The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 23 sec ago

Is Big Wind Sucking Fumes?

Sun, 2024-06-02 12:00 +0000

The Biden economy has meant most of us are taking a beating but that group includes Big Wind. Inflation makes everything cost more, as does demand, and false demand for wind energy coupled with other factors have made the business anything but profitable.

Siemens Gamesa [the Spanish renewable spin-off of German parent Siemens Energy] plans to cut about 4,100 jobs from its wind turbine division as the company continues to restructure its business. The downsizing, reported May 28 by Reuters, impacts about 15% of the company’s workforce. The news service said the layoffs were noted in an internal letter to staff from CEO Jochen Eickholt. The cuts were expected after the company reported a €4.6 billion ($4.9 billion) loss in 2023, triggered by the suspension of sales for two wind turbine models.

Rising costs have resulted in a growing number of canceled developments, as the price guarantees required to lower the cost of energy are impossible for even Democratic governors to sign off on. Without the bailouts, handouts, and prop-ups, the industry is struggling.

More from Hot Air

Don’t think for two seconds that Biden and his little Green henchmen don’t realize the tax credits and subsidy losses are killing the grift. These renewables simply, as the Warren Buffet quote above makes clear and anyone in CA knows, cannot exist in a free market state. They cannot stand on their own. They have to have the government propping them up, basically forever.

So that’s what Biden’s proposing and for a wide swath of his climate cult friends. Every little pig to the trough!

Locally, you’ll have likely heard that New Hampshire has an offshore wind commission to prop up Dave ‘Whale Killer’ Watters’s green dreams. The project is truly a three-state boondoggle, including Massachusetts and Maine. The NH Commies have been meeting for years, but there’s been very little public-facing evidence, and more people who should know about it don’t than do. Recent meetings to fast-track this scam before Biden is de-selected as president hope to tap into and seal a deal on more taxpayer money.

I’m not sure your great-grandchildren will appreciate the additional debt and interest you’ll have heaped upon them for no good reason, especially since there’s s a rumor we’re chasing that while the cables will be onshored in Seabrook, New Hampshire, Granite Staters might not be getting any of the power.

It makes you wonder why we’ve got a commission. If this is like Northern Pass, you’d expect them to want to keep it as quiet as possible. Piss off the fisherman, lobsterman, and everyone else who is against it – and as they learn in the last day’s efforts to seal the deal (at the expense of the seals, perhaps), it would be inconvenient to learn we get nothing out of it.

I assume it can be built, and given everything else I’ve written, there’s no guarantee, so assume it will and act like you’d rather it not.

Meeting times and dates are available here – the next one is Monday. If you cna go, get us some video or sound, please. They won’t want to let you take, and they won’t want to answer our questions, but that’s good content if you can get it.



The post Is Big Wind Sucking Fumes? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nothing, and I Mean Nothing, Can Stop Trump!

Sun, 2024-06-02 10:00 +0000

In the annals of American history, moments of undeniable momentum and change are marked by a singular certainty: Nothing can stop what is coming. Such is the case as we stand on the precipice of a transformative period in our nation’s journey. The echoes of past struggles and triumphs resonate through the corridors of power, yet the future beckons with a promise of renewal and rebirth.

Let us venture bravely into the heart of the storm, wading into the forces shaping our destiny, and give a big salute to the indomitable spirit that fuels the march towards a brighter tomorrow. Amidst all these clashes and cacophony, one truth emerges clear and unyielding: The momentum of progress cannot be halted.

Let’s face it: In the face of adversity, Donald J. Trump stands tall, unyielding in the face of a rigged political witch hunt. This false conviction on charges stemming from an unjust trial marks a pivotal moment in American history, one that is more than a raging debate within the nation. Amidst the turmoil, Trump’s resilience and unwavering commitment to his principles shine through for the millions of Americans who share his vision for the future.

The trial that has led to Trump’s conviction has been met with skepticism and controversy all around, with a big question mark on its fairness and impartiality. It is beyond mere assertion that the proceedings were part of a more extensive political witch hunt, and the entire ordeal is nothing short of a politically motivated attempt to silence him. The raids on his home, the arrest, and the subsequent conviction all lead to outrage and disbelief, fueling fears of a two-tiered justice system where the powerful are exempt from the laws they enforce upon others.

Amidst the chaos, Trump’s call to action is clear and compelling. We all have to rally behind him to push back against an unprecedented attack on the freedoms of countless Americans. His words are a rallying cry, a clarion call to unite and fight for the values he believes define America’s greatness. Once again, with the White House within reach, Trump is asking us to stand shoulder to shoulder with him to ensure that Biden understands the strength and resolve of those who oppose him.

Trump’s vision for America is unity, strength, and prosperity. He promises to lead the charge against what he perceives as the forces seeking to undermine the nation’s very fabric. By uniting under his banner, Trump believes that his supporters can turn the tide, ensuring that Joe Biden’s chances of securing a second term come to an abrupt end. This is not merely a battle for the presidency; it is a struggle for the soul of America to ensure that the country remains true to its founding principles.

The choice is evident as we stand on the brink of a historic moment. Will we allow the voices of dissent and division to drown out the calls for unity and strength? Or will we rise to the occasion, standing firm with Donald J. Trump as he fights to reclaim the White House and restore America to its rightful place as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the world?

This is our moment. This is our chance to make history. With Trump at the helm, leading the charge against injustice and for the preservation of American ideals, we have the opportunity to ensure that Joe Biden regrets ever challenging the will of the people. Together, we can make America great again.

The spirit of the American people shines brightest. As we approach the critical moment of truth on November 5th, the real power lies not in the halls of justice or the chambers of Congress but in the hands of every voter nationwide. Joe Biden and the Democrats may seek to manipulate the narrative and use trial outcomes to sway public opinion. Still, the accurate measure of a leader—and the fate of our nation—will be determined by the will of the people at the ballot box.

This election is not just another vote but a referendum on the essence of what America stands for. It tests whether we will allow the political elite to dictate our destiny or if we, the citizens, will take control of our future. The choice before us is stark: continue down the path of division and mistrust or unite behind a leader who promises to restore the pillars of strength, freedom, and prosperity that made America great.

Donald Trump has stood firm against the challenges thrown at him, refusing to be silenced or deterred from his mission to Make America Great Again. Now, it falls to us – the voters – to echo his call to action. On November 5th, let us send a resounding message to Washington: We will not be swayed by sham trials or manipulated by political games. Our verdict will be cast in ballots, and we will choose our path forward together.

Vote Trump. Stand with him. Let our collective voice be heard, loud and clear, as we reaffirm our commitment to the principles that bind us Americans. This is our moment to seize, our chance to shape the future. United, we can ensure that Joe Biden and the Democrats understand that America’s true power resides with its people and that on November 5th, we will make our voices heard.

The post Nothing, and I Mean Nothing, Can Stop Trump! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Trump Verdict … I Told You So

Sun, 2024-06-02 02:00 +0000

One year ago I told you bitter-clingers that this was coming … that the Left and the UniParty-GOP would NEVER let Trump become President again … that they would do anything and everything to maintain their grip on power. From last April:

Perhaps the worst take I’ve seen on the Bragg indictment was on this site: Alvin Bragg Just Elected Donald Trump. Take off the rose-colored glasses and look around you … half the voters in this country, the Blue half, want their political opponents put in jail.

The Bragg indictment is just the beginning. Georgia is going to indict Trump … you know the grand jury headed by that woke forewoman who told the regime-media that she fantasizes about personally serving a subpoena on Trump … on bogus charges too.

And the Biden-regime’s totally corrupt DOJ is going to indict Trump on bogus charges too.

And if somehow Trump … despite all these political prosecutions, and despite elections in the crucial swing-States: AZ, GA, NV, PA being rigged … manages to win the general election, the Left will ASSASSINATE him. They will kill him rather than allow him to become President again.

