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Sunday • September 8 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 57 sec ago

Court Hearing – Constitutionalist Dan Richard vs NH Sec. State Scanlon, Associate AG Edwards, Town of Auburn over Dominion Voting Machines

Sat, 2022-09-10 22:30 +0000

While Dan Richard has been fighting in having his NH Constitutional Right to serve a Remonstrance to the NH House and Senate, he has now embarked, on Constitutional grounds again, on the legality of using the 4-decade-old practice of using Dominion’s electronic voting machines over the 200+ year tradition of hand counting.  In this hearing where he is seeking an injunction that would affect ballot counting for this Tuesday’s Primary Day here in NH, this is the first step to see if his case has “merit” – whether he has the legal horsepower to convince Judge Ruoff that he does have a valid argument to make.  It was something to see the “NH Heavyweights” that are being sued over this: Secretary of State Doug Scanlon, and Associate Attorney General Anne Edwards sitting at the defendant’s table.

There was a kerfuffle before the hearing started as the Judge had put into place a mandatory mask order before the hearing. A few of the folks who came to support Dan refused and were removed from the courtroom, most complied (including me as I wasn’t going to travel this far and not get video to bring back to y’all).

NOTE: I was not allowed to set up my MEVO cameras – one for the Judge and one for the lawyers’ podium. The Judge’s mic mostly worked but the podium’s did not. Adding to that, I and the activist from NH Voice were herded into the last row. While the Ultra S22 camera had the better view (finding that out AFTER the hearing had started), my Canon with its Rode shotgun mic had the better sound.  So, I’ll put up both and you get to decide which to watch: better video or better sound.  See – choices!


Beginning of hearing, Dan calls Tom Murray as a witness:

Dan calls Al Brandano:

Dan calls Al Ken Eyring:

Dan asks for a brief recess to talk with his expert witness. Upon resuming, Judge asks “How did we get here for this emergency hearing for an injunction for Tuesday?”.  Dan responds with a history:

Attorney General’s attorney responds to the same question spurring this thought:

So few people have never said so much in saying so very little at all. Worse than a Kamala word salad”.

Town of Auburn responds, Closing arguments, Judge announces his ruling within 24 hours.


Samsung S22 Ultra – I am just going to present the entire video, uncut:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

AARP I-Heart Radio NH US Senate Debate Round Up/Report

Sat, 2022-09-10 21:00 +0000

The 5 major candidates for US Senate faced off again at New England College in Henniker on Wednesday night. Questions were from a panel of ‘journalists’ and all gave a fairly good account of themselves. Here’s a summary, from my feverishly typed contemporaneous notes…

The candidates mostly performed in character: Bruce Fenton refrained from dumping on Chuck Morse; Chuck was constantly shouting about his NH Senate record; Vikram had a very good economic message; Kevin Smith was smooth, telegenic, and dodged the main point of some questions; General Don Bolduc was well informed and sometimes quite brief. Chuck and Kevin accused each other of lying over abortion limits and Planned Parenthood funding, like the two stooges that they are.

Inflation – What should the Fed do?
Bruce – The economy cannot be controlled by politicians in suits in DC, especially because of the Fed printing so much money
Morse – Cut inflation by raising interest rates (Has he heard of stagflation?)
Vikram – The Fed is responsible for money supply (and should stop printing)
Smith – The Fed increased interest rates too late (He actually said we should audit the Fed)
Don – Congressional spending is the problem and the Fed is a private consortium of banks that feeds the spending.

Student loan forgiveness
Bruce – It’s our money he’s using, and academia is part of the problem. Get government out.
Chuck – Election year gimmick. You should figure your own Return on investment on college costs.
Vikram – Paying off loans is theft from people who paid off loans, or did not go to college.
Smith – It’s an election year bribe at taxpayer expense.
Bolduc – It’s simple – pay your own debt.

Bruce – Against any Federal laws pro or anti abortion. NH is quite lax.
Chuck – I’m a hero for setting a limit at 24 weeks. Many babies were not available for comment. (Smith lies about my Planned Parenthood funding!)
Vikram – OK with choice as Chuck defined it. (6 month abortions OK)
Smith – Simply return decisions and lawmaking to the states. Morse is not good on life – his fiscal committee tried to fund PP.
Don – Federal government caused division and strife on this matter – return lawmaking to the states.

Two Establishment candidates try to blow each other up!

Who can win against Maggie Hassan?
Bruce – Primary is die hard GOP. General election swings on independents – I can get them.
Chuck – I fought Maggie over the state budget and won. I can beat her.
Vikram – career politicians with no business experience have wrecked the economy – choose a businessman.
Smith – Establishment is trying to buy this seat McConnell for Chuck, and Schumer for Bolduc. They are wrong – I can beat Maggie.
Don – All of the wrecked economy, debt, fiscal and energy policy is a national security threat. I understand how to take on the swamp. (Chuck Schumer is making a bad bet)

Gas prices/EVs/Exit from fossil fuels
Bruce – Government meddling has wrecked the energy market by picking winners and losers.
Chuck – Let’s not meddle and let’s increase oil and gas production.
Vikram – More energy not government choice. More energy sources needed.
Smith – Energy independence – unleash the domestic production and increase nuclear power production.
Don – forced transition to green is killing domestic energy. We need fossil fuels first.

