The Manchester Free Press

Monday • September 16 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Democrats Can’t Tell The Truth

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 19:30 +0000

Just two years ago, at the end of the Trump Administration, we were not only totally energy sufficient, but the US was an energy exporter. While campaigning, Biden promised to slowly phase out our use of fossil fuels.

We want to thank David Strang for this Op-Ed. Submit yours to

Once elected, he then immediately canceled the Keystone pipeline, fracking was cut back, and new leases for oil drilling on Federal land virtually disappeared. The result was that gas prices doubled, NH electric rates (heavily dependent on natural gas) doubled, and costs for home heating oil skyrocketed. Because most of our food is trucked in on diesel trucks, food costs have exploded too.

Biden’s response has been to release the emergency oil stores to keep gas prices down. This is the country’s reserve and should only be used in an emergency such as war. What’s the emergency? The Dems are about to get creamed in the election!

So Biden puts politics over national security. Now the Saudis have disclosed that Biden pressured them not to cut oil production until after the November election. So eager to get us all on electricity (which we don’t have the grid to support), the Dems are responsible for the greatest inflation rate in over 40 years.

Rush Limbaugh was right. The Dems have to lie in order to get elected. If they told you what they really wanted to do, no one would vote for them.

Save America November 8th. Vote Republican!

The post Democrats Can’t Tell The Truth appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Housekeeping: If you Tried to Use the PayPal Donate Ad and Got a Page Does Not Exist Error …

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 18:40 +0000

First, thank you to everyone who subscribes or donates (monthly or one-off). We appreciate the support even when it doesn’t work the way it should. We’ve had some issues with links to our PayPal donation page, and I believe these are now working.

At the top of every page, there is a donate link.



It takes you to a landing page from which you can get to the actual PayPal donation page. We are, by the way, looking at other payment processors (it’s just a question of hours in the day). And that link in the header works, but I wanted to add them ino a sidebar ad down page.

So, I did.




We’ve had problems with these. A few folks have alerted me via email to page missing or not found issues when they click it. In every instance, it was corrected when I updated the link to the PayPal page until it didn’t, so “I’ve fixed it good” (I think).

If you have or at any time want to donate or subscribe to help us “keep the lights on,” you should be able to use either and find yourself on the landing page – one click away from the payment portal.

I tested it. It worked.

With any luck, it will stay fixed. If not, please email me, and I’ll take another look.

And thanks again for reading and supporting!


The post Housekeeping: If you Tried to Use the PayPal Donate Ad and Got a Page Does Not Exist Error … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Must Repent for Spilling Innocent Blood

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 18:00 +0000

As the abortion debate rages following Roe v. Wade’s demise in anticipation of changes to state laws, I want to call on all of you who ostensibly call yourselves Christian or Jewish to consider some of the finer implications of the laws of God, which matter more than anything else. In short: where innocent blood is spilled, judgment is coming.

We want to thank Andrew J. Manuse for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

It is high time for the “people of the Book” to tear down the shroud of cultural death suffocating all of us and cast off the darkness of abortion in all its forms. It is time for us to rebuke abortion advocates—no longer tolerating them—with humility and repentance, for in our silence, we too have become complicit in this heinous evil that is staining our land with the blood of our own children. It’s also time to shine some light on the powerful industries—hungry for innocent blood—that are fueling this debate.

All of us, whether or not we have been involved in the practice of abortion, need to get down on our knees and ask for God’s mercy. If we do not do this, the Lord will bring total destruction on this land. At this point, He might, anyway. Only those who are truly faithful to God in all their ways have any chance of being delivered out of a time like this. The lukewarm will be spit right out of His mouth.

Overturning Roe v. Wade was simply not enough! It’s time to outlaw the brutal and evil practice of abortion everywhere and get our minds and hearts right with the Lord. Only when the people of the Lord turn to Him in repentance is there any chance for our land to be healed of the judgments that have come upon it, as so many of us have noted from 2 Chronicles 7:14.

In so many places, Scripture talks about women passing their children through the fire as part of ancient pagan festivals that appealed to “the gods” for a more productive harvest. How is this different from the woman today who are persuaded to abort their children to benefit their “future” or their “careers” or some other related excuse used to justify what is unequivocally a selfish and unnecessary decision when the truth is that children are “a heritage from the Lord,” and “the fruit of the womb a reward,” according to Psalm 127:3? Offering children to married couples who want them, but can’t reproduce, is a better alternative.

Sexual promiscuity is the source of temptation for most people who end the life of their own children. The problem of abortion stems from an unwillingness from so many in society to turn toward God and turn away from sin. Sin leads to death in so many ways, but there is life for those who repent, turn toward Jesus, and “go and sin no more.” We know that marriage, reserved for one man and one woman according to Genesis 2:24, is the stable construct wherein human sexuality is a blessing for strengthening the bonds of society’s foundation and multiplying our future generations. Jesus even notes how “two become one flesh” upon the sexual union, and “what God has joined, let no man separate.” More than this, in a Godly society, we are called to put off “sexual immorality” first, according to Acts 15:20. That means our focus ought to be on strengthening the family and putting it first in society. Divorce ought not be an option for a moral people.

While sexual sin is certainly contributory to the problem of abortion, covetousness also plays a significant role. For the abortion industry in America, the legality of abortion is about creating a natural resource for novel approaches to manufacturing—from pharmaceuticals to food additives and even skin care products. We know from our debate about the COVID-19 vaccine, for instance, that aborted fetal cells were used in the process of making the vaccine. This is among the reasons so many chose not to inject themselves. Thinking they were being smart, many commentators pointed out how “anti-vaxxers” would have to avoid a long list of other drugs and even food products, because aborted fetal cells were also used in their development. In a horrifying way, the industry revealed its own heart of darkness with those arguments. Now we know that the abortion industry is a supplier of a new “natural” and “renewable resource” for so many end products that have become a part of our daily lives.

In an interview with the magazine, “Crisis Point,” Bioethicist Dr. Stacey Transancos said: “There’s a whole industry that has grown up on the other side of abortion. It’s supply and demand, it’s giving more reasons to do abortion, to use the bodies of these tiny children as, honestly, gold standard lab rats, because they’re better than rats or mice or monkeys. It’s a little tiny human body.” These fetal cell lines Transancos refers to aren’t just used for pharmaceutical research, though. Consider a statement by the skin-care company Neocutis: “A small biopsy of fetal skin was donated following a one-time medical termination and a dedicated cell bank was established for developing new skin treatments.” Does it comfort you that it’s only the replicated cells of an aborted human being that women are putting on their skin to make it look better? People are literally bathing in the innocent blood of murdered human beings to improve their appearance. Vanity doesn’t scratch the surface of the problem here. This horrifying admission is notwithstanding reports of mice, monkeys and other creatures being genetically altered to grow human tissue for research and development of products that we ingest or apply to our bodies. We are living in the “Age of Noah.”

Notwithstanding the more thorough investigation into all of this that is needed, it’s important to take a step back and recognize that “spilling innocent blood” is something God says that He hates repeatedly in Scripture. King Manasseh’s story in 2 Kings 21 is perhaps the most odious. Among several sins listed, God says the king of Judah “shed very much innocent blood, till he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another.” Even though he later repented of this sin, God said this was the very reason he brought judgment on Judah. In 2 Kings 24:3-4, God makes it clear that He brought Judah into captivity at the hands of the Babylonians “because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done, and also because of the innocent blood that he had shed; for he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, which the Lord would not pardon.” Make a note of those last words.

Sure, that was Judah and we’re in America, but to take away any reassurance this gives you, consider Ezekiel 14, where the Lord says that when “a land” sins against Him by “persistent unfaithfulness,” he will bring judgment upon that land; namely, pestilence (disease), the sword (war), famine (lack of food and water), and the wild beasts of the earth (government oppression). That’s any land, as the context of the chapter makes clear. It should not be lost on us that we have experienced the start of this judgment in America, and we can expect more to come on account of our culture’s acceptance of the innocent blood that has been shed to benefit the prosperity of our young men and women and the several industries that are now dependent on this “renewable resource.” 

