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Friday • September 20 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 6 min 7 sec ago

Postmortem Analysis of the Red Puddle

Sun, 2022-11-13 23:30 +0000

On election night Republicans were all doom and gloom as they watched their hopes of a red tsunami crash. And while the historic precedent existed for such a victory and every poll had predicated it, looking back, the wreckage isn’t as devastating as Republicans perceived it.

Republicans likely took the House, and gained in the senate. Red states got redder. Blue states got bluer. This is likely due to a shifting of the electorate caused by Covid policies. Historic swing states like NH did not experience a loss or a gain, they simply reflected 2020. We can see this clearly in NH: federal races went Democrat, all state level bodies went Republican, just like in 2020.

Why were the polls so wrong? I was on the ground knocking doors in 2020 and in 2022 and I felt the red wave coming. Swing voters in 2020 shut the door in my face because they hated Trump, but the same doors in 2022 said they were voting straight Republican. So what happened?

Republicans campaigned with an archaic playbook. We were out spent and out maneuvered at every turn. Looking back, we were so cute coming up with our little messages for our mailers targeted at likely swing voters, while Democrats operated on an entirely new level that we are only just beginning to understand. In a general election, Republicans target those registered voters who typically vote, but who swing back and forth. We send them our message through mailers, door knockers, and ads. And that worked. Those likely swing voters, did break for us as predicted through the polls. And for those people, the economy was the number one issue, just as the polls predicted.

But you can’t poll people who have never voted before or who are unlikely to vote. Somehow the Democrats found an entirely new set of voters and their singular message was: Republicans want to ban abortion. They want to take away your freedom and control you. And they heard that message relentlessly without any counter narrative. Gen Z showed up to vote and Republicans didn’t even know where to find them. This is a generation who 1. Don’t have bills to pay yet 2. Were raised to believe that abortion is equal to contraception and 3. Who only care about social issues. Democrats found them through sophisticated algorithms, social media influencers, and other technological means I don’t understand. Considering the Democrats essentially control Big Tech, it is no wonder we lost a game we didn’t know existed.

In NH, same day registrations were incredibly high. My personal experience at the polls in Merrimack is by 3 pm, the same day registration line was out the door, filled with young people, most of whom had moved into recently built apartments in town. And they were angry, telling us we had banned abortion and calling us liars when we tried to correct them. If I were to guess, I would say that Democrats probably knocked the doors of these new apartments a few weeks ago, fed them their message, and then knocked again throughout election day to get them to the polls. These voters aren’t Democrats or Republicans- they are low information voters who are easily manipulated and deceived. But Republicans ignored them, so we never had a chance.

Campaigns take money. The Dobbs decisions was damaging for Republicans in many ways, but mostly because it became the fundraising gift that kept giving. On the Republican side, Trump and DeSantis are the fundraising work horses. DeSantis used his money to support and lead his entire state to a decisive victory, while Trump horded his treasure chest. McConnell and McCarthy also had plenty of money, but instead of using it to build their teams, they strategically used it for their own power. That left Don Bolduc with 3 million to spend vs Maggie Hassan who had 38 million to spend. Everything else was downstream of that race.

At the state level, we ended up with the same makeup as 2020, yet we lost 10 seats in the House. I attribute this to Republican infighting. It’s no secret to the political junkies of NH that I vocally fought for state of emergency reform and the Governor and I butted heads over this issue, one that the electorate doesn’t even care about, but it certainly made me an enemy. A PAC supported by Sununu attacked me in the primary and supported my Republican opponent in the general election. The Governor also interfered in Gunstock, where both sides dug their heels in so hard, that we lost Republican seats in Belknap County where we had held every seat in 2020. These are just a few examples of numerous infighting issues that occurred throughout the state that cost us seats. Let’s contrast the NH with FL, where Governor DeSantis often has disagreements with his Legislature over policy, but when it came to this election, he equally supported the entire team to victory.

Politics is downstream of culture, and culture is decidedly pro-choice. Until the hearts and minds are changed, abortion as a political policy is a liability. We were winning on the bodily autonomy issue with vaccine mandates until Dobbs, and then we ran scared from the entire issue instead of going hard in, branding ourselves as truly being the party of “my body my choice”.

Trump lost NH in 2016 and 2020, but we continue to run candidates at the federal level who compete for being the most MAGA. Maybe MAGA doesn’t work in NH. MAGA doesn’t equal conservative. In fact, it doesn’t translate to candidates as being anything other than supportive of Trump, who frankly, has become a distraction and an impediment in NH.

I don’t have all the answers, and I’m sure my analysis will anger parts of the party, but if we as a Republican party don’t take a cold, hard look in the mirror and throw out the antiquated playbook, a red wave will never come again.

The post Postmortem Analysis of the Red Puddle appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Know Your Enemy … I Doubt The NHGOP Does

Sun, 2022-11-13 22:00 +0000

To defeat your enemy you must know your enemy, and know yourself … said Sun Tzu. The NHGOP, however, doesn’t appear to even recognize that the enemy is the enemy and not the “loyal opposition,” “our colleagues on the other side of the aisle” blah, blah, blah. More specifically, dear NHGOP, Matt Wilhelm … who may very well draw enough RINOs to become the next Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives … is the enemy.

Consider the following tweet:

You may laugh at the idea of Sherm Packard … a RINOs’ RINO … and his team being called “right-wing extremists,” but Wilhelm believes it. He shares NONE of our values. NONE. Let me repeat that: WILHELM SHARES NONE OF OUR VALUES.

A rather obvious example is that he doesn’t believe in free-speech in the sense we do. Rather, free-speech only includes speech that he and his ilk do not deem “disinformation” or “hate speech.” So in his mind there is nothing inconsistent at all with saying that he supports free-speech and that he also supports censoring “disinformation” and “hate-speech.”

Another example is that Wilhelm and his ilk see nothing inconsistent about saying “your body, your choice” to rationalize unrestricted abortion, while at the same time supporting vaccine and mask mandates and lockdowns.

To cut to the chase, what underlies the values of Wilhelm and his ilk is the notion that the good of the collective overrides the individual AND … and this is the most important part … the belief that Wilhelm and his ilk, and only Wilhelm and his ilk, know what the good of the collective is. That is why, to them, democracy is not a process, but an outcome.

These beliefs about the good of the collective or the common good, or however, you want to phrase it, and who gets to decide what that “good” looks like are the same beliefs that underlay Fascism, Stalinism, Naziism, Maoism, and Pol-Pot’s implementation of Marxism, to name some examples.

Am I getting through to you, NHGOP?

The post Know Your Enemy … I Doubt The NHGOP Does appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Here are a Few Potential Problems in NH That are Undermining Voter Confidence

Sun, 2022-11-13 20:30 +0000

I broke ground on this early today with a piece about what might be an effort to undermine an independent, bipartisan committee charged with cataloging voter confidence issues in New Hampshire. The committee’s job is to document testimony and deliver that to the Secretary of State.

Related: Is Someone Trying to Undermine the Integrity of NH’s Committee on Voter Confidence

In that piece, I said that I would invite those who testified to seek me out to discuss what they presented. I have my first “taker.”

Brenda Towne delivered a small mountain of research to the committee on voter confidence – compiled using publicly available information.

Like what?

…utilizing the USPS permanent move request data base between January  2018- October 1 2020, we were able to find an incredible 3,300+ votes cast by people who permanently moved to another state and an additional 5600+ votes cast by people who moved out of their town and elsewhere in New Hampshire.


One more point before you watch the interview. There is a concerted effort to silence Brenda and those working with her and to ignore or hide the data they’ve reported to the Committee on Voter Confidence. (You can scroll down to find some of the evidence we discussed in the interview).




Note 2: A small portion of the interview was edited out that included my house phone ringing in the background while I was speaking. No context was lost by removing it. 


Here is the spreadsheet of people Brenda mentioned who moved out of state but had votes cast in their names in the 2020 election.

NH Election Integrity Slide Deck Presentation

Brenda Towne committee for voter confidence slide deck


Note 3: If you testified or submitted evidence to the committee you would like to share, please email me at

Note 4: And apologies for repeatedly changing the title. Just trying to get it right.



The post Here are a Few Potential Problems in NH That are Undermining Voter Confidence appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: Not Snow, nor Rain, nor Heat…Heck No

Sun, 2022-11-13 19:00 +0000

I try to make my Sunday Spotlight a positive, upbeat article, but this has not been a very uplifting week. This week’s Spotlight is on the United States Postal Service.

The topic for this week came to me when I saw a sign on the door of our local Post Office apologizing that they could no longer deliver the services that we looked to them for.

