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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 6 min 38 sec ago

Karoline Leavitt – Closing Message of the Debate/Campaign

Mon, 2022-11-07 23:00 +0000

We endorsed Karoline in the Primary, and like with Don Bolduc, we are still behind her:

We at GraniteGrok humbly ask for you to vote for her to be our new Representative to the US House of Representatives from NH’s First Congressional District.

Tomorrow – don’t forget! Get to your polling place tomorrow!


(H/T: Dave)

The post Karoline Leavitt – Closing Message of the Debate/Campaign appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Democrats Voted

Mon, 2022-11-07 22:30 +0000

For those of you who are mistakenly thinking that it doesn’t matter who you vote for (Republican or Democrat) we offer this guide. Of course, the best criteria for determining how a candidate will vote in the future is how he/she voted in the past, but also much information can be gathered from how their PARTY voted in the past.

Democrats nationally and regionally have consistently voted for more government control, leaving less control by individuals over their own lives.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Here in NH, Democrats have a well-documented history of repeatedly and consistently voting:

Against Parents’ control of their own children
For policies that raise the cost of electricity and power in general
– For higher taxes
For taxpayer funded abortions up to and even after birth
– Against the second amendment right to have firearms to defend one’s family
Against low and middle-income families choosing the education option for their children
Against protections to ensure only NH residents vote in NH

Proof? Below are actual votes from legislation in the past where Democrats as a group have voted at least 80% one way. In most cases, they have voted more than 90% in that direction.

Bad votes by Democrats

Parental Control:

  • voted AGAINST declaring that parents have the natural right to control the well being of their children ( 2016 CACR16, 2016 HB1471 )
  • voted AGAINST establishing the parental bill of rights ( 2022 HB1431 )
  • voted AGAINST giving parents more information about students‘ assessments ( 2021 HB194 )
  • voted AGAINST giving parents the right to remove their child from taking the state annual assessment ( 2016 HB1338, 2017 HB276 )
  • voted AGAINST parental choice regarding face masks ( 2022 HB1131 )
  • voted AGAINST parental choice regarding intrusive surveys ( 2022 HB1639 )
  • voted AGAINST requiring parental notification prior to the teaching of human sexuality ( 2015 HB332, 2017 HB103 )
  • voted FOR bypassing parental choice regarding vaccinations ( 2022 HB1126 )
  • voted FOR restricting parental choice in determining the best educational opportunity for their children ( 2021 HB251 )
  • voted FOR subjecting students to intrusive surveys without the knowledge of parents ( 2019 SB196 )


  • voted AGAINST education choice ( 2017 HB647, 2018 HB1686, 2018 SB193, 2021 CACR3, 2021 HB278, 2021 HB282, 2021 HB388, 2021 HB609, 2022 HB1132, 2022 HB1298 )
  • voted AGAINST education choice including private schools ( 2017 HB557, 2017 SB8 )
  • voted AGAINST letting parents sue if their child’s school neglects to protect students from bullying ( 2021 HB140 )
  • voted AGAINST requiring students to pass a civics test ( 2021 HB319, 2021 HB320 )
  • voted FOR repealing education choice ( 2017 HB129 )
  • voted FOR repealing education choice and scholarships for low-income families ( 2013 HB370 )
  • voted FOR repealing the education freedom account program. ( 2022 HB1683 )
  • voted FOR repealing the education tax credit program ( 2017 HB297 )
  • voted FOR repealing the education tax credit ( 2016 HB1192 )
  • voted FOR restricting education choice ( 2022 HB1120, 2022 HB1516, 2022 HB1684 )

Cost of Living:

  • voted AGAINST lowering taxes on small businesses ( 2014 HB1475 )
  • voted AGAINST prohibiting a sales tax ( 2021 CACR2 )
  • voted AGAINST prohibiting an income tax ( 2019 CACR12, 2021 CACR1 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing costs of energy ( 2021 HB373, 2022 HR17 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing electric rates ( 2019 HB477 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing electric rates by allowing more use of methane as a fuel ( 2019 HB157 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing taxes on small businesses ( 2013 HB354, 2013 HB434 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing the cost of electricity ( 2018 HB114, 2021 HB614 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing the interest & dividends tax ( 2019 HB185 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing the meals tax ( 2014 HB1597 )
  • voted AGAINST reducing tobacco taxes ( 2013 HB335 )
  • voted AGAINST requiring a 3/5 vote to raise taxes ( 2013 CACR1 )
  • voted AGAINST requiring a super-majority vote to override a property tax cap ( 2021 SB52 )
  • voted FOR an income tax ( 2018 HB628 )
  • voted FOR creating a new tax on capital gains ( 2019 HB686 )
  • voted FOR creating an additional tax on room rentals ( 2019 HB641 )
  • voted FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat ( 2019 HB712, 2019 SB1, 2020 HB712 )
  • voted FOR creating an income tax, and new taxes on capital gains, vaping, and sports betting; increasing business taxes ( 2019 HB2 )
  • voted FOR doubling and tripling various fees ( 2019 HB682 )
  • voted FOR higher boat registration fees ( 2013 HB411 )
  • voted FOR higher electric rates ( 2020 SB124 )
  • voted FOR higher electric rates for most users ( 2019 SB165 )
  • voted FOR higher electricity costs ( 2019 SB72 )
  • voted FOR higher energy rates ( 2013 SB148, 2018 HB1611, 2018 HB559 )
  • voted FOR higher gas taxes ( 2013 HB617, 2014 SB367 )
  • voted FOR higher individual taxes ( 2017 HB644 )
  • voted FOR higher property taxes for most owners ( 2021 SB102 )
  • voted FOR higher rooms tax ( 2018 HB1609 )
  • voted FOR higher tax on insurance premiums ( 2016 HB1444 )
  • voted FOR higher tax on room rentals ( 2016 HB1214 )
  • voted FOR higher taxes ( 2016 HB634 )
  • voted FOR higher taxes on room rentals ( 2020 HB1160 )
  • voted FOR higher taxes taxes on small businesses ( 2016 HB1443, 2018 HB1422 )
  • voted FOR higher tobacco taxes ( 2013 HB659 )
  • voted FOR increasing electricity costs by at least $30 million per year ( 2019 SB168 )
  • voted FOR increasing residential electric bills ( 2020 SB122 )
  • voted FOR increasing the cost of electricity ( 2019 HB715 )
  • voted FOR making it easier for municipalities to raise taxes ( 2022 HB1342 )
  • voted FOR raising boat registration fees ( 2014 HB292 )
  • voted FOR raising business taxes ( 2019 HB623 )
  • voted FOR raising the cost of residential electricity by $5 million each year ( 2020 HB1496 )
  • voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board ( 2022 HB1417 )