Medicare – how to strengthen
Bruce – Keep promises but transition to a new plan for younger folk.
Chuck – We need to control the DC budget to save Medicare – denied voting for Medicare expansion in NH.
Vikram – We need transparency in federal budgets and we need more choice in Medicare to reduce costs.
Smith – Bring down the cost of healthcare by adding choice, and boost revenue by freeing the economy. NO Medicare for all – Chuck voted for it.
Don – Long term care is broken. We need better elder care and services.

Education – Fed funding of special needs programs
Bruce – This is bad – the feds should stay out of it. It’s a high waste program with lots of expensive bureaucrats – don’t send them the money.
Chuck – NH made up the deficiencies in fed mandates vs fundings.
Vikram – Feds should fund special needs and other mandates – more resources.
Smith – Feds should keep their promises and fund the mandates. Ed dept is funding and prioritizing the wrong things.
Don – Feds should fund special needs programs.

Covid – how was it/ should it be handled
Bruce – Government response was unacceptable tyranny. Totally. He’ll fight it all. No mask, no vax, no vax passports.
Chuck – CDC sent bad messages and rules to states. I fought against mandates, but CDC was a bum steer. (He didn’t stop Sununu, either.)
Vikram – It was all overblown based on bad science and government overreach. Human costs were not factored in.
Smith – Congress has been MIA in investigating the source and cause of Covid. (He says it spend more time on UFOs.) Stop the mandates.
Don – All levels of gov failed with lockdowns and mandates and hurt people and businesses. Don’t vote for people who enabled this shame/lockdown.

School shootings – how to keep kids safe?
Bruce – Solution is not limiting guns. Train and arm teachers.
Chuck – Get involved with mental health issues and harden schools.
Vikram – Deal with the mental health crisis and get kids off social media to limit anxiety and depression caused by them.
Smith – More trained School resource officers and harden schools – and government money to help.
Don – It’s a people problem – the shooters, the failed public officials who did not investigate or react. Hold people accountable.

Making immigration policy work
Bruce – immigration is positive – but it should be orderly, and the border should be controlled.
Chuck – Build the wall and follow immigration laws.
Vikram – Secure border, stop illegal immigration, make legal immigration easier.
Smith – I went to border wall and have a plan – wall, e-verify, no sanctuary cities, no catch and release, then reform legal immigration.
Don – Border must be closed and controlled. Refugee courts near the border to speed turnaround, no catch and release.

Social security promises and solvency
Bruce – Keep promises then END Social Security for younger workers – introduce private schemes – choice for the people.
Chuck – Keep promises for earned benefits – clean up government finances that are siphoning the funds.
Vikram – Keep the promises but look at a different scheme for younger workers – move from defined benefits to defined contributions.
Smith – Must keep promises and beat inflation, then move to a better scheme. Republicans must propose ideas so Democrats do not demonize them.
Don – Congress has wrecked the social security trust fund, and we must keep promises but change to a new scheme for younger workers.

Water “security” and pollution – EPA role
Bruce – Environmental protection is a federal government job (one of few he would support).
Chuck – Some towns had all contaminated water under new EPA standards, and the state stepped in to help fund mitigation
Vikram – Protect environment from real pollutants (not CO2) and hold bad firms accountable.
Smith – Lowered limits for certain pollutants caused costs for local taxpayers .
Don – Military bases all had bad water supply. BUT trust local and state officials, and the people, and dump the EPA!

Foreign policy and foreign trade, and Ukraine war
Bruce – Too much meddling in foreign affairs and wars – we should stay out.
Chuck – Failed leadership in foreign policy and energy leaves us dependent on the wrong people and nations.
Vikram – Peace through strength. Obama and Biden failed to deter aggression. Stop being dependent on China.
Kevin – Peace through strength, like Trump/Pompeo.
Don – Bad leadership in both foreign policy and the military got us into this mess.

Closing statements
Bruce – Legalize pot and drugs. I can appeal across all groups of voters
Chuck – Long record of good budgets in NH Sen. Constitutional Carry, Educational freedom freedom, 6 month abortion limits.
Vikram – A son of immigrants who came for America’s promises and he wants to give back to help preserve America’s promise for future generations.
Smith – I’m a conservative with a record and I want to fix things in DC.
Don – I’ve met all sorts of Granite Staters. They want unity, liberty, and freedom. Quoted from the preamble to constitution: Government’s purpose is preserve life liberty and pursuit of happiness for We The People. Send an outsider to DC.


  • Bruce toned down the rhetoric a bit, but he’s definitely a libertarian.
  • Chuck shouted too much and conflated beating Maggie’s budget veto with being able to win an election. Bragged about his long record, and some of the things he funded.
  • Vikram showed good grasp of economics, except for education funding.
  • Kevin dodged the central point of some questions, and thinks that the Dept of Education should fund special ed, without grasping that bad education policies and mandates are part of that same package.
  • Don had clear, crisp answers on almost everything, with a clear intent to scale back government. Only blind spot was special ed funding by the federal government (Like most others).
  • The two stooges (Chuck and Kevin) accused each other of lying over Planned Parenthood funding.

Yes, I’m still supporting General Don Bolduc as the man most likely to help reduce government and avoid pressure from the swamp.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAU21 Administrators Need Training In U.S. History, Not Woke Ideology

Sat, 2022-09-10 18:00 +0000

SAU21 has taken heat for giving teachers a day off of school to attend training provided by the political organization Seacoast Outright. The far leftist organization will now train teachers in SAU21 on how to deal with LGBTQ children in the school.  How about just treating all children with respect and dignity, and implementing consequences for those who do not?

Their exclusive and narrow political views will be the topic of conversation during this training, instead of any support for academic excellence.

