The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 7 min 32 sec ago

Soviet-Style Show-Trials Are Cause For Celebration

Tue, 2024-06-04 10:00 +0000

A big THANK YOU to Rep Damond Ford … for regularly pulling back the curtain and letting us see the Woke-Communists’ true nature. I’m talking about Damond’s X (twitter). I am sure it is just a matter of time until General Secretary Matty Wilhelm instructs Damond to stop tweeting his mind. So let’s appreciate Damond while we still can.

Here’s Damond tweeting about “celebrating” the Soviet-style show-trial of Donald Trump. That’s what Woke-Communists do … celebrate jailing their political opponents. I’m sure that Damond and his fellow Woke-Commies would claim they’re celebrating justice. But, needless to say but I’ll say it anyway, jailing their political opponents is justice to the Woke-Communists.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The Selling Of America

Tue, 2024-06-04 02:00 +0000

The average American need not hold an economics degree to realize that America’s business complex must remain in America in order for our Country and her people to prosper and benefit. Furthermore, this is such sound reasoning that it’s merely common sense to all, including our CEO’s!

Using this understanding as our guide, why is it that for so long, America’s economic foundations have relocated overseas and with Washington’s “bon voyage” type blessings?

Sadly, the title cited refers to our present-day reality—quite frankly, the selling of who we are! Aside from the obvious corporate greed involved, which fuels the corporate world’s individual transactions and reasons for being, this “selling” reflects a national betrayal that shamefully shines upon a treasonous agenda!

Equally ominous is what can’t be sold to foreign markets—in other words, America’s intrinsic values of tradition, principles, and moral being are either ignored, revised, or outlawed! Whatever the case, we are at a point where to remain silent, as we have been so conditioned to be, is to sacrifice our own well-being.

But how is it that we have remained this dormant for so long? After the announced sale of the United States Steel Corporation (USS), I was stunned at our quiet disinterest. America invented the automobile, the TV, and the telephone, so what were the reasons behind industries being transferred overseas? America has been systematically bastardized, first by foreign competition, then influenced, infiltrated, and finally, totally taken over., and without a public whimper. Such quietness was also evident as America’s phones now offer the choice of Spanish or English dialogues!

In addition to our former one language country, America was also founded as a Judeo-Christian nation. So how is it that now, mentioning anything remotely Christian is offensive, or worse, intolerable and even illegal? This in a country where the Ten Commandments are still on display at our highest judiciary level? Yet, this blatant unconstitutionality had its start in that same courtroom when the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools! From that initial “foot in the door,” Constitutional violations have become like a home grown adversarial termite.

America’s dismal educational product has paralleled this downhill avalanche into mediocrity, as today’s colleges and universities are also antithetical to the origins of their “hallowed ivy-covered walls.” Our oldest institutions, such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, began as Christian-based institutions designed for the “spreading of the word” in the new world. Today, the word they spread is anarchy!

How about our nation’s military and our ability to sustain a war effort, especially without US Steel? Our military dominance has also receded as services have been downsized in material and personnel. In addition, today’s ground forces shelved military tactics for the studies of sensitivities, white male superiority, racial discord, and gender discrimination—military tactics they are not!

This brief critique, while discouraging, is factual and incriminating to those pulling the policy levers. An official 1983 summation of our educational decline also applies to this present-day military deterioration. It accurately judges both deteriorating departments with: “If an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war.”

America cannot continue in this helpless and dependent fashion since reliance upon foreign powers is a recipe for disaster. The reliable “then versus now” routine accurately incriminates not only those elected and/or appointed but those doing the electing. In a manner so subtle as to be unnoticed, many have been subliminally massaged into thinking and supporting with a certain bias that has been detrimental to our personal and national well-being. Also, finger-pointing or discounting blame will not accomplish what needs to be corrected.

Our countrymen and women need to appreciate and protect what is America. We need to self evaluate from a different perspective since whatever the thinking or priorities that were, at a minimum, they need re-examining on a broader scale. The fact that America went from being the strongest and best to third world weakness and a state of dependency should be enough to squelch any hesitancy towards rethinking previous beliefs. If not now addressed, America will go under, which also includes “we the people!”

The post Night Cap: The Selling Of America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No Keith … Critical Race Theory Won’t Be On The Ballot In November

Tue, 2024-06-04 00:00 +0000

Rep. Keith Ammon’s reaction to woke judge Paul Barbadoro striking down a law banning “Critical Race Theory” from being taught in New Hampshire schools was that “Barbadoro just put stopping Critical Race Theory back on the ballot in November.” Unfortunately, that is highly and extremely doubtful.

Critical Race Theory will only be on the ballot if the NHGOP has the balls to call out specific Democrats (Woke-Communists) BY NAME for supporting CRT. Some milquetoast “[name of GOP candidate] opposes Critical Race Theory” is not going to cut it. The Democrat (Woke-Communist) must be called out.

The NHGOP also needs to explain succinctly what Critical Race Theory involves because most voters have no understanding of CRT. “[Name of Democrat candidate] supports Critical Race Theory” is woefully inadequate. This, from NH-NeverTrump Journal, contains the level of detail needed to enlighten voters about CRT.

