The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 14 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.XI

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 8 min 31 sec ago

Victor Davis Hanson – Life Among the Ruins

Thu, 2023-03-16 21:00 +0000

Victor Davis Hanson has a wholly depressing piece in American Greatness (that’s your trigger warning) about how not-so-great America has become.

If you are prone to depression, skip it. Otherwise, it can be difficult to read but valuable in other ways, and nothing here has not been covered on our pages, just not as clearly (though some may challenge that) and aligned in one piece.


American society is facing three existential crises not unlike those that overcame the late Roman, and a millennium later, terminal Byzantine, empires.


He then explains the problems, their visible symptoms, and their cause – if one can be named. It is not uplifting, but if you are looking for a concentrated distillation of what ails us to ruminate on or share with others, I think you’ll find it here.


So public defecation, urination, fornication, and injection continue unabated. Progressive urban pedestrians pass by holding their noses, averting their gazes, and accelerating the pace of their walking. The greenest generation in history allows its sidewalks to become pre-civilizational sewers. In a very brief time, we all but have destroyed the downtowns of our major cities—which will increasingly become vacant in a manner like the 6th-century A.D. Roman forum.

Postmodernism in our age is deadlier even than premodernism. Sexually explicit drag shows that allow the attendance of children 20 years ago would have been outlawed—by liberals worried over the trauma of the young watching performance-art simulated sex.

Now the children come last and the performers first—as ratified by the same liberals.


Need we say anything about the lack of efficacy or morality of the Department of Justice, FBI, or CIA?

Or rather is there anything the FBI will not do?

Doctor court evidence? Hire Twitter to suppress the news? Monitor parents at school board meetings? Allow directors to lie under oath or “misremember” before Congress?

Swiping clean subpoenaed phones? Hiring fakers to compile dirt on a presidential candidate—and then using that known smear to hoodwink a judge to allow spying on Americans?

Suppressing evidence on a laptop to warp an election? Raiding an ex-president’s home with a SWAT-like team? Spying on Catholics in mass? Storming a home full of children of a man accused of a politically incorrect misdemeanor?

Lots of things are broken, and we would like to fix them if we can get past the idea that they are beyond fixing.

Donald Trump did some excellent work in the few years he had, and perhaps that is why the left has gone all out in his wake to undermine further the foundations such that perhaps they will be beyond repair.

I don’t think this is as bad off as we’ve ever been as a nation. The 60s were pretty nasty. Who can argue that the Civil War was not perhaps the darkest time? But that was a civil war and a different time, and like then, there is much work ahead to prevent another shooting war if one can be prevented.

The Middle Class let the elites rob them of their comfort the way you remove a toy from the arms of a sleeping child, but lately, it has been more a clumsy well-dressed oaf yanking a tablecloth out from under a fully set and served dining table. It’s all gone everywhere, there’s not much left that’s edible, and the catalyst has a sh!t-eating grin as they call you out as bad parents or racists (even if you’re not white).

Oh, and they’ve invited 20 million third-world foreigners for dessert, so you’d better get to work to pay for that.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Blogline of the Day – Is There a Bit of “Anti-Patriarchy” Going On as Hollywood Seemingly Wants Strong Female Leads Instead??

Thu, 2023-03-16 21:00 +0000

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Is Paramount Feuding with William Shatner? “The exclusion of James T. Kirk in modern ‘Star Trek’ marketing is yet another example of efforts to diminish Shatner’s contribution and to emasculate strong male characters on television and at the movies.”

Look, his ego is indeed as big as the outdoors (er, the solar system? or Milky Way?), and he can rub the people who count the wrong way.  The product coming out of Hollywood lately does give rise to that bolded part.  I don’t watch many movies and not a lot of TV programs on my own (I do sit on the couch and blog whilst TMEW is watching her shows), but for those I see, there aren’t many really strong standalone male characters in those shows.

Yet, our culture has been touting females since back in the late 60s, and back then, needful.  I will go out on a limb, however, that it’s time to swing that pendulum back from portraying men as the bumbling fool husbands| Dads| boyfriends | et al in commercials and stories.

Boys, we see now, are expected to be like girls in pants (when they aren’t boys in dresses). I’ve watched the Remote Learning sessions and have walked away with the valid impression that female teachers treat girls better than boys. Women now are the largest percentage of college students and earn more degrees than men.  Don’t get me started on the “pay gap” or housework” either.

No, all we seem to get is the “toxic masculinity” thrown at us. Like this:

Image CBC.CA


What she said to me as I was carrying her to dry ground was “the last time I was carried like this was on my wedding night.” And if you’ve seen the other photos with the huge smile, that is where it came from.

(Image H/T: CBC.CA)


(H/T: Instapundit)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Article V Convention: Debunking the Myths of the Opponents

Thu, 2023-03-16 19:30 +0000

The issue of the state legislatures holding an Article V convention to propose amendments has divided people that typically agree on many issues into two completely different camps. One totally favors it, and the other is adamantly opposed.

We want to thank Kenn Quinn for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

You may find yourself in one of these camps, or perhaps you are still researching the issue before deciding whether or not to support an Article V convention.

My purpose in writing this series is to do a deep dive into this hotly debated topic and, by doing so, demonstrate that the opponent’s claims against the Article V convention are entirely unfounded and cannot hold up to constitutional scrutiny, history, or our political reality.

In most cases, these attacks against the Framers and our amending provision are designed to paralyze legislators with fear to prevent them from using their constitutional authority to propose needed reforms at the federal level. These conspiratorial opponents are harming our country by blocking the States from introducing such reforms, which only protects The Establishment in Washington, D.C., while silencing the voice of the American people.

On a personal note, initially, I was a victim of this fear campaign. As a result, I opposed any Article V convention because of the misleading information I received from The John Birch Society (JBS). However, once I examined their claims by reading Madison’s notes at the 1787 Federal Convention, letters of correspondence between the Framers during the period 1786-1790, the Federalist Papers, the debates in the 1st Congress on amendments, Virginia’s Article V application for a bill of rights, and discussions in the state ratifying conventions, I quickly realized that everything JBS was peddling was a lie, so I decided to embrace the Article V convention and began working on having one called. For more information on the hypocrisy of The John Birch Society, check out my YouTube Channel, All Things Article V. I have documented the effort by JBS to call an Article V convention for The Liberty Amendment, along with exposing their conspiratorial foundation and history.

During my research, I stumbled across this great quote by George Washington describing the tactics used by the Anti-federalists to oppose the ratification of the Constitution.

