The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • September 19 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 17:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow – also with election memes last-minute – and I will back-edit to include the link.  And almost certainly be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Meme Overflow-Overflow here.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III) can often be hidden inside humor.  Stand by for Thought Splinters IV… getting close to done in my “copious free time”!  Progress is being made, just a lot slower than I want.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.

*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***




Special Election Section:



This!  Also, my recommendation is to take a screen shots of each network list, and a picture of anything you write down to get it time-and-date stamped.  Another excellent suggestion:



This is an excellent idea.  It makes the have to wait to see how many votes they need to forge; people rushed make mistakes.  The problem is we need a GOP with a set to capitalize on those mistakes.  Somehow I think we’ll be disappointed:

Controlled Opposition: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says Republicans Will Work with Joe Biden if They Take Control of Congress… WTH? (



Other election memes:




Amen to everything.  I also think that to be handed a ballot you need to get 4 out of 5 right on questions from the US Citizenship exam.  And, of course, voter ID.  (I got 19/20, and the reason I got it wrong was I made a quick-read, quick-click mistake.  I did know the answer, I just goofed.)



More election stuff in tomorrow’s post.  But this video, using Dems’ own voices & statements, is super:




And now, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.  Given that tomorrow is election day, and at best I predict some “unpleasantries”, remember that freedom may require more than harsh rhetoric.  I hope and pray not, but…












IIRC Morgan has now backtracked.  I’ll accept your apology… while hoisting a wee dram at your SADS grave.







Pick of the post:



Names and addresses, people.  Names and addresses.  Not advocating violence, not recommending anything, but… when spicy time starts, the boys in blue are more likely your enemies than your allies.  Local, baby, local.  Alas:



In parallel, think they’re expecting something?





Ruh roh.




Palate Cleansers:




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Updated: Last Minute 2022 Polling Results from RealClearPolitics and Others

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 17:00 +0000

Methinks this is going to be another chockful of posts kinda day like yesterday, so eep coming back. I’m going to keep stuffing the front page with the latest polls I can find.  This one, however, from RealClearPolitics, will stay uppermost, but all others will sink to the bottom of the post as I find newer/informative ones.

So combine the above with this one and the result is – we dunno. Get out there and vote. Remember, GraniteGrok endorsed The General, Don Bolduc, in the Primary so we’re certainly still behind him now. GraniteGrok asks for your Vote on his behalf – and we thank you ever so much!

I’m also going to aggregate some snippets about the election as well.

UPDATE from FiveThirtyEight:

Good advice from Stacy McCain on getting a read bead on results – and Don Bolduc, in his opinion, is a bellweather race (emphasis mine):

ELECTION ADVICE FROM STACY MCCAIN: “Probably the smartest thing to do on election night would be to take a nap early in the evening — when the chatter on TV will be mostly speculation — and set your alarm for 11 p.m. or midnight, by which time 90 percent or more of the precincts will have reported in most Eastern states. The earliest tip-off to which way the night is heading will be the Senate race in New Hampshire. If Bolduc can score an upset there, it would portend a massive ‘Red Wave,’ in which Republicans win 240-plus House seats and 52 or more Senate seats. If, on the other hand, Hassan manages to hang on in New Hampshire, the GOP will likely win between 225 and 235 House seats and fall a couple seats short of a Senate majority.”

Let’s throw this in for background – also from RCP:

More later!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America’s Disastrous and Shameless Border Sentinels

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 16:00 +0000

With all the chaos on our southern border, no one can know the exact number of immigrants who have illegally scrambled into our country through Mexico. But according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), five and a half million foreign citizens have illegally entered our country since Joe Biden took office.

That number is staggering. By way of contrast, the city of Los Angeles has a population of around four million. The number of new illegal immigrants exceeds the entire population of countries like Ireland. Uruguay, and Norway.  It’s roughly four times the number of service members in America’s armed forces.

And that’s after just two years.

Ominously, thanks to Biden’s policies like catch-and-release, we know virtually nothing about those five and a half million people, now living among us.

Yes, most of them are probably just looking for a better life, but some of them are hardened criminals and gang members, with no respect for the laws of our land. In fact, they’ve all begun their new lives by disrespecting our immigration laws. Some of them are bringing diseases that most Americans have only read about. Many of them reject American values, like equality for women. Many come from cultures that subjugate women; they embrace such concepts as Sharia Law. And virtually all of them come from impoverished countries, with no marketable skills. Few speak English. American taxpayers are left burdened with their housing, medical, and educational expenses.

Undoubtedly, some of them are coming with malicious intentions – to abuse our freedoms. Some hate America, intending to inflict damage on our homeland. For years after the horrific 9/11 attacks, Americans were fixated on sleeper cells – covert teams of America’s enemies, quietly living within our communities, waiting for some signal to attack us where we live. If they weren’t here before, Biden’s policies have handed them the opportunity they needed.

In fact, countless Americans have already suffered at the hands of illegal immigrants. There have been murders, sexual assaults, and countless DUI fatalities and felonious assaults perpetrated by illegal immigrants. They’re often protected by the liberal news media, which rarely publishes the immigration status of perpetrators.

This chart, posted by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, gives some inkling into the magnitude of the problem. It indicates that in the fiscal year 2022, more than 62 noncitizens were convicted of homicide, 365 were convicted of sexual offenses, and 2,239 were convicted of drug possession/trafficking. How many young people have lost their lives to the drugs flooding into our country through Biden’s open borders?

The reason we have five million new mouths to feed, so many criminal aliens, and an unknown number of ticking time-bombs in our midst is not because of failed leadership or gross incompetence. The people responsible for this fiasco have shown no interest in suppressing, or even addressing the problem. They are deliberately subverting our immigration laws. The resulting breach in our national security is a betrayal to their oath of office and to the American people.

There was never any need or justification to open the flood gates. Prior to Biden’s disastrous policies, our government, not the drug cartels, controlled our southern border. Immigrants were admitted to America by way of an orderly immigration process. Upwards of one million per year were properly identified, screened, and welcomed as legal immigrants.

Of course, Joe Biden bears the ultimate responsibility for his insane and dangerous border policies. But he’s been aided and abetted by two accomplices – Kamala Harris, his border czar, and Alejandro Mayorkas, his secretary of homeland security. One serves as the distraction. Harris’ quest for the “root cause” of illegal immigration is intended to take our attention away from the real cause. And Mayorkas is the shill. He’s supposed to lend credibility to the border sham. But his repeated insistence that “The border is secure” only reveals his own defiance and arrogance. It does nothing to convince the public. Coupled with more than five million interlopers, his farcical and defiant claims only succeed in shredding his credibility.

But most people are more concerned with other issues today. They’re focused on immediate problems like inflation, spreading anarchy, and the indoctrination of America’s children by radical educators. At the current rate of illegal immigration, though, it won’t be long before virtually all Americans are, in some way, impacted by this problem.