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” have long been associated with the American postal worker. Though not an official creed or motto of the United States Postal Service, it acknowledges it as an informal motto along with Charles W. Eliot’s poem “The Letter.” Ah, those were the days of yesteryear. The new catchphrase you will see when you enter our local Post Office is, “We will be closing every day from 2-4 because we have no staff.” We do not have mail delivered two or three days a week. There is mail for us, but when we inquire with the local Postmaster, he sheepishly says we don’t have coverage on your route daily. That is the unfortunate saga of today’s Postal Service.

I listen to the media commercials and wonder why they are wasting their advertising budget. Then I hear the claim that they are the only mail service that can deliver to every address in the country. Then I hear the response from the Postmaster in Maine that says. “Oh, we don’t deliver to that area.” Guess we will not get the mail this summer! Thank God for the email.

I will admit that I have often pondered how the U.S. Postal Service can deliver a first-class envelope from Los Angeles to Exeter, NH, for only $.60. It seems foolishly low, but that is the price they have set, so it is up to them to fulfill their service. Unfortunately, it does not often happen, which is why we find alternative communication methods. There were over 300,000 mail-in ballots delivered to polling places in Arizona on Election Day. When asked why the massive drop of ballots, officials claimed it was because of a lack of confidence in the Post Office.

We have come a long way since Benjamin Franklin was named the first Postmaster General in 1775. It was elevated to a cabinet-level agency from 1872 until 1970, when it was redesignated as an independent agency. It enjoys a monopoly for mail delivery in the United States.

The USPS has operated at a loss since 2007. From 2008 to 2018, it reported $69 billion in losses. For the 2019 fiscal year, it lost $8.8 billion on $71.1 billion of operating revenue. The Post Office has received various subsidies from the government amounting to billions of dollars, but it never is enough to turn the profitability picture around.

It is unfortunate to report on the demise of such a long-standing institution, but it is a reality. Either the business plan needs to get realistic, or we can publicize the mail delivery system and stop the bleeding. I cannot wait to see who in Washington is bold enough to see that through.

I promise next week will get back to a more positive, upbeat topic.

The post Sunday Spotlight: Not Snow, nor Rain, nor Heat…Heck No appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Sun, 2022-11-13 17:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.

FYI, links to my last two Survival Sundays:

Sunday Survival – November 6, 2022

Sunday Survival – October 30, 2022

And two posts about the midterms:

A Few Quick After-Action Election Thoughts – Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow – Granite Grok







Top of the fold:

When the Music Stops | Gates of Vienna

Just read it.


The level of evil to do this to children is beyond staggering.  And clearly, a lot of thought and effort and money went into this hidden compartment.  This is not a fly-by-night thing.  Related, what are they angry about again???

Leftists Attack Musk As ‘FAR RIGHT’ For Promising Better Protection On Twitter For Kids Against Pedophiles – Summit News

Angry about trying to protect kids from predation?

Wood chipper therapy.  Stat.







Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

Winter Is Coming! Don’t Forget To Do This – Ask a Prepper

Essential Cold-Weather Basics – Western Rifle Shooters Association

At least here in the northern hemisphere in the short term.

The Importance of Silence After the SHTF – The Organic Prepper

If it’s truly SHTF, my generator goes OFF.  A roaring generator means power.  Power means someone who thought ahead, and that person may have food, etc.  It’ll go on, randomly, because we have a well.  But not on long.  Besides, for the first week or so, just about everyone will have theirs on so I’ll be a small fish.  It’s a month or so in that it becomes very dangerous.

And in that article are important points about having lookouts, and keeping a firearm with you.  And being situationally aware even when you’re doing something.  Related to generators specifically:

How To Soundproof A Portable Generator – Workshopedia

A Day in the Life of an Urban Prepper – The Organic Prepper

The more people around you, the less secure you are.  But I understand that many cannot be rural.  Heck, I can’t be rural… marital reasons.  But at least I’m not IN a big city.

Here Are Some Ways to Make Your Own Power – The Organic Prepper

Having the luxury of time and money… but good to know.

WaPo & Bloomberg Peevishly Admit “The Preppers Were Right” – The Organic Prepper

The WaPo and Bloomberg writers admit we’re right, but they’re not going to prep anyway because they trust things will get better.  I’m not a eugenicist but… given the level of stupidity from here, and the US election (even with the cheating), the human gene pool needs some chlorine.

9 Items To Stock Up On Before Hyperinflation Hits – Ask a Prepper

Yes, but again… you can only do what is in your limits, whether financial or other.

My one comment about meat in a freezer?  You’re betting that you have steady electricity.

Bug In Mistakes That Could Turn Out Deadly – Ask a Prepper

I have a hard-mounted generator.  If things go down and it looks like closer-to-SHTF, it’ll be on like anyone else’s around here.  But then I will shut it down.  Even if I can cobble together a sound muffler, people will hear it and be drawn to it.  See just above.



Related to Spicy Time:

Democrats Are Not Going To Relinquish Power Peacefully (

They are MISSIONARIES to create a perfect world, a paradise-on-Earth.  We are evil because we stand in their way.  They will not, they literally cannot, accept a Conservative victory because they are good, noble, virtuous, intelligent, educated, etc.  (Just ask them, they’ll tell you.)  Thus any defeat they experience CANNOT BE legitimate.


Read it all.  Then read it again.


Samson said to the servant who held his hand, “Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them.” Now the temple was crowded with men and women; all the rulers of the Philistines were there, and on the roof were about three thousand men and women watching Samson perform. Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Then Samson reached toward the two central pillars on which the temple stood. Bracing himself against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other, Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” Then he pushed with all his might, and down came the temple on the rulers and all the people in it. Thus he killed many more when he died than while he lived.


Judges 16: 26-30


If you’re going to go… make it count for something.




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?







I just started a FORAGING group on Gab.  No luck on getting the group open.  Will continue to work on this.


Foraging: One-up articles

None found this week.



Foraging: Permanent sites:

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

From this article:

What? No bugs on the menu @ COP 27? – Winds of Jihad (

Comes this image of the please-order-ahead menu at COP 27, about green house gas emission reductions:




Report: More Than 400 Private Jets Flew In For UN Climate Conference…

State Department Gives Intelligence Agencies Unrestricted Access to Personal Data of US Citizens

Whaaaaaat?  Related:

New Europol Rules Expand Police Powers, Reduce Rights Protections, And Allow Vast Data Collection

President Biden Revokes Executive Branch Rules Against Spying on American Citizens – Becker News



National Security (specifically):

The Air Force Went Woke, Its Planes Won’t Fly – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles




Shortages (broadly):

“The Preppers Were Right All Along”

If you haven’t already done so, I can only urge you to make what preparations you can, even at this late hour.  They probably won’t be adequate (unless you have very deep pockets and can afford to pay through the nose to buy and have delivered all that you’ll need), but they’ll be a lot better than nothing.


‘Unprecedented’ global chip shortage pushing electric vehicle delays into years – National |

Reminds me of a joke Reagan told about buying a car in the USSR!  From the same site:

Loblaw raising fees for suppliers in 2023 to offset higher supply chain costs – National |

WHAT? Democrat Congressman says families should eat Chef Boyardee to cope with high inflation – Based Politics (

Let them eat cake, eh?

Ports Clogged With Containers As World Trade Stumbles | ZeroHedge

The latest Bloomberg Trade Tracker reveals an ominous outlook for world trade due to soaring interest rates, the war in Ukraine, a slowdown in the US economy, and zero Covid in China. A shortage of containers has entirely reversed into a glut as crashing shipping rates and canceled sails gain momentum during what is supposed to be the busiest shipping period of the year. 



On The Jab

Experimental-untested-Novel-Genetic-Therapy-Pushed-in-Pregnancy-11.10.2022.pdf (

Translation: it doesn’t work.

My latest email to the CDC notifying them about the billboards



How many window shades will be drawn to block seeing this?

2022 birth decline in Germany and Sweden explained by ‘vaccines’ (

The seasonally adjusted monthly TFR of Germany dropped around 14 percent. In Sweden, the corresponding TFR dropped almost 10 percent. “There is no association of the fertility trends with changes in unemployment, infection rates, or Covid-19 deaths. However, there is a strong association between the onset of vaccination programmes and the fertility decline nine months after this onset.




Hedge-fund giant Elliott warns looming hyperinflation could lead to ‘global societal collapse’ – MarketWatch

Yes.  Remember, that’s the goal!  Related:

The End Of World Dollar Hegemony: Turning The US Into Weimar Germany | ZeroHedge

In bankrupt Lebanon, locals mine bitcoin and buy groceries with tether (

Global.  More:

Rent, Food Bills Pushing More Ottawa Families Into Debt

German Food and Energy Prices Push Inflation to New Highs in October

Inflation hits 7.7% in October, government says (

“Transitory” – oh, and buy Chef Boyardee.












Remember, it’s not what’s true.  It’s what you can get people to believe is true.



Know your enemy:

Keisha Lance Bottoms Says Misinformation on Social Media Stops People Seeing Biden’s Accomplishments

It’s not that the results of their policies suck, of course.

