The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 11 min 46 sec ago

Harrison Butker … Hero

Sun, 2024-05-19 14:00 +0000

Harrison Butker, the Kansas City Chiefs kicker, spoke some “inconvenient truths” in a commencement speech at Benedictine College. Those “inconvenient truths” include that Joe Biden is a fake Catholic, DEI is tyranny, and female graduates would find a better, more rewarding, and more productive life as wives and mothers than in corporate-style careers.

Needless to say, the Left … including the NFL, which, like every other American institution, is controlled by the Left … lost their minds. Of course, the reason the Left lost their collective minds is that Butker was speaking the truth. For example:

What a contrast between Butker and the weak, timid, soy-boys “leading” the GOP, especially the NHGOP who believe the truth should remain unspoken if it might offend “the Bedford moms.”

Here is the full speech:



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ask Your Senator to Vote for the Safety of Women and Girls

Sun, 2024-05-19 12:00 +0000

HB 396 is needed to clarify that nothing in New Hampshire law prevents public facilities from differentiating between the biological sexes in athletic competitions, prisons, locker rooms, restrooms, or places of intimate privacy. 

Rather than focusing on a single area such as sports, HB 396, by acknowledging that “any person or organization, public or private” can make a common-sense classification based on biological sex, provides the most expansive framework to address the ongoing harm to vulnerable women and girls and has the greatest success of becoming law in New Hampshire. This bill also seeks to address the growing issue of young New Hampshire boys whose privacy is violated when the opposite sex uses their restrooms in schools.

HB 396 simply clarifies the state’s ability to differentiate based on biological sex; it mandates nothing in terms of any policy. However, it will send a clear message that, under existing NH law, organizations are not required to permit access to intimate spaces solely based on self-proclaimed gender identity. It is vital that the Senate pass HB 396, unamended in any way, as an important first step to stop the abuse of women and girls.

HB 396 had an executive session last Tuesday, May 14, during which the Judiciary Committee recommended the bill as OTP (ought to pass).


HB 396 will come before the full Senate for a vote this Wednesday or Thursday, May 22 or 23. We urge you to contact your Senator to support the committee recommendation of OTP and to vote against any amendments.



Granite State women are calling on legislators to protect their safety and privacy, and we need your help make their voices heard loud and clear in the Senate!

Get five reasons to support HB 396 in less than 60 seconds by watching the video below and share it on social media to help build the momentum behind this bill: Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram.

Safe Haven Expansion Before the Senate This Week

Last month, there was a public hearing in the Senate on HB 1607, relative to expanded safe haven protections. Now, the Senate has a critical opportunity to position New Hampshire as the leader in infant protections among our New England neighbors.

Earlier this year, the most important part of the bill was removed on the House floor: Section 5 would have ensured parents surrendering a baby would not have to fear prosecution as a result of their surrender. It is critical and necessary to include this provision, called the “exclusionary rule,” in the expansion of safe haven law to accomplish the law’s goal, which is to save lives, NOT catch criminals or deter parents from doing the right thing for their child.

We know of instances where mothers have turned away from making use of the safe haven law out of a real fear of prosecution. This either leads to an increase in illegal abandonment and likelihood of infant death through malnourishment, exposure, or overdose or keeps an unwanted child in an unsafe and dangerous environment. Excluding the act of surrendering a child from being leveraged for prosecution does not preclude bringing a criminal to justice.

Last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held an executive session on HB 1607, during which the bill was amended to reinsert the section 5 exclusionary rule. The Committee then recommended the bill as OTPA (ought to pass with amendment).


The safe haven expansion will come before the full Senate this Wednesday or Thursday, May 22 or 23. We urge you to contact your senator and ask that they support the OTPA motion, and pass the bill with the important exclusionary rule.

CONTACT YOUR SENATOR Senate Votes Against State-Sanctioned Suicide

HB 1283, relative to end of life options, would have implement state-sanctioned suicide for those facing an illness which a physician has predicted would be terminal within six months.

On Thursday, May 16, the Senate voted in 17-7 in support of the interim study recommendation. While this vote is not the outright rejection of state-sanctioned suicide we hoped for, it effectively kills the bill while underscoring the dangers and slippery slope it would create.

The following senators voted in opposition to the bill:

Sen. Carrie Gendreau (R-Littleton)
Sen. Timothy Lang (R-Sanbornton)
Sen. Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro)
Sen. James Gray (R-Rochester)
Sen. Dan Innis (R-Bradford)
Sen. Ruth Ward (R-Stoddard)
Sen. Denise Ricciardi (R-Bedford)
Sen. Shannon Chandley (D-Amherst)
Sen. Kevin Avard (R-Nashua)
Sen. Cindy Rosenwald (D-Nashua)
Sen. Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry)
Sen. Howard Pearl (R-Loudon)
Sen. Donna Soucy (D-Manchester)
Sen. Regina Birdsell (R-Hampstead)
Sen. Lou D’Allesandro (D-Manchester)
Sen. Daryl Abbas (R-Salem)
Sen. Bill Gannon (R-Sandown)

If your senator is on the above list, we urge you to reach out and thank them for bravely taking a stand against the dangers of state-sanctioned suicide.


On Tuesday, the next generation of Granite State leaders took a final stand against HB 1283 at a press conference in the State House, speaking out about the specific dangers the bill would have posed to our state’s young people. Their eloquent words and clear passion certainly made an impression, and they were later quoted during the Senate debate on the bill! We are thankful for their valiant advocacy and the bright promise their leadership holds for our future.


The post Ask Your Senator to Vote for the Safety of Women and Girls appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – NH’s Assisted Suicide Bill Has Been Benched: 17-7 Vote to Send it To Interim Study

Sun, 2024-05-19 12:00 +0000

In case you missed it, the New Hampshire assisted suicide bill got benched this week. The New Hampshire State Senate, in a rare roll call vote, voted to send the bill to an Interim study. They didn’t kill the bill, but by suggesting it needs a deeper, longer look, they sidelined it indefinitely.

Related: Night Cap: Assisted Suicide Will Start Out Well-Meaning, Then Gradually Revert To its Eugenic Roots

HB1283 was on our radar long before we even had the bill number. It is an Act Relative to End of Life Options—state-sanctioned assisted suicide. We’ve documented its progression in places that have passed it, and the pattern seems consistent. Whatever the good intentions were at the start, it tends ot evolve into a euthanasia policy.

Summed up.

There is ample evidence throughout history, much of it recent, that claiming compassion to justify government-sanctioned suicide is a trap. Yes, chronic pain is terrible, but not nearly so much as the power of a State that inevitably sees it as a way to solve problems it created or just “problems.”

This is not dead. It will be back, but not this session (which is nearly over). So, keep your eyes open.