“The opponents, I expected, (for it has ever been, that the adversaries to a measure are more active than its friends)would endeavour to give it an unfavourable complexion, with a view to biass the public mind. This, evidently, is the case with the writers in opposition; for their objections are better calculated to alarm the fears, than to convince the judgment of their readers. They build them upon principles which do not exist in the Constitution—which the known & litteral sense of it, does not support them in; and this too, after being flatly told that they are treading on untenable ground and after an appeal has been made to the letter, & spirit thereof, for proof: and then, as if the doctrine was uncontrovertable, draw such consequences as are necessary to rouse the apprehensions of the ignorant, & unthinking. It is not the interest of the major part of these characters to be convinced;” George Washington to Bushrod Washington, 9 November 1787.

There is nothing new under the sun, and the opponents employ the same deceitful tactics today to prevent state legislatures from proposing needed amendments. Recently, I testified in support of HCR1, an Article V convention application limited to amendments for term limits, fiscal restraints, and jurisdictional limitations on the federal government. In my testimony, I expose the tactics of these opponents.

VIDEO TESTIMONY: Kenn Quinn Exposes the Opponents of the Article V Convention

The Framers of our Constitution understood human nature and the need to have checks and balances for our government to function properly. The convention mode gives the state legislatures the ultimate check against a runaway federal government.

I plan to unpack my defense of the convention for proposing amendments slowly and methodically by laying out the true history of the 1787 Federal Convention and the original intent of the convention mode under Article V.

I hope you will join me.

Kenn Quinn is the North Regional Director for U.S. Term Limits

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

One of the Nuanced Meanings of the Word ‘Meta’ Is ‘Between.’ As in I Am between Jobs Because I Just Got Fired from Meta.

Thu, 2023-03-16 18:00 +0000

A Labrador sheds twice a year, so the saying goes—January to June and July to December. Facebook, now doing business as Meta, is trying to shed more than labs, only it’s not hair; it is employees.

Last November, Zuckerbergermeisterbergeristan accented its fourth quarter of 2022 by announcing it would kick 11,000 employees to the curb. We’re nearing the end of Q1 in 2023, and another 10,000 jobs are getting axed.

Do they have Hoovervilles in the Metaverse?


The CEO previously told analysts Meta plans “on cutting projects that aren’t performing or may no longer be crucial” while simultaneously “removing layers of middle management to make decisions faster.”


Are you removing layers? How about the censorship and being Biden and the FBI’s bitch? Could you cut those layers? It’s something simple that could increase revenue as people your fascist speech police had wronged come back to your signature platform.

Not likely. The Tech Sector has been bleeding profusely as big players unleash a multitude of unemployed upon the costly left-coast landscape.


Amazon announced a new round of layoffs in January, impacting 18,000 employees across multiple divisions.

Twilio, Dell, Zoom and eBay also recently disclosed significant reductions to their workforce. In January, Google revealed plans to lay off more than 12,000 workers, Microsoft announced plans to cut 10,000 employees and Salesforce said it planned to cut 7,000 jobs.


You who is not cutting back or streamlining to lower costs? The Federal Government whose tyrannically censorious water you continue to carry. And while that is tragic, what’s truly sad is that many will not even begin to realize as they try to make ends meet in the Biden economy that it’s their damn fault we have this economy.

If you’d just let Trump win, we’d have stayed out of the Ukraine war (it probably never would have started) , not devalued the dollar with trillions in wasteful spending, and continued to have a little extra money because our energy prices would still be low (and inflation not so high. We’d have likely avoided many of the shortages, not to mention something about the ongoing domestic terror war against our infrastructure.

But hey, I understand. You’re so much brighter than we are, which I’m sure will hold you over while you look for a job in a state that murdered gig work.

San Francisco probably needs a few thousand more people to catch rats, pick up dirty needles, and scoop poop. You’ve got to be qualified enough to do that.



The post One of the Nuanced Meanings of the Word ‘Meta’ Is ‘Between.’ As in I Am between Jobs Because I Just Got Fired from Meta. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What are the Best Remote Jobs in Demand in 2023?

Thu, 2023-03-16 17:25 +0000

As the world becomes increasingly computerized and networked, remote work has grown more prevalent. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, with many companies embracing remote work as a long-term solution.

In 2023, there will be even greater demand for remote jobs as companies seek to build more flexible and agile workforces. Here, we will explore the best remote jobs in job sites in need in 2023.

Software Developer

Software developers are highly skilled professionals who design and create computer programs and applications. It is a field that gets in high demand and gets expected to grow significantly in the coming years. Many software developers work remotely, allowing them to work for companies located anywhere in the world.

Digital Marketer

Digital marketing is another field – in high demand and gets expected to grow in the coming years. Digital marketers are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies that leverage online channels such as social media, email, and search engines. Many digital marketers work remotely, as the nature of the job allows them to work from anywhere with an internet connection.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are responsible for creating visual content such as logos, website layouts, and marketing materials. It is a field that has seen significant growth in recent years – as businesses increasingly rely on visual content to communicate with their customers. Many graphic designers work remotely, allowing them to work for clients – anywhere in the world.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants are professionals who provide administrative support to businesses and individuals remotely. It can include tasks scheduling appointments, managing email, and handling customer service inquiries. You can find the best remote jobs in RemoteHub. The demand for virtual assistants gets expected to grow significantly in the coming years – as businesses increasingly rely on remote workers to provide support services.

Data Analyst

Data analysts get professionals who collect, analyze, and interpret data to help businesses make informed decisions. It is a field expected to see significant growth in the coming years. As business increasingly relies on data-driven decision-making. Many data analysts work remotely, as the nature of the job allows them to work from anywhere with an internet connection.

Content Writer

Content writers are responsible for producing – written content such as blog entries, articles, and marketing collateral. It is a field that has seen significant growth in recent years – as businesses increasingly rely on content to communicate with their customers. Many content writers work remotely, allowing them to work for clients who might get located anywhere in the world.


Remote work is the future, and there will be a growing demand for remote jobs in 2023 and beyond. These jobs include software developer, digital marketer, graphic designer, virtual assistant, data analyst, and content writer. It becomes imperative to gain the abilities required to thrive in your chosen sector and to be flexible and adaptable in your approach to work if you get – thinking about applying for remote jobs. With the right skills and attitude – you can build a successful and rewarding career as a remote worker in 2023 and beyond.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Burden’s Executive Order on Reducing Gun Violence and Making our Communities Safer

Thu, 2023-03-16 16:30 +0000

I watched the speech. After a long delay, Biden limped up the steps to the stage using his obligatory handrail, where he (sort of) discussed his new Executive Order (EO). His speech was short, thankfully, and as usual full of lies and inattention to law and government authorities.

I did note that he jumbled his words about every other sentence… His dementia is noticeably worse than when he took office. I don’t like the man at all, but hate to see that happen to him or to anyone. But it does and should raise serious concerns about him being Commander in Chief…

But back to the new EO. What it amounts to is the next few steps in the death-by-a-thousand-cuts strategy the democrats have reverted to regarding firearms confiscation. They know that they will never get a Constitutional amendment through erasing the Second Amendment, so they are trying to nibble away at the rights of law-abiding firearms owners every chance they get. Before getting into the details, allow me to make a couple of points that overarch all of the Presidential EOs and ATF rules that we are seeing.

