The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • September 19 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Data Point – Biden is the King of This!

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 00:00 +0000

It is clear that President Biden is the Master of the Inflation Curve:

Either he, or his Obama retread minions, own this all by himself/themselves.

(H/T: Matt Margolis)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Right/Left Musical Interlude

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 22:30 +0000

Will there be a reconciliation of right and left next week?  You be the judge.

We want to thank Anonymous for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

Compare, via YouTube’s music:

1. How we on the right see ourselves:


2. How the left sees us:



3. How the left sees the left:


4. The prospects for us to meet in the middle:



The post A Right/Left Musical Interlude appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hate Email from Sara Evangelos Who Believes Porn in Public School Libraries Is Perfectly Fine

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 21:00 +0000

As you may know, GrokPAC is doing something about pornography in NH’s Public School Libraries. No, we’re not suing anyone/anything (yet) but let’s be clear:



And as the top image states, keeping age-inappropriate books concerning sexuality out of the hands of young children is not banning books.  Sara Evangelos doesn’t understand the difference.

If you were to read some of the salacious parts of the above books in the above mailer on a radio show, the host would cut your mic off in a flash. If you were on a TV show, they would cut your mic off and go to commercial immediately (both because of FCC rules against obscenity over the air). If you were to photocopy such sections, stand in front of a public school, and start handing out those copies of what is already in their libraries, you would be arrested for distribution of kiddie porn.

There have already been multiple times when a parent has read such excerpts aloud at School Board meetings only to have their mic cut off as well. No, not because of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) but because it is obscene and illustrates pornography.  The BEST PART??

School Boards will stop you for this reason (I kid you not!):

You can’t read that here – there are children present.

Really!  The sense of irony should knock you off your chair and feet. NO anger that THEY are the ones supplying porn to our little ones and NO anger that they are the responsible ones that allowed such material to be in the school libraries in the first place –  over which they are supposed to keep watch over.

Just angry that they got caught. That they got exposed. And in many cases, won’t do anything about it.  Basically, they are of the same mind as this lady, Sara Evangelos, who decided to give us a piece of her perverted mind.

And no, Sara, THANK YOU for sending it in as it illustrates the allowable degeneracy that some people have towards the innocence of children that most parents try hard to protect. Emphasis mine, reformatted for better readability:

———- Forwarded message ———
From: Sara Evangelos <>
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 4:39 PM
Subject: stop
To: <>

Please don’t send me any more of these ridiculous postcards about children’s libraries. I believe in every person having the right to read any book. The idea of book banning makes me furious.

I trust the school teachers and their training, and their knowledge of what books are appropriate for what age group. When I was a kid, my mom let me wander around our library, looking at anything I wanted. Believe it or not, teachers often know better than parents do about education. Ya think? This postcard is designed to make people hate democrats. I am sick and tired of the hatred that abounds these days. Hatred of anyone who is different from you. My children were free to read what they wanted, and to LEARN. Truth is truth. Truth is not Trump-inspired fantasies and lies. Don’t send me any more of this, please.

Thank you so much.

Again, no, thank YOU ever so much. And yes, you will be getting more anyways. If you have been reading GraniteGrok, you KNOW that there ARE teachers, here in NH and across the Nation who truly believe your kids are THEIRS to do with whatever they want (well over 200 stories – search for “Stack of Stuff” to find most of them).

And yes, anyone what is allowing pornography to be accessible to MY child deserves to be stopped. MUST be stopped.  You want to give your child such material – your business. Using my tax dollars to provide it and ruin the innocence of MY child – I will fight you to the end.

And you sound like Jeanne Dietch, the former NH State Senator, who holds the same belief you do: teachers know better what is in the best interest of your kids than you do.

Thanks for the “Parent Hatred”, Ms. Evangelos!

Next post – I’ll show you who voted against the law that would have explicitly allowed Parents to pull their children away from Objectionable Material in schools – ALL DEMOCRATS!

UPDATE: Remember, there are a LOT people who WANT porn available to children. I guess Sara agrees with them.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Corruption at the Heart of Title IX and the #MeToo Movement

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 19:30 +0000

Brett Sokolow, the Department of Education, the Department of Justice, and the University of New Hampshire started a racket.

We want to thankClaire Best for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

In 1957, the US Supreme Court ruled in Sweezy v New Hampshire – a case about a professor and his alleged communist lectures at the University of New Hampshire – that Sweezy’s due process rights had been denied because the State’s primary interest was in the university itself.

The charges against Sweezy were being used to validate a theory that the university was promulgating Communist ideology. The Marxist professor prevailed at the US Supreme Court. It was a landmark case for free speech and for keeping the Government out of the classroom.,given%20was%20a%20violation%20of%20due%20process.%20

“So much for the mantra of speaking “Truth to Power” – these organizations are inseparable from the very institutions they pretend to hold accountable.”

Fifty-four years later, in 2011, at the same University of New Hampshire, Vice President Joe Biden introduced a controversial and unregulated federal directive called “Dear Colleague” Title IX, effectively overturning the precedent set by Sweezy v New Hampshire.

Suddenly, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil rights threatened to withhold federal funds from educational institutions if they did not follow the “Dear Colleague” directive.

On Friday, 1st April 2011, just three days before the launch of “Dear Colleague” on Monday 4th, April, an entrepreneurial attorney, Brett Sokolow, registered two “Non-profits” in Pennsylvania, readying for a slew of new business deals to result from the unregulated Title IX directive:

“The National Behavioral Intervention Team Association,” and

“The Association for Title IX Administrators.”

In April 2022, Brett Sokolow’s name was removed from the non-profits. In October 2022, he was sued in a whistleblower suit for financial fraud.

However, in the 11 years since the launch of those two non-profits, Sokolow established an empire training and accrediting Title IX coordinators and advising educational institutions on risk management. Some of it on “Ethically slippery ground.”