Election Integrity:

  • voted AGAINST allowing the Secretary of State’s office to investigate undeliverable voter verification letters ( 2017 HB552 )
  • voted AGAINST ensuring that absentee ballots are not sent to unregistered persons ( 2022 HB1153 )
  • voted AGAINST ensuring that drivers’ licenses cannot be used by non-citizens to vote ( 2019 HB471 )
  • voted AGAINST ensuring that only NH residents vote in NH ( 2015 SB179, 2016 CACR17, 2016 SB4, 2017 HB372, 2018 HB1264 )
  • voted AGAINST improving the procedures for ongoing verification of the voter checklists ( 2021 HB285 )
  • voted AGAINST requesting absentee voters to verify their identity ( 2021 HB292 )
  • voted AGAINST requiring a person who registers to vote without any identification to have his or her photo taken ( 2021 HB523 )
  • voted AGAINST requiring that voters without valid photo id must provide documentation within 7 days ( 2022 SB418 )
  • voted AGAINST strengthening the requirements for documenting the domicile of a person registering to vote ( 2017 SB3 )
  • voted FOR making it easier for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license ( 2019 HB397 )
  • voted FOR making it easier for non-citizens to vote ( 2020 HB1700 )
  • voted FOR making it easier for non-residents to vote in NH ( 2013 HB119, 2019 SB67, 2020 HB1279, 2020 HB1653 )
  • voted FOR making it easier for nonresident aliens to vote illegally ( 2022 HB1093 )
  • voted FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH ( 2019 HB105, 2019 HB106 )
  • voted FOR making voter fraud easier by allowing anyone to vote absentee ( 2017 HB622, 2019 HB611, 2020 HB1672 )
  • voted FOR removing a deterrent to voter fraud ( 2013 HB595 )

Constitutional Rights:

  • voted AGAINST enhancing due process rights in cases of asset forfeiture ( 2017 HB614 )
  • voted AGAINST giving the legislature a role in declaring emergencies ( 2022 HB275 )
  • voted AGAINST prohibiting the state from mandating businesses to require vaccinations ( 2022 HB1495 )
  • voted AGAINST property rights ( 2021 HB402, 2022 HB414 )
  • voted AGAINST protecting constitutional rights during a state of emergency ( 2021 HB440 )
  • voted AGAINST protecting religious liberty during a state of emergen y ( 2021 HB542 )
  • voted AGAINST repealing a law that prohibits free speech on public property near abortion clinics ( 2015 HB403, 2016 HB1570, 2017 HB589, 2019 HB124, 2022 HB1625 )
  • voted AGAINST rights of conscience ( 2021 HB63 )
  • voted AGAINST rights of conscience for medical professionals ( 2022 HB1080 )
  • voted AGAINST rights of conscience regarding vaccination mandates ( 2022 HB1210, 2022 HB1379, 2022 HB1455, 2022 HB1490, 2022 HB1604 )
  • voted AGAINST self-defense ( 2019 HB208 )
  • voted AGAINST the right of self defense ( 2018 HB1313, 2018 SB500, 2021 HB197 )
  • voted AGAINST the right to keep and bear arms ( 2013 HB388, 2013 HB451, 2014 HB1438, 2015 SB116, 2016 HB512, 2016 HB582, 2016 SB336, 2017 SB12, 2021 CACR8, 2021 HB195, 2021 HB196, 2021 HB307, 2021 HB334, 2021 SB141, 2021 SB154, 2022 HB1178, 2022 HB1636 )
  • voted FOR banning free speech near abortion clinics ( 2014 SB319 )
  • voted FOR confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens without any due process ( 2019 HB696, 2020 HB1660, 2020 HB687 )
  • voted FOR preventing law abiding citizens from protecting their children on school grounds ( 2020 HB1285 )
  • voted FOR preventing law abiding citizens, but not criminals, from buying standard firearms magazines ( 2020 HB1608 )
  • voted FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens on school property ( 2019 HB564 )
  • voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to endure a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm ( 2019 HB514 )
  • voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to undergo a background check for any transfer of firearms ( 2015 HB650, 2017 HB201, 2019 HB109, 2020 HB1379, 2022 HB1668 )
  • voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to wait 3 days before obtaining a firearm ( 2020 HB1101 )
  • voted FOR restricting property rights ( 2021 HB177 )
  • voted FOR restricting the right of self defense ( 2018 HB1566 )
  • voted FOR restricting the right to keep and bear arms ( 2017 HB350, 2020 HB1143, 2020 HB1350, 2022 HB1096, 2022 HB1151 )
  • voted FOR weakening the right of self-defense ( 2013 HB135 )

Right to Life:

  • voted AGAINST banning abortion after viability ( 2016 HB1625 )
  • voted AGAINST collecting abortion statistics ( 2018 HB471, 2019 HB158 )
  • voted AGAINST making it a crime to kill a wanted fetus ( 2015 HB560, 2015 SB40, 2016 HB560 )
  • voted AGAINST prohibiting abortions after 24 weeks ( 2021 HB625 )
  • voted AGAINST prohibiting taxpayer funding of abortions ( 2016 HB1684 )
  • voted AGAINST protecting any infant born alive during an intended abortion ( 2020 HB1675 )
  • voted AGAINST punishing fetal homicide ( 2017 SB66 )
  • voted AGAINST right to life for any baby born alive ( 2021 HB233 )
  • voted FOR weakening the right to life ( 2022 HB1609 )


  • voted AGAINST allowing schools to display “In God We Trust”and “Live Free or Die” ( 2021 HB69 )
  • voted AGAINST exempting kids’ lemonade stands from licensing requirements ( 2021 HB183 )
  • voted AGAINST prohibiting sex change surgery for minors ( 2018 HB1532 )
  • voted AGAINST repealing the mandate that schools provide menstrual products ( 2021 HB458 )
  • voted AGAINST right to join or not join a union ( 2021 SB61 )
  • voted AGAINST strengthening the right-to-know law ( 2017 HB365 )
  • voted FOR allowing towns to ban plastic bags ( 2020 HB102 )
  • voted FOR banning plastic straws ( 2020 HB1472 )
  • voted FOR banning styrofoam cups ( 2020 HB1564 )

The post How Democrats Voted appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Let the Election Fraud Begin!

