The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 7 min 48 sec ago

Don’t Saudi Arabia The Gulf of Maine! [Update – Meetings, Press Conference in Response]

Fri, 2024-05-17 15:30 +0000

The NH commission on offshore wind meeting, before the federal BOEM takes over our Gulf of Maine, was inexplicably canceled when its chair, Sen. Watters, got wind, pun intended, that fishermen and concerned citizens would show up to voice their concerns.

As the troops rallied to go to the meeting, the NH government, by way of Sen. David Watters, cut bait and ran!  When asked why, he stated “thousands of NH residents want(ing) green energy supercedes a “few fishermen.”

Except offshore wind is far from green!? He went on, “Just go to the federal meeting on the 29th!” but the federal BOEM meeting does not allow the public to speak for five minutes. It is only a question-and-answer session. Watters must have shellfish allergies to shun a whole group of fishermen and our coast, or he just doesn’t like opposition.

The NH state website for Watters Commission does not mention any meetings “to be announced. ”

All minutes say “pending” or a current list of stakeholders. This has been going on since 2020!

But they are claiming they advertised their public meetings! It may as well have been advertised to the fish, for the only fisherman who knew and attended was Erik Anderson, president of the defunct NHCFA, and he didn’t tell anyone either.

Calling all the committee reps finally revealed the (now canceled) meeting on May 20th, which was the only meeting the public actually knew about by word of mouth and would have had a chance to voice their mind.

If I’m not mistaken, our government has to allow proper notice and for the public to speak, no matter how uncomfortable Watters feels.

This clandestine NH state commission has been operating for four years in a vacuum. The only “study* done was a report that does not include any data about pollution, harmful Bisphenol going into the ocean poisoning us by way of fish, or any tangible data to show it is “safe” at all!

Watters does not care or he would make it right.

Instead, he doubled down and insulated the very people he represents. He refuses to listen and states, “We cannot control what the BOEM does in federal waters.” I believe Watters needs a refresher course in the US Constitution. Last I checked, the US government is “the people,” just not fishermen and those who want to save our Gulf of Maine and whales.


[Update] There will be “meetings” and conversations with or without members of the committee.

Monday, May 20
3:00, Meet at roundabout Diner and Lounge, Portsmouth NH traffic circle. Information on offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine.
4:00, Meet at 222 International Dr. Pease, Press conference with Chuck Morse, fishermen, and environmentalists.
4:30, State Commission on offshore wind. If (still) canceled, we will continue the press conference.

May BOEM federal dates:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hillary Speaks the Truth?

Fri, 2024-05-17 14:00 +0000

Believe it or not, readers, Hillary’s mouth has actually spoken the truth to us, the American people (I bet that has a bitter taste for her?). According to Hillary pro Palestinian protestors here on American collage campuses and streets are ignorant of the history between Israel and Islam.

She recites one example from when her husband, Bill Clinton, tried to bring the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel together in an agreed settlement. The offer to Yasser Arafat (leader of the PLO) was for Muslims to have 96% of the Palestinian territory (a darn good deal, IMO), but Arafat refused. It was speculated at the time he feared being assassinated like Anwar Sadat (President of Egypt some years before) had been for making a deal with Jews in Egypt.

Likely, he would have as his power thereafter eroded rather quickly because the radical fundamentalists in Islam will accept nothing less than the death of all Jews and not just those in Israel – all Jews everywhere. The Quran tells the faithful that the whole world must become Muslim before peace can come, and there are very many faithful to ensure that peace will not come before that.

Readers, please understand this hate war against Jews has been going on for more than a thousand years. It started in 726 AD when Muhammad claimed he was visited by the Angle Gabriel with orders from God to kill all the Jews. This was long before the Crusades or the Muslim empire, but it has been ongoing off and on all this time, and we are in a hot period right now – and it is not only Israel in the cross hairs; America is the “Great Satan.” Coddling terrorists of any kind just emboldens them and Islam is not only emboldened but motivated. The more restraint we use the greater the danger.

Look at some real hard facts: Sense 9-11, there have been 45,255 Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide. In 2002, 3,152 people were killed and 6,059 were injured, and since then, the numbers and efficiency have grown exponentially.

In 2019, 10,525 were killed, and 10,725 were injured.
In 2020, 10,251 were killed, and 7,749 were injured.
In 2021, 11,830 were killed and 9,595 were injured.
In 2022, 9,025 were killed and 6,815 were injured. (An off year)
In 2023, 11, 424 were killed and 12,999 were injured.
2024 is pending, but starting out with a real bang.

Let us not forget this is just one phase of the Islamic “religion of Peace.” Honor killings are still very much in vogue if a wife or daughter is seen to impede the family honor as judged by the husband or patriarch. Selling an adolescent daughter as young as nine years old to be the wife of some older man is nothing unusual. The always popular kidnapping of young women for the sex slave market is a profit-generating powerhouse. God forbid a gay man or lesbian falls into the grasp of some Muslims. Inevitable death sentence is always that result , usually in some gruesome fashion.

This brings me to the current Hamas-Israel war, and I must ask myself and my readers just what good would a “cease fire” be worth if we knew it would just be used by Hamas to reload before attacking again. Can we possibly be so stupid as to believe anything lasting could possibly come of it? No, no way, Israel should eradicate every terrorist in Gaza and go after those who sneak away too. This war is effecting much of the world and we are no different. Muslim students agitate lies, misinform, and, as Hillary noted, many believe these lies. Lazy or stupid students using threats or violence should be expelled, and Muslim student activists should be deported.


Editor: Ths post was originally published under the wrong byline. This has been corrected.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Move Over EVs – Rooftop Solar Panel Fires are On the Rise

Fri, 2024-05-17 12:00 +0000

The Olympic Aquatic Center in Sydney, Australia, was evacuated this week after smoke billowed in plumes from its roof. A fire started inside the rooftop solar panel array.

Upon investigation, crews found a working fire in the solar panels on the roof of the sporting facility.”

Fire crews used a ladder platform to attack the flames and were able to get the blaze under control within about 45 minutes.

FRNSW confirmed that more than 2,500 people had to be evacuated during the incident.

According to Hot Air’s reporting, while we don’t hear much about rooftop solar panel fires, they are becoming more common.

The number of fires involving solar panels has soared after a boom in their use driven by energy bill rises, The Independent can reveal.

Data obtained under freedom of information rules show that there were six times the number of fires involving solar panels last year compared with 10 years ago.

The rate has increased sharply with 66 fires already recorded up until July this year compared with 63 for the whole of 2019, prompting concern from safety experts who are worried about a lack of regulation on who can install them.

Older installations are more likely to spark up, but it is a growing concern for anyone with a rooftop array; it is not just the likelihood of an installation quirk. You run the constant risk of outdoor storm damage.

If you have solar panels on your roof, it also changes how smoke escapes from your burning home.

The dispersion of fire smoke from rooftops with PV raises significant safety concerns regarding residents’ exposure,” the group said. “Therefore, it is essential to investigate the phenomenon of smoke dispersion generated by rooftop PV fires, particularly through rooftop openings such as skylights.”

The amount of time you have depends on the slope of your roof. “For the 60-degree rooftop, residents have approximately 12 minutes to evacuate, while for other rooftops (less than 45 degrees), residents have only about four minutes.

Back in the Day

In the early days of solar bailouts, homeowners were often unknowingly saddled with liens on their homes. Finance companies leveraging the installation cost would put liens on property to protect their investment, which meant the owner could not sell their property until they addressed the lien. I’m not sure that’s still a thing, but solar (bailout) incentives continue to drive installations by companies that pop up to take advantage of the government’s interference in the market.

There are reputable companies and certified installers, but has anyone talked to homeowners about the fire risk or how PV on your roof changes the environment of either an in-home or rooftop fire? I can’t say.

Did they even warn them about the possibility of a rooftop fire? Given that few, if any, solar companies even want to discuss the end-of-life costs for removal and disposal (which are not insignificant as recycling is still not something they’ve mastered), I can’t imagine the fire risk is a topic of much interest. Expired panels are toxic, as is any reclamation process. You’d think that people possessed with at least the perception of a public obligation to do the right thing for the community (during COVID) would have a vested interest in this problem.

