The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 17 min 44 sec ago

“Why Do You Do This Stuff?” – With Ken Eyring and Tom Murray Part 1/3

Wed, 2024-05-22 18:00 +0000

Ken and Tom founded the Government Integrity Project a number of years ago. Their mission, along with their supporters, is to find out where Government is not playing with a straight deck. We’ve all known about the “Good ole’ boys” networks that can run small towns, the larger cities with their Tammany Hall political machines, and individuals (often drawing government-signed paychecks) not always believing that they are merely public servants but become enamored with the Power that Government can wield.

A few weeks ago, I was asked by Tom and Ken if I’d participate in an interview with another person for a documentary on Government Corruption that will be coming out somewhere down the road. Hey, while Ken often sends in submissions as a Grokster, both read GraniteGrok as regular readers so they know about the goings on here in NH. So of COURSE, I said yes and spent a few hours with them and their crew.

And when we had run out of time (the Library wanted their room back but certainly we didn’t run out of things to talk about!), I turned the tables on them – I brought my camera out and had them sit together. I’ve split the 20 minute interview into 3 parts.

This is Part 1:

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4txjcc","div":"rumble_v4txjcc"});

The post “Why Do You Do This Stuff?” – With Ken Eyring and Tom Murray Part 1/3 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Midweek Memes – Still Not to Be Confused With …

Wed, 2024-05-22 16:00 +0000

It’s another Wednesday running cover for our meme-master –  trying to do a good enough job to keep his audience entertained until he can pick the day up again.

Remember, these are memes. It’s just a bunch of memes, including dead Iranian president memes (and a video of Putin and someone who is supposed to be Biden).

As always, apologies for duplicates from past meme posts.

Here we go.






June is coming…




Poetry corner…

I’m not sure what the hell this is, but leave the volume off. Trust me.


How about a Few Dead Iranian President Memes?














Hair is an anti-hijab reference in Iran.



We now return you to your regularly scheduled memes.


















What the..?


Just because…




The post Midweek Memes – Still Not to Be Confused With … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Watch As Middle America Become The Middle East

Wed, 2024-05-22 14:00 +0000

Joe Biden and the Democrats have been re-engineering our country. I am probably giving Biden too much credit. He is not a designer of the plan but a hapless tool to carry out the plan. This plan started in 2008 when Obama was elected and openly proclaimed his purpose to transform America.

This plan has many fronts, from the accelerated indoctrination of our children from K-16 to the irrational DEIJ movement that rewards boxes checked versus competency and finally to the manipulation of the electoral map by the placement of illegal migrants.

One of Biden’s first acts upon his election was to open our southern border and allow over ten million unvetted migrants from over 150 countries to enter our country. If these individuals were brought to one location in the United States, these people would form the 10th most populated state in our country. The people crossing the Rio Grande by foot were step one, and step two was flying illegals directly to predetermined destinations. The goal is to change the demographics of the Red States. The faster the Democrats can get these migrants to the polls. The better for the Democrats.

In what may be the final stage is the Democrat plan to bring millions of Palestinian refugees from Gaza to the Middle American states. These states have some of the lowest population numbers and are typically Conservative and Red-leaning. By inserting millions of people the Democrats feel will vote for the Left, they can quickly transform these Red fly-over states into Blue-voting machines.

There are many aspects to consider when importing refugees from Gaza.
First, there will be no way of vetting these people, and we know that not all Palestinians are terrorists, but all Hamas terrorists are Palestinians. We will have no way of discerning how many of the people we bring into Middle America will be terrorists hell-bent on taking down America or in sleeper cells ready to be awakened and activated. Secondly, we just went through weeks of unrest on college campuses with radical activists funding and coaching impressionable college students to protest for Palestine and Hamas and against Israel. These refugees will add fuel to that movement.

This engineering of future elections is the transformation that Barack Obama envisioned. By manipulating the population in selective states, the Left can guarantee there will never be a Republican elected President. Ironically, the Democrats yell about election suppression or interference. Yet, they have spent decades manipulating the election process in their favor. One hundred years, they are indoctrinating our young students, turning them off on America and capitalism and convincing them that Socialism is a superior system to live in.

Joe Biden should not be impeached. Joe Biden should be charged and tried for Treason against the United States. He has stomped on the Constitution, insulted and ignored the Supreme Court, and has been complicit with the Senate stalling any bills passed out of the House. His efforts to transform America have damaged American lives, smashed the dreams of our future, and made states and cities less safe for Americans to live comfortably. Biden and this Democrat plan must be stopped, and making sure that Biden does not get four more years in the Oval Office.

The post Watch As Middle America Become The Middle East appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Depopulationist Says ‘Quiet Part’ Outloud – Doesn’t Regret It

Wed, 2024-05-22 12:00 +0000

When a partisan faction committed to depopulation by other means openly admits that we’d be better off with fewer of us around, they mean it. Culling the wrong people out of the population has been a goal for over a century, and these social engineers openly support policies that prove it.

Abortion isn’t health care. It is a feature of a longstanding depopulation agenda. Progressives have long sought to reduce populations of people who are not like them.

Assisted suicide sounds like well-meaning empathy until you let them control it. It quickly becomes a subject of much debate as a means to relive the state of the homeless, mentally ill, and others whom they’ve long wanted to cull but lacked a way to do it without looking like who they really are.

The Climate movement has long been very clear on the need to reduce populations to save the planet but they never volunteer to go first. Who would make sure the right people remained if they lived by their own creed?

Professor Bill McGuire shared an observation the other day along these lines. A very casual, you know, if we’re serious about reducing emissions, people gonna have to die.

“If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate

To summarize.

  1. He’s convinced that a trace gas incapable of warming the planet as advertised will be the end of the world.
  2. We must reduce the emissions of that gas to prevent a global catastrophe.
  3. Culling (killing) human beings is the only honest way to prevent planetary doom.
  4. There is no other way to get there from here.

When called out on this, he did what you’d expect. He accused everyone of taking him out of context and twisting his words.

The only thing in this response that matters is that he doesn’t regret it, which I believe. I feel certain he thinks people need to die to satisfy his perception of the effect of emissions on climate. The rest is rubbish.

The only person who has taken his meaning the wrong way is Bill McGuire because this sort of thinking is part of his movement’s collective consciousness. It is no less a fact that 0.04% of the atmosphere has more influence on waring than the sun, solar mechanics, and water vapor.

It is also true that the political catalysts of the movement, the ones who keep the climate fear messaging funded, are ideologically descended from social engineers whose rhetoric has inspired past cullings of the human population. Leaders who share other commonalities like the need for a command and control economy managed by the Government and a police state to keep order when the humans they have not yet culled (but will be for dissenting) discover how badly they’ve been screwed.

Bill is a useful idiot.

Regardless of whether you agree with his science, he aids and abets despotism, whose logical conclusion is the systematic culling of the population when it does not fully align with the goals of the State or dares to challenge it.

Bill and his climate theory is a bigger threat to humanity (human rights, justice, liberty, and prosperity) than CO2.


The post Depopulationist Says ‘Quiet Part’ Outloud – Doesn’t Regret It appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Congrats to Comment of the Week Winner, Martina Vaslovik

Wed, 2024-05-22 11:00 +0000

I picked seven possible winners, and you voted. This week’s comment of the week goes to Martina Vaslovik.

Congratulations to Martina – please email

Here’s the winning comment.

