I’ve been saying Peak Woke and Peak Transgender for a few months now – and the pushback against Critical Race and Transgenderism (both manifestations of Cultural Marxism and whose only purposes are to sow chaos and division.
In the case of those little kids, lifelong misery). As always, as I abstract from the posts I’ve collected, expect reformatting and emphasis mine.
First, a short but magnificent rant demanding what DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, and “Equity”) has wrought
These DEI deans are malignancies on the body academic, absolute poison. They get paid boatloads of money collected from overblown tuition, which saddles students and their parents with debt for life, to provide an ostensibly valuable service that my law degree, rabbinical degree, advanced history degree, and other educational attainments still leave me unable to fathom. What do these noxious DEI warts do to better society other than to promote reverse racism, divide people by ethnicities and skin color, in many cases promote anti-Semitism, and preach virtue-signaling effluvium that, once analyzed objectively between the lines, promote nothing but hate, the good woke kind of hate, hate for the values that once made America great?
I would have loved to see the first faces of those DIE missionaries/grifters upon hearing of this!
And, just like in Manchester’s (NH) school district, yet another California district got caught severing the bonds between students and their Parents
- California School District Exposed for Secretly Transitioning Students Without Parents Knowledge or Consent
Another school district has been caught helping children suffering from gender dysphoria “transition” to the opposite sex. Amid a national backlash against the move to push transgender ideology on children in K-12 schools, a new report shows that a school district in Orange County, California, has been facilitating the social transition of a number of students to the opposite gender.
A parental rights group in Orange County, Calif., claims 23 students—eight of them elementary age—began social gender transitioning at a local school district without informed parental consent from January 2020 to October 2022.
…The group, California Alliance for Education, obtained hundreds of pages of emails and documents from the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, which oversees pre-K through grade 12 schools for Newport Beach and Costa Mesa.
A parental rights advocate involved with the alliance who goes by the pseudonym Kim Davis for fear of retaliation told The Epoch Times that in all 23 cases, parents were either not informed about the initiation of their child’s Gender Support Plan, known as a GSP, or were told and did not consent.
…The report noted that public records show how district counselors and psychologists were given teaching materials called Gender and Sexuality Galaxies by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, a far-left organization.
After all, according to former NH State Senator Jeanne Dietsch, who ARE these Parents getting in the way of highly educated school staff? Some Parents are dropouts – trust the experts (paraphrasing here)!
And who ever thought otherwise about this next snippet? After all, when you look at the cost / student at Government Schools, you might as well just send them to private schools to save some money and getter better student achievement outcomes:
- Catholic School Teachers Work More, Get Paid Less, Produce Better Results Than Public School Teachers
Data released by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Education, shows that Catholic school teachers, on average, work slightly more time each week than pubic school teachers–but get paid less while producing better results than public school teachers.
In NCES’s 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reading test for fourth graders, public school students had an average score of 216, while Catholic school students had an average score of 233. Among eighth graders, public school students had an average score of 259 on the reading test, while Catholic school students had an average score of 279. In the NAEP reading test given to 12th graders in 2015, public school students scored an average of 285, while Catholic school students scored an average of 311.In the 2022 NAEP math scores, Catholic school fourth graders scored 246 while public school fourth graders scored 235. Catholic school eighth graders scored 288 in math while public school eighth graders scored 273.
We need more competition to Government Schools, not more money for Government Schools, until the latter can show consumers (Parents, taxpayers) they can provide a better Value Proposition. And I’m not Catholic.
And on the Gender Dysphoria front, the front man for the “glory” of being transgender and trading that in for fame (and I presume for some other “considerations”) comes Jazz Jennings. He now realizes, without directly stating it, that thinking that his efforts in being a girl/woman hasn’t solved his mental / self-image issues:
- Popular trans TV star realizes how wrong it’s all gone
He was pushed into “transitioning” to be a girl by his mother at the age of five or six and went through all of the steps associated with that process as a child. Cross-dressing led to hormones. He was put on puberty blockers for most of his life, leading to full genital mutilation surgery before he was even an adult. And now, in a video clip where he’s talking to his mother, he tearfully confesses, “I don’t feel like me ever.”
Born Jared Jennings in 2000, Jennings gained fame at a young age, barely 6, when he publicly identified as trans and received all the positive reinforcement from his mother and even celebrities like Oprah that any child could ever crave…Jared chose the female name Jazz after Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin, his favorite Disney princess. But now he says on his current TV show, I Am Jazz, “All I want is to be happy and feel like me, and I don’t feel like me, ever.”
