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Updated: 11 min 38 sec ago

2022 Election Cycle Leftovers

Fri, 2022-11-18 22:00 +0000

I have this habit, both good and bad depending on your point of view, of being a “tab hoarder”. I just don’t open up a few tabs for posts that I would LIKE to comment on – I have a lot. Right now, probably well over 800. I keep deluding myself that “I’ll get to them…someday”. Problem is, if all I ever did was use those, I wouldn’t have quite as many. Problem is, I’m doing exactly how I describe the writers/Groksters – we are all political activists that happen to have a blogsite. I get involved in local politics and report on them. After all, if it is happening in my town/area, it’s also happening in yours if well (even if the topic is a bit different – same kinds of people, same tactics).

So, this is an “aggregate” post so I can start devolving myself from bunches of stuff that were interesting to me at the time so you might as well. Or not. Almost all of them are going to be about folks who have written about the election results on the Republican side of things: what went wrong, who to hold accountable/blame, rant, observations, comment “rationally”, or something else. Of COURSE, we here at GraniteGrok have already “been at it” (especially Ed), so read/re-read them. Reformatted, emphasis mine:

  • SHOCKER! WaPo Update About Mar-A-Lago Raid Doesn’t Fit the Narrative

…Remember when the FBI raided Trump’s home supposedly looking for “nuclear secrets” a few months back? Guess how that turned out?

Federal agents and prosecutors have come to believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for allegedly taking and keeping classified documents was largely his ego and a desire to hold on to the materials as trophies or mementos, according to people familiar with the matter. In other words, Trump was keeping souvenirs, as everyone else does. That review has not found any apparent business advantage to the types of classified information in Trump’s possession, these people said. FBI interviews with witnesses so far, they said, also do not point to any nefarious effort by Trump to leverage, sell or use the government secrets.

  • Let the Blame Games Begin?

Who or what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms? After all, pundits, politicos, and pollsters all predicted a “red tsunami.” Given such high Republican expectations, the blame game for the loss is as strident and confusing as was the election itself. Here are some of the most common targets of criticism.

  • Abolish ‘Voting Season’ and Bring Back Election Day

Returns are not counted for days. It is intolerable for a modern democracy to wait and wait for all sorts of ballots both cast and counted under radically different and sometimes dubious conditions. The Democrats – with overwhelming media and money advantages – have mastered these arts of massive and unprecedented early, mail-in, and absentee voting. Old-fashioned Republicans count on riling up their voters to show up on Election Day.  But it is far easier to finesse and control the mail-in ballots than to ‘get out the vote.’

  • Video: Kamala Said The Quiet Part Out Loud About The Voter Base That Won Them The Midterms

In the video clip, Harris says: “What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid. That is why we put them in dormitories. And they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions.” Kamala said the quiet part out loud.  She admitted that only stupid people can vote for their agenda!

When President Joe Biden touted the Democrats’ better-than-expected performance in the midterms, he had a special shout-out for young voters: “I especially want to thank the young people of this nation, who I’m told — I haven’t seen the numbers — voted in historic numbers again,” Biden said, “just as they did two years ago.” He wasn’t alone. Other Democrats have praised young voters for helping the party avoid being crushed by a “red wave.” The role of Gen Z and young millennials was crucial.

Young people, when they turn out, seem to strongly favor Democrats — making them a decisive voting bloc that can determine who wins in key races across the country.

  • Don’t Blame Gen Z for Voting Democrat, Blame the People Who Told Them To

Something uncharacteristic happened during the 2022 elections in that the youth actually put its money where its mouth was and turned out to vote. Historically, you could count on Gen Z to do a lot of screaming and yelling about politics but then absolutely fail to turn up at polling locations. This year, they switched it up and came out in force and one in three was voting Democrat.   According to pollster John Della Volpe noted, Gen Z was the dam that stopped the red wave.


Life after Trump. “We can talk about cheating and the fix being in and mail-in votes. We can go on and on about the deep state and the media. We can spend months in denial but the fact is, Americans do not want Donald John Trump to be their president. He did not save the Republican Party. He spent it. . . . I really wanted Trump to come back but I just don’t see it. He’s damaged goods, done in by Barack Obama and the FBI and the Washington media. Chuck Schumer warned Trump on TV two weeks before his inauguration, ‘You take on the intelligence community? They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.’ That is evil. That is unfair. That is the world we live in, for like Sarah Palin, our enemies turned Trump into an albatross. He came so close to bringing Washington down that they now will destroy him, ruin his children and salt his fields because he threatened them.”

  • The biggest winner of election 2022 was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

“The biggest winner of election 2022 was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Four years ago, he carried Florida 50%-49%, by just 32,000 votes, and he has been under repeated attack by the national press for his policies on COVID, concentrating on protecting the elderly and insisting on open schools and outdoor activities, and for a bill forbidding overt sexual material in kindergarten through third grade. His mettle was tested when Hurricane Ian attacked southwest Florida on Sept. 28 at a point not predicted by meteorologists (weather experts have improved greatly in recent decades but aren’t perfect). He got the Pine Island bridge repaired within three days and the Sanibel Island bridge repaired in three weeks rather than the predicted three months. He didn’t just promise to build things — he delivered. This year, DeSantis won reelection by 19 points, a 1,506,000-vote margin, in the state that George W. Bush carried in 2000 by a 537-vote margin after 35 days of recounts and litigation.”

  • This Explains the Lack of a Red Wave More Than Anything Else.

All the fundamentals were in the Republicans’ favor, yet while the GOP is still on track to win the majority in the House and maybe eke out a 51-seat majority in the Senate, the red wave many of us were expecting didn’t happen. There are many theories about why the elections played out as they have. Many believe it was a lack of quality candidates, or the issue of abortion, or even Donald Trump. But on Wednesday, Tucker Carlson of Fox News offered his explanation for the Republican Party’s dismal midterm election results despite a favorable environment — and it makes perfect sense.

[T]he mechanics of an election. They matter. In fact, they matter sometimes more than any individual running in the election. The way people vote makes a big difference to the outcome,” he explained.

Indeed – Getting voters to vote matters.  For decades the Democrats have their “constant campaign” and their year ’round Get Out The Vote efforts. I’ve complained to Republicans for over a decade that the Rs don’t.  This year, I’m blaming NH GOP Chair Stepanek and Tucker. Fall on your swords.  And your replacement better take note.  Same message to the subsidiary Committees (County, City, Town) as well. Well, let’s keep going – with the blunt Sara Hoyt:

We’ll open by quoting Wy Knot from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, by way of an opening: Oh, you ROCKHEADS. You DESERVE TO STARVE!  I’ve been wanting to say that for a day and a half. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get something else out of the way.

So, I [Ian Bruene] think this is my distillation of lessons from the midterms (written as speaking to a generic audience):

  1. Iowa and Florida did the hard work to clean up voting. They had blowout victories.
  2. Guam doesn’t have voting power. Thus not worth frauding. They had a blowout victory.
  3. Iowa had tons of abortion, reeeeeee campaigning. The result was to turn redder.

From that we can make some conclusions:

  1. It’s the fraud. Anyone who is taking the abortion talking point can kindly stuff it.
  2. It’s the fraud. If you aren’t interested in doing the hard local work to clean it up, you aren’t interested in winning.
  3. We have a mild win. Why are y’all casting it as the defeat to end all defeats? I don’t care how much of a losing fetish you have. If you must indulge it hire a dominatrix and do it in private.

To this I’d add two notes: there are contests still undecided. By doing the normal GOP and GOPe bullshit of going “Oh, this is perfectly legit with just a bit of fraud” you are ensuring those contests are frauded dem. And that we lose the Senate.

  • Jen Psaki Casually Admits That Dems Peddle Socialism

After many polls had already closed on Tuesday night, former Biden administration press secretary Jen Psaki implied that Democrats support socialism. Democrats lost a huge amount of Latino support in Florida becausesocialism does not play there,” Psaki tweeted, saying “the Latino vote is not the same everywhere.”

We may not have this here in New Hampshire NOW but you wait – if the Dems take the NH House via recounts, you can be sure they will be trying to enact it:

  • Republicans need to figure out mail-in voting: It’s being used by Democrats to influence the course of elections.

What was the determinative fix in the 2022 midterm elections? Early, mostly mail-in, voting. It is perfectly legal. But it undermines a fair and open electoral process. Were I a Democrat, I might even say that it “threatens our democracy.” Why? Because it allows for the wholesale manipulation of the vote. It also dilutes the integrity of an election by transforming it from an event into a process.

I should add that “mail-in ballots” is an equivocal term. It can mean different things in different contexts and in different states. The practice is obviously open to more interference and manipulation than same-day voting is. So extra safeguards must be put in place and scrupulously followed if such interference and manipulation is to be avoided. Some states do this. Florida is a good example. Other states do not. Apparently, about 1.4 million people asked for mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. Around the same number voted early by mail in Arizona, compared to just shy of half a million on Election Day. Were all such ballots carefully checked to ascertain the identity and eligibility of the person casting the vote?

The real issue is that the wholesale practice of early or mail-in voting makes a mockery of elections.

Another Democrat trope just vanished – it was ALWAYS just a Democrat meme to get out their voters even as they KNEW it was a lie.