You’d be wrong. It is another can they kick down the road. Much like the answer to this question. How many “emissions” were generated by that 45-minute (+/-) rooftop array fire? Or, put another way, are there “credits” you can buy to offset exhausting the fumes from burning the toxic components of PV panels for about an hour? How much do those cost, who benefits, and who has to pay?

I’m guessing one such fire erases all the pretend 20 years’ worth of “savings” from that installation and at least a few others. And while these fires are on the rise, you look away and keep on keeping on, you green money laundering, earth-wrecking bastards.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Demands Debates, Are You Kidding

Fri, 2024-05-17 10:00 +0000

I am not convinced these debates will happen, but how can Joe Biden demand debates with Trump when he can not even put two sentences together? Does Joe understand there will be no teleprompter unless CNN expands on its cheating practices of the past? Most people forget the controversy when CNN got the questions for the debate to the Clinton team before the debate with Trump. Maybe they will allow Biden to wear earpieces so someone can feed him the answers. With CNN hosting, there will be a heavy dose of January 6 and Trump’s trials. They will do the country a disservice if they soften this debate for the aging, fumbling Biden.

Biden has strongly restricted the two debates that highlight his weakness. He excludes Kennedy or any third-party candidate, microphones will be cut to limit crosstalk, and he will not debate in front of a live audience. He excluded NBC and FOX from potential hosts. FOX is a no-brainer, but NBC is a question mark.

This challenge is a high-risk, high-reward act of desperation by Biden. He recorded a fifteen-second announcement for his debate challenge, which took five takes. If this indicates his cognitive ability, how can he handle a 90-minute live debate? The timing is evident, as the Biden team made this announcement days after Trump rallied in front of 100,000 in Blue New Jersey, and the latest polls indicate Trump is leading in five swing states. Biden knows he is being beaten badly and must change the conversation.

January 6 and the Trump trials do not even hit the top-ten concerns of the American voters. The top 5 concerns are:

  1. Illegal Immigration
  2. Crime
  3. Economy
  4. Inflation
  5. International crisis

CNN will do its best to minimize any talk on these subjects as Trump will pounce on Biden for his record on these subjects, and Biden will not know what hit him. The stage is tilted against Trump, but he will be up to the task.

Trump has proven he can overcome any obstacle in business, politics, or the courtroom. He can seal the deal with these debates if he sticks to the facts and controls his emotions. Even the closed mics can work in Trump’s favor. If he can hold back and let Biden fumble, it will reinforce to those who have been sheltered from the real Biden how much the job of President has passed him by.

You had to chuckle today when Biden took a shot at CNN for the poll results they are reporting. Joe claims the poll response has been wrong all along, and they are not polling enough people. The fact is that no matter what poll you look to, Biden is falling like a barrel over Niagara Falls, and Trump is rising with every day he is gagged in a NY courtroom.

Biden should be thankful for the polls. There is no way that 30% of Americans approve of his performance. They must be family and friends from Scranton.

This race should be over. The question is, how much can the Liberal Democrats cheat? You can almost see Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell in a dimly lit room plotting new, creative ways to manufacture votes. Nothing is beyond these Democrats.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Happy 76th birthday, Israel

Fri, 2024-05-17 08:00 +0000
This week, Israel celebrates its 76th birthday. Seventy-six years ago, May 14, 1948, was the rebirth of one of the oldest cultures and nations in history, the State of Israel. With Judaism as its religion, Israel has a historical continuity spanning over 4,000 years.

It is one of the oldest monotheistic religions and the oldest to survive into the present day. Israel today is a unique and diverse Jewish state with a young, viable democracy in an unstable region. In 2010, the Jewish population was estimated at 13.4 million, or roughly 0.2% of the world population.

The circumstances surrounding Israel’s rebirth were anything but easy. Regrettably, Israel’s journey from her early beginning to the present has been fraught with great suffering. It is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of the Jewish people that they persisted in their valiant struggle to re-gather again in the land of their birth. Some even go as far as saying that Israel’s renaissance — after 4,000 years or so– was nothing short of miraculous.

The re-birth of Israel, in reality, is a culmination of thousands of years of gestation during which the Jewish people, dispersed throughout much of the world, endured immense degrees and varieties of suffering. The Nazi murderers and their collaborators capped the crimes committed against the Jewish people by brutally slaughtering six million innocent men, women and children.

We can hardly find countries that have gone out of existence for as long as 4,000 years and then reappeared and been reborn. Thus, the rebirth of this magnificent culture, people, and land was truly a miracle.

In ancient times, a noble and just Persian king, Cyrus the Great, rescued tens of thousands of Jewish people from captivity in a foreign land, empowering them to return home and build their sacred temple. By his action of freeing an entire people from captivity and restoring their rightful dignity, Cyrus the Great, the author of the first code of Human Rights, cemented a bond of friendship between the Jews and the Persians. It was the Just King’s way of setting the world on a course of freedom, equality, and justice for all people, irrespective of any considerations.

Israel has welcomed many Jews across the world, including the Iranian Jews who could no longer tolerate the rule of the oppressive venomous mullahs. These mullahs are indeed traitors to the lofty, long-standing tradition and values championed by Cyrus the Great and revered by Persians throughout the ages. Israel also must be commended for affording millions of Israeli Arabs opportunities denied to them in many other lands.

Regrettably, the sworn enemy of the Iranian people and the Persian heritage (the Islamic Republic) also supports terrorism abroad. The Islamic regime has increased its support for groups that seek the destruction of Israel. These include the Lebanese Hezbollah and such Palestinian groups as Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command. Israel has the right to defend herself from these brewing factions who want nothing short of obliteration of the Jewish state.

We should consider the rebirth of the Jewish State to be a blessing for the Muslims. Israel has provided the opportunity to show the world the results of the Jewish state of mind in action…a mind that yearns to be free and a mind that longs to see that all humanity enjoys life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, said Tashbih Sayyed.

Israel’s fair treatment of the Iranian Baha’is in Israel is praiseworthy. This further demonstrates their ability and willingness to live in harmony with others. In Iran, the birthplace of the Baha’i faith, Baha’is are ruthlessly subjected to a form of gradual genocide by the cruel mullahs. Some Baha’is are executed for their faith, Baha’i children are denied university studies, Baha’i holy places are destroyed, and even their cemeteries are bulldozed, to cite a few examples. By contrast, Israel has provided the Baha’is freedom to care for their holy places, which were established in the Holy Land during the 19th century, long before Israel’s rebirth.

The Jewish community of Iran is one of the oldest in the Diaspora, and its historical roots reach back to the 6th century B.C.E., the time of the First Temple. Their history in the pre-Islamic period is intertwined with that of the Jews of neighboring Babylon. The Jewish colonies were scattered from centers in Babylon to Persian provinces and cities such as Hamadan and Susa. The books of Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Daniel give a favorable description of the relationship of the Jews to the court of the Achaemids at Susa.

To this day, traditional Jews pray three times a day for the Temple’s restoration. During the centuries, the Muslims controlled Palestine, and two mosques were built on the site of the Jewish Temple. (This was no coincidence; it is a common Islamic custom to build mosques on the sites of other people’s holy places.) Since any attempt to level these mosques would lead to an international Muslim holy war (jihad) against Israel, the Temple cannot be rebuilt in the foreseeable future.

“Next year in Jerusalem being the wish of Diaspora Jews, dispersed from their homeland yet acknowledging their spiritual and historical home is Israel, specifically, Jerusalem. Psalm 137 is referred to as the well-known lament of the Babylonian Jews who wept ‘by the rivers of Babylon’ and declared, ‘If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither.”

The perennial prayer, “Next Year in Jerusalem,” has finally been answered. We, the spiritual children of Cyrus the Great, pray that Israel succeeds in taking the steps necessary to make the New Jerusalem a place of hope and lasting safety for the Jewish people, people of all religions, and those with no religion at all.

