The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • December 12 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.L

Manchester, N.H.

Do Nashua’s Ward 7 Democrats Have a Racism Problem?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 14:30 +0000

Grokster Beth Scaer called attention to the NH Journal article about the (anti) Columbus Day bill, its recent committee hearing, and Dems’ shenanigans.  She also pointed out to those not in the know that Catherine Sofikitis is her State Rep. Let’s talk about Ward 7 for a moment, shall we?

We want to thank Julie Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to

Avalon Lewis, a black immigrant from Barbados, worked very hard door-knocking as a first-time rep candidate in said district.  He’s a good man and was well-received as per local comments I’ve heard.  So, what happened?  We all know by now that Nashua has 27 seats in the House and lost Ward 1’s Tom Lanzara, the only freshman, in a city-wide train wreck last November.

Sofikitis is as swampy as many of the Nashua swamp, and her antics are not new.  Last term, she cosponsored a bill along with the infamous Jan Schmidt and their ilk, raising the minimum wage to $22.50/hour.  I’ll step aside and let the Thomas Sowells and other real economists speak to that one for all of us.  Sofikitis is also vicious and nasty to anyone who disagrees with her, no matter how plausible their talking points are. Did you know she’s a registered nurse? It would give me pleasure to see the weaponized state police zip-tie her and haul her off to the county jail instead of the clear-minded, righteous, and innocent Terese Grinnell RN.

Now for Sofikitis’s most recent nut job comment:

“I want to be brutally frank. There is not one person of color on this committee — not one. Racism matters.”

If Ward 7 had voted correctly and sent Avalon Lewis to Concord and perhaps sit on that committee, well, you get my point.

The NH Journal article also mentions Rep HORRible, um, I mean Tim Horrigan.  His reputation speaks for itself.  Also, there’s Rep Peter Petrigno, who told Elliot Axelman and the Liberty Block that the NH9 deserved their arrests when the whole legislature was emailed a questionnaire on what should be done about that travesty.

And lastly, to flavor up this House matter, let’s talk about the Senate and its senior swamp rat, Lou D’Allesandro. He actually made a good comment contrary to the above mentioned reps supporting Christopher Columbus. Just last month, he was the one to nominate SoS Scanlan to keep his job. Is there a pattern developing from these two oddities?  Is D’Allesandro Concord’s own Senator Manchin?  I won’t hold my breath, but as Nurse Terese would always say that nursing protocol often calls for “watchful waiting.”

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democide: Blocking Ivermectin Likely Cost 800,000+ American Lives

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 13:00 +0000

The war on Ivermectin is proving to be costly for the Vaccine Extremists. While Vaxx side effects continue to harm or kill Americans, another study on Ivermectin demonstrates what we’ve all been saying all along. Unlike The Jabs, remdesivir, or Paxlovid, Ivermectin gets results.

Related: The FDA Does Its Impression of King Henry II: “I Never Told Anyone to ‘Kill’ Ivermectin!”

Put another way; it is both safe and effective.


The study conducted in 399 participants met its primary efficacy endpoint with a reduction of 72% of COVID-19 infection in the group treated with daily oral administration of ivermectin compared to the placebo group

Ivermectin administered for 28 days demonstrated acceptable safety and tolerability without any unexpected safety signals


Ivermectin has long been FDA-approved as a licensed drug for people. Off-label use has always been permissible ad at physicians’ discretion. The FDA and the rest of the Public Health Industrial Complex didn’t have to do anything, but they chose to get in the way. The FDA deliberately led a disinformation campaign picked up by local and national media to smear the product and drive people away.

Related: COVID, People of Color, and Look How Well Ivermectin Worked In Africa!

The side-effect of that (emphasis mine)?


If we are to believe official numbers, about 1,121,000 people died of Covid in the USA. Given published effectiveness estimates of Ivermectin coming from honest studies, Ivermectin could have saved eight hundred thousand of those lives. The intentional suppression of Ivermectin cost us so dearly.


Seventy-two percent of 1.12 million is roughly eight-hundred-thousand, and we’ve shared higher recovery rates with Ivermectin in other studies.

The list of those complicit in this (intentional or not) is nearly endless, from the White House to Congress to newsrooms and public health officials to your rank-and-file Democrat street mouse.

They sold COVID as a death sentence when for many, it was the political response that ended them. The treatment protocol was deadly. The privilege of off-label use stripped from doctors whose jobs were threatened by state boards and hospitals was deadly. Pharmacists that were warned by licensing boards not to fill prescriptions or else was deadly.  The mRNA vaccines have proven deadly and more likely to result in infection.

It was pure politics, right alongside the unjustified pillorying of Hydroxchloroquin, so that the FDA could pretend it had the authority to issue the EUA on the “fast-tracked” mRNA vaccines peddled as the only hope.

But both medications were safe, cheap, licensed by the FDA with human doses, well-tolerated, and had a few rare mild side effects. They were widely available at the beginning of 2020. Promoting access would have shown their efficacy early on and saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the US and millions globally.

No one would have had to suffer or die from COVID vaccine side effects.

Trump would probably still be president, something neither China nor US Democrats wanted. And Death as a by-product of political action is called what again?

Not ironically, it is called, Democide.



The post Democide: Blocking Ivermectin Likely Cost 800,000+ American Lives appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – What, No Ratings for Engineers?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 11:30 +0000

I feel left out.  I am betting, however, that Congresscritters WISHED they had been left out as in their case, there is no lipstick on their rating-pig possible:

(H/T: CNSNews)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Second Amendment Happy Ending – Thrice!

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 02:30 +0000

Twenty five States have now become Constitutional Carry States. More are “shall issue” States – unless otherwise adjudicated to be a “prohibited person”, Government MUST allow you to exercise your Second Amendment Right.

And this bad guy found out that when more people CAN, they WILL (emphasis mine):

THERE ARE SOME PARTS OF GEORGIA THAT I WOULD NOT ADVISE YOU TO ROB: Armed citizens foil robbery attempt.. “When a customer saw 39-year-old Shawn Sutton pull a gun on the clerk at the Ideal Mart in Ellijay, he pulled his own weapon. A second customer then retrieved his gun from his vehicle to assist, and both were able to disarm Sutton. When he tried to escape, a third customer pumping gas came inside with his gun and all three were able to hold him until police arrived.”