Whoopi Goldberg Claims She’s Quitting Twitter Over Elon Musk: ‘I’m Out’

Uh huh.  Kind of like how they promise to leave the US if <generic republican> wins.

It is as difficult and as dangerous to try to liberate a people that wishes to live in slavery as it is to try to enslave a people that wishes to live in freedom.


(HT Peter)

This applies to the sheeple who think they’re free under the Left, or who yearn for “beautiful true Communism” where human nature doesn’t apply.

Founding Fathers Diversified

Disgusting.  But it’s part of a Leftist-driven piece to destroy our knowledge of history.  And understand something, as I wrote here, it doesn’t have to be an explicit top-driven command.  If it can be spun on their side as a way to stick it to their enemy and advance The Cause, people will just do it on their own accord:



Economy at large:

BIDEN ECONOMY: With Inflation at 40-Year Highs, 4.5 Million Americans Turn to Second Job (

What’s that joke?  The politician at a dinner brags about creating millions of jobs and the server thinks “Yeah, I have three of them”!

Eurozone Heading to a Recession at the End of This Year, Brussels Says

World heading to a recession more like it.



US Stability (broad catch-all):

Analyst Warns “There Probably Won’t be an Election” In 2024

I would tend to agree.

What Invasion Looks Like: Video Shows Hundreds of Single Adults Calmly Marching Across the Border, Meeting No Resistance – The Political Insider

New Democrat voters flooding in.






World Stability (broad catch-all):

Forza Meloni! Italy Closes Ports to Migrant Ships in Defiance of the Globalist European Union (


Now, start deporting.  Ditto for France, if they could ever find a set:

France Sliding toward Barbarity and Chaos :: Gatestone Institute

Generally related to migration:

People ‘Afraid to Walk the Streets’ as One-Fifth of Irish Town Now Migrants

2 Out of 3 Crimes in France Committed by People With Immigration Background, Says French Historian

Diversity is a strength.  Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us so.  Related:

The Shock Troops of the Great Replacement | Gates of Vienna

“Give Kremlin a Warning”: US ‘Nuclear Apocalypse’ Submarine Enters Mediterranean Sea

Seven Hair Hells.  If, somehow, it gets to the Black Sea that’s frightening.  Is there anyone with three brain cells capable of firing at once in charge?  Related:

AP: Not Good – Western Rifle Shooters Association

Closer and closer to The Button being pushed.

TikTok’s Chinese Platform Enriches Kids While US Version Dumbs Them Down: Report

Not surprised.  At all.  The Chinese do think multi-dimensionally when it comes to warfare.  On China and war:

Xi Jinping tells China’s military to prepare for war, ‘fight and win’ it (






Same applies to this side of the pond.



Specific to energy:

Gas and Electricity Bills ‘Nearly Double in All EU Capitals’, New Data Reveals

People can’t take this.

Vietnam Gas Stations Start to Close Due to Widespread Shortages

Pakistan “Has No Option But To Ration” Nat Gas Supply This Winter | ZeroHedge


Biden Promises To Destroy U.S. Energy Production. Believe Him. (

He states, clearly, what he intends.

Drought Forces One of Spain’s Largest Hydro-Power Plants to Halt – BNN Bloomberg

Very convenient.  IMHO, and I’m getting paranoid here… a little too convenient.







Gardening, animals, food preservation, overall health, etc.:

Malabar Spinach Plants – How To Grow Malabar Spinach (

Zone 7 and higher from what I read.  Also, Jerusalem artichokes (though the tubers apparently make you gassy – just what I need!).  And:

Are Hosta Shoots Edible? How to Grow Hostas for Eating (

Zone 3 to 8.  One of my goals – assuming we’re not smoked meat – is to plant plants that aren’t necessarily recognizable as edibles.  The above.  Purslane.  If you have unused wild fields nearby, perhaps throw some seeds or plant some tubers there too as an off-site growing location.

Gurney’s: Find Your USDA Hardiness Zone with our Zone Map (

This looks useful.

Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics








Big Tech in general:

Global Digital IDs Are Coming To America and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It – News Punch

Enslavement in the name of convenience.  The problem is that when I talk with people, 9+ people out of 10, and say that your ability to purchase ANYTHING can be controlled by people deciding whether to allow you to do so… the response is either “Oh, but that can’t happen” or “I’ve done nothing wrong, so it won’t apply to me”.  Related:

German MEP: EU’s Proposed AI Regulations Will “Open the Door for Biometric Mass Surveillance in Public Spaces”

Heroic Veteran Researcher Warns Evidence Shows Google Still Interfering to Help Democrats Win Elections

Did you really think they’d behave?

Humanoid robots are getting close to reality | The Economist

Why does this give me the screaming willies?



Self-defense (broad) & Hunting:

12 More Incidents in Which Lawful Gun Owners Stopped Criminals

In a case called New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, the Supreme Court in June struck down concealed carry permitting frameworks in several states that effectively prohibited ordinary Americans from carrying firearms in public for self-defense.

Since then, residents of those states have applied for concealed carry permits in droves, showing just how willing many of them always have been to exercise their Second Amendment rights when the government no longer prohibits it.

In the best of all possible worlds, it’d be Constitutional Carry everywhere.


Gag.  Retch.  Look at the emotional heart-string agitprop they’re doing now.

Now, having said that, yes there are lots of things to do.  Teaching kids how to react for one.  I’ve told my kids to BREAK WINDOWS and GET OUT.  Run.  Lone kids dashing for the woods while zig-zagging will be, IMHO, far less likely targets than a room full of quiet kids hiding in closets.

But you know what will come next: gun control law proposals.  Take a look at the mental / verbal Mobius strip logic:

California’s standard capacity magazine ban shows their (evil) path forward

In one case the judge ruled against an injunction because “The clear reading of the second amendment does not protect the right to manufacture firearms”.  In this case the Judge and the state are arguing that the plaintiffs must provide some sort of historical reference showing that the text and traditions of the second amendment support the manufacture of firearms.

The actual opinion says that the government must show that there is a gun control law that banned or limited the manufacturing of firearms by individuals in 1791.  Thus the Judge has turned the argument upside down.  They have again made it so the plaintiff must prove that the constitution covers their claim via text and tradition.

In California they are doing the same thing.  The state has stated that since the second amendment doesn’t mention magazines and because magazines are not required for a firearm to function that they are ok to ban magazines.

So basically, they’re playing a semantics game that YES, you’re allowed to own, but NO, nobody has the right to manufacture.  Do not be surprised if they also try YES, you’re allowed to KEEP ARMS, but not to actually own them… so they’re now deemed to be on loan from The State.

Biden’s FBI Announces that Certain Gun Purchases Will Be Delayed Starting Next Week (

So the Biden Administration doesn’t want US citizens to own guns.  They blame all crimes committed using guns as the fault of the guns and not the individuals using the guns.  This recent legislation relates to younger Americans who want to own guns.  This has been their right for centuries until this bill was signed by Biden.

Anti-gun activists are willing to take away gun owners’ rights one bite at a time.

School Board Vote Will INFURIATE Anti-2A Activists – Prepared Gun Owners

Iowa school.

Armed Good Samaritan Stops Child Abduction Outside Walmart! – Tactical Sh*t

It happened in the early afternoon on Sunday. Police say 67-year-old Haimnarine Doobay threw the juvenile to the ground and began choking the child. A good guy with a gun interrupted the attack and held Doobay at gunpoint until 5-0 could arrive.

Personally I’d have cheered if a “taxpayer relief shot” had been administered.  “He moved.”

Imaginary Stuff: Things Gun Controllers Think Exist | The Zelman Partisans


Gun Crime is now gone in Oregon.

Something that requires a permit is not a right.

The Home Gunsmith



Not quite as detailed as I thought.  Hmmm… CAD project for me, I think.




Catch-all miscellaneous:

Climate Justice Ten Commandments

On my old blog I had an essay, Hardwired for Faith, and I truly believe that He made mankind with a predisposition, indeed a need, to believe in something bigger than one’s own self.  Absent a conscious faith in Him, our soul quests for something to grasp onto.  And it’s climate.  It’s Socialism.  It’s The Jab.  That’s why, whether it’s Climate-tards, Socialists, or Covidians, they’re impervious to anything.  This is their cult, their faith, their reason for being that connects them to something bigger.  Just like The Jab itself is a Rite of Passage.

1 in 6 Hiring Managers Have Been Told to Stop Hiring White Men –

I want to relate my own experience.  Back in college my GPA was above 3.7/4.0.  Engineering.  But as I’ve oft related, I’m pasty white; absent my kippa, which I only started to wear perhaps ten years ago as my faith returned and swept past its prior high-water mark, I could easily walk into a KKK rally without a second glance.