And if you don’t think the permanent government in Washington DC would assassinate Trump if that is what it takes to keep him out of power, then you are willfully blind to what America has become.

Yet even though Trump is a mere months from being tossed into jail or house-arrest or whatever is coming next, you bitter-clingers refuse to acknowledge that you are living in a Police State. That America, “land of the free,” no longer exists. That America is, at best, a pseudo-democracy.

But just keep telling yourselves that the same people who are celebrating a Stalinist show-trial are going to conduct a fair election.


The post Night Cap: Trump Verdict … I Told You So appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cradle-To-Grave Community Schools Are Spreading …

Sun, 2024-06-02 00:00 +0000

The Seabrook School Board has been challenging the implementation of the Community School Model for their school. While Community Schools sound good for families, that’s not the case.

Community Schools were developed by the CDC for public schools. They are called Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child schools. Essentially, parents are marginalized because some people believe that public schools can do a far better job of raising children. Read more about that here.

While that may be the case for some neglected children who attend public schools, that’s not the case for all Seabrook families. Over the past year, Seabrook parents have been attending school board meetings and asking the administrators to focus on academics (low proficiency scores) and persistent bullying.

I recently wrote to the Superintendent in SAU21 about the Community School Model and questioned why this is a priority for Seabrook. I mentioned the numerous problems that erupt when reformers turn public schools into medical and mental health clinics for children. New Hampshire couldn’t even vaccinate children properly last year. Two NH children were vaccinated after their parents told the schools NOT to vaccinate their children. When parents are absent or removed from the process, expect big mistakes to occur. Years ago in PA, 6th-grade girls were forced to undergo a vaginal exam without their parent’s knowledge or consent.

The School Board members in Seabrook have been questioning and pushing back on the grant money that will be used to implement the Community School Model. I attended a school board meeting recently where the administrators made it sound like this is all about expanding preschool. Why would anyone care about expanding preschool for children? (Discussion starts at 21:30)

While I’m not opposed to preschool, expanding preschool doesn’t address the pressing problems in the school. It may provide free daycare for working families, but there was no mention of using the $1.3 MILLION dollars in federal aid for working families. One gets the impression that preschool is so important that they must accept the federal money in order to improve the quality of education in the school. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Studies have shown that preschoolers do not make long-term real academic gains. In fact, preschool is supposed to be more about socializing than academics anyway. So how does that help with the problems that plague this school?

Years ago, a Head Start Study, which I included in my email to the Superintendent here, exposed the fallacy of pushing universal preschool. Head Start showed no lasting value to children. Education researchers pointed to the need to focus on elementary and secondary schools.

Sci-Tech Daily recently ran an article reporting on a study from Teachers College, Columbia University, the University of Virginia, the University of California-Irvine, and the University of Delaware That Revealed the Varied Impact of Preschool Programs on Long-Term School Success.


The study, “Unsettled Science on longer-run effects of early education,” published today (May 2) in the journal Science, examined published evaluations of well-established, publicly funded preschool programs using rigorous designs. The four evaluations reported a mix of positive, negative, and no differences in the school performance of children who did and did not attend preschool programs in elementary school and beyond.
Although most recent evaluations show public preschool programs improve literacy and math skills at school entry, that advantage fades quickly after children enter elementary school.


This is essentially what the Head Start Study showed, too.

So why is the federal government moving forward with money for schools to implement the expansion of preschool? Maybe it’s not really about preschool as we’ve been led to believe.

When the Principal of Seabrook resigned recently, he admitted that it was because the board wasn’t supporting the mental health of the students. HUH? I thought this was about preschool. Now the Principal is saying this money is to support the students’ mental health. I’m not surprised, with the Community School model, public schools become mental and medical clinics but with a long list of problems that follow.

What else did they have in store for Seabrook and SAU21?

I filed a 91-a Right to Know Request asking to see emails that were exchanged on this federal grant. Within one of the emails you will find a link to the U.S. Department of Education. The US DoE provides a short video on how to implement “logic models.”  If you fast forward to about the 12-minute mark, you can see how they plan to collect data on the students and track them through their lifetime. No students are exempt, and there’s no way to opt out. Community School grant money has been sent to Manchester, Seabrook, Ringe, and Concord.

As you can see from these emails, the goal wasn’t just to expand preschool but to begin with infants and expand it to all of the schools in SAU21.

Screenshot Screenshot

Do we have an integrity problem in SAU21?

The board wasn’t told this; they were told it was all about expanding preschool. Go here and listen at the 21:30 mark. This is beginning to look like an integrity issue with the SAU21 administrators. The Seabrook School Board then voted to review all grant applications in excess of $25k. They want to make sure that they agree with what the administrators are doing.

This really wasn’t about expanding preschool at all. This is exactly what the CDC envisions for all schools: Cradle to Grave, where the government promises to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. They are going to collect and share data on your children from birth through their careers.

What’s the problem with that?
Emmett McGroarty, an attorney, described to the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking in Washington, D.C., that the federal government’s data mining can have an intimidating effect on individuals, even if the data is never used.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Alvin Bragg Won The Battle, But Lost The War

Sat, 2024-06-01 22:00 +0000

Until I can write about this ridiculous, rigged trial being overturned, I hope this will be my last article on this sad chapter in our history. Alvin Bragg, like Leticia James, is the epitome of the new generation of legal minds who do not fight crime but people. Bragg and James campaigned on the promise that they would “get” Donald Trump. Neither had specific crimes they could point to, but this trial proved you do not need a crime to convict your target. The actual crime that New York was trying Trump for violating was not disclosed until the summation and directions to the jury. That violates the 5th Amendment, just one of many reasons this verdict will be overturned. Democrats like to profess they are the Party of the Rule of Law, but this trial shows how far from the Law they run.

The tone for Republicans was evident as soon as the verdict was announced. The number of people flocking to the Trump website was so large that the site crashed for a short time until the techs could resurrect it and get the cash register running smoothly again. James Madison wrote about a day like today in the Federalist Papers. Madison, along with Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, wrote extensively in The Federalist Papers to warn a budding new democracy of the dangers of a mob, or faction, rule, and those brilliant men who came together to give birth to this great country made provisions to overcome such a day. This dark day in our history will put those plans to the test. No one is above the law, but this trial showed that the law, used as a weapon, can bring anyone down.

Alvin Bragg went to the podium within hours of the verdict, thanked the jury, and praised the prosecution team for bringing the correct ending to this trial of Donald Trump. He explained that this type of white-collar crime is the purpose of the office of the District Attorney. That is such a sad and stupid statement and so understandable coming from a George Soros-planted DA. As New York City is turning into a hell-hole because of the litany of crimes that Bragg announced on his first day, his office would not pursue.

Among the crimes, Bragg said his office would not prosecute:

  • Marijuana misdemeanors, including selling more than three ounces.
  • Not paying public transportation fare.
  • Trespassing, except a fourth-degree stalking charge
  • Resisting arrest
  • Obstructing governmental administration
  • Prostitution.

Alvin Bragg believes not prosecuting these offenses will make the city safer and the criminal justice system more fair. Those are the beliefs of a man who should not have the power of the office of District Attorney. On the day that Bragg was holding his post-trial celebration, a man was attacking patrons with a machete in a New York McDonald’s. Boy, Trump’s conviction sure made the day safer for those folks.

And let’s talk about this “praiseworthy” jury. These 12 men and women and the dozens of alternates did not ask to be on this jury, but they certainly did not take their responsibility seriously. I have been on three juries, and none of the cases held the weight of this trial. They were simple assault or burglary cases that took hours of deliberation and compromise to decide a verdict. There were many rounds before a unanimous consensus was reached. In this case, the jury took only a few hours and one free lunch to reach a consensus on 34 indictments.

