The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 19 min 4 sec ago

Detective James McLaughlin and the Police Misconduct List

Thu, 2024-05-30 00:00 +0000

Are you in favor of destroying the lives of Catholic priests under false pretenses? If not, please read on. Catholic priest Gordon J MacRae is now in his thirtieth year of wrongful imprisonment after rejecting a 1994 plea deal offer to serve one to two years.

The NH ‘Laurie List’ is a once-secret list of police misconduct. Ex-Detective James F McLaughlin was recently removed from the list in a secret ‘John Doe’ hearing.

I previously wrote at the link cited above about newly emerging evidence in the case. The Wall Street Journal boldly took up this matter in a series of articles by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Dorothy Rabinowitz and noted civil rights attorney Harvey Silverglate. Their work exposing this wrongful prosecution and police misconduct is collected at “The Wall Street Journal on the Case of Fr Gordon MacRae.”

Newly emerging evidence came to light with a revelation that the police detective who investigated and testified against Father Mac Rae was added to a previously secret list of officers with dishonesty or police misconduct issues. The list was held in secret by the New Hampshire Attorney General until a court ordered publication of the list in 2022. Detective James McLaughlin was added to the list for “Falsification of Records,” an incident or incidents that occurred in 1985, nine years before the 1994 MacRae trial. Because the behavior was known to state prosecutors at the time of the trial, they were obligated by Supreme Court precedent to report this to Father MacRae’s legal counsel before trial. They failed to do so.

This bombshell was first reported by someone at the New Hampshire Office of the American Civil Liberties Union which had been a plaintiff in a lawsuit that eventually made the “Laurie List” public. Father MacRae himself wrote of this development in “Predator Police: The New Hampshire ‘Laurie List’ Bombshell.”

Police officers placed on the Attorney General’s list have the ability to challenge its publication by petitioning the courts to remove their names for cause. Former Detective McLaughlin filed such a petition so, pending a court hearing, his name was blacked out from the public list just hours after it appeared. New Hampshire courts have allowed officers on the list to file their petitions using “John Doe” pseudonyms. A hearing for McLaughlin — though not a public one — is likely to be scheduled early in 2024.

Not everyone is on board with the notion of a judicial system operating in secret. One judge, a former Senior Assistant Attorney General, has objected to the secret forum in which these removal petitions are being heard. (See “Judge: Laurie List Police Lawsuits Are Being Improperly Sealed”). Judge Will Delker’s published objection cites a fundamental precept of democracy that public officials must be accountable to citizens: “Court records are presumptively open to the public absent some overriding consideration or special circumstance. The party seeking to maintain court records under seal must demonstrate a sufficiently compelling interest that outweighs the public’s right to access.”

New Hampshire reporter Damien Fisher has managed to obtain, through Freedom of Information Act requests, some limited, heavily redacted evidence of the matters before the court in former Detective McLaughlin’s petition. He documented them in a December 18, 2023 article, “Laurie List Lawsuit Matches Former Well-Known Keene Cop’s Record.” To force a reporter to such lengths to obtain public information in public records turns the court system into a sham.

Covering Up for Police Corruption

There is a good deal more in the problematic and unconstitutional practices of Detective James F. McLaughlin than what is currently before the Court in his petition to be removed from the public accountability list, but the public is kept in the dark. Citizens should have an opportunity to address concerns about why his name should remain on that published list, but that is circumvented by secrecy. The public cannot learn the identity of the “John Doe” before the Court. Reporter Damien Fisher was only able to discern this from a careful examination of this particular “John Doe’s” petition.

Additionally, the public cannot obtain a Court date or docket number to have their concerns heard. As a result, pertinent evidence is prevented from coming before the Court. The court of public opinion is a different matter, but no citizen should have to appeal to it in order to obtain justice.

Though not a resident and citizen of the State of New Hampshire, I have researched its laws in regard to the conduct of police. The violations alleged against McLaughlin in the case of Father MacRae alone are many and great. No public entity has investigated these and judges hearing MacRae’s two appeals — a direct State appeal in 1996 and a Writ of Habeas Corpus in 2012 — resulted in rejection without hearing from any witnesses privy to said misconduct.

So if we cannot place it before the Court, we place it before you in the form of official excerpts of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, the very State laws that Detective McLaughlin has broken and for which he should be censured. Each is followed by signed Statements given to a former FBI official investigating this case, but in each case no judge has allowed the Statements or witnesses thereof to be heard under oath and on the record in any New Hampshire court.

RSA 105 : 19 — Reports of Misconduct by Law Enforcement Officers

For the purposes of this section, ‘misconduct’ means assault, sexual assault, bribery, fraud, theft, tampering with evidence, tampering with a witness, use of a choke hold, or excessive and illegal use of force.

1. STATEMENT OF STEVEN WOLLSCHLAGER (Alleging Attempted Bribery)

Introduction: Steven Wollschlager was a friend of accuser Thomas Grover. During Detective James McLaughlin’s investigations in 1988 and 1994, Mr. Wollschlager was interviewed. It is unknown whether the interviews were recorded. Wollschlager states that the interview reports misrepresented statements attributed to him that he never made. In a 1994 pre-trial interview, McLaughlin is alleged to have attempted to suborn Wollschlager to commit perjury before a grand jury with the suggestion of “a large sum of money.” Wollschlager reported being lured into agreement, but later recanted, refusing to testify before a grand jury:

“My name is Steven Wollschlager, DOB 12-7-1973. I give this signed statement at my own free will to Investigator James Abbott with no promises or bribes. I am willing to testify to the following statement to proceed in a court of law or otherwise under oath that I am giving facts and details to the best of my memory.

“I have had opportunities during several periods of my life to know Gordon McCrea (sic). Never in all our meetings or conversations was there any inappropriate talk of sex, sex for money, favors, or any other thing related to such.

“My first encounters with Gordon came when I was age 15 and using drugs. Gordon counseled me through Monadnock Family Counseling, maybe three sessions. During this time he also introduced me to some persons in the AA program. At this time there was never anything inappropriate going on, nor did I ever feel uncomfortable for any reason around Gordon.

“In 1988 while in rehab (which Gordon helped my parents get me into), I was interviewed by [Keene] Detective McLaughlin about Gordon. This detective did most of the talking — Did he ever do this or that? — asking me many questions as to whether or not anything inappropriate ever happened with Gordon against me. Never during this time did I say anything to any police officer that Gordon had done anything wrong towards me.

“Years passed and in 1994, before Gordon was to go on trial, I was contacted again by Keene police detectives McLaughlin and Collingworth. I was aware at the time of Gordon’s trial, knowing full well that it was bogus and having heard of the lawsuits and money involved, also the reputations of those who were making accusations. I agreed to meet with the above detectives after being told that I would be reimbursed for my time and gas money.

“Again during this meeting I mostly just listened to scenarios and statements being spoken to me by the police. The lawsuits and money were of greatest discussion and I was left feeling that if I would go along with the story I could reap the rewards as well.

