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Friday • September 20 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 3 min 56 sec ago

Well, Peaking at the Right Time Is Always Good! Oz Now Beating Fetterman in the Pa Senate Race. An Omen for the Result?

Tue, 2022-11-08 22:30 +0000

This from Erick Erickson early this morning:

This is one of the “most watched bellweather” races this cycle.  The celebrity of Dr. Oz vs a “hasn’t done much” Lt. Gov Fetterman has been one to watch. Like a lot of races that Democrats were supposed to win, the Republicans (like Bolduc and Leavitt here in NH) have been catching up. Can’t hurt to finally be on top of the poll on election day.

The problem for Oz, however, is that PA has early voting and many did vote before the infamous debate between the two of them happened just a little bit ago. Look, I am far from being the guy that’s going to make fun of someone who has suffered a stroke and hasn’t fully recovered – and that’s what was on full display during that debate and in numerous campaign events. But in what I have seen, Fetterman is not capable at the present time to serve. It looks like voters in PA have finally realized this.

It does feel like, at least nationally, there is a late breaking Preference Cascade happening and it isn’t for the Democrats. “Extremists” and “Abortion” and “Our Democracy!” as campaign slogans only go so far as you’re hauling out yet another credit card to pay for gas and groceries.

If this poll is correct (and yes, most polls have been rather crappy lately, so pounds of salt, folks), it may well be an interesting night.

The post Well, Peaking at the Right Time Is Always Good! Oz Now Beating Fetterman in the Pa Senate Race. An Omen for the Result? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

All Voting Machines Are Down In Mercer County, NJ. Pa Runs Out of “Paper for Voting”

Tue, 2022-11-08 21:30 +0000

UPDATE: In Texas as well:

New York:




WCIA reported:

The Champaign County Clerk’s office is reporting that computer server performance is being impacted by cyber-attacks on the network and servers.

The Champaign County Clerk said the website has been the target of repeated D-DOS attacks for the past month, fortunately the reinforced security and response from the Clerk’s IT team has prevented these attacks from being successful and the Clerk’s website has remained secured. No data or information has been compromised and the election is secure.

The Clerk’s Office reports that Election judges and staff are doing everything they can to process voters according to the requirements of election law while navigating these attacks. They are encouraging people to stay in line

And in Alaska, Dominion again:


Emphasis mine, reformatted: Action News on 6abc tweeted,

“#BREAKING All voting machines are down in each district across Mercer County, New Jersey, according to officials. Voters can still vote using a standard ballot at their polling locations.”

6abc’s article said, “More than a quarter of the state’s [NJ] House seats are considered competitive.” Machine malfunctions wouldn’t by any chance help stem a potential red wave, would they?

Mercer County posted on Facebook this morning,

“The Board of Elections has advised the county of issues with voting machines. Poll workers will be on hand to walk voters through the process. The board is working with Dominion, the machine maker, to resolve the issue.”

You might remember Dominion from the highly irregular 2020 election.

Mercer County has not provided any updates as of this writing (12:29pm today).

Dominion. Again.

(H/T: PJ Media)

And isn’t this lovely in a GOP majority area in Pennsylvania.  Coincidence – or not?  I don’t know. Emphasis mine, reformatted:

Pennsylvania County Runs Out of Paper Before Noon on Election Day

…And a Pennsylvania county reportedly ran out of paper for voting — before noon in majority-GOP precincts.

Pennsylvania has been one of the most talked-about states leading into Election Day 2022, with high-profile races including Dr. Mehmet Oz (R) vs. John Fetterman (D) for Senate and Doug Mastriano (R) vs. Josh Shapiro (D) for governor. The state already defied a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in mid-October and said it will count undated mail-in ballots. Now a Pennsylvania county has managed to run out of ballots before noon.

…Is it incompetence or something more deliberate? How does a county run out of paper before noon on Election Day — apparently in Republican-majority precincts? And why can whole European countries tabulate election results in one day but not the state of Pennsylvania?

(H/T: PJ Media)

The post All Voting Machines Are Down In Mercer County, NJ. Pa Runs Out of “Paper for Voting” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Joe, I am Not a Radical or Nazi. I am a Patriot and Proud Republican

Tue, 2022-11-08 20:30 +0000

Finally, we are at decision day. Today is the only poll that matters. I have watched hours of negative ads and have been called everything from election denier, Mega MAGA, radical, Nazi, and more. I guess I should be glad about the name-calling, labeling, and finger-pointing. Because it means the other side has nothing.

After tomorrow, they can call me, and all Republicans, Uncle, because I am leaning towards a bloodbath for the Democrats tomorrow. They deserve it.

Joe Biden says the midterms are not a referendum but a choice. Both words have the same meaning in the political arena, and the choice between Democrats and Republicans cannot be more apparent. Nobody should call themselves Independent because today’s world is black and white. There is no gray. If you call yourself an Independent, you have not paid attention to the candidates.

As a Republican, these are what I stand for and what I want my representatives in Washington to believe in:

  • I am Pro-Life, but if a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy, it should not be in the third trimester.
  • I am against Defunding and/or eliminating the Police. Police are part of the solution to our growing crime problem
  • I believe in sovereignty and not in Open Borders, and no limit to the number of illegal immigrants
  • Voting rights are for citizens and never for non-citizens
  • The Supreme Court should have nine justices…..period
  • We need fossil fuels and need to be energy independent 
  • End No-Cash Bail and the emptying of prisons
  • There should be no Amnesty for illegal aliens entering through our Southern Border
  • Parents have a critical say in their child’s education.
  • That CRT has no place in our schools
  • I am against Voiding Student Loans and free college
  • I believe the Electoral College is integral to making my vote count
  • The States should control their election process
  • Children should not take steps to transgender without parental consent
  • Sexually explicit books have no place in elementary school libraries
  • Children should not be exposed to gender options in third grade

These are not Radical views but rather Conservative views, with many having their foundation in our Constitution. I also believe in interpreting the Constitution as written, not in how you think it should have been written.