Post: Scientists” Testing One-Jab-To-Kill-Them-All ‘Vaccine’ to Fight Multiple “Coronaviruses”

Martina Vaslovik There has never been any efficacious vaccine for any form of coronavirus, ever. There has never been any cure for the common cold, which is caused by a coronavirus, specifically rhinovirus 39. What they are hawking is not even a vaccine, which is made from an attenuated virus, it’s gene therapy using mRNA, to do God knows what to us, and it’s killed millions so far. They cannot make a vaccine for the *alleged* covid virus because it does not exist. It has not been isolated by anyone anywhere in the world four years later and the CCP conveniently announced they had ordered the original specimens destroyed. It’s my belief that COVID19, or the idea of it, originated not in Wuhan, but in Davos with Klaus Schwab and his merry men, who when they came out with their Great Reset’s pie chart had COVID19 smack in the middle of it and lauded it as a narrow window of opportunity to change the world. Note also that Klaus Schwab’s buddy Yuval Noah Harari has put us all on notice telling us “Frankly we really don’t need the vast majority of you.” Should that not tell us something? Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’ At 7 universities not once COVID detected. ‘This virus is fictitious’ ‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. We who conducted the lab test with these 1500 samples at the 7 universities are now suing the CDC for Covid-19 fraud. The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’ ‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’ ‘Now that Covid-19 is supposedly so bad everywhere, how come not one lab in the world has completely isolated and purified this virus? That’s because they never really found the virus. All they ever discovered were small pieces of RNA that were not identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain, just like every year. Covid-19 does not exist and is fictitious.’ Which brings us to this: Seasonal Flu Cases in the US 2012-2013 34,000,000 2013-2014 30,000,000 2014-2015 30,000,000 2015-2016 24,000,000 2016-2017 29,000,000 2017-2018 45,000,000 2018-2019 36,000,000 2019-2020 38,000,000 2020-2021 1,822 Draw your own conclusions…

The post Congrats to Comment of the Week Winner, Martina Vaslovik appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How to Buy Clothes Profitably in the USA with Delivery to Poland by Polonez America

Wed, 2024-05-22 10:30 +0000

When you purchase clothes from the United States, it may be extremely lucrative, in particular if you exploit outlet online stores and actual bargains on designer clothes.

Polonez America ( makes this process hassle-free by helping you to shop smart and having your purchases delivered to Poland within a short period of time. This guide shows how to buy low-priced clothing in the USA and have it delivered to Poland.

Shop from Outlet Online Stores in the USA

Start by checking out outlets in America. These are stores where branded items are sold at high discounts, enabling one to get them at a fraction of their retail price. To maximize savings, look for clothing sales and real discounts.

Use Polonez America’s Warehouse Address

In the course of making an order, enter Polonez America’s warehouse address as your shipping address. It lets you consolidate purchases and avail yourself of their shipping services.

Register on Polonez America’s Website

After placing your order, register on Polonez America’s website. Add the tracking number and contents of your order to your account. By doing so, Polonez America will be able to follow up on your package and make all necessary preparations for its arrival.

Receive Notification and Measurements

When your order reaches Polonez America’s warehouse, they measure size and weight again and notify you when they receive new measurements.

Create and Pay for Shipment to Poland

Using this information, create a shipment to Poland via Polonez’s website, paying for it too.

Tips for Buying Clothes Profitably in the USA
  • Seek Outlets and Sales: Focus on outlet stores or seasonal sales where branded items can be found with huge discounts.
  • Compare Prices: Ensure that when looking at prices for different things, use comparison tools/applications which will guarantee the best deals.
  • Group Purchases: Multiple purchases can be combined into one shipment, thus decreasing shipping costs and allowing you to fully benefit from Polonez America services.
  • Stay Updated on Discounts: Signing up for newsletters from your favorite online stores will help you get news about upcoming sales, exclusive discounts etc.
Advantages of Using Polonez America
  • Efficient Warehouse Service: Polonez provides a reliable warehouse address in the USA for your orders.
  • Consolidation of Shipments: Shipping costs also can be lowered if you consolidate many orders into a single shipment.
  • Professional Handling: All parcels are measured, processed and shipped with accuracy.

Thus, shopping for clothes in the US is profitable and easy with Polonez America. The use of online outlet stores, real discounts, and efficient delivery services offered by Polonez America will allow you to save great on branded items.

The post How to Buy Clothes Profitably in the USA with Delivery to Poland by Polonez America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

For Democrats, Justice is a One-Way Street

Wed, 2024-05-22 10:00 +0000

Most people would agree that no free society can survive without a fair, unbiased justice system, one in which everyone is treated equally and no one is above the law. While so many governments around the world are rife with corruption and unequal justice, most Americans agree that, while imperfect, our judicial system has always been the best there is.

After all, we have all the safeguards in place to help ensure integrity in our government and fairness in our justice system. First, there’s our Constitution and our three co-equal branches of government. And we have a free press, intended to serve as the conscience of our government. Then there are the people, citizens who have always banded together to stand against government corruption.

Of course, all that came crashing down for several years while our nation was still young. Less than 100 years after its birth, America became a deeply divided nation, and those divisions erupted into a bloody war between the states.

After the Civil War, it took time for our country to get back on the right track, but Americans eventually did come together to create a world superpower, accomplishing some incredible things – militarily, socially, medically, and scientifically.

But it seems that the very same political party that fought so fiercely to preserve slavery is unhappy with America’s success. Democrats have vowed to fundamentally transform our country. Once again they’re on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of morality. They’re using any means at their disposal to transform our country, and it has again created deep divisions among us. Now, the Democrat Party has begun abusing its political power in a way that would make banana republics envious. It’s employing our justice system as a weapon against its political opponents.

Democrats have always had a tenuous relationship with the law enforcement community. They envision themselves as defenders of the oppressed, and they generally perceive police as oppressors. That was especially apparent during the widespread BLM riots in the summer of 2020. Nearly every Democrat supported the anarchy, calling the riots mostly peaceful protests. Our future vice president even helped bail out some of the protestors. At the same time, they were stereotyping all law enforcement officers as racist. So began their insane movement to defund the police.

But in 2021, that same party discovered how to make the justice system work for them.

On January 6th of that year, a group of protesters, enraged by several unresolved election irregularities, stormed the U.S. Capitol. Democrats saw an opportunity. They redefined the protest as an “insurrection” and brought the full weight of our justice system down on anyone who was there.

But they didn’t stop there. They wanted Donald Trump’s head.

Today we see profoundly biased Democrat prosecutors and judges pretending that they’re above political influence. And hateful, like-minded Democrats close their eyes to their abuses of power, telling themselves that everything is on the up-and-up and that the justice system is working exactly as it should.

But they know exactly what’s really going on. To paraphrase Joe Biden himself, they may be fanatical Democrats, but they’re not stupid.

They know that Democrat lawmakers were in such haste to impeach President Trump, not once, but an unprecedented two times, that they did it without any investigation. Both impeachments lacked merit and failed.

They know that the endless Democrat-controlled hearings on the January 6th incident served no purpose other than to hurt Trump.

They know that the four indictments and 91 individual charges filed against a former president are also unprecedented. They know that the Democrat prosecutors don’t even try to conceal their contempt for him.

They also know that those charges against Trump represent brazen examples of both selective prosecution and election interference.

For when Democrats sanctimoniously parrot the phrase, “No one is above the law,” they’re forgetting the bizarre explanations they invented to defend Democrat politicians who stepped outside the law.

First, there’s this gem: “No reasonable prosecutor would take this case.” Then there were these assurances about Biden’s theft of classified documents: “They were safely locked in his garage with his prized Corvette.” On the bribery allegations? “It’s not influence peddling if the bribes only go to his family members.” And there was the congressman who suggested that Biden, his wayward son and “business associate,” arranged a conference call to “talk about the weather.”  Sometimes outright lies worked best for them: “The border is secure.”

But Democrats, handicapped by blind hatred, see nothing out of the ordinary in those unrelenting attacks on President Trump. Objective, clear-thinking Americans see a different picture. They can only conclude that they’re witnessing a political feeding frenzy – not the even-handed administration of justice.

As Democrats continue tinkering with our justice system, they’re engaging in an incredibly dangerous gambit. When citizens start to question the fairness of their justice system, when they believe it’s been corrupted, they lose respect for it. That inevitably leads to social unrest, widespread anarchy, and the eventual disintegration of society. Many would say it’s already begun.