Although Israel was reborn in 1948, the Israelis were unable to settle down for long in their own homeland, to worship their God as they wished, and to live in peace. They were assaulted once again by the forces of destruction that sent them scurrying for the relative safety of other lands. These challenges continue to this day.

Now, Israel is a sovereign state but hardly safe. She is surrounded by nations and peoples who are bent on her destruction. Tragically, she and her neighbors have been unable to find an equitable way of living side-by-side with mutual respect and peace. I earnestly hope that ways can be found to resolve this destructive impasse peacefully.

A thorny issue of great concern to Israel is the Mullahs’ gallop to join the nuclear club and use the bomb as a club over the head of any nation, near or far, that stands in their way or does not accede to their demands. And it is here that some advocated a pre-emptive action by Israel, the U.S., or both to postpone, if not prevent, the Mullahs from achieving their objective.

For example, attacking the Bushehr nuclear facility alone would be a nightmare, releasing radiation into the atmosphere. To attack Iran’s nuclear facilities will not only provoke unnecessary war, but it could also unleash clouds of radiation far beyond the targets and the borders of Iran. In addition, it is almost a certainty that the Islamic Republic would retaliate by hitting Israel’s Dimona nuclear complex. Everyone loses.

The best strategy with the greatest chance of success and the least risk of starting a cataclysmic chain reaction is for a “coalition of the willing,” to borrow a phrase, to rally behind the Iranian opposition. Democracy-seeking secular Iranians are thoroughly capable of dislodging the tyrannical Mullahs.

We should also remember that Iran sits on many large, active fault lines. Of the major earthquakes that do occur in Iran, many are stronger than magnitude six on the Richter scale. Should, say, the Bushehr plant be hit by an earthquake, it would be catastrophic, not only to the entire region but beyond.

Today, Israel has reunited Jerusalem and provided unrestricted freedom of religion. Access of all faiths to the Holy Places in the unified City of Peace is assured. The story of Israel’s rebirth is indeed a miracle, yet challenges have remained, threatening the existence of this tiny ancient country filled with a rich culture.

As we watch, we pray for Israel and the Jewish people for everlasting peace and prosperity.

It doesn’t make any difference whether you are pro-Israel or not. If another holocaust looms, it leaves Israel with no alternatives but to lash out without pause or restraint at those who wish to destroy the Jewish State.

Happy 76th Birthday, Israel

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Social Justice Inflation — Is that the plan?

Fri, 2024-05-17 02:00 +0000

This is an older article, reprinted here because it is even more relevant that in 2021. But also, when people “forecast” the future — whether meteorologists, fortune-tellers, stockbrokers, or lawyers drafting contracts, the proof is in the pudding: were they accurate?

I have warned for years about Vermont’s unsustainable pensions, healthcare system, and tax structures, yet those who ignore math and facts press on with their ideological fantasies in derogation and destruction of the very programs they bloat in the name of “social justice.” I republish this article here because hindsight now proves I and other economists have been correct — Biden’s so-called “inflation reduction” policies have thrown fuel on the fire of inflation, just as Vermont’s progressive supermajority has aggravated the economic situation in the Green Mountains by ignoring common sense and basic economics, not at their own peril but of the citizenry they have utterly failed to serve. Inflation will get far worse, and we must recall who got us here in order to understand which moronic policies must be reversed to cure these ills.

Social justice inflation — Is that the plan?

Most Americans are aware that inflation is on the rise, and not just at the gas pumps. This is unsurprising given the flood of money being printed as so-called “COVID relief.” The impact on the economy is evident — workers are staying home, businesses are struggling, even as consumer spending climbs fueled by citizens flush with COVID cash. The future impact on the American economy is uncertain — or is it? Increasingly this irresponsible money-dumping appears to be a deliberate effort to transfer wealth and expand government power, consistent with the Social Justice ideology embraced by extremist Joe Biden.

It is axiomatic that increasing the money supply is the root of inflation. There are three ways this is fueled:

Demand-pull inflation occurs when an increase in the supply of money and credit stimulates overall demand for goods and services in an economy to increase more rapidly than the economy’s production capacity. This increases demand and leads to price rises…. Cost-push inflation is a result of the increase in prices working through the production process inputs… Built-in Inflation [is when] workers and others come to expect that they will continue to rise in the future at a similar rate and demand more costs or wages to maintain their standard of living.

Americans should be alarmed that all three are now impacting the economy. Also, there is a huge divergence between “core” inflation and consumer goods (including gasoline and wages, which in turn nurture cost-push inflation in the costs of goods, creating a dangerous cycle). This divergence is itself a warning sign, as inflation …

drives up some prices first and later drives up other prices. This sequential change in purchasing power and prices (known as the Cantillon effect) means that the process of inflation not only increases the general price level over time, but it also distorts relative prices, wages, and rates of return along the way. Economists, in general, understand that distortions of relative prices away from their economic equilibrium are not good for the economy, and Austrian economists even believe this process to be a major driver of cycles of recession in the economy.

Inflation is quite high at present, but the Federal Reserve states that it is unconcerned. Though this year’s inflation is the largest jump since August 2008,

Chairman Jerome Powell and other officials acknowledge the recent acceleration in prices but believe that the inflation is “transitory” and that prices won’t continue to increase at their current pace for too long.

But consumers have a different perspective:

But consumers—who actually drive inflation—seemed unfazed, apparently already operating with the understanding that prices were rising fast, and would continue to do so. Homeowners remodeling their homes during the pandemic were aware of historically high lumber prices. Home cooks felt the impact on food prices. Buyers of both new and used cars saw prices surge due to a shortage of computer chips.… This diversion in inflation views between policy makers and consumers is notable and runs deep, says Chicago Booth’s Michael Weber. Central banks and shoppers are living, to some extent, in different worlds—focusing on different things, and forming expectations on the basis of those.

This is a volatile difference, given that the purpose of the Fed is to influence markets (consumers) to preventinflation. The Fed has employed as rationale that there is a divergence between expected and actual inflation, yet that is no longer the case. Indeed, the Fed forecast in April that Personal Economic Expenditures (PCE) “would be 2.4% for 2021, [and] decrease to 2.1% by 2023”:

Different agencies’ predictions differ, but most put US CPI inflation within the range of 1.6% to 2.8% in 2021 and around 2% in 2022.

This forecast has already proved wrong, but this has not budged the Fed out of the “transitory inflation” camp. Some economists forecast higher inflation is here to stay; others say long-term inflation is a mirage. The future will reveal whether this is a short-term burden, or a launch off a fiscal cliff (as I have elsewhere argued). But if it proves to be a cliff-jump, one must query whether that was deliberate.

The Biden administration has distributed “an unprecedented amount of money” to states. Republicans have denounced this as profligate since COVID was waning, but Democrats persisted:

Democrats have called the bill necessary to sustain the economic recovery [and] mitigate the pain caused by a year of economic restrictions. More than 20 million people are still receiving some form of unemployment benefits, and millions of households are struggling to afford food and housing…. Democrats also pointed to the bill’s potential to slash child poverty.

There it is right there — the social justice justification to destroy the nation. Why merely staunch COVID when government can solve other problems with printing presses on the way? Any “slash” to child poverty will be short-lived, followed by those children being burdened by greater debt than any in human history. Money does not solve problems, human capital does.

Economist Thomas Sowell explains:

Missing in most “social justice” arguments for a redistribution of wealth is the question of the extent to which such a redistribution is even possible, in any comprehensive, long-term sense. Certainly there have been many examples of times and places where money or other physical wealth has been confiscated by governments or looted by mobs. But physical wealth is a product of human capital — the knowledge, skills, talents, and other qualities that exist inside the heads of people — where it cannot be confiscated. Confiscating physical wealth for the purpose of redistribution is confiscating something that will be used up over time, and cannot be replaced without the human capital that created it. (Discrimination and Disparities, p. 216).