We need to end the Progressive ideas that have destroyed our economic growth, given us an inflation rate at a forty-year high, weakened our military, eradicated our borders, and lessened our position as a global power.

I recognize Joe Biden as our President, but we need a Republican Congress to balance our government. Our Constitution gave us a government with three branches and no provision for a singular ruler with a pen. We need to rethink the process of Executive Orders. As it is now, we can have a President governing with a pen, and if the opposing Party takes the White House, these orders can be reversed on Day One with a pen. 

The Democrats have not only taken our country in the wrong direction, but they have also been tone-deaf in this cycle, putting all of their attention on “reproductive rights….abortion. There are not enough people concerned about abortion to turn the tide. They are going to get what they deserve tomorrow.

I look forward to a great day for the Republicans tomorrow, but I will live with the results. I will also be glad to see an end to the negative ads and the great divide. Joe Biden said he was a unifier and lied. I hope we can somehow find a way to bring this country together and turn down the noise. That may be the biggest challenge for whoever wins. They will need our support and our prayers.

The post Hey Joe, I am Not a Radical or Nazi. I am a Patriot and Proud Republican appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Right on Schedule, Here Comes the Bus(ES)! And AZ Votes “Misread”

Tue, 2022-11-08 19:30 +0000

Is “misread” the same as “misgendered”?  I dunno – I get so confused with all the newly made up words the Left conjures up.  But more on that in a bit.

Buses. UNH. Actual or apocrophal? From a loyal reader:

—— Original Message ——
Sent: 11/8/2022 10:50:07 AM
Subject: UNH is busing students to the Durham high school

Hearing UNH Iis busing students to the Durham high school and on the buses are posters of Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappa’s

I think this is not permitted but not sure……. heavy bias.


And I’m supposing that’s the polling place for them. Is NH State Rep Timmy Horgan doing the “line dance” urging these students on to vote – whether they can or not?

My quick response, however, was:

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
To: <redacted;
Sent: 11/8/2022 11:55:04 AM
Subject: Re: UNH is busing students to the Durham high school

Hearing?  The person telling you this – possible for s/he get pics?


Again, as you go to your polling place, see if there are any out-of-state license plates. I have to admit that when TMEW and I voted (around 10am and already 975 voters had come through), the parking lot(s) were absolutely full but I didn’t see nary a one. But I’m not in a college town nor a Southern border town.

I heard this for years but we really do need proof. So while we’re waiting, back to Arizona to the misgendered ballots (I SO want to “redefine” that word that I so hate! And doesn’t it also mean “this isn’t working for me”?):

BREAKING: Votes in Key Arizona County Are Being ‘Misread

Poll workers at a key voting location in Arizona’s Maricopa County announced Tuesday morning that voting machines at a polling station in Anthem are not working. A significant number of ballots are being misread, but election officials claim individuals are still able to cast their ballots properly.

“We have two tabulators, one of the tabulators is not working. The other tabulator is taking about 75 percent successful so 25 percent of them are being misread and it could be a printer issue or it could be the tabulator itself,” an election worker explained.

If I’m reading this right, one is down and the other is working only 75% of the time. BRILLIANT! The rest of this post is a series of Tweets and I’m not going to repost them here.  Does sound like a bit of a combination of CYA and trying to rectify the issues.

Back to UNH; getting the following updates (several emails):

I am actually on my way now to check it out…Many small buses, vans. Trolly. Hassan, Pappas, Sherman,  Durham high school is infested holy shit.  Pics will get some…Ok so we asked and its a private party doing it.

I’ve asked more questions – will get updates.

The post And Right on Schedule, Here Comes the Bus(ES)! And AZ Votes “Misread” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Exeter – “Transparent” ballots?

Tue, 2022-11-08 19:00 +0000

Yikes – I was using a similar marker this morning:

—– Original Message ——
From: <redacted>
To: “” <>
Sent: 11/8/2022 11:09:16 AM
Subject: Ballot bleed through – Exeter

Good morning Skip and Team,

Thank you all for always supplying useful info.

Voted this morning in Exeter @ (9:00) and found the sharpie supplied had bled through my ballot fairly heavy. Spoke with a poll agent and was reassured that this would not affect my ballot.

Took pics of both sides of the ballot and submitted it.

Thought I would forward the info,

Thank You,


Hope that the poll official was right – and most likely is. However, we’ll pay a bit of attention to Exeter…just in case. After all, all these machine are optically based – looking for those black marks in a given location. Remember the Windham Incident where a mere fold mark threw off the “observation” of the optical reader and changed the vote counts (compared to a hand count)?

Miss the old pencils, though…

And don’t worry about the FBI bit above…much, anyways. At least not in this area.


The post Exeter – “Transparent” ballots? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Tue, 2022-11-08 17:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




Election Special Stuff!



Take note of these numbers!!

To counter-balance yesterday’s image about using your phone to check networks is this counterbalancing warning from a poster on GAB:

Stephen Anderson:They are trying to cheat. Do not take your cell phone to the polling places. Even the parking lots. The leftist companies use their apps to list your party affiliation. Then using geotracking on Election Day, they know when you vote and most probably how you did by following your replies and comments on the apps. They send this info to data bases in certain locations where they can stop the counting switch the votes bc of the red wave and they have approximately the precise amount of votes needed to flip the election and harvest ballots close to the right amount of Ballots needed. This is why it was a big deal with Stopping Elon. They couldn’t do it, but they Bought time to switch the load of info into other companies doing the same, so they can all report you were at the polls voting democrat or republican. Companies are Twitter (maybe not now), Facebook, Google, instagram, FB Messenger, Verizon, AT&T, Tik Tok and others. Sounds like Konnech might be one of the data bases where this info is stored in China so as not to get caught easily. But they did. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CELL PHONES TO THE POLLING PLACES. LEAVE THEM HOME. APPS CAN TRACK EVEN WHEN THE PHONE IS TURNED OFF!!!!!