…Following the initial surgeries, Jennings gained over 100 pounds through binge eating and experienced a range of mental health disorders. Jennings’ mother, Jeanette, deflected theories that those difficulties were caused by the penile inversion vaginoplasty and argued that Jazz had long experienced mental health issues.
How COULD, how CAN he know what he is – that part of growing up normally was taken away from him before he got to the age when he could have figured that out. And this is a grand (as in large, not as “good”) admission that those suffering from gender dysphoria also suffer from what is now coming to light the problem isn’t “I’m in the wrong body” but underlying mental issues. Severe ones This from that post sums it up and I fully agree with it:
…what was done to this young man as a child should have been illegal and his mother should have been locked up. I’m not going to go into the full depths of the specific medical procedures and the horror show that followed. But if you have the stomach for it, Megan Fox delivers the truly disturbing specifics [GO READ IT! -Skip]. You’ve been warned in advance if you choose to click on that link. I’m going to have nightmares after reading it.
And the rate of detransitioning (which many trans-activists claim doesn’t exist) is accelerating and with worse stories of hopelessness. I agree – Parents that deliberately shove their young kids, who barely are past potty training and have no idea what they want to be, much less who they are now, into part or full transitioning to something they are not are committing child abuse through endocrine sabotage and sexual organ mutilation, should be arrested and labeled as “Munchausen syndrome abusers by proxy”.
The physical damage done to Jennings as a child can never be reversed. He has no sex drive because of all the hormones he was given. He has never experienced an orgasm. He will never father children nor will he bear children…
(Because he’s still a male.)…Meanwhile, his mother has become famous and wealthy because of the reality TV show she launched. The abuse of her child was displayed for all the world to see.
More here on this poor child:
- https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2023/03/21/insanity-wrap-the-sad-truth-about-jazz-jennings-n1680106?bcid=b43fe408e18c12b9dd5ccc06fae3de98b0303fd801a8d22de66a26388d5e2e82&recip=3587434
- https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/03/15/trans-reality-star-jazz-jennings-not-satisfied-by-gender-affirming-procedures-i-dont-feel-like-me-ever/
Fortunately, level-headed Legislators are starting to take notice and take action:
- Kentucky Senate passes bill banning transgender surgeries, hormone therapy for minors
Republicans in Kentucky have passed Senate Bill 150, which will ban surgeries and hormone therapies on minors for the purpose of gender transitioning.
The bill, which also includes provisions regarding mandatory sharing of information between schools and parents, along with banning forced use of preferred pronouns by teachers in school, has been delivered to Democrat Governor Andy Beshear. According to CNN, Beshear is opposed to the bill; however, a Republican majority can likely overrule the governor’s veto…
Tennessee is starting to do the same action.
This is GREAT – a turnabout on the BLM / SJW tactic of trying to ruin anyone that has ever appeared in “blackface” (unless that person is a Democrat – then only a small “stiff breeze in a teacup” is raised for political reasons):
- Texas university cancels drag show saying it ‘denigrates’ women, akin to ‘blackface’
Walter Wendler, the campus president of West Texas A&M University, criticized drag shows as an event that demeans and diminishes women while canceling an event on campus. Wendler sent out an email to the school on Monday announcing that the college would not be hosting a planned drag show charity performance titled “A Fool’s Drag Race” on Mar. 31. The performance was originally meant to raise money for the transgender crisis management non-profit organization The Trevor Project.
While Wendler supported donating money to the organization itself, he denounced drag shows as demeaning to women under the subject headline “A Harmless Drag show? No Such Thing.”
“Does a drag show preserve a single thread of human dignity? I think not. As a performance of exaggerating aspects of womanhood (sexuality, femininity, gender), drag shows stereotype women in cartoon-like extremes for the amusement of others and discriminate against womanhood.
And the hammerblow:
Any event that diminishes an individual or group through representation is wrong.
He’s absolutely right – if it isn’t not good for one group, that group can’t go and do the same without being hypocritical.
And The Trevor Project. In part, the trans-activist group that flooded the nation with the transgender policy that subverts our Free Speech and got districts to lie to parents about their child transitioning (see first snippet, above). So, in taking blackface to the next level, is dragface right or wrong?
