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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 1 min 33 sec ago

Do Us a Favor, Please?

Thu, 2022-11-17 04:00 +0000

We’ve got some new ads in the sidebar (you’ll have to scroll down on the mobile version). Books by authors who are also readers or contributors to GraniteGrok. We’d appreciate it if you clicked the ad and checked out their offering. Ian Underwood has a book out on the 14th Amendment.

We’ve also got an ad for a book by David Scott, who is a fan and reads our stuff.

No obligation to buy, of course. That’s your call, but if you see ads we place in the sidebar (those are all there by our command), please check them out.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Consumer Reports: EV’s are Some of the Most Unreliable Vehicles Sold In America

Thu, 2022-11-17 02:30 +0000

Electric vehicles are to modern America what hair regrowth tonics were in the 18th century. Piss with ink. EVs are a lie wrapped in shadows and penumbras of wishes and dreams without grounding in reality. They are worse for the environment, a terrible transportation choice, and not even Consumer Reports can’t hide that fact.


The highest-ranked domestic brands were Lincoln and Buick, which ranked 10 and 11 respectively, while Volkswagen, Jeep, and Mercedes-Benz ranked the lowest.

Elsewhere, the survey found that owners of electric vehicles reported issues with charging systems, batteries, and electric motors. Of the 11 EV models that Consumer Reports has data on, only four of them have average or better than average predicted reliability, according to the survey. They were the Kia EV6, Tesla Model 3, Nissan Leaf, and the Hyundai Ioniq 5.


Four of eleven were average, meaning the other seven were below average for reliability. Surprised Face – Not!

What’s not surprising?


A total of 24 auto brands were covered in the 2022 survey, which found that hybrid vehicles and mid-sized or large and gas-powered sedans are among the most reliable vehicles sold.


I like to make fun of Prius Hybrids, but I’ve long been a fan of the scheme. If you’re going to dig all those rare earth metals out of the ground – preferably without the child labor – and make this massive carbon footprint mining, hauling ore, milling, molding, manufacturing, and shipping large pack lithium batteries, putting them in a car that can charge them itself is not the stupidest idea.

And given that the replacement cost for car-sized Lithium batteries often exceeds the entire vehicle resale value – even in this market – if that battery ever dies, you can still drive the damn car for as long as Toyota typically lasts, and that’s a good long while if you took care of it.

Then there are mid to large-sized gas-powered vehicles. They are among the most reliable sold, and we can attest to that after years of owning them.

As for EVs, they are like a Democrat-run government. Unreliable. Low satisfaction. Buyer’s remorse. It’s why the Left insists on having all the guns. They know that when the truth comes out, no one will be happy with it, and there are no refunds when you buy into Democrat Socialism, while the reviews are always stunning!



HT | Epoch Times


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1169 Reintroduced – “Relative to Public Comment and Inquiry During School Board Meetings”

Thu, 2022-11-17 01:00 +0000

Last year, NH State Rep Judy Aron and I tried to address what I think is a serious issue for a type of Elected Representatives that seemingly don’t believe that is what they are even as they run for election. In short, they call themselves “School Board members”. And many school boards have a policy in place that renders them imperviable to question (e.g., I think loyal readers are familiar with the phrase I oft have to use: “Easter Island stone-faced Moa Statues”. Its genesis is that at public school board meetings, almost nary is the time that when asked a question by a constituent will an answer be forthcoming from any of them. They just sit there, with fixed faces, in silence.

Infuriating.  In fact, I have a series of questions outstanding concerning a Policy (Transgender) that they have written as the part concerning commanding their staff to lie to parents concerning the transgender status of their child. While it seems to have been “softened”, I had questions. I have emailed my questions twice now with no response.  So, this bill (emphasis mine):

In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Two
AN ACT relative to public comment and inquiry during school board meetings.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

New Subdivision; Public Comment and Inquiry During School Board Meetings. Amend RSA 189 by inserting after section 73 the following new subdivision:

Public Comment and Inquiry During School Board Meetings

189:74 Public Comment and Inquiry During School Board Meetings.

I. During any public meeting held by a school board there shall be a designated time period for interactive questions from the public and answers from the board, with sufficient time allotted to hear comments, questions, and complaints from members of the public. The public must be able to sign up to speak at the meeting, or otherwise be given time to speak during the meeting, where they may comment or ask questions.

II. During any public meeting held by a school board, the elected members of the school board, and any other school administrators present, shall hear from and shall respond to such direct questions, with as much detail as known at the time relative to a direct question, by one or more of the assembled elected school board members or school administrators, to such comments, questions, and complaints by members of the public assembled at the meeting.

III. During any public meeting held by a school board, an attendee may demand which New Hampshire statute or administrative rule gives the school board the authority described in a school policy or operational procedure. The school board shall immediately respond with a citation to its authority. If the school board is unable to respond affirmatively that there is such a New Hampshire statute or administrative rule, the school policy or operational procedure shall be immediately withdrawn until such time that the school board can show it does have such authority.

IV. If any public question remains unanswered by the end of the public meeting, the school board shall be responsible for obtaining the answer and responding to the questioner within 5 business days. Additionally, members of the public may also file a request pursuant to the right-to-know law under RSA 91-A:4 to the school board to obtain answers.

V. Members of the public may file a complaint to the commissioner of the department of education if the school board refuses to answer questions regarding school policy directly. School board meeting minutes shall specifically state the names of the school board members or school administrators who refused to answer a specific question or questions posed to them by a member of the public, as well as specify the question asked of them regarding school policy or any other school matters.

I don’t understand why this would be controversial – it was ITL’d 19-0. All it does is to have Elected Representatives interact with their voters/constituent during meetings – like with almost every other set of elected representatives here in NH. It’s called accountability which is called for in the NH Constitution (emphasis mine):

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.  Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive.  To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted.  The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government.  Therefore, any individual taxpayer eligible to vote in the State, shall have standing to petition the Superior Court to declare whether the State or political subdivision in which the taxpayer resides has spent, or has approved spending, public funds in violation of a law, ordinance, or constitutional provision.  In such a case, the taxpayer shall not have to demonstrate that his or her personal rights were impaired or prejudiced beyond his or her status as a taxpayer.  However, this right shall not apply when the challenged governmental action is the subject of a judicial or administrative decision from which there is a right of appeal by statute or otherwise by the parties to that proceeding.

As a Budget Committee member, I ALWAYS made sure that a constituent’s questions were answered – it was my job. I was elected to work for THEM and not the other way around.

This bill will be followed.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Government Integrity Project Co-Founder Tom Murray on NH Elections and Voter Confidence

Wed, 2022-11-16 23:30 +0000

Government Integrity Project Co-Founder Tom Murray not only testified before New Hampshire’s Committee on Voter Confidence, he observed testimony by other Granite Staters. And while he thinks the Committee will get it right, he talked to me about his presentation and other thoughts on the issue.

Related: Here are a Few Potential Problems in NH That are Undermining Voter Confidence

By issue, we mean voter integrity and why Granite Stater’s might have lost confidence in our elections.

And by get it right, he means they will do what they were formed to do. Gather information about why voters lack confidence in our elections and then share that with the Secretary of State and Attorney General so they can sift, filter, and develop a plan to address concerns.

We talk about overvotes, a problem only addressed this past session after years of folks on both sides claiming New Hampshire was the Gold Standard for good elections. That was a lie, and we discuss why and why we might not believe similar promises today.

We also discuss the forces pushing back on unvetted testimony. A good discussion all around, except for a technical problem. We recorded it with full video, but I had some issues that forced me to create a video with no video. The audio is good, and you’d don’t need the visual, but I’ll work that out for my next interview.