Mon, 2022-11-07 22:00 +0000

Let the election fraud begin, or at least start laying the foundation for it…(emphasis mine, reformatted):

Dem poll worker ejected for pre-selecting ‘straight Dem ticket’ on voting machine, calling Rs ‘racist’

An Indiana election office reportedly ejected a Democrat poll worker over allegations that he had pressured poll-goers against voting for certain candidates and even pre-selected Democratic candidates on a voting machine last week, local election officials told Fox News. The incidents took place at a polling place in Carmel, Indiana, under the Hamilton County Election Office. Hamilton County election administrator Beth Sheller declined to confirm the poll worker’s identity in an interview with Fox News Digital, but detailed a report from the inspector at the polling location.

Sheller stated that the inspector had learned of two separate incidents that may constitute electioneering and election interference. The poll worker, first identified by Chalkboard Review executive director Tony Kinnett as James Zheng, is now reportedly being investigated by the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, and Sheller says she hopes to see Zheng prosecuted.

The first incident took place early Thursday evening as a group of education activists stood outside the Carmel polling place and advocated for pro-parent school board candidates. Sheller says the worker spoke with a pair of black voters who entered the polling station and urged them not to vote for the pro-parent candidates, arguing that the activists outside were “racist“.  That pair of voters then cast their ballots and approached the activists outside, informing them of what the poll worker had told them. The activists, which included a campaign worker for one of the candidates, then raised the issue with the workers inside.

The inspector then learned of a second incident, this one involving potential election interference. Sheller said the poll worker was assisting a voter with an electronic ballot and pressed the “straight Democrat ticket” option during the explanation. She said the voter was then confused about how to change the selection and raised the issue with another nearby poll worker. That worker resolved the issue, allowing the voter to cast a legitimate ballot, and then informed the polling inspector of what happened, Sheller said.

…Sheller and the polling inspector had Zheng removed, and Sheller announced Friday that he would not be allowed back to the polling station. She also told Fox News Digital she hopes for his prosecution. She added that she contacted Hamilton County Democrats chair Dayna Colbert to provide a replacement poll worker, which she did.

…”This should serve as a cautionary reminder that those desperate to hold onto power or gain power will do anything – including breaking the law – to thwart the efforts of parents and taxpayers to replace our school boards with officials who more accurately reflect the values of our community,” he said.

More at the link but remember – if it is happening there, it most likely happening elsewhere.

(H/T: Fox News)

The post And Let the Election Fraud Begin! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Bostonians Shouldn’t Vote Maura Healey for Governor

Mon, 2022-11-07 21:30 +0000

The good news is that the current governor of the Bay State, Charlie Baker, decided not to run for another term. The nice news is that a Republican named Geoff Diehl is running and his “Lieutenant governor” running mate is Leah Cole Allen, a nurse. She got fired from her hospital for not taking the vax.

 The annoying news is that Maura Healey, who has held the powerful position of state Attorney General since 2014, is leading in the gubernatorial race.

I was pleased when Maura Healey opposed Trump’s “Muslim Ban” — an argument that later won in court. I also give her credit for standing up for gays.

But sorry, she has failed to investigate the death in custody of someone who I know was murdered in Massachusetts. I am referring to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who at age 26 was captured, alive and well, in Watertown in the wee hours of Friday, April 19 (a big occult murder feast day, nudge nudge), in 2013.

That was 4 days after the Boston Marathon bombing. I place the blame for the bombing with the Feebs, as can be seen in my RICO suit, Maxwell v FBI et al.

Maura Healey and Charlie Baker were not in office in 2013. I place Marathon injustices on Deval Patrick as governor. Also, he participated in the disgustingly deceitful movie “Manhunt,” a production of — get this — National Geographic.

Even at this late stage, Attorney General Healey, a Harvard cum laude graduate, could focus her brain on the matter and issue a recall of the younger Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar, nickname Jahar, from Supermax federal prison in Colorado.

She is the proper authority to see that Jahar gets charged with a crime he allegedly committed in Massachusetts, the murder of MIT cop Sean Collier. Wow. That would make for a reopening of the whole matter locally. But she lacks the guts. She is willing to see Jahar fry. You can forget her protection of Muslims in the Muslim Ban case, OK?

There is a book entitled “Boston’s Marathon Bombing: What Can Law Do?” that lays out clearly how any interested attorney general or judge can undo the travesty. Sure, there was an appeal to the US Supreme Court, but it considered only the issue of “Boston having been an inappropriate venue for Jahar’s trial.” His so-called Public Defenders refused, from the beginning, to defend his innocence or even to mention his not-guilty plea!

The book is very accessible and thoroughly documented. The author was an amicus curiae in the Tsarnaev case for five years. She is Mary W Maxwell. Oops, that’s me. Fifteen bucks will fetch you the book at and supposedly also at Amazon.

Now here’s an excerpt from my “Open Letter to Maura Healey,” published September 13, 2015, at Below that, I’ll show a video of my “moot court, open mic” thing.


Dear Attorney-General Maura Healey,

The problem, in a nutshell, is this: someone murdered Tamerlan Tsarnaev in April 2013 while he was in police or FBI custody. As you are the chief law enforcement officer in Massachusetts, this problem falls to you.

Please do not pretend you don’t know about the death. Granted, the public was told by CNN and The Boston Globe that Tamerlan himself fired a gun at police and was killed in self-defense by the police. Or – the alternative story – that his brother accidentally dragged him via the wheels of an SUV. It is not true at all. It is a pack of lies. The proof is in, thanks to the ‘podstava’ video.

Maybe it would have been good for you to campaign on that very issue! But you, instead, stuck with the old chestnuts. Your website said: “… I have been on the front lines fighting for fairness, equality, and justice …. This requires being proactive… I am deeply committed to fighting corruption.” [Really?]

I hope you have read an article that appeared on Paul Craig Roberts’ website on August 18, 2015. It reveals an affidavit filed with the US Federal District Court by Maret Tsarnaeva, who is a lawyer, concerning the way the defense team of Jahar interacted with the family in Russia. … The parents were threatened into signing a letter to Jahar “or else,” instructing their son to confess. That is why he “confessed.”