My thought? Record the above, then take a diversion to the bathroom. If you write things down, take a picture then email them to yourself as a date-and-time record.  Turn off your phone and then wrap it in foil for the slow-walked duration.  The more time you diddle away between your taking this data and your vote, the harder it will be for them to pin your vote on you.  Even better, keep your phone OFF and WRAPPED for a good 20 minutes after you leave the polling place.  The wider the window of your phone off, the harder it will be to make data connections.  (I have two silver-mesh bags, which I use nested one in the other, through the Shepherd Group; if you buy through them please tell them I sent you as I do get commissions.  I have done business with them many times on some four-figure transactions, and I trust them.)

Your mileage may vary, but fighting for freedom entails some risks.  Risk small now, or you’ll be risking much more if things go spicy after the Potato cheats to keeping the House and taking the Senate.  Remember my predictions for if that happens (first week in the new session):

  1. They’ll nuke the filibuster entirely – everything will now just be pure majority vote… and they’ll have that
  2. HR1 and its Senate version – essentially the “Democrats win every election from now on, forever” bill – gets rammed through
  3. Packing SCOTUS is assured
  4. Open borders, forever, with automatic amnesty (doubtless just in time for the 2024 *cough BS cough* election, assuming we’re not already in spicy time
  5. Draconian gun control
  6. Massive tax increases
  7. LGBTQP for any age – with transitions legalized for any age
  8. Jab mandates for everyone

Hashem help America on this day, or we’re toast for sure.  On Number 5 specifically:




And this one specifically:



I was at a local store checking out a now-purchased item, and my younger kid said “Dad, be sure your finger isn’t on the trigger until you’re ready to fire”!  The clerk looked with approval and asked how old they were, and congratulated me on drilling gun safety into them early.  Got to get them back to the range soon!



I still hold on, with my fingernails, to the idea that the ballot box might still work.  Because I really just want to be left alone.



Slogging through the woods in a guerilla war is not my idea of how I want to close my life.



Bayou Renaissance Man: Thoughts on today’s midterm elections

If the same sort of shenanigans take place today that took place during and after the November 2020 elections, we’ll know that the USA has become just another banana republic, just another corporate state, where “we the people” have effectively been stripped of the powers allocated to us in the republic’s constitution, and we’ve become nothing more than “we the peons” or “we the pitiful”.




And this is a priceless Leftist-self-own on the 2020 election:

Moving The Goal Posts – A Nod To The Gods

The second one, a meme, is also worth the click-through.  IMHO, people didn’t act because they don’t want the responsibility that comes from the action; it’s why they default to “Just following orders” or “It’s the policy” instead of instead of thinking and/or actually taking a stand.






Other memes:







This is the thing that frosts me… the mewling, subservient crawling that so many people did right from the get-go.  And when I pointed it out, I got called brainwashed.  There was, and still is, A Crisis of Trust.









I was a member of the ADL years and years ago, but dropped out.  Not for any specific reason, mind you, I just never saw any real results for the money I kept sending them.  The only result was that I kept getting asked for more money for this crisis, and that crisis… endless crises all requiring donations now-now-now.  (Like most organizations these days!)

Over time I learned about their founding being centered around defending a pedophile, and that polluted any good that I saw that they had done.  I was disgusted, equally, by the Catholic Church and its protections of pedophile priests.  Above all, a people should police their own.  While there is anti-Semitism masked as anti-Zionism, there are also legitimate criticisms that can be leveled against Israel.  Personally, my main criticism of Israel is asking why they don’t follow this piece of advice from the Torah.  You cannot co-exist with a people sworn to kill you.

Aside: a good piece about the Zionist resettlement of what was mostly barren desert.  And a couple of associated memes:




Back on track.  Now, especially with the ADL’s head being a former Obama staffer, I see that – per O’Sullivan’s Law – they’ve been utterly corrupted by the Tikkun Olam fetishists:

On the ‘Tikkun Olam’ Fetish | Frontpage Mag

With many misinterpreting Judaism’s call for justice as license to wrap their Leftism in the camouflage of being Jewish:

Tikkun Olam Being Misused and Hijacked by the Political Left | Aryeh Spero | The Blogs ( (bolding added):

Tikkun Olam was never conceived 3,000 years ago as a call for the social engineering of society into a welfare state and socialism. Nor is it to be used to fight against the founding principles of personal accountability, liberty, and local control.

Long ago, the Zohar, the foundation of mystic kabbalah, saw “Tikkun O’lam” as a call to mankind to produce products and services that benefit people, as is the goal of industry, science, modern companies, and our human creativity. It also was used by the Talmud to warn people and institutions not to physically harm or abuse their neighbors and be considerate of boundaries between shops and between humans, to deal with courtesy and manners. Tikkun O’lam is not a call for a domineering Nanny State, rather for individuals to do their part to spread the News of God and perform acts of individual concern and courtesy that make civic life possible.

The term Tikkun Olam has been politicized by the Left in service to the agenda of groups, among many others, such as the Jewish Labor Committee, a radical and marxist-oriented group from way back, often very critical of Israel, secular, and at war with many of the Jewish rituals. For the Left everything is politicized, even our religion.

Not just politicized.   I am in particular despair over their attacks on White people.  And more broadly, to use the smear of ANTI-SEMITE (just like they already smear with RACIST or HOMOPHOBE or whatever) to silence any criticism of ANY Leftist policy.  Or how they’ve leveraged Jewish group identity – and remember that any group tends to favor their own in hiring, promotions, etc., to varying degrees – to intimidate critics.  (I remember one place I worked – the head of the department was a Chinese immigrant… and so were pretty much everyone else; I was one of three Caucasians in a sea of Chinese.)



ALL LIVES MATTER INCLUDING WHITE LIVES.  And the ADL’s Plopping Jew hatred of White people and open advocacy of the Great Replacement* will, I fear precipitate another Shoah.  And damn them for that.



