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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 34 sec ago

#Woke Up to This – The Miss Greater Derry Beauty Pageant Winner Is a Big Dude Named Brian

Thu, 2022-11-10 14:30 +0000

This is something you will start to see a lot more of – men (or boys) denying biological girls and women the opportunity to be crowned beauty queens. Hey, if that’s your thing, have at it, but I guess it was inevitable if you get my meaning.

Related: A Man is Suing the Miss Oregon Pageant for Discrimination


Brian is Brían (probably pronounced Brianne) Nguyen, and he’s Miss Greater Derry, NH!

I’m so proud.

And as you can see from the picture above, all the biological girls are so happy for him. But it’s not exactly groundbreaking. He’s dressed up like a girly girl, and aren’t pageants the most sexist anti-feminist thing in existence next to employers? Seriously.

And why did Brian win when he’s not even showing any leg?

Well, he’s probably the only girl in the competition who was born a boy. He’s also the only person of color in this photo, which suggests the judge’s guidelines are not appearance, skills, or talents but skin color and, if possible, having or having had a penis.

Related: Another Patriarchy Stealth Win – “Man” Takes Golden Globe Home for Best Actress.

Just another thing the progressive patriarchy has clawed away from girls and women who will increasingly find themselves relegated to the “back of the bus” until they grow a set (Brain probably came with one) and put this Partisan Progressive Pantyraid in its place.

Yes, a few brave biological women have come forward to protest this or that invasion by transwomen into their spaces, but the Left has pilloried them mercilessly, and you can’t “not” notice.

It is much safer to smile and nod and take it than to make a stink, which is how everything will be when the Left gets its one-party state.


Smile and nod and say the words they tell you to say, and make sure there’s a picture of Dear Leader prominently displayed.

And that’s why – while we can be happy for Brian for winning based on his…um, beauty and talent, even he will be subject to the state’s intolerance for everyone and everything outside their guardrails, and as a reminder, that includes every aspect of everything.

Related: Open Letter on the Cancel Culture: 150 Ruling Class Elites Worry The Monster They Created Will Eat Them

So, congrats. You’ve just walked us all a step closer to a failed despotic state, but doesn’t everyone have such a big smile?

Big Smile!

Big Smile!

Oh, and it all reminds me of this.




HT | Breitbart

The post #Woke Up to This – The Miss Greater Derry Beauty Pageant Winner Is a Big Dude Named Brian appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Robots to Replace Teachers?

Thu, 2022-11-10 13:00 +0000
Technology is joining education for “Sustainable Development Goals” (UN, 17 Total), Data Collection, etc. under the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

–Future of Work (World Economic Forum/UN) –DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging) -AI (Artificial Intelligence) -Learning Ecosystem (Global Agendas and Global Competencies) *****See the Alumni Organizations listed in pictures included and linked below which includes “K-Love and Air1 Radio”
More here: Kelly Syke

The post Robots to Replace Teachers? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House: Republicans 203 Democrats 197 – But Will It Hold Up?

Thu, 2022-11-10 11:30 +0000

As of this morning, Republicans retain their majority in the State House. Sununu won his fourth term, the Executive Council is 4-1 Republican, and the State Senate looks like it will be Republicans 14-10. The State House, with 400 seats, is still technically a toss-up.

Related: Not All the 2022 NH House Results Are in or “Officialized,” but One Thing Is For Sure: Speaker Who?

I do not have word on any planned recounts, but I am certain there will be a few. And there are still races undeclared but based on the vote total as known. The current balance is 203 Republicans to 197 Democrats. All things being unequal, Team Red still controls the chamber. But does it?

The odds that we will get a decent Republican speaker are thin. The caucus would have to vote as a block, and we know they are not good at that. A number of “republicans” vote with Democrats on a far too wide range of issues, making this sliver of a majority meaningless.

The Democrats cannot be upset about the outcome.

While last session’s GOP majority was not significant (26 seats?), the Dems have whittled it away to nearly nothing. It also means they could pick the speaker of the NH State House. If they get who they want, that person selects leadership, whips, and assigns committee chairs.

The Republicans could have the “majority” seats but lose control. Just think back to Shawn Jasper a few years back and the Jaspercrats. A “Republican” Speaker, elected by Democrats, who soft peddles the GOP agenda and panders to the radical Left.

I think Republicans made that happen, and I’m not sure what they have planned to address it this time. Skip wrote a bit here but can’t answer the question either.

There are likely candidates with experience and those who, if chosen, would be great for liberty and freedom, but after what happened Tuesday, you’d be right to have suspicions about the outcome.


The post NH House: Republicans 203 Democrats 197 – But Will It Hold Up? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dead Democrat Re-Elected to Pennsylvania State House

Thu, 2022-11-10 02:30 +0000

Given the unusual nature of this outcome, I have to ask. Is there any chance that dead people voted for the dead Democrat who just won re-election to the Pennsylvania Statehouse?


Democrat Anthony “Tony” DeLuca died Oct. 9 “after a brief battle with lymphoma, a disease he twice previously beat. He was 85,” the Pennsylvania House Democratic Caucus wrote.

DeLuca was Pennsylvania’s longest-serving state rep, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

DeLuca’s opponent, Green Party challenger Queonia “Zarah” Livingston, reportedly ran on a decidedly left-wing platform, putting her three main priorities on her website as “environmental justice,” “ending the war on drugs,” and “reducing gun violence.”


No Republican in that race. I’d guess there’ snot much chance of electing one in that state district.

Our thoughts and prayers to Tony’s family, naturally, but let’s unpack this rather unusual result. Tony died in early October. His opponent was a liberal Green party stooge. They had four weeks to sell themselves, and the people voted for the dead democrat, who was probably a right-wing extremist compared to Queonia “Zarah” Livingston.

It’s all relative.

Because the deceased cannot represent the people, there will be a special election to replace him. I’m guessing the Democrat who steps up will win, but can we be sure?

