The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 8 min 56 sec ago

And Then There Were Three Pasty White Dems Running to Replace Pasty White Ann Kuster

Fri, 2024-05-10 12:00 +0000

New Hampshire Dems like to talk about diversity and equity and POC or even BIPOC, minorities “being seen,” Critical Race Theory, and even white supremacy, so you’d be right to wonder why this doesn’t translate to candidates for federal offices.

Ann Kuster announced her retirement at the end of this congressional session, so we expect a few Democrats to line up to feed at that through. It’s NH CD-2. If you get into the office, you can milk that cow forever. And line up they did, but it looks a bit more like what you’d expect from their plantation South ideological ancestors.

Pasty white.

Colin Van Ostern, one of the whitest carbon-based life forms in the Granite State, announced before the echo faded from Annie’s retirement announcement. Shortly after, Becky Whitley, a lighter shade of pale, tossed her pasty-white hat into the ring. And now we’ve got Maggie Tamposi Goodlander, who “lives” in New Hampshire, to run for federal office (probably a DNC-foisted favorite). An arrangement not lost on one other primary opponent.

“As a second district voter myself, I believe strongly this race will be decided by the people of our district — not by wealthy or powerful interests from outside our state,” Kuster said. “Colin is a proven New Hampshire leader who has won this district before and will again.”

A little catfight is good for the race, but Goodlander will probably have a lot of money from her DC contacts (she was a White House Lawyer for Biden and worked at State), and her mom and dad have deep developer roots in the State. Cash won’t be a problem. She is also younger and prettier than Colin, but he’s right about the carpetbagger feel. And since Goodlander was probably farmed by DNC Beltway insiders, including folks in the Biden White House who were responsible for stripping New Hampshire of its First in the Nation Democrat Presidential primary (over people of color and lack of diversity issues), you’d be right to ask why they didn’t try harder to find a black woman, if they tried at all.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Republican Attendance for 5/9/2024

Fri, 2024-05-10 11:00 +0000

Attendance was better this week than last for Republicans, by which I mean more Demcorats were absent. And a few folks we don’t typically see missed votes. They likely had other obligations that could not be avoided. That happens with a citizen legislature. And then there were O’Hara and Trottier.

As usual, Belmont when unrepresented or underrepresented if you prefer.

The number to the left is missed votes, yesterday. On the right we have missed votes for the full session to date.

5/9 YTD
13 O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont) 170
13 Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont) 127
13 Infantine, William (R, Manchester) 75
13 Brouillard, Jacob (R, Nottingham) 69
13 Summers, James (R, Newton) 57
13 Verville, Kevin (R, Deerfield) 46
13 Dumais, Russell (R, Gilford) 42
13 Gerhard, Jason (R, Northfield) 23
13 Hobson, Deb (R, East Kingston) 21
13 Hoell, J.R. (R, Dunbarton) 15
13 Pearson, Stephen (R, Derry) 13
9 Durkin, Sean (R, Northumberland) 29
8 Bordes, Mike (R, Laconia) 35
8 Roy, Terry (R, Deerfield) 24
5 Ouellet, Mike (R, Colebrook) 11
4 Crawford, Karel (R, Moultonborough) 55
3 Guthrie, Joseph (R, Hampstead) 47
2 Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford) 221
1 Cole, Brian (R, Manchester) 51
1 Thackston, Dick (R, Troy) 33
1 Packard, Sherman (R, Londonderry) 21
1 Osborne, Jason (R, Auburn) 8
1 Ankarberg, Aidan (R, Rochester) 5
1 Harvey-Bolia, Juliet (R, Tilton) 5
1 Lascelles, Richard (R, Litchfield) 5

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/9/24)?

Fri, 2024-05-10 10:00 +0000

Today, we learned that session days can be productive when Republicans show up and vote together. Our numbers were less than usual, but so were the “other guys.” With 19 or so bills, it was supposed to be a short day – and that did not actually happen.

After our “opening ceremonies” (invocation, pledge, anthem), we started with a House Resolution to honor 50 years of the National Conference of State Governments (NCSL). From there, we welcomed the Consul General of Japan in Boston (and New England), Ambassador Suzuki Kotaro. He spoke about Joe DiMaggio, baseball, and cherry trees in Washington DC, plus peace, trade, mutual cooperation, and investments in NH. Japan has many ties to our state, and we enjoy many good working relationships, historically and in the present.

We learned that two bills came back to the House from the Senate, HB398 (relative to notice of PFAS contamination prior to the sale of real property) and HB1060 (relative to establishing a geologic resources committee), and the House concurred with Senate changes on both bills since the Senate didn’t mangle them too badly. We are now beginning concurrence and committee of conference season. Let the horse trading and gnashing of teeth begin!

We learned that we started out the regular calendar with SB592, which passed on a congenial voice vote since this bill renamed route 127 from Central Street in Franklin to the town line of Sanbornton as Bradley Haas Memorial Highway. This was done in memory of the officer who was shot and killed in the lobby of NH Hospital in Concord on Nov 17, 2023. He was a good man with many years of public service, and we hope that his memory lives on in his hometown of Franklin with this legislation.

We learned that SB537 allowing the pre-processing of absentee ballots died a well-deserved death after the floor amendment died 180Y-185N, and then a Table motion died 180Y-186N, and then it was Indefinitely Postponed 187Y-179N. This was a horrible bill whereby election day could be turned into election week. It boggles the mind that the Senate passed this bill that allows absentee ballots to be handled, have their envelopes opened, and be examined before election day supposedly to make election day “run smoother” and “ballot cure” deficiencies that are discovered. This was a process that was put in place during COVID-19 due to the influx of absentee ballots. We don’t need this anymore. The truth is that opening absentee ballots before election day invites the opportunity for errors and fraud, degrades the election process, and turns Election Day into Election Week. All House Democrats and “Republican” Dan Wolf (Newbury) voted to Table this bill, hoping they could take it off the table later in the day and pass it. I’m glad we killed it off when we did.

Things got real fun when SB63 was pulled off the Table with a “Remove from Table” motion that passed 185Y-180N. This bill was laid on the Table last week on a voice vote. The bill seeks to clarify, in statute, the subject matter of which health officers may utilize their authority to draft health ordinances. House Democrats decried the bill as having the basic intent to curtail the authority of municipal public health officers and to limit the ability of towns and cities to enact ordinances in response to public health threats (eyeroll). After the bill was removed from the table an ITL motion failed 179Y-187N, and OTP Reconsideration motion passed 186Y-180N, and then the bill passed on a roll called vote 186Y-180N (with all House Democrats and Dan Wolf (R-Newbury) voting NO). See what good things can happen when we have the numbers!! Now it’s off to the Governor.

We learned that this was the time of day to have a lunch break, but before we were allowed to go we listened to a talk by House Security and the House Sergeant-at-Arms, JB Cullen, about House Evacuation Plans. With only a couple of House sessions left, it left many wondering why a presentation like this wasn’t done at the start of the year. Anyway, they talked about where people should go if we needed to evacuate quickly, especially during an “active shooter” event. Chances are an active shooter wouldn’t get too far with all those folks armed on the House floor anyway, although they were advised not to shoot back as they may confuse House Security if there’s a bunch of crossfire going on. They were advised to hold their fire until they were in a position of needing to defend themselves. (Huh?) That being said, with everyone quickly clamoring for the doors to go to grab the free vegan lunch offered by the Humane Society in the State House Cafeteria, I am still uncertain how those evacuation plans would work smoothly.

We learned that SB413 passed OTP/A 188Y-178N. This bill was a double bonus bill after passing amendment 1678h. This bill creates expanded remedies for the state for PFAS contamination and also creates an express private right of civil action for such contamination. This was a good bill to begin with, and seeing as we wanted to make this Senate bill even better, House Judiciary decided to whip up an amendment to tack onto it! The language from HB1115, grants landlords the ability to terminate a tenancy at the end of the lease term. If you recall, HB1115 already passed the House with a bipartisan vote but the Senate effectively killed it by voting for Interim Study. Now, the Senate will be getting back, for concurrence, what the House deems is a much better bill!

We learned that our next fun bill was SB462, relative to raising the cap on damages for wrongful death loss of consortium claims. Some House members wanted to see this bill killed because they believed raising the caps would result in increased insurance premiums. There has been no proof to that since the Insurance Department has not conducted an actuarial assessment of the effect the increases would have on these areas of concern. Other House members believed it was time to raise these caps. The State of New Hampshire places a cap of $150,000 on insurance claims for loss of consortium due to the wrongful death of a spouse, and $50,000 for a child or parent. This bill would increase the damage amount awarded to a surviving spouse for wrongful death from $150,000 to $500,000 and the damage amount awarded for a minor child from $50,000 to $300,000. All the other states in New England except for one have no cap. The other state is Maine, which has a cap of $1,000,000. In the end, the bill passed 191Y-174N on division votes, and reconsideration failed 162Y-191N. Now the bill goes to the Governor.