The above speaker has this transcribed presentation, which was seminal in my understanding of the Left:

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals “Think” | The Heritage Foundation

* After an Islamic migrant attack on a Rabbi in the Boston area, the local ADL talking head came out decrying the attack (as you would expect and hope).  But I did a little digging.  It turns out he’s also involved with HIAS and their mass-migration advocacy.  Congratulations, you JEWICIDAL YIDIOT, for helping to import the very person who attacked the Rabbi.  I’m actually rewriting an essay of mine about this to renew my calling out my own on mass migration – stand by.








Pick of the post:



They’ve been working on this for a long, long time.  Decades, if not centuries.  And now they’re on the march in the open.  This was in London recently.


Which brings to mind this excellent Bill Whittle video:







This is brilliant because it’s not just entertaining, it wraps a message inside entertainment that might be rejected were it delivered straight up.  Think of this in particular, and memes in general, as liquid nano particles of carrier delivering mRNA packets of truth.  Here’s another one:




Palate cleansers:



The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Are The Underrated Benefits Of Wearing Jewelry?

Tue, 2022-11-08 17:00 +0000

Have you heard of the common phrase ‘a lady’s best friend is diamonds? Well, the truth of the matter is that ladies do not love diamonds to death as they commonly wear jewelry depending on their mood, vibe, and occasion.

Some of the types of jewelry include bracelets made of Moissanite, earrings, and chains. Even men switch up their outfits by wearing jewelry.

Most people in the world today usually wear different pieces of jewelry to enhance their looks and complement their outfits however; there is more to jewelry than visual beauty. Accessories help in boosting our confidence and self-belief while perfecting our outfits. It does not matter the reasons why you are out to purchase jewelry from different shop platforms; below are several benefits you will enjoy from wearing jewelry.


Showing One’s Personality

There are different types of jewelry that complement different personalities. In-depth, every choice of jewelry dictates a lot about a person including their beliefs and personality. One main characteristic of extroverts includes going big with their jewelry. They do not fear wearing hand-to-find and brightly colored jewelry showcasing their distinctive style.

Some people love ordinary and small jewelry while avoiding colorful and extra big accessories. Regardless of a person’s personality one will always find something that speaks of their personality to match their lifestyle, taste, and dressing style. When shopping for the jewelry you can visit your local store or shop online from trusted stores and pick a piece that speaks about you and nourishes your spirit.


Are There Any Health Benefits Of Wearing Jewelry?

Wearing your favorite piece of jewelry comes with diverse health benefits. Remember how confident and happy when walking when you wear your favorite jewelry piece. Indirectly a smile and confidence significantly improve your mental health. Imagine, boosting your self-esteem by simply wearing that stunning jewelry.

There is a wide range of benefits enjoyed by simply wearing jewelry which depends on the material used to make the jewelry. For instance, gold is known for healing wounds, and it helps reduce stress and regulates your body temperature. On the other hand, silver helps regulate body temperature and plays a greater role in protecting our bodies from radiation. In addition, it has an important antimicrobial agent which is known for fighting against skin-related infections and flu. Some of the other popular jewelry-making materials include pearls, copper, emeralds, and jade which have terrific benefits for our bodies. Therefore, the next time you rock you rock your favorite jewelry piece; remember to wear your confidence, as you will enjoy great health benefits.


Improving Your Look

When you pick the right jewelry and compliment it with your outfit you automatically enhance your specific body parts. When you are going out for an occasion like dinner and thinking on how to beautify your chosen outfit to look classier, glamorous, and magnificent adding a silver or gold neckpiece could be the solution. Ensure you pick the right jewelry piece to enhance your outfit.

In conclusion, the next time you are invited to an occasion remember to choose jewelry like bracelets made of Moissanite, which compliments your look. There are many health benefits of wearing jewelry, so do not fear to rock that necklace or bracelet.


The post What Are The Underrated Benefits Of Wearing Jewelry? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH SecState Scanlan: Record Breaking Voting for a Midterm Election

Tue, 2022-11-08 15:30 +0000

Okay, I’ve had this tabbed for a few days now but today is the day it becomes really relevant. Let’s see if the prediction mirrors reality, eh? Reformatted, emphasis mine

Scanlan predicts a record voter turnout Tuesday

CONCORD — New Hampshire voters will set a record for turnout in a midterm election on Tuesday, according to Secretary of State David Scanlan.
If accurate, his forecast that 591,000 will cast ballots would beat the previous mark of 580,214 set in the last midterm election, in 2018. During an interview, Scanlan said the fragile state of the national economy and the closeness of elections at the top of the ballot convince him this turnout will be historic.

“There’s clearly a lot of enthusiasm and passion on both sides of the aisle, and whenever these races are close, we see even more and more casual voters wanting to be involved,”…“You’ve also got inflation and high energy prices, which are economic conditions that can cause more than usual to come out and try to make a difference.”

The projected turnout would be nearly 67% of the 883,035 registered voters in the state, but Scanlan stressed that the total number of registered voters will go up substantially after Tuesday’s election. After the 2020 race, the state performed a purge of the election rolls, which state law requires every 10 years…This dropped the registered voter list down from 1.1 million, an historic high after the 2020 election.

…“We should have pretty healthy election-day registration numbers from many of those voters who got knocked off the rolls, and we see this phenomenon every 10 years,” Scanlan said

I’m betting it will – it seems that enthusiasm all over is at all-time highs all over the nation and certainly here in NH. I wouldn’t be surprised if Scanlan’s number gets surpassed.  I’m watching a few races with my intent to see if certain actions (aHEM, GrokPAC) make a difference from years past. The problem is that if this is such a high-turnout event, will those comparisons actually be useful?  I’m going to do the grunt work on them anyways but not holding my breath.

It’s that same day registration, however, that should concern everyone. Translation: drive-by-voting. And unfortunately, we no longer have the tireless efforts of Ed Naile, former chair of CNHT and voter fraud fighter supreme, to ferret out those that jimmy up the voting works at the expense of us full time citizens.