NH Dems have been known to elect democrat candidates while they are in jail.

Maybe an inmate should run. He/she could participate remotely, and they’d probably have a lock on the felon vote.


HT | Gateway Pundit

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Definitive 2022-Election Postmortem … New Hampshire Is BLUE Hampshire

Thu, 2022-11-10 01:00 +0000

I know many of you are still clinging … desperately … to the belief that New Hampshire is a Purple State, and that there are even still some diehards who would say a Red State. But it is time for you bitter-clingers to admit what is plain to see.

New Hampshire is neither a Red State nor a Purple State; New Hampshire is a Blue State … and a deep blue shade of blue at that.


If you cannot win … OR EVEN BE COMPETITIVE … in this political environment, you are NEVER going to elect REAL Republicans (as opposed to faux-Republicans like Sununu, Baker, Hogan, etc.). NEVER.

The federal races were all LANDSLIDES for the Democrats. They were not the nail-biters we are seeing in other States.

And it was not because the NHGOP fielded poor candidates. Leavitt and Bolduc were two of the best Congressional candidates that the GOP has ever fielded in New Hampshire.

There are multiple reasons they lost so badly, which I will discuss below. But the main reason is that voters in New Hampshire are ideologically markedly left of center. If New Hampshire had experienced an anomalous blue-wave last night, then Sununu would have lost by a similar margin as Leavitt and Bolduc. Instead, our intrepid Sun-King won by a similar margin as Hassan, Pappas and Kuster. And that is because ideologically he is much closer to the Democrats than to authentic Republicans like Leavitt and Bolduc.

One of the reasons that New Hampshire voters fall so left of center on the ideological scale is something I will call the COVID-effect, which merits its own section.


The hardcore COVID policies of lockdown governors such as Whitmer, Cuomo, Wolf, Baker … and our dear Sun-King … drove Red-voters to leave their States. For example, Michigan … one of the most extreme lockdown States … experienced a blue tidal wave:

This COVID-effect is why lockdown States … which include New Hampshire … are so much bluer than they were pre-COVID and why States with freedom-Governors, such as Ron DeSantis in Florida, are so much redder.

Last night’s results indicate that these lockdown States are lost causes for the GOP. New Hampshire is a lost cause.


The Democrat State Party apparatus is a turnout machine. The Republican State Party apparatus is a chimera.

Rather than building an infrastructure to identify and turn out Red-voters, the NHGOP instead chose to burn its money on redundant mailers. The NHGOP’s Chairman Steve Stepanek is … and I will be as nice as possible … incompetent and lazy.

After last night’s debacle, NHGOP “leaders” should be demanding his resignation. Instead … crickets.


As of the time I am writing this, it is unclear if the GOP will retain control of the New Hampshire House. It is clear, however, that they will lose seats. The GOP apparently will retain a 14-10 majority in the Senate.

So why no Sununu coattails? My sense is that many of New Hampshire’s Blue-voters do NOT view Sununu’s ideology as Republican. Instead, he is seen … by the standards of New Hampshire’s left-of-center electorate … as a centrist.

Democrats and Independents who are not hard-hard-Left have no problem voting for him when the Democrats are running hard-hard-hard-Lefties like Tom Sherman, while Republicans vote for him because the alternative is worse.

We can see this in Merrimack. Democrats voted in large numbers for Sununu, but then returned home to vote for Hassan and Pappas.


The rationale for New Hampshire’s FITN status is the the State’s small size permits retail campaigning. The 2022 midterms, however, showed that retail campaigning no longer matters.

Don Bolduc held town halls across the State. Hassan, in contrast, eschewed any unscripted politicking and relied on a blizzard of television ads and a sycophantic press. She won in a landslide. Pappas followed a similar strategy and he too won in a landslide. The argument that FITN should go to New Hampshire to give the “little guy” a chance no longer holds water.

Additionally, a State that is as DEEP BLUE as New Hampshire obviously does NOT reflect the average GOP voter.


Karoline Leavitt has a bright future in politics … OUTSIDE of New Hampshire. She is a natural. Easily the best New Hampshire Republican candidate I have seen in the past 35 years.

It would be a shame to waste her potential in what for Republicans is a political-wasteland. Karoline, move to Ohio or Virginia or Florida … you have a bright political future; don’t squander it in this hopelessly Blue State.


New Hampshire is a lost cause. Move to a Red State or a Purple State. Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley is breathtaking, while Florida’s beaches are epic.


The post The Definitive 2022-Election Postmortem … New Hampshire Is BLUE Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Could We Do More? Yes! – Will You Help?

Wed, 2022-11-09 23:30 +0000

I’ve been at this hobby for almost fifteen years, and some things never change, like losing or underperforming elections. Yesterday was the pinnacle of a months-long storm of inbox abuse (not in a bad way). More mail, links, op-eds, or screengrabs than I could manage. Today – almost nothing.

Content referrals fell off a cliff.

There is one exception. Grokster Amil Imani, who is a prolific sharer of things internet, is still pushing the stuff my way, but the overall volume is down. By down, I mean near zero. The inbox “opposite” of yesterday and the weeks and months preceding.

It is not new or surprising, but I do not recall sharing this observation in the past.

And yeah, we’re still here, doing the same thing we were doing yesterday, last week, and just about every day before that since “the doors opened.”

Could we do more? Yes! And we’re trying that. GrokPAC was late to the game this election, but we’re up and on our way. With the midterms past us, Skip has promised me he will get the !^$*(^%)* GrokAPP finished and out to the developer.

That was my !^$*(^%)* , not his.

We have other things in mind that I’m not prepared to share, but there’s stuff happening in the background.

And something needs to be done about the NHGOP.

I’ll just let that hang out there, stink up the room for a bit, and get back to my opening point (yes, I had one).