Unfortunately, the most we can realistically expect from the feckless, timid NHGOP is some cookie-cutter campaign literature extolling a “parental bill of rights” and pushing EFAs and maybe … just maybe … “opposes teaching Critical Race Theory.” That is NOT going to cut it. You have to name the names … in districts where there are still enough normal voters to make winning possible.

The post No Keith … Critical Race Theory Won’t Be On The Ballot In November appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Democrats Applaud Verdict, Outlaw President Trump, And Why This Verdict Will Die on Appeal

Mon, 2024-06-03 22:00 +0000

Now that Donald Trump is an Outlaw, he’s taken on a new (additional persona) that his followers have embraced, and why wouldn’t they? But it is not just the usual suspects. A growing list of people who would have never voted for Trump are saying they now will, and a few of them are donating large sums to his campaign.

Scott Adams called it the biggest political mistake in American History.

Democrats are still cheering for the partisan judge and jury (the prosecution’s case was loaded with reasonable doubt). Still, plenty of Americans now realize there is no check on the Bden government’s abuse of power.

Not for Nothing

Democrats won’t be smiling for long. They screwed up. The miscalculation was yuge, and the last thing they need is the orange man in an orange jumpsuit. That would elevate the sympathy factor to a level unseen in American politics. A door has been opened, a door they can no longer close: the political prosecution of opponents, including past presidents, who could all find themselves in a courtroom filled with an unsympathetic judge and jury. Clinton, Obama, and Biden’s handlers—Joe is allegedly not competent to stand trial, which is what every American Leftist looks for in a Chief Executive.

Actual crimes, not made-up ones. Actual high crimes and misdemeanors.

Trump is going to appeal, and the verdict will be thrown out, but not before the election (jump to 10 minutes to get to why the trial was such a joke and why Trump will win on Appeal).

I’d honestly be surprised if legal teams under Republican Governors, attorneys general, or their prosecutors were not building cases against high-ranking Democrats as I write this.

So, Trump might not be the only Outlaw president, although that might be reason enough not to prosecute Obama, Clinton, or Biden. The riots the left would raise in response are another.

And to lighten things up a bit, here is Impersonator Shawn Fararsh doing Outlaw Trump.

The post ICYMI – Democrats Applaud Verdict, Outlaw President Trump, And Why This Verdict Will Die on Appeal appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

$50 Million And Counting

Mon, 2024-06-03 20:00 +0000

Between the sham conviction and June 1, 10 AM, when I am writing this, the American people … or more accurately the remaining American people who are decent and you can actually call fellow-Americans … have donated over $50 MILLION to Trump:

What would be actual justice would be for petulant children like Jessica Grill … whose X account demonstrates almost daily, if not hourly, that she is anything but “the honorable” … to choke on their smirks and snark. You want to be an activist? Then DO SOMETHING. Donate to Trump. That’s the best way to deal with the smirk and snark off Woke-Communists like pea-brain Grill:

The post $50 Million And Counting appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It Does Not Look Like NH Is Getting Any Electricty From “Whale-Killer” Watters Wind Boondoggle

Mon, 2024-06-03 18:00 +0000

We’ve had our fair share of comments and coverage of ‘New Hampshire’s” effort to support offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine. The lead figure in this comic tragedy is Democrat State Senator David ‘Whale Killer” Watters. He’s all in for New Hampshire, but why? We’re not getting any of the power.

The proposed development is guesstimated to produce 13 GW of power. If history is any guide, it will be much less.

The point of ingress for power is (I am told) New Hampshire, but much like the much-maligned Northern Pass, we bear the burden without much benefit. Nowhere can we find evidence that Granite Staters, whose fishermen are affected by the project, benefit. We’re not getting any Gulf of Maine Wind energy in New Hampshire.

By the way, David ‘Whale Killer’ Watters is trying to cancel today’s trei-state commission meeting. He says they won’t have a quorum, and while he is willing to show up to answer questions, he’d rather cancel. I’m wondering how they ever have a quorum. The list of people on this commission is immense. But we don’t have many meetings left before go time, so this is damn convenient, given all the pushback from the BOEM meeting last week.

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At approximately 1:06:00, BOEM says NH has no renewable energy goals but that we will have transmission lines to Seabrook and Schiller stations in Portsmouth.

There’s a lot here, but if the issue matters to you, it is worth sifting. As we’ve noted previously,

The process moves forward without much regard for the unexplained culling of sea life.

I’m no expert. I don’t know if offshore wind is to blame. The whole thing is fishy to me, but I do know that wind is not green, and it will kill sea birds and have some detrimental impacts. If there was a desperate need, we could take time to evaluate the risks further and manage loss because of some higher purpose, but replacing fossil fuels to reduce CO2 emissions is not it. Shutting down cheap, reliable energy for expensive intermittent alternatives is economically irresponsible and will result in real-world harm to people and businesses, including (are you listening, Whale Killer?) minorities.

Even if you believe the warming narratives about CO2, America isn’t the problem. Decarbonizing will only cripple our productivity and performance, hampering economic growth and lending to joblessness and systemic stagflation. India, China, Russia, Africa, and Asia will not leave their people in poverty, and neither wind nor solar, even if they were green and affordable, will ever alleviate that. That’s why they are burning coal, gas, and oil and ramping up capacity.