I’ll quote what Maret Tsarnaeva said, under penalty of perjury, about a woman named Charlene, an independent investigator from the US defender’s office who was sent to Russia by the defense team:

“My sister Malkan revealed to me [immediately] the details of the conversation. She … has authorized me to state for her that Charlene stated flatly that the federal public defender’s office in Boston knew that Dzhokhar was not guilty as charged and that their office was under enormous pressure from law enforcement agencies and high levels of the government of the United States [Obama??] not to resist conviction.”

So, Madam Attorney General, does it get any worse than this? Have you any jobs to perform that are more pressing than the possible counteracting of what has happened in the Tsarnaev case? And can you furnish safety for one Massachusetts citizen today, namely Jahar Tsarnaev, who is at the tender age of 21? [By now he’s 29, still on Death Row].

Honest, the citizenry of Boston, surely the most educated population that ever lived, would be astounded. “Joan of Arc,” they might cry. Anyway, the moment is ripe for you to do it.

You could call a press conference to announce that Tamerlan died in custody. He was not in a shoot-out, and the bruises on his face – visible in his mortuary photo – probably came from being beaten up in custody. I dare you to say, “This is not South Africa where Steve Biko, age 28, was smashed to a pulp on the floor of a police station.”

Male persons have a problem doing that. But Maura Healey can do it. Yes, she can. She can say, “Excuse me, here in Massachusetts, no one can beat to death a person who has been arrested.” That wouldn’t exactly be a controversial position to hold, would it?

In short, somebody, somewhere, has to prompt a great turn-around in our tragic and absurd situation. Ms. Healey, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, let it be you.

Yours sincerely,

Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Email address:

[End of my 2015 Open Letter]



On January 23, 2018, I put on a 45-minute “moot court trial” for Jahar at the Watertown Public Library. It’s on the video page of my website, It was followed by an open mic session. Go here for that video:

Start at 24 minutes to see the important contributions made by Sgt John McLennan who was the police supervisor during the capture of the run-over “Tamerlan.” (I assume it was not Tamerlan but rather an unwitting stuntman.) Or, at 43.30 you can see James Perloff, the maker of a wonderful, fast movin, 2-hour YouTube lecture on False Flag tickets to war.

As things stand today, unless Americans will come to the party, Jahar — by all accounts a sweet guy — is going to be dispatched to Eternal Life by the executioner at a federal place in Indiana. Wake up, Everybody!



The post Why Bostonians Shouldn’t Vote Maura Healey for Governor appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don Bolduc and Nikki Haley in Salem

Mon, 2022-11-07 21:15 +0000

On the eve of this crucial election, and with Don Bolduc showing a good chance of victory in the polls, Ambassador Nikki Haley once more came to the Granite State to make a difference to the outcome. She gave a great speech underlining why we need Don in the US Senate, right now.

First, introductions, with the pledge, exhortation to get out the vote from Steve Stepanek, and introduction of Nikki Haley by NH State Senator Sharon Carson:


Next, Ambassador Nikki Haley tells why Don, right now, for US Senate. She is one heck of a cheerleader for his victory:


Don gives a great stump speech – he’s become really good at these (refresh if you don’t see it at first):


Finally, the quick interview taken at the end of the event (Also posted separately this morning):


Thankyou for watching GrokTV, and please vote like our republic depends on you (it does).

The post Don Bolduc and Nikki Haley in Salem appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe: “This is Deadly Earnest, Man”

Mon, 2022-11-07 20:30 +0000

Joe Biden went to Florida, where Democrats have no chance of winning the Governor or Senator seats on the ballot, and told a group of senior citizens that “this ain’t your daddy’s Republican Party. This is deadly earnest, man.”

These comments are those of a President who the Democrats will not allow anywhere near a hotly contested race. The popularity of Joe Biden has dipped so low that Democrat candidates are working hard to distance and not align themselves with the sitting President. Joe Biden says the midterms are not a referendum on his performance but about choice. Mr. President, maybe the choice you refer to is the one Tulsi Gabbard made to leave the Democrat Party.

Joe Biden, the sitting President, should be the leader of the Democrat Party. This week, it was apparent that he does not sit at the head of the table but may have a seat at the kid’s table. As we head into Election Day on Tuesday, the Democrats brought out former Presidents Obama and Clinton to deliver the message and the closing arguments for the Party. Joe was relegated to states where the outcome was obvious, either Red or Blue, but where no celebrity visit would make a difference.

He did go to Pennsylvania but played second fiddle to Barack Obama. They were on stage to promote the candidacy of John Fetterman for Senator of the Keystone State. They could bring out the Pope and have him place his hand on Fetterman’s head, and the poor man would still not be fit for the job. That’s because of his policies. This man is dangerous to the people of Pennsylvania.

The policy message is nonexistent because nothing about the Biden Presidency is worth touting. The Democrats have rolled the dice on the sole issue of abortion. Their other campaign strategy has been to paint Republicans as evil and genuine threats to our democracy. That game plan has not been effective, but Biden has been the biggest offender when it comes to disinformation and outlandish rhetoric.

Whether in official Presidential addresses or during campaign stops, Biden has attacked Republicans and, in effect, half the country. We have beaten this to death, but it has persisted ad nauseam that this unifier has been the most incredible divider in history. Obama and Clinton have followed suit. The first two years for Biden have been a disaster, and the midterms look more like a bloodbath.

You just have to look at the Northeast. Oz has pulled ahead of Fetterman in a race the Dems were counting on. New York, which has been solid blue for decades, is in flux. The Governor’s mansion is leaning red, as are many House seats. Connecticut may see some winners wearing red, and New Hampshire may see two of three races flip to red. These states did not require much attention or money of late by the Dems but are draining the resources this year.

The electorate is angry. This election is not just a referendum on Biden. This is an election about the direction of the country. The economy, crime, energy, security, and the Border are all in favor of the Republicans. Biden can keep gaslighting about Trump and the Mega MAGAS, and the Republicans will take the House and the Senate.


The post Joe: “This is Deadly Earnest, Man” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sudden COVID Vaccine Death Syndrome (SCVDS)

Mon, 2022-11-07 19:30 +0000

You’ve probably heard of SADS. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. It’s the euphemism that beautiful people use to avoid admitting the truth. It’s not SADS. It’s SCVDS. Sudden COVID Vaccine Death Syndrome. And it may have taken two more high-profile folks under 50 years of age.