The security of our country and our national sovereignty can’t be ignored forever. Joe Biden rants about delusional threats to democracy from the opposition party. He never talks about his globalist triumvirate that is unilaterally ignoring the laws of our republic, jeopardizing our national security, and destroying the sovereignty of our nation.

Biden and his accomplices lack the moral courage to defend their policies. They have no intention of closing the border, no concern about the chaos they’re creating, and no compassion for the victims of their agenda. They have no respect for the country they serve. And they have no shame.

The post America’s Disastrous and Shameless Border Sentinels appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Online Bingo Games for Free or Real Money

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 15:45 +0000

Online bingo game is a game that’s been around since the dawn of time and it will most likely be here to stay. One way you can win at online bingo game, whether your experience with these types games or if this would actually end up being something new for everyone taking part in such an activity (and chances are good), would involve purchasing some extra prizes; those tied winners don’t always happen overnight so why not get ahead by buying them before someone else does?

I want to tell you about this amazing new site that has free bingo games with tons of additional features. I was so excited when they asked me if wanted write something for them because there is no better place than BingoJokes!

For as long as people have been playing games, Bingo has reigned supreme. Whether you’re after an online bingo game experience with special features or if your looking to take things old school route and play on paper then there are plenty of options available! My favorite site is definitely BingoJokes because they’ve got everything imaginable covered – even tech savvy folks like myself can enjoy this one-stop shop for all our needs in gaming entertainment.

A brief overview of the bingo game

Online bingo game is one that can be found around the world, and it’s popularity hasn’t waned at all. You’ll often hear people speaking about this exciting word in sentences as well as inside jokes only those who know what they’re talking or writing could understand!

The 2000s were an interesting time for many reasons, but one that stands out in particular is how people got addicted to playing online bingo game. This craze started because it was easy and affordable – you could spend your disposable income on weekend tickets without turning yourself into poor old Volodya who has no cash left by Monday morning!

Like any other form of gambling, betting on sporting events was seen as a pastime for those who had enough money. However unlike others before it this new way to play saw success not only across countries but also among different cultures due in large part how well-implemented it seemed at first rather than anything solely magical about the game itself after its release which is something most everyone can agree upon when looking back historically speaking because there’s nothing special or unique here aside from maybe some slight variations depending upon where you live geographically anyway!

The different types of bingo game

Online bingo game have come a long way from the original game played in church socials and on cruise ships. Today’s version of this popular betting option can be found all over, with varying rules that make them more challenging than their American counterparts – but what they share is being based off nine squares by two rows (24 numbers) versus five spaces per square inch like other forms you might know!

What’s not to love about BingoJokes? They’ve got a wide range of online bingo game, that are sure to keep you entertained, from the traditional bingo layout with its many options for customization and prizes galore! You’ll also find other popular casino titles such as slots or blackjack. And if it gets too expensive here on their site- don’t worry because they offer mobile versions too so no matter where your phone happens fall into this category (Android/iOS ) there will always be an option available atarm.

The post Online Bingo Games for Free or Real Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don Bolduc Election Eve Conversation

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 15:00 +0000

Last night, Sunday November 6th, I caught up with General Don Bolduc, who is endorsed by your Grok, and he is cautiously bullish on the election outcome. Full video of that event with Ambassador Haley will be up later today. Meanwhile, I hope you like our brief conversation:

Vote tomorrow. Our republic depends on you!

The post Don Bolduc Election Eve Conversation appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Editors Note: We’ll Be Cramming Extra Content In All Day Today and Tomorrow

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 14:52 +0000

A quick publishing note. We have a lot of stuff folks wanted to see published before tomorrow but simply do not have the space for it. Skip started crammin’ ’em in yesterday, and we will try to get as much up and online as possible, but we’ll likely miss some.

Our apologies if yours didn’t make it.

If it is a pre-election thing and we don’t manage to get it up by tomorrow, please send up something about the election post-election. Things tend to slow down a bit after, and we’ll have more time and space to share your thoughts which we enjoy doing, even when they are not always our thoughts.

Out-of-state license plates at polling places. Did you see anything weird on election day? A report from your local precinct. Some thoughts about winners and losers.

And then keep doing that.

We’re interested in what you have to say, as are our readers. Just remember that per the submission guidelines, sending us something is no guarantee that your content will get published.



The post Editors Note: We’ll Be Cramming Extra Content In All Day Today and Tomorrow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There is a Blood Moon Total Eclipse This Week On … Election Day

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 14:30 +0000

Beginning at midnight on November 7th, the American West Coast (around 3 am East Coast Nov 8) the US will experience a blood moon total lunar eclipse! Does anyone want to read the bones or goat entrails and tell us what they think that means for the election on Tuesday?



A political bloodletting, but which side? Is it a metaphor for a dark time ahead (if either side sweeps, the other will think as much)? Or, just a coincidence?

I’m thinking the latter, but the poetry of it is not lost. A blood moon eclipse that starts on election day is eery and cool, and if you want to watch it, you can check out this online tool to see exactly when you need to be outside (assuming a clear night).



If it genuinely troubles you, head down to KFC and “sacrifice” a (bucket of) chicken to Jobu.


Note: If you are in Hawai’i or Alaska, this starts closer to 10 pm on the 7th. Just type your zip code into the map wherever you are!


The post There is a Blood Moon Total Eclipse This Week On … Election Day appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Granite State Poll: Senate & CD1 Too Close to Call in NH

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 13:00 +0000

If you want to turn into a polling and data wonk the day before the Election, try this (emphasis mine):



Andrew E. Smith, Ph.D.
UNH Survey Center

DURHAM, NH – New Hampshire Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan and her Republican opponent, Don Bolduc, are neck-and-neck only days away from Tuesday’s election. In New Hampshire’s First Congressional District, incumbent Democrat Chris Pappas and Republican Karoline Leavitt are also deadlocked. Incumbent Democrat Ann Kuster holds a small lead over Republican Robert Burns in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District. Governor Chris Sununu continues to lead Democrat Tom Sherman by double-digits.

These findings are based on the latest Granite State Poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. Two thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven (2,257) Granite State Panel members completed the survey online between November 2 and November 6, 2022. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2.1%. Included in the sample were 2,077 likely 2022 general election voters (MSE = +/-2.2%), with 1,043 from New Hampshire’s First Congressional District (MSE = +/- 3.0%) and 1,027 from New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District (MSE = +/- 3.1%).

For complete press release and detailed tabular results, please click:

The post The Granite State Poll: Senate & CD1 Too Close to Call in NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The World Was a Better Place When Republicans Were in Charge

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 11:30 +0000

Another letter to the editor from a liberal claims Republicans keep doing the same things repeatedly. Funny as Biden and Co. keep taxing and spending just as every Democrat administration has for decades. Our national debt is above $31 trillion and growing. You’d think minority communities wouldn’t be burdened after decades of promises with sub-standard schools, housing, and government services, but no, nothing changed. Where did all those dollars go?

Not to fight drug gangs, violent crime, or secure the border but it must have paid for something. But for what?