Universities, colleges, and schools beefed up their administrations to handle sex discrimination under Title IX. Sokolow was the nation’s guru on campus sex discrimination risk management.

Brett Sokolow: Dogged Pursuit of a Separate Reality

Given the allegations of financial fraud facing Sokolow, it should be an opportune time for a serious investigation into the planning and orchestration behind the unregulated “Dear Colleague” and the profiteering enterprise that has flourished as a result.

There was not only a material cost to the public to finance this scam, but lives were lost as well, becoming secondary to a curated narrative that yielded prosecutorial wins, lucrative civil suits, Government contracts, and votes for political leaders – all under the guise of social justice to tackle an epidemic on campus using flawed statistics and theories to drive the cause.

Campus Rape Expert Can’t Answer Basic Questions About His Sources

Alongside Brett Sokolow, a few others set out to profiteer from that 2011 Title IX unregulated directive as well. Political activists and non-profits partnered with news media, social media, and major brands to infiltrate campuses and courts.

They received the support of what would later become known as the White House “Not Alone” task force, as well as the Department of Justice’s Office of Violence Against Women and the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights.

Among those who profiteered from the unregulated Title IX directive alongside Brett Sokolow were:

Gloria Allred – who sued Occidental in 2013 and got on the front cover of Time Magazine in 2014 right after the “Not Alone” White House initiative was launched, ready to sue institutions for alleged Title IX failures.

Laura L Dunn, a VIP guest of Joe Biden’s at that 2011 UNH “Dear Colleague” launch, who said she wanted to be “Gloria Allred big” in one article. She launched her Twitter Handle for @SurvJustice in January 2011 and registered the “Non-profit” tied to the White House Task Force (per its IRS 990 form) in 2014.

Dunn spoke up vehemently against due process. She instructed local police departments, worked with publicists, and groomed prospective “Survivors” for courtroom trials as she did with Chessy Prout in the sensationalist New Hampshire v Owen Labrie trial, which yielded several lucrative civil suits in its wake.

Dunn had attended the University of Wisconsin, alma mater to Shamus Khan, who wrote the 2012 book “Privilege” about St Paul’s School and has received millions in grants to write about “Elite” education and sexual assault on campus.

She became an ambassador for a non-profit started by another Wisconsin alum: Angela Rose of PAVE whose Wikipedia page dates to four days after Obama won the presidency in 2008. Rose and Laura Dunn quickly found their way into the inner sanctum of the White House searching for stories and using these to create narratives and push an agenda.

SurvJustice effectively went out of business in March 2020 after Laura Dunn lost a lawsuit against Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos over Title IX due process (Dunn arguing against it).

PAVE, at the forefront during the Obama administration, got called out as 100% lies in September 2020 by Melinda Coleman (RIP), the mother of Daisy Coleman, whose rape as a teenager was documented in the Netflix documentary “Audrie & Daisy”.

Steven J Kelly Esq. lobbied the Senate for a “Victims Rights” bill in May 2014, which Senator Jeanne Shaheen introduced and passed in 2016. He gave Angela Rose of PAVE an award in 2013 and was on the board of the National Crime Victims Law Institute, which featured Laura Dunn in a “Partner spotlight” section in November 2014. He also traveled with her to New Hampshire for the criminal trial of NH v Owen Labrie as personal representative for the State’s witness against Labrie: Chessy Prout.

Less than a year later, he led the first of a number of “Doe v St Paul’s School” suits yielding millions in settlements. Each of these was helped with PR from Vice Media, NBC, and the Associated Press.

A nice contract for a “Compliance” officer at St Paul’s School and for the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence came out of it all too. Chessy Prout, Dunn’s and Kelly’s client, was supplied with Government Affairs PR representative Dan Hill, who boasts that he’s helped his clients secure $21 billion in Government contracts using Special Ops stealth techniques.

After Kelly was done with St Paul’s School, he moved on to Dartmouth College, soliciting plaintiffs for a class action #MeToo suit (Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth) which resulted in a $14 million settlement from which he and his partners in the suit received an estimated $4.9 million (and the NHCADSV $2.865 million).

White House “Not Alone” task force connections helped again: Tina Tchen (Michele Obama’s Chief of Staff) had started Times Up, whose legal defense fund ponied up the money for publicity for the suit.

Professor David Bucci committed suicide in the aftermath of the Dartmouth suit. He’d been named 31 times, accused of knowing of sexual misconduct in his department. He claimed he was unaware, but Dartmouth refused to let him defend himself. His suicide was brushed over by local newspapers that had promoted the suit for Kelly.

Facts didn’t matter to anybody. Brett Sokolow had a lucrative business providing training that was gender biased in line with the directive from Joe Biden and the White House “Not Alone” task force.

Even the White House Taskforce-backed Rolling Stone UVA article “A Rape on Campus”, published and rescinded in November 2014, didn’t make anyone stop to think about the damage of false accusations. Laura Dunn defended the story. Her contribution to it can be found in Exhibit 15b of the lawsuit Eramo v Rolling Stone which led to the resignation of the magazine’s editor and $3 million in defamation damages.

The business model for Brett Sokolow, Gloria Allred, Laura L Dunn, and Steven J Kelly & co followed in the footsteps of Ann Olivarius, who was named as one of the top 50 most influential people regarding Title IX by the ACLU.

She had sued Yale years earlier and set a precedent to hold institutions liable for mishandling sexual assault.

Alexander v Yale

Olivarius had her bar license suspended in several states in the US. So, she moved to the UK and went after UK private schools instead:

A decade on from the registration of Sokolow’s two non-profits and the launch of “Dear Colleague” in April 2011, over 700 lawsuits by falsely accused students, teachers, and professors against colleges, schools, and universities have been filed. Millions have been paid out in the wake of sensationalist and fabricated “Rape” tales:

Columbia Settles Lawsuit With Male Student Accused Of Rape in “Mattress Girl” Case,Clemson.%20But%20campuses%20across%20the%20country%20took%20note.

