The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • September 19 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

What Government Should Learn from Sports, Part 2

Granite Grok - Thu, 2022-11-03 00:00 +0000

A recent guest on Tucker Carlson’s show asked a fascinating question: Why don’t we have affirmative action in the NBA, or the NFL, or the NHL, or MLB, or other professional sports leagues?

The answer, of course, is that we want to see the best people performing in those leagues. If we tried affirmative action there, we would see massive protests from spectators, and probably even from people who don’t care about sports at all.

So the idea that we don’t want to see the best people performing in fields like science, engineering, medicine, law, politics, the military, and so on — all of which are more critical to society than sports could ever be — beggars the imagination. But that’s the underlying idea behind affirmative action.

However, there is a way to achieve the stated goals of affirmative action, without relying on racism.

There are two central assumptions that are used to justify affirmative action. First, certain racial groups are less likely to be prepared for certain positions: college student, medical student, military officer, and so on. Second, we would like to see people who, through no fault of their own, lack the skills or abilities needed to attain these positions, get into them anyway.

As dubious as these assumptions may be, let’s grant them.

The simplest color-blind way to react to these assumptions would be lotteries.

That is, suppose Harvard would like to have a certain percentage of students who don’t come from privileged families. It could set aside a certain number of seats in each class, let students who meet some absolute minimum requirements apply for those seats (without revealing any information about race), and then select them by lot.

If the first assumption above is actually true, we would see more students from certain racial groups winning those seats.

Note that this approach wouldn’t target particular racial groups at all, but would naturally mirror the distribution of underprivileged but deserving students by race within society as a whole. You can’t get more diverse than that.

Note also that this approach is self-correcting. That is, as a group moves out of the under-privileged category — as its members move into the middle and upper classes — it gets fewer of these seats. No one has to go back and adjust parameters, or ask admissions officers to make subjective decisions.

This isn’t rocket science. It’s just being careful about words. If you want to help under-privileged people, then what you do is identify those people, and give them a leg up, without regard to race.

What you don’t do is use race as a proxy for privilege — or anything else. Because treating people differently on the basis of race — as MLK put it, judging someone by the color of his skin, rather than by the content of his character — is the definition of racism. And trying to combat racism by engaging in it is like . . . well, like trying to combat inflation by printing more money.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Constitutional Amendment: Question One on the Nov 8th NH Ballot, Explained

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 22:30 +0000

Constitutional Question #1 on New Hampshire’s November 8 general election ballot is simple housekeeping to eliminate an obsolete position.

Stories of problems with the Register of Probate system are fairly well known. It has been reported that a lady was elected and re-elected as the Register of Probate in one of our counties, although she was confined to a residence in a nursing home at the time. And it has also been reported that at least one part-time probate judge, supposedly overseen by the Register of Probate, looted some estates within his purview and, when about to be caught, fled the jurisdiction to avoid prosecution.

Although the Register of Probate may have originally been designed to exercise some oversight over our probate judges, the state courts were reorganized in 2011, and substantially all duties of the Registers of Probate were transferred to the clerks of the circuit court in its newly created probate division, saving the taxpayers an estimated $1 Million per year.

The only remaining duty of the Register of Probate is to make sure that documentation of probate matters with potential historical significance are preserved in the state’s archives- but that function is actually already handled by the clerks in the probate division of the circuit courts.

So, at the present time, the Register of Probate position is an anachronism- the holder of that office, who is elected for a 2-year term, is paid $100 per year but has no physical office, no staff, no telephone, and, in short, absolutely no duties.

The adoption of this constitutional amendment is supported by the judiciary and is long overdue.

The constitutional office of Register of Probate has become obsolete, and references to it should be removed from the cherished document that determines the structure and operation of the government of our state. Constitutional Question #1 would accomplish this.

A “Yes” vote on the question is long overdue.



Editors note: Norm Silber is the prime sponsor of the Amendment.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Op-Ed: Pandemic Amnesty? Seriously? 

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 21:00 +0000

Today I read an article in The Atlantic titled Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty by Emily Oster. Central to the piece is a plea to let bygones be bygones, forgive and forget because everyone involved in the pandemic response was working in everybody’s best interests.

We want to thank Ted Ropple for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

I use that stuff to fertilize the garden.

“Everybody’s best interests” did not drive the pandemic response. Lust for power and control of people’s lives did, combined with the usual looting of the public treasury. Lockdowns, masking, social distancing and all the rest, culminating in the largest fraud of all, vaccination.

Related: Is Anyone Interested in Offering Amnesty to COVID Tyrants?

None of these mandates would stop the spread, and there was plenty of evidence at hand supporting that assertion very early on if you were willing to read and listen to actual doctors and scientists. The disease does not significantly affect healthy adults and children, least of all. This has been established across the world. Instead of protecting the vulnerable, our ersatz leaders decided to take a shot at controlling everyone.

The Great Barrington Declaration was published in October 2020 and not only detailed an effective, science-based response to the pandemic but also predicted the physical and mental health problems we are facing now caused by our elected and unelected rulers who chose to invoke a very peculiar brand of scientism, where their facts and edicts were unassailable. The media, including The Atlantic, were their willing partners and enforcers.

Mask up, shut up, and get vaccinated. Then get boosted. Again. Again! Where are we now? The fifth shot? The vaccine that went from “if you get it, you won’t catch the disease” to “Well, you’ll still catch it, but it won’t be as bad, and you won’t spread it” to, finally, “We never tested to see if the vaccination stopped the spread, and you’ll probably catch it more than once.”

And now that it’s the vaccinated who are continuously coming down with the virus. Ask the CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky. She’s had the whole vaccination series and boosters, coupled with Paxlovid, and has tested positive three, maybe four times. Or has it been more? So much for the Pandemic of the Unvaccinated and the “Winter of Severe Illness and Death,” eh, Joe?

Dig into the data, and you’ll find there’s a much more horrible side to the mRNA vaccination story. It’s starting to leak out around the edges, and I’m guessing it won’t be long until it’s allowed to be discussed in this country. Deaths are up significantly within the cohorts that should not be dying- people in the prime of their life. I had never heard of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) until the mRNA vaccines were deployed.

They locked down our businesses, destroying many. Jobs and careers were lost and damaged by politically-driven policies and mandates. The world economy has been broken in ways that will take years to repair, if repairable at all. The United States economy has been shoved into an inflationary spiral due to the unnecessary injection of money, all under the guise of fighting the pandemic, but in reality, enriching the ruling class across the Western world and continuing the destruction of the middle class.

Worst of all is the toll that these policies have had on our children. Locked down and socially isolated in the most formative years of their lives, and for what? We knew at the pandemic’s onset that this disease was shucked off like a common cold by the average child. But lockdowns were enacted, primarily at the behest of that major donor class- teachers’ unions. We are now seeing the damage done not only in drastically lower testing scores, but also in major increases in mental health issues among students.

Adding insult to injury, many states have been put into the position by the CDC to require their children to submit to the mRNA vaccine before they’ll be allowed to attend school. Why exactly was this recommendation made? Again, children are not seriously affected by the bug, and it’s a proven fact that the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission. The only possible reason left that I can see is to not interrupt the revenue stream for Pfizer and Moderna and to extend the liability protections they currently enjoy.

I can only surmise that the powers that be and their accomplices in the media are feeling the tremors preceding the election next week, and this missive is just a trial balloon to gauge reactions.

Here’s a reaction: Never forget and never forgive any person responsible for creating and enforcing the policies and mandates in response to the late pandemic. They were contemptible actions and warranted removal from elected office or appointed bureaucratic office at a minimum. Remove these people from the public sphere. Criminal and civil charges need to be filed, tried, and adjudicated. Prisons need new inmates, and those enriched by the pandemic should be stripped of their ill-gotten gains.

Let bygones be bygones; forgive and forget?

I think not.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden: “I’m a Capitalist “

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 18:00 +0000

The speech that Joe Biden delivered on Monday afternoon angered me beyond belief. I try to stay level-headed as I analyze and write about a specific event or topic, but Joe Biden has pushed me beyond the limits. I am pissed.

Upset at the situation but more upset that the American people put this aging buffoon in the White House.