The sacrifice is literally for nothing, but to progressive resume plumping goofs like Watters, the threat to our lifestyles and sea life is worth it. Look! I got offshore wind! Shower me with accolades.

It’s a cluster and they’d like very much for people to stop commenting unless it is in support. I’m also certain that Whale Killers’ excuse for us not getting any power from this not-green boondoggle is that it will be there when we need it.

In the meantime, we’ll get to enjoy higher electric rates once (or when) the wind hits the New England grid.

The post It Does Not Look Like NH Is Getting Any Electricty From “Whale-Killer” Watters Wind Boondoggle appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2024-06-03 16:00 +0000

(Cue the music)

The ciiiiircle, the ciiiiiircle of Mondays…

Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a number of definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





Special Trump Conviction section




Image from Surak’s post:

Banana republic, and you can keep it – Surak substack blog

“Live and let live” doesn’t work when the other party doesn’t want to let you live.



Raskin Bill?  Here:

Dem Rep. Jamie Raskin plans to re-up legislation barring Trump from office via 14th amendment after SCOTUS ruling (

Remember, they’re MISSIONARIES.










Trump’s Guilty Verdict Is An Indictment Of A Feckless GOP (

Banana Republic Is Here | ZeroHedge

Celebrities and Athletes Flood Social Media With Posts Supporting Trump Following Guilty Verdict | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott












And a bumper sticker:



On trusting Democrats Bumper Sticker | Zazzle


















Colonialist Arabs.




I think my son would go for that!






I’ve said this repeatedly: the idea that there really is a war on white people has been one of the bitterest pills my whole journey.



Or any pet.



Paging “Doctor Baffled”…










My question: What was Diddy useful for?





Aside from his stance on vaccines, etc., he’s a flaming lib.










When someone goes to these lengths… you have to wonder at the magnitude of what they’ve done.


































People crave predictability over the actual level of their lives.  People will remain “content” with misery if that misery is the same day after day.








Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


See “special” link post tomorrow (Tuesday).  Got so many I put them in a separate post lest they overwhelm this one.




Pick of the post:



ASSUMING there’s an election in November, yes, I’ll vote.  But I hold out little hope of it actually doing anything.





Palate Cleansers:









Come back Friday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Support the Grok!





The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Senator Becky Whitley Tells Kids “You Are Loved and Powerful Just as You Are” but Supports Adults Castrating Them

Mon, 2024-06-03 14:00 +0000

NH Senator Becky Whitley tweeted on June 1, the first day of Pride month:

Happy Pride! It’s not always safe or easy to be your authentic self, but know you are loved and powerful just as you are. This month and always, I am proud to stand with you in the continued fight for true equality.

My response was:

Kids, you are loved and powerful just as you are. Don’t let them convince you that you need puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or to have your healthy body parts surgically removed to be your authentic self.

Becky Whitley has consistently voted for New Hampshire doctors to be able to administer puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to kids and, most despicably, to have kids’ healthy body parts removed, leaving them infertile and without sexual function and with other even more serious side effects. Now, she claims that they are loved and powerful as they are, and she wants them to be their “authentic selves.” Bizarro.

Read about how transgender interventions harm children from the American College of Pediatricians:

Temporary use of puberty blocker Lupron has also been associated with and may be the cause of many serious permanent side effects including osteoporosis, mood disorders, seizures, cognitive impairment and, when combined with cross-sex hormones, sterility. In addition to the harm from Lupron, cross-sex hormones put youth at an increased risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots and cancers across their lifespan. Add to this the fact that physically healthy transgender-believing girls are being given double mastectomies at 13 and hysterectomies at 16, while their male counterparts are referred for surgical castration and penectomies at 16 and 17, respectively, and it becomes clear that affirming transition in children is about mutilating and sterilizing emotionally troubled youth.

Please call Gov. Chris Sununu at (603) 271-2121 and ask him to sign HB619 into law to ban genital gender reassignment surgery for kids.


The post NH Senator Becky Whitley Tells Kids “You Are Loved and Powerful Just as You Are” but Supports Adults Castrating Them appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Australian State Appoints Minister To Change Men’s Behavior

Mon, 2024-06-03 12:00 +0000

Before Bud Light, there was Gillette.  In January 2019, the company went #woke, launching a campaign that portrayed men as the average toxic SJW progressive white feminist might. Before summer was over, that campaign was dead, and Gillette was trying too hard to get the men back while Proctor and Gambel, which owns Gillette, had to write off more than 8 billion in losses.

It’s been a few years, and the world is an unbelievably different place. Still, the political progressives – the same people who say gender is subjective, on a spectrum, and that it is bigoted to assign a sex to anyone without first getting their gender resume (preferences, pronouns, etc.), are, for lack of a better word – being a bunch of bigots.

Labor Premier Jacinta Allan of Victoria, the second most populous state in Australia, announced on Monday that a new position had been created in her government: “Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change.”

“Tim Richardson will become Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behaviour Change, continuing the Allan Labor Government’s priority to make Victoria a safer place for women and children and work to end the tragedy of deaths of Victorian women at the hands of men,” Allan stated. “This is the first position of its kind in Australia – and will focus largely on the influence the internet and social media have on boys’ and men’s attitudes towards women and building respectful relationships.”