Yale is being sued for $110 million by Saifullah Khan, who was wrongly accused of sexual assault, criminally charged, and acquitted. Yale has in excess of 45 Title IX coordinators.

Many of these educational institutions employ Title IX coordinators who were trained and accredited using Brett Sokolow’s instruction. In turn, the non-profits such as SurvJustice, PAVE, Know Your IX, End Rape on Campus, NCVLI, NWLC, Times Up, and It’s On Us are intertwined and also rely on tainted statistics and theories which have totally infiltrated mainstream culture.

An amicus brief to the Connecticut Supreme Court from fifteen of these organizations demonstrates that far from standing up to institutional corruption, they want to protect Yale and its female accusers from being sued for making or encouraging false statements against Saifullah Khan.

So much for the mantra of speaking “Truth to Power,” these organizations are inseparable from the very institutions they pretend to hold accountable.

As Sokolow and others have profiteered, tuition fees have increased by thousands per student to pay for Title IX administration and schools’ legal fees to fight claims. Meanwhile, although some (mostly male) students and professors have actually been guilty of sexual misconduct, many others have been framed, suspended, expelled, and denied their civil rights.

Some have faced bankruptcy fighting in civil and criminal kangaroo courts, wrongfully convicted, and incarcerated in highly tainted investigations. Mental health issues, depression, and suicide are not uncommon. Female perpetrators have largely been ignored, forgiven, or their misconduct covered up. Files and complaints are hidden or deleted.

In the first step to opening a Pandora’s Box of abuse of public funds and public trust in the Title IX sham of the last 11 years – a whistleblower has come forward to sue Bret Sokolow for financial fraud.

The box needs to be ripped open so that all of those who profiteered off our educational institutions, students, teachers, and professors can finally be held accountable for the horrors of this abhorrent racket.



Republished with Permission


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Abortion and Democracy

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 18:00 +0000

Democrats love to talk about Democracy and how it’s on the ballot or in danger. They also love abortion – so much that killing a newborn in their Democracy is a protected right, and that should scare the crap out of everyone.

Related: To Dems’ Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

Abortion at birth. A baby in hand, mewling or crying, and then no more. Either executed or abandoned to die. I can think of no better imagery for what Democrats mean by Democracy. It is the absolute right of the state to define the value of innocent life (any life) and end that life if they find it inconvenient.

Democratic-Socialism is the Democracy of abortion. Define or redefine it and use the power of the majority to justify its extinction, be it an enumerated right or a human life.

Do I need to sift history for examples?

It is the mindset of every despot and tyrant, especially those that have preceded the American political Left’s 50 shades of Marxism. It’s a love story about sadism, but the rotten apple of their eye is not the object of torture but the tools.

For nearly fifty years, the Democrats have used those tools on women, primarily minorities, to end babies’ lives. There’s no allegory; this is an in-your-face admission of their indifference to human life. The same political party that husbands assisted suicide and deadly experimental drugs.

The depopulation party.

And maybe you think there are too many people, and we are destined to run out of resources, and a healthy approach to fewer bodies on Gaia’s back is worth consideration. Why would you give that power to the government?

There are no examples in human history where allowing this has not resulted in its use to eliminate people who present even the slightest threat to regime power or its political interests.

As but one example, Democrats (with some republican help) are detaining, without bail, trial, or counsel, US citizens who were in DC on January 6th and might be guilty of trespassing because they need them for their insurrection star-chamber.

The Democrat party is lost. If you don’t want to lose America as well, we all need to step up and vote as many of them as possible out of elected office at every level of government. If left unchecked, the right to imprison or kill (or inject with dangerous drugs) whoever inconveniences them will work its way into law.

Their obsession with abortion is a warning we can’t ignore.



The post Abortion and Democracy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rep. Jonathan Mackie: Citizens for Belknap endorses Democratic extremists; write in Jeanne Tofts for NH State Representative from Meredith

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 16:30 +0000

The Citizens for Belknap PAC has now shown exactly where they stand. It is not for reasonable, non-extremist candidates. In the primary for state representatives, they encouraged left-leaning independents to pick up Republican ballots and vote for the least conservative candidates such as Cindy Creteau-Miller.

We want to thank NH State Rep Jon Mackie for this Op-Ed. Send yours to

Now they are overwhelmingly supporting Democrats in the general election. They attempt to appear bipartisan by putting blue checkmarks next to some Republicans, but then put a blue checkmark next to almost every Democrat. There is not a single race where they put blue checkmarks next to more Republicans than Democrats. Most telling as to their partisanship is where they put their red X’s. Only one Democrat received a red X compared with nine Republicans. In the last election, Belknap County elected 18 mostly conservative Republicans and zero Democrats. That is the way this county leans. Who does Citizens for Belknap represent with their overwhelming support for Democrats? The Democrat Party, of course.

As a conservative Republican who has represented Meredith for the past four years, I have a very different view of extreme than Citizens for Belknap. I consider extreme the views of many of those who received blue checkmarks.

If you agree with me that abortion up to the day of birth is extreme and further restricting our right to bear arms is extreme, we have a choice now. Jeanne Tofts has decided to take on the challenge of a write-in campaign for state representative. I urge my fellow Meredith voters to write in Jeanne Tofts as one of your two choices for Meredith state representative. Be sure to also fill in the oval next to where you write in her name. You must do both for the vote to count.

The post Rep. Jonathan Mackie: Citizens for Belknap endorses Democratic extremists; write in Jeanne Tofts for NH State Representative from Meredith appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Yes, Virginia… There IS a COVID Vax Mandate for Children in NH

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 15:00 +0000

The recent decision by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to add COVID vaccines to the list of recommended immunizations for children has prompted widespread concerns about new mandates. A lot of states defer to ACIP in their decisions about which vaccines should be required for children, – so for many families across the country, this decision does create a de facto COVID vax mandate.