Flanked by two of the most inept members of his cabinet, which is a difficult statement to make. This is a cabinet that includes Mayorkas and Buttigieg. It takes effort to be worse than that duo, but Yellen and Granholm will not allow anyone to be worse than them. They are the bottom of the stinking barrel. One is still trying to figure out what transitory is, and the other cannot stop laughing when asked what she is doing to bring down fuel costs. These two do not have a clue; worse, they do not give a damn about America or Americans.

Biden exposed himself as not having a clue about capitalism or the damage he has done to the energy sector of America. When he said in the debate that he wanted to end the fossil fuel industry, did he really think he would get them to react to his every demand? Why should they invest a dime in leases or permits if the President, ignorant of all aspects of business and energy, wants them out of business? He compares today’s profits with last year when America was still shut down. Nobody was driving in 2021, so there was no demand for gasoline. There is now, thus, the profits, Joe. Do I need to type slower for you, or maybe you need Yellen or Granholm to explain it all to you? As if either could.

The oil company profits are a windfall of war. That may be his most ridiculous statement ever, and that is going some. He is now going to blame oil company profits on the Ukraine war. Sorry, but what an idiot. In a time of war, companies have a responsibility to act in the best interest of their country. Joe, we are not at war. We are at the mercy of feckless, ignorant and incapable leadership led by you and your administration. It is your failings to blame, not the oil companies or Putin’s war in Ukraine. So Joe, the Capitalist, will levy a tax on the oil company’s profits. Good luck, and see you in court.

This speech was an embarrassment, and it was an exposure to the weakness of our President. He does not understand how the business world works or the government’s role in that process. Yellen and Granholm stood like two statues. What is their purpose anyway? Biden acts as if the oil companies are an arm of the government. He has promised their elimination, and now he expects them to perform at his pleasure. They should collectively give Biden the middle finger. He doomed them. Now they can play a part in bringing him down, and I think they hope he falls hard.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









I’ve looked at the NatGeo site and can’t find this cover.  IMHO it’s a fake… but the message is still spot-on.  And this is definitely real:


(Image source)


There IS a great replacement, and there IS a move to eliminate the white race.  Just seen today:

One in six people living in England and Wales were born outside UK, census reveals | Census | The Guardian










I recall seeing tweets like “Get the shot or get shot” and – paraphrased from memory, so inexact – “Children of anti-vax parents need to be held down and Jabbed while their parents are forced to watch their descendants being made to surrender to the power of the vaccine”.

I’ve had people I know personally tell me that soldiers should come to my house and force me to have it at gunpoint.  I’ve had relatives (e.g., my Holocaust-generation cousin, and my older sister) tell me, a person with two master’s degrees and a last-time-it-was-measured IQ north of 150, that I’m an idiot for refusing it.  I’ve had people who know the kind of engineering work that I do tell me I don’t understand science.  I have read articles proposing interventions, like drug addict interventions, on family members who refused The Jab.  (Come to think of it, I seem to remember early on, my Covidian wife talking to her Pfizer wh*re BFF that they needed to do an intervention on me.)

Forgive?  Not just NO, but NO to the power of F*CK YOU.








I still know people who “Trust the science” and who think the government is trustworthy.  Yes, we have a crisis of trust in our country.  Too much trust.

A Crisis of Trust – Urban Scoop








On a trip to Europe some years ago I heard a couple at the next table over, talking in English, to the effect that Americans are so stupid because we only know one language.  I leaned over and stage-whispered “That’s because, in America, I can drive for two whole days and still be in America”.

The look on their faces…






Pick of the post:



Ten-ring hit!




Palate cleansers:





The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Do Americans Expect from Their President?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 15:30 +0000

It is no secret that the American people have lost faith in their government. A recent poll showed that only 19% of Americans trust the government to do what is right “most of the time” or ” always.”

This is a stunningly low number, and it is clear that the American people need their government to regain their trust. But how can this number change? It’s certainly not as easy as it is at Play Amo NZ online casino. How can the President gain the trust of the American people? 

Here are just a few of the things that a President can do. 

The President should be more transparent

The American people want to know what their government is doing, and they want to know that their government is being honest with them. The President can start by being more open about what the government is doing and why. 

The President should be more responsive

The President can be more responsive to the needs of the American people. The American people feel like their government is not listening to them. The President can show the American people that he is listening to their concerns by acting on them. 

The President should be more inclusive

The President can show that he is willing to work with people from all sides of the political spectrum. The American people want to see their President working with people from both parties to get things done. They want to see their President reaching out to people with different viewpoints and trying to find common ground. 

The President should be willing to make tough choices

The American people want their President to be a leader, and leaders have to make tough choices. The President can show the American people that he is willing to make the tough choices that are necessary to get the country on the right track. 

The President should be committed to his people

The President can demonstrate that he is committed to the American people. The American people want to see their President working hard on their behalf. The President can show the American people that he is committed to their welfare by working hard to improve the economy, create jobs, and improve the quality of life for all Americans.

Who were the Presidents the US citizens trusted the most and why?

Out of the 46 Presidents the United States has had very few made up to this list. In fact, the list consists of four people. These are the presidents who were trusted because they were seen as honest and sincere. And they probably had almost all the qualifications mentioned above. But one of the main reasons is that they each have led the country through difficult times and have made decisions that have benefited the American people. 

The presidents that US citizens have trusted the most are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy. These presidents were seen as good leaders who could get things done.

George Washington was the first president of the United States and is considered the “Father of His Country.” He was a general during the American Revolution and was instrumental in leading the Continental Army to victory. He also presided over the Constitutional Convention and was the first to sign the Constitution. 

Abraham Lincoln is considered one of the greatest presidents in US history. He was president during the Civil War and he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed all slaves in the rebel states. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States and was in office during the Great Depression and World War II. He is best known for his “New Deal” program, which helped to bring the US out of the Great Depression. 

John F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He started the Peace Corps, and his “New Frontier” program helped to bring about social and economic reforms. 

The post What Do Americans Expect from Their President? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

That Diesel Shortage Is a Bigger Problem for New England Than Idled Trucks … We Use it To Generate Electricity

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 15:00 +0000

The impending diesel shortage is the latest side-effect of politically pie-eyed progressive energy policy. With just a few weeks’ supply left and no apparent effort to address it, the nation could come to a screeching halt around or just after Thanksgiving but in the northeast, we have a bigger problem.

Related: Winter is Coming: Is It Time for New England to “Pay” the Green Energy Piper?

We use Diesel to generate electricity.


“The problem has been years in the making as baseload generation has been shut down in New England. The coal plants were shut down then the oil plants, then many of the nuclear plants. In the recent past, we had fuel diversity in our electric generation which is not available today. Las Januray there were many days where 25% of the electricity produced in New England came from fiesel fuel.”



I can confidently say I’ve already done what Kevin suggests, but that’s me (and many of our readers). What about everyone else? And what about the future? Short of a dramatic change in energy priorities in New Hampshire, New England, and the Nation, this problem is not going away. And the Dems are all in on eliminating or banning fossil fuels can’t do without.

Related: Northeast Activists Still Working to Ensure We All Freeze to Death

Long Time Coming

Billions, if not trillions, have been wasted by our “leaders” on energy strategies that are incompatible with living in New England (or anywhere it gets cold). Projects to which they still cling for the misdirected federal dollars they get to brag about in press releases for the faux-green street cred. But reality has another legacy in store. People could die if there’s no heating, fuel, or electricity in January. They probably will die. And it behooves us to ask. Was that the point?

I’ve suggested as much in the past. It is no coincidence that the folks looking to cull the masses are advocates for energy solutions that lead to people dying in the cold. Not just on the street but in their own homes. The only other plausible explanation is that they are complete f**king idiots.

In either case, the electorate’s response should be to use their vote to cull the ranks of those in or aspiring to the elected office of anyone who supports the green-only energy future. And not just because it’s not green. Relying on it means there is no future for many and an uncomfortable one for the rest of us.

Not to worry, the “complete f**king idiots” won’t be cold, but you will.


“In the recent past, we had fuel diversity in our electric generation, which is not available today.”


We need that, and the only way to claw back from this brink is Net Zero Democrats and their idiot ideas, and look, there’s an election next week.




