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Thursday • September 19 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 5 min 21 sec ago

A Question on Don Bolduc Winning Against Maggot Hassan

Sun, 2022-10-09 19:30 +0000

I hear the GOP has pulled money for Bolduc in NH.

I hear Schumer supported Bolduc for the sole reason to have him win the primary over Chuck Morse as he figured Don Bolduc could not beat Hassan.

We want to thank NHDen for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

I hear Don Bolduc has limited funds and is out there campaigning while Hassan has billions in campaign funds and will not host town halls or a debate etc.
I also hear Hassan keeps her events and appearances secret so to not have people against her show up and ask her the tough real questions she needs to answer.

I listen to Don Bolduc on NH radio, and he has great points, etc., and I will vote for him, and I hope he wins.
But he has limited TV ads to get the word out and wouldn’t be surprised if WMURino would not put his ads on.
I have little cash, but I can tell you if I had a lot, I would support him financially big time.

I drive by Scamman farm in Stratham who, in the past, had his big republican events.
I see a Sununu sign but not a Leavitt or Bolduc sign; why is that?
Maybe that has changed recently, but pretty sad and not surprised (RINOS ?)

I drive around the seacoast and see huge Maggot Hassan signs but very few Don Bolduc signs.
I told a friend who works for the RNC to get me some big-ass Bolduc signs and I will attach them to my van and drive around the seacoast (down town areas) with them attached.

Hassan has to be ousted, as we both know, and from what I see, I am thinking it may not happen.



Editors Note: We have corrected the spelling of the General’s last name. Thanks for the heads up.

The post A Question on Don Bolduc Winning Against Maggot Hassan appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Is All-In on Universal Vote-By-Mail-Fraud: Every Election, Forever.

Sun, 2022-10-09 18:00 +0000

It is a well-regarded fact, even among globalist progressives the world around, that voting by mail improves the ease with which election fraud can be perpetrated. Even Democrats of eld thought the practice suspicious and likely to undermine confidence in election integrity.

But isn’t that the point?


Elections are also – even if rigged – a barrier to the progressive agenda. Central planning is inequitable, incompetent, frequently cruel, and destined to devolve into some form of despotism, but that’s what they are after. So when the Left insists that talk about election integrity is little more than wide-eyed conspiracy, what they mean is to thank you for invalidating the institution.


Vote by mail ensures that the chain of custody for any given ballot is not only broken but can be manipulated, which does not benefit voting rights. Quite the opposite. The moment that ballot leaves your hand, if it has not entered the ballot box, you have potentially given up or given away your vote.

Related: Reminder: Elections are Just Another ‘Institution’ The Left Needs to Destroy

It’s that simple. And last year, Vermont embraced 100% mail-in voting, all-in, all the time.


Vermont’s progressive election laws have put it in the top 10 among U.S. states in voter turnout for decades. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, it switched to a universal vote-by-mail system for the 2020 election. Last year, it made that change permanent.

It’s easy to register to vote in Vermont — something you can do up to and on Election Day. The state doesn’t have strict voter ID requirements, offers an array of options to vote early in person, allows residents to return ballots by mail or drop box, and has an online voting system for voters with disabilities.


Election integrity in Vermont is officially equal to that of the average third-world dictatorship with a twist. Voting in Banana Republics is an exercise in fealty to the ruling party and its figureheads. Voting in Vermont is now no different. Though, I’m not sure why they bothered. Perception, perhaps? Vermont is already trapped in a cascade of blue failure. Their Republican show-governor aside, Democrats can have whatever they want if they want it bad enough.

And now that applies to elections.



The post Vermont Is All-In on Universal Vote-By-Mail-Fraud: Every Election, Forever. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Updated Guide On Measuring Instruments Supplies In 2022

Sun, 2022-10-09 17:00 +0000

Measurement has immense importance when it comes to calculating the quality and quantity of any substance and thing. Everyday life depends on a lot of measuring tools and instruments.

That’s why you will have to access the measuring instruments supplier in your life. Measurement has permeated almost all spheres of life and without which living a normal life is not possible these days.