The post For Democrats, Justice is a One-Way Street appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Introduction to Hydroluxx Facial

Wed, 2024-05-22 09:00 +0000

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, the Hydroluxx Facial has emerged as a revolutionary treatment. Combining advanced technology with the fundamentals of skin hydration and rejuvenation, this facial offers a comprehensive solution for those seeking radiant and healthy skin. Unlike traditional facials, the Hydroluxx Facial uses a unique blend of water, oxygen, and serums to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin deeply.

What is a Hydroluxx Facial?

A Hydroluxx Facial is a non-invasive skincare treatment designed to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin. It utilizes a specialized device that delivers a combination of water and oxygen at high pressure, along with nutrient-rich serums. This process helps to remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and infuse the skin with essential nutrients. The result is a refreshed, glowing complexion with improved texture and tone.

The Process of a Hydroluxx Facial
  1. Cleansing: The treatment begins with a thorough cleansing to remove any makeup, oil, and impurities from the skin’s surface. This step ensures that the skin is prepared for the subsequent stages of the facial.
  2. Exfoliation: Next, a gentle exfoliation is performed using the Hydroluxx device. This step helps to remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, allowing for better absorption of the serums and nutrients that will be applied later.
  3. Extraction: The device then uses a combination of water and suction to extract blackheads, whiteheads, and other impurities from the pores. This step is crucial for achieving a clear and smooth complexion.
  4. Hydration: After the extraction, the skin is infused with a customized blend of serums and nutrients. These serums are tailored to the individual’s skin type and concerns, providing hydration, anti-aging benefits, and protection against environmental damage.
  5. Oxygenation: Finally, the skin is treated with a burst of oxygen, which helps to further enhance the absorption of the serums and stimulate collagen production. This step leaves the skin looking plump, radiant, and revitalized.
Benefits of a Hydroluxx Facial

The Hydroluxx Facial offers numerous benefits, making it a popular choice among skincare enthusiasts:

  • Deep Cleansing: The combination of water, oxygen, and suction helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin, removing impurities and unclogging pores.
  • Exfoliation: Gentle exfoliation removes dead skin cells, promoting cell turnover and revealing a brighter, more even complexion.
  • Hydration: The infusion of serums and nutrients provides deep hydration, which is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin.
  • Anti-Aging: The oxygenation step stimulates collagen production, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Customized Treatment: The serums used in the Hydroluxx Facial are tailored to the individual’s skin type and concerns, ensuring optimal results.
  • Non-Invasive: Unlike some other skincare treatments, the Hydroluxx Facial is non-invasive and requires no downtime, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.
Who Can Benefit from a Hydroluxx Facial?

The Hydroluxx Facial is suitable for a wide range of skin types and concerns. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with:

  • Acne-Prone Skin: The deep cleansing and extraction steps help to reduce breakouts and prevent future acne.
  • Dry or Dehydrated Skin: The infusion of hydrating serums provides much-needed moisture, leaving the skin soft and supple.
  • Aging Skin: The collagen-boosting effects of the oxygenation step help to minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Dull or Uneven Skin Tone: Exfoliation and hydration work together to improve skin texture and tone, resulting in a radiant complexion.

The Hydroluxx Facial represents a significant advancement in skincare technology, offering a comprehensive solution for achieving healthy, glowing skin. By combining deep cleansing, gentle exfoliation, and intense hydration, this treatment addresses a wide range of skin concerns and delivers noticeable results. Whether you are looking to combat acne, reduce signs of aging, or simply maintain a healthy complexion, the Hydroluxx Facial is a worthwhile addition to your skincare routine. Its non-invasive nature and customized approach make it suitable for individuals of all skin types, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the benefits of this innovative facial treatment.

The post Introduction to Hydroluxx Facial appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: “What is the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH?”

Wed, 2024-05-22 02:00 +0000

A wee bit late in coming – yes! Last October, we had our first Groktoberfest. A time for Conservatarian (Conservative & Libertarian) activists to come together to yak, eat, and listen to a few people tell us their stories (and raise some money).

At that event, I announced my retirement from the ‘Grok, which I had founded in 2006. Family issues that HAD to take priority. With that, I went into that Quiet Night and didn’t write anything until last week.

My keyboard went silent, so it has taken seven months (I was actually only semi-retired) to process and post this (and the following) video clip.

Given that Groktoberfest was about GraniteGrok and the 18 years that we’ve been serving NH, the micro-interview question for Rep. Jim Kofalt (Grokster and 603 Alliance Board member) was, “What was the reason all these folks returned, time after time after time, to read our opinions, hear about our political activism, and ride along with investigations we had done over the years?”

Short and to the point:

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4twzxt","div":"rumble_v4twzxt"});

More coming

The post Night Cap: “What is the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH?” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Should You Fly to Houston for Addiction Rehab Instead of Staying in New Hampshire?

Wed, 2024-05-22 01:00 +0000

When it comes to overcoming addiction, the decision to seek help is a monumental step. But choosing the right place for treatment can be just as crucial. If you’re living in New Hampshire and considering rehab, you might not have thought about traveling out of state. Specifically, Houston, Texas, offers unique advantages that could make your recovery journey more successful. Here’s why hopping on a plane to Houston might be the best decision for your addiction rehab.

Escape Damaging Triggers and Environments

Breaking free from addiction often requires a fresh start, far away from the environment where the addiction took root. Houston offers a complete change of scenery, helping you escape the familiar places and faces associated with your substance use. Staying close to home might mean you’re constantly surrounded by triggers that could lead to relapse. By traveling to Houston, you remove yourself from these distractions, giving you the space to focus solely on your recovery.

Houston’s diverse landscape, from bustling city life to serene parks and green spaces, provides a variety of settings to support your healing. The city’s size and diversity also mean you’ll find a range of activities and support systems to help you build a new, healthier lifestyle. Whether you prefer the calm of nature or the energy of a big city, Houston has something to offer that can aid your recovery process.

Access to Top-Tier Medical Professionals and Facilities

Houston is home to some of the nation’s leading medical facilities and professionals specializing in addiction treatment. This access to top-tier healthcare is one of the strongest reasons to consider rehab in Houston. The city boasts numerous world-class hospitals and treatment centers with experts who are well-versed in the latest addiction therapy techniques and technologies.

Preventing drug addiction relapse is often a matter of receiving the right care at the right time. Houston’s medical community is equipped with cutting-edge resources and offers numerous different treatment options that might not be available in New Hampshire. From detox programs to intensive inpatient therapy, you can find comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs. The quality of medical support in Houston increases your chances of a successful recovery.

Strong Support Networks and Aftercare Programs

Recovery doesn’t end when you complete a rehab program; ongoing support is vital for maintaining sobriety. Houston offers extensive aftercare programs and support networks designed to help individuals transition from rehab back to everyday life. These programs include everything from sober living homes to outpatient therapy and support groups.

Joining a strong support network in Houston can make all the difference in staying sober. The city has a thriving recovery community where you can connect with others who understand what you’re going through. These connections provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of belonging that can be incredibly beneficial as you navigate life after rehab. Plus, being in a new city can help you build a fresh network of sober friends and activities, reinforcing your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

The Benefits of Specialized Holistic Rehab Programs

In Houston, you’ll find a variety of specialized programs that take a holistic, whole person, approach to addiction recovery. This means they treat the physical aspects of addiction alongside the crucial mental, emotional, and spiritual components. Holistic rehab programs in Houston might include therapies like yoga, meditation, art therapy, and acupuncture, alongside traditional treatments like counseling and medication-assisted therapy.