  • The Other Imaginary Red Wave

We have been through this hysteria before. Predictions of right-wing violence are now a standard feature of Democratic rhetoric. In the lead-up to January 6, 2022 (the one-year anniversary of the 2021 Capitol riot), the media, politicians, and the Biden national-security apparatus warned that “domestic violent extremists” were likely to strike again. Washington, D.C., was reportedly on edge in anticipation of the MAGA rebels. As it turned out, January 6, 2022, was notable only for the maudlin theatrics of newly patriotic Democrats, who softly sang “God Bless America” in a candlelight vigil on the Capitol steps, as calm engulfed them.

During the previous year, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Homeland Security had issued regular warnings about election-denying terrorism. The summer of 2021, August 2021, September 2021—all provoked a satisfying increase in alerts and in precautionary barricades and bollards. And still, the right-wing terrorists did not strike.

And we never do.

  • White House Report Card: National division is a win for Biden

This week’s White House Report Card finds President Joe Biden leading what now appears to be a permanently divided nation. Despite his promises of unity, voters this week stuck with their team, the Republicans unable to bring over enough independents and Democrats to prove that their message and that of MAGA are dominant and liberals holding on with the help of single women and younger voters.


People didn’t show up where people needed to show up to flip races. Oh, they showed up elsewhere. You’ll hear about the “national popular vote,” the total number of votes cast for each party. Republicans received almost 52 million votes, Democrats only around 47 million. It’s an interesting stat that means absolutely nothing.

For the past few cycles, Democrats were roundly mocked by conservatives for citing how they’d won the NPV, as they should have been, so it can’t be a source of comfort now. Everyone knows where the votes are needed. If the candidates, campaigns, and party can’t work within that reality they deserve to lose.

Well. Plus: “That being said, the real problem for Republicans was Lindsey Graham. The senior Senator from South Carolina, for reasons known only to him, decided to introduce a nationwide 15-week abortion ban in September. Think what you will of the concept, it was a stupid strategic move.”

Extremely so.  And it didn’t hurt for the Democrats having this TREMENDOUS “bait and switch” for the Gen Z-ers:

  • Biden’s illegal student-loan bailout bought off Gen Z — and staved off a red wave

Republicans are not so giddy, to say the least. When analyzing what went wrong, the GOP shouldn’t overlook how President Joe Biden blatantly bribed some young voters to save him from the red wave — and they don’t even need the cash.

That’s right: The kids actually did show up to vote this time around. Per the Edison Research National Election Pool’s exit polling, 27% of eligible voters aged 18 to 29 cast ballots. That makes this the second-highest youth turnout in a midterm in nearly 30 years. And Edison estimates that in key competitive states, the youth turnout was even higher, around 31%.

It’s amusing that the Democrats keep kvetching that low income Republican never vote their “self-interest” by voting for Democrats. What, getting your student debt wiped out ISN’T in their self-interest?  But the Dems lied – they knew it would never happen just like the “right-wing violence” they are always using to dupe voters. They knew that the court system would kill it – but as former US Senate President Harry Reid (D-Nevada) said about his lying from the Senate well that Romney didn’t pay his taxes during the Presidential race – “it worked” as planned (Romney, as if I had to remind you, lost to Obama).

You know, like GAC Commissioners Douglas Lambert and Jade Wood kept saying that Gunstock would close forever. They led the low information voters on, too, just like the Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC wanted.

  • Rays of Hope (abstracted)
    • Gridlock in Washington.
    • Republicans drew many more votes than Democrats.
    • Republicans won every age group over 30. Of course, we got clobbered among young people. But at least we know where we need to concentrate our efforts.
    • Republicans made substantial gains with minorities.
    • The Democrats can’t get men to vote for them.
    • The Democrats can’t rely on abortion forever. Can they? I think it is fair to say that Dobbs, while correct, cost Republicans the election….
    • Goodbye, Trump.

In my view, the strangest thing about the midterm election is how rigidly it preserved the status quo.

  • Michael Savage Suggests ‘Enemy Within’ GOP Doomed Midterms with Timing of Roe Ruling


  • The Modern Electioneering Process of “Ballot Submission Assistance” is Taking Center Stage

If CTH had a small part in helping people to reset their reference points around modern electioneering, well, that’s a good thing. The difference between “ballots” and “votes” is previously explained {SEE HERE} and absolutely critical to understand before moving forward. Thankfully a large percentage of conservatives, intellectually honest independents and even some establishment republican donors have read our research and are now starting to have the ‘votes‘ vs ‘ballots‘ conversation.  That understanding is critical, because any conversation that does not accurately identify and accept the problem is futile.

  • “Candidate Quality”

In Senator Mitch McConnell’s infamous quote on candidate quality, Adam Laxalt, the GOP challenger to Catherine Cortez Masto still makes for a Trump-endorsed outlier. The fact is, he almost won, he could have won, and it proves he wasn’t a bad candidate, although I’m willing to argue Captain Sam Brown, who got fleeced in the primary, would have done better. And, Masto proponents knew it. Insiders know of instances where Democrats concerned with losing the vulnerable Masto seat re-registered as Republicans to cast votes for Laxalt in the primary, afraid to face Captain Sam Brown. I know it happened, I was told so as a boast by a contact close to Masto’s campaign. My response was, “Doesn’t that violate the spirit of the closed primary?” Of course, it does. They just don’t care.


  • There’s Plenty Of GOP Blame To Go Around, But One Person Deserves More Than Others

Well, that sucked. And the hits keep on coming. One of the favorite pastimes of the political class is finger-pointing – when a candidate bombs the fingers come out, mostly because the alternative would be to take some responsibility themselves. In the case of the 2022 election, there is plenty of blame to go around as there was a whole lot of feces hitting a very powerful fan. Pretty much everyone got hit with their share of splatter.  Trump supporters blame Mitch McConnell, and non-Trump supporters blame Trump. But where does most of the blame belong? Honestly, everywhere…That being said, the real problem for Republicans was Lindsey Graham




The post 2022 Election Cycle Leftovers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Speaker Maxwell Re-names Herself Miss America

Fri, 2022-11-18 20:30 +0000

Ahem. On November 17, GraniteGrok published two articles of mine. The one on Karoline Leavitt has got all the attention, while the hotter-than-hot one slipped away. Here it is, it’s about me trying to become Speaker of the US House.

I suppose I shouldn’t have announced my running for Speaker of the House with reference to the British Westminster system (photo of Big Ben). So today I am trying a new approach to get your attention. I am calling myself Miss America. Let me explain. (And it’s got nothing to do with the swimsuit competition, K?)

I had sent the Grokkers a video of me announcing my availability for the job of Speaker of the House. The video was made on September 8, 2022, before Nancy Pelosi showed any sign of quitting. In a recent email, I asked Skip to give me his opinion of the video. Apparently, he did not know that I was asking him to discuss it with me, so he went ahead and published it.

I suddenly found myself very happy. No further hopping from foot to foot, trying to decide whether to “announce.” It’s out there now, and I’ve spent the last 24 hours play-acting the role of Speaker.

(Quick summary of my article: it is perfectly legal for the House members on January 3 to choose any human being as their Speaker. I offer my services. I will conduct the proceedings of the House with no partisanship whatsoever. The US Constitution does not recognize the creature known as Party.)

I picture myself answering questions from MSM interviewers regarding my “campaign” for the speakership. (Note: one can only campaign to the 435 members of the House of Reps.)

CNN: People are worried about the price of gasoline. What will you do to help?

Mary Maxwell: Nothing.

PBS: In your book “Boston’s Marathon Bombing,” you say that the judge, in that case, should be impeached. Will you act on that when you become Speaker?

Mary Maxwell: Of course not.

CBS News: Will you be supporting the Trump “MAGA” idea?

Mary Maxwell: It doesn’t matter.

Associated Press: How do you feel about Mitch McConnell?

Mary Maxwell: It’s none of your business.

See, when I am Speaker of the House, I will be neutral on everything except the business aspects of running the day’s session of the legislature. Adjournments, amendments, debating time, roll call, asking the Sergeant at Arms to kick smokers out of the gallery, whatever is in my bailiwick. I can express no position on gasoline, abortion, or the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband. Although in real life, I’m a registered Republican, I will be party-less to the nth degree.

My goal is to stop the belief, which has developed only in the 21st century, that Congress is run by the party in power and, indeed, by the one leader of that Party. THAT’S the Westminster system. In a Westminster country, such as Australia, where I lived for more than 30 years, a Labor Party prime minister can enact a new law without parliamentary discussion since all MPs of his Party must obey him.

It’s a horrible joke on our Founding Fathers to imitate that here, and I say it can be gotten rid of in one fell swoop. I say the US House of Reps shouldn’t have a partisan Speaker. Goodbye, partisan Speaker, hello, open arguments on every subject. Remember relying on reason instead of on scoring points in the red/blue game? Huh? Remember that?

The New Miss America

So what’s with the Miss America title? you can blame Skip, editor of, who took me off guard by publishing the video. I could suddenly picture myself in this new role of neutrality, and what an unanticipated feeling of joy I got from it! I imagined myself shouting Americanism instead of Republicanism. I imagined people being able to come to me with their concerns and not expect to have to tiptoe around ideological doctrines.

Ideology — out!

Please know that I don’t oppose the contents of my Party’s doctrine. Have you read my newest book “Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover”? It’s extremely American. Good American stuff, great American stuff. How unbelievably lucky we are to have the Constitution.

I was born in Boston in 1947. To our generation, the Baby boomers, American ideals were as real as the flora and fauna. They WERE the flora and fauna. I think they ARE the flora and fauna.

