The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • September 19 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

The “Response” is Officially Killing More People Than COVID During the Pandemic

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 15:00 +0000

An army of politicians, health “experts,” and most of the political left should be begging for forgiveness for their useless COVID antics but granting it seems unlikely. Lawsuits are a better remedy for the damage they’ve done. All predictable outcomes, but for which we were pilloried at the time.

And by “we,” I mean all of us who dared to question the lockdowns, masking, quarantines, social distancing, remote learning, the closing of businesses, ending employment, restricting access, preventing free association, warrantless searches, vaccine mandates, and (of course) preventing maintenance care.

We told you that the all-covid-only covid health care approach at the beginning of this nonsense would end badly, and it has.


Throughout October, there have been an average of 1,564 extra deaths per week, compared with a weekly average of just 315 in 2020 and 1,322 in 2021.

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that in the week ending Oct 21, there were 1,714 excess deaths in England and Wales, of which only 469 were due to Covid – just 27 percent of the total.

It is 16.8 percent higher than normal. Deaths are also running higher than the five-year pre-Covid October average from 2015 to 2019, figures showed.


The odds are good most of the covid deaths were vaccinated, and the increase in excess deaths from all causes is everywhere, but there’s no one on our side of the pond in major media with the stones to run it or make it the story it should be.

Everywhere all the time.


Health experts have warned that some of the unexplained deaths are being caused by collateral damage from the pandemic, when operations and treatments were cancelled or delayed as the health service concentrated on Covid.

The Government’s “stay at home, protect the NHS” message also left many people who needed medical treatment unwilling to bother the health service, or afraid they would catch coronavirus if they went into hospital.

The NHS is also struggling from long-term staffing issues and current shortages because of coronavirus, leading to record waits for ambulances, treatment and surgery.


Did you catch that last bit? Understaffed. Hmmm.

The US healthcare industrial complex forced (tens of?) thousands of qualified personnel out of their jobs for refusing the Jab. An inoculation that now appears to result in a 7 to 1 increase in the incidence of infection with COVID.


[D]ata analyst “Ethical Skeptic” has compiled updates of some of the databases (Walgreens, Worldometers, CDC) that I examined in my book Neither Safe Nor Effective, and sees from the most recent data that COVID vaccinated people are seven times as likely to test positive for COVID as the unvaccinated, after adjusting for proportion of the population in each category and testing penetration in each group.


So, where does that leave us?

Almost nothing the “experts” demanded or their political puppets put in place did anything good, and almost all of it did things that were bad. I suppose that’s why this “journalist” is begging for amnesty. Keep begging.

There are a lot of players to whom we cannot direct our frustrations because they all got immunity. Yes, we can vent, but to what end? They just smile and wave and keep doing what they are doing because they feel like they are protected.

But not everyone got immunity, and someone needs to bear the burden of blame for the lives damaged or lost as a result of every aspect of “pandemic policy.”

Start with the elections next Tuesday.

Remove the covidiots from office and replace them with people who might listen to reason, engage in honest investigation, consider every “expert” opinion, and then – given the level of fraud, question if any immunity deal is invalid because those who granted it were lied to from beginning to end whether they-knew it or not.

More people will die because of the response. That’s a whole new kind of genocide, and if it is allowed to slide, they’ll be just as reckless next time.

The only way to prevent that is a change in “leadership.”



HT | UK Telegraph

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will New Hampshire Libertarians Reelect Maggie Hassan … They Just Might

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 13:30 +0000

Latest from Trafalger. The Libertarian candidate may pull enough votes to allow Hassan to squeeze out a win. The Libertarian candidate in Arizona understood this was happening there and withdrew and ENDORSED Blake Masters.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chilling: Maggie Has-Been Had Six Years to Help NH Heat Homes in Winter and Did Nothing

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 12:00 +0000

Just this once, I hope NOAA is right. They predict a warmer-than-normal winter, and we’re going to need that. After nearly six years as our US Senator, Maggie Hassan “Hassn’t” done a damn thing to help us heat our homes in winter.

Related: Winter is Coming: Is It Time for New England to “Pay” the Green Energy Piper?

She’s done quite the opposite.

A significant barrier to ensuring access to natural gas or heating oil for the northeast, aside from Democrat policy and their war on energy infrastructure, is The Jones Act. Josiah Bartlett has an excellent round-up of that here (and a story about Fed agencies blocking efforts to amend or repeal it), so I won’t go deep into this space. At its simplest, The Jones Act forces us to buy foreign oil and gas carried on foreign tankers should the need arise, and it does.

In 2019 we were paying through the nose to places like Russia for natural gas in the spot market. We’ll do that again this year, even if NOAA is correct – if there’s any to be had. But the point is that given one of the higher offices in elected-land, after standing with the no pipelines or fracking crowd, Maggie Hassn’t done a thing to ensure we had backup.


If you search Maggie’s press page for the “Jones Act,” you get this.


That’s not to say she’s done nothing. There is no shortage of press asking the Feds to spend more on LIHEAP, the low-income home energy assistance handouts, but that’s not going to help if there is nothing to buy, which is a precipice upon which we may soon find ourselves.

Long Time Comin’

As regular readers know, the energy infrastructure deficit in the northeast has been a problem for more years than Hassan has been in the US Senate (and all the years she was NH’s Governor), but she’s done nothing we can reference to address that problem. Even when US supplies were abundant, The Jones Act prohibited delivery to Northeast ports from places like Texas “to protect US shipbuilders from foreign competition.”