For New Hampshire, there’s both good news and bad news.

The good news is that New Hampshire generally doesn’t defer to ACIP. As a rule, the COVID vaccine is not required for children in our state.

Except when it is.

Here comes the bad news: For a small number of children in New Hampshire, the COVID-19 shot is now officially mandatory. Here’s how it works:

The New Hampshire legislature frequently delegates lawmaking authority to unelected bureaucrats using a mechanism known as “administrative rulemaking.” Make no mistake, though. Administrative rules have the full power and force of law, despite the fact that they have never gone through the legislature.

RSA 170-E:34 addresses requirements for foster care homes and childcare facilities. It stipulates that “The commissioner [of Health & Human Services] shall adopt rules, under RSA 541-A, relative to… minimum standards for licensing which apply to the various types of facilities for child care and child placement… [including] the appropriateness, safety, environmental health and general adequacy of the premises.”

One of the rules created under the authority granted by this statute is rule He-C 6446.14-h-1:

For any foster parent seeking to provide care to a child under 6 years old, or a child with special medical needs, all children who are household members shall be up to date on immunizations consistent with the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ACIP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), unless the immunization is contrary to the child’s health as documented by a licensed health care professional. (emphasis added)

Translation: Any child who lives in a home that hosts a foster child under 6, or hosts a foster child with any special medical needs (which is probably most of them???), – must by law get the full spectrum of ACIP-recommended vaccines, including the COVID shot.

Mind you, this requirement does not apply to the foster children themselves. They’re protected from a mandatory COVID shot under RSA 141-C:1-a, by virtue of the fact that they receive a benefit from the state.

The administrative rule mandates the COVID shot for any other “child” (up to 21 years old) who lives in the same household with the foster child. In other words, the natural-born children or adopted children of foster-family households are now subject to a mandate.

It gets even worse: There is no allowance for a religious exemption in this case. Although RSA 141-C:20-c allows for religious exemptions to immunization requirements, He-C 6446.14-h-1 stipulates that the only allowable reason for exemption in this instance is where “the immunization is contrary to the child’s health as documented by a licensed health care professional.”

Sorry kids… no equal protection for you.

Watch for a bill in the coming legislative session aiming to fix this ugliness.

A tip of the hat to Laura Condon, New Hampshire’s Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccine Information Center. It is through her tireless efforts that we were made aware of this issue.

If you’re interested in getting involved, join me this Saturday evening (November 5th) at The Root in Temple, NH (on Route 101, just a few miles west of Milford). Health Freedom NH will be celebrating its newly formed alliance with Children’s Health Defense New England Chapter. $20 gets you a great dinner, live music, and an opportunity to network with some like-minded people. Proceeds benefit HFNH. It runs 5:30 to 9:30 PM, Get your tickets HERE.

The post Yes, Virginia… There IS a COVID Vax Mandate for Children in NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH HOUSE ELECTION ALERT:  Beware of Democrats Posing as ‘Independents’

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 13:30 +0000

It’s not the first time this has happened and won’t be the last (many noticed this during school board elections). Democrats have run as Republicans in the past, in areas they know Democrats don’t stand much of a chance of winning.

There’s probably more than one Democrat running as a Republican this year as well, as pointed out in the story about Cindy Creteau-Miller by Skip.

In the Brentwood area; however, there’s a Democrat running as an Independent – Russ Kelly. Kelly is running for the Brentwood, Fremont, Danville House seat. Republican Josh Yokela currently holds the seat and is running for re-election. Funny, Democrats didn’t run anyone on the Democrat ticket, yet they have in the past and they are running a Democrat in the Brentwood State Representative race.

I hadn’t really heard much about Kelly, so I decided to check out his website. It was pretty scant and had absolutely nothing about his stance on 2nd Amendment Rights (HUGE in the Granite State, as you all know).

So, I decided to ask Kelly on his official candidate Facebook page, as a potential constituent, how he would have voted on Constitutional Carry and how he would vote on Red Flag Laws (two extremely important pieces of legislation in the Granite State). Crickets. So, I asked again (he was responding to other questions). Crickets again.

Then, rather than respond to the question, like a coward who has been outed, he blocked me (this is typical of Democrat candidates who don’t want real questions asked of them and know when people can smell a rat).

In a more generic response to another woman who asked about his 2nd Amendment stance, Kelly brought up hunting. If you support the 2nd Amendment, you know it has absolutely NOTHING to do with hunting. And you can tell from his response that he wants to ‘wait and see’ how gun control regulations (Including funding for Red Flag Laws) pan out at the federal level. And in typical Democrat GUN CONTROLLER fashion he says the following: “if you’re a law abiding citizen, there should be no issue owning a gun…”


Talk about a RED FLAG regarding Russ Kelly.

Since this was becoming very clear, I decided to check his financials and B I N G O!!!!!!!!! I was 100% correct about Kelly really being a Democrat. Not only is he being financially supported by Liz McConnell (former extreme gun control rep who was a one-termer in Brentwood and pushed every Bloomberg bill she could get her hands on) but also Eric Turer, an extreme leftist running as the Democrat in the Brentwood House race.

A majority of the people on his list are verified Democrats from voter lists and even Martha Fuller-Clark’s husband Geoffrey Clark supports Kelly and gave him $1,000.  Yes, THAT Martha Fuller-Clark. The former NH Senator who was well known for ‘Martha’s Flophouse’ where she had temporary campaign workers registered as NH voters, who then voted in our elections. The Clark’s are also hardcore leftists who are supporting Tom “you will be vaxxed, or else” Sherman for Governor.



