable steps to reduce their environmental footprint,” CommBank Group executive Angus Sullivan said in a statement.

The bank has promised to refine the calculation down to showing how much CO2 individual purchases are responsible for.


It’s also why they want a cashless society. It is easier to control you, and that’s the real goal. Limit your choices and freedom. Force you to do with less while the bank emits all it wants or pretends that buying offsets beyond the reach of almost everyone else.

At some point, the process will include tracking your movements to add that cost to your carbon footprint. Someday, if you emit too much, you will be billed or charged or fined or something.


Australia’s Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has partnered with Cogo, a “carbon management solutions” company, to launch the new feature, which is part of CBA’s online banking platform.

The bank gives the customer the option to “pay a fee” to offset their carbon footprint, with the average listed as 1,280 kilograms, a long way from the ‘sustainable’ figure of 200 kilograms.


But nowhere do they mention how much carbon they emit to do all this surveillance and back and forth on top of existing operations.

At the most superficial level, most of the components, network infrastructure, and electronics they use will have come from China, where they burn dirty coal to keep prices low. Not just the servers but the wireless technology. Those systems need to be operated, supervised, contained, and maintained by people who are emitting carbon to do that. I find it unlikely that the total carbon costs are insignificant and that its absence would not be better for the environment if that were the goal.



The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), or CommBank, is an Australian multinational bank with businesses across New Zealand, Asia, the United States and the United Kingdom. It provides a variety of financial services including retail, business and institutional banking, funds management, superannuation, insurance, investment and broking services. The Commonwealth Bank is the largest Australian listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange as of August 2015 with brands including Bankwest, Colonial First State Investments, ASB Bank (New Zealand), Commonwealth Securities (CommSec) and Commonwealth Insurance (CommInsure).


It is not the goal. Being an oligarch in the NWO is a Goal, and the NWO wants control of everyone. Control is the goal.

Oh, and they have a branch in the US.


The New York branch of the Commonwealth Bank was established in 1977. The branch has dedicated infrastructure and utilities, and natural resources teams to develop capital solutions that suit clients’ needs. The branch also offers a range of global market services including foreign exchange, interest rate derivatives, commodities, fixed income products, money market services and private placements.


On our doorstep and all that, yes?



The post Bank Starts Calculating Customers Carbon Footprints But Is Anyone Calculating the Bank’s? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fossil Free World is Folly

Tue, 2022-10-25 00:00 +0000

The idea of being out of “gas-guzzling” cars and trucks and into battery-operated vehicles by 2035 is foolish enough. The thought that our military can be carbon neutral at the same time is not only folly but is so dangerous to our national security that whoever utters such foolishness should be charged with treason. That is exactly what this administration is claiming and it is pure folly.

We not only have a petroleum based economy, but we have a petroleum based lifestyle in America and most of the world. Almost everything manufactured relies on petroleum as an ingredient in the process, but more importantly, in the movement of goods to the consumer. Identifying a good or service that does not rely in some way on petroleum would be challenging. It is nonsense to think that we can transition every vehicle, truck, train, plane, or bus in America to a battery operated alternative in fifteen years.

In 2020, there were 105 million automobiles in America. In the same year, there were 180 million other vehicles registered. The total is 285 million motorized vehicles on the road and our government, the Left wing of our government, thinks we can convert those to electric alternatives by 2035. Please tell me somebody, the Secretary of energy or transportation, even looked at the sheer numbers and thought maybe we need to think a bit longer about this bizarre idea.

In addition to vehicles, Biden and company expect every household and business to convert to alternative energy in the same timeframe. Even as I am typing this post, I am questioning the sanity of these people. Some states have already taken steps to force this transition. California has banned gas vehicle sales after 2035. Theft are mandating solar panels on all new construction adding thousands to the cost of a new home. New York has followed suit on the California vehicle decision and is banning gas or propane stoves in new housing builds.

This past summer, California that is moving ahead aggressively with the elimination of the fossil fuel industry experienced brown and blackouts and had to urge the owners of electric vehicles not to plug in. There was not enough juice in the grid today. \What does that mean when they have everybody looking to plug in their car at the end of the day?