Compare Donald Trump’s presidency: a strong economy, near full employment, and rising wages across every level of society. Energy independence, lower taxes for all, international trade treaties made fair, border secured, reasonable interest rates, Russia, China, and North Korea held on leashes, but look at us now after just two years of “Grow Back Better.” Love Trump, hate Trump, doesn’t matter, we were better off then. The world was better off then. Now the threat of WWIII, runaway inflation, and a possible depression only an election away, Liberals still think we should reelect those responsible for the situation they’ve put us in.

Choice is to return to what works or continue doing what has proven not to work. Vote to replace current Democrats who are causing our current pain with Republicans. What have we got to lose? We know now what the Left offers.

The post The World Was a Better Place When Republicans Were in Charge appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GrokPAC – So, Where Did We Send Those Mailers …?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 02:30 +0000

Well, it seems like GrokPAC made a bit of a splash with our mass mailing:

But that was only the front of the mailer.  We had a number of “back sides” that were married to the image above.  One for each of our targeted Districts. No, we didn’t hit all of the Districts in NH – just a few:

And yes, we are starting to hear back from a few (like Sara Evangelos) and I have some more to put up as well. I’m hoping, with time, GrokPAC will reach out to a lot more.

But WHY did we do this? The answer is a bit later.  In the meantime, here’s what the backsides said:

Cheshire District 9 (Altead, Gilsum, Marlow, Stoddard):


Cheshire District 10 (Richmond, Swanzey):


Coos District 7 (Berlin, Carroll, Jefferson, Kilkenney, Whitefield):


Grafton District 1 (Bath, Lisbon, Littleton, Lyman, Monroe, Sugar Hill):


Grafton District 12 (Hanover, Lyme):


Hillsborough District 35 (Hollis):


Hillsborough District 37 (Amherst, Milford):


Merrimack District 12 (Pembroke):


Rockingham District 23 (North Hampton):


Strafford District 4 (Barrington, Strafford):


Strafford District 12 (Rollinsford, Somersworth 1-5):


So why all this attention to Democrats in these Districts? It’s rather simple, to be truthful.  A rather important principle that has been lost as Government has crowded out almost everything in its path concerning what USED to be Civic Society’s responsibilities.  Lately, to KEEP it simple, it seems that Government is pushing out Parents.  After all, Government ONLY has its your best interest at heart, right? And as we have seen all of the nation, and lately in NH, Parents are pushing back.

Consider these mailers a first shove: stay in your lane and only your lane, especially if you’re crowding into “the Parent lane”.

This is what happens, and SHOULD happen, when politicians no longer respect that Parents are responsible for their children – not Government.  When politicians no longer remember who put them into those elected positions. That politicians shouldn’t take parents for granted.

That these Democrats (and others) need to be reminded of these facts.

As our PAC registration raison d’etre states: “No better friend, no worse enemy”.  We want to be part of the toolbag when Parents see that Government is marginalizing (to use the language of the Left) them.

So ask these politicians how they voted on HB1431 and HB1434.  I bet you have already guessed how…and we’re here to remind them of that – and you. Tuesday is coming and you have some “Civic Responsibility” to take care of. Please do and keep in mind these people don’t like you.

Yes, these politicians DO know about these bills – they voted against them. Each and every one – and a lot more. After all, the Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen.

And they are the Government.  Which leaves you…where?

To Be Continued…

The post GrokPAC – So, Where Did We Send Those Mailers …? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Remember, Your Energy Bill Is on the Ballot! It’s Bad When Your Electric Company Tells You “Prepare – We May ‘Got Nuttin Fer Ya’”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 01:30 +0000

And notice and remember, the Democrats are NOT talking about your energy bills lately – especially as your gas bill at the pump is rising again, you’re starting to get your heating bills, and your electric bills have already arrived with a bill the size of your mortgage.

Except for when that electricity isn’t there (because of the Democrats and their ecology/sustainability/keep-it-ALL-in-the-ground/no-fossil-fuel special interest groups) as when you flick that light switch on (and it doesn’t), you hear your freezer go silent, the TV goes silent, and your furnace shuts down. And forget about charging up that electric car that Biden told you buy to “save the planet” which will now save you the trip to get your kids more milk for dinner because it ain’t budging out of your driveway.

Sidenote: not owning an EV, does it go “click, click, click” as in my gas powered car when its electric battery is dying and there isn’t enough juice to turn the starter engine?

Anyways, Grokster Dave sent this over and gave permission to put it up. It’s worse than high prices when your electric company is WARNING YOU NOW that they may have bupkis to make your electric meter go ’round:


Again, your energy bills ARE on the ballot. Democrats, in general, ARE taking away your freedom to choose your own energy sources. Enough such you sitting in your dark and rapidly cooling house in the middle of a February blizzard is judge just to be “bad luck” and, as Biden and Buttegieg keep telling us, “part of our transition to clean energy”.

What, are we supposed to start our own blanket companies?

The post Remember, Your Energy Bill Is on the Ballot! It’s Bad When Your Electric Company Tells You “Prepare – We May ‘Got Nuttin Fer Ya’” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Sometimes, You Have to Have a Chuckle during Election Camaigns. A Two “Pane” Message: Who Owns “Vandalism”??

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-11-07 00:30 +0000

Read the Left pane and then the Right pane:

Remember that phrase that Democrats hate? Yep, “Taxation is Theft”.

Isn’t that vandalism on your wallet? And think of the vandalism they do on our Rights and Liberties with almost every bill they pass!

And I have receipts!

(H/T: RL)

The post And Sometimes, You Have to Have a Chuckle during Election Camaigns. A Two “Pane” Message: Who Owns “Vandalism”?? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Latest Jobs Report Is a Potemkin Village Erected to Help Democrats Avoid Catastrophic Losses on Tuesday.

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 23:30 +0000

Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge has an analysis of the latest jobs report from DoL. A report that could under no circumstances look bad on top of every other terrible thing Democrats have done to the economy. So, it didn’t look bad, it almost glowed, but according to Durden, it looks like a lie.

A simplistic, superficial take of today’s jobs report would conclude that the red hot jump in nonfarm payrolls indicates a “strong hiring market” (just ignore the jump in the unemployment rate). Nothing could be further from the truth.

Recall that back in August and September, we showed that a stark divergence had opened between the Household and Establishment surveys that comprise the monthly jobs report, and since March the former has been stagnant while the latter has been rising every single month. In addition to that, full-time jobs were plunging while part-time jobs were soaring.

Fast forward to today when the inconsistencies not only continue to grow, but in some cases have becoming downright grotesque.

What is even more perplexing, is that despite the continued rise in nonfarm payrolls, the Household survey continues to telegraph growing weakness, and as of Oct 31, the gap that opened in March has since grown to a whopping 2.3 million “workers” which may or may not exist anywhere besides the spreadsheet model of some BLS political activist!

According to ZeroHedge, if I read this correctly, the Department of Labor is showing 2.3 million jobs that “don’t exist” and will, at some future point, find a way to express them.