This was highlighted at the September 8th school board meeting, where one parent brought forth information on how her daughter was told that she needed to erase the whiteboard after she wrote “Merry Christmas” on it. She might offend someone if they see Merry Christmas on the whiteboard.

Then recently, her daughter was told that Christmas carols would no longer be part of the Holiday program this year. The mother decided to talk to the principal about this, and was told that the North Hampton School would have to eliminate the religious songs from the holiday program, but the secular songs could remain. The mother was also told that this decision was made because of the “Separation of Church and State” law. The parent responded by educating the principal that there is no “Separation of Church and State” law that exists.  You can watch the mother address the North Hampton school board here at 8:10:

North Hampton School Board Meeting September 8, 2022

Then you can fast forward to 27:23 where I addressed the school board on the history of “Separation of Church and State,” and where it comes from.

The teacher training lacks diverse views on the LGBTQ children because there is nothing about what the religious community believes. The faith community shares a different viewpoint on gender identity; however, that viewpoint is left out of the the training for the teachers. Some parents might want their children affirmed in their natural beauty because they are a child of God but that isn’t part of the training.

In this short video, you can see how an autistic child was manipulated in this affirmation process and how that took a dangerous path.

Now we hear how religious carols will be removed because someone is misusing the idea of “Separation of Church and State.”   No where in the U.S. Constitution does it say anything about the separation of church and state. This term was used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to a baptist church in Connecticut, in 1802 where Jefferson reassured the church that their 1st amendment rights would be protected.

The First Amendment’s Establishment Clause was intended to restrict Congress from: “establishing,” through federal legislation, a national Christian denomination, similar to the Anglican Church of England.  A religious Christmas Carol would not be the equivalent to the federal government establishing a religion.

It sure makes you wonder about the people working in and running our public schools. How do they get something this simple wrong?

The public schools can have children singing Christmas carols, recognizing Kwanza and Hanukkah, and even putting up a menorah.

Did you know that the New Hampshire Senate opens each session with a prayer by various religious leaders? 

It’s not unconstitutional to sing religious carols at Christmas at school.

In the case of Lynch vs. Donnelly, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right to display religious symbols or displays on public property. This did not violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

Chief Justice Warren E. Burger cited Christmas and Thanksgiving as national holidays and noted that the “Government has long recognized — indeed it has subsidized — holidays with religious significance.That tradition of recognizing the country’s religious roots was distinguished from the First Amendment’s proscription of endorsing and establishing a religion.

On page 465 U. S. 670
To forbid the use of this one passive symbol while hymns and carols are sung and played in public places, including schools, and while Congress and state legislatures open public sessions with prayers, would be an overreaction contrary to this Nation’s history and this Court’s holdings. Pp. 465 U. S. 685-686.

The US Supreme Court said that these religious displays were fine and at the same time, acknowledged that hymns and carols were sung in public places, INCLUDING public schools.

Any decision to remove religious songs sounds is an overreaction per the United States Supreme Court. What about religious symbols? Are those now going to be forbidden? Even though the Supreme Court has already weighed in on this?

Make sure you let Superintendent Meredith Nadeau and Asst. Superintendent David Hobbs know that we expect district administrators to focus on improving the academic outcomes in our schools.

Between the lack of inclusion in the teacher training session with Seacoast Outright and now this, I am beginning to question the commitment to inclusion in this district. These examples look more like hostility towards religious families versus respect for a diverse community.  If they are going to preach inclusion, then start showing it.






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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karoline Leavitt – Senator Ted Cruz Campaign Rally

Sat, 2022-09-10 16:30 +0000

This was from Thursday nite at the American Foreign Legion Hall in Londonderry, NH.  Traveled down and was a bit surprised at how many people were attending – parking was off-site (down the road a bit at the athletic field complex)  due to the small parking lot. However, the police (multiple cars and a K-9) allowed me to unload as long as I moved right afterward; I complied and thanked them for allowing me to do so. And I was warmly greeted by the staff and I went to set up.

Set up my traveling recorder on the press/video riser and then tried to set up my MEVO cameras on either side of the stage as I normally do.  That didn’t last long – I was told that the fire marshall nixed that. So, the only angle is from the riser (not that tall) with lots of people in front of the stage.  I was surprised at the size of the crowd.

Anyways, here are the three clips – the “obligatory” intro ceremonies that are always a part of a Republican gathering (Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance – are those even a “thing” at Democrat events? If you are from the Left reading this, can you let us know?) and then mostly Ted Cruz.  I will tell you that he was in rare form – he is naturally funny and loves to “turn a phrase” but he took it to a new level since I last saw him (GraniteGrok endorsed him in the Primary that Trump eventually won).  Either he HAS worked on his comedic side or he’s hired a better crew of comedy writers – and his timing was quite good (it seems he’s had a lot of practice).  One thing is true, though, he knows the issues and uses that comedian touch to get his points across.

And lest I forget, his entire purpose for being in NH was to endorse, as GraniteGrok has done, Karoline Leavitt for US Congress in NH’s First Congressional District. My hope is that she’ll turn out to be similar – hated by the Establishment but loved by the Conservative / Liberty & Freedom wing of the Republican Party.