First, what is always overlooked with new firearms legislation, EOs, or rules is that criminals don’t care about any of that. Criminals will be criminals. They don’t obtain their firearms through a legal purchase by completing an ATF Form 4473 and completing a background check. They obtain them on the black market or steal them. Pass all the laws you want. They only impact law-abiding citizens. Making good people helpless will not make bad people harmless.

Yes, I know that some firearms used in shootings were legally obtained, but that is the exception, not the norm. In November of 2022, legislation went into effect that required an extended waiting period for 18-20-year-olds to allow local juvenile records to be checked, up to ten days. Maybe that will stop someone with a criminal record as a juvenile from legally obtaining a firearm. The problem is it is unconstitutional since those records are sealed when the person turns 18 and require a court order to unseal them. But hey, when has the ATF actually followed the law?

Second, the FBI/ATF does not have the authority to create law. They are part of the Executive Branch of government, not the Legislative Branch. We are seeing this played out based on the Supreme Court ruling in the NY Bruin case. The bump-stock ban rule (not law) has been reversed as a result of the overreach of an EO in the Trump era based on that Supreme Court opinion. The identical case law now applies to the pistol brace rule, which you can read about at the following link. Be sure to read the comments as they contain a lot of good information beyond what is in the basic article.

Here is a link to the new EO, which is equally invalid, as are the bump stock and pistol brace rulings.

In the second paragraph of the EO it states, “It is the policy of my Administration that executive departments and agencies (agencies) will pursue every legally available and appropriate action to reduce gun violence.” Emphasis added. To my second point above, an EO or ATF rule is not a law. So the policy they are describing is fundamentally flawed and illegal based on that fact alone. The federal government has no authority through the Executive Branch to force states to implement anything that is not a law.

NH has HB1178 as existing law, passed in 2022, which prohibits the state from enforcing any federal statute, regulation, or Presidential Executive Order that restricts or regulates the right of the people to keep and bear arms. There is an attempt to overturn that law (HB78 2023) currently in committee. Many other states have similar laws.

Other items in the EO include banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. I won’t even get into the ambiguity about what an assault weapon is or is not, but the MSM LOVES the made-up term! And Biden does as well. In his speech, he cited the success of the Clinton-era assault weapons ban in reducing homicides. That is an outright lie. It did nothing along those lines, especially in light of the fact that what are called assault weapons are used in single-digit percentages of mass shootings (more than four victims). See the two reports at the following links.

The EO includes an attempt to redefine who is required to have a Federal Firearms License (FFL), which requires one to go through an arduous process to obtain one. There already is a definition. This is another attempt to change an existing definition to enact an unconstitutional rule change. The text of the EO is vague, of course, but what it is attempting to do is force private sales of a few firearms a year to become a commercial sales outlet and thus require the seller to obtain an FFL. There is expense and time involved to do so, and it would require that every transfer invoke an ATF Form 4473 background check. Want to give your son a firearm? You would now, as an FFL, have to create a record with the ATF of that transfer and complete a background check on him. It’s an unfunded mandate (tax) on law-abiding citizens and is an attempt at their push for universal background checks.

In multiple places in the EO, the Department of Defense is named as having partial responsibility for expanding federal campaigns regarding firearms as they pertain to US citizens. These activities include the safe storage of firearms and encouraging proliferation and application of unconstitutional red-flag laws which provide for ex-parte confiscation of firearms and ammunition. This is in direct violation of the Posse-Comitatus Act of 1878, which prevents the President from using the military as a domestic police force.

The EO also provides for additional aid to survivors, families, and communities of victims of firearms violence and for additional mental health support. This is the one and only item in the EO that makes sense.

The EO states “The Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through the Department of Defense’s acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.” What the hell does that mean??

An unfunded mandate is included in the EO for the entry of ballistics data recovered in connection with criminal investigations into the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network database by law enforcement. More government overreach.

The text says “The Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Department of Justice, shall work to reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment between FFLs and to improve reporting of such losses or thefts, including by engaging with carriers and shippers.” In my time working in this industry where we do MANY transfers between FFLs every day, I have never seen such a loss occur. I have seen the damage of firearms in shipping, but never loss.

The EO states that “The Federal Trade Commission is encouraged to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to civilians, including through the use of military imagery.” Say what?? I have yet to see marketing specifically addressed to minors. Ever. And what exactly is “military imagery”? Maybe the content of video games should be included in the EO…

Biden stated in his speech that the firearms industry is the only one where the firearms manufacturers are indemnified from liability of injury caused by the use of their products. He wants to make them liable for a criminal using an inanimate object to commit a crime. Another lie. The pharmaceutical industry’s indemnification from harm by the Experimental Use Authorization mRNA “vaccines” is a current example of another such industry. And what about auto manufacturers? Should they be held liable when their product results in injury? Cutco and other knife manufacturers? Swimming pool companies? Alcoholic beverage producers?

The entire EO is in violation of the separation of powers, the US Constitution, and is an unfunded mandate. Wake up, people – we MUST push back on this government overreach. Shall not be infringed is pretty clear.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Seafood Watch Red-Listed Maine Lobster – Maine Lobster is Suing them for Defamation

Thu, 2023-03-16 15:00 +0000

Seafood Watch Red-Listed Maine Lobster Maine Lobster is Suing them for Defamation

Enviro-whackos in California, with way too much green street cred, decided to blame right whale deaths on Maine’s lobster industry (it’s actually offshore wind). Everyone was upset except those Biden’s who served it at their first State Dinner.

Seafood Watch went ahead and red-listed Maine Lobster, the lobster folks objected, and as a joke, we red-listed Seafood watch. But seriously, everyone in Maine lost their minds (it’s a multi-billion dollar industry Democrats need to tax), so even Dems got bent about the designation.

While the political folks (mostly Democrats) wrestle for the title of we saved Maine’s Lobster Industry from a group they’d typically back 1000%, the Lobster Industry got an idea.

There’s no proof we’re responsible for whale harm or death. Red-listing has caused substantial image and financial damage. Let’s sue the twisted little panties of those Left-Coast Seafood watch weenies.


The lawsuit claims Seafood Watch, a program of the aquarium, urged food sellers and consumers to avoid eating lobster caught in the Gulf of Maine and George’s Bank in Maine. That caused stores including Whole Foods to drop the sale of Maine lobster, and eateries across the country like Cheesecake Factory followed suit.

“The Aquarium has falsely depicted the Maine lobster fishery as being directly responsible for right whale injuries and mortalities,” the lawsuit states.