You must be thinking about what you will learn from this blog. Well, you will learn about these instruments and why they are used. You will get to know about some measuring instruments and their uses.

What are measuring instruments?

As the name suggests, measuring instruments are those tools and instruments that are used and applied in the measurement of many quantities. The exact measurements are needed when buying, selling, and quantifying anything. For example, to measure the length of anything or a product, you will need measuring tape, and the length is measured in meters.

What are measuring instruments used for?

Measuring instruments are used for the following things.

  • Most laboratories and industries are running and working smoothly with the help of these measuring instruments.
  • Physical sciences and engineering are the main disciplines of science that are incomplete without these measuring instruments.
  • These instruments are used for quality assurance. You can find these instruments useful for comparing the different quantities.


Different types of measuring instruments and their uses:

An infinite number of measuring instruments are used for different reasons. Let’s just explore a few popular measuring instruments.

  • Measuring Tape:

Measuring tape is one of the most widely used instruments. This instrument is used for the measurement of the length of different objects. You can also use it to measure your height. You can fix one end of this tape and then stretch the other end to the respective side. Most carpenters are unable to work without this useful measuring instrument.

  • Thermometer:

This measuring instrument is used for measuring temperature. You can use it not only for measuring the surrounding temperature but also for measuring the temperature of your body. Both manual and digital thermometers are used for the same purposes.

  • Pressure Gauge:

As the name indicates, this measuring instrument is used to measure pressure. You can use it to measure the pressure of air and water. Even in medical fields, these instruments are used to measure the blood pressure of all those suffering from hypertension.

  • Speedometer:

Well, this instrument is used to measure the speed of different objects. Most automobiles are also containing these speedometers. You can also use these instruments for scientific purposes.

  • Compass:

Compass is one of the commonly used measuring instruments that is usually used for measuring the distance between any two points on all kinds of maps. You can use a compass for making and drawing circles as well.

Bottom line:

The use of measuring instruments supplies is increasing with time. Modern time has witnessed a big revolution in these measuring instruments. Carpenters, designers, architects, and many more professionals are unable to earn through their businesses and job without these measuring instruments supplies.



The post An Updated Guide On Measuring Instruments Supplies In 2022 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Sun, 2022-10-09 16:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.




Top of the fold:

President Clinton? – A Bad American

There is NO QUESTION in my mind that she’s running.  None.  None whatsoever.  But she will spin it as “reluctantly stepping forward for the good of America”.  And all the libs will flock to her to “right the wrong of 2016 when it was ‘stolen’ from her by Orange Man Bad“.



Potentially a $200 billion a year industry????  Saaaay, you remember when Barackus said medical costs were high because of “unnecessary surgeries”?  Pepperidge Farm Remembers.  Wood chipper therapy for everyone in the industry.  Stat.  And the parents who brainwash their kids to do this.  And the teachers.  Related:

Number Of Trans Youth in 2021 Up 70% From 2020… | Weasel Zippers

Moonbattery How Young Is Too Young? – Moonbattery

Watch: Planned Parenthood Cartoon Touts Puberty Blockers For Children – Summit News

Social contagion (

The Entire World Is Threatened by the Total Ignorance of American Governing Elites – LewRockwell

Never were Soviet leaders insulted and ignored in the manner that Putin has been.  President Reagan told the contingent that accompanied him to Reykjavik for his meeting with Gorbachev that anyone who took a rude or dismissal attitude toward the Soviet delegation would be fired on the spot.

In those long ago civilized days, the US government took no risks that could result in a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union.

Now we have the Potato and others push-push-pushing to provoke Putin.  This is insane.  Very related:

Americans Better Wake Up and Realize the Russians Are genuinely Pissed Off (

My wife and the guy doing some work in our home are both from the former Eastern Block.  They’re both giddy over the bridge being blown up.  As though hemming the Russians, who are historically paranoid and jittery about enemies close to their territory, are just going to sit there and take it for long.

Reimagine Education | America’s Frontline Doctors (

For home schoolers.  I wish I could home school but my wife’s not on board.