“McLaughlin asked me many times if Gordon ever tried to come onto me sexually or offered me money for any sexual favors. He had me believing that all I had to do was make up a story about Gordon and I could receive a large sum of money as others already had. McLaughlin reminded me of the young child and girlfriend I had and referenced that life could be easier for us with a large amount of money.

“I knew the Grovers’ reputation as well as others involved, many of whom I went to school with. It seemed as though it would be easy money if I would also accuse Gordon of wrongdoing. I left that meeting after being given, I believe, $50, easy money like what would come from lawsuits against McCrae (sic). I was at the time using drugs and could have been influenced to say anything they wanted for money .

“A short time later after being subpoenaed to Court, I had a different feeling about the situation. I did not want to lie or make up stories. After speaking with the Clerk of Courts I was approached by another person. After telling this person that I did not want to be there and I stated Gordon had never done anything wrong towards me sexually or otherwise, I was told I could leave. This person seemed visibly upset that I had nothing to say.”

Signed: Steven Wollschlager October 27, 2008

2. STATEMENT OF DEBRA COLLETT (Alleging Witness Tampering and Tampering with Evidence)

Introduction: Ms. Debra Collett was Thomas Grover’s primary counselor in 1987 at Derby Lodge, a residential drug addiction treatment center located in Berlin, NH. In police interviews with Detective McLaughlin pretrial in 1993/94, Grover claimed to have revealed to Debra Collett that Fr. Gordon MacRae molested him in his teen years. Grover had previously been treated for addiction at Beech Hill Hospital in Dublin, NH in 1985, but his treatment was terminated when he was caught smuggling drugs to sell to other patients. Ms.Collett here reveals that Detective McLaughlin recorded his interviews with her, but neither a report nor the recordings were ever turned over to MacRae’s defense as required.

“I am Debra Collett, DOB 6-17-1952. I am making this Statement to James Abbott, Investigator for Gordon MacRae. My involvement leading to speaking with James Abbott was as Clinical Director at Derby’s Lodge in Berlin, NH. I was individual counselor for Tom Grover when he was a client at Derby Lodge.

“Thomas Grover never revealed to me that Gordon MacRae perpetrated against him. Mr Grover spent a great deal of time being confronted in treatment for his dishonesty, misrepresentation, and unwillingness to be honest about his problems. Thomas Grover did reveal that he had been perpetrated against sexually, but named no specific person except to say that his “step father” or “foster father” molested him. When asked if Thomas meant, “Mr. Grover,” Thomas replied, “yes, among others.”

“Thomas Grover presented as unwilling to join a group of other people who like himself experienced similar difficulties. Instead, he became angry, punched walls, flicked things, and slammed doors to evade and not address his issues.

“When it became evident that [the MacRae case] was going to trial, I was contacted by Keene Police Detectives Clarke and McLaughlin. They questioned me and I had several contacts with them.

“My experience was that neither presented as an investigator looking for what information I had to contribute, but rather presented as having made up their minds and sought to substantiate their belief in Gordon MacRae’s guilt. I experienced Detective Clark as the primary questioner. I was uncomfortable with his repeated stopping and starting the tape recorder when he did not agree with my answers to his questions and his repeated statements that he wanted to put this individual where he belonged, behind bars, that a priest of all people should be punished.

“I confronted Det. Clark about his statements and his stopping and starting the recording of my statement, and his attitude and treatment of me which seemed to include coercion, intimidation, veiled and more forward threats as well as being disrespectful. At that point, and in later dealings, I was overtly threatened concerning my reluctance to continue to subject myself to their treatment with threats of arrest. McLaughlin told me he would personally come to my home, drag me out of it bodily if necessary, and force me to appear in court and testify despite my information to him.

“My overall experience in interacting with these detectives was one of being bullied with their attitude of animosity, anger, and preconception of guilt regarding Gordon MacRae. They presented as argumentative, manipulative, and threatening via use of police power in an attempt to get me to say what they wanted to hear.”

Signed: Debra Collett 05-20-2008

3. STATEMENT OF LEO DEMERS IN A LETTER TO JUDGE ARTHUR BRENNAN (Alleging Witness Tampering and Suppression of Evidence)

Letter dated October 24, 2013:

“My wife, Penny, and I were present in the courtroom throughout most of the trial of Fr. Gordon MacRae. For all these years, I have had many questions about this trial and much that I’ve wanted to clarify for my own peace of mind. I learned recently that both a superior court judge here in New Hampshire and the NH Supreme Court declined to hold a hearing on the evidence and merits of a habeas corpus petition in this case. Now that state courts seem no longer to be involved, I feel more inclined to approach you on what has been bothering me, as you were the presiding judge.

“We saw something in your courtroom during the MacRae trial that I don’t think you ever saw. My wife nudged me and pointed to a woman, Ms. Pauline Goupil, who was engaged in what appeared to be clear witness tampering. During questioning by the defense attorney, Thomas Grover seemed to feel trapped a few times. On some of those occasions, we witnessed Pauline Goupil make a distinct sad expression with a downturned mouth and gesturing with her finger from the corner of her eye down her cheek at which point Mr. Grover would begin to cry and sob on the stand. The lawyer’s questions were never answered.

“I have been troubled about this for all these years. I know what I saw, and what I saw was a clear attempt to dupe the court and the jury. If the sobbing and crying were not truthful, then I cannot help but wonder what else was not truthful on the part of Mr. Grover. If he was really a victim who wanted to tell the simple truth, why was it necessary for him and Ms. Goupil to have what clearly appeared to be a set of prearranged signals to alter his testimony? The jury was privy to none of this, to the best of my knowledge.

“Secondly, I was struck by the difference in Thomas Grover’s demeanor on the witness stand in your court and his demeanor just moments before and after outside the courtroom. On the stand, he wept and appeared to be a vulnerable victim. Moments later, during court recess, in the parking lot he was loud, boisterous and aggressive. One time he even confronted me in a threatening attempt to alter my own testimony during sentencing. …

“I simply believe that, like so many others, Mr. Grover and those coaching him have misled you and your court. You also seemed to rely heavily in your sentencing of MacRae on the investigation and findings of Det. McLaughlin. My wife and I had some firsthand experience with him and his tactics during his investigation. He was not at all interested in the facts or the truth. He attempted to use coercion and bullying tactics to get my wife and me to change the facts we presented to him, facts that did not support any of his preconceived ideas.

“We are not the only persons to have had this experience with him. I have read that Debbie Collett, Thomas Grover’s counselor, outlined in detail how she was threatened and coerced into altering her testimony. Another witness alleges that he was overtly bribed by this detective to accuse MacRae during that investigation.”

Signed: Leo Demers, August 24, 2013

+ + +

There is much more alleged of this detective that should come before a Court deciding on his public exposure on the Exculpatory Evidence Schedule or ‘Laurie List.’ As long as the Court allows Mr. James McLaughlin to appear as “John Doe” in any hearing regarding his appearance on the police misconduct list which is meant to be public, citizens are prevented from witnessing to the truth in this regard. None of the people mentioned here have ever been allowed to testify under oath about this detective. Now we know why.

This necessitates a Part 2 of this post, hopefully coming next week.