The federal government is earmarking our tax dollars to building charging stations to replace gas stations. Why? If this is our future, wouldn’t private companies be lining up for permits to build charging facilities? The fact that they are not shows the support of the private sector on the ill-fated idea.

And then there is the military. Can you picture our Air Force with their bombers and jet fighters lined up on the world’s runways with our pilots holding extension cords waiting for their turn to plug in. Can you picture our ships drifting at sea with their batteries dead waiting for the sun to charge the solar arrays. Does that give you a warm feeling of security?

This idea is insanity which makes sense it was the brainchild of the Biden White House. America is not ready for this transition. Americans do not want this transition and the impact on our economy will be more devastating than a Biden Presidency. We must say stop and get this country drilling again, for us and the world. We are the cleanest producers of fossil fuel energy in the world. Let us do what we are good at.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I’m Betting That a Whole Lot of Moms Are Thinking This Way

Mon, 2022-10-24 22:50 +0000

And then you have the natural reaction by the Mom when she find out what her kindergartner, first grader, second grader, or older brings home from their public school library”.

Ayup – Moms all over the nation are telling themselves (and other Moms) “what, schools are declaring war on US? It says WHAT in that book?”.

Innocence denied? Challenge accepted.  And remember, it is progressive Democrats that are telling these Moms that they have no right (even as they are paying the bills) to say how their kids are to be educated.

You go, Mom! Bring it – on Nov 8th.

(H/T: Powerline)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is It Time to Take Off the Ron DeSantis Rose Colored Glasses?

Mon, 2022-10-24 22:30 +0000

Early in his career as governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie was a superstar. He took on the ed unions, school boards, and left-nuisance nonsense in general. He was a YouTube star, and they called these confrontations Chris Christie Porn. Not long after, he was exposed as a stooge of the Left riding the Republican brand.

For years, Ron DeSantis has been too good to be true as he challenged the COVID-CULT, the Grooming CULT, and other progressive nonsense. But cracks are beginning to show in the carapace of his Republican armor.

I have it on good authority that his campaign will not allow anyone armed to attend any speech he gives.

I guess he’s not going to campaign for President in New Hampshire, then. The average “republican” event during the long primary season, except for those with secret service protection, is at least a one-third to one-half armed law-abiding citizens (if not more).

Granite Staters won’t support DeSantis if he insists on disarming them so they can listen to him speak in person. Sure, there have been candidates who skipped New Hampshire, but none, to my knowledge, won the nomination. So, one of his “consultants” had better fill him in on the policy (if he is unaware) or on how badly it will distort his chances in the Granite State if he runs.

We’ll call that strike one (though for many, he’s already struck out if that’s true), so is there strike two for the rest of you?


Today, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis picked Joe O’Dea as his only 2022 endorsed senate candidate {link}, recording a robocall for O’Dea that says, “Hello this is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. America needs strong leadership and desperately. That’s why I’m endorsing Joe O’Dea for U.S. Senate. Colorado, please vote for Joe O’Dea.”


So what, you say? Well…


A week ago, Colorado senate republican candidate Joe O’Dea said on CNN, “I don’t think Donald Trump should run again.” He quickly added, ” I’m going to actively campaign against Donald Trump and make sure that we have got four or five really great Republicans right now; Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott.”


O’Day is a Never-Trumper, and there’s nothing wrong with that except for this. Trump filled the notorious big tent with blacks, Latinos, gays, women, and blue-collar workers; he did exactly the opposite of what the Left and the Never Trumpers claimed. The Donald is not the captain of a ship full of rich, angry white men. His legacy is peopled by one of the most diverse Republican parties in history.

And so what, you say. Trump has several albatrosses around his neck, most of them hung there by his detractors. But his supporters like his policies more than him. That was what drew them to Trump’s Tent. That translates into defacto support for candidate Trump because (almost) no one else is willing to carry those banners and take on the machine.

We thought DeSantis could be the next guy, but it looks like he is making many of the same mistakes national-level Republican politicians always make. The people who run campaigns on that scale are part of the swamp, too. Their advice becomes toxic, the candidate crashes and burns, or they embrace the ideas and taint their brand.

You can decide if the machine is trying to take him out or if he’s doing it to himself, but it’s a bad look.