If Kelly was truly an Independent, and someone who wouldn’t vote lock step with the extreme agenda of NH Democrats, none of these people would be giving him a dime. This isn’t the first rodeo with Democrats scamming voters, which is why they are doing it again. They know the Brentwood, Fremont, Danville area typical votes Republican, and given the past two years of insanity with what Biden and Democrats have been doing, they know a Democrat would absolutely fall flat in this district. So… their brilliant idea is to run a Democrat as an ‘Independent’ and Russ Kelly jumped right on board… because Russ Kelly is really a Democrat.

Voters in this district DESERVE TO BE TREATED BETTER than to be scammed and lied to. That’s one reason they don’t typical vote Democrat in the first place.

The post NH HOUSE ELECTION ALERT:  Beware of Democrats Posing as ‘Independents’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Week's Favorites...

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2022-11-05 12:28 +0000
...from Power Line: See the rest here. Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Biden’s Priorities Are Misplaced on Saving America’s Soul

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 12:00 +0000

President Joe Biden “worries” about the “Soul of America.” He should; with Democrats in control, people wonder if America still has a soul. How is the murder of a full-term, healthy baby as it is being born consistent with having a soul?

How is abandoning hundreds of Americans, thousands of allies, millions of innocent people, and staggering amounts of military equipment to the merciless, violent, despotic Taliban in Afghanistan consistent with having a soul?

Biden’s pitiful response to Russia’s buildup on Ukraine’s border and his statement that a “minor incursion” would be ignored essentially invited the Russian invasion that is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people, driving millions from their homes, and creating World War II-like devastation in Ukraine. Is that consistent with having a soul?

Biden swore an oath to enforce America’s laws, but he doesn’t enforce the immigration laws created to protect the American people. Consequently, hundreds of thousands of Americans are unnecessarily robbed, raped, murdered or poisoned/drugged annually. The drug cartels are enriched while transporting and victimizing illegal aliens and murdering thousands of innocent Mexicans. Biden should worry about his own soul.

How is letting physical males compete in women’s sports and invade spaces created for female privacy and safety consistent with having a soul (or respect for women)?

How is enforcing our laws based on the offender’s race or political affiliation, rather than equally for all, consistent with having a soul?

How are destroying America’s energy independence, impoverishing Americans, and empowering and enriching American’s enemies consistent with having a soul?
America’s soul is only endangered by President Biden’s actions and the support he gets from Democrats like Sens. Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen and Reps. Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster.

It’s November; to save yourself and America’s soul, vote straight Republican.

The post Biden’s Priorities Are Misplaced on Saving America’s Soul appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your Second Amendment Happy Ending Story of the Day

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 10:30 +0000

The Left and its Gun Grabbers hate these stories about DGUs – Defensive Gun Usage – where ordinary citizens prove the wisdom of our Founding Fathers in making the Right to keep and bear arms a fundamental part of American Citizenship.

I don’t do these anywhere often enough, but I promise to do better, ok? Emphasis mine – reformatted:

WOW: Jewelry Store Owner in Florida Forced to Open Fire on Four Robbers, Killing Two

According to a recent report in ClickOrlando, two robbers were shot and killed when they tried to rob a jewelry store in the Magin Mall in Orlando, Florida. The attempted robbery, which happened at around 11:45 in the morning, was conducted by four attempted robbers, so the police are still searching for the remaining two.

Of the two suspects who were shot, one was killed at the scene of the attempted robbery and so police had to do no searching for him.

Isn’t that a GREAT way of putting it? Not quite “the perp decided to make the police’s easy before he died,” but close.

The other one who was shot got in the car with the two other surviving suspects and drove off but, according to ClickOrlando, he was found in the abandoned vehicle and taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Great friends – just left him to die alone to save themselves. Loyalty, thieves, and all that…

Apparently, the jewelry store owner opened fire on the group of four robbers when he discerned that they were armed and that an armed robbery was in progress, causing one to drop at the scene and the remaining three to flee in their vehicle. WESH 2 reported what a customer of the jewelry shop, Jamani Lamb, had to say about the scene of the robbery and shooting. In Lamb’s words:

“Jewelry was all around him. Some jewelry was out still. People were already gone and dead by the time the cops had got here.”

“Gone and dead” – the Phrase of the Day!

Lamb also described the moment of the shooting itself to WESH 2, saying “Boom! Boom! Boom! And then me and my pops jumped down and then we walk around, and we just see the people had ran.”

WESH 2 found a nearby business owner, Pete Lopez, who spoke on the robbery and the shooting as well. In his words:

“One of them got shot. He’s dead behind the counter. The other one, they left in a car and he’s up on Tampa Avenue, he died as well. I mean, this was a robbery. And the owner had a firearm, so he defended it.”

Two out of four, eh? Hey, if this were in terms of an MLB hitter, that guy would be a multi-millionaire right now! Sorry but I have no use for apologists for those that believe that the private property of others belongs to them. Make stupid decisions, get stupid consequences.


But, thankfully for the shop owner, Florida’s a red state and justified self-defense shootings are regarded much as Mr. Lopez referred to them: something that happens when criminals attempt to prey on law-abiding citizens.

Crime is on the upswing and with the Leftist politicians protecting these scumbags with a revolving “book’em/arraign’em/release’em” attitude and attacking their own police forces, what do they THINK ordinary citizen are going to do? When Government makes the decision to no longer protect its citizens for some stupid Social Justice reasoning (i.e., Society made them behave that way),we are going to defend ourselves, our families and friends, and our property.

All we have to do is turn those Social Justice nitwits into spinning by telling them “YOUR ‘Society’ turned us into vigilantes – now fix yourselves”.

If you live in a Constitutional Carry state, go buy a gun, get some practical gun training, learn your State’s gun laws, and if you live in a home with little kids and stupid teenagers, store it safely.

Refuse to be a victim. In this story, the jewelery store owner could have been that dead guy on the floor (“leave no witnesses”). Instead, the bad guys did.