Here’s the roll call


Abbas, Daryl(R) Dist. 22 Yea Altschiller, Debra(D) Dist. 24 Nay Avard, Kevin(R) Dist. 12 Yea Birdsell, Regina(R) Dist. 19 Yea Bradley, Jeb(R) Dist. 3 Yea Carson, Sharon(R) Dist. 14 Yea Chandley, Shannon(D) Dist. 11 Yea D’Allesandro, Lou(D) Dist. 20 Yea Fenton, Donovan(D) Dist. 10 Nay Gannon, Bill(R) Dist. 23 Yea Gendreau, Carrie(R) Dist. 1 Yea Gray, James(R) Dist. 6 Yea Innis, Daniel(R) Dist. 7 Yea Lang, Timothy(R) Dist. 2 Yea Murphy, Keith(R) Dist. 16 Nay Pearl, Howard (R) Dist. 17 Yea Perkins Kwoka, Rebecca(D) Dist. 21 Nay Prentiss, Suzanne(D) Dist. 5 Nay Ricciardi, Denise(R) Dist. 9 Yea Rosenwald, Cindy(D) Dist. 13 Yea Soucy, Donna(D) Dist. 18 Yea Ward, Ruth(R) Dist. 8 Yea Watters, David(D) Dist. 4 Nay Whitley, Rebecca(D) Dist. 15 Nay

The post ICYMI – NH’s Assisted Suicide Bill Has Been Benched: 17-7 Vote to Send it To Interim Study appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Daniel Goldman Is A Cocker Spaniel

Sun, 2024-05-19 10:00 +0000

Daniel Goldman is a first-term congressman from New York. An Ivy League education from Yale and a decade on the staff as Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York should have given him the knowledge and backbone to be a pit bull in Congress, but the way that he gets schooled by his colleagues from the other side of the aisle and from witnesses he is questioning, he is far from a pit bull.

He is more like a cocker spaniel.

Goldman loves to pontificate and is always playing to the cameras, but today, as often happens, Goldman tried to come across as a heavyweight and ended up more like Eric Swalwell. I apologize for the multiple metaphors. I think it is helpful to understand a person by using a reference with which people are familiar. On Thursday, Goldman attacked former President Donald Trump and the plethora of Congressional members who have traveled to New York in a show of support for Trump, calling their actions “Lawfare.” Lawfare is a relatively new term that is often used to describe the weaponization of the Justice Department by Joe Biden in an attempt to crush his opponent, Donald Trump. When he finished his weak argument, the microphone was passed to Elise Stefanik, also from New York. Unfortunately for Mr. Goldman, Elise is a pure Pit Bull and feeds on weak people like Goldman, who speak often but offer little. She schooled Goldman on the origin of Lawfare and who and which party is guilty of using the tool. Goldman sat like a good pup being scolded-his tail between his legs.

YouTube is loaded with videos of Goldman being taken to task by witnesses and Republicans alike. He embarrasses himself so often that you wonder why he would keep putting himself in that position. This personality trait seems to be unique to the Democrats. Here are some of the more notable:

Adam Schiff spent four years lying about evidence he had on Donald Trump that would connect him to the Russians. His claims were false but enough to get him on the Sunday talk show every week. Schiff was sure he would replace Barbara Feinstein, but he was passed over by Governor Newsom. He was called out by the Republicans, but not enough to resign.

Eric Swalwell slept with a Chinese spy and facilitated her exit from the country before the FBI could question her and discover what Eric had told her when the lights went out. He remains on the Intelligence Committee.

Ilhan Omar married her brother to get him into the country, has been called out for antisemitic remarks, and has been shown to violate campaign finance laws, but she remains in Congress.

Sandy Cortez is the female version of Goldman, but without a law degree. She does have a B.S. in mixology from Boston University. She has more campaign finance violations than laws passed—by the way; she has no bills passed into law.

There are so many more, but you get the idea. These Democrats cannot be embarrassed into submission, and some wear it like a badge of courage. We, the voters, are ultimately to blame for the quality, or lack thereof, of our elected politicians. These people continue to be reelected after their sins are exposed. We should expect better, but instead, we get what we deserve.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Should Eve Fight Adam?

Sun, 2024-05-19 02:00 +0000

I just got done watching a video of one of our state senators (it seemed impolite to find out which one) using some dubious statements about the genders of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis to rationalize letting transgender girls participate in girls’ sports.

(My wife is sitting here reading the Hebrew, which says, in Genesis 1:27, that ‘male’ and ‘female’ were created simultaneously.  Take that for what it’s worth.)

This is yet another instance of how the whole discussion about trans athletes competing in sports has devolved into comedy, because it ignores the whole point of competitive sports.

The issue isn’t whether there are many genders, or just two; or whether we should blur the distinction between sex (a biological attribute) and gender (a linguistic concept); but whether, if Adam and Eve were boxers, they should be placed in the same category.

They should be placed in different categories, but not because of any biological or cultural labels.  They should be in different categories because Adam would win every time, and put Eve in danger while doing it.  Also, no one who happened to be around would have any interest in watching a ‘contest’ whose outcome is completely predictable in advance.

These are the same reasons why a full-grown Adam shouldn’t box against a pre-adolescent Abel, even though they’re both males.

Note that the simplest, most Solomon-like way to settle the question would be to make this offer:

If there is really no difference between boys and girls, or between men and women, where athletics are concerned, let’s do away with categories altogether. Everyone in a sport will have to compete against everyone else in that sport.

Oh, and while we’re at it, we would stop segregating athletes by age, and weight, and so on.  The playing field would be wide open, if not particularly level.  And we could try to level it by handicapping individuals, rather than segregating them into categories.

The thing is, some small number of people would go along with this, and those are the people who would accept Solomon’s offer to cut the baby in half.

The rest, having admitted that there are good reasons for segregating athletes that have nothing to do with how they ‘identify’, but with how they match up physically (in terms of size, strength, and skill), would find it much harder to defend the idea that how you feel about yourself should have anything to do with who you face in an arena.

Of course, having silly discussions about serious issues isn’t a phenomenon limited to sports. We routinely have ridiculous conversations about schools, for example, which lead to ridiculous conclusions, because those conversations have become completely detached from first principles, i.e., what are we trying to do, and why?

But any discussion about competitive sports that doesn’t begin by revisiting the question of why we have them in the first place is destined to end up being comedic, rather than substantive — even when the results will be used to determine public policy.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Elections Have Consequences: Democrats Say The Dumbest Things (Two-Fer)

Sun, 2024-05-19 00:00 +0000

“Democrats say the Dumbest things,” and “Democrats = Dumb.”