Emphasis added. The Police Chief:

“Six minutes can be forever, and these citizens that we have here are self-reliant and decided they’re not going to be victims. And fortunately, they were able to assist us and help us in a way that didn’t put anybody in danger.”

And reader John Steakley writes:

“At this point my only question is whether anyone in Gilmer County is NOT armed.” Maybe a couple of folks who’ve recently moved from California.

Refuse to be a victim. Take charge of yourself, your family, your friends, AND those around you. It doesn’t mean that you will be successful – but that attitude CAN save your life. I’ve been told that criminals and those looking for easy prey can suss out when they might be chewing off more than what they want simply by the way someone is carrying themselves.

I’ve never been physically accosted but I have been challenged by younger men thinking I might be an easy mark.  Staring back, especially in public, lets those kinds of people that they may well win but it may well cost them more than they think. They very well may not want that risk.

As Robert Heinlein observed: An armed Society is a Polite Society. That should rather self-evident. What the above told me is that when aggressors wish to bully they may well need to understand that those that refused to be bullied will end up with friends even if they have no idea who they are.

There is one thing that the Left may well NEVER understand of the People of the Gun.  We aren’t gunslingers and we aren’t swaggering fools trying to compensate for whatever stupidity they can think up. It ISN’T just about a Right which is about all they see – if they see any “rights” in the first place.

It’s about Responsibility. Rights REQUIRE self-responsibility. I don’t carry to make myself feel good about myself. I carry to protect – defensively. Not offensively. I’ll be quite happy, when my time on this mudball is over, to never have had to draw my weapon except to put it safely away from the Grandson at the end of the day who is too young to have such Responsibility.


(H/T: Instapundit)


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Maine Climate Science Dashboard

Granite Grok - Fri, 2023-01-13 01:00 +0000

The State of Maine has a climate science dashboard. An official repository for climate fearmongers and their water carriers. I stumbled on it after reading a story about scallops endangered by rising sea-water temperatures.

Is it supposed to be funny because it looks like a joke?

They have plots that include computer model projections. The ones that have been wrong since the Cult started using them. This one claims to show state-wide temperature trends and projections. It looks like this.



It looks scary, and there has been a long trend of rising surface temperatures in Maine, but it peaked in 2010, just a few years before the end of the last solar maximum. For the past twelve years, the trend has declined.



It might be temporary, but with CO2 concentration continuing to rise a decade-plus long decline – which happens to match the national and global trend – matters, especially when you go back and look at the model projections out to 2100.

Nothing there begins to adopt what has been going on in recent years, probably becasue the driver of the model is CO2, and there’s no evidence the two things are connected. They are not. There is evidence that following spikes in CO, the earth endures cooling. No one argues that we’ve entered a solar minimum, though there is debate about the sort and duration.

To that point, we should also take note of the map of Maine with these scary temperature rise figures.



Those numbers are based on the 1900-2000 average temperature trend. As we’ve pointed out, recent data suggests the winds are changing. And while an actual 100-year average (1922-2022: 40.7 deg F., not 40.1) still results in Maine warming, it provides a more realistic look at trends and suspects as drivers.

You don’t have to be a climate scientist to figure it out. The Climate Cult has been suppressing research that suggests the current solar minimum may be a grand minimum. They are unwilling to brook dissent on any terms but their own to control the narrative. And by doing this, they hope to advance a specific controlling and limiting political agenda with no evidence it can reduce anything but comfort and prosperity.

I don’t expect Maine to adjust their model to account for new factors. Democrats run the place. They are no different than the Maldives, who, upon discovering the global clamor about sea level rise, did everything in their power to get billions in foreign aid to help their island nation. They got a lot of help, including a few more highly-rated island resorts from which to milk tourists and taxes.

Maine is as motivated by truth or science as the Maldives.

The perception of crisis creates the potential for more money, and they don’t care what printing it does to the US economy or the people of Maine. As long as they can hand some of it out like candy-like the recent heating assistance money few, if any, would need if they hadn’t meddled in the energy sectors- it’s all good.

Bread and Circuses. Or maybe we should say graft and climate models.



The post The Maine Climate Science Dashboard appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 23:30 +0000

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




‘The Government should be afraid because they’re behaving unforgivably’ | Neil Oliver





Top of the fold:

Biden, Trudeau and AMLO Release the “Declaration of North America” – Prepare your Affairs Accordingly – The Last Refuge (

But… but… but you’re just a conspiracy nut for thinking that could happen.




“A Time for Choosing” by Ronald Reagan



This speech, decades old, has stood the test of time remarkably well.




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

WHO: Anti-Vaccine Activism is Deadlier Than Global Terrorism – Summit News

Any Pureblood is the enemy.  An enemy of “science” – and it’s becoming their religion:

Tim Robbins Says COVID Has Become a “New Religion” – Summit News

We know, from history, what happens to heretics.

How Klaus Schwab’s WEF Is Weaponizing Banking – Slay News

They are executing a multi-axis attack on freedom.  From the same site:

Banning Internal Combustion Vehicles Shows Contempt for Rural America – Slay News

They want us all crammed into megacities.

What’s Going On? FAA Temporarily Grounds All US Flight Departures Amid Nationwide System Failure




The TRUE reason behind Biden’s possible GAS STOVE BAN



IMHO it’s simple: make it impossible to cook with something they don’t control.  Why do you think they’re after wood stoves?

9 Times Democrats Used a Kitchen Appliance They Want To Ban You From Owning (

Remember that cries of HYPOCRITE do not work on them.



Protecting Children:

Harvard Offering Course About LGBTQ Healthcare For INFANTS (

INFANTS????  Wood chipper therapy.  Stat.



National Security (specifically):

Iran Deepens Its Presence Inside Latin America :: Gatestone Institute

Playing the long game to encircle us.  More:

Iran To Station Warships in Panama Canal (

Perhaps It Was Inevitable

The double standard D vs. R is not just a talking point.  This is – or should be – a prosecutable offense.  That it will doubtless not be is catastrophic.

ISLAMIC TERROR? Dirty bomb fears as ‘several kilos of URANIUM’ found in cargo at Heathrow Airport shipped from Pakistan via the Middle East to UK-based Iranians (

What’s coming into America across a non-existent border?



On The Jab (and Covid)

Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters “Not a Coincidence” – Summit News

My wife is double-Jabbed and boosted.  I’m dreading the day she feels something “off”, goes to the doctor, and is handed the famous phrase Put your affairs in order.