The October jobs report is a Potemkin village erected to help Democrats avoid catastrophic losses on Tuesday. It’s a lie. And it’s not a new lie. Typer explains how the Department of Labor had done the same favor right before an election for both Obama in 2012 and again for the imminent victory of Hillary Clinton at the end of Obama’s second term in 2016.

Not that our readers will be surprised, but it is worth noting that not only the CIA, FBA, DoJ, IRS, State, DoE (Energy), the other DoE (education), and the DoD are weaponized partisan departments, but so is Labor (and all the rest, most likely).

It is why Trump had such a hard time getting anything done and what makes his accomplishments much more impressive. In a world where no one wanted what he wanted, he started a wall, negotiated trade deals, put China on its heels and Iran on notice, effectively ended ISIS, stayed out of new foreign wars, built peace in the Middle East, and kept many of his campaign promises.

It is also why they fear him and will do anything to prevent Republicans like him from capturing any authority, even the milquetoast RINOs that might accidentally put a hitch in the progressive DC step.

The Department of Labor has been on board for years, but the latest Jobs report cements their doe-eyed adoration of the Left, but will it make a difference?

Prices, inflation, and the reality of the jobs market (millions of full-time jobs lost to part-time) can’t have gone unnoticed by the people living in the real world.

Election irregularities aside, and we expect at least a few, we’ll have some sense of it on Wednesday morning.

If it is anything but a massive landslide for Republicans, it won’t go well for America or future jobs reports because I suspect the DoL will ensure those jobs will officially “go missing” while the GOP has the majority.



HT | ZeroHedge


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: A Veteran’s Farewell

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 22:30 +0000

Today’s post is very personal. It is something that dozens or hundreds of people and families experience daily. We gathered with family and friends to say goodbye to my sweetheart’s brother today; it was an emotional and beautiful celebration.

It was even more impactful by the presence of a military honor guard with us to say thank you and farewell to one of their brothers.

David was a veteran, but he was also a father, brother, uncle, and friend, and there were many in attendance to celebrate his life. As the honor guard methodically unfolds and folds the flag to present to David’s daughter, the Commander of the local American Legion paints a picture of the character and make-up of a person who sets aside their personal goals to serve the country they love. The room became very focused as the rifle fire rang out in a 21-gun salute, and the haunting sound of the lone bugle blew taps. The honor guard’s intensity and precision set the tone for the celebration and farewell. It also brought me back to the scene of my father’s farewell and receiving his flag of honor. It intensified the emotions I was feeling today.

I am in no way saying that David was an extraordinary individual, though he was to everyone gathered here to say goodbye. Still, men and women like David are being laid to rest and celebrated daily and remembered for how they impacted the people in their lives. Each one of them is extraordinary. The sadness for me is that you watch the events, listen to the words at a farewell gathering, and question why. Why do we wait until someone has passed to honor and show our love for them?

The minister stepped to the podium and described David and his seventy-seven years on this earth with verses and stories. In a calming voice, he painted a picture of David’s life as if he had known David for decades. In truth, he was simply echoing the thoughts of David’s loved ones. Family and friends told their accounts of their special relationship or moment with David, and we all shared tears and laughter.

It would be nice if David were sitting in front of us in his familiar chair. If instead of looking at a picture of him, and a box with his ashes surrounded by beautiful flowers, he were present to hear all of these wonderful words spoken about him. I wish we could all take a moment from our busy lives to reach out to those special people we know and tell them why they are so before they leave this earth. My sweetheart has a habit of ending every phone call or visit with someone close by saying, “I love you.” It is a simple act, but one that says so much. I have adopted that habit, which shows how we can learn to spread kindness and love in the moment and not wait for a celebration of life.

We said goodbye to a loved one today, and I can see David smiling down at us. We are reminded of how quickly life passes and how precious each moment can be. Spend a few of those moments each day to show your love to those around you before they are a picture surrounded by beautiful flowers. Hold them in your arms and let them know they are special before they are but a memory you must hold.

The post Sunday Spotlight: A Veteran’s Farewell appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Constitutional Question One: Register of Probate. What HAVE You Done, Alan Glassman, to Show Cause to Keep the Office Around?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 21:30 +0000

I had this post concerning the removal of the office of Register of Probate in NH as a Constitutional Office  (and loyal reader Dan McGuire had an opposing view here).  Now I have a couple of direct questions to Alan Glassman, currently the holder of that office in Belknap County…

Under the 2011 court reorganization, the Probate Court Division is now part of the Circuit Court system, and Belknap County is in the Circuit Court’s 4th Circuit based in Laconia. It stripped away all responsibilities of the Register of Probate office and transferred them to the Clerk of the Court.

The New Hampshire Judicial Branch’s website at shows the numbers for all types of cases filed by the divisions of the courts, with the most recently available numbers being for last year, 2021. During 2021, that Probate Court for Belknap County had new case filings totaling 678, of which the largest number, 508, were designated as probate cases, as opposed to adoptions, guardianships, etc.

During 2021, the elected Belknap County Register of Probate was Alan Glassman, who is strongly advocating keeping his position in the Constitution despite repeated efforts by the Judicial Branch to have the constitutional language modernized, which would be accomplished by a “Yes” vote on Constitutional Question No.1 on November 8..

  1. So, Mr. Glassman, please tell the voters exactly in how many of those 508 probate cases did you play any role whatsoever- whether advising family members, answering questions from family members, assisting in completion of forms by non-lawyers, or any other useful endeavors?
  2. And while you are at it, please tell the voters the precise nature of your legal training that qualifies you to advise or assist regarding probate matters?

The voters will probably find that the answers to both queries are “None” and “None.”

Thus the well-reasoned vote on Constitutional Question No. 1 is a resounding “Yes.”

The post Constitutional Question One: Register of Probate. What HAVE You Done, Alan Glassman, to Show Cause to Keep the Office Around? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Nashua Library is Not Welcoming to Religious Families

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 20:30 +0000

In their Welcoming City Initiative, the City of Nashua claims to be a place “where all people, including immigrant newcomers, are welcomed, accepted, and integrated.”

From what I have observed, the Nashua Public Library is not welcoming to religious families, including religious immigrants, and I called this out in my comments at a recent meeting of the Nashua Library Trustees.

Related: Picture Books at Nashua Library Promote Dangerous Gender Ideology to Young Children

You have likely heard the accounts about college students demanding a “safe space” to go to when something upsetting happens on campus but we all know that small children really do need safe spaces where their parents can bring them to get away from the terrible things going on in the world. The children’s room at the Nashua Library has been a refuge for families in Nashua for decades, including my family. 

The library is a place for parents to bring their children for wholesome time spent reading books and playing, sheltered from the cares of the world. Sadly, when I went into the children’s room after the June trustees’ meeting I found that the refuge of the children’s room had been shattered. 