Social Justice Ideology collides with math, economics, and history — but that doesn’t stop utopian fantasists from setting out to destroy us all. As Ryszard Legutko relates in his book “The Demon in Democracy” (p. 49):

Economic liberals could not get over the popularity of socialism, which they considered a completely irrational idea, but for reasons with which they were never satisfied managed to touch the hearts and minds of millions of people throughout the world. This tremendous success of their main enemy made them critically reassess the previous methods by which the free marketers wanted to win popular support…. And so they concluded: if the free market is presented not in a timid, apologetic, and cowardly way, but in proud openness as an optimal answer to every important problem, if it officially, as it were, entered into an ideological race with socialism as a superior all-encompassing formula, it must and would win. Once the economic liberals drew this conclusion, they deliberately and consciously started using the term “utopia” for what they were advocating. After all, what can be more attractive than a utopia that works? And work it must — they said. Some liberals could not even conceal their bewilderment that such a fantastic project as theirs, giving everyone, literally everyone, the freedom to pursue their own desires, had not yet caught human imagination strongly enough….

When the COVID “relief” funds run out, the unemployment problem will abate as workers are no longer rewarded for staying home. But at the same time, they will have less disposable income and consumer spending will decline. This will mean that the Biden Social Justice machine will have to print yet more money, with less economic benefit. The acknowledged expert on inflation is Milton Friedman, who warned strongly in his book “Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History”:

Inflation in the range to which we have become accustomed, let alone in the hyperinflationary range, became feasible only after paper money came into wide use. The nominal quantity of paper money can be multiplied indefinitely at negligible cost; it is necessary only to print high numbers on the same pieces of paper…. Whatever its proximate source, inflation is a disease, a dangerous and sometimes fatal disease, a disease that, if left unchecked, can destroy a society…. No government willingly accepts the responsibility for producing inflation even in moderate degree, let alone at hyperinflationary rates. Government officials always find some excuse….Inflation is not a capitalist phenomenon. The recognition that substantial inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon is only the beginning of an understanding of the cause and cure of inflation. The more basic questions are: Why do governments increase the quantity of money too rapidly? Why do they produce inflation when they understand its potential for harm? (pp. 190-193).

Americans can see the political ideology in their midst that explains “why” the Biden administration would deliberately increase money supply rapidly. Americans are being set up for economic implosion:

So, did states receive too much money in the Biden rescue plan? The answer is definitely yes, given that state revenues never declined very much, coupled with the federal government’s assistance in offsetting the spike in Medicaid, and the fact that the current recovery will be robust in terms of state revenues all support this conclusion….. Once the federal money is all spent, many states may be looking at a serious budget problem: not enough money to support the spending levels they’ve assumed in their fiscal year 2022 budgets. That will likely happen when the economy slows and actual revenues fall short of the levels assumed in their budgets.

Many Americans lack historical awareness either of how high interest rates can climb, or how dangerous inflation truly is. The annual inflation under Donald Trump in 2020 was 1.2%. Those who refer current rates back to 2008 link to a monthly rate: the last year for which inflation was as high as currently was 5.45%, in 1990. The rates under stagflation were 11.3% in 1979; 13.5% in 1980; 10.3% in 1981.

Since toying with quantitative easing in the 2007-8 crisis, the Fed has found it needed to go even further:

In the past decade or so, the Fed has seemed to lose some of its influence in controlling inflation…. Thus, the Fed has embraced what watchers call unconventional monetary policy to maintain its influence. It has bought trillions of dollars’ worth of assets to get financial institutions moving and money flowing through the economy. And it has used forward guidance to tell the market, and the public, what it thinks is going on, with the goal of influencing their spending decisions…. [But i]t can’t use forward guidance as an effective policy tool unless it can get consumers on the same page.

So the Fed has decided it can control inflation using forward guidance that is ignored; and its hands are tied from raising interest rates because “core” inflation is soft while consumer spending is rampant. America is on thin monetary sand, shifting further under fantastical notions of ending all poverty and injustice forever, just by printing money.

High inflation will result in a massive wealth transfer from elderly Americans to young, as savings and retirement incomes whither while housing and food prices skyrocket. Young Americans will be supported with printing presses, and have paltry liquid assets at risk — though their student loans will slowly vanish. The federal government’s trillions of dollars of entitlement obligations will shrink in real value, and be “honored” using increasingly worthless paper dollars. This would accomplish a massive redistribution of wealth while bypassing the ballot box completely.

They wouldn’t knowingly do such a thing, would they?


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Night Cap: Social Justice Inflation — Is that the plan? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mr Stephen, Your Turn Was Not Forgotten

Fri, 2024-05-17 00:00 +0000

By now, readers should be familiar with the executive council race to replace the retiring Ted Gatsas in District 4, a seat that Nurse Terese has been focused on for over 2 years.  Last election cycle, she primaried him with almost no resources and received almost 30% of the votes.  She is also a regular attendee in the front row of the audience whenever her schedule allows.  Let’s talk about that for a moment, shall we?

Among the many hats that she wears or has worn is nurse, wife, mom to 2 little boys from “the system,” believer, and activist.

Readers could be taken on a side trip with stories about her involvement in serving God by way of serving others.  The embattled youth center, which has been in the news almost every day, is front and center on her radar for reform.  Before moving on, I’ll finish this point by reminding everyone that she is NOT an opportunist saying, “Hey, look, an open seat”(without an incumbent to overcome) in a personal crusade to be and/or stay relevant.  And a question that should be asked by voters and the press alike is if Mr. Stephen is in the race to keep a lid on the embarrassment of the youth center scandal if elected.

What has Mr Stephen been doing lately?  Or, as Janet Jackson said, “What have you done for ME lately,” is what District 4 voters should be asking Mr Stephen.  I can tell everyone what has been done FOR MR STEPHEN lately.  Incumbents Kenney (District 1) and Wheeler(District 5) endorsed him!

“Good Old Boy Network,” anyone?

When Ted Gatsas announced his retirement, Ryan Terrell threw his hat into the ring followed by B0b Burns, who also received attention from the distinguished Ed Mosca, a Gatsas constituent.

Then, along came the elderly former Senator Reagan, who was against the Parental Bill of Rights while in office and endorsed the enemy camp candidate vying to fill his seat upon his own retirement.

Somewhere along the timeline, Mr Stephen announced his candidacy and I still owe him an article on why he is NOT the correct replacement for Ted Gatsas.  Unfortunately, the “in (cumbent) club” seems to disagree.  Consider this piece that article.

Admittedly, I have not yet done formal opposition research in earnest, but he’s another rich businessman just like Burns.  Is he bored, or is he tasked with damage control by the ruling class?  Would he have primaried Ted Gatsas this year if he wasn’t retiring?  When was the last time he attended a meeting of the body?  When was the last time he reached out to Ted Gatsas to request that he vote a certain way on something, and what was the item or nomination?  Does he think he’s a modern-day Ross Perot expecting to purchase the seat?  I think Burns is.

Last Saturday for Old Home Day, and while on my way to and from downtown Goffstown by way of Bedford, both of which are District 4 communities, I spotted countless Burns signs.  They were of the cheap trash bag variety and they dominated the roadside landscape on PUBLIC PROPERTY.  What do you think when you see a multitude of signs for a candidate on public property?  Think about it while Terese plugs away at placing homemade signs on PRIVATE PROPERTY, with permission, of course.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mach Talk: A Statute of Limitations on Child Abuse?

Thu, 2024-05-16 23:00 +0000

This week, we delve further into the Sununu YDC scandal. Who is the judge? What would the economic impact be to the State if every incident receives the mandated $475,000 maximum–there are 1,400 complainants, each with numerous incidents, you do the math!?!? We also discuss the latest dramas surrounding the upcoming LP Convention in DC at the end of the month, and more!

The post Mach Talk: A Statute of Limitations on Child Abuse? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Does Anyone In California Have An Ounce Of Brilliance

Thu, 2024-05-16 22:00 +0000

California is one of the Crown Jewels of America. It is a massive state that is as different from north to south as America itself. I have not had the pleasure of visiting the state and driving the length of the PCH, but with the current condition of California, I think I will remove it from my wishlist.

