The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • December 11 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.L

Manchester, N.H.

Tall People are Killing The Planet

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-04 13:00 +0000

In 1977 one of the most popular songs on the radio was Short People by Randy Newmann, who says it had nothing to do with height. It did to everyone who sang it to 4’11 me (cue the late 70’s equivalent of Nelson Muntz), but then I grew 6 inches that summer. Six inches in three months. I slept and ate.

By September, I was taller than girls my age for the first time and still growing. But now an opinion writer at the New York Times, which is reluctant to confess who or what a woman is, says short people are better for the planet.

In what world?

The one in which lives NYT opinion author Mara Altman, who says, “When you mate with shorter people, you’re potentially saving the planet by shrinking the needs of subsequent generations.”

“Lowering the height minimum for prospective partners on your dating profile is a step toward a greener planet,” …


“if we kept our proportions the same but were just 10 percent shorter in America alone, we would save 87 million tons of food per year (not to mention trillions of gallons of water, quadrillions of B.T.U.s of energy and millions of tons of trash).”


Twitter had fun with this, as you can imagine, but to be honest, this is the New York Times. If something as biologically definitive as sex (right down to your genes) can be on a spectrum, subject to opinion or whimsy, why not height? Just identify as short. If anyone accuses you of being too tall, claim discrimination, and while you are at it, hint that you may be eligible for title IX protection. If they start to give you that mean look, announce that you are a short woman (with a penis), and see how they take the news.

And then complain about your period.

Cut your age in half while you are at it. You’re only as old as the age you tell people!

Too tall an order? Screw em. Then ask them what the carbon footprint is for all the step stools, ladders, and lifts we’ll need so the future generations of not-tall folks can reach all the stuff built by their unsustainably tall ancestors.

Or is there a green energy jobs plan to shorten the world to match the reduced elevation averages of whatever passes for people?

It will be an omnibus bill three times as expensive as the last one, but they’ll call it The Tiny Green Deal.

And yes, it will include funding for Ukraine (and not just because the men there are taller).


Oh, and I did like the song. Short People.


HT | NewsWars

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Welcome to the No-Party Party

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-04 11:30 +0000

I have lately been forced to shed an illusion I’ve been enjoying for the last 5 or 6 years. Namely, that the Republican Party has a serious prospect of guiding America.

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I now think this can never take place or is so unlikely to take place that we should not, as individuals, be pouring our limited energy into it.  It would be better to use that energy to attain realistic goals.

Possibly the fizzling out of the Republican Party has to do with demographics, or with the corporate media, or a range of factors. But my “shedding of an illusion” is more basic than that. I now see that the role of Party is incorrectly understood.

This first came to my attention when it was announced that such-and-such person was likely to replace the outgoing chairman of the Party in my state — New Hampshire. (I am calling him “Such and Such” to mean it could have been anyone. I have no comment on any actual candidate; the problem is beyond any soul.)

I asked, “What qualities should we be looking for in the new chairman?” This then forced me to wonder, “What does the Chairman ordinarily do? How does he/she support the Republican-minded citizens of his/her state? What programs for the nation is he/she ready to help initiate or augment? How does he/she try to strengthen us (other than by chanting, ‘The Dems are bad, those horrible dems’)?

It had previously been my assumption that my state, and all 50 states, had a way of channeling the goodwill of its Republican Party members to use their strength as a national force.  It’s a bit embarrassing to realize that I took that assumption on board in a completely unthinking way. For me, the Party leadership just “was.” I’ll bet you saw it that way, too. “Sure, it’s there. Who could doubt it?”

Actually, I did notice, 16 years ago, if only for a fleeting moment, that when I was an NH candidate for Congress in the Republican primary, the national chairman was Ken Melman, whom I had never heard of and who seemed to have no platform! And at that moment also, Karl Rove was sort of directing the show and yet everything about him smacked of the opposite of republican values.

In 2008 I moved back to Australia for family reasons and was not thinking of office-seeking again. However, in 2017, there was a snap election for US Senate to fill Jeff Sessions’ seat when he became US attorney general. So I catapulted myself into Alabama to run for that position. During my candidacy, I found the Party very welcoming and meaningful. That may have been just my imagination, but at least I didn’t perceive any funny business. At a person-to-person level, it seemed that republicanism was a real energizer. It energized me.

Having lost that primary (to Judge Roy Moore, who then lost it to the Democrat Doug Jones), I ended up back in my Concord, NH digs and gave no thought to a 2018 run. For the 2020 presidential primary, I decided to run for Vice President — NH was one of the states that allow persons to register as a VP candidate. I was aware that a win couldn’t lead to an actual election because we now have the “running mate” system, with a presidential nominee from the summer convention choosing his VP. My aim was to call attention to the unconstitutionality of this. I am a rabid — repeat, rabid — constitutionalist.

When I waltzed into Room 204 at the State House, I was told there was no longer a way to sign up as a VP candidate. I had already gone to the bank, and my $1,000 filing fee, cash, was hot in my hand, so I used it instead to become a presidential candidate. That was a silly gesture, as Trump was running and got 90% of the primary NH vote. It was fun to be an outlier — 929 Granite Staters voted for me. The field of Dems in that primary included Klobuchar, Steyer, Biden, Pocahontas, etc, plus Tulsi Gabbard, who has now said Toodle-oo to the Dems.

Sorry, I’m going off the track with this biography. The fact, which has nothing to do with me, is that a Party is not what we thought. The national chairmanship is specifically disconnected from the population or the principles. Thus America’s Republican Party, as such, has no center, no spinal column, no whatever. I guess it’s a fundraiser and a focus for the preferred candidate. It is certainly a good distraction from America’s real problems.

All of the above is Point One.  But now, here is Point Two. We should no longer have political parties. They harm America. And thus we should have something else.  I don’t know what, but I can see, from recent events, that Parties harm us.  Big Boys at the top (who donate heavily to both parties!) do intend that the party system be used against the nation. After all, they are globalists and hate any unifying of Americans. They want a red-blue fight to be a Thriller in Manila every day of the week.

Examples — Five out of Many

Let me present some examples of harms that could not have occurred if it weren’t for folk’s sense that loyalty to Party demands a shutting down of other moral or practical evaluations.


  1. Today (January 3) when a Speaker of the House is to be chosen, the attention is not on What do we want in a speaker? It’s on, per usual, “How can we be sure to coax enough votes for McCarthy, as the Republicans are holding the House by a razor-thin majority?” Some repubs who don’t want McCarthy will be labeled traitors if they don’t give him their vote.

(Note: Just a reminder, the vote of every rep, at all times, should be the vote of that district’s constituents. Redness or blueness is not the determining factor.)