(H/T: Trending Politics)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Write-In Candidate for U.S. Senate in NH

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 03:00 +0000

Betraying one’s values is worse than losing a seat at the political big boy’s table. The Republican people must learn this, or regardless of the outcome in the 2022 mid-terms, the Republican people will have lost themselves and participated in the forfeiture of the principles of our great Union.

The Republican party leadership has been compromising its’ values to stay “viable”. This is because the Republican leaders are not controlling the narrative. They are succumbing to it, and to keep their seat at the table, they inch further into loss through unsound compromise.

Make no mistake about it, the Democratic Party leadership and their allies are setting the direction of the country, and at best, the Republican Party leadership is setting the pace.

One key narrative that Democratic leadership successfully drove was the impossibility of any election fraud and the absolute conclusion that the 2020 elections were legitimate.

Democrat and the majority of Republican leaders were deaf and non-responsive to the legitimate concerns of the people.

Mind you, this was not the first election that has raised legitimate concerns. However, the leadership keeps us divided and unwilling to work with one another for an actual common good, i.e., elections we know we can all trust.

Trump understandably raised the question of the legitimacy of the 2020 election, albeit through his hyperbolic rhetoric, which he had and continues to have the right to do. Yet, even he is somewhat compromising for the preservation of his political capital.

Then J6 occurred, a massively peaceful demonstration for election integrity, sprinkled with a few largely petty crimes, probably incited by provocateurs within the crowd. A capital police officer killed Ashli Babbit, and there appears to be no accountability for his actions.

However, what there has been is one of the worst politically driven inquisitions in U.S. history.

The J6 narrative and resulting inquisition is one of the most dangerous chillings of free speech that has occurred in our country. It must be properly undone.

The proper way to undo the narrative is to start at the beginning, the election of 2020. There must be an investigation and proper peaceful, legal and lawful remedial action for any election discrepancies. This will demonstrate that the concerns of the J6 protestors were sound and will deflate the narrative of a partisan, politically driven “insurrection”. Instead, what will be revealed is the truth that the large and predominately peaceful and lawful crowd properly sensed a grave injustice and showed up in a predominantly constitutional manner to raise the alarm of a real threat to our democracy, to our republic.

Election integrity is an issue of the people, not of the parties. For the issue to be taken up in congress, you must have proper
and principled representation in the U.S. Senate. To electorally allow the 2020 election to go un-investigated, to not even try to elect the person who will actually investigate the issue, is to participate in the unraveling of our republic and our founding principles of individual rights, State sovereignty, and the unity and independence of the United States of America.

This, in part, is why I have been continuing my campaign for U.S. Senate in 2022 as a Write-In candidate. Do not be angry at me. All I offer is continued First Amendment attempts at persuasion. Vote your peaceful will, but Vote in love for your country, not in fear of your government.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Constitutional Amendment: Question Two on the Nov 8th NH Ballot – A Response

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 01:30 +0000

A response to Norm Silber’s proposal to eliminate the Constitutional Office of Register of Probate. Your ballot on Tuesday has two items related to the NH Constitution.  Norm Silber wrote about the first one: Register of Probate.  The second one is:

We want to thank Dan McGuire for this Op-Ed. Direct yours to

“Shall there be a convention to amend or revise the constitution?”

If approved by a majority of voters, this would create a convention of delegates to propose constitutional amendments. The delegates would be elected at the next election in two years and would have the same number and districts as State Reps do, so most of them would probably also be State Reps. Any amendments they propose would have to pass the delegates by 60% and the people by 2/3rds, similar to current amendments.

The main reason to vote for it is if there is a constitutional amendment that people would like, but the legislature (especially the Senate) continuously blocks it. This is a way around it. Maybe term limits? Overall, I don’t think it’s a big deal whether it passes or not.

This question is automatically on the ballot every ten years or sooner if the legislature wants it.

Interestingly, this was the only way the constitution was amended until 1964, when the legislature gained the power to propose amendments.  The last three votes on this question (’92, ’02, and ’12) have been negative, although the first two were very close.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pro-life NH Voter Guide Released by NHRTL PAC – Over 300 Candidates Recommended

Granite Grok - Sat, 2022-11-05 00:00 +0000

(Concord, NH – Nov 2, 2022) The New Hampshire Right to Life Political Action Committee (NHRTL PAC) is proud to provide a list of candidates who value the basic human right to life for the Nov 8, 2022 general election.

Covering the offices of the Governor, Executive Council, State Senator, and State Representative, the NHRTL PAC guide recommends over 300 candidates, the most in recent history! Kurt Wuelper, Chairman of NHRTL PAC:

“I am excited to see so many candidates this year who believe in rights for all humans. It’s especially important that voters who value Life get to the polls this year. We had multiple life-related bills this past session that succeeded or failed by very few votes”

The list may be accessed by going to the NHRTL PAC website:

[Editor: Reproduced here. Hover over the page, and the navigation bar will appear. ]

2022-NHRTL PAC -general-prolife-voting-guide-2

NHRTL PAC is a registered NH Political Action Committee promoting the right to life for all humans, from fertilization to natural death.

Kurt Wuelper,
Chairman, NHRTL PAC
(603) 970-0783

Jason Hennessey, President NHRTL (603) 230-8136

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Joe, Do You Think We Should be Concerned About Nuclear Annihilation

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 22:30 +0000

President Biden’s number one concern is the safety and security of the American people. He has sworn to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic. The disgusting drama playing out daily on our Sothern Border indicates that Joe Biden may not grasp the concept of keeping us safe.

Thousands of unvetted illegal aliens and unknown amounts of drugs and weapons are entering our country. Joe and his administration are more concerned with taking our gas vehicles away. As bad as the Border situation is, we have a more existential threat, which is getting no attention. We are facing nuclear destruction from many foes, and nobody is even discussing the danger. This lack of concern is treasonous.