How many are aware of all of this and still accept the argument that it’s better to take advantage of this “innocent blood” that was shed than allow these lives to be “wasted?” Friends, these lives have already been wasted, and now our culture offers them up as sacrifices to our idols of wealth, health, beauty and power. The Apostle Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 10:21 that we have a choice to make, because “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons.” Lest the metaphor be lost on you, allow me to make this clear: You can’t benefit from abortion in any way shape or form and consider yourself to be a man or woman of God saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. God does not tolerate the double minded.

The apostle James writes in James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” What greater orphan is there than the unborn child who is unwanted by his mother or father, and what greater affliction do they face than the implements of death that abortionists use to literally tear them limb from limb? What is more worldly than using aborted fetal tissue to make us allegedly healthier or more beautiful? Isaiah tells us in 1:17: “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless…” God in His Holy habitation looks down upon the fatherless, we read in Psalm 68:5. If anyone out there thinks that God overlooks any of this, God’s Word makes it very clear that He does not, and He will not overlook any of us standing by silent, either. It’s time for this abomination to end, and for that to happen, we need all Godly men and women to stand up and say, “No more!”

Andrew J. Manuse is pastor of First Fruits Ministries, a Judeo-Christian Messianic Ministry based out of Derry, N.H. First Fruits Ministries is an affiliate of Corner Fringe Ministries of Coon Rapids, MN.

The post We Must Repent for Spilling Innocent Blood appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NRSC Ponies Up New One Million Dollar Ad Buy for Bolduc in Run-Up to Nov 8

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 16:30 +0000

Tis the season for campaign ads and endless phone calls (and texts), and thank the Lord for call screening. Imagine the frustration if we didn’t have it? Hello…Arrrgh! As for ads, my mute button is getting more action than a Coyote on the US Southern border. Mute. Mute. Mute. But TV ads are essential. Without them, you probably lose.

They also tell you things about what incumbents fear. The truth appears to be the Left’s midterm boogeyman. Almost everyone worries about their rapidly backsliding lifestyle, while Dems want to ensure we can kill babies at birth. And that’s not even a disconnect to them. We’ve also got the Dems fake “we care about the economy,” but not enough to mention how sh!tty it’s been since they took over in 2020.

They say I’m for small businesses, except for the trillions in spending and debt that made running a business nearly impossible today or any day after it. Oh, and the taxes, regulations, and energy policy are driving up operating costs. I’m your small business champion.

Not so much.

If you are an independent and want confirmation of how helpful the past few years have been under Democrat rule, survey your local small business owners if you have any left.

On the Republican side, the ads always suck. That’s my opinion, and maybe I’m a “tough room.” After all, I write headlines like, “For Democrats “Abortion” is about Protecting the Right to Kill Newborns,” and maybe that doesn’t play well on the Independent voter’s idiot box. But good or bad, you need to be up on TV, name recognition, and all that, and it’s never enough.

So, folks got bent when Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund (SLF) backed out of a 5.6 million ad buy in support of Don Bolduc. The election is days away. Ad remorse or not, Hassan and her dark money third-party hooligans will be in your face until November 8th. That should not go unanswered.

NRSC Chairman Rick Scott agrees. He has stepped up to fill some of that void.


“Our polling, along with recent public polling, shows that this race is in the margin of error and winnable. The NRSC is proud to stand with General Bolduc. We’re going to win this race so Don Bolduc can bring real leadership back to this Senate seat,” NRSC chairman Rick Scott of Florida told Axios.


The NRSC committed a million dollars in the closing days and could add more, but there’s not much room left to stuff with ads, and the NRSC already spent 3 million (a bit more than the Left spent supporting Bolduc in the primary). Dems think Bolduc is easier for Hassan to beat, and if you have not seen what that looks like, it’s his stance on life. He’s unabashedly pro-life, and Democrats like to kill babies, so they’ve poured millions into claiming he’s dangerous to women’s health rights when most of their abortion mills only offer contraception, and when that fails, abortions.

Nothing else about women’s bodies (whatever those are) matters to Democrats – ask the women who are still suffering the side effects of their “vaccine” campaign that can’t get them on the phone.

Abortion, abortion, abortion!

Since SCOTUS overturned Roe, radical progs have been attacking pregnancy crisis centers almost as hard as Bolduc, many of which provide the services the Left claims for Planned Parenthood. So, not much different than their we love small business campaign ads. Smoke, mirrors, and the scent of manure. A stench we won’t be able to escape or afford if Democrats continue to control anything.

And maybe McConnell and the SLF, which had already spent 16 million in New Hampshire before he threw in the towel, will have a change of heart and drop a few dimes in the closing moments of this fight, and I’ve got mixed feelings. The more he spends, the more obedience he’d expect when Bolduc wins.

That means you have two jobs now. Elect him despite Mcconnell’s bail, and then keep him from becoming a swamp creature.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Are the Duties of a President? What Qualities Are Needed?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 15:00 +0000

I heard today that Marjorie Greene (R-GA) has put herself forward as a possible VP candidate in 2024. She will be 50 that year. Maybe she should also consider the presidency. Let me say something about three possible candidates — Rand Paul, Marjorie Greene, and Robert Kennedy Jr, — and then inquire about what talents we should be looking for.

Rand Paul was born in 1963 and was first elected US senator from Kentucky at age 47. He has tried thrice for the White House job. Rand (Randal) has been married to Kelly since 1991, and they have three sons. He is the son of a much-loved former Congressman, Ron Paul, an obstetrician. Rand himself is an eye doctor, and we have seen him grilling the head of the National Institute for Allergies and infectious Diseases, the perfidious Dr Fauci.

When I ran for Congress this year in NH, I said on my website ( that, legislatively, I would be a clone of Rand Paul. He is a fiscal conservative, is anti-war, and does not deviate from the US Constitution. He once filibustered for 13 hours against the nomination of a CIA director who approves of killing Americans by way of drones.

Marjorie Greene, the mother of three, was born in 1974. She campaigned several times for Congress and finally got in on January 3, 2021, three days before the “Insurrection.” She is pro-gun, anti-abortion, and fears no one. She accrued $48,000 in fines for disobeying the rule that the unvaccinated must wear a mask in the House. In earlier years, Marjorie was a writer for conspiracy websites and has spoken against Hillary Clinton re Pizza-gate. She doubts that a plane hit the Pentagon.

In her short time on the job, Greene took many proper actions: she filed impeachment proceedings against President Biden the day after his inauguration (this died on the vine as she had no co-sponsor); she made a challenge during the vote count on January 7 against the Electoral ballots from Michigan; she called for the expulsion of a fellow member of the House, and she sponsored a “Fire Fauci Act” which got 20 co-sponsors. I have called Marjorie’s actions “proper” in that they make correct use of available law.

Robert F Kennedy Jr was born in 1954, one of eleven children of Ethel and Bobby Kennedy. His father, who was first a senator and then a US Attorney General for his brother JFK, was a candidate for president in 1968 but was murdered after he won the California primary. RFK, Jr is an attorney who has mainly dealt with environmental law, trying to un-pollute the Hudson River, and then founded Children’s Health Defense.

I followed Kennedy’s heartfelt work on autism for years. He correctly claimed that there was too much mercury in babies’ vaccines. I have been disappointed that he did not speak even more strongly, but now he has made up for it with his book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.” He also agreed that Sirhan Sirhan should be released — after 50 years — for Pater’s assassination (but failed to say that Sirhan was an obvious patsy).

So there you have it — three persons who do speak out, of whom Greene has the biggest mouth. (She’s almost a clone of me in terms of conspiracy theory.)