  1. Women should not be in combat positions in the US Army. Any sensible person can see many reasons to find that a good policy. (Our military has lowered all the former physical standards to accommodate women’s lower scores, y’know). But with the Dems representing wokeness, sensible reasons do not come into play. “Party strength” comes into play. Politicians are afraid to speak sensibly. They have to have an eye on how this will affect their re-election.

(Note: I assume Dems today are afraid to speak against any woke position, such as drag queens at Library Story Hour. See what I mean?  Virtually all sensible discussion is held back by Party-ism. One does not want to be called a traitor, or even to get a dirty look from colleagues.  Such is human nature.  We should get rid of this whole set-up, considering how inevitable this club-like behavior is.)

  1. If there is an accusation of a stolen election, the nation goes into complete Red/Blue mode. I certainly think the 2020 presidential election was stolen — by globalists of course — and that no Dem would say HOLD IT EVERYBODY, WE CAN’T ALLOW STOLEN ELECTIONS! Rather, they say that any Repub who complains about it is a jerk, a liar, a hater, etc. Thus, the 2020 election did not get sorted, paving the way for all citizens to give up on their political power. Incidentally, I think the 2004 loser, John Kerry, went along with the gag.

(Note the 2004 election was clearly stolen by Bush.  Drop by my house, 175 Loudon Rd, Apt 6, I’ll show you the paperwork. The reputation of our Party went down the drain as Dems stood in the rain and were shut out of voting in Ohio. I brought this up at a meeting of NH Republican Women at the time and got no quarter.  Nobody said “Hold it Everybody, we can’t allow stolen elections!”   But if we had done that, subsequent elections would not have been so stealable — oops but SCOTUS might pull a surprise this Friday January 6 in the Brunson case. Yay!)

  1. An incumbent Republican can get big money while a challenger cannot. If there were no Party treasure chest for state offices, this problem would not arise. In the 2022 gubernatorial campaign in NH, many Repubs did not want the Sun King to be the nominee. Yet they chose him as against other primary runners such as Karen Testerman, if they calculated that Sununu was the only Repub who could win over the Sem nominee. Is that stupid or what?

(Sununu’s father and brother are WEF aficionados. Does that affect the chances for republican principles to be protected by Gov Sununu? Logic says Yes. Think about it.)

  1. The FBI is a force for evil. Sure, it may also carry out some good tasks (I don’t know of any, but, hey that just shows my ignorance.) The FBI was invented (within Treasury) to investigate. It has no constitutional warrant for acting as police. If Article I, sec 8, doesn’t list a Congress grant of power for it, the states have it. Hence, policing is a state power. Unless an FBI man has been deputized by a local police force, he can make arrests only under the rubric of Citizen’s Arrest. In fact that is how they do it. Does a Republican Congress have the guts to advertise this fact?  Can the Repubs fight to decertify a DoJ that permitted a late-night raid on Mar-a-lago? I bet repubs don’tt know that they can do so on principle rather than on bluey- reddy politics.

(Note: In bygone days, repubs were constitutionalists, but not now.  So what’s the value of Party principles? A Republican, in any of the 50 states, who runs for office as a constitutionalist will of course be prevented from winning. “We can’t have that!”  says the globalist.)

Can We Please De-Westminsterize Congress?

On November 17, 2022, published my article about our sadly westministerized Congress.  I wrote:

Part of the way in which the globalists have taken over America is by maneuvering the members of Congress into a fixed Party system, and maneuvering the pubic into thinking this is normal. It is not normal. John C Coleman reported, in his 1992 book, “The Conspirators’ Hierarchy,” that Lloyd Cutler was tasked (by the globalists) with westminsterizing Congress.

This really ruins the concept of your local member of Congress representing you. How can he take orders from the field if he has already been given his orders from the globalists, as passed down through Party leaders?  As I said recently about New Hampshire’s two reps, Anne Kuster and Chris Pappas, they always vote with Nancy Pelosi and therefore don’t deserve to be paid $176,000 per annum. We could pay them an honorarium of $5,000 and all they would have to do is press the button to vote as instructed.

My life in Australia (I am US-born) taught me a thing or two about the Westminster system. It is not provided for in the US Constitution, and we should demolish it quick smart. All proud Americans should work now to get this stupid system kicked out of the ballpark.

On this very day, all members of the US House and Senate — particularly freshmen — should be ruthless about voting for new rules. For example, they could appoint committee members by lot — as in, you know, drawing a name out of a hat. They could vote for a rotating Speaker of the House, say one every 6 months. They could and should, and must vote a Committee of Ten to deal with Article I, sec 8, Clause 11 before we get into nuclear Armageddon with Russia (which is probably what the globalists want).

They could vote a Rule of giving top priority to any matters of rigged elections. Or dealing with America’s young people having heart attacks after vaccinations.  Whatever. They could actually rub a few neurons together.  Wouldn’t that be nice?

Conclusion: Point One: the role of the NH state chairman is unfathomable. Point Two: There are some harms “that could not have occurred if it weren’t for folk’s sense that loyalty to Party demands a shutting down of other moral or practical evaluations.”

Here is an offer I made one sunny day on Main Street:


The post Welcome to the No-Party Party appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bring Your Aging Parents Home for the Holidays – It Really Can Be Done!

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-04 10:00 +0000

It was decided long ago that your parents wanted to be somewhere warm when it came time for retirement. They took years, yes years, to find just the right assisted living residential home in sunny South Florida, and have been happy there since the day they moved in.

Although you and the grandkids still live in upstate New York, the only thing they really miss is spending time with the kids.

However, all that snow and cold for many months of the year were not enough to keep them there. Unfortunately, now they are unable to travel alone as they are beginning to forget things and can get lost easily if not attended. There is no way for you to take time off work to fly down to get them, but there is a way for them to fly ‘home’ through JFK International Airport, where you will happily meet them at the gate. Let’s look at how that’s done!

Begin With a Travel Companion

Once your parents’ doctor in Miami clears them for travel, as long as they are assisted by a trained travel companion, you can start preparing for their visit. It might be a bit difficult to do with the kids bouncing around you in anticipation of grandma and grandpa coming to stay for a couple of weeks, but help is there for you, so don’t despair just yet.

Did you know that services from transport teams like angel flights can even take the stress out of booking flights for your parents? Once dates are agreed for the transport service to be available on both legs of the journey, they can even book the flights for you and your parents! These are non-medical emergency services so it’s something they do every day of the week. In other words, your parents (and you!) are safe in their well-qualified hands.

Work Closely With the Care Team at Your Parents’ Residence

Both you and the transport team will need to work closely with the care team at your parents’ assisted living facility. The nursing staff and/or social worker will see to it that all medications are packed, and the schedule is clearly printed. This will need to be one of the first things to do after travel arrangements are booked because there will be little time closer to the flight date to get any prescriptions filled or OTC products like Depends are bought and packed timely.