The post That Diesel Shortage Is a Bigger Problem for New England Than Idled Trucks … We Use it To Generate Electricity appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Op-Ed: Why Does the Dem-Run Citizens for Belknap PAC Shroud Its Steering Committee with Secrecy?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 13:30 +0000

Everyone keeps asking about the Citizens for Belknap’s steering committee: who are these people and why the secrecy? Let’s say Citizens for Belknap is successful in getting their candidates elected by gaslighting “the Gunstock issue.” They’ll take another victory lap in the Daily Sun, but does it end there?

We want to thank Anonymous Conservative for this Op-Ed  – Please direct yours to

While they had everyone focused on Gunstock and the nursing home, did anyone take notice of the bigger issues they didn’t really mention, like Parental Rights, Workforce housing, Right-To-Work, Second Amendment Rights, or abortion?  How about the poor economy and the inflation that Democrats created?

Think for a moment, if Citizens for Belknap PAC becomes a powerful influencer, proving they can take down strong conservative candidates, what will they expect in return from those Republicans they favored? Anyone watching this election now knows how their tactics can sink the political career of those in their sights. We’ve already seen one candidate (Creteau-Miller) try to separate herself from Citizens for Belknap PAC endorsement and denounce them…only to quickly flip-flop as if it never happened due to real Democrats attacking her on social media. Other candidates have actually donated to their cause.

The “hidden” committee pulling the strings now has the perfect scenario to push their “hidden” agenda — and who better to do it than the very candidates they are helping to get elected including 17 Democrats and a bunch of Republican moderates now hard and fast aligned with CfB. Notice they didn’t endorse ANY conservatives. Not a one. Those that survived this Democrat PAC’s Primary Election onslaught is going after them again in their Voter Guide (RED Xs).

So, Belknap County Republicans – what do you think about that?

Right now we don’t know if any of these endorsed candidates will obey their Master once in Concord, but one thing is for certain, you’ll know which ones don’t—they’ll be the ones labeled as “Extremist” in the next election cycle.

It’s what they do.

By all means, vote responsibly—that includes doing your own research (verify before you trust).


The post Op-Ed: Why Does the Dem-Run Citizens for Belknap PAC Shroud Its Steering Committee with Secrecy? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why a Vote for Ann Kuster or Maggie Hassan Is a Vote for Rape Apologists and a Vote against Women’s Rights

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 12:00 +0000

I was a registered Democrat until 2019. I became independent after Congresswoman Ann Kuster made a call to ABC/Good Morning America to block female news reporter Amy Robach’s interview with Owen Labrie from airing.

I knew what that interview contained, and so, I believe, did Amanda Grady Sexton, who was a Dem Caucus rep and on Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s re-election committee.

The program didn’t air, and two weeks later, the same attorneys who had sued St Paul’s School in the wake of the highly sensationalized criminal trial of Owen Labrie and who had been introduced by Concord Police, to the State’s witness, Chessy Prout, settled a class action #MeToo lawsuit against Dartmouth College for $14 million. Times Up Legal Defense Fund and the National Women’s Law Center put up the PR money for the Dartmouth suit. The NHCADSV were beneficiaries of the settlement.

A few months later, professor David Bucci, who had been named 31 times in the Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth suit, committed suicide. He had been accused of knowing of sexual misconduct in his department and not reporting it. He claimed he didn’t know, but Dartmouth wouldn’t allow him to speak for himself. He was a victim of the #MeToo legal strategy. His 10-year-old daughter spoke at his funeral.

Congresswoman Ann Kuster had spoken up in support of the anonymity of the Jane Does, the plaintiffs. Some of those Jane Does were solicited. They got $75K a piece. The attorneys got $4.9 million. The NHCADSV received an estimated $2.865 million. Nothing changed for the better at Dartmouth. The following year Maha Hasan Alshawi went on hunger strike for three weeks while students signed a petition begging for due process and for Dartmouth to look into her alleged sexual assault.

Congresswoman Ann Kuster and the NHCADSV were silent. Another female student committed suicide after sexual assault. I met another female student who told me that an intruder had climbed into her and her roommate’s dorm threatening to rape them. The Title IX office at Dartmouth did nothing. So much for the promise of funds from that settlement going towards better training and resources for Title IX and sexual assault. It was a lie.

Congresswoman Ann Kuster doesn’t care about sexual assault. If she did, she wouldn’t have stood up against women who testified that they had been gang raped under the influence of Rohypnol. She was a lobbyist for the drug maker and was lobbying for the drug not to become a class-A drug.

In June 2016, Congresswoman Ann Kuster stated, “We are all Emily Doe,” after reading the victim impact statement from the People v Brock Turner trial. That statement was apparently created by Michele Dauber, a Dem Caucus rep in Silicon Valley, not Chanel Miller, the real Emily Doe. Campus Rape and MeToo narratives were political, harming both accusers and accused. They used women, gave them narratives to help Dem female reps get elected. Chessy Prout was recruited, and so was Amber Heard. Facts never mattered. Lives were endangered in favor of a sensationalist narrative to help the likes of Maggie Hassan and Ann Kuster get elected.

How lucky was Senator Maggie Hassan that she appointed Attorney General Joseph Foster, who declined to prosecute sexual misconduct cover-ups at her husband’s school, Phillips Exeter Academy? Or that the DCYF admitted that it might have deleted records of sexual assault at the school and to have a media block out – Courtesy of help from her friend Amanda Grady Sexton on Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s re-election committee or her husband Adam Sexton at WMUR? Or from Debra Altschiller at HAVEN and her husband, Howard Altschiller, at the New Hampshire Press Association?

New Hampshire has received millions in federal grants to research/tackle domestic & sexual violence since 2014. How much went towards election campaigns under the guise of social justice? NHCADSV’s site is hosted by No More, a project of Neo Philanthropy – “The organization and similar left-of-center groups that engage in “nonpartisan” voter registration have received criticism for appearing to favor the registration of voters exceptionally likely to vote for Democratic candidates. “ (Influence Watch).

Congresswoman Ann Kuster and Senator Maggie Hassan had help from Emily’s List to get elected. Emily’s List backs Democratic female candidates who are pro-choice. For all the backing that Kuster and Hassan have had, what did they actually do once they got elected to make the ratification of Roe v Wade as a top priority? Precisely nothing.

What is the point of any federal grants to the State of New Hampshire unless there is accountability for corruption within the State’s agencies – the very ones who receive grants and are supposed to look after the interests of children and women?

I’m pro-choice but I’m also pro-democracy. A functioning democracy can only exist when public officials hold themselves and each other accountable for violating laws such as the right to free speech which Kuster has demonstrated she doesn’t believe in via her actions to block ABC, which arguably contributed to the suicide of Professor David Bucci; such as the independence of the New Hampshire judiciary which AG Joseph Foster demonstrated doesn’t exist when it comes to cover-ups of police crimes or sexual misconduct that could implicate Maggie Hassan.

New Hampshire must do better. Voting for a woman just because she’s a woman isn’t a reason. Voting for a Democrat just because she’s a Democrat isn’t a reason. Vote for people who stand up to be counted, who take agency for wrongdoing, and who will respect the constitutional rights of constituents, unlike these two who have used women to get elected but have not really done anything for them.

Claire Best Hawley


Claire Best is a film and television agent with a background in documentary filmmaking. She has long advocated for women’s, minorities, and disability rights. The sensationalism of the New Hampshire v Owen Labrie trial led her to uncover the politics and abuse of public funds behind it.

The post Why a Vote for Ann Kuster or Maggie Hassan Is a Vote for Rape Apologists and a Vote against Women’s Rights appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Can Elon Rise to the Occasion?

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-11-02 11:23 +0000
Jonathon Turley, EU Warns Twitter Not to Restore Free Speech Protections After Calls from Clinton and Other Democratic Leaders After years of using censorship-by-surrogates in social media companies, Democratic leaders seem to have rediscovered good old-fashioned state censorship. Sen.... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Maggie Hassan Fighting For … Winter Blackouts, Empty Diesel, Sky High Fertilizer, and a Federal “Cop” in Every School

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 10:30 +0000

Every time I see a Maggie Hassan commercial, my stomach turns. I have researched each and every one. Some are lies. Some are damned lies. But each one seems to say that she is “fighting” for New Hampshire citizens—for our values and way of life. I am a California refugee so maybe I just don’t understand how what she is doing could (in any universe) be seen as fighting for New Hampshire.