That is absurd.

The testimony of a hooker/pornstar and a convicted perjurer was in no way persuasive enough to satisfy reasonable doubt on every fabricated charge. The task this jury faced had some pundits predicting at least a week of deliberation and would still probably produce a hung jury, not for this bunch of the newest Liberal heroes. They had to set a record for the quickest time to convict a man, with no prior criminal history, of nearly three dozen charges, or maybe they were just playing their role in this charade. With every bad decision by Bragg and the wrong ruling by Merchan, this outcome should have been obvious. Those few hours in the Jury Room will profoundly impact our country’s future.

The post Alvin Bragg Won The Battle, But Lost The War appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Lotus Effect

Sat, 2024-06-01 22:00 +0000

(Credit: Header image from here.)


I wrote the following essay on my old blog, specifically about the “sudden” explosion of Islamic migrants in many Western countries:


E The Islamic Lotus


From that above link – and note the year, 2018! – I pulled this screen grab of an analogy I’d read – and cited from memory – in a scifi book about why Neanderthals (hidden among us) didn’t see rising Homo Sapiens as a dire threat until they were overwhelmed “suddenly” by us (no, I don’t recall the name of the book but it was an entertaining read):



And, indeed, we’re suddenly noticing.



Muslim says: “We don’t need guns, Islam will conquer Germany by outbreeding you” (

If you are not shaken to your core by this, something is wrong with you (

Remember this video?


Do keep in mind this was made several years ago.  It’s worse, and visibly so, now… but it’s only suddenly that we’re really seeing it.  Here is another, discussing Canada, more recent:

“By 2060, Muslims will be the biggest religious group the world over. […] Are you going to oppose sharia even then? We have families. We are making babies. You’re not. […]One day we can have a Muslim majority nation here in Canada. Right in your face”


And I don’t have it bookmarked on this computer, but I remember some years ago seeing a video of an Imam in Europe preaching to a crowd of Muslims that the future belongs to them.  ON CUE, every family there with children raised up their infants and toddlers.  They have a vision and a plan, and think in decades and centuries – while our politicians and even public, for the most part, think until the next election.

Goodbye Andalus.  I mean Spain.

Goodbye Greece.

Goodbye Germany and Austria.  Jan Sobieski III weeps.


See also Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis and While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within




But it’s far bigger than merely Islamic hijra.

In the last few years we’ve seen multiple topics where seemingly-small things have – in some cases literally – exploded into view, very publicly.  There is the food crisis – which gets people grumbling about prices and occasional shortages but is not of great concern as yet, but which will only truly be noticed when shelves look like this:



Mass Starvation: Here’s Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared – Activist Post

Meat prices are creeping up and up, fed by the Dread Pirate Climate Change, plus now fears of the Dread Pirate Bird Flu.  This also affects milk products, and everything that depends on them.  Never mind all the food plants, dairies, and chicken farms spontaneously combusting – plus the East Palestine disaster…



We’re now seeing, with the prosecutions persecutions of President Trump, just how deeply-rooted political considerations, never mind financial payoffs and graft, are in the supposedly-impartial Judicial system.

CONGRESS: Anti-Trump Investigator Mark Pomerantz Forced To Plead Fifth When Asked If He BROKE THE LAW Investigating Trump (Video) – The Lid (

REVEALED: Attorney Prosecuting Trump in Manhattan Took THOUSANDS in DNC Cash. (

Dirty Judge Tied to Jeffrey Epstein Signed Off on DOJ Plot to Get Witness to ‘Flip’ on Trump – The Politics Brief

In general we’re looking at at least two, if not more, levels of law enforcement.

Attorney General Merrick Garland will be held in CONTEMPT of Congress for refusing to hand over audio recordings of Biden’s special counsel interview where Robert Hur concluded he’s an ‘elderly man’ with a ‘poor memory’ | Daily Mail Online

And a last-minute addition after the Trump sham conviction: Now, more than ever before, people are realizing the dual-or-more levels of justice in this country.  Awareness, at last.

Retail theft has always been an irritant.  But now it’s at staggering proportions.

Retail Theft Ring Busts Reveal Some Hard Truths – American Thinker

Banks are failing.  Financial collapse from relentless additions of debt is inevitable.  Inflation is not controlled.

More Banks on the Verge of Failure as Bidenomics Buffets Nation – The Lid (

Campuses have been hotbeds of anti-American (never mind anti-Jew) hate.  DIE and critical theory and all:


Bill Whittle and Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School



DEATH TO AMERICA is screamed openly, with parallel calls for Communist revolutions – and often from the same mouths.  We’re only really seeing this now, as American flags are pulled down, and replaced.

Unmasking the Insurrection: How Gaza Protests Serve a Bigger Agenda – Flopping Aces (bolding in original):

It has been clear from the outset that the organizations fomenting disturbances on American college campuses were effectively political fronts for Hamas, a murderous terrorist organization. Now those organizations are beginning to drop even the pretense of operating lawfully. They are now openly calling for revolution and threatening terrorist attacks here on U.S. soil.

Other actions are not just spoken of in abstract terms either.





They openly want to see the US – the “empire founded on capitalism” – destroyed.  See video here.

And many more examples.  All with one overarching theme – these movements / changes been building for years, but only as they enter a crisis level do they register with our conscious minds.




It does seem to be that way.

I had the occasion to reread an essay of mine from a few years ago:

Just Give Me Yavneh – Liberty’s Torch (

Note how, in case after case, people say “Oh, that can’t happen here” or “That’s just not possible” or some such.  Same thing here.  And while nobody wants to be in a situation where every single thing that comes across our consciousness should cause twitches of paranoia and fear, lest our system overload from the Boy who cried wolf syndrome, at the same time, worry has a function.

Normalcy bias is a real thing.  Stability privilege is a real thing.  And things are about to get very, very unstable.  The avalanche has started.  We’re about to see the anomaly end.



We’re in the endgame of the spreading lotus plant on many, many fronts.  Prepare yourself.



The post The Lotus Effect appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Travesty for What Used To Be a Constitutonal Republic

Sat, 2024-06-01 20:00 +0000

Whether someone supports Trump or not, if they can’t see that this case and ALL of the other cases against Trump are 100% politically motivated and completely bogus, they should not be allowed to hold office or vote in ANY future election because they are either too dumb to realize the damage that this has done to the American justice system or they are too corrupt and their lust for power so strong that they would do ANYTHING including destroy the country to stay in power.

The Alvin Bragg indictment used a Federal election law concerning the reporting of election expenses and cobbled that together with a New York statute, of which the statute of limitations had expired, to bring 34 charges that amount to a Trump employee marking a legitimate “Legal Expense” as a legal expense, instead of marking it as a campaign expense when the payment had nothing to do with Trump’s presidential campaign.

The judge, who donated large sums of money to the F Joe Biden campaign and that has a daughter that works for an organization that collects donations for F Joe Biden campaign as well, WAS REQUIRED by the New York State Legal ethics code to recuse himself. He did not.

The prosecution did not even lay out the actual crime in the indictment. The judge would not let Trump’s legal team provide a proper defense and made Trump’s lawyers go first in closing arguments, which is illegal. Not to mention, the judge instructed the jury that the verdict did not have to be unanimous, as is required in ALL criminal cases.

We want to thank John Cawthorn for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

It has been reported that Trump could not even get qualified, top-notch lawyers to defend him for this case because the New York legal system and Bar Association have intimidated and basically threatened anyone of high legal stature from joining Trump’s legal team.

This is beyond a travesty of justice and a perversion of the justice system for political purposes.

This is a complete dismantling of the US Justice system. A system that for 250+ years was based on an expansive and strict legal code of ethics, the US Constitution & the Bill of Rights. The US justice system has now been raped and pillaged. It has been replaced by a system where legal ethics no longer matter, the Bill of Rights trampled, and a Soviet-style show trial system put in its place by a bunch of short-sighted, power-hungry goons that have no idea that what they’ve un-leashed will eventually come for them. A system such as this eventually eats its own.