California is a mismanaged mess, so more people are leaving the state than migrating to it. For the first time in our history, California lost members of its congressional legislation as people left for Texas, Tennessee, and Florida. With some of the highest tax rates for individuals and businesses, the exodus has been happening for years, and the backfill has not. California is hemorrhaging tax-paying residents and filling the gap with illegal migrants. It’s not a good economic trade-off, but California’s problems are far more rooted than a shrinking population. California’s elected officials are the worst enemy of a struggling state, which is a waste for a state with such incredible promise.

The Golden State is tarnished, and the folks in charge are exasperating the situation instead of taking stock and corrective actions. They have redefined the neighborhood with massive tent cities popping up on the main streets of big cities. When there is a significant event like the Superbowl in Los Angeles or Xi Jinping of China visiting San Francisco, the tents are temporarily moved out of camera range and then brought back post-event as if nothing happened. Cities have set up vending machines with free drug paraphernalia and now San Francisco is prepared to spend $5 million to supply free beer and vodka to homeless alcoholics. You can not make these stories up.

California has been at the forefront of the Reparations issue and Newsom made the mistake of putting together a commission giving any plan credibility. When the group arrived at their decision, and it involved millions paid to any resident who was a direct descendant of a slave, Newsom had to insert himself in the process and table the idea.

Gavin Newsom is considered the go-to person if the Democrats decide to move Biden and Harris aside before or at the convention. Still, he has presided over this grossly negative period in California’s history. California is so large that if a country, its GDP would be in the top ten of the world, but with some of the highest tax rates and complex worker programs, like $20 an hour minimum wage, they have forced many companies out of state. The state is in such need of tax revenue to fund foolish programs that there are attempts to charge an exodus tax on people leaving the state. Good luck with that.

Newsom debated Governor DeSantis of Florida when DeSantis was still a candidate for President, and most of Newsom’s claims and arguments during the event were fact-checked as false. Very consistent for a Liberal. If he happens to become the candidate, his record will be scrutinized, and most logically thinking people would not want him even close to the Oval Office.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No More Slot Machines for Romania’s Tiny Towns

Thu, 2024-05-16 21:00 +0000

The Romanian Parliament backed a new rule called GEO 82/2023, starting from October 6, 2023, with a few tweaks here and there. One tweak says you can only have slot machines in places with at least 15,000 people living there. So basically, small towns and the countryside won’t have them anymore.

This ordinance thingy is a quick way for the government to make a law. It starts working right away but still needs a thumbs up from Parliament, which has just happened.

Parliament could have said yes to the whole thing, made some changes, or just tossed it out. If they tossed it, the law would’ve been toast. Now, it’s up to the President, Klaus Iohannis, to say okay or to kick it back to Parliament.

Once it gets the green light, the law kicks in 10 days after they say go. You can also see a list of the best casinos.

Key Tweaks in the Law

A legal team from Romania, Simion and Baciu, reckon this slots rule could mix things up for gambling spots on the ground in Romania. “This big change means no slot-machine fun in the sticks or wee towns,” they said to iGB. “The bigwigs in the government have been nattering about this for months in big meetings.”

“But based on what the head honcho of the deputies’ chamber said today, it looks like the government folks want to see how the gambling folks will deal with these sudden tweaks. Then they might think about more rules to push gambling halls to the edges of the cities,” added the firm. The draft law lists all six changes, including the one about the slot machines.

The original idea was for the ONJN, which is the boss of gambling in Romania, to make a list of all the gambling businesses and where they are, plus stuff about their gaming gear. You can also take a look at the best casino reviewers at

Now, they want to make sure this list is fresh every day. Plus, gambling businesses have to tell the ONJN about their stuff every day too. If they don’t, they could get hit with a big fine.

New Rules Might Hit Online Gambling Ads Too

The original plan was for gambling ads outside to stay small, like not bigger than 35 square meters. Now they’re thinking of making online gambling stick to this rule too.

They’re also talking about a fat fine for anyone who helps gambling companies without the right papers let Romanians play.

There are a couple of changes about working together in gambling. The first idea was that you could team up if you had a Class 1 license or if one business was bossing the other. Now, they’re saying everyone in the team needs a license, but they’re not talking about the bossing part anymore.

Last bit – they want the ONJN to clear up what counts as teaming up in gambling, and they want it done in 90 days after the law starts. Last October, the Romanian government decided on some new costs for the gambling world, like half a million euros for online gambling, and two hundred thousand for the lottery and betting on stuff. You can also check out the list of the best casinos that are licensed.

The post No More Slot Machines for Romania’s Tiny Towns appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH-NeverTrump Journal … Shills For BlackRock?

Thu, 2024-05-16 20:00 +0000

NH-NeverTrump Journal shilling for BlackRock? The hatred for Trump; the disdain for and loathing of GOP voters; the Slava Ukraine; ADUs; etc., etc., etc. … because what’s good for BlackRock is good for America? I wonder why NH-NeverTrump Journal let the mask slip. Draw your own conclusions … but serving BlackRock is as good an explanation as I have seen for why the NHGOP “leaders” and Establishment are so intent on destroying the rural character of New Hampshire (ADUs) and ignoring/enabling DEI and other pathologies.

The post NH-NeverTrump Journal … Shills For BlackRock? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Get Your Winnings Fast from Canadian Online Casinos

Thu, 2024-05-16 17:00 +0000

Hey there, fellow gamblers! We’ve got some amazing news for you. Our gang of casino whizzes has put together a list of the coolest places to play where you can get your money out super fast. And guess what? Jackpot City is leading the pack with lightning-speed cash outs!

Canada’s best casino:

  • Spin Casino
  • JackpotCity Casino
  • PlayOJO
  • Just Casino
  • Monro Casino
  • LuckyWins
  • Ruby Fortune
  • North Casino
  • Tonybet
  • BetPlays
The Big Deal About Speedy Payouts

Okay, here’s the lowdown: Winning cash should be a thrill, not a waiting game. You played the games, you won fair and square, so why the hold-up with your dough? Quick payouts are your right, not just a sweet gesture from a gambling site. They snatch up your deposits quick as a wink, so they better hand over your winnings just as pronto, right?

And, oh boy, if your cash is dragging its heels on the way out, that’s a red flag right there. The legit spots give you the moolah fast, while the sketchy ones might leave you hanging or, in some nightmares, never cough up the cash at all.

Dragging payouts could mean the site’s got money troubles, or it’s wrestling with legal issues. Notice your cash-out’s taking longer than a hot minute? Don’t stick around—bounce to a better casino where your winnings come to you swift and sure.

Your Withdrawal Method Matters

Want to grab your wins in a flash? Gotta play it smart! The secret’s in how you pull your money out. The quickest route? Not always so clear-cut.

Heads up! While Visa and MasterCard are tops for tossing cash into your account, don’t pick them for pulling cash out. Go for a bank transfer instead, not a cheque. Cheques are old-school and can crawl their way to your mailbox for three whole weeks. And then, it’s another wait at the bank. No, thank you!

For speedy withdrawals, eWallets are where it’s at. Most cool casinos let Canadians withdraw with options like Skrill, Click2Pay, and InstaDebit. These are solid choices, my friends. More casinos with the best payout methods at

The Need for Speed in Withdrawals

If you’ve ever hit it big at a live casino, you know the joy of instant cash. Win a pile at blackjack and you’re just a stroll away from trading chips for cold hard cash. It’s snappy! But online? Well, you gotta jump through some hoops. Even the “fast” online payouts aren’t quite live-casino-fast, and that’s why you’ve gotta love those places that hustle to give you your winnings without the wait. When a casino gets your money to you without the hassle, it’s just as awesome as playing in person.

Getting Your Winnings: How Long Does It Take?

Hey there! If you’re wondering why your buddy got their money faster than you did, it’s probably because they chose a different way to get paid. Some methods are like lightning, while others take their sweet time. It’s like picking between a race car and a bike for your money to come home. Also, the cool casinos will tell you straight up how long you’ll typically wait, so you won’t be left hanging.

Help! The Casino Won’t Pay Up

Oh boy, it’s super annoying when you can’t get your hands on your cash, right? If you’re stuck in this boat, don’t just sit there—yell out to the casino from every direction. Sent an email? Cool, but now give them a ring or hit up live chat. Let them know you’re not happy. If they’re still giving you the runaround, find out who’s keeping an eye on them (like their licensing folks) and give them the lowdown.