The value of a specialized holistic rehab program lies in its comprehensive approach to healing. These programs recognize that addiction affects every part of a person’s life, and therefore, recovery should address all these areas. By focusing on the whole person, holistic rehab in Houston can help you build a more balanced and fulfilling life. Whether it’s through mindfulness practices that reduce stress or creative therapies that allow for emotional expression, these programs offer tools that can be vital for long-term sobriety.

Cost-Effective and Comprehensive Care

While the idea of traveling to another state for rehab might seem expensive, Houston offers cost-effective options that can provide significant value. Many treatment centers in Houston offer high-quality care at prices that are competitive or even lower than those in other parts of the country. This affordability doesn’t mean a compromise in the quality of care; rather, it reflects the broad range of options available.

Comprehensive care in Houston means you’ll have access to various treatment modalities under one roof. This can include detox, residential treatment, outpatient programs, and aftercare support. The convenience of receiving all these services in one place can streamline your recovery process and reduce the stress of coordinating multiple aspects of your treatment. Plus, some rehab centers in Houston work with insurance providers to help cover the costs, making it more accessible for those who need financial assistance.

The post Why Should You Fly to Houston for Addiction Rehab Instead of Staying in New Hampshire? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Congress About To Destroy The Internet?

Wed, 2024-05-22 00:00 +0000

Is this the end of Section 230, a law that shields tech companies from liability for the third-party content they host? Will the sky fall without 230?

Recently, the House Energy and Commerce Committee proposed a bipartisan bill that would sunset Section 230 at the end of 2025: “Our bill gives Big Tech a choice: Work with Congress to ensure the internet is a safe, healthy place for good, or lose Section 230 protections entirely.”

While the 230 “experts” will have a lot to say on this topic, as an engineer, I prefer to start with real-world examples, not abstract talking points that sound nice on Twitter but don’t work in real life.

Let’s start with how Section 230 affected the child-porn victims in Doe v. Twitter (N.D. Cal. 2021).

In a nightmare for any parent, the victims encountered a perpetrator on Snapchat who pretended to be a 16-year-old girl. After this perpetrator enticed the victims to send nude photos, they extorted the victims to send even more explicit content. The perpetrator then posted this child porn on Twitter; the victims learned about it from their classmates.

Despite numerous reports from multiple users, Twitter did nothing — even after asking for and receiving a copy of one victim’s ID. They only changed their tune when a federal agent intervened.

The victims then sued, credibly alleging that Twitter violated federal child porn laws. Twitter, for its part, did not contest those allegations. They merely argued that Section 230 barred the victims’ legal claim. The court agreed.

Yet when Congress tried to fix that problem with EARN-IT — a bill that would carve federal and state child-porn laws out of 230 — the 230 “experts” reacted like it was a five-alarm fire, resorting to a dirty playbook of tactics that rivaled the nastiness of the net neutrality debates.

Groups like the Taxpayers Protection Alliance spread four-Pinocchio lies about EARN-IT, such as this whopper: “If platforms choose not to encrypt data, the bill requires them to track and identify all users for age verification purposes.” This claim is so far from the truth that the only appropriate response is the “everyone in this room is now dumber” rant from “Billy Madison.”

And may God have mercy on the souls of the 230 “experts” who consider it wise to resort to dirty tactics on a bill meant to stop child porn. Even the Big Tech companies would never tarnish their brand by directly engaging in those sorts of tactics. Instead, they do it indirectly via their trade associations like NetChoice. If it feels like Congress is just throwing its hands up in the air with this proposal to sunset 230, it would be easy to understand why.

So what happens if Section 230 disappears not just for child-porn laws, but for every law? Would the sky fall? No. Not at all. Even without 230’s shield, you still need a sword: a valid cause of action. If you can’t prove that a tech company violated the law, a lawsuit is dead on arrival, with or without 230.

In reality, many frivolous lawsuits that get quickly dismissed due to 230 would still get quickly dismissed without 230, as they don’t credibly allege a violation of any law. Under federal civil procedure, the defendant will win an early motion to dismiss under rule 12(b)(6) if the plaintiff fails to state a claim; this is the same stage at which lawsuits typically get dismissed due to 230.

Claims that censorship of conservatives will increase without 230 are also balderdash. No law makes “disinformation” or “hate speech” illegal — and such a law would violate the First Amendment anyway. There are laws for real problems like child porn, though. Realistically, without 230, there would be more moderation of real problems and less censorship of fake problems.

(The 230 “experts” will quickly point out here that 230 has an exception for federal criminal law. What they often leave out, though, is that this exception only applies to criminal prosecutions by law enforcement. As the child-porn victims in Doe v. Twitter already know, this exception does not apply to civil lawsuits for the same conduct.)

Let’s also dispense with the myth that Section 230 is the “Internet’s First Amendment.” Even without 230, the actual First Amendment would still apply. As a corollary, even without 230, tech companies could not be held strictly liable for every piece of third-party content that they host; strict liability is already unconstitutional per Smith v. California (1959).

If we do repeal and replace 230, though, what should we replace it with? Conservatives, after all, are well-known for using the phrase “repeal and replace” without figuring out the “replace” part. In tech policy, two themes will frequently recur. The first common-sense theme can be summarized in one sentence: “If it’s illegal offline, it should be illegal online.”

The second theme is a uniform national policy. Simply put, the difference between a local coffee shop and a tech startup is that data frequently crosses state lines and coffee does not. As a result, tech companies — both big and small — can get stuck with a patchwork of state laws, which can impose a significant regulatory burden. In a scenario straight out of the song “Hotel California,” if a startup checks out of California and moves to Florida, it may not be able to leave California’s laws behind.

These two themes point to a simple solution: Section 230 should not apply to any federal law. This compromise would protect tech companies from drowning in an endless sea of conflicting state laws, while ensuring that at the federal level, anything that is illegal offline will be illegal online. (Section 230 and state law is a much more nuanced topic.)

In a world where citizens’ voices are often silenced by tech companies’ woke trust and safety departments, things can only get better when those companies are instead governed by laws created by democratic institutions that give every citizen a voice.


Mike Wacker is a software engineer and technologist who has previously served as tech fellow in Congress. Follow him on at @m_wacker.

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The post Is Congress About To Destroy The Internet? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Red Flag Camel’s Nose Fails To Get Under New Hampshire’s Tent

Tue, 2024-05-21 22:00 +0000

House Bill 1711 has been marketed as a sensible bipartisan compromise bill to keep firearms out of the hands of once lawful gun owners deemed mentally unfit. It passed the State House with the help of 25 Republicans, but the GOP Majority Senate held hands and tabled it last week.

The bill would have had New Hampshire join other states that provide mental health data as part of any firearms background check. Governor Sununu liked it so much that he said he’d sign it, but he’ll have to wait for a majority of NH State Senators to vote to take it off the table and put it back in play. That seems unlikely with the session winding down. But why would Sununu sign it?

Despite his numerous flaws, he’s been a good doobie on firearms rights. It may not make up for his other failures, but our policy has been and continues to be to ‘thank them’ when they do good and ‘spank them’ when they do wrong. Signing HB1711 into law would be a bad idea.

The bill would, in limited circumstances, work like a red flag law for persons,

(a)  Adjudicated as not guilty of a crime by reason of insanity;

(b)  Adjudicated as incompetent to stand trial and found by the court to be a danger to themselves or others pursuant to RSA 171-B:2, 135-E:5 or 135:17-a; or

(c)  Involuntarily committed to a mental health facility pursuant to RSA 135-C:34-54.

It sounds sensible, and advocates claim that this narrow restriction is common sense gun law, but no matter how you slice it, this is the proverbial camel’s nose. It opens a door that future legislatures will see as a rubber stamp to push the entire red flag camel into the tent.

The types of mental health designations will expand first, and eventually, the court and the lawyer will disappear in the name of public safety. They will say we can’t wait for due process of any kind – act first, process later. It’ll happen because that is the progressive goal, and HB1711 is an effort to get that ball rolling.