Stalin (the F Joe Biden cabal’s patron saint) unleashed Lavrentiy Beria on his enemies, real and imagined. When all of his enemies were jailed or put to death, Stalin had Beria tried and executed for crimes against the state. Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, and the rest may want to read a history book instead of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. They can’t see it now, but they will reap what they sow.
They should also all read Isaiah 5:20 as that is their future IMO.

Yesterday was a sad, sad day for our country. The Mar-A-Lago raid made the USA a Banana Republic. This case and verdict make the USA a rogue criminal state where the party in power stays in power by any means necessary and tramples the god-given rights of every citizen as they do so.

Under F Joe Biden, the USA is now exactly where Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said the Soviet Union was back in the 1970’s…

“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they, of course, know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying.

In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.

The post A Travesty for What Used To Be a Constitutonal Republic appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control

Sat, 2024-06-01 18:00 +0000

A recent report produced by the World Bank leaves no doubt that what has unfolded against farmers in Holland, Belgium, and France is a precursor to globalist plans of food control and all food production (and diet choices) for humanity in the name of rescuing the planet from cows and destructive agriculture. Woven into the new plan are the usual false claims about farming, which should serve as a warning about the true intentions of this world-dominating proposal.

The ironic title of the report is “Recipe for a Livable Planet,” a prescription for complete food control, profits for corporate “stakeholders,” unfettered wealth redistribution, and the further degradation of traditional small-scale farming. The premise is that “the food system must be fixed because it is making the planet ill and is a big slice of the climate change pie.” This is a dubious claim, as cows and livestock are maligned as huge contributors to climate change threats when, in fact, they are the cornerstone of soil health and carbon sequestration.

Low-hanging Climate Fruit?

The report employs flawed logic to argue that food supplies must be the chief climate target for humanity:

“Until now, efforts to reduce GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions have focused elsewhere — on sectors like energy, transport, and manufacturing, where scaling up a few key technologies has made an important difference in reducing emissions. However, these low-hanging fruits have mostly been harvested, and emissions levels are still far from where they need to be to avert climate catastrophe.”

That “low-hanging fruit” of renewables is far from being “mostly harvested” – grid capacity is inadequate, and the failing EV and solar panel markets reflect not only economic shortcomings but also the failure of these technologies to deliver as promised. The new report gushes about the hidden externalized costs of agriculture while ignoring the tremendous externalized pollution costs of the so-called “renewables” industry, from mining, coal plants to smelt aluminum and produce solar panels, and disposal impacts.

What of the low-hanging fruit of recreational energy consumption? Why are global entities advocating for total food control in the name of saving the planet, while completely ignoring flatscreen TVs, lawnmowers, downhill skiing, golf courses, and recreational jet travel? Such uses are unjustifiable if the world is about to end yet remain unaddressed while food and cows are targeted. Some 800 million gallons of refined gasoline are burned in US lawnmowers each year, with no pollution control technologies in use. That esoteric consumption of fossil fuels goes unaddressed by the World Bank report while food-producing cows are demonized for their flatulence.

Globalist Food Control Blueprint

Naturally, climate change is once again cited as the dominating factor:

“This report, Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System, is the first comprehensive global strategic framework for mitigating the agrifood system’s contributions to climate change. It identifies solutions that cost-effectively limit agrifood GHG emissions to net zero while maintaining global food security, building climate resilience, and ensuring a just transition for vulnerable groups.”

Pollution, like food production, begins at the local scale. Grand globalist designs push humanity toward state-managed control mechanisms and away from local, independent, small-scale production. Indeed, the report’s scheme to address the evils of industrial food systems is to conjure an even larger omnipotent global food production and processing system, through those very same corporate wrongdoers. The document notes:

“[T]he agrifood system transformation will likely create new types of employment, and it is important for governments to facilitate this transition from farm work to higher-quality nonfarm jobs through skills training (Rotz et al. 2019) and mobility assistance (Fuglie et al. 2020). Likewise, the informal jobs sector can buffer the agrifood sector from job losses and food insecurity and assist with short-term job placement.”

Industrial Consolidation, Not Liberation

This is a continuation of the migration of rural populations into cities, out of farm employment, and into mostly fantasy technology jobs. Yet more people raising local food using sustainable methods is the solution to agricultural pollution: Further consolidation of food production threatens food security, human health, and the ecosystem. Wendell Berry chronicled the devastating losses to the American economy and culture in the farm-to-city exodus in his seminal work The Unsettling of America. The proposals in “Recipe for a Livable Planet” are even more unsettling.

The report claims that restorative justice will be served, people will eat more healthily, and the planet will be spared the destructive impacts of raising food. How? Through the usual boondoggles of greater corporate/government power, reduced livestock herds, higher food prices for meats, subsidies for fake meats, and innovative technologies:

“Nascent, innovative mitigation technologies could greatly contribute to emissions reductions and improved productivity in the agrifood system (Alston et al. 2011). These technologies include using chemical methane inhibitors, feed additives from red seaweed, crop roots to sequester carbon, indoor farming methods, precision machinery, plant-based meats, lab-grown protein, and other protein sources.”

These technologies will hardly transform agriculture, and they highlight the biggest lie of all: that cows are planet-destroying climate culprits that must be corralled into carbon compliance. Cows grazed naturally sequester far more carbon than they emit, rebuild soils, improve water retention, feed the soil microbiome, and replace harmful synthetic fertilizers. The World Bank’s “recipe” is for a few companies to make feed additives for cows, grow food indoors (unsustainable and energy-dependent), build more machines, and make fake proteins without assessing the externalized costs of the ambitious techno-rescues. Humans will eat more plants grown with synthetic fertilizers and be happy.

The solution to the world’s food problems is to permit farmers to farm and jettison technocrats from the food supply. There is no need to eat less meat, just to produce it as nature intended. Properly managed pastures sequester more greenhouse gases than reforestation can ever achieve, so the push to convert farmland to forests is counter-productive. Local farmers stewarding intergenerationally managed, sustainable farms are the cure to industrial domination by multinational corporate conglomerates.

The World Bank’s prescription proposes to dose the patient with more of the same poisons that created this crisis. It is a recipe for disaster.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You May Have Noticed. The Website Was Down Again …

Sat, 2024-06-01 16:00 +0000

You may have noticed that the website was down again Friday morning and twice this week. It has been happening almost weekly, and we’re not going to tolerate it anymore!

A few years ago, we had this issue: spikes in traffic would crash the site—high-volume reader traffic. The solution was a more expensive hosting plan, and that worked for a while, but we get spammed a lot these days, too. Hundreds of thousands of attacks a day—it’s crazy. Most of them get blocked by backend security, but sometimes, we get crawler overload plus traffic spikes, and we crash.

And sometimes, three times this year (so far), the issue isn’t that but the hosting company server. That was the problem this morning: down for an hour. It’s gotten to be a problem (they are under new management).

Long story short, we are changing our hosting company and moving to a new server, updating the support tools. It’ll cost more, but we’re doing it anyway.

Getting There from Here

As part of a discussion about the problem and solutions, I was asked what I wanted to see. Apparently, there are a lot of options when you are looking at hosting services, but I’m not into all that, and frankly, I have only one concern. I want a website readers can get to and engage with—period. I want the site up and accessible. That’s what I want.

If there’s an issue, I want it resolved before I even know about it. We think we’ve found that.

We are also close to the new site updates. I know I say that a lot, and then there are delays. Three weeks ago, we were close, but then I had a chance to see the site with a different look. I liked the changes, so that is in process.