(H/T: Union Leader)

The post NH SecState Scanlan: Record Breaking Voting for a Midterm Election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote – Election Style as Only Kurt Schlichter Can

Tue, 2022-11-08 15:00 +0000

Emphasis mine, some abstractions. And yes, I’m not with the “Republicans that yammer that we shouldn’t gloat” crowd; I’m with Kurt.

The next few days will be very difficult for the progressives, pinkos, commies, and other Democrats around you as they watch most – or perhaps all, if it is a red tsunami – their dreams die at the ballot box. You should take their profound sadness into account when you deal with them, and do everything you can to make the process of dealing with their total humiliation as miserable as possible.

It’s not about healing. It’s about hurting. It’s righteous retribution for their myriad wrongs. And it’s fun to make bad people suffer. Mock them. Belittle them. Call them “election deniers.” Rub their smug, Botoxed faces in their failure.

Point out, accurately, that their embarrassing rejection by America is personal, that they are malignant and ridiculous people who thought that the angry weather goddess had blessed them with the divine right to rule over the rest of us. But they were wrong, totally and completely wrong, and the misery they are experiencing is all their fault.

It is proper that you do this mercilessly. It’s for their own good. You see, in our soft, silly culture, we have forgotten the undeniable reality that the best teacher for people too dumb to learn from others’ experiences is pain. They did not learn from history that if you are incompetent, corrupt, yet still arrogant, the people will toss your sorry butts out of power. And pain is what they are likely to feel as the red wave drowns what remains of the Biden Administration’s fantasy of FDR II: Dementia Boogaloo. You owe it to them to amplify their agony. It’s for their good. You’re helping them. But even if that was not true, it’s fun to mock them. And that’s reason enough.

Let’s review the things they hold most dear, and how we are going to use our power to destroy them.


And let’s not forget about how endangered Our Democracy is by people voting for the candidates they prefer – which are Republicans. The American people hate democracy or something – all I know is that I am always deeply moved by some 150-pound blue check with a Ukrainian flag in his bio who has to ask whether the Navy is the one with the ships telling me that I’m insufficiently patriotic because I refuse to obey the Official Approved Narrative.


Now, be sure to chide your sobbing Dem victims about how America hates CRT, COVID fascism, trans insanity, teachers unions, defunding cops, open borders, and all the rest, all while rejecting “reproductive health care,” “gender-affirming health care” and “chemical healthcare” in the form of the tons of fentanyl the Democrats have allowed over the border to poison our people. Emphasize the rise of new superstars, like Kari Lake, Tudor Dixon, and Blake Masters who we will see again, win or lose. Ask them who is on their bench – two-time Georgia governor Stacy Abrams?


But the real coup de grace is to twist the machete regarding Latinx Americans’ large-scale abandonment of the Democrat Party in response to the Democrats’ embrace of the creepy and weird fetishes of the bored, Adderall-addled blue suburban cat ladies who set the party’s agenda. The Democrats were all in on Hispanic Americans being a permanent subservient serf class obeying at election time in exchange for a few scraps. None of them married a Latin woman. The biggest story of this cycle is how Hispanic Americans began in earnest what will be a growing migration to the party sharing their flag, faith, and family beliefs. Look for the Democrats to decide this is proof that Hispanics are white supremacists. Also, it should make for some awkward moments in blue households where the lib patrons try to conceal their resentment of their housekeepers, nannies, and gardeners, who are the only Hispanic people these frauds know. Take care to grind the Dems around you for this kind of hypocrisy and cringe racism. It makes them unhappy.

Oh, and as you mock them for losing, make sure to remind them that President Boneyank and Veep Kackles are gearing up to run again, so that means in 2024 the Republican is almost certain to take over. And 2024 is a bad Senate year for Democrats – eleven of them have to run in Trump states. Gosh, that could mean a filibuster-proof majority for the GOP. And when that happens, we’re going to just laugh and laugh and laugh.

-Kurt Schlichter (Be Caring for the Libs’ Feelings When the Red Wave Hits)

Go to the link for the whole post.

(H/T: Townhall)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You Don’t “Flip” Votes You Transition Them

Tue, 2022-11-08 14:30 +0000

Researchers found “over 1.9 million “ephemeral experiences” that Google and other firms were using to “shift opinions and voting preferences.” This “short-lived content … immediately disappears without leaving a trace after user consumption.” Its purpose is to flip votes to Democrats subliminally.


Search engine results that favor one political candidate were found to influence undecided voters so much that up to 80 percent of such people in some demographic groups shifted their voting preferences after only a single search.


Nothing new, right? We’ve heard these stories before. Big Tech uses its reach and influence to flip switches in people’s heads. A practice that is not new and in a world where making people take experimental pharmaceuticals is not limited to candidates or elections. The entire progressive hell is no doubt on display using the same tactics. But what can we do about it?

Educate, overcome, adapt.

Wake-up calls have a way of breaking people free from these transitioning mind games. Parents have had several opportunities, from grooming pornography in school libraries, Critical Race Theory discrimination, and schools “transing” their kids and hiding it from them.

Taxpayers got a cold slap from inflation and runaway pending.

Legal Immigrants are scratching their heads over the chaos of the open border, while blacks and Latinos realize the Democrats have little interest in them other than their votes.

The Democrats all or nothing abortion stance is extreme for many Democrat voters.

And then there were the vaccine mandates, passports, and the prolonged disruption of our daily lives following COVID policies favored primarily by the Political Left. Family members were forced to suffer and die alone. Businesses were closed, lives ruined, and a spike in alcohol and drug-related deaths (that continues to this day, alongside the vaccine side-effects, not the worst of which is making it easier to get COVID.

The Left’s economic policy continues to break havoc on Americans.

There are a lot of forces at work, clashing in the real and digital space.

Google and the Technocrats are working hard to move people’s minds away from associating these ills with the political Left. The media shouts it from the treetops. It is a war for the nation’s soul, and today, and in some cases, the days and weeks that follow, we will see just how well it worked.

Will the people vote in numbers so convincing that no amount of progressive gymnastics can save the Democrat’s majorities?