This indifference has driven up prices while creating the potential for blackouts mid-winter.

Senator Shaheen, whom Maggie Has-been has always tried to emulate, is also to blame. She has spent our tax dollars with abandon since January 2009 but has nothing to say that I could find about the Jones Act in her press archives.

Related: Hold on To Your Wallets – New England’s Governors Promising Regional Energy Improvements


But she has done us the favor of showing her real priorities.

At the top of Shaheen’s US Senate home page, and on every page I visited, there is guidance on how to get an abortion, followed by how to save a few bucks with credits and incentives to reduce energy usage.


But they’ve got the reduce-usage problem solved. If there’s no “energy,” that should reduce usage. Is that what they mean?

Probably not, but no ‘Jones Act’ Press, while I bet there are plenty of giddy releases about wind or solar projects (I didn’t look), or EVs, or shutting down coal or nuclear. I’m sure there is press about the climate scam. Warming and emissions. Ironic that.

And look how much of that non-existent money was spent (to drive up inflation) for other “programs,” just nothing we truly need (like being warm).

Jones Act. Say it with me. J-O-N-E-S A-C-T.

We need fossil fuels to heat our homes. We need heating oil and natural gas (and Diesel) to generate electricity. And while we can’t do much about Granny Shaheen for a few more years, Hassan’s indifference is a problem we can solve next Tuesday.

So let’s solve it.

Leave her out in the Electoral cold. Vote her out of office. Just do it. They’ll hardly even notice one less Democrat in Washington. The place is filthy with those things. They’re everywhere. And she can spend the winter here with us, in New Hampshire – starting in January.

As for Shaheen, there might be a way to move her needle on this issue.

“Dear Senator Shaheen. Please help repeal or amend The Jones Act, or Abortion clinics in New Hampshire might have to deprive women of essential services due to a lack of heat or electricity.”

Do you think that will work?


The post Chilling: Maggie Has-Been Had Six Years to Help NH Heat Homes in Winter and Did Nothing appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Great Biden Campaign Ad!

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-11-04 11:02 +0000
WOW What a powerful & moving ad for Biden from @TheBabylonBee — Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) November 3, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

I Took a Gander at the New Set of LSRs (Legislative Service Requests) for Gun Bills

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 10:30 +0000

The NH House just had its “LSR Season” with an additional one held shortly after the November 8th election for new NH House members.  I scanned through the list for a number of reasons but the primary push was to see, in light of the US Supreme Court NYSRPS vs Bruen decision where the originalists on SCOTUS had the majority decision. Simply put, any law that isn’t historically congruent with those norms back when the Second Amendment was written and adopted are illegal.  Because of that decision, lots of States, cities, counties, and town are having to revise their laws and ordinances to better comport with the restored historical Right to keep and bear arms that is protected in the US Bill of Right’s Second Amendment and many States’ Constitutions as well (eg., NH’s Article 2-A: “[The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state”.).

Now, LSRs are simply placeholders for bills that generally be fleshed out later on (that process has started). It is clear, however, that the Democrats in the NH House are looking to set up bills that would continue to infringe in ways that SCOTUS has already ruled to be impermissive and unconstitutional.  All of the following are Democrats with the exception of DeSimone.

  1. 2023-0013 Sponsors: HB (Prime) Smith, Marjorie – Straf. 10 requiring a background check prior to any commercial firearm sale
  2. 2023-0018 Sponsors: HR (Prime) Ames, Richard – Ches. 13 a resolution urging Congress to enact legislation regulating and banning certain semi-automatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices
  3. 2023-0030 Sponsors: HB (Prime) Meuse, David – Rock. 37 relative to the sale of firearms to persons under 21 years of age and relative to firearm safety devices
  4. 2023-0042 Sponsors: HB (Prime) Bradley, Amy – Hills. 41 relative to extreme risk protection orders
  5. 2023-0047 Sponsors: HB (Prime) Grassie, Chuck – Straf. 8 an act imposing a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm
  6. 2023-0069 Sponsors: HB (Prime) Shurtleff, Steve – Merr. 15 relative to possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone.
  7. 2023-0163 Sponsors: HB (Prime) DeSimone, Debra – Rock. 18 relative to extreme risk protection orders

Now there are some others that are Republican sponsored but in reaching out to them (which is still in process – the Election kinda put that off to the side for a bit) and I’ll do that batch a bit later.

But a set of quick set of “quick thoughts on them:

  1. All commercial sales ALREADY have to go through NICS. I’m betting that once the bill is written, it will be for ALL firearm transfers – friends to friends, neighbors to neighbors, family member to family member.  The Democrats want to choke this out of existence and if taken to court, it will be thrown out, IMHO.
  2. Yeah, this isn’t happening.  Semi-automatic weapons are well over 150 years old and the Democrats’ use of redefining our common language is trying to redefine what is “standard” (like 30 round AR-15 magazines to be “large”).
  3. Leave it to Meuse to be the dufus in trying to have “adult” redefined depending on political purpose. If it comes to Obamacare, you’re a child until 26 years old. To have a beer, it’s 21. To vote and die for your country, it’s 18. And the Democrats now want us to believe that a child of 18 is “adult enough” to be able to vote (but still need Mommy’s permission to be given an aspirin in school).  Note to Meuse – if 18 is old enough to be an adult to vote, it’s old enough to exercise the Right to OWN.
  4. Another Red Flag law – A Prediction: betcha that its construction will be such that any allegation will have someone lose their Right to OWN – with no “teeth” for those cases where it is either an ideological case (NO ONE SHOULD HAVE A GUN!!!) or some disgruntled person seeking revenge.
  5. Why should an otherwise law abiding person who passes the NICS or StateLine check be denied their Constitutional Right?
  6. And here comes Deputy Dawg doing the “Fine for me and not for thee” schtick. Being former law enforcement, he gets to go, armed, onto school property.  He wants to deny we that have passed the background check to be given our NH Pistol/Revolver License to conceal carry onto school property as the Federal Gun-Free Zone legislation allows.
  7. I have no idea but we soon will.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