We learned that Republicans had another great win with SB576. This bill requires simply that the executor of an estate notifies the town clerk of the death of any person within 30 days of being appointed. This bill would keep voter rolls up-to-date and ensure that only living individuals are voting in our elections. House Democrats insisted throughout the debate that “dead people don’t vote”. However, it was reported that Rep. Tim Horrigan (D-Durham) claimed his mother voted absentee and died before the elections. So there’s proof that it can happen. However, the other side of the story is that election clerks did not count her vote (they may have known about her and her demise personally). One has to wonder how many other dead voters get to vote because towns may be too big for clerks to know who has died. The initial ITL motion failed on a tie vote that the Speaker also voted on: 179Y-179N (with all 173 Democrats and 6 Republicans voting to ITL). After a roll called Tabling motion failed 180Y-181N, Speaker Steve Smith (R-Charlestown) exclaimed, “This is getting exciting!”. The final roll called vote for OTP passed 182Y-180N. It was remarked that no dead people voted in House chambers today. We certainly have dead people in portraits though, and at the end of the day we’re dying to go home.

We learned that SB383 passed on a roll called vote 184Y-177N, This bill is enabling legislation that adds a new optional adjustment method to the RSA 32:5-b local tax cap and also provides for a new optional school district budget cap and establishes an annual cap on proposed spending. The school district budget cap is adopted or rescinded by a 3/5 supermajority vote; and, in each year, the school district budget cap can be overridden by a 3/5 supermajority vote of the legislative body. In summary, this bill provides an additional practical method for a local tax cap and establishes a new school district budget cap, each which can be optionally adopted, and both of which automatically adjusts with inflation and population changes within the town or school district. This bill provides Granite State taxpayers the ability to adopt optional budgetary tools at the local level in order to more effectively manage town and school district budgets in fiscally responsible manner. Of course House Democrats were opposed to this.

We also learned that SB532 also passed on a voice vote after an amendment (1847h) that fixed some drafting errors passed 253Y-104N. This bill requires all municipalities and school governing bodies to post on their official town or school website within 30 days the amount of funds received by the state either by allocation or grant. The House majority voted for financial transparency, specifically with respect to money flowing to the municipalities and school districts, and that that information should be disclosed in a manner that is transparent to the public and easily accessible. Now it’s back to the Senate for concurrence.

We learned that 4 bills were pulled off the Consent Calendar. 3 were pulled off the calendar to add amendments to them before sending them back to the Senate. SB574 was a bill about appointment of temporary agent for a minor or incapacitated person. We added amendment 1853h to it to add shared parenting legislation to the bill. I believe that was language from a previous House bill (HB1659) that the Senate killed with Interim Study. The vote on the amendment was 184Y-173N and the bill passed OTP/A 352Y-7N. We hope the Senate enjoys the new and improved SB574.

Rep. Tom Mannion (R-Pelham) pulled SB426 off Consent. This bill had to do with being able to transport marijuana in a motor vehicle or OHRV as long as it was in the original sealed container. Rep. Mannion wanted to add the “Defend the Guard” language (HB229) to the bill that was killed in the Senate. Because some people believed this to be a “Defund the Guard” bill, the amendment failed 126Y-231N, as did a tabling motion 141Y-216N. The original bill then passed OTP 194Y-160N.

SB508 (relative to the duties of the superintendent of the county department of corrections concerning mental health and substance use disorder screening of inmates and coordination for services upon reentry into the community) was taken off consent and 1728h amendment was added. This amendment places language in statute that further defines antisemitism for the purpose of enforcing anti-discrimination laws on the basis of race, religion, or national origin. In the amendment, the term “antisemitism” means the definition of antisemitism adopted on May 26, 2016, by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), including the examples of antisemitism set forth therein, and incorporated by reference in Presidential Executive Order Number 13899, 84 F.R. 68779, December 11, 2019. I am a person of the Jewish faith and I actually voted against this because I believe that our anti-discrimination laws were adequate enough and did not need to specifically define anti-semitism as anti-discrimination. Nonetheless, the amendment passed 189Y-160N, a tabling motion failed 168Y-186N and then the whole amended bill passed 210Y-143N. Now the Senate will have to deal with it. Will they concur?

Finally we learned that SB481- establishing Juneteenth as an annual holiday was unanimously ITL’d by the Executive Departments and Administration Committee and placed on Consent. I have no idea why it was pulled off Consent only to be voted ITL 194-154. Add that to the mystery of why people bother to pull things off consent only to garner the same result.

Next week House members get a break, but we’ll be back on May 23rd for more Senate bill fun and games.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Make PEDs Legal For Female Athletes

Fri, 2024-05-10 02:00 +0000

If New Hampshire is going to allow males to participate in sports, then fairness demands that girls be allowed to take PEDs (performance-enhancing drugs… e.g., testosterone). There should be a level playing field … right?

I would rather that New Hampshire require boys to compete against boys because PEDs can cause major health problems. But apparently, achieving “diversity” or “climate-justice” or “democracy” in New Hampshire requires that boys be allowed to compete in girls’ sports. So, let’s at least give the girls a chance. Every school district should have a PED officer whose job is to dispense PEDs to girls. And, NEEDLESS TO SAY, parents do NOT need to know if their daughter is taking PEDs … NO FORCED OUTING OF PED-GIRLS!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

GOP Campaign Strategy – The Governor’s Race

Fri, 2024-05-10 00:00 +0000

My guess is that if our primary is decided on personality, then Ayotte will win due to higher name recognition and having won a statewide election.
And my guess is that if the primary is decided on policy that Morse will win. He has a long history of enacting the policies that have made NH the best state in the nation.

So far, I would say that we have started off badly, and if we continue on the current track, we could lose in November.

BUT I think there is a good way to get back on track and win in November.

It seems that NH Democrats are worried about Kelly Ayotte, and not interested in policies that are important to NH citizens. This is what NHJournal reported today:

“When New Hampshire’s Democratic candidates for governor gathered for a forum at Exeter Town Hall Sunday afternoon, the top topics were affordable housing, abortion rights, climate change, Education Freedom Accounts, and Republican gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte. Left unmentioned?”

“Inflation, illegal immigration, anti-Israel protests roiling Granite State college campuses, and the other GOP candidate for governor, former state Senate President Chuck Morse.”

Three points:

Democrats will be campaigning on personal destruction more than policy

  1. They think Ayotte will win the primary
  2. They have already started the general election campaign
  3. We can and should start the general election campaign right away, and we should focus on policy, not personality.

We know the policies of the Democrats. It doesn’t matter who the person is; they all have the same (bad) policies.

Morse (and preferably also Ayotte) should focus on the Democrats’ policies, not on each other. Compare and contrast Republican policies vs. Democrat policies. Morse can say that he knows how to keep NH great. He has been enacting good NH policy for a dozen years.

Make the primary an audition for the general election – Republican vs. Democrat rather than the traditional circular firing squad. Let’s see how each of our candidates would perform against the Democrat. Let voters choose the one who is seen to do the best job beating the Democrat.

Morse can have a strong campaign about his leadership helping to make NH the best state in the nation, which would weaken the eventual Democratic nominee. The traditional approach of attacking the other Republican does nothing to strengthen his own position and nothing to weaken the Democrat. It leaves the Republican very little time to make our case.

Can we convince Morse that this new approach gives him the best chance to win the primary and then the general?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From Live Free or Die to Come Here and Die

Thu, 2024-05-09 22:00 +0000

First, the so-called elites promoted Eugenics, which led to forced sterilization laws. Then it was abortion, first decriminalized in California and New York, and then decriminalized by the now overturned Roe v Wade decision.

Note how angry the elite, especially in the Democrat Party, got when the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v Jackson decision was leaked back in May of 2022. The Left went ballistic, unleashing a barrage of violence against churches and Pro-Life Crisis Pregnancy Centers around the country. New Hampshire wasn’t spared. Pathways Pregnancy Care Center, a Christian ministry in Littleton, was vandalized.

No arrests were made for this vicious hate crime, and no public condemnation of this act was made by Governor Sununu or any of our Congressional delegation. A call to Pathways confirmed that Sununu and the Democrat Congressional delegation didn’t reach out to the center condemning the vandalism, bigotry, and hate. Indeed, they all poured gasoline on the fire by denouncing the Supreme Court decision, knowing full well that it had absolutely no impact on abortion in New Hampshire. The once “Live Free or Die State” has, over the years, become the “Come Here and Die State.”

We want to thank Hal Shurtleff for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

The Death Cultists are also pushing so-called gender reassignment surgery via chemical and surgical castration of children. And woe to any who dare speak out against this. If you don’t wholeheartedly support this Death Cult madness, you may not be able to adopt children. Another item on their evil agenda is “assisted suicide” legislation, which was recently passed by the New Hampshire House.