Democrats Say The Dumbest Things
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Democrats = Dumb

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Government Overcriminalization Catches Unwary Americans

Sat, 2024-05-18 22:00 +0000

A strange trend has emerged in the law – strange and dangerous. While some crimes like robbery, shoplifting, and drug dealing – things that require criminal intent – have been decriminalized in many areas, the already quite large body of federal regulation has grown under President Joe Biden, putting unsuspecting citizens who don’t intentionally or knowingly break the law increasingly at risk for prosecution.

This isn’t entirely new, as it follows decades of federal expansion at the expense of states’ rights and US federalism. But with a robust push from the current administration, federal agencies have been weaponized for social justice warfare, lawfare against political adversaries, and a complex regulatory oversight scheme that essentially criminalizes what once were civil violations. This bureaucratic overcriminalization threatens the nation’s stability and the rule of law.

Federal Expansion Through Rulemaking

On April 30, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance heard testimony on “Overreach: An Examination of Federal Statutory and Regulatory Crimes.” Courts and legislators are increasingly concerned that traditional legal protections for American citizens are being scrapped by a federal regulatory juggernaut that concurrently obscures state and local criminal jurisdiction by duplicating offenses.

Witnesses testified that there are currently some 4,000 federal criminal laws and 300,000 federal regulatory “offenses.” Patrick A. McLaughlin, an attorney testifying on behalf of the non-profit, non-partisan Mercatus Center at George Mason University, averred that “it would be impossible for any human to read the entirety of federal laws and regulation,” taking the average adult about three years to read them all as a full-time job.

McLaughlin related the massive proliferation of federal criminal statutes and regulations over the past three decades, many of which occurred during Bill Clinton’s tough-on-crime stint from 1994-1996. He testified that his research “has demonstrated how the buildup of rules over time significantly slows economic growth,” that federal incarceration rates have increased in tandem, and that duplication of state and federal offenses results in redundant crimes and public confusion. Federal overcriminalization wastes “limited federal resources on problems better left to the states,” he argued, exposing offenders to multiple prosecutions and tempting prosecutors to allege a plethora of potential charges, “opening the door for bias.”

Scourge of Federal Overcriminalization

Former US District Attorney Brett Tolman, who serves as executive director of Right on Crime, identified overcriminalization as a severe problem for any free nation, offering citizens “seemingly benign choices … that can unknowingly lead to criminal sanctions.” He decried the removal of mens rea (intent) elements for many statutory and regulatory offenses and faulted “the bloated administrative state” as the chief culprit. He asserted that “Congress has overstepped into the traditionally state-held space” and this has opened the door “with political pressures taking precedence over the rule of law and where the Justice Department has the potential to use its power and discretion as a political weapon.”

Tolman offered a prescription to reverse this scourge: Congress must rein in agencies from “creating new criminal offenses as a method of regulating business activities,” which are better handled by fines and market forces. It must ensure that agencies incorporate mens rea requirements in regulations so citizens are not sent to prison when they have no awareness of or intention to violate a bureaucratic rule. Overcriminalization also stems from over-delegation of legislative (congressional) powers to the executive and administrative branches.

Tolman called for Biden to reinstate Donald Trump’s Executive Order, “Protecting Americans From Overcriminalization Through Regulatory Reform,” which:

“required agencies that issue regulations with criminal penalties to ‘be explicit about what conduct is subject to criminal penalties and the “mens rea” standard applicable to those offenses.’ The order, taking heed of [James] Madison’s Federalist Papers, ordered agencies to make all regulatory criminal laws ‘clearly written so that all Americans can understand what is prohibited and act accordingly.’ Unfortunately, with a stroke of his pen, President Biden undid this criminal justice reform.”

A Double Standard?

Yet the Biden administration has concocted a slew of new regulations to criminalize once-legal conduct even as liberal “decriminalization” policies are turning violent criminals loose with no-cash bail, reduced sentencing, and non-prosecution of drug dealing, shoplifting, and numerous other crimes. Biden signed so-called “hate speech” legislation in the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, expanded Title IX protections for transgender students that mandate gender pronoun compliance, and strengthened investigations against police officers following the death of George Floyd. Though he is pushing to reduce criminal penalties for marijuana use and has essentially decriminalized illegal immigration, this expansion has weaponized federal agencies in their social justice crusade.

Overcriminalization is a growing federal regulatory problem, even as the Biden administration displays a double standard toward the rule of law and its equal enforcement.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ross Berry

Sat, 2024-05-18 20:00 +0000

Knowing how much Ed Mosca loves Rooss Berry, I thought I would share with you the following recounting of events from a member of the House of why Berry is no longer a state representative:

During the last full day House session, the Speaker delayed the lunch recess by commanding everyone to remain seated for a briefing by the Security Director. (What a joke. Here it is the end of the year and term, plus the Security document in the seat pocket was dated January 2024!)

Ross Berry presented himself at the Well of the House chamber and proceeded to announce that there would be an Executive Session of the Election Law Committee in five minutes. The Speaker said nothing and many members got up and walked out for lunch.

We want to thank Anonymous for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Subsequently, the Democrats filed a multi-page letter of complaint to the Speaker. They maintained their Members of the Election Law Committee could not attend because the Speaker had told everyone to remain seated for the Security briefing. Interestingly, all the Republicans showed up. Further, when the Democrats did show up for the Election Law Committee Exec Session, Berry had just about concluded supervising the voting on a particular item, possibly a CACR. The Democrats cited numerous Berry violations of House Rules and demanded action.

The Speaker acted dramatically. He not only REMOVED Ross as Chair of the Election Law Committee but also as a member of the committee!!!

Shortly thereafter, the other shoe was dropped. Ross resigned as a Member of the House, disclosing that he had bought a house in Weare and had moved his family and himself into the new home. Thus, he was no longer able to represent the district in Manchester that had elected him to the House.

You cannot make up this stuff!!

So, now the already thin R majority in the House is even thinner.


Note: We have verified the identity of author but at their request, posted this under the by line of anonymous

The post Ross Berry appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Conservative Hippie

Sat, 2024-05-18 18:00 +0000

Many, many years ago, I was working 50 to 70 hours a week, keeping track of politics, contacting legislators, e-mailing testimony to Concord, and writing two columns in The Exeter-NewsLetter. There were nights I was up until midnight to meet deadlines. Then I realized, being in Exeter, I was in a small minority fighting a giant.

I finally had to give up to focus on home and family. Then we moved to West Ossipee, but I was still working the same hours, so I did not get involved in Politics, although I did try to pay some attention.

After my wife died, I started paying more attention to the goings on and saw a story in the Conway Daily Sun about “The Bridge To Nowhere.” The bill was $900,000 from the state and $230,000 from the town—my new home. For a bridge, off on a side street, changed mid-stream to being “Pedestrian Only.” And that was it. I was off and running.