4 Ways to Prevent the Most Common Basement Flooding Disasters

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 09:00 +0000

One of the main reasons why you will rarely hear about converting the basement to additional living space is because basements are, by their very nature, prone to flooding.

In fact, because basements are so susceptible to flooding, what you are working to avoid is damage or a disaster caused by that flooding. You may not be able to prevent floods on that lowest level of your home, but you can avoid letting a flood turn into a royal disaster. Here’s how.

1. Clean Any Standing Water Immediately

Standing water on the basement floor can quickly lead to some of the worst basement flooding disasters you want to avoid. Not only will all that standing water be fertile for growing a number of pathogens, but it can lure rats into your basement as well. Water rodents of any kind are a serious health hazard and that is the disaster, not necessarily the water that’s collected there. Even so, it’s in your best interest to have it pumped out and dried up professionally as soon as you notice it.

2. Avoid Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are, without a doubt, one of the most common reasons for a flooded basement. If you’ve ever suffered through major flooding on your basement floor you will understand why it is vital that you never pour grease or fats of any kind down the drains. Also, as a preventative measure you may want to use a professional drain cleaning product every few months. Besides fats and grease, hair can also quickly clog your drains with the built-up pressure causing one or more pipes to burst.

3. Use Water Sparingly During Rainy Months

Sometimes the sewers and outdoor drains get so backed up because of rainy weather. If at all possible, use water sparingly in rainy months and also in early spring as snow and ice begin to melt. With such an influx of water, leaves and other debris can be forced into your sewers. This can back up water quite quickly and if you aren’t careful, it can back up all the way back into your basement. Until you can get those sewer lines cleaned, use water as sparingly as possible.

4. Use Caution When Storing Anything on the Basement Floor

While you should try never to store anything on the basement floor, a few waterproof and tightly sealed containers should be okay. As mentioned above, it isn’t always the flooded basement that is the disaster but rather all the damage that water can do. If you’ve left any cardboard boxes laying around with anything of value in them, that is going to be the disaster

As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Therefore, the best way to avoid disasters from flooded basements is to prevent flooding in the first place. Although this isn’t always possible, the good news is that you can have your basement drained and dried so as to avoid any further damage brought about by standing water.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Unions Help Southwest Airlines Police Workers to Purge Conservatives and Christians

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 01:30 +0000

If you are one of those #woke, vaccinated libs working at Southwest Airlines, you better be careful. While you might not object to your union targeting its own dues-paying employees on political grounds, allowing that sort of internecine surveillance will inevitably come back to bite you in your fat blue ass.

Yes, I said surveillance.

According to Southwest Airlines employees who wish to be nameless,


…that, despite the Carter verdict, Southwest has continued investigating employees for online statements, including some made in private chat groups. The employees said several workers have been summoned to “fact-finding” meetings over pronouns that the company urges employees to use with transgender coworkers. …

“The union activists, those who hate the conservatives and the Christians, are actively copying, looking for information [in private or personal online communications] that they can use to harm those that they disagree with,” she said.


The Carter verdict refers to the case of flight attendant Charlene Carter whom “Southwest illegally fired in 2017“…” after Carter used Facebook to express religious views on abortion and criticize the flight attendants’ union, a union official reported her posts to Southwest, leading to her dismissal.”

Carter was awarded over 5 million dollars for wrongful termination resulting from protected speech. But it looks like Southwest has doubled down and has strange bedfellows. Their employee unions.

Related: Breaking: Southwest Pilots Win – Vaccine Exemption Requests Have Been Approved

Union employees have a new reason to leave them. They have long been organs of the Marxist left, but now they are abandoning their obligation to represent employee interests if the employer’s political agenda aligns with their own. It means that Flight attendants, pilots, and mechanics are paying dues so that the unions can assist Southwest in its partisan purge.

As noted in the opening, there are plenty of progs in these increasingly unfriendly skies that would say good riddance. But much like the Dems who will defend all speech in the name of protecting free speech, if they don’t step up and up put pressure on their union and then Southwest, they’ll regret it the way many Democrats and Independents regret voting for Biden or Democrats after being misled about Trump in 2020.

The way people are regretting their tolerance for COVID policies, including vaccination, that resulted in far more harm than good.

Much like new government spending, it is difficult to impossible to roll back policies like this if left unchallenged. And I don’t mean the firings; I’m talking about the surveillance and intolerance for any speech outside the approved guardrails.

If you think they’ll stop at Conservatives or Christians, you are a poor student of history or even unionization.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Randolph Girls Volleyball Team Stripped

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 00:00 +0000

The Randolph (Girls) Volleyball team was stripped of its titles dating all the way back to 1897 this week by the Vermont Athletic Group on Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity. After winning this year’s state championship the all-white, all-girls, all-Randolph Volleyball team was cited for athletic racism and lack of diversity.