The new way the content is sorted and viewed has added some time to launch logistics that need to be overcome. Then, this week, we decided to change vendors and move to a new server. We had to find it and negotiate the details, and I signed the agreement yesterday morning.

Backups, keeping or deleting old images, files, audio, and video, reducing the site size, and getting everything to click through as fast as possible are all moving parts—lots of them.

The newsletter will likely be disrupted briefly (maybe not). We are still dumping Disqus and moving to the WordPress commenting system, which, in my experience, is better at alerting commenters to engagement with their comments  ( a few of you have asked). And they don’t censor you like Disqus has been known to do.

We are looking at a new email service, dropping Edge Ads, and changing advertising packages to make them fewer and less annoying. And yeah, that means even less revenue and the need to raise even more money. The total raised so far for 2024 (to fund fiscal 2025) might cover next year’s operating expenses but not much else (certainly no salary for me yet). We need to raise more, and as always, I appreciate your help.

We have work to do, but I think this is all worth the time and expense. We will update the old site on the old server soon (I hope, but it might be a few weeks), tweak the bugs, make certain it works, and then migrate to the new hosting company.

It looks different. It should run a hell of a lot faster. It solves some lingering backside issues that don’t have much to do with the reading experience. And then maybe we can get to the VIP version of the app later this year.

And, as always, lots of content you won’t get anywhere else, and if you can get to it, I’ll be happy.

The post You May Have Noticed. The Website Was Down Again … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s Racists Rejoice … Woke Federal Judge Nixes Anti-Discrimination Law

Sat, 2024-06-01 14:00 +0000

Earlier this week (I’m writing this on 5/30) a federal judge nixed New Hampshire’s anti-discrimination law. Many States have passed laws prohibiting CRT … Critical Race Theory, which is a euphemism for anti-White racism … so it’s fair to say the judge who nixed New Hampshire’s anti-discrimination law was applying the Left’s woke-constitution.

A handy chart from NH-NeverTrump Journal summarizing what the law prevented:

New Hampshire’s Woke-Communists … aka NH-Democrats … are, needless to say, celebrating the death of the anti-discrimination law. Woke-Communism is all about dividing Americans into competing groups, tribes, identities, etc., and pitting them against each other as a means for the Woke-Communists to gain and maintain power. For example, here is Damond Ford, a State Rep supposedly representing part of Manchester, who spends a lot of time shilling for Hamas:

And, bitter-clingers, if you support striking down a law that prevents children from being taught that a race or races is inferior to another race or races … that prevents children from being taught some races are inherently racist … that prevents children from being taught that people should NOT be seen as individuals but as members of an identity-grouping … that prevents children from being taught to look past skin color and treat others as individuals … THAT CAN ONLY MEAN THAT YOU SUPPORT ALL THESE CONCEPTS THAT THE LAW BANNED. And these concepts are RACIST.

So spare me the silly comments like, “I understand why Ed is angry,” blah, blah, blah. There isn’t any anger in the foregoing … it’s totally analytical. I’m just not afraid … like so many in New Hampshire supposedly on “the Right” are … to call racism racism.


The post New Hampshire’s Racists Rejoice … Woke Federal Judge Nixes Anti-Discrimination Law appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gov. Nuisance Chokes on His Own Minimum Wage Hike

Sat, 2024-06-01 12:00 +0000

Governments think they know more about everything than anyone, progressive governments more than any other, and California, as the lead fool in this parade of fools, often sets the example for what not to do.

It is very rare, but they sometimes discover just how politically damaging their knee-jerk idiocracy can be—always after the fact, of course. Planned minimum wage hikes, for example, will so heavily burden an already deficit-ridden state budget that paying them would cut into their payoffs to constituent groups doing business as “Liberal Programs.”

Progressives in Sacramento rarely think twice before burdening businesses. But lo and behold, they are having second thoughts about California’s new $25-an-hour minimum wage for healthcare workers. Why? …

The state’s budget deficit has ballooned to $45 billion. Mr. Newsom projects that the new healthcare minimum wage would cost the state $4 billion more a year owing to higher Medicaid costs and compensation for workers at state-owned facilities. Legislative analyses warned about these costs, but Mr. Newsom signed the law anyway.

Thus the minimum wage for healthcare workers is set to rise to between $18 and $23 an hour this Saturday, depending on the type and size of healthcare provider. California’s current minimum wage for all workers is $16 an hour. Nearly all workers at healthcare facilities including janitors will have to be paid at least $25 an hour by 2028.

Say hello to something called “you eventually run out of other people’s money.” And they have. The state has to find a way to pay for the 45 billion in debt it already has – perhaps Putin can invade Los Angeles County, and the feds can whip up a funding bill, but that might require CIA bases on the border or something, so unlikely. That means more taxes on the already heavily taxed Cali residents. More taxes take back some of what they claimed they gave you when the state-mandated wage hikes.

Typically, these encroachments benefit union bosses, who, when pay is forced up, can then hike union dues—and that’s probably still happening—paycheck as a laundromat for more government spending. Add tax hikes, and everyone gets to join in on that scheme, assuming the higher operating costs won’t kill your job or businesses or just drive them out of state. That happens. The unemployed move to the debit side of the spreadsheet, and Gov. Nuisance has to find more money.

And isn’t that an interesting problem? You give people what you claim is a living wage, which you must then steal even more of to pay for all the liberal programs of which the wage hike might make you apart.

It’s not very smart, but the government still thinks it knows better.

The post Gov. Nuisance Chokes on His Own Minimum Wage Hike appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is It Time to Get Your Kids Out?

Sat, 2024-06-01 10:00 +0000

Beware of what authority figures tell you about what happened before your birth. Why do modern proponents of evolutionary theory self-edit the full title of Charles Darwin’s revolutionary book “On the Origin of Species”?

It is because it would reveal that Charles Darwin advocated racism rather than science. Darwin’s book is “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” It is an undeniable fact that throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the ”hate God” movement was led by highly educated scholars. Scientists, biologists, and professors propagating philosophies obsessed with Darwin’s On Origin of Species attack the foundation of biblical Christianity.

The perpetrators of this revolutionary mindset jumped on the “God is dead” bandwagon initiated by Friedrich Nietzsche. Thereafter, the concept of “favored races” seeded the explosion of racism in the 20th century. They do not represent the common man. Hiding behind all their obsession with partiality for Darwinism is at its core a social philosophy rooted in racism. These racist Darwinist philosophical evil theories grew into a worldwide holocaust of hundreds of millions of souls suffering and dying under the boot of the Marxist state: Collectivisms known as communism, socialism, nazism, and fascism.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Today, we look back into the 20th-century endurance of hundreds of millions killed in wars and democide (governments killing their own people). The future promises more wars, death, and misery. These are consequences of all Collectivisms when a nation forgets God. Today, public schools and most universities challenge the eternal truth of Genesis 1:26: “Let us make man in our image and our likeness.” Instead, our youth are taught to believe a fairy tale theory that man descended from the apes. Thus devaluing human life and ensuring future tyranny as a nation forgets God.

The symptoms of tyranny that America has suffered over and above the terrible price of war are derived from the devaluation of human life. We can see the devaluation expressed as forced sterilization, abortion, and moving toward euthanasia, called mercy killing. These are the democide of our generation: murder in the privacy of a doctor’s office. When a nation believes there is no God and promotes collectivism, despotism thrives. Do your own research. Educate yourself. The truth will set your mind free. Start here at the incubator of evil:

Government Schools: When Satan Is Welcomed In, Is It Time to Get Your Kids Out?

The post Is It Time to Get Your Kids Out? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Nashua Library Promotes “Trans Women of Color” to Small Kids

Sat, 2024-06-01 02:00 +0000

The children’s picture book “Sylvia and Marsha Start a Revolution!” by Joy Michael Ellison, self-proclaimed “queer and non-binary trans writer”, makes heroes of “trans women of color” and promotes the bizarre belief that people can change sex. I found it on the Pride display in the children’s room in the Nashua Library last June.