To me, she has unlocked the Gate and turned loose the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Here is what those Four Horsemen look like:

1. WINTER BLACKOUTS: I wrote two articles documenting what Maggie Hassan has done—along with her “buddies, Elizabeth Warren, Markey, and the “sky is falling” ruling class of New England—to eliminate our ability to generate electricity. She and her buddies have blocked hydroelectric power from Canada; forced the shuttering of any and all fossil fuel generation plants; shut down the Vermont nuclear station; prevented the construction of the planned second nuclear reactor at Seabrook.

Moreover, her buddies in New York have blocked any and all natural Gas pipelines from Pennsylvania’s Appalachian and Marcellus shale natural gas basins(where we could have tapped into enough natural gas to fully fuel all our electrical needs).

What Hassan has done is eliminate the ability of New Hampshire to generate enough electricity to meet the needs of its businesses, homes, and infrastructure. And, most importantly, done nothing to replace what she eliminated. Eversource says it is working on increasing solar and wind but admits that such projects have only just begun and won’t help for years if not decades.

Because of the Jones Act, we can’t even import LNG by sea because the Jones act requires us to use American-flagged ships to transport American LNG from one American port to another. Rather we must go on the “spot” market and compete with the entire world for what we need.

As a result, the head of Eversource announced just a few days ago—in an open and urgent letter to President Joe Biden—explained the dire emergency we face in New England. He warned that “Rolling Blackouts” are in our future unless immediate action is taken. The head of ISO New England – the operator of the power grid in New England – joined in that warning.

Sooooo? —Maggie Hassan is “fighting” for us? Rolling Blackouts are a familiar experience in California. Simply put, the lights will go out in entire sections of New Hampshire. Maybe it’s one hour. Maybe two. Maybe four. Maybe it’s half of Nashua; maybe it’s all of Nashua. And when the power comes back on…well, those “power surge” plugs—they don’t work.

2. EMPTY DIESEL TANKS: The Democrats – you know them well: Joe Biden, Maggie Hassan, Chris Pappas, Anne Kuster, and all the others running for State Rep and State Senate – have promised us two things for decades: “Elect us” they say and we will destroy the Fossil Fuel industry and allow unlimited abortion right up to the moment of delivery (and in some cases beyond).

They have aggressively pursued both. Their efforts to eliminate — thru heavy taxation, regulation (elimination of pipelines like Keystone XL), and thru increasing the royalty charges – oil production has been successful beyond their wildest hopes.

But, they did not focus their hatred of fossil fuels on just production. The real “killer” for people like you and me — you know, people that don’t want to freeze in the winter nor starve to death – is their attack on the oil refinery business. Over the past 50 years, they have shut down refinery after refinery. Today, the number of refineries is a small fraction of what we used to have back in the 1960s.

Moreover, no new refineries have been built since 1976. The last refinery — a small one — was built in North Dakota. The refineries we have are old and tired. They break down a lot. They go offline.

“Build new ones,” you say.

Not a chance in hell says the oil industry.

Chevron CEO Mike Wirth says he does not expect another refinery to be built in the USA — ever. Why? Because the policies of the Federal Government are so restrictive that he says he cannot justify financially investing billions of his shareholders’ money on a project that will take ten years to build to produce fossil fuels that the Democrat Elites say they don’t want.

The result: Not only will we not have electricity, but we are running out of Diesel fuel. Several major oil industry spokesmen have issued urgent warnings—we are down to a 15 day supply of diesel. So are the states south of us to and including Georgia. Reports are coming in daily all over the East coast—no diesel at Gas stations. Supply terminals reporting — no diesel to deliver.

When the Biden administration was asked what are they doing about it they responded by saying that we need to help our European allies who are paying top dollar for diesel. THEY ARE SAYING THAT THE PLAN IS TO SEND SCARCE DIESEL, REFINED IN THE USA, TO EUROPE BECAUSE THEY ARE PAYING A HIGHER PRICE THAN WE ARE.

Airplanes need diesel. Trains need diesel. Farm tractors and many cars, pickups, and construction vehicles all need diesel. Everything you buy—gas for your car; heating oil; food; clothes appliances; fertilizer; you name it; — all get to you using diesel.

No diesel means a shutdown of everything. Does limited diesel mean sky-high per gallon prices—10 $; 12$: 15$ ????

Hassan is fighting for New Hampshire? Has she even mentioned electricity or diesel in any one of her campaign ads?

3. FERTILIZER; FARM ANIMALS; CHICKEN FEED: When Hassan and her buddies declared war on Fossil fuel, they also declared war on a whole lot of items that they say cause Global warming. I have listed three items just as examples:

Fertilizer: to make fertilizer, you need natural gas. Natural gas supplies nitrogen thru ammonia which they refine. The whole process involves fossil fuels and produces methane. Moreover, they claim that the nitrogen we put down in our cornfields somehow is a pollutant. The Hassan crowd could not stand to allow such a “horrible” thing. They swung into action with taxes, regulations, and outright bans. They were quite successful: fertilizer prices have skyrocketed. Farmers throughout the USA have either eliminated crops or reduced crops because the price is now prohibitive. We as a country are at this moment living off last year’s harvest. Next year, we will live off a vastly reduced harvest with no relief in sight. Food prices-as a result-are predicted to skyrocket. Some say 10%; others say as much as 65%. And that is on top of what has already happened.

FARM ANIMALS: In California, I had a lot of farmers as clients. They were constantly calling me to help deal with the regulations on cows, poultry, sheep, etc. Nancy Pelosi. Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsome, and all the environmentalists that funded them wanted the farm animals gone. The claim: is that these farm animals emit methane.

One of the laws that I dealt with required all cows to have a methane collection device hooked up to both their mouth and their rear. Each cow had to have a registration number and a meter that various inspectors could monitor. It was really strange to see a cow outfitted with such devices.

Under the recent “inflation reduction Act” methane gas is heavily taxed under a cap and trade system. Not sure how you measure it from a cow or a chicken but most of the farmers I knew are out of business.

CHICKEN FEED: I throw this one in here just because it has an immediate impact on me. I take it real personal as do my chickens. Hassan and her buddies want to ban all backyard chickens, turkeys, etc. There are all kinds of regulations they have proposed or are pending – most of which would outlaw anyone from owning or raising them. The immediate effort is to raise the price of chicken feed. I used to pay as little as 12 dollars a bag for the good stuff. Now it costs 22 dollars. And it is really hard to locate.




Consider this proposal by the Joe Biden/Maggie Hassan Federal Dept of Education:

TITLE IX RULE CHANGES: Presently pending for public comment, the Federal Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, has put forth proposed rules changes to TITLE IX. TITLE IX was passed in 1972 to root out racial discrimination in public schools. It was an extremely well-drafted and well-received set of laws that have been, at least in my eyes, very effective in accomplishing its goal.

One of the things it did was to aggressively attack racial discrimination but it did so within the framework of respecting the Constitutional Rights of Due Process.

Any lawyer will tell you that your Right to Due Process is one of the most important Rights you have. It means that police cannot interrogate you against your will. It means you have the right to know what the charges are against you; who is claiming to be the complaining party regarding your crime; who are the witnesses who will testify. It means you have a right to an attorney. A right to cross-examine the witnesses. It means that you have the right to a fair trial presided over by an impartial judge who is someone other than the arresting officer or the prosecutor.

Under the proposed rule changes, all such notions of due process are gutted. Under the proposed rules, each school — elementary, secondary, postsecondary, even private (anyone who receives any federal money) must appoint a TITLE IX COORDINATOR.

This coordinator wears all the important hats: He/she is the investigator; the arresting officer; the prosecutor; and HOLY SMOKES, THE JUDGE.

No written complaint is made to the coordinator by the victim. The complaint can be oral and kept confidential to protect the victim’s privacy. The coordinator can also receive complaints from people other than the victim. The coordinator can proceed even if the victim says nothing happened.

All teachers, employees, and students must report to the coordinator any suspicious conduct or facts whether they think a violation has occurred or not.

The coordinator’s reach is far and wide.

He/she has power over all school activities and any activity that affects school activities. For example, two students say something to each other after school while playing a video game. Someone gets offended and says “I cannot do my school work because of what those boys said.”

The coordinator has the authority to proceed.