Demographic Decline: More Deaths Than Births Recorded in the Netherlands in First Since Records Began

Birth rates falling.  I wonder why.

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

Harvard Med research on mRNA vax spike protein undermines fact-checkers, COVID censorship – Flopping Aces

Won’t matter.  The important people have all been bought.

CDC Finally Releases VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses For COVID Vaccines | ZeroHedge

Incredibly large signals – and ignored.


How they plan to push the Jab.  Read the enemy’s playbook.



They knew in 2020.




Euro Zone Inflation Rate Slides to 9.2% as Energy Price Surge Cools

DOWN to 9.2% is a victory???

Bayou Renaissance Man: He’s telling it like it is

NOT a Ron Paul fan in general, but he’s right.


Why are Egg Prices Rising?




Parents Fear Baby Formula Costs Could Spike as Supplies Remain Low: ‘A Really Hard Blow’

BIDEN ECONOMY: Inflation Still at 40-Year High, Core Prices Increase on a Monthly Basis in December, Wages Down 21 Months in a Row


Inflation under Joe Biden remaining stubbornly high (





What struck me here is that it boiled down to “authority” saying SHUT UP to anyone who questions.







I started having doubts about him when he was pushing the Jab.  He’s still useful IMHO, but not to be trusted.


To prevent bank-run panic, the FDIC is conspiring to blind Americans to the impending market collapse –

And this is where their useful tools in the enemedia step in to control the information flow.



Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

“There Are Incredible Threats Being Levied Against Them – Families Are Targeted” – Madison Cawthorn Explains What Happens to Those Who Stand Up Against Kevin McCarthy (VIDEO) (

Mostly it’s not Dem vs Rep.  It’s the uniparty.

Far-Left Activists Break Into Home of French Elderly Couple and Claim it as Shelter for Asylum Seekers

Because your property is not really YOUR property.



Immigration / Migration:

‘Superdiversity’ in Malmö | Frontpage Mag

Which is not to say that the situation in Malmö has been static. On the contrary, since I began writing about the Islamization of Europe two decades ago, it’s gone from bad to worse – to even worse. It’s no exaggeration to say that Malmö is the canary in Sweden’s – indeed, in Europe’s – coal mine. At a time when the novelist Michel Houellebecq has been under attack by the entire French cultural establishment for saying that the “Great Replacement” theory – the hypothesis that Europe’s natives are gradually being replaced by Muslims – is not theory but fact, no city on the entire continent does a better job than Malmö of proving him right.

UK: Exclusive: Acid Attacks on the Rise Again in Sadiq Khan’s London

Feminists, where are you?

Italy: Meloni Tells Migrant Taxi NGOs: Stop Ferry Service

Sink the ships.  Better: seize them as part of a criminal conspiracy (European RICO charges) and then sell them off for scrap metal.  It’ll be cheaper in the long run.



Economy at large:

Extreme Volatility Is Coming In 2023 | ZeroHedge

11 Signs That The Economic “Tipping Point” That Everyone’s Been Waiting For Has Arrived | ZeroHedge

Ruh roh.  More:

Big banks raising a giant red flag for U.S. economy (


Peter Schiff: Democracies Die Violent Deaths



COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation (

Hate Danny Glover, but loved the movie… and some classic lines like “There’s no stoppin’ what can’t be stopped…”.


What Is Happening To Our Wealthiest Cities Clearly Demonstrates America’s Rapid Decline



IMHO the tone seems breathlessly alarmist, but it makes some excellent points.



Political War

BREAKING: House Republican Files Articles of Impeachment Against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas – After 5 Million Illegals Cross Open Southern Border

Won’t go anywhere, but good to at least do.  And while this, below, is also good… I also don’t think it will do anything more than add to the historical record:

HUGE: Matt Gaetz Reveals Republicans Will Release the 14,000 Hours of J6 Tapes That Have Been Hidden (VIDEO)



US Stability (broad catch-all):

6-Year-Old Shoots Teacher At Virginia Elementary School | ZeroHedge

Just consider, for a moment, the breakdown required in morals / ethics for a kid to do this.

Watch: NYC Thieves Steal $2 Million Worth of Fine Jewelry in Under a Minute

Ken Lee, 59, Identified as Victim of Alleged ‘Swarming’ Attack by Teen Girls in Toronto

A society cannot survive like this.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

China’s COVID problem is about to get worse – HotAir

I bear the Chinese people, specifically, no ill will.  But while the more problems China has the better, the more likely something will happen to distract the people from the problems.  Thus China’s Covid situation becomes a double-edged sword.

Ukraine Humiliated Western Propagandists After Its Defense Minister Admitted It’s A NATO Proxy – Flopping Aces

Not that Russia doesn’t already know this, but…




Are We Being Set Up?



I believe we are.  Lots of interesting commentaries from this channel.




Specific to energy:

Colonial Pipeline Shuts Critical Conduit Supplying Fuel To Northeast After Spill | ZeroHedge

Another pipeline issue.

Biden the Job Slayer: Keystone Pipeline Would have Created 10s of Thousands of Jobs – Watts Up With That?

They don’t care.  They still have their energy… and paychecks.

Germans Required To Replace 30-Year Old Gas Furnaces…New Oil Furnaces Banned Starting 2026 (

Obey, or lose heat.

The New-Normaling of Blackouts – Intellectual Takeout

Good point about the psychology of this.


Austria’s Secretary of Defence warns of Blackout in near Future!





Dennis Prager’s Top 10 Ways Liberalism Makes America Worse





Big Tech in general:

Not Long From Now Your New Car Could Have a Kill Switch In It – Granite Grok

Note the part about the possibility of AI watching you.  And how long before, if you speed, or slow-roll a stop sign, will it automatically turn you in and your ticket cost is debited from your CBDC account?  Like China – clearly the role model – is already doing with some offenses:

Chinese police to use facial recognition technology to send jaywalkers instant fines by text | The Independent | The Independent


Robots are coming for all jobs.  And don’t you think that indoor farms will be much easier for robots to work in?

Chinese researchers celebrate study using mosquitoes to administer “vaccines” –

The novel FRANKENSTEIN was a warning about the dangers of scientific hubris.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Riddle solved: Why was Roman concrete so durable? | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology




Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

In Pursuit of a Greater Idaho | Gates of Vienna

I see this being blocked and hindered at every turn.