Forced Sterilization and its Racist Roots

Forced sterilization was popular among our racist elite from the 1880s up to the early 1970s. It fell out of favor by the elites not because they thought it was wrong but because their Nazi colleagues in Germany efficiently adopted it from them. Thirty states passed laws that allowed it. New Hampshire was no exception. One of the leaders of the Eugenics movement was Harry Hamilton Laughlin, who would be a big hit at today’s anti-Israel protests because he believed most Jews were feeble-minded. One of our nation’s top Eugenics and forced sterilization advocates was Madison Grant.

Grant’s 1916 book The Passing of a Great Race was translated into German and read by Hitler in the early 1920s. Hitler made references to Grant’s book in Mein Kamph, quoted Grant in his speeches, and even sent Grant a fan letter praising his book. It comes as no surprise that Grant was an evolutionist. He was secretary of the New York Zoological Society and helped put a man from the Congo, Ota Benga, on display with monkeys in the Bronx Zoo.

I am sure very few readers know about this sordid history due to the fact that modern-day Death Cultists control our government schools and most of the media and publishing houses. Very few readers have heard of Planned Parenthood’s Negro Project and that Martin Luther King was in on the hustle promoting its racist agenda. He was one of the first recipients of its Margaret Sanger Award.

The New England states that had forced sterilization laws besides New Hampshire were Maine, Vermont, and Connecticut. California led the way with over 20,000 forced sterilizations, and New Hampshire had about 700-with 90% of them being women. Here is a portion of the 1929 New Hampshire law on forced sterilization: “Whenever the superintendent of any state or county institution shall be of the opinion that it is for the best interest of the inmate and society that any inmate of the institution under his care should be sexually sterilized, such superintendent is hereby authorized to cause to be performed by some capable surgeon the operation of sterilization…”

Most of these forced sterilizations took place at the State School for Feeble-Minded Children in Laconia. States slowly repealed these laws; some were still on the books until the early 1970s.

Laconia State School for feebleminded children “Assisted Suicide” Jack Kevorkian

Suicide is self-murder. If two or more people are involved, it can no longer be suicide. Jack Kevorkian, one of the Death Cult’s high demons, went to jail for 2nd-degree murder for participating in an “assisted suicide.” Currently, nine states- and Washington D.C, all of them are, with the exception of Montana, Democrat Party strongholds, have passed “Death With Dignity” laws.

These Death Cultists love to use euphemisms to mask their acts: “Reproductive Health Care and Gender Reassignment Surgery are two others employed by them. The Death Cultists are active in New Hampshire and are close to passing more Death Cult legislation. The New Hampshire House narrowly passed the bill HB1283, which should have been ceremoniously named HB1984.

Here are the members of the Death Cult who sponsored the bill:

•Representative Sherry Dutzy (D) from Hillsborough District 6.
•Representative David Paige (D) from Carroll District 1.
•Representative Linda Haskins (D) from Rockingham District 11.
•Representative Stephen Woodcock (D) from Carroll District 1.
•Representative Emily Phillips ® from Rockingham District 7.
•Representative Bob Lynn ® from Rockingham District 17.
•Representative Dan Wolf ® from Merrimack District 7.
•Representative Bill Bolton (D) from Grafton District 8

While members of this cult have a cozy home in the Democrat Party, the Republicans also have them in their ranks. The bill will be voted on in the Senate on May 16. If passed, it will go to the governor, who said that he is “open to considering the bill,” which means, in Orwellian Double Speak, that he will sign it. Readers are urged to call their senators as soon as possible and tell them to say no to the Death Cult agenda and its HB1283.

“Are we a culture of life, or are we a culture of death,” said Rep. Terry Roy (R-Deerfield). We will soon find out.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Marriage Meddling and How Democrats Profit from Minors’ Who are Ripe and Fertile …

Thu, 2024-05-09 20:00 +0000

A long time ago, right here in New Hampshire, a gay marriage bill failed in a Democrat majority legislature. They strongarmed a reconsideration vote and passed it, despite a prevailing narrative that civil unions were enough. Gov John Lynch signed it, meddling in marriage.

I was often wrongly accused of being against gay marriage. As is their custom, they assumed without ever having read a word I’d written on the matter, and that made for excellent follow-up material, but they don’t read that either. The truth is that I was (and still am) against the state defining anything having to do with marriage. My position was (and still is) that if your congregation agrees to a same-sex union, the state’s only obligation was to protect the contract related to property rights and only if required (when brought before the courts) to settle disputes. Treat it like any other union for those purposes; otherwise, stay out of it.

Democrats don’t work that way, and now, apparently, neither do some Republicans.

New Hampshire’s GOP majority legislature has advanced a bill ending “child marriage.” I’m not saying I disagree with the idea that children should not marry. Modern culture is not arranged in a way that prepares enough of them for the responsibility. It would be unfair to expect them to get it, but until recently, with parental consent (also not something the left cares much about), New Hampshire residents as young as 13 or 14 could be married. None were recently, so I’m not clear what the problem was, but someone had a burr in their saddle. In 2018, NH raised the age to 16, and this year, the experts in Concord have decided to prohibit marriage until the age of 18 with or without mutilated genitals, as this is something Democrats (with a few rare exceptions) favor for children regardless of age.

During the marriage meddling bill debate, Rep. Jess Edwards made national news when speaking from the well of the NH House about the proposed change.

Aside from the choice of words to describe childbearing age (I’d have said “of childbearing age”), Rep. Edwards’ point is legit. The law was the way it was because young ladies could get pregnant. Both ripe and fertile. Ask any Democrat who has advocated for “sex education” for minors that involves handing out condoms and discussing abortion options with “children.” Why is that again?

Campaign donations from Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List. They are sacrificing the unborn babies of tweens to the goddess Ka-Ching! And this is the party working to normalize minor-attracted adults – who might, to paraphrase Lightbringer Barry Obama, punish someone’s daughter with a baby.

The Left has been profiting from this arrangement for years, going so far as claiming a right to privacy for the impregnated minor so their parent(s) didn’t need to find out. A practice that makes young girls of childbearing age ripe and fertile ground for pedophiles and sex offenders.

So, the Left has long insisted that we acknowledge the need for “women’s health care” (abortion) for girls as soon as they are fertile and ripe (or, if you prefer, ripe and fertile). That taxpayers subsidize it.

But let’s be offended by what Rep. Edwards said.

And while we’re in the neighborhood, early onset progressive sexualization has since produced mission creep down to grammar school grades where they no longer have time to teach grammar, reading, or math, it seems. Where children with no concept of sex or sexuality are sexualized by union dues-paying Democrat candidate-supporting (pro-abortion) adults long before these kids can understand arousal, sexual attraction, or an act that could result in … marriage as a deterrent. One that has, for longer than not, heralded the need for two parents (even at the ripe young age of thirteen) to be bonded together to ensure they take responsibility for what they’d created—a future taxpayer. Hey, someone will have to pay the interest on all that debt, but if the kid keeps the kid, there will be no marriage for you until you turn 18 ‘cuz a bunch of legislators in Concord know better.

Maybe we should rebrand it the mandatory single motherhood bill.

Or, more likely, the “It’s easier to get an abortion” bill, which was Rep. Edwards’ point.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Thu, 2024-05-09 18:00 +0000

Let me first thank Spike for mentioning my recent article in his article, which he finishes with noting that it’s “planting a small seed.”  It inspired me to review one of my earliest articles, perhaps my 3rd, to also plant a small seed, and it received some comments that I either overlooked or were posted after I stopped looking.

One of those comments mentions Nebraska, whose state house Karen Thoman and her husband visited during a summer road trip last year.  When they returned to NH and she was telling me all about their vacation, it was then that I learned about their legislature being the first and only unicameral one since the 1930s.

I was unfamiliar with the Reynolds vs. Sims case at the time, but remember that Nebraska is a red state, and the change was made during the Great Depression, possibly as an act of thrift.  Also, keep in mind that they have a paid legislature, and it’s a big state, which can make us private citizens take for granted the ability to be in Concord, for whatever reason, in a matter of minutes up to a maximum of about 2 hours without bad weather.

Senatorial duties call for roughly three trips to Concord per week during peak season, and let’s pick on Carrie Gendreau for a moment as she votes first and lives the furthest from Concord. That’s 500 plus miles on the odometer for her, which has to be more hours at the wheel than in committee or in the senate chamber.  I won’t get into the weeds and split hairs, but you get the picture.

While I find a lot of procedural and structural things, for lack of better words, more pleasant in watching the live streams of the Senate than the House, I despise the “steamrolling” that occurs, which was noted in the comments. And then there’s the burying of bad bills in a bundle called “consent.”  I certainly do NOT “consent” to an RTK Tax!

And just to cite another example to keep my complaint from being exclusively HB 1002-related, the Brookline GOP secretary called attention to SB 538,
an unhinged pure Dem bill (relative to zoning procedures concerning residential housing) that he dubbed an “ill-advised HOMEnibus bill,” that died in the House last Thursday.  It should have never even made it out of Senator Gray’s committee.  What in the name of all that’s holy is wrong with them?  They’re as bad as Judiciary!