I found a display of books celebrating Pride prominently placed so everyone coming into the children’s room could not miss it. It featured books containing adult themes including one celebrating Stonewall and glorifying protesters rioting and fighting police, another celebrating drag queens, a book celebrating a transvestite who participated in the Stonewall riots, and another teaching kids about the bewildering array of pronouns.

Little kids are too young to deal with these adult issues and parents don’t expect to have to confront this stuff when they come to the library. How many parents have stopped bringing their kids to the library because of displays like this? 

In the teen room I observed a library staff member working on a display of books on the floor and her display included the book “The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School,” which is targeted to children of Latin America immigrants. Catholicism is central to the lives of immigrants from poverty-stricken Latin American countries. It is sad that their teens are being encouraged by library staff to read a book that mocks their faith. 

The library is no longer a welcoming space for religious families. It gives the appearance of being hostile to religion. Many immigrants from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean have a strong, traditional Christian faith. These immigrant families who value education and want their kids to have a better life than they did don’t have a safe space to bring their kids to spend time with books. That is tragic.

This is a scene from the book “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish” by Lil Miss Hot Mess which was prominently displayed in the Nashua Library Children’s Room in June.

The post The Nashua Library is Not Welcoming to Religious Families appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Another Note about the Democrat Citizens for Belknap Pac and Its Endorsements

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 19:00 +0000

And remember, we are now seeing their end-goal: the wipe out of any Conservative Republicans here in Belknap County. Thus, this GIF, sent in by a loyal reader, quite easily sums it up:

No, I am NOT going to say that any Republican is better than any Democrat – my history in tracking this stuff over 17 years has taught me differently. I have severe doubts about those Republicans that allied themselves with the Democrat founded, funded, and organized Citizens for Belknap political action committee:


However, down in Alton/Barnstead, the trio of Paul Terry, Barbara Comtois, and Peter Vadney are heads and tails better than any of the CfB allied Republicans that have been endorsed by the Citizens for Belknap PAC.  Those three have been marked for elimination solely for one reason: they have voting records that are solidly Conservative and uphold your Rights.

And yes, that especially includes Cindy Cretau-Miller in Meredith (who supports anytime abortion and has been trying hard to hide her “D” rankings by the NRA and the NHFC Second Amendment groups.  Instead, if you agree with me that abortion up to the day of birth is extreme and further restricting our right to bear arms is extreme, we have a choice now. Jeanne Tofts has decided to take on the challenge of a write-in campaign for state representative from Meredith. I urge my fellow Meredith voters to write in Jeanne Tofts as one of your two choices for Meredith state representative. Be sure to also fill in the oval next to where you write in her name. You must do both for the vote to count.

Heck, write in EVERY Conservative Republican that the Citizens for Belknap marked for elimination in the Primary:

Citizens for Belknap RINO Report

Since the Citizens for Belknap PAC did us all the favor for only supporting RINOs, just write in all those they marked for elimination in the Primary.  Just remember, as with Jeanne Tofts above, you must write in their names (like for me, Norm Silber and Glen Aldrich in Gilford for the NH House) AND be sure to also fill in the oval next to where you write in their names. You must do both for the vote to count.  Like this:


The post And Another Note about the Democrat Citizens for Belknap Pac and Its Endorsements appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 17:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


And FYI, links to my last two Survival Sundays:

Sunday Survival – October 30, 2022

Sunday Survival – October 23, 2022




The wicked fear the good, because the good are a constant reproach to their consciences. The ungodly like religion in the same way that they like lions, either dead or behind bars; they fear religion when it breaks loose and begins to challenge their consciences.

Fulton J. Sheen

Remember John Adams’ warning:


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


Before The People can govern themselves, people must govern themselves.  Thus the decades-long push to eliminate G-d, religion, and restraint against sin from our society.  A people so corrupted are fit only to be ruled, and deserve to be.




Top of the fold:

Capturing The Future – Liberty’s Torch (

Remember what this man said (video also in my essay here) about “prevent them from giving birth”:


And my essay from Urban Scoop:

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

In general I’m seeing more videos about falling birth rates too.  And this article:

The vaccine and human reproduction: Naomi Wolf’s horrifying review of Pfizer documents

Related to the virus – the plannedemic:

Moderna patented a 19-nucleotide sequence in 2013 that matches the most infectious sequence of SARS-CoV-2 –

These are NOT the Droids You are Looking For – the Air Vent (

Video.  And quote:

People literally watch the fraud happen and still deny that it is actually happening.

Remember Yuri Bezmenov:


Trump-like enthusiasm for a candidate:


IT’S A COUP: Team Biden Bragged about RIGGING Brazil Election Against President Bolsonaro Before Election Day says Stop the Steal Leader Ali Alexander (

And you think we’re going to have “free and fair” elections here in a few days?  BWAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!  Related:

Early Voting Begins In New York, Rep. Zeldin Within Striking Distance of Failed Gov. Hochul

How is it even within striking distance?  It should be a runaway for Team Red.  Same in Michigan.  And across the country.  More and more races are leaning Red:

Cook Political Report Shifts Ten More Races In Favor Of Republicans

More Reasons Voters Might Catch the Red Wave

More evidence of huge voter swing to GOP | Washington Examiner

Schumer Warns Biden: We’re Toast | The Kevin Jackson Network (


Bayou Renaissance Man: So much for free and fair elections…

The Midterm Election Rigging is Underway

It’s Not Just St. Louis – New York City Is Training Election Workers to Accept ALL SIGNATURES That Are WILDLY UNMATCHED (

Breaking: White House Declares GOP Are ‘Not Going to Accept’ Election Results

Yeah, because you’re going to steal it despite every single piece of evidence saying you’re going to lose.  And more importantly, you’ll do it, the enemedia will carry your water, and too many RINOs will sign and say “We must respect the voters” as though the voters actually had anything to do with it.  And then, as tens of millions of people in the US finally understand that TINVOWOOT, things are on the precipice of getting very… messy.










Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

TruePrepper | Practical Prepping Guides and Survival Gear Reviews (new!)

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

How To Keep A Positive Mind During Hard Times – The Frugalite

You may not make it even with a positive attitude.  But for certain you will not if you don’t have a positive attitude.

6 Ways to Save Money That I Learned in Greece – The Frugalite

Some good thoughts.

SELCO: What to Do If Unwanted People Show Up at Your Door When the SHTF – The Organic Prepper What to Do If People Show Up When the SHTF – The Organic Prepper

They WILL show up.  IMHO related:

Want to Be Better Prepared? Find Some Prepper Friends – The Organic Prepper

94 Wilderness Survival Tricks – Ask a Prepper

Excellent video.  Video timeline broken down for your convenience.

M4S 033: New to Prepping? Focus on These 4 Basics (

Just remember… you cannot prepare for every eventuality.  Pick a first-level target, get to it, then move forward.

7 Weird Things Only Preppers Understand. Do you? (

Very true.  I tried to hammer into my wife’s head that “Half full is all empty” but… she’s run out of gas several times just in the past year.