And here is the overvote report Tom delivered to the committee and references throughout the interview.




If you missed it, please watch my interview with Brenda Towne on her testimony to the New Hampshire Committee on Voter Confidence.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Part 2: How Social and Emotional Learning Now Means Critical Race Theory in Our Schools (CRT through SEL)

Wed, 2022-11-16 22:00 +0000

After publishing this article explaining to Sarah Earle from Reaching Higher NH about the connection between Social and Emotional Learning and Critical Race Theory, I felt more needed to be explained.

Too many people become partisan on these important issues showing that they are willing to ignore or dismiss what is going on in public education. I explained in my email to Ms. Earle that her inference to conservative parents, and their concerns about CRT in SEL, were well founded. Instead of patronizing parents who have seen the transformation in SEL, we should be applauding them for questioning the direction SEL is taking in our schools.

CASEL creates the standards that measure all SEL programs. CASEL explains here how they are shifting focus away from academics because children have access to the Internet. That’s code for, we are going to dumb down your public school. Just look at how they sell this snake oil:



There’s no need to teach your kids math, science, history, etc.; they can now find information on the Internet. Can you imagine expecting this from your surgeon? Hopefully your surgeon doesn’t have to keep checking the internet when operating on you. This is a fast track to ILLITERACY.

But there’s more.

In “Transformative SEL,” “self-awareness” encompasses “identity,” with “identity” defined now through the lens of “intersectionality.” “Self-management” encompasses “agency,” with “agency” defined through “resistance” and “transformative/justice-oriented” citizenship. “Transformative SEL” also embraces “culturally relevant/responsive” pedagogy. 

SEL is now taking on the role of infusing Critical Race Theory into the classroom.

Here you can see that CASEL is moving forward with SEAD.

Is your state prioritizing SEAD?

“Is Your State Prioritizing SEAD?,” released in 2022 by The Education Trust and CASEL, reviews policies in all 50 states to highlight how states are supporting student needs by prioritizing social, educational, and academic development (SEAD) and where state policies threaten equity and diversity, including state efforts to limit the accurate teaching of history and current events.


Since when did CASEL decide that they should be reviewing New Hampshire education policies? Who gave them the authority to dictate what we do in the classroom? If you click on that link and go to New Hampshire, they appear to give us low grades. I guess we are not walking in lockstep with their social justice agenda at this time. Let’s hope that continues!

Transformative SEL is also known as Justice SEL. You can see that from CASEL’s VP of Research, Robert Jagers. He unveiled this to educators at their 2019 conference. Their new definition of social-emotional learning is called: Transformative SEL. CASEL, which is the organization that sets the standards by which all social-emotional programs are measured, explains how their new form of “justice”/Transformative SEL is most essential to issues of equity (which, according to their definition, means distributive justice).



CASEL also invited Dena Simmons to talk about how SEL can be leveraged to create “the social change we need” by teaching children to be “anti-racist.” Anti-racism is not about not being a racist, it’s a way to dismantle the system that they believe to be systemically racist. This is Critical Race Theory, which is a form of racism.

CASEL, which creates the standards that measure all SEL programs, began this transformation back in 2019. They want to leverage SEL to create children who are anti-racist social justice warriors.  But anti-racism IS Critical Race Theory.

In a 2020 webinar, CASEL leaders discussed how they changed their framework and 5-Core competencies (that all SEL programs are measured against & rated by) to reflect their new Transformative SEL definition:


Nowhere did New Hampshire school boards or elected legislators approve of any of this. So what’s up next? Gender Ideology?!

They are implementing this system-side even though “there are currently limited options for evidence-based programs and implementation models for Transformative SEL.”



In 2020, they updated their evaluation criteria to better reflect their updated definitions of SEL (Transformative).



More directly from CASEL on Transformative SEL (Critical Race Theory SEL)


How has this impacted children in the classroom? From the Washington Examiner:

‘Transformational SEL’ is traumatizing students


As of this winter, 36 states had passed legislation aimed at keeping critical race theory and other “divisive concepts,” sometimes referred to in law as “prohibited concepts,” out of K-12 public school classrooms. Despite these efforts, these very concepts are still being taught under the guise of addressing mental health and well-being. And I fear it is creating mental health problems in children, through the introduction of such caustic ideas at inappropriate ages.

Since 2000, there has been a 350% increase in the suicide rate of children between 10 and 12 years old. What could be driving this explosion? Part of it could be that pre-adolescent children are being exposed to ideas about adult subjects through books, articles, and learning materials produced by social justice warriors steeped in critical race theory, critical gender theory, and critical feminism. Another might be the promotion of specific books and articles being introduced as part of the same programs, which feed suicide ideation.

The self-appointed mental health provider, CASEL, who is the gatekeeper to all SEL programs, may be doing your children more harm than if they left them alone. And Reaching Higher NH is wondering why parents are questioning this transformation in their child’s classroom!!

When your school uses SEL competencies to collect mental health data  on your children, remember what kind of mental health data they will now be collecting. They will be grading your child’s attitudes on race and gender through SEL competencies. Competency-Based Education does NOT permit a child to move forward UNLESS they pass their competencies. Your child MUST adhere to CASEL’s viewpoints, or your child does not advance.

Lisa Logan documents much of this here in the Second Step SEL Program:

As such, the new goal of SEL programs that align to CASEL’s standards is to groom students into thinking that the systems of society are intentionally built to be oppressive toward certain groups of people, and that they need to become agents of change (social justice activists) who want to overthrow those systems to make them more “equitable.”

SEL lessons, like those found in the program Second Step, manipulate the definitions of empathy and perspective-taking in their K-5 program to frame that being kind means you have to “do something,” which later becomes “choose a disruption strategy” by 8th grade. These disruption strategies encourage students to come up with concrete plans to advocate for causes related to race, gender and sexuality. Being that the assessments (like the surveys/screeners conducted by Panorama Education) also align to CASEL’s standards, they are measuring compliance to & students’ adoption of these Marxist values, attitudes, and beliefs, which will be scored and collected as data that reflects their “emotional intelligence.”

This isn’t about educating your children so that they can become doctors, lawyers, plumbers or electricians, this is about creating social justice warriors for the radical beliefs.  The best thing to do is to OPT OUT of ALL SEL in your school district. That may be difficult since SEL is now embedded in some of the curriculum. You must let school administrators know that your child is NEVER to be assessed on any SEL Competencies and keep an eye on it.

NOTE: Credit to Lisa Logon and Michele Kee


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Joe, Fentanyl is an Attack on America

Wed, 2022-11-16 20:30 +0000

Mr. President, the most critical function of your office is the safety of Americans. With the loss of 100,000 Americans each year to Fentanyl poisoning, do you see the illegal drug as a problem?

With it known that the Fentanyl that is killing 100,000 Americans a year is coming through Mexico after originating in China, do you see Fentanyl as an International threat to America? Would you consider a foreign country crossing our border and killing 100,000 people an attack on America? Do you consider China or Mexico a threat to our National Security? If yes, and I hope your answer was yes, what are you doing to stop this attack?

This week, you had your first sit-down meeting with Xi Jinping of China. This lengthy meeting between the two leaders lasted for over three hours. There are three major issues that most Americans are disappointed and surprised did not come up in the meeting. The Uighurs’ treatment, the COVID virus origin, and the Fentanyl produced and imported from China were not discussed. With all due respect, Mr. President, I think most Americans are far more interested in these three topics than climate change.

I have a theory of why this was the approach of our President, and I have written about it in the past few months. I believe that his family’s business deals compromise President Joe Biden with Russia, Ukraine, and China. If my theory is valid, we have a severe problem in the White House. We have to have a President with the strength and fortitude to stand up to any country without any personal relationship with these countries. We do not have that in President Biden, which is a potential threat to our National Security.