Related: The “Response” to COVID is Officially Killing More People Per Year Than COVID Did in 2020 and 2021

Bengals Assistant coach, Adam Zimmer, died unexpectedly last week. The cause of death was not immediately released by the NFL, which is #woke and in on the scam. Get jabbed, or we’ll make life miserable for you. I do not doubt that Zimmer got COVID Vaxxed at least twice and perhaps boosted.

He leaves behind a family and two young children.

Food Writer Julia Powell has also died, at the age of 49, from a heart attack.


Food writer Julie Powell, who became an internet darling after blogging for a year about making every recipe in Julia Child’s “Mastering the Art of French Cooking,” leading to a book deal and a film adaptation, has died. She was 49.

Powell died of cardiac arrest Oct. 26 at her home in upstate New York, The New York Times reported. Her death was confirmed by Judy Clain, Powell’s email and editor in chief of Little, Brown.


Hear attacks among women are not unheard of, but uncommon and are rare at that age. But Julia did have a lot working against her. She was connected to the #woke world of New York Publishing and the progressive pressure mill that comes from operating in those circles. I can’t say for certain if she took the juice, but what are the odds?

I’d have to go with high to impossible to avoid, especially after this report came out at MSN with the headline “Julie Powell’s Cause Of Death Explained (” It explains briefly who Julia was and what heart attacks are, but that’s it.


Cardiac arrest, however, occurs when the heart’s electrical system, which regulates your heartbeat and stops the heart from functioning, according to Mayo Clinic. The chambers of the heart fail to pump blood, and you can lose consciousness when there’s a lack of blood in the brain. In fact, nine out of 10 people die in minutes if cardiac arrest occurs outside of a hospital


It also notes how frequent heart attacks are, which gives up the ghost, in my opinion. Heart Attacks are just this thing that happens often; you mean, like (say) otherwise healthy people under 50 suddenly dropping dead?

People who took and likely encouraged others to get the experimental COVID vaccines with myocarditis as an unadvertised side-effect.

The Other Sads

Both deaths are unnecessary tragedies (sad), whatever the cause, but we can’t help but think they are connected to the surge in mortality among the 30-50 age group in the wake of the mass-vaccination campaign sold as a way to keep from getting COVID-19. An experimental drug whose purpose appears to increase the likelihood of infection, transmission, and death.

Related: Is Anyone Interested in Offering Amnesty to COVID Tyrants?

No one will want to connect the dots, but I’d like to think that every time this happens, it makes a little dent in the mass formation psychosis that leads to so many healthy people accepting something untested and dangerous.

I know they lied a lot about the risks and rewards. The scheme was global. And anyone who dared step off the plantation was pilloried by the politicians and the press. They still do. But with journalists suggesting things were mishandled and these folks deserve amnesty, we can see holes in the armor.

It might be a good time to poke a red-wave election in those holes and twist. Republicans may not be perfect, but most will let you hold and consider opinions other than their own. And they can be moved to step away from radical left-wing public health policy if you can convince them their political lives depend on it.

Elected Democrats, not so much.



The post Sudden COVID Vaccine Death Syndrome (SCVDS) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrats Vote for Government – Republicans Vote for Families

Mon, 2022-11-07 18:30 +0000

The other day I saw a bunch of imposters in my part of the city of Nashua with yellow and black signs that said, “Melanie Levesque supports NH families.” Let’s talk about that, shall we?

At this point in time, every informed District 12 voter ought to know and remember that Melanie voted for an income tax.

While Melanie seems to have a problem with truthful free speech. Voting records don’t lie, and she takes umbrage with the well-known yellow yard signs with black letters calling attention to the fact that she voted for an income tax.

Melanie is trying to unseat a senator with an excellent record. Kevin Avard’s record, available to all on NH dot gov, speaks for itself with his votes and the bills he sponsored. He is a family man who supports the family unit.

This leads me to the next part of what I have to say about the State Senate seat next to his, which is currently occupied by Melanie’s dear friend Cindy Rosenwald. Rosenwald’s opponent, Mr. Scaer, is no stranger to the Grok. Everyone who votes in District 13 is encouraged to use the site search tool for a list of his articles. Hopefully, Mr. Scaer will get elected; he is also a Cornerstone endorsed, bringing me to Democrat Shoshanna Kelly.

Alderman Shoshanna Kelly, who is now Executive Councilor Dave Wheeler’s opponent, wrote an attention-seeking Union Leader article shortly after the birth of her son. This was during campaign season 2 years ago, and she was lamenting about her absentee father. In response to Alderman Kelly’s article, Mr. Scaer, though not a candidate at the time, pointed out well-known data that is relevant to this post. Jails are crowded with inmates that came from broken homes, as is “the system” itself.

I leave it up to the reader to define “broken home” since that’s not in the scope of this post. Be that as it may, his closing statement was a question; what can we do as a community to encourage both parents to be an active and positive influence on the kids that they create? (words mine)

My own question now is, what can elected officials do as lawmakers that address current Senate Candidate Scaer’s question asked over two years ago? One answer would be supporting the Parental Bill of Rights, to which we all know what happened last spring. Again, use the Grok search engine. However, our Speaker announced his intention to resubmit it after the election. Keep in mind that Rosenwald voted against it. Voting records don’t lie. Melanie was in office when Mr. Scaer wrote his article, and I am unaware of any comment she has made in response to it, yet here she is on the ballot again!

I would like to close with the following questions for all of Nashua and its western suburbs:

What are the plans of Melanie and her kindred spirit, Rosenwald, to support NH families that don’t involve adding or raising taxes or any kind of expansion of Big Government?


The post Democrats Vote for Government – Republicans Vote for Families appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2022-11-07 17:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow – also with election memes last-minute – and I will back-edit to include the link.  And almost certainly be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Meme Overflow-Overflow here.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… getting close to done in my “copious free time”!  Progress is being made, just a lot slower than I want.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




Special Election Section:



This!  Also, my recommendation is to take a screen shots of each network list, and a picture of anything you write down to get it time-and-date stamped.  Another excellent suggestion:



This is an excellent idea.  It makes the have to wait to see how many votes they need to forge; people rushed make mistakes.  The problem is we need a GOP with a set to capitalize on those mistakes.  Somehow I think we’ll be disappointed:

Controlled Opposition: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says Republicans Will Work with Joe Biden if They Take Control of Congress… WTH? (



Other election memes:




Amen to everything.  I also think that to be handed a ballot you need to get 4 out of 5 right on questions from the US Citizenship exam.  And, of course, voter ID.  (I got 19/20, and the reason I got it wrong was I made a quick-read, quick-click mistake.  I did know the answer, I just goofed.)