Which Casinos Are Lightning Fast with Payouts?

Alright, so when we talk about super-duper fast casinos, we’re talking about ones that give you your money right away or at least the same day you ask for it. They should be wrapping up things in a couple of hours tops! And hey, if you’re using a digital wallet, whether it’s old school or crypto, you shouldn’t be waiting more than a day to see your money.

Why Quick Cashouts Are Totally Awesome

So, your typical Canadian casino might have you tapping your foot for like a whole week before your cash shows up. But these fast payout places? They’ve got your back within 24 hours! That’s way quicker and it means you’re not stuck waiting when you could be doing, well, pretty much anything else.

Snazzy Perks of Speedy Cash Casinos

The best of the best speedy casinos don’t just throw bonuses at you to reel you in. They’re all about giving you some extra bang for your buck and making sure you can get to your winnings quick. We’ve actually tried these bonuses ourselves to make sure they’re the real deal and they come with the fast cashout promise.

The post Get Your Winnings Fast from Canadian Online Casinos appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘New Hampshire Together’ Looks Like Another Prog-Funded Fake Middle-Ground Group

Thu, 2024-05-16 16:00 +0000

Ever since the organic rise of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) movement in 2009, the Democrats and their donor class have been propping up Chimeras, pretending to be ‘middle-of-the-road’ answers to “extremism.”

Think of it as your typical Marxist third-way front group tapping into “voters” disenfranchised by polarizing language that makes these cutouts appealing. Progressives yell and scream about how far from the center the right is while their donors fund these groups to attract them to their fake middle.

We had the Coffee Party, No Labels, Gen Z Pop, and The Lincoln Project (which bilked uniparty money from both sides) – there are others, but the newest might be New Hampshire Together.

Join fellow Granite Staters for an (in-person) Citizens Assembly in Manchester, the third weekend of June (21 – 23rd, 2024) to discuss how to ensure confidence in New Hampshire elections, reduce extreme polarization, and improve political responsiveness to the public 

Then let’s work together to identify proposals that can make a difference.

The New Hampshire Together Citizens Assembly will consider specific options for addressing the above issues, and, if participants see a path forward that can produce real change, commit to a plan that can deliver results in the 2025 legislative session.

This process is nonpartisan, citizen-driven, and open to all.

Before you start practicing your kumbayah, this new (old) thing is a project of The People, a non-profit (The People Inc.) whose stated mission is to “gather and enable everyday Americans to find common ground and take action together to create a more responsive government of, by, and for the people.” This is a worthy goal, but not unlike its left-wing-funded predecessors, it says the same things and has, you guessed it, a lot of left-wing funding.

The People’s last 990 shows just over one million in ‘donations” from Foundations like,

Skoll Foundation 100K
Bohemian Foundation 250K
Equal Citizens 142K
Rockefeller Foundation 400K
Bipartisan Policy Center 14k
Civic Health Project 25K

I have yet to find any evidence that any of these organizations are not funded by Big Left money and pushing far-left priorities. The Skoll Foundation, for example, is “working to incorporate equity into every aspect of our work.”

Danger! Danger, Will Robinson!”

It gets worse.

The Bohemian Foundation’s founder is Pat Stryker (a beneficiary of her grandfather’s medical technology company – which sold $18.4 billion worth of medical equipment in 2022). She’s a “philanthropist” (worth about 4 billion) who likes to give buckets of money to Democrats and their causes.

In 2006, Stryker gave $500,000 to the Coalition for Progress, a political action committee that donated heavily to support Democratic party candidates in Michigan elections.[9]

In 2008, Stryker gave $87,500 to the Presidential Inaugural Committee for President-Elect Barack Obama.[10]

Stryker donated $3 million to defeat a 2002 ballot initiative regarding bilingual education in Colorado.[6]

Stryker donated $1.5 million to Priorities USA Action, a Super PAC supporting Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016.[11] She was among the largest donors in the 2016 election.[12][13]

The rest of the list appears populated with like-minded skinwalkers pumping money into another Potemkin third-way middle-ground front group whose true purpose is to move the middle further left.

The Rockefeller Foundation is a notorious supporter of left-leaning political endeavors. Equal Citizens, founded by “money isn’t speech” goof Larry Lessig, is fighting to “fix democracy” and wants reforms to achieve citizen equality.

I think you can paint the rest of the picture. Get people who aren’t sure what stealing liberty looks like and convince them to support fake moderates in the Democrat party while framing their left-Wing proprieties as the middle of the road.

They may protest too much or not at all at this unmasking, but the evidence is what it is. None of these groups would fund The Peoplee so it could then fund a movement that tempers the ideological goals of the modern Democratic Party.

The event and the effort may still be helpful if anyone plans to attend. Public supporters of New Hampshire Together or advocates for it are probably a threat to natural rights and human liberty or soon will be, and some of them will be registered as Republicans.

That would be useful to know.

The post ‘New Hampshire Together’ Looks Like Another Prog-Funded Fake Middle-Ground Group appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Election Interference vs Election Manipulation

Thu, 2024-05-16 14:00 +0000

The Democrats are constantly accusing the Republicans of Election Interference. Voter ID, Election Interference. Limit Absentee Ballots, Election Interference. Don’t allow drinks, Election Interference. With all of these baseless claims, vote counts are increasing with every election.

But any time the Democrats can make noise complaining about Republican interference, they take it, and the MSM echoes their rhetoric.

But how about we take a minute to look at Election Manipulation? A very quiet movement is underway, spearheaded by the Democrats and especially by Joe Biden. As a preface, American citizens’ right to vote is restricted per our Constitution. It is a privilege that many of us believe should be protected, and why we are offended by some cities, like New York, allowing non-citizens to vote in local elections. Though not directly related to elections, the Right and Left also debate counting non-citizens in the census. The Left wants them counted to ensure population consistency and avoid redistributing. That is just their first step in an evil process to ensure we will never see a Republican in the Oval Office again.

The next step is complex and devious. Conservative estimates put the number of unnaturalized residents in America at 30 million. Joe Biden has directed every federal agency contacting these nonresidents to give them a packet explaining how to register to vote and the paperwork they need to get on their local voter registry.

The next step is probably unconstitutional and should be challenged by every state. Biden has signed an executive order that forbids any city clerk in America from asking about the citizenship status of anyone registering to vote. This means that any of these 30 million can fill out the form a federal employee handed them, present it to their local town officials, and miraculously, they are now non-citizen voters.

This process to swell the Democrat voter lists explains why Biden opened the human spigot at what was once the southern border. Even if they only coerce a third of the target audience, they have gained 3 million voters. If you strategically place these migrants into the proper Red states, they can easily change the makeup of the electoral map.

This is a perfect example of all that is wrong with the Democrat party. They have no interest in the truth. They are openly deceitful to the American people and use projection to hide their true intentions. They have no respect for the Constitution. Whether the issue is abortion, forgiving student loans, immigration, or the right to vote, the Democrats will try every conceivable method to circumvent the law.

Their quest for power and the destruction of America is the Democrat’s ultimate goal, and this operation to bolster the Democrat voter ranks is their most egregious effort. Republicans claim they must match the efforts, but we cannot stoop to this level. We cannot get into a situation where we are breaking laws to match punches with the Libs. We must call them out for what they are doing and find legitimate ways to negate their efforts. We must also publicize their tactics in every way we can. We will not get any help from the mainstream media.

The post Election Interference vs Election Manipulation appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Bank is Going Cashless Now – Digital Transactions Only

Thu, 2024-05-16 12:00 +0000

Down Under used to have a quaint, exotic nuance. A sort of shadows of penumbras but with a fantasy feel. The underside of the world. Uusal wildlife. Creeping tyranny toward a political underworld as this once Western-style democracy is quickly reverting to its roots as a penal colony.