Intro Ceremonies:

US Senator Ted Cruz – Part 1:

US Senator Ted Cruz – Part 2:


REMEMBER!  Tuesday, September 13th, get out and vote!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Exposing Lies About Melissa Blasek

Sat, 2022-09-10 15:00 +0000

I just received my special Smear card this morning from Granite PAC  falsely accusing  Mellissa Blasek, my Merrimack State Rep, that she: “Kicked Freedom & Liberty to The Curb” and “She Threw Out Our New Hampshire Values” during her tenure in office. Check out Steve MacDonald’s revealing article about from where the PAC money comes.

One could say about the fact that they’ve spent over five grand attacking Blasék that is a “badge of honor.” Besides, this is the Marxist Principle of Reversal:  “ Alway accuse your adversary of what you are guilty of.” Representative Blasek take heart: “If they smear you, they fear you.”

Let’s look at some facts. Our honorable Governor talks the talk of liberty while he “walks the walk of tyranny.”

He promised Right to Lifers he would support the repeal of the Buffer Zone Law, but when it came to signing  HB 1625, he proved he was untrustworthy by refusing to sign the repeal into law.

He followed in lockstep all of the federal government’s unconstitutional Executive Order Mandates and dragged his feet opposing the Civil Liberties Defense Act, which political expediency finally forced him to sign it.

Based on the above short representation of  his complete “spitting in the face of our Founding Fathers wisdom: If Melissa “Kicked the Curb of Liberty, “ Honorable Governor Sununu “Kicked the Statue of Liberty Down” during the past several years of ignoring Constitutional law, stomping all over the NH Constitution’s Article I Bill of Rights, specifically our “Inherent Rights,” which are essentially a Bill of Limitations, demanding the government not infringe on the rights just as our U.S. Constitution demands no infringement on our “Unalienable Rights.”

Check out the first 7:

Article I Bill of Rights
1. Equality of men; origin and object of government.
2. Natural rights.
2-a. The bearing of arms.
2-b. Right to privacy.
3. Society, its organization and purposes.
4. Rights of conscience unalienable.
5. Religious freedom recognized.
6. Morality and piety.
7. State sovereignty.

It appears our Governor has been not only “kicking but taking an ax to Liberty.”

The bottom line is Merrimack is so lucky to have Representative Blasek. She and Representative Jeanine Notter scored 100 % by the NH Republican Alliance, which grades officeholders on their fidelity to the Constitution.

Again check out Steve MacDonald’s article from 9/7 on Granite Grok for details. In Merrimack, voters on Tuesday need to reward Melissa with a vote of confidence for her courage to stand up for constitutional law. And Republicans need to dethrone our totalitarian-minded governor by voting for Karen Testerman. For there is no way that “freedom can flourish” if our leaders disobey the laws they are sworn to obey.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sun-King Sununu’s Response To Cornerstone … You Conservatives Are IRRELEVANT

Sat, 2022-09-10 13:30 +0000

Skip has covered Cornerstone taking Sun-King Sununu to task for his LIE about supporting repeal of the so-called “abortion buffer zone.” The Sun-King’s response: conservatives are irrelevant in New Hampshire:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mayor Lightfoot Saves Illegals From Chicago Gun Violence By Shipping Them off to the Suburbs

Sat, 2022-09-10 12:00 +0000

Democrat Mayor Lori “no white reporters” Lightfoot has done at least a few dozen illegal aliens a service. I know; she said she would welcome them to Chigaco after they were bussed there by “a man without any morals, humanity or shame,” but she then stuck them on another bus.

Problem meets solution

The southern US border is overwhelmed by masses yearning to breathe free. Texas Governor Abbott has decided to share the wealth. He is bussing some of them to cities across this once great land that declared themselves sanctuaries for precisely these sorts of people (cough-cough!).

Problem meets solution.

Mayor Eric Adams in New York City pretended to welcome them but was more interested in yelling at Arizona and Texas. The Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, got snippy as well. Bussing them as close to the people who drew them here has exacerbated the homeless problem. She’s declared a public emergency, which allows her to create more government. So, it’s a win-win for Bowser, yes?

And then there’s lightfooted Lori. She made a big speech about them coming to Chicago.


“Instead of treating these individuals with respect that they deserve or the due process that our require. Gov. Abbott chose instead to inhumanely load them onto buses, send them on a more-than-12-hour journey across a country that they don’t known and drop them off without any regard for what the next steps are. These are human beings.

Big words, big promise.

How’s That Working Out?


WGN Investigates has learned several dozen of the migrants Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sent to Chicago have now been relocated to a hotel in the suburbs without advance warning to the local mayor.


The prevailing punditry on this is that Lightfoot is a hypocrite. Well, of course, she is. Lori is a Democrat. And while it might contradict the inhumanity without next-steps bit, she has actually done them a great public service—the most humane thing she could.

Someone gets shot in gun-free Chicago every two minutes and twenty-three seconds. There’s a murder every thirteen minutes.

Democrat sanctuary cities are dangerous places.

By bussing a few dozen illegals from a sanctuary city to a suburban motel (did they leave the light on for them?), she has probably saved their lives.

That’s not why she did it, but it is what it is – a kindness.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sununu Ducks Out Again

Sat, 2022-09-10 10:30 +0000

CONCORD, NH: The debate stage is set according to strict guidelines with NO accommodations for an audience. Live streamed, it appeared the stage was set to Governor Chris Sununu’s specifications.

During the walk thru for the candidates, WMUR’s New Director, Alisha McDevitt, explained that there would be three podiums. When questioned, she clarified that the Governor had declined the invitation.

“Once again,” stated Candidate Karen Testerman, “he owes the people of New Hampshire respect by appearing. What will be his excuse? He has his priorities, and serving the people is not among them. He appears to be more Biden-esque hiding in the basement than willing to explain the policies he has fostered.”