We know that Hunter Biden took millions of dollars from companies in Ukraine, from the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, and the Chinese government. We also know from emails and texts that 10% of any money obtained by Hunter was for “The Big Guy”; for Joe. None of these money transfers came without a hook. So if the money was given for access, then it appears they are cashing in on their investment. No President, who was not being constrained, would have come out of this meeting without broaching these three situations. Biden is being constrained, and because of those constraints, Americans and Uighurs tar dying in large numbers.

Biden claims that Secretary of State Blinken will continue to hold talks with the Chinese, but this was Biden’s opportunity to show strength, and instead, he came up limp. This perception on the global stage makes America weak. The omission in the dialog between the two leaders was observed by leaders worldwide, and what they sense in America is a country more concerned with Climate Change than Fentanyl poisonings, human rights violations, or uncovering the source of a virus that killed millions worldwide.

This compromise of our President is why the Midterms were so important, especially taking back the House. We can now get Hunter Biden under oath in front of committees and uncover the truth about the Biden Cartel. This will be a massive test of the power of a Republican lead House.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gov. Abbot Invokes Invasion Clause of Texas and US Constitutions to Defend Southern Border

Wed, 2022-11-16 19:00 +0000

I’m trying to decide what I’m like to enjoy more, Gov. Abbot invoking constitutional powers to stop the invasion across the Southern Border of Texas or whatever Team Biden comes up with as a response.

“I invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. & Texas Constitutions to fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion. I’m using that constitutional authority, & other authorization & Executive Orders to keep our state & country safe.”


Almost three years too late.



The Democrat response is to whine about domestic matters they claim need his attention more, like crime and shootings … in liberal-run cities. Pro-Tip for the Prog Trolls, Democracy is to blame for that. Abbott can try to pass state laws that limit the stupid that follows Democrat rule in America’s cities, but try as he may, the Dems dig in and try just as hard to find failure.

As for the border, good on him. I know that Americans, which in this case includes a majority of Hispanic Americans in Texas, are looking for relief. How that happens is unclear, despite the tweeted bullet list.


We should expect local border Patrol to be ecstatic and DC leadership to be incensed. I’d be surprised If there isn’t a lawsuit headed to a judge for a stay or whatever the left thinks it can do to prevent Texas from protecting Texas, but I’ll take Texas on this one.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What About Adam Cordano and Other Children Who Suffered at the Sununu Youth and Services Center?

Wed, 2022-11-16 17:30 +0000

My question is: who fights for the disadvantaged? That’s what I want you to ask yourself as you read the story of Adam Cordano and other children who suffered at the Sununu Youth and Services Center.

We want to thank Megan Davis for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Last week, I sat down with Adam Cordano to talk to him about what he experienced in the NH state foster care system and at the Sununu Youth and Services Center. Adam is one of many plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Sununu Youth and Services Center. The lawsuit alleges that state employees sexually and physically abused many children who were detained at the center.

I will just highlight some of my takeaways from the interview. I encourage you to watch the whole interview to hear Adam for yourself.


The foster care system needs to be overhauled.

Adam stated that he was constantly running away from foster parents because he always felt abused.

The abuse was not always physical, but it was emotional. The reason for that is that he was always one of many, many foster care children in a house, and he was treated like a paycheck.

One family had ten foster children and four biological children. They fed the foster children state rations. While the biological children ate store-bought food.

Because he was made to feel less, he ran away, and he did that repeatedly.

Can I trust the law enforcement community to take care of disadvantaged people?

After running out of foster homes to live in, at 13 years old, Adam was forced to live at YDC, which is now called the Sununu Youth and Services Center. At YDC, he was sexually abused repeatedly by Stan Watson. Stan would come into his room in the middle of the night and force him to have sex.

He reported the abuse to Joe Peters, the unit manager, but Peters refused to send Adam to the medical facility for an exam. Instead, he talked to Stan about it. After that, Stan beat Adam for reporting him.

Next, Stan asked Adam’s case worker, Evelyn Blaze, to let him be Adam’s foster dad. Adam told Evelyn that Stan was raping him. She told him that if he didn’t go with Stan, he would be forced to stay in King Cottage, a prison-like facility at YDC.

Without a background check or the usual hoops that foster parents need to go through, Stan was allowed to bring Adam home.

After some time of living with Stan, Adam got fed up and decided to hold Stan at gunpoint. The cops were called, and he told the cops what was going on. That’s when Stan’s dad, the chief of police from Merrimack (a different county from the arrest), stepped in. He told Stan that if he talked about what went on, he would never see the light of day.

So, Adam went back to Stan’s house.

According to Adam, Evelyn Blaze became the head of DCYF.

Where are all the good people at YDC?

If Adam had trouble learning, they would cuff him to a poll and put him in seclusion. How did that help Adam learn anything? Why didn’t someone step in and say, stop hurting these children?

Adam said that he was forced to wrestle other boys naked at YDC. Then, if a child was hurt, they brought them to medical. At medical, the workers never questioned why children were always getting hurt.

Why did it take so long for these things to get out?

Stan probably abused more children, not just Adam. Yet, why didn’t those children come forward after getting out of YDC?

If they did, what happened to their complaints?

Were the complaints treated like Adam’s complaint? Are we not a country that believes in innocence until proven guilty? Why were these children treated like liars if they reported their crimes?

Is that how the state treats all children who came forward with claims of abuse?

Why did it take so long for the state to investigate these crimes?

If there are over 300 people that have come forward to add their names to this lawsuit, many people have surely come forward in the past to report abuse.

Why did it have to take a class action lawsuit brought by so many people to get the state to investigate and question the system.

Who is fighting for these children?

Adam obviously felt very alone. His foster families used him as a paycheck. His case worker didn’t fight for him. Workers at the state facility were abusing him. When he reported crimes, his crimes were dismissed. The police threatened him if he spoke out.

Who was he supposed to turn to?

If you want to read about the horrors that went on at the Sununu Youth Center and other facilities for disadvantaged youths, check out this NPR article.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Post Pandemic Rise of COVID-VAXX-Free Dating Sites

Wed, 2022-11-16 16:00 +0000

You might be one of the few who thought to yourself, “you know what, I don’t think I need that COVID vaccine.” Did you also think, assuming you are single and don’t want to be, that you don’t want the certain someone to have gotten it either?

There are dating sites for you.


Depending on where you look, the mainstream reporting about apps like Unvxxed or Unjected have called them (Guess?) “anti-vaxxer” dating sites.


The app, meant to “connect critical thinkers across the world dedicated to a healthier tomorrow,” is called Unjected, and intends “on being a safe place for covid19 unvaccinated individuals to connect and find each other in their own communities.”


The mainstream also used to say things like you can’t get COVID from vaccinated people and some still do.

Hello, that is why the medical establishment stopped reporting the vaccine status of people hospitalized with COVID. If there was even the slimmest majority of unvaxxed filling beds, you’d never hear the end of it. Ergo, we know the truth, and thanks to the UK, Isreal, and a few other nations that cough up good data regularly, we know it’s true.

But what else should we expect? Even if you felt duped, what can you do about it but pretend you made the right choice and if you’re Liberal enough, make fun of people who were not sheeple? In other words, the vaccine, like masks, or their absence, became a gang sign. That passport business didn’t help.

So here we are a few years in, and the lines are drawn. Most of the people who got it, regret it or not, can’t undo that. More than a few feel like it was a mistake, and some of them have pursued detox programs. But a lot of them are just belligerent intolerant assholes who call people who never needed that needle anti-science or vaccine deniers.