Republicans and independents who get involved or take a new interest in politics tend to burn out quickly. I’ve got a list of authors for this site who came in strong and disappeared, so it’s not just the rank and file. It is a nasty piece of business that requires a lot of time with very little payback, even when things go your way.

It’s an abusive relationship that you can only survive by channeling that emotion in constructive ways. Use it; don’t get used by it.

A lot of folks walk away after a day like yesterday, and to be honest, it wasn’t a bad day. It was just an election that overpromised and failed to deliver. That’s most of the government 24/7/365, and you can’t escape it, but you can try to affect it.

The question is not where can I run and hide because the answer is nowhere. It’s what do we do today and every day to make a difference next time?

And yes, you are allowed to take days off. Not everyone is as crazy as we are. But I’d like to think you’re not giving up, just taking a breath. And instead of sending me stuff I might like and finding time to write about, add something to that or shift gears and find another way to contribute.

The Democrats are not going away, and they rarely give up an inch on anything. That’s not going to stop, even when they lose. They are like the Terminator. They will not stop. Ever. So neither can we, or that’s the end of America.

And if that happens, we’ll have to move to the Free Republic of Texas (or Florida, or someplace), secure their border, and develop a nuclear deterrent.

We’ll have plenty of guns and ammo, I’d think.

And not bash Texas or Florida, or wherever, but working harder to rub NH in the faces of the Liberal states surrounding us makes me smile, so I’d like to say here and keep fighting the fight.

Is anyone else with me?

Oh, and buy more ammo, just in case.



The post Could We Do More? Yes! – Will You Help? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trying to Make Sense of a Confused Electorate

Wed, 2022-11-09 22:00 +0000

It’s the day after. This election cycle was one of the most divisive, negative spectacles I have ever witnessed. The results show how polarized we are but also how confused. Both parties were anticipating or braced for a sea change in Washington. They got a change, but not what was expected.

Watching the autopsy and listening to all the analyses by the experts only shows how irrational the results of the 2022 Midterms are.

The only thing that we know for sure is how useless the infinite number of polls are in today’s political arena. They are biased, inaccurate, and harmful in how they sway the voters. The split ballots show how fickle and unpredictable the voters are, and polls cannot predict fickle. We have seen this trend for a few cycles, and the results have told us to stop wasting time and money on polls.

The split ballots in some states are challenging to understand. Here in New Hampshire, we had two incumbents labeled as targets and had the potential for flipped seats. The polls had them as even to underdogs, yet both retained their seats by 10% margins. The races were never close. The voters of New Hampshire are sending three Democrats back to the Capitol, but they voted overwhelmingly to keep a Republican Governor in the Statehouse. How can a Governor and Congressional Representatives with diametric views appeal to the same voter? The same thing happened in New York with Kathy Hochul elected Governor, yet more Republicans will represent the Empire State in Congress than ever in history. The results make no sense.

While discussing New York, some winners on Tuesday night defied logic. Kathy Hochul of NY is one, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan is another. Hochul assumed the job when Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace, and she has not shown she is ready for the job in the eighteen months since. Gretchen Whitmer did all she could the destroy Michigan’s economy and treated her constituents as pawns during COVID. She even faced a recall attempt, yet the people of Michigan re-elected her. Hochul refuses to admit to the crime level in her state or why people are leaving the state in droves. Yet, she will stay in office. It makes no sense.

The Senate race in Pennsylvania stretches the limits of reason. John Fetterman had the misfortune of suffering a stroke earlier this year. Under normal circumstances, the candidate would have stepped aside to recover and let someone take their spot on the ballot. Not in 2022. Fetterman donned his hoodie and jeans, spoke as little as possible, and trudged on. He was obviously impaired, had difficulty speaking, and needed close captioning to understand questions. Everyone has empathy for him but disbelief that a state can elect him to the Senate in his current condition. It makes no sense.

We will continue to watch the returns and dissect the results. We will also be challenged to make sense of the results. There may not be explanations, and we need to just accept the outcome. One thing is obvious, and that is the Republican Party needs to refine its message and continue to cultivate Black and Brown voters. They also need to work on turnout and enthusiasm. Recruiting better candidates will go a long way in this effort. The Midterms are not over yet, but it is time to start the game plan for 2024. Let’s pray to God it is not a rematch of 2020.

The post Trying to Make Sense of a Confused Electorate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Only Way to Fight Lithium Battery Fires is to Let them Burn and Try to Limit Secondary Fires?

Wed, 2022-11-09 20:30 +0000

If we ignore all the hard truths about lithium batteries, like inadequate resources, child labor, carbon footprint, manufacturing, and disposal problems, a world with more of these in them has created a challenge for firefighters. There’s no easy way to put them out.

Ans yes, I need to write about something other than the election.


“The lithium-ion battery adds a different degree, when we talk about the fire dynamics of it,” FDNY Deputy Assistant Chief Frank Leeb said at the briefing. “These rooms flash over in just a mere matter of seconds.” …

The problem is that lithium-ion fires burn extremely hot and are virtually impervious to conventional firefighting methods that use water or foam. In fact, lithium reacts very badly to water, which is really a problem if firefighters are attacking a fire for which they don’t know the cause.

You’ve probably heard or seen stories about EVs lighting up, sometimes taking out homes or bus depots. What you may have missed is that there is a wide range of “mobility devices” with similar types of batteries. The ones in the laptop, phones, fitness devices, and so on are mostly safe, and while they can light up, they rarely do.

Larger lithium cells in cars, bikes, or (I suspect) even wheelchairs are creating risks, especially in apartment population-dense cities. New York City “Chief Fire Marshall Daniel Flynn says this is almost the 200th fire caused by a lithium-ion battery from a micromobility device just this year in New York City.”

New Hampshire has been adding apartment complexes like mad since Sununu got his state-wide zoning board packed with developer buddies. Have we considered the risks to other tenants created by mobility devices on the premises that come with this added risk?

Should we?