The coordinator has the power then, upon receiving a complaint, to investigate by interviewing witnesses, and alleged perpetrators, review school records, and medical records and consult experts. He/she also has the power to appoint at taxpayer expense a lawyer to help the victim, and a medical team to provide supportive care. And can adjust the “victims” school work to alleviate the problems created by these two boys.

If the coordinator determines that enough “evidence” (and the coordinator is the sole judge of what is evidence and what is sufficient) is received, he/she can bring charges against the student, teacher, or employee.

And to whom is a complaint made? Why, to the Coordinator of course. The coordinator is also the Judge who determines if a violation has occurred and what punishment is to be administered.

The “Respondent” has no right to an attorney—unless the coordinator allows it. The Respondent has no right to cross-examine witnesses — the coordinator does the cross-examination and limits questions to the victim that he/she determines are relevant.

The coordinator then determines punishment: RE-EDUCATION CAMP: suspension; expulsion; criminal referral. The real punishment however is the public shame brought down on the student— even applied to first graders and pre-school (yes that is right in the rules changes).

AND WHAT IS THE LAW THAT THE COORDINATOR IS NOW ENFORCING: the proposed rule changes include a new set of laws to deal with “sex discrimination”. The rule change explanation makes it clear that the changes are primarily intended to focus on the “gender“ identity discrimination against transgender or transitioning kids. The old law prohibited discrimination based upon sex. The new laws say that this is insufficient to focus on the problem (if a boy thinks he is a girl trapped inside a boy’s body, what good is it to say that boys and girls must be treated equally).

The new law is that Title IX prohibits “sex-based harassment” which “subjectively and objectively” creates a hostile environment impairing the victim’s right to fully participate in a school-related activity.

So — a varsity football player, during practice, calls one of his teammates a name commonly used to refer to cats. A “transitioning” boy-to-girl student walking by hears it and gets upset. She files an oral complaint with the TITLE IX COORDINATOR. The complaining party says that she/he cannot do her homework because she is so upset by the comment.

The TITLE IX COORDINATOR INTEROGATES- one by one- the entire football squad and the coaches. The coordinator then files charges against the offending varsity player as well as against the entire football team for not reporting the incident and against the entire group of coaches for not reporting the incident.




How about a second example: the same transitioning from a boy to a girl runs into the girls’ bathroom? He/she exposes his/her genitals to a young lady who wants to be a young lady. The latter objects to the intrusion of her privacy and orders the boy/girl to leave the girls’ bathroom and “take that disgusting thing with you” ( referring to the boy part of the boy who wants to be a girl).

Both file a complaint with the TITLE IX COORDINATOR. He/she decides the problem is that the girl who wants to be a girl is harassing the boy who wants to be a girl and files charges against her. After all, he/she is the cop, the prosecutor, and the judge. He has that power.

“Hold on”, you say.” Won’t the New Hampshire state government prevent this?”

Doubtful. Right in the rule changes, the federal government asserts its right to PRE-EMPTION: IF THERE EXISTS A FEDERAL LAW AND A STATE LAW ON THE SAME SUBJECT, AND THEY CONFLICT, THE FEDERAL LAW PREVAILS.

What about my school board? Won’t they find a way to protect my kids?

Seriously? Have you seen who has been elected to the school boards? They are all frothing at the mouth to enforce these new rules.

Where did this set of rule changes come from?

Beats me. The people who authored it are not elected. I don’t know their names. Do you? They are career bureaucrats – never elected- who love the idea of making a law that imposes their viewpoint on you.

Seems like we got rid of that back in the late 1700s. Damn. I guess it did not work.

Sooo—as I started out—Maggie Hassan and all her Democratic buddies in Washington and here in New Hampshire ( Kuster, Pappas, and all those pesky State House and Senate Democrats) envision a world of hurt for all of us.

It is a world they designed, they planned and they are executing.

They are quite proud of the world they are creating and don’t give a hang who suffers.

I wish I could say that we could reverse what they have done just by voting against them out.

Sorry—but what they have done will not go away so easily. Maybe it will never go away—that’s how much they want to hurt us.


Grab the ones you love and hunker down. The world is going to become a place of misery and suffering. Too late to stop it.

Little time left to pray…so start now and make it good.

God bless!

The post Maggie Hassan Fighting For … Winter Blackouts, Empty Diesel, Sky High Fertilizer, and a Federal “Cop” in Every School appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Libertarian Sees the Light

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2022-11-02 10:27 +0000
Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times: Republicans Score Big Win in Race for Key Senate Seat After Libertarian Candidate Exits Libertarian Senate candidate Marc Victor has dropped out of the Arizona race and endorsed GOP challenger Blake Masters against incumbent Sen.... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Center Harbor and New Hampton Rep. Tom Ploszaj Deserves Your Vote

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 01:30 +0000

Dear reader/voter – I’m reaching out to you to clear the air. Your state rep for Center Harbor and New Hampton, Tom Ploszaj, needs and, in my opinion, deserves your vote. Tom has done nothing but try to do what is right.

We want to thank Holly Willoughby for this op-ed – send yours to

I want you to know that as someone who has stood with both Tom and Bob Giuda in front of the new Hampton park and ride waving flags and signs that Tom Ploszaj is one of the most genuine people I have ever met in my lifetime. I know he has stood with some of you while you have unloaded your trash at the town dump and asked your opinions on what you feel needs to be done. What does your gut tell you? Mine tells me He wants nothing more than to speak for the people.

If you check Toms’s website at, you will find that he is very interested in your opinions. I have counted, he has asked for the thoughts of his constituents over 40 times during these last two years of office. You will also find that Tom keeps you updated on the legislature and how he is voting for you.

He wants to represent you and not one party.

If you have heard some of the rumors recently, I can assure you that they are not true. I am also sure that if Bob Giuda wasn’t under the weather that he would come out in support of Tom Ploszaj, who is a good constitutional representative who wants what’s right.

I want to convey the fact that the flack coming from the Gunstock fiasco is nothing more than his opponents trying to take advantage of an unfortunate situation and label Tom in a certain way.

I implore you that if you don’t believe me, please do your own research or reach out directly to Tom and ask him yourself. I know he will be happy to talk to you.



The post Center Harbor and New Hampton Rep. Tom Ploszaj Deserves Your Vote appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1137 – No, School Boards Are Not Just for Creating Policies and Budgets – They Own the Whole Dang Thing!

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-11-02 00:00 +0000

School Boards are responsible for all of it but many school board members just have no clue. I’m betting that 97% of them (or thereabouts) have never read the NH Statutes (RSAs) that the NH Legislature has passed that govern their responsibilities and actions.

Fewer, I bet, have read all of the NH Dept of Education  Rules/regulations that also hold sway over them. Unfortunately, many are what I call “captured” – their NHSBA “initial training” includes words to the effect of “Trust your professionals” with the unstated bits being “and don’t worry about that pesky Law stuff.” The problem is, they should and HAVE to – they get sued otherwise, like over Policy JBAB (“Transgender Students and Nonconforming”) for one inglorious example.

So, what does HB1137 layout for School Board members? Making it explicitly clear what we can hold them responsible for doing (and notice this sentence structure – WE hold THEM to account and not the other way around). While it was voted to go to Interim Study in the last session, it will be coming back (emphasis mine in parts):



AN ACT             relative to the duty of school boards to provide education.
SPONSORS:     Rep. Cordelli, Carr. 4; Rep. Litchfield, Rock. 11; Rep. Johnson, Belk. 3; Rep. Pauer, Hills. 26; Rep. Moffett, Merr. 9; Rep. A. Lekas, Hills. 37; Rep. Piemonte, Rock. 4; Rep. Layon, Rock. 6; Sen. Giuda, Dist 2; Sen. Reagan, Dist 17

COMMITTEE:  Education

This bill states the duties and responsibilities of elected school boards and allows school boards to contract with any private school approved by the school board as a school tuition program.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Two
AN ACT      relative to the duty of school boards to provide education.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 School Boards; Duty to Provide Education. Amend RSA 189:1-a to read as follows:

189:1-a Duty to Provide Education.

I. It shall be the duty of the school board to provide, at district expense, elementary and secondary education to all pupils who reside in the district until such time as the pupil has acquired a high school diploma or has reached age 21, whichever occurs first; provided, that the board may exclude specific pupils for gross misconduct or for neglect or refusal to conform to the reasonable rules of the school, and further provided that this section shall not apply to pupils who have been exempted from school attendance in accordance with RSA 193:5.