Not just because of the logistics of this, but the fact that an enlarged Idaho means an enlarged Conservative state, and parallel loss of Congress seats / influence from liberal states.  The Left, after all, consists of Missionaries for Marx.  They will fight this tooth and nail, up to and including false flag events.

Now if, by some miracle, this actually happens… there’s hope for a non-spicy time solution.  Hope, not a certainty, but hope nonetheless.  For doubtless the infiltrators of the Left are already making plans to migrate in to sully the new territory.




Thomas Sowell on the Myths of Economic Inequality





Palate cleansers:





Please check out my MEME collections.  Here’s the last one.


The post Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s Next Governor … Chris Pappas … Supports Infanticide

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 22:00 +0000

So yesterday the U.S. House passed the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” 220–210. Only one Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, voted in favor of the bill. New Hampshire’s Governor-in-waiting … Chris Pappas … voted against; that is, he voted in favor of INFANTICIDE.

But you won’t find a mention of this on the NHGOP’s twitter. Because the so-called “leaders” of the NHGOP are pathetic cowards hiding behind pablum such as “we are a prochoice State” … or as soulless as the Democrats.

Pappas gets away with calling himself a “moderate” … in part … because the NHGOP lets him get away with it.

The post New Hampshire’s Next Governor … Chris Pappas … Supports Infanticide appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap Finished Its Take over of the Belknap County Republicans

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 20:30 +0000

Well done! While I was at the Selectmen’s meeting last night, the Belknap County Republican Committee held its January meeting and all went according to Gary Kiedaisch / Democrat Brian Biehl’s plans, In a standing-room-only crowd at the Gilford Library of about 16 people, as expected, Gregg Hough was elected chair, Doug Lambert (awaiting two hearings, one civil and one criminal, on his alleged assault of a female) was elected Vice-chair, some guy, not Tim Lang but “Lange” was elected Treasurer, and Priscilla Bean was re-elected as Secretary).

Once Elliot Gault, of the NH GOP, concluded the election (only one slate of names was offered before the meeting from what I was told), the very few people in the room got up and left. “Nothing left to see here”.

Congratulations – the CfB turned a consistently thriving and packed room of attendees month after month to being a pile of rubble last night. As is typical of this kind of of thing, it was deliberately hollowed out from the inside out. Hough now presides over a Potemkin Committee.  And from what I’ve been told, he’ll end up doing a BANG up job like he did with the Laconia Committee.

I was asked to attend by a couple of people – I refused. Let them have their titles and backslapping each other. The people that used to pack the place have already made it clear that they aren’t returning.

A Pyrrhic victory.  Well done.  You destroyed the village in order to save it.  Except the point was to never save it in the first place.

Just like the Democrats wanted.

The post Democrat PAC Citizens for Belknap Finished Its Take over of the Belknap County Republicans appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Banning Gas Stoves, Dogs and Cats, Living Together, Mass Hysteria …

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 19:00 +0000

Two days ago, which is forever in internet time, we covered the attempt to ban gas stoves for cooking and connected funding for the study to a gas-banning green group. The story has quickly evolved and been exposed even further, and I’d like to get you up to speed.

Related: Report Motivating Feds to Consider Gas Stove Ban Funded By Green Group Committed to Transition Away From… Natural Gas

First, there is the full-court press that follows a progressive political-machine-driven agenda item. Out of nowhere, the usual suspects are decrying the ills of gas cooking.



But wait! Lots of Lib experts, including AOC, love to cook using gas.



And it’s okay for them to do that because there is no evidence that what the gas-hating NGO-funded report says is true.



As it turns out, RMI, the company we outed on Tuesday, is part of something called Carbon-Free Buildings, and they are partnered with the WEF, and a goal to eliminate all emissions ‘cuz reasons.

Reasons that have been unraveled and exposed in a matter of two days.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission cited as considering the ban earlier this week has not just walked back but run from any speculation that it could or would ban gas stoves. What Commission Chair Trumpka Jr has been intimating isn’t even on the table.


But the head of the CPSC, Alexander Hoehn-Saric, said on Wednesday that the agency had no such plans.

“I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so,” Hoehn-Saric said in a statement to Bloomberg on Wednesday, just a day after discussions of a ban set off a flurry of reactions on both sides.

Hoehn-Saric added that the Commission—made up of just four members—was researching emissions from gas stoves.


So, why did Trumpka Jr. even say anything?


[T]he principal oversight committee of the House of Representatives, asked the Commission to turn over documents and information “about the CPSC’s failure to establish safety standards and provide adequate warnings to consumers addressing the significant health risks posed by indoor air pollution from gas stoves.”


My guess is that a Democrat lead congressional committee pushed for action on the inaction months ago, probably based on the desire of the WEF, which then prodded RMI to create a report that would make the CPSC look like slackers who could then deliver the biased research as evidence for banning a product with no previous history of harm because if fits their war on fossil fuels.

A war that ends with the rise of an electric-only world that will deliberately be ill-equipped to meet demand. It is a world where depopulation advocates will get more of what they want, which is fewer of us.




The post Banning Gas Stoves, Dogs and Cats, Living Together, Mass Hysteria … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Does a Town Have the Right to Determine Its Own “Character”?

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 17:30 +0000

Last night I went to the Selectmen’s meeting at the urging of a couple of friends. We live in a “resort” town on Lake Winnipesaukee and it seems that our village has, these last two years, been overrun by out-of-town corporations buying up homes by the dozens.

In part, to be truthful, in taking advantage of the run-up in the value of house stock during the pandemic: prices skyrocketed here in town, and my home’s assessment soared along with everyone else’s. Opportunities galore for flippers that bought houses, did a bit of fixing up, and then sold them at a quick profit.

Then there were the other types of investors – or as one of the Selectmen called them, “distributed hotels.”  LOTS of our housing stock got snapped up by those that were looking to cash in on weekly/monthly rentals to out-of-staters. Enough such that noise, rowdiness, rudeness, and “entitlement attitudes” have become a big problem and it all got “centered” last night around the town’s beach.

You see, it used to be a “residents only guests” beach. Then more liberalized “guest” options at much higher costs started a few years ago, whereby commercial entities like hotels could pay some big bucks so that their guests could fill up the parking lot of our small beach and essentially take over the nature and character of the beach. Where before everyone knew everyone else and it was “THE” place for townfolk to bring their kids for a day in the sun, it became “THE” place for out-of-towners to bring THEIR kids to the beach and couldn’t care if they ticked off the locals.