Law is the main thing. To have good law, and a huge nation of supporters of that law (we number 320 million at the moment) is the key to overcoming chaos, on the one hand, or regimentation by a dictator on the other.

The message we Baby boomers are holding for you is that it can be done because WE ALREADY SAW IT BEING DONE. Don’t let your old grandparents go until they’ve explained this to you. We had a fine system and there is no reason for it to go to the garbage can.

Many of us can see that it’s on its way to the garbage can, AND we know the particulars causes of that ridiculous journey. Sure, it’s hard to get the word out about that, since it entails criticism of individual power-holders, but we do have strength against that, in law. Furthermore, it IS THE FAULT OF ALL OF US to have let things proceed so far. Garbage-can city is nigh.

Ah, just as I was writing this (pre-noon Nov 18), a notification came in that Kamala Harris and Jeb Bush have each announced a 2024 run for the White House. Dear People, don’t allow media for the next two years to take up your time with “personality” elections. In fact, don’t allow them to take up your time at all. A new president is not the key to our survival. WE ARE THAT KEY.

Note: Before the 2020 primary, David Thistle of Texas offered to be the receiver of applications for the presidential job. Each person (age 35 and up, USA born) need only write a page as to his/her qualifications. Atta boy, Thistle. You tell ’em!

And a friend has just called me to say that a GETTR person is recruiting Trump for Speaker in 2023 (my job). Jeepers, I don’t think he has the necessary Miss America restraint, but at least it would start some chat on the subject.

Anyone wanting to blather about this, please show up at my humble abode on Sunday November 20 at 2pm. I need RSVP-ing: Also, please check back at this article’s Comments for any changes. I live at 175 Loudon Road, Apt 6, in, by the grace of God, Concord NH. It’s in the back row of buildings, on the far left. You can park behind it, or at Windmill Restaurant which closes Sundays at 3.

Everyone welcome, including Demonrats.

“We are an equal-opportunity bunch of cockeyed optimists.” [Blame Skip! He started this!]



The post Speaker Maxwell Re-names Herself Miss America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – So Much for Russian Sanctions, eh?

Fri, 2022-11-18 19:00 +0000

And look at which European nations are trying to have it both ways:

(H/T: Powerline)

The post Data Point – So Much for Russian Sanctions, eh? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2022-11-18 17:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature.

Here’s my latest essay – yes, GG, working on one for here – over at Tommy Robinson’s place.  I call out my Jewicidal Yidiot fellow Jews for their migrant-philia (and, peripherally, for ther SJW-dom in general):

An Open Letter to Pro-Migration / SJW Jews – Urban Scoop


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









But that would require a sense of honor and decency and morality.  From the Left?  BWAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA!





A thing cannot be A and NOT A simultaneously.  This is an exceedingly effective meme.








My vote for execution method?  A dose of their own “medicine” every 15 minutes.  We could put betting pools on how fast, from the first injection, they have their heart attack and SADS.








Pick of the post:

Out of all these, excellent one and all, I find this to be the most central: The State is about to test, and then doubtless implement, a way to track and keep a permanent record of every single financial transaction you have.  And what truly terrifies me, especially related to the future of liberty, is how few care.





I was explaining property taxes to my kids and how, even if we have no mortgage and own our home outright, if we don’t pay property taxes every year the State can come in and take our property.  Both were outraged, my older one said Taxation is theft! (to which I smiled and thought “My work here is done”)… and said that we then don’t actually own the land.




Palate Cleansers:



Time-lapse photography of the moon moving through Earth’s shadow on election day.




Persepolis, the capital of the Persian Empire.  Sacked by Alexander.  Been there, hope someday to go back.  Magnificent.



The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Parents in SAU34 Calling On Superintendent and School Board to Stop Teaching Children to Have Sex With Adults

Fri, 2022-11-18 16:00 +0000

This post has gone viral in New Hampshire. Parents are fed up with schools grooming and sexualizing their children. This isn’t about a difference in opinions on a book. This is about sexually explicit material and photos being shared with children through the Sora App.

Parents in the school district are calling upon Jennifer Crawford and members of the School Board to stop teaching children how to have sex with adults. From the obscene and pornographic content available to children, there is no other way to describe this.




For more information:


The post Parents in SAU34 Calling On Superintendent and School Board to Stop Teaching Children to Have Sex With Adults appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

In “Speech” About Post-Speaker Plans Pelosi “Admits” She is an Election Denier

Fri, 2022-11-18 14:30 +0000

Soon-to-again-be-former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the opportunity of being back in the minority to deliver a lengthy word salad about her plans moving forward. Blah, Blah, Blah, and oh, by the way, she admitted to being an election denier.

In the speech, she says,


But it has been my privilege to play a part in forging extraordinary progress for the American people.  I have enjoyed working with three Presidents, achieving:

Historic investments in clean energy with President George Bush.


Transformative health care reform with President Barack Obama.


And forging the future – from infrastructure to health care to climate action – with President Joe Biden.



Pelosi served under four presidents, and by leaving Donald Trump out, she reaffirms the Democrat’s long-running election denial street cred. He was not her president and not legitimate.

In other words, she denies that you elected him and has reaffirmed the party position – or at least hers – that she is still an election denier five years later.

Nancy Pelosi is an election denier and, having been reelected, will continue in some capacity that involves her mouth in front of a microphone and her face in front of a camera. After serving the People’s Republic of China for this long – or at least its agenda – we should not expect her to step away from the bright lights until whatever lord to whom she pretends to pray takes her from this earth.

Lucky us.


The post In “Speech” About Post-Speaker Plans Pelosi “Admits” She is an Election Denier appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

November BCRC: General Members Only Meeting – Charges against Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert (Misogynist Behavior)

Fri, 2022-11-18 13:00 +0000

In addition to charges brought against Gregg Hough by the Belknap County Republican Committee’s Executive Committee for “behavior unbecoming” (attempting to disrupt the October meeting by two now named men trying to get the Editor of the Weirs Times to cancel his invitation to be the keynote speaker to the BCRC at the last possible moment so as to cast disrepute upon the EC in an on-going action), there was a second issue concerning Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert for “unwanted touching”, also during the October meeting – a criminal misdemeanor.  Which, if GraniteGrok hadn’t been there to report on the meeting, would have gone unnoticed – and that has made GraniteGrok a target (heh – “there can be no opposition allowed”).

Here is the ‘Grok’s reporting of the November meeting where Douglas Lambert was confronted with the charges:

The General Membership voted to remove Douglas’s BCRC General Membership status after viewing the embedded video from the three different camera angles.  Be warned – audio is very soft from the backward facing camera. The next two angles are far better.

I was sent an email accusing me, simply for providing the video of an assault (no matter how “slight” that’s what the Law has defined):

I don’t have to ruin anyone’s life – Douglas did a fine job of doing that to himself that fateful day 15 years ago – because of his own actions, done voluntarily, he had almost everything taken from him. I don’t have to destroy Douglas – his own words did it before and now his actions have done it again.  REMEMBER!  I defended him for all these years for calling Ray Buckley [the NH Democrat Party Chair] a faggot on the video stream I had constructed for our radio show on WEMJ when it was technically HARD to do so. And he threw it all away as he danced on the political high-wire when he did so. And the cancel crowd came for him with tar, feathers, and pitchforks when he fell off. They PULLED him off that wire and there was nothing I could do about it.

And now he has done it again:

  • I did not force him to get out of his chair at last month’s BCRC meeting – he did that voluntarily
  • I did not force him to go over and confront her – he did that voluntarily
  • I did not force him to reach to grab for her phone – he did that voluntarily
  • I did not force him to position himself in front of her to block/grab her view/phone – he did that voluntarily
  • I did not force him to look to his left and then to his right to ensure he was in position to do just that – he did that voluntarily
  • I did not force him to look back to his right to watch her move to get away from him to continue to do what she was doing – he did that voluntarily
  • I did not force him, upon him seeing her moving to his right, to dip his shoulder, flick out his right elbow, and physically initiate a contact that was impermissible – he did that voluntarily.

Much of my blogging is based on one premise – simply quote someone else’s words or write about their actions. Add some commentary. If people didn’t say stupid things or do stupid things, I’d have much, MUCH less to write about. Douglas just did both.

He was the one that ended our friendship – I don’t like getting screamed  (re: your pictures of Douglas showing his anger (and evil) that I pulled down once I found out they were your IP) for asking a simple question: why do the same to others what was done to you?  You were there – you most likely read my post and watched the video. That video and his behavioral told me that our friendship had just ended.

A simple answer would have sufficed – instead, he lost control of himself.  My friend made it clear that he wasn’t my friend any longer – he did that voluntarily. He voluntarily became just another politician. An inconsistent one.

The kind of one that put himself back up on his high-wire act again thinking he was invincible and he could do whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted. Why not – he had just destroyed two decent men, Ness and Strang, for simply being on the “other side” and to get what he wanted. He believed no one could now challenge him.  Been there, done that.

Remember, I already lived through this before – and had to suffer through the aftermath of what he had done.  I am not going to allow a lady to suffer the aftermath of an unwanted touching – an intimidation which was his INTENT.  The video that was presented to the BCRC showed that from 3 camera angles.

He did that voluntarily. I, like you do with your still photography, merely captured those moments in time. As you said earlier, YOU said that you respect me even if I’m on the other side at times – and I return that to you as well.