Who wants to wade through the damaged dating gene pool only to watch that scum repetitiously rise to the surface? And you don’t have to do that. Dating apps have been popping up all over the planet to help pure bloods (their term, not mine) find each other and maybe make a connection. And since you already have that in common – and more than a few covid war stories along with it – odds are good you’ll have something to talk about.

Whether that conversation translates into anything meaningful is another matter, but that is for you to work out.

Unjected, for example, which started in 2021, isn’t just a dating app. It sells itself as a community that helps unvaccinated folks access all kinds of relationships, including with friends, family, and medical professionals. Sort of a package deals away from what, at that time, was an increasingly intolerant vaxxed community that in some places hasn’t much improved since.

So, would someone who is vaxxed try to connect with anyone in that community? And not just for detox advice. If you are dating and desperate, you’d have to be stupid not to try.

I didn’t sign up to find out any terms or conditions (I’m happily married to my unvaxxed mate), but what are the odds the potential paramour would ask you to take a blood test? German Researchers lead a multi-nation working group that proved you could identify people who are vaccinated by their blood. It’s different.

Awkward? Maybe, but when AIDS first reared its ugly head, it almost became socially acceptable for two people who were thinking about getting serious to volunteer to get tested together.

Maybe that’s the next new old thing in dating.

Swipe right, blood test, dinner, movie …


By the way, if you want a good laugh, check out the 2021 Mediaite piece I quoted. It’s quite the time capsule of approved opinion at the time. Talk about ideas with a shelf life.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

8 Tips to Win Parental Rights

Wed, 2022-11-16 15:00 +0000

If you are a parent going through a divorce, you may be wondering how to win parental responsibilities. Here are eight tips to help you get the most out of your divorce and protect your relationship with your children.

1. Get Organized

The first step is to get organized. Gather all of the important documents related to your divorce, including financial records, custody agreements, and any other relevant paperwork.

This will help you keep track of everything and make sure that you are on the same page as your ex-spouse.<

2. Communicate with Your Ex-Spouse

It is important to communicate with your ex-spouse, even if it is difficult. You need to be able to discuss things like parental rights, visitation schedules, and child support payments in a calm and rational way. If you can’t communicate directly, consider using a mediator or collaborative law attorney.

3. Put Your Children First

Your children should always be your first priority. This means that you need to put their needs above your own and make sure that they are comfortable with the arrangement that you have agreed upon.

It can be difficult to let go of some things, but it is important to remember that your children’s happiness should be more important than anything else.

4. Be Flexible

Be prepared to be flexible in the parenting agreement. There will likely be times when one parent needs to adjust the schedule due to work or other commitments.

It is important to be able to adjust accordingly so that everyone is still able to spend time with the children.

5. Cooperate with Your Co-Parent

You need to cooperate with your co-parent as much as possible. This means sharing information about doctor’s appointments, school events, and anything else that is going on in your child’s life.

It can be difficult to do this if you are not on good terms with your ex-spouse, but it is important for the sake of your children.

6. Keep Communication Open

Make sure that you keep the lines of communication open with your children. They should feel free to come to you with any questions or concerns that they have about the divorce or the new arrangement.

You need to encourage them to spend time with both parents so that they don’t feel like they have to choose sides.<

7. Seek Outside Support

If you are finding it difficult to cope with the divorce, seek outside support from friends, family, or a professional counselor.

It is crucial to talk about what you are going through so that you can process your feelings and move on in a healthy way.

8.  Seek Professional Help

If you are having difficulty reaching an agreement with your ex-spouse, seek professional help from a mediator or collaborative law attorney who can assist you in negotiations.


Custody battles are never easy, but by following these tips, you’ll give yourself the best chance at winning parental responsibilities for your child.

Click here if you need the help of a parental rights lawyer!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Your Child’s Personal Data Collected By Google Classroom?

Wed, 2022-11-16 14:30 +0000

GOOGLE – has NOT protected Privacy: Parents need to evaluate what is happening in their Schools with Data collection by Ed Tech companies. More than half of K-12 grade Students use GOOGLE every day in the classroom.

Google has agreed to a $391.5 million settlement with 40 states in connection with an investigation into how the company tracked users’ locations. This has been called the largest multi-state privacy settlement in U.S history.

Google to pay 40 states $392M in location-tracking settlement
The investigation by the states, which officials said was spurred by a 2018 Associated Press story, found that Google continued to track people’s location data even after they opted out of such tracking.

What about Google in the classroom?

“Today, more than half the nation’s primary- and secondary-school students — more than 30 million children — use Google education apps like Gmail and Docs, the company said. And Chromebooks, Google-powered laptops that initially struggled to find a purpose, are now a powerhouse in America’s schools. Today they account for more than half the mobile devices shipped to schools.” Full article.

Oklahoma received 6.8 mill from Google for TRACKING Oklahomans: “This type of data is extremely personal for consumers,” said Attorney General O’Connor. “I am glad Oklahoma will benefit from this historic settlement which proves that no entity, not even big tech companies, is above the law.

Google “records your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to.” – AP In the largest multi-state AG settlement ever, the attorneys general found that Google violated state consumer protection laws by misleading consumers about its location-tracking practices since at least 2014.

Is my child’s Data Collected by Google Classroom?
Educators need to obtain permission from parents or guardians before implementing Google Classroom, and ensure they approve of their children using the internet and Google products. It also would be a good idea for students to be reminded by both their families and teachers that when using technology at school, they need to be responsible digital citizens. Make sure they are familiar with internet safety and the importance of refraining from sharing private or sensitive information over the internet.

Googling Education – Is Student Data Really Private with Google? 

Denise Tayloe is CEO of PRIVO and is a recognized leader and authority in children’s online privacy, customer identity and consent management. Tayloe’s company helps organizations navigate the opportunities and challenges of implementing COPPA. “We have spoken to countless developers and online service providers over the years who are quick to tell us they are COPPA compliant and do not trigger COPPA since no personal data is directly being collected from children under 13,” said Tayloe. “Companies also like to boast their lawyer has made sure they are COPPA compliant. Being in the trenches for over a decade helping companies obtain COPPA certification, we can tell you in most cases, companies are not 100 percent buttoned up as they should be, especially in the school setting. The FTC has brought 31 cases to enforce it, in addition to enforcement from state attorneys general like New York’s Operation Child Tracker and New Mexico’s AG suing Google, Twitter and other companies for violating children’s privacy.”

Mississippi Attorney General Sues Google Over Student Data-Privacy

“Through this lawsuit, we want to know the extent of Google’s data mining and marketing of student information to third parties,” Hood said in a statement. “I don’t think there could be any motivation other than greed for a company to deliberately keep secret how it collects and uses student information.”

In 2015 The Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a complaint against Google, “for collecting and data mining school children’s personal information, including their Internet searches.”

Part of Google’s response was: “We track student browser history because it is helpful for the development of classroom products.”

If you view G Suite’s Privacy Policy you will learn Google will share children’s personal information with others.
Some of us do not want Google to share our children’s personal information with others, or to track our children’s browsers history to help them develop products. The problem is this is done without parental consent and most parents have no idea what’s going on.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump is Running in 2024 – Dem vs. Republican Response

Wed, 2022-11-16 13:00 +0000

The big news that’s not so big ‘cuz everyone should have seen it coming is that Donald Trump has announced he is running for President in 2024. There are many good reasons to do it this soon, but the consensus from the Machine is he should have waited, which is why he didn’t.



The Machine (r)epublicans are tripping over themselves to find a microphone to claim it is a Yuge mistake while the Machine Democrats dispatch media teams to early primary states.





Guess who’s more likely to be ready when the time comes?