“What Does Your President Do?”

The job of a US president is laid out in Article II of the Constitution. If you read the discussions that went on when the parchment was being drafted in 1787 (Madison kept good notes of what everybody said), you will see that the plan was to have a not-very-powerful executive. This is partly seen in the so-called Necessary and Proper clause, at Article I, sec 8, clause 18, which gives Congress sole authority to make laws. And Congress can impeach the chief. “Bye, Chief.”

The president is head of state for all dealings with foreign powers. He/she can sign treaties but then must submit it to the Senate for ratification. She/he is Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces during war — if Congress declares a war. Really, it’s not much of a job. But depending on the personality and background of the person, the job can grow in different ways.

As far as I’ve observed, no president gets excited about the phrase “He shall take care that the laws are faithfully executed.” Via the prosecutors in the Department of Justice he/she could really crack down on such things as treason, genocide, and obstruction of justice, but this does not happen. And all presidents have had the chance to discuss matters with the public, but they seldom do.

How Does a President Get Elected?

The choosing of a president is meant to be done by Electors in each state. The great Party conventions in the summer of presidential elections years, and the voting at November polls, are merely decorative. I mean they are not part of the Constitution.

If the Framers wishes were carried out, the Electors would do some serious head hunting for the best candidates. I can only say that this never happened because Party politics intervened, and for the last century at least, Big Media took over. I guess it’s more or less correct to say that presenting two candidates for public choice is a game or a circus. It takes away from people dealing with crucial issues. You have to fit everything into pre-determined categories.

Who’s Got What It Takes?

Each American may have a personal preference as to the qualities of a good president. I have already displayed mine by picking out the three persons above, and by emphasizing, approvingly, their attention to the vaccination problem. Also, me being me would insist that the man or woman be of good character — honest, principled, and courageous. I think we should leave their sexual history out of it — as I think we should never delve into anyone’s sexual history. (And no recording of presidential conversations, Mr Woodward, thank you.)

My late husband, a doctor, frequently had to hire personnel for his academic department, or for the hospital. He used to make two piles from the job applications — the ones who had enough discipline to answer the questions efficiently, versus the others. Then, from the efficient pile, he looked for applicants who had accomplished something in life. It could have been completely outside the medical field. “If you’re competent at one thing, you can be competent at another.”

I mention that approach, to indicate that what you read on is strictly “politics.” Did she get more than 40% in the primary? Did he choose the right slogan? How many members of the existing legislature have endorsed her? Is the other Party putting up money to smear him? We can do much better than that.

Scanning the Horizon

There is no reason to try to pick a president from persons already holding lesser offices. And it does not have to be someone who has already thrown her hat in the ring — your organization can go out and recruit any desirable-appearing candidate. Most people ae scared to run for office, and are too modest to declare themselves worthy. But they are very likely to respond to an invitation!

There is nothing in the Constitution that forbids sortition. I am referring to a method suggested in ancient Greece by Ari himself. Anyone interested in being a political leader can put his name in a basket of names and may get picked by luck. (Then their state’s electors would have to OK it.)

In the US we are limited to native-born presidents. Right now, I’d go out and recruit Archbishop Carlo Vigano, age 80, who certainly has his act together (anti-vax, you know). He was the papal nuncio in New York, but he was born in Italy. Too bad.

Don’t worry, though. There are tens of millions of others who meet the constitutional qualifications: age 35 and up, born here, and resident in US for 14 years.

How about you?

The post What Are the Duties of a President? What Qualities Are Needed? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Recession is Successive Quarters of Republican Lead Economic Decline, Not Democrat

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 13:30 +0000

We’ve been in a recession for most of the year, and voters know it. Recent polls show the economy as the only issue that genuinely matters. Democrats, despite focusing on fringe issues like abortion up to birth, know it too. Why else pretend we’re not in a recession?

Related: Wikipedia Locks Page Edits after it Changes the Definition of “Recession.”

If the economy didn’t matter, they’d be like, ‘yeah, we’re there, but it’s not our fault.’ I know; they’ve said that, too, especially the rank-and-file believers. For them, progressivism is a faith-based system with no revealed text. You don’t have to see it work. It just does. And examples of it not working are just noise from unbelievers. That’s why it is so impressive when a boots-on-the-ground Democrat has a Road to Damascus Moment. Something unbelievable must happen to break them free.

Higher up the food-shortage chain, where other people’s money is no object, the political elite have a different experience. These Pharisees of the Liberal Left can see recession in the goat entrails, but it is he who shall not be named. And it is their job to comfort their base. They do this by redefining reality out from under anyone who will listen or by beating it into people who won’t.

“This is not the recession you are looking for.”

A recession used to be two consecutive quarters of negative GDP. Today it is whatever Democrats need it to be to retain a hold on power. It is an essential lesson for the folks who don’t typically pay much attention to politics until, like a magic trick, the Dems make half of their hard-earned dollars disappear.

Democrats did that, and they’d do anything to avoid talking about it or taking the blame because they’ve only just begun.



  • More than 90 percent of voters are worried about the U.S. economy and inflation.
  • Seventy-one percent of voters are “very concerned” with inflation.
  • More than 80 percent told Politico that the economy would play a significant role in deciding who to vote for
  • About 75 percent of Democrats and 90 percent of Republicans said it would play a major factor in their decision-making process come November.
  •  Seventy percent of voters believe the United States is heading down the wrong track.


There are two elephants in this room. One of them is the economic blight eating away at the lifestyles of everyday Americans. The other is Republicans claiming they will – at the very least – try to slow or stop the decline.

A decline that, if they take any majority anywhere, will be “their fault.”



HT | Epoch Times

The post A Recession is Successive Quarters of Republican Lead Economic Decline, Not Democrat appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Kids Could Download “Porn” from the Public Library Without their Parents Knowing?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 12:00 +0000

Dear Selectmen,

Have you browsed in the Dudley Tucker Library lately? I encourage you to do so. There is porn and/ or graphic sexual description in the YA section.

We want to thank Julie Laughner for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to

Some examples include Gender Queer, The Gentlemen’s Guide to Getting Lucky, and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.

That last book is downloadable as either an ebook or an audiobook. The Director of our library said that kids could get downloadable books without their parents knowing.

This is what one parent said about Me and Earl and the Dying Girl [Editor’s note: Video link in the original letter but not the embed.]

[Language warning – sexually explicit.]

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v1mbiwv","div":"rumble_v1mbiwv"});

Many of the books have a clear agenda. Many of the new books are about sex, gender, or race.

Many of them are dark and traumatic. I don’t want to pay for books that damage people.

Some examples of traumatic themes:

The summer of bitter and sweet (YA FER).

Everybody looking (YA ILO)/

Kill my Mother series, Graphic novels (“we” bought 3 of this series this year).

#1 The title, “Kill My Mother,” has about as much subtlety as a migraine. But Jules Feiffer isn’t going for subtlety in this, his first graphic novel. Instead he’s going for ricocheting bullets, imploding nuclear families, knuckle sandwiches, booze, broads’s, and paranoia gone ballistic.

Some of the books promote alcohol use. This goes directly against what Raymond Coalition for Youth teaches.

This is all Young Adult. But it doesn’t stop there. For adults, there are 3 parenting books about how to teach your children how to be anti-racist. If you don’t know, anti-racist is code for anti-white. These types of books promote division, not unity. This is not what Raymond represents.



We too: Essays on sex work and survival, with a foreword by Selena the Stripper.

No more police: a case for abolition.

You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey (791.4502 RUF). This book has a chapter called White Church: The Worst Place on Earth.

Colorization (791.43 HAY). “It seemed as if blacks had yet one more enemy: cinema”


My understanding is that many of the titles are chosen based on reviews by the American Library Association.

They are completely woke and bought for that very reason. This is not a case of censorship or book banning. This is a case of a library employee taking taxpayer money and buying questionable material.