The team raised international fake outraged eyebrows earlier this year for disallowing a transgender girl (re: boy on the [Girls] volleyball team) in the locker room after some of the bigoted white girls on the team said they were uncomfortable changing their clothes in front of a biological male student. Several biological girls alleged the mostly mentally stable player made lewd remarks, after which the team was disciplined by Principal, and culture war hero, Lane Millington. Millington forced the girls to leave the girl’s locker room and do their changing in the girl’s bathroom.

Sadly, these bigoted girls could change their clothes but they couldn’t change their skin color. Their highly cultivated and privileged talent led them to a stunning undefeated season where they would win both regional and state championships, however, this achievement wouldn’t last. An audit of their history by the VAG-DIE team revealed they have been led and populated by white girls dating back to 1897 when volleyball, originally called Mintonette, first arrived in Vermont.

We reached out to Karen Hogbottom, the Chief Tolerance Specialist for VAG-DIE, for comment.

“We won’t tolerate any form of whiteness past or present. The girls need to do better and so did their great-great-great grandmothers.”

Banners from the two previous state championships (1898 & 1973) have been taken down and replaced with pride flags.

There is some hope. Randolph High School has one black student who is male and is being heavily recruited to transition by the school’s LGBTQ++ advisory coach, Crystal Queer. She also has her queer eye on the school’s two Asians, two Latinos, and the one kid who just moved here from the Middle East but is considered a long shot.

In an act of solidarity Principal, Millington has instituted after school struggle sessions for the girls team also giving them Herbert Marcuse’s New Sensibility and Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility as homework. .

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Porn in Maine Schools? Democrats Are Insisting It Should Be There (and here!). GrokPAC says NO!

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 22:30 +0000

Four days ago, I introduced GrokPAC, GraniteGrok’s more politically active offshoot with its registration “description” of “No better friend, no worse energy.”

And in that introduction post, I brought up this graphic that well represents the end goal of the Democrat Citizens for Belknap  PAC – not “saving Gunstock” (that was just a distraction) but to turn Belknap County from Red Republican to Blue Democrat. After all, their own “voter guide” portrays ONLY Democrats are “reasonable and responsible,” along with the led-by-the-nose Republicans helping them along in their aims. Good going – hanging your Party in hopes of your own re-election.

So once the decision was made to register GrokPAC, we hurridly created 100 signs (and broke my own 40mph rule) and put them around the county as a small statement to bolster what GraniteGrok has been saying for months:

Don’t know if a lot of people saw it, but the message was most likely achieved – having been planted by the Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC’s signs, they’ll know that they won’t be the only player.  And in today’s Laconia Daily Sun, in their Voter Guide section, this graphic also appears (page 35, 1/2 page sized). No, we didn’t have the money to spend THIS time around but from my standpoint, mission accomplished – “there’s a competing player – you no longer have the playing field to yourself”.

But we’ve also done a much larger project. More on this tomorrow, but it has a lot to do with this post (GrokPAC activities) intermixed with this one from Maine:

Ban Pornography in Maine Schools

I’ll leave you with this teaser that was just sent out, by GrokPAC, to 65,000 households in NH (yes, in an envelope):

(click to embiggen)

When parents in other areas have found these books, they’ve tried to read them to their School Boards at public meetings – and have been shut down by the Chair for reading “porn” (from their schools’ libraries) because there were children in the audience.

Yes, consider the irony of that.

I think it will be safe to say that the flip side of this letter will be rather upsetting to a few folks shortly.

I’m assuming that being Democrat-controlled, Citizens for Belknap PAC would be all in favor of allowing pornographic books in Public School Libraries, even to kindergartners.  Democrats support the Democrat Teacher’s Unions who are fighting this all over the nation.

So we’re just getting revved up…



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dutzy Is Intimidating Voters – Time for Her to Go

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 21:00 +0000

In August, NH State Representative Sherry Dutzy (D-Nashua) doxxed a Nashua voter’s address on social media after an exchange at the voter’s home.  Even more despicable was the threatening image of a man holding a firearm on Representative Dutzy’s social media post about the encounter. What is representative of Dutzy’s message, if not threatening violence?

We want to thank Chris Ager for this Op-Ed. Please direct yours to

The homeowner filed a police report but was told nothing could be done. The Speaker of the House was alerted to the situation and wrote a letter of caution to Representative Dutzy as recommended by the Speaker’s Advisory Group.

The people of Nashua Ward 3 deserve better representation. The anger and threats must stop. Vote Dutzy out.

Her social media post:

The resulting Letter of Caution issued by NH House Speaker Sherm Packard to Dutzy. Hover over the page and the Navigation bar will appear.

Letter of Caution by Speaker Packard to State Rep Sherry Dutzy Letter abusing a constituent

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Let’s Return to a Democrat Citizen for Belknap PAC Certified Republican for Yet Another Round, Shall We?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 19:30 +0000

So who IS Cindy Creteau-Miller, running for the NH House from Meredith?  She is certainly not an NRA “A” rated candidate, but she keeps insisting on it (and pro-abortion as well). She’s also now disavowing the endorsements that the CfB gave her.

She, of course, still hasn’t realized she was just a mere pawn in order to get the ten real Conservative Republicans the heave-ho under the false flag of “HAVE TO SAVE GUNSTOCK!!!”