Until then, Republicans are saying we need to focus on Georgia. That’s not untrue, but McConnell didn’t focus on Arizona, Nevada, and New Hampshire (in the last weeks of the mid-term campaign), which is why Georgia is suddenly so damn important.

McConnell supported the stooge RINO in Alaska instead of an America-first Republican.

Before you get too spun up about the Trump announcement, take some time to think about the good stuff Trump did. Yeah, he screwed some stuff up, but he did more good for America than any President I can recall, and I’m a big fan of Ronald Reagan.

He tried to put the American people first, and the ruling class in both parties are terrified of the damage he could do to their establishment. That’s always worth a great deal of consideration.

What the establishment fears most is what’s best for America. Why do we think McConnell bailed on good candidates in Nevada, Arizona, and New Hampshire and backed the RINO stooge in Alaska when her challenger was a solid pro-American Republican?

I think the GOP should be thanking him. When the Republican Party loses Georgia, they can blame Trump when the fault lies with the RNC.

And now that Trump has announced, the J6 Dems will have to crank it into overdrive to try and disqualify him from running before January. That is, after all, the only reason for that Star Chamber.

I assume Trump knows this, so I’m interested in how he thinks that will proceed and what he has planned in response.

Oh, and didn’t we say the 2024 campaign would start right after the midterms?


Update: Care of MAGA 2024 :


Key excerpts:

President Trump: “The decline of America is being forced upon us by Biden and the radical left lunatics running our government into the ground. This decline is not a fate we must accept.”

President Trump: “Together, we will be taking on the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable… This is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate. This is a task for a great movement.”

President Trump: “This will not be my campaign. This will be our campaign all together. Because the only force strong enough to defeat the massive corruption we are up against is you, the American people.”

President Trump: “The radical left Democrats have embraced an extreme ideology of government domination and control. Our approach is the opposite, based on freedom, values, individual responsibility and just plain common sense.”

President Trump: “We are going to restore and secure America’s borders just like we had them before. We built the wall and now we will add to it.”

President Trump: “Every drug dealer during his or her life on average will kill 500 people with the drugs they sell, not to mention the destruction of families. We are going to be asking everyone who sells drugs, gets caught selling drugs to receive the death penalty.”

President Trump: “We will abolish every Biden covid mandate and rehire every patriot who was fired from our military with an apology and full back pay.”

President Trump: “I will push a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress. I will ask for a permanent ban on taxpayer funding of campaigns, a lifetime on lobbying by former members of Congress.. a ban on members of Congress trading stocks on insider information”


Feel free – as I know you do – to add your thoughts on those priorities.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK. Pushback.

Wed, 2022-11-16 11:30 +0000

Well, I did make a request for the card catalog for SAU3/Berlin, NH – a single entity that describes the books/other materials that are considered to be the “library collection” (“SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK“).

Sidenote: when dealing with a School District, always, ALWAYS first deal with the School Board members.  THEY are the Elected Representatives and THEY are responsible

However, even though it is a “public” record, it was clear that it wasn’t going to be given up.  WHY?  It’s just a list of books, right?

Yeah, not so much. Emphasis mine:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Julie King” <>
Cc: “Ann Nolin” <>; “Marion Clancy” <>; “Jeanne Charest” <>; “Matthew Buteau” <>; “Nathan Morin” <>; “Eamon Kelley” <>; “Julie King” <>
Sent: 10/5/2022 10:34:38 PM
Subject: Response to RTK request


In response to your demand under the Right to Know Law, the catalog of the collections in both school’s main libraries are open for the public to browse on our website using the following:

Library / Homepage (  select which library then “Destiny Catalog.”

We do not catalog or maintain logs of classroom collections.

Julie King

SAU#3 – Berlin Public Schools
District Office
183 Hillside Ave., Berlin, NH 03570
Phone: (603) 752-6500 ext.1108 | Fax: (603) 752-2528 |

Confidentiality Notice:  This message is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed, and may contain confidential information.  If you are not that person, any use of this message is prohibited.  We request that you notify us by reply that you have received this message in error, and then delete all copies of this message including any contained in your reply.  Thank you

Sidenote: Methinks someone ought to let Superintendent King know that ALL governmental emails are public records. Sorry, if confidential information is to be sent, use the US Postal Service or FedEx. At anytime, her email can also be RTK’d and for any reason or purpose that the person issuing the RTK can think up. That aside…

Well, my RTK was NOT a request of “How do I look up a book if that’s all I wanted?”.  No, the object of the RTK was the “card catalog” – the listing. Not the books in it and it is clear that ANY well run library system possesses the ability to immediately display/list/print/”save off to a file” that entity at any point in time. EVERY library system has that capability – it MUST in order to have accountability especially for inventory purposes (and a myriad of other reasons as well).

So, no, that answer was insufficient and I let Superintendent King know it (again, any emphasis is mine):

From: Skip <>
Date: Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: Response to RTK request
To: Julie King <>
Cc: Ann Nolin <>, Marion Clancy <>, Jeanne Charest <>, Matthew Buteau <>, Nathan Morin <>, Eamon Kelley <>

Good afternoon,

An RSA 91A demand is looking for the respondent to supply Responsive Records – in this case, the records contained in your District’s school library card catalogs. It is insufficient to provide mere links and a “look it up yourself” response. Thus, I consider this a non-response under the auspices of RSA91A to provide that which the Law demands. After all, SAU79, SAU73, SAU88, and others have already properly followed the Law’s requirements, accomplished the requested and proper action, and provided EXCEL spreadsheets with the information demanded in the Right To Know.

To recap:
* Name of the book
* Name of the Author(s)
* Content Summary
* ISBN identification (or other such designated ID)
* Name of the School
* If a School has multiple libraries, a designation of which library is being referenced (in the case of Brockton High, the five libraries: Red, Azure/Blue, Green, Yellow, and the Science libraries)
* Name/designation of the Classroom within a School

I would refer you to the original document I sent to the Board. It is the lawful expectation that the District will follow suit.

Best regards,


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner | | 603-630-6644 Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

Again, a card catalog is a single datum – a list. It doesn’t require a clerk, or a group of clerks, running around a school building looking at all of the spines of books to gather or write down bibliographic information.  In fact, that is impermissible under RSA 91-A, NH’s Right To Know law:

91-A:4 Minutes and Records Available for Public Inspection. –

VII. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require a public body or agency to compile, cross-reference, or assemble information into a form in which it is not already kept or reported by that body or agency.

A Library’s card catalog / collection listing can be had by the push of a button. Period.  The database system is already set up to reference all that is necessary.

Sadly, that’s not what I got in return from Superintendent King.  Instead (emphasis mine) – it was from a lawyer:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Atty. Barbara Loughman” <>
To: “” <>
Cc: “Julie King” <>; “Karen Lancaster” <>
Sent: 10/11/2022 10:44:54 AM
Subject: Berlin PS/RTK/Gr.Gr.10.2.22req.

Dear Mr. Murphy,

I represent SAU #3, Berlin Public Schools and am responding to your October 2 RTK request and subsequent correspondence printed below. It will take me a couple of days to review the matter. I will get back to you by the end of the week.

Thank you for your consideration.

Barbara F. Loughman
Soule Leslie Kidder
PO Box 908
Wolfeboro, NH 03894

What is with a District that has to consult with a lawyer about a public document that even kids can access?  But, I decided to “play nice” (aka the movie “Roadhouse“‘s definition) – I offered to assist the Library Staff generate the report necessary to fulfill the RTK.  After all, EVERY Library system has such a query file (unless someone sabotages it):

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: “Atty. Barbara Loughman” <>
Cc: “Julie King” <>; “Karen Lancaster” <>
Sent: 10/11/2022 2:11:41 PM
Subject: Re: Berlin PS/RTK/Gr.Gr.10.2.22req.