The Only Real Concern Would Be Medications

Since it could take days to contact their primary care provider in South Florida if just one important medication didn’t get packed, that’s the only thing that needs to be checked and rechecked at least a few days before departure date. Anything else like pajamas or beach wear can be bought on your end. The travel companion will ensure they take any medications necessary during travel times and they will hand your parents off to you with a thorough report you can expect.

There is one last thing to do on your end and that would be to enjoy this time with grandma and grandpa. Maybe next year you can fly to them, but this year just enjoy the comfort of sitting together around the fireplace and the warm embrace that only parents can give.

The post Bring Your Aging Parents Home for the Holidays – It Really Can Be Done! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sports Should Not be Life or Death

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-04 02:30 +0000

I will not condemn sports or the violence of some of the contact sports we love and enjoy. That is not the purpose of my writing today. Science and technology have made tremendous gains in designing equipment for the maximum safety of athletes.

Unfortunately, sometimes an injury will happen despite all the equipment and techniques that the players are taught. This is what happened on Monday night. On a clean play, with marginal contact, Damar Hamlin, a young defensive back for the Buffalo Bills, lay motionless on the field. His heart stopped by the contact of a Cincinnati Bengals player directly to the center of Damar’s chest. The incident was nobody’s fault; there is no one to blame; it simply happened.

Professional and college athletes have gotten so big and fast that violent collisions are inevitable. That is one of the reasons we watch the games. Not to see players injured but how quickly they can have their bodies jolted, shake it off and get back in the game. These athletes are in incredible shape and condition, and they know the dangers of the game. Injuries are part of sports, but until last night, we had not been brought to the point where it was not an injury we witnessed but someone facing death. Thank God Damar Hamlin was attended to quickly, and his heart responded and began beating back to life. Damar is in critical condition but should survive and recover.

The Monday night game was looked forward to this week and probably had an above-average viewership because of the teams and playoff implications. The Bills and Bengals are two of the premier teams with two of the most exciting quarterbacks in Burrows and Allen. The buildup was massive, the crowd was electric, and the teams were ready to play. Everything changed five minutes into the contest, and the game became insignificant. The announcers and analysts were put into the uncomfortable position of filling time as we watched in horror. The crowd that had been filling the night air with cheers fell deathly quiet. The players and coaches huddled, hugged, prayed, and cried. Emotions were running the gamut, and people waited for the athlete to get to his feet or give a thumbs up. Neither signal came, and the fears mounted. Not knowing is not something we do well.

The outpouring of concern and love for Damar Hamlin was heartwarming. Fans who had just been cheering for their team with a fever pitch joined to hold candles outside the stadium and hospital. Social media was ablaze with prayers and good wishes for the young fallen athlete. The game was halted, and the goodwill of Americans took over. The GoFundMe site that Damar had set up to supply toys to needy children in Buffalo had a goal of $2,500. The site quickly swelled to over $3.6 Million in a matter of minutes, with over 140,000 individual donors. The American people are the most generous on earth. Goodness always rises to the top.

Sports, especially professional football, have hit the pause button, and all attention is on a young man lying in a bed in a Cincinnati hospital. His life and well-being trump wins, losses, and playoff seeding. This is precisely how it should be. Sport, as vital as we make them, is a game played by a few. Life and pulling for someone to pull through a tragedy is for us all. If you haven’t already, stop for a moment and give some thoughts and prayers for Damar Hamlin. If he never plays again, so be it, but he has a long life ahead to enjoy. He deserves that.

The post Sports Should Not be Life or Death appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mitch McConnell Begins New Year Same Way He Ended Old … By Boosting Biden

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-01-04 01:00 +0000

Dear bitter-clingers, your “leaders” despise you; they loathe you; they don’t give a damn about you. What will it take to make you understand that you cannot beat the Democrats until you first beat the faux-Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Sun-King Sununu? That’s a sincere question.

Local property taxes in New Hampshire are stratospheric and climbing … yet you accept the canard that “local control” prevents State government from doing anything to protect taxpayers … as in a REAL, that is hard, no exception tax cap … at the same time you support State government interfering in local governance in order to support “workforce” … i.e. TikTok voter … housing.

Mitch McConnell and his faux-Republicans in the Senate have done exponentially more to help Biden than they ever did to help Trump. Sun-King Sununu has done far more to turn New Hampshire BLUE than any Democrat Governor before him. They are not the “lesser of two evils”. They are part of the evil.

The post Mitch McConnell Begins New Year Same Way He Ended Old … By Boosting Biden appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Boston Police Saved Us from the Trans Mob

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 23:30 +0000

On September 18, I joined Billboard Chris’ rally outside Boston Children’s Hospital to call attention to the serious harm being done to kids at their pediatric gender clinic.

Related: Transgender Ideology Harms Children

Boston Children’s is transitioning kids as young as three years old. They are administering puberty blockers to kids as young as 10, and virtually 100% of these kids go on to take cross-sex hormones, leaving them infertile and without sexual function. At age 15, they offer amputation of girls’ healthy breasts.

Libs of TikTok, Matt Walsh, and Billboard Chris have been working to expose what is going on at Boston Children’s ever since the hospital published damning videos.

While Libs of TikTok and Matt Walsh do their work on social media and Walsh has a popular podcast, Billboard Chris’ main outreach is going to public places wearing sandwich board signs front and back and talking face-to-face with people on the street to educate those who don’t know what is going on or don’t realize how serious things have gotten and to try and reason with those who disagree with him, often adamantly so. He is always peaceful, but his opposition often isn’t.

When Stephen and I arrived for Chris’ rally, there was a huge mob of Antifa counterprotesters and their allies gathered in front of the hospital. The Boston Globe estimated it was 150 people. There were at least 20 police officers in riot gear in front of our group of about ten people across the street.  

Chris brought his trademark black and white signs for all of us to hold — “Dad: (noun) a human male who protects his kids from gender ideology,” “Mom: (noun) a human female who protects her kids from gender ideology,” “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers,” “No child is born in the wrong body,” and “Gender ideology does not belong in schools.”

The Antifa mob was furious with our presence. The leaders egged on their followers with a megaphone. For the entire three hours, we were there, they demanded that we had to leave. “Get these scum off our streets! Whose streets? Our streets!”  One of the weirdest chants was, “An eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! We will protect trans youth!”

The members of the mob were holding a plethora of handmade cardboard signs and carrying pride and transgender flags and a homemade banner that said “Kill Fascism” with a hammer and sickle on it. Billboard Chris teased them, calling them “Arts and Crafts Antifa.”