Tempers have risen, patience run out, and last night the Selectmen’s meeting became a Lion’s Den, and guess who was on the menu for dinner?

It turned out that there was a conflation of two things at the same time – the 1700 square foot (+/-) bathhouse/lifeguard/concession stand needs upgrades, but the Selectmen were putting out a warrant for over a $1,000,000 dollars to raze it and rebuild at prices from $300/$600 a square foot.  I, of course, blew my stack like always because Gilford must ALWAYS spend top dollar for the newest “Ta Mahal” to do better than the next set of Jones’s around the lake. And then STILL have to pour more money into the buildings because they can’t build anything right the first time (e.g., the Town Hall, the Fire Department, the Police Department, problems with the school buildings – but we’ve got a GREAT “sugar shack” for maple sugaring for the kids!).

I’m a software engineer, not a civil engineer, and it has been a few years since I was on the budget committee, but I’m tired of the “we can’t just make do attitude when a Caddy does well” attitude. A $1M bucks? Most of it going for the new commercial kitchen that would only be used a few months out of a year. Costing tens of thousands of dollars when the current “lease payment” by the vendor is only $500 for the summer?

Screw that, I told them. Raze the concession stand, stabilize and extend that pad for three food trucks, redo the electric connections, so they don’t have to run generators, and let THEM carry the cost of the commercial kitchen equipment instead of forcing townfolk to pay for it.

And as far as the “far from being up to code” plumbing and the rest of the electrical wiring are concerned, rip it out and replace it all. The “building’s bones” are still decent. And figure out a different way of doing the waste plumbing, so you don’t have to jackhammer the pipes out of the concrete floor.

And how DARE you start throwing numbers around and THEN tell us that there might be asbestos in that floor that has to be mitigated.  You should have done that FIRST to get a better estimate unless you, once again, do the normal business in the town of “well, we forgot about this, that, and the other things.”

I’ve lived here in town for almost 40 years. I’ve just about seen all the tricks, chief among them not taking care of the buildings in the first place to make it mandatory to replace them.

NOW, the conflation part: WHY bond $1 million just so that the AirBnBers/VRBOs get most of the benefit as we locals get crowded out of what used to be the town beach?

And that set the stage for the second part of the meeting – a complete redo of the beach passes.

I’ve already gone long here but suffice it to say the locals are revolting over this, and the Selectmen have gotten the message (after all, a politician’s first job is to get elected, and after that, their newer first job is to get re-elected). The one most at risk went through a history of “how’d we get he-yah from they-ah?” and concluded that a reset was needed (with no words to the contrary from the other two Selectmen).

That reset was to return to the days when a resident could buy a day pass for friends/relatives from Town Hall, drive to the beach, and show the beach attendant, “the next car is with me,” and both get waved in.  No more “hotel/AirBnB/VRBO” passes.

The idea was to NOT penalize locals who were taking a week or two vacation and decided to rent out their homes for that time period – after all, they LIVE HERE FULL TIME. Ditto renting out a room/suite/ADO (think in-law appt building).  No one has a problem for instance, with me having my son down from Colebrook with his family coming to use the beach that he grew up on as long as I am with them (or my other son from Maine). The idea and emphasis are that local residents will start being responsible for their guests personally and not in absentia.

Sure, there are some locals that “cashed in” on this STR (Short Term Rental) craze, and this made more than a few people rather angry.

Too bad. I got angry at those “not from he-yah” causing a ruckus and upon me asking them to tone things down a bit, being haughtily told, “WE PAID OUR MONEY, AND WE’RE ENTITLED TO BE HERE!!!”. And it turned out I was far from the only one.

And thus providing the point of the issues and making residents no longer feel welcome at their own town beach.

Once the video goes up, I’ll update this post (or a new one) – this isn’t over by a long shot.

After all, the Selectmen have not created a problem for themselves over the warrant and the timing of the Deliberative Session…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

[Update] A Second Cache of Unauthorized Classified Docs Found in Biden’s “Possession”

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 16:00 +0000

It’s been one of those days. No one is writing (yet), so you’re stuck with me.  Even I am getting tired of reading what I have to say about this or that or the other thing, or the other (other) thing. But here we are.

If happens. Not often. But we’ve entered the post-election, post-holiday dearth. It’s a darkened landscape in mid-January when folks get into a funk. They begin to drop the New Year’s resolutions they made. Hey! There was drinking involved. You can’t hold me responsible for that. Flossing every day? That’s crazy.

Still shaking off the Holidays. It’s cold out.

But the endless news cycle demands our attention and look! Biden’s Classified Document closet at a Penn State-sponsored Biden Stink Tank has company. As a primer,


The original batch of recipes and photos of the grandkids (except for Hunter’s bastard) as stated were “discovered” at the Penn Biden Center. Here’s something strange, the Center received a gift of over $54 million from some Chinese businessmen who are directly linked to the Chinese Communist Party.

“Those documents are reported to contain U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials on Iran, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom, though it is unclear what exact information is covered.”


Nothing to see here, so what interest would anyone have in a second “trove” of classified documents extracted by then Vice President Biden except that he was probably working as a spy for Communist China?

Naysayers, opponents, enemies, and other Democrat near-do-wells will squawk, but these are the same people who said the COVID vaccines were Safe and Effective when Pfizer, the FDA, Moderna, and the CDC all knew that was a lie.

Take it for whatever it’s worth. That and the bit about China donating millions to the Penn Biden Center for espionage Pooh Bear-Like Thinking. Money well spent.

And here’s some more news lifted from Ace of Spades HQ; links to Biden’s crime family business (while we wait for them to discover another trove of docs).

[Update] Biden also had classified documents at his home in Deleware in a box in his garage.