Why are we trying to sexualize and depress our kids? Aren’t they suffering enough already? These books could be Interlibrary loaned if someone wants them. They don’t need to be banned, yet our library doesn’t need to support these authors.

Go to the library and browse for 15 minutes, and you will see what I mean. A group of us went to the library meeting on Thursday to get answers. It was taped, but I don’t see it yet on RCTV. I propose that the library budget by severely cut until there is more equity in the choosing of the titles.

Thank you for your time.


The post So, Kids Could Download “Porn” from the Public Library Without their Parents Knowing? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Northeast Home Heating Assistance: Ask for Small Bills, You May Need to Burn the Money to Keep Warm

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 10:30 +0000

State governments around the Northeast find themselves in a ditch they dug themselves. Winter is coming, energy prices are out of sight, and they are looking to appease the peeps with home heating handouts, but they should insist on only small bills. They may have to burn that money to keep warm.


The US Northeast is so short on heating oil that the fuel used to power home furnaces is being rationed even before the start of winter.

Some wholesalers in Connecticut are putting retailers on allocation, meaning they can only get a limited amount of fuel based on availability, according to Chris Herb, president of the Connecticut Energy Marketers Association, which represents around 600 family-owned retailers in the state. These retailers must in turn ration their customers.


Talk about the old dirt road. How many times have we talked about this issue over how many years? To no avail, it seems. The government experts, along with the squeaky wheel environmental fascists, have ensured that we don’t have what we need. And no, you can’t burn solar panels or wind turbine parts. If you could even get them to ignite, the toxic emissions from the components would kill you.

As noted previously on these pages and in almost daily installments of words more recently, demand exceeds supply, so costs have exceeded means. It explains the knee-jerk political reaction to throw money at the problem. But you can’t buy what isn’t there. It is not a problem that can be solved with payouts, handouts, or buyouts.

And it’s not Putin’s fault. A six-month-old war is not the problem. The Northeast has deliberately embraced a reckless and ruinous approach to energy security for decades. Putin’s not blameless, but no matter what rank of assh*le he may be, Europe has the infrastructure to store supplies of oil and natural gas, of which much came from… the united states.

Think about that while you’re on the phone with the oil or gas company that can’t deliver what’s not there.

Ask yourself why the geriatric bag of bones occupying the Oval Office had to beg a foreign power to increase output (they refused) when before he took office, the US was a net exporter of oil and gas.

Putin didn’t hold a hearing to force oil companies to cut production. That was congressional Democrats.

Putin didn’t stop the sale of new oil and gas leases, nor did he sign executive orders to stop fracking in its tracks. And you can’t blame Vlad for putting the kibosh on other energy infrastructure projects or diverting trillions to green energy development that will never meet our needs, especially for heat in the places that get cold every winter.

That was all Biden and Dems. But they are not the only ones to blame. You can scroll back through our pages and find a few examples of shortsightedness about infrastructure (electric and gas) that are about to bite us on our chilly white asses. They weren’t all white, but you get the point.

There’s blame to go around, but most belongs to the political left, which should inform your decisions about who to vote for in a few weeks. Democrats have led the ruinous charge for decades, here and nationally, and if they continue to have their way, the situation we face this year will become the norm instead of the exception.



HT | PJ Media


The post Northeast Home Heating Assistance: Ask for Small Bills, You May Need to Burn the Money to Keep Warm appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Are Online Casinos So Popular Right Now?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 09:00 +0000

If you look at the last couple of years, then you will soon see that the amount of people who use online casinos has grown quite a lot. Sure, there are still gambling venues that are popping up all across the globe, but at the end of the day, you cannot beat the popularity that the online counterpart has to offer.

During the last year or so, it would be safe to assume that the popularity has greatly increased too. The amount of people who might have never thought about playing at an online casino. Have decided to give it a go because of the convenience it has to offer, especially from an entertainment standpoint.


Once upon a time, if you wanted to gamble, then you had to travel to a casino near you. For some people, this meant that they could travel across the city to a new gambling venue. For other people, who lived in a state where gambling was not allowed however, this meant that they had to spend a lot of money on travel. The great thing about online casinos in this day and age is that you do not need to worry about this at all. You can simply log on to a website, create an account, and then take advantage of online entertainment. Of course, if you do not know a lot about online casinos or if you want a reputable casino, then be sure to check out the online casino NetBet.

Interesting Bonuses

A major perk to playing at an online casino is that they offer great welcome bonuses. If you go through any trustworthy casino, then you will soon see that they serve to help new players to feel comfortable and they also want them to feel secure when using their online gambling platform too. Players often visit sites that offer various bonuses, and this can include free spins or even no deposit bonuses. You also have minimum deposit bonuses too, and this is incredible to say the least.

A Huge Selection of Games

Another huge feature that online casinos can offer, and what has helped to make them so popular is the fact that they have a huge amount of games available. Even though the gambling industry has changed a lot over the years, it is safe to say that a lot of online gaming platforms have taken to the online world and changed their company for the better. It’s safe to say that the online industry is now benefitting more than ever, and this is great to say the least. A lot of fans had the issue where visiting a venue is the only option and even if they do, they could not guarantee a seat at the table when it comes to the games available. With online, you don’t have to worry about this at all, as it is very easy for you to get the result you want without any concern at all.



The post Why Are Online Casinos So Popular Right Now? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Net-Zero Reality: There Are Not Enough Resources To Make the Batteries and Replace Them Every Ten Years

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 01:30 +0000

Net Zero has a lot of problems, not the least of which is that it’s a lie. China is choking the planet with its industrial exhaust to build all these so-called earth-saving innovations while western elites pretend they’ve done the planet earth a solid. But wait, there’s more!

Relate: How About This for a Plan: Net Zero Elected Democrats

No, I’m not referring to how we are transferring trillions in wealth to communists who hate us. It isn’t about how inefficient and incapable the progressive energy plans are of meeting even current needs. I am not revisiting the toxic waste problem presented at the end of life, either. According to research by Associate Professor Simon Michaux (for the Finnish Government), the net-Zero lie can never be.


“[I]n theory” there are enough global reserves of nickel and lithium if they are exclusively used to produce batteries for electric vehicles. But there is not enough cobalt, and more will need to be discovered.

All the new batteries have a useful working life of only 8-10 years, so replacements will need to be regularly produced.


And it is here that we uncover the Net Zero truth. After twenty years of enriching planet-polluting communists who are never giving up their fossil fuels, we’ll have ten years at best before everything shuts down. Net Zero is a western green-idealist suicide mission.

But wait, there’s more.

Related: Anyone Who Supports Net-Zero Should Be Required to Address these Concerns (And Not Just Because they Can’t)

The existing grid cannot manage this new age system we’re ramming into existence regardless of the cost to people or the planet. Most, if not all, of it, will need to be replaced. Aside from the improbability of such a feat, not just fiscally but actually, it is impossible without fossil fuels. You can’t make the metal without coal (which applies to solar panels, wind machines, the “green” cars with those batteries in them, and everything else around the battery).

Net Zero is not just impossible. It is not probable without creating a huge carbon footprint—all to force us down an impossible path.


Current expectations are that global industrial businesses will replace a complex industrial energy ecosystem that took more than a century to build. It was built with the support of the highest calorifically dense source of energy the world has ever known (oil), in cheap abundant quantities, with easily available credit and seemingly unlimited mineral resources. The replacement, he notes, needs to be done when there is comparatively very expensive energy, a fragile finance system saturated in debt and not enough minerals. Most challenging of all, it has to be done within a few decades. Based on his copious calculations, the author is of the opinion that it will not go fully “as planned”.


We do not expect the green elites with their brown underbelly to admit defeat or even acknowledge the limitations because, as our readers know, none of this has anything to do with lowering emissions or the improbability of governments improving anything but their grip on political power.