Ebola Is Back: US To Screen Passengers From Uganda | ZeroHedge

Two articles on Ebola from 2019:

Raconteur Report: Do The Math, 2019 version

Bayou Renaissance Man: Ebola, rampaging superstition, and a complete ignorance of fact

To quote the latter article’s author, if Ebola actually lands and gets going in America, “Hell’s coming for breakfast”.




What’s a Little Pain When You’re Saving the Planet?

Go without anesthetic to saaaaaave the plaaaaaanet.  These people are insane.




Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

No-Electricity Cooking Techniques To Use During A Power Outage (

How to Make Homemade Herbal Cough Syrup (




Related to Spicy Time:

Looting “Will Get Progressively Worse” Amid Hurricane Ian Chaos, Sheriff Warns

Now… if the SHTF majorly, imagine this nationally.  Or internationally.




“God does His deepest work in our darkest hours.”

 A.W. Tozer




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?







Foraging: One-up articles



Can’t wait for the part about how to shell the nuts efficiently.  We have a lot of black walnuts in the area.  And I just found a couple of streets that have quite a few hickory nuts as well.

A good oak tree, in a good acorn fall year, can produce over 1000 pounds of acorns.  So let’s assume a 1:4 ratio to get to acorn meal, dried.  That’s 250 pounds of acorn meal.  Speaking of acorns:



The Most Common Edible Trees Growing In Your State – Ask a Prepper

34 Wild Plants Every Prepper Should Know – Ask a Prepper

52 Plants In The Wild You Can Eat – Ask a Prepper

11 Things Native Americans Carried With Them To Survive In The Wild – Ask a Prepper

21 Wild Edibles You Can Find in Urban Areas – Ask a Prepper

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

And the stupidest thing you will read today.

Would not surprise me at all if this factored into the rush to push for a nuclear exchange.

She Just Admitted It – Summit News

Video, 4 minutes.

A UN official admitted at a WEF conference that the United Nations works directly with Google to rig the Google search engine.

Related IMHO:

The 2022 election is being rigged and stolen right this very minute- and on your dime – Flopping Aces

All of Us Are in Danger: When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition

I’ve had people tell me to BE QUIET and start to gray man.  Nuh uh.  I’m already on enough lists I’m toast.  Besides, I’d prefer to go fighting.

Surveillance State USA… Biden quietly unleashes spymasters in dramatic Executive Order… – Revolver News



National Security (specifically):

Number of illegals flagged as possible national security risks explodes under Biden (

Who is coming in???  More to the point, any hostile nation would be a FOOL to not take advantage and slip sleepers in.  More:

Bayou Renaissance Man: An organized terrorist threat from illegal aliens?

We have no functioning border.



Shortages (broadly):



California is the ‘sole producer’ of over a dozen crops. Here’s which ones (

So as California circles the drain faster than any other state – and that’s saying something – watch out.  Wait… not GARLIC!  Nooooooooooooo!  More:

U.S. facing butter shortage ahead of holidays (

No, not butter!  Similarly, no – not coffee!

Brazil’s Coffee Bean Supply To Hit Record-Low As Global Scarcity Worsens | ZeroHedge

Biggest EVER bird flu outbreak means 48MILLION chickens have now been culled across UK and Europe | Daily Mail Online

“Unprecedented” my ass.  Planned and facilitated, I call it.



Here’s How the Energy Crisis Will ACCELERATE the Food Crisis (

All interlinked.

U.S. barge backlog swells on parched Mississippi River | Reuters

One thing after another.  And this will ripple-effect.




Doctors are Causing Patients to be Brain Dead So Their Hearts Can be Harvested –

Murder for profit.

You think the Covid deaths in hospitals was a fluke?  You think the medical establishment wouldn’t squelch their consciences for enough dollars?  You think the profit motive isn’t what’s driving – in large part – the transing of our youth?  Video above… a potential $200 billion a year industry.







Video: CBS News Report Frames Removal Of Gay Porn Books From Children’s Library As ‘Book Banning’ – Summit News

Spin spin spin.  Related:



Media Hide Fascist Ideology Of Ukrainian Militia Which Visit Congress – Flopping Aces

The enemedia?  Hiding something?