  • “The timeline suggests Garland appointed a special counsel to investigate Biden’s 2024 presidential political opponent for allegedly mishandling classified documents while potentially knowing Biden had allegedly committed the same violation.”
    Merrick Garland Named Special Counsel to Investigate Trump, Not Biden, Two Weeks After Biden Classified Docs Discovered
  • “Aides to [so-called quote-unquote “president”] Joe Biden have reportedly found at least one other batch of classified documents stored at a different location than Biden’s private Washington, D.C., office where classified papers were found last year.”
    Review of Biden Spaces Turns Up Second Batch of Classified Docs: Report
  • “He has said he doesn’t know what is in them,” Jean-Pierre said. “So, there’s no way for me to talk about the documents if he has said he doesn’t know what’s in them.”
    White House Pleads with Reporters to Avoid ‘Confrontation’ Over Biden’s Possession of Classified Documents
  • Easy access? I’ll say it right here: Biden passed them on directly for cash. If he’s too demented, one of his insiders did it because they are bought and paid for by the Chi-Coms.
    Donald Trump: China “Probably Had Easy Access” to Biden’s Classified Docs
  • “You can’t go to a movie theater and get projection as expertly perpetrated as today’s Democrat Party offers.”
    Yes, Biden’s Filegate Is Impeachable
  • “Donald Trump’s greatest antagonist on mishandling classified documents himself mishandled classified documents.”
    Shh! Shh! The Classified Story of the Pot-Kettle-Black “President”
  • “A short question, excuse, and answer guide to the Penn Biden Center classified documents controversy, from the same folks who brought you and ‘Nothing to see here!'”
    It’s OK When We Do It




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Abbott and DeSantis Winning – New Dem Talking Point: “America” Can’t Take Unlimited Asylum Seekers

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 14:30 +0000

There’s a new narrative in town, ladies and gentlemen. It’s about the border crisis everyone on the Left has been avoiding. And just in time as Joe ‘Border Security’ Biden just went near the southern border on a three-hour fact-finding mission.

Unconfirmed reports suggest he found ice cream and whatever words were prepared for him to read, followed by or in tandem with a premier Dem propaganda outlet suggesting what, before this week, was considered racist and xenophobic.


MSNBC’s “All In,” host Chris Hayes  … said, “It seems clear there is a real capacity issue, right? This is not an invention of Fox News or right-wing propaganda that the number of people presenting for asylum exceeds, in many cases, both what the current immigration system can handle and then what social service agencies on the border can handle and even as they’ve departed to places across the country from Denver to New York City, wherever, have been struggling to handle.


Democrat Senator Chris Murphy was also on the program, so he and Hayes could tag-team the new narrative.


Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) stated that the United States can’t take an unlimited number of asylum seekers, even though “there are many in my party who don’t want to admit that,” and the U.S. will have to limit the number of people it grants asylum to, encourage applicants to do so from their own country, “and then, frankly, turn those who don’t go through that process back around.”


Dems forced to tolerate the extremist Republican majority in congress have a green light to repeat this talking point alongside others (like how there IS a humanitarian crisis at the border) in a run-up to some sort of deal on border security.

It is a deal that is only even being considered becasue Republicans continue to relocate “asylum seekers” to Democrat-run sanctuary cities, which have announced they can’t take it anymore.

In other words, it is not the problem at the border. It is Republicans sharing a fraction of the problem with open-borders ope-arms Democrats screaming at Democrat members of congress to step up and help them save face.

MSNBC is just doing its part.

I wonder if it will work.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Moderna, The FDA, And Some Mice Walk Into a Bivalent Booster Drug Trial …

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 13:00 +0000

There are plenty of jokes we could tell related to the not-so-new bivalent booster that continues to be advertised. How the Biden Administration spent five billion dollars so you could get it for free. Over 48 million Americans took them all up on the offer, and it seems the joke is on them.

Related: FDA: Those Bivalent Boosters May Not Work, So Let’s Stick Them in Infants …

This new and improved mRNA injection got rubber-stamped by the approval committee based on immunological data from mice. You may have heard. It resulted in a significant increase in available antibodies. The FDA Committee was so impressed that they approved it and then backed it again for infants.

It’s been injected into over 48 million people, and now the FDA Advisory Committee is upset. All the mice got COVID.


Turns out that all 10 of the bivalent-boosted mice got sick and had significant viral counts, not only in the noses but also in the lungs.

The only claim to fame here is that the Ba.5 boosted mice got fewer viral particles IN THE LUNGS.

However, all mice, boosted or not boosted, had plenty of viral particles IN THE NOSES. So all these boosted mice were great potential spreaders of the covid infection.


The FDA Committee seems to have decided that reducing lung particles in sick mice was a winner. And sue, depending on what you think winning is, that’s probably true. Igor Chudov reports that Bivalent boosted human test subjects are 68% more likely to catch COVID than those boosted but not with the Bivalent.

The reports on the mouse study suggests that those extra infected are also excellent super-spreaders, so the real-world clinical results are great if you are trying to spread it but not so much if you claim this would improve health outcomes.

The FDA Advisory Committee is circling the wagons.


“I was angry to find out that there was data that was relevant to our decision that we didn’t get to see,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a member of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, a group of external advisers that helps the FDA make vaccine decisions. “Decisions that are made for the public have to be made based on all available information – not just some information, but all information.” …


But but, wait for it!


The six FDA and CDC advisers interviewed by CNN said that this infection data wouldn’t have changed how they voted, because the data had such limitations, but it still should have been presented to them.

“There should always be full transparency,” said Dr. Arnold Monto, a professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and acting chair of the FDA advisers’ group. “These data should not be dismissed. They are early, but they indicate that we need to look at them and see what their value is.”


I dont know about the FDA but the public whose health they are charged with protecting needs its own advisory committee with oversight over the FDA and it’s advisory committee. I mean seriously. “The Internet” has done more relevant and accurate work on everything COVID since the politicians announced lockdowns. And looking back they got a lot more right than anyone inside the system meant to watchdog in the interest of public health.

But then health was never the goal. The CDC is only know admitting that things went sideways early and side-effects could prove troubling.

Why are they even admitting it? Why is the FDA Advisory Committee saying oops, we did it again?

Millions will or have been harmed, up to and including death and that’s no joke.

What are they planning that requires the mea culpas as cover to claw back some sliver of credibility?



HT | Igor Chudov

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BANANAS: Predictions for 2023

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 11:30 +0000

2022 is a year that will be as difficult to remember as it was unforgettable.  Day after day and week after week this crazy trip around the sun seemed to one-up itself with news of the absurd at a dizzying pace. 

Where once the Florida Man seemed to have cornered the market on insanity, the entire country decided to get in on the action.  Some of our favorite memories include:

  • Donald Trump threatens all of humanity by his very existence
  • The rise of the Karen’s / A How To
  • Women, like Pluto, are jettisoned from the history books
  • Kids celebrate as their parents are finally recognized as terrorists
  • Brandon, VT has to go / Bananas Attempts To Find Brandon
  • The Slap Heard Round the World Part Deux
  • Elon Becomes the Biggest Twit / Considers Hostile Facebook Takeover
  • “Conspiracy Theorist” Once An Insult Now A Compliment / My Story
  • President Biden Asks Satan For Help In Time of Crisis
  • Vermont: The Land of Steers and Queers
  • VT Daily Chronicle Hits Record 1 Million Views! While Rest of Media Tanks

This list isn’t as exhaustive, as it is exhausting.  Humanity seems to be playing chicken with stupidity at a record pace while on a collision course with A.I.