Related: Net-Zero Refers to Their Plans for Your Lifestyle, not Carbon Emissions

If collapsing the western world is what it takes, it is a risk they are willing to take at your expense, and I don’t just mean taxes and debt service.

One more point. This report is 14 months old. It is not a new or unknown problem.




The post Net-Zero Reality: There Are Not Enough Resources To Make the Batteries and Replace Them Every Ten Years appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And They Think They Can Get Away With Being “Non-partisan”?

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-10-26 00:00 +0000

A reader sent this into – think of it as a visual Op-Ed concerning how the Democrat founded, funded, and strategized Citizens for Belknap considers itself to be “apolitical” and “non-partisan”.  I’ve already done my analysis of their Voter Guide (concentrating on the House races) so the match is a bit different but this was an interesting take:

Remember, in the Primary, ONLY Republicans were targeted. Conservative Republicans that were seen as “impediments” to what some monied people wanted to do with Gunstock.  Why only Conservative Republicans? Certainly, Citizens for Gunstock knew about the Democrats that were in their Primary, right? Same place where the Republican listing was to be found: NH Secretary of State, Election Division.

Not a single mention.

Might one think that perhaps more than one Democrat would have been mentioned.  Even now with the General Election a couple of weeks away, only ONE Democrat, E. Scott Cracraft, didn’t make their grade – was he actually too Progressive for them?  Hard to believe…

Back to the “visual tally” – 17 Democrats are endorsed, 8 Rs, and 1 Republican. Certainly more than the House Republicans I concentrated on. But I can’t get a breakdown of who’s who in the Purple and Red designations – just a “virtual smile”.

But it IS clear that Democrats always prefer Democrats.  No one should have been surprised by this.

The post And They Think They Can Get Away With Being “Non-partisan”? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

States Tell the CDC to Stuff Their Kiddie School Vaxx Mandate

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 22:30 +0000

Last week the CDC’s Committee on Rubber Stamping Whatever Big Pharma Wants (the acronym for that is ACIP for some reason) voted unanimously to add The Jab to the recommended children’s vaccines list. It is a curious move that got mixed reviews.

The states that are as anxious as a pedophile on Epstein Island already have their hands up the mandate skirt (like California), and those that would “rather let parents decide” have put protections in place. And too few of the latter, if you ask me.

But nearly half The Union has outlawed COVID-19 vaccine mandates in some form or other, with more than twenty of those specifically prohibiting them as a requirement to attend school.

New Hampshire law “RSA 141-C:1-a provides that no person may be compelled to receive an immunization for COVID-19 in order to access public school districts or school administrative units.” We had confirmation from the Commissioner of Education that NH will enforced this law with the support of Governor Sununu.

Becker news listed the other twenty states that have similar restrictions. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.




Kudos to folks living there, but they are not alone. Missouri, North Dakota, and Wyoming also prohibit any proof of vaccine mandate that could also apply to schools.



The National Academy for State Health Policy has interactive maps (screengrabbed above) if you’d like to check the laws of any state you live in or plan to work in or visit. For example, twelve states and DC have state employee injection mandates.


Green = Mandated, Blue = Mandates are prohibited, Gray = no law either way


But only 14 states by law require private employers to accept exemptions from covid-19 mandates. Only Montant prohibits them for private employers.



I’d expect more than a few folks will seriously consider homeschooling if they can avoid the mandate in places inclined to embrace it. Some folks might just up and move if an employer mandate has not already inspired that change.

Whatever the reaction, as a matter of policy, the Federal government continues to factionalize the US population. People able to relocate to states that get their groove will do that. And good for them, but what about the folks who can’t? They’ve been denied a health choice in places where they have probably also (by the same gang of left-wing hooligans) have no education choice.

Kids never needed this injection, but the CDC’s Committee on Rubber Stamping Whatever big Pharma Wants (CRSWBPW) says it’s prudent, and they don’t care if it harms or kills kids in the process.

Talk about bad public health policy.


Reminder: State participation in the childhood vaccine schedule is still voluntary, but most states “volunteer.” And many vaccines are safe and useful, but if your state has not taken a stand on the COVID-19 “vaccines,” you should be building coalitions and talking to legislators about protecting the kids from mandates for this unnecessary and dangerous “injection.”



The post States Tell the CDC to Stuff Their Kiddie School Vaxx Mandate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New England Right To Work just made a HUGE mistake concerning Tim Lang (candidate for NH Senate, District 2)

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 21:00 +0000

Bonehead – didn’t do his homework. That would be McKayne Boedeker who is the Executive Director of the New England Right to Work (out of Manchester, NH). Got a missive from him and like a lot of organizations this time of year (er, election time), it came with a hand outstreched for your wallet. Sounded good, too (emphasis mine, reformatted):

October 13, 2022

Dear Friend:

Freedom, jobs, and economic prosperity are all at stake this-election year.

In New Hampshire, tens of thousands of workers are forced to pay tribute to a union boss or be fired.

That’s why I recently wrote each of your candidates for State Senate, encouraging them to support a state Right to Work law. Along with the letter, a questionnaire was sent to each and every candidate, asking them simply to tell you and me where they stand on the forced-unionism issue.

Today, I have good and bad news.

The good news is, one of your candidates for State Senate — Republican Timothy Lang — has already returned his Candidate Survey in 100% support of a state Right to Work law. Timothy Lang has staked out his position in favor of a state Right to Work law — and more freedom, jobs, and economic prosperity.

The bad news is, the other candidate, Democrat Kate Miller, has, so far, failed to pledge opposition to forced unionism.

Whenever politicians try to hide their positions on Right to Work, long, bitter experience has shown there’s reason to suspect they’ll vote with Big Labor.

That’s why Kate Miller’s failure to come clean should worry any opponent of forced unionism…

How apropos of that observations – “hiding their positions“, “failure to come clean“!  As I outlined here, both Tim Lang and Howard Pearl took money from the Common Sense PAC run by Brodie DeShaies that was almost entirely by two Union PACs to the tune of $20,000. Each of those Republican State Candidates took $5,000 of that Union money for their campaigns.  When I challenged him on the issues, he took a pass. Not a single answer – including that on how he will vote on any Right To Work bill which is a MAJOR issue for grassroots Conservatives.

And no, Douglas Lambert, asking penetrating questions of candidates is NOT harassment (since it seems he now is highly negative of anything I do – all for show).

Anyways, after that bit of a divergence, I returned to McKayne Boedeker’s lack of due diligence (or was that “hoping the rest of us hadn’t noticed yet”)?

—— Original Message ——
From: “Skip” <>
Sent: 10/21/2022 11:29:04 PM
Subject: Boy, did you guys make a HUGE mistake with your mailing!!!

Good evening,

I run, NH’s largest and most influential blogsite and I don’t think you are going to be pleased with yourselves as I did the homework you guys failed to do.

You see, you sent your mailing that was gushing ALL OVER Tim Lang, the Republican, and bashing Kate Miller, the Democrat, in NH Senate District 2, to my wife (not to me, my wife).

I read it instead. Good thing, too, as you now have egg ALL OVER your faces:

Now you get to do it ALL over again.  Basically, endorsing someone that took money from anti-RTW folks? Not a good look.

Hey, did you do the same for Howard Pearl?  He got $5,000 of Union money via Brodie Deshaies’ Common Sense PAC as well. Which was funded by two $10,000 donations from out-of-state Union PACs.

So what say you, McKayne?  I’ve already challenged Lang over this – bupkis. Perhaps you will fare better?  Lemme know what Pearl says if you’ve backed him as well.

And did you do anything for the rest of the “Lang Gang” (e.g., Bordes, O’Hara, and Trottier).  As the link shows, those NH Reps are on the union take as well.


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner |
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

So, what was the response from NERTW Executive Director Boedeker? Yeah, this:

Hopefully, dear readers, you won’t.  If someone won’t come clean on an issue, they’re either lying or hiding.  And Lang is too smart to be forgetting.