Meanwhile, please share this article. There is nothing more destructive of the cause of justice and the common good than the noise of too few and the silence of too many.

Pray for justice, and for the integrity of our justice system.


Republished with permission.

The post Detective James McLaughlin and the Police Misconduct List appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nashua’s Right Not to Know

Wed, 2024-05-29 22:00 +0000

If normal people think that they are going to get justice in these times – forget it! I just went to court against the City of Nashua for Right To Know information which they would not give me. I assumed that once in court the city employees would tell the truth under oath but I was wrong. The saddest part was the judge believed them.

I did not think that I had to bring more proof to show that they lied because I had already included some information showing that they had the information but were not willing to give it to me. Wrong.

Mr. Cummings, who was in another courtroom recently, could not remember anything and kept on saying “he could not recall.” This is a man that Mayor Donchess just made Chief Operating Officer for the City of Nashua at $160,000 per year. But he could not even remember that he sent out an email, even after showing it to him. He was a total disgrace.

Jennifer Deshaises, Risk Manager for the city also kept saying that the taxpayers did not have to pay anything for insurance on the Performing Arts Center. The premium increased, but there was no problem because the taxpayers paid to insure a property not owned by the taxpayers. Jennifer has her orders not to tell the Nashua taxpayers how much we are paying for insurance on a for-profit corporation.

We have struggled in Nashua with record delays for four years, and the Courts will not help us. The City waited over 100 days to tell a citizen that their request was unclear. The Court says this is not a problem. The Court then footnoted in a ruling that it was concerned with the city’s lack of a response. But more recently, when the City decided it would take 3-4 years to produce emails on the Arts Center, a citizen filed a records delay, and the Court would not hear it as a stand-alone case. My RTK case heard before the Court had a claim that the new Records Administrator hired to help us get records waited over 60 days to inform me that an attachment was not sent after sending the five-day letter, never noting the oversight. The court found no delay with that. The City is playing endless games and the Court is all in with the City.

The courts in Nashua have shown favoritism to the city because taxpayers help pay their salaries. The sad part is that the courts have shown that they do not stand up to the laws in the State of New Hampshire, and that should not be acceptable to any resident.

The post Nashua’s Right Not to Know appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vote For Me … Because I’m Asian-American

Wed, 2024-05-29 20:00 +0000

Ben Ming is a State Representative from Hollis who wants a promotion to the State Senate. He says that you should vote for him because he is Asian-American and your vote would help make history.

It is very curious, then, that Ben Ming is NOT supporting Lily Tang Williams, as that would also be “making history” and indeed would be considerably more historic, as the position of Congressman is much more prominent than that of State Senator.


Do you get it yet, bitter-clingers? One set of rules for you and a different set of rules for the Woke-Communists. If you don’t vote for Ming it is because you are against diversity and, more specifically, are bigoted against Asian-Americans.

But Ming and his Woke-Communist ilk don’t have to vote for Lily Tang Williams because … well, because the rules only apply to you. That’s how Woke-Communism works.

The Woke-Communists do not care about diversity or about Asian-Americans, except to the extent that it helps them maintain and gain power. Ming would make the State Senate more diverse because he is the right kind of Asian-American … that is, just like all the other “Democrats” in the State Senate he will do and speak and vote as he is told by General Secretary Donna Soucy. Lily Tang Williams would NOT make the U.S. Congress more diverse because she is passionately opposed to Woke-Communism and extremely articulate in exposing the “Democrats” as Woke-Communists. She is not the right kind of Asian-American.

Do you get it yet bitter-clingers?

The post Vote For Me … Because I’m Asian-American appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Grid Teetering – Coming Sooner Than You Think?

Wed, 2024-05-29 18:00 +0000

It was close to a decade ago when I saw this video by Bill Whittle:


Lights Out! The Chaos When Our Grid Goes Down | Bill Whittle



An EMP Attack on America? | Frontpage Mag

An Electromagnetic Pulse Catastrophe | Frontpage Mag

Now, I’ve known about EMP for quite a while, but general threats to the grid never really occurred to me to be a real and significant danger absent something like that.  But the security and stability of our electric grid are getting more attention now.  For example, Russia’s recent attacks on Ukraine’s power system drew the attention of the (formerly) notable 60 Minutes (video, 13 minutes).

Dennis Quaid’s documentary is, IMHO, also a must-watch:



The Truth About The Power Grid Outage Risk in America ( (video, about 12 minutes)

Even absent ill intent, our bailing-wire, duct-tape-and-chewing-gum grid is surprisingly fragile.  Add in ill intent and the danger is dire.  For example, I drive around and I see totally-unguarded transmission line towers and transformer stations.  At best there’s a simple chain link fence around the latter.

A Mad Max Nation with No Electrical Grid | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):

But is it really too much to imagine ISIS, which has repeatedly threatened the homeland, carefully studying the three connected American grids and their vulnerabilities? Why would ISIS not, let us surmise, make plans to dispatch nine small teams, inserted from the porous Mexican border, to the key transmission substations, which would then plant bombs under cover of darkness set to detonate at a specific time? Such an event would not be “another 9⁄11.” Such an event would be a soft kill on the United States of America.

From later in that same article (link in the original, bolding added):

According to yet another damning study, “Most substations sit out in the open protected only by a simple chain-link fence. All but a few high voltage lines are also in the open.”

Now, I’ve never been in the military, but even I can see how attacking a nation’s electric grid – a nation so dependent on electricity as we are – would be child’s play given the lack of security.  Honestly, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened already – at least, not more than the incidents we’ve seen.  Such as (same article, bolding added):

In an April 2013 probing action, unknown terrorists attacked the Pacific Gas & Electric’s transmission substation in Metcalf, California. One terrorist crawled into an underground vault to cut the telephone lines for help. Then a squad of gunmen fired “more than 100 shots and knocked out 17 transformers.” The shooters took their time, blasting away for almost a whole hour, before police finally showed up and the terrorists melted away. The attack caused millions of dollars in damage and required 27 days before the small transformers were replaced and back online.

And how many ISIS-minded people do we have now thanks to The Potato’s open borders?  Chinese SpecOps posing as migrants?  Other hostiles?  Not thousands coming in… tens of thousands.



One more thing – if the grid is taken down nationally, restarting it is not just a matter of flicking on a switch even if there is power in localized areas… and what if those local areas can be predicted and have agents to shut it down again?


What Is A Black Start Of The Power Grid?







“This COMFIRMS the power grid will COLLAPSE and no one is ready” | Redacted with Clayton Morris



Many, including essays on the Grok, have mentioned the growing EV demand for power (video, about 15 minutes).  I’d never considered the added strain by the millions streaming into the country across our southern non-border, but that’s an excellent point.  (Aside: if they’re that dirt poor, how do virtually all of them have smart phones?)

This is not just an American problem.  “Big Green” climate-scam-driven commitments are causing shortages of power all over Western Europe.  Australia is issuing warnings about its own grid stability:

Warning for NSW and Victoria residents to brace for blackouts this summer| things to get worse over the next decade….cant supply enough electricity for your air conditioner but no worries,go out and buy an electric car


Worldwide.  All with the same timing: this year.  Weird, right?  Why it’s like there is a goal of answering the 7.3 billion person question.