Heh!  That there is now another blog that has finally realized that GraniteGrok has been right about this all along: that “SAVE GUNSTOCK” was always a political maneuver stunt pulling the wool over the eyes of the low information voters.  And Cindy Creteau-Miller, so thrilled by “big time player” Gary Kiedaisch, fell for it as well.  And now is being attacked by Democrats on social media. But back to the NRA rating – it’s not the only gun advocacy group that gave her the same “D” rating.

But first this – does she REALLY think she can “finesse” her NRA rating simply by buying a membership to “make it all better”? THis is like #MeToo Weinstein stating he’s going to bankroll attacks against the NRA for propitiation in abusing all those women by dint of his high position in Hollywood:



Lame. Just lame.  You can’t “buy” a rating. As to that “other gun group” I mentioned, if you’re getting a “D” twice over, no amount of money is going to get you out of this self-injected purgatory:



And the Belknap County part of that report:



Is she NOW going to exclaim that her survey to them was ALSO HACKED???  Doubtful. Why?

I’m not an NRA member nor am I a member of this other group – but I DO know the folks that are in it and running it…for years. In fact, here it is for all of the Belknap County NH House candidates. I’m helping you, loyal readers, out by ensuring you see CC-M’s rating – no magnifying glass necessary.

One D might be arguable.  Twice a D is not.

To forestall the complaint that I’ve engaged in “creative editing” and avoid the charge of  “THAT WAS EDITED AGAINST ME!”, here’s the whole report. Hover over the page, and the navigation bar will appear. Also, the rating/scoring is on the first page.

NH Firearms Coalition general election report card_0001

So folks, who are you going to believe (or, in this case, WHAT survey holds water)?

NOTE: I strongly suggest good Republicans and Independents write in Jeanne Tofts on the Meredith ballot to defeat the Democrat-supported Cindy Creteau-Miller. We don’t need a republican that hates the Second Amendment in the NH House and who would be aligned with the Democrats.  THAT’S an Extremist Republican!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Is the Extremist? Not Me, but Guess Who Your Mirror Says It Is Democrat Candidate Kate Delfino?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 18:00 +0000

I am currently running for NH State Representative in Atkinson, NH.  In a recent campaign mailing, my opponent, Kate Delfino, accused me of supporting “efforts to make abortion illegal in NH.”

We want to thank Arlene Quaratiello for this Op-Ed. You can send yours to

This makes me sound like an extremist zealot whose sole purpose in seeking a state office is to completely ban a currently legal procedure.

My opponent’s attack is indicative of a larger problem affecting Republican campaigns nationwide: an obsessive and distorting focus by Democrats on the issue of abortion.

What I support above all else is the democratic process. With knowledge of my pro-life views made explicitly clear throughout my campaign, voters are free to vote for someone else. If the majority vote for me, however, they will be sending a representative to Concord who will not only support legislation defending the most vulnerable—the unborn—but also someone who will accept resultant laws even if I disagree with them.

On a larger scale, the single-minded attention of Democrats on this one issue as they criticize federal candidates is illogical.  Following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, Congress doesn’t even have jurisdiction over abortion legislation anymore. Desperate Democrats are deflecting the focus from all the other important issues in this election, especially those regarding economics, education, and election integrity because they don’t have viable solutions to the urgent problems confronting our states and our country.  Don’t fall for their “red herring” tactics!

The post Who Is the Extremist? Not Me, but Guess Who Your Mirror Says It Is Democrat Candidate Kate Delfino? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NYT Poll: Democrats and the Media are a Bigger Threat to “The Democracy™” Than Republicans

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 16:30 +0000

The economy looks like a homeless camp after a hurricane, and all Democrats can do is point and shout, “look, abortion!” I’ve already pegged that as little more than a desperate get-out-the-vote strategy for low-info Lefties, though it may not be working.

Related: To Dems’ Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

At least a few Republican candidates the Democrats backed with millions in primaries (‘cuz they thought they’d be easier to beat) are tied or polling better than their Democrat opponents. Primary meddling appears to have failed. Killing babies as a right isn’t fairing too well as a strategy. How about saving “The Democracy”?

Democrats can’t shut up about it and how that’s what they are doing, but we’ve got bad news. America disagrees.

The Daily Signal, in a report fact-checking Biden’s latest Teleprompter-read-passed off as presidential wisdom, had some unpleasant news for the political Left. While many Americans are concerned about “The Democracy,” Democrats and the Media are viewed as more significant threats to it than Republicans.


A recent New York Times/Siena College poll found that 71% of Americans believed democracy faced some risk and that only 28% believed their votes would be properly counted. However, the Times story characterized the concern as “remarkably apathetic” compared to concerns about economic issues.

But, the poll found about one-third, or 33%, viewed Democrats as a threat to democracy, while fewer, 28%, think Republicans are a threat. Also, 59% of respondents said the mainstream media was a threat to democracy. …

Overwhelmingly, 81% of those who think democracy is in danger believe it can be saved by existing laws and institutions without the need to go outside the law.


In a nutshell, the corporate media represents a substantial threat, followed by Democrats – and a supermajority of those polled believe existing law can pull us off the ledge. Not a single thing Democrats want to hear or have planned fits with the results of that poll. Quite the opposite.

Once achieved, their version of Democracy will have as little Democracy in it as possible and a good deal of lawlessness. I won’t go so far as to say people are beginning to see that. Survival demands that you abandon boutique political tangents and focus on the basics. The Left’s gloomy economic cloud has obscured almost any other issue that might otherwise move the needle for many Americans.