13 Ways to Catch Fish for Survival – TruePrepper

Just remember… it’s you and a LOT of other people also thinking this if SHTF.


Related to Spicy Time:

Raconteur Report: Two Questions

Exactly.  And an excerpt from one of the comments:

If all of the people running as R’s win, i.e. the Red Tsunami that’s been bandied about for the last six-eight months, and don’t they come in raising hell like AOC and the squad did from day one when they got elected and/or are stymied by their leadership in both houses, personally I think hell’s coming to breakfast.

Related to that:

A Friendly Letter To The Foes of the Republic – According To Hoyt

Read the whole thing.  Yes, we’re done putting up with their BS.  The Left, and the RINOs.



For Your Reading Pleasure | NC Renegades

Two PDFs at the link.  Click through and download for future reference.





Remember the Rule of Threes.  Three days without water.  After shelter (unless the weather’s decent), this is your highest priority.




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?





And another take on this idea:





I just started a FORAGING group on Gab.  This week I will get the joining process straightened out, I hope!


Foraging: One-up articles

9 Grasses You Can Safely Eat In A Famine – Ask a Prepper

21 Wild Edibles You Can Find in Urban Areas – Ask a Prepper

16 Wild Edibles You Didn’t Know You Could Forage For – Ask a Prepper



Foraging: Permanent sites:

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

FBI Whistleblower Exposes How FBI Could Be Tracking YOUR Social Media Posts (

Rumble video, a little over 3 minutes.


New Zealand going full Stasi.

Dutch finance minister proposes increased financial surveillance (

BOMBSHELL: German Banks Accelerating CBDC & Social Credit Score Dystopia (

Like I said in the last Survival Sunday… a relentless, remorseless, inexorable advance.  And you think you’re going to VOTE your way out of this?  Speaking of voting:

THE FIX IS IN: Joe Bidens Warns Americans Several Races Will Not Be Called for Several Days After the Election So “Be Patient” (VIDEO) (


When a private company does the diktats of the government… that’s called Fascism.

A CITY IN CRISIS: LAWLESS SAINT LOUIS, PART ONE: St. Louis Police Operating at Less than Half Strength – Not Enough Cops to Respond to 911 Calls as Crime Skyrockets

Remember their goal: a society so crushed, so impoverished, so desperate and scared that they’ll surrender everything for a sense of stability.  As was prophesized:


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)


‘Conspiracy Author’ David Icke Banned From EU, Labeled A “Terrorist” | ZeroHedge

Banned.  No trial, no hearing, no nothing.  And they expect us to just sit here and take it?



National Security (specifically):

Konnech’s Shocking “Back-Door” Access Into U.S. Election Data: Network Diagram (

If it’s election data, it’s other data too.



Shortages (broadly):

Worsening US China relations will disrupt supply chains – FreightWaves

In the name of fattening the bottom line, companies outsourced too much.

2 Catastrophic Things Are About to Happen to Our Supply Chain (

Only two?  But these two are bad enough.

Bayou Renaissance Man: Situation reports around the country

It’s coming.  Comments from all over.

“Possibility Of Additional Outbreaks:” Bird Flu Strikes Iowa Egg Farm With Million Hens | ZeroHedge

UK Orders All Poultry And Captive Birds Indoors Amid “Largest Ever” Bird Flu Outbreak | ZeroHedge

A convenient epidemic in food animals.

Indonesia building rice stocks amid inflation | World Grain (

A nation preparing.  Meanwhile, in America, we fiddle…

Most productive NSW agricultural shire counts hundreds of millions of dollars in crop losses – ABC News

There are so many negative weather events impacting so many crop yields, globally… just as energy is converging to a crisis, supplies in general are converging to a crisis… that I’m tempted to start giving credence to the idea that there is weather control and it’s being used against us.




Germany Dodges Recession But Inflation Climbs to 11.6%

Poland: Inflation Reaches a New High in October

Poland’s annual inflation reached 17.9 percent in October, according to Statistics Poland (GUS). Compared to September, prices of goods and services increased by 1.8 percent.














LOL: CNN Set to Start Firing Lots of Employees Just in Time for Christmas (

Then they should learn to code. 



Know your enemy:

LA Times Seems Surprised That PRC’s Gas Phase-Out Will Harm Small Businesses

They want a total shut down.  Of everything.  Well, everything except their private jets and yachts and all.



Meanwhile their useful idiots truly believe CO2 emissions will be the end of all life on earth:

German Climate Activists Glue Themselves to Dinosaur Display

“Unlike the dinosaurs, we hold our fate in our own hands,” protester Caris Connell, 34, said as museum visitors milled around the display. “Do we want to go extinct like the dinosaurs, or do we want to survive?”

Ask yourself this question: if you TRULY BELIEVED that mankind and an industrial civilization were a threat to the entirety of life on earth, what would you NOT DO to stop it?

Biden Sends Gitmo’er Who Plotted to Smuggle Nukes into US Back to Pakistan (

Taking the side of the enemy.  Openly.

The Climate Change Zealots are Coming for Your Pets | Armstrong Economics

The study glosses over the fact that many animals eat meat that is not safe for human consumption and would be otherwise thrown away. The study makes numerous mentions of the mental health benefits that pet ownership provides, but still concludes that reducing the number of pets in our society is for the greater good.

Ignoring inconvenient truths (you see what I did there?)?

Gavin Newsome Issues A Warning To His Own ‘Damn Party’: A ‘Red Wave’ Is Coming Because ‘We Are Getting Crushed on Narrative’ (

Notice no contriteness or recognition that their policies may not be desired.  No.  It’s ALL about their not talking to us unwashed correctly.

I really hope their arrogance will be their undoing.  And the GOP Elites are set to do what they’ve always done – shiv their base in the back:

GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy Sets Plans for a GOP Led House – Ignores Biggest Issues Facing Country



New Leftist Malady diagnosed – The DaleyGator

Fact is a lot of the nutty folks on Twitter and other social media believe the narratives about those on the right. And they are, themselves indoctrinated with so much propaganda and hate that they have turned off any objectivity. They really are incapable of reason.

Analysis: Correct.



Economy at large:

$2 Quadrillion Debt Precariously Resting On $2 Trillion Gold | ZeroHedge

I have a feeling that when the house of cards falls, we’re going to see just how empty the world economy really is.  Related:

“We’re At The End Of A Major Era” – Von Greyerz Warns Of “$2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting To Happen” – American Partisan

Americans Skip Meals and Meds Because They Can’t Afford Them (

That’s if you can get them.  In last week’s issue… wait, am I putting out a magazine?… I mentioned a shortage of Amoxicillin.  Just today my doctor is trying to get me a new scrip and having difficulty.  I mentioned it to a friend and he said there’s a shortage of that too.

Poll: 75% Of Americans Believe The Country Is In A Recession…

Only 75%?  I like to drink seltzer.  Up 20%.  I like Chunky soup; up 40%.  Can barely find my kids’ favorite box juice – even one flavor – when before there were a half-dozen flavors always available.  Who TF are the 25%?