“This isn’t the first time he has declined to debate me. He didn’t accept my challenge in 2020, and he has had other priorities for the numerous invitations he has received. Is this the Governor’s way of withdrawing from the gubernatorial race? Like he did that with the U.S. Senate challenge,” said Testerman.

However, the show must go on with three of the challengers broadcasting from the Institute of Politics at St. Anselm’s College on Friday, September 9, at 8 o’clock EDT.


Contact:Dave Testerman


Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Every State Rep for Raymond and Candia Endorses Michael Yakubovich for State Senate

Sat, 2022-09-10 01:30 +0000

All three State Representatives for Raymond and four State Representatives for Candia endorse Republican Michael Yakubovich for State Senate. Seventy-six New Hampshire State Representatives either endorsed Michael Yakubovich for State Senate or donated to the campaign.

The list of endorsements includes all three State Representatives for Raymond and four State Representatives for Candia. That’s Representatives Paul F. Ayer, Dustin Dodge, and retired Raymond Fire Chief Kevin M. Pratt for Raymond and Alan Bershtein, James Spillane, Terry Roy, and Kevin Verville. Other endorsements include Senator Harold French and two former Republican nominees for State Senate District 16. Those former nominees endorsing Michael Yakubovich are Jason Syversen and Honorable Joe Duarte.

Michael Yakubovich is gaining endorsements because he is proudly running an issues-based campaign for State Senate. Michael is focused on fighting to promote fiscal responsibility, continuing to strengthen our election laws, standing up for educational opportunities that ensure students get the education they deserve, and protecting the American Dream for future generations. Michael will always vote to protect the New Hampshire Advantage of no sales or income taxes and will fight to bring down the cost of energy for families and businesses. Learn more at

CONTACT: Keith Carlsen (603) 997-1446 i
September 8, 2022



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ALEC and Article V Conventions

Sat, 2022-09-10 00:00 +0000

A recent Facebook email picture from a friend really got my attention. It featured numerous NH Legislators being wined and dined by the American Legislative Exchange Counsel (ALEC).

In these times of oppressive, unconstitutional federal power overreach, citizens need to be concerned about the nature of such a powerful and well-funded organization that not only offers membership to state legislators but also corporate membership, combined corporations that score high on the Fortune 500 list.

The problem is, that each group has a different loyalty: state officeholders are sworn to serve their constituents according to both their state and federal constitutions: while corporations march to the tune of profit, profit which seems to be their god. Who knows how much power and influence they have over State Representatives? Within this New American of  May 5th, 2014 article is a long list of The Not-so-smart ALEC.

Lew Rockwell, President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s words adds to my concern over the deception of their stated purpose: “ALEC talks a good game of  “free markets” while actually promoting corporate subsidies and economic Fascism…”

It is easy to see why ALEC’s philosophy and its goals appeal to legitimate constitutionalists who oppose the oppressive hand of Big Government. Members of ALEC cite how Liberal establishment media and leftist activism beat up on ALEC for its conservatism. But this helps divide and weaken “we the people” that promotes individual liberty, maximized by constitutional government. However, there  are many “red flags” that back up Rockwell’s quote above, that the goal of ALEC is just the opposite of its  stated purpose  of “Free Markets Limited government and individual liberty.”

How can 800 to 1,000 boilerplate bills per year (heavily influenced by corporate and business giants, corporate members who have equal voting power with our public servants), be a  true representation of the will of the people of NH?

One of ALEC’s major projects is promoting Article V Conventions (ConCon’s) is a red flag.

Too many good legislators who normally promote “individual liberty” do not look below the surface. The movement is based on the never-successful second method of amending the Constitution in Article V, which mandates that 2/3 (34)  of state legislatures call for a Convention. These officeholders are deceived that after their call for a convention reaches 34 that they will have control of the Convention. They will have no control over a sovereign convention that could change the entire Constitution, which could repeat the same conclusion of changing the Articles of Confederation in the 1787 Convention.

Only George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison will not be there to protect our liberties.

In reality, this convention call by 2/3 of the states forces the federal Congress to call a convention and to pick the method of delegates. After that, the Convention is sovereign.

Many readers have heard of the popular cause of promoting a Balance Budget Amendment BBA, which is the most popular among many other state-initiated calls for a ConCon. However, all calls for a ConCon have popular backing to camouflage the goal to completely change the laws that protect our liberties to gain wide support, while the underlying cause is to change the Constitution or even replace it with another recently drafted constitution (see below).

This amounts to legalizing all the federal government officeholders’ disobedience to the law of the land that they constantly ignore. Such a perverted mindset reminds me of one who advocates amending the Ten Commandments to legalize all their sin.

This is not an issue that it is safe to continue to ignore. There is a powerful and wealthy elite behind this movement to remove our constitutional protections.

Here are some of the new drafts that could be implemented to replace our present Constitution: The Constitution for a Socialist Republic of North America, prepared by the Revolutionary Communist Party USA; another financed by George Soros called The Constitution 2020 movement supported by several Marxist professors; the Council on Foreign Relations Task Force Report on a Constitution for the North American Union a document drafted to govern the U.S., Canada, and Mexico; and The National Constitution Center drafting project that has drafted three Constitutions called The Conservative Constitution, The Libertarian Constitution, and The Progressive Constitution.

Despite the lawlessness of our leaders, advocates of a ConCon refuse to look at these facts.