The facts are that the designation ha,s defamed them, so if the case isn’t thrown out (Seafood Watch will try that first) then the discovery phase would determine who is right about the whales.

Based on my reading, it does not look good for Seafood Watch. Whales showing up dead on the Jersey Shore (not Snookie. She’s married and living the life) have nothing to do with Maine Lobster. But the Machine media is doing its best to make sure no one blames offshore wind, and the Lobsterman could care less because it’s still not them, and they think they can prove it.


The suit seeks to force the aquarium to remove “all defamatory statements concerning the Maine lobster industry and its fishing practices” from its websites and other published material. It also asks the aquarium to pay damages including, “the value of all business Plaintiffs have lost or will lose in the future” as a result of “defamatory statements.”


Maybe they win, perhaps they don’t, but it’s expensive for Seafood Watch if they do. It is money they may need to sue the Federal government, which is still doing its darndest to end “fisherman” and “lobsterman” as legal occupations in the United States.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire Constitutional Militia

Thu, 2023-03-16 13:30 +0000

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

We want to thank Stephen Peterson for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I’ll make two brief points about this that you might not hear very often.


  • The Militia is the only thing in the entire Constitution that is deemed as NECESSARY.
  • The Militia is to be regulated by our This point is most ably explained by Edwin Vieira at this link.


Since no one at any level of government appears to be regulating citizen’s militia anymore as described in the US Constitution or as was done in the Several States about 200 years ago, I maintain that we the people, have the right and duty to restore and regulate our own militia.  Quickly these well-regulated militias will become wildly effective throughout our nation as indispensable for the security of a free society.  We the People are writing the laws to properly and Constitutionally regulate the militia since the institutional government has done so only in a destructive manner.

The legal basis for this strategy is found in the annihilation clause of the Declaration of Independence:

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

It explains how after King George had attempted to dissolve the colony’s legislative powers, they remained intact, “incapable of annihilation”, since these essential powers reverted to the People collectively. Similarly, the legislation for a necessary well-regulated militia likewise cannot be dissolved or subverted to destructive ends.  When the government is unwilling to do the essential regulation of militia for its necessary purposes, the powers for this also return to the “People at Large.”

The best part of this is that we will not be the first.  We have at present two militias in our country that are recognized by local government as county assets.  One of these is the Campbell Militia.  Listen to Campbell militia commander Dan Abbott explain their militia in this 20-minute orientation for new members.  Listen carefully, as Dan packs a lot in those 20 minutes.  I found it helpful to listen many times and also take detailed notes.

This militia was founded about three years ago and has served their community so effectively that political candidates seek out the militia’s commander’s endorsement for their campaign literature.  Check out this campaign flyer from Eric Zehr, running for the state legislature.



This article just barely touches on this highly complex topic. We should all familiarize ourselves with the constitutional militia, considering the desperate corruption that has arisen due to We the People not enforcing the nation’s laws on criminals in government.

The government cannot root out the corruption within itself; that task falls to the true masters of government, We, the People. We need to begin at the town and county levels first.  There is a website that discusses this and other aspects of the larger plan to restore the  Republic,

I invite anyone interested in further discussion to contact my cell directly at 860-677-1686.


The post New Hampshire Constitutional Militia appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Funerals Were Delayed in Ireland – They Had More Dead Bodies Than They Could Bury

Thu, 2023-03-16 12:00 +0000

I feel sure this was perfectly normal and had nothing to do with a mass vaccination campaign of an emergency use drug – most of whose risks were hidden from people pressured into getting it.

The Irish Examiner: “Funerals delayed as increase in number of deaths puts mortuaries under pressure.”

A spike in the number of deaths in recent weeks has disrupted funeral arrangements and put mortuaries under unprecedented stress.

An Irish Examiner analysis of death notices on the website shows there were 9,718 published in the eight-week period from December 1, 2022, to January 25, 2023 — up 20% from 8,075 in the same period a year earlier.

The figure is also considerably higher than the 8,135 death notices published in the same period to January 25, 2021, when the country was in the grip of the worst period of the Covid pandemic.

Pre-pandemic, 6,802 death notices were published in the eight weeks to January 25, 2019, almost 3,000 fewer than in recent weeks.

The death rate in Cork has been so high in the last two months that bodies had to be stored in the city’s hospitals until space became available at the Cork City Morgue.

I’m sure it’s just monkeypox or a Donald Trump Tweet- something like that. Although Dr. Peter McCullough had some thoughts that might apply. Like the not-at-all-normal problem of otherwise healthy people dying in their sleep.


Dr. McCullough pointed to a “state-of-the-heart review” done by an international team of cardiologists published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy this May. According to this study, many heart issues are being reported post-vaccination, with myocarditis being the most common. “While myocarditis is the highest reported cardiovascular ramification, other serious complications are also being increasingly reported,” the scientists wrote. …

The reason people die seemingly inexplicably in their sleep, Dr. McCullough explained, is sometimes because of a surge in catecholamines during the end of the sleep cycle. This natural biochemical change is the body’s signal to wake up.

During a catecholamine surge—whether a result of rigorous exercise or part of the normal wake-up process—this undetected vaccine-induced myocarditis can be fatal, Dr. McCullough said.


I’m sure it was just a mean tweet.


And we can’t leave this topic with this video.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Principal’s Association Not Interested In Actual Diversity

Thu, 2023-03-16 10:30 +0000

The Vermont Principal’s Association handed Mid Vermont Christian School a school wide disqualification from all VPA sponsored events on Monday.  This decision was made by the board “unanimously” 15-0 after allowing their “stakeholders” to comment VPA assistant executive director Lauren Thomas told the Valley News.

I reached out to the VPA directly yesterday to offer my expert analysis only to be met by the gatekeeper who informed me she would need permission to give me the board’s emails.  I never got a call back.  However the story made it all the way to the United Kingdom and was published by the Guardian before I ever heard a word.  Having put two children through Mid Vermont, helped coach and even drawn pay for refereeing games there I certainly have a stake in their fate.  Of course, the VPA is not interested in a diversity of opinions, nor are they concerned with equity, otherwise known as fairness, not to mention banning MVCS is the exact opposite of inclusion.

Having already made the physiological and statistical case against high school boys participating against high school girls in sports, the next logical thing to do is consider the VPA’s own policy handbook.  After reviewing it last night and again this morning it is full of apparent contradictions whereby the association has written itself into a corner misapplying words in multiple sections tantamount to double-speak.