I want to be clear before I conclude.  I think this is a likely, indeed very likely, thing that’s coming – but IMHO it’s not inevitable.  Be that as it may, understanding what COULD go south is the first step in preparing for it or, if we had a political class that would work on it rather than lining their own pockets, preventing it.

So, concluding… electricity is much more than lights.  It’s refrigeration.  It’s water pressure (even for us with a well, we need electricity to get it up from the depths).  It’s fuel pumping.  It’s communication.  It’s heating and air conditioning.  The list of what electricity does in our modern world is almost endless.  But that’s just in our personal lives.

Factories require reliable power.  Subways and public transportation require reliable power.  Workplaces of all types require reliable power.  City life, as we have it now, requires reliable power.  Employment and modern healthcare and so much more require reliable power.  And we’re about to have that reliability crash.

That will, indeed, be a “total transformation of America”; backwards, to the pre-electric era, but a transformation nonetheless.  Just as promised by the former still-current President.  Do not doubt, when it happens, that it was planned.

The post Grid Teetering – Coming Sooner Than You Think? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Role of Business Concierge Services

Wed, 2024-05-29 17:00 +0000

In the fast-paced and competitive landscape of modern commerce, efficiency is paramount. Every minute saved, every resource optimized can make a significant difference in achieving success. Recognizing this need, an increasing number of businesses are turning to personalized assistance to streamline operations, enhance productivity, and provide unparalleled support to their teams.

Understanding Business Concierge Services

Corporate personalized assistance are specialized solutions designed to address the diverse needs of companies across various industries. Unlike traditional customer assistance that caters primarily to personal needs, business personal assistants focus on assisting organizations with tasks ranging from administrative support to strategic initiatives.

These services are often provided by dedicated professionals or agencies with expertise in corporate management, administration, and customer service.

The Role of Business Concierge Services
  1. Administrative Support: Business concierge service excels in handling administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, managing calendars, arranging travel, and coordinating events.
  2. Customer Relationship Management: Maintaining strong relationships with clients is essential for fostering company growth. Concierge services can play a crucial role in managing customer inquiries, resolving issues promptly, and ensuring exceptional service delivery, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Research and Analysis: In the contemporary landscape where information plays a crucial role, having access to up-to-date and pertinent data is indispensable for making well-informed decisions. Corporate concierge services offer support in performing market research, competitor analysis, and trend forecasting.
  4. Project Management: From small-scale initiatives to large-scale projects, effective project management is critical for success.Corporate personal assistants can support organizations in planning, organizing, and executing projects efficiently, ensuring deadlines are met and objectives are achieved.
  5. Specialized Expertise: Depending on the specific needs of a business, concierge assistance can provide access to a wide range of specialized expertise, including legal, financial, marketing, and IT support.

In summary, corporate concierge services play a vital role in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness within organizations.

By outsourcing administrative tasks, leveraging specialized expertise, and accessing professional support, businesses can optimize their operations, streamline processes, and focus on driving success.

As the demand for flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solutions continues to rise, corporate concierge support is poised to become indispensable partners in the journey towards business excellence.

The post The Role of Business Concierge Services appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Midweek Memes – Once More Unto the Breach!

Wed, 2024-05-29 16:00 +0000

Someone told me that if I came here, I’d see more memes than I can shake a stick at (pardon the sentence ending preposition).

It depends on the stick, I suppose.

In any case, I’m back pulling temp duty as the mid-week memester and doing what I can to uphold the position with honor and dignity. Who am I kidding? These are memes. Yes, memes. You’d do well to remember that. Almost anything could climb the scroll.

Here we go!





















Click Play





















And finally, some Libertarian Party Jokes.




The post Midweek Memes – Once More Unto the Breach! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Debby Altschiller Thinks Eggs And Sperm Are “Social Constructs”

Wed, 2024-05-29 14:00 +0000

It would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous and destructive. Woke-Communists (a/k/a Democrats) portray themselves as “intellectuals,” in contrast to Republicans, whom they consider backward rubes. Yet it is the Woke-Communist … especially the ones portraying their garbage degrees and credentials on their social media … who are the actual dummies.

A quintessential example is Debby Altschiller.

Debby believes that “gender” is a “social construct.” So just ignore that women, and only women and never men, produce eggs. And just ignore that men, and only men and never women, produce sperm. And just ignore that you need an egg (a woman) fertilized by a sperm (a man) to have a baby. Debby apparently believes in immaculate conception or that storks bring babies:

Debby, if she really believes the nonsense she regularly spews, is a really, really, really DUMB person. Indeed, the featured image for this post … Debby wearing a CLOTH mask OUTDOORS … suggests that she really does believe all the Woke-Communist nonsense.



The post Debby Altschiller Thinks Eggs And Sperm Are “Social Constructs” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Comment of the Week Winner ….

Wed, 2024-05-29 13:00 +0000

Unrelated site business: A rise in recurring site downtime issues has prompted me to consider changing hosting companies, so the update is in a holding pattern until all the options are reviewed and a decision is made (sorry). We are not, however, waiting to find out who last week’s comment of the week winner is.

Ian Underwood.

Congrats to Ian (Again), whom I will now have to not pick for reasons we all understand. His comments always tend to be well thought out and excellent. Readers tend to vote for him if I give them the option.

We want to spread the love around, but we do love Ian’s input.

Here’s the comment!

New Hampshire’s “Red Flag” Camels Nose is Back!

Ian Underwood First, note how concerned youare about ‘infringing on the rights of innocent, law-abiding citizens’. Second, go back and check Part 1, Article 2-a of the state constitution. It protects the right to keep and bear arms… for what group of people? Innocent, law-abiding citizens? Or all persons? The other day, I saw someone who should know better make the blanket statement that ‘criminals forfeit their constitutionally protected rights after they have committed a crime and been convicted by a jury’. Really? Do they forfeit the right to freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from warrantless searches? Freedom to enter into contracts, or have children? Freedom to travel? No, they don’t. Why not? Why do they lose somerights, but not others? Because we just let judges make things up on the fly, and call whatever they say ‘the Constitution’. Conservatives who have spent decades beggingfor things like HB1711 are now acting surprised and outraged because they’re getting what they asked for:…… All of this comes back to what I said the first time I testified at a bill hearing: If the legislature is going to just ignore the state constitution, why shouldn’t the people just ignore the legislature?

The post The Comment of the Week Winner …. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

EVs Worse for the Environment Episode Number (…I’ve Lost Count)

Wed, 2024-05-29 12:00 +0000

Electric Vehicle owners continue to find themselves the victims of a massive global bait-and-switch. They bought the car thinking it would save the planet (jokes on you, fool) only to discover hidden costs, from insurance to longer and more expensive repair times, for a car that’s not really green, that isn’t running on green energy, and now this.


EVs are extremely heavy, causing significantly more wear on roads and bridges and, naturally, on the tires rolling across them.