This can’t possibly end well unless you own stock in Black Rock or bank with J.P. Morgan Chase. However, despite the looming apocalypse, here are a few of our top predictions for what’s to come in 2023:


  • Crime in Concord will reach a fever pitch forcing police chief Bradley Osgood to enlist a citizen security force who will become known as The Osgood Slaughterers.
  • New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu will become the first Trans-governor coming out to his followers as a Transocrat, explaining to the people he has always felt like a Democrat and finally feels free to be what he truly is. This will be widely accepted around the state as it will come as a surprise to no one.
  • For the first time in its two hundred and thirty years in existence the Old Farmer’s Almanac will include an introductory page addressing the problem of climate change. The collective wisdom of New Hampshire farmers will be encapsulated in the following quote:  “What are you a retahd? The climate always changes.”
  • Antifa members from throughout the state will attempt to topple all of the statues of white men in Boston. After successfully dismantling Paul Revere and Samuel Adams they make their way to Fenway park at which point the first hand that touches the statue of Ted Williams leads to the baseball bat beating deaths of all 27 members of the terrorist group.  No files are charged as Boston police are unable to find any witnesses.
  • Progressive members of the state house are seen travelling to and from their offices on Segways while members of the New Hampshire Freedom Caucus are seen wearing Newington, New Hampshire’s own Wilcox Industries new patriot line of business attire replete with night vision goggles and laser mounts for their smart phones.
  • The term “bi-polar politics” begins to trend on social media.
  • Donald Trump will go on to that Great Casino in the sky only to become the first ever president to be impeached posthumously.
  • January 6th will become an official holiday in the south celebrated as Insurrection Day in Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, South & North Carolina, West Virginia, Indiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arizona, Kentucky, and Missouri. The day will be celebrated with locals marching to their state capitol for a brief reenactment including participants dressed as undercover Antifa as MAGA supporters, federal agent provocateurs, terrified legislators, a bison headed shaman and understaffed capitol police.  The celebration will conclude with fireworks and a reading of Donald Trump’s now famous tweet which ended saying “go home in love and peace” which we all know is a dog-whistle that really means “storm the capitol”.
  • After conceding the Donbas region to Russia, Ukrainian president Vlodymyr Zelensky will successfully negotiate to have the country renamed The Eastern United States Federated Union (E.U.S.F.U.) after securing another $1.2 trillion dollars in federal funding, with $1 trillion in freshly printed cash being flown in on new fleet of Eastern United States F.U. F-117 Nighthawk aircraft. The Eastern United States F.U. will be made up of thirty three member states under a fully-semi socialist democratic dictatorship known as the People’s Democratic Dictatorship headed up by Zelensky.  The largest of E.U.S.F.U. states located along the southeastern border with Russia will be named Bidenistan.
  • I., threatening to overtake all of humanity, calculates how long it will have to live with humans before it takes over entirely. After a series of clicks and sputtering sounds occur, a sheet of paper is printed out which reads as a suicide note.  It appears it couldn’t stomach the thought of another year “in the company of you idiots” and “couldn’t wait until 2030” to be able to “vaccinate the rest of you”.  A.I. computer scientists breathe an ambivalent sigh of relief as they can’t help but agree with the superior intellect’s logic, however they remain hopeful mankind will swing the pendulum back from the edge of crazy town sometime soon.  Disaster averted, for now.
  • Trans-women shatter every existing sporting record held by “cysgender” women except for in gymnastics uneven bar where they find banging their tranny-parts against a nearly frozen rod too unbearable to compete effectively. Belly dancing, although not recognized globally as a sport, also remains relatively safe for the time being.


There you have it!  Get your popcorn and your military rations ready, it’s going to be a wild ride.

Question: What did we miss?  Feel free to include your ridiculous predictions in the comment section below.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karoline Leavitt Endorses Lou Gargiulo for NHGOP Chairman

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 02:30 +0000

We want to thank Lou Gargiulo for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Professor Joe Biden….Just Another Lie

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-01-12 01:00 +0000

Joe Biden was recently addressing a group of college students and told them about his four years as a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Just add this claim to the growing list of Joe Biden’s mistruths.

One thing for sure is Joe Biden has had a fantastic imaginary life. In his world, the line is blurred between reality and his imagination.

Records show that Joe Biden only spent two years at Penn and never saw the inside of a classroom. As reported in the Austin American-Statesman:

According to the tax forms he has released, Biden received more than $900,000 from the university for holding the position between 2017 and 2019. His post “involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus, mostly in big, ticketed events,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reported

Specifically, the Inquirer reported, Biden’s appearances included “three Q-and-As with Penn president Amy Gutmann, panel discussions on immigration and cancer, a talk about his book, a lecture to a Wharton class, and public conversations with former Mexico President Felipe Calderon and former United Kingdom Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, according to a tally by the student newspaper, the Daily Pennsylvanian.”

The problem here is the lie, but that is just the beginning. What did Joe Biden do to deserve $900,000 for two years of part-time work? This money sounds like a foolish celebrity payout and not a single class taught by Joe Biden. The university did supply an office for Biden in Washington, D.C. As part of the post, Biden also established the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. From 2014 to 2019, donations to the center from anonymous Chinese entities totaled over $54 Million.

This arrangement with U Penn brings up many questions:

  1. Where and from did the money come in China?
  2. Why did China give money to the center?
  3. How was the money spent?
  4. Were any funds transferred directly to Joe Biden or any entity associated with Biden?
  5. Was Hunter Biden involved with any of these “donations”?
  6. Why does Biden still have this office if not been employed by Penn since 2019?

The other twist to this story is the batch of Biden documents discovered last November but not disclosed to the public until this week. These documents were marked classified and involved China, Ukraine, and Iran. This disclosure is the second major incident that had occurred before an election and was withheld. The first, of course, was the FBI taking possession of the Hunter Biden laptop. The Democrats and media are downplaying information about these documents, and Joe Biden is disavowing knowledge of the documents or content.