At the outset the document launches into a defense of gender identity and “perceived” gender identity making this highly controversial subject the focus of all VPA policy, despite there being zero scientific evidence for trans-genderism as a thing.  In order to be based in science the thing in question needs to be falsifiable.  A students feelings or perceived identity are not.  Essentially, the VPA is basing its policy on the capricious feelings and perceptions of teenagers, mentally ill ones, at the expense of the mentally healthy.  P. 3 sec. 5 states “a medical diagnosis is not required.” The backwardness of this logic is equaling crippling:


  1. Commitment to Racial, Gender-Fair, and Disability Awareness:

The Vermont Principals’ Association believes that all individuals should be treated with dignity, fairness, and respect. Students must be able to participate in Association-sponsored activities in an environment that is free of sexual harassment, prejudice, and discrimination. The Vermont Principals’ Association and its member schools are committed to creating an environment in our activities and programs that promotes respect for and appreciation of racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious and ethnic differences, and is disability aware. Preventing prejudice and discrimination begins with every individual. (p. 4)


Given this situation these are just words on a boilerplate pretending to care about the dignity, fairness and respect of the girls team from MVCS who expressed their religious difference by voluntarily losing a game rather than endure the anti-science, anti-fair and unsportsmanlike practice of another school.


The Policy on a Coach’s Code of Ethics (Page 5 sec. 3 states):

Each student-athlete should be treated as an individual whose welfare shall be primary at all times. The coach must be aware that they serve as a model in the education of the student-athlete and, therefore, shall never place the value of winning above the value of sportsmanship, health, and safety.”


Here again the policy language clearly defends a coach’s right to protect their players safety as they see fit yet when MVCS applied this policy against the VPA’s sacred cow of woke identity politics it mysteriously doesn’t. Rather than placing winning above their girl’s health and safety they took the loss and ended their season.  The commissariate pretending to be an athletic governing body chose to add insult to injury.  The unanimity of the vote has about the same integrity of the one enjoyed by communist emperor Xi Jinping this week in China on his way to a lifetime leadership despite the overwhelming disapproval of the Chinese people.

Another policy that amounts to just digital ink on the paper can be found on page 8 under “Student Limitations” which states:


“Most teams have cut policies; some students do not even get to participate on their school team.”


This is perhaps the most realistic and valuable nod to the adult life with which these teens will be confronted.  You don’t always get what you want.  However this painful reality was too much for any of the adults to apply to the male student “perceiving” himself to be a teenage girl.  It wasn’t enough to let him try that on for size, they had to let him take his 6’3” masculine frame and 20-30x higher testosterone levels onto the floor with girls half his size.

Pages 8 and 9 the VPA trots out the legal term “bona fide” to describe student athletes eligibility for sport.  Bona fide literally translates to “good faith”.  Allowing a young man to compete against girls who were acting in the goodness of their faith then punishing them for it is anything but a good faith practice.

On pages 12 and 14 the policy notes amateur status and age respectively, with the decisive language “outstanding players” and “19” (years old) as limiting factors to maintain fairness.  Here again the policy seems to indicate maturity matters – in other words, despite what you may have heard, size matters per the VPA policy.  Sanity, it seems, does not.

This Marxist anti-religion bent in Vermont politics has come home to roost all over our children.  And it’s no wonder it is making a mockery of them.  Karl Marx had six children, one of whom he rejected since he bore him out of wedlock with the family maid.  Of his others, three died of malnutrition and two by suicide.  This is the man Vermont politicians listen to when it comes to politics and policy regarding children.  The nuts don’t fall far from the tree.

The end of the VPA document addresses legal recourse for member teams stating they participate on a voluntary basis.  In typical legalese they assume any litigious schools will suffer the penalties of incurring legal fees if they lose to the VPA.

As of today the United States Supreme Court is hearing a case out of West Virginia about this very same topic – fairness for girls in sports.  Eighteen states have already legally protected their girls from unfair participation by boys.

What say you Vermont?  If the VPA wishes to call itself “democratic” as it does in its policy document then it ought to allow actual democracy of the students and coaches affected by the policies to be heard.  Rather than fifteen bureaucrats playing politics from their cozy office chairs, let’s hear from the thousands of coaches, parents and students putting their sweat equity on the line.

What is that woke axiom again – silence is violence?  Stand up and be heard Vermont.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No More Morning Mail?

Thu, 2023-03-16 01:30 +0000

The morning mail is dead. I killed it. The time required compared to the level of interest wasn’t working for me. If you liked it, my apologies, but you were one of the few.

Initial interest wasn’t decent but declined over the several weeks we tested the feature. The Real Estate was worth more, so we’ll be doing something different.

The 6:30 am slot will return to its regularly scheduled programming. That is, whatever the cultural or political wind blows our way.

You may have noticed that Ray’s Sunday Spotlight has also gone the way of The Morning Mail. Same deal. An excellent idea in principle but not one that interests our readers.

Feel free to remind us what it is you’d like to see more often. If you’ve not noticed, we’ll write about almost anything.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Danger Is the Marxist, Socialist, Federally Controlled Government.

Thu, 2023-03-16 00:00 +0000

Following an article by Don Ewing exposing corruption on the part of Federal Law enforcement agencies and others (FBI, DHS, DOJ et al.) who claim White supremacists are the greatest danger to our Democracy must be questioned.

The facts are that over the past 16 years, white supremacists have killed 49 people in 26 attacks. As Don pointed out, that’s less than one weekend in Chicago, some threat!

Seems these agencies lump all conservatives, Trump supporters, and now just to round off the numbers, all traditional Catholics. The amazing part of this is that hundreds of millions of people fit that profile, including members of every race residing here in America, so who’s left?

The real danger is the not to be “trusted” Marxist, Socialist, Federally controlled government.

  • The Jan 6 insurrection has been totally debunked.
  • We know the Biden Administration is corrupt, incompetent, and likely criminal.
  • We know the political left promotes fake science, such as CRT, and the trans grooming of young children in government schools.
  • It supports and justifies violent domestic and foreign terrorist organizations.
  • Excuses China’s human rights violations and gives it most favored trade relations status.
  • And refuses to enforce our borders, and our laws.

I’m sure I missed a few other violations so readers, feel free to add all those in the comments.

What’s the answer when we can’t rely on fair elections or honest media to provide unbiased reporting? How do we contend with big Democratic City controlled grave yard voter turnouts, illegal voters, and electronic voting machines proven vulnerbale to “errors.”

As the last resort, it is up to the American citizens, not politicians, not the media.  It is we the people. Americans in the 18th century had the answer to totalitarianism that worked for them. We here in the 22nd must find what will work for us.

I’m old, so I give my best wishes and hopes to those of you young enough to find an answer.

The post The Real Danger Is the Marxist, Socialist, Federally Controlled Government. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Biden Crime Family Associate With Inside Info On Links to CCP Ready to Name Names?

Wed, 2023-03-15 22:30 +0000

Will Biden start a war with Russia to distract us from all the crime that could get exposed? It’s a step up from a toxic train derailment, but I think he would. Until then, we have more evidence of Biden’s obstruction of justice.