Tyre manufacturer Michelin has previously said that conventional tyres wear out around 20pc faster in an electric vehicle, while Goodyear said they can degrade as much as 50pc faster.

Last year, research by technology firm Epyx found that, on average, tyres fitted to EVs lasted 6,350 fewer miles than those on petrol or diesel cars. The first tyre change for electric cars takes place after an average of 17,985 miles, compared to 24,335 miles for petrol and diesel cars.

Tires are not a green commodity (not that many, if any, of the self-proclaimed green ones are), which means your EV purchase, whose environmental bill of materials continues to carbonize the earth (if you still believe that’ seven a problem), can add some redder to its ledger.

Every time you need new tires, you are degrading the planet (your worldview, not mine). From manufacture to delivery to installation to the increase in particulates in the air that results from the more rapid wear (every time you drive it), you are a driving contradiction.

It reminds me of the Tyre Extinguishers. “Green’ Activists that puncture SUV tires as punishment for driving a larger Internal combustion engine. It is supposed to be pro-green, but doing so comes with a litany of dirty side effects.

How many unnecessary calls (cellular networks emit carbon) were made for tow trucks or auto club services to come and reinflate them, or calls to the police who had to drive out to file a report? And how often was it two of these things and not just one? Call the police. Call the European equivalent of AAA. Emissions, emissions, emissions.

Depending on the miles driven, round trip by police or services, plus the emissions from the compressors to reinflate the tires or generators to run the compressors, you’ve likely added a pile of unnecessary crap into the biosphere … in the name of reducing it.

And did you walk to wherever it is you went to deflate all the tires, or did you catch a ride there and there and there and back?

Depending on the type of damage (you can’t repair sidewall breaches) and the carbon footprint for the manufacture, delivery, and replacement of the old tires with new ones (we should add calls to insurance companies and all the carbon generated on that end as well), and let’s not forget the disposal of the damaged tires.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Draining The Swamp?

Wed, 2024-05-29 10:00 +0000

Although the federal administrative state probably existed before the Franklin Roosevelt administrations, those administrations ushered in a large expansion of federal agencies and more and more have arisen almost continuously thereafter.

The federal administrative state is populated and effectively controlled by unelected bureaucrats who seemingly ignore the policy will of voters expressed in presidential and congressional elections. Thus, changes in administrations in Washington frequently do not result in meaningful changes in the administrative bureaucracy and its rules and regulations.

Efforts to Drain the Swamp are usually hampered in large measure by the existing federal administrative bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of the United States effectively expanded the powers of the administrative state in 1984 in its so-called Chevron decision.
The research department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, an integral part of the Federal Reserve system, regularly publishes a variety of research papers, including a magazine named “Econ Focus.” The latest issue contains the following article, reprinted with permission, by contributor Sam Louis Taylor, on the so-called Chevron Doctrine, which appears to be a very cogent explanation of the Chevron Doctrine and what might be coming in the future for us regarding it.

[Please note that the views expressed in Econ Focus are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System.]

“Following the will of Congress is often a complicated endeavor for regulators, especially when lawmakers leave aspects of a regulatory law unclear. That uncertainty often leads to litigation.

But how should courts determine if an administrative agency has gone outside the bounds of the law when designing regulations? This is an important question for regulators, like the Fed, that have been charged with implementing laws passed by Congress.

In the 1984 landmark case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. the court established a process to determine whether an agency has acted properly in creating a regulation in the face of legislative uncertainty. This concept, commonly referred to as Chevron deference, has been a critical legal concept that has governed how courts oversee the regulatory process for the past 40 years.

In January, the Supreme Court heard arguments in two cases that could overturn Chevron and set out new expectations for how agencies should implement laws passed by Congress.

In Chevron, the Supreme Court established a two-part test to determine the lawfulness of a regulation. First, when a regulation is being challenged, a court will determine if Congress has spoken clearly on the matter. “If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter.” But if Congress does not clearly state how it wants a statute to be implemented, then courts should defer to an agency’s interpretation of the statue that is within its administration so long as it is a “permissible construction” of the law. The court based this deference on three reasons: ambiguity in a statute amounts to an implicit delegation of authority by Congress to an agency to resolve outstanding questions of implementation; an agency has greater subject matter expertise than courts to resolve this ambiguity; and an executive branch agency is a better venue for reconciling “competing political interests” than the courts because the president has greater political accountability.

The Supreme Court has combined two cases in its current term, Relentless, Inc. v. Department of Commerce and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, in which two herring fishing companies have challenged a rule from the National Marine Fisheries Service that requires the industry to pay for on-board observers to monitor federal conservation efforts. Lower courts cited Chevron in rejecting the companies’ challenges. The petitioners have asked the Supreme Court to overrule Chevron or at least significantly curtail the deference given to agency determinations.
What would be the impact of ruling against the government in these cases?

Legal scholars have predicted that agencies could become more constrained in their interpretations of statutes and more hesitant to create regulations in response to new and emerging issues without going to Congress for more authority. Experts have also observed that Congress would need to clearly state its intent when drafting laws or be willing to come back and tackle new issues as they arise. There are also predictions that regulations would more often be challenged in court because agencies could not count on judicial deference to their interpretations of statutes.

There are many in the political and legal sphere who see these potential changes as a feature, not a drawback, of overturning Chevron. In an amicus brief led by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Republican members of Congress have argued that Chevron has inappropriately expanded the role of agencies into policymaking, a power reserved for Congress. “Over time, it’s proven to be a harmful precedent because it shifts decision making away from democratically elected members of Congress to the permanent members of the bureaucracy,” the Republican members of Congress argued.

Others have argued that Congress purposefully provided agencies with leeway to respond to new threats that it could not have anticipated. A brief filed by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., on behalf of a group of Senate Democrats stated, “As industries grew more complex, Congress delegated some regulatory authority to administrative agencies. Chevron deference has been an important element in this endeavor, allowing Congress to rely on agency capacity and subject matter expertise to help carry out Congress’s broad policy objectives.”

Regulators and other interested parties will be following the ruling closely to better understand the limits courts are likely to impose on the way agencies operate in the future.”

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Wed, 2024-05-29 09:00 +0000

Marketing, as a modern digital technology, regularly changes, evolves, and modernizes. What worked before may not work next year, and vice versa. This is why it is important to always stay up-to-date and be aware of the latest online marketing strategies. A well-thought-out, structured, organized, and personalized action plan for each small business can serve as a real guide that leads to clear results. Moreover, it is essential to remember that the strategy needs to be regularly updated, expanded, and improved in accordance with the tools that appear online.

To create and develop a personalized strategy, it is better to turn to a qualified Roseville SEO company where professionals work. They will help achieve all goals and complete all tasks at a high level. Additionally, the specialists will be interested in managing the business project and will be able to implement current digital marketing technologies without problems and difficulties. The coordinated actions of the team will help expand reach, increase recognition and conversion, gather the target audience together, and find new clients, etc.

What is the Importance of an Online Marketing Strategy?