Growing up in the sixties, I experienced the foolish drills where we would get under our desks to protect ourselves from a nuclear explosion and eventual fallout. Damn, those were some pretty incredible desks. No, those were some very ludicrous leaders. Even as a ten-year-old, I knew how futile this exercise was. We do not have those desks today. We have no protection and no effort from our President to thwart these threats.

We have the potential for a nuclear attack from Russia, China, North Korea, and, thanks to Joe Biden, Iran. All are volatile and unpredictable actors, and we need to be proactive in ensuring that we never get to the point where a finger is poised above the detonator button. Nuclear war is not survivable and must be prevented before the first missile is airborne.

We had a preview of the panic we will face in 2018 in Hawaii. A text message and notice on all media formats went out to all island residents that they were under attack from an airborne missile and that this was not a drill. Absolute panic ensued as people took to the street to seek shelter, but there was none. Hawaii was about to be evaporated. This turned out to be a false alarm, but it opened our eyes. If a nuclear exchange were ever started, there would be no time to react and no place to take cover.

Where are all of you basement scientists that have called climate change an existential threat? John Kerry flies his private jet around the world, lecturing anyone he can why they should not fly. You better keep James Taylor close to sing to you should Putin hit the button. Greta has been yelling how dare you for years and has now turned her attention to bringing down capitalism. No need, Greta. Capitalism will be the least of your issues if Iran hits the switch. Al, you made a lot of money scaring people about the end of civilization if the temp goes up one degree. You will have all the degrees you can handle if North Korea drops one of its missiles on South Korea or Japan. Have any of you said anything about the nuclear threat to our existence? Absolutely not.

Our leaders do not recognize this genuinely existential threat. They are not strong enough to ensure that none of these evil leaders will dare escalate to nuclear. The President, Vice President, Secretaries of Defense, and State are all mum. All of them are over their heads, but they can take on Mega MAGAs or Big Oil all day long. They all better grow a set real soon and redirect their attention to the biggest threat we face. If they cannot, they better step aside and let the adults take over.

The post Hey Joe, Do You Think We Should be Concerned About Nuclear Annihilation appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Three People Nashua Voters Should Not Consider on November 8th

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 21:00 +0000

There are three people Nashua voters should not consider for the November 8th state election as none of these people are fulfilling their current city-elected duties.

Shoshanna Kelley – current Alderwoman at Large running for Executive Councilor

  • No leadership, spotty attendance, and a weak voice
  • Chair of the 2021 Police Commissioner Work Study Group, who failed to denounce the actions of the Mayor and exuded no leadership whatsoever.

The Mayor funded Ms. Sonia Prince to go full steam ahead with the charter change, undermining the work of the study group and obtained the signatures required for a ballot vote. This power play failed at the polls. When I questioned her on why she was not participating in educating the public on this important charter change, she stated that the Mayor threatened to cut her funding for future campaigns if she participated in the community outreach. 

  • A candidate about self-service protecting her own political future rather than public service and the future of Nashua.
  • Founder of the “Do it Left Project” whose goal is to sweep progressive values through the State of New Hampshire.

We don’t need hard Left or hard Right candidates right now; we need hard Moderates, both Democrats and Republicans that can collaborate, compose and compromise on legislation and programs that work for the greater good and the betterment of the lives of New Hampshire citizens. 

Heather Raymond – School Board Member running for House of Representatives

  • has underperformed in her capacity to create a strong public education system.

School Board seats are the “trench work” of elected service. The stakes are high and performance counts. 

  • supported keeping Nashua Schools closed for 14 months during COVID.
  • enforced overly restrictive, lengthy, mask regulations that negatively impacted education, especially for young developing children learning to read and speak.
  • supports eliminating the high school grading system despite parent objections, stating that she will always defend the most vulnerable student.

Ms. Raymond should defend the learning styles of all students. Given the recent scores of Nashua Students in math and reading, Ms. Raymond has a lot of work ahead of her to bolster parent confidence and improve student performance.

  • has openly spoken about her health challenges with multiple sclerosis and strokes.

These are debilitating health issues that no person would wish on anyone. But one has to wonder, given all that is on her plate, why would she double her workload with a state seat? 

  • Ms. Raymond must stay focused on her School Board duties.


Michael O’Brien – Alderman At Large running for House of Representatives

  • An old crusty soul with numerous chronic health issues.
  • under his leadership, the Aldermanic chamber has turned into the “wild west” concerning conduct and decorum.
  • endorses partisan politics in the chamber, wearing both his state and local hat into meetings.
  • not effective at the state level in making the changes needed to reduce Nashua’s tax rate.
  • votes yes on almost all City spending requests and projects.

Whining that he tried at the state level to change the system while voting yes on all local spending is not good for Nashua. Mr. O’Brien needs to focus on his local seat and throttle back on spending Nashua’s shrinking pocketbooks.

Ward 9 needs a more able-bodied, vibrant soul who can service the needs of its citizens.


Vote November 8th


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

WARNING to Nashua Voters: Do Not Elect Heather Raymond –Proven Anti-Public Education Candidate

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 19:30 +0000

This is the warning message from Nashua residents to Nashua residents. Someone who has hurt public education shouldn’t be representing Nashua residents.



This kind of record is anti-PUBLIC Education.


Editor’s Note: There is more for Nashua Voters on Heather Raymond here.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Moral Integrity vs Political Savvy

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 18:00 +0000

November 2nd’s senatorial debate demonstrated Ret. Major General Don Bolduc’s moral integrity revealed Senator Hassan’s focus on name-calling rather than focusing on the issues. Senator Hassan simply mimicked the multi-million dollar slander campaign specialized by marketing experts to invert reality about Bolduc.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

General Bolduc stands for cutting the federal budget to lower taxes. He believes a strong economy that puts the American taxpayer first will increase jobs and productivity. Cutting spending and then increasing production will slow down inflation. He advocates stronger borders by increasing the number of agents, enforcing e-verify, and keeping health order Title 42 to expel recent border crossers during the high transmission time of communicable disease.