The Boston legacy media was there, including the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald, as well as several photographers. I suspected that the legacy media would not cover what was happening on our side of the street, especially as the hours went by and no mainstream journalist ever came to interview us, so I did my own investigation.

I asked the members of our small group what their political affiliation is, and they told me they are on the left politically. All of them have children that suddenly and unexpectedly identified as transgender, so-called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, ROGD. Parents on the left are much more likely to have kids who are victims of the trans cult.

The next day the legacy media coverage was all a smear. They identified us as right-wing extremists who want to harm “trans” kids, including the Boston Herald, which I did not realize had gone ‘woke.’ The Herald’s coverage includes a picture of me holding a sign saying, “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers.”

No legacy news media interviewed Billboard Chris or any of us. It was a hit job. Thankfully, journalist Wesley Yang was there to record the truth. Watch his interview with one of the members of Chris’ rally. 

The other bizarre aspect of the news coverage is that these articles characterized our group as both a huge threat to “trans” kids and as pitifully weak and small and ineffective, especially compared to the size of the angry mob. The implication of these news stories is that “might makes right,” as if large angry, aggressive groups couldn’t possibly do anything wrong. See “Fewer than 10 anti-trans protesters met by 100s of counter-protesters at Boston Children’s Hospital” in the Boston Globe.

The entire time we were there, the Boston Police in full riot gear in the sweltering heat stayed in a line guarding us, billy clubs in hand. I watched the officer closest to me as he tapped the end of his club in his hand, waiting to jump into action to crack some heads.

About two hours in, some in the mob decided it was time to make a move, and they rushed across the street toward us, shouting, “All cops are bastards!”. The police sprang forward to block them, and when the miscreants got in their faces, the police aggressively pushed them back across the street. 

When it was time for us to leave, the police quickly escorted us away and out of sight of the mob. 

It was wonderful to connect with new allies, and we thank the mob for exposing how craven they are for the whole world to see, even if the legacy media is too corrupt, to tell the truth about what really happened. 

Billboard Chris is holding another rally outside Boston Children’s Hospital on Saturday, January 14. Follow him at to learn more and check for more details when it gets closer to the date. 



The post The Boston Police Saved Us from the Trans Mob appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Guy Whose Job Title Includes a ‘Harmful Word’ Admits, Stanford “May Have Missed The Mark” With Their ‘Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative’

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 22:00 +0000

Last week we shared news about the Stanford IT department speech police issuing a language guide. For the good of the community until they walked it back the next day (something about the backlash after the Wall Street Journal took it wide) /snicker.

Related: Having Fun with the “Neurodivergents” That Created Stanford’s Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative

Clearly, there was some misunderstanding about the goals or purpose or, well, this.


Just days later, Steve Gallagher — whose title of “chief information officer” contains at least one “harmful” word — issued a release in an effort to set the record straight.

“Over the last couple of days, there has been much discussion of a website that provides advice for the IT community at Stanford about word choices in Stanford websites and code. … First and importantly, the website does not represent university policy.”

The master list of forbidden words “also does not represent mandates or requirements,” added the IT chief.


From the Guide:



Which makes you wonder if you can or should even listen to someone with a harmful job title. A problem they’ll likely find in abundance across campus and on the school’s websites. And while that’s amusing and invites complaints from all the triggered triggers, as with the UNH Bias-Free Language guide all those years ago (which also did not represent university policy), the word American being problematic was problematic for Stanford.


Stanford 2022:


And here it is in the 2013 UNH Bias-Free Language guide.




I’m sure folks from the Dakotas and Carolinas will be demanding to say they are from Dakota or Carolina instead of being forced to say North or South. And it is, as you know, customary to ignore your country of origin and to claim to be from a landmass on which it is associated, with the exception of Australia, which is both and possibly Africa if you are talking to a US citizen or resident of the US who is referencing or identifies as African-Americans.

Talk about problematic.

We can’t, in all honesty, say the United States because we are anything but. That leaves the commonly abbreviated version of the United States of America, which is America, which is, well, you know, odd given that the same people who are so easily offended are encouraging everyone and anyone to come to America and be an American.

They even opened and or erased the borders to make it happen.

So, there are only “42 other countries” because those damn bigots refuse to open their borders like Biden and let just anyone in for government handouts at taxpayer expense (also probably US taxpayers). Maybe they need to work on their language and leave ours alone while we can still find someone in “America” who speaks it.




HT | The Blaze

The post Guy Whose Job Title Includes a ‘Harmful Word’ Admits, Stanford “May Have Missed The Mark” With Their ‘Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Last Week's Favorite

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2023-01-03 20:37 +0000
Updated: Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

New Beginning or Same Old GOP

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 20:30 +0000

We Conservatives have been looking forward to January 3 since November. We had high hopes for a significant majority after the midterms, but we were disappointed.

We are settling for a slim majority, but it is a majority. With the Democrats still in control of the Senate, the best we can hope for is to slow down this Progressive destruction of America. That is no small impact, for if we had that majority in December, we could have held up the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus pork-filled bill. We cannot dictate policy or legislation, but we can hinder it.

I hoped the GOP would have used the last two months to unify and be ready to take full advantage of its new power. Instead, we have a power struggle between Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Andy Biggs (R-AZ) for the Speaker position. Competition is good, but not at this time with the leadership. We need to change the power paradigm of the Democrats, and that cannot be done with a divided party. The Speaker situation will be decided by a vote on Day 1 of the session, then it is time to get to work.

The most significant change that will occur immediately is the removal of Schiff, Nadler, and Watters from committee chairs. The era of Trump witch-hunts in the House will end, and we can turn our attention to more critical matters like Afghanistan, the crisis at the Southern Border, the poisoning of the FBI, and the Biden Money Cartel. I do not list the last subject lightly. Hunter Biden will be under the microscope, and the money he embezzled from foreign countries and companies will be scrutinized. The part that Joe Biden had in the decade-plus money-making scheme will be uncovered.

Getting to the bottom of Joe Biden’s relationship with China, Russia, Iran, and Ukraine because of the money the Bidens have taken from these entities is a must. The money gained has compromised the President. It is a National Security risk for the country. We cannot have a strong relationship with these adversaries if the President is indebted to them; that is where we are. We cannot be looking to build a case to impeach Biden, for God forbid Kamala Harris ever occupy the Oval Office. We need to expose Biden and prevent him from a successful run for re-election.

The first six months will be an audition for 2024. If the performance of the House is a continuation of the malaise we have witnessed for the last few years, then we stand no chance of significant gains in the General Election of 2024. Meaningful investigations that bring about accountability will be a plus for the new Republican-led House.

There is not a minute to waste. When Nancy Pelosi hands over the gavel tomorrow, it is pedal down time, and we must match the intensity the Democrats have with their win-at-any-cost mentality. It is a new day tomorrow. Let’s pray for a new GOP.