Let us know what you think.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems Are Looking for Voters to Hit On Them – Well…

Tue, 2022-11-08 14:00 +0000

OK, a bit of a stretch but today, we ALL need a bit of levity. This comeback I think does kinda make the grade. The setting: somebody wants some romantic attention (like the Democrats want it today).

I’m hoping this holds true.

Anyways, it IS a funny line/comeback, right?

(H/T: Pleated Jeans)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Early Voting Election Day Update – Merrimack, NH

Tue, 2022-11-08 13:30 +0000

I just got back from voting (around 8 am – Middle School, Merrimack). Turnout was good and steady, but wait times were short for both parking and inside the polling place. I was there for maybe five minutes – and most of that time was filling in the little ovals (I’m slow and cautious about that).

I confess that I did look at more than a few ballots in the hands of people milling about, waiting to stick them into the evil machines. There were a lot of straight-line Republican votes: every oval, all GOP.

That’s not an indication of how things will end, but it warmed my heart.

Also of note: one of the two machines was not taking ballots with ease.

Otherwise, the mood was pleasant; people were smiling and chatty. It is sunny and bright out, though a bit breezy.

Hopefully, by the end of the day, we’ll see which way those winds were blowing.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Open Thread on a Tuesday – So, how’s YOUR election going?

Tue, 2022-11-08 13:15 +0000

Loyal Reader NHnative asked, so I’m delivering. Today is Election Day – you folks know what needs to be done so git out there and “get’r done”! THEN come back and let us know what you did at the polls, what was the activity like at the polls – all that kind of stuff.

Plus anything else you wanna talk about – after all, this is always about you and not me!

The post Friday Open Thread on a Tuesday – So, how’s YOUR election going? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Even CNN Thinks That Maggie “The Red” Hassan Is Going to Lose to Don Bolduc…

Tue, 2022-11-08 13:00 +0000

It becomes highly amusing (and a bit satisfying as well). The Left cable news cabal (CNN, MSNBC, CNBC) and the on-air trio (ABC, NBC, and CBS) are all starting to rapidly develop leaks in their dykes and there aren’t any Dutch boys around to plug their holes.  This over at Brietbart (reformatted, emphasis mine):

When Even CNN Thinks That Maggie “The Red” Hassan Is Going to Lose to Don Bolduc…

CNN warned on Sunday that Gen. Don Bolduc could “surprise” the nation tomorrow by defeating Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) in New Hampshire’s Senate race. The admission is notable because the establishment media has mostly ignored Gen. Bolduc’s rise throughout the last 7 weeks as he surged 13 points, preferring to report on other Senate swing state races. Gen. Bolduc is now in a tossup race with Hassan after Democrats propped up his GOP primary by airing ads attacking his opponent. “Political history – and a spat of late spending in the race – suggests that we should widen our focus. Republicans have a real chance at flipping Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan’s seat in New Hampshire,” CNN’s Harry Enten reported.

Just love that irony – you Dems handed a Special Forces GENERAL a 155mm howitzer and expected him to shoot himself in the foot.  Ladies and gentlemen, you ought to now be measuring the size of the holes in YOUR feet – if you have anything dangling down there to call it a “foot”.


If Gen. Bolduc is able to pull off a come-from-behind victory, Republicans will likely gain control of the Senate. New Hampshire is one of seven swing states that determines which party will have the majority in the Senate.

CNN’s report that Gen. Bolduc could surprisingly defeat Hassan comes after some members of the media acknowledged over the weekend Hassan is in real danger of losing her seat.

“Republican Don Bolduc is threatening a major upset against Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan,” Huffington Post’s Igor Bobic wrote. New York Magazine’s Gabriel Debenedetti admitted Gen. Bolduc is “within striking distance of the Senate — and Democrats thus forced to spend money on defense that they’d prefer to be using in offensive territory.”

The New York Sun’s Caroline McCaughey reported that “[f]ew outside the Granite State were talking about the U.S. Senate race there until last week.” The “candidate that Democrats backed in the GOP primary — to the tune of $3.2 million in ad spending against his opponent — because they thought he was ‘too extreme to win the general election,’ may be going to Washington,” she wrote.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems Lame-Duck Congress Will Trash America “On the Way Out the Door” (Vote Republican, Anyway!)

Tue, 2022-11-08 11:30 +0000

It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. While the Dems losing big on Tuesday is necessary, should it come to pass, they will likely be worse than the Dem-Majority wiped out by the Tea-Party movement during Obama’s first mid-term disaster.

Speaker Pelosi and the Dems went wild, trying to cram stuff onto Obama’s desk before they lost control. And that was, as hard as this may be to believe, a kinder, gentler Democrat majority. Today’s version will try to hang all the remaining J6 Detainees (or as close as they can get) and push any and every piece of crap they can onto Biden’s desk before the first of the year.

The only thing stopping them will be Arizona’s Kristin Sinema and maybe West Virginia Senator Munchin’ Joe Manchin (both Democrats that can lean moderate). Absent their resistance; all hell will break loose between November 9th and January 1st.

Good for blogging, bad for America, and I’d give up some content for a moment’s peace, but tomorrow is just the beginning of a new brand of chaos and the unofficial “official” start of the 2024 presidential campaign.

Go ahead and scream; I’ll wait.

If you were sick of politics leading up to the midterm, that was Idling in the driveway. No matter what happens, the dust isn’t settling, and the accelerator is hitting the floor.

But the lame-duck congress is a huge threat to America. It’s everything they wanted in the next two years in about seven weeks. Unfortunately for us, the alternative is much worse. If Dems keep their majority, they’ll use that as an excuse to trash America for another two years.

The lame duck is better than the other sort.

Vote Republican. Every race. Leave no vote uncast. No seat uncontested. Write in Republicans if there isn’t one there.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

They Call Us “Election Deniers”; They’ve Become “Inflation Deniers” Which Lead Them to Be the Election Deniers

Tue, 2022-11-08 02:30 +0000

Democrats have been claiming “no big thang” about inflation from one saying eat Chef Boyardee to Stacy Abrams saying to get an abortion to save the costs of a new child. Many of these Leftist pundits and politicians, with those and other utterances, show how disconnected they’ve become so wedded to the far Left and so disconnected from we Normal people.