I also had prepared this for last week’s meeting – a bit more personal:

Enough of your JR High running for class president promising coke machines in every corner and ½ days for school, Douglas – your schtick is starting wear quite thin.

Once again, you’re on that political high wire that led you to fall off when you called NH DP Chair Ray Buckley a faggot at the end our Saturday show that was also his birthday and you received national condemnation. But that wasn’t the first time – nor, I bet, the last.

I am the son of an Irish drunk and the father of an addict (101st in Afghanistan) – I know how the addicted behave. Not that your’s is chemically induced but it IS Politically induced.

Remember your “Lug Nutz” remarks aimed at the Laconia fire Chief in your weekly column, Douglas, in the Sun? And others? And others during on Meet The New Press show? You lost everything and you retired telling me that you had to find your soul.

It took years for you to get to that point – and years of recovery from that fall. Now like all addicts falling off the wagon, you’re back to the same place but, like other addicts, it only took mere months to return to it.

I saw you cavorting and prancing at the Citizens for Belknap booth at Gilford Old Home day wearing that Democrat PAC’s T-shirt. You know, the Democrat PAC that called for Gregg Hough to be defeated? Gosh, you didn’t say much about that a couple meetings ago, did you, when you called GraniteGrok out for doing so – nor Sununu either? Yes, I saw you prancing around with that loopy, goofy smile that tells me you’re high on your politics.

You know, the same one that you had when you maneuvered the Gilford Selectmen to fire Evans Juris as Town Adminisrator? That same one as you writhed in laughter calling out Buckley?

The same one when you finally sat down from berating me for simply asking why have you were “canceling” both Ness and Strang even as it had been done to you, used your grandson as a political pawn, finally realized that you had lost control of yourself, and then sat down quite satisfied with yourself (video posted)?

BTW, Douglas, you said that local businesses would suffer if SoulFest didn’t happen this past summer (yet a political put up). NOW what are you going to tell them now that Tom Day’s months long legal efforts to break the SoulFest contract (I’ve posted the legal billing records) and there is no SoulFest at in the future? You never mentioned THAT effort, either, did you?

And in watching you demogoging the politically unsophisticated over and over with RESIGN! RESIGN! YOU HAVE VIOLATED YOUR OATHS! With same smile afterwards. Knowing that they didn’t know the foundations, the crowds had no clue, and you were using them as political tools.

The people here, however, are MUCH more politically aware and aren’t going to fall for that.

So here’s their Oaths both as stated in the NH Constitution and the GAC Bylaws – let me read them.

[Art.] 84. [Oath of Civil Officers.] Any person chosen governor, councilor, senator, or representative, military or civil officer, (town officers excepted) accepting the trust, shall, before he proceeds to execute the duties of his office, make and subscribe the following declaration, viz.

I, A.B. do solemnly swear, that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the United States of America and the state of New Hampshire, and will support the constitution thereof. So help me God.

I, A.B. do solemnly and sincerely swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all duties incumbent on me as …………………………………………., according to the best of my abilities, agreeably to the rules and regulations of this constitution and laws of the state of New Hampshire. So help me God.

Any person having taken and subscribed the oath of allegiance, and the same being filed in the secretary’s office, he shall not be obliged to take said oath again.

Provided always, when any person chosen or appointed as aforesaid shall be of the denomination called Quakers, or shall be scrupulous of swearing, and shall decline taking the said oaths, such person shall take and subscribe them, omitting the word “swear,” and likewise the words “So help me God,” subjoining instead thereof, “This I do under the pains and penalties of perjury.”
June 2, 1784

Tell me, Douglas (and Jade Wood who did the same thing – HOW did they violate their Oaths of Office?  No, you don’t know – but you didn’t care, either.

IMHO, even if you are not officially part of the CfB, you certainly are in league with them – and being the student of Machiavelli, took advantage of the “opportunity” for your own personal benefit.

Congratulations – you learned EVAH so much for being on High Wire the first time, you just HAD to do it again.

Since you are the “Big Guy” behind the Bastion – who IS your money guy bankrolling it?  Who IS on the Steering Committee of the CfB that calls out others to be “transparent” but refuse to do so themselves?

That’s not what non-partisan groups do, right Douglas?

Oh, and there’s more but I’ll wait on that.






The post November BCRC: General Members Only Meeting – Charges against Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert (Misogynist Behavior) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did The COP 27 Climate Cult Promise Indonesia 20 Billion so It Could Buy Coal from China?

Fri, 2022-11-18 11:30 +0000

I guess Indonesia has a thriving steel industry. I didn’t know that. What I do know is that you can’t make steel without coal. I also know – thanks to PJ Media – that the COP27 Green Junkies are offering Indonesia 20 billion to give up coal. Smiling, fingers crossed behind their back, Indonesia says 20 billion? Sure!

Related: Trying to Replace Fossil Fuels With Solar Will Require Burning a Sh!tload of Coal

I suspect the deal has as many holes in it as the Paris Climate Scam and almost as many players.


 According to the press release/fact sheet, a coalition of nations all signed on to the Just Energy Transition Partnership. Those nations include “the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (GOI) and the Governments of Japan, the United States of America, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Norway, the Republic of Italy, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (together the “International Partners Group” or IPG).”

I don’t see Ukraine, where we’ve spent a good deal of taxpayers’ money increasing that nation’s carbon footprint under the color of a proxy war with Russia.

I guess that’s not a climate concern, but they have agreed that the net zero lie is so important that it must be achieved at any cost (they can make you and your ancestors pay). Part of that plan includes offering a buffet of ways to funnel 20 billion dollars to the Muslims in Indonesia to get them off their coal habit.


“To achieve these targets, this long-term partnership intends to mobilize an initial $20 billion in public and private financing over a three-to-five-year period, using a mix of grants, concessional loans, market-rate loans, guarantees, and private investments. “



It’s a lot of money, but not for Indonesia. Their Annual GDP is over 1 trillion, a large chunk of which is manufacturing, Construction, and mining. They’ll need coal. You can’t make steel without it – and that’s the actual steel. You also need the energy to fabricate what you made into something you can use. Is the 20 billion so they can start buying steel from China?

China is committed to opening more coal plants. They’ll need the energy to make all these solar panels and wind turbines the rest of the world is being told to buy. Maybe Indonesia can sell their coal to China – I didn’t read the agreement so maybe selling it is still okay- and then China can use it to make things they sell back to Indonesia.

China is the world leader in “emissions,” with few, if any, environmental limitations. And they’ve no plans to cop a feel for western enviro-elites appetitive for self-destruction.

That says a lot about their commitment to the greening of the planet. Or maybe it says China owns all these assh*les, who are happy to bilk their citizens for a dead-end transition whose result is a world run by China or like China, which would be ugly, dirty, nasty, and brutish.

Everyone would have to wear face masks.

On a bright note, one thing they can do – facemasks – is filter out more substantial particles in the air that would follow in a world run by China. Or one where hundreds of private jets travel to a climate conference to discuss offshoring taxpayers’ wealth to Marxists in exchange for …personal wealth from China.

If the elites are not careful, the new world order will look more like the French Revolution.

A world lit by candles where even the sheep figure it out they’ve been screwed over.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Power of Hate – George Orwell, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”

Fri, 2022-11-18 02:30 +0000

Hate, one of the strongest human emotions, is a powerful societal force that has been effectively manipulated throughout history by evil leaders to increase their own power.

We want to thank Arlene R. Quaratiello for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Hate, which breeds divisiveness, polarization, and an egregiously toxic “us vs. them” attitude, is what led to the rise of such totalitarian leaders as Lenin, Hitler, and Mao Zedong.  While Lenin’s followers despised the “bourgeoisie” class of capitalists and Mao similarly blamed capitalism for all the world’s problems, Hitler claimed that the Jews were responsible for all that was wrong in society.

Once these infamous leaders successfully convinced their followers that allegiance to a corrupt regime would ensure prosperity and protection from their supposed adversaries, ultimate power was within their grasp as they created such real-world dystopias as Marxist Russia, Nazi Germany, and Communist China.

As if historical precedents are not enough to convince society today that the emergence of widespread baseless hatred is a warning against potential tyranny, dystopian literature also offers clear indications that the gratuitous stirring up of hatred is a fear-mongering tactic intended only to increase the power of tyrants.

The insidious power of hate is most clearly reflected in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, which portrays the regime of Oceania as being in a constant state of war with either Eastasia or Eurasia.  It really doesn’t matter which “superstate” is portrayed as the enemy as long as there is an adversary that can be hated, regardless of whether Oceania is actually at war with either one of these supposed enemies.

Julia, the female protagonist in the novel, suggests that the so-called war, scenes from which are constantly displayed on television screens, might actually be a false narrative created by the “Inner Party” (Oceania’s corrupt leaders) to stir up powerful feelings of hatred among the people. Julia believes that “the war was not happening. The rocket bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the Government of Oceania itself, ‘just to keep people frightened’.”.

Adding validity to this “false flag” belief is a forbidden book supposedly written by Emmanuel Goldstein, the contrived nemesis of Big Brother, in which he reveals that the goal of the Party is for society to be in “a continuous frenzy of hatred of foreign enemies.”

Goldstein’s book also points out that this “frenzy of hatred” would be fomented by the condemnation of “internal traitors.”  Goldstein himself becomes “the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party’s purity,” as the Inner Party has the brilliant idea to use a human face as an object of hate to emotionally stir up the people even more strongly.