The post New Beginning or Same Old GOP appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If ONLY the Republicans actually DID what they SAY!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 19:00 +0000

I’m going to try to write like Grokster Ed – short and sweet. IF the GOP actually believed in what they say AND do what say they believe, this post wouldn’t exist.  You could ALSO say that if the Party officials actually instituted some discipline on their elected and appointed officials, this post wouldn’t exist, either.


Twenty-seven GOP lawmakers, including 18 senators and nine House Republicans, voted in favor of passing the around $1.7 trillion monstrosity that ran thousands of pages long — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was one the GOP senators who voted in favor of passing the behemoth measure. President Joe Biden signed it on Thursday.

Stick in the Eye to the GOP Base:

And yes, the NH GOP has the same “belief” (here, first “Principle”) and acts contrary to that belief as well. They act like the national Party as well.

Well, LOTS of Conservatives raked the Tweet from the Republican National Committee over that line.  And few, if any, admitted to not reading it. Yet, every election time they try to cozy up to the base stating the exact belief. And as soon as some of these nitwits hear the last syllable of their oath fade in the room, “limited Government” becomes a foreign language. Instead we hear “look what I’ve done for YOU!” but never say the complementary words that SHOULD be said: “and with your money!”

Unfortunately for us, we haven’t had a Republican in our NH Federal Delegation for years so we try to keep our local electeds accountable.

It may well be that it won’t happen until the money well goes dry on its own.  Then there will be no saving ANY of us.

(HT: The Blaze)

The post If ONLY the Republicans actually DID what they SAY! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More than 1 in 4 Adults Know Someone Whose Death (They Believe) Was Caused by a COVID-19 Vaccine

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 17:30 +0000

Are increasing numbers of US adults seeing the light on the risks associated with the Pizer and Modera mRNA vaccines? In a recent survey, more than one in four say they know someone personally who died from the side effects, while 48% of adults are concerned about vaccine injury.

Related: New Research: Public School is “Killing” Your Kids


Seventy-seven percent (77%) of adults who have not gotten COVID-19 vaccinations believe it’s at least somewhat likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths. Among those who have gotten the vaccine, just 38% consider unexplained deaths from the vaccine at least somewhat likely.

Similarly, while 45% of those who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19 think someone they know personally might have died from vaccine side effects, only 22% of vaccinated adults think so.


Republicans are more concerned about vaccine safety. And while 48% of all those surveyed were concerned about side effects, 37% think vaccine injuries are conspiracy theories.

That breaks closely to party lines which is intriguing. If you recall, when Mr. Trump was clearing the deck to fast-track some sort of vaccine you’d be hard-pressed to find a Democrat willing to get it. It was Trump’s vaccine.

Note to those Dems. That vaccine you love more than other people’s lives is Trump’s vaccine.  Yes, they were approved by the CDC and FDA under the not-so-watchful eye of a mostly Democrat congress and Joe Biden. It was never going to be a different cocktail but it fell to Biden and the Democrats to ensure safety and fully informed consent when it went live.

We can only speculate about how much more scrutiny there might have been if Trump had been re-elected.

Wait, I think we can hint at what might have been. At the first sign of vaccine harm (athletes dropping dead for example), the media would have done its due diligence, fueled by partisan hatred of Donald Trump, and demanded accountability. They would have gone after the CDC, NIH, FDA, and Fauci.

Trump (I hope) would have as well, and I’d like to think the Jabs would have been pulled under pressure from the Chief Executive.

Feel free to speculate about what ifs or what else might have been different, but it is not the same world. The one we live in has (mostly) Dems pushing that jab to the point of requiring it to – at one point – work or participate in society.

So, while more Americans could be waking up to the issues surrounding these innoculations (booster uptake is way down), the left is still in a vaccine dream state that ought to be a nightmare. This is “Trump’s vaccine,” you just removed him from any accountability or responsibility for what happened after it was “approved.”

So, now, how do you feel about them?



HT | Igor Chudov

The post More than 1 in 4 Adults Know Someone Whose Death (They Believe) Was Caused by a COVID-19 Vaccine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 6

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 16:00 +0000

All “Law Reading” and no play makes Skip a dull guy – so being in a bit of a funk, I’ve written little. However, it’s a New Year and time to power through the writer’s block (yeah, that’s the ticket – although it doesn’t quite sum up the mood the last few days). So, back to writing about RSA 91-A, NH’s Right To Know Law, and a citizen’s best tool in keeping those that are governing us on the straight and narrow.

Thus far, we got through less than I thought I would”

  • Preamble
  • Definitions
  • Meetings Open To Public (clauses I & half of II)

So now onto the rest of 91-A:2. So what happens when you aren’t happy with how a meeting has been called or is being conducted?  What is your recourse (or as lawyers say “remedy”)?  That’s clause II-a that starts to bring the hammer down. It references later Clauses that we’ll go over later but here’s the text. As always, emphasis mine and I may do a bit of reformatting simply for readability:

II-a. If a member of the public body believes that any discussion in a meeting of the body, including in a nonpublic session, violates this chapter, the member may object to the discussion.

So, if they didn’t call the meeting correctly, went into a non-public meeting incorrectly, or did anything else that is not allowed by this RSA, object!

Sidenote: We are a Dillon’s Rule State and our Statutes strictly define what a subdivision of the State may or may not do. If what a Public Body wishes to do isn’t found in a law, they can’t do it. Period. So if it isn’t specifically outlined in RSA 91-A, it is illegal.

If the public body continues the discussion despite the objection, the objecting member may request that his or her objection be recorded in the minutes and may then continue to participate in the discussion without being subject to the penalties of RSA 91-A:8, IV or V. Upon such a request, the public body shall record the member’s objection in its minutes of the meeting.

This basically states that you have to be willing to stand up and voice your opinion. When you do so, do what Saul Alinsky said to do in Rule #4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules”. Make them PROVE that what they are doing IS in RSA 91-A.  Get them on record and in the minutes which is EXACTLY what the RTK Law requires:

If the objection is to a discussion in nonpublic session, the objection shall also be recorded in the public minutes, but the notation in the public minutes shall include only the member’s name, a statement that he or she objected to the discussion in nonpublic session, and a reference to the provision of RSA 91-A:3, II, that was the basis for the discussion.

A:3 deals with NON-PUBLIC meetings which are tightly controlled.

With that last bit, we’re getting there but not quite. The Above really is important – there can be no wiggle room allowed. After all, if “the window is allowed to be broken”, people are willing to start violating the next bigger “thing”. It is easier to shame them earlier than it is to fix it much later with far bigger violations as habits have been formed. Call out the error, get it recorded, and then refer back to it often until they get it right.