At least one chamber did something last Thursday that actually serves Granite Staters, even though I have no representation in that body. I would also add that the death of SB 538 should be as ceremonious as Gregory Peck stepping out of the courtroom to go shoot a neighborhood rabid dog rather than the unpleasant fallout from Kristi Noem having to shoot a dog in her new book.

One must ask, “How many other bad senate bills are UNANIMOUSLY passed in this subversive manner?”

And even if it wasn’t so subversive, what about the hive mind or Uniparty peer pressure?  Suppose for a moment that there’s a popular feel-good bill that you and/or your Senator do not support.  S/he gets “chilled” of free speech and has to suck it up in a roll call to avoid being labeled the cold-hearted snake.  It’s not a hill to commit political suicide on, but it’s not worth risking losing the next election by being the only one to vote NO on (insert bill here).  It can be anything from something that’s as non-lawmaking as accepting a picture or Rogers Johnson to Massing up NH, like enshrining MassHealth.  In the House, a dissenter is often not alone and can blend in like a Camry in heavy traffic, but NOT in a body of 24 whose names are individually roll called by the clerk.

In addition to all the benefits noted in my earlier case for not having a senate, we can delve deeper into reviewing additional benefits.  Mull it over yourself, but I’ll first direct you to the famous Henry Kissinger comment about whoever that controls(this commodity) controls(those people or populations, etc.).

If we abolish the Senate, we will solve the problem of the donors owning Sharon Carson controlling which bills make it to the Corner Office.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An unholy alliance: Leftism and Islamism

Thu, 2024-05-09 16:00 +0000

American colleges, known for fostering social movements, have witnessed a curious alliance in recent decades—the Leftist-Islamist coalition, an uneasy and yet significant force. This essay delves into this collaboration, raising questions about its ideological compatibility and financial transparency.


The political leanings of American faculty have been a topic of discussion since the 1930s. Studies like those by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) consistently show a higher concentration of liberals, particularly in humanities and social sciences. The McCarthy era of the 1950s further intensified scrutiny of political views in academia, sparking debates about academic freedom and potential bias.

The 1990s saw the emergence of Islamist activism on U.S. campuses, with the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the forefront. Founded in 1992 by Hatem Bazian, SJP actively advocates for Palestinian rights and criticizes Israeli policies. The group aligns itself with the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement and promotes an “anti-normalization” stance towards Zionist and most Jewish organizations. SJP’s activities and pronouncements have been met with controversy, including accusations of anti-Semitism and support for extremism.


Despite their apparent ideological differences, Leftists (Marxists) and Islamists find common ground in shared perspectives that fuel collaboration on various issues, particularly those related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Student organizations like SJP often partner with leftist groups to organize protests, campaigns, and initiatives. Collaboration extends to academics from both backgrounds, too, who engage in joint research projects, conferences, and publications that critically examine power structures, global politics, and their impact on marginalized communities.

The main problem here is that the role of academia (particularly leftist professors) in promoting a benign image of Islam while downplaying or ignoring its political aspects is that it portrays Islam as compatible with democratic societies—this is a deliberate attempt to mislead the public about the nature of Islam.


The financial resources that sustain coalitions between the Left and Islamists on U.S. college campuses come from various sources with varying degrees of transparency. Understanding these funding streams is crucial for a comprehensive picture of this phenomenon. Islamists leverage democratic processes to gain influence and potentially undermine democratic institutions from within. There is a warning here of the potential for Islamists to establish shadow governments within democratic societies, using Sharia law as a tool for control and intimidation.

Overt funding sources are publicly known and disclosed. They include:



University Grants and Allocations: Universities often allocate funds to student organizations and initiatives aligned with diversity, inclusion, and social justice values. These allocations are typically made through student activity fees or departmental budgets.

Foundation Grants: Foundations supporting social justice, human rights, and academic research may provide grants to student organizations and initiatives. These grants are awarded based on the alignment of the organization’s mission with the foundation’s objectives.


Crowdfunding and Donations: Public fundraising campaigns are another source of overt funding. These campaigns are often initiated by the organizations themselves or their supporters.

Covert funding sources are less transparent and may not be publicly disclosed, and they include:



Foreign Government Funding: Reports suggest that foreign governments, particularly in the Middle East, provide funding to American organizations and initiatives aligned with the former’s political interests. This funding can be channeled through intermediaries or directly to the organizations.

Private Donations from Individuals and Entities: Private donations from individuals and entities with specific political or ideological interests can also serve as covert funding sources.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): NGOs operating internationally provide funding to U.S. organizations and initiatives, especially those that align with their mission of promoting human rights, social justice, or other causes. Think, George Soros.

The distinction between overt and covert funding sources is important for understanding the financial dynamics of coalitions between the Left and Islamists on U.S. college campuses. The lack of transparency in some funding sources raises concerns about accountability, the potential for misuse of funds, and the influence of external actors on domestic politics and campus life.

Universities, student organizations, and the public must maintain high standards of transparency and accountability in handling funds. This includes clear disclosure of funding sources, the purposes for which funds are used, and the outcomes achieved through these investments.

This perspective underscores a broader debate about Islam’s nature, the role of left-leaning academia and the media in shaping public perception, and the challenges it poses to democratic societies. There is an urgent need to reflect deeply on naive or misguided attempts to reconcile Islamism with democratic values and practices.

Finally, we need to understand that the current state of America is at a critical juncture, with various challenges facing the nation. The threat of advancing Islamist jihadists and retreating democracy is cause for alarm. Additionally, the Islamic Republic’s rapid progress towards acquiring nuclear weapons capability adds to the overall unease.

The future of America hangs in the balance, and the choices made in the upcoming elections will shape the nation’s trajectory. Citizens must be informed and engaged, working towards America’s prosperous and secure future.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Well, That’s Just Not The Case”, Says Hakeem Jeffries

Thu, 2024-05-09 14:00 +0000

Norah O’Donnell challenged Hakeem Jeffries, saying that 2/3 of America believed the economy was better under Donald Trump. “Well, that’s just not the case,” says Hakeem Jeffries. We (the Democrats) have to do a better job of educating the American people. They are wrong, and the economy is much more robust than four years ago.

Seriously, what planet do these Democrats live or how stupid do they think we are? There is not enough Blue Kool-aid to get us to defy the facts and toast marshmallows with the gaslights these political hacks are using on us. No single component of the Biden economy makes it more robust than it was under Donald Trump.

We know politicians lie or stretch the truth, but there is no way that Jeffries can back his statement. Let’s look at some of the facts:

  1. Gas Prices: Trump: $2.19 Biden: $3.33
  2. Inflation: Trump: 1.2% Biden: 19%
  3. GDP: Trump: 5.2% ** Biden: 1.2%
  4. Wages Trump: 7.2% Biden: 3.6%
  5. Unemployment Trump: 3.5% Biden: 3.7%
  6. House Prices Trump: $335K Biden: $435K
  7. Mortgage Rate Trump: 2.5% Biden: 7%

** Pre-COVID

The number that Biden always goes to is Jobs. He claims that no other president has lost as many jobs as Trump. Trump had a higher job growth until 2019 when the Pandemic hit. Conversely, Biden wants to claim all of the COVID replacement jobs. You cannot have both sides.

Other elements to consider are credit card balances, which have exceeded $1 trillion, and the fact that the American family has to spend nearly $1,200 a month more to maintain their 2020 lifestyle. How can Jeffries argue any of those numbers?

This is why Bidenomics is no longer a term Biden used on the campaign trail.

The mainstream media is complicit with what Jeffries did. He made an obviously incorrect statement, yet the reporter did not challenge Jeffries. Yes, she said that 2/3 of Americans disagreed, but she let the claim stay without correction with facts. Norah O’Donnell is a veteran and should have been prepared with the same data I supplied here. Rachel Maddox of MSNBC will not air any live public statements by Donald Trump because she has determined he is not credible. This act of censorship is from a “journalist” who made her career on the Russian Dosier and disputing the existence of the Hunter Laptop.

Politics and government in America have drifted so far from the truth and reality that you need a 24/7 fact checker to ascertain the clarity within the smoke. This deviance from the truth fueled the civil unrest on our campuses. Because these students were deprived of the true history of World War II, Hitler, the Holocaust, or the creation of Israel, it is easy for them to be fed a narrative by political activists to destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of their toppling of America. People like Jeffries are as guilty as these activists and must be stopped and called out. Giving them a microphone and allowing them to speak their version of reality is a disservice and an affront to the American people.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Now It’s Denver Asking Citizens to Volunteer to House Illegal Immigrants

Thu, 2024-05-09 12:00 +0000

Denver, Colorado, is 1,782 miles from where I sit, so why would I care what they do? That’s a fair question, so here’s my answer. It is the same explanation for most of the out-of-state content. What Democrats are doing there is what Democrats here will do or want. There’s no diversity of thought or deed.

California is an example of the fresh hell we’ll be frog-marched into if we let down our guard for even a moment. Vermont is the nearest fresh hell (to me), having let its guard down.