More election stuff in tomorrow’s post.  But this video, using Dems’ own voices & statements, is super:




And now, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.  Given that tomorrow is election day, and at best I predict some “unpleasantries”, remember that freedom may require more than harsh rhetoric.  I hope and pray not, but…












IIRC Morgan has now backtracked.  I’ll accept your apology… while hoisting a wee dram at your SADS grave.







Pick of the post:



Names and addresses, people.  Names and addresses.  Not advocating violence, not recommending anything, but… when spicy time starts, the boys in blue are more likely your enemies than your allies.  Local, baby, local.  Alas:



In parallel, think they’re expecting something?





Ruh roh.




Palate Cleansers:




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Updated: Last Minute 2022 Polling Results from RealClearPolitics and Others

Mon, 2022-11-07 17:00 +0000

Methinks this is going to be another chockful of posts kinda day like yesterday, so eep coming back. I’m going to keep stuffing the front page with the latest polls I can find.  This one, however, from RealClearPolitics, will stay uppermost, but all others will sink to the bottom of the post as I find newer/informative ones.

So combine the above with this one and the result is – we dunno. Get out there and vote. Remember, GraniteGrok endorsed The General, Don Bolduc, in the Primary so we’re certainly still behind him now. GraniteGrok asks for your Vote on his behalf – and we thank you ever so much!

I’m also going to aggregate some snippets about the election as well.

UPDATE from FiveThirtyEight:

Good advice from Stacy McCain on getting a read bead on results – and Don Bolduc, in his opinion, is a bellweather race (emphasis mine):

ELECTION ADVICE FROM STACY MCCAIN: “Probably the smartest thing to do on election night would be to take a nap early in the evening — when the chatter on TV will be mostly speculation — and set your alarm for 11 p.m. or midnight, by which time 90 percent or more of the precincts will have reported in most Eastern states. The earliest tip-off to which way the night is heading will be the Senate race in New Hampshire. If Bolduc can score an upset there, it would portend a massive ‘Red Wave,’ in which Republicans win 240-plus House seats and 52 or more Senate seats. If, on the other hand, Hassan manages to hang on in New Hampshire, the GOP will likely win between 225 and 235 House seats and fall a couple seats short of a Senate majority.”

Let’s throw this in for background – also from RCP:

More later!

The post Updated: Last Minute 2022 Polling Results from RealClearPolitics and Others appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America’s Disastrous and Shameless Border Sentinels

Mon, 2022-11-07 16:00 +0000

With all the chaos on our southern border, no one can know the exact number of immigrants who have illegally scrambled into our country through Mexico. But according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), five and a half million foreign citizens have illegally entered our country since Joe Biden took office.

That number is staggering. By way of contrast, the city of Los Angeles has a population of around four million. The number of new illegal immigrants exceeds the entire population of countries like Ireland. Uruguay, and Norway.  It’s roughly four times the number of service members in America’s armed forces.

And that’s after just two years.

Ominously, thanks to Biden’s policies like catch-and-release, we know virtually nothing about those five and a half million people, now living among us.

Yes, most of them are probably just looking for a better life, but some of them are hardened criminals and gang members, with no respect for the laws of our land. In fact, they’ve all begun their new lives by disrespecting our immigration laws. Some of them are bringing diseases that most Americans have only read about. Many of them reject American values, like equality for women. Many come from cultures that subjugate women; they embrace such concepts as Sharia Law. And virtually all of them come from impoverished countries, with no marketable skills. Few speak English. American taxpayers are left burdened with their housing, medical, and educational expenses.

Undoubtedly, some of them are coming with malicious intentions – to abuse our freedoms. Some hate America, intending to inflict damage on our homeland. For years after the horrific 9/11 attacks, Americans were fixated on sleeper cells – covert teams of America’s enemies, quietly living within our communities, waiting for some signal to attack us where we live. If they weren’t here before, Biden’s policies have handed them the opportunity they needed.

In fact, countless Americans have already suffered at the hands of illegal immigrants. There have been murders, sexual assaults, and countless DUI fatalities and felonious assaults perpetrated by illegal immigrants. They’re often protected by the liberal news media, which rarely publishes the immigration status of perpetrators.

This chart, posted by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, gives some inkling into the magnitude of the problem. It indicates that in the fiscal year 2022, more than 62 noncitizens were convicted of homicide, 365 were convicted of sexual offenses, and 2,239 were convicted of drug possession/trafficking. How many young people have lost their lives to the drugs flooding into our country through Biden’s open borders?

The reason we have five million new mouths to feed, so many criminal aliens, and an unknown number of ticking time-bombs in our midst is not because of failed leadership or gross incompetence. The people responsible for this fiasco have shown no interest in suppressing, or even addressing the problem. They are deliberately subverting our immigration laws. The resulting breach in our national security is a betrayal to their oath of office and to the American people.

There was never any need or justification to open the flood gates. Prior to Biden’s disastrous policies, our government, not the drug cartels, controlled our southern border. Immigrants were admitted to America by way of an orderly immigration process. Upwards of one million per year were properly identified, screened, and welcomed as legal immigrants.

Of course, Joe Biden bears the ultimate responsibility for his insane and dangerous border policies. But he’s been aided and abetted by two accomplices – Kamala Harris, his border czar, and Alejandro Mayorkas, his secretary of homeland security. One serves as the distraction. Harris’ quest for the “root cause” of illegal immigration is intended to take our attention away from the real cause. And Mayorkas is the shill. He’s supposed to lend credibility to the border sham. But his repeated insistence that “The border is secure” only reveals his own defiance and arrogance. It does nothing to convince the public. Coupled with more than five million interlopers, his farcical and defiant claims only succeed in shredding his credibility.

But most people are more concerned with other issues today. They’re focused on immediate problems like inflation, spreading anarchy, and the indoctrination of America’s children by radical educators. At the current rate of illegal immigration, though, it won’t be long before virtually all Americans are, in some way, impacted by this problem.