Even pro-abortion Democrats need to get by, and people have, are, or are worried about falling behind. You can pretend to blame the pandemic or Putin, but when it comes to the electorate, it’s what you have done TO me lately.

The Left has done a lot, none of it good, and inherited or not, possession is nine-tenths, as they say.

The US economy is in shambles, with fresh storms lined up on the horizon, many directly resulting from things about which Democrats like to brag.

The election is in five days, so if their version of Democracy isn’t holding water, what have Democrats got left on which to run? Sexualizing children instead of educating them?




The post NYT Poll: Democrats and the Media are a Bigger Threat to “The Democracy™” Than Republicans appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Senator Hassan Will be Mrs. Hassan in January

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 15:00 +0000

It is midnight, and the clock has chimed. It is the end of the fairy tale for Maggie Hassan. She has been playing the role of United States Senator from New Hampshire for the last six years, but we all knew it wasn’t real.

If you get Maggie alone at Dunkin Donuts or Market Basket, you might hear her admit she has been in over her head.

The loser in this scenario is the people of the Granite State. We have been lacking representation in the upper chamber.

If you were to take Hassan’s advertising at face value, you would think she is a one-woman storm in D.C. and the rising star of the Democrat Party. The problem is we see through the lies, and those lies will be her ultimate downfall. Maggie Hassan has a credibility issue. It has been front and center since she started running ads in the Fall of 2021. The fact an incumbent senator started running ads a year before the election showed she knew she was in trouble of losing her seat. One and done for Maggie.

The ads that are like fingernails on a chalkboard for me are her frequent use of her challenged child and the attack ads against Bolduc featuring lies about abortion and social security. These showed how shallow she and her accomplishments have been. Criticizing the use of someone’s challenged child may be difficult, but she ran them and should be called out for them. Everyone has empathy for any family that is faced with raising a child with physical or mental challenges but running those ads ad nauseam is playing on people’s emotions. These filled the void where if she had significant accomplishments, they would have been highlighted in these spots.

The fact that she did not pull the negative ads about Bolduc’s stands on abortion and social security after they had been fact-checked and proven wrong speaks directly to her character. It was sad and sickening to see these ads day after they were proven false and discussed during debates and criticized across the board, yet they continued. The people of New Hampshire deserve better and will get it next Tuesday.

It is not all Hassan’s fault. The voters of New Hampshire have to take a piece of the blame. They got caught up in the liberal assault of the thousands of people who left Massachusetts for a better life in the Granite State. Unfortunately, these migrants brought their inherent beliefs and could not resist voting Democrat. That movement gave us our current group of representatives. Hassan, Pappas, and Kuster all took advantage of these voters. Kuster may be the only one to survive next Tuesday, and that is because of the concentrated cities of Nashua and Concord.

Maggie will lose next Tuesday because she deserves to lose to a better person. She will lose her seat to a man who has given most of his life in service to America because he loves his country and what she can be. He is not a politician, but a patriot, and that is what we can use more of in Washington. Don Bolduc will become our Junior Senator representing New Hampshire. Sharon and I welcomed him to our home when he ran in 2000, and we could not be more proud to congratulate him on his successful campaign. As the General says, losing is not an option.

The post Senator Hassan Will be Mrs. Hassan in January appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tim McGough – Perhaps a Tough Fighter, Not So Much on “Financially”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 13:30 +0000

So far, I’ve posted twice of his campaign finance filings – the first on the lack thereof, which seemed to spur him on to get himself caught up (the second one). His official NH campaign filings are in those posts. However, it still left questions as the aggregated “financial story” of his campaign is easily summarized by this:

Campaign to Date:

Total Revenues:            $5,750.00
Total Expenditures:   $20,903.67

Now, how he wishes to spend his money is his business (well, ours as well) and that gap of $15,153.67 still has to be accounted for.  Will that show up in later filings?  I hope so – and it should be done. It’s called integrity.  Hey, your personal finances can be a train wreck – but that’s YOUR business.  Sorta.

The intersection, however, of personal and “campaign/governmental” finances is that debt.  Look, I knew very few people that haven’t put themselves onto the thin edge because of job loss, overall economy, and (let’s be honest here) sheer stupid mistakes. Integrity there is paying it all back no matter how much it hurts. Been there, done that, especially when the Daycare biz that TMEW and I had back at the turn of the century. We had to close it VERY suddenly when she fell ill – but it all got paid back to our vendors (and some were patient to a fault) instead of stiffing them via bankruptcy.

But that was before I got involved in politics. Once I did, on our town’s Budget Committee, it is still clear that I was one of the few that constantly yammered that the monies we were about to appropriate for expenditures by taxing our fellow townfolk more than absolutely necessary.  After all, it wasn’t our money to spend (although others believed I was wrong)!

However, excessive personal debt can be manipulated, at times, and done a number of times, which should be something that voters should know about. Sometimes it can be a drag and sometimes a nothing burger. But one thing is clear – transparency is the gold standard that should be held by any politician whether it helps them or hurts them. We’ve all seen campaigns that have piled up massive amounts of debt that then leave unsuspecting vendors high and dry for months, years, or forever. A past debt history isn’t exactly comforting:

Yes, the following was sent to me. To see all the pages, hover over the page and the navigation bar will appear at the top.