Can we also start using “TransFace” (pretending to be what one isn’t)?
Sidenote: like Dylan Mulvaney? An ultimate example of the Patriarchy further grinding the matriarchy under his bootsteps. Hey, if the Left keeps doing this kind of stuff to us, we SHOULD turn the tables on them!
And pushing back on Critical Race Theory / BLM. Wish my school board would do this:
- California school district to hire an anti-CRT consultant approved by newly elected conservative board
A newly elected majority-conservative school board in California recently approved a resolution to hire an anti-critical race theory consultant. On March 13, in a 3-2 decision, Temecula Valley Unified School District voted to allocate $15,000 to anti-CRT initiatives, including hiring a consultant to hold “discussion groups” at an after-school board workshop.
The discussions would cover the history of critical race theory and the board’s December resolution to ban CRT. The district, which enrolls approximately 28,000 students, plans to host six two-hour sessions. Christopher Arend, former school board president of Paso Robles Joint Unified School District, was hired by the district to host the discussion groups and serve on the workshop’s six-member panel, which will be held at James L. Day Middle School. All of these panelists are reportedly against teaching CRT in classrooms.
I don’t think that I’ve ever heard of a lesson plan that reads “Kids will eat bugs to save the planet”. Parents, you ok with this?
- Utah Teacher Has Kids Eat Bugs Because Cows Are Destroying the Environment
But of course, there are those who have been baptized into the First Church of Climatism. Some, if not most of these folks I think, enjoy the power that comes with posturing, hectoring, and bossing people around under the banner of saving the planet. In fact, I am convinced that 75% of climate outrage is the product of people getting in touch with their inner totalitarian.
With that in mind, we take you to Spring Canyon Middle School in Springville, Utah. As part of an English assignment, teacher Kim Cutler purchased bugs approved for human consumption from a website and gave them to her students. It was part of an assignment on–what else? Climate change. The premise was that cows, which produce methane, are depleting the ozone layer and should be replaced with ze bugs. According to Fox News, the school issued the following statement, “Middle schoolers loved the ‘ewww’ factor, many of them gave bugs a try (and even a few staff members!). Many thanks to our English teachers for creating fun and engaging lessons.” And the kids may have had a fine time since middle school students are still young enough to enjoy icky stuff and it was probably a fun change of pace from the usual lesson plan.
However, there was also an essay assignment. For the essay, students were told that they could only argue for eating bugs and against eating beef, since cow flatulence poses a dire hazard to said ozone layer and life on Mother Earth. According to Ms. Cutler, there is no evidence to support eating beef over bugs and thus any pro-beef argument cannot exist.
English lesson or Climate Indoctrination (methinks the latter is easy to see)? And then there’s this – again, without Parents knowing about it:
- Vermont mother challenges gender theory in elementary school
Gender theory has been prioritized in most Vermont public schools, and children are taught newly-created gender terminology as a consequence. However, most parents are unaware of the types of materials being read to their children, and may be surprised to find out that administrators aggressively defend the new gender curriculum. In an interview with True North Reports, Tara Ferf Jentink said she was unaware of ANWSD’s gender curriculum until alerted by her young child, and she took steps to address the issue with administrators — and was stunned by their response.
…“My daughter explained the health teacher had taught them new universal terms for extended family members who were LGBTQIA+. For example, if a niece or nephew does not know their gender the universal name is now ‘nibling,’ and if an aunt or uncle is unaware of their gender identity they are called an ‘auncle.’”
…“The principal responded, ‘Well, from my opinion it is too heavy if they don’t know.’”
And did this one talk with former (and present) NH State Senators Jeanne Dietsch and Debra Altshiller?
- Dem lawmaker argues parents aren’t qualified to direct their child’s education because many ‘did not finish high school’
During a Monday Georgia House Education Subcommittee on Policy meeting, a Democrat lawmaker argued that parents are not qualified to influence and direct their child’s education because many of them “did not finish high school.”
The subcommittee passed the Georgia Scholarship Act in a 7-5 vote this week, which would create a state-funded $6,000-per-year scholarship that could be used to cover approved education expenses for each student. The bill already passed in the Senate in a 33-23 vote along party lines.
The post DEI Rant, CA School District Trans-ing Kids w/out Parents Consent, and MORE! – Stack of Stuff #41 appeared first on Granite Grok.