Good afternoon!

Thanks for letting me know that you are evaluating my RSA 91A demand.

It’s not clear that there is any controversy surrounding it – nothing confidential, no privileged conversations, and certainly nothing of a personnel matter. It’s just a list of books that has been requested.

I’m quite sure that your Library Information System (as I don’t know of a single District in the State that continues to use a physical card catalog system based on paper cards anymore) is capable in fulfilling this request. Most likely, once the proper submenu navigation has been accomplished, a simple button press should be sufficient. Having an M.S. in computer science and 40 years in the industry, if the SAU staff librarians are unable to create a simple EXCEL spreadsheet file with the demanded data points in your SQL database system, I can talk them through it. It’s a trivial query.

Can you give me their contact information so as to ask prelim questions as to how they might need my assistance? As a former Principal Consultant, I’m always happy to help people!

Kindest regards,


I have the instructions – I could have mailed it to them in a step by step basis.  But then, again, lawyers. However, there’s a hook at the end of this story that will be amusing.

To Be Continued…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

MAGA Doesn’t Equal Conservative?

Wed, 2022-11-16 02:30 +0000

So I read someplace that “MAGA doesn’t equal conservative.” So actually having a border with Mexico, not kowtowing to China, re-industrializing America, being energy independent, avoiding wars-of-choice, low inflation, economic growth, cutting taxes, deregulation, appointing originalist judges … to name certain MAGA policies … are not, I repeat are NOT, conservative?

MAGA is a set of principles, not a cult-of-personality. Trump won in 2016 … and materially improved on his performance in the rigged election of 2020 … because of the principles he espoused and followed. The notion that MAGA is a cult of personality is ass-backwards.

The notion that still supporting Trump is disqualifying is divisive and defeatist. I haven’t decided how I am voting in 2024. I will listen to what every candidate has to say, and then decide. The notion that I have to immediately and loudly say I won’t support Trump … before I even hear what he considers the top issues and how he proposes to address them … is the real cult-of-personality.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden’s Climate Change Piggy Bank

Wed, 2022-11-16 01:00 +0000

We first must understand that the President has no authority to allocate U.S. tax dollars. Congress is charged with the sole responsibility of how and where the United States distributes the hard-earned money of the American People.

Joe Biden is on a three-stop tour to Egypt, Cambodia, and Indonesia, pledging our cash at a record pace.

When President Trump pulled America from the Paris Climate Change Accord, he took tremendous criticism from the Green folk but was praised by most who saw the accord as a money pit. The American industrial machine has made great strides to be more efficient and to reduce our carbon output. Most of this has been done voluntarily because it was good for business and the environment. The Paris Accord requires us the pledge millions of dollars to a global fund while doing nothing to force countries like China and India to reduce their pollution levels, which are actually getting worse. One of President Biden’s first official acts in 2021 was to rejoin America in the Paris Accord.

The Biden Spending Spree actually began on his Inauguration Day when he committed to rejoining the Paris Accord. Included in his Inflation Reduction Act, which was purposely wrongly named, was $369 Billion \\energy security and climate change resilience investments. These have significant implications for the world, as they demonstrate U.S. leadership abroad and change the trajectory of international climate action, according to the Democrats.

The first stop for Biden’s international spree was Egypt. There, he attended the COP27, the largest group of UN countries that gathered to solve the climate “crisis” by pledging vast amounts of their citizen’s money. Joe chipped in with his pledge of $250 Million to Egypt to unleash their energy initiative. His pledge came with an apology for Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris accord. Biden will never miss an opportunity to spend our money or bash Donald Trump and his supporters.

The ironic element of the Biden Monetary Windfall for climate change supporters is that most money will go to developing countries. You would think these countries would be in Africa or maybe the South Pacific, but the two countries on the list should anger those who find this a waste of our money. China and India are among the underdeveloped and impoverished countries, according to the brilliant folks at COP27. Our hard-earned money will be funneled to China. Thank you, Joe and the COP27 hypocrites.

We hope that the new Congress can intercept and squash these ridiculous pledges. The Republicans will have a slight majority in the House, but small is all you need to say, no. This is why the Midterms were so important, and though the gains were not near expected, Nancy Pelosi will grudgingly hand the gavel to Kevin McCarthy on January 3rd. What a great way to start the New Year.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No, No, No – It’s Not “Where’s Waldo?” It’s “Where’s Dan Eaton (D-Stoddard)”?

Tue, 2022-11-15 23:30 +0000

Yes, when the Eldest and Youngest were young, the book “Where’s Waldo” was very popular. Essentially, it was a book of illustrations with a lot of “densely drawn” pictures and the idea was to find this character, Waldo, in all kinds of situations. Sometimes it was obvious but also times when it was dang hard to find him. Find him. You know, he could be anywhere. 

And kids LOVED working to find him. It was the fad of the day. So much so, even today, most adults still immediately “get it” when “Where’s Waldo” is mentioned even if what is being sought after has nothing to do with “Waldo”.


(Yes, click to embiggen!)

Like Dan Eaton from what a couple of tipsters are telling. Where, oh, where might you be?  Are you living where you have stated you do?  People have sent me some stuff and I’ve talked with them.  Interesting anecdotes – but people are looking for harder information to see if he domiciles – or not – where he says he does.

No, I don’t have any hard evidence YET but I do have hard evidence where he says he is.  So, the topmost image is of the address Eaton has given as his place of Domicile (that IS the word that is used when talking about some types of fraud, right?). His Voter Registration Record from Stoddard shows him giving that as his address:


(click to embiggen)

I also have the entire Voter Record list (again, a public document) from which I have taken a bit of a slice:

And if anyone complains, I can put up the entire spreadsheet to confirm. There’s also this from the NH Secretary of State showing that Eaton did, use this address in filing his candidacy as shown by the NH SecState Winners listing:

OK, Skip, all well and good. So what?

My tipsters went to the home and looked around and saw that topmost image.



Doesn’t look like it’s occupied – shades down, driveway blocked – a typical summer “lake house” type building. As they took snaps, they came across a guy with a big dog and told him that they were looking for Dan Eaton. The response was telling: “No one knows…doesn’t live around here“.  This on a private road – this guy lives just a few houses down from 139 Powerline Rd.

And it’s not like Eaton owns the home, either. Here’s the tax information for the house – the owner lives in South Dakota:

Tax card 139 Powerline Rd Dan Eaton Earnest Getty


I was told, via hearsay, that someone went to “close up the place” – presumably for the winter season.

Questions, questions. I’m looking for more and have asked these ‘Grok tipsters for more info.  Who knows what will come of this – is this barely a ripple in a teacup or something on which someone will have to take action on?

Dunno.  I’m just laying it out there and if someone has more info, let me know.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Much Is the State of New Hampshire Hiding to Get Away with Gross Misconduct?

Tue, 2022-11-15 22:00 +0000

In 2003, Carlene Hempel wrote an article in about New Hampshire’s top sex crimes police detective, James F McLaughlin.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to
You can review ‘Op-Eds’ and ‘Guidelines‘ on our FAQ Page.

In January 2022, James F McLaughlin’s name appeared on the Laurie list of corrupt police officers in New Hampshire. It transpires that the State has known about him since 1985, a full 9 years before he framed Father Gordon MacRae, who is still in prison 28 years later despite his claims of innocence, several Wall Street Journal articles indicating his innocence, a 3-year investigation by an ex FBI agent indicating his innocence.

This summer, James F McLaughlin’s name was removed again from the Laurie List in a private arrangement.

Was James F McLaughlin actually a sex predator himself, hiding out in chat rooms as “Adam,” a teenage boy, taking photos of minors, lurking on campus under the color of the law?