II. Elected school boards shall be responsible for approving and overseeing the structure, content, accountability, advocacy, and delivery of instruction in each school operated and governed in its district. To support flexibility in implementing diverse educational approaches, school boards shall establish, in each school operated and governed in its district, instructional policies that establish instructional goals based upon available information about the knowledge and skills pupils will need in the future. To accomplish these ends, the school board shall be responsible for:

(a) The curricula, online instructional programs and applications, and courses taught.
(b) Textbook approvals.
(c) Adoption of any educational standards that meet or exceed state minimum standards following a public hearing.
(d) Evidence-based and measurable methods for assessing student performance in grade spans 3-5 and 6-8 in school years in which a statewide assessment is not given to meet the requirements of RSA 193-C.

III. Elected school boards shall:

(a) Develop, implement, and assess district policies which shall be voted on by the board in public session.
(b) Conduct all meetings of the board and board-established committees in public pursuant to RSA 91-A , the right-to-know law.
(c) Conform to standards of ethical behavior.
(d) Approve the proposed district annual budget.
(e) Conduct annual performance reviews of the district superintendent as an employee of the board.
(f) Conduct contract negotiations.
(g) Provide an opportunity for public comment for board members.
(h) Promote parental engagement and participation by:

(1) Encouraging public attendance at board meetings and providing for public input at multiple times during board meetings on agenda items or other nonagenda items of community interest with sufficient time for comments from the public.
(2) Developing and implementing policies to promote parental engagement with the board and teachers related to student achievement, progress, and involvement with classroom and at home learning.
(3) Developing and implementing a policy to allow classroom visitations.

(i) Promote transparency by:

(1) Voting on all contracts, acceptance of gifts and grants, and approvals of any new or updated curriculum in public.
(2) Posting manifest invoices on a regular basis on the district website.
(3) Posting all curriculum and competencies on the district website.
(4) Developing and implement a policy providing an opportunity for parents to review the selection of printed or digital textbooks and reading lists, instructional materials, and the academic curriculum used by classes in the district.
(5) Posting all professional development and workshop topics on the district web site.
(6) Posting and maintaining student enrollment, student achievement, and per pupil costs for a 5-year period on the district website or providing a link to that information on the department of education’s website.

(j) Conduct an annual end-of-year parental survey with the results to be posted on the district web site. The survey shall include satisfaction regarding:

(1) School safety.
(2) Parental and student engagement, support and responsiveness.
(3) Learning environment.
(4) Student support in academics and counseling.
(5) Student classroom experience.
(6) Overall satisfaction.

IV. Elected school boards shall be responsible for establishing the structure, accountability, advocacy, and delivery of instruction in each school operated and governed in its district. To accomplish this end, and to support flexibility in implementing diverse educational approaches, school boards shall establish, in each school operated and governed in its district, instructional policies that establish instructional goals based upon available information about the knowledge and skills pupils will need in the future.

[III.] V. School boards shall adopt a teacher performance evaluation system, with the involvement of teachers and principals, for use in the school district. A school board may consider any resources it deems reasonable and appropriate, including any resources that may be provided by the state department of education. In this paragraph, “teacher” shall have the same meaning as in RSA 189:14-a, V.

[IV.] VI. Pursuant to RSA 193:3, VI, a school board may execute a contract with any [approved nonsectarian] private school approved by the school board as a school tuition program as defined in RSA 193:3, VII to provide for the education of a child who resides in the school district, and may raise and appropriate money for the purposes of the contract, if the school district does not have a public school at the pupil’s grade level and the school board decides it is in the best interest of the pupil.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 30 days after its passage.

I reached out to NH State Rep Glenn Cordelli to ask him why this bill was entered (and I do think it is needed as many, if not most, SB members haven’t a clue what they really are supposed to be about (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Very simple reasons for my submitting the bill. It is time for conversations about the role and duties of local school boards.

We all saw what happened at some board meetings around the state and country. School board members are supposed to be elected representatives of the people but in some cases, members seems to forget that fact.

Many school boards think that they report to the superintendent when in fact it is the other way around.

Transparency and accountability were key pieces of what I tried to include in the bill. School boards should, in my opinion, be [explicitly] responsible for the curriculum and approval of textbooks, too.

The Department of Education is now doing annual surveys and the 2021 survey contained several troubling response – 31% of families responded that their school did not value their opinion. When asked if the school board was responsive to the needs and concerns of families, only 52% responded positively.

That means a large minority of parents, 48%, would be negatively. The reason is simple – go to a School Board meeting and try to ask them questions!  While *I* can get some questions answered, I’m generally getting the “Easter Island stone-faced Moa Statue” treatment.  Time after time, I see frustrated parents go up to the podium, having never dared to attend such a meeting before, only to be treated like recalcitrant children with SB members just giving them a silent stare in return.

Yet, they keep saying they want involved parents – just not with them. That has to stop – they are not “School Board members”, they are our elected representatives and should be accountable to the voters at ALL times.

The post HB1137 – No, School Boards Are Not Just for Creating Policies and Budgets – They Own the Whole Dang Thing! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL… It is Just Not Created by Humans.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-01 22:30 +0000

Most of us understand that the accumulation of “weather” over time represents the climate. We know from experience that forecasting the weather is an imperfect science and that predicting it accurately in future decades or centuries seems implausible. That hasn’t stopped them from trying.

And there’s nothing wrong with that if others are allowed to challenge and debate the results, but that’s not how this game has been played. Political partisans have hijacked the weather, and anyone who disagrees with them is labeled a denier.

Yes, climate change is real. It’s just not created by humans. That’s a line from this excellent piece by Martin Armstrong, who outlines how climate has always changed and how it has changed human beings and their civilizations on earth.

Significant shifts in cultural dominance align with solar maximums and minimums.

The earth has experienced wild temperature swings that last from decades to centuries. Eras warmer (with more atmospheric CO2) than the solar maximum that just ended and those colder than the solar minimum we have recently entered (we hope).

There is no way to know for sure, but the climate is changing, but the true deniers are those who refuse to accept our climate past because it contradicts the political narratives in which they’ve invested regarding its future. A form of mass psychosis that Armstrong rightly compares to abuses by ancient faith leaders.


This is one of the oldest methods to brainwash a population known to ancient history. The high priests had discovered the cycle of the heavens. They would pretend to turn the sun dark, for they managed to calculate the cycles when an eclipse would take place. They would call the people together and tell them what they will do, and they watched the moon block out the sun and believed that the high priest could control the heavens. Today, astrology really comes from the Babylonians who conducted a massive correlation study to predict the future.

There is a cycle to everything. The climate ALWAYS changes, and there are warming periods and cooling periods. These charlatans are no different than the Babylonian high priests pretending to block the sun with the moon on their command.


Martin Armstrong also introduces us to “the Beaufort Gyre, a massive wind-driven current in the Arctic Ocean that actually has far more influence over sea ice than anything we can throw into the atmosphere. The Beaufort Gyre has been regulating climate and sea ice formation for millennia. Recently, however, something has changed; it is not something that would create global warming but threatens a new Ice Age.”

What causes that oscillation is unclear to me, but we’ve covered a lot of actual climate science that adds to the suspicion that the next few decades could be increasingly cold.


Recently discovered long-term oscillations of the solar background magnetic field associated with double dynamo waves generated in inner and outer layers of the Sun indicate that the solar activity is heading in the next three decades (2019–2055) to a Modern grand minimum similar to Maunder one.


While this is happening, Cult leaders are working overtime to ensure abundant fossil fuels are untapped and too expensive, and when people freeze to death, they’ll blame climate change. But the only climate people can change is the political one that lead us to where we are today. A matter of life and death for more than a few of us, but unlike the climate, it is something we can change.

Stop voting for Democrats and, if possible, their climate cult-water-carrying RINO friends. We’re already looking down the barrel of what letting them off the leash for too long looks like here in New England. And a hard lesson it may well be.

We’d best learn from it now. We’re due for a cold spell, and the science is lining up to give us one.