Unlike Libertarians and most Republicans (many of whom are more inclined to leave you alone), Democrats have a template. You fit in it, or you don’t, and there are consequences for the latter. If Colorado Democrats are onto something, it is here already or near to “here,” percolating in what passes for their narrow little minds of far-left zombies in elected office.

Massachusetts, for example, across my State’s southern border, has already sent a shot across its residents’ bow by asking citizens if they have room to take in some border-jumping illegal non-citizen entrants.

[Gov. Healey]  says Massachusetts has been spending around $45 million a month to help assist these families. The situation is so bad, the Healey administration is now asking people to open their homes and businesses to help people in need.

“Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need and become a sponsor family,” said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.

The problem is a declared state of emergency, which hints at the likelihood of COVID-esque demands, and now Denver is asking its citizens to open their doors (the way Dems opened our borders).

A new push is encouraging people with “extra room” to host illegals in their homes.  They even set up a helpful hotline to expedite the process.

‘Hope Has No Borders’ is working to pair illegals with host families across Colorado, and this can now be expedited via a new hotline.

I found a Facebook Page and Website for Hope Has No Borders, but there is no record of any 990s yet—they may be too new for that. In other words, I could not trace their funding. This group is allegedly providing money for food and basics to Denver families who dial 211 and adopt illegal aliens.

I doubt they’ve raised a sum from donors to address any increased need, so who is paying for it?

Denver recently cut 8 million from their police and fire department budgets to address ‘migrant’ issues. Someone should take a look at where that went.

And while we wait, here is some additional advice that makes too much sense to be taken seriously: Stop bringing them in and start flying them out. Problem solved.

Or we keep doing this until the “government” tries to force us to take them in. They are

t technically soldiers, so the Bill of Rights prohibition won’t apply.

Any such demand will be contentious and likely result in ‘mostly peaceful protests’ that, combined with the self-imposed attrition among the FD and PD (at least in Denver), could produce some exciting results.

I wonder if Antifa – none of whom will voluntarily take in illegals, they are mostly 20 and thirtysomething taking up the extra space in their parent’s basement – will engage in violence against people who don’t step up? They, along with BLM, are the Left’s modern red shirts—Maoist Red Guard in black. And that’s the point. They don’t care about you or the illegals. The goal is civil unrest, even if they have to start it (again and again) themselves.

So volunteer … to drive them to the airport.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Local School District Asked to Explain Its Anti-Semitism

Thu, 2024-05-09 10:00 +0000

Just imagine where we’d be if Superintendents in New Hampshire were this focused on academic excellence in their public schools!!

Dear Superintendent Costa,

I was made aware of an incident that took place recently in the school district where one of the teachers sent a letter home to parents apologizing for what is now being described as a mistake. This mistake involved a spring concert where someone approved the theme “From the River to the Sea.” You were quoted in the Seacoast Online article saying it “was mistakenly chosen as the theme for Hampton Academy’s upcoming spring concert.”

Related: School District Has to ‘Retire’ Their DEIJ Director

Given the current events happening in the U.S. on college campuses, it’s shocking that the staff was not aware of this phrase, and no one else in the school caught it. You also mentioned that you took responsibility.

Maybe this was a mistake, but it does remind me of the time when you facilitated Hampton students meeting with BLM. You were gleeful on that first Zoom call when you helped BLM access Hampton students.

BLM has not hidden their vile statements, which also include the statement “From the River to the Sea.


According to the American Jewish Committee:
This is a rallying cry for terrorist groups and their sympathizers, from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to Hamas, which called for Israel’s destruction in its original governing charter in 1988 and was responsible for the October 7, 2023 terror attack on Israeli civilians, murdering over 1,200 people in the single deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust. It is also a common call-to-arms for pro-Palestinian activists, especially student activists on college campuses. It calls for the establishment of a State of Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, erasing the State of Israel and its people. Another phrase “Globalize the Intifada,” which uses the Arabic word for “uprising” or “shaking off,” also calls for widespread violence against both Israelis and Jews across the globe (see “Globalize the Intifada”).

The position from BLM is very clear and is not one of neutrality where lives on both sides of this conflict are valued.

At Brooklyn pro-Palestine rally, calls to eliminate both Israel and US
At a pro-Palestinian, pro-Black Lives Matters demonstration in Brooklyn this week, participants called to eliminate the Jewish state as well as the United States, amid chants of “Death to Israel,” “Death to America” and “From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!

Given your role in helping BLM access students in the Hampton district, I have to question what is going on under your leadership.

I have not seen any condemnation of this kind of hatred by anyone representing BLM. Why haven’t you addressed any of this with the community? By connecting students with BLM, you appear to be helping Hampton students learn this message of hate directed at Jews. I think it’s time to address what you have also done in this district.

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA, 91-1), I am requesting public access, within five business days, to the governmental records:

1) COPIES of ALL communication (emails, text messages, etc.) between SAU90 and Black Lives Matter representatives.

Per RSA 91-A:4IV(C) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Ann Marie Banfield


Editors Note: For the record, this is the actual SAU90 district logo.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: China Quietly Infiltrates the United Nations

Thu, 2024-05-09 02:00 +0000

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has stealthily insinuated itself into ever-more influential positions at the United Nations, three experienced attorneys testified at a recent congressional hearing. furthering Chinese economic hegemony while chiseling away at Western human rights protections. Titled “The Chinese Communist Party’s Malign Influence at the United Nations – It’s Getting Worse,” the hearing before the House Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations featured bipartisan whistle-blowing against one-party China.

Bringing differing perspectives to the hearing, the witnesses shared common insights to demonstrate that China has shrewdly employed financial diplomacy to secure key UN leadership positions to further its national economic interests under its “Belt and Road” initiative while reshaping international human rights toward more autocratic principles. The unflattering portrait of steadily growing Chinese influence over UN policy was less subtle than President Xi Jinping’s artful CCP policies.


The crafty term “Xiplomacy” was coined in China as shorthand for the wily CCP shift to “Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy.” The rise of Jinping to party leadership brought a change from China’s erstwhile “snapping turtle” defensive diplomacy to “wolf warrior” foreign policy. Neither the wolf nor turtle is featured in the Sheng Xiao (Chinese zodiac), but the clear imagery well reflects the current strategy of the nation often called the Red Dragon, the Middle Kingdom, or (as coined by Napoleon) the “Sleeping Giant.”

Following the CCP’s disastrous Tiananmen Square incident in 1989, the Western world cringed. Then-CCP-leader Deng Xiaoping advised his party leadership to “hide your strength and bide your time.” In recent years, Jinping has departed from this stealthy path to an increasingly aggressive foreign posture. China has steadily secured economic and raw materials footholds around the globe in its nationalist “Belt and Road” initiatives while an overconfident and self-focused America has gradually become the giant that fell asleep and lost its strength. The UN has served as an important fulcrum to advance China’s ambitious hegemony at the expense of Western economic, political, and humanitarian preeminence.

The Wolf Warrior in Sheep’s Clothing

The wolf warrior mantra resembles a “Make China Great Again” kind of nationalism. Former US Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Andrew Bremberg testified that he witnessed this foreign policy transition firsthand, asserting that it “… actively bends international norms to fit Beijing’s malign interest, at times specifically challenging the Western international order established by the U.S. and our allies following World War II.” Bremberg highlighted China’s use of financial contributions to the UN to “place Chinese nationals in key positions within the UN system, including specialized agencies, to quietly change the status quo.” The conclusion was that China has employed its Machiavellian UN infiltration to shape discourse and international norms to shield its own human rights abuses from scrutiny, fortify its economic ambitions and power, continue its theft of intellectual property and forced technology transfers, and counter transparency.

Ambassador Bremberg further emphasized that “the COVID-19 pandemic showed the world firsthand the consequences of China’s influence at the UN. China clearly failed to live up to its obligations under the International Health Regulations (IHRs).” Bremberg has previously criticized the proposed Pandemic Treaty, alleging that the WHO bent to political pressure from China during the COVID-19 outbreak:

“Former Ambassador Andrew Bremberg, the U.S. representative to the WHO during the pandemic, said at the Feb. 5 event that not one of the proposed agreement’s provisions under consideration would deal with the No. 1 issue: China’s lack of transparency and accountability. In 2020, earlier epidemiological data could have helped the U.S. and other countries understand the nature and scope of the outbreak sooner – and thereby respond more effectively.

“Another key concern is Article 18, which calls for combating misinformation through international collaboration. Critics say that could exacerbate the suppression of dissenting viewpoints, which conservatives see as systematized censorship.”

The International Political Battlespace

Former Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council Kelley E. Currie questioned “to what degree is [the CCP] using these institutions to expand their power and influence at our expense,” and concluded that “the more influence China has at the UN, the less likely the UN system’s activities will redound to the benefit of our or the world’s security, freedom, and prosperity.” Attorney Currie warned the Subcommittee sharply:

“….Xi Jinping’s approach to foreign policy is rooted in his conviction that ensuring regime security at home requires a proactive strategy abroad. As a result, China’s efforts to reshape the international political battlespace have grown exponentially in scope, scale, and sophistication over the past ten years.