Gov DeSantis has plenty of time to right his ship, but he’s still anchored in the harbor and taking on blue water.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

EVs/Solar/Wind Are Devastating To The Environment

Mon, 2022-10-24 21:00 +0000

Under the pretext of stopping man-made “climate change,” the globalists/corporatists/communists are devastating the environment AND arguably using more fossil fuels upstream…

… i.e. to produce batteries, solar, and wind … then eliminated downstream.

A MUST-READ thread (click on the tweet below to read the entire thread on Twitter):


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Am Setting New Community Guidelines (Involving Oath Keepers)

Mon, 2022-10-24 19:30 +0000

Many of our favorite websites or videos get knocked off, for supposedly violating community guidelines. Nobody seems to know which “community” has set the guidelines. I am going to set some here.

I shan’t comment on things like racism or sexism, much less the old-fashioned naughties like obscenity. Rather, I am interested in how people get canceled for being “far-right extremists.”

I’m a far-right extremist myself — though you wouldn’t guess it just by watching me walk down the street. But I have beliefs as to when violence should be used. I am deeply trained in the US Constitution, and I’m a happy reader of the Ratification debates.

Say what? What the Sam Hill are the Ratification debates? Ah, if you’re not familiar with them, you need to be. They are a significant part of the authority of the United States government.

I mean, they assert the people’s authority in government. There ain’t no government without us People. We are it. Together we are the sovereign. This was a huge advance in Western history. Before that, bosses were accepted as the rightful bosses. “Whatever is, is.”

So, I am a conservative. Politically, the conservative type is associated with the Republican Party, though that need not be the case. Any American who wishes to conserve the federal Constitution of 1787 deserves the title of “conservative” — or “extremist,” though the hurlers of that latter title mean it as an accusation of being criminal or being mentally off.

Oath Keepers

What caused me to write this today was a list I came across concerning the latest developments in the January 6 Select Committee. The list was written by an organization called “Oath Keepers.” I’ll print it here now, and then we can get back to the matter of community guidelines.

The oath keepers are a few thousand Americans who are veterans or are currently serving in the military, including reservists and National Guard, plus some sheriffs and peace officers. The “oath” that they want to keep is the one they took when they joined. In that oath, they undertook to preserve and defend the Constitution. Here are their modern promises:

Orders We Will Not Obey (Says the Oath Keeper)


    1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.
    2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people
    3. We will NOT obey orders to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to military tribunal.
    4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state.
    5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty. 
    6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
    7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
    8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control.”
    9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies.
    10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

In my opinion [MM], these are all proper promises by anyone who has taken an oath to support the Constitution. (I am assuming that number 4 means they will not impose a FEDERAL emergency on a state that does not want it.)

My Community Guidelines for Soldiers and Police

I said I would offer a ‘corrective’ set of community guidelines in cases where a person is being labeled a far-right extremist. My community guidelines are as above!  That is to say, the Oath Keepers’ promises are the guidance when it comes to official violence. I endorse all ten of their promises.

Now let me quickly show why.  I will refer to the US Constitution, which includes the ten amendments in the Bill of Rights and a further 17 amendments. I claim:

Promise 1 — the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights forbids disarming the people.

Promise 2 — the Fourth Amendment requires that a search be preceded by a warrant from a judge.

Promise 3 — the Fifth amendment gives every civilian the right to a trial by a jury of his peers (not a military tribunal).

Promise 4 — (I will have to come back to this one.)*

Promise 5 — The Constitution as a whole did not squelch the sovereignty of the 13 states, except for matters enumerated in Article I, section 8.

Promise 6 — I can’t find any part of the Constitution that would permit the government to blockade a city.

Promise 7 — The Sixth Amendment protects every person from imprisonment except those who were convicted of a crime via due process of law.

Promise 8 — (I almost don’t want to dignify this one with a response): The US, being a sovereign nation, is not subjectable to the authority of any foreign nation or any alliance of nations.

Promise 9 — The Fifth Amendment says property may not be seized except by due process, and fair compensation must be given.

Promise 10 — The First Amendment protects free speech, the right to assemble, and to present grievances to the government.