Digital marketing, as an essential approach, helps brands achieve success through the effective organization of media advertising, online campaigns, search engine optimization, and other tools. It encompasses a wide range of strategies—from content creation to email marketing, web design, and video production. Before drafting a plan for a business project to promote and optimize it, it is crucial to understand its importance. The answer is quite simple, as a marketing plan:

  • helps attract additional potential customers;
  • informs online users about the brand’s presence on the Internet;
  • showcases features, advantages, and strengths in digital format;
  • enables the sale of products or services, and much more.

Having a strategy in a business plan can be compared to a breath of fresh air, essential for every person to live fully. However, in this case, everything operates in the digital world, where only electronic types of advertising and online channels are utilized.

What effective strategies deserve the attention of modern small businesses?

To establish their presence and showcase their current products or services, small businesses need a clear marketing strategy. This strategy must be not only unique and aligned with the brand’s theme but also comprehensive, skilled, objective, and step-by-step. Various strategies can be used individually or in combination during the optimization and promotion process. The most effective include:

  1. A quality website adapted for mobile devices. Modern scenarios and approaches cannot exist without the comfortable use of web resources. Therefore, small businesses should ensure their website is designed, configured, and constructed considering all current trends. Special attention should be given to adapting the website for portable gadgets (phones, smartphones, tablets, etc.).
  2. Social media presence. This is a mandatory step that helps businesses remain visible to online users and followers. Creating a social media page is a strategy that will be successful in any case since most people use social networks. Neglecting an account can cause problems in the future, as it may be unclear why the brand does not have its web page and account there.
  3. Strengthening online reputation through SEO tools. By implementing high-quality content, businesses can reach the top rankings. The essence is that showcasing their strengths and promising aspects through texts and articles allows people to understand that the brand is trustworthy. Building trust and authority is an excellent approach to strengthen an online market reputation and target the audience by providing what they truly need.
  4. Personalization and individual approach. If products or services can solve the target audience’s problems, qualified leads can be generated and attracted. It is essential to ensure high-quality service, technical support, and find touchpoints through interaction with the target audience.
  5. Visual content – a real key to success. Attractive photos, high-quality images, and pictures should become an integral part of digital marketing. Beautiful and trendy web design on the site and in social networks will undoubtedly interest consumers and draw clients’ attention. Visual content will contribute to creating an effective presence on the World Wide Web.

Additionally, don’t forget about remarketing, which can also be an excellent internet marketing strategy, allowing businesses to target people who previously visited the website or social networks for purchases. Small businesses should also ensure a smooth customer journey (attracting consumers to the process of purchasing goods and services can be achieved through e-commerce SEO and other relevant promotion channels). It is worth noting that any of the aforementioned strategies is an excellent opportunity to ensure the prosperity of your brand.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Rep Lori Selig Does Not Give A Damn About Feeding Hungry Children

Wed, 2024-05-29 02:00 +0000

So here is a tweet (X) from Rep Lori Selig in which she accuses Republicans of not wanting “to feed hungry kids” and claims that there are “many kids across New Hampshire” who are going hungry. Both the accusation and the claim are lies. BIG LIES. But that’s what Woke-Communists like Selig do. LIE.


The bill that was defeated would have extended eligibility for free and reduced school meals from the current 185 percent of the federal poverty level  to 350 percent.  If my arithmetic is correct, the 350 percent amounts to roughly $100,000 for a family of four.

So, in order for Selig’s accusation that Republicans want hungry kids to go unfed during the school day to be true, her claim that “many kids across New Hampshire” in families making up to $100,000 “suffer an empty belly” has to be true. Please review the comments to Selig’s tweet (link above). She is repeatedly asked to provide some documentation to substantiate her claim that “many kids across New Hampshire” in families with incomes between 185 percent and 350 percent of the federal poverty level “suffer an empty belly.” She provides NOTHING.

A serious person would not make such a bold claim without having the facts and data to back it up. Selig, at a minimum, is NOT a serious person. She was, at a minimum acting with reckless indifference to the truth. However, I think it is safe to say that if there were any facts and data showing widespread hunger in families making up to $100,000 the Woke-Communists in the House and their allies at NHPR, etc. would have presented it. I think it is fair to conclude that there is no such data and, therefore, Selig was telling the BIG LIE.

Moreover, if Selig really cared about helping children she would NOT be supporting Joe Biden because the Biden-Regime’s INFLATION is destroying the standard of living of working and middle-class families.

What Selig and her Woke-Communist comrades want is power. Spreading the LIE that Republicans refuse to feed “hungry kids” helps elect Woke-Communists (“Woke-Communists”). This is what Woke-Communists do … they LIE. It is part of their DNA. Open your eyes, bitter-clingers, to what you are dealing with.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

American Psychological Association Promotes Gender Confusion to Kids

Wed, 2024-05-29 00:00 +0000

Gayle E. Pitman, the author of the book “My Maddy,” published by the American Psychological Association, promotes to boys and girls that some people can be neither male nor female. The book is about a parent that the child calls “Maddy”, a combination of Mommy and Daddy.

The first page of the book:

Most mommies are girls. Most daddies are boys. But lots of parents are neither a boy nor a girl.

No mention is made of the child’s other parent or who gave birth to him. However, Maddy has a masculine face and the book says that Maddy’s face feels like sandpaper against the child’s face, so the reader can assume he wasn’t the one who gave birth to the child and we never find out what happened to the child’s mother. The reader can only assume that the mother is not around because this mentally unbalanced parent has destroyed their relationship in pursuit of his gender obsession.

This book promotes to children the idea that if they aren’t comfortable with their sex they could be non-binary. It sows gender confusion in children.

The mission of the American Psychological Association should be to help alleviate mental health problems. With this book, they are working to create mental health problems in children. They should rename themselves to the American Psycho Association.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Uncivil War The Left So Desperately Wants

Tue, 2024-05-28 22:00 +0000

I was working on a long-form Substack post for Memorial Day, and as I was revisiting the history, something interesting occurred to me. The Civil War’s Decoration Day became Memorial Day, and one of the South’s pre-Civil War Concerns is similar to modern Americans’ current problems.

It is the overwhelming political influence of densely populated urban or industrialized areas (in the North) over most of the rural population, its character, and its culture. In the 1800s, the North was growing in population, which resulted in majority representation in Congress. This would then influence national policy that threatened the pre-Civil War South—not just slavery but nearly everything from commerce to culture. It was a legitimate concern elucidated by political thinkers like John Calhoun. It worried them enough to start a war.

One hundred and seventy years later (more or less), our mostly rural landscapes have been overrun (politically) by densely populated cities. Large cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago dominate statewide elections as they would a national one (National Popular Vote). Portland and Seattle drive the politics in Washington and Oregon. Maine has recently fallen to the political left thanks to progressive heat islands like Portland, Lewiston, and Bangor.

Most of America’s rural landscape is increasingly tilted politically by a handful of growing progressive population centers that have nothing in common with the rest of most states (or the nation).

Is it an odd twist of history that rural interests are in a political fight to prevent the urban progressives from turning all of us (effectively) into slaves of the state? A state looking to suppress speech, the right to defend ourselves, our mobility, privacy, sovereignty, and even our food choices.