How much is the State of New Hampshire hiding to get away with gross misconduct, and how much of that relies on protecting James F McLaughlin and others who worked with him? Is this the real reason that Father Gordon MacRae has been denied justice all these years?

One of the people who worked with James F McLaughlin was Monsignor Edward Arsenault, who went to prison in 2014 for defrauding the Diocese, a dead priest’s estate and the Catholic Medical Center. As he went to prison (where he was quickly transferred to Keene County Jail and then put on home confinement before being released with a new name Edward Bolognini and all his restitution paid while he was away), he shook hands with Assistant AG Jane Young who is now US Atty for New Hampshire.

One of the other people working with James F McLaughlin was Chuck Douglas Esq, who had been NH Supreme Court Chief Justice in the 90s during which time he sent a 13-year-old impregnated rape victim back to the Youth Detention Center after she failed to name her rapist. The State has suddenly found millions of documents regarding abuse at the center which have been hidden for decades.

Chuck Douglas Esq was the attorney who filed hundreds of suits against the Diocese of Manchester with little to no evidence. When Arsenault was sent to prison in 2014, Douglas said that he was very pleasant to deal with.

Earlier this year, the Catholic Medical Center was fined $3.8 million in a kickback scheme by the US DOJ. Chuck Douglas then stepped in to represent the whistleblower for his reward for reporting the fraud. It is my suspicion that in fact Chuck Douglas stepped in to gatekeep — to prevent the US DOJ from discovering more about the CMC and kickbacks which could have led to Arsenault as well as Gordon MacDonald (now NH SC Chief Justice), who represented the Diocese when Arsenault was there and who represented Purdue Pharma when it was sued by NH. Gordon MacDonald managed to block an external audit of Purdue’s internal documents, which could have exposed himself and Arsenault, who was in charge of increasing profits for CMC. Partnered with Gordon MacDonald at Nixon Peabody sorting out the settlements with Arsenault was David Vicinanzo, who is the legal representative for the NHCADSV and who praised Judge Richard McNamara for keeping the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Report into St Paul’s School private following NH v Owen Labrie.

The settlement agreement with St Paul’s School was identical to the settlement agreement with the Diocese of Manchester and involved the very same people: Gordon MacDonald, who had represented the Diocese, was now AG. David Vicinanzo, who had represented the Diocese, was now repping NHCADSV who got a contract with St Paul’s School out of the settlement. Chuck Douglas, who filed the suits against the Diocese, was filing the suits against St Paul’s School and Chair of the NH Judicial Selection Committee.

Concord Monitor journalist AnnMarie Timmins worked with the prosecutors and was sent to interview Father Gordon MacRae in prison to ask him to speak about sexual assaults with people he’d never met. She is married to Judge William Delker who was involved in prosecuting the diocese cases and is now judge for the youth detention center cases.

Gordon MacDonald asked Father Gordon MacRae to confess to sexual assaults with people he’d never met for quick settlements. AnnMarie Timmins’ journalism would presumably help the argument.

David Vicinanzo was announced to be the AG back in 2003/4 and then suddenly withdrew. Lauren Noether, who was assistant AG at the time (2002–3) left to work for the Children’s Advocacy Centers, but one address she worked at (10 Ferry Street, Concord New Hampshire) was reported to the Boston FBI in 2016 for suspected child trafficking. Other addresses at 10 Ferry Street include Virtus LLC, “Protecting Gods Children,” which is listed in the Pandora Papers and was founded by Edward Arsenault in 1999.

On the board of the Child Advocacy Centers non-profit is Andrew H Crews, who was CEO of Autofair, also listed in the Pandora Papers. Crews is also on the board of Granite One Health (tied to the CMC, I understand), a board member of Primary Bank, and president of the NH State Lottery, for which Chuck Douglas’ 5th wife is Chair. Supporting the Children’s Advocacy Centers is a gambling enterprise as well.

Andrew H Crews stepped down from Autofair in December 2021, and the business sold to an address in West Palm Beach, Florida which coincidentally happens to be where Edward Arsenault has a company called DaFranz dealing in all things Italian, per its business registration. DaFranz was opened in 2021. Whether that is coincidental or not, I don’t know, but it’s odd.

James F McLaughlin won the lifetime achievement award from New Hampshire Police and Fire Department in 2016. The same year, Detective Julie Curtin from Concord (the investigator in NH v Owen Labrie and in the St Paul’s Grand Jury Criminal Investigation under Jane Young from the AG’s office when Gordon MacDonald was there) was given an award for her work in the Labrie investigation and “justice for the victim” despite failing to follow the most basic protocols and for failure to investigate DNA which did not match Owen Labrie’s and for lying on a sworn affidavit about a SANE nurse report (which the SANE nurse corrected in trial).

I found complaints against Detective Julie Curtin from 2005, which were turned down by the NH Supreme Court. I made complaints about Julie Curtin in 2020 to the LEACT commission, which resulted in my being stalked on social media by Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV. I was then threatened with a defamation suit by Shaheen & Gordon (representing Amanda Grady Sexton of NHCADSV) in July 2021, which I perceive to be witness intimidation for having the courage to speak up against public corruption by elected officials and state agencies.

It is impossible to separate Shaheen & Gordon from Senator Jeanne Shaheen on the one hand and the attorney general’s office, state agencies, and Governor on the other. Senator Jeanne Shaheen has spoken publicly about the importance of an independent judiciary for a functioning democracy, yet her own state can’t seem to follow the practice because her husband, a former US attorney for New Hampshire, is wrapped up in it.

There is clear and irrefutable evidence that there is a coordinated enterprise going on which started with the Diocese of Manchester and the framing of Father Gordon MacRae by James F McLaughlin. There is clear and irrefutable evidence that this same extortion racket was repeated in the framing of Owen Labrie (who had the same judge, Larry Smukler, who had turned down Father Gordon MacRae for a retrial in 2014) with the very same people.

After I wrote to John Scippa at Police Standards and training about Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin, he forwarded my complaint to the AG’s office. Jane Young, at the time assistant AG, replied to me saying that Geoffrey Ward, another assistant AG, would reply. Despite several follow-ups, he never did. Then Geoffrey Ward deleted the files of 28 corrupt police officers. I believe that Detective Julie Curtin was one of these because not only had I complained about her, and there was a 2005 complaint about her in a sex crimes case but also, in the book “Notes on a Silencing” by Lacy Crawford, there is a chapter in which Crawford states that Curtin went to St Paul’s school to get files without a warrant. This chapter irked AG Gordon MacDonald and Assistant AG Jane Young, who wrote to the publisher Little Brown about it, calling it “reckless.”

A small detail was missing in the above article: Police Detective Julie Curtin, most likely trained by James F McLaughlin, was working under the specific instruction of the AG’s office, who would have authorized the access to school files without warrants, and intercept calls trained by the NHCADSV to wealthy targets.

In March/April 2020, I was contacted by an alum of St Paul’s School who told me that he had been the target of one such intercept call from Julie Curtin, who had obtained the files of an old girlfriend of his from his time at the school. It transpires that Curtin had cold-called the woman and allegedly convinced her she could be a victim for money. The NHCADSV stated earlier this year that they train the police for these intercept calls. In this particular case, the alum was threatened with charges. He hired a local attorney who got hold of the intercept call and could hear Julie Curtin training the woman on the other end of the line. This alum was told that if he paid a large sum of money, the charges would be dropped. He complied, and the threat of bogus charges went away. He was told the woman was hard up and just wanted money. I wonder how much money she received after attorneys, police officers, victims advocates took their cut. The attorneys who sued Dartmouth College took 35% and the NHCADSV 20% .