Gal Luft was arrested in Cyprus on what he claims is a politically motivated extradition request. Luft is accused of being an arms dealer, but it looks like he’s been involved in deals between the Chinese Government and the Biden crime family. Biden’s DOJ is trying to get its hands on him to keep Republicans in Congress from deposing him.

Kentucky Republican James Comer spoke to Maria Bartoromo about it.



The Washington Free Beacon reports that the DOJ knows what Luft has because “he provided the FBI with damning information about the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.”


Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, says he provided information about Hunter Biden, his father, and his uncle, Jim Biden, to the Justice Department in March 2019. Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate that “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,” according to CNN. The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017 to procure energy investment deals in the United States.

Luft’s claims come as a former Hunter Biden business partner, Eric Schwerin, has started cooperating with the House Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. Investigators have focused heavily on Hunter Biden’s work with CEFC China Energy. The Justice Department has investigated Hunter Biden since 2018 over his taxes and foreign business dealings, though the case appears to be focused on the first son’s unpaid taxes

FBI/DOJ has had at least some of this dirt since 2019, and likely a lot more related to Ukraine, but since Biden is one of them, they helped hide the Hunter Laptop so we could live in the People’s Republic of Bidenstan.

Whether any Biden ever goes down for their illegal laundering operation/treason, how does any republican – were they to win in 2024 – (even Donald Trump) clean out any rat’s nest, let alone all of them in four short years?

Can it be done?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Dartmouth To Offer DQSH Degree

Wed, 2023-03-15 21:00 +0000

Reading is hard. Reading to children is even harder so it’s important you do everything to get their attention or else they might not learn good.  Which explains why parents throughout the United States have sought the help of experts at getting attention – Drag Queens.

With the national reading scores plummeting as a result of children struggling to breathe and trust normal looking adults who forced them to wear masks when it wasn’t Halloween, children have continued to tank in the classroom. Luckily the experts at the new Dartmouth University Master’s of Bachelors (DUMB) program were ahead of the problem.

“After we quit letting Asians and Jews into our program we knew we had to keep up because they could read so much more better than we does” said DUMB chairperson Twinkly O’Flannel (xe/xer).

The program reached a low last year when both their spelling and debate teams took last place in pursuit of the coveted Poison Ivy Cup.

The DUMB Spellers became the first team in history to fail to spell a single word correctly including a merciful offering from the judges to simply spell “the”.

“How was I supposed to know ‘the’ has a silent ‘t’ in it?” barked incredulous team captain Michaela Squarepants (wee/were) as she stormed off the stage.

Hoping to salvage the program’s reputation the DUMB Debaters were optimistic only to set a record for fewest points ever in a Poison Ivy League (PIL) event narrowly missing a perfect zero thanks to sixth-year senior Ho Tran spelling she/her name correctly. In a now legendary debate the DUMB team was beaten handily by opponents from Princeton over the resolution “Women Should Get Equal Pay” after running out of time trying to figure out what a woman is.

In a stroke of DUMB luck the teams met afterward to console themselves over dinner and indulge in some rage drinking when they accidentally walked into the Flesh Palace Bar & Grille mistaking the sign for a seafood restaurant. Needing help ordering from the menu they were stunned to learn the staff made up entirely of Drag Queens could read despite having their faces covered with a pound of make-up and four-inch fake eyelashes.

A partnership was born.

Soon the DUMB faculty members were consulting area Drag Queens to discover what motivates them to read so good.

“We really love children – a lot.  I mean A-LOT!” confessed Her Royal Shyness Queen Subtlety (queen/queer). Her Royal Shyness developed her love of reading as a child growing up in a commune started by excommunicated communist priests in North Hartland, Vermont.  Her Shyness tells us this little slice of heathen heaven even garnered some overnight stays from future senator Bernie Sanders where he regaled them with stories of a Utopia where everything was shared in common including spouses.

Surprisingly most Drag Queens hold degrees in English Literature for this very reason.  Seizing the opportunity DUMB was excited to announce their new diversity hires Cheyenne Wymoaning, Foo Foo Lamar, Heidi N Closet, Jaime A Le’enfants who will serve as Board of Directors for the new Creative Reading Academy for Pedagogy (CRAP). The stated mission for the CRAP board is to “create safe spaces for performers to interact with high risk and at-need children currently struggling at home with reading”.

One local state prosecutor however is concerned.  “Their mission statement is essentially describing what pedophiles look for to find child victims, almost word for word, they just added ‘reading’.”

Asked to respond to this claim board member Cheyenne Wymoaning retorted “To-may-to, to-mah-to” while pulling on her fishnet body-stocking.

So far the program has been a hit with area Libraries scheduling Drag Queen Story Hours throughout the Upper Valley.  Dartmouth Publishing is also excited to announce production of DUMB’s new children’s books series:

ABC’s for LGB’s, Tommy’s Three Mommy’s, and I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

IRS: “If You Steal Property, You Must Report Its (Fair Market Value) In the Year You Steal It, …

Wed, 2023-03-15 19:30 +0000

The IRS (THEIRS) has rules for everything, including your legal obligation to report property you have stolen as taxable income. Yes, you read that right. Thieves are required to report the fair market value of what they pilfer.

Unless they gave it back.


According to IRS Publication 525, taxpayers are legally required to report the value of whatever property they stole during the tax year.

“If you steal property, you must report its FMV (Fair Market Value) in your income in the year you steal it, unless in the same year you return it to its rightful owner,” the rule reads.

The same rule applies to bribery, drug deals and other income-earning crimes.


Taxation is theft, and theft is taxable, so taxation of theft is..?



How do we know if you gave it back? Is there a form like if you cash out an IRA but then reinvest into another one?

And what about all those CCTV videos of people in Democrat-run cities shoplifting hundreds of (hundreds of) dollars worth of merch, knowing they won’t get arrested? Could they go to jail if they don’t report it on their 1040?

I suppose the next thing you’re going to tell us is you’ll have to pay a 70% tax on your “reparations.”

What about student loan forgiveness? If that happens, will the IRS expect it to be reported as income so they can tax it?

Does anyone think they won’t?

The moral of the story. You can steal from anyone but the government, which is strange because that’s about the only thing at which the Government is any good.


IRS Publication 525 (I looked, it’s in there).

Stolen property.
If you steal property, you must report its FMV in your income in the year you steal it, unless in the same year you return it to its rightful owner.

Illegal activities.
Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8z, or on Schedule C (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HCR 4: A “Bait and Switch? and Out-Of-State Lobbyists

Wed, 2023-03-15 18:00 +0000

On Thursday, March 16, the New Hampshire House of Representatives should be debating and voting on HCR 4-a resolution applying for an Article V Convention for a term limit amendment.

There is no reference in Article V of the U.S. Constitution which limits a convention to a specific amendment or topic.  Legislators who support this amendment have been told by out-of-state lobbyists that an Article V Convention can indeed be limited, but they have no historical precedence to back up their claims since the U. S. has never held an Article V Convention.  Just believe them because they trot out well-paid spokesmen who say so.