We want to thank Ken Goodall for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Now I am trying to help conservative candidates, democrat, republican, or independent, as long as they have conservative goals. Being retired makes it a little easier, but holy cow, the amount of bills proposed in the legislature is completely overwhelming. So following legislation, writing in groups and blogs like Granite Grok, and now being available to help a conservative group, I start when I get up, and all of a sudden I am on my third coffee and it is almost noon.

Now, I did get out a few times to get my steps in going around my property, but it can be exhausting. I truly feel Steve’s pain here, and I know it takes committed people to affect change, but it really should not be this difficult to be involved with our towns, counties, and States.

As I have said many times right here in the comments on Granite Grok, I am no longer a Republican, so I am not a true Right-Winger and far, far from a Liberal. I used to say Conservative Libertarian, but that party goes off the rails from time to time, so I guess what I am is a “Conservative Hippie.” And a very tired one from trying to keep up with all the stuff going on and helping conservative candidates.

So It Goes.

The post The Conservative Hippie appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Parental rights Group Fingers Manchester Public Schools for Disastrous Woke Discipline Policy

Sat, 2024-05-18 16:00 +0000

Parent Defending Education has a new report and a warning “about the widespread adoption of “restorative justice” disciplinary practices at schools, saying that the new policies may lead to dangerous and disruptive classrooms.”

With the massive increase in school districts using Restorative Justice/Restorative Practices coupled with the unprecedented behavioral chaos being seen in schools, we have begun to track the school districts that use “Restorative Justice” or “Restorative Practices” as an official part of their discipline policy and/or code of conduct.

New Hampshire is in the report, but only one school publicly promotes restorative justice as a discipline policy. Manchester. In the section titled LEVELS OF INTERVENTIONS/ SANCTIONS, Restorative Conference is listed as a response to the first three levels of conflict. What is a Restorative Conference?

“Restorative justice is a philosophy for student discipline where reconciliation between the offender and the victim is the ultimate goal,” the report explained. “In many school districts, restorative justice has REPLACED exclusionary discipline in schools, so the response to a violent action in class is not a suspension or expulsion, but to clear the classroom and have a restorative conference.”

According to Parents Defending Education, it is making matters worse.

“Restorative justice has proven to be a disaster for school safety and school culture,” Erika Sanzi, the director of outreach for Parents Defending Education, told The Daily Wire. “Are there minor infractions for which it can work? Sure. But in an effort to juke the discipline statistics and feel good about themselves, school districts have allowed their schools to get out of control in terms of defiance, disruption and even violence. It can’t continue.”

We’ve reported on numerous incidents in New Hampshire schools where, despite state, local, and district anti-bullying policies, students get harassed and even assaulted, with schools doing little or nothing, whether that includes punishing the victim. The result is an escalating culture of violence and disrespect at institutions that do not want children to go anywhere else.

Billy, just beat your ass. How about we sit down and share our feelings?

Teachers are often helpless to control kids, and kids know it. The result is that students and faculty are in harm’s way, and based on the videos on the internet, they are harmed before any meaningful action is taken to protect anyone but the perpetrators.

Ultimately, everyone has suffered through this for almost nothing, given the declining proficiency scores in many districts.

The public school experiment is a failure, but one so well funded and lawyered up that fixing it no longer seems possible if you happen to be someone who thinks it can or should be saved. Instead, it needs to be starved, first of attention and then funding. The first is not as easy as it sounds (paradigms and all that), and the last seems almost impossible, but nothing worth doing was ever easy.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GOP Voters Are Apathetic, Weak And Stupid

Sat, 2024-05-18 14:00 +0000

Nebraska held its primary a couple of days ago (May 14th). Don Bacon … a RINO’s RINO … won his primary against a MAGA challenger overwhelmingly. Trump won Nebraska in 2020 by nearly TWENTY points.

Yet the GOP voters in Nebraska want to return Bacon to Congress … so he can do everything in his power to block Trump should Trump somehow, against all the odds, prevail in the obviously rigged 2024 election. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID.

GOP voters are apathetic, weak, and stupid. You see it in Blue Hampshire all the time. But it is heartbreaking to see it in an actual RED State like Nebraska.

I will say again what I said previously … I am NOT a political activist. Hearing myself talk, i.e., posting on GraniteGrok, is NOT political activism. Political activism means actually being involved in politics … running for office or helping like-minded others running for office. But in Blue Hampshire as elsewhere, GOP voters want to pretend that activism merely means having a MAGA avatar on their social media and/or belonging to a Facebook group or groups and posting comments that “really give it to the Democrats and the RINOs,” etc.. That’s how we get Don Bacons and why America has fallen to the Left.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Prohibiting Puberty Blockers and Genital Surgery Protects Trans Youth, and Every Other Youth

Sat, 2024-05-18 12:00 +0000

Once you’ve had an abortion, you can’t take it back, which is one of the many reasons we need pregnancy care centers. They will counsel you to keep the baby, but unlike the Left, if you choose abortion, that pregnancy center will counsel the former mother through the aftermath.

Much like everything else Democrats do, they pretend there are no consequences or side effects to abortion, but the abrupt detachment of a fetus (especially in the second and third trimester) has significant biological consequences for the unborn child (death) and the mother. You can’t take it back, and the Left’s “health care” does nothing to help the mother “transition” through the hormone shifts and other physical and psychological side effects.

Much like how defunding police created more crime and injustice in the black community, it’s not their problem, but if you complain, they’ll raise some taxes to grow the government and make matters worse. If you keep complaining, you become the enemy.

Have you ever tried to be a Democrat and disagree on the issue of abortion? On any issue.

Detransioners agree – you can’t take it back, and Democrats will bully you for even daring to choose to try.


The constant barrage of LGBT messaging marketed as truth or justice is no more disgusting than would be an endless parade of heterosexual pride messaging. There is no place for it in early grades, nor should children be exposed to it. Telling adults not to discuss human sexuality on or off any spectrum at that age is common sense. Preventing the access to or use of gratuitous material promoting heterosexuality was never book banning or meddling in a curriculum.

And no one would be brave for insisting on the continued exposure or access to heterosexually explicit content until now. Much of the “literature” they claim to be protecting from book banners includes heterosexual child rape, assault, sexual abuse, cigarette, alcohol, and drug use, and it has nothing to do with being gender confused. The goal is to normalize sexualized subject matter through which gender-blending is introduced.

It is psychological warfare. Brainwashing. Supplemented with exposure to online communities that inevitably lead to confusion and disorientation, which is then described as gender dysphoria (almost no child would have it if you stopped doing this to them).

Drugs follow, and then, if the used car salesman is very good, surgery you can’t take back.

Confusing Priorities

The drugs are poorly regulated, over-prescribed, and can cause cancer and death. The surgery cannot make you a different gender, but advocates pretend that it will align the mental confusion they created with a physical person. This isn’t true either. Even the best surgeons can’t make a boy into a girl. If you’ve got enough money and time and tolerance for pain and pain drugs you can never stop taking, it is possible to come close to the affectation, but no one seems to care about the endless physical and mental suffering that is more likely to end in suicide than if you’d left them the hell alone.