Something Has Snapped: Unexplained 2.3 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report | ZeroHedge

Details break The Narrative.



US Stability (broad catch-all):

8 Out Of 10 Americans Say Things Are “Out Of Control”; New CBS Poll Finds – The Jewish Voice

And yet… my prediction is that they will retain the House and increase in the Senate through fraud.  And the useful idiots on the Left will crow “See, MAGA has been rejected”.  On that out of control real world:

Looking at the real world out there

WHOA: Democrat blows whistle on election fraud in Florida, claims to have evidence of illegal ballot harvesting and tampering over the last 20 YEARS! | Not the Bee

When Barackus was re-elected in 2012, I couldn’t believe it.  I could not, simply could not, fathom how America had fallen so far as to re-elect Mr. Flexibility.



But after 2020, and revelations like this, I am simultaneously furious at the betrayal of our elections by the Left, and yet hopeful that – because of this fraud – there are more of us than I thought.




World Stability (broad catch-all):

US sends precision nuclear weapons to Europe in huge upgrade to arsenal | World | News |

What do I keep saying?  Every nation will take “every logical step” until somehow the shooting starts.  Just like WWI started with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand… and things slowly snowballed until WWI kicked off.  Related:

An Inconvenient Opinion from Europe (

So anyone now advocating negotiations and de-escalation is suspect. Indeed; according to specialists in Washington, the demand for de-escalation just leads to escalation. For the war apologists, the reason for this is simple: “whoever negotiates now shows that he is scared of nuclear war” according to Washington’s influential Yale professor Timothy Snyder. To me, it just seems perfectly sensible to be terrified of a nuclear holocaust, potentially wiping out the entire human race, but that attitude is already being described as cowardly. I must be very old-fashioned.

And IMHO related, this is poking the bear to the max:

UK spies building secret ‘terror army’ in Ukraine – Grayzone — RT World News

Italy says “NO!” New conservative leadership tells German NGO rescue ship: “Take them back, we don’t accept illegal alien freeloader-wannabes” (

Doing it right.  No wonder the Globalists hate her… keep it up!




“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh





Specific to energy:

U.S. LNG Cannot Replace The Russian Natural Gas That Europe Has Lost | ZeroHedge

And that’s if there’s American LNG available:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Joe did this!

Fuel Company Issues Diesel Shortage Warning, Says US ‘Rapidly Devolving’ – The Jewish Voice

Why do I have a feeling that everything’s converging to collapse in a very short time window?  And this will not help:

Biden: Coal Plants “All Across America” will be Shut Down, Replaced by Solar and Wind – Watts Up With That?





Biden’s Diesel Fuel Shortage: Cold Comfort :: Gatestone Institute

Without diesel, there’s nothing.  More:

Biden Diesel Fuel Shortage Is On Verge of Shutting Economy Down

France to restart nuclear reactors – energy ministry (

Last month, the French national electricity grid operator RTE warned that it would not rule out the risk of blackouts this winter due to prolonged strikes halting the repair. According to RTE, outages could only be avoided if power consumption was reduced by 1% to 5%, while in the event of an extremely cold winter – by 15%.



Gardening, animals, food preservation, overall health, etc.:

10 Common Chicken Coop Mistakes (

Top 10 Foods to Grow for Survival – Ask a Prepper

Practical Tips on Making Your Own Mushroom Master Cultures – The Organic Prepper

Swap Your Lawn Mower for a Goat: The Benefits of Grazing



Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics







Big Tech in general:

PayPal BUSTED AGAIN for burying in its Terms of Service the $2,500 fine for customers using “wrong think” (

Again… they’re relentless.  The issue is finding a viable substitute.  I have just canceled my personal account; my work account is more problematic and I need to have an alternative before I can close it… but as soon as I figure that out, I will.  And in the comments on why I was closing it I specifically mentioned their free speech fine.

Obama says internet, social media are threat to democracy – Vox

Yeah, now that they’re losing control it’s a threat.  Remember that the Left learned, long ago, that to control the electorate you have to control the information flow.  About that:

FAKE NEWS On the Warpath: These Mainstream News Networks Give GOP Negative Press 87% Of The Time In Midterm Run-Up – And One GOP Candidate Has 100% Bad Press



Self-defense (broad) & Hunting:

Invisibility: How to Be a Gray Man (

Good advice for being out and about.  But in general, IMHO, you are not going to “gray man” your way through spicy time.  I also recommend this book to “reverse engineer” how you might be targeted:

Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life: Van Horne, Patrick, Riley, Jason A., Coyne, Shawn, Pressfield, Steven: 8601410613570: AmazonSmile: Books

Ironically, as someone who “checks his six” regularly, this marks me as someone to keep an eye on.

SELCO: What to Do If People Show Up When the SHTF – The Organic Prepper

In talking with people I’ve let out more than I should have.  Thus, I’ve had people tell me “Oh, well, I’ll just come to your house”.

How to Create a Safe Room – The Organic Prepper

If only… now, if I could have the budged and time to build from scratch?

Why a gun is a legitimate defense against a knife

Also look up the Tueller drill for how fast a guy with a knife can close with you.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

PSA – Credit Card Skimmers | NC Renegades

Some years ago my wife and kids went to visit her family back overseas.  I monitored our accounts and suddenly noticed a number of Uber charges – significant ones.  I quickly asked her if she’d used Uber.


I figured it must have been a skimmer at a local 7-11, which became the last time I ever paid for gas at the pump.  Cash only, or go inside to use the card reader there (but 99.9% cash).  And I still monitor my card regularly.  I also invested in a RF blocking wallet and keep all cards and my ID in RF-block card sleeves on top of it.

Smart People Need to Check Their “Cognitive Privilege” (

The last time my IQ was measured it was north of 150.  So what should I do, get a lobotomy so I’m “fair”?



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

I look back and say that I wish I had done many, many things differently.  Chosen different paths on so many things, but… here I am.  Regrets over the past are useful only insofar as they inform future choices.

Hashem bless all of you as we move forward into dangerous times.  I fear those times are perilously close.  Just remember my advice from above: you can only do what you can do.




Palate cleansers:










The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Spotted by a Friend: Jim Kofalt for NH House

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 16:30 +0000

As he was out and about in New Ipswich, Temple, and Wilton (NH House District Hillsborough 32):

Did you see what was written under the STOP sign?  Yes, Socialism…So, help Jim Kofalt and his friends STOP Socialism.

(H/T: Mike)

The post Spotted by a Friend: Jim Kofalt for NH House appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Let Them Run Our Elections?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-11-06 16:00 +0000

When was it? I’d like to know. When did the populous decide that the beliefs of one side of a political spectrum became the “science.” In what universe did the Democrats become the arbiter of what should be considered reasonable?