*My hesitance over # 4 has to do with the fact that jurists and scholars have read into Article I, section 9 of the Constitution that suspending habeas corpus — which Congress can constitutionally do — is equatable with martial law. But as to the right to impose a state of emergency, the US Supreme Court in the 1931 Blaisdell case, said emphatically that an emergency does not change any provision of the Constitution.

Old and New

At this point, you may laugh at my boast in the title of this article that “I am setting new community guidelines.”  Let’s face it; these are very old community guidelines. I endorse them but I did not set them. The people did, when they ratified the parchment in 1788 and when the first Congress, in 1789, amended it by adding the Bill of Rights.

Those rights had been promised when each state voted whether to accept the Constitution. Imagine it — a promise that got kept! But in the 21st century, Americans stopped being so aware of their power, and their duty. We had a bunch of bullies in Washington (and hanging around in secret places somewhere) dishing out bad orders.

Finally, in 2009, a veteran named Stewart Rhodes, who is also a lawyer, said Eeenuf!  I say this too, every chance I get. Eeenuf with pretending the Constitution has been outvoted. (If you want to change the parchment, fine.  Just follow the instructions for amending, in Article V.) Eeenuf with the UN, the WHO, the CFR and other claimants to the throne. Get the hell outta here. We the People are in Full Charge. Got it?

A Word about January 6, 2021

On January 6, 2021, many people stormed the Capitol.  Or at least some appeared to be in storming mode, climbing the outer walls and breaking glass, but actually the “doormen” let folks in.  I don’t understand what really transpired and can’t even attempt to research it, as the “regime” in power won’t give a bit of honest information.

In other January 6th discussions, particularly about the Electoral College, I have said that there was no role for violent protestation of the apparently fake vote count in the November 2020 presidential election. That’s because the Constitution, at Amendment 12, and federal law, at 3 USC 15, do a reasonable job of instructing Congress how to handle such a problem. (And they did so: 138 reps and a few senators voted to reject the electoral ballots from two states.)

Did Oath Keepers act illegally on January 6? I don’t know and I also don’t want my “setting of community guidelines” thing to be debated along the lines of “Are Oath Keepers bad guys?” Probably most of their members are heavily committed to acting constitutionally. If some aren’t, they could well be plants. (Boy, am I sick of plants.)

You may have heard that some Oath Keepers who were arrested at the January 6th “riot” took a plea bargain, which means they had to “admit” guilt. Our disgusting Department of Justice is in the habit of keeping a person for several months in solitary confinement, after which the person is likely to agree to a plea, as he/she needs to go home (or go mental). Thus, in regard to such a controversial issue as Oath Keepers and the stolen election, I place no credence in a guilty plea.


We all need to understand that the label “far-right extremist” is intended pejoratively and that it pays to read the ten “Orders we will not obey” by members of Oath Keepers. There’s well-established law that law enforcers, as well as soldiers, must not obey illegal orders from their superiors.

The oath keepers’ statement is a community guideline par excellence. I can’t emphasize enough the responsibility of every citizen to maintain the parchment. Please join me in some dutiful far-right extremism.

Here’s a link to a fantastic C-Span presentation by the late Pauline Maier, about her 2010 book “Ratification.” You can become an expert in 3 hours. (Thanks to the antique shop on 321 Elm St, Manchester, for selling me a copy of that book):


The post I Am Setting New Community Guidelines (Involving Oath Keepers) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Women’s Foundation Celebrates the Destruction of Women’s Sports

Mon, 2022-10-24 18:00 +0000

On October 27, the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation is hosting a fundraising luncheon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Title IX which prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding.

For decades Title IX has helped women’s sports to flourish and allowed countless women to follow their passion in sports.

Perversely, the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation is going to honor CeCe Telfer, a man who competes in women’s sports, at this event.

When CeCe competed in track and field at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, NH as Craig he was only average. After Craig decided he would identify as a woman he became very successful and ended up winning the NCAA Championship for the Division II women’s 400-meter hurdles in 2019, stealing the award from the second-place female finisher.

Related: NH Women’s Foundation Director Jennifer Frizzell Turns Her Back on Girls’ Sports

In 2020, Franklin Pierce University was forced to rescind its trans-inclusive policy for sports programs when the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights claimed that the policy violated Title IX because it “denies female student-athletes equal athletic benefits and opportunities.”