“His comprehensive national security concept (总体国家安全观 zongti guojia anquan guan) does not 2 functionally distinguish between internal and external security. Rather, according to CCP sources, it encompasses “political, military, homeland security, economic, cultural, social, technological, cyberspace, ecological, resource, nuclear, overseas interests, outer space, deep sea, polar, and biological security issues, among others.” This everything, everywhere, all at once approach is deemed necessary because Xi and his colleagues believe the CCP party-state is under perpetual threat from hostile foreign forces whose true aim is to weaken China and derail the “Chinese Dream” (中国梦 Zhōngguó Mèng) of the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

“As CCP head, Xi Jinping has reinvigorated the Chinese Communist Party’s state security architecture and consolidated personal control over it to a degree unprecedented since Mao,” Currie alleged. She charged that Xi’s various global initiatives “represent an ambitious effort to reshape the normative and ideological underpinnings of the post-World War II global architecture to make the world more accommodating of CCP authoritarianism” wrapped up in an ideological bow as “China’s ‘gift to the world’ of novel solutions to the global challenges of economic development and international peace and security.”

Currie averred that the shift from turtle to wolf is an alarming threat to the world order, that leading members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have partnered with China in this effort, and that Chinese diplomats have sought to insert “community of shared future” globalist propaganda language into UN resolutions. She boldly charged that “Today, the party-state is aggressively promoting its funhouse mirror vision of human rights as superior to the ‘Western’ model.”

China Battling for the UN’s Soul

Equally strident warnings came from Suzanne Nossel, a magna cum laude graduate of both Harvard College and Harvard Law School who worked in the Obama and Clinton administrations and served as Chief Operating Officer of Human Rights Watch and Executive Director of Amnesty International USA. If Currie was cautionary, Nossel was a modern-day UN Jeremiah:

“….Beijing is using its sway within the world body to blunt criticism, shut out and stigmatize Taiwan, plug its Belt and Road Initiative, and dilute norms that might be used to hold it accountable.

“The UN has become an arena for contestation between democracy and autocracy. It is a realm that Beijing is taking seriously in its quest for mounting global dominion. …China is determined to reshape the UN in its image––one that downplays individual rights and emphasizes national sovereignty and noninterference in internal affairs.

“The UN has become a key testing ground for Beijing’s global leadership ambitions—and is not a stage China will surrender lightly. Rather than ceding ground as a consequence of ambivalence or political divisions at home over the role and credibility of the UN, the US should meet China at full strength on this global proving ground….”

Under the heading “Battling for the UN’s Soul,” Nossel concluded her powerful presentation with a list of proposed tactics the US must employ to counter the emerging Chinese wolf warrior. She counseled keeping current on UN dues, recommitting to the alliance, supporting US staff in advancement within UN ranks, and taking advantage of America’s position as host country, largest contributor, and “the driving force behind many of its most important initiatives and resolutions.” Her counsel to America was not stealthy, but straightforward: “China recognizes the latent power of the UN as a force multiplier for its interests across the world; we must do so as well…. The US should seize the initiative in shaping the UN for the future.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Nurses WEEK

Thu, 2024-05-09 00:00 +0000

Last night, I had dinner with an old friend, Nurse Michele, who had the same employer as Nurse Terese at the time she was launched into fame.  Because yesterday was May 6, I wished her a happy Nurses DAY and she corrected me that it’s Nurses WEEK.

I think somewhere along the timeline in history, the same thing happened with motorcycles in Laconia on a Father’s Day weekend.

Much can be said about the institution of nursing and appreciation for nurses, but that’s left to a nurse to take charge of.  I am NOT a nurse, and neither is Mrs Howard Pearl, an LNA formerly known as Heather Birch.  Did you know that the Damn Emperor nominated her to the Board of Nursing, and she was rubber-stamped in by the executive council?

Political favor?  You tell me.

It wasn’t the first time I consulted Meagan, the amazing EC secretary, to get some intel, and she delivered. I was told that the Board has a seat for LNAs. Fair enough, at least as it stands now in its current framework.  I knew she was a massage therapist and a good one, but I didn’t know she was a LNA.

I also learned (from someone other than Meagan) that she wants to go to nursing school. I wish her all the best, but I want to recognize some current nurses.  Please let it be known that the list is certainly not exhaustive, so hopefully no nurse’s feelings are hurt by not being mentioned.  It’s not a list based on professional excellence because I am not qualified to evaluate such things.  This is my own personal “naughty and nice” list of nurses that have a minimum level of name recognition in NH.  What makes them naughty or nice doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with their job performance AS A NURSE but their good or bad activism, dereliction of duty as a legislator, evil decisions as a bureaucrat, or other qualifying behavior.  Let’s wait no further and recognize them.

Terese Bastarache, RN, nurse, arrested for saying “amen”
Rep Leah Cushman RN, removed by the Speaker for administering oaths.
Rep Katy Peternel RN, House Education committee member who flushed out RINO Brodie Deshaies in a Wolfeboro primary
Lynn L’Heureux RN, former school candidate and fighter against Mask Madness
Larisa Trexler RN, founder of Health Freedom NH
Candidate Hollie Noveletsky (nurse practitioner hoping to unseat the PappASS)
Hon Linda Camarota RN, nursing teacher and stolen 9/7/21 Bedford special election victim and future constituent of “Councilor Bastarache.”

Lori Shibinette
Peggy Gilmour
Paige Beauchemin
Bobbie Bagley
Rep Sofikitis
Ruth Ward (nurse practitioner and senate sheeple)

And many lobbyists and bureaucrats that I asked Terese to name, but I’m not waiting for her response.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Battle For Middle America

Wed, 2024-05-08 22:00 +0000

As the world looks on, the 2024 Presidential Race will not be the pinnacle of democracy. Americans want to believe we are still a superpower, not just militarily, but as an example of what a great country can be.

Many of us want America to be that beacon on the hill, while others want us to be a magnet for every illegal migrant who can find their way to our wide open borders. Instead of two quality individuals capable of being the leader of the free world, we have a current President who cannot remember when he was a Senator or how he became President and a former President who the current President is using his Justice Department to put behind bars. We have one candidate spending nearly every day in a courtroom and another trying to buy every vote he can. The Right and Left are locked in and immovable in their commitment to their candidate. And we have the middle of America, either ignorant of the issues or incapable of caring about them. In this upside-down world, this middle America will decide the 2024 election.

Unlike Presidential elections over the last seven decades, we have two men who have been President, and have records to compare and nobody can debate they are very different records and visions of America. Trump was bringing America back from the malaise of the Obama/Biden Presidency when the Pandemic hit. The economy was racing, IRAs were growing, inflation was low, jobs were plenty, we were energy independent, and the border was secure. He was able to put the Supreme Court in a position to overturn Roe v. Wade and put abortion back in the states. We were in a good place until COVID.

Biden used the COVID situation, and convinced the country that Trump was chaotic. The Democrats used Impeachment to perfection and with Biden secure in his Delaware basement, he managed a record 81 million votes to win the White House. Common sense will tell you that the vote total is bogus, but saying so will get you canceled quicker than a bad sitcom.

MAGA Republicans want Trump back to finish the job he started. Democrats do not want Biden, but they have no other choice. With these two camps secure, the battle is for everyone between these two groups. Trump’s numbers are increasing every week, and the court cases against him are backfiring. Biden and Harris are experiencing the worst approval numbers in history. Worse for Biden is the support he is hemorrhaging in usual Democrat strongholds. Blacks, Browns, Millennials, Gen-Z, and even women are losing faith in the aging lifetime politician. People are hurting in many areas, and you will have to search hard for anyone who claims they are in a better place under Biden than Trump.

States like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Virginia are showing signs of flipping Red. If true, this could be a Reaganessque-type election. There is still the possibility of Biden being replaced at the convention in Chicago. With the campus unrest still simmering, abortion and immigration pushed as Democrat strong points, and anti-semitism on the rise, Chicago may be a mess for Biden and the Left. The msm is being forced to cover events they have shied away from for three years, which will impact Independents. If the numbers can be trusted, Biden/Harris will not finish the destruction of America. Please God, let the numbers be true.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1002 and Transparency: If You Want Less of Something, Tax It!

Wed, 2024-05-08 20:00 +0000

In keeping with my taxing things theme, this might be a good time to remind everyone, especially Republicans in the NH Legislature, that those among them who supported HB1002 (The public documents tax) can no longer argue for government transparency or accountability. They voted that right away.

And should it become law, you can no longer say, “When you tax something, you get less of it,” because that is true.

When the government attaches burdens in the form of fines, fees, or costs (a tax), you will get less of it. HB1002 allows municipalities to charge citizens for access to public documents. Citizen access to public documents is a legislative check on local executive power. The people are the legislature, and the select board, council, town manager, or mayor are the executive.