Banning puberty blockers and genital surgery for minors protects “trans youth” from medical intervention profiteers.

It protects them from overzealous partisan cultural abuses. It allows them to be who they are now, and since gender is a fluid experience subject to change not just daily but hourly, hormones and surgery prohibit them from being any other gender at any moment between now and the age of majority.

Puberty blockers and irreversible surgery are contraindicated if gender is on a spectrum.

The Best Medicine

If life or quality of life were or are a concern and there’s no evidence any Democrat policy preference can or has ever done either for anyone not in the ruling class, then limiting engagement to support and encouragement, until they are adults, is the best medicine. Teaching tolerance costs nothing, even when it doesn’t take. Still, you can’t take back the damage done by drugs and surgical intervention that actually isolate a body into the male-female stereotype they claim is so restricting.

Banning puberty blockers and gender surgery will do more for tans-youth “health” than anything that has been peddled in their interest to date. Besides, there is no proof that drugs or surgery reduce suicides. There is no evidence they live happier lives. There is evidence the drugs do not have long-term risks, and we know they may cause death. Research also supports that a super-majority of kids who survive the gender-blender narratives without drugs or surgery go on to live happy, healthy lives, very content with how they were born.

At eighteen, they still have the option of pursuing drugs or surgery if that is still their desire, and waiting is a trend gaining momentum among “experts” in Western Democracies.

The best health decision you can make for “trans-kids” is to be their friend, but otherwise, leave them the hell alone and let them transition to a normal adult life free from maintenance drugs and neutering surgeries that can’t be undone.

Banning puberty blockers and gender surgery is the best thing for kids’ health, period.

The post Prohibiting Puberty Blockers and Genital Surgery Protects Trans Youth, and Every Other Youth appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Despicable Treatment of President Trump

Sat, 2024-05-18 10:00 +0000

“Hidin” Biden and the Demolitioncrats resurrected the word CONSPIRACY with the assistance of mad mastermind Marc Elias and a spurned presidential political candidate, Hillary Clinton.

That is the opinion of fair-minded political analysts: Jonathan Turley, the Shapiro Professor of Public Interest at George Washington University; Alan Dershowitz, the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and a prolific author; Matthew Whitaker, former Acting United States Attorney General and Gregg Jarrett, Fox News legal expert. Unparalleled marshaling of Federal bureaucracy, media, and moneyed “elite” power against one person is unprecedented in American history.

The United States is becoming a Stalinist/Putin U.S.S.R. or a Maoist/ Xi-Jinping Chinese Communist Cartel.

Matthew Colangelo’s (a Biden/Merkwan acolyte) New York trial of Donald Trump is an unmitigated disgrace of the judge, jury, and justice in the United States. None of the pre-eminent lawyers mentioned can identify any crime the Biden, Colangelo, and Bragg co-conspirators( BCB) have alleged against President Trump! No law degree is necessary to understand that “ failure to charge a crime” and then try anyone for an unknown crime is unconstitutional and a revival of the English Star Chamber proceedings and the Spanish Inquisition. History does not repeat, but it does rhyme!

The BCB trial culminates endless “ Grand Hoaxes,” painfully endured by President Trump and patriotic Americans. Judge Merchan exemplifies the perversion of American justice. Merchan contributed to Biden’s campaign. His daughter raises millions of dollars for Demolitioncrats, who cheer Merchan’s judicial shenanigans. Yet Merchan fails to recuse himself, and the United States judicial system says, “ Amen”!

The United States justice system has one savior: Democrat New York City jurors. Whatever the result, President Trump will persist and save the USA for my grandchildren.

The post The Despicable Treatment of President Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Employee Beware! – The Hackers Have Got To Be Singing “Pennies From Heaven”!

Sat, 2024-05-18 02:00 +0000

Whether you know it or not, it is becoming common for Employers to keep ALL of your most important identifying information in the cloud! That’s right—not just your name, address, email, and phone number but also your birth date and social security number.

There are payroll services that claim to be very secure, where employees can enter all of these vital identifiers into their online payroll systems.  Here’s one of the systems.

I say, walk away.

We want to thank Deb Johnson for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

This disastrous practice will probably lead to the recommendation of something more sinister than CBDC…. biometrics, for our own good, you understand finger & palm prints, iris scanning, and voice recognition.  We are being herded, like cattle, up the ramp that will deliver us to the slaughterhouse!

People, it is going to take the guts to say “no.”  It is going to take facing the uncertainty that “no” will bring.  But, the certainty that awaits if we don’t is a complete loss of freedom.  There is not much more that I can say about this, except there is plenty of evidence of very successful hacking.

Since our legislative session is wrapping up, I doubt we can create legal protections this year, but please let me know how many of you think this needs to stop and that we need laws that protect our identifying information.

The post Night Cap: Employee Beware! – The Hackers Have Got To Be Singing “Pennies From Heaven”! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New England Take: School Choice Goes Beyond New Hampshire but How Does It Compare?

Sat, 2024-05-18 00:00 +0000

Ben DeGrow, Senior Policy Director for Education Choice at ExcelinEd, swats down complaints from Democrats running for Governor in New Hampshire regarding education choice and how other states compare to our EFA program.


The post The New England Take: School Choice Goes Beyond New Hampshire but How Does It Compare? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nickelodeon Porn vs. School Porn

Fri, 2024-05-17 22:00 +0000

There is an Investigation Discovery series playing on Netflix called Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV. In this series, they are exposing the sexual abuse and harassment towards some of the adults and children on set. From the inappropriate scenes with children on these shows, to actual sexual abuse by the adults involved, it is a disturbing reality that many are just discovering.

Children grew up watching these shows, and parents trusted the content because it was children’s programming. What may have looked like adult humor, became part of the shows where children were exploited and sexually abused.

What does this have to do with pornography in your local school? 

Some may remember the Nickelodeon show called All That.  Cast member Lori Beth Denberg, who—in a new interview with Business Insider—accused Dan Schneider of showing her porn. Dan Schneider is under a great deal of scrutiny right now because he was the producer for many of the successful shows at Nickelodeon.

Denberg adds to the list of problems that plagued the sets that these children were working on. She mentions that her producer, Dan Schneider, showed her porn.

Porn is now available to children in our public schools. They can access pornographic books through their online Apps downloaded on their I-Pads or their Chromebooks. Denberg reminds us that giving children porn to view, is part of a sexual predator’s grooming tool. It’s how a sexual predator grooms children into becoming victims of sexual assault.

So why is this allowed in our public schools?