How do politicos who promote “the most radical policies on transgenderism, children’s gender dysphoria and euthanasia of any state in Australia” even know what a man is (when he is or is not a man) or how he is supposed to behave? If gender can change from moment to moment, any man who is accused of manliness could claim to be something else and go on doing man things, and then what?

How does the minister of unmanliness unman a man who is not identifying as a man? Easy. Gender stereotypes. Woman, Man, transman, transwoman, left-handed albino lesbain. No matter what your pronouns and regardless of your feelings, the only way to make this work is to do exactly the opposite of what the entire movement pretends to be about –  ending gender stereotypes.

Victoria’s anti-man minister must treat everyone (for the purpose of state-focused reeducation) as if they are men based solely on their behavior.

So, it’s a lot like the Gillette ads in 2019, except the State of Victoria, Australia, can be bigots with a police force and bottomless budget if it comes to that.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court

Mon, 2024-06-03 10:00 +0000

Apparently, Vermont is the first state to start forcing companies that sell fossil fuels to contribute to a climate clean-up fund.

There’s a simple way to make sure it’s also that last state to do so.  Companies that sell fossil fuels should just stop doing business in Vermont, and see how long it takes for the state to repeal the law that it just passed.  I give it a week, two at the outside.

The short-sighted, quarterly-profit-driven view would be to say:  But we need those sales!  The longer view is to look at where this kind of thing eventually leads and take a small, temporary hit now to avoid an enormous, permanent hit down the road.

Fossil fuel companies, the ball is in your court.

The post Fossil Fuel Companies, the Ball Is in Your Court appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Understanding Fault and Liability in Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits

Mon, 2024-06-03 09:00 +0000

Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. The legal landscape surrounding these incidents is often complex. It involves multiple parties and intricate details.

Understanding fault and liability in motorcycle accident lawsuits is important for victims. It helps them seek justice and compensation.

This guide delves into the legal implications and rights of victims. Read on and also learn about essential considerations in the aftermath of a motorcycle wreck.

Understanding Fault in Motorcycle Accidents

Determining fault in a motorcycle accident is the first step in any legal process. This assessment involves evaluating the actions of all parties involved. They also assess how those actions contributed to the accident.

Fault can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • road conditions
  • weather
  • vehicle maintenance
  • driver behavior

Law enforcement authorities often conduct thorough investigations to determine fault. These investigations may include:

  • Reviewing traffic camera footage
  • Analyzing physical evidence
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Examining police reports

It’s critical for victims to gather as much evidence as possible to support their claims. This includes:

  • photographing the accident scene
  • collecting witness statements
  • keeping detailed medical records
Legal Implications of Fault and Liability

The legal implications of determining fault extend to liability. This dictates who is responsible for compensating the victim. Liability in motorcycle accidents can be complicated due to the variety of parties that might be involved. These parties can include:

  • The motorcycle rider
  • Other drivers
  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Government entities for road maintenance
Comparative and Contributory Negligence

Different states follow different rules when it comes to negligence in accident lawsuits. Two primary doctrines are comparative negligence and contributory negligence.

Comparative Negligence

Under this doctrine, each party’s fault is measured as a percentage. The compensation is adjusted accordingly. For example, if a motorcyclist is found to be 20% at fault for the accident, their compensation would be reduced by that percentage.

Contributory Negligence

In states following this doctrine, if the victim is found to be even slightly at fault, they may be barred from recovering any compensation. This can make it particularly challenging for victims in these states to obtain justice.

Product Liability

In some cases, accidents result from defective parts or manufacturing errors. When this occurs, victims can file a product liability lawsuit against manufacturers. Common defects that might lead to accidents include:

  • brake failures
  • tire blowouts
  • faulty lights
Rights of Victims in Motorcycle Accidents

Victims of motorcycle accidents have specific rights. They are aimed at ensuring they receive fair compensation and justice. These rights include:

Right to Compensation

Victims may be entitled to damages in a number of ways, such as:

  • Medical cost
  • Lost pay
  • Anguish and suffering
  • Property harm
Right to Legal Representation

Navigating the legal complexities of motorcycle accident lawsuits requires professional assistance. Victims have the right to hire an attorney who specializes in personal injury law to represent their interests. Legal experts can help victims with the following:

  • understand their rights
  • gather evidence
  • negotiate with insurance companies
  • if necessary, take the case to trial

For example, Preston, Wilson & Crandley, PLC, a law firm specializing in personal injury cases. They offer comprehensive services to victims. They ensure you receive the support and representation needed to maximize your settlement.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents can occur due to many reasons, including:

Distracted Driving

A top cause of traffic accidents, including those with motorcycles, is distractions like:

  • texting
  • phone calls
  • eating
  • using in-car entertainment systems
  • These distractions divert the driver’s attention.

Excessive speed reduces reaction time and increases the severity of accidents. When motorcycles speed, it becomes more difficult to navigate curves and avoid obstacles. This heightens the risk of a crash.

Alcohol Impairment

Driving under the influence remains a significant factor in a fatal motorcycle accident. Alcohol impairs judgment, coordination, and reaction times. This makes it dangerous to operate a motorcycle or any vehicle.