Were it to pass, we would also look forward to an army of state-affiliated therapists swelling to find suitable diagnoses to disarm otherwise ordinary and law-abiding citizens.

Remember, the deep state, in both DC and Concord, thinks that disagreeing with them is a sign of mental illness.

Public Safety

Public safety is the Marcia -Marcia- Marcia of progressive overreach. But if it is such a huge concern, perhaps we should focus on teaching proper safety and (for lack of a better term) carry etiquette. Instead of confusing kids about their gender at the earliest age possible, teach them firearms handling and safety. We used to do it and the nation was safer for it.

Inculcate responsibility and respect. It’s the one thing we haven’t tried in recent decades, and we should because I can’t think of a single place where red flag laws and every other restriction the mostly Democrat gun grabbers have imposed have made the local community safer. Property crime, violent crime, assault, rape, and murder all go up. What makes them go down? Well, if you look at the states with the longest records for low crime, New Hampshire being near the top of that list, they are also the freest states for gun owners. New Hampshire is. That’s not a coincidence.

And HB1711’s bipartisan good intentions aside, while people with mental health issues are a risk, letting legislators down this path is riskier, and once they take the rights, they are not going to give them back.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Proposed Statute Perverts History

Tue, 2024-05-21 20:00 +0000

The “social justice” movement that’s taken the nation by storm since last summer has descended as leftists employ absurd lies to impose glaring injustices. Perhaps the biggest of these lies being spread by leftist lawmakers is that Vermonters killed off all the Native Americans and must now pay economic penance.

A vile bill, introduced by 18 misinformed legislators, incorporates fraudulent claims to statutorily inflict hateful vengeance in the name of “social justice.” 

H.273, “An act relating to promoting racial and social equity in land access,” proposes to contribute $10 million to a BIPOC-operated bank which will administer the funds for BIPOC applicants to purchase land or housing in “every town in Vermont.” To justify this, the bill incorporates the following fallacious drivel:

“The foundation of our current economic system was built on land that was taken from Abenaki and other Indigenous persons, and the structures of our economic system were constructed with the labor of enslaved persons … The laws and policies of our State and nation severed Indigenous persons from their land while denying them, Black persons, and other Persons of Color from having the opportunity to access and to own land.”

That all sounds horrid, of course, but here’s the thing… It never happened. Not in Vermont, at least. This statute re-writes Vermont’s history, replacing its past with fiction. It attributes violence against Abenakis to all Vermonters, when the reality is that the vast majority of white migrants settled lands nearly empty of Abenaki, back in the 1800s. The Abenaki were nomadic and did not “own land” to be “taken” in the western sense, and the “economic system” alleged in the statute was white subsistence farming, which built Vermont’s economy for some two hundred years—after most Abenaki were gone. The bill alleges that “Centuries of genocide, eugenics, broken treaties, displacement, and land dispossession placed persons of the Abenaki Nations and other Indigenous persons living in Vermont at a great social disadvantage.” While it is true that Abenaki were targeted for forced sterilization, that was a progressive policy of which most white Vermonters were simply not complicit—indeed, poor white farmers were themselves targeted.

The statute also conflates the Abenaki and slaves, yet slavery was prohibited in Vermont by its “laws and policies”—the first Constitution in the nation, in fact, banning slavery. Vermont is so extremely white today because slavery was almost nonexistent in the state’s history. There is no record of Vermont “denying… [people of color]… from having access to land.” It just did not occur, not “systemically,” not ever.

In truth, the historic basis for this kind of legislation is entirely imagined.

Photo of a plaque on the wall of the Vermont State House. The Vermont historical archives are filled with Vermont legislative denunciations of slavery.


Black people have never lived in Vermont in significant numbers: the 1960 Census (Table 15) reflects 572 Black residents in 1920, 568 in 1930, 584 in 1940, 443 in 1950, and 519 in 1960. The 1910 U.S. Census identified 34 Native Americans residing in Vermont in 1890, 5 in 1900, and 26 in 1910. But the evidence that this demographic makeup is a result of discrimination—or “barriers to the equal enjoyment and economic benefit of land access and homeownership opportunities based on race and ethnicity,” as H. 273 alleges—is scant.

At one point, the bill even calls out Jim Crow laws… (Vermont, of course, was not a Jim Crow state).

Instead, the bill makes a huge show of condemning historic grievances that “BIPOC” Americans may have with the federal government: the General Allotment Act of 1887 (the Dawes Act); policies started 1934 by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Home Owners’ Loan Corporation that were criticized for “denying Black and brown residents equal access to home mortgages, often offering subprime loans that came with unusually severe terms”; or the 1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act which created the G.I. Bill of Rights (“Funds from the bill were only made available to White soldiers returning from war and not BIPOC veterans.”). None of these policies were enacted in Vermont or by Vermonters. At one point, the bill even calls out Jim Crow laws: “The rate of ‘Black land-loss’ can be attributed to Jim Crow, racist practices conducted by the USDA and decades of farm busts.” (Vermont, of course, was not a Jim Crow state).

Still, H. 273 seeks to fund land acquisition for those “who have not had equal access to public or private economic benefits due to race, ethnicity, sex, geography, language preference, immigrant or citizen status, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, or disability status.” Hundreds of thousands of white Vermonters, meanwhile, have endured a long history of crushing poverty—a history that “native” Vermonters well know, but a history which those who condemn them recast as “white privilege.”

Most “native” Vermonters (now a pejorative term) understand and are humbled by this history. Poor houses existed in numerous Vermont towns. Sheep farming was once relatively profitable, but the wool market peaked in 1851. Then, Vermont shifted its agriculture to dairy—first butter and cheese lugged to Boston; later, fresh milk. But the opening of the railroads undermined dairy prices, and Vermont dairy farming has been in decline ever since. Over the decades, from 1930 to the present, Vermont dairy suffered an “economic freefall.” Vermont’s dairy farms—its primary industry—shrank from 27,000 in 1927 to barely 600 today. Milk prices dropped by more than half during the Great Depression and never fully rebounded.

Social Justice Warriors proclaim that today’s black Vermonters are owed money and land by their white neighbors…

There were a few black farmers through this period, but blacks were mostly spared the abject misery, alcoholism, and despair that strangled white farm families who often lacked food, clothing, and dental or health care. This is what H.273 now fantastically alleges was a period of white privilege enabled by the exploitation of black and Abenaki labor.

Now Social Justice Warriors proclaim that today’s black Vermonters are owed money and land by their white neighbors, for nebulous crimes such as those routinely alleged (and far from proven) against Abenaki natives. “Native peoples” are routinely invoked by just-off-the-bus agitators who claim that only Native Americans (and them) have the right to declare who owns the land. As former legislator Kiah Morris proclaimed, “Unless you are First Nations, you have no right to claim who are real Vermonters. Nativist political platforms are the basest level of discourse.” SJWs use allegations of historic Native suffering to stake their claim—Kiah herself moved to Vermont from Chicago (where presumably, only native people have a right to claim who are really Chicagoans).

Xusana Davis, Vermont’s Executive Director of Racial Equity, echoes this same manipulation. Having moved to Vermont from New York City six months before COVID-19 struck, Xusana stated in a recent podcast:

“What’s most interesting to me is that when we think about a typical Vermonter, it is often the case that people envision somebody who may be white. Oftentimes, people who are white who maybe are born and raised in Vermont, they’ll say, ‘I’m a native Vermonter.’ And I always think, oh, you’re Abenaki? Because if you’re really a native Vermonter, then you’re probably indigenous to the land.”

But there are no Abenaki “indigenous to the land” in that there are no Abenaki with intact culture, language, or genetics. The Cro Magnon have no indigenous sites remaining either, so perhaps exploitation of them can be similarly understood. Why do newly arrived BIPOC ideologues possess the authority to exact retribution from white Vermonters who have lived on family land for 200 uninterrupted years?