Given the power, The Executive will charge for access. In some cases, they will make sure there is a charge. In many cases, it will be prohibitive. In all cases, you will get less transparency and accountability.

You taxed it and will get less of it. If this were physics, it would be an immutable law, like how people most inclined to abuse power are drawn to it – the way pedophiles look for ways to be near children.

You can hide behind the notion that this was a necessary change to address the costs of complying with the right-to-know law, but what it does is make the entire process more complicated and labor intensive, and in the end, citizens looking to hold the government accountable will pay, either through their wallets or the decreases in accountability.






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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You Need To Admire And Respect The “Campus Protests”

Wed, 2024-05-08 18:00 +0000

The most important takeaway from the “campus protests”? That colleges are radicalizing, versus educating, young adults? NO, NO, NO. Anybody paying the slightest bit of attention already knew that colleges have been indoctrinating Woke-Communism for, not years, but decades. That’s yesterday’s news as in last century’s news.

No, the most important takeaway is how organized the Left is and how fractured and disorganized the supposed “Right” is in America versus the Left. The “Right’s” idea of “organizing” is setting up a Facebook page that consists mostly of complaining and “woe is us.” The Left, in contrast, in the blink of an eye can manifest “protests” throughout America.

And this lack of organization on the “Right” has devastating consequences. It is unarguable that the 2020 election was stolen … and stolen as in not just from Trump, but more importantly from the voters who voted for Trump. The steal succeeded because the “Right” was caught completely flatfooted whereas the Left was not.

The “Left”, with the unwitting or perhaps witting help of UniParty-GOP-quislings, had a plan to normalize the rigging of the 2020 election and carried it out flawlessly. Pointing out obvious problems with the way the 2020 election was conducted (as but one example, the many last-minute unlawful changes to voting practices in swing-States) made you an “election denier”; any protesting made you an “insurrectionist,”  etc., etc., etc..

The “campus protests” are just a small taste of what is in store not if, but when, the 2024 election is also stolen. The Left will burn America to the ground to keep power … in the blink-of-an-eye BLM, Antifa, the “college protesters,” etc., etc., etc. will be unleashed on any legitimate organic protests of the sham election. And the resulting mayhem and chaos and destruction will, of course, be blamed by the Regime-media on Trump and his supporters, on the rationale that they caused it by refusing to accept that Biden won the election, justifying intervention by the FBI and other “law enforcement” against any legitimate organic protests of the sham election.

That, my dear bitter-clingers, is the most important takeaway from the campus protests. So while you may not like … indeed may despise … the message/goals of the “campus protests,” you need to admire and respect the Left’s ability to manifest them.



The post You Need To Admire And Respect The “Campus Protests” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2024-05-08 16:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Also, please do check out my post highlighting a Bill Whittle video that I re-watch regularly:

Bill Whittle: A Defense of Civilizations – Granite Grok

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






In the Arab world, white women are considered especially valuable sex slave captives.  I read, IIRC by Raymond Ibrahim, how the promises of taking blonde Byzantine women as captives was used as a selling point for the ongoing recruitment of warriors to attack Constantinople.






I remember a great meme from years ago.  “I don’t have a soul.  I am a soul.  I have a body”.






Excellent point.  And not just at one campus, but all the campuses.  All uniform.






What about now, hit man?






I try to not crack “bad” jokes in general, at least not racial, etc.  Unless it’s a Jewish joke.  Then, I think, I am allowed.






As I understand it from the trial, yesterday, she was describing in lurid detail the *ahem* relations she had with Trump.  But this is the second letter in which she definitively said she didn’t do anything with him in that way.  I sure hope that Trump’s lawyer is on this like white on rice.






People opposed said either “Hail Cloward-Piven” or “No comprende” (to be fair, many other languages t00).











What we’re fighting against.




Objective truth can be damaging to the ego.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

Note – a lot here between me and him.  This seem to be spiraling IMHO.


Hakeem Jeffries just confirmed that he controls Speaker Johnson and the House. “The Republicans in the House are a majority in name only.” This is why nothing has changed for the better in America over the last three years. The Uniparty is to blame. – Whatfinger News Summary

Hakeem Jeffries just confirmed that he controls Speaker Johnson and the House.

“The Republicans in the House are a majority in name only.”

(2) Megan Basham on X: “Google has reportedly taken down this very effective Trump ad for an unspecified “policy violation.” What policy could this possibly violate @Google??” / X (

Yes, very effective.  Which is why, of course, it’s been taken down.  Can’t have the proles waking up to what the Left has done to this country.  As is this one (from here):



WARREN BUFFETT COMPARES AI TO NUKES AFTER SEEING DEEPFAKE DOPPELGANGER Buffet: “I mean, scamming has always been part of the American scene, but this would make me… – Whatfinger News Summary

Been saying for a while now, “public” AI is getting to the point where it takes a very sharp eye to see that it’s fake.  Imagine, for a moment, just how good the AI is that we don’t know about.

ICYMI: World’s Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Wrecked by Storm Just Before Grand Launch (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

OOH, I don’t want to see this.  OTOH, I have to admit having a Schadenboner at this.

“crooked Joe” would lead us into World War III? * * by Noah

I remember one co-worker, leading up to November 2016, who was terrified Trump would start WW3.  Wonder what she’s thinking now?

As an aside, this prompted some research.  Dem predictions of WW3 were rife with virtually every Republican candidate for multiple election cycles.

Special Counsel Admits KEY Evidence Tampering in Trump Case; Trump Calls For His Arrest * * by M Winger

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s crew is dropping a bombshell!

They’re admitting that crucial evidence in Trump’s classified documents case got tampered with after the FBI grabbed it.

And get this—prosecutors kept quiet about it for a while, which, according to legal experts, is a big no-no.

This revelation could seriously trip up the prosecutors.


‘Federal Agency Had ‘Pallets’ Of Documents Sent To Mar-A-Lago One Year Before DOJ Raid’; so did these bastards set Trump up? Did the GSA in collusion with Obama & Biden INC. do this? Did 45 know? 45 (

I would, absolutely, bet on a set-up.

Gov. Healey Pours Over $400 Million From Savings To Shelter Illegal Immigrants | WLT Report

Illegals over citizens and legal residents.  Priorities.  Related:

Biden plans to import the Death to America voting block – Flopping Aces

More on migration:

$3.5 Billion Slipped Into Ukraine-Israel Aid Bill To ‘Supercharge Mass Migration From The Middle East’ | ZeroHedge

Why, it’s almost as though importing millions of people who would, by definition, be hostile to us is intentional.

US slams ‘irresponsible rhetoric’ as Russia orders nuclear drills – Insider Paper

I will keep saying this until I’m either blue in the face, or flash-fried, that this is a grim echo of the lead-up to WWI.  Every country taking every logical step in the face of what potential adversaries were doing… until the shooting became inevitable.

Russia issues military ultimatum to UK — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Russia can / will only issue so many OR ELSE statements… and then they’ll be forced to follow through.  Or lose credibility.  And this is how it begins…

Bayou Renaissance Man: When helping others may be hazardous to your freedom

Don’t forget the old adage: “No good deed goes unpunished”.

Kid, you don’t even KNOW from violence (

These people have stability privilege.  They have NO IDEA what the world is capable of when civilization falls:



These Leftards TRULY BELIEVE that, if America falls, all will be rainbows and light and one big global happy family.  Lennon’s IMAGINE writ large.

Green Blob Tells Government to Spend £30 Billion on Machine to Remove CO2 From the Air – Watts Up With That?

Take away plant food.  What could go wrong?  Related to the climate change cult:

Newly Discovered 90,000-Year-Old Human Footprints Reveal How Much Higher Sea Levels Used To Be (

Nature Publication: Researchers Find Arctic Region 10,000 Years Ago Warmer Than Today (

Water Vapor Absorbs 84 Times More Radiation Than CO2 … Clouds Drove 89% Of 1982-2018 Warming (

Water vapor?  Warmer?  Why, what might have caused that?

What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave (bumped) – American Thinker



Today’s NYT scratches the surface – Nurse Claire Says

MHO: there is a growing admission in the “beautiful people” circles that the Jab did widespread damage.  I think, I hope, we are on the edge of an awakening.  I just pray Carl Sagan’s warning about bamboozlement gets a drubbing this time.




John Campbell on the new NYT article back peddling the vaxx – Vlad Tepes (

In other words, this NYT article starts to look like a fire-escape down from the gallows where these characters are beginning to look like they belong.

What Happened to their Babies? – by Karen Kingston (

Pfizer’s FDA submitted data documented that the some of the babies and toddlers experienced fevers of greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, seizures (with eye rolling), convulsions, and seizures lasting more than 5 minutes and multiple seizures a day -sometimes a dozen or more, brain damage confirmed by an EEG, hypotonia (limp ‘lifeless-like’ baby), and lissencephaly (“genetically-induced” brain malformation characterized by the absence of convolutions/folds) in babies and toddlers injected with mRNA nanoparticles.