This book is a hagiography about Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson, who Ellison identifies as transwomen. The author presents them as selfless heroes who were leaders in the Stonewall Riots and opened a home for trans youth. Fred Sargeant, who was at the Stonewall Riots, says they weren’t at the riots, and their house for trans youth was more like a drug den.

Sylvia and Marsha identified as gay male transvestites. They cross-dressed. They did not identify as transwomen, but that doesn’t fit the author’s narrative. Read Fred Sargeant’s first-person accounts of Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson.

In the notes at the end of the book, the author defines “Transgender girl” as “A person who the doctor thought was a girl, but who is really a boy” and “Transgender boy” as “A person who the doctor thought was a boy, but who is really a girl.”

A child reading this book is going to take those definitions at face value and believe that they can change sex and feel encouraged if they become gender-confused to follow the dangerous protocol of taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and having healthy body parts removed in the belief that they can become the opposite sex.

Many people have discovered the hard way that they can’t change sex, and they end up with damaged bodies like detransitioners Chloe Cole and Prisha Mosley. Would the Nashua Library stock picture books about them in the children’s room?

This is the last in a series of reviews I wrote of the books on the Pride Month display in the Nashua Library children’s room last year. Read my other book reviews below.

Grandad’s Pride: Book Promoted by Nashua Library to Small Kids Features Bondage Gear and Nashua Library Doubles Down on Promoting Bondage to Kids

The Meaning of Pride: Gender Cult Propaganda in the Nashua Library Children’s Room

Being You: Library Promotes Gender Propaganda to Toddlers

The Sublime Ms. Stacks: Children Propagandized with Queer Theory

Pride Colors: Library Promotes Book That Teaches Kids to “Love Who You Choose”

What Was Stonewall?: Public Library Promotes Children’s Book Celebrating Violent Action Against Police

My Maddy: American Psychological Association Promotes Gender Confusion to Kids

The post Night Cap: Nashua Library Promotes “Trans Women of Color” to Small Kids appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump Verdict Shows How Pathetic And Useless The NHGOP Is

Sat, 2024-06-01 00:00 +0000

We are witnessing the 2024 election being stolen … the latest and most obvious: the Kafkaesque sham trial of Donald Trump in the kangaroo-courts of New York … and what is the reaction of the NHGOP? To call for Red States to conduct law fare back against the Democrats? To call for New Hampshire Retirement to divest from New York companies? To call for a tourist-boycott of New York? No, no and no.

Indeed, the NHGOP can’t even bring itself to call the sham, show-trial a sham, show-trial. Instead, the best these feckless, grifting, buffoons can manage is to shed a few crocodile tears about “eroding confidence in the justice system.” There is no rule of law in America. Since Biden stole the Presidency … itself an act of lawlessness … it has been obvious there is no rule of law. J6 protesters incarcerated for years … BLM and Antifa terrorists walk free. Pro-life protesters incarcerated for years. Illegal aliens streaming by the millions across the nonexistent Southern border.

Is there anything more pathetic and useless than the NHGOP?


The post Trump Verdict Shows How Pathetic And Useless The NHGOP Is appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New England Take: School Choice and EFAs in New Hampshire …

Fri, 2024-05-31 23:00 +0000

Executive Director Kate Baker Demers, New Hampshire Children’s Scholarship Fund, dives into the highly successful Education Freedom Account program, how they have the data to back what they do, and how only politics drive the crazy claims by Democrats.


Editors note: Another week without new content from A.J., so I’ve grabbed something older to fill in.

The post The New England Take: School Choice and EFAs in New Hampshire … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Just Spoke With Hollie Noveletsky Who Is Running for Congress

Fri, 2024-05-31 22:00 +0000

I have to make my apologies for my 1st attempt at supporting a candidate because I can’t even get either of her names right. Talk about poor journalism. Her name is Hollie Noveletsky, and she is running for Congress in New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District.

I spend so much time trying to make sure my grammar and spelling are correct that I forgot to spell-check the major subject of my column correctly. My Apologies to Hollie again, and I hope my support for her outweighs my mistakes.

I just spoke with Hollie Noveletsky regarding some issues. As for her support of Mike Johnson, she only supported him in his opposition to the Senate immigration bill. As I mentioned in my earlier piece, she does not support his three mistakes. She is strict on immigration and strict on removing illegal aliens, especially when they commit crimes.

She is also against FISA not needing warrants to monitor people. She fully supports Law Enforcement but also the rights of individuals.

We want to thank Ken Goodall for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

As for Mike Johnson’s support of HR815, originally titled “Removing Extraneous Loopholes Insuring Every Veteran Emergency Act,” but then amended in the Senate to be a foreign aid bill with money for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region, this kind of bait-and-switch is exactly what Hollie Noveletsky is against. Also, having bills with multiple issues and spending are all buried deep in the text. She believes in Transparency and Honesty.

She is like many others who use Social Media Platforms mainly for announcements and information. She does not follow them closely, and She does not see the comments, so they do not get replies. It is a point of contention with me. I wish I had remembered to tell her that her webmaster should just turn comments off. I should have had better notes. Either way, still not something that could keep me from voting for her without holding my nose.

Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post I Just Spoke With Hollie Noveletsky Who Is Running for Congress appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump Just Lost The Trial And Won The Election

Fri, 2024-05-31 20:00 +0000

With a sham trial choreographed by the Democrat Party, the office of the President of the United States has been shattered. The weaponization of the government shows what can be done when people in office are no longer held accountable, and they can take the Justice Department and set it loose on a political opponent.

With a sleazy DA, Alvin Bragg, a corrupt judge who doesn’t deserve his name mentioned, and a New York jury convicted the former President on all 34 charges. This small group of people may have damaged the country forever. Joe Biden has us on track to a third-world country; this courtroom charade is the final nail in the coffin.

Trump has sat at the defense table for nearly six weeks and probably saw this outcome as inevitable, like the rest of us. The jury is a joke. The total time to contemplate these 34 charges was less than six hours, and they were able to review six weeks of testimony and come back this quickly with 34 unanimous decisions. They listened to a hooker and a convicted perjurer, who admittedly lied to them, and collectively decided to tear Trump and America down.

Maybe I should not get personal, but I feel like I took a huge gut punch. I am disgusted with the new America that can now be corrupted by a few. Joe Biden has been salivating, as opposed to his normal drooling, waiting for this moment so he can now refer to his opponent, Donald Trump, as a convicted felon. Joe Biden had better get better shoes for the backlash he is about to feel, which will knock this feeble, feckless man off his feet. He may have a moment of gloating, but Donald Trump may have the last laugh as he and his MAGA supporters will be energized to do what is necessary to win reelection in November. This proves the fear of too many Americans that whether you are a Catholic, a concerned parent, or the former President, now a candidate, this corrupt system will use its power to bring you down.

This country has taken a blow and is badly wounded. It will take all of our resolve to recover. We have done it before, but usually when all Americans come together to fight back against a common foe. In this case, half the country is foolishly celebrating, and the other half is in shock. It is time for all Republicans to take off the gloves and get ready to fight this battle on the Democrat level. I think about the stupidity of Michelle Obama talking about Republicans going low and Democrats going high. That was the most significant dose of crap ever dished out by a First Lady. The Dems are in the gutter, and it is time to sweep them into the sewer. Twelve people may have convicted Donald Trump, but America will have its say on November 5th.

I apologize for my tone. I have written over 1,200 articles in the last three years and have always worked hard to be level-headed and stick to the facts. In this case, the facts are evident that it was a sham, and Trump was right when he said Mother Teresa could not beat this crooked scheme to take him down. And by the way, ask all your liberal friends what crime Trump was convicted of, and 99% will not be able to answer the question.