Now granted, I was a typical introvert engineer at the time.  Socially awkward, but again, that’s engineering student SOP.  I couldn’t find a job for love or money.  But others did – women, minorities, etc.  One woman got five offers in the space of a week.  I had better grades than they did, better experience than they did, and I knew this because I helped many of them write their resumes.  The first time I went to the career center the guy asked me who I’d had do my resume; it was truly “professionally done”.  I did it.  Me, myself, and I.

Finally, after I graduated and was living at home again, I got a job – only because my former boss contacted someone they knew networking-style.

It was then that I realized there really was reverse discrimination.

Consider that a Thought Splinter.

Thought Splinters Part 1

Thought Splinters Part 2

Thought Splinters Part 3



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

In my last post, Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow (see the top of this post), I had a lengthy diatribe about the elections including how we’re starting the circular firing squad of blame.  Consider, though:

It Wasn’t Abortion

It was not, IMHO, Trump.  Just looking at the crowds at his rallies tells me this.  No, it was a combination of swamp rats who would prefer to be in the minority – no real responsibility, just some power, and all that graft opportunity and cocktail parties wherein to hobnob:




Unfixed vote fraud:



For example (italics replaced by underlining, bolding added):

For a state where Republicans held both chambers at the legislature, the attorney general’s office, and the governor’s mansion, one would think that rectifying exploitable or corrupt practices would be easy — but you’d be dead wrong.

Below, you’ll find a few brief points worth noting about the overall sentiment of Republican leadership in Arizona:

First off, the Legislature has had two years to pass laws to reform and strengthen the election process. During the 2021 session (which began before Biden was even inaugurated), lawmakers completely ignored the issue; during the 2022 session, there were two attempts made: the first was killed by Republican Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers, and the second was indefinitely tabled by Republicans Senate President Karen Fann because she “didn’t have the votes” — ultimately the bill died when the session ended this past June. Concerned citizens demanded a floor vote to identify the dissenters, but Fann refused. The Swamp doesn’t rat on the Swamp. (You might recognize “Bowers” for his performance in front of the Jan. 6 Committee or his close friendship with Liz Cheney.)

A party – the GOP – that doesn’t believe its own message or have faith in the American people.  A party that pre-emptively surrenders on all fronts.

Mitt Romney Says New Congress Must Lay Off “Pointless Investigations” of Joe Biden, Yet He Voted to Impeach Donald Trump Twice!

GOP Majewski: I Am a Republican Who Lost on Tuesday. It Wasn’t Trump’s Fault. It Was the Cowards in D.C.’s ‘McLeadership’ – Geller Report

A GOP that doesn’t believe its own platform:

Regardless Of Party, Pro-Gun Candidates Won Their Races This Week | ZeroHedge

Compared to an enemy that views itself as entitled to win BAMN over those – us – it sees as unremittingly evil.

A Democrat Miracle: GOP Wins Midterm Elections in Massive Blow-Out but Loses Every Single Toss-Up Seat Except One – Check Out Comparison to 2010 Results (

THE STEAL: The Number of House Seats Continues to Dwindle As GOP Leaders Again Allow This to Happen

Maricopa County Election Judge Is Threatened by Supervisors After Speaking Out About Tabulation Errors – Geller Report

Cameras Go Dark At Vote Counting Facility In Key Nevada County – Geller Report

We face an enemy with no honor, no decency, no morality, no ethics, no love of America… just a slathering lust for power.  And we think we’re going to VOTE them out?  Understand, as I keep saying, I don’t want spicy time.  But since voting is not working, voting is being *ss-raped with a rusty bayonet… what’s the alternative?



Hashem help us all.



Palate cleansers:







The post SURVIVAL SUNDAY appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH School Administrators Pimping Out Your Children in School?

Sun, 2022-11-13 16:00 +0000

Parents are starting to feel like public school is no longer a safe place for their children to go for an education.  That’s what one New Hampshire parent told me recently. Enrollment continues to decline along with proficiency scores in the core academic subjects.

You would think that administrators and school board members would be concerned, but sadly many are not.

Recently a couple of parents in the Hillsboro Deering (SAU34) school district attended their school board meeting to discuss the reading material available to children in the district through the SORA app. (Click on November and listen at 49 minute mark, and then at 1:34 minutes they talk a little bit about the App and then again at 2:22 ) The SORA app offers children pornographic and obscene material to read.

If you look at the schools providing the SORA subscription service to children, you can see that many schools across New Hampshire now provide this service to children.  You can also read and see some of the content provided in one of the pornographic books here: This Book Is Gay:



You get the idea. This book pushes sex on the child.

Parents are fed up across the country. In Idaho, there is pending legislation file criminal charges against the people working in the schools who disseminate “harmful materials” to children. It may be time for New Hampshire legislators to do the same. If administrators do not see the harm they are allowing to happen under their nose, it’s time for the people to take action.

Parents object to books assigned to their children for may reasons. This is why New Hampshire passed a law several years ago that allows parents to opt out of objectionable materials assigned to their children. But pornography or obscenity should never be offered to children.  It’s one thing to object and replace materials that you don’t like, it’s another when the material is pornographic. We know that this kind of material should not be made available to children in school.

Child sexual predators sometimes work in public schools. In this recent story, Connecticut School Director Placed “On Leave” After Detailing Sexual Fantasies with Minor Students, reminds parents that any kind of sexualization of their children can help a child sexual predator working in the school.

Parents will have to go into the school to access the SORA app per Hillsboro Deering Superintendent Jennifer Crawford. So much for transparency. If you want to see the pornography your child can access, she expects you to make an appointment to come and see it. She’s ok with handing the porn to your children through the subscription to SORA.

She also referred children in middle school as “young adults,” and children in high school are now referred to “adults.” Pedophiles seeking to lower the age of consent must be thrilled by all of this. Some of them have tried to replace the term “pedophile” with “minor attracted persons.”

An English teacher at Franklin High School in El Paso, Texas instructed students to not judge someone just because they want to have sex with a 5 year old and told them to call them “minor Attracted Persons instead.

Is it easier to just pretend that these children are adults or nearing adulthood? What this Superintendent did by recategorizing children as adults or nearing adulthood should concern every parent who has children in the Hillsboro Deering school district.

According to medicine and psychology

The fields of medicine and psychology have their own unique views of what it means to be a young adult.

Psychology. One of the most influential psychologists on the topic of life stages, Erik Erikson, defined young adulthood as a crucial stage that happens after adolescence. It’s the point in life when a person emphasizes “identity formation.”
Based on Erikson’s research, most people reach this stage between the ages of 19 and 39. But because individuals reach this point at different ages, due to a number of factors, there’s no absolute timeline for young adulthood, according to Erikson.
Medicine. In the field of health, medicine, and human development, young adulthood is the time when a person is traditionally the most healthy. It’s the stage between adolescence and adulthood, which roughly falls between the ages of 15 and 29.
The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics
describes young adults as individuals aged 18-24.
So what does science have to say about young adulthood? With so many potential age ranges floating around, it seems like scientific study should be able to narrow down when, exactly, young adulthood actually occurs. According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), young adulthood is generally defined as18 to 22 or 18 to 25.

I guess if you are pushing pornography on children, it helps to redefine these terms so it doesn’t appear as if you are pushing pornography on children. Redefining children as “young adults or adults,” removes the stigma. Who does that help? It will certainly help child sexual predators.

Listen to the school board meeting in Hillsboro Deering where the Superintendent calls a children in middle school young adults and high school students, adults. These people are setting up a pathway for sexual predators to access your children. Listen to how she avoids the real issue of the pornographic content your children can now access

Some may argue that children can access this information through the internet anyway. That may be true for some, but the public schools should never be a source for pornography or sexualizing children!  Teens may also be having sex, but the schools should not provide a private room with a bed in it.

Public schools are there to teach children the academics, but sadly we can see that they are failing at that task. COVID didn’t help, which makes you think that they’d want to focus on improving academic outcomes.

In Hillsboro Deering, you can hear the parents describe the pornographic material that is found in a few of the books on the SORA app. What is extremely disturbing is how the Superintendent takes time to explain how the app works. No where does she describe the graphic nature of what’s presented in the books available to children. Maybe she can’t bring herself to admit publicly that these books are grooming and sexualizing the children in her school.

The book one parent references gives children graphic descriptions on how to have sex, and where to meet up with partners. This isn’t the biological facts that students learn when it comes to reproduction, it’s a detailed guide on how to give hand-jobs, and blow-jobs, etc. They are sexualizing children– there is no other way to describe it.

The frightening part of all of this is how the books promote hooking up, and how to do that with adult services. is one of those dating sites, but if you go to, they have an age restriction of 18 to access their services. Even knows this isn’t appropriate for children. It makes you wonder how this has become acceptable to administrators working in our public schools. So why provide that information to children, if not to help adults access minors?

Recently a screenshot from one of the pages in the book was posted on a Facebook page alerting parents to what their children can access through the SORA app. Facebook removed the post and suspended the account because of their “community standards.”  Where are our community standards in our public schools?