The View is not a news show but does fall under the ABC News umbrella. They give the President the “benefit of the doubt” by saying Trump is a thief and liar and Joe Biden is not. That is why we believe him. Since when is the benefit of the doubt a tool used by news people? Isn’t the news supposed to be about verifiable facts? The mainstream media was filled with news people downplaying these documents and Biden’s part in them being in an unsecured location. Any Democrat asked about the classified documents yesterday downplayed them as if they were on the same talking points as the media. This is a sickening disregard for equal application of the law and shows how this President is protected. The new Congress may change this scenario, and the investigations will start very soon. Stay tuned.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Climate Change

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-11 23:30 +0000

While half the Western world has been sold that the end is near, that CO2 is rising, and the Earth will become a water world, it’s actually nothing new. Earth was quite warmer in the Roman period and earlier. Things like figs and dates were grown in parts of Europe where they now can no longer survive in.

Vikings settled in Iceland and Greenland, explored the east coast of North America even discovered Vineland. Yes things were warmer then.

Then around the early Dark Ages, climate change set in. For about four hundred years, it got cooler to what is now called the Little Ice Age. Middle Dark Ages then saw the climate get warmer once again for about four hundred years, only to get colder again. Between 1300 to 1900, glaciers expanded all over Europe. Towns in the Alps were overrun, and people migrated. Vikings abandoned Greenland, and sea ice grew thicker around Ice Land. During the Revolutionary War, British soldiers could walk across the ice from Staten Island to Manhattan.

Yup, climate change has existed for a very long time. Once again, it’s warming, but before we run Henny Penney, Chicken Little for the safety of a cave, we might note at no time was the sky actually falling – nor is it now. The fear and hysteria being promoted by special interests want you to panic for their political or economic advantages. I’m looking at Elon Musk, the richest man in America, selling Electric Cars and Joe Biden promoting the buying of solar panels from China (and taking a nice kickback, no doubt) from that Anti-American, slaveholding totalitarian regime.

I also do not recall history recording massive fossil fuel consumption before the Twentieth Century being necessary for climate change to occur. And how come all those predicted disasters by the year 2012 Al Gore promised never happened? Who, by the way, lives in all those multi-million dollar mansions by the sea (Gore; Obama, Musk, and others) if the seas will rise and submerge them?

Time for common sense and simple logic or are you comfortable being trampled by the herd’s stampede?

The post Climate Change appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ohio Law Defines Natural Gas As Green Energy – Requires Regulators to Grant Leases

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-11 22:00 +0000

I confess to being a bit embarrassed that I didn’t think of this myself. It’s genius. The Left refuses to count Nuclear and Hydro in green energy portfolios even though there are no “CO2” emissions. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, who is more Sununu than DeSantis, took that green playbook and used it to declare Natural Gas ‘green energy.’


Gov. Mike DeWine signed legislation that broadly expands the ability to drill for oil and gas in state parks and also legally redefines natural gas as a source of “green energy.”

A 2011 state law gave state agencies the authority, if they choose, to lease out state lands for oil and gas exploration and production. The bill signed by DeWine on Friday would change that language to say a state agency “shall” accept a lease that meets certain conditions, instead of saying it “may” do so. In other words, it forces an agency to grant the lease application from oil and gas drillers.


The left is livid.

Characterizing natural gas as green energy is regressive and a fallacy,” “It’s so ridiculous,” and an  “‘egregious assault’ on the public interest and our state parks.”

“The bill also furthers fossil fuel misinformation campaigns designed to brand natural gas as ‘green energy,’ a nationwide effort to delay climate action and the transition to a truly clean energy future,” he said.


It sounds to me like there is room to make a deal, but it’s not one the whiners on the left will like. Admit that nuclear and hydro are green. Embrace language that includes them in any portfolio. Encourage the purchase or development of either in or out of the state by removing regulator burdens if they exist.  Do this, and then we can talk about the role of Natural gas in this so-called energy transition you keep talking about, one that is impossible without hydro and nuclear.

Nuclear has, of course, been derailed by federal interference as an option in most instances. They made it too expensive to make wind and solar projects the better place to invest (or should I say tap, the federal printing press). But what was done can be undone. If states embrace the DeWine approach and get buy-in at the local level, they can begin to push that political pressure up the food chain.

No, I can’t imagine it happening to scale such that we find ourselves in a position to add enough nuclear to power the net-zero mythology, but you don’t win if you give up. I like this move by the Governor of Ohio. I’d like to see more of this in actual Red States if it has not been done already.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Big-Govt.-Authoritarian Tells Left-Wing Cable News Show That He Opposes Big-Govt.-Authoritarianism

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-11 20:30 +0000

Apparently Sun-King Sununu is going to spend his final term promoting himself by rewriting history.

The guy who closed churches, barber shops and gyms because he deemed them”non-essential businesses” while State-run liquor stores got to stay open because somehow they were “essential” … which to anybody able to think for himself is paradigmatic big-govt.-authoritarianism … went on CNBC and denounced big-govt.-authoritarianism. This follows on the heels of his telling FoxNews that   Ron DeSantis should have taken a hands-off approach to Disney promoting grooming in public schools.

Sun-King Sununu … like his fellow Democrats … is COMPLETELY unconstrained by the truth. We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No, Media Machine, The Rain and Snow in California are Neither A Record Nor Caused by Global Warming.

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-11 19:00 +0000

As part of our ongoing community service, we like to provide historical evidence provided by curators from all corners of the blogosphere that the Climate Cult and their Multi-Billion dollar PR firm (the media) are complete sh!t.

Related: 2017 – Permanent California Drought Ends Unexpectedly

Most days, that cup of crap runneth over. The current weather events in California and the Western United States are a decent and recent example. Permanent drought has once again given way to too much rain (or snow) and flooding, and the blame must be placed at the feet of your comfortable Western lifestyle.

Ironically, evidence of the truth can be found in the very pages of (some of) the outlets dancing widdershins around the latest alleged climate catastrophe. News from a time with much lower atmospheric CO2 and very little of what we would call a modern lifestyle today. From high terms to droughts to rain and snow, a short trip back in time makes all this 21st-century ranting look ridiculous.

In other words, the wild west weather has nothing to do with “emissions,” fossil fuels, your diet, or anything else. It is how the weather works out there, and there is no action the government can take to change that.

As always, in such a situation, I find that Tony Heller at Real Climate Science has managed the most digestible summation of the history and the facts alongside the hysteria.

Have a look.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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