John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Proposed Statute Perverts History appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden’s Message To Morehouse Grads … You Need The Great White Father More Than Ever

Tue, 2024-05-21 18:00 +0000


What a sick bitch … or more accurately, team of sick-bitches because #DirtyJoe obviously was on drugs and neither wrote the speech or even knew what he was reading … to write/say such things on a day meant to celebrate and inspire the graduates. The sick irony of course is that if any candidate is a RACIST it is #DirtyJoeBiden … if you’re not voting for me then you’re not really Black.

Here is the racist-in-chief spewing hate and division:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are Trump Voters Defecting to RFK?

Tue, 2024-05-21 16:00 +0000

We want to think we were out in front, telling Donald Trump to stop bragging about Operation Warp Speed. We were early adopters of the change in messaging (early 2021, I think). It didn’t stick then, but when I saw him speak in Claremont, New Hampshire, in Early November 2023, he wasn’t tooting any warp-speed horns.

Regular readers will know I’ve been on 45 for years to back away from all his warp-speed talk. To accept that he was snowballed like many of us and took longer than some to realize it – or, at least, his speech writers took too long.

He didn’t talk about it at all except to say that as president, he would (and I’ll add, try to) block funding to schools that teach CRT, that gender-bending grooming business to young kids, and that impose any mask or vaccine mandate.

Lots of applause.

He also mentioned the need to clean out the bureaucracy, which includes the healthcare industrial complex.

This was long before RFK changed to a third party, but there’s some punditry out there on how this has changed Trump’s view on “vaccines.” It likely has and should at least in how Trump frames it. But this headline strikes me as a bit much: “Trump Voters Are Defecting to Robert Kennedy Over the Vaccine Issue.”

It’s May, 2024. If this issue has you thinking Robert Kennedy Jr. is a better deal for America than DJT then low information voter is a compliment. As I noted here, RFK would be a great big finger in the eye as a pick to head HHS in a Trump administration.

Wouldn’t it be the best thing ever if he nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services? I realize that Kennedy’s ascension to the gig would be another hurdle (similar to the one just described), but this is a dream sequence, so go with it. The smoke clears. He gets the job, and Trump says, welcome to the team, no go clean that shit up.

Would anyone object to that, assuming we woke up and it actually happened?

But when you get off the health freedom plantation (RFKJR is also good on deregulation), he’s a regular Democrat on much of the rest of his platform, and his VP choice is a dead end for anyone even remotely aware of what being MAGA is supposed to mean.

If RFK Jr.’s progressive proclivities beyond individual health rights and reigning in the regulatory abuses were a risk worth taking, Shanahan, the mega-wealthy, ultra-left-wing albatross, is too much to bear.

She is being marketed as a young, pulled-up her own bootstraps girl lifting herself out of poverty. She loved public school, was sexually harassed in the workplace (at least once), and finally rose to financial and social prominence by marrying a billionaire she later divorced and milked for a small fortune. Be that as it may, these days, she is a left-wing lawyer and a proglodyte “philanthropist” who married into big money, amassed wealth, and is a threat to liberty and individual rights.

Not to take Rick Moran at PJ Media to our tiny little woodshed, but his post is about how Trump has to change his messaging to avoid losing his voters to RFK on the vaccine issue. Again, who are these people he is losing, and are they our equivalent of low-information abortion voters?

We are expected to believe that these young American women will trade jobs, wages, safety in public bathrooms, safety on the street, financial privacy, economic liberty, and health freedom (on everything but abortion) for what amounts to the slim chance they might need to end a pregnancy in the third trimester? That’s the debate in my state.

That seems to be the case. Dems won in 2022 (or at least mitigated losses) running on one side of that debate because no one ran on the other side of it.

It must then follow that Trump supporters will give up a chance at cheap gas and electricity, property rights, secure borders, low taxes, global stability, Combustion engine vehicles, an improved economy, better wages, enemies in check, and safer streets for the chance that the Federal government could stop the Blue States from imposing vaccine mandates. I’m having a hard time with that, not because the Democrats are dumb enough to trade everything for third-trimester abortions – some clearly are – it’s that I can’t imagine Trump’s supporters being equally stupid.

Some, no doubt, are just ask DeSantis supporters. His health freedom message was crystal clear during the early part of the campaign, and he was good on almost everything else. Trump was not clear on health freedom, especially vaccine mandates. But when Trump spoke in Claremont, he said no vaccine or mask mandates for American kids. He promised to investigate the FDA and CDC as part of clearing out the bureaucratic morass and corruption. And he claims he’s set his sights on big pharma, including price gouging and outsourcing manufacture and R&D to foreign nations.

If you didn’t know that until just now, that’s his campaign’s fault. They need to fix that if for no other reason than to make it easier for voters who can’t vote for Biden but might not vote for Trump, which is the real problem from where I sit. Trump isn’t losing his voters to RFK; in fact, I think he has been getting them back as RFKJR’s stances beyond health freedom trickle into the collective consciousness.

He might be losing some fence-sitters because of unclear messaging, but he is getting a lot of middle-of-the-road Democrats, including minorities and women, and that’s his key to a potential numerical victory even Democrats can’t steal.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Can You Guess What Drugs Joe Biden Is On?

Tue, 2024-05-21 14:00 +0000

So here is a picture of Joe Biden … America’s figurehead, imposter President … with one of New Hampshire’s extremist Woke-Communists, Little-Miss Angie Brennan.

Look at his eyes!

Are you telling me the people running the Biden Regime are NOT drugging Joe before public appearances? Come on, man … JOE IS HIGH AS A KITE.

I will concede that we cannot see Joe’s left hand … and that the smile on Little-Miss Angie’s face seems contrived or maybe could be a painful grimace. BUT I still believe that #DirtyJoeBiden IS ON DRUGS:

And as for Little-Miss Angie’s #Decency … RECALIBRATE YOUR MORAL COMPASS, BABY GIRL. If your conception of #decency is Biden showering with his daughter, sexually assaulting Tara Reade, touching and sniffing women and children at public events, etc. … you don’t know decency, Baby-Girl.


The post Can You Guess What Drugs Joe Biden Is On? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Atlantic Hurricane Season is Almost Here – Get Your Climate Hyperbole Ready!

Tue, 2024-05-21 12:00 +0000

You can feel it in the air (Phil Collins or Bernie Seigle?)—the promised energy of a heated Atlantic hurricane Season. The oceans are boiling, and we are overdue for an above-normal number of storms in the Atlantic Basin. This should be a banner year for storms.

The obvious predicament here is that the Cult will declare victory no matter what happens. For example, if we have the coldest May on record, that would be a sign that they have accurately predicted the anthropogenic climate apocalypse.

There’s no losing unless you mean the prediction game. They are bad at that, so let’s review the best guess for 2024.

If you like to bet the NOAA line on hurricane predictions, an easy way to lose money, they’ve got another best guess for 2024: 23 storms, 11 of which will become hurricanes and five of which will reach Category 3 or stronger. Stories of a warm Atlantic suggest this could be closer than in recent years, in which NOAA has blown the call by a wide margin in one form or another. Two years ago, not even close. Last year, total storms were good, but few made landfall, and NOAA had guessed there’d be more.

The reality is they have no clue what the weather is going to be like in a few days, so months, years, or decades are, at best, guesses – a well poisoned by politics and climate cult narratives. It’s not so much science and faith, but there are resources out there that stick to the data and trends based on past years. Weatherbell analytics, for example – and they say we’re screwed on Hurricanes this year.

Basin Forecast

Names Storms 25-30
Hurricanes 14-16
Major Hurricanes 6-8

Impact Forecast

Named storm Impacts 10-14
Hurricane Impacts 5-8

Major Hurricane Impacts 3-5


I trust Weatherbell more than NOAA—there are no politics in the analytics. But we won’t know until we know, and the season doesn’t start until June 1st, which is only a few days away. We’re due for some hot days this week after more than a handful of unseasonably cool nights and mild days. Given the hype about Ocean temps and the 2024 El Nino hysteria, you’d think things might get started early.