This is a WIN for child sexual predators. The public schools are not only grooming and sexualizing children, but directing those children to adult websites so they can then hook up with pedophiles, and adults looking to sexually abuse your children.  One parent rightfully called this …pimping out our kids. She said school administrators are essentially pimping out her kids with this kind of information.

These people shouldn’t be in charge of any institution where children are present, and yet they are in charge of our public schools.

Keep this up and you can expect more families to remove their children from the public schools. These people aren’t helping, they are destroying public education.  If they cannot see the potential harm from this, how can they possibly protect your children?

Jennifer Crawford said that parents can “opt out” of the SORA app, but they will never take responsibility if a child ends up harmed. It’s kind of like offering access to Hustler magazine, and then telling parents that they can opt out.

As public schools try to remain relevant, we can see that decisions like these contribute to the mass exodus from the local public schools. With the expanding school choice programs in New Hampshire, parents will now have other options available to them. When the teachers union, New Hampshire School Boards Association, or School Administrators Association objects to offering school choice to New Hampshire families, they need to start talking to the people in charge who make such poor decisions for their schools. Instead of trying to force families to stay in these schools, start working on making them better so parents aren’t forced to remove their children.

When school administrators decide to go back to focusing on a quality public education, this is what will help public schools in New Hampshire. It’s not a difficult strategy to improving public education, so why is it so difficult for so many administrators in this state?

The post NH School Administrators Pimping Out Your Children in School? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Someone Trying to Undermine the Integrity of NH’s Committee on Voter Confidence

Sun, 2022-11-13 14:30 +0000

In early October, we reported (twice) on the presence of online “news” outlets created by deep Left money guy David Brock. The second piece included a list of likely suspects. Did we find another one, and are they doing the Left’s dirty work?

Related: We have The List and Links to Democrat David Brock’s “Swing” State Fake News Sites.

Granite Memo.

The outlet is run by a career journalist and former USA Today Assitant Opinion editor named Steven Porter. On its face, it appears objective, and even if it is not, so what? It is still almost a free country. Whether Brock funds it or not, it has a right to write. And is it not all fun and games, even if used to meddle in local matters with a very partisan purpose?

About the Alleged Meddling

New Hampshire has a Committee on Voter Confidence. Its objective has been to conduct interviews about election integrity and collect that into a report for the Secretary of State. It has one job. Provide an account of what interviewees claim has compromised voter confidence in New Hampshire Elections.

The Committee has been doing its job for months, and just as things wind down, Porter and Granite Memo have published a piece titled “Unvetted claims folded into NH voter confidence draft report.” The thrust of it is this.


The draft report doesn’t just outline the committee’s findings and recommendations. It also recites numerous election-related claims without regard for whether they are true or false.

The claims were made by members of the public during a series of meetings the committee held over the summer. The claims are listed in a roughly three-page summary that describes the public’s comments without adding any discussion or analysis.

The summary refers to “potentially serious concerns” found by “citizen audits,” alludes to “out-of-state people/students voting in NH elections” and conjures the image of “vote tabulations taking place un-monitored in the back of polling places,” according to a recent draft reviewed by Granite Memo and discussed during a public meeting Tuesday. The summary also notes that unnamed people have described “voting machines” as a “black box” and “old technology” with vulnerabilities.


That sounds like the Left’s stenographer-media narrative, and it’s not even subtle. But much like whether Granite Memo is another well-funded plant of the left-wing political machine or not, it doesn’t matter.

The Committee on Voter Confidence was not convened to act as a filter. Their job was to gather testimony from Granite Staters about what they feel undermines confidence in our elections and present it to the New Hampshire Secretary of State. Period.

And again, you might say – so what? A local online site no one reads that is somehow able to pay the salary and benefits of a career journalist wrote a partisan piece about undermining the integrity of the purpose of the Committee on Voter Confidence. What of it?

Someone sent that piece via email to members of the Committee unvetted (if you take my meaning). Was it to convince them to alter the three-page summary to exclude testimony that happens to offend the partisan Left?

Will it be a problem for the Committee if people whose concerns might be removed from the draft summary or the report itself reach out to me for an interview, and I share what they excluded?

Would the New Hampshire Secretary of State need to create a committee on the integrity of the Committee on voter confidence, and is that the point? To undermine election integrity and undercut efforts to identify those concerns and share them with the public and people in positions of authority?

And why go to all the trouble?

Wouldn’t it be easier to let it all come out and then continue making fun of the people and their concerns, over which the Left is already dismissive?

The Committee on Voter Confidence has one job. Collect election integrity concerns for the Secretary of State to review. There’s not much point in the exercise if it excludes what Steven Porter at Granite Memo decides is unvetted.

So, maybe someone should share this piece with the committee members for the sake of balance.

We’re not claiming to be independent like Granite Memo but believe more speech is the answer, especially if it is unvetted. Get it all out there and let the watchful public debate is as the Secretary of State reviews what the Committee has to share.


Update: Steven Porter reached out to indicate that Granite Memo is self-funded, and he is not supported by anyone but himself. 

The post Is Someone Trying to Undermine the Integrity of NH’s Committee on Voter Confidence appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH GOP Committeeman Election Comments

Sun, 2022-11-13 13:00 +0000

November 10, 2022

State Committee members,

Thank you all for the selfless effort in supporting our candidates this cycle. You are the heart and soul of the Party. Our candidates and supporters put in the heroic effort that we can be proud of.

While I am as disappointed as anyone in our NH and national election results, there is reason for hope and optimism moving forward. In New Hampshire, we did retain the corner office, Senate (14-10), Executive Council (4-1) and House (203-197) pending recounts.  At the national level, we are poised to retake Congress and provide a check on the disastrous policies of the Biden administration. We also know that we as a team could, and should, have done better.

We must start now to position ourselves to win in 2024 and beyond. My suggested way forward includes a methodical 4-step process:

  1. Determine Facts of What Happened Nov 8, 2022
  2. Analysis of Why
  3. Develop an Action Plan with Stakeholder Buy-in
  4. Aggressively Implement both Short & Long Term Plans

As we develop plans we must continue to govern and support our legislators and Governor. While our messaging & tactics deserve critical scrutiny, we are on the same team and are well served by working together, communicating openly, and treating each other with dignity and respect.

I expect up to 30+ recounts starting Monday. If you would like to help, please let me know.

Thank you for your activism and support of the Party. Please let me know if there is any way I can help.

Chris Ager
RNC Committeeman, NH

The post NH GOP Committeeman Election Comments appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sparking Curiosity in Education

Sun, 2022-11-13 11:30 +0000

In 2021, the New Hampshire Department of Education partnered with Discovery Education, one of the world’s leading EdTech companies. Through this collaboration, we have provided teachers and students across the state with a vast collection of high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital lessons, intuitive quiz and activity creation tools, and professional learning resources.

These resources – at no cost to them – are facilitating incredible modern learning experiences, whether you are in a New Hampshire classroom or learning in a Home Education program, to the world beyond the proverbial schoolyard.

Discovery Education is taking New Hampshire children on virtual tours of Washington, D.C., which happens to be one of the most popular Discovery Education activities accessed in the Granite State, alongside an animal behavior video complete with a modern animal cam.

We want to thank Commissioner Frank Edleblut and SVP, Discovery Ed. Karen Beerer for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Whether it is participating in a virtual field trip to Manitoba to learn about polar bears, creating an online store by writing code from scratch, or engaging in a conversation with the NBA to see how math comes to life through the game of basketball, Discovery Education is sparking curiosity and igniting wonder.

To date, educators across the state have used nearly 500,000 Discovery Education interactives, activities, videos, and more to unlock potential and engage students in their learning. When we review usage from last year compared to this year, the number of teachers incorporating these resources into their classroom (5,194) has grown by 77 percent, while the number of students introduced to the platform (23,290) has increased by 82 percent.

However, usage is only part of the story. Educators across the state report that their new digital resources are driving deeper student engagement in instruction and creating a passion to study and explore current events. The Merrimack School District is taking full advantage of the digital learning platform and has the highest number of teachers and students using Discovery Education content.

“These digital learning tools empower educators to create dynamic, immersive lessons that provide students the opportunity to see how what they are learning in the classroom connects to the outside world,” said Jessica Gott, a library media specialist at Merrimack High School and a frequent user of Discovery Education. “These resources have been game changers.”

A key to this initiative’s success has been our efforts to teach educators how to use these innovative resources. Since July of 2022, there have been 47 professional learning sessions offered throughout New Hampshire that have provided educators with in-depth training on how to use Discovery Education tools in the classroom. They are also exposing teachers to a new suite of instructional strategies that will serve our students well now and in the future.

While Discovery Education is planning a special one-year celebration event this month in New Hampshire, it is our hope that more educators will be inspired to use its unique content and also participate in its professional learning geared to augment and improve student engagement.