The post Trump Just Lost The Trial And Won The Election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Public Schools Now Free to Blame and Shame Your Children for Slavery

Fri, 2024-05-31 18:00 +0000

A few years ago, the New Hampshire legislature passed an anti-discrimination law that restricted teachers from blaming New Hampshire students for slavery. Ok, here is the actual information on what the law did.

The Right to Freedom from Discrimination in Public Workplaces and Education law was struck down by the U.S. District Court. What does that mean for students in our public schools?

Let’s go back to before this law was enacted in New Hampshire. What were we seeing in the public schools?

Critical Race Theory was beginning to become a subject in k-12 education. While this was normally limited to colleges and universities, the subject of viewing everything through the lens of race became part of the classroom. Prior to this, teachers weren’t limited on what they could teach about history, even though many of the History books written by Howard Zinn were full of anti-American sentiment.   So what changed?

Schools became more political in both race and gender. Parents could see that these subjects were becoming more and more, part of the school day. Some parents began looking for alternative schools as “choice” programs expanded in New Hampshire. If a child is going to be subjected to a radical political viewpoint instead of a quality academic education, families would look for an alternative. Public school enrollments declined while home-schooling and private school enrollments increased. Political operatives in the schools didn’t care about that, they wanted to make sure this political narrative was forced upon students.

As a parental rights advocate, I tried to warn political operatives that abandoning academics for political indoctrination would not help public education. Parents will walk, and they did. You could see the influence on their children, and it wasn’t pretty:



About this time, Condoleeza Rice was interviewed on The View and summed it up perfectly:

White parents do not want their child blamed and shamed for slavery. Black parents want their children to have hopes and dreams that they know they can achieve.

No one wants to white-wash history. We have a history of slavery and racism. All of this needs to be taught. But children attending our public schools should not be caught in the middle of all of this. Teachers should not be blaming and shaming children because of the color of their skin.

What does this mean going forward? For now radicalized teachers will have free rein to push these narratives in your child’s classroom. You can still document all of this, take it to school administrators and school board members.  Let’s make sure our kids are learning history and all of the facts. But there is no reason to harm a child in the process.

The post NH Public Schools Now Free to Blame and Shame Your Children for Slavery appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow

Fri, 2024-05-31 16:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





As a follow-up to my post about the vulnerability of the grid, I just read this:

How Would A Post-Apocalyptic Society Function Without Electricity And Running Water? (There were many people in America who didn’t have electricity and running water well into the 1940s.) (






Because it’s advanced by intellectuals.  As Sowell said, paraphrased, there are some ideas so stupid only an intellectual could believe them.





This echoes other analyses I’ve read over the years.  Understand, though, that the *cough cough* “informed” Warmist will know this is one data set from Greenland ice cores, and sputter “Well, that’s not the whole world”.  As though there’s a worldwide database of past climate temperatures from that long ago.  Which, then, you can turn on them to ask “Then how are you so sure temperatures were lower then”?



You can’t play around with paper ballots that are openly counted with inspectors.  That’s why.




Floyd was not murdered by the police.  He was a dead man walking with that much fentanyl (let alone anything else) in his system.  Of course, the “fact checkers” are out debunking this.

“Saint Floyd of Fentanyl”.








Good for you!  That’s difficult these days.





More broadly, just about every Democrat.  And, sadly, not a few Republicans too.












Another data point in the idea that Fico was not shot by a “lone wolf”… when you get a message of “Play our game or you’ll end up like him, because he didn’t play either”, that’s a damned explicit indicator.














24/7 advancement of perversion, incoming!









16 MILLION?????





There’s money in sin.





As though this wasn’t predictable.




I’ve seen multiple versions of an adage to the effect that nobody likes a person who actually tells the truth.




What’s that expression about being fooled once, then fooled twice?




That’s actually a really good point.









Most people don’t really want freedom, I’m finding.  Oh they’ll talk about it in a good game, but… not really.






Delicious mockery.











Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Treason Of The Intellectuals And Danger From Within | ZeroHedge

You must remember, they really do view themselves as superior intellects.

Now, THIS is the way to deal with pro-Hamas protesters who block traffic (

Or protestors in general.  But I’m torn.  Good on these people for taking matters into their own hands since the cops are worse than useless.

But… not only are these good men being opened to assault charges by the feckless authorities, but they’re also failing to teach a bigger lesson: that non-violent protests only work because of the restraint of those inconvenienced.  Please understand that I’m not advocating actual bodily harm, but OTOH, in a bloodthirsty mode, if a few got their heads drop-kicked they’d soon figure out that people are DONE with their protests.

Then, things get interesting.  Either they go home, faced with actual potential for bodily harm… or they up the ante and get violent themselves.  And then things can spiral.  To wit:

Unmasking the Insurrection: How Gaza Protests Serve a Bigger Agenda – Flopping Aces

Chicago Campus Protestors Announce Terror Campaign Against the U.S. -Capital Research Center

War Room: British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Letting the cat out of the bag.  We’re already in WWIII.  Related:

The US Is Now More Openly Allowing Ukraine To Use Its Arms To Strike Inside Of Russia | ZeroHedge

It’s one thing to supply small arms.  It’s a step up to supply significant weapons.  But it’s a further step when those weapons you supply cause fatalities INSIDE the other side’s nation.  And doubtless the ante will grow further.  They. Want. WWIII.

Joe and Hunter Biden used a visit to Sandy Hook memorial service to set up secret meet with Chinese over $10m-a-year deal, new emails reveal | Daily Mail Online


Is the Biden administration suppressing evidence of human trafficking? (

Representative Warren Davidson questioned Secretary of State Blinken about why the American government is pressuring the Guatemalan Congress to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General. (This should remind you of then Vice President Biden going to Ukraine to demand the firing of a prosecutor.) The Guatemalan Attorney General is trying to stop child trafficking, and for some reason, this bothers the Biden administration.

Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt – The Last Refuge (

Red Queen: Verdict first, trial after.  Related to Trump:

FBI Authorized-for-Lethal-Force Mar-a-Lago Trump Raid WAS NOT STANDARD PROCEDURE! Viva & Barnes (

I still think the plan was to have them be armed, false-flag a violent incident when Trump was there, and then Ooopsie! Trump gets caught in the crossfire.

Study: The Amount of Copper Needed for EVs Is ‘Impossible for Mining Companies to Produce’ (

Copper, vanadium, other rare earths that go into solar systems as well.  We literally don’t have the materials to fulfil the dreams of the everything green crowd.

Wheat Jumps To Nine-Month High On Fears Of Dwindling Global Stockpiles | ZeroHedge

Fears of, not necessarily actual.  But yes, this is a multi-front war on the food supply.  From meat to staples like wheat, the plan is to squeeeeeze and induce panic.

May 2024 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List – Fatherly Advice and Rants

Not endorsing this as I really haven’t fully gone through it, but it looks interesting.

Biden Used Unsecure, Fake Email for Sensitive Security Briefings. (

And he’s not in jail because… oh, wait, Democrat privilege.

Today’s news is moving us closer to WW3…Potential NUCLEAR WAR on the horizon. | NC Renegades

Video, 14 minutes.  Hard to disagree.  And this?

War Is Their Only Objective | NC Renegades

Moscow reacts to US trade embargo warning — RT World News

Ukraine striking targets deep inside Russia with Western weapons – AFP — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Putin warns West about consequences of long-range strikes on Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Poke poke poke poke poke.  At some point Russia will realize that sooner or later they’ll be forced into war with NATO, and decide to just get their licks in first.

‘Foreigners Out’: German EDM Song With Nationalist Lyrics ‘Ausländer Raus’ Becomes a Sensation Among Youth – Police to Crack Down on ‘Racism’ (VIDEOS) | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

And there’s apparently a similar French version too.