Many parents have challenged pornographic books, only to be met by resistance and pushback from those who claim this is book banning. Some of the resistance comes from the LGBTQ community, who continually make the argument that porn should be available to children. It seems that there has to be damage done to a child before everyone acknowledges the harm that this is doing to children. One thing’s for sure, you won’t find much courage inside our public schools. They do nothing but point fingers, and refuse to remove it.

Why is it ok to block porn on the Internet, but if it comes to children in the form of an online book, that is acceptable?

None of this is book banning because these books are available to purchase. Parents simply want to make sure these books are not available to their children in school, and taxpayers do not want to fund them in their public school libraries.

As more is revealed about the Nickelodeon scandal, parents wonder how this is condemned in one arena but not another.

The post Nickelodeon Porn vs. School Porn appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The FED Is the Greatest Con Game in History

Fri, 2024-05-17 20:00 +0000

The decline of the U.S. dollar has deteriorated 98% since the Federal Reserve was created. FDR’s 1933 Executive Decrees initiated the removal of precious metal backing from the US dollar by taking us off the gold standard. Thereafter, dollars were only redeemable for silver until 1971. President Nixon then removed the dollar’s silver backing.

From fiduciary currency to fiat currency, the dollar’s value has deteriorated from “good as gold” to Monopoly money. Laws declaring the fiat American dollar’s value are now equivalent to Monopoly’s game rules, giving value to its tender. This in-process system continuously steals the value from each dollar you earn. When you hear the term “quantitative easing,” know the money supply is being created out of thin air. Each dollar in your pocket becomes worth less because new dollars take value away from dollars already in circulation. Quantitative easing is a tried and true system to erase the wealth of the masses.

In 1921, the German Deutsche Central Bank initiated quantitative easing to pay Germany’s WWI debt. According to William L. Shirer, in “The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich,” the German Mark began to lose value in 1921 when it dropped to 75 to the dollar. In January 1922, $1.00 was converted to 189 Reichmarks (“RM”). Thereafter, as the printing press ran continuously each month, the conversion rate grew. By October of 1924, each dollar was equal in value to 4,200,000,000,000 RM. The next month the RM was revalued to 1 trillion RM = 1 new Mark. This process that completely stole the wealth of the German people has been in process since 1913 in our nation. Today, will Biden’s economy finally raise enough awareness of the revalue scheme that finally kills the dollar?

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Central bank theft American style is thoroughly detailed in Thomas Delorenzo’s 4/29/24 article called, “THE FED Americas boom & Bust Machine” -link A key paragraph explains: “The FED increases the supply of money in circulation by purchasing billions of dollars of government bonds ( ‘quantitative easing’). It also regulates the ‘fractional reserve’ banking system, whereby banks are required to maintain in reserve only tiny percentages of the loans they make. This percentage is called the ‘reserve ratio.’ At a reserve ratio of, say, two percent, a bank with $10 million in reserves can then lend 50 times that amount, or $500 million .”

Just as pre-Nazi Germany’s Weimar Republic needed WW I war debt as a reason to inflate the Mark, 20th-century wars have continuously generated inflation within the United States. While good men die and moms and dads mourn the loss of sons and daughters, Congress generously finances the price of war, reaching deep in the pockets of taxpayers through inflation. The FED has increased our national debt from one billion in 1913 to over 34 trillion today. Egregiously, in 2023, the FED charged the American taxpayer $658 billion in interest. This unscrupulous profiteering that blames free enterprise for crimes committed by central bankers was propagated by Karl Marx. Marx advocated for the creation of an inflation machine by centrally controlling banking, the fifth step in the Communist Manifesto.

According to the Inflation Calculator, $100 in 1913 would be equal today to $3,172.23 in 2024. What can you do to stop the erasure of your wealth? Tell your NH state Representatives and Senators to support and pass HB1232 to ban central bank currency in NH. Then contact your Washington Representatives and Senators. Tell them to support H.R. 24 in the House and the Senate, S. 3566: The Federal Reserve Transparency Act sheds a much-needed light on the Federal Reserve system. The buck stops with you. Too bad you can’t spend it.

The post The FED Is the Greatest Con Game in History appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

In Biden’s America Foreign Squatters Have More Rights Than Home Owners

Fri, 2024-05-17 18:00 +0000

National media is abuzz with surreal tales of US citizens ejected from or arrested while trying to reclaim their own homes from criminal squatters. One viral TikTok video features a Venezuelan thug named Leonel Morino exhorting his fellow hoodlums to seize homes as squatting escalates in Atlanta, New York City, Los Angeles, and other major cities.

Droves of gangster Venezuelans terrorizing citizens brings to mind a similar problem nearly 45 years ago when Fidel Castro unleashed Cuba’s jail population on US shores. When Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) claimed in September 2022 that Venezuela had released its prisoners in the same manner, left-leaning mainstream outlets howled racism. But such gaslighting will not address the squatting scourge: The influx of Venezuelans far outstrips the Cuban crisis, and Moreno is the tip of a much larger criminal iceberg.

Scarface Redux?

This story has hit American audiences before, both in real life and in Brian De Palma’s iconic fictionalized Cuban drug lord Tony Montana, portrayed by a young Al Pacino in the 1983 film Scarface. On April 20, 1980, the Castro regime encouraged Cubans to emigrate to the United States, and some 125,000 refugees fled to Florida. At the top, the movie explains, “It became evident that Castro was forcing the boat owners to carry back with them not only their relatives but the dregs of his jail population.” As explained by, this had immediate political consequences:

“The boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S. President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings. Of the 125,000 ‘Marielitos,’ as the refugees came to be known, who landed in Florida, more than 1,700 were jailed and another 587 were detained until they could find sponsors.”

The Biden administration faces similar tensions with Venezuela: “Refugees” could not be sent home even during COVID-19 due to the political stalemate with that socialist nation. But the number of impoverished Venezuelans (and other illegals) entering America dwarfs the Marielitos. Inflation in the troubled country exceeded 1 million percent in 2018, plunging its people into poverty. Reuters reported in October 2022 that monthly minimum Venezuelan wages of around $15 combined with permissive Biden policies spurred a massive emigration:

“Venezuelans have been one of the largest groups of migrants involved in such crossings, in part because Washington granted temporary protection status last year to those who were on U.S. soil …

“More than 150,000 Venezuelans were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border between October 2021 and August 2022, compared with nearly 48,000 in fiscal-year 2021, according to U.S. government data. In September, over 33,000 Venezuelan individuals were encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border — more than the number of unique crossers from Mexico and more than immigrants from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras combined, according to U.S. government data.”

An Invitation to Squat

Commonly called “squatters’ rights,” certain laws permit people to claim ownership or provide temporary housing rights after moving into houses they don’t own or pay rent for. New York City grants legal rights to squatters after they have been in a home for 30 days; if a New Yorker calls the police on someone who has moved into their home, they will not intervene. This leaves the owner with only civil recourse to evict, which takes an average of two years to complete. New York City also boasts “right to shelter” laws, which mandate homeless people to be housed at taxpayer expense. Such laws are practically an invitation to squat for unscrupulous “asylum seekers.”