Studying fossils, exploring the digestive system, or participating in the Young Scientist Challenge are a few of the ways that Discovery Education is helping students statewide understand real-world concepts and become effective learners. These digital resources and instructional materials, which are being used daily by New Hampshire educators, have become incredibly valuable to the state’s educational system by connecting youth to today and preparing them for tomorrow.

The New Hampshire Department of Education has put into place several initiatives that will not only recover lost learning from the pandemic but drive and accelerate improved academic achievement and innovation statewide. Offering unlimited Discovery Education content to teachers and students is providing them with another tool to assist their students.

Frank Edelblut
Commissioner of Education
New Hampshire Department of Education

Karen M. Beerer, Ed.D.
Senior Vice President, Teaching and Learning
Discovery Education


The post Sparking Curiosity in Education appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Two More Oregon Counties Approve Measure to Leave The State to Join Greater Idaho

Sun, 2022-11-13 02:30 +0000

Nearly two years ago, I joked about making a deal with Massachusetts to give them Nashua. After Tuesday’s election, they might just take it. Way out west, eastern and central Oregon residents are working on a different strategy. They are trying to leave and become part of Idaho.

Who can blame them? Republican counties make up most of the state, while the densely populated coastline counties packed with Marxists decide its political color and fortunes.

But most of the land mass has folks with very different values. Ideas about life and living that their left-coast political masters despise. Divorce for irreconcilable differences makes sense.

The idea is to move the border of Oregon and Idaho to benefit everyone. Liberals would free up millions used to care for parts of the state where they’d not be caught dead. Conservatives would be free from the Lefty nightmare. And Idaho would get a good deal larger.



1. American Values: Oregon will continue to violate more and more American values and American freedoms because northwestern Oregon has 79% of Oregon’s population and voters. Fortunately, Boise has only 13% of Idaho’s population.

2. Law and Order: Oregon refuses to protect citizens from criminals, rioters, wildfire arsonists, illegals, and the homeless, but then infringes on your right to defend your family with firearms.  Idaho enforces the law.

3. Low Tax: Idaho is the state with the 8th smallest tax burden, and Oregon ranks 33rd, according to . Combining all taxes together, including sales tax, the average Idahoan paid $1722 less in taxes in 2019 than the average Oregonian. That’s averaging together every adult or child, employed, retired or unemployed. Oregon tax rates continue to go up due to a lack of willingness to control spending.

4. Safety: Idaho allows forests to be managed to prevent destruction of housing from huge wildfires.

5. Thriving Economy: Idaho has less regulation than any other state, leading to low unemployment and a much lower cost of living. Idaho’s approach to regulation and taxation would allow our rural industries to revive and employ us again.

6. Representation: The ruling party in the Oregon Legislature only has two representatives from a rural district or from eastern or southern Oregon. But our reps would be in the ruling party in Idaho, where our concerns and needs would be heard.


On Tuesday, two more counties voted to join the movement bringing the total to eleven. There are six more counties affected by the plan, one of which has scheduled a vote. And it got me thinking.

We’ve nowhere to go in New Hampshire, trapped as we are between Canada and Massachusetts with Blue Vermont and Bluing Maine on either side. Are there any red counties in either state wanting to be part of New Hampshire that we’d be willing to have?

If not, maybe we should vote to become part of Idaho. It might be the only way we’ll rid ourselves of an insufferable Democrat congressional delegation



The post Two More Oregon Counties Approve Measure to Leave The State to Join Greater Idaho appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Tough Out There for a Cop

Sun, 2022-11-13 01:00 +0000

Imagine the cheek involved in some of the latest capers found in our undocumented immigrant’s paradise.

If you sneak into this country, you’re immediately covered by the local state, county, or municipality for every conceivable medical need for free, including those of your hundreds of close and not-so-close family members, far above that routinely offered to the real American peasants and veterans who are paying for this largesse.

In your spare time from dodging meaningful legal employment, from the schools you pay nothing to support, and far from the routine day-to-day business regimen of your favorite Democrat solons, all neck deep in the public trough, you decide to mosey on over to your local green space and duke it out with the police because you’re dissatisfied with the vast amount freebies you immediately qualified for combined with the need for a greater dollop of human respect to be ladled out from the tureens of those at work.  And you do it because it’s time for the UN-approved, Raul Castro practicing, Schumer and Pelosi blessed international holidays dedicated to goading the local police with rocks, man-portable missiles, and yes, hurled epithets.

We want to thank John Burtis for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

But nowhere in your responsibilities are you expected to obey the lawful orders of the police, the controlling civil authority, to lift a phrase from our once supreme reigning heavyweight meteorological savant, private jet traveler, and seer, Al Gore, as you go about your lawless activities unless the police properly beg you to stop tossing your empty short dogs of booze, cobble rocks, short pieces of pipe, and bags of urine at them, in your proper native tongue. And, of course, the police can be taken to task for failing to adequately describe, in your native tongue, from Lithuanian to Urdu, the objects you’re throwing when they order you to cease your dissociative and criminal behavior.

Things have sure changed a lot thanks to politically correct behavior, the recognition of microaggressions, and the input garnered from the “liberal” media and our burgeoning social elite.  I can actually remember when folks were more concerned about stopping the riots, slowing the destruction of private property, and rounding up the criminals than they were about the he, hims, and hers, used while goading them on.

It used to be that large roving packs of varlets tossing rocks, full cans of beer, railroad spikes, coiled balls of barbed wire, bullets,s and the like at you and your fellow citizens, were fair game for jail, our teetering legal system, and a good talking to in English from a judge possessing an ever so slight understanding our marvelous and unique Constitution.

But now you have to address everybody in their native tongue, using the proper pronouns, while you’re enduring this rain of missiles, waiting for their response, giving them a few minutes for the lawful orders to cease and desist to sink in, while enduring the continued rain of missiles, waiting a few more moments to see if they understood, while the rocks, bottles and associated jetsam hit you in the helmet and dirty your clean blue military pressed uniform, and then repeat the process until the boisterous gangrels, ne’er-do’wells, vagabonds, moochers, and lollygaggers disperse, should they care to.  And if they do end up arrested and tossed in the can, their bail will be met by our nation’s President, Veep, and their staffs using Democrat donations garnered from ActBlue because they’ve been wronged sometime in their past, somewhere on this spinning planet and we, working Americans, owe them a great deal for their troubles.

Ah, America today, where Antifa, the BLM crowd, illegal aliens, assorted crooks, and rampaging agents of terror make outrageous public demands of the police, which are immediately taken up by the far-left liberal media and trumpeted worldwide by the UN as evidence of rogue US cops on another uncalled for rampage.

Sometimes I actually do long for the old days. Unemployment may have been higher, the Dow was lower, the NASDAQ free of Bernie Madoff, Adam-12 and Mannix were popular, fewer folks owned their own homes, automobiles, and telephones, we worked longer hours for less pay while American cars were riddled with tactile and audible defects, where rattling car doors often contained empty beer cans which in turn were partly filled with pebbles, a la the long studied Lordstown GMC UAW Local 1112 strike.  But the chances of being killed by a gunman or murdered in a riot were far less than in 2020 and today.

But in those days of yore, there were a few responsibilities cops demanded of the criminal class –  understanding and speaking English were two of them, combined with that modicum of civility.

But times have changed, thanks in part to President Obama, the decline of decorum, and the “defund the police” Democrats.

It’s tough out there for a cop.

The post It’s Tough Out There for a Cop appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

[Updated] How Did Maggie Hassan Get 1100 Votes in NH Town With a Population Under 700?

Sat, 2022-11-12 23:30 +0000

We’ve got something for you if you’re looking for irregularities in your local elections. Columbia, New Hampshire. It’s way up north. A tiny little town that, according to the 2020 US Census, had 695 residents. But according to the Secretary of State, Maggie Hassan received 1,106 votes from the same town.

Don Bolduc had 193 votes.


State of New Hampshire – General Election
November 8, 2022 United States Senator
Coos County Bolduc, r Hassan, d Kauffman, l Scatter
Columbia 193 1106 4 0


The State Website reports Columbia, NH, had 735 residents in 2019. Columbia, NH’s website says the population in 2010 was 798. Wikipedia cites a decline based on the 2020 census to 695.

How were over 1300 votes cast in a town with a population under 700 at least and under 800 at best?

Someone up there might want to request the same-day registration list. Your town doubled in size overnight.


[Update] – I received some outreach, including this.


…and this seems the most likely reason, but now we’ve got something else to consider. The total for the county for Maggie Hasan includes the typo.