As the NYFD says, there is no easy way to put a lithium battery fire out. Water makes things worse. Foam is ineffective. The best course of action is containment. And that’s a huge issue if any of these buildings (or any building) have below-ground parking with office or living space above it, though I’m not aware of any in the state.



The post The Only Way to Fight Lithium Battery Fires is to Let them Burn and Try to Limit Secondary Fires? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Does Online Casino Legality Change Between States in the US?

Wed, 2022-11-09 19:30 +0000

There is still no universal consensus on online casinos, and governing bodies are still not too sure how to deal with the growing popularity of the iGaming sector as well as online gambling.

This divisiveness has caused huge discrepancies in laws between different states, and in fact, there are even some states out there that have taken steps to rid themselves of online casinos entirely.

In this article, we will be taking a look at how online casino legality changes between states in the US, as well as giving a few examples to give you a peek of just how different online casino laws can be.

Restrictions Vary Across States

Truth be told; legislation in the US for online gambling varies quite substantially between states. One state may have pretty lenient laws regarding online casinos that allow establishments to do whatever they please, while others may be incredibly restrictive, so much so that online casinos are hard to come across.

This may mean that certain online casinos do have to hit certain criteria in order to operate, or at the more extreme end of things, there are some states that ban their inhabitants from gambling at any online casinos that are hosted in any state but themselves.

Online casino laws differ heavily throughout different states, and if we were to try and list every single way that different states deal with online casinos, we would be here for a lifetime.

Nevertheless; some states are more strict while others are more lenient, and if you are planning on venturing out of your home state, it might be a good idea to verse yourself with the online casino rules of wherever you may be going.

It’s Complicated

To answer the question of is gambling illegal in the US, the answer would be no. However, as you may expect, things are a little more difficult than that. There are a ton of grey areas regarding online casinos in the US, and there have been a plethora of instances where some laws are enforced and others are not.

If you are ever in doubt as to what the online casino laws are in your state, the best course of action would be just to do a little research. It never hurts to be safe, and the more specific you can be, the better.

To conclude; online casino legality varies drastically from state to state, and one state might have completely different laws to their next-door neighbour. Governing bodies are still not too sure of what to make about online casinos, and until a common consensus is formed, we are likely going to continue to see laws differ for the foreseeable future.

Despite this, most states allow people to gamble in online casinos to some extent, and if you live in the US and were wondering whether or not it is legal, the answer is probably going to be yes (it’s still worth checking for your individual state though). See you next time.



The post How Does Online Casino Legality Change Between States in the US? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Few Quick After-Action Election Thoughts

Wed, 2022-11-09 19:00 +0000

In a nutshell, TINVOWOOT.  We’re seeing the first pebbles trickle down in the leading herald of the coming avalanche resulting in the American center falling apart:

Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy” – Granite Grok

Things Fall Apart 2 – Granite Grok

As of this writing, the House is leaning Red, but that’s not cemented yet.  It looks like they’ll take the Senate free and clear (having 51 votes last I heard); in Pennsylvania a man who rivals President Potato for the fewest brain cells that talk with each other “won”.  That PA, and other states, were even close brings to mind this famous quote:


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


This, among myriad articles, captures the essence of the disbelief: with dissatisfaction so high, with all the “conventional wisdom” plus historical precedent pointing towards a Red Tsunami, the results simply cannot be believed.  But then, with the American Left soooooo close to total power, it was inevitable.  America is about to get it GOOD AND HARD.  Forever.  I cannot believe the naivete here:

Sometime after the first of the year, Biden will resign for health reasons so that Democrats can claim the first minority female president before they get trounced in 2024.

There is no conclusion but this:



I agree the Potato will be pushed out.  But… trounced in 2024?  TROUNCED IN 2024?????  What are you smoking and where can I get some of it?  Even if America survives until then – doubtful in my book – it will be a replay of 2020 and 2022 to create the United Socialist States of America.



Recall my predictions from my Meme Overflow (edited & expanded) if the Dems somehow get both the House and Senate:

1. They’ll nuke the filibuster entirely – everything will now just be pure majority vote… and they’ll have that.  From Kamala Harris Proves That Freedom Is Just One Election Away From Extinction – PJ Media (paywall, but one quote – bolding added – is enough):

On NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Kamala Harris promised that if Democrats gain two more seats in the U.S. Senate, they will nuke the filibuster in order to codify the Democrats’ radical agenda.

2. HR1 and its Senate version – essentially the “Democrats win every election from now on, forever” bill – gets rammed through

3. Packing SCOTUS is assured, and I add:

DC and Puerto Rico added as States, with Dems locked into both House and Senate seats forever

4. Open borders, forever, with automatic amnesty (doubtless just in time for the 2024 *cough BS cough* election, assuming we’re not already in spicy time – adding:

I cannot stress this Great Replacement thing enough.  Demographics is destiny, and the Left has been playing this game since 1965.  In just two years President Potato’s open invitation has flooded America with roughly five million “new Americans”… doubtless, even with a GOP House or by some miracle that and the Senate, this flood will continue unabated.  And with every fertile female doubtless, well, “engaged” to create an anchor baby pronto, that will cement their presence in America.  Don’t forget the flood of refugees from Africa and the Middle East as well… doubtless handed “D” voter guides as they disembark from their planes.

Adios, America indeed.

5. Draconian gun control

6. Massive tax increases – plus Modern Monetary Theory running of the presses driving hyperinflation, as predicted by:



7. LGBTQP for any age – with transitions legalized for any age

Shut. It. Down. – PJ Media

If the left somehow manages to maintain control of the House and gain control of the Senate, we could be looking at an expanded Supreme Court that will lean left for decades to come, gun control, federal abortion on demand, and more mandates to hand our kids over to the trans activists.

Abortions not just until birth, as just passed in Michigan, but likely after birth too.

8. Jab mandates for everyone

9. Open season on outspoken conservatives with the DOJ down to the local police turning a blind eye

Spicy time approacheth, and right soon.  Alas.