In 2021, CeCe was preparing to compete in women’s track in the Tokyo Olympics when he was disqualified for having too high a level of testosterone.

Lia Thomas, the tall, big-shouldered, flat-chested man who won a women’s Division I NCAA swimming championship has eclipsed CeCe in notoriety and appears to have woken up vastly more people to how ludicrous it is for men to be allowed to dominate in women’s sports but CeCe will always be remembered as the first.

The New Hampshire Women’s Foundation is either unaware of all of this controversy or they just don’t care but I have to wonder how many people are interested in paying $75 and up to attend an event where a man is being celebrated for helping to destroy women’s sports while pretending to honor the advancement of women’s sports.

Learn more about how you can help save women’s sports at and the Independent Council on Women’s Sports at


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2022-10-24 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.  And potentially, there will be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Here’s last Friday’s post.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… getting close to done in my “copious free time”!

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.








I am watching Candace’s film The Greatest Lie Ever SOLD: George Floyd & The Rise Of BLM.  Phenomenal.

One thing in particular that I picked up: in discussing Floyd’s death, there was a new-to-me medical term discussed: cardiomegaly.  Enlarged heart.  And the mention of this was in the context of Floyd’s autopsy, but a shocking statistic: people with this condition have a 150 TIMES GREATER CHANCE of cardiac arrest.  So, tying this to the Jab… myocarditis… is inflammation of the heart.  Inflamed tissues get enlarged.

Hmmm…. SADS anyone?










In a sane world, this would stop the program cold – and IMHO would result in this drug’s pushers being dragged from their oak paneled offices by parents and loved ones of harmed children.  Let alone all the other data, e.g., this logarithmic-scale plot from Surak’s post:



The second chart focuses exclusively on reports completed and received in 2021 and 2022, only for vaccination in 2021 and 2022, with adverse events in 2021 and 2022. This eliminates reports that may have been received in 2021 and 2022 for adverse events before these years. By doing this filtering, we discover that the CoVID injections are 32.3 times as dangerous as all vaccines combined.



Some of the other Covid-related memes from this compilation, gathered for your convenience (not all, because I’m lazy):



And lastly, note how the records of a Jab-related injury just… vanish:



Between the above, and my own experiences with being pressured to take the Jab even lately – a recent visit to a doctor had the doctor astonished I’d not had it and pushed it then-and-there – I’ve just about lost all trust in the medical establishment.









You’re also crazy to those who are herdbeasts who value the opinions of others more than having their own, independent views.









A little gruesome, but… very, very accurate.  Nobody ever really fixes anything because then the lever of that particular issue remains for use by either side that needs it.








Pick of the post:



Isn’t it odd how when Africa for the Africans, or Asia for the Asians, are held up as the standards, but it’s an open invite for millions of Africans, or Asians, or Latinos, or whomever to flood into White countries to make them “diverse”?








Palate Cleanser:



The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Candidate Tim McGough (Merrimack) Has Been Brought to Our Attention. There Are Problems and Issues…

Mon, 2022-10-24 15:00 +0000

I have had a few tipsters contact me about Mr. Tim McGough in the recent past. There are a bunch of inconsistencies and questions that are starting to bubble up, and no answers that explain them.

So, I started where I should – as with Brodie Deshaies’ Common Sense PAC, I started at the NH Secretary of State Elections department to pull his mandatory election filing reports.  Hmm, what did I see?  Much less than I should have:

Er, ONLY through August?  Aren’t you missing something there, dude?  Especially when I reviewed the reports themselves:

June (hover over the page and the navigation bar will appear):

Tim McGough 2022-06-22 FileDisclosureReport

August (hover over the page and the navigation bar will appear):

Tim McGough 2022-08-24 FileDisclosureReport


OK, two things really bothered me (as well as others):

  • Total Revenues:  $200 + $50 (respectively) =    $250.00
  • Total Expenditures: $2,556.17  $6,511.55     = $9,067.72

I have been told that his campaign materials are ALL OVER the place – so how much higher are those expenditures than has currently been reported.

So, I called the Secretary of State’s office, but that will be the subject of another post.