The post New England Right To Work just made a HUGE mistake concerning Tim Lang (candidate for NH Senate, District 2) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kat McGhee: Votes Against Everything In Hollis – Won’t Even Let Kids Sell Lemonade

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 19:30 +0000

Democrats nationally and regionally have consistently voted for more government control, leaving less control by individuals over their own lives. Here in NH, Democrats have a well-documented history of repeatedly and consistently voting:

Against parents’ control of their own children
• For policies that raise the cost of electricity and power in general
• For higher taxes
• For taxpayer-funded abortions up to and even after birth
• Against the second amendment right to have firearms to defend one’s family
• Against low and middle-income families choosing the education option for their children
• Against protections to ensure only NH residents vote in NH

And we have one here in Hollis. Here are some Bad votes by Kat McGhee (D-Hollis)

Parental Control

• voted AGAINST establishing the parental bill of rights (2022 HB1431, 2022 HB1431)
• voted AGAINST giving parents more information about students‘ assessments (2021 HB194)
• voted AGAINST parental choice regarding face masks (2022 HB1131)
• voted AGAINST parental choice regarding intrusive surveys (2022 HB1639)
• voted FOR restricting parental choice in determining the best educational opportunity for their children (2021 HB251)
• voted FOR subjecting students to intrusive surveys without the knowledge of parents (2019 SB196)


• voted AGAINST education choice (2021 CACR3, 2021 HB278, 2021 HB282, 2021 HB388, 2021 HB609, 2022 HB1132, 2022 HB1298)
• voted AGAINST letting parents sue if their child’s school neglects to protect students from bullying (2021 HB140)
• voted AGAINST requiring students to pass a civics test (2021 HB319, 2021 HB320)
• voted FOR repealing the education freedom account program. (2022 HB1683)
• voted FOR restricting education choice (2022 HB1120, 2022 HB1516, 2022 HB1684)

Cost of Living

• voted AGAINST prohibiting a sales tax (2021 CACR2)
• voted AGAINST prohibiting an income tax (2019 CACR12, 2021 CACR1)
• voted AGAINST reducing costs of energy (2021 HB373, 2022 HR17)
• voted AGAINST reducing electric rates (2019 HB477)
• voted AGAINST reducing electric rates by allowing more use of methane as a fuel (2019 HB157)
• voted AGAINST reducing the cost of electricity (2021 HB614)
• voted AGAINST reducing the interest & dividends tax (2019 HB185)
• voted AGAINST requiring a super-majority vote to override a property tax cap (2021 SB52)
• voted FOR creating a new tax on capital gains (2019 HB686)
• voted FOR creating an additional tax on room rentals (2019 HB641)
• voted FOR creating an income tax with rates set by an unelected bureaucrat (2019 HB712, 2019 SB1, 2020 HB712)
• voted FOR creating an income tax, and new taxes on capital gains, vaping, and sports betting; increasing business taxes (2019 HB2, 2019 HB2)
• voted FOR doubling and tripling various fees (2019 HB682)
• voted FOR higher electric rates (2020 SB124)
• voted FOR higher electric rates for most users (2019 SB165)
• voted FOR higher electricity costs (2019 SB72)
• voted FOR higher property taxes for most owners (2021 SB102)
• voted FOR increasing electricity costs by at least $30 million per year (2019 SB168)
• voted FOR increasing residential electric bills (2020 SB122)
• voted FOR increasing the cost of electricity (2019 HB715)
• voted FOR making it easier for municipalities to raise taxes (2022 HB1342)
• voted FOR raising taxes on small businesses (2019 HB623)
• voted FOR requiring state taxpayers to make up for poor investments by the Retirement Board (2022 HB1417, 2022 HB1417, 2022 HB1417, 2022 HB1417)

Election Integrity

• voted AGAINST ensuring that absentee ballots are not sent to unregistered persons (2022 HB1153)
• voted AGAINST ensuring that drivers’ licenses cannot be used by non-citizens to vote (2019 HB471)
• voted AGAINST improving the procedures for ongoing verification of the voter checklists (2021 HB285)
• voted AGAINST requesting absentee voters to verify their identity (2021 HB292)
• voted AGAINST requiring a person who registers to vote without any identification to have his or her photo taken (2021 HB523)
• voted AGAINST requiring that voters without valid photo id must provide documentation within 7 days (2022 SB418, 2022 SB418)
• voted FOR making it easier for illegal aliens to get a driver’s license (2019 HB397)
• voted FOR making it easier for non-citizens to vote (2020 HB1700)
• voted FOR making it easier for non-residents to vote in NH (2019 SB67)
• voted FOR making it easier for nonresident aliens to vote illegally (2022 HB1093)
• voted FOR making it easier for out-of-staters to vote in NH (2019 HB105, 2019 HB106)
• voted FOR making voter fraud easier by allowing anyone to vote absentee (2019 HB611)

Constitutional Rights

• voted AGAINST giving the legislature a role in declaring emergencies (2022 HB275)
• voted AGAINST prohibiting the state from mandating businesses to require vaccinations (2022 HB1495)
• voted AGAINST property rights (2021 HB402, 2022 HB414)
• voted AGAINST protecting constitutional rights during a state of emergency (2021 HB440)
• voted AGAINST protecting religious liberty during a state of emergency y (2021 HB542, 2021 HB542)
• voted AGAINST repealing a law that prohibits free speech on public property near abortion clinics (2019 HB124, 2022 HB1625, 2022 HB1625)
• voted AGAINST rights of conscience (2021 HB63)
• voted AGAINST rights of conscience for medical professionals (2022 HB1080)
• voted AGAINST rights of conscience regarding vaccination mandates (2022 HB1210, 2022 HB1379, 2022 HB1455, 2022 HB1490, 2022 HB1604)
• voted AGAINST self-defense (2019 HB208)
• voted AGAINST the right of self-defense (2021 HB197)
• voted AGAINST the right to keep and bear arms (2021 CACR8, 2021 HB195, 2021 HB196, 2021 HB307, 2021 HB334, 2021 HB334, 2021 SB141, 2021 SB141, 2021 SB154, 2022 HB1178, 2022 HB1636)
• voted FOR confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens without any due process (2019 HB696, 2019 HB696, 2020 HB1660, 2020 HB687)
• voted FOR protecting criminals by disarming law-abiding citizens on school property (2019 HB564, 2019 HB564)
• voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to endure a waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm (2019 HB514)
• voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to undergo a background check for any transfer of firearms (2019 HB109, 2020 HB1379, 2022 HB1668)
• voted FOR requiring law-abiding citizens, but not criminals, to wait 3 days before obtaining a firearm (2020 HB1101)
• voted FOR restricting property rights (2021 HB177, 2021 HB177)
• voted FOR restricting the right to keep and bear arms (2022 HB1096, 2022 HB1151)

Right to Life

• voted AGAINST collecting abortion statistics (2019 HB158)
• voted AGAINST prohibiting abortions after 24 weeks (2021 HB625, 2021 HB625)
• voted FOR weakening the right to life (2022 HB1609)


• voted AGAINST allowing schools to display “In God We Trust” and “Live Free or Die” (2021 HB69)
voted AGAINST exempting kids’ lemonade stands from licensing requirements (2021 HB183)
• voted AGAINST repealing the mandate that schools provide menstrual products (2021 HB458)
• voted AGAINST right to join or not join a union (2021 SB61)
• voted FOR allowing towns to ban plastic bags (2020 HB102)

The post Kat McGhee: Votes Against Everything In Hollis – Won’t Even Let Kids Sell Lemonade appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

England’s National Health Service: Gender Dysphoria is Probably ‘Just a Phase’ That Does Not Persist

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 18:00 +0000

The government-run health services over there in Mother England have reached a controversial conclusion. The majority of children wondering about their sex is “a “transient phase” and that [in] “most cases gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence.”