HT | Armstrong Economics

The post CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL… It is Just Not Created by Humans. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Have forgotten That We are Americans…

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-01 21:00 +0000

Born at the height of American power, it’s hard to believe that in my 72 years, I’ve become a dinosaur. It’s glaringly apparent to me that we’re headed down the same cinder and rock-strewn path they walked to oblivion.

We want to thank John Burtis for this Op-Ed. Send yours to

No, we won’t disappear in a single huge atomic blast but in a prolonged whimper.

We have pushed over the precipice, like an amateur skier at the top of Cannon Mountain’s DJ’s Tramline, and have begun our final run into snowy oblivion and the eventual wipe-out. The twentieth century was our century, just as the 18th and much of the 19th belonged to Britain.

In war, we were ferocious. In peace, we were magnanimous, and until 1953, we were to be feared on the battlefield because we only quit the field after the victory.  Ask the Germans in the Meuse-Argonne, the Imperial Japanese at Tarawa or Iwo Jima, or the Germans again during the Bulge, where our surrounded forces held Bastogne against the onslaught of King Tiger tanks.

Victory by any means is as arcane a notion today as the present-day survival of an archaeopteryx or an allosaur.  The very idea of “winning” has become lost in the damaging static of paltry political gain and loss, with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) calling our own soldiers “Nazis.”

A paraphrase of Clemenceau has finally been proven right: war has become too important to be left to the generals, who, for God’s sake, might choose victory over halfway measures like an immediate retreat, a quick surrender, or cutting and running after a conflict is joined.  Today. Norman Schwarzkopf would be admonished or called home for engineering such a victory, while General Milley calls our near-peer enemies to warn them about “us” and what we “might” do to insure our loss in battle.

We have forgotten that we are Americans as we walk, head down, carrying a burden of artificially constructed woes, fretful of what we have, fearful of being called names, scared to lose a debate, and even more frightened to win.

The Democrats survive on the very notion that we are Pluribus but no way in hell Unum, as evidenced by the plans evinced by Joe Biden and by the votes in full support cast by our four Democrat representatives: Shaheen, Hassan, Kuster, and Pappas.  Only they, they claim, can provide the stability so sorely lacking in the turbulent tribal urban masses in Democrat-controlled cities when the inhabitants are incited to violence against honest working folk.

The Democrat dream for America is growing more visible today on our television screens – a country riven by hate, sectarian violence, religions, social classes, and “perceived” languages and the increasingly un-democratic Democrat-controlled central government holding the whip hands of power.

The ruling Progressive nomenklatura is made up of golden pheasants like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi and petty far-left satraps like Maggie Hassan, Annie Kuster, and Chris Pappas, who cruise above the dust and clatter, insulated from the mayhem, protected by armed security all while ordering the bureaucratic state around  for their economic benefit and that of their cronies while denying us the ability to defend ourselves, our homes and our families.  At the same time, their cheerleading media organs erase the past with a rapidity that would make Stalin blush.

I am a brontosaur because I believe in the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, and trust that the Declaration of Independence holds some merit, and that all three apply to us all until they are finally destroyed by Biden’s executive fiats.

I am a stegosaur since I believe that I should be allowed to bear arms and protect myself and my family from the predations of the hoodlums allowed to prowl our neighborhoods at will because of the criminal idiocy of liberal judges and their incitement by liberal solons and President Joe Biden.

I’m a protoceratops because I believe we should control our borders and have some sort of a doggone limit to the seemingly endless and ridiculous flow of unskilled, criminal, and terrorist elements swarming over, tunneling under, and running across our southern border bringing the very weapons Democrats ban and the drugs they embrace.

And, finally, I am a brachiosaur simply because I firmly believe that the Electoral College separates our great nation from any one of a hundred banana republics and their riotous ballot processes, far too often overseen in our Hemisphere by the lamentable Jimmy Carter, every dictator’s friend.

As America drifts down the trash-littered gutter toward the sewer grate with increasing speed, we spin and whirl in the lens of the last election, failing to grasp the enormity of the ballot stuffing, the dangers still inherent in the Dominion/Smartmatic voting machines, their programmers and their direct connection to our current VP through her husband.

I’m a dinosaur walking in a new America, where the Democrat Party is hell-bent on the destruction of a single man, Mr. Trump, while our FBI and DOJ can’t see past the motes in their eyes – Hillary and her classified documents, Hunter Biden’s actions lining his pockets as a foreign agent, the corruption in the Biden family and the growth of the two-tiered justice system protecting them with a corrupt FBI and DOJ.

I’m a dinosaur trying to fathom newspapers without any merit, save their outrageous lies and fictional constructs, designed to bolster the ravings of that same party – Democrats – with fallacies built on prevarications, witnessed by perjurers, with photo-shop doctored pictures as proof.

There are other dinosaurs walking the highways and byways with me – folks who still believe in the commonly accepted rules of law so utterly absent in the January 6th Committee called together to further tar Mr. Trump, honesty in public office, and in the basic goodness still to be found in the once “good old” USA.

But our numbers are shrinking as lifelong political hacks like Pelosi and Schumer turn this once vibrant nation into a poor third-world country for no other reason than it is easy to do, especially when the media, the federal bureaucracy, and the enforcement organs are in league together.

The boundary line separating the future strata, wherever it’s exposed, reveals that the long-feared tomorrow finally came for the greatest of all living beasts, America.  Below an increasingly faint line lie the bones of the valiant ancestors who gave us our nation and our rapidly eroding freedoms, while nothing is found immediately above it, save a wasteland.

Sadly, Democrats, too, are also soon to be extinct, but they have completely failed to grasp this simple salient fact.

Our choices are coming to haunt us.

It’s not easy for a dinosaur anymore.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karoline Leavitt Is Your Only Choice

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-01 19:30 +0000

A public service that advertises the out-of-control spending habits of each officeholder in all 50 states called The FreedomIndex informs us that all citizens’ pocketbooks have been picked for $243,797 dollars.

This is each taxpayer’s share of the Federal debt as of 8/12/22.

New Hampshire 1st district constituents suffer the consequences of their Honorable Representative Chris Pappas voting 124 – 0 in agreement with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s agenda. After checking the congressional scorecard at Freedom Index, a sad truth is revealed: In New Hampshire’s Federal delegation to Congress, both Senators, and Representatives are less loyal to the Constitution than their Massachusetts colleagues.

It’s a sad truth. These officeholders vote like they think the United States Constitution is obsolete.

Has your vote been part of the problem of adding $9,091 to each household budget? If you voted for Chris Pappas, you are part of the problem. He voted for the HR 3684 Infrastructure bill,

And HR 5376, President Biden’s Build Back Better program to implement the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. The cost per household is $13,258. How can you trust one whose loyalty to a party supersedes his loyalty to the U.S. Constitution? He spends your money to buy more regulations and less freedom.

Candidate Karoline Leavitt offers a change for NH 1st District voters. For the first time in decades, there is a choice, I believe, for less spending. Compare her Americanist principles with Rep. Pappas’ self-serving party-line principles, and it’s clear he needs to be replaced.

LEavitt stands tall for the philosophy of government that rewards hard work and individual responsibility. I believe she sees the process that FDR Aide Harry Hopkin’s described: “Tax and Tax, Spend and Spend, Elect and Elect,” as an accurate political strategy the left uses to buy votes with government programs.

So we have Leavitt, who tells voters hard truths of what they don’t want to hear to ensure posterity is blessed with liberty vs. Pappas, who tells the “voters” what they need to know so he can get reelected. Why else would NH’s former great Senator, Bob Smith, campaign for her?

If your source of information comes from high-cost smear cards and TV marketing strategy, you may disagree. But remember, PAC Committees and parties don’t have your freedom as a priority. Just like prescription medicines have side effects, the price of government going higher is the side effect when Congress spends; taxes go up, and liberty declines.

The bottom line is we have an incumbent Congressman who swore before God that he would protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. After his tenure in office, moral scrutiny exposes his dishonesty against “We The People.” For he has continuously broken his promise to that oath that he made before Almighty God. His loyalty is to his party, which is his “god” that determines what is right and wrong. If you want more truth to prevail when you vote, Karoline Leavitt is your only choice.


The post Karoline Leavitt Is Your Only Choice appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

To Dems ‘Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-01 18:00 +0000

When Democrats prattle on about “defending” or “protecting” Democracy, the pat response from the right is ‘we live in a Republic.’ That’s a fact, but it is not compelling if you have to explain, and if you do, odds are you’ve lost them. So, what might carry more weight?