Prepare.  And remember… LOCAL for allies.  LOCAL for “personal accountability lists”.  Local local local.  And again, I don’t want this.  I don’t want infrastructure attacks on electricity, water, roads, bridges.  I don’t want to see police ambushed.  I do not want 3 AM social visits to politicians / political staffers.  I. Do. Not. Want. Any. Of. This.

But they’re determined to make us a one-world Socialist state.  And there’s only one assured way to peace: surrender:






I need more ammo & other preps.  Please buy my bumper sticker:



Or, in light of the election, this – either T-shirt or Water Bottle:


The post A Few Quick After-Action Election Thoughts appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Culture and Politics: Healthy Man Identifies as a Disabled Woman

Wed, 2022-11-09 17:30 +0000

At least a few people are shaking their heads after the absence of a show of electoral strength by Republicans. Inflation, the economy, and abortion were on the ballot, and it looks like abortion won (at least around here). You’ll be wondering why.

I think we could blame it on the culture.

Low-information voters were just as affected by a cost of living that has doubled or tripled, so many assumed the reflex reaction to that would be to punish Democrats up and down the ballot. After all, who isn’t feeling that pinch, and we know who is in power?


But the needle didn’t move much, and the head-scratching is underway, and I think this story (in a wild out of left field sort of way) provides some insight.

A robust 53-year-old Norwegian male named Jørund Viktoria Alme, … now identifies as a disabled woman because, he told the interviewer, he has always wished he was born a woman who was paralyzed from the waist down.

Jørund Viktoria Alme lives in Norway, but this is not long for our doorstep because this culture is swarming over us like illegals across the southern border. And no walls, man, person, whatever.

The kleptocracy has long been in charge, and many folks have decided (especially post-COVID bailouts) that it’s easier to live low and do nothing than work and risk gaining nothing. A path to pity paved by Democrats with our great-grandchildren’s tax dollars (assuming they survive the Left’s women’s health care schtick).

I’m probably overthinking it, but things have gone sideways in the past few years, and as Andrew Breitbart said, Politics is downstream from culture.

The culture is whacky, so the electorate must be as well. Not everywhere. Yesterday had some good points. It still looks like Republicans could take the US House, which would slow Biden’s roll (or whoever is running him).

And good on them and any other pushback on the Left’s disastrous agenda. But if we can’t take back the culture in any meaningful way, the politics isn’t going to improve.

Watch for the biological male, Furry, who dresses up like a cat but says “she” identifies as a disabled female platypus attracted to young boys. Not long ago, you’d have said, bah, that’s crazy. Today you are more likely to ask, “where was this?”

It’s a problem wrapped in a problem beset by problems, so back to Jørund Viktoria Alme.


Understandably, people who have actual disabilities have been less than pleased by Almes and his media interviews, with a number of actual women with actual disabilities noting that he is a “person with functional legs who chooses to sit in a wheelchair” and that his charade was a perpetual insult to the disabled community.


And why hasn’t there been more pushback against letting men compete against women in sports? There’s no damn difference. The guy who thinks he’s a disabled girl can stand up anytime he wants and not be disabled or transabled or even a girl. He can just choose, at any moment, to be a healthy guy. Flick a switch.

The legitimately disabled cannot, so their outrage is justified.

On the sports side, women can never be men, even if they take testosterone. All other things being equal, nine times out of ten (or 98 out of 100?), a biological guy competing as a woman of equal training denies the woman the win.

And the man can just choose to be a man again in the blink of an identity politics eye.

But it’s not just about winning a race or a game. It’s about scholarships, educational opportunities, and success in your field (track or otherwise). There are years of effort and expense, physical, financial, and mental.

Letting men just hop on the lady train ‘cuz they “feels” like it is a wholesale admission that a partisan political agenda has more rights than any other feature of society or human experience, including truth.

If regime leadership decides men are women, you are not only wrong to disagree, your opportunities are forfeit for daring to debate it.

It is the pinion at which politics forces culture downstream with the force of law and arms to ensure the outcome.

The future of that world is not bright no matter how you identify but especially if you do not identify as a supporter.






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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

2022 NH Elections – Not All the NH House Results Are in or “Officialized” but One Thing Is for Sure: Speaker Who?

Wed, 2022-11-09 16:00 +0000

The smoke is still in the air from the NH House elections yesterday. While a number of Districts have been 100% counted, not all of those candidates with the most votes in those Districts have been “blessed” yet with the “Winner’s Checkmark”. There are still a number of Districts for which NO results have yet been logged and announced (including mine).  But one thing is for sure, the Speaker of the House race is now wide open.

Just a quick thought here:

  • Current Speaker Sherm Packard seems to have won his race.
  • Former Speaker Gene Chandler seems to have won his race
  • A couple/few of “dark horses” (who shall remain nameless – I keep my silence when asked to do so as integrity matters) who might have been angling for a step up? Some are now being led back to the paddock as it looks like they lost. A few are still in the race. Makes life interesting.

At the time of the FIRST draft of this, the only one left standing was Jason Osborne. He is currently the Majority Leader in the House and there’s been a lot of scuttlebutt that he might be angling for the position. That FIRST draft had “Right now, it seems that (if he wants it), the path to that gavel has been cleared for him by his District’s voters (he came in first) and the voters in his potential opponents’ Districts as well”. Well, that isn’t the case anymore.

So, suddenly, so still an amount of “palace intrigue” is still in play. And remember, it STILL isn’t clear if the Republicans have kept a majority in the House yet. But I needed to get this written down.

Sidenote: This is now the THIRD time I’ve had to rewrite this post as just as I finish, data gets updated. So who knows, I may have to redo this again (and eat crow).

However, take this all as just as spitballing by me as the results aren’t all in and given that the broom swept a number of folks away just MIGHT have others looking into their bathroom mirrors thinking:

*I* could be the next Speaker, right?