One of the out-of-state lobbyists is Mr. Ken Quinn. He works for Term Limits USA but once worked for Convention of States (COS). He spends a good amount of his time denouncing and smearing all Republicans who dare oppose an Article V Convention.   Back in 2016, his organization accused NH State Senator Kevin Avard of bribery-a total lie, but it demonstrates the lengths that some of its leadership are willing to go to get their resolutions passed—Senator Avard Accused of bribery by COS.

It looks like COS has not learned its lesson:


Attorney Mike Ferris, a co-founder of COS, advocates for “structural change” of the U.S. Constitution. In the Spring of 2016, Mr. Quinn not only defended “structural change” of the Constitution but claimed that the Constitution was flawed because elected officials could ignore it. In his own words:



Last month, the New Hampshire House rejected COS’s resolution-HCR 1. Let’s hope they do the same to HCR 4.

Term Limit Amendment:

“Throw the bums out” is the emotional call of some term-limit amendment supporters, but a term-limit amendment will throw all members of Congress out- not just the “bums’” If passed and fully implemented, 12 to 15 years from now, it will give us a permanent lame duck Congress, and likely do nothing to change the ideological make-up of new members of Congress.

Hal Shurtleff, Alton

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BAZINGA! We’ve Made The Big Leagues! GraniteGrok Has Been Flagged By The Southern Poverty Law Center

Wed, 2023-03-15 16:30 +0000

Hahahahahahaha! Us – GraniteGrok!  The SPLC, the grifters selling their “legitimacy” built up pursuing the KKK and other hate groups (hardly ever are their groups on the Left included) has flagged the ‘Grok as an “AntiGovernment General Group” (reformatted, emphasis mine).

Steve’s reaction was quite droll:

We’ve actually sort of wondered what took them this long.

So, according to them, WHAT are we?  WHY have we, a little blog in a tiny State, come to their attention?  Either we have much more “juice” than I’ve ever thought possible or, boy, are they ever struggling and grasping at straws. Dare I say “bottom of the barrel” in a frenzied attempt to “find” more groups to scare the other Leftie groups with? Silly people.

Sidenote: And better yet, who “turned us in”?  I’d love to shake their hand!

The Intelligence Project identified 266 antigovernment general groups, which believe the federal government is inherently tyrannical and traffic in conspiracy theories. These include groups which self-identify as militias, but do not have any proven paramilitary activity.

In 2021, the conspiratorial and permanently dubious view of government was pervasive, as evidence [sic] by the movement’s popularity on such issues as COVID-19 regulations, local school curriculum, the “Big Lie” voter fraud, border security and various technological advances such as 5G cell service. Antigovernment imagery, such as the Gadsden flag and the Three Percenter logo, was commonly displayed by adherents across the country. Antigovernment groups were linked up with other hard-right groups in 2021, as they often targeted the same marginalized communities and engaged in actual or threats of political violence.

Is saying “we’d whip their butts in any debate” considered to be “political violence”?  Calling them Socialists a felony (even as some actually DO call themselves socialists)? Adhering to traditional mores and history? Quoting the Constitution (GUILTY AS CHARGED – put me into your stocks!)?

Always hewing to the Left’s mission to change America is their mission. And we know them by their words (and grift – I DID mention that, right? Ideological prostitutes in the sale of their “bodies” to others for ideological cover).  Pure Critical Race Theory in that “AntiGovernment” groups are the Oppressors and “marginalized communities” are always being Oppressed.  Sorry, dudes, Democrats are the Party of Government and historically, the Oppressors of those folks (e.g., Jim Crow laws).

But you already know what the Left thinks about us that refuse to bend a knee.

…Faced with greater scrutiny and deplatforming, antigovernment groups reorganized and were dispersed in communities focused on localized activities – a mainstay tactic of the antigovernment movement. Some local chapters of national organizations disbanded or unaffiliated, including chapters of Oath Keepers, the American Patriots Three Percent, III% United Patriots, the Three Percenters/III%ers, and the State of Jefferson Formation.

Ammon Bundy’s People’s Rights activists held a variety of small-scale demonstrations for individual grievances and organized a series of stunts disobeying COVID-19 public health measures, one resulting in Bundy’s arrest, throughout 2021.

In the Southwest, antigovernment extremists set up camps in the desert engaging in vigilante activities including harassing migrants and humanitarian aid groups and coordinating with border patrol agents.

…The antigovernment movement will look to expand upon the broad popularity of foundational ideas related to guns, government distrust…

Umm, if you read our Founders of our Government, THEY were distrustful of all governments, including the one they were designing. So I’m betting that the SPLC doesn’t like them either (just can’t hoover up money from others over them – I think).

This really is hilarious! Would any of you Normal readers (as opposed to the lunatics on the Left that would give their firstborn to Big Government to keep Big Government big and bigger and some do- it’s called murdering the unborn but I guess that’s why we’re listed by them) agree with them that “distrust” should be banned from our Citizens’ minds?  Or do you think we should have no minds at all and just obey what they tell us to think or say?

Look, we do no violence (as we violently disagree with the Left that Speech is Violence (see what I did there?).  But just like when the Left talks about “misinformation” and “disinformation” being the “worst of all evils”, we are not allowed to think on our own.

After all, the SPLC gets paid millions of bucks to tell others that we are evil. Really, we truly are nice guys when you meet us – just don’t say or do stupid things and we’ll get along just fine (right, Thad Riley? Oh wait…).

But, here we are in their list:

Garden State 2A Grassroots Organization
Mulica Hill, NJ*

Gideon Knox Group, MT Daily Gazette
Sidney, MT

Gilford, NH*

Gun Owners of America
Springfield, VA*
Harrisburg, PA

No, I have no idea what they mean by putting an asterisk next to us.

Frankly, I found their “Background” rather amusing and certainly one-sided – the opening ‘graph:

Antigovernment groups are part of the antidemocratic hard-right movement. They believe the federal government is tyrannical and they traffic in conspiracy theories about an illegitimate government of leftist elites seeking a “New World Order.” Adherents and critics have in the past referred to this movement as the “Patriot” movement…

Heh!  Frankly, many of us aren’t “anti-government” so much as “too much government” as in “not sticking to your lanes and boundaries”.  Do what your Constitution says, do it excellently, and leave us alone to figure out the rest in Civil Society. I also think they missed a few other categories as well:

  • They’re bumblers
  • Retiring in place
  • Not as “expert” as they think they are (and that a lot of people outside of government are MUCH smarter than those inside. After all, the only people who have a monopoly on good ideas are those that actually have good ideas).
  • Rarely know their left from the right hands
  • A sense of self-righteousness that those inside are our “betters” and have the unconsented right to order the rest of around and tell us how to live THEIR “authentic lives”.  After all, who is giving us “shared misery” by making major decisions for us (OK, mandates that we must follow on pain of jail  – is that conspiratorial enough for the SPLC to keep our spot in their list???).