I suppose the unanswered question is if the Left is genuinely willing to do anything to protect the Statist Uniparty Cabal’s hold on power, will it lead to another civil war – and one without so clearly drawn lines?

I’m not advocating it (that’s for our friends in the NSA and the FBI). But the Dems have been acting like they intend to do things that would incite one (broad language banning so-called ‘militias,’ for example, attacking a popular president, jailing his supporters, and the escalation of surveillance along with its war on so-called misinformation campaigns).

I’ve long said the Blob would love a gunfight. It’s an excuse to institute Marshall law – to conscript local law enforcement under national control and institute oppressive emergency orders. It is a progressive Command and control infrastructure wet dream.

I’m not saying it would work or not inflame any resistance, but I think they’ve wanted it since at least Obama.

If Trump wins and they can’t steal it back, and they don’t assassinate him (and I think they would do that to start the war they want), their coordinated post-election street violence will do its best to get someone to shoot back and escalate the national conflict.

You have to remember that to a proper Marxist, you have to wreck everything before you can rebuild the alleged paradise, and it is of little concern to them the cost to the nation or anyone in it.

There’s nothing civil about civil war, but there are unknown numbers of foreign agitators among us as well, who are very likely here to instigate and then take advantage of any internal conflict if it starts.

I know. Happy Tuesday!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Michael Strand Says NH-Democrats Should NOT Be Allowed Near Children!

Tue, 2024-05-28 20:00 +0000

Wow! WOW! WOW, WOW, WOW! A Woke-Communist … oh, I’m sorry, I am sure he would prefer “Democrat” … from that bastion of white privilege called Bedford has stood up for children. More specifically, see the tweet (X) below, where he says that Democrats should not be allowed near children:

I am confident that Strand has no idea that National Socialism was a socialism based on race and other identity factors AND that of all the historic ‘isms, the ideology of the NH-Democrats (which I call Woke-Communism) most resembles National Socialism. Stated more succinctly, it is Strand and she/her Selig and their ilk who are the Neo-Nazis.

I discussed the similarity between NH-Democrats and Nazis in Heil Diversity … Heil Equity … Heil Inclusion.  Read it … National Socialism was NOT a “right-wing” ideology. It was a manifestation of socialism. This is a FACT. It may be an inconvenient fact for people like Strand. But it is still a fact.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Time is Running Out for the Gulf of Maine!Urgent!

Tue, 2024-05-28 18:00 +0000

Who will stand up for the people and the oceans? Who will show up for us? There is not enough data on what will become of our fragile Gulf of Maine if this is allowed. From the lobsters to the endangered Right Whales, it must be addressed, and it is not. All reps and senate members should be attending or send a rep for them. Our gulf is too important.

The only thing green about offshore wind is the subsidies/money being handed to foreign companies.

Don’t Saudi Arabia the Gulf of Maine, which is what Sen. Watters wants to do.

We only have limited time to fight this, as the subsidies are running out. Our fragile Gulf of Maine will not survive offshore wind industrialization. It is right in the path of right whale migration and feeding grounds. Our shores will look like NJ shores with a dead mammal a day. Show up to these meetings, say DON’T!

BOEM – Follow the link.

  • Open House – Portland, Maine
    • Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    • Time: 5-8 p.m.
    • Location: Holiday Inn Portland-by the Bay (88 Spring Street Portland, ME 04101)
    • Registration
    • Agenda
  • Open House – Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    • Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
    • Time: 5-8 p.m.
    • Location: Urban Forestry Center (45 Elwyn Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801)
    • Registration
    • Agenda
  • Open House – Danvers, Massachusetts
    • Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
    • Time: 5-8 p.m.
    • Location: DoubleTree by Hilton, North Shore (50 Ferncroft Rd, Danvers, MA 01923)
    • Registration
    • Agenda

If you can’t make a meeting there are instructions here (below the meeting schedule) to submit comments online.

Detailed information video…


Share and show up, if you care… over 80 Cetacean deaths since January on the east coast where offshore wind is running or surveyed!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No, Corporate Profits Don’t Cause Inflation

Tue, 2024-05-28 16:00 +0000

The Guardian reported,

A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.

The report, compiled by the progressive Groundwork Collaborative think tank, found corporate profits accounted for about 53% of inflation during last year’s second and third quarters. Profits drove just 11% of price growth in the 40 years prior to the pandemic, according to the report.

Is this true? Unraveling this mysterious relationship between corporate profit and inflation is easy once we clearly define what profit and inflation are. This allegation that corporate profits accounted for 53 percent of inflation is a result of using wrong definitions and reasoning by mainstream economics researchers.

First, let us see what inflation is. As Henry Hazlitt explained in his article “Inflation in One Page,” inflation is “an increase in the quantity of money and credit. Its chief consequence is soaring prices. Therefore inflation—if we misuse the term to mean the rising prices themselves—is caused solely by printing more money. For this the government’s monetary policies are entirely responsible.”

Faulty reasoning by mainstream economists occurs because of their faulty way of mistaking the price rise effect of inflation as inflation itself. They are putting the cart before the horse. Rising prices is only one of the chief effects of inflation, not inflation itself.

Another mistake that mainstream economists make is that they use the long disproved Marxist “production cost/labor theory of value” to explain the rise in the prices of consumer goods, as is the case with this research done by the Groundwork Collaborative think tank. Production cost (corporate profit) doesn’t determine the prices of consumer goods. The subjective value of the consumer determines those prices. In this article I do not have the space to discuss this very important subjective value theory. I advise my readers to study the literature of the Austrian School of economics.

They also mistake individual commodity price fluctuation for inflation. In a market economy, prices of various commodities are always changing. Such price fluctuation doesn’t reflect the mythical general price level that mainstream economists use to measure inflation.

Also, if corporate profits explain the rise in prices of consumer goods—what mainstream economists call inflation—then what explains the rise in the prices of producer goods? The same corporate profits? We need to remember here that inflation not only increases the prices of consumer goods but also producer goods. When the supply of money rises due to the Fed’s easy money policies of creating dollars out of thin air, it dilutes the purchasing power (value) of all existing dollars in the economy. And because dollars are legal tender money (a common medium of exchange), they will buy less of both consumer and producer goods (i.e., looking from the goods side it will look as if their prices have gone up). Actually, the dollar is losing its value and so buying less of everything against which it is being used in market exchange.

We next look at profit. Here is Ludwig von Mises explaining profit:

In the capitalist system of society’s economic organization the entrepreneurs determine the course of production. In the performance of this function they are unconditionally and totally subject to the sovereignty of the buying public, the consumers. If they fail to produce in the cheapest and best possible way those commodities which the consumers are asking for most urgently, they suffer losses and are finally eliminated from their entrepreneurial position. Other men who know better how to serve the consumers replace them.

If all people were to anticipate correctly the future state of the market, the entrepreneurs would neither earn any profits nor suffer any losses. They would have to buy the complementary factors of production at prices which would, already at the instant of the purchase, fully reflect the future prices of the products. No room would be left either for profit or for loss. What makes profit emerge is the fact that the entrepreneur who judges the future prices of the products more correctly than other people do buys some or all of the factors of production at prices which, seen from the point of view of the future state of the market, are too low. Thus the total costs of production—including interest on the capital invested—lag behind the prices which the entrepreneur receives for the product. This difference is entrepreneurial profit.