Tim McGough Doc - Oct 4, 2022 - 10-36 AM

As always, you read, you reflect upon, and you decide on how you should spend your vote. And yes, I’ve sat on this for a while deciding whether to use it or not.

And a word to candidates – don’t promise anything that you know you won’t honor.  We have too many readers that are willing to drop a dime on you to us (heh!  Does anyone still remember what that phrase references??) – and we will generally use it.

And doesn’t Baby Huey look so “Presidential” in that picture? He certainly “GAVE it to us during the Pandemic”, didn’t he?  And if you are questioning yourself about that, let me know and I can do a ‘recap post on it.

Oh, lest I forget – some of the money, $2500 to be exact, by which McGough was “supported” was from the Granite PAC.  You know, that specialty Political Action Committee that was formed to support Chris Sununu in another run for Governor – but has been turned into a “Revenge PAC” by going after good Conservative Republicans that stood up to His Excellency.


The post Tim McGough – Perhaps a Tough Fighter, Not So Much on “Financially” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Greenpeace Admits That Recycling Doesn’t Work and is Probably Worse for “The Environment™”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 12:00 +0000

When lefty green meanies issue mea culpa’s, it makes for good blogging, but I always remain skeptical. Take Michael Moore, for example. Planet of the Humans made it clear that neither wind nor solar was viable or capable. A fool’s errand, yet the Left has tripled down on the agenda. So, what’s the point?

Related: Michael Moore’s New Documentary: Green Energy is a Scam and We’re All Fools (Video Added)

Why admit that something you’ve advocated for decades does not or cannot deliver as advertised if no one on your side intends to listen?

Harvard researchers said wind turbines warm the planet, while the BBC reported that they are destroying mother earth. Removing meat from our diets won’t do anything, and many of the insects they’d like us to eat are toxic to humans. Solar is land-intensive and bad on both ends, and you can’t even make the damn things without burning coal. Electric vehicles are also an environmental nightmare, and now this from Greenpeace?


[T]he report found that many of these plastics were being accepted into processing plants where they were not recycled, but instead disposed of by some other means. Other plastics landed in China where they were dumped or burned, in turn causing harm to the environment, as Tierney noted.

“They preached it to children, mandated it for adults,” Tierney said, “and bludgeoned municipalities and virtue-signaling corporations into wasting vast sums—probably hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide—on an enterprise that has been harmful to the environment as well as to humanity.”


This recycling fraud is not new to our readers, and there are many reasons why it’s counter-productive to the narrative.


It’s been documented and reported for close to two decades. Look it up. The energy wasted to clean recyclables before you ‘recycle them?’ The energy needed to recycle into a reusable form for glass, cardboard, and paper, and metal is carbon intensive. Trucks, facilities, power, people, and process, all consume more energy than just burying the stuff in the ground. Which is where it came from, if not in that form.


Having Greenpeace admit that recycling is virtue-signaling makes me smile just a little bit. They’ve publicly recognized that it is a scam. We’re offshoring the problem, and the result is worse than if we didn’t do it. So?

Related: Quick Reminder About Just How Bad Wind Power is for the Planet

When can we expect Greenpeace to admit that electric vehicles and most of the wind/solar/green energy agenda are the same problems on steroids? We’re not just offshoring it. We’re enriching enemies of the environment at the same time while undermining our ability to be a leader in well-managed stewardship.

We are encouraging human trafficking and child labor.

We are polluting the world over there to pretend it’s not polluted here, and what do we get in return?

A weak, powerless America that can’t do much to improve the world’s problems, and by that, I mean producing what it needs with less waste. The United States and free-market capitalism could and would find ways to use fossil fuels more efficiently and in ways better for the air, land, and water. We’d solve the problems with the best minds from around the world who come here for a one-of-its-kind freedom from government meddling that inspires opportunity and innovation.

And that’s the other thing the Left is looking to ruin.

Democrats want to rule a debt-riddled Democratic-Socialist “republic” that can’t do much of anything for itself, let alone anyone else or the planet. And a world without America leading it is a planet in decline.

How ironic is it that the green dream is responsible for laying us so low, and the result will be a dirtier, more violent planet than the one we had before the Left cut our knees out from under us?

But hey, Greenpeace has realized recycling is bad.

Baby steps, right?



HT | Human Events

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Beginnings of a Realignment in Pennsylvania?

Libertarian Leanings - Thu, 2022-11-03 11:28 +0000
Anthony Hennen, Just the News: Democrats switching voter registrations to GOP in Pennsylvania Democrats have gained about 21,000 former Republican voters, while the Republicans have gained about 57,000 former Democrats. ennsylvania's registered voter numbers are up and Democrats hold an... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

The Word That Comes to Mind after Watching Maggie “The Red” Hassan Try to Debate Don Bolduc

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 10:30 +0000

I have told Gen. Don Bolduc that his campaigning is FAR better than the last election cycle. Last night, he took it to a new level – complete domination.  Maggi Hassan’s scowl said it all.

And Eviscerated is the word.

At each question, Bolduc had a ready quip that came from yet another plane/angle of attack for which she could only muster a shopworn pre-packaged answer while he continued to do the ‘non-political thing of saying “what, no answer to the question….again”?

He was remarkedly well prepared – off the cuff to boot. His numbers and facts flowed smoothly, and she couldn’t keep up. I’d call her responses “lame,” but I’d be accused of being “partisan” (well, if the shoe fits…heh!).