Criminal activity is escalating rampantly, despite “see-no-evil” denials by Democrats who have defunded police, eliminated cash bail, softened probation and sentencing rules, “decriminalized” numerous drug and sex crimes, and suggested that “marginalized” people should be exempt from criminal prosecution.

Criminal Moral Hazard

Of course, not all Venezuelans – or immigrants, legal or illegal – are criminal agitators. But the immigration filter is turned off: Carter sent dangerous Cubans home. Biden has opened the gates to points afar, including Haiti and “deferred enforced departure” of thousands of Palestinians who would otherwise have been sent home. Rising inflation has pushed up housing, fuel, and food prices for American citizens and aliens alike. Desperation fuels criminal behavior even without ill-considered “decriminalization” and police defunding.

Americans watch in horror as Democrat-run “sanctuary” cities prioritize the well-being of “unauthorized entrants” over that of US citizens who have worked and scrimped to buy shelter in once-safe neighborhoods. Nationally, the Biden administration is deconstructing America’s borders, currency, fundamental liberties, race relations, public safety, and ability to buy and live in their own homes in order to sacrifice “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” on the toxic altar of “social justice.” This is Scarface, coming to a real-life theater near you.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post In Biden’s America Foreign Squatters Have More Rights Than Home Owners appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow

Fri, 2024-05-17 16:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Again, I have to drop down to two times per week because of time demands (and kudos to Steve for his mid-week meme post). I have two essays slowly ripening but that’s catch-as-catch-can time-wise.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***











What’s that expression?  Those who take from Peter to pay Paul can always count on being supported by Paul.  But this has been the Left’s strategy since forever.


Bill Whittle, six minutes.






I have a journal I’m doing for my kids, and among many other things I’m capturing expressions that I have, and expressions and wisdom my parents and grandparents have.  My good-night wish is something my grandmother used when she visited and tucked me in, and my kids know where it comes from.











And from Australia:


Don’t you love the smell of gaslight in the morning…



Understand – for these people, the quest for power for their Anointed Intellect (note: two distinct links) selves rises to a missionary faith.  You WILL submit, you WILL comply, you WILL become just a digital cog.  Because they’re ON A MISSION FROM MARX (with apologies to The Blues Brothers).



Your compliance will be TOTALLY VOLUNTARY.  They’ll just deny you a way to work, live, or eat if you don’t.  Remember what I say about situations like this:

This is “voluntary” like a woman with a knife at her throat “voluntarily” acceding to a back alley romantic interlude.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Zuckerberg’s new yacht

Look at the size of that thing!  “Carbon neutral” my ass.  As Instapundit says, I’ll believe it’s a crisis when those who say it’s a crisis act like it’s a crisis.

Fulton County Dodges AG Probe Despite Breaking Election Law (

A sure sign your society is doomed, when obvious lawbreakers are not called to account.

The Machinery of Fascism Revisited ⋆ Brownstone Institute

RTWT.  Excellent!

Read the Indictment Against Henry Cuellar to Understand Why Congress Never Challenges the Intelligence Community – The Last Refuge (

The intelligence institutions, in collaboration with the weaponized justice institutions, created the fourth branch of government.  It was this system that was fine-tuned by Barack Obama and Eric Holder to target their political opposition.

Representative Henry Cuellar is a warning to the other compromised people in Washington DC not to challenge the administrative state.  The “six ways to Sunday” groups will focus on anyone who threatens the system or breaks the code of Omerta.

Financially or otherwise, it seems there are very few – if any – pols who don’t have DS kompromat on them.

YouTube commenters laugh at the irony of Muslims marching against Islamophobia while demanding a Caliphate in Germany – Vlad Tepes (

Sometime ago, a German girl, a teen was raped and murdered by one of Merkel’s guests. Her parents were part of the program to destroy Germany by mass migration. They actually made a statement, something to the effect that no one should see her murder as a reason to stop the mass migration and that their daughter loved these people, or something very much like that.

They murder your daughter and you still want more of them????

Attention, my fellow Jews:

BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel – RedState

Why was that information held back from Israel? Was the White House trying to appease Iran by ensuring Hamas’ survival? Or was Biden concerned about the domestic backlash from the far left if he had a hand in eliminating Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar?




“Our” Government | NC Renegades

Several years ago a good friend told me about the possible connection between Plum Island and Lyme disease.  Couldn’t believe it.  But now?  Far less skeptical, especially in light of the Covid Jab.

Forgotten History #3 – Plum Island and Lyme Disease — Steemit

COVID Vaccine mRNA Can ‘Spread Systemically’ To Placenta And Infants Of Women Vaccinated During Pregnancy | ZeroHedge

And from here (bolding added):

Staggering Drop in Male Fertility; Pfizer Docs Show Anti Sperm Antibodies Is a Problem After Injection

FDA knew and covered it up;

The Pfizer trials show anti-Sperm antibodies as an adverse event (ASA) 

The body then views sperm as an invader and will then attack sperm which can lead to infertility

Documents came out out after the EUA was approved to show shocking harms to male fertility

The FDA had these documents in their hands from April 2021 and yet covered up the evidence

Note the date!


Don’t forget what she highlights about them knowing about myocarditis, and very early on!


Whistleblower Reveals Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees – Vigilant News Network

I joked that there was, doubtless, a “Pfizer Employee Special”.  Not laughing now.

NYC female public school teacher allegedly performed oral sex on a student, still teaches (

Fired.  And now teaching again somewhere else.

Watch: Just Stop Oil Activists Try To Destroy Case Holding Original Magna Carta | ZeroHedge

Marxist activists are saying that western culture, not oil, is their enemy. And, if they don’t get what they want they will continue to try to smash our greatest works of art and historic documents as a means to tear the west down piece by piece.



The US Military Is Making Lasers That Create Voices out of Thin Air – Defense One

Note the date: 2018.  Also from then:

Sedition in London: Kerry Tells Abbas Confidant Trump Is Going to Be Removed | People’s Pundit Daily (

Such a POS he is.

Mass Starvation: Here’s Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared | ZeroHedge

It’s coming.

Russia To Test Missile Off The Coast Of California Tomorrow | Armstrong Economics


British ANDREW BRIDGEN MP Admits UK, US, & French Troops Are In Ukraine | Armstrong Economics

We are one small slip away from the big things flying.  This is dread, man, truly dread.  More:

bne IntelliNews – US says sending military “trainers” to Ukraine is “inevitable”

bne IntelliNews – US Secretary of State Blinken says Ukraine free to use US-made weapons to strike Russia

The American Medical Association is saying that they have identified a “mysterious new heart issue” that effects 90% of Americans.  But it can’t be “The Jab”, oh no:

Mysterious Brand-New Heart Syndrome Reportedly Affects 90% of U.S. Population (

Roger Simon with an interesting commentary on the “super masked” i.e. those “behind the scenes” people who are paying for all the campus protests, BLM riots, and other generally nasty “destroy America” groups:

The Masked and the Super Masked | The Epoch Times

N adds: Even then I don’t think we’ve gone all the way up the chain.