And it is going to show tomorrow nite (and into Wednesday as necessary – and further because of the stupidity that Democrats have injected into our election process. Remember: failure points!).

Mark Penn is a reliable Democrat pollster.  No, I don’t mean a reliable Democrat – but he is that, certainly. No, I meant as a pollster and he’s been warning the Left about not concentrating on the issues that ordinary people are worrying about.  Take a listen:

He also talked about the Dems’ obsession (briefly) with “threats to Our Democracy” – their attempt to get the low-information voter to think that the country would DIE if Republicans booted the out of office. What a bootload of crapola that has been, hasn’t it? The ONLY threat (and I do need to do a longer post on this) to “our democracy” is…

Sidenote: Yes, I’ll go there – we’re a representative Republic and not a democracy. Just needed to be said AGAIN

…is the Democrats’ continuous yammering about not closing our borders, that riots were rather peaceful protests (billions in property damage, dozens killed), that Modern Monetary Theory wasn’t going to cause inflation, that Republicans want to kill off Social Security, that other nations now respect us (I can hear China and Russia snorting at that from my window), and that Government has to take even more of our hard-earned money.

Oh, and don’t forget to mask up and close schools – if you disagree, you’re a domestic terrorist.

You name it, they used every linguistic trick in the book to demonize and Otherize Republicans to get people to not vote for them tomorrow. Can’t debate the issues that , SHOULD be your takeaway from that strategy.

(H/T: RCP)

Oh, I’ll throw this in as a bonus:

(H/T: Hot Air)

The post They Call Us “Election Deniers”; They’ve Become “Inflation Deniers” Which Lead Them to Be the Election Deniers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat Lies, Hollis Edition

Tue, 2022-11-08 02:00 +0000

These signs are all over Hollis, and they are miserable and outright lies.

Nobody who supports the Democrat agenda cares about freedom.
Nobody who wants unionized teachers “free” to indoctrinate your kids with DEI, CRT, and Drag Queen escapades with 57 genders supports schools the way Mama Bears think about supporting schools and education.

Tell the big lie, and hope enough of your shrinking and increasingly disgusted base will still vote for you.

Melanie Levesque voted for something that “isn’t” an income tax, even though it walks and quacks just like one.

Maggie Hassan crows that she will reduce the price of insulin in 4 years, AFTER big Pharma already made billions in vax profits.
She helped Joe Biden raid the Strategic Oil Reserve, AFTER she made sure New England was starved of energy this winter.

Kat McGhee cheats taxes by claiming “current use” on her acreage while making it nearly impossible for the unwashed public to access a public pond via her land.

Republicans work for your freedom, educational choice, and low costs by means of less government.

Democrats enslave you in a web of deceit and taxes.

If it looks ridiculous, it probably is. Vote republican while it’s still a choice!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our Fourth Estate Smolders in the Shadow of its Former Self

Tue, 2022-11-08 01:30 +0000

After years of misleading the country about Trump’s Russian collusion, the media cabal, especially America’s formerly great newspaper editorial boards, systematically suppressed and censored the Hunter Biden laptop story.

From the ashes of American journalism, propaganda rises.

Polls show if the truth was known, 6% of Biden voters would have changed their vote, shifting the election to Trump.

Who are these newspaper editors? Ninety percent are unaccountable elitists who, privileged since birth, believe they are the smartest people in the room. There was a time when Newspaper editors took pride in speaking truth to power and holding the powerful accountable. That time has passed, and the press has deteriorated into an arm of the progressive “Woke” democratic party.

Readers should make no mistake. It was in large part the unaccountable editors of the major newspapers who drove public opinion and elected Joe Biden president. They are directly responsible for America’s economic, societal and psychological pain.

We want to thank Jim Betti for this Op-Ed. Send yours to

Over the last 32 years, the vast majority of NH’s press has followed the national trend of progressive biased elitism. A former bastion of traditional American thought, the once-highly-regarded Manchester Union Leader, is slowly moving towards the same sad fate.

The author thought it would be worth the effort to test the Union Leader and see if any integrity remained in the paper’s editorial board. An Op-ed calling out the Editor’s flawed Joe Biden 2020 endorsement and asking the editors to be consistent on their 2022 political endorsements was crafted and submitted.  The head Union Leader opinion editor thanked the author for the piece and asked for a headshot to be included with the publication, but the piece was never published.

It could have been sent to any of the elitist newspapers {think NYT, WaPo, Boston Globe} and likewise suppressed. And any national conservative candidate’s name could be substituted for the NH conservative politicians’ names.

On October 25, 2020, the Manchester Union Leader endorsed Joe Biden for president.

The editorial board started out by admitting their Trump bias:

“There is no love lost between this newspaper and President Donald Trump”.

They grudgingly acknowledged, despite the media and Congress working to stop him, that Trump had many accomplishments. The Editors then took President Trump to task for adding more than $7 trillion dollars to the national debt but failed to note that after the Obama/Biden era’s severe military cuts, rebuilding required compromise and massive spending on progressive priorities. In addition, the editors made no reference to Trump’s determination to address the deficit issue in his second term and went on to criticize Trump’s Covid-19 response. Three weeks after the 2020 election, the Union Leader editorial staff was humbled when Trump’s operation “Warp Speed” provided a miracle – creating a world-saving vaccine.

Surprisingly, this paper’s editors were not happy with the answers Joe Biden gave to the Hunter Biden laptop issue but neglected to mention the freedom-of-speech suppression/censorship championed by almost all of their media colleagues. The editors conveniently ignored how President Biden so impressed the NH primary voters, that he finished in fifth place and left the State before the votes were counted. Also overlooked were the obvious signs of Biden’s cognitive dysfunction, hidden from the public as the Presidential candidate bunkered down in his Delaware home.