(a) If a public body maintains an Internet website or contracts with a third party to maintain an Internet website on its behalf, it shall either post its approved minutes in a consistent and reasonably accessible location on the website or post and maintain a notice on the website stating where the minutes may be reviewed and copies requested.

This SHOULD be self-explanatory but there are those that have, in the past, trying to be Captain Blackbeard’s and try to hide the treasure minutes.  “Consistently” is the operative word – same place, posted at the same time, meeting after meeting. There is nothing more irritating inducing than “it was here LAST time – where’d they put it NOW?!?!?!?!?!”

Frankly, I think the writers of the Law got the above and the next part upside down – you POST the notice of the meeting before the meeting and then post the minutes from the meeting afterwards:

(b) If a public body chooses to post meeting notices on the body’s Internet website, it shall do so in a consistent and reasonably accessible location on the website. If it does not post notices on the website, it shall post and maintain a notice on the website stating where meeting notices are posted.

Again, our happy word is “Consistent” – which is the whole purpose of RSA 91-A is to put a consistent framework in place to enforce that consistency. And note that last bit – if you use a website, you’re stuck with it and can’t get rid of it. You know, like the monies for a bandstand that Gilford NH accepted back last century – you spent it and now it will be there forever (ditto “the sidewalk to no-where”).  While it makes sense in this day and age, it just had to be said because there are always there that are trying to game the system.

I’m going to stop here as RSA 91-A: III has several parts that I don’t want to break up.


Previous Posts:

  • Part 1 – What is the Purpose of a Right To Know demand?
  • Part 2 – Why is it Constitutional?
  • Part 3 – What are the Terms (Definitions)?
  • Part 4 – OK, there are Meetings and then there are Meetings…
  • Part 5 – When are Meetings a meeting and when CAN”T you go but WHEN can you go?

And ancillaries:

  • RTK Ombudsman Update: An Example of “Government” Workers Making Life Harder for the Citizens That Own “It”
  • A Discussion with the new Right To Know Ombudsman, Tom Kehr

The post A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 6 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kick Woke Criminal Justice Reforms to the Curb

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 14:30 +0000

The Illinois Supreme Court halted the state’s new law eliminating cash bail pending further litigation.  Good.  Maybe sanity will prevail in the end.  Here’s what no-cash bail laws do:  A New York man was arrested for beating his wife.  He was released on no bail.  Less than 24 hours later, he shot her dead in front of her three children.  The no-bail situation in New York City has gotten so bad, Mayor Eric Adams now calls it ‘catch and release’ and said, “We have to stop passing laws that protect the guilty.”

Eric Adams might finally be telling the truth, but other Democrats who brought you insane ideas like no-bail are now trying to cover up the consequences of their insanity.  In Chicago, the mayor – who condones riots – wants to switch from police scanners to encrypted radio frequencies.  This will prevent journalists from reporting breaking crime stories and the public from learning about threats to their safety.  In Colorado, a Democrat senator’s wife is urging lawmakers to defund the police the sneaky way by reallocating funds to social services.  In case you don’t know, several cities got mugged by the reality of what happens when you defund the police and moved to re-fund their police departments.  But not in Seattle, which has found another sneaky way to defund the police.  The tolerance for riots and disparagement of police professionals caused a number of vacant positions in the police department and the city council voted last month to eliminate 80 of them.

But try as they might, the stupid Democrats can’t cover up the fact that large cities like Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles are now more dangerous than war zones like Iraq or Afghanistan for young males.  The most dangerous city is actually St. Louis where the progressive prosecutor won’t accept arrests by 300 officers and the mayor won’t authorize pay increases for officers, causing the police department to operate at less than half strength.  Staffing shortages and progressive prosecutors are being blamed for the rise in violent crime in many cities across the country last year.

We want to thank Christopher Wright for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

And Democrats can’t cover up the fact that Target lost $400 million last year to organized retail theft.  Overall, retail theft is up more than 26 percent and is closing in on $100 billion a year.  Houston – and elsewhere – we got a problem.  Walmart is warning it will have to raise prices and close stores, if this keeps up.  The CEO specifically blamed progressive prosecutors and their soft-on-crime policies.  The violence is so bad in North Philly, a gas station owner hired armed security.  Police don’t respond and nobody feels safe, he said.  A restaurant in D.C. is closing down because employees are being attacked and their cars are being broken into.  The insane Democrats who run the city voted late last year to reduce penalties for illegal gun possession, carjacking, robbery, and other crimes.

Another business closed, this one in Portland, another Democrat city that loves riots.  The owner cited “unrelenting criminal behavior” and “escalating safety issues” for employees. “We have no protection, or recourse, against the criminal behavior that goes unpunished,” an open letter posted on the front door said.  Here’s the interesting part:  You hear these progressive prosecutors and other apologists for high crime say, ‘don’t worry about it, insurance will cover any losses.’  Not true.  The owner went on to write: “Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies cover losses. We have sustained 15 break-ins … we have not received any financial reimbursement since the 3rd.”

Think about all this the next time the Democrats are flashing you a big smile and asking you to keep them in power.  Better yet, take action now.  The city council in Roanoke recently asked state lawmakers to undo the Democrats’ woke criminal justice reforms and bring back no-knock warrants, traffic stops for broken tail lights and other minor infractions, and holding suspects without bond for violent offenses.  Voters in Democrat-controlled Kansas City, Missouri voted up a constitutional amendment requiring the city to spend more on police.

This is not a situation where reforms swing between competing values on a pendulum.  The Democrats threw the pendulum out the window with their woke criminal justice reforms.  But this is still America and citizens like you can take action so they can’t turn your life into a war zone.

The post Kick Woke Criminal Justice Reforms to the Curb appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Research Confirms Almost No One Was in Grave Danger from COVID-19

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 13:00 +0000

We’re always looking for ways to poke the COVID-response apologists in their rheumy third eye, and this is a doozy. A pile of global data has been crunched that proves the fearmongers wrong. Almost no one was in grave danger from COVID-19.

I did say almost.

Dr. Robert Malone shared the data on his Substack, which you can sift at your leisure, but this is the sweet spot. Here are your odds of dying from COVID-19 before the introduction of the alleged vaccine* – or (IFR) infection fatality rate.


  • 0.0003% at 0–19 years
  • 0.002% at 20–29 years
  • 0.011% at 30–39 years
  • 0.035% at 40–49 years
  • 0.123% at 50–59 years
  • 0.506% at 60–69 years
  • 0.034% for people aged 0–59 years people
  • .095% for those aged 0–69 years.


This says what many (ourselves included) began reporting in March and April 2020. The fear was overblown. Actual cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were not living up to the hype. Almost no one needed anything but time to recover.