Eleven days to June 1st.

At the moment, there is nothing to see in the Northern Hemisphere—no activity. It means nothing, but the consensus would have loved a story about a May Hurricane formation. They would say it’s a sign of the apocalypse. We need more money to combat climate change. Stop modernity!

There have been four May Hurricanes since 1889. Two were in 1889 and 1908 when the meaningless concentration of CO2 was even less prevalent. The next was in 1951, and the last was in 1970 when the weather fascists were promising we’d all freeze to death (global cooling, not warming).

May storms are rare  – nor are they indicative of anything related to CO2 or Western living or the fear-mongering to bring it low. Of course, this has no bearing on a cult. More snow supports earlier claims we’d never see snow again. The absence of accelerated sea level rise doesn’t mean it won’t happen if they keep predicting it. More storms, fewer storms, you can’t win. Or can you?

There has been some movement toward sanity. The Cult has been unable to sustain its moratorium on contradicting science. The question as to why we can’t question it, especially given how poorly their models have been, has gained favor.

One monster hurricane could wipe that all out, though. They’ve been working in this room for forty years, and this is not a jury. One dissenter is not enough to find the West not guilty of the climate crimes of which she is accused.

So we keep chipping away.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Does Freedom Of Speech Need To Be Redefined

Tue, 2024-05-21 10:00 +0000

By including Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment, our brilliant forefathers recognized the importance of a person’s right to express their thoughts without rebuke. This freedom was essential at a time when there was so much angst about the British government, emotions were high, and people were stimulated by each other’s actions to speak their minds. Though our forefathers were some of the most incredible thinkers, they could not see hundreds of years into the future and write a law covering the magnitude of changes in how we communicate. The spoken and written words were the only means of communication in the 1700s, and nobody envisioned mass media or the internet. There are so many ways that speech can be twisted and manipulated today. There are also many more ways that people can be vilified and canceled in retaliation for speaking their minds. It is all of these new dynamics that led me to my belief that the First Amendment needs an edit.

I was shocked, though I should not have been, that a petition drive to have Harrison Butker removed from the Kansas City Chiefs is closing in on 100,000 signatures. A tremendous number of close-minded individuals want someone to lose their career because they have the courage to express their thoughts and beliefs in a commencement speech. I will guarantee that only a minute fraction of those signers took the time to listen to the entire speech, but it probably would not change their minds or actions. These people are stirred by the plethora of like-minded celebrities and talking heads who look for a moment of attention by criticizing a person who did nothing but speak his mind. These critics have as much right as Harrison Butker to express their views but no right to call for retaliation against Butker for his. Unfortunately, that is where we have come to, as discussion and debate have been replaced by attacks and cancellations. No way our forefathers saw these times coming.

Another example of this new culture is Enes Kanter Freedom. Freedom is originally from Turkey and came to America to pursue a basketball career. Freedom was very good at his craft and was playing for the Boston Celtics when his career was cut short. The NBA blackballed him for having the courage to speak out about the human rights violations of the Chinese government and the hypocrisy of the NBA’s involvement with China. Freedom has become a vocal opponent of China, Turkey, and other similar regimes and has developed a public speaking career. Still, he is denied the opportunity to play the game he loves because of his beliefs.

In the last five years, we have had the Summer of Love and the Black Lives Matter Movement; many people canceled for their criticism of the COVID vaccine, the successful yet divisive Trump Presidency, the lying and deceitful Biden Presidency, and the anti-Israel campus unrest of 2024. Freedom of Speech protects all, but none are healthy for the country or society.

Freedom of Speech is no longer the protection of one’s thoughts but from the retaliation to those thoughts. Still, those words of response are also protected. Do not get me wrong. I am not suggesting that we have government intervention to decide what is and is not protected, but somebody has to intervene when it comes to outright falsehoods or hurtful speech. Who that would be and when is open for debate. As I said, rethinking Freedom of Speech would be a complex undertaking, but until we find someone with the brilliance of our forefathers to accept the challenge, we will continue to watch it degenerate.

The post Does Freedom Of Speech Need To Be Redefined appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Solar Generators Help You Celebrate a Happy Easter

Tue, 2024-05-21 09:00 +0000

Easter holds a special place in the hearts of over 2 billion Christians worldwide. This is a time to celebrate new beginnings and hopes. In Canada, Easter brings the long-awaited transition from winter to the fresh bloom of spring. Families come together to celebrate and commemorate the occasion’s spiritual significance and the joyful family customs and traditions associated with it.

As you celebrate a happy Easter, solar generators may serve as a convenient tool. These devices offer a dependable and clean energy source for various activities that are part and parcel of the happy Easter celebration.

They can light up your garden with festive decorations, keep outdoor gatherings bright and cheerful, and ensure all your devices stay charged. They align perfectly with Easter’s themes of renewal and sustainability. This blend of tradition and innovation enriches the happy Easter experience.

Jackery offers a wide range of solar generators and portable power stations that can alleviate much of the stress during your happy Easter celebrations. Their solar solutions are designed to power almost all the appliances you may need for this Easter. Read on to learn more.

When Is Easter?

The date of Easter is a topic of curiosity and confusion for many as it is determined in a unique way. As Easter falls on different dates every year, people continue to ask: when is Easter this year?

Unlike holidays with fixed dates, Easter’s timing varies annually, falling on the first Sunday after the first full moon (known as Paschal full moon) occurring on or after the vernal equinox. This calculation places Easter anywhere between March 22 and April 25. This year, the Paschal full moon appeared on March 25, so Easter will be on March 31, the first Sunday after the full moon.

The variability of the date of Easter underlines the importance of early preparation for happy Easter celebrations. Knowing that the date can shift from year to year, families, churches, and communities must stay informed to organize events, services, and gatherings that mark this significant occasion. Advance planning ensures that all the elements of Easter unfold smoothly, allowing everyone to fully engage in the joy of the day.

Early preparation also include booking venues, arranging catering, and, importantly, considering how to power any Easter activities. This is where the integration of electric solar generators will be beneficial, as these devices offer a reliable and eco-friendly energy solution that aligns with the true value of a happy Easter.

How Solar Generators Elevate Easter

Solar generators bring a unique blend of convenience and sustainability to your Easter festivities. Here’s how they can play a pivotal role in different aspects for happy Easter celebrations.

  • Easter Decorations

Incorporating solar generators into your Easter celebrations opens up a variety of possibilities for innovative and eco-friendly decorations. For instance, you can power not just Easter lanterns and electric bunnies but also a whole array of festive adornments like glowing garlands draped around your garden, vibrant LED egg lights nestled in flower beds, and even solar-powered moving figures that add an elegant touch to your decor. 

Solar generators allow you to extend your decorations beyond the confines of your home to gardens, patios, or any outdoor space. This way, you can illuminate your surroundings in a warm and festive glow that captures the essence of Easter without relying on traditional power sources, which can be highly unreliable at times.

  • Easter Dinner

Solar generators will revolutionize your Easter dinner preparations by offering a seamless solution for indoor gatherings and majestic outdoor dining experiences. With a solar generator, all your electric cooking appliances will remain functional throughout the festivities, which will help you keep your celebrations lively and allow you to try new Easter dinner ideas. Some examples of what you can power through a solar generator include an electric oven, electric stove, portable cooktops, electric grills, blenders, refrigerators, warming trays, portable heaters, coffee makers, and electric kettles. This means that you can create an exceptional dining experience in any scenic locale.

  • Easter Picnic

The breathtaking scenery of national parks like Jasper National Park in Alberta offers the perfect backdrop for Easter hikes and picnics. But this is not the only place for a memorable picnic in Canada. The country is filled with scenic landscapes that offer unparalleled picnic opportunities to Canadians.