There are no words in any human language sufficient to capture how much I hate pharma for this.  And their pets in government.  But even more so for the people – nurses, doctors, and even parents – who saw this happening and stayed silent.  From here:

Most of us know someone who was injured or killed by the vaccine.

Don’t let them gaslight you into believing that these stories are fake or made up.

Millions injured. Hundreds of thousands dead- and that’s only with a 1% reporting rate on the VAERS database.

This is the reality of the destruction they have caused.


Items I Stockpile Because I Don’t Trust the Government – Ask a Prepper

Short of having a yuuuuuge disposable income and years of time, plus a completely-supportive family supporting a prepper life, you’ll never be truly prepared.  Even then it’s iffy.  But even SOMETHING puts you ahead of the average sheeple.

Democrats Biggest Fear Just Happened by Kevin Jackson (

The Potato is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t.  But he’s counting on the refinement and amplification of the vote fraud machine that got him there.  Related:

Sorry, neo-Nazis: The antisemitic progressive Left is the real threat to US Jews – Michael Freund (

The fact is that the loudest and most virulent voices of antisemitism are coming straight from the self-proclaimed progressives, who hurl the modern-day equivalent of medieval blood libels against Israel and harass and intimidate Jewish college students.

And that recognition is getting to American Jews.  Finally:

The Jewish vote is up for grabs, and it may decide the election – Caroline Glick (

Let’s be real.  Most Jews are urban and live in blue hives where blue victories are, essentially a given.

Warren Buffet Warns That You’re Going to Get a Tax Hike – PJ Media

But… but… but The Potato promised it’d only be THE RICH!  What amazes me is how, time and time and time again the ads say “The RICH will be asked to pay… a little but more” – but it always ends up hitting the middle class.  And yet, people never learn from it.

Paging this Bill Whittle video:


Government mandates that your car ‘monitor’ your behavior – American Thinker

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

― William Pitt the Younger

Drivers face having ‘mandatory’ speed limiter installed in car from July – Birmingham Live (

Raconteur Report: Oopsie: Confirmation Bias Is Hard On Your Wedding Tackle

Never be diverted from the truth by what you want to believe.  Confirmation bias is a real thing.

Biden’s description of Japan as xenophobic is ‘unfortunate’: Tokyo – Insider Paper

But… but… but the grown ups are in charge now, right?

Another reason NOT to have all our healthcare data on the internet:

Astra-Zenica has finally admitted (publicly) that their Covid-19 vaccines can cause strokes:

And the CDC covered up deaths in the Covid trials, and gave us the “safe and effective” hogwash anyway:

We need Nuremburg II, and ASAP!



This is for my Jewish friends:  You need to get serious about learning self-defense, because the world is a dangerous place, and when something happens, generally YOU are the ONLY person who can offer a defense against violence directed at you (or your family):

How to End the Craziness on College Campuses – PJ Media

Comments on the above:

Instapundit » Blog Archive » RABBI MICHAEL BARCLAY: How to End the Craziness on College Campuses. “Let’s be clear: I am not rec

And things are getting worse:

If you have a “Ring” doorbell, you may be getting some cash back (at the cost of your privacy, of course):

Borepatch: Ring doorbell company fined millions of dollars for privacy violations

Speaking of privacy, the scammers are now using artificial intelligence (AI) to create “deep fakes” of voice, video, even signatures, and then using them to scam you (or others in your family) to send them money.  This is why I do NOT allow my picture to be taken randomly (only by my wife, with a non-web connected camera), and I don’t do any type of social media:

How scammers use AI | Allstate Identity Protection

The Great Replacement is the GOAL, not just a conspiracy theory anymore.  Here is a 12 minute video given at the CPAC gathering in Hungry by Eva Vlaardingerbroek of the Netherlands talking about it.  NOTE:  Many EU countries are trying to ban this video, because she NAILS it:

Worth the Time to Watch | NC Renegades

Jeffery Tucker opines on how the CIA is the power that is REALLY running the country:

Does the CIA Run America? | The Epoch Times

Canada introduces blood-curdling new ‘thought police’ law that would make even Stalin blush… – Revolver News

Relentlessly advancing.  And you think you’ll VOTE your way out of this?





Not to say that I’m eager for SHTF, “Spicy Time”, or whatever you want to call it.  Nor am I eager, with a few notable exceptions, for the Jab-pocalypse to start taking large numbers of people – I pray for those in my life that I value who are Jabbed daily.  Still, cue this famous line from the movie Caddyshack:

Caddyshack – Well? We’re Waiting (






I say this is deliberate.  Individual minds can only take so much before they start to shut down.





More than one Globalist has admitted that GREEN is really a way to push the world to become RED.

Watermelons: The Green Movement’s True Colors

From the blurb:

At its very roots, argues Delingpole, climate change is an ideological battle, not a scientific one. Green on the outside, red on the inside, the liberty-loathing, humanity-hating “watermelons” of the modern environmental movement do not want to save the world. They want to rule it.














This is an opportunity to create another NITZAKHON QUOTABLE:


When you have to build a wall – whether physical or otherwise – to keep people in your “people’s paradise”, then it’s not paradise, but a prison.

— Nitzakhon, 2024


And brings up one of my better quotes from times past:








Pick of the Post:



Peg out the RIDICULE-O-METER!  Brilliant!




Palate cleansers:



Been nailed by this more than once.




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.







The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Michigan Is More Important Than Israel

Wed, 2024-05-08 14:00 +0000

Israel is preparing to take their battle to obliterate Hamas to Rafa, and this does not sit well with Joe Biden. Even though an aid package for Israel has been approved by Congress and signed by Biden, the President is withholding military equipment from our number one ally in the Middle East.

Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the campaign into Raffa today and sent a subliminal message to Joe Biden. Without mentioning the decision by Biden, Netanyahu told the world that they will continue their mission even if they have to do it alone. Joe Biden is destroying our relationship with Israel, and it is inexcusable but explainable. Joe Biden is more concerned with votes in Michigan than the safety and sovereignty of Israel. Joe Biden should be impeached for abandoning Israel, and where is Chuck Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress, with a condemnation of Biden’s actions?

Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have been trying to micromanage Israel’s retaliation against Hamas. As I have written previously, neither of these men is in any position to tell any country how they should handle their military strategy. Biden has political pressure to get Israel to cease this conflict as soon as possible. That is not what Israel needs or wants. They want Hamas gone, just like we wished to have Al-Qaeda gone after 9-11. If any country had attempted to restrict our efforts, we would have told them precisely what Israel is telling us. Thanks, but we have this. Now, get out of our way.

Joe Biden has Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) looking over his shoulder, and he is petrified of her power base in Michigan. Biden already experienced Tlaib’s influence with the Michigan Primary. Tlaib got over 100,000 Democrats to vote for “Anyone except Biden.” If Biden does not appease Tlaib and she pulls the same trick out of her bag for the Presidential election, Biden could very well lose Michigan to Trump.

Tlaib and her followers support Palestinians and want an end to this conflict. They are not concerned with the Hamas invasion of October 7 or the attacks of Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel. Monday was Holocaust Remembrance Day, which recognizes the end of the genocide of Jews by Hitler. At that time, the world pledged, “Never again.” According to Benjamin Netanyahu, “Never again is now.” With this declaration, Netanyahu is committing to all Israelis that Israel is intent on destroying any future threat from Hamas.

Some of Biden’s most lucrative sponsors also fund these illegal encampments and college protests nationwide. Biden is between a rock and a hard place, or to be more specific, he is between votes/money and the best interests of Israel and America. Biden has no spine and concentrates on retaining power and office. He has to get these situations under control before the DNC Convention in Chicago this summer. If not, the optics will harm him badly. When he finally spoke out on the campus unrest last week, he condemned antisemitism but also anti-Islamic words or actions. There has been no anti-Islamic activity in these campus actions, and he was covering all bases. What it showed was weakness.

Biden has to make a decision. He is either going to shut down these college actions and support Israel or satisfy his critics. Even considering a choice is not presidential, and that is why he should not be given a second term.

The post Michigan Is More Important Than Israel appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Comment of the Week Winner Is …

Wed, 2024-05-08 13:00 +0000

Some of you voted, and we’ve got another comment of the week winner!

Congratulations to notoriousBLOG.

Here is that winning comment.

Post: Night Cap: TWENTY (20) Percent Of Mail-In-Votes in 2020 Were Fraudulent
Author: notoriousBLOG

Comment: Three and a half years later and the “truth” that most on the right already knew is being told. What are we to do when Washington is so corrupted that this type of activity is actually orchestrated from the White House and the ABC agencies? The bigger question is will there even be an election this November? What do the powers that be have in store for us this go-round? Will it be another plandemic? Will it be martial law declared to cancel the elections? Or will the puppets find a way to lock up or otherwise eliminate Trump? This is going to be the year that determines the fate of our entire existence as a sovereign nation.

If notoriousBLOG would like to collect a prize for this honor, they can email me at and provide a shipping address where I can send it!

The post The Comment of the Week Winner Is … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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