According to Armstrong Economics,

Australia has turned so far to the LEFT they have become the NUMBER ONE censoring free speech in the world, all to keep their agenda moving forward. As an Australian resident, you are taxed on your worldwide income. This means you must declare all income you receive from foreign sources in your income tax return.  The government wants two years in prison for anyone who paid for anything with more than $10,000 in cash. Australians have been blocked by Amazon from buying anything from their US site because the government has effectively imposed a tariff of 10% on anything an Australian may purchase under $1,000 from the internet overseas. The government directed Banks to hand over any information on the unexplained wealth of a convicted person in Australia. The socialists are insane down under. They want to impose that when you die, nothing goes to your children – it all should belong to the government.

And now a major Australian Bank is going digital. No cash, no checks (cheques).

Macquarie Bank has announced it will Abolish Cash and it warns customers to prepare for the new CASHLESS WORD to ensure the government knows everything about you and what you are buying or selling. Macquarie has just over $250 billion in assets. They have informed clients that. AU

Macquarie Bank will shift to digital-only payments from May 20, part of the group’s plan to phase out cash and cheque services for all of its products.

From next week, customers will not be able to access over-the-counter services at Macquarie offices, deposit or collect cheques or order new chequebooks.

From November 1, customers will not be able to write or deposit personal cheques, deposit or request bank cheques, deposit cash or cheques over the counter at NAB branches or make super contributions or payments via cheque.

Sky News

In a statement, Macquarie cited additional security and the speed of digital transactions as being the primary reasons for the shift away from cash, as well as emphasising its identity as an online company.

“As a digital bank, we’re committed to transitioning to completely digital payments, and continuing to ensure our customers can access secure and reliable digital payment options,” the bank said.

“Digital banking is a safe, quick, and more convenient way to transact because you can view and track transactions and other account activity in real-time.

Not a traditional bank?

The bank said less than one per cent of its customers made use of cash and cheque services, with the company keen to streamline operations toward purely online services in line with its overall business model.

This shift no longer has the CBDC punch implied by Armstrong, but CBDC is a real threat to privacy. If you’d like one of the best looks at the thing and the threat, it would be hard to do better than this.


!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v3u9251","div":"rumble_v3u9251"});


They want that granular level of visibility and eventually control, and the technology already exists. They are just waiting for an excuse to pull that trigger.


The post This Bank is Going Cashless Now – Digital Transactions Only appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Red States Are Banning DEI (Anti-White Racism) … Why Can’t New Hampshire

Thu, 2024-05-16 10:00 +0000

DEI is simply the sublimation of anti-white racism. Individuals are simply a factor of their skin color, and whatever other identity factors the Democrat Party decides are oppressed and need protecting. That fill-in-the-blank is too white, too male, too Christian, too heterosexual. The idea is to get people to view each other and themselves not as individuals but as members of a group, as the oppressed and the oppressors. Rather than creating “inclusion,” DEI spawns … as it is intended to spawn … division based on race, sex, etc., etc., etc..

Fortunately, other States are banning DEI. A couple of recent examples:

So … ask yourself: why not New Hampshire? Why are New Hampshire public schools paying huge salaries to “DEI officers,” etc., in order to divide our children into warring camps, to indoctrinate them into seeing their peers not as individuals but as mere factors of their skin color, ancestry, sex, etc., etc., etc..

And ask yourself: why isn’t banning DEI as other States have done and are doing a priority for the NHGOP. Why is legalizing pot a priority but not banning a noxious concept such as DEI? Why is banning single-family zoning a priority but not banning DEI?


The post Red States Are Banning DEI (Anti-White Racism) … Why Can’t New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: What Could Have Spiked Colorectal Cancer in Young People Starting in 2021?

Thu, 2024-05-16 02:00 +0000

All sorts of strange comorbidity trends started spiking around 2021 that the Public Health Industrial Complex, despite all the confidence they expressed about their response to COVID, can’t seem to explain. I’m not sure what the problem is precisely.

Two of the most critical things we were all in together back then were the deliberately engineered virus that escaped from the Fauci-funded lab in Wuhan, China, and the engineered cure for that virus. Both were man-made disasters, so there is no need to call Scooby and the gang away from the Malt Shop. If it started in or around 2021, we know the cause. No, it wasn’t the unnecessary inhalation of microfibers from medical masks. It was the chemicals in those floor dots that leaked through people’s shoes into their bloodstream.


Or was it the election of Joe Biden?

Colorectal cancer cases have tripled in teens—and jumped by 500% in kids. That’s the headline from Fortune, and everyone is baffled.

First came public pleas for millennials and Gen Zers to be aware of the signs  of colon cancer, which has seen such a rise in young adults that it’s now the No. 1 cause of cancer deaths in men under 50 and No. 2 in women under 50.

This week, that plea expanded to adolescents, with news that colorectal cancer rates among kids between 10 and 14 and teens from 15 to 19 have risen by 500% and 333% percent, respectively, over two decades.

Are any NIH, CDC, FDA, or NIAID members invested in Cologaurd, that at-home colon cancer test kit? Those commercials were ubiquitous during the Pandemic. Did they know something we didn’t? And yes, I expect to see texts, emails, and ads propagate across my digital footprint for even thinking about it.

So what’s the thinking on the cause (since no one is going to publicly point the finger at the mRNA injections they bullied, pressured, intimidated, or mandated everyone get (including kids who were at zero risk from COID)?

 The leading hypothesis, he adds, is that, as humans, “We have done something to change our microbiome… I tell patients it’s like our own soil inside of us, with the bacteria that live in our GI tracts … which is like a rainforest that needs diversity to be healthy.” Marshall suspects that we’ve done something to fundamentally change our “bacterial mix,” whether from exposure to chemicals and “forever microplastics” or “not playing outside,” and sees a possible connection and “interesting parallel” to the rise in peanut allergies.

Wow, this guy wants to keep his license to practice, but does he get that one of the things “we’ve done” in the past few decades is exponentially increasing the number of injections kids are expected to uptake to attend the K-12 indoctrination camps? It used to be maybe half a dozen. I think it’s over two dozen these days. That’s something we did. I know it’s probably blue-lighted exposure from PCs, TVs, and smartphones or bullying on social media that spiked food allergies and spectrum disorders, but those are both good for Big Pharma, so, well – you know.

Weighty Issues

I’m sure the fatification of kids hasn’t helped. Still, body positivity is a comorbidity, and you have to pass a lot of something through a gut to earn that sort of respect from people who, given the liberty, would correctly refer to you as a fat bastard. If you were overweight, young, and herded into one of those pop-up health clinic paddocks at the local High School to do your part, that also makes you (or your parents) gullible.

That means they’ll likely buy into the preferred narrative on why children, beginning in 2021, suddenly had an inexplicable spike in colon cancer that, before 2020, was rare in patients under the age of fifty.

Colon cancer and a growing list of similar ailments that are debilitating, handicapping, or terminal.

I’m sure kids need to get outside more, but wasn’t that also frowned upon by experts during COVID?


The post Night Cap: What Could Have Spiked Colorectal Cancer in Young People Starting in 2021? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Exclusive Footage Of Becky Whitley Reacting To Mrs. Jake Sullivan (alias Goodlander) Entering CD-2 Primary

Thu, 2024-05-16 00:00 +0000

Ignore that this video says USA TODAY … I have no idea how that happened. Perhaps it was hacked by the Becky Whitley campaign when the campaign somehow learned about it?  I’ll ask Jake Sullivan, who as a key player in Hillary’s Russia collusion hoax is obviously adept at spreading misinformation. In any case, while I’m looking for Jake’s phone number, you can look at the video.

RAGE! That was the reaction of the Becky Whitley campaign to Mrs. Sullivan … who apparently now goes under the alias Tamposi-Goodlander or Goodlander-Tamposi … entering the Democrat primary in CD-2. RAGE the like that has not been seen since someone in the State Senate referred to ILLEGAL ALIENS as illegal aliens. RAGE!

And be sure to ignore anything else in the video that makes it appear that this EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE of the Whitley campaign is not footage of the Whitley campaign at all. Slava Ukraine! SLAVA Becky Whitley! And have a good day!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

MIT Decides to Scarp Its Diversity Oath for New Faculty – Will It Make Any Difference?