Dr. Malone’s piece (worth the read) offers this research in the shadow of the first cause or patient zero of fearmongering and fraud that led the world to ignore what we were seeing once we had actual data. Neil “fearmonger” Ferguson, Ph.D. of Imperial College, with his flawed pandemic modeling


It is the Imperial College models that projected millions of deaths in the first year in the UK, if stringent lockdowns were not implemented. Once implemented, Ferguson and Imperial college quickly took credit for the “success” of lockdowns.

The estimate of 3.1 million lives saved by Dr. Ferguson was derived from a Thoroughly “ludicrous unscientific exercise, whereby they purported to validate their model by using their own hypothetical projections as a counterfactual of what would happen without lockdowns.” Other models and real world data have discredited Ferguson’s models, but the damage was done. Lockdowns, quarantines, masking, poorly-tested EUA products – such as experimental vaccines have taken their toll on all of us. In the end, what, if any of them were necessary?


Several of our writers had been questioning Ferguson’s projections (and political policy based on it) as the US and local data became available in late March to mid-April 2020. But once you go there (15 days to flatten the curve), it’s not easy coming back.

It became as many days as needed to flatten Trump, and the restrictions remained even after the summer riots peaceful protests, with no joy for you unless you were rioting, looting, or burning protesting for the current thing.

As for Ferguson, he still has his apologists. Those who believe lockdowns, masks, and distancing saved lives. But that’s a bit like saying people who’ve never been near the water were protected from the risk of drowning. The threat was always to those over 70, with few exceptions.


The largest burden of COVID-19 is carried by the elderly, and persons living in nursing homes are particularly vulnerable. However, 94% of the global population is younger than 70 years and 86% is younger than 60 years. The objective of this study was to accurately estimate the infection fatality rate (IFR) of COVID-19 among non-elderly people in the absence of vaccination or prior infection.

In systematic searches in SeroTracker and PubMed (protocol:, we identified 40 eligible national seroprevalence studies covering 38 countries with pre-vaccination seroprevalence data. For 29 countries (24 high-income, 5 others), publicly available age-stratified COVID-19 death data and age-stratified seroprevalence information were available and were included in the primary analysis.


Scroll back up for another look at those numbers. Then consider that even knowing the elderly are more at risk from flu (they always are), they even screwed that up.

It’s hard to ignore how badly the politicians and public health experts handled the elderly in nursing homes and how they might have done better if those politicized ‘experts’ had stayed out of it. And that’s before we consider all the harm done by the policy decisions themselves (especially to younger people who were never at risk), including the damage still being done by the emergency authorized experimental vaccine*.

And here we are, post-holiday break, with schools masking kids and variant BB11XYZ(whatever)GFY making news and scaring people into the COVID pews.

Thankfully, here in New Hampshire, there’s not much of that, but if we had a Dem governor, they’d be trying, which means we’re always just one election away from more tyranny.



The post New Research Confirms Almost No One Was in Grave Danger from COVID-19 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – Used Be Humorous and Everyone Was in on the Joke. It’s Not Anymore and Now the Joke Is on Us.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 11:30 +0000

I liked the TV show MASH back the day. A lot.

This, however, not at all.

This is the Establishment of a Government religion and we have no choice in the matter. It is also demeaning to girls and women.

It’s clear that these two (until the luggage stealing one on the right got canned for embarrassing Biden (er, by getting hired or getting caught?).

However, these two are the vanguard of the Government that states you WILL believe in our new Scriptures- or else.

So, is participating in this meme part of the “or else” bit? Or am I being sacrilegious by being a heretic/infidel to this new Government theology?

(H/T: Matt – I guess he’s an infidel as well. Heh!)

The post Palate Cleanser – Used Be Humorous and Everyone Was in on the Joke. It’s Not Anymore and Now the Joke Is on Us. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sadly, his predictions sound all too common sensical...

Libertarian Leanings - Tue, 2023-01-03 10:21 +0000
Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, American Greatness: 13 Big Predictions for 2023 I thought I would conjure up a special set of predictions for American Greatness readers about what might be coming in 2023. You won’t get this from the three-letter government... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Dan Richard – Jan 8 NH Committee of Safety Meeting

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 04:00 +0000

Announcement by the NH COS:

(Click to embiggen)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Abortion Is Our “Canary in a Coal Mine,” and Hardly Anyone Cares

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 02:30 +0000

The beating heart of an unborn is like a canary in a coal mine. 
When the canary’s heart stops, it means deadly gases are in the mine. When an unborn’s heart is unnaturally stopped, it means a dark societal force is at work and if not contained, it will destroy everything in its path.

We want to thank Jim Betti for this Op-Ed. Please submit it to

There is no debate regarding the biology of abortion.
Every human started as a fertilized egg, grew inside a uterus, and was brought into the world. Termination of this process results in one less human being. Besides rape and incest {< 1% of pregnancies} all other pregnancies are the result of the voluntary uniting of a male sperm and a female egg and the subsequent implantation of the fertilized egg into a female Uterus. To halt the implanted fertilized egg’s development, except for the physical health of the mother, is tantamount to deciding the evolving life is, for whatever reason, unwanted. And by definition, the unborn life has no say in the decision.

Much of the secular world has reached the point that ending a growing life is accepted by society.
Since the 1973 Roe versus Wade decision, there have been 63 million abortions in America, and Worldwide, 73 million abortions occur annually.

In the progressive Democrat Party, any candidate who is pro-life is not viable. They cannot obtain their party’s nomination because the base of the party believes abortion is a virtuous right to be made available up until the moment before birth. Pathetically, any Democrat who holds an opposing view must hide their true feelings; if they are openly pro-life, they will quickly find they are no longer welcome in their so-called tolerant and inclusive Democrat circles.

Independent voters tend to be mixed about the abortion issue, with most believing abortion is not good and virtuous but necessary in certain situations. Generally, these voters support abortion in the first term, have mixed views in the second, and are opposed to abortion in the third term.

The Republican Christian base will never support and, therefore, dooms a Republican national candidate who is pro-abortion {except in the case of rape, incest, and the mother’s physical health}. The reason is the Bible is clear God knew you in the womb. Therefore, the unborn has a soul, and to extinguish the unborn is murder. (A violation of one of the 10 Commandments).

Christians understand biblical beliefs do not bind secular Americans, but they believe women who had an abortion are in grave spiritual danger. And Christians are called to pray for these women and come alongside those who seek forgiveness for their decision; because the God of the Universe loves them and will forgive them. For without God’s forgiveness, someday these women will stand before their maker, and all the Planned Parenthood “sisters” reasons for having an abortion aren’t going to cut it.