Look, I think it’s right that people are finally taking action.  But am I afraid that this could devolve into something very bad?  Yes.  But again, I understand it fully.

So much for “peer review” — Wiley shuts down 19 science journals and retracts 11,000 gobbledygook papers « JoNova (

Good that they’re retracted, but this points out that “peer review” is not the guarantor of accuracy that it projects.  Also, on fraud in science:

The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science

Grant Cardone on the Charlie Kirk Show: “300 Banks WILL FAIL in Next 24 Months” * * by Noah

Ruh roh.  And on the economy:

Here’s the beef: Massive number now say fast-food burgers are a ‘luxury’ | WND | by Bob Unruh

A fast food burger, a luxury.  Thanks Brandon.  Economy-related:

The World Has Accumulated A $315 Trillion Mountain Of Debt, And Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down – Activist Post

First It Was Cattle, Now They Want To mRNA Vaxx The Chickens! * * by Noah

The slow squeeze on all food.  mRNA related

BILLIONS Still Expected To Die In Coming Years From COVID “Vaccines,” Says Analyst * * by Noah

Many are predicting this.  With a few exceptions, I pray they’re wrong.  But if they’re right, the world cannot stay in a civilization – at least on a global scale – if we’re losing 1/3 of the people.  Related:

Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows – Slay News

They falsified data to drive fear that if you were “unvaccinated” you were at greater risk of dying.

Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died from SIDS after mothers took the jab… – Revolver News

A little subtler than it appears on its face, but this does definitely look like blowback for asking inconvenient questions.

Survival Skills You Can Trade After SHTF – Ask a Prepper

Good to have this skill list segmented.  On foraging specifically:

10 Plants Soldiers Looked for During the Civil War – Ask a Prepper

And related:

How Would A Post-Apocalyptic Society Function Without Electricity And Running Water? (There were many people in America who didn’t have electricity and running water well into the 1940s.) (

Hate Crimes Charges Dropped for Christian Who Destroyed Satan Statue in Iowa Capital – The Lid (


The Eye of Microsoft – Bill Whittle

Microsoft takes another hit on their new “Recall” feature.  Bill Whittle.

Good article from the Epoch Times regarding how the “intellectual class” has sold out America to bolster their own power:

Treason of the Intellectuals and Danger From Within | The Epoch Times

Related:  How the “woke” are changing classic literature to match the DEI initiatives.  Because they can’t accept that people LIKE the classics as they are:

Woke Ideologues Loathe the Legacy of English-Speaking Peoples | The Epoch Times

In this article, T.L. Davis makes a pretty good case that we are already in a dictatorship, where the government does what it wants, the pResident ignores SCOTUS rulings, the Three Letter Agencies & the Deep State are who is REALLY ruling us, and anyone who stands up against the narrative gets hammered:

Overthrow the Dictatorship – by T.L. Davis (

Related:  How the CIA got the DOJ to back off of Hunter Biden’s associates:

CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter Biden’s ‘Sugar Brother’ Kevin Morris, Docs Show | The Daily Caller

Congress is FINALLY starting to put the screws to the NIH and get them to admit that 1) they DID help create the Covid-19 virus in Wuhan, and 2) they actively deleted emails and destroyed information to cover it up:


‘You’re Going To Be Haunted By Your Testimony’: Bipartisan Lawmakers Grill Top Fauci Aid Over FOIA Evasion | The Daily Caller

N adds: I will not hold my breath that anything actually comes of it.

The DHS now admits that they are monitoring anyone who buys a 3D printer, or who buys a lot of supplies for same (but they won’t say how much is “a lot”).  One more “big brother is watching you” for the TLA’s:

N adds: Why would they want to monitor 3D printing?  Oh, wait, because of 3D printed guns, no doubt.

More on the lowering of standards in Medical Schools:

Oakland Removes Traffic Lights | Frontpage Mag

Liberalism destroys everything it touches.

Buried in a UN report: Gaza aid workers forcing women into prostitution for food ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

And THESE are the agencies and people the anti-Israel protestors – especially women – are lifting up?  GET US OUT OF THE UN.

New data show that ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious just got a lot more scandalous – Flopping Aces

Oh look what just got uncovered.

NEW HOAX DROP: ‘Trump Said N-Word 20 Years Ago,’ Claims Ex-Apprentice Producer. (



MY thought?  They see Trump rising among blacks, and The Potato slipping, and they need to invent something to try and stop that.

MSNBC’s Primal Scream: Those Darn Voters Don’t Understand How Dangerous Trump Is (

They’re losing it!  Related:

Top Dems in ‘full-blown freakout’ over Biden’s re-election chances | WND | by Bob Unruh




Pick of the Post:


Last minute update, Trump convicted.  MHO is this:

  1. It cannot NOT get overturned on appeal (but see image below).  So many unprecedented aspects.
  2. The real goal is to keep Trump off the campaign trail.
  3. Also to give the enemedia “Convicted felon Trump” fodder
  4. And if, by some chance, they stick him in jail, then even with Secret Service protection, he’s very much at risk.

Though speaking of appeals, here – apparently – is the appeals court:



I’ll have more to say, likely in a stand-alone piece, but… we’ve crossed a Rubicon here.  The Left pushes and pushes and pushes, and soon – assuming we even have an election in November – it’s time for hard decisions.




Find your inner steel.  Don’t start anything.  But Spicy Time approacheth.




The trees have been cut down.  The winds are building.


A Man for All Seasons – The Devil Speech



This cannot be recovered from; even if the appeals process reverses, the precedent has been set, to the thunderous applause from the Left.





Palate Cleansers:



Damn do I relate to this.  My screwdrivers too.  And that one nut / bolt / screw / washer I need.


Stop me if you’ve herd that one before.  TGIF… I’ll show myself out.




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





And please see all my Jab-related cartoons here.

The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Crime Boss Wu Gives Boston (Wuville) Dems A Great Reason to Vote for Someone Else

Fri, 2024-05-31 14:00 +0000

Michelle Wu is a product of her party, which means failure isn’t just an option. It’s a goal! Maybe even a priority. Wu just unleashed a list of crimes she’d like to stop prosecuting in Wuville because this is how Democrats “reduce” crime.

It might “feel” like crime has gotten worse after these forward-thinking innovations are enacted, but that’s because you are a racist. The records will show crime went down, and that’s what truly matters.


Related: Boston Can’t Seem to Get a Handle on Violent Crime

Or as a tweet!

If anyone in Boston is curious about how this will play out, there are several laboratories within laboratories where Demcorats cities, in Democrat states, have done the same or similar. The abridged edition goes like this: you will get your stuff stolen, and no one is going to do anything about it and this should not be a surprise.

During her 2021 campaign, Wu was asked by left-wing nonprofit Progressive Massachusetts whether she supports Rollins’ list, to which she responded “Yes.” When asked if she supported closing the Boston Police gang database, she also said yes. She also supports firing any Boston PD employees involved in the January 6th protest in Washington DC.

Let me just add that the criminals couldn’t be happier about how difficult it is for law-abiding citizens to legally carry a firearm, a restriction that does not apply to criminals because laws do not concern them.

I know—another urban city run further into the ground by Democrats, elected by Democrats who can’t help themselves no matter how lousy things get. That is assuming this holds water. It has received national and global attention, so there at least a few folks will have some input into the “plan.” Will crime boss Wu get the sweet deal for her thugs (Gans for Wu!), or will someone harpoon the white whale of a crime wave before it has a chance to start?

It will take a lot of Democrat outrage (which we know they are good at) to generate enough pushback, but do they have it in them or, like all those other crime-riddled cities, will they wait until actual crime (not reported crime) is so intolerable that it spawns “peaceful” protests if you take my meaning?


The post Crime Boss Wu Gives Boston (Wuville) Dems A Great Reason to Vote for Someone Else appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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