Lane Splitting

While legal in select states, lane splitting can be risky, sparking fault disputes in accidents. It entails riding between slow or stopped traffic lanes. This catches drivers off guard and causes collisions.

The Role of Insurance Companies

Insurance companies sometimes try to reduce payouts. This may clash with victims’ fair compensation needs. Victims must know their rights and demand what they deserve.

Dealing with Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters will investigate the claim. They may attempt to cut the payout by attributing more fault to the victim or downplaying the severity of injuries.

Victims should be cautious when discussing their case with adjusters. They must consider consulting their attorney before making any statements.

Negotiating Settlements

Negotiating a fair motorcycle accident settlement can be challenging. Victims should ensure they have all the necessary documentation. This includes medical records and repair bills, to support their claim.

Legal representation can be invaluable during this process. It helps victims understand the true value of their claims and negotiate effectively.

Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident

Knowing the steps to take immediately following an accident can impact the outcome of a lawsuit.

Seek Medical Attention

The health and safety of everyone involved should be the top priority. Even if injuries appear minor, it’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not be immediately clear.

Document the Scene

Collecting evidence at the scene is vital. This includes taking photographs of the accident and vehicles involved. Make sure to take note of road conditions and any visible injuries.

Contact Law Enforcement

Filing a police report is essential. The report will document the accident and can serve as critical evidence in a lawsuit.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Informing your insurance company about the accident is a necessary step. However, be mindful of what you disclose, as insurers can use statements against you to minimize your claim.

Consult an Attorney

Speaking with an experienced attorney should be one of the first steps victims take. Legal professionals can provide guidance on how to proceed. This ensures victims’ rights are protected throughout the process.

Understand Fault and Liability in Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits

Motorcycle accidents are complex and navigating the legal landscape can be daunting. Understanding fault, liability, and your rights as a victim is crucial for securing fair compensation.

It’s important to gather evidence, seek medical attention, and consult with a specialized attorney. These experts will guide you through the process of motorcycle accident lawsuits.

With the right support and knowledge, victims can focus on recovery while ensuring justice is served. Remember, legal expertise is invaluable in these challenging times, so don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Expand your horizons by checking out more of our blog posts on a diverse array of topics. Happy reading!

The post Understanding Fault and Liability in Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The May 29th INSURRECTION

Mon, 2024-06-03 02:00 +0000

Did you know that there was an insurrection on May 29th in New Hampshire? IN NEW HAMPSHIRE! There was! The LGBTQ “community” “took over” (their leader’s words, not mine) part of the State House!

So when are the arrests coming? When is Formella announcing the indictments? If you answered, NEVER, very good. You are absolutely right. In today’s America, ONLY one side … the Woke-Communists … have First Amendment rights. It’s called HIERARCHY, bitter-clingers.

The Woke-Communists do NOT share your values. Complaining about hypocrisy, double standards, a two-tiered justice system, etc., does NOT bother them a bit. If anything, it makes them laugh … at you. A two-tiered justice system, etc. is exactly how they think the system should work.

The post Night Cap: The May 29th INSURRECTION appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Since the Election of Donald Trump, the Left Has Lost Its Collective Mind

Mon, 2024-06-03 00:00 +0000
Since the election of Donald Trump, the left has lost its collective mind. They have gone into a stage of sheer lunacy and have not returned. It seems the entire liberal world has combined their efforts to take Trump out at all costs. But in this devilish process, the left has exposed its true nature. I have stated many times that multiculturalism and the doctrine of moral relativism are destroying the moral fabric of America. Moral relativism is the core of the social sciences, hence sociology, anthropology, psychology, and political science. It corrupts judges, opinion makers, policy and decision-makers.   Moral relativism denies the existence of evil. This doctrine is evident in former President Barack Obama’s writings and pro-Palestinian attitude. It was also evident in the American policy of detente vis-a-vis the Soviet Union. Andre Solzhenitsyn denounced it in his book “Being Silent about Evil.”   This Democrat Party no longer hides its agenda. They now openly encourage millions of illegal aliens to violate our laws and break into our country, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free healthcare, and free education. And, of course, the right to vote with the help of their ACE in the hole, the “Fake News” media.   What is the Democratic Party’s mantra? It is basically, “We’re not Trump.” Hillary Clinton tried it, but it did not work well. Given the uncertainty that is about to envelop us, it is time for us to step out and fight back. Although it will be difficult, and many won’t join us, I think it’s our only hope. Let’s make up a story and impeach him. Just do everything we can to disrupt the conscience of the nation. The Democrats have thrown all their eggs into the “Hate Trump” basket, but that doesn’t seem to be helping their poll numbers. It is obvious that the Democrat Party is at war with America, and they are not interested in stopping any time soon.   The radical left enjoys controlling people from the cradle to the grave. They want socialism. They want to be in charge of people’s lives for eternity. The leftist agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and fosters government reliance, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, promotes Sharia law, denigrates the sanctity of marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship and much more.   For decades, the Democrat Party has shown by both words and deeds that they despise the U.S. Constitution. At the same time, they bend over backward to embrace Islamists, illegal aliens, and anyone who hates America and feels entitled. The left is interested only in power and nothing else – even if it means sacrificing our safety and security.