Arm yourself with true documented evidence about this silent political movement that has been going on for 40-plus years that has a purpose to poison our liberty at this link.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Deborah Birx’s Boy … a/k/a Matt Mowers … Is A LIZ CHENEY “Republican”

Fri, 2022-09-09 22:30 +0000

The Establishment candidate in the CD-1 race … Matt Mowers … has been endorsed by Dan Ukraine Mc Crenshaw. So, it’s useful to remember that what McCrenshaw considers “conservative” is Bush-Cheney-McCain-Romney America-last endless-war globalism:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Abortion is a Right Then There are No Such Things as ‘Fathers’

Fri, 2022-09-09 21:00 +0000

I was listening to the chugging sound of my Keurig this morning, and I had a thought I’d had before, maybe even shared. When did I realize that life has to begin at conception? I’m not clear on a day or a date. It didn’t just hit me.

Warmed to the idea is more like it. But now, in my mind, it is an absolute truth.

There’s a big bang. A moment at which “matter” “explodes” in its way to begin the arc of human life. It doesn’t become the universe immediately, but it is all we know in time. It is everything. It is us. If something or someone were to intervene – as in Bill Burr’s cake example – what would have been cannot possibly be.

That intervention could be deliberate or accidental, and the prevailing consciousness on the left is that it is a tragedy when it is a mistake but a blessing when it is planned.

That’s about as clear an indication that this is not about life as I can imagine, but then I imagined another one. If abortion is a woman’s right, then there are no such things as fathers.

If life doesn’t start at conception, then men can’t possibly be responsible for it. If women have the right to decide when it is or is not a life and choose to intervene (or not) to end it, man plays no part. He’s not even allowed.

Woman as goddess will define it on her terms, and no one shall deny her.

I’m not trying to give men a reason to be irresponsible. Remember, I think life begins at conception. If you play, you have to pay. If you plant the seed, you water that plant. But that’s not how the abort-until-live-birth crowd sees it. It might not be a person even after it breathes the air in the room. That’s their position, and they will brook no dissent.

We can still kill it.

If you doubt their position, watch television. Big money is painting Republicans in primaries as anti-woman and anti-choice. These campaign ads paint candidates as likely to impose a national abortion ban which is about as likely as prosecuting the FBI, Hunter, or Hillary. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

But abortion is a hot-button issue for Democrats and almost no one else.

Here in New Hampshire, most people agree that banning abortions after six months of pregnancy is not crazy. A majority of the world agrees, but they don’t spend much time thinking about it. Their priorities are the economy and education. They feel like they are falling behind. Their kids and our country are losing ground in school and on the world stage. Energy and food prices are at the top of their list. These are real problems Democrats can’t discuss because it’s a debate they won’t win.

But they love talking about abortion, so here we are, talking.

If life begins when Democrats say it does, then child support is an injustice. If no man has a part to play in the matter and they have no standing when the woman makes her choice, they can’t possibly be responsible for what follows. I doubt most people would agree, nor should they, but if fathers do exist and are responsible, then you have to accept that life begins at conception because that’s “the scene of the crime.”

Motive, opportunity, a witness, DNA. He is guilty, as charged, but if he is never there, then that unique individual life is impossible, which means the opposite must be true.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Fair share” Goes Both Ways

Fri, 2022-09-09 19:30 +0000

Whenever I hear that someone needs to pay his “fair share” in taxes, it always means “more.” Nobody ever says, “You are actually paying more than your fair share–you deserve a tax break!” Similarly, nobody I know ever pays more than the amount demanded by the town government. How can this be?

Are those people’s “fair share” exactly the right amount every year?

Really, compulsory taxes are never fair, just, or neutral [1]. Some people are net beneficiaries, and others are net payers. The only fair thing to do, short of making taxation completely voluntary, is to reduce town budgets and reduce the dollar amount of an individual’s net tax burden.

Town budgets, however, never seem to go down. Ask your local selectmen if there is any property tax, either a rate or an absolute dollar value that is objectively inappropriately high for town government tax collectors to demand. In most cases, you’ll get radio silence or a string of words about fairness without any direct answer.

The reason is that there is no limit to the town budget, so there can be no limit to tax collection. The best they can do is to spread around the increasing tax burden, either across the residents or during multiple years, via debt financing.

In the interest of fairness, I have a modest proposal: a new property tax credit. Households with no children in the local school system, which consumes the lion’s share of our tax money, receive a tax credit of $500 for the year. (Those people who disagree are free to cut a check to their town whenever they wish.) This is a small way for the beneficiaries of the tax money to acknowledge that some households are already paying far more than their fair share.



[1] M.N. Rothbard. Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market, 2nd ed. (LvM Institute 2009) pp.1149-1252.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Are The Democrats Serving

Fri, 2022-09-09 18:00 +0000

Ted Cruz (R-TX) may not be a favored son of the Left. But when he proposes a bill or amendment that benefits the country or our national security, it should garner consideration from the Left. Let’s look at three instances that did not get one single vote from a Senator across the aisle from Cruz.

A bill stipulating that no stimulus money would be dispersed to any illegal alien. The vote failed 50-50, with Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote.

A bill stipulates that no stimulus money would be dispersed to anyone convicted of a felony and currently incarcerated. The vote failed 50-50, with Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote.

An amendment that would keep Title 42 in place to give us time to work on solving the Border Crisis. The vote failed 50-50, with Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote.

All of these make sense and are meant to spend taxpayer dollars wisely or to strengthen our broken Southern Border. How can not a single Democrat see the value in any of these considerations?