A globally recognized government agency that the American left aspires to here in the New World (the NHS) just told doctors to hold off on the scalpels for a just wee bit. 

The clinical approach has to be mindful of the risks of an inappropriate gender transition and the difficulties that the child may experience in returning to the original gender role upon entering puberty if the gender incongruence does not persist into adolescence,

Wait, there’s more (from the Daily Mail).

Professionals working with children need to reflect on that and make sure they aren’t inadvertently causing harm by providing short term relief that leads to long term distress.

“At Genspect we believe that children should be free to wear whatever clothes they want, boys should be free to run around waving fairy wands in princess dresses and girls should be free to act however they wish, yet we don’t think changing pronouns helps anyone — it creates more problems than it resolves.

The NHS had a facility to address so-called gender-health issues. It has the Orwellian name, Gender Identity Development Service. The government is shutting it down after a review ruled it unsafe. Was it the transitioning drugs killing kids, the suicides after surgeries (‘cuz it was just a phase), or something else?

It found that other mental health issues were ‘overshadowed’ in favour of gender identity treatment, prompting accusations that staff rushed children onto powerful drugs.


Don’t worry, Gender Warriors. The NHS is not giving up. There will be services. But the NHS is asking doctors to be considerate, start with a friendly chat here and there (therapy), and hold off on state-sanctioned chemical castration or mutilation (my words). Those who still exhibit gender dysphoria after puberty might need more invasive care and should be evaluated then.

So, what have we learned? Incredibly woke England has taken a step back from the cliff, so to speak. They don’t advise the grooming that’s taken hold here in the States. That using a preferred pronoun is not beneficial. That chemical or surgical transition could do more harm than good.

It’s almost as if they are more concerned for the child’s well-being and future citizens than some partisan political agenda.

What’s gotten into them because we could use it around here?



The post England’s National Health Service: Gender Dysphoria is Probably ‘Just a Phase’ That Does Not Persist appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Best Dissertation Writing Services in 2022

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 17:23 +0000

Custom writing services can be very useful when writing a thesis. Many highly rated services provide various writing and editing services. Some are more reputable than others, so it is important to do your research before choosing a company to work with for your thesis.

What are the advantages of hiring a dissertation writing service?

One of the main advantages of dissertation writing services is that they guarantee a plagiarism-free paper.

If you are trying to get an advanced degree, you may have to manage your studies and support your family, which can create huge pressure. Using a writing service provides a way to cope with the stress of writing a dissertation. Writing services often have exceptional writers who can write on a variety of topics.

What do you look for when you hire a dissertation writing service?

You should consider various factors when hiring an essay writing service. You want to make sure that you can hire a quality writer who is a native English speaker. The writer also needs an academic background to understand the rigorous requirements of academic writing. They need to know how to research and find valid points to support their arguments. Referencing is an important part of academic writing; he or she must know how to cite sources accurately.

Pricing and customer support are other factors to consider if you want to get your money’s worth. Other issues are privacy, meeting deadlines, and originality. Below is a top dissertation writing service ranking to help you decide if you need help with your thesis or dissertation.Let’s take a look at good services that will help you make your dissertation the best.

Bidforwriting is a service that students can rely on for even the most challenging dissertations. The Bidforwriting reviews rate it as the best dissertation writing service. Writers and Qualifications: professional research papers writers are native English speakers with academic dissertation writing skills. Privacy Bidforwriting promises that private information will remain confidential.

Order process: all you need to do is register, fill in the form, upload the requirements and choose a deadline.

Pricing: This site works with a bidding system, so prices will vary depending on complexity, urgency, etc. Includes a convenient price calculator.

Refunds: students can request a full or partial refund if they offer proof of poor quality or failure to follow instructions. A support representative will review the case and refund the money if the claim is legitimate.

Deadlines: writers pay attention to details and deadlines.

Customer Service: The customer support team is patient and courteous. Even if you are not registered on the site, you can ask questions and get answers in the online chat.

Plagiarism: Work is checked using plagiarism checkers to ensure it is original.

Editius is a reputable writing service that earned an excellent rating of 5/2022 in a 4.8 review on Essay Review Expert. It offers a large selection of free sample essays that can guide you in writing a similar essay or dissertation. Privacy Policy Private information remains confidential on the site and they do not ask for more information than they need to process the order. Payment is also safe and secure and is offered via credit card, PayPal, and Visa.

Writers and Qualifications: Once you start browsing essay topics, a banner pops up asking if you want to order a completely original essay from a professional writer. Their profiles are available on the website with samples of their work and reviews.

Order process: You can register on the site using your email address or Facebook account. You will fill out a form about what type of essay you need, the topic, the number of pages, and the deadline. You can attach the citation material that you mention in the thesis. The platform will then suggest suitable authors. There is an option to chat with the writers before you commit to one.

Pricing and Refunds: The prices are reasonable and the service is well worth the money. You then deposit the funds, which are frozen until you accept the paper. If you are not satisfied, you can get a refund if you provide proof of poor quality.

Deadlines: The writers respect deadlines and you get your order with enough time to make any changes if necessary.

Customer service: Getting real human operators can take a while because AI will help you in the beginning, but the service is 24/7 and you will get a response. Writers also work around the clock.

Plagiarism: Editius writers provide original work that passes Turnitin.

Essay professional writers offer Onlineessaywriter paper writing reviews and state that it offers extensive services and you can even choose a citation style from a comprehensive list. Writers and qualifications: professional writers have higher education and understand the requirements of dissertation writing. According to reviews, experience in dealing with writers can vary; some are better than others. Privacy Policy This site guarantees the confidentiality of personal information.

Ordering process: The ordering process is quick and simple.

Prices: You get 15% off your first order and 20% off if you are a regular customer.

Refunds: It has a refund policy, and if you don’t get your paper on time, you can get a partial refund.

Deadlines: the site promises that authors will meet deadlines, and while some reviews confirm this, others mention that submissions were late.

Customer Service: This platform has a 24/7 customer service system. According to some reviews, the service can be slow.

Plagiarism: Quality assurance tests confirm the accuracy and originality of the content and a free PDF plagiarism report will be sent to your email address.


Anyone can order a dissertation from an essay writing service without any negative legal consequences. Choosing price over quality can backfire, so you should choose a platform with high-quality writers and a money-back guarantee. The above three services are legitimate companies that offer value for money.

Awesome, I hope this article answered your question!


The post Best Dissertation Writing Services in 2022 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Almost certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.  We’ll see.

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Yes, they want civil war.  They want a pretext to declare martial law.  Here’s the problem, as noted here:

If we can’t eject these bastards electorally, there will be mass death. If we refuse to fight, thousands of Americans will freeze to death or die of diseases exacerbated by the cold. If we rise up, thousands will die in combat: Usurpers, their hangers-on, and patriots who’ve put their lives on the line because they’ve had enough. There’ll be mass death one way or another. All that will remain to us is to choose who will die and by what method.

I truly fear it is not a fight or not fight situation… but merely a choose your time and place situation.  Got ammo?  Got bullet resistant gear?  (I own several from here.)



Local, baby, local.

No, I don’t want this.  No, I’m not looking forward to it.  I just want to be left alone, as so many on our side want.  But it boils down to this, their arrogance:









Amen.  From the highest to the smallest.

Personally, and just MHO, I want beheadings.  I want forests of heads on pikes permanently mounted in every city and town and village, left to rot until the sun gleams white on the skulls as a lesson to the next ten generations of Socialists / Communists / Globalists as a deterrent.  Rant above inspired by:










I also vote for the toast.

I remember a liberal blogger who wrote a panicked piece, during Trump’s time in office, about how the aspartame in Trump’s Diet Coke could lead to dementia and how this required a pre-emptive 25th Amendment removal.  Now, now, now!  And now with the Potato clearly and actually addled, nothing.