Economy at large:



A good friend told me about the multi-day hassle he had withdrawing a significant amount in cash.  And this was months and months ago.

Economist Predicts 40% Market Drop Under Severe Stagflation

A Quarter Of San Francisco’s Office Space Is Empty | ZeroHedge

On The Path To Hyperinflation | ZeroHedge



A Hitherto Unthinkable Restraint

Italics replaced by underlining.

The Fed refused to take the bitter medicine that was necessary back in 2008. They bought a lot more time than I would have imagined by kicking the can down the road, and the Covid lockdowns and “emergency spending measures” appear to have given them an additional two years. But now it’s October, historically a month when the debt chickens come home to roost, and two of the world’s biggest banks, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank, have managed to get themselves in seriously deep trouble again, because no one ever stops doing what they’re doing when you prevent them from suffering the consequences of their actions.



Inflation (specifically):

Inflation pushing nearly 90% firms to raise prices in 2023 | Washington Examiner




Your Next Pain Will Be Soaring Electricity Costs As Energy Crisis Comes To America | ZeroHedge




US Stability (broad catch-all):

Border officials count 599,000 ‘gotaway’ migrants in Fiscal Year 2022: source (

This is an invasion.

Commentary: America Is Barreling Toward a Cliff’s Edge Because of Democrats – Tennessee Star

Luckily, elections are less than 50 days away: soon, Americans will have a chance to vote for House Republicans’ Commitment to America and get our nation back on track.

Only if we can overcome the margin of fraud, which will be off-the-charts yuuuuge.  Related:



And that’s assuming we even have an election.  I was talking with a good friend and he speculated “something” will happen that results in calls for the elections in November to be pushed back.  “Just a temporary thing”.

Hispanic voters stun MSNBC – ‘We’re for God, family, and hard work…Voting Red”’ — The Republic Brief

Also interviewed were Jose Arreola and Maria Batres of El Paso, Texas, both former Dems who now support Republicans because of their party’s radical policies.

“Maria,” asked Díaz-Balart. “You were a Democrat and you are now a Republican, why?”

“Because the fact that the Democratic Party has changed a lot, and I identify more with the Republican Party,” she said.

“We’re for God, country, family, and hard work,” Batres said when asked what things that she was referring to.



Note the times and dates… and the DROP in Youngkin’s vote total, i.e., 13,885.  This is 2021.  In three minutes that’s a 0.88% DROP in votes while McAuliffe picked up over 14,000 votes in that same three minutes.  You really think 2022 is going to be different?  And if they keep the House and get a pure majority in the Senate, here are my predictions for the very first day of voting in 2023:

  1. Nuke the filibuster entirely – everything will now be straight majority.
  2. Their all-encompassing voting bill, which will cement Democrat majorities at the federal level forever. Included in this will be amnesty and citizenship by 2024 for the millions of illegals that are coming over and getting onto the welfare train. LBJ’s comments about owning blacks in the “Great Society” will echo here with these illegals-now-citizens.


“I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan]”


  1. Sweeping gun control including registration. Confiscation of “assault weapons”.

That will, doubtless, be the first day.  And it will get worse from there.  At that point TINVOWOOT for 100% certain.  Alas.



New York Has More Than 3 Million Voters Lacking Proof of Identity: Analysis

How do they function in society?  Three million just in New York state???

Carjackings In Dem-Run Philadelphia Up Over 100%, 1,044 So Far This Year… | Weasel Zippers

A nation cannot long survive like this.  Which is the intent.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Why the left keeps smearing its political rivals as Hitlers or Mussolinis (

This is not just an American issue.  This is a world issue.  To wit:

Now any election the left loses is treated as an existential struggle, the equivalent of war. And all’s fair in war. Calling your opponents Nazis justifies whatever you want to do to them, and makes you the good guy when you do it.

This is because they are the Anointed Intellects.  They truly believe themselves to be made from finer clay, far above the dross of the seething masses of humanity.

Greenwald: No One Talks About Ending Ukraine War For Fear Of Being Labelled A ‘Traitor’ – Summit News

We’re racing to nukes flying with nobody on the brakes.