If a GOP politician doesn’t come to grips with the abortion issue:
The recurring nightmare of inconsolable feminists screeching to keep your hands off their bodies — as biased TV pundits report how a GOP candidate is a misogynist and wants women to birth babies even if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, probably will become a reality. And progressively controlled social media will amplify the misinformation as it simultaneously suppresses the truth {Think Hunter Biden’s laptop and Elon Musk’s Twitter files}. If a GOP candidate is not prepared for the unfair, biased, progressive-media-complex, they will be shredded, much to the progressive world’s delight.

So, what is an Abortion position that will make a National GOP candidate acceptable to many of the 70% of Americans who favor some variation of abortion access? A pro-life GOP national candidate first needs to understand the ramifications of not being elected. Their progressive opponent will assume office, and all the good that could have been done will never happen. Then the GOP candidate has to acknowledge pregnancies that endanger the mother’s physical health or are the result of rape or incest are special cases and merit different consideration.

Acknowledging these realities, a pro-life Presidential candidate can boldly say, I don’t support abortion, except in the rarest of cases, because I believe the unborn is alive and known to God. I understand that there are many people who do not agree with me, and I believe in the Rule of Law. After the overturning of Roe vs Wade, the abortion issue now legally belongs to the States and through the vote, individual States can make abortion legal or illegal. As President, I will not sign any national legislation in favor of or against abortion. I will mourn the loss of every unborn life and I will pray for the women who have had an abortion.

Any candidate for a national House or Senate seat can use the same constructs with a commitment to allow the States to handle the issue and not work on unneeded and probably unconstitutional national abortion laws.

A few caveats: America is quickly moving away from its Judeo-Christian roots. With America’s constitution as a framework, these roots along with the hard work of competitive capitalism, are the foundation on which the greatest nation the world has ever seen was built. As America loses its Judeo-Christian moral compass and forgets its own great history, the foundation is crumbling.

By 2050 most likely, less than 50% of Americans will identify as Christian, and by 2070, only 39%. At some point during this transition, the Christian base will lose much of its political influence. And as politicians eventually always do, they’ll respond to this new dynamic and no longer champion an unborn’ s life.

Whenever an unborn’ s life is ended, dark forces within our society gain strength. These dark forces are no longer afraid of America’s unique history and the traditional Americans who made our country great. The dark forces have corrupted our youth with lies about America being unjust and have systematically divided America along race and gender lines. Empowered, they have come out in the open and have a name “Woke Progressives,” and if they are not stopped:

It will only be a matter of time before the” Woke” is able to gain a majority on the SCOTUS. The new Court will do what Progressive politicians have been unable to do. Take out the last pillar of America’s foundation and gut the Constitution. They will create new “Woke Rights” and declare that these new rights take precedence over the written Constitution’s Rights of freedom of religion, speech, and the equal protection clause. That action would clear the way for the Progressive’s oppressive socialist dystopia, with the racism of equity and the suppression of free speech/religion as America’s new status quo.

America’s canary in a coal mine is showing signs of distress, but there is still time to act against the dark, woke forces, and there is only one way to do it:  Vote!

Because if we don’t, the canary will die, and with it, the American dream!!

A Happy and safe New Year to all.

The post Abortion Is Our “Canary in a Coal Mine,” and Hardly Anyone Cares appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sec. of State Scanlan – Will You lead?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2023-01-03 01:00 +0000

Jan 2, 2023

NH Sec. Of State: Mr. David Scanlan
Co-Chairman Voter Confidence Committee: Report
Mr. Swett and Mr.Cook


Many of us who testified before your committee and dedicated our personal time and research, now feel robbed of a sense of normalcy, transparency, and fairness in your final report.

Which excluded:

  1. Public testimony/ evidence produced by NH concerned citizens, as part of the final report record. This is the cornerstone for accountability and public transparency; instead, your committee chooses to obfuscate it.
  2. Statement of blind trust ( #L. in the report) that machines “ when used correctly” are more accurate than hand count, lacks any empirical data, peer review, or basis of facts to state such claims. ( nearly 30% of NH towns hand count exclusively, as well as a host of large industrialized countries in Europe .)
  3. Lacked strong, clear, essential voting policy and procedures changes, as well as critical components that would help prevent future unlawful acts, and misconduct.

In your report: You lean strongly into protecting election officials but fail to ever mention protecting the civil rights and sovereignty of the citizen voter. Town clerks and moderators all have legal protection and representation through their associations paid for by our tax dollars. On the contrary, the citizen voter has no other option than to file a legal challenge in court, at great personal expense. The average citizen breaks the law they are prosecuted, why has the state legislature not the same standard for those who destroy, violate the public trust and their oath of office?

We want to thank Al Brandano for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to


We can never outrun the “spirit of truth”, one way or another it catches up to us. History has proven the longer we try the more and more damaging the results! (Exposed recently in the unholy marriage – between social media, the press, and government)

Mr. Scanlan citizens’ input must be taken seriously and acted upon.

The 2020 Windham election audit recommendations from the independent audit team have yet to be fully enacted under your public guidance, or support to the legislature. Virtually no election official has been prosecuted by the NH DOJ. It is human nature without real penalty, there is no deterrent. (Example one official made #137 verified election violations confirmed by the NH DOJ report in Windham NH in 2020)

In 2021 nearly fifty election bills were brought before the legislature, to the best of my research in committee hearings to which you Mr. Scanlan sadly supported just one.

The post Sec. of State Scanlan – Will You lead? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Local School Boards Are Your Only Line of Defense Against the Blue Rot

Granite Grok - Mon, 2023-01-02 23:30 +0000

So this is in response to a post, Promoted from the Comments – A Contrarian View on “Call for Candidates: Run for School Board!” One commentator argues … or at least seems to be arguing … that the proper focus is on school-choice because the political power to take over local school boards AND to then reform the local school district does not exist.

Well … if that political power doesn’t exist locally … not even in “red towns” … then it follows that it does NOT exist statewide. The Democrats have functional control of the House. In 2024, given how rapidly New Hampshire is trending BLUE, they’ll have nominal control and a Democrat Governor … CHRIS PAPPAS.

We are at the high-water mark for school-choice NOW. The only defense … if you intend to remain in BLUE Hampshire … is to balkanize within the State. Move to a red town and make it redder. Eliminate the position of “diversity czar” or whatever euphemism they use for the person whose mission it is to sexualize school-children and teach them to hate Republicans. Fire the Socialist Superintendent.

Other commentators seem to argue that you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. That is, that it is an either-or choice between school-choice and taking back local school boards. The two are NOT mutually exclusive, but taking back local school boards is the ONLY practical move in this increasingly BLUE State.

The post Local School Boards Are Your Only Line of Defense Against the Blue Rot appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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