Restoring energy independence is his priority with strong domestic energy: exploring and drilling in the U.S.A! He also wants to implement strong American world leadership by focusing on shoring up national security, the US supply chains, and our economy.

General Bolduc’s record as a Special Forces General included ten tours of duty in Afghanistan over a 33-year career as a soldier.  He received two awards for valor, five Bronze Star medals, and two Purple Hearts. He is a tireless advocate combating the stigma around and treatment for post-traumatic stress (PTS). I believe his outstanding career as a soldier prepares him well. He knows our enemies, both foreign and domestic. I believe he will defend our liberties in the Senate by enforcing the Constitution, the wall between liberty and tyranny, as intended by our Founders.

Labeling candidate Bolduc an extremist and insinuating that he will be a mouthpiece for big oil do not hide Sen. Hassan’s record of total support for the Biden Administration’s anti-American loyalty to globalism, failing to protect our border against invasion and giving us skyrocketing gas prices. Further, her frequent claim that she is for NH values is an insult to Granite Staters. If liberty is to be preserved, the Biden Administration values that she represents do not belong in NH or any state government. I believe even democrat party members are perceptive enough to see through Senator Hassan’s political sidestepping.

I stand for Bolduc. He gets my vote on Nov 8.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2022-11-04 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









This can work both ways.  You can figure that out.









The premier of Stew Peters’ DIED SUDDENLY film is coming.  Here’s the trailer:

Died Suddenly Official Trailer (

And a movie that’s out (a skosh over two hours):

Uninformed Consent | StarCrestSoloist (

People are dying at rates far, far higher than expected.



For example, from clots.  Video, 58 minutes:



Children Suddenly Dying – ‘It’s Through The Roof’ – Dr. Peter McCullough (

Fetal death rates are above normal – multiples of normal.



My one thing that I’d say about the above is that it would be nice to have this normalized to the number of people being injected (e.g., incidents per 10,000 injections).  Still, you don’t have to be a technically-oriented person to look at the above and see something dramatically awry.  More on this:

Exclusive: Leaked Hospital Memo Reveals 500 Percent Rise in Stillbirths; Fetal Specialist Explains Likely Cause | Facts Matter (

Video above is 25 minutes.  In general, birth rates are collapsing:

ALARMING Drop in Birthrates and Fertility Among MRNA Vaccinated Women (

Video, 44 minutes.  All part of the depopulation plan.  My three essays on depopulation:

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

And don’t forget Surak’s compilation of Jab statistics (with two great graphics at the top):

The injection toll: September 23, 2022 | surakblog (

And yet… and yet… and yet with all this information slapping them in the face, there’s no curiosity.

A Curious Incuriosity – Granite Grok

A Curious Incuriosity 2 – Granite Grok

Just blind trust in the goodness of government.

A Crisis of Trust – Urban Scoop

Is there something in the water?

Potassium Metathorinate – Granite Grok

Why, why, why won’t people connect the dots?









I am the son of an immigrant – a legal immigrant.  I am the husband of an immigrant – a legal immigrant.  The number of people “migrating” now will result in collapse of all nations across the world.  Which is the Globalists’ intent.  Socialistopia needs its foundation.



The Great Replacement proceeds apace.



And if you look at the demographics – almost all military-age men – the allegation that they are an actual military force only needing arms and permission to attack gets more and more credible.




Pick of the post:



If it weren’t for my trying to maintain some semblance of normalcy for the kids’ sake, and to keep my Covidian wife from running off and Jabbing the kids out of anger/spite at my being political, I’d be like:



A short anecdote.  My late mother was a snowbird and one time I was accompanying her on her migration to Florida.  There was a Washington DC B&B that she and my dad used to like, they loved the hostess, and since everyone in their circle was liberal she asked me to not talk politics.  Fine.

Well… fine up to a point.  At the dinner table everyone was “W” is a THIS, and “W” is a THAT, and just generally ragging on anyone to the Right of Stalin.  I bit my tongue.  Finally one person noticed I was not participating in the hate-on-W fest and asked “Are you a Bush fan?” as though this was the worst thing possible, which to them it was of course.  I simply stated that “Please understand that simply because I am my mother’s son, doesn’t mean I share her – or by extension your – views.  For the sake of a harmonious dinner could we please change the subject”?

Understand that I was note rude nor did I attack but… from that moment on… aside from the host who attempted to engage with me, non-politically, for the rest of the night I was persona non grata to everyone there at the table.  In the after-dinner coffee time I tried to engage with a few people – and nothing.  People literally would turn away from me.  I was lower than pond scum to these people.  And if it hadn’t been for my mother, I’d have let the claws out.  This was a Thought Splinter moment for me in understanding that the Left has raw, seething hate for anyone not of the herd.




Going to ask a favor.  Please support me by buying five of these bumper stickers and handing them to friends (and put one on yourself).



Bumper Sticker




Palate Cleansers:







On this last one… a few months ago I was in the hospital for an “unplanned stay” for a couple of nights.  One friend, a half an hour away, said it would be NO PROBLEM if I needed ANYTHING.  For a few weeks after I got out he would call almost daily to check on me and see how I was.  Another, about FOUR HOURS away, said that if I needed anything done at the house, he’d be on the road the next day… this was when my stay was still an indeterminate length.

This is friendship.  And I’d do the same for them.

How many people in your life are like that?

The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republican Threats to Democracy

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2022-11-04 15:25 +0000
I’m an immigration lawyer who represents refugees facing deportation, and I voted a straight Republican ticket. I am NOT a threat to Democracy. I’m the face of it. — Matthew Kolken (@mkolken) November 3, 2022 Read the rest on Twitchy. Tom Bowler
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