There is no particular reason to hate this man who was actually “advocating freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom of assembly, freedom of thought.”  Nevertheless, he becomes the embodiment of all that society should despise as he is constantly portrayed by the media as the “Enemy of the People…the renegade and backslider who once…had been one of the leading figures of the Party, almost on a level with Big Brother himself, and then had engaged in counterrevolutionary activities.”

This toxic and powerful emotion of hate is ritualized on a daily basis in Nineteen Eighty-Four during the “Two Minutes Hate” and further celebrated with an annual festival called “Hate Week.”  As the specific target of hate designated by the Inner Party to further its false narrative, the constant on-screen image of Goldstein effectively stirs up the negative emotions of the crowds of Outer Party members, motivating them to swear allegiance even more strongly to Oceania’s figurehead Big Brother. Their baseless hatred is a divisive force that ultimately increases the power of their current regime.

During the daily “Two Minutes Hate” ritual that takes place in the “Ministry of Truth” and throughout the state of Oceania, Goldstein is shown onscreen “delivering his usual venomous attack upon the doctrines of the Party,” but the narrator goes on to explain that this is “an attack so exaggerated and perverse that a child should have been able to see through it, and yet just plausible enough to fill one with an alarmed feeling that other people, less level-headed than oneself, might be taken in by it.”  Thus, the reader is given the first indication that this media portrayal of Goldstein may be inaccurate.  The brainwashing tactics of the Inner Party are, nevertheless, highly effective, as the narrator goes on to observe that “the sight or even the thought of Goldstein produced fear and anger automatically.”

The psychological control of the people that is accomplished through this ritual is obvious as Orwell writes, “The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was…that it was impossible to avoid joining in.” He goes on to describe the terrifying effects of this psychological manipulation: “A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledgehammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one’s will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion.”

As history has shown us, such visceral feelings circulating through unhinged mobs can be harnessed by totalitarian regimes to achieve their desired objectives.  This situation is reflected in Orwell’s novel as his protagonist, Winston Smith, despite his own hatred of Big Brother, succumbs during the daily Two Minutes Hate to “self-hypnosis, a deliberate drowning of consciousness” during which he “could not help sharing in the general delirium.”

While in his normal emotional state, he considered that Goldstein might actually be the “sole guardian of truth and sanity in a world of lies,” during this strange workday break ritual, “he was at one with the people about him, and all that was said of Goldstein seemed to him to be true. At those moments, his secret loathing of Big Brother changed into adoration, and Big Brother seemed to tower up, an invincible, fearless protector” while Goldstein “seemed like some sinister enchanter, capable by the mere power of his voice of wrecking the structure of civilization.” Neither is Julia, who sometimes questioned the Inner Party’s narrative, immune to the effects of the Two Minutes Hate.  In fact, she shouts more loudly than anyone even though she “had only the dimmest idea of who Goldstein was and what doctrines he was supposed to represent.”

In addition to this powerful daily ritual, an annual Hate Week lies at the center of the Party’s agenda. Preparation for Hate Week includes the innocuous planning of “Processions, meetings, military parades, lectures, waxworks, displays, film shows, telescreen programmes” that makes this sound like any political event, but the narrator also observes more insidious preparatory activities, including “effigies built… rumors circulated, photographs faked” in order to ridicule and discredit Goldstein.

Towards the end of the novel, as Winston is being tortured by Inner Party member O’Brien, he is asked what his true feelings are for Big Brother. Winston declares, “I hate him,” to which O’Brien responds, “Then the time has come for you to take the last step. You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him: you must love him.”  In this dystopian society, allegiance masquerades as love, and the only way for Big Brother to attain more of this finite resource is to increase the amount of hatred directed towards his opponent Emanual Goldstein

Hate is one of the most powerful human emotions and, as such, often defies logic.  In fact, it can sometimes be very difficult for those who hate someone to clearly explain the reasons for their antipathy.  This is especially true when it comes to a demonized political figure.  This lack of logic should therefore serve as a red flag revealing the manipulative psychological methods of corrupt leaders who value power over truth.

To avoid the totalitarian sort of state that Orwell warns us about, we should be most wary when hatred towards an oppositional political figure seems to have no logical basis. Is it fomented by vague bad feelings and references to egregious past actions on the part of the hated political figure that have not been proven to have actually happened?  If so, the most likely source of this hatred is the sort of brainwashing techniques utilized not only by the fictitious dystopian leaders portrayed in Nineteen Eighty-Four but also by numerous historical figures, including Lenin, Hitler, and Mao Zedong.

In order to avoid repeating the horrible mistakes of the past, we must learn from these historical and literary precedents and recognize that our current leaders are likely using the same tactics.



This article is the most recent by newly elected State Representative Arlene Quaratiello on her Substack newsletter “Nowhere? Lessons from Utopia and Dystopia” in which she shares “ideas from utopian and dystopian literature and film that can prevent America from becoming a dystopia and instead help our country to become ‘a more perfect union.'”

The post The Power of Hate – George Orwell, “Nineteen Eighty-Four” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

On January 1st, 2023 Vermont Will Legislate Even More Jobs Out of Existence

Fri, 2022-11-18 01:00 +0000

Good news for New Hampshire. Vermont’s next mandatory minimum wage hike is set to go off on January 1st, 2023. That means fewer jobs and job creators across the river, a few of whom will consider jumping the border to set up shop in New Hampshire.

Related: Just in Time to Make Things Cost More…Vermont Hikes Minimum Wage.

That sword does, of course, have two edges. They might bring their politics with them. That’s been a problem for years. It is why the Left side of New Hampshire is more like Vermont. To Quote Woody from Toy Story, “someone poisoned the water hole.” It’s a fight we could lose – the 2022 midterms come to mind. But for now, the Blue Green Mountain State knows how much an hour of labor should cost, and you damn well better pay it.


VermontBiz The Vermont Department of Labor has announced an increase to the State’s minimum wage. Beginning January 1, 2023, the State’s minimum wage will become $13.18 per hour. This is an increase of $0.63 from the current minimum wage of $12.55.

This annual adjustment also impacts the minimum wage for tipped employees. The Basic Tipped Wage Rate for service, or “tipped employees,” equals 50% of the full minimum wage. On January 1, 2023, the tipped minimum wage will increase from $6.28 to $6.59 per hour.


It’s anyone’s guess how many jobs it will destroy in this economy or if there will be any small business casualties. We’ll have to make the time to look at the labor force participation compared to previous years.



Vermont’s labor force dropped nearly 7% in 2020 with the COVID lockouts (to 60.6%). It has only managed to scramble as high as 62.7%, with September numbers showing 61.6%.

With Bidenflation and an economy Democrats have treated like a rental car, things are not looking up financially anywhere but inside the Beltway. The added pressure of the increased minimum wage in Vermont could make matters worse.


There is a chance the hike could encourage a few folks off the couch. Vermont does not differ in need for workers. While Labor Force participation was in decline for years before the Corona mugging, there is still a good 5% of the workforce that was working before that hit. Maybe the wage hike helps (if it’s better than welfare), but it’s not likely. The minimum wage was created to suppress labor force participation by pricing unskilled workers out of the job market, and raising it won’t change the reality of that.

And Vermont is run by Democrats. They’ll increase the handouts before they encourage people to go make their own way. But it’s a great place to be a Democrat, and I encourage ours to move their


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Best Type Of CBD Pills For Every Zodiac Sign

Fri, 2022-11-18 00:30 +0000

Some people take astrology more seriously than others. Have you ever wondered which CBD pills correspond to your astrological sign? We were intrigued, so we searched for the best CBD pills that enhance each type of personality based on their horoscope sign.

Fortunately, with more emphasis on self-care, health, and wellness, many stress-management strategies are available, making it more practical than ever to find what works for you. CBD, which has become a primary ingredient in many restorative items such as shower and skin products, different kinds of tasty treats, and supplements, is unquestionably in the spotlight.

If you want to try CBD to improve your health, trial and error may be a component of the process. However, considering what you’ll enjoy most through the eyepiece of astrology can’t hurt. Here are the best CBD pills for each sign.


Which CBD pill Pairs Best With Your Zodiac Sign?


Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Aries is a self-starter. They’re all about blazing their trail and doing things their way. Because they are high-energy and rambunctious, they will benefit from a product that celebrates their fiery spirit while calming them down a little, so they don’t burn out.

As a result, we recommend a true classic for Aries: CBD Hemp capsules. It contains hemp-derived CBD that energizes the mind while soothing the body.

Taurus (April 20 – May 21) (April 20 – May 21)

Taurus appreciates the finer things in life, such as food, clothing, and comfort. Sensuality is also high on their list.

Being a Taurus, CBD Gel Capsules will lift your spirits and give you a magical sense of euphoria. Your body will tingle with excitement and be tickled with laughter. Taurus, resisting the joy and energy of this pill is pointless.


Gemini (May 22 – June 20) (May 22 – June 20)

Geminis enjoy a good debate. They have much energy and are very cerebral. Unsurprisingly, they jump from one activity to the next with little rest.

We recommend Full spectrum CBD Softgels for these social butterflies because it acts as a supportive friend. It will make Gemini feel euphoric, inspired, creative, relaxed, and possibly more talkative, which may be beneficial, especially if they are in the company of other Geminis!


Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

The family and the home are everything for Cancerians. Being around the people they care about is a source of nourishment for them. They also enjoy feeding others. Cancers, on the other hand, can be highly protective of both others and themselves.

CBD Oils Liquid Capsules is our recommendation for them because they will embrace their sensitive, compassionate, and empathetic heart. After consuming it, you will not feel emotionally overburdened or downright crabby and blue.


Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Leo is the life and soul of the party. They are appreciative, jubilant, generous, and dramatic. They usually consider themselves royalty and choose to be treated as such.

If Leo wishes to emphasize their fiery public persona, they should try CBD+CBG Broad Spectrum THC-Free Capsules, another classic product that offers historic fuel to one’s creative thinking and energy levels.


Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

Virgo is the bit of a control freak and the enslaved person’s sign. Their ultimate goal is mastery, so don’t be surprised if you come across a Virgo cannabis user who is a true connoisseur!

They may also be exact with their cannabis dosing. If this is the case, edible CBD pills such as CBD isolate tablets allow them to easily divide their servings, giving them more control over how intoxicated they become.


Libra (September 23 to October 22)

Libra seeks balance, especially in romantic relationships. They value their relationships with groups, friends, and romantic partners. They prefer to chill in a social or one-on-one setting rather than alone. They constantly seek the perfect balance of symmetry in their work and outerwear.

CBD Broad-Spectrum Capsules deliver an even balance of head and body effects for the sign that values balance. That will make the excellent Libra feel even more like themselves!



Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

Scorpio is regarded as the zodiac’s most enigmatic sign. They are captivating, strong-willed, and susceptible – despite their mastery of hiding their emotions.

They won’t consume cannabis products with just anyone; they’ll only have it with people they like or want to have fun with. In light of this, we recommend Full spectrum liquid Softgels CBD capsules, a fairly stimulating pill that can help Scorpio get in the mood for chilling.


Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer, traveler, student, and philosopher. They’re all about broadening their horizons and searching for the ultimate meaning of life. And when they want something, they concentrate on it, aim carefully, and release the arrow.

As a result, Sagittarius has a wild side as well. For them, we recommend Full spectrum liquid Softgels CBD capsules. This will help to calm their body down.


Capricorn (December 22 to January 21)

Capricorns want to get things done. They’re ambitious and practical, never losing sight of their ultimate goal.

You have to admire that tenacity and grit. And, because we want Capricorn to keep doing what they’re doing, we recommend CBD+Melatonin Capsules to help them decompress because everyone needs to recharge their batteries.


Aquarius (January 22 to February 20)

Aquarius is the archetypal outside-the-box thinker. They enjoy making plans and exploring new possibilities, pushing the boundaries in everything they do, especially after a good bong rip.

Full spectrum liquid Softgels CBD capsules will provide you with a massive dose of inspiration before bringing you back down to earth so you can begin creating your first schematics! Also, there’s plenty of stuff on the net about how to make cbd vape oil.


Pisces (February 21 to March 20)

Pisces sometimes live in a fantasy world where they don’t need things like clocks or to-do lists. They are more concerned with removing all barriers and restrictions so they can sail freely and openly in the vast cosmic ocean of life. Simply put, they prefer to go with the flow.

CBD+CBG+CBN tablets will complement Pisces’ nature, help them relax even more, and keep them reasonably alert to remain in the physical dimension.



Different types of people are drawn to various CBD products. Also, if you’re adventurous and want to try something new, your Zodiac sign appears to be a great way to find a CBD pill that’s right for you.

The post The Best Type Of CBD Pills For Every Zodiac Sign appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokApp – A Proposal

Thu, 2022-11-17 23:30 +0000

Steve has been driving the process for years to create a mobile GrokApp – and lately, I’ve been the bottleneck (truth be told) due to “other stuff.”  However, now is the time.

Sure, you can always view GraniteGrok with a browser on your phone or tablet. That said, we want to go “native” – Android and then iOS.  While I spent 40 years in the computer industry as a software engineer, I don’t have the mobile app skills necessary to meet our own standards. Project manage it to be sure, but not start pounding out code (still on my bucket list to start writing once again – but blogging always seems to take precedence. Perhaps someday, but not now.

So, take a look at this proposal. It is built around the idea of an “iterative enhancement” process – start small and proceed with small incremental steps.  I’ve always used this process during my career, even before RAD (or other aligned processes) came into being.  Have we covered everything? Certainly not – but we can start.  And start we shall.

To peruse the document, hover over the page, and the navigation bar will appear.

RFP GrokApp V01

I know that a lot of our readers are software engineers so we are offering this first to them as well. Perhaps a group of you (many of you are long-term readers and have “met” each other in the comments over the years) will get together. After all, you, too, are being “invested” in the success of GraniteGrok as well, right?

We also will be posting this on UpWork as well to see if there are interested folks there. We had actually posted the project back earlier in the year but I grew concerned that we hadn’t done our homework well enough so I put a stop to it. Now we’re ready.

Note: Steve and I also wish to thank a couple of anonymous donors that have provided the “seed corn” to get this off the dock. They’ve been patient given that we started this process earlier in the year.  They’ve made this possible!

The post GrokApp – A Proposal appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mitch McConnell Unveils His Agenda for 2023-2024 … Reelect Joe Biden

Thu, 2022-11-17 22:00 +0000

Not all, but a majority of Republicans in Congress do NOT want to win. More precisely, they define winning differently than the voters. The voters define winning as, for example, Republican control of the Senate.

Mitch McConnell and his cronies define winning as Mitch and his cronies “leading” the Senate-GOP, so they can continue their grift. So it doesn’t matter as much to Mitch and his cronies whether the GOP is a majority or a minority as much as whether they get to “lead” it.

Donald Trump posed … and still poses … an existential threat to these grifters. That is why Mitch has announced his agenda for 2023-2024 is to “bipartisan” with Biden. Yup, the same folks who, during the first two years of the Trump administration … when the GOP controlled Congress … refused to work with Trump, want to work with Biden. In order to prevent Trump from becoming President.


The post Mitch McConnell Unveils His Agenda for 2023-2024 … Reelect Joe Biden appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

November BCRC: General Members Only Meeting – Charges against Gregg Hough (Meeting Disruption)

Thu, 2022-11-17 20:30 +0000

Last Wednesday, 11/9/22, was the monthly meeting for the Belknap County Republican Committee.  Instead of the normal agenda, the first part of the meeting was set aside to consider charges against former NH State Rep Gregg Hough for materially disrupting the October meeting by calling into the Weirs Times office, via a proxy (who has now been named), to suggest that the Editor, Brendon Smith, call to cancel his speaking at the October meeting.  And in doing so, to do it at the last possible time such that the Executive Committee would not be able to find a replacement speaker.

Of course, IMHO, it was to continue the efforts by Hough and Gunstock Area Commissioner Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) during the last few meetings to materially disrupt the meeting with numerous “Points of Order” and motions at almost every single opportunity.  Hough even publicly berated the Executive Committee at the October meeting for not asking for the Gunstock Audit Report (that hadn’t been made known to be public nor, at the time of this writing (yesterday), still isn’t on the website even as Commissioner Lambert assured the attendees at the October BCRC meeting would happen).  It has been one PR stunt / slight after another, IMHO, against the Conservatives Republicans – a case of “the aggressor accusing others of making him a victim”.  Never is there any acceptance of the idea that, perhaps, they have any culpability at all in their activities that are now causing a backlash.

Here are the charges for what the EC called a case of “serious misconduct” against the BCRC (Hover over the page and the Navigation bar will appear) in the case of Gregg Hough:

BCRC Gregg Hough Charge Sheet

During the time allocated to the Hough Affair, I did testify that I had spoken with Brendon and that he had affirmed that such a call had happened. Given that GraniteGrok put up the recording of his speech from the October BCRC meeting, it was clear that Hough, once again, was a complete failure.

It was clear, however, that the General Members voted to acquit Hough but that the margin was only by two votes: 14 YES, 18 NO, and 4 Abstentions. The motion to remove Gregg Hough from the General Membership of the BCRC failed.

.. IMHO, it was not because the charge was that far-fetched. It was that the Members would have preferred to have had Editor Smith(*) speak directly to the Members. Remember that Douglas Lambert also tried to “subvert” the October meeting by making a motion to move Brendan Smith’s slot in the agenda to the end (in hopes that Hough and Lambert could continually delay the meeting until Smith just left is my supposition).

BTW, he did mention that he wanted “to remove Skip Murphy” – what he actually did was to have GraniteGrok removed from reporting on the meetings of the BCRC.

And as you can see on video on multiple occasions, NH State Rep Mike Bordes, aligned (IMHO) with the Citizens for Belknap Democrat PAC end goals (removal of all Conservative Republicans from the Belknap Delegation and now from the BCRC) acted like an ass.  Worse than Hough and Douglas Lambert. It was CLEAR that his only purpose in being there was to disrupt the meeting at every chance he could. Given that he relied on poses with Sununu for his campaign, someone sent me the image…

…I think that the message was supposed to be “his pet”.



(*) Note: A response this BCRC action has been forwarded to the General Members confirming that what was under discussion by the BCRC Executive Committee members (and myself) that what was alleged to have happen was, indeed, what happened.  If this updated information “makes it into the wild”, I will put up an update.


The post November BCRC: General Members Only Meeting – Charges against Gregg Hough (Meeting Disruption) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Think Karoline Leavitt Won on November 8, 2022

Thu, 2022-11-17 19:00 +0000

This article — if you could even call it an article — is based on pure, unadulterated hearsay.