A solar generator can really enhance your Easter picnic experience by bringing modern comforts into the great outdoors. It can also power cameras and drones, ensuring that capturing and sharing fun moments and scenic views remain uninterrupted. It allows you to bring along portable appliances such as refrigerators, heaters, or air conditioners. With a solar generator, you can enjoy a guilt-free outdoor experience, preserving the natural beauty of the locations.

  • Easter Hiking

Portable solar generators are an essential companion for hikers during Easter. Solar generators provide the reassurance that your devices will remain powered for safety, communication, and capturing the serene beauty of the landscape. Utilizing solar generators for your hike not only enriches your outdoor adventure but also demonstrates a commitment to eco-friendly practices, aligning with the themes of renewal and sustainability celebrated during Easter and the spring season.

Jackey Empowers a Happy Easter

Jackery offers reliable, efficient, safe, and dependable solar generators that are perfect for different types of electricity needs. Two of their popular solar generators include:

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus

The Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus is a versatile and expandable solution for a wide range of scenarios like Easter gatherings, camping, off-road travel, and home emergencies. With its unparalleled output, it stands as the top choice that guarantees you a happy Easter.

Its top features include:

Compact Powerhouse

The Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus offers an impressive capacity of 1,264Wh and a robust output of up to 2,000W, capable of powering almost 99% of devices. Its compact design belies its powerful performance, making it the perfect companion for a variety of Easter celebrations. Whether you’re illuminating the night with decorative lights, preparing an outdoor Easter feast, or simply ensuring a smooth and enjoyable event, the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus is ready to support your festive activities.

Expandable Energy

You can enhance the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus by connecting it to up to 3 additional battery packs, expanding its capacity to approximately 5kWh. This expandability ensures 1 to 3 days of backup power, making it an ideal solution for prolonged happy Easter or emergency power outages.

Smart and User-Friendly

Equipped with cutting-edge smart technology, the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus comes with an intuitive APP that facilitates control via WiFi or Bluetooth. This innovative feature simplifies power management, ensuring that your Easter celebrations, and other events, proceed without interruptions.

Usage beyond Easter

The versatility of the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus extends beyond seasonal celebrations. It is an invaluable asset for outdoor activities and a reliable backup during home power outages. Its benefits are also evident for remote workers, outdoor events, and those who lead a dynamic lifestyle requiring portable power solutions.


Safety is paramount in the design of the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus. It features ChargeShield technology, which ensures a stable power output and safeguards your devices from potential damage.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus

Jackery presents another innovative and sustainable solar generator: the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus. Its other features include:

Unmatched Capacity and Expandability

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus boasts a substantial base capacity of 2 kWh, expandable up to an incredible 24 kWh. This capability is particularly beneficial for prolonged Easter celebrations or emergencies, ensuring a steady supply of power for your devices and appliances.

High Performance for Heavy-Duty Use

Designed to support heavy-duty devices with a power output of up to 6000W, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus can deal with a broad range of energy needs. This solar generator is a one-stop solution for you, from powering electric grills for your happy Easter feast to ensuring your home essentials remain operational during any possible outages.

Rapid Solar Charging

Leveraging advanced IBC Technology, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus offers ultra-fast solar charging, capable of reaching a full charge in just 2 hours with an optimal solar panel configuration. This swift charging ensures that you always have access to a sustainable power source for all a happy Easter and other power needs.

Multiple Charging Options

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus provides flexibility with three convenient charging methods: solar, wall, and car charging, ensuring that you always have access to power regardless of your location or situation.

Durability and Safety

The core of the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is its long-lasting LiFePO4 battery, which guarantees a lifespan of 10 years. Coupled with ChargeShield Technology, the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus provides a safe and efficient charging experience.

Solar generators represent a remarkable advancement in technology. They are known for providing reliable power backup in emergencies and outdoor activities. These solar generators not only offer a sustainable and eco-friendly solution to power various activities for a happy Easter but also embody the themes of renewal and sustainability inherent to the Easter season. With products like the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus and Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus, individuals and families can enjoy the convenience and reliability of clean energy this Easter. The versatility and efficiency of these solar generators extend beyond the Easter season, as they provide valuable support for a wide range of activities and emergencies throughout the year.


Jackery is a household name due to its focus on innovation, sustainability, and exceptional customer support. Founded with a vision to bring green energy everywhere, Jackery pioneered in the field of solar generators and solar panels, enabling adventurers to harness the sun’s power for more sustainable outdoor experiences. With a focus on safety through advanced R&D and intelligent manufacturing, coupled with hassle-free customer support, Jackery has become a trusted partner for sustainable and reliable outdoor power needs.

The post How Solar Generators Help You Celebrate a Happy Easter appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How SearchMyExpert brings the best to Your Business

Tue, 2024-05-21 08:00 +0000

Navigating the complexities of the digital marketplace can be daunting for any business. That’s where Search My Expert steps in. Established in 2023 by Simranjeet Singh and Amritpal Singh, our platform rapidly became the go-to B2B marketplace in India.

We specialize in connecting business leaders—from CEOs to startup founders—with over 18,000 verified agencies spanning more than 50 service categories, including app development and digital marketing. At SearchMyExpert, we pride ourselves on facilitating precise matches based on your project’s scope, budget, and timelines, ensuring a seamless fit between businesses and agencies.

Access to Premier Experts

At SearchMyExpert, we understand the importance of quality and reliability. Our platform is home to a vast network of over 18,000 verified agencies, each rigorously vetted to meet the highest standards of service and expertise. Whether you need a cutting-edge app developed or your digital marketing strategy overhauled, we connect you with the best in the business. This access to top-tier professionals not only speeds up the selection process but also ensures that you partner with agencies that are equipped to handle your specific challenges and goals.

Customized Solutions for Every Business Need

Every business is unique, with its own set of challenges and objectives. SearchMyExpert excels in understanding these distinct needs and matching businesses with the perfect agency that’s equipped to meet them. Our process is highly personalized, beginning with a detailed assessment of your project requirements. From there, our sales team introduces you to 3-4 agencies that align with your budget, timeline, and scope of work, allowing you to choose the best fit for your project.

Streamlined Communication and Project Management

Efficient communication is key to any project’s success. SearchMyExpert facilitates seamless communication channels between you and your chosen agency. Our platform ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page from the outset, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring a smooth workflow. We also provide comprehensive project management support to oversee the project from inception to delivery, ensuring deadlines are met and outcomes exceed expectations.

Cost-Effective Strategies

Hiring through SearchMyExpert is not just about finding the right agency; it’s also about doing so cost-effectively. Traditional hiring processes can be lengthy and expensive, with no guarantee of results. Our platform, however, streamlines these processes and reduces overhead costs by connecting you directly with pre-vetted agencies. This approach not only cuts down on the initial financial outlay but also maximizes the return on investment through efficient project execution.

Continuous Support and Follow-Up

Our commitment to your success doesn’t end once an agency is hired. SearchMyExpert provides ongoing support throughout your project and beyond. We ensure that agencies deliver on their promises, and we are always available to address any post-completion issues. This continuous support guarantees that the solutions implemented will continue to perform and adapt as your business grows and evolves.

Enhancing Business Growth and Innovation

By partnering with innovative and skilled agencies, businesses can leverage the latest technologies and strategic insights to stay ahead of the curve. SearchMyExpert not only connects you with these agencies but also opens up new avenues for growth and innovation. Our clients often report significant improvements in operational efficiency and market reach as a result of the collaborations facilitated by our platform.


SearchMyExpert is more than just a marketplace for finding agencies; we are a partner in your business growth and success. By connecting you with verified, high-quality agencies and providing ongoing support, we help you harness the full potential of your business projects. We encourage businesses seeking reliable, effective, and innovative solutions to reach out and discover how we can make a significant difference.

The post How SearchMyExpert brings the best to Your Business appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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