Wed, 2024-05-15 22:00 +0000

Has the Massachusetts Institute of Technology taken an unprecedented step for a woke University? It says it will no longer demand that faculty swear an oath – in writing – to the pantheon of gods known as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

MIT President Sally Kornbluth reportedly said,

“My goals are to tap into the full scope of human talent, to bring the very best to MIT, and to make sure they thrive once here,” Kornbluth said. “We can build an inclusive environment in many ways, but compelled statements impinge on freedom of expression, and they don’t work.”

So, inclusivity suddenly means people should be free to express their objections to the intolerant bullying of the “diversity” culture.

Prior to the change, MIT required candidates applying for faculty positions to submit a statement that “demonstrates knowledge of challenges related to diversity, equity, and inclusion” as well as outlining their “track record of working with diverse groups of people” and how they plan to advance DEI in their position at the school,…”

Elsewhere in the White Tower Universe.

Last month, a Harvard Law School professor penned a column in the Harvard Crimson urging the Ivy League to eliminate its mandatory DEI statements, arguing that they force faculty and staff to “toe a political line.”

“I am a scholar on the left committed to struggles for social justice,” Randall L. Kennedy wrote. “The realities surrounding mandatory DEI statements, however, make me wince. The practice of demanding them ought to be abandoned, both at Harvard and beyond.”

Talk is cheap. We’ve seen advocates for the CRT/DEI/LGBTP cabal make claims about academic freedom, but until you rein in the zombie horde of triggered whiners posing as students, this isn’t going to mean much. MIT has more than its fair share of diverse staff who, true to form, are what you’d expect.

MIT welcomed six new deans of diversity, equity, and inclusion, one for each of the institute’s main schools, as part of a “DEI Strategic Action Plan” launched the previous year. Aimed at boosting the representation of women and minorities, in part by developing DEI criteria for staff performance reviews, the plan pledged to “make equity central” to the university “while ensuring the highest standards of excellence.”

But according to a 71-page complaint filed with the university on Saturday, at least two of the six DEI officials may not be living up to those standards. The complaint alleges that Tracie Jones-Barrett and Alana Anderson are serial plagiarists, copying entire pages of text without attribution and riding roughshod over MIT’s academic integrity policies.

Cheaters and liars.

So they don’t have to swear allegiance to secular gods or diminished standards, but can you get them to encourage intellectual diversity? Will you punish faculty and students who cheat or lie or actively suppress free expression through threats of intimidation and mob justice regardless of race, creed, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or any other “enumerated” class?

Ending oaths to partisan cultural affectations looks nice, but I’m not convinced you are all in on protecting diversity of opinion. Until you do, are potential faculty with ideas outside the campus culture norm supposed to feel like they or like-minded students can speak freely?

I don’t think so.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ready to Break Free? Try One of These Unexpected Pathways to Lasting Sobriety

Wed, 2024-05-15 21:00 +0000

Overcoming addiction is an intensely personal journey. While the road to recovery can be challenging, it’s also a transformative process that offers a new lease on life. Keep reading to explore various innovative and unexpected approaches to achieving and maintaining sobriety.

From unconventional therapies to the benefits of traveling for rehab, we’ll uncover the paths that have helped many find lasting freedom from addiction.

Unconventional Therapies Making a Difference

Traditional therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and 12-step programs have long been the backbone of addiction treatment. But in recent years, unconventional therapies have gained traction for their effectiveness in helping individuals break free from addiction. These therapies, often seen as alternative or complementary, offer unique approaches that address the root causes of addiction and provide holistic healing.

One such therapy is equine-assisted therapy. Working with horses can help individuals develop trust, communication skills, and emotional regulation. The bond between the person and the horse becomes a powerful tool in the recovery process. Similarly, art therapy allows individuals to express their emotions creatively, providing an outlet for feelings that might be difficult to articulate verbally.

Another rising star in addiction treatment is mindfulness and meditation. Practices like yoga and guided meditation help individuals become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, reducing stress and promoting mental clarity. These practices teach individuals to live in the moment, reducing the urge to turn to substances as a coping mechanism.

Embracing Technology in Addiction Recovery

Today, tech plays a massive role in almost every aspect of our lives, including addiction recovery. Mobile apps, virtual support groups, and online therapy sessions have made it easier than ever to access support and resources.

Mobile apps designed for addiction recovery offer features like daily motivation, progress tracking, and immediate access to support networks. These apps create a sense of community and accountability, which are crucial for staying on the path to sobriety. Virtual support groups provide a platform for people struggling to share their experiences and gain encouragement from others facing similar challenges.

Online therapy sessions have become increasingly popular, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These sessions offer flexibility and convenience, letting people get professional help from the comfort of their homes. The anonymity of online therapy can also make it easier for people to open up and discuss their struggles.

Preventing relapse is one of the main components of long-term recovery, and technology can play a significant role in this. Wearable devices that track physical and emotional well-being, along with AI-driven tools that predict and mitigate relapse risks, are becoming invaluable resources in the fight against addiction.

The Power of Community Support

Recovery is not a journey that should be undertaken alone. The power of community support cannot be overstated. Whether it’s through family, friends, or support groups, having a network of people who understand and encourage you is vital for maintaining sobriety.

Support groups emphasize the importance of peer support and the collective goal of staying sober. The sense of belonging and understanding found in these groups can be incredibly empowering.

Family and friends also play a crucial role in recovery. Their support and encouragement can provide the motivation needed to stay on track. It’s critical for loved ones to educate themselves about addiction and recovery so they can offer the best possible support. Open communication and healthy boundaries are both essential components of this support system.

Community support doesn’t just come from people you know personally. Many find strength in participating in local or online communities focused on recovery. These communities offer a sense of solidarity and understanding that can be incredibly uplifting.

Creative Outlets for Healing

Creativity can be a powerful tool in addiction recovery. Engaging in creative activities provides an outlet for emotions and can help individuals process their experiences in a healthy way. Whether it’s through writing, painting, music, or dance, creative expression allows people to explore their feelings and find new ways to cope with stress and triggers.

Writing is a particularly effective tool for many in recovery. Journaling can help individuals reflect on their journey, track their progress, and identify specific patterns in behavior. Writing poetry or short stories can also be a therapeutic way to explore emotions and experiences.

Music therapy is another powerful form of creative expression. Listening to music can bring up different emotions and memories, while creating music allows individuals to express themselves in a unique and personal way. Whether it’s playing an instrument, singing, or composing, music can be a source of comfort and inspiration.

Art therapy, as mentioned earlier, provides a non-verbal way to express emotions. Painting, drawing, or sculpting can help individuals process their experiences and find a sense of calm and focus. These creative outlets not only provide a distraction from cravings but also promote self-discovery and healing.

The Benefits of Traveling for Rehab

Traveling for rehab can offer numerous benefits that contribute to a successful recovery. Sometimes, stepping away from familiar surroundings and routines is essential for a fresh start. Traveling for treatment allows individuals to leave behind the triggers and stressors of their daily environment and focus solely on their recovery.

Rehab centers in different locations often provide unique approaches to treatment. For example, coastal facilities may incorporate ocean therapy, where the calming effects of the sea play a role in healing. Mountain retreats might focus on nature therapy, using the tranquility of the outdoors to promote mental and emotional well-being.

California, in particular, is known for its innovative treatment approaches. Combining a stay at a California treatment center with an SCRC sober living home after rehab is a great plan of action. The state offers a variety of rehab centers that incorporate cutting-edge therapies and holistic practices. The warm climate and scenic landscapes also provide a therapeutic environment that enhances the recovery process.

Traveling for rehab also offers the opportunity to start anew. Being in a different location can symbolize a fresh beginning and a commitment to change. It allows individuals to build new, healthy habits without the distractions and pressures of their previous environment.

The journey to sobriety is unique for each individual, and finding the right path requires exploring various approaches and strategies. Sobriety isn’t only about quitting drugs or alcohol; it’s about rediscovering oneself and creating a new, healthier way of living.

The post Ready to Break Free? Try One of These Unexpected Pathways to Lasting Sobriety appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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