If your health care is run by United Health, they just had a major “ransomware” breach, so I wonder how “secure” your personal and medical data are:

UnitedHealth’s ‘egregious negligence’ led to that ransomware • The Register

This is a video from May 8th, 2024 where various military officials are testifying to Homeland Security about the effects of “directed energy” weapons.  It’s about 1.5 hours, and pretty scary about what is being said, and what more is implied, but cannot be discussed due to the info being classified:

Silent Weapons: Examining Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents Targeting Americans in the Homeland – Committee on Homeland Security (

NOTE:  if you want to skip all the preliminary “stuff”, you can start the video at 0:16:40 or so.

The UN and the WEF are working toward A) Reducing the world population drastically, and B) total control of the remaining population.  As part of that, the elites want to eliminate cash altogether.  Here is the governor of the Central Bank of Saudia Arabia openly saying they plan to eliminate cash to get control:

And many on the left are openly stating that we need to “cull the population”.  But notice that they are always talking about people OTHER than themselves…

Climate Professor Thinks We Should ‘Cull’ the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets – PJ Media

N adds: Hold onto this question:

If you believed, truly believed, that human life and modern civilization with the current population was a dire threat to all life on earth, what line would you not cross to save it?  What action would be “too far”?

The lawfare is continuing.  In Arizona, a Grand Jury just handed down a 58 page indictment on 18 people for supporting Trump’s questioning of the 2020 election:

‘Unusually Aggressive’ Anti-Trump Grand Jury In Arizona Went Rogue With Indictments | ZeroHedge

A 9yr old schoolgirl in Minnesota was recently beaten up by 4 girls “because she is not Muslim”.  And so far, the school and the police have done nothing about it:

EXCLUSIVE: Mother says daughter was attacked at school because ‘she wasn’t Muslim’ – Alpha News

Nancy Pelosi opens shows her contempt for anyone who doesn’t accept the “ideals” of the Democrat party:

Nancy Pelosi yet again reveals Democrats’ disdain for average Americans (

China is now openly bragging about “elite capture” and how they now “own” many of the major interests in America:

Ashley Biden has confirmed that the contents written in her diary (and published online) are true, so now we know that Joe Biden was taking showers with his daughter at an “inappropriate age”.  If this was Trump, it would be front page news, 24/7.  But the media & the FBI have been actively trying to cover this up for 4 years now:

N adds: It’s not just that he’s clearly a pedo.  It’s the fact that his dedicated followers don’t care.

Meanwhile AI continues to evolve:

AI systems are already skilled at deceiving and manipulating humans | ScienceDaily

N adds: Whatever AI, etc., stuff you see… imagine what’s classified / black.

The rights of the majority – Surak substack blog

Some intriguing ideas from Surak!  And I offer Surak condolances, and just shake my head at some of his social interactions:

The mad left, Jexit, and TDS – Surak substack blog








In Germany, people go to jail for pointing this out.  And now I’m reading that there are moves to criminalize, heavily, any EU criticism of migration.

















Teflon Intellects.  All of them.  Reprising:


E Teflon Intellects 1


E Teflon Intellects 2


E Teflon Intellects 3





Read this meme, then read this brilliant transcribed speech by Evan Sayet.  They mesh very well, I think.

Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals “Think” | The Heritage Foundation











Funny how, country-wide, many of the tents are identical.  Almost like there’s a central order-giver.





Pick of the Post:




Remember the Asche Conformity Experiments.  All it takes is ONE person to stand up to support another – ONE voice saying The Emperor is naked! and the whole thing starts to collapse.

Be the Free Guy: Social-Proof Conformity Crumbles with Simple Action by One Person (

Bill Whittle – about 14 minutes.




Palate cleansers:



I want this!!!


TGIF!  I’ll show myself out…




Come back next Monday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.






The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Saudi Arabia The Gulf of Maine! [Update – Meetings, Press Conference in Response]

Fri, 2024-05-17 15:30 +0000

The NH commission on offshore wind meeting, before the federal BOEM takes over our Gulf of Maine, was inexplicably canceled when its chair, Sen. Watters, got wind, pun intended, that fishermen and concerned citizens would show up to voice their concerns.

As the troops rallied to go to the meeting, the NH government, by way of Sen. David Watters, cut bait and ran!  When asked why, he stated “thousands of NH residents want(ing) green energy supercedes a “few fishermen.”

Except offshore wind is far from green!? He went on, “Just go to the federal meeting on the 29th!” but the federal BOEM meeting does not allow the public to speak for five minutes. It is only a question-and-answer session. Watters must have shellfish allergies to shun a whole group of fishermen and our coast, or he just doesn’t like opposition.

The NH state website for Watters Commission does not mention any meetings “to be announced. ”

All minutes say “pending” or a current list of stakeholders. This has been going on since 2020!

But they are claiming they advertised their public meetings! It may as well have been advertised to the fish, for the only fisherman who knew and attended was Erik Anderson, president of the defunct NHCFA, and he didn’t tell anyone either.

Calling all the committee reps finally revealed the (now canceled) meeting on May 20th, which was the only meeting the public actually knew about by word of mouth and would have had a chance to voice their mind.

If I’m not mistaken, our government has to allow proper notice and for the public to speak, no matter how uncomfortable Watters feels.

This clandestine NH state commission has been operating for four years in a vacuum. The only “study* done was a report that does not include any data about pollution, harmful Bisphenol going into the ocean poisoning us by way of fish, or any tangible data to show it is “safe” at all!

Watters does not care or he would make it right.

Instead, he doubled down and insulated the very people he represents. He refuses to listen and states, “We cannot control what the BOEM does in federal waters.” I believe Watters needs a refresher course in the US Constitution. Last I checked, the US government is “the people,” just not fishermen and those who want to save our Gulf of Maine and whales.


[Update] There will be “meetings” and conversations with or without members of the committee.

Monday, May 20
3:00, Meet at roundabout Diner and Lounge, Portsmouth NH traffic circle. Information on offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine.
4:00, Meet at 222 International Dr. Pease, Press conference with Chuck Morse, fishermen, and environmentalists.
4:30, State Commission on offshore wind. If (still) canceled, we will continue the press conference.

May BOEM federal dates:

The post Don’t Saudi Arabia The Gulf of Maine! [Update – Meetings, Press Conference in Response] appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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