I’d like to go on record with my impression of the House race for Congress District 1.

Ten Republicans vied for the primary nomination on September 13, 2022 (Prescott, Rondeau, Towne, Alciere, Baxter, Huff Brown, Killbane, Leavitt, Maxwell, and Mowers.)

I put on a small campaign with zilch money and ended up with less than a thousand votes. Karoline won, with 15, 290. She got about one-third of the total of 45,737 Republican votes. (I am relying on Ballotpedia’s numbers here.) Mowers came in second.

The Democrats cast 41,990 votes for Chris Pappas, the incumbent, who was unopposed.

Karoline then campaigned for the November election against Pappas. She got 126k, he got 146K. So where’s the hearsay? It’s from me. When I talked to folks in the First District (Conway, Portsmouth, Exeter, Manchester, Meredith, Bedford, etc), I often heard people say “Pappas is hopeless.” Some said even worse than that.

I never heard a word of praise. I heard many words of praise for Karoline. Her age — she is a lass of 25 summers — would have attracted many young voters.

I am, therefore, surprised that so many Dems went for Pappas again. Do they love him? Did they think Party loyalty demanded that they not cross the floor for Karoline? If I recall correctly, polls had predicted her the likely winner.

If there was cheating, I don’t know how it was done. Please see my article of November 14, 2022, at Granite Grok, where I argue that cheating has been massive for decades. Frankly, I now doubt every elected politician’s authenticity. I don’t ask you to go that far. Anyway, just sayin’.

Maybe one could do a belated exit poll and ask pappas’ voters to own up.

Candidate Mary Gets Special Treatment

Whoops, something funny just happened. I went to see that Ballotpedia had correctly reported my primary votes for the midterm House race. They show me as having gotten 468 votes. I am sure I got 671 votes.

Ah, here is the Washington Post’s count after 98% of the votes were in (September 15, 2022) – I retrieved this on November 16, 2022:



I have no idea why Ballotpedia is misreporting me in such a simple case.

Now let me tell you how I got cheated on during the 2022 primary, by Wikipedia. Please recall that I ran for president of the United States in the 2020 “First in the Nation Primary” in New Hampshire. I came third of the 18 Republican hopefuls. Trump came first with 129,000, Gov Weld came second with 13K, and I came a far third with 929 votes. Still, it WAS a third, and I have the screen shots to prove it.




As you see, I got 103 more votes than Tom Walsh.

In late August 2022, while I was still a hopeful in the primary for the House, I checked Wikipedia to clarify my winnings in the 2020 presidential.  Wow, now it showed:



I was not mentioned at all.  The bronze medalist has disappeared!  Luckily, though I still have the printout from NY Times:


Let me tell you, I feel good about this. It means the Powers That Be feel a need to squelch Mary. And it gets even better.  Now see what the PTB got up to, in regard to my numbers when running for the House. In late August 2022, when I checked on the Wiki for this race, I discovered that I had, so speak, passed away:


  • Tom Alciere, former state representativeand perennial candidate[14]
  • Tim Baxter, state representative[15]
  • Gail Huff Brown, news correspondent and wife of former  Senator from MassachusettsScott Brown[16]
  • Mark Kilbane, businessman
  • Karoline Leavitt, former  Office of the Press Secretarystaffer[17]
  • Matt Mowers, former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Partyand nominee for this district in 2020[18]
  • Russell Prescott, former Executive Councillor[19]
  • Gilead Towne, sales associate[20]


So they have omitted Maxwell and a man named Kevin Rondeau.  Is that amazing?

(Don’t tell me it’s a typo, OK?)

WMUR and St Anselm’s

Both WMUR and St Anselm knew me from the presidential race, as I took part in the debates of the lesser-known candidates. I am still on C-Span for that occasion (me on far right):



So you’d think St A’s might call on me to be in the debates for the 2022 Congress job. Nope.

Here are four debaters in a different venue (not St A’s):


(By the way, I could debate the pants off of any one of them.)


Also, the state committee and the RNC never contacted me in any way when I ran for president or for Congress. Needless to say, The Concord Monitor did not mention that a Concordite was running for president — possibly the first Concordite who had ever done so. “Not interesting enough.”

As for WMUR, they must have written to every candidate but me in 2022.  I say that because, as you can see below, they sought answers to questions by each candidate, and when it mentions one man, Rondeau, it says: “This candidate has not responded to our requests. WMUR will post the responses when we receive them.” Thus the readers will surely think that the list in front of them is a complete list of candidates. I must ask WMUR’s political director, Adam Sexton, how he decided to leave me off.


Finally, I will mention another way I got cheated.  I was eager to answer Ballotpedia’s questionnaire. I filled it out but was not allowed to upload it until I furnished an FEC number. The law requires candidates to obtain an FEC number if their donations top $5,000 or if their expenses top $5,000.   Mine didn’t.  A delay of 2 weeks ensued while I obtained a number. I re-uploaded my answers, but they have still not appeared.  Someday I may print them at GraniteGrok, but right now, it is hardly worth anyone’s time.  (Note: I am poor at computer tasks.  I may have uploaded it incorrectly.)

Anyway, as I said, I think Leavitt won.  I think Pappas lost. Amen.

The post I Think Karoline Leavitt Won on November 8, 2022 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New England’s Shortsightedness on Energy Isn’t Just Bad for You, It is Bad for The Green Agenda

Thu, 2022-11-17 17:30 +0000

It is no longer a secret. Instead of letting consumers and markets drive energy decisions, environmental activists and special interests did. The byproduct of policymakers listening to moonbats is, ironically, going to be worse for the environment.

Related: Working Hard to Make Sure We All Freeze to Death


“Natural gas shortages and reliability concerns in New England are neither short-term, nor unanticipated…. ISO-New England and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission have for many months called attention to the very real reliability issues likely to face the region in the coming winter months due to insufficient supply of natural gas.”

“New England power plants generated an estimated 4.18 million metric tons of CO2 in January 2022, up from 2.77 million metric tons in January 2021, with the region’s heavier reliance on oil accounting for most of the difference.” (INGAA, below)


The fracking boom made natural gas more affordable and made us a world leader in carbon emission reductions over the past decade.

LNG is an abundant domestic American resource that’s efficient, reliable, and effective. We have so much that under President Trump, we tried to break Russia’s hold on Europe. That ended when Uncle Joe stumbled into the Oval Office, but New England was in trouble long before that.

The expert response to this boon in these parts was to make it less available, which came with a price.

Trying to turn natural gas into unobtanium has jacked up reliance on dirtier fuels that emit more of that stuff they tell us we need less of, or we will boil in our skivvies. In other words, the Green guardians of the Northeast Galaxy f-d up you, themselves, and the environment.

Related: Without Fossil Fuels, Millions of Americans Could Freeze to Death

They sold everyone a lemon, and while we’ve got laws for used cars, there’s no protection clause for selling energy solutions that will never be able to deliver as advertised.


New England will need natural gas to meet its power needs both this winter and into the foreseeable future…. Unfortunately, there is insufficient infrastructure connecting New England to domestic natural gas supplies and recent attempts to expand existing infrastructure at the request of local utilities and other energy users have been thwarted by misguided policies and vocal opponents to new infrastructure development.


And no, elections are no protection; look at the 2022 midterms. State Government in New Hampshire is closer to the freeze caucus after November 8th than it was on November 7th. So perhaps I need to take back my opening claim that it’s no secret. And that’s a problem. If we have service disruptions in January and February – not because of storms but due to shortages – people will wonder why.


New England’s reliance on imported LNG is not sustainable, and the negative consequences of overreliance on imported LNG can be avoided with additional natural gas pipeline infrastructure. This solution is especially compelling considering the region’s proximity to the Marcellus shale production area, one of the most prolific natural gas supply basins in the world.


Will anyone tell the truth? That poor decision-making motivated by short-sighted partisan activists peddling a false armageddon scenario is why the lights or the heat don’t work?

And how sad it is that if they’d just let us build the pipelines, we’d not only have electricity and heat but also be reducing “emissions.”

Instead, we’ll be making more of them.

The smartest people who know better, my ass.



The post New England’s Shortsightedness on Energy Isn’t Just Bad for You, It is Bad for The Green Agenda appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

One Way To De-Westminsterize Congress: A Layperson Speaker of the House

Thu, 2022-11-17 16:00 +0000

On January 3, 2023, the 535 members of the 118th Congress will show up for duty on Capitol Hill. They owe nothing to any previous Congress. They can repeal or amend any law that was ever passed, going back to 1789.

The “new” Senate will have, in it, 66 members that did not have to face reelection. The other 34 seats were up, and many incumbents were returned. Technically, all 435 House seats got vacated. As of the counting of votes by November 15th, 218 Republicans got elected to the House; hence Nancy Pelosi will not be the Speaker. Republican Kevin McCarthy has already referred to himself as Speaker-elect.

No way, Jose. As I will explain below, a “new girl” is vying for that position.

Most Americans think that the old leaders of the Parties will have an automatic continuation. But that’s not correct. When they assemble on January 3rd, 2023, no member of the House or Senate has any privilege, not even committee membership. It’s a new Congress, the 118th in our history. Members of each chamber are dependent on a majority of their colleagues to provide them with any privilege.