The security of our country and our national sovereignty can’t be ignored forever. Joe Biden rants about delusional threats to democracy from the opposition party. He never talks about his globalist triumvirate that is unilaterally ignoring the laws of our republic, jeopardizing our national security, and destroying the sovereignty of our nation.

Biden and his accomplices lack the moral courage to defend their policies. They have no intention of closing the border, no concern about the chaos they’re creating, and no compassion for the victims of their agenda. They have no respect for the country they serve. And they have no shame.

The post America’s Disastrous and Shameless Border Sentinels appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Online Bingo Games for Free or Real Money

Mon, 2022-11-07 15:45 +0000

Online bingo game is a game that’s been around since the dawn of time and it will most likely be here to stay. One way you can win at online bingo game, whether your experience with these types games or if this would actually end up being something new for everyone taking part in such an activity (and chances are good), would involve purchasing some extra prizes; those tied winners don’t always happen overnight so why not get ahead by buying them before someone else does?

I want to tell you about this amazing new site that has free bingo games with tons of additional features. I was so excited when they asked me if wanted write something for them because there is no better place than BingoJokes!

For as long as people have been playing games, Bingo has reigned supreme. Whether you’re after an online bingo game experience with special features or if your looking to take things old school route and play on paper then there are plenty of options available! My favorite site is definitely BingoJokes because they’ve got everything imaginable covered – even tech savvy folks like myself can enjoy this one-stop shop for all our needs in gaming entertainment.

A brief overview of the bingo game

Online bingo game is one that can be found around the world, and it’s popularity hasn’t waned at all. You’ll often hear people speaking about this exciting word in sentences as well as inside jokes only those who know what they’re talking or writing could understand!

The 2000s were an interesting time for many reasons, but one that stands out in particular is how people got addicted to playing online bingo game. This craze started because it was easy and affordable – you could spend your disposable income on weekend tickets without turning yourself into poor old Volodya who has no cash left by Monday morning!

Like any other form of gambling, betting on sporting events was seen as a pastime for those who had enough money. However unlike others before it this new way to play saw success not only across countries but also among different cultures due in large part how well-implemented it seemed at first rather than anything solely magical about the game itself after its release which is something most everyone can agree upon when looking back historically speaking because there’s nothing special or unique here aside from maybe some slight variations depending upon where you live geographically anyway!

The different types of bingo game

Online bingo game have come a long way from the original game played in church socials and on cruise ships. Today’s version of this popular betting option can be found all over, with varying rules that make them more challenging than their American counterparts – but what they share is being based off nine squares by two rows (24 numbers) versus five spaces per square inch like other forms you might know!

What’s not to love about BingoJokes? They’ve got a wide range of online bingo game, that are sure to keep you entertained, from the traditional bingo layout with its many options for customization and prizes galore! You’ll also find other popular casino titles such as slots or blackjack. And if it gets too expensive here on their site- don’t worry because they offer mobile versions too so no matter where your phone happens fall into this category (Android/iOS ) there will always be an option available atarm.

The post Online Bingo Games for Free or Real Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don Bolduc Election Eve Conversation

Mon, 2022-11-07 15:00 +0000

Last night, Sunday November 6th, I caught up with General Don Bolduc, who is endorsed by your Grok, and he is cautiously bullish on the election outcome. Full video of that event with Ambassador Haley will be up later today. Meanwhile, I hope you like our brief conversation:

Vote tomorrow. Our republic depends on you!

The post Don Bolduc Election Eve Conversation appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Editors Note: We’ll Be Cramming Extra Content In All Day Today and Tomorrow

Mon, 2022-11-07 14:52 +0000

A quick publishing note. We have a lot of stuff folks wanted to see published before tomorrow but simply do not have the space for it. Skip started crammin’ ’em in yesterday, and we will try to get as much up and online as possible, but we’ll likely miss some.

Our apologies if yours didn’t make it.

If it is a pre-election thing and we don’t manage to get it up by tomorrow, please send up something about the election post-election. Things tend to slow down a bit after, and we’ll have more time and space to share your thoughts which we enjoy doing, even when they are not always our thoughts.

Out-of-state license plates at polling places. Did you see anything weird on election day? A report from your local precinct. Some thoughts about winners and losers.

And then keep doing that.

We’re interested in what you have to say, as are our readers. Just remember that per the submission guidelines, sending us something is no guarantee that your content will get published.



The post Editors Note: We’ll Be Cramming Extra Content In All Day Today and Tomorrow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There is a Blood Moon Total Eclipse This Week On … Election Day

Mon, 2022-11-07 14:30 +0000

Beginning at midnight on November 7th, the American West Coast (around 3 am East Coast Nov 8) the US will experience a blood moon total lunar eclipse! Does anyone want to read the bones or goat entrails and tell us what they think that means for the election on Tuesday?



A political bloodletting, but which side? Is it a metaphor for a dark time ahead (if either side sweeps, the other will think as much)? Or, just a coincidence?

I’m thinking the latter, but the poetry of it is not lost. A blood moon eclipse that starts on election day is eery and cool, and if you want to watch it, you can check out this online tool to see exactly when you need to be outside (assuming a clear night).



If it genuinely troubles you, head down to KFC and “sacrifice” a (bucket of) chicken to Jobu.


Note: If you are in Hawai’i or Alaska, this starts closer to 10 pm on the 7th. Just type your zip code into the map wherever you are!


The post There is a Blood Moon Total Eclipse This Week On … Election Day appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Granite State Poll: Senate & CD1 Too Close to Call in NH

Mon, 2022-11-07 13:00 +0000

If you want to turn into a polling and data wonk the day before the Election, try this (emphasis mine):



Andrew E. Smith, Ph.D.
UNH Survey Center

DURHAM, NH – New Hampshire Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan and her Republican opponent, Don Bolduc, are neck-and-neck only days away from Tuesday’s election. In New Hampshire’s First Congressional District, incumbent Democrat Chris Pappas and Republican Karoline Leavitt are also deadlocked. Incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster holds a small lead over Republican Robert Burns in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District. Governor Chris Sununu continues to lead Democrat Tom Sherman by double-digits.

These findings are based on the latest Granite State Poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. Two thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven (2,257) Granite State Panel members completed the survey online between November 2 and November 6, 2022. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2.1%. Included in the sample were 2,077 likely 2022 general election voters (MSE = +/-2.2%), with 1,043 from New Hampshire’s First Congressional District (MSE = +/- 3.0%) and 1,027 from New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District (MSE = +/- 3.1%).