We want to thank NH State Rep Glen Aldrich for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

There is nothing reasonable about the leftist political action committee known as Citizens for Belknap. With stated goals of returning “reasonable” people to office, their real agenda was to get rid of the most ardent and solid republican State Representatives.


Mission Accomplished. They started out by putting out hilariously bad signage, mostly populist garbage haranguing some so-called “extremists” and purporting that voting for one over another would “save Gunstock.” Insisting that those who moved here as part of the Free State Project were some underhanded cabal looking to sell Gunstock to the highest bidder. I’ve heard all kinds of accusations made.

They bandied about arguments saying that this group of extremist Republicans were looking to build an environment gutting mountain top Hotel. Odd argument, considering that was more in line with what the former Gunstock Area Commissioners such as Brian Gallagher and Rusty McLear (and his handlers) were looking to push through with next to nothing for accountability. I’ve also heard rumors that Republicans would close the trails, stop the skiing and strip mine the mountain.

All of this was a bit more than I had even thought about. I did have some thoughts and publicly stated that regardless of how “extreme” I may have been branded, I was actually for spending funds to make the mountain even better and more attractive to those who would like to use it. It was, after all, a county asset. I did, however, oppose such decisions that would lead to cutting into the natural habitat, and further I oppose the lining of pockets that would come with a grand hotel on the mountainside. Pockets, mind you, that almost always seem to end up being owned by the same old people who jump at the chance to accept State funds and slap their name all over multi-million dollar projects.

Just so happens that the delegation came in and stifled what the Commissioners wanted. And much like the toddler who does not get what they want, they devised and carried out a plan to smear all of the delegation as “unreasonable,” “extremist,” “Free Staters,” and “radicals.” The average voter doesn’t show up to our County meetings, and when they did, a litany of some of the most unreasonable accusations, speechifying, and showing complete ignorance of the situation was the lead story of the day.

The newspapers smeared us. Signs started popping up everywhere. For all the talk about misinformation and attempting to lead a violent charge, there’s that group that sure does seem to have a lot of backing to be given the opportunity to publicly lie, make incorrect or exaggerated statements that could see people physically harmed. Not to mention, I have a hard time imagining a more cruel world than one that has a street team of people who regularly oppose “freedom” and “liberty” and act like using individual liberty as a focus, an orientation, is somehow bad or evil. I would look twice at someone asking for my support but who also thinks that “freedom” isn’t something that’s important.

For Citizens for Belknap, the issue wasn’t the Mountain. It wasn’t the Gunstock Area Commission. Wasn’t the management team who vacated their positions when faced with an audit that cut into their workday.

This group wasn’t looking to protect anything. They were looking to destroy, and they had and continue to have an appetite for destruction. Preying upon the uninformed voter, who themselves jump at the chance to “make a difference” and “do something” by handing out their “voter guides” that slandered not only good and responsible Representatives but also were heavily weighted to ensure that the least electable people were those who were left standing to face their socialist progressives in the main event.

These uninformed voters showed up to polls they hadn’t bothered with in previous years, working to undermine the Republican Party that they had no intention of being a part of. That’s not only underhanded, but it’s also immoral and which is why I support moving to closed primaries like my friend Representative Gregg Hough wrote about so well in these pages on The Bastion.

Sidenote: reposted with permission from NH State Rep Glen Aldridge

Keeping Democrats and independents out of our primary will do much more to help heal the divide we see in our party. How can we heal, if there are toxic individuals who choose to remain and cause chaos, and how can we heal if we are impotent to do anything about it?

(click to enlarge)

The strategy put out by Citizens for Belknap PAC worked. Help people who show up to the polls with zero clue get a cheat sheet to fill in some ovals and ensure that the strongest candidates for office are left behind. No matter to those folks that for the better part of eight years, I had worked to maintain those American values which profess to allow those of us who earn to keep our earnings and the understanding that your earnings in your pocket do much more to increase personal freedom than any amount of handouts from government. The people spoke, and it was mostly people who couldn’t pick me out of a lineup.

I will likely be replaced by the same folks who were rejected all those years ago, tax and spend liberals. Democrats will use this method over and over in other parts of the state to further remove even more good representatives:

  • Create a scandal out of nothing
  • Build enough populist angst
  • Create division
  • Beat the drum of lies so long and so hard that it’d be hard for anyone to try and overcome them all.
  • Then you target their strongest candidates, helping them to be ejected after the primary,
  • Leave the weakest candidates to fend for themselves.

While I don’t think, certainly, that Representatives Dawn Johnson and Richard Littlefield are weak candidates, the Left most certainly does. Some Republicans are just about untouchable, like the Honorable Harry Bean who is a stalwart for Gilford, so it was smart of them to include him in a list of acceptable candidates. Oddly enough, the voting records of Representative Bean and others who didn’t make it through the primary are very similar. What exactly was the cause for a Republican to choose Representative Bean over other individuals with the same or similar beliefs and voting records? The answer is, because those “independents” are not really very independent at all. They’re absolutely dependent upon their Democrat party. They’re dependent on getting folks into office in Belknap County who will be a rubber stamp.

Need more funding, you got it. Want this mountain top hotel, break ground tomorrow. The crony capitalists who consider themselves to be Republican, throwing good Republicans to the wayside, do so to line their pockets at the cost of the regular people out there who are having a hard time even filling up their gas tank or ensuring they can heat their homes this winter. Money over people. Corruption over freedom.

There’s still a chance to pull something together and leave this election season without a total loss. Suck it up, and vote for Republicans up and down the ballot. Perhaps you were angered by a certain representative’s votes on things like Right to Work, or Parental Rights. It’s time to put it aside and vote for them. Maybe some of these representatives took to cuddling up with the Leftist Citizens for Belknap PAC. Maybe they lambasted you publicly, lied about you, threw you to the wolves, dishonored your integrity. You’re still going to need to vote for them. The alternative is, that the Citizens for Belknap PAC model will completely win, and all of us will completely lose. Not just in the election, but in life.

Democrats at the County Delegation table will be nothing if not an instrument to enact more of Sleepy Joe Biden’s agenda. Higher taxes, more handouts, less individual rights, a reduction in our liberties.

You lost some great State Representatives in the primary, but there’s no need to sink our ship. Let’s cease the infighting. Let’s look ahead to a world where we, as Republicans, are going to have to work together after this election is over. If we lose together and can’t come back from it, after two years of anguish under Biden, we will be asking for that misery to come your local doorstep. I personally shudder to think about the Democrats taking control, and the absolute despair to come from it not for myself but for my neighbors and friends subject to their whims.

I urge Republicans of all flavors to come together and vote the party line. I urge you to reject the Citizens for Belknap PAC Democrat agenda. I ask you to stand with your brothers and sisters and have the courage to elect people that you don’t 100% agree with. I’m asking for you to vote for the guy you agree with 30% or 40%, the alternative is someone you agree with less than 10% getting in. What those people will do to you and your wallet will be making you wish you had.

Representative Glen Aldrich

The post Who Let Them Run Our Elections? appeared first on Granite Grok.

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