State of New Hampshire – General Election
November 8, 2022 United States Senator
Coos County Bolduc, r Hassan, d Kauffman, l Scatter
At. & Gil. Academy Grant 0 0 0 0
Bean’s Grant 0 0 0 0
Bean’s Purchase 0 0 0 0
Berlin 1328 1589 83 0
Cambridge 2 1 0 0
Carroll 200 217 10 0
Chandler’s Purchase 0 0 0 0
Clarksville 89 62 6 1
Colebrook 515 341 26 1
Columbia 193 1106 4 0
Crawford’s Purchase 0 0 0 0
Cutt’s Grant 0 0 0 0
Dalton 233 215 10 0
Dix’s Grant 0 0 0 0
Dixville 0 5 0 0
Dummer 80 50 3 0
Errol 116 63 2 0
Erving’s Location 0 0 0 0
Gorham 532 733 21 2
Green’s Grant 0 1 0 0
Hadley’s Purchase 0 0 0 0
Jefferson 328 201 10 0
Kilkenny 0 0 0 0
Lancaster 616 608 63 0
Low & Burbank’s Grant 0 0 0 0
Martin’s Location 0 0 0 0
Milan 322 276 16 1
Millsfield 14 4 0 0
Northumberland 416 318 18 2
Odell 0 0 0 0
Pinkham’s Grant 0 1 0 0
Pittsburg 317 146 7 0
Randolph 67 170 4 0
Sargent’s Purchase 0 0 0 0
Second College Grant 0 0 0 0
Shelburne 115 107 3 0
Stark 161 86 5 0
Stewartstown 212 83 6 0
Stratford 119 124 8 0
Success 0 0 0 0
Thompson & Meserve’s Pur. 0 0 0 0
Wentworth’s Location 12 6 1 0
Whitefield 504 546 39 1
TOTALS                 6,491               7,059                345             8

Her actual total (assuming the typo) is 6059, which means Bolduc won Coos County. It’s only 1000 votes, you say, and in this race, that’s not much. Hassan won by over 57,000 votes. But it does beg the question; are there any more typos?

And can they or do they matter?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democracy Isn’t the Solution. It’s the Problem.

Sat, 2022-11-12 22:00 +0000

It’s astonishing, as you look down the list of election results, how often the races are evenly split:  51 to 48, 49 to 47, 48.3 to 48.1, and so on.

Stop for a moment to think about what this means. What such races do is maximize the number of people who will end up being unrepresented.  Or misrepresented.  Or disrepresented.  However you prefer to think about it.

That is, they guarantee that the largest possible number of people (up to just less than half) will have views that they disagree with, and even abhor, forced upon them.

This is practically the opposite of government by consent.

And, short of requiring the winners of elections to get at least 95% of the votes cast, it’s not something that can be fixed by tweaking election laws, or fiddling with the two-party system, or trying to reduce the influence of money, or any of the other things we keep trying to do to ‘save our democracy’.

The whole point of elections is to perform an end-run around the founding principle that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, by letting the majority dispense with the need to obtain the consent of the minority.¹

What Ronald Reagan said about government is also true of democracy:  It’s not the solution.  It’s the problem.  And it’s a problem because it replaces consent with majority rule.  And that encourages competition instead of cooperation.

That is, if you need to govern by consent, then you need to find solutions that work for everyone, or nearly everyone.  But if you can govern by majority rule, you just have to assemble a big enough gang that you can ignore, and even oppress, all the smaller gangs.

And so, elections give us exactly what we should expect from them:  Contests that resemble gang wars, where anything goes, and victory is the only thing that matters, because to victors go the spoils.

The problem isn’t that the wrong people are victorious.  The problem is that there are spoils for them to claim.

Which is why trying to ‘improve’ elections is like trying to ‘improve’ armed robbery.  If you’re trying to do it, it means you don’t understand the problem.


¹ In case you’re thinking that majority rule ‘expresses the consent of the people’, a quick look at Article V of the federal constitution makes it clear that our founders knew the difference between majority rule and consent.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Tale Of Two Leaders

Sat, 2022-11-12 20:30 +0000

Adam Trump-Voters-Are-White-Supremacists Sexton tweeted out parts of interviews he did with the leaders of the House Democrats and the House Republicans. The difference is stark and helps explain why the GOP performed so miserably in the 2022 midterms.

Let’s first consider the Democrat Leader, Matt Wilhelm. While Wilhelm is a reprehensible communist, he is also a competent leader. Note how he is already painting the picture that anyone who disagrees with his agenda is a “right-wing extremist.” This is smart because so many New Hampshire Republicans are so WEAK. He’ll be able to peel off these weaklings to block GOP bills and pass his socialist bills … “see I’m no right-wing extremist, I opposed that parental-rights bill because blah, blah, blah” etc. etc. etc..

And if you play the clip, you will see that Wilhelm … while a communist-dork … projects strength. He says flat-out that “bipartisan cooperation” means GOP Reps voting for his agenda and NOT vice versa. Quite the contrast with the GOP Leader, Jason Osborne.

Osborne in contrast projects weakness. He seems still shell-shocked by the House GOP’s miserable failure on Tuesday, and whiny and apologetic … you’ll see a different side of me; I’ll change I promise. PATHETIC.

If Democrats had even a one-seat majority they would be saying that the voters have spoken and ram through their agenda. The GOP in contrast are preemptively surrendering. The GOP desperately needs new leadership.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BlogLine of the Day: Robber With a Gun With Poor Victim Selection Skills

Sat, 2022-11-12 19:00 +0000

…as Mr. Tyler’s face continued to come into close contact with the closed fists of his would-be victims.


While none of the intended victims had a gun on them, the aggressor did – two, in fact, and literally walked in via an unlocked door (poor security protocol, y’all). Even being outgunned, the victims won:

Armed, Masked Intruder Suffers Epic Failed the Victim Selection Test

Eighteen-year-old Marrell Tyler probably should have gone to bed early last week. Instead, he donned a ski mask, pulled a gun, and then entered someone else’s apartment in Kokomo, Indiana.  He would later tell police that he entered the first door he found unlocked.

Once inside, he tried to rob the three men he found there. Tyler, however, soon learned they had a say in the matter.

The three men in the apartment at 3:30am didn’t take kindly to a masked punk trying to rob them. They grabbed him, disarmed him and then pummeling him to a pulp. That’s when cops say Mr. Tyler pulled a second gun.

While disarming the masked bandit of his second gun, a shot was fired as Mr. Tyler’s face continued to come into close contact with the closed fists of his would-be victims. At that point, one of the residents accessed his own firearm and then held the aspiring felon for police.

And this came in second place for BlogLine of the Day:

As is plainly visible from the booking photo above, Mr. Tyler face was clear evidence of his poor victim selection abilities.

There’s a bit more from the news bit on this – go to the link and read it. However, what do you all think of this piece of advice from the post:

Home carry is a thing. Really. Seriously. Practice it folks, along with the basics like…locking your front door. You never know when some hoodlum will invite themselves into your residence looking to commit a crime of opportunity.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If the dogs are barking furiously at night, sure. A lot of times when I just come home from doing errands or an event, I forget to put it in the vault.

What do you do?

(H/T: The Truth About Guns)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Is the NH AG’s Office Hiding That 2 Prosecutors Left the YDC Case?

Sat, 2022-11-12 17:30 +0000

The departure of 2 Prosecutors for the New Hampshire Youth Development Center abuse cases smacks of another cover-up by the State. The departure was announced shortly after the State discovered millions of documents about the Youth Detention Center.

One of the prosecutors, Tim Sullivan, had been the head of the task force set up by the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the Youth Detention Center abuse.  Neither he nor Nicole Mazur, the other lead prosecutor, would provide a comment to news journalists about the reason for their departure. 

The Youth Detention Center abuse has been going on for years. Complaints about it have also been going on for years. Reports of cover ups, deletion of files have been in the news for the last several years and yet former attorneys general have never done anything about it. The only reason they are forced to do something about it now is because of Russ Riley’s failed class action lawsuit against the State which apparently triggered arrests of staffers from the YDC and 800 individual lawsuits against the State by alleged victims of abuse.

Moira O’Neill who was hired in a newly formed Office of Child Advocate a couple of years ago, provided reports which the State could not deny. She did not renew her contract. What did she discover about State officials and their complicity in the abuse and cover ups?

Gordon MacDonald, currently the New Hampshire Supreme Court Chief Justice, was Attorney General when Russ Riley’s class action suit against the State and Youth Detention Center was filed and rejected for “victim negligence”. Gordon MacDonald was Attorney General when he “considered his options” to block the release of a list of police officers with credibility issues – the “Laurie List” – which had approximately 280 names on it. Gordon MacDonald also represented Purdue Pharma when it was sued by the State of New Hampshire. He managed to block and external audit of millions of Purdue’s internal documents just as he was about to become Attorney General.  

Geoffrey Ward, Assistant Attorney General currently and during Gordon MacDonald’s tenure as Attorney General, deleted the files of 28 police officers on the eve of the list becoming public pursuant to a bill passed last year.