As Mises explained, an entrepreneur will earn (corporate) profit only if he successfully anticipates this mismatch between the present prices of producer goods versus the future prices of the consumer goods that these producer goods will help produce. The difference between the prices of producer goods and consumer goods is profit.

Once we define profits clearly, we can see corporate profits are not responsible for causing inflation. It is, in fact, inflation that affects the profit calculation of an entrepreneur by raising the prices of both consumer and producer goods. Prices of consumer goods are rising because some of the consumers—let’s say from the state of California—are receiving freshly printed dollars, which they are using to bid the prices of consumer goods higher. Those who are at the end of this market process are facing higher prices and seeing their dollars’ purchasing power diluted. Those same dollars are also chasing producer goods, raising their prices. Some entrepreneurs can judge this gap between producer and consumer goods in a better way than others, and so they are making profits. The mainstream researchers are forgetting that many unsuccessful entrepreneurs aren’t properly judging this gap, and so they are making losses and going out of business. Are these corporate losses also causing inflation/deflation?

All in all, the present study by the Groundwork Collaborative think tank represents the classic case of spurious correlation. Spurious correlation is when on the face of it there seems to be a causal relationship between two variables, but the theory says there isn’t any. Mainstream researchers in the present study forgot the basic statistical caveat that “correlation doesn’t mean causation.” If they used the right definitions of both inflation and (corporate) profits, then they would’ve seen that it is the US Federal Reserve that is creating inflation, which in turn is affecting corporate profits.

Madhusudan Raj | Mises Wire We heartily encourage reprints and shares of Mises Wire articles. If you wish to reproduce an article in your blog, magazine, radio show, newspaper column, classroom material, textbook, discussion group, website, or any other venue, please do so. The original publication source must be included in an appropriate place.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden Does Not Live In The Day

Tue, 2024-05-28 14:00 +0000

That Joe Biden does not live in the day is not my original thought. I heard it somewhere in the last couple of weeks and wish I could give proper credit as it is a fitting explanation for his perpetual string of bad policies and decisions. He cannot grasp the pulse of today’s America and sees the other side as a collection of MAGA Republicans, Racists, and White Supremacists. This labeling from the president who urged unity and civility, His name calling is about as unifying as Hillary Clinton in last season’s pantsuit after she packed on an extra fifteen. Joe Biden has a dark, ominous view of America, which may be why he wants to destroy her.

Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse College, and I am sure the hierarchy at Morehouse regrets their choice. A commencement speech should congratulate and enable the graduates to identify future opportunities and feel proud of their accomplishments. Biden did anything but. His speech was dark and painted a dismal picture of the future. He told these Black graduates that the world was stacked against them and they needed to be ten times better than White graduates to achieve the same results. He harped about the systemic racism that plagues his world and the greatest threat to our country being the White Supremacy of the MAGA Republicans on the Right. These baseless claims are where Joe loses touch with reality and the America we live in.

There is no systemic racism in America except in the minds of people like Joe Biden, who use the concept as a subliminal weapon against their opponents. In Biden’s mind, America is still in the 60s, 1960, or 1860, when the White population looked down upon people of color and opportunities were few for people of color. We have come so far from those eras, and for most Americans, we have no color wheel for people. We judge people on their merits and potential, regardless of pigment. For people like Al Sharpton and Joe Biden, they have no purpose unless they can convince people of color that they are still oppressed and inferior. It is time for these folks to come into today’s world and start living on their merits and accomplishments and leave the rhetoric in the past.

Biden set the same tone when addressing the NAACP at their 69th Annual Fight for Freedom Fun held in Detroit. Joe needs to court the Black community, especially in key battleground states like Michigan, where he sees his lead over Trump shrinking or gone. The president introduced himself as a lifetime member of the NAACP. There is no proof of this, like there is none that he grew up in a Black Church or is part Puerto Rican. This opening line set the pace for a speech the White House would need to issue nine corrections to Biden’s flawed delivery. This speech was read off a teleprompter, and the president could not read it accurately. How will he ever navigate a 90-minute debate with Trump? I do not see that happening.

These are just a couple of examples of how out of touch Biden is and the difficulty he has in delivering a prepared speech. The White House and DNC must limit this man’s time behind a mic or in front of the public. The choice seems clear for the Democrats. They either need to bury Joe in his Delaware basement ala 2020 or replace him before the convention, but no viable options are waiting in the bullpen. The Dems are going to ride this one horse pony until November. You might want to place your bet for Old Joe to Place!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

Tue, 2024-05-28 12:00 +0000

From the take the wins when you get them file, the World Health Organization has gone into its yearly meeting with health ministers absent any agreement on a global Pandemic Treaty.

Roland Driece, co-chair of W.H.O.’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged countries were unable to deliver an agreed proposal. W.H.O. had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva.

“We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity” even as a host of countries disagreed with the basic principle that unelected, unaccountable, health bureaucrats could somehow decide major global decisions on government policies.

That’s a huge win, but they are not giving up.

Addressing a sullen final day of negotiations, the W.H.O. chief insisted, “This is not a failure.”

“We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty,” Tedros said. “Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist.”

Challenges like lying about the threat, lying about mortality, lying about nonpharmaceutical interventions, and lying about the safety and efficacy of existing drugs. Lying about the safety and efficacy of the (mandated/preferred) inoculation. It is the shortlist, I know, but you also know that the pandemic treaty didn’t address any of these “challenges.” It did, however, try very hard to make it illegal to question all the lying. What, exactly, that has to do with health remains a mystery.

We have several ‘States’ (like the UK) to thank for the treaty’s current state of interoperability, but none of them are the United States. Biden was in favor, as are his media allies, who insist there is no conspiracy to enact global health governance. Of course, these are the same entities responsible not just for the dissemination of the lies listed in the previous paragraph but also for working to discredit and silence anyone who dared to contradict them.

In other words, don’t put this win to bed. The Left never gives up on anything, and yes, pushing back is exhausting, but “Tyranny Never Rests – So Neither Shall We.”


The post The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Stand With Joe Biden … You Are Standing With An Actual White-Supremacist

Tue, 2024-05-28 10:00 +0000

Isn’t that a lovely picture of Angie Brennan and the imposter-figurehead-President Joe Biden. But does Little Miss Angie know she is standing with a White-Supremacist? For example, Biden believes that White people like him should get to decide who is a “real Black” and who is not. Remember this from 2020:

And this was NOT a “one-off.” Just recently, Biden told graduates at Morehouse College essentially that they had just wasted four years because America is pervasively and incurably racist … the clear implication being that these graduates will amount to nothing without Great White Father Biden in the White House. A variation on 2020’s “you ain’t Black.”

Little Miss Angie badly needs to recalibrate her #decency meter.

The post If You Stand With Joe Biden … You Are Standing With An Actual White-Supremacist appeared first on Granite Grok.

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