And oh, the results may certainly roil the waters for the Secretary of State Race, too. After all, Scanlon was elevated to his new position and now he has to stand for election. My quick thought is that a Republican majority House (and it’s not clear that exists yet) will give him a term to really prove himself.

If the Democrats have taken it, obviously, it could be a whole ‘nother ballgame.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No Time to Rest, On To 2024

Wed, 2022-11-09 14:30 +0000

The Midterms are behind us, and you would like a break from divisive politics. You want a hiatus from the barrage of negative political ads interrupting your favorite prime-time show, but I hate to tell you, you may not have your wish granted.

The Midterms are the undercard in this marathon, and the General Election season starts today. The American game of politics is a 24/7, 365 season. Losers on Tuesday mull their next move, and winners launch their re-election campaign. Our elected officials do not legislate or lead; they run. The game comes down to money, and fundraising events fill the calendar.

Money is the ugly ingredient in the political game and is the major contributor to our cynicism about the process. The race for Senator in Pennsylvania between Lieutenant Governor Fetterman and Mehmet Oz shattered all records and is now the most costly election in history. Democrat John Fetterman, Republican Mehmet Oz, and their political allies have spent a combined $312 million on a race that could determine control of the Senate, according to OpenSecrets, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.

Total spending on state and federal races during the 2022 midterm election cycle will exceed $16.7 billion, shattering the previous inflation-adjusted $13.7 billion spent four years ago, according to OpenSecrets estimates. Just think of the things that money could be spent on and make a positive impact on people.

I think most people would love to see a quieting of the rhetoric: a lot less name-calling and finger-pointing and a lot more cooperation and compromise would be welcome. We definitely could use a move towards the middle by the Trump Administration. Suppose he digs in his heels and continues to push for policies that assuage the Radical Left. In that case, he may surrender the White House to the Republicans in 2024 and possibly return Donald Trump to Washington.

One thing that I will be looking for is changes to this Administration. There has not been a single firing of any staff member, and the consensus is this may be the weakest Administration in recent history. Starting with the Press Secretary, that definitely took a hit when Jenn Psaki made her move to Cable. Karine Jeanne-Pierre has been a mess, and if the answer is not in her briefing book, she is lost off the cuff. Energy, Treasury, Transportation, and DHS all need upgrades. Even though some say Buttigieg is a possible Presidential candidate, his handling of the supply-chain issue shows otherwise.

Joe Biden wanted his Administration to mirror America, and he does have the most diverse team; unfortunately, they are the most inept. Biden has to think about his legacy, and after two years, he is the weakest President since Jimmy Carter. Biden’s ego will not settle for that, even if he will not remember his time in the White House. Joe also has to give up on any delusions of running for re-election. He has to concede he is a one-term President, which will weaken his last two years. That will also start a free-for-all for the Democrat slot on the 2024 ballot.

I am writing this as the polls are closing. The early returns mean nothing; it appears to be a late night and maybe beyond. I am pulling for a Red Wave, and perhaps we will have some interesting outcomes to discuss on Thursday.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republicans to Waiter – “Um, Excuse Me, This Doesn’t Look Right. I Ordered the Red Wave.”

Wed, 2022-11-09 13:00 +0000

Americans are waking up with a Midterm election hangover to discover that things are different than what many of them (at least on the Right) imagined.

If you looked at the political makeup of New Hampshire yesterday (for example) and compared it to today – accepting that there are still a few things to work out – not a heck of a lot changed.

The Federal picture is the same. Democrats Maggie Hassan, Chris Pappas, and Ann(ie) Kuster are heading back to DC to continue damaging the state and the nation. I’m sure they’ll say Democracy was saved.

At the State level, (dr.) Tom Sherman did about as well as anyone has against Republican Chris Sununu in the Governor’s race. It was closer than Democrats typically get. A loss of political power of Sununu’s doing. Many (and I mean a lot) of registered Republicans and independents (who lean right) refused to vote for Sununu. Had he handled the pandemic, parental rights, and a few other vital issues differently, he probably would have cleared a wider margin, but it hardly matters. He’s won a fourth term.

The NH State Senate appears to be headed for a 14 -10 (ish) Republican majority, although Gary Daniels’ race is tight and will probably have to endure a recount. I expect he’ll prevail, or maybe I mean I hope (he’s my State Senator).

The NH House? I can tell you that Merrimack had 7 Republicans and 1 Democrat in the NH House before yesterday. Today we have Five Republicans and three Democrats. We’re still technically a Republican town, so I’d be surprised if that trend did not carry across the state, but I have not looked and can’t find any analysis that settles the matter.

I think it’s close and not in a good way. State Par-ty leadership should expect some house cleaning at the next state party meeting.

Federally, the Senate is a toss-up at 48-48 (with a handful of tight races uncalled) which means Democrats will find a way to keep their majority because they want it more and will do anything to keep it.

In the US House, as I write this, Republicans have a 199-172 lead with 64 seats still up for grabs. Taking the US House would be a big win for the political Right, but again, it’s not over until it’s over and if you’re not ahead by ten points or more, expect the election to drag on for days or weeks.

Hanging chads and all that sort of thing (a great metaphor for the older readers).

As the day or days progress, we’ll get updates, and then it is headlong into the 2024 race, so only a few days with no robocalls or polling bots nipping at your heels.