Geoffrey Ward has stonewalled inquiries about police corruption. How many police officers were involved in framing children who ended up being prosecuted and being put in the youth detention center?

The New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence is straddling both sides of this mess. They endorsed the nomination of Paul Halvorsen, a Juvenile Prosecutor, as DA for Merrimack County while siding with a sexual assault worker in a smear lawsuit (filed by Chuck Douglas for Jennifer Adams) against DA Robin Davis who allegedly had issues with the police’s tainted investigations and too close relationship with prosecutors.

The NHCADSV works closely with the DCYF which has admitted to deleting files of sexual assault and yet the NHCADSV never took a stand against the DCYF for doing this.  

Now the NHCADSV is working with David Vicinanzo, former partner of Gordon MacDonald at Nixon Peabody when they (Vicinanzo and MacDonald) collectively represented the Diocese of Manchester for hundreds of quick settlements for lawsuits filed by Chuck Douglas Esq, who had been New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Chief Justice just a few years earlier. Vicinanzo and MacDonald worked with Monsignor Edward Arsenault, who pled guilty in 2014 to defrauding the Diocese, stealing from a dead priest’s estate and from a hospital (Catholic Medical Center, I believe) for which he was responsible for increasing profits (couldn’t be from Purdue Pharma could it?).

When Chuck Douglas was New Hampshire Supreme Court Chief Justice, he ordered a 13-year-old girl back to the Youth Detention Center after being raped and impregnated. He is currently Chair of the Judicial Selection Committee. He also advertised for victims of the Youth Detention Center to be his clients.

Could it be that the two prosecutors resigned from the YDC case because to continue would expose the knowledge of abuse by New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Chief Justice, former Attorneys General, assistant Attorneys General, current US Attorney Jane Young, former US Attorney Scott Murray, the DCYF,  NHCADSV, present and former Governors and attorneys Chuck Douglas, David Vicinanzo, Shaheen & Gordon?

The State and its officials can no longer cover up crimes against children, abuse of public funds and abuse of public trust. A fish stinks from the head. This multi-headed fish wreaks.

It is quite clear from the statements from the Merrimack County Superior Court plea hearing in November 2019 of 17 year old Griffin Furlotte that public officials, police, administrators, NHCADSV think that lying to, stalking, bullying, force-feeding minors with fabricated tales is acceptable in order to gain convictions. And that this is a practice used by the State’s agencies as ammunition to apply for federal grants and to then misappropriate those federal grants while forcing kids and young adults into horrifically abusive environments for which the state also obtains federal funding.

Who are the real culprits behind the abuse of children and young adults in New Hampshire’s Youth Detention Center and other state facilities? Start with the Attorney General’s Office (pre-John Formella who bravely addressed the issue) and the State Agencies who receive federal grants under Title IV or for sex abuse or domestic violence.

Anna Carrigan was a whistleblower. Her suit against New Hampshire for child neglect via its state agencies was rejected at the New Hampshire Supreme Court. It should be re-opened in light of the YDC abuse revelations, and those complicit in covering up the records or having knowledge of the cover ups should be charged and prosecuted. The State’s Court and Supreme Court has protected its own while using and abusing minors and young adults. Should the public pay $100 million or should the people involved in this racket who may have funds squirreled away among the $932.5 billion Pandora Papers stash pay?  Why are none of these facing prosecution and prison sentences for crimes against children and racketeering?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat Rule Will Do that: Vermont Has Its Highest Homicide Rate in Three Decades

Sat, 2022-11-12 16:00 +0000

If you are looking for a silver lining, this report on spiking homicides in increasingly-crime-riddled Democrat Vermont does imply that at some point in the past, there were more homicides in a year than in 2022.

Related: Vermont Democrats Keep Coming for Your Guns. House Passes 30-Day Waiting Period, and Gun Ban in Hospitals


A deadly shooting in Rutland this week marked the 20th Vermont homicide so far this year, the highest number since 1992 when there were 21.

Going back as far as 2013, there were only 10 homicides in Vermont, according to FBI data. That number climbed to 17 in 2017. The lowest number in this period was last 2021, with nine homicides.


The Donkeys are blaming gun violence in a state that has been increasing regulation of firearms as Democrats’ grip on power has solidified. And after Tuesday, they now hold veto-proof majorities in the state legislature, making useless Gov. Phil Scott (r) even more of an empty-suited figurehead in a declining Democracy – unless he’d like to declare a state of emergency over those election results so he can write a few emergency orders.

Not that he would. He’s what a Southern Republican would call…what’s the word…a Democrat.

Also, no mention that most of this “gun” violence happens in its #wokest, progressive city – Burlington. The blackhole into which the state has been sucked politically.

Related: Burlington Police Chief Lacks Manpower to Investigate Murder-Suicide Because BLM-Appeasing City Council Defunded Them

Is anyone in a betting mood? It’s only November 11th. With the economic pressures, the holidays, and the ongoing inevitable failure of progressive government, will Vermont find a way to get past 21 homicides in 2022?

I hope not for the sake of Vermonters, but I will go with Yes.

Democrats will also impose more gun restrictions, and violent crime will get worse. It always does.

Granite Staters in the Connecticut River Valley should keep their arms and ammunition handy. We don’t want any of that violent crime spilling over into New Hampshire.



Note: Yes, NH has more homicides, but Vermont used to be the safest state in the nation per capita and has been in decline while NH is still at or near number one every year. We also did not defund the police (Burlington) or make sex work/trafficking legal (Burlington), nor do we have any “official” sanctuary cities (Vermont is a ‘sanctuary’ state).

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – World’s Household Wealth: Who Has It and Who Doesn’t?

Sat, 2022-11-12 14:30 +0000

Once again, the US has the top spot – China number two.  I am betting, however, that China’s wealth is going to decrease over the next couple of years as President for Life Xi is returning China back HARD to a top-down command economy as he jettisons the free market (or “freer” – a more relative term for a hard Communist regime).

Otherwise, a few measure that had me going “really? I didn’t realize that”.

(H/T: Visual Capitalist)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Created a ‘Right’ for “Out-Of-State Students” It Can’t Give to Actual Residents

Sat, 2022-11-12 13:00 +0000

Record out-of-state student voter turnout on November 8th may have been the straw that broke this camel’s back. Yes, I’ve been complaining about it for years and making a decent case (I think), but it’s time to get relentless.

Related: College Students in NH Admit They Have More Voting Rights Than True Granite Staters

Why have we allowed the state government to give (0r create for) non-residents in New Hampshire more “voting rights” than actual residents?

Where are the lawsuits, LSRs, or mass movements to fix this injustice?

New Hampshire gave college kids who live outside the state but attend college within our borders the ability to vote in two states, but they can’t give us that same right?

Democrats defend this inequity as if any effort to correct it is discrimination while insisting on mandatory voting by mail, invalidating their argument of vote suppression.

What the F!!K do we have to do to win this argument and end the discrimination perpetrated by the Governor, the AG, the Secretary of State, and everyone else involved in administering election on actual domiciled residents in New Hampshire?

As long as this inequity exists, we can’t win elections or even know what NH residents want at the town, city, country, state, or national level. These “students” are voting where it will have the most impact (and by the impact, they mean on your state and local spending, regulations, all of it). They can and do leave you holding the check.

So,  NH isn’t purple or blue. We don’t know what color it is until this is resolved, but we do know this. When anyone brings up “Student voting rights,” you engage that debate and give them the correct definition.

The difference between out-of-state college students and actual New Hampshire residents is that the former has more voting rights. The Legislature lets them “legally” vote in either of two states, but you can only vote in one.

Keep saying it until it sticks.


Note: Yes, I know that governments cannot create rights. They can only take them away. So, does that make this situation better or worse?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Josh Hawley Gets It … NH-Republicans Still Don’t

Sat, 2022-11-12 11:30 +0000

Josh Hawley spoke with Real Clear Politics and laid the blame for the disastrous 2022 midterms … with respect to the Senate … exactly where it belongs: WITH MITCH MCCONNELL.

From collaborating with Biden on inflationary legislation and then expecting voters to blame Biden for inflation … to refusing to lay out a positive agenda … to undermining America-First GOP Senate candidates … Mitch did EVERYTHING wrong.

Republican “leadership” in New Hampshire was WORSE! They have had years … no, actually decades … to build Get-Out-The-Vote infrastructure, but they don’t because that would actually be hard work. Instead, they send out a flyer with a picture of the candidate and Sun-King Sununu and pretend that is GOTV.

At every turn they are OUT-THOUGHT, OUT-WORKED, and OUT-PERFORMED by their Democrat counterparts … yet somehow they avoid any blame. Nobody is demanding Stepanek resign; it is treated as a given that Sherm Packard will continue to “lead” House Republicans, etc..  It is so ridiculous that Rep. Jason Osborne is actually taking a victory-lap for failing miserably:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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