The Democrat Party is so intent on placating the radical wing with a stranglehold on the Democrats. It is more important to be Woke than American. This is why it is almost comical when Biden calls MAGA Republicans or Trumpies enemies of the state or a threat to our democracy. What evidence can he give to show that the Democrats, or Socialists, are working hard to make better the lives of everyday Americans?

The Democrats have always claimed they were the party of the little guy and the downtrodden. They are not doing anything at this time to validate this claim. There has been a flip between the two parties that happened quickly over the last two or three decades. The Dems now are the party of the elite, and the Republicans are now the party of mainstream America. The current policies that have brought us economic, energy, immigration, drug, and crime crisis are Democrat policies that have been brought to us by President Joe Biden. To say that people, especially those of low and middle income, are not only worse off but many have died due to the President’s horrendous policies is not hyperbole.

Cities are turning into cesspools of homeless camps and rampant crime. Schools are not safe or healthy environments, and test scores have plummeted in the last two years. There has been a significant negative impact on our children from CRT and Transgender emphasis but the effect that the teacher’s unions have to shoulder the blame for our education woes. The Democrats have to accept the responsibility for the rest of our challenges.

The midterms should be a massive gain for Republicans if the message of the difference between the two parties gets to the people’s ears. The facts are apparent that the Democrat agenda has harmed America, and we must return to our Conservative roots where the Constitution was our roadmap for this once great country. That roadmap will Make America Great Again.

The post Who Are The Democrats Serving appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You’re Looking for Fascists May I Suggest a Mirror?

Fri, 2022-09-09 16:30 +0000

If you are committed to calling your political opponents fascist, you might want to take a moment to understand what that means.

Democracy, for its own sake, as an example, is much closer to fascism than the Constitutional Republic to which most Republicans pay lip service. And saying someone is a threat to Democracy is not the insult you suggest unless you have evidence that their inclinations are more authoritarian than mob rule.

Remember that there is no right, left, or center when measuring for the authoritarian tick. There is more personal or individual liberty or less.

Fascists believe a few things, but all of them centralize authority. There is no fascist mind that would embrace individual choice over government preference. If you think the Federal Government is the best arbiter of things outside the few enumerated in the US Constitution, you are on your way to being a fascist.

Perennial one-party rule is fascist, especially when you use the State FBI, CDC, NIH, NSA, IRS, DOJ, DHHS… to secure or ensure it.

And yes, there are budding fascists across the spectrum, but the majority are center-left because that’s where centralizing power and authoritarianism find the most support.

If you object to that and are looking for the right sort of Republican to support in the upcoming primary, general election, or any election, ask them this question.

On what should our elected or appointed public officials be most focused when considering legislation, orders, or actions of any kind? Public Health, Public Safety, Public Order, Social Justice, Women’s Health, Gender Justice, or protecting liberty*?

If you didn’t say protecting liberty, grab a mirror.




*Note: I’m not referring to the extreme Liberatrain notion. Anarchy (as an example) does not protect liberty. 

The post If You’re Looking for Fascists May I Suggest a Mirror? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NHRTL PAC Publishes List of Recommended Pro-life Candidates for 2022 Primary

Fri, 2022-09-09 15:00 +0000

(Concord, NH – Sept 7, 2022) The New Hampshire Right to Life Political Action Committee (NHRTL PAC) is proud to make available a list of recommended candidates for NH voters who value the basic human right to life for the Sept 13, 2022 primary.

In total, over 120 candidates were recommended, spanning the offices of Governor, Executive Council, State Senator, and State Representative. This does not include candidates in uncontested primaries.

“I am encouraged to see so many candidates this year who believe in rights for all humans. It’s especially important that voters who value Life get to the polls this year, as we had multiple life-related bills that succeeded or failed this past session by 1 or 2 votes” said Kurt Wuelper, Chairman of NHRTL PAC.

The list may be accessed by going to the NHRTL PAC website:

NHRTL PAC is a registered NH Political Action Committee promoting the right to life for all humans. Contact:
Kurt Wuelper,
Chairman, NHRTL PAC (603) 664-2927


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

European Teacher Arrested And Jailed For Refusing To Use Student’s Preferred Pronouns

Fri, 2022-09-09 13:30 +0000

The New York Post is reporting that Irish authorities arrested a teacher on charges originating in his refusal to use alternate pronouns for a student. Enoch Burke, a self-described devout Christian, and teacher at Wilson’s Hospital School in the community of Westmeath, was first suspended from teaching and appearing on campus for not using the pronoun “they” instead of “he” for a student.

Despite the injunction to stay away, Burke continued showing up to school, citing his religious beliefs to believe and speak the truth. Eventually, he was found sitting in an empty classroom before police hauled him away.

The New York Post writes:

A teacher in Ireland has been suspended from work and then jailed for contempt of court after he refused to use the correct pronouns to address a transgender student.

The teacher remained defiant in the face of jail time, telling the judge that “it is insanity” that he would be led out of the courtroom and taken to prison for refusing to give up his Christian beliefs.

“I love my school, with its motto Res Non Verba, ‘Actions not words,’ but I am here today because I said I would not call a boy a girl,” Burke told the court.

Burke was not short of logic, reason, and conviction when addressing the court. THe Post went on to note his continued refusal to bow to the woke mob.

Burke was taken into custody at the school on Monday and taken directly to court, where he told the judge he could not comply with the injunction because it would violate his conscience.“I am a teacher and I don’t want to go to prison,” Burke told the court. “I want to be in my classroom today, that’s where I was this morning when I was arrested.”