The post Since the Election of Donald Trump, the Left Has Lost Its Collective Mind appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Elections Have Consequences: Silent weapons …

Sun, 2024-06-02 23:00 +0000

Have the Russians developed “silent” electromagnetic-wave weapons they are using on Americans…in America?

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4vjrfc","div":"rumble_v4vjrfc"});

The Link:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Damond, It’s “Stifle,” Not “Stiffle,” … And People Have A Right To Know They Are “Represented” By An Incorrigible Communist

Sun, 2024-06-02 22:00 +0000

Apparently, State Rep Damond Ford … Hamas’ guy in the NH House… “dislikes” having his tweets discussed on Granite Grok. But as with everything else Rep Hamas … oops! Sorry! Rep Ford … is wrong. We don’t want to stifle your opinions DT … we want to amplify and spread them. So the people of New Hampshire will know just what an incorrigible Woke-Communist you are.

Your campaign literature is so boilerplate and antiseptic. Not at all the DT we see on X. The DT on X is a cheerleader for Hamas. That DT sees everyone and everything in terms of race. That DT thinks parents have no right to know what happens in public schools. That DT supports the chemical castration of children (which the Woke-Communists euphemistically call “gender-affirming care.”) That DT is all for Critical Race Theory and celebrated when the law banning CRT was struck down by an activist federal judge.


I could go on and on and on. But to cut to the chase, it is unarguable that “candidate” DT Ford bears little to no resemblance to “Representative” DT Ford.

So, no we don’t want to stifle you … or even stiffle you (whatever that means). We want you to keep expressing your opinions on X. We want New Hampshire to see the real DT Ford,

The post Damond, It’s “Stifle,” Not “Stiffle,” … And People Have A Right To Know They Are “Represented” By An Incorrigible Communist appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Trans-justice Case Against Trump

Sun, 2024-06-02 20:00 +0000

Since the very first days Donald Trump won the 2016 election his political enemies, once respectfully called Democrats, made it clear they were going after him and his supporters with a vengeance.  Though he hadn’t been in office long enough to warrant impeachment Rashida Tlaib defiantly announced to a crowd of her fellow Americans and constituents they were going to “impeach the m****rf****r”.  This type of prophetic belligerence was a harbinger of what lay ahead.  Her colleague Maxine Waters rallied a crowd outside of the capitol building calling for, essentially violence, by her followers to verbally or otherwise assault Trump supporting Americans in public, which they would ultimately do, in restaurants and at their homes.  These weren’t the politics of disagreement but intimidation.

Why?  Donald Trump had the temerity to call out the legacy media for lying.  He slummed with soon to be pariahs like Alex Jones who had done the same in relative anonymity, that is, until it was discovered he had enough listeners to swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump.  Jones would become the first un-personed and de-platformed man in modern America.

Trump also played golf with troglodytes boozers like John Daley and Kid Rock.  He entertained himself in the uncouth manner of WWE wrestling and UFC fights.  Though once a darling insider invited to the swankiest parties he was never fully blue-blooded. He played the game while remaining true to himself as a lover of America and Americans.  Something Democrats, who fancy themselves champions of the oppressed, only do as virtue signaling.  They don’t love the homeless, they enable them.  They don’t love black people, they assume they’re too dumb to pass tests, get IDs, or succeed on a level playing field.  They confuse pandering for passion and excuses for empathy.

Yesterday’s verdict against Trump was the culmination of years of trying to convict him of some level of high crimes or misdemeanors (turned felonies) since the moment he upset the deep state darling Hillary Clinton.  Despite triumphantly announcing her leading in the polls 90% to 10%, with media in her pocket and derisive laughter from would-be journalists and celebrities mocking Trump, the American people carried him to victory.  I, like so many others, was in disbelief the morning I saw his victory announced.  Though I was well aware of a corrupt and cult-like media apparatus which had been exposed for dutifully lying to Americans about everything from the JFK assassination to global cooling then global warming then climate change, constantly on high alert for the next “crisis” I still believed the pollsters were faithful.

Yet the last eight years have seen the falling down of virtually every institution and every public hero exposing this great nation for its inherent and fatal flaw – belief that its greatness is assumed and not earned.

Medicine no longer has the pristine integrity of the symbolic white coats worn by doctors.  Thanks to social media we know now our healthcare system is basically a sick-care system run by Big Pharma.

Science has lost its way as we’ve learned “studies show” means “companies paid-for” desired results.

And pollsters have now been so far off with their data not even Vegas would touch their odds of being accurate.

Today was perhaps the final nail in the coffin of justice no longer being blind but biased and buyable.  We already knew there were two-tiers to the justice system: one for those with money and prestige and another for the rest of us.  Yet it was bifurcated again when Soros backed DA’s began releasing would be Democrat voters, like BLM rioters, looters and pedophiles en masse along with opening the border to multinational migrants, many of who fit the same description.