One more point: New Hampshire had two constitutional matters on the Ballot. Question one passed 63% -37%, so the probate position will be excised. Question two – should we have a constitutional convention – 66% said no.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

[5 AM Update] 2022 Election Result Summary – Dems Sweep NH Federal Races, State Level: Not Much Changed

Wed, 2022-11-09 11:30 +0000

Either I or Steve will update this –  at this time of the morning, 2:09 am on Wednesday, here’s the status: [Steve – Updated at 5 AM]


NH Governor Winner: Chris Sununu (R) (56.8% – 41.8%)

US Senate Winner: Maggie Hassan (D) (54.2% – 43.8%)

US NH CD-1 Winner: Chris Pappas (D) (54.1% -45.9%)

US NH CD-2: Annie Kuster (D), leading (Kuster wins 56.7% – 43.3%)

NH Executive Council: 4 Republicans, 1 Democrat (Steve: This is still holding Up)

NH State Senate: 15 Republicans, 9 Democrats (Maybe 14 – 10 Republicans, not enough called races)

The NH House has WAY too many unreported district votes to even hazard a guess. (NH House is a mess – I think we lost seats, so stay tuned)

Ballot issue: Change the NH Constitution to eliminate the Office of Register of Probate (Passed 63% – 37%)

Ballot issue: Should a Constitutional Convention be held (Failed  34% Yes 66% No)

Question: The Federal Delegation – why can’t the NH GOP crack that Federal Delegation (other than for the obvious reasons – 10s of millions of dollars versus a handful and a “too late” Primary)?

Steve: Congress – Senate too close to call (so Dems will probably keep it). Republicans appear poised to have take the US House.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

2022 Results – NH State Senate

Wed, 2022-11-09 04:35 +0000

OK, I’m a bit late on this and still trying to keep up with everything else. Next update will have the rest of the NH State Senate Districts:

  Votes Pct  
District 1      
Carrie Gendreau(R) 8,019 52.35%  
Edith Tucker (D) 7,299 47.65%  
Total 15,318    
  Votes in: 63.00%  
District 2      
Tim Lang(R) 10,129 56.50%  
Kate Miller (D) 7,797 43.50%  
Total: 17,926    
  Votes in: 72.00%  
District 3      
Jeb Bradley(R) 13,952 58.81%  
Bill Marsh (D) 9,770 41.19%  
Total: 23,722    
  Votes in: 79.00%  
District 4      
David Watters (D) 13,569 63.36%  
Seamus Casey(R) 7,847 36.64%  
Total: 21,416    
  Votes in: 85.00%  
District 5      
John McIntyre(R) 8,376    
Suzanne Prentiss (D) 18,869 ***  
  Votes in: 93.00%  
District 6      
James Gray(R) 9,387 55.19%  
Ruth Larson (D) 7,621 44.81%  
Total: 17,008    
  Votes in: 71.00%
District 7      
Dan Innis(R) 8,188 54.93%  
Richard Lobban (D) 6,717 45.07%  
Total: 14,905    
  Votes in: 59.00%  
District 8      
Charlene Marcotte-Lovett (D) 9,395 42.63%  
Ruth Ward(R) 12,644 57.37%  
Total: 22,039    
  Votes in: 88.00%  
District 9      
Matthhew McLaughlin (D) 4,281 44.39%  
Denise Ricciardi(R) 10,512 108.99%  
Total: 9,645    
  Votes in: 71.00%  
District 10      
Donovan Fenton (D) 8,825 65.48%  
Sly Karasinski(R) 4,652 34.52%  
Total: 13,477    
  Votes in: 49.00%  
District 11      
Shannon Chandley (D) 10,558 49.60%  
Gary Daniels(R) 10,730 50.40%  
Total: 21,288    
  Votes in: 74.00%  
District 12      
Kevin Avard(R) 5,870 52.27%  
Melanie Levesque (D) 5,360 47.73%  
Total: 11,230    
  Votes in: 39.00%  
District 13      
Cindy Rosenwald (D) 3,816 56.54%  
Stephen Scaer(R) 2,933 43.46%  
Total: 6,749    
  Votes in: 33.00%  
District 14      
Sharon Carson(R) 8,652 58.67%  
John Robinson (D) 6,094 41.33%  
Total: 14,746    
  Votes in: 54.00%  
District 15      
Linda Banfill(R) 5,344 37.22%  
Becky Whitley (D) 9,012 62.78%  
Total: 14,356    
  Votes in: 67.00%  
District 16      
Keith Murphy(R) 6,008 53.59%  
June Trisciani (D) 5,204 46.41%  
Total: 11,212    
  Votes in: 41.00%  
District 17      
Howard Pearl(R) 10,012 57.30%  
Christine Tappan (D) 7,462 42.70%  
Total: 17,474    
  Votes in: 65.00%  
District 18      
George Lambert(R) 8,830 47.65%  
Donna Soucy (D) 9,701 52.35% ***
Total: 18,531    
  Votes in: 99.00%  
District 19      
Regina Birdsell(R) Unopposed     ***
District 20      
Lou L’Allesandro (D) 9,693 137.88% ***
Rich Girard(R) 7,030 42.04%  
Total: 16,723    
  Votes in: 100.00%  
District 21      
Rebecca Perkins Kwoka (D) Unopposed     ***
District 22      
Daryl Abbas(R) 12,414 62.01%  
Wayne Haubner (D) 7,606 37.99%  
Total: 20,020    
  Votes in: 73.00%  
District 23      
Bill Gannon(R) 16,908 60.45% ***
Brenda Olak (D) 11,064 39.55%  
Total: 27,972    
  Votes in: 97.00%  
District 24      
Debra Altschiller (D) 15,933 55.66% ***
Lou Gargiulo(R) 12,694 44.34%  
Total: 28,627    
  Votes in: 77.00%

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

2022 Results – US Senate, US House CD-1, and US House CD-2

Wed, 2022-11-09 01:15 +0000

US Senate:

  Votes Pct  
Maggie Hassan (D) 252,575 54.17% ***
Don Bolduc(R) 204,618 43.88%  
Jeremy Kauffman(L) 9,088 1.95%  
Total 466,281    
  Votes in: 74.00%  
Fox News has called the race for Hassan    

NH CD-1:

  Votes Pct  
Chris Pappas (D) 136,262 54.13% ****
Karoline Leavitt(R) 115,472 45.87%  
Total 251,734    
  Votes in: 79.00%  
AP has called the race for Pappas    


NH CD-2:

  Votes Pct
Annie Kuster (D) 119,353 56.85%
Bob Burns(R) 90,578 43.15%
Total 209,931  
  Votes in: 67.00%


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

2022 Results – NH Governor and Executive Committee

Wed, 2022-11-09 01:00 +0000

I’ll be scurrying from NH “clump” of races to another.  While this is for the NH “top” races, I’ll have another one for the NH State Senate and I’ll try to do the NH House as well. Plus, I’ll try to keep up with the US House and Senate totals as well.  My sources will be Decision Desk HQ, WMUR, CNN, and Townhall.