For complete press release and detailed tabular results, please click:

The post The Granite State Poll: Senate & CD1 Too Close to Call in NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The World Was a Better Place When Republicans Were in Charge

Mon, 2022-11-07 11:30 +0000

Another letter to the editor from a liberal claims Republicans keep doing the same things repeatedly. Funny as Biden and Co. keep taxing and spending just as every Democrat administration has for decades. Our national debt is above $31 trillion and growing. You’d think minority communities wouldn’t be burdened after decades of promises with sub-standard schools, housing, and government services, but no, nothing changed. Where did all those dollars go?

Not to fight drug gangs, violent crime, or secure the border but it must have paid for something. But for what?

Compare Donald Trump’s presidency: a strong economy, near full employment, and rising wages across every level of society. Energy independence, lower taxes for all, international trade treaties made fair, border secured, reasonable interest rates, Russia, China, and North Korea held on leashes, but look at us now after just two years of “Grow Back Better.” Love Trump, hate Trump, doesn’t matter, we were better off then. The world was better off then. Now the threat of WWIII, runaway inflation, and a possible depression only an election away, Liberals still think we should reelect those responsible for the situation they’ve put us in.

Choice is to return to what works or continue doing what has proven not to work. Vote to replace current Democrats who are causing our current pain with Republicans. What have we got to lose? We know now what the Left offers.

The post The World Was a Better Place When Republicans Were in Charge appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokPAC – So, Where Did We Send Those Mailers …?

Mon, 2022-11-07 02:30 +0000

Well, it seems like GrokPAC made a bit of a splash with our mass mailing:

But that was only the front of the mailer.  We had a number of “back sides” that were married to the image above.  One for each of our targeted Districts. No, we didn’t hit all of the Districts in NH – just a few:

And yes, we are starting to hear back from a few (like Sara Evangelos) and I have some more to put up as well. I’m hoping, with time, GrokPAC will reach out to a lot more.

But WHY did we do this? The answer is a bit later.  In the meantime, here’s what the backsides said:

Cheshire District 9 (Altead, Gilsum, Marlow, Stoddard):


Cheshire District 10 (Richmond, Swanzey):


Coos District 7 (Berlin, Carroll, Jefferson, Kilkenney, Whitefield):


Grafton District 1 (Bath, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Monroe, Sugar Hill):


Grafton District 12 (Hanover, Lyme):


Hillsborough District 35 (Hollis):


Hillsborough District 37 (Amherst, Milford):


Merrimack District 12 (Pembroke):


Rockingham District 23 (North Hampton):


Strafford District 4 (Barrington, Strafford):


Strafford District 12 (Rollinsford, Somersworth 1-5):


So why all this attention to Democrats in these Districts? It’s rather simple, to be truthful.  A rather important principle that has been lost as Government has crowded out almost everything in its path concerning what USED to be Civic Society’s responsibilities.  Lately, to KEEP it simple, it seems that Government is pushing out Parents.  After all, Government ONLY has its your best interest at heart, right? And as we have seen all of the nation, and lately in NH, Parents are pushing back.

Consider these mailers a first shove: stay in your lane and only your lane, especially if you’re crowding into “the Parent lane”.

This is what happens, and SHOULD happen, when politicians no longer respect that Parents are responsible for their children – not Government.  When politicians no longer remember who put them into those elected positions. That politicians shouldn’t take parents for granted.

That these Democrats (and others) need to be reminded of these facts.

As our PAC registration raison d’etre states: “No better friend, no worse enemy”.  We want to be part of the toolbag when Parents see that Government is marginalizing (to use the language of the Left) them.

So ask these politicians how they voted on HB1431 and HB1434.  I bet you have already guessed how…and we’re here to remind them of that – and you. Tuesday is coming and you have some “Civic Responsibility” to take care of. Please do and keep in mind these people don’t like you.

Yes, these politicians DO know about these bills – they voted against them. Each and every one – and a lot more. After all, the Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen.

And they are the Government.  Which leaves you…where?

To Be Continued…

The post GrokPAC – So, Where Did We Send Those Mailers …? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Remember, Your Energy Bill Is on the Ballot! It’s Bad When Your Electric Company Tells You “Prepare – We May ‘Got Nuttin Fer Ya’”

Mon, 2022-11-07 01:30 +0000

And notice and remember, the Democrats are NOT talking about your energy bills lately – especially as your gas bill at the pump is rising again, you’re starting to get your heating bills, and your electric bills have already arrived with a bill the size of your mortgage.

Except for when that electricity isn’t there (because of the Democrats and their ecology/sustainability/keep-it-ALL-in-the-ground/no-fossil-fuel special interest groups) as when you flick that light switch on (and it doesn’t), you hear your freezer go silent, the TV goes silent, and your furnace shuts down. And forget about charging up that electric car that Biden told you buy to “save the planet” which will now save you the trip to get your kids more milk for dinner because it ain’t budging out of your driveway.

Sidenote: not owning an EV, does it go “click, click, click” as in my gas powered car when its electric battery is dying and there isn’t enough juice to turn the starter engine?

Anyways, Grokster Dave sent this over and gave permission to put it up. It’s worse than high prices when your electric company is WARNING YOU NOW that they may have bupkis to make your electric meter go ’round:


Again, your energy bills ARE on the ballot. Democrats, in general, ARE taking away your freedom to choose your own energy sources. Enough such you sitting in your dark and rapidly cooling house in the middle of a February blizzard is judge just to be “bad luck” and, as Biden and Buttegieg keep telling us, “part of our transition to clean energy”.

What, are we supposed to start our own blanket companies?

The post Remember, Your Energy Bill Is on the Ballot! It’s Bad When Your Electric Company Tells You “Prepare – We May ‘Got Nuttin Fer Ya’” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Sometimes, You Have to Have a Chuckle during Election Camaigns. A Two “Pane” Message: Who Owns “Vandalism”??

Mon, 2022-11-07 00:30 +0000

Read the Left pane and then the Right pane:

Remember that phrase that Democrats hate? Yep, “Taxation is Theft”.

Isn’t that vandalism on your wallet? And think of the vandalism they do on our Rights and Liberties with almost every bill they pass!

And I have receipts!

(H/T: RL)

The post And Sometimes, You Have to Have a Chuckle during Election Camaigns. A Two “Pane” Message: Who Owns “Vandalism”?? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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