Video, 30 minutes.  Meanwhile:

U.S. Buying $290M Worth of Anti-Radiation Drugs for Use in ‘Nuclear Emergency’ (

Nothing to see here, people.  Move along.  More:

“Declaration Of War Without Rules”: Russian Officials Fume Over Crimea Bridge Blast As Ukraine Celebrates | ZeroHedge

Speaking of casus belli… if this, image below, is true – and it needs checking and rechecking – that is very bad news.






There’s no stopping what can’t be stopped.  More:

A Hitherto Unthinkable Restraint




Specific to energy:


How Much Energy Will the World Need?

A lot less than now if the depopulationists get their way.

Washcloth instead of a shower? Europeans trying to save energy (

Don’t forget all the energy involved in making clean water, not just heating it!

Sweden Braces For A Winter Of Power Shortages

“Please Don’t Panic Buy”: France Taps Strategic Reserve After Gas Stations Run Out of Fuel



Gardening, animals, overall health, etc.:


Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Be Aware Of This When You Smoke Your Meat! – Ask a Prepper

18 Plants That Should Always Be Planted Together – Ask a Prepper

What Happens If You Smoke Garlic Cloves – Ask a Prepper




Big Tech in general:

Scientists tricked mosquitoes into delivering vaccines to humans (

Haven’t I seen a couple of horror movies that start like this?  And isn’t this the start of the Terminator concept?

Boston Dynamics Pledges Not To Weaponize Robots While China Arms Robo-War Dogs With Machine Guns – Summit News

Was going through my archives and found these:

The Tech Industry’s War on Kids. How psychology — a discipline that we… | by Richard Freed | Medium

What smartphone photography is doing to our memories – Vox

Social media firms like Facebook want us addicted to popularity & status (

New PayPal Policy Lets Company Pull $2,500 From Users’ Accounts If They Promote ‘Misinformation’ | The Daily Wire

As I understand it, they’ve pulled back from this, so it’s moot.  But the bigger picture is that they entertained the idea at all.



Self-defense (broad) & Hunting:

Mythbusting – What Happens When You Shoot a Deadbolt? (

It seems door locks are stronger than I’d suspected.



Gun Rights Not About Deer in Kevlar Vests, as 11 Incidents Show (

Speaking of Kevlar stuff, I’ve bought several through there:

Bulletproof Equipment for Personal Use & Law Enforcement | ZAHAL



A secret, off-the-books gun registry?  Would not surprise me in the least.

Expert: FBI Undercounts Armed Citizens Stopping Attacks

Paging Dr. John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime.  Also work by Gary Kleck.  If you can find it, ARMED by Kleck and Don Kates.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

Here’s What Happened When a Concerned Mom Dressed Like Drag Queen at a School Board Meeting – PJ Media

Give this mom a medal!  Not that it affected the school board in the slightest, but doubtless more people in the community became aware.

‘They got him’: The death of Che Guevara – American Thinker

The day he became a good Commie.


Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:

Infidelity Reconsidered (

This is a defense of infidelity, and I’d like to address it on a couple of different levels.

1. Fidelity is hard.  It requires discipline and restraint.  A person who can control themselves in this – one of nature’s most basic drives, sex, can control themselves in others.  Which is why the Left is so adamant about destroying the idea of fidelity.  A society of people who cannot restrain themselves here… cannot restrain themselves in other areas.  And must, therefore, rely on The State.

2. Fidelity means no diseases.  You can’t catch an STD from a partner if both of you were clear beforehand and don’t stray.  Diseases can cause infertility, a Globalist goal.








Palate cleansers:



And this is just COOL!

daily timewaster: Oldest animation in world on a ceramic vessel dating back to 5200 years ago, found in Shahr-e Sukhteh Iran – when vessel is rotated it shows a goat leaping up to bite a leaf






The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Insight Into Everything You Need To Know About Popcorn Bags Bulk

Sun, 2022-10-09 16:00 +0000

Popcorns are considered to be those eatables that are rich in many natural ingredients and dietary supplements such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and many others. These are the best food items that are usually used as snacks and while watching a movie or any of your favorite shows.