NH Governor: Chris Sununu has been declared the winner by DDHQ with  15% of the vote in.

  Votes Pct  
Chris Sununu (R) 256,013 57.77% ***
Tom Sherman (D) 187,115 42.23%  
Karlyn Borysenko (L) 3,700 0.83%  
Kelly Halldorson (L) 2,023 0.46%  
Total 443,128    
  Votes in: 71.00%  
***Decision Desk HB calls the race for Sununu    


Executive Council:

  Votes Pct
District 1    
Dana Hilliard (D) 44,570 49.45%
Joe Kenney(R) 45,568 50.55%
Total: 90,138  
Votes in: 75.00%
District 2    
Harold French(R) 34,807 39.87%
Cinde Warmington (D) 52,494 60.13%
Total: 87,301  
Votes in: 72.00%
District 3    
Katherine Harake (D) 41,182 46.12%
Janet Stevens(R) 48,107 53.88%
Total: 89,289  
Votes in: 65.00%
District 4    
Kevin Cavanaugh (D) 42,845 48.00%
Ted Gatsas(R) 46,413 52.00%
Total: 89,258  
Votes in: 79.00%
District 5    
Shoshanna Kelly (D) 29,154 46.57%
Dave Wheeler(R) 33,444 53.43%
Total 62,598  
Votes in: 50.00%

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Predictions: National, NH

Wed, 2022-11-09 00:00 +0000

I generally am pretty bad at this part of political blogging as I’m rarely right. However, I’m going to go there anyways.


  • US Senate: GOP wins 2 additional seats and ends up at 52. McConnell becomes, again, the Senate Majority Leader
  • US House: GOP picks up 25 seats for a total of 241. McCarthy becomes the new Speaker of the House


  • Governor: ho hum – Sununu by 30 points. Big whoop.
  • Executive Council: Republicans hold the majority but Dems gain 1 seat.
  • NH Senate: I dunno. Still guessing that the Republicans hold the majority but instead of 14-10 to 13-11.  Bradley becomes the Senate President
  • NH House: Republicans gain another 10 seats. The Speaker of the House race becomes REAL interesting.  Packard will most likely run again. Will Osborne challenge him?  How about someone coming in from right field?  There’s some buzz going on.  The telling points will be:
    • What’s the turnout overall?
    • Is the Republican majority the same (Packard?), a bit more (Osborne?) or a much larger majority (some unknown dark horse?).

Heh!  Would they be willing to vote me in as Speaker? I could promise a rip-roaring time for all!

Naw, didn’t think so.

Bolduc by a handful of votes for US Senate.  Leavitt wins beyond the margin of error.  Kuster pulls out a squeaker (but won’t be surprised if Burns takes it).



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maggie Hassan Lies Again (And Chris Pappas Too!)

Tue, 2022-11-08 23:30 +0000

Once again, the Democrats, especially Maggie Hassan, are twisting the meaning and usage of words to fit a political narrative. In this case, for the purely personal gain of keeping her butt in DC.


Both Hassan and Pappas have been lying in their television ads. Sorry, Maggie, “The Red,” you DID NOT lower drug prices.

She keeps saying, “Medicaid will negotiate lower drug prices.”  No, it won’t work that way, and she never tells ANYONE what the ramifications will be. No, Medicaid won’t negotiate – it will DEMAND. In the healthcare world, they are the Walmart – at four times the size. Medicaid will do what it wants, and at a price it wants, and Maggie knows that she’ll be able to demagogue any pharmaceutical supplies that don’t knuckle under and threaten them politically.

Remember, as Governor, she wanted to set up a board here in NH that would set prices for hospitals in the State, telling them how they would operate, and then levy any amount of “fees, fines, and taxes” from the hospitals based on their size and the board’s “needs.” Yep, you got it: Each according to their ability, each according to their need”. So said Marx…and Hassan.

With this, drug manufacturers will become captive to the government, mere utilities of the State. Everyone complains about the high prices – but the alternative isn’t cheap either. And that alternative is what she (and others that believe in a government top-down driven economy) won’t mention is the opportunity cost: the loss of innovation. Researching, developing, designing, and TESTING new medicines are very expensive, and Government regulations are often the bulk of the cost.  If the revenue pipeline for current medicine is artificially restricted by Government, how much is going to be available to pay for new ones?

What company is going to voluntarily go out of business?  THIS is what Hassan won’t talk about – and she is fully cognizant of it. For her, it is ALL ABOUT GOVERNMENT CONTROL. Controlling them – and controlling your healthcare by controlling them. Simple.  And she is boasting about it – and how many people are going to fall for it?

Sure, setting a max level of insulin at $35/month lowers the cost to YOU – but at what price to everyone else?  Higher taxes? Rationing? You can’t just take a product from a price of $X and now make it $Y at the signing of a bill – things just don’t work that way. WHO is now going to pay that gap between the actual production cost + overhead + new research for other stuff?

Perhaps you and I, somewhere. Or NO where – companies won’t bother.

Socialists and communists, over the last 150 years, haven’t learned this lesson that none of them are King Canutes. There is no magic wand and no magic coin to both make stuff happen and pay for it. Just like King Canute couldn’t control the tide, Hassan can’t defy basic economics…

…She’s just hoping enough of you are going to believe her economic lies.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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