When ABC/GMA was about to air an interview with Owen Labrie in July 2019, Amanda Grady Sexton of the NHCADSV and City of Concord Public Safety Committee, which approves the budgets for Concord Police, including payments to witnesses for Grand Jury (per a recent admission from Concord Police Chief Bradley Osgood) led a campaign to block the show from airing. She was successful. At the time the program would have aired, Chuck Douglas and Steven J Kelly were in mediation on a $70 million class action #MeToo suit against Dartmouth, which settled two weeks later for $14 million. The NHCADSV got an estimated $2.865 million from the suit, while Douglas and Kelly made $4.9 million. These were the same attorneys who sued St Paul’s School in the wake of the Labrie trial, one of the same attorneys who sued the Diocese in the wake of the MacRae trial.

At the time of the Diocese suits in the early 2000s, Jim Rosenberg of Shaheen & Gordon was in the AG’s office. He has been quoted about the Diocese case and how they went to find a victim in order to open the floodgates. Jim Rosenberg represented the State witness, Andrew Thomson, a snitch in the Labrie trial whose mother was legal counsel to Governor Maggie Hassan. The prosecutor admitted in a sidebar to Judge Smukler that the mother of a 15-year-old female had wanted the police to investigate Andrew Thomson for unlawful sexual relationship with her daughter. But within a couple of hours of his interview with the Concord Police he had emailed to sever his relationship with the girl, and he was quoted as a state witness in the affidavit the police used to frame Owen Labrie. His attorney, Jim Rosenberg, laughably claimed Thomson had done nothing wrong. Did Rosenberg, former AG Michael Delaney (representing St Paul’s) and the state prosecutor have a confab? It would appear so judging by the absence of Thomson’s name in the civil suits.

Full exposure of New Hampshire’s cover-up of James F McLaughlin and other police officers involved in sex crimes in New Hampshire will shed light on how sex abuse of minors at the state’s youth detention facilities continued for decades. But it will also shed light on an abhorrent racket to defraud the Diocese and St Paul’s School by framing a priest and a scholarship student to gain access to the institutions and to cover up the evidence by deleting police officer files and via “non-profits” who get kickbacks from civil suits.

Here is an introduction to my research.

The post How Much Is the State of New Hampshire Hiding to Get Away with Gross Misconduct? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Red Wave Math With Mark Levin (Why It Was Never Meant to Be)

Tue, 2022-11-15 20:30 +0000

From Life, Liberty, and Levin, Mark takes a few minutes for post-election analysis to discuss the math behind the 2022 Midterms and the unlikelihood of a sweeping red wave. He also touches on who was predicting it, who they protected, who they threw under the bus, and why 2024 is the year to watch.

And by who, he means the Ruling Class DC insiders in the Republican political establishment.

He’s also got some advice for voters.



The post Red Wave Math With Mark Levin (Why It Was Never Meant to Be) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

To All the Republicans I Triggered

Tue, 2022-11-15 19:00 +0000

I’ve written a lot of op-Eds, but none have elicited the number of responses I incurred from my article titled “Postmortem Analysis of the Red Puddle.” I triggered Republicans, and maybe that’s necessary. We are losing, folks, and if we don’t identify the problem, we can’t fix it.

We want to thank Melissa Blasek for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Eds Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Since losing my election, I wasn’t exactly sure what my next move was, but in the short term, it might be trying to wake up the local Republican base. My goal is to focus us as a party, so we stop being distracted by shiny things.

I seem to have evoked a reaction from three main groups: The Trump die-hards, the election deniers, and the pro-lifers. I have personal friends in all these camps, and my mission isn’t to offend anyone but to force us all to look in the mirror. My observations aren’t the only elements of the larger issue, but I believe they are part of it, and I want us all to put our heads together to see the bigger picture.


Trump may not be the entire problem, but he certainly isn’t the solution, and I am under no obligation to carry water for a man whose antics fundamentally turn off a purple state like NH. I received a lot of replies that were a generalized counter that Trump isn’t responsible for the hell this country is in. I didn’t make this point in my previous article, but since you’re asking, he is very much responsible for the following:

The birth of Covid fascism, where he cowardly handed this country over to evil medical bureaucrats and viciously attacked any governor attempting to buck lockdowns.

The out-of-control spending that resulted in inflation, and Trump punished any Republican who tried to stand in his way (Thomas Massie, for example).

He distracted the base from what really happened in 2020, so we never learned from all of the issues in 2020.

He was the primary GOP fundraiser, but he hoarded the money.

He led with personality instead of policy, resulting in a distraction from policy.

Trump did many good things, and I know that all presidents make mistakes and rarely own up to them, but Trump BRAGS about his failures. If I have to hear his gloating about Warp Speed vaccines again… Trump is a shiny thing, and he is not the second coming who will save us.


I don’t know exactly what happened in 2020 in every corner of this country, but I know this: election fraud isn’t new, and we cannot go another two years talking about machines. Both sides have fixed elections at some level for decades, and we all know it. But here in NH, the obsession with the machines distracted us. The NHGOP was panicked into pacifying the election deniers by focusing energy on “poll challengers” instead of coming up with a real campaign strategy.

We centered in on what was happening inside the polls while the Democrats ran a sophisticated, on-the-ground GOTV strategy to get people to the polls, and they probably laughed at us the entire time. Primary recounts in 2022 were dead on to the machines. But we were so obsessed with the machines we didn’t realize the Democrats were on to their next scheme: same-day registration. Was every person who registered same day legitimate? Maybe yes, maybe no, but this type of fraud isn’t new either. What is new is Republicans completely failed during a midterm year with a disastrous Democrat president.

Believe whatever you’d like, but please recognize there are many issues, not just election integrity. Machines are shiny things.


The last group has been gentle, but persistent. No less than a dozen people sent me this response from the good people at Cornerstone Action: It’s quite true that NH Republicans didn’t attempt to counter the abortion messaging from the left. They ignored it because polling suggested they could, and they didn’t want to be in defense mode.

A positive message Republicans could have employed was to celebrate the 24-week abortion restriction as being popular with the vast majority of the state. I contend this would have worked in any other year, but pro-lifers are failing to see just how monumental the Dobbs decision was to both the fundraising efforts of the left and the emotional response from the general population.

I contend that even the best pro-life message in NH would not have made any difference in the year of Dobbs. Pro-lifers embrace it just as the Democrats embraced Obamacare. They willingly sacrificed an election for Obamacare and their long-term goals. We sacrificed an election for Dobbs and those long-term goals. Take ownership.

Another point, the message of celebrating the 24-week abortion restriction would not have worked on Gen Z or any of the low-information voters I discussed in my previous article. It’s too nuanced of a message. Democrats fed them the line, “Republicans want to ban abortion.” Nothing less than a counter message of “Republicans will never ban abortion” would have worked on these people, and we know that most Republicans could never abandon a platform issue like that.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. We can’t do what we have been doing the last two years and expect to win again. We lost in a year where every historic metric meant we should have won big. Let’s put out heads together, figure out what the Democrats are doing that we are not, and stop being distracted by shiny things.



The post To All the Republicans I Triggered appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Tue, 2022-11-15 17:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









And that’s precisely what it is.  All over, I see references to Covidianism being a religion.  That’s why The Jab is so powerful – it’s a Rite of Passage.









There’s a video out there too:



They’re all singing from the same hymnal.  Here’s my take on what that means:



Available as a bumper sticker.








Pick of the post:



TINVOWOOT.  Like Matt says:



Related, at least to me, are these four pieces I wrote about how nations, and civilizations, collapse – and how they might survive.

Just Give Me Yavneh – Liberty’s Torch (

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 1) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 2) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop







Palate cleansers:



What a wonderful idea!





The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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