No, not all – there are perfectly good ones that try to do the right things. But there’s also enough of the above to list them.

So, yes, a badge of honor from these overbearing, full of themselves, discriminators and bigots in their own right.

Er, Left.



The post BAZINGA! We’ve Made The Big Leagues! GraniteGrok Has Been Flagged By The Southern Poverty Law Center appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Most of the “Porn” in the School Is Hetero – Pedo, Rape, Sodomy, Suicide, Self-Mutilation, and Substance Abuse

Wed, 2023-03-15 15:00 +0000

I have to say you couldn’t pay me enough to sit through the spectacle of the SB meetings, especially last night. Kudos for your resolve.

For the record, out of the 100 books identified as pornography in the Dover school libraries on the attached (xls) list (174, not counting duplicates, in the city paid for by taxes), only a few involve people from the LBGTQ community. There are hundreds of books that are about this topic, but I did not list them unless they met the criteria of adult content according to city and state law.

The books listed are rated from 3-5, which meet or exceed the criteria for obscene sexual adult content and for an audience over 18. Many of the books from 1-2, not listed, have material that is not obscene but has topics about race, the LGBTQ community, and other related topics.

I’m really not sure who or why these folks, the rabid crowd last night, believe that pornography books are related to LBGTQ community!? The few books that have gay or trans people in them, are raped, bullied, assaulted, and murdered!

Why on earth would anyone, gay or straight, want children exposed to such horrors?

The majority of the books on this list involve predominantly hetero-pedophilia, rape, gang rape, sodomy, suicide, self-mutilation, trafficking, drug and alcohol abuse, and more. The argument that children need these books is weak.

That these books help them get through life challenges or offer some shred of literary value is slim to none.

Even if one in ten children is suffering from such horrors, the remaining nine are now indoctrinated into a dark world that can lead to proven social and emotional confusion that leads to obsession or, worse, crime. Besides, if one out of ten is suffering, a book that promotes this behavior rather than supports positive behavior, will be their undoing.

Not one of you can stand on merit, fact, or proof that these books are some kind of therapy.

They are written by adults who are in the business of selling sick propaganda to children, promoted by the ALA, publishers, School Board assn, etc., to make money.

If you notice, authors like Ellen Hopkins have 15 titles in our high school. Her books, like many others on this list, are disturbing at best, yet the money makers slap stickers on the covers disguised as awards. If you argue the outcome of these books has some kind of “value,” it does not make the journey any more palatable.

Rather than argue about pornography and its merits (oxymoron), as it’s already in the libraries, we should work together toward a safe, nurturing environment for children to actually learn skills in becoming productive citizens, not porn stars or worse.

Just for a moment, remember what it was like at 15. You may recall some emotion or experience, but you’re looking at them through many years of added experience. Therefore, it’s not the same raw feeling as when you were young.

Now imagine you are a victim (or not) of pedophilia or family drama and read Boy Toy, a teacher raping a boy student, or Tricks, a book about several children having troubles, turning “tricks” for money with lots of drug and alcohol abuse. Man sodomizing/raping a boy, girls turning to prostitution, etc. Hopkins tries to make a feel-good ending through one teen character after trying to commit suicide by an overdose in the hospital where her family actually cares.

Not much literary value, and just how would this book and the others like it be therapy?

And when has self-help through books ever worked?

You cannot argue that children may find the teen characters’ behavior “cool” or a way to get attention. That’s not therapy; it’s grooming or, worse, enabling. By allowing and keeping these books is causing undo harm to children… abuse.

The laws on adult content are clear. I doubt, as a parent, you buy Tricks any more than you’d buy Hustler for your child to read. You probably don’t try to sneak your child into Moonlight reader for the “life’s experience”. Yet you stand on a thin line about sexually explicit books in our schools? If people want these books, let them buy them. I will not stop until my tax dollars do not support this madness.

Let’s take Tricks and how it does not support the LGBTQ community. By making it ok for a man to sodomize/rape a boy? Does that really support their cause? I would hope not. Don’t they want relationships that nurture, not abuse?

Out of all the books on the list, only a few have LBGTQ characters. The ones that do, victimize and abuse them.

What are these people with rainbows and signs about love really upset about? One would think they would be fighting to remove these books too!

Not one person said anything about removing books due to gay content at all. One has to wonder why the School Board and the LBGTQ are fighting to keep pornography in the schools.

That’s a dark thought, indeed.

Ward 5
Dover NH


Editor: Lightly edited from an email to:

  • Dover School Board<>
  • City Council – All<>Carrier, Robert<>
  • Joyal, Michael<>
  • Wyatt, Joshua<>
  • William Harbron<>

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bank of England Downgrades ESG and Net-Zero Investing in Favor of Financial Stability

Wed, 2023-03-15 13:30 +0000

The Silicon Valley Bank was woke and went broke. It was obsessed with arbitrary equity and diversity in its people, not so much its portfolio. A message that has not landed on deaf ears.



[The Bank of England’s] obsession with climate change, promoted and pushed through by its former governor, Mark Carney, in tandem with government ministers, has for years distracted it from its main responsibilities. Instead, it has been enforcing ESG disclosure guidelines, carbon-testing balance sheets, and promoting Net Zero policies. …

According to reports, the bank’s climate programmes will be downgraded so that officials can return to work on its main remit, namely the nation’s financial stability.


The rise of new no ESG banking, alongside threats of litigation by States Attorneys General over discriminator ESG lending practices, had caused some pause in what appeared to be an accelerating snowball of ESG policy adoptions by lending institutions.

Last week Silicon Valley Bank, about as Woke a bank as you could get that almost no one outside the woke tech sector had heard of, collapsed and, despite promises by the Feds to print all the money needed to insure deposits, exponentially decreasing its value along the way, the aftershocks have folks jittery.

The Biden economy was already on thin ice and, in some places, had broken through and was treading water. They redefined recession last year to shore up lagging confidence, and that lie worked for a while. But the reality was always there.  The dollar is weak, inflation is high, the jab market is not strong, layoffs are numerous, and we still have sectors struggling with supply chain issues from two years ago.

And I’m not saying they care about your savings because they don’t. They do care about theirs and the influence it buys, so while being woke can do six shows a week when the curtain drops, there’s no there there.

The Bank of England is no small concern. This decision could send a message. That there’s no point in saving the physical world – real problem or not – if the banking world suffers an apocalypse to get it done.


See Also | Forbes

The post Bank of England Downgrades ESG and Net-Zero Investing in Favor of Financial Stability appeared first on Granite Grok.

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