So, their packaging is also important to keep them away from unhygienic conditions. That’s where you will need popcorn bags in bulk to store and keep your popcorn.

This article has included everything that you need to know about popcorn bags and why there is a need to buy these bags in bulk.

What do you mean by popcorn bags?

As per the name, popcorn bags are used for carrying and packaging popcorn for safe handling and shipping. These bags are used to store corns and to get a perfect solution for the packaging of corns. These bags are good for attracting customers with their colorful presentations of these bags.

Why is there a need for popcorn bags in bulk?

The popcorn bags bulk are needed to sell corn at an exponential rate. You will need these bags in bulk if you are selling corns. There are many reasons behind this bulk purchase of popcorn bags.

These bulk popcorn bags are used for their promotional advantages. If you add a personal taste or some identity to these bags, then you will better market and advertise your corn bags.

These bags have business branding advantages, so why not have them in bulk to get your products stored and delivered safely and make an attractive look for them?

Most shopping malls and movie theaters have bars offering corn, drinks, and many other things. You will see that these bags will give an attractive look and theme that will cast a lasting impression on your customer’s hearts.

These boxes’ attractive shapes and finishing will also help you save on your bulk popcorn bag purchase.

Getting these bags in bulk is essential if you want to impress the customers with the taste, quality, and price of your popcorn.

Go for that bag that can easily resist moisture, undesired things, and unstable temperatures.

You will be able to present the corn and popcorn in a unique, presentable way. So, these bags are protective of your products.

You can use them in bulk to get rid of the stock reduction issues and can save a huge stock for your regular use.

What are the benefits of popcorn bags?

The benefits and advantages of these popcorn bags are given below.

  • These are the creative ways to present your brand.
  • These are delivering you higher sales of your eatables.
  • These are best for keeping your corns and to show corns to the customers in a highly presentable way.
  • These are flexible packaging solutions.
  • The ultimate aim is to beautify the grace of your packaging.

The use of popcorn bags bulk is becoming popular because of the safe packaging of popcorn and beautifying the grace of your packaging. Getting these bags in bulk will help you a fair deal not only in saving money but also in getting rid of your regular purchase visits. You can use them in bulk to market and sell corn and popcorn in a much more presentable way.



The post An Insight Into Everything You Need To Know About Popcorn Bags Bulk appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

That Mass-Stabbing In Vegas … Joe Biden Did That

Sun, 2022-10-09 15:00 +0000

Did you hear about the recent mass-stabbing in Las Vegas? I actually saw it covered by the regime-media … of course, they left out the part about the stabber being an illegal alien:

The post That Mass-Stabbing In Vegas … Joe Biden Did That appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Complete Guide To Bulk Canvas And Properties Of Canvas

Sun, 2022-10-09 14:00 +0000

Painting is regarded as one of the most loved hobbies all around the world. A lot of professionals are using their creativity and mind and making unique and wonderful paintings. However, these professionals need a bulk canvas to save their money on individual purchases.

If you want to go oil painting, the canvas will be your main ingredient in this regard.

Is buying canvas in bulk worth your purchase?

Buying canvas in bulk has a lot more perks that are beyond your expectations. You will get a chance to save on this stock for your future use and to get low price fabric in bulk.

Why should you buy canvas in bulk?

You should buy canvas in bulk for the following reasons.

  • Most art gallery applications use bulk canvases for their big orders. This fabric is a pocket-friendly ingredient for most painting applications.
  • Professional artists use this fabric in bulk because of their regular use and to get rid of the hassle.
  • Buying canvas in bulk is also good for Art and Painting teaching centers. Students and learners need canvas in bulk for their practices.
  • Moreover, stationary shop owners use this fabric in bulk. They can buy and sell them to gain profits.
  • Gift shop owners have to buy these in bulk because of their usage as the best gift wrap. So, for gifting purposes, this fabric is being purchased.
  • For all those people who are fond of painting and do it regularly, then they will need this fabric in bulk.
Properties of canvas fabric:

Several useful properties of the canvas fabric are mentioned below.

  