The double-standard extends now to the billionaire class where a non-establishment president can be hounded like a wild fox while the billionaires known to frequent Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking island remain unmolested for their crimes.  Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, both heavy Democrat donors, sit atop the great wealth transfer from America’s middle class while Elon Musk, once the savior of the planet, is now pilloried for taking a Trump-like turn to face the behemoth that is elite globalism and point out their corruption.  Robert DeNiro has used his bully-pulpit for foul-mouth tirade after foul-mouth tirade until it caught up to him in New York this week where he was shouted down by the mom of Trump supporters.  In a moment of extreme irony he said to his haters “we’re trying to be decent people and you’re a bunch of gangsters”, somehow forgetting he was busted for involvement in a prostitution ring and made his fortune playing Mafiosi.

The gaslighting has hit almost critical mass.  The party that tells you Richard Levine is now Rachel Levine first female admiral in American military history; that Catholics attending Latin mass and parents expressing displeasure with their school boards are domestic terrorists but Drag Queens are reliable sources for early child literacy; that Ukraine, notorious for human trafficking while rated in the top thirty-five most corrupt countries, is a democracy worth defending with billions of US tax-payer dollars; that Google and Twitter knowingly swayed the election by covering up the Hunter Biden laptop story and colluding with feds to suppress conservative communication but the 2020 election was the “freest and most fair” in US history; and that Joe Biden is a cagey and deft political maneuverer not a senile and daft life-time political grifter – are now telling you they have carried out justice.

Never mind the case was already avoided by better prosecutors who failed to take it on because of how weak it was.  Or that the statute of limitations had already run out.  Or the crimes listed were so vague even legal experts weren’t clear on what Bragg’s legal theory was.  Or that Alvin Bragg ran on a platform to “get Donald Trump”. Or that Bragg has one set of merciful laws for actual criminals and another vindictive set for a former President of the United States.  Or that judge Merchan’s daughter has made millions representing both Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, Trump’s political rivals.  Or that Bragg’s team used questionable legal means to elevate misdemeanors to felonies.  Or that Judge Merchan gagged Trump from publically defending himself.  Or that he disallowed cameras in perhaps the most important trial in American history.  Or that Bragg and the media laughed post-verdict about having taken down a president and the Republican front-runner.  No, forget all of that.

They want you to believe this was about no one being above the law as they sip chardonnay in five-star restaurants with cities filling with homeless people and illegal immigrants displacing American children and working families.  They want you to believe they are the true arbiters of justice after causing millions of Americans to get vaccinated against their will while Ivy League presidents who commit serial plagiarism remain in their cushy $800k/year jobs.  They want you to believe they are for a woman’s right to choose while not being able to legally define what a woman is nor extending those rights to women suddenly forced to compete against men in women’s sports.  They want you to believe we have a patriarchy problem while their patriarchs set out to “fundamentally transform America”.

It’s happened.  They have fundamentally transformed America, and now they have transformed its justice system.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

― George Orwell, 1984


The post The Trans-justice Case Against Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NO … Trump Did Not Just “Win The Election”

Sun, 2024-06-02 18:00 +0000

Do you really believe that the same people who would brazenly rig a criminal trial against the most high-profile defendant imaginable … a former President and current leading candidate for that very office … would hesitate to rig an election? Do you not understand that the “conviction” of Trump and the other “lawfare” are just a small, small part of how the 2024 election is being rigged? Do you really believe that the same “judge” who just presided over a Stalinesque show-trial, including jury-instructions that all but instructed you must find Trump guilty, would hesitate to place Trump under some kind of house-arrest or even in jail when he is sentenced on July 11th, thereby preventing him from campaiging?

I could go on, but hopefully even the bitterest of bitter-clingers get the point. There is “looking on the bright side” and optimism, and then there is delusion. And claiming that the bogus guilty conviction wins the election for Trump is delusional. It is just a small taste of what the Left has planned to prevent Trump from becoming President. The worst is yet to come.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wednesday June 5, Mark Your Calendars!

Sun, 2024-06-02 16:00 +0000

This coming Wednesday, 6/5/24, marks the beginning of candidate filing time, which ends the following Friday, Flag Day and Trump’s birthday.  I have yet to get any intel on the enemy camp’s calendar, but there are three up-ballot people on our side who have appointments with Scanlan (and the media circus) or official intentions to file on opening day.

Chuck Morse is said to be the early bird at 8 am.  Seeing that Kelly Ayotte is the State Royal Family’s “chosen one,” I’ll be voting for Chuck, but I’m writing this more to rally up the troops for two others.  More on them in a moment.

Let me say for the record that work and other obligations often get in the way, and I’m in no position to choose other people’s vacation time. But with that said, please consider a trip to Concord on Wednesday because TWO great candidates worthy of support will be filing in the afternoon, one on my own ballot and one not.

If you happen to vote in one of the nine towns I’m about to list, you’ll have an opportunity to meet two up-ballot candidates on YOUR ballot.  Those towns are Loudon, Pittsfield, Chichester, Epsom, Pembroke, Allenstown, Deerfield, Northwood and Nottingham.  However, support is welcome from everyone, no matter where you call home.

The two candidates are Lily Tang Williams (for Congress) and Nurse Terese (for Executive Council).

Readers should be familiar with both of them by now, but please explore the pages in their links as most frequently asked questions will be answered there.  Though not required, please RSVP to them if you plan to attend so enough signs can be provided for the sign waves.