If they didn’t have double-standards they wouldn’t have any.








Wait until they learn that their immune system has been razed and that they need quarterly or even bi-monthly shots to keep from dying.






Pick of the post:



There’s a reason I call them the enemedia.  The same happens, specifically and near-and-dear to my heart, wrt the Fakestinians and the racists who carry their water because “brown people” can’t possibly be that deceptive.  For example:



And an infamous picture:



Horrific, isn’t it?  A soldier, stepping on a child?  It makes the rounds now and again as an example of EEEEVIL Israel.  Now, here’s that picture, but the camera’s field of view is wider:



So many things wrong with this, but… just three points (in addition to the comments on the photo):

  1. Can you imagine a crowd standing at attention, calm, as a child is stepped on by a soldier?
  2. Where are the soldier’s companions?  No soldier, having been trained in any way, would do this to a child without massive backup.
  3. Notice two men strolling by, just behind the soldier?  The people further back, apparently smiling?

This was street theater – a performance in IIRC Bangladesh.  Presented as reality.

The enemedia lies.  Lies about Israel.  Lies about climate change.  Lies in the service of the Jab.



As a friend of mine once said… once the main shooting stops, they go against the wall too.




If you can spare a little, please support Terry Roy in the NH House race.  He’s solid.




Palate cleansers:









The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Cindy Creteau-Miller gets blindsided, Survivor style, by Citizens for Belknap; WHAT did she expect from a Democrat PAC???

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 15:00 +0000

Useful idiot whose usefulness ended right after the September Primary – and she still hasn’t figured out the Democrat founded, funded, and stratagized Citizens for Belknap PAC’s (“CfB”) end goal, aimed at the General Election in November, never included her.  Democrats PACs don’t want Republicans elected in the General but are “useful” in Primaries in weeding out more Conservative Republicans (and getting a “D” rating from the NRA (no, their surveys don’t get hacked) and supporting the killing of an unborn child an inch from the end of the birth canal is not “conservative”).

Sure, she was first persuaded by former Gunstock Area Commissioner (“GAC”) Gary Kiedaisch to be his proxy GAC candidate to fill an empty seat on the Commission. When that failed, fall back to Plan B (the second plot as part of the overall plan to “seal off” the GAC from the influence of the then-conservative Belknap County Delegation asking uncomfortable and intrusive questions about the operation of Gunstock Mountain Resort). He squired her around some of the more elite areas of Meredith after signing up for the 2022 NH House campaign as a Republican – even had her sign in out front of his home:

BTW, it’s now been removed from what I’ve been informed, lending more credence to my ruminations. Gary Kiedaisch played her like a fiddle.

Yes, she was endorsed in the Primary by CfB, as well as in the General…

…but there’s two Democrats in the race for two seats.  Seriously, why would the Democrat founded, funded, and strategized PAC pick any Republican in that situation? She was always just a token Shiny Object inVfB trying to show that they were “non-partisan” to the low information voters. When it counts, their true purposes are now shown.  Just like Richard Littlefield as well (who is now targeted for defeat by the CfB – useful before and now not needed -and turning himself into being another Gregg Hough annoying all sides (thrown away by the CfB and now angering Conservatives.).

Now, sources are telling me (since I’m not on Twitter or Facebook), Belknap County based Democrats are assaulting Creteau-Miller on social media. They invited her into their bed and then threw her out when her usefulness was over:

Am I making sport of her?  No, just commenting that on the reasoning of  “who really didn’t see this coming?”. Another tipster sent this along:

No, they weren’t “against the GAC” – just those Commissioners that overstayed their term limits and were not being open about their deliberations (re: all the missing meeting minutes, for one thing, the $110K spent by Kiedaisch of GMR money on legal expenses that were never voted on by the GAC, and including the new Master Development Plan that was created mostly in secrecy). That was merely Step 2.  And you were part of that process, whether you realized it or not (mostly not, from my standpoint).

And now YOU are throwing THEM under the bus?  Sorry, it’s not going to work out that way. Not even close.

And she shows her complete naivety concerning hard ball politics when she calls for the CfB to back off. Sorry, dear, you were the appetizer and now that they’ve finished the main course, they are ready for their just dessert(s) – and you’re on the table. They don’t exist for YOUR benefit – you were used for THEIR’S. And to prove the point, a good question by Democrat Matt Coker:

Why WOULD ANY Republican accept an endorsement from a Democrat PAC?? 

Sidenote: Oh, and by the way, Keidash doesn’t have a Creteau-Miller campaign sign out front anymore. Will we see a Matt Coker sign there soon?

I’ve already reviewed how the General may will turn out. Thanks to “Republicans like these”, it may well come true.

If I was domiciled in Meredith, I’d be writing in Jeanne Tofts for NH House as my choice and voting for Lisa Smart who has now been “X” out, as a Republican, by the CfB. Perhaps they should be teaming up as a more conservative alternative to the CfB progressive democrat selections.

The post So Cindy Creteau-Miller gets blindsided, Survivor style, by Citizens for Belknap; WHAT did she expect from a Democrat PAC??? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It is an Election of Commonsense and Patriotism

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-10-25 13:30 +0000

Never have I seen the contrast so clear. Never have I seen such a choice between black and white. It is futile to claim you are an Independent, for the options are so diametrically opposed that there is no middle ground.

This is an election between reason and commonsense or fantasy and lunacy. The polls indicate that sanity may be rising to the top.

Let’s take a look at some of the beliefs of the Left. I think you will see the views of the Right are the opposite.

  1. This election is about abortion and reproductive rights. The ads have been quite clear and inaccurate. The Supreme Court DID NOT take away a woman’s choice to abort her unborn baby. The ruling took abortion out of the federal arena and turned it back to the states where it should have always been. The Left has taken abortion to the extreme, saying there should be no limits on when an abortion can be performed, including the time of birth. They also feel that a fetus that survives an abortion can be allowed to die. They have lost all sanctity of life.
  2. We no longer need to be a sovereign country. A country is sovereign when it has defined borders. Many feel that is one of the primary jobs of the federal government. To the thrill of the Left, this Administration does not believe in a closed secure border at our southwestern quarter. At least four million illegals from over 150 countries have entered and stayed via our southwestern quarter. The Southern Border is now the most dangerous crossing in the world. Nearly 1,000 illegals have lost their lives attempting the crossing. The Border is a humanitarian disaster.
  3. Defund the Police. They said it, and we watched the results in the summer of love in 2020. They deflect it to the Right and try to deny it, but there is far too much video for them to hide from their belief. Crime in every Democrat run city is on the rise, and homicide records are being crushed by the dead bodies. In New York, 4,000 officers have filed for retirement this year, and there are nowhere near the recruits to replace them. People are leaving these cities, and nobody is in a hurry to visit.
  4. There are no longer only two genders. This thinking defies science but what is worse is the Left feels there should be no restrictions on when a child can undergo gender transformation surgery. Young children are having their bodies mutilated when they do not even understand what they are doing to themselves.
  5. We face an existential threat from the damage we are doing to the environment. These people do not even understand the difference between weather and climate, yet they have been screaming the sky is falling for decades and that we should have been extinct years ago. We are still here, and our carbon emissions drop yearly as we become more efficient in using fossil fuels. Al Gore and Geta Thunberg have made tons of money from these false claims.

There are many more examples, but I hope you see the contrast. This election is a turning point. We can preserve the country we have loved and honored for over two centuries, or we can throw it all away and turn to a Socialist based country where morals are just a fading memory. Which direction do you want to travel?

The post It is an Election of Commonsense and Patriotism appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Not Buying It

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2022-10-25 12:58 +0000
MSNBC tries to push the January 6th scam on a focus group and they are not having their nonsense — • ᗰISᕼKᗩ™ • (@kingojungle) October 24, 2022 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

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