A reality check, as provided here by  E.M. Cadwaladr (emphasis, mine).


I remember talking to a childhood friend a little before the 2016 election.  What he said to me sticks in my memory verbatim because it was so stunning.

“If Trump wins this election, it will be the end of democracy.”

To him, democracy meant something other than a president being elected through the free choice of millions of ordinary voters.  To him, “democracy” meant “the cause,” the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up.  “Democracy,” in other words, could not be left to the people.  It was the proper province of the enlightened and sophisticated few. 


I’m not suggesting you try to make this case verbatim but instead consider the collectivist conscience. To the political Left ‘Democracy’ is not a system where every resident or citizen (legal or otherwise) has a voice. “The last thing that such people would want is an honest election — ever.”


Whatever shakes out after the circus of mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, and all the other tricks we’ve come to expect — we must remember that the leadership of the Democrat party does not believe in elections even in principle.  They will not consider any manipulation of the electoral process to be cheating.  In their view, they’re entitled to win.  If I eat a piece of steak, I do not moralize at all about the unfair slaughter of the beast that it was taken out of.  Our political rights, in the eyes of most of the political class, are something on the order of the civil rights of cattle.  This is to say — they are rights they don’t believe exist.


The Left will cheat to win, and they must win. They’ve even institutionalized it.

Hillary Clinton’s PR bit for the latest banner under which the Left has both admitted and justified rampant election fraud is called ‘Indivisible.’ It is committed to rooting out and stopping Republicans from stealing elections. Since Democrats always tell you what they are doing by accusing their opponents of doing it, we know the cheat is on, and there’s no end in sight. And I have to admit; they are good at that.

Related: Reminder: Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy

By creating an echo chamber focused on dishonest narratives from the right, they hope to invalidate (maybe abort is a better word) any argument about election integrity in the womb. Not because they care about honest elections, we know that’s not true. From postmarking late ballots to dismissing verified cases of ballot harvesting and vote buying to inventing them in boxes delivered long after they could legally count (and counting them), Democrats are the party of “stolen election,” and it cannot be denied. But it’s not stealing to them, so their conscience is clear.

For them, this is what is necessary to protect “the democracy,” and to them, Democracy is mob rule.” ‘[T]he cause,’ the ideology of the left in all of its romantically dishonest Marxist overtones — which the wretched public was about to mess up,” is always messing up.

And I know that I have not delivered to you a dagger of a narrative that could drive home the point, so perhaps I should lean on a previous point and hope you can walk away from this raw material with a tool of your own making.

Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy.


Elections have been tampered with and rigged since the idea of voting first occurred. The pursuit of power by people most likely to abuse it are more often than not those most drawn to it – which guarantees tampering.

Elections are also – even if rigged – a barrier to the progressive agenda. Central planning is inequitable, incompetent, frequently cruel, and destined to devolve into some form of despotism, but that’s what they are after. So when the Left insists that talk about election integrity is little more than wide-eyed conspiracy, what they mean is to thank you for invalidating the institution.


If they can get you to give up voting, they won’t have to steal elections anymore. Their side shows up in person or on paper, and with nothing to stop them, they will use the power to end elections that are anything other than lip service to the one-party state.

While no political system is perfect, we know how that one ends, and while we’ve few options, one thing we can do is vote for every seat and every race and not one of them for Democrats.



HT | American Thinker

The post To Dems ‘Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So What’s in Your Child’s Public School Library? I Didn’t Know, So I Did a Right to Know.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-01 16:30 +0000

“Right to knows” are like a Lay’s potato chip; you just can’t eat just one or send only one. So, I sent more than one, more than a few.  And more to come, but here was a first effort. Here was the “payload” (minus the normal boilerplate):

This request is for the Berlin/SAU 3 S

chool District library “card catalog”. This is for any and all books located in the following:

  • District-wide “main” library
    Each school within the District’s “main” library
    If a school has multiple “main” libraries (such as Brockton High, Brockton, MA)
    All classrooms with cataloged books that are tracked by the District.

The information for each Responsive Record shall include:

  • Name of the book
    Name of the Author(s)
    Content Summary
    ISBN identification (or other such designated ID)
    Name of the School
    If a School has multiple libraries, a designation of which library is being referenced (in the case of Brockton High, the five libraries: Red, Azure/Blue, Green, Yellow, and the Science libraries)
    Name/designation of the Classroom within a School

I’ll tell you about the others later (so far, 15 school districts) and it’s not too pretty.

I also know that a whole bunch of folks that normally don’t read GraniteGrok are about to find out as well and they aren’t going to be happy at all in a coupla/few days. They all voted against upholding Parental Rights last year. It’s almost like they agree that Public Schools should be able to override what Parents are trying to teach their children at home with respect to morality…and more.

I certainly don’t want that for mine.

The Berlin School District was an “interesting” case which is why I am using “the payload” from its RTK. I finally did get the card catalog contents for their schools but it took a bit. Turned out to be rather amusing from my perspective but that tale will be posted a bit later on in its recounting.

The important bit: Shouldn’t our elected and appointed officials be held accountable? Shouldn’t they hold themselves to be responsible to We The People? But why do some of our representatives, and the bureaucrats that work for them, go to great length, spending taxpayer dollars, in using lawyers to hide stuff from Parents?

That will continue until we all start telling them, in no uncertain terms, that “We pay your salaries and we put your butts into those seats. We don’t work for you”.

Note: IF you have a hankering / interest to see what’s in your child’s public school library, I can post the entire RTK here and you can adapt it as needed. Just let me know in the comments.

I’d be glad to have your help. You see, I have plans for this information…and the more I get, the better we Parents will be.  And our children.

Second Note: the mention of Brockton High.  That would be Brockton, MA where I grew up. I was in the first Class that entered into the new Brockton High school in 1970 and graduated in 1974.  Half mile long from the Gym building through the “Academic” buildings ending at the Fine Arts building, there were 5600 kids that attended. While it was better equipped than some smaller nearby colleges, it had five libraries – one each in the four Academic buildings and one central Science library.  That’s the reason why I mentioned it in “the payload” because I do not know how the various Districts, especially the larger ones, organize their collections. Thus, it made for a good example.

The post So What’s in Your Child’s Public School Library? I Didn’t Know, So I Did a Right to Know. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

October Surprise

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-11-01 15:00 +0000

Surprise, surprise – we Republicans are all to blame. A white supremacist MAGA supporter invaded the San Francisco home of Nancy and Paul Pelosi and cracked Paul’s head with a hammer. “Yeah, no”!

Related: Paul Pelosi Hammered by a Three-Armed Nude Jehovah Riding an Invisible Unicorn

This is just all too good as the Left’s media stooges are trying to spin a “fairy tail” (pun intended) where this skivvies-clad assailant is said to have wandered through San Francisco to (Fort Pelosi), gained entry without arousing any concerns and then, and then? This is where things get weird, confusing, and somehow just not very believable. After wrestling with the “intruder,” Paul called a “time out” to go to the bathroom to pee. Inside the bathroom, he calls the police saying the invader is David, a “friend”?

Was Paul confused from an already cracked scull, or did that come after the call to the police? Then we learn of the “third man”; where did this guy come from? Okay, it was after three in the morning,  and all were in their undies, and why was David asking where Nancy was? Proof positive of an assassination plot?

Now I don’t know, but there has to have been someone who suspects something is a bit queer about all this? Despite the usually helpful media spin, people are shaking their heads in confusion, if not disbelief, that it all sounds like a frantic made-up cover-up story (like the drunk driver telling the cops the car brakes failed after running over a little old lady in the crosswalk.) And we are all expected to believe all this?

I’m betting the cops aren’t through investigating this yet, but we’re not likely to ever get a straight story from the Leftist-friendly media. I also am betting most people have that “are you kidding me” look on their faces when hearing and reading this stuff. Goes to prove they can make this stuff up.

Add this “surprise” to the already disaster that is the Democratic Party burdened with Biden’s failures and lies being exposed on the “new” Twitter, and things are not looking good for them. Yeah, Nancy would, in truth, be very wise to retire before things get even worse.

And I’m betting they will.


The post October Surprise appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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