The final pitch from the Union Leader editors was:

“Building this country up sits squarely within the skill set of Joseph Biden. We have found Mr. Biden to be a caring compassionate and professional public servant. He repeatedly expressed his desire to be president for all of America” and “He will be a president to bring people together and right the ship of state”.

It is now October 2022 and more Americans have died of Covid 19 under President Biden than President Trump, but the media no longer seems to care. In just two years, President Biden is on track to add $3.4 trillion to the national debt. This debt addition does not include investment in the military and is only this low because Biden was unable to pass his massive “Build Back Better “plan. Over 3 million illegals have crossed the open southern border, along with sex traffickers and New Hampshire youth-killing fentanyl. America is no longer energy independent, and the world is on fire — with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China eyeing Taiwan. Biden’s foreign policy expertise is nonexistent, and his staff constantly walks back dangerous verbal blunders. Inflation is out of control and gas, oil, groceries, and almost everything else cost more. The stock market is down over 20% and mortgage rates are approaching 7%. And President Biden is trying to make blue-collar Americans pay off $500 billion dollars of privileged American college student loans.

All the while, President Biden’s cognitive dysfunction embarrasses the nation as he tries to shake hands with people who are not there and recently asked for a dead person, whose memorial he attended one month earlier, to come forward and talk. Biden’s latest cerebral slipping involved lamenting how his son Beau died in the Iraq conflict. It would be a powerful and tragic story if it were true. Beau died after an eighteen-month battle with brain cancer.

To say the Union leader editorial board choice of Joe Biden for president failed New Hampshire and America is an astonishing understatement, but time has moved on. The 2022-midterm elections are here, and the editors are again faced with choosing which candidates are good for New Hampshire and the country or with letting their personal dislike of Donald Trump once again warp their perspective. Maggie Hassan, Chris Papas, and Ann Kuster have shown their true colors and have been instrumental {voted with Biden over 96% of the time} in bringing the Biden progressive havoc to New Hampshire and America. To help stop the destructive progressive agenda the obvious choice is to change NH’s Washington DC federal delegation.

In 2020 the Union Leader editorial board suggested as much:

“We suggest splitting the ballot and electing a healthy dose of GOP senators and representatives. The best governance often comes through compromise.”

If the Union Leader editors are consistent, it would mean swallowing their pride, and endorsing Don Bolduc for United States Senate, Karoline Leavitt for New Hampshire CD1, and Bob Burns for New Hampshire CD2.

The citizens of NH should not hold their breath!

On November 8th there is an election.

The same progressive Newspaper Editors will again try and tell America who to vote for. It is time to see through the” Woke” talking points designed to evoke an emotional vote. It is time to remember the oil bill that your neighbor can’t afford, and the second job that your relative needed to pay the bills. The friend’s son, who died of a fentanyl overdose because of the open southern border or the Afghanistan American asset that was left behind and killed by the Taliban.

It is time to make America great!

The post Our Fourth Estate Smolders in the Shadow of its Former Self appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Hope This Is a Harbinger of What Is to Come for All the Democrats!

Tue, 2022-11-08 00:30 +0000

Heh! Sedition, indeed!

I can watch this a bunch of times and the thoughts just won’t stop coming. Will I say that this is “An Act of God”?  Naw, but it does sound good, right?

Still, don’t get cocky – get out there and vote!

The post I Hope This Is a Harbinger of What Is to Come for All the Democrats! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

FACT CHECK: Democrat State Rep Candidate Bobbi Boudman Is a Racist and Misandrist

Mon, 2022-11-07 23:30 +0000

Bobbi Boudman is a candidate for state representative in Carroll County District 7 (Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, Ossipee), and we last heard from her after she proposed “Ejaculation Legislation” because she thinks “men should have to have a notarized document to plant their DNA in a female.”

Now the Wolfeboro Democrat has been caught red-handed making divisive and extremist public comments on Twitter, where she published vile and repugnant statements attacking people based on their race and sex using the alias “Bert Horn” (@603Bert). Archived tweets –some as early as 2016 — from her since-deleted Twitter account, which she scrubbed before filing to run for state office in June, show her to be racist, misandrist, and extremely vulgar.

Boudman’s legal first name is Roberta, and her maiden name is Horne, hence her pseudonym: “Bert Horn,” which turned out not to be as anonymous as she may have thought.

Yes, “603bert” on Twitter was Bobbi Boudman – she proved it with a selfie:



And here she is wearing the same “Kamala” hat on Facebook, in a picture posted as “Bobbi Horne Boudman”:



Boudman uses her Facebook account — under her real name — to call for “kindness” and “decency.”


But when Boudman was writing as “Bert Horn,” she took a different approach.

According to “Bert,” Black men don’t “show up,” “white men r vile,” and “white wmn r the most untrusted group.” In fact, it’s her “job” to “help educate my peers & point out how racist we are.”




Boudman is “so ashamed to be identified as ‘white woman.’”



Despite living in New Hampshire for over a decade, Boudman is “not acclimated to all the white people.”


White men — particularly the white working class — are “vile,” “racist,” and “patriarchal oppressors.”


Is this someone who represents voters’ views in Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro, and Ossipee?

“Your mouth is dirtier than your d!*k.”



And just in case you needed any more proof that “Bert Horn” is Bobbi Boudman, here’s a picture of that same mannequin head (look at the eyes on the middle head) posted on Boudman’s Facebook page:



There are more screenshots.

She has published more offensive material, disparaging people of specific races and genders, speaking in an ever obscene and vicious manner. Boudman seems to forget that the internet always remembers, even when Tweets are deleted and comments are erased.

These attitudes and language may be acceptable in the “woke” and broken Los Angeles, California, where Boudman lived before moving to New Hampshire, but they have no place in this community. The Bobbi Boudmans of the world are a political scourge and she should do the right thing and concede she is unfit for public service.

The post FACT CHECK: Democrat State Rep Candidate Bobbi Boudman Is a Racist and Misandrist appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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