According to the Constitution, each house (a.k.a. each “chamber”) makes its own rules. Article I, sec 5: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings.” The Senate, for example, can make a rule that their Tuesday sessions will begin at 10 am, “except, in case of snow, they will begin at 11 am.” Or whatever.

The House of Reps could make a rule — and it did in 2020 — that all members must wear a mask. But they could instead have made a rule that their rules must not include anything about facewear, including masks. A vote of 51% is needed for any such thing. (To be precise, not 51% but a majority, which is counted as half of the voting members plus one.)

The rules being made are only about Congress’s behavior; they aren’t law, and thus do not require the president’s signature or even the concurrence of the other house. At present, there is a Rules Committee, but even that could be ruled out by a new rule. Amazingly, the House could make a rule that it will no longer have committees! Congress needs to do only what the parchment told it to do (and it often declines to do even that).

The Westminsterizing of Congress

Part of the way in which the globalists have taken over America is by maneuvering the members of Congress into a fixed Party system, and maneuvering the pubic into thinking this is normal. It is not normal. John C Coleman reported, in his 1992 book The Conspirators’ Hierarchy, that Lloyd Cutler was tasked (by the globalists) with westminsterizing Congress.

This really ruins the concept of your local member of Congress representing you. How can he take orders from the field if he has already been given his orders from the globalists, as passed down through Party leaders?

As I said recently about New Hampshire’s two reps, Anne Kuster and Chris Pappas, they always vote with Nancy Pelosi and therefore don’t deserve to be paid $176,000 per annum. We could pay them an honorarium of $5,000 and all they would have to do is press the button to vote as instructed.

Of course, fixed Party control also eliminates the notion “Let a thousand legislative ideas bloom.” Believe me, it has assisted the decimation of intellectual life.

Your Humble Servant in the Speaker’s Chair

I have made a video (below) in which I name myself a candidate for Speaker of the House immediately. On the day I made the video (September 8, 2022), I was also on the ballot in New Hampshire’s primary, hoping to become elected as a member of the House. I lost, but no matter — I am advertising my availability as a layperson Speaker.

You may be shocked to hear that the Speaker does not have to be a congressperson. I reckon he or she does not even need to fit the requirements for Congress — age 25, US citizen, and seven years’ residence. It doesn’t require political experience, and I think the Speaker would be better without it.

Don’t worry about some tasks that have been given, by House Rules, to the Speaker. For example, that she would authorize particular decisions. If you make me your Speaker, I wouldn’t inherit any of those prerogatives. The House would need to vote to change such provisions. Very likely they’d give them to “the leader of the Party that has the most seats” — but even that is not pre-ordained.

What about the fact that the Speaker is presently “second in line after the VP to become president?” Not a problem. It was a federal law, not the Constitution, that made that happen. All that the Constitution says, in Article II, sec 1 is: “Congress may by law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President.”

Accordingly, there was a Presidential Succession Act in 1792, another in 1886, and the current one which was enacted in 1947. These all assumed that the Speaker is not of the Mary Maxwell variety but is a member of the House. So, if someone of the Mary Maxwell variety becomes Speaker (whether by a law or by a rule), both chambers would have to enact a variant on the 1947 order of succession.

Note: on five occasions a non-member of Congress has received at least one vote for the job of Speaker.

Recruiting a Layperson Speaker

As shown in the video below, I declared my candidacy for the Speaker position. Well, you have to start somewhere to try to get the position filled, and it was convenient for me to say “Let it be me.” But one can’t campaign to the general public. All the voters for Speaker are reps themselves. I could write to each of those 435 “voters.”

Perhaps, for a year or so, Congress should try out the new concept of a non-member Speaker. I imagine that merely discussing such a “crazy” idea would go some way to calling attention to the terrible problem of the Westminsterization of our precious legislature.

In theory, every one of the members of the House (barring those, if any, that are mind-controlled) should be pleased at the prospect of NOT having a central boss. “Mrs Speaker” or “Mr Speaker” would be their non-partisan employee. He or she would not direct legislation, much less promote any ideology. He or she would only run the business of the day.

Many of the 435 individuals may be pleased to picture such a scheme. Think of this, O Reps: If you are in Party A, and Party B has the majority and therefore the Speakership, you don’t feel very powerful, right? But if the Speaker were of the Mary Maxwell variety, y’all could make your demands on her with expectation of getting consideration.


The post One Way To De-Westminsterize Congress: A Layperson Speaker of the House appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ask Multi-Jabbed Whoopi Goldberg. How’s The View From Your Second Case of COVID?

Thu, 2022-11-17 14:30 +0000

I remember being in my pediatrician’s office with my mom when I was a kid. He had a small desk, a white coat, a cup of coffee, and a lit cigarette dancing on his lips as he spoke. He was my health professional. And that was the norm.

Related: Tell COVID Karen What She Needs is More Vitamin D3

It turned out those things were bad for you. The cigarettes. Not that it stopped me from smoking them for a few years in my early to mid-twenties. And I knew they were bad for me. So, maybe we could cut Whoopi Goldberg and the Vaxx-pimps like her some slack. They got the jab-thing and want you to get it, even though it doesn’t protect you from COVID (Pontificating Whoopi Goldberg’s got it again).


I didn’t try to force other people to smoke cigarettes. No one said you couldn’t go here or there or live an everyday life if you’ve smoked. These days they will tell you you can’t smoke while doing many of those things, but that’s different. And while it’s none of my damn business, and I’m still trying to get rid of the taxes on them, you should probably quit smoking. It isn’t good for you.

You should also stop telling people to get the COVID-19 “vaccine” or the boosters. Just look at Doc Walensky, the Director of the CDC. Rochelle is rumored to have had five shots. The original single and the B side, and then three more. She caught another case of COVID (I’ve lost count of how many) and took Paxlovid. Our readers know about Paxlovid, and true to form, it hid the symptoms without clearing the virus.

After taking Pfizer’s latest laundromat med (Pfizer and Ukraine have a lot in common), she got COVID again, which is to say she never stopped having it. She’s confined to quarters, while anyone who came into contact between bouts might have been exposed. For most of us, that means little or nothing but some of them may have genuinely been high-risk and jabbed, which amplifies the risk. And Just like Whoopi, who espouses the useless cure but keeps getting COVID, you have to wonder if they are stupid or evil.

And yes, they could be both.




The post Ask Multi-Jabbed Whoopi Goldberg. How’s The View From Your Second Case of COVID? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Donald is in…..What’s Next

Thu, 2022-11-17 13:00 +0000

As much as I think the results of the Donald Trump Presidency will be considered one of the most successful in history, I hoped he would not re-enter the race for the White House.

I believe that Trump was the right person at the right time for America, and he did a phenomenal job of getting America back on track and regaining her respect worldwide. He also successfully kept America out of armed conflict during his term. He is the only President to accomplish this in recent history. Controversy, two impeachment hearings, and COVID hampered progress in the last year of his Presidency and possibly cost him a second term.

With all the good I can say about the President, I still feel he is too polarizing a man to step back into the race to regain the White House, but with his announcement on Monday night, he is officially running for President in 2024.

Trump had tremendous success pushing his choices to the top in the Republican primaries across the country. His success rate was above 85%. His candidates did not do so well in the general election. These results indicate Trump’s strength within the Party, but he may still struggle with Independents and Democrats. He would need to broaden his popularity to have a successful Presidential run. I think his divisiveness will be stronger than his popularity and message and will spell defeat.

It is imperative that the Republican Party and voters put forward the best candidates possible at all levels in 2024. The Midterms were disappointing, and many point to good to marginal candidates but poor delivery of the Republican message. A more positive approach must be used to let America know how the country will improve by placing its trust in Republican leaders.

Many names are bandied about as potential candidates for 2024. Readers of my posts know I am hoping for a Ron DeSantis/Jim Jordan ticket to run against whoever rises to the top on the Left. I do not see that being Joe Biden, but the Dems did elect John Fetterman or his wife, so anything is possible.

Some names are DeSantis, Mike Pence, Rick Scott, Nikki Haley, Glenn Youngkin, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. There are others, but this list shows how deep the bench is for the GOP. Any of these people would be better than any Progressive that the Democrats will choose should Biden not run. Add Trump to this list, and we may have a very hot and damaging Primary that will divide and not unite the Party.

The House has to do its job, keep Biden bogged down, and minimize his damage to the country until we retire him to the Delaware coast. Politics in America is a 24/7/365 bloodsport, but the 2024 campaign will not heat up until the summer of 2023. In the meantime, I hope that in that time, the Republican leadership will develop a platform that Republicans can stand behind and that Independents will understand and embrace.

The post Donald is in…..What’s Next appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wake Up and Laugh: Maureen Langan – Don’t Make Me Hate You.

Thu, 2022-11-17 11:30 +0000

So, confession. I watched the entire thing, and it made me laugh. Maureen Langan – never heard of her until I stumbled over this – is a funny lady. And as is tradition, when I find something that makes me laugh, I share it with you.

She does a great job of setting up her running jokes and works them but not to death. And did I mention that she made me laugh? The Kardashians, Martha Stewart, Cougars, helping people (that’s what she does), Anna Nicole Smith, Stephen Hawking, and a bunch more like how people made her hate them and even menopause.

If you have time, watch it all; if you don’t have time, the first five minutes should do the trick but it gets better.



The post Wake Up and Laugh: Maureen Langan – Don’t Make Me Hate You. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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