He added: “Transgenderism is against my Christian belief. It is contrary to the scriptures, contrary to the ethos of the Church of Ireland and of my school.”

It obviously goes without saying that Burke is 100% correct. It is pure insanity that he was suspended from campus, let alone arrested and sent to jail. The radical left hates individual freedom and it hates Christianity, two of the most fundamental roots in Western Civilization that made life and society so good and decent. Instead, they love ruling with an iron boot on our necks and punishing anyone who dare step out of line.

And while many are commenting that it is only a matter of time before this happens here, we need only look at the fate of so many protests from January 6th who are de facto political prisoners of The Regime. Whereas murderers and repeat violent offenders are released without bail throughout the nation, those entrapped by the Fedsurrection have been rotting in decrepit D.C. prisons without even a trial yet.

Still, at least on the pronoun front, some sanity prevails. A teacher who was suspended from a Kansas middle school last spring for an identical issue as Burke just recently won a court order that her suspension was wrong and that she was entitled to a financial settlement from the district. Similarly, a few years ago a college professor was award several hundred thousands dollars for having his rights to speech curtailed by woke academics.



Hailey Sanibel writes for The Blue State Conservative

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Look at Who is Paying the Sununu-Supporting Super PAC to Attack NH House Republicans

Fri, 2022-09-09 12:00 +0000

According to its campaign finance filings, Granite PAC was fully funded in the fall of 2021 and has received no donations since then. Exactly $225,000.00 was raised in one calendar month in 2021: ten addresses but only five donors.

Related: Sununu-Supporting Super PAC Spends Over $25,000.00 Attacking NH Republicans in House Races


Gemini Electric – $50,000.00

Peter Napoli – $50,000.00

S&S Hotels – $50,000.00

Anton Melchionda – $25,000.00

Michael Kane – 50,000.00 (?) and why the question mark?

The six ‘contributors’ with an address as a business name are owned by The Kane Company, and Michael Kane donated a total of 50,000.00 to Granite PAC.

231 Corporate Drive, LLC
230 Corporate Drive, LLC
130 International Drive, LLC
166 Corporate Drive, LLC
325 Corporate Drive, LLC
162 Corporate Drive, LLC

And good on him. It’s his money. He can do what he wants with it, but why the six addresses? Why not just write a check like the other donors? Is the money from Kane or someone else?

Maybe someone will let me know.

Related: State Rep. Melissa Blasek Must be Doing it Right – The GOPe is Attacking Her with Negative Mail

So, we have ten addresses, five donors, and $225,000.00 to Granite PAC, which was registered to support Chris Sununu until Sept 9, 2022, when the PAC ‘decided’ to attack incumbent Republicans in primaries for the NH house who happen to have rubbed His Excellency the wrong way.


Oh, and a lot of real-estate /developers.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

While Biden and Democrats Feast on Failure, Do Republicans Have a Plan?

Fri, 2022-09-09 10:30 +0000

Our divider-in-chief has set the tone for the midterms and probably 2024 with all of the verbal assaults on Republicans, precisely what he calls MAGA Trump or Trumpies. The man who claimed he was the great unifier has pulled a 180 and is showing there are no limits to this rhetoric.

I have always believed that Democrats are based on emotions while Republicans depend more on facts and reality. That is one of the reasons that this verbal battle started by Biden appears to be gaining momentum. You always see polls closing as you get closer to an election, but in the case of the midterms, many are questioning if the Republicans can cash in on Biden’s lack of popularity.

Biden had been in seclusion for weeks and on vacation in Delaware every weekend since he was in office. With his popularity at record lows, there was little that Biden could take on the road to message. That changed with the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act. That was considered a huge win for the President and gave him the impetus to hit the campaign trail for many Democrats struggling to hold onto their seats in Congress. The problem for Joe is that the crowds at his rallies are small, and many Democrats do not want to be seen on stage with the President.

This weekend, Joe Biden was in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where it is conceivable that these two swing states may turn Red. These appearances were on the heels of the controversial prime-time speech last Thursday. In that speech, flanked by two Marines in dress uniform, that President dropped the gauntlet on Republicans. In an address that was supposed to be healing, the President went full “divider” and pushed both sides further apart. This tactic is embarrassing, and what message does the President give to insult half of his country?

We see two different visions of America drawn by our two major parties. The America of Joe Biden is authoritarian, dictatorial, devoid of truth, and more divisive than anything we can imagine. The House Republicans are rolling out the Commitment to America plan that focuses on four points: a strong economy, a safe nation, a free country, and government accountability. I challenge any Democrat to show how any of those four points makes us an enemy of the state.

This plan is the message we need to get out before November and drown out the rhetoric and noise spread by the Democrats. We see what the Biden plan has done for America in the last two years. We might not survive another twenty-four months of Biden’s America. The money and media are on their side, but the facts and truth are on ours.

Elections are a marathon of campaigning, primaries, and finally, Election Day. With about sixty days left, the pace has quickened, and we are in the sprint phase. Every decision and every word is critical, as a misstep could be fatal. I am not confident that we will see a tsunami in November, but I am optimistic that people will vote with their wallets and the safety of their families in mind and do the right thing. We need to replace some of these liberal and radical Democrats with conservative Republicans who still see the Constitution as the roadmap for our country.



The post While Biden and Democrats Feast on Failure, Do Republicans Have a Plan? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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