There is one housekeeping reminder worth mentioning.  Please respect the rules against signs inside Flags Hall, which is the atrium you walk into when using the front door.  Most of us have a decent relationship with security, and Wednesday is all about making the candidates look their very best.  I would even recommend using the side entrance, though they won’t shoot you if you’re just quickly walking through to get to the stairs/elevator.  They also don’t allow totems inside the building because of all the old paintings on the hallway walls.

Here’s hoping to see lots of fellow supporters there!

The post Wednesday June 5, Mark Your Calendars! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pulpit Polity: Patrick Henry

Sun, 2024-06-02 14:00 +0000

Patrick Henry was an American politician, planter, and renowned orator. He was also a great patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence. As a founding Father, he served as the first and sixth post-colonial Governor of Virginia from 1776-1779 and 1784-1786.

He was a native of Hanover County, Virginia, and was primarily educated at home. He failed at several business ventures and became a lawyer through self-study.

He was a staunch resister of a strong centralized government and often led the way in speeches and military ventures to bring freedom from Britain to the colonies.

He was named after his Uncle who was an Anglican minister and until his death (death of his Uncle) he often referred to himself as Patrick Henry Jr.. Religion played a key role in Henry’s life. While a child, the Great Awakening reached Virginia. His father’s mother often took him to hear Presbyterian ministers and those associated with the revival. He learned that it is not enough to save one’s own soul; one should help save society. He also learned that oratory should reach the heart, not just persuade based on reason alone. His oratory followed in the fashion of these revival preachers.

He was critical of the State of Virginia because he felt that slavery and lack of religious toleration had retarded its development. You must remember that Anglicanism was the state sponsored (British) mandated religion in the colonies. The Anglican pastors were paid by the King or local governments and were in a place of mandatory adherence, though it would be hard to check up on each congregant to make sure they were practicing their faith.

He told the Virginia Ratifying Convention in 1788, “That religion or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence, and therefore all men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to free exercise of religion according to dictates of conscience, and that no particular religious sect or society out to be favored or established by law in preference to others.

At the Second Virginia Convention, which was convened at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Richmond on March 20, 1775, Henry offered amendments to the petition by the Planters of the Colony of Jamaica, which was being recommended by the Convention to adopt. He defended his amendment with his most famous quote:

If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable, and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. “Gentlemen may cry, ‘Peace, Peace,’ but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? … Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

What a brave patriot!

I guess we can conclude that Patrick Henry was not shy about his faith!

Until next time…

The post Pulpit Polity: Patrick Henry appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Big Wind Sucking Fumes?

Sun, 2024-06-02 12:00 +0000

The Biden economy has meant most of us are taking a beating but that group includes Big Wind. Inflation makes everything cost more, as does demand, and false demand for wind energy coupled with other factors have made the business anything but profitable.

Siemens Gamesa [the Spanish renewable spin-off of German parent Siemens Energy] plans to cut about 4,100 jobs from its wind turbine division as the company continues to restructure its business. The downsizing, reported May 28 by Reuters, impacts about 15% of the company’s workforce. The news service said the layoffs were noted in an internal letter to staff from CEO Jochen Eickholt. The cuts were expected after the company reported a €4.6 billion ($4.9 billion) loss in 2023, triggered by the suspension of sales for two wind turbine models.

Rising costs have resulted in a growing number of canceled developments, as the price guarantees required to lower the cost of energy are impossible for even Democratic governors to sign off on. Without the bailouts, handouts, and prop-ups, the industry is struggling.

More from Hot Air

Don’t think for two seconds that Biden and his little Green henchmen don’t realize the tax credits and subsidy losses are killing the grift. These renewables simply, as the Warren Buffet quote above makes clear and anyone in CA knows, cannot exist in a free market state. They cannot stand on their own. They have to have the government propping them up, basically forever.

So that’s what Biden’s proposing and for a wide swath of his climate cult friends. Every little pig to the trough!

Locally, you’ll have likely heard that New Hampshire has an offshore wind commission to prop up Dave ‘Whale Killer’ Watters’s green dreams. The project is truly a three-state boondoggle, including Massachusetts and Maine. The NH Commies have been meeting for years, but there’s been very little public-facing evidence, and more people who should know about it don’t than do. Recent meetings to fast-track this scam before Biden is de-selected as president hope to tap into and seal a deal on more taxpayer money.

I’m not sure your great-grandchildren will appreciate the additional debt and interest you’ll have heaped upon them for no good reason, especially since there’s s a rumor we’re chasing that while the cables will be onshored in Seabrook, New Hampshire, Granite Staters might not be getting any of the power.

It makes you wonder why we’ve got a commission. If this is like Northern Pass, you’d expect them to want to keep it as quiet as possible. Piss off the fisherman, lobsterman, and everyone else who is against it – and as they learn in the last day’s efforts to seal the deal (at the expense of the seals, perhaps), it would be inconvenient to learn we get nothing out of it.

I assume it can be built, and given everything else I’ve written, there’s no guarantee, so assume it will and act like you’d rather it not.

Meeting times and dates are available here – the next one is Monday. If you cna go, get us some video or sound, please. They won’t want to let you take, and they won’t want to answer our questions, but that’s good content if you can get it.



The post Is Big Wind Sucking Fumes? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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