Gen. Bolduc has clearly adapted his Green Beret / Special Forces experience and leadership to the “war of politics.” And we can see that money isn’t always the determinate factor in a win/lose situation.

Hassan’s decision to not do public town halls and earlier debates were disastrous. Given the late date of last night’s debate, I wonder how many of the “undecideds” just made up their minds – and how many “squishy Democrats” just went “Hmmm.”

I’m betting that if someone does a snap poll, his NEW one-point advantage is going to grow.

The post The Word That Comes to Mind after Watching Maggie “The Red” Hassan Try to Debate Don Bolduc appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Political Communication Changes in the Post-Digital World

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 09:00 +0000

The advent of social media has also profoundly changed all professions related to political communication, empowering candidates of all factions to express their personalities freely, independently, at a pace governed by a maddening algorithm that from time to time seems to decide what content to show, and what target audience to address.

In an age dominated by a general crisis of values, people all over the world seem to be constantly searching for footholds, for reference points to cling to and to entrust their remaining hopes for a better future, for a peaceful and possibly trauma-free future.

Some find refuge in the sports faith, which for some time now has partially replaced religious fervor in certain parts of the world, while others find solace in the new, winning business model built by some companies, whose activities increasingly revolve around people and their needs, but also their ability to leave a tangible mark on the world even through a conscious purchasing choice.

Voters’ hearts

But what is the winning formula for attracting voters’ votes and establishing an authentic, genuine relationship of trust capable of going beyond mere electoral dynamics?

Any possible answer to this question will necessarily have to include references to communication, to electoral marketing, to that very fine discipline that consists, in a nutshell, in knowing how to build the image of a serious and credible politician, with quality content, capable of igniting crowds and capturing their attention in a matter of moments, even if only with a gesture, a glance, or a simple phrase thrown in by chance.

Political communication, nowadays, must in fact be based on perception, on all that information that voters perceive in the circles they frequent, in newspapers and on television, and on candidate’s social media.

The winning politician is precisely the one who is able to work effectively on all that is perceived by people, either directly or indirectly, then transforming this mass of information into engaging content that is able to stimulate people’s enthusiasm and intellectual vivacity, in addition, of course, to their desire to vote for that particular candidate.

At this complex historical juncture, those involved in political communication will have to pay increasing attention to the content to be thrown to the voters, being very careful not to mix it with sterile eloquence that never leads to anything concrete.

Sterile content, in politics, is any content that refers back to ideological considerations and has almost nothing to do with people’s practical lives. In some nations, faced with the advance of right-wing political forces (in some cases even far from moderate positions), the opponents have been unable to propose any quality content, any political project based on concreteness, persisting in the repetition of old slogans and ideological content that have proved perfectly useless.

Indeed, we are in an extremely peculiar phase in which people, after the terrible two-year period of Covid-19, have basically rediscovered their practical consciousness, suddenly becoming allergic to all those ideological and evanescent contents that carry with them no concrete consequences for their daily lives.

Proper planning

All this also has inevitable repercussions in the way they communicate online, especially on social media. In planning their content for online communication, policymakers should therefore give top priority to the topics that are most closely relevant to people, to anything that can quickly lead them to the resolution of a problem.

It is no coincidence that among the most popular content, on social media and websites, are precisely practical guides, reviews, in short, all content that contains precise and well-delineated information, without the slightest ambiguity.

The success of this kind of content can be easily observed on online gambling portals, which for some time now have begun to devote some sections of their sites to reviews on the different games, guides for players and useful advice on the gaming experiences offered by the platform, which include exciting casino games such as poker and blackjack, but also the electrifying ways of playing related to the redemption of free spins and welcome bonuses, which are usually very rich even for those who sign up for the first time. The guides and reviews, like the Jackpot City review, are always focused on maximum practicality, and help every player to acclimatize to the platform and get off to the best start in their immersion in online fun.

Even in the age of social media, content will always remain the undisputed lord of the web.


The post How Political Communication Changes in the Post-Digital World appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ode to the Men of Granite Grok

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 01:30 +0000

Autumn leaves are ablaze with their colors,

New Hampshire is awaiting its fate,

The Groksters will be there, and have promised to bare

Any deviance at the polls, November 8th.


Although Repubs have been holding both Houses,

Overconfidence can sometimes backfire.

The Dems are so woke, it’s become a bad joke,

But we might still go up in the pyre.


Skip and Steve have got the details worked out

For Legislature, Executive Council, and all,

With blessings and graces for the three federal races.

Too bad Ol’ Maxwell had to throw in the towel.


Lily Tang didn’t quite make the finals,

The Baxter Brothers fell short on the coast,

LaPlante, Fenton, and Huff, made respectable puff,

But Leavitt, Burns, and Don Bolduc won the most.


While the Sun King remains on his throne,

Holding scepter and orb, in a trance,

Will the wave really be red?  if not, we’re near dead.

Next Tuesday’s our very last chance.


Who gave Em Ewe Ar the right to pick questions?

The debates were pretty close to a farce,

It’s sad when the mandate, for each intelligent candidate,

Is just not to fall on your arse.


Do you know that We-the-People-dot-org

Supplies a handout with good write-in names?

Much Granite was involved; Grinnell made The Resolve

An idea that may win national fame!


Wooing Dems is essential this time,

Dear Repubs, please get that through your head.

I say let your doubts fester, Go down to Manchester,

And hug Blues so hard they turn Red.



The post Ode to the Men of Granite Grok appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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