The post NH House Candidate Tim McGough (Merrimack) Has Been Brought to Our Attention. There Are Problems and Issues… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Self-Proclaimed Party of Affordable Care (Democrats) Can’t Stop Making it Unaffordable

Mon, 2022-10-24 13:30 +0000

The party of women’s (whatever those are) health and everything else has a problem. They have a lot of problems. In fact, everything about them is a problem. But they claim to be about affordable health care and access to care while their policies make the cost of it skyrocket -making it less accessible.

And yes, public health is a cartel on the friends and family money laundering list of the Democrat party, but none of that offsets the actual costs that continue to rise due to “printing” all that money. Dollars that are worth less and drive up the cost of everything, especially health care.

Heating, cooling, and electricity are all more expensive due to deliberate Left-Wing policy and inflation. Those costs are passed down to the cost of care, and while insurance covers some, those same costs affect the physical footprints of insurance companies on top of healthcare operating costs, so guess who gets to pay for that as well? You.

Then there’s the cost of plastic. You can’t make the stuff without petroleum which is much most expensive than it needs to be (also) as a matter of Democrat policy. Plastics, resins, and the lot cost about 52% more today than in January 2020. Hospitals use an insane amount of plastic, accounting for about 10% of their real waste.

The anti-plastic people are giddy about the rising cost and hope it will result in less plastic, but before you go there, with what are you replacing that, and how much more will it cost? We use plastic in place of glass and metal because they cost more. They also – cough, cough – have a higher manufacturing carbon footprint, but we’re not allowed to talk about that.

It’s ixnay on the environmental ostcay of wind, solar, EVs, recycling, or reusable shopping bags. These chapter-and-verse solutions have the climate cult equivalent of papal dispensation. The result is trillions of US dollars to China, the world’s largest polluter, so American progressives pretend they are saving the air and water.

But like everything else, the Left doesn’t care about reality, only perception and power. And they will spare no expense (yours) to prop up the perception that they care about women (whatever those are) or the environment or crime or union workers (they like unions), or the cost of health care.

If they genuinely cared, they’d get the government out of the way, but that doesn’t work for them. The hospital/public health cartel is a critical leg on the stool. Health care, energy, and money. With all three of those, they believe they can control people and their behavior, and that’s what they want. Control. Look at the vaxx mandate/passport schtick if you need recent proof.

They would deny care to those who refuse to do what they demand, even if they are women (whatever those are). It doesn’t get more obvious than that.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So What’s the Over/under That Jim Allard Follows Suit and Goes from RINO to Dem Officially

Mon, 2022-10-24 12:00 +0000

This should be the kiss of death for Jim Allard in Republican Politics – openly and wholeheartedly endorsing a Democrat in the General Election, right?  It SHOULD be “no questions asked” what should happen if NH GOP officials up and down the line actually acted to defend their brand – but I don’t see it happening any time soon. It hasn’t happened in the past even with the HRA and NHLA scorecard mavens doing all the grunt work for them. Voting far less than other Republicans in support of the Party Platform should be an instant kicker (when there are, at times, Democrats who vote “better” than said Republicans). Doubling down in support of Liberty issues should be that ringing noise of a political coffin slamming down on the dead body.

But here he is, like a zombie from the dead, endorsing and soon-to-be-voting-for a Democrat in a race with Republicans in it:

And just to make it perfectly clear:

Yeah, “Bridging the Political Divide” is like saying “I’m so open-minded, my standards are dripping down my pant legs”.

But who is surprised about this? He told us as such by his voting record.

Unfortunately, he’s still a State Rep for the next 2+ months.  What will the Republican House Leadership do with him?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mitch McConnell “Endorses” Maggie Hassan

Mon, 2022-10-24 10:30 +0000

Mitch McConnell’s Super-PAC just pulled SIX MILLION in ads it had reserved for the final two weeks of the campaign … because, apparently, Mitch decided that Bolduc wouldn’t be enough of a loyal lapdog and that Hassan would be a more reliable vote for Mitch’s endless war/open borders agenda.

Actions speak louder than words.

And Mitch’s de facto endorsement of Hassan in this extremely winnable race is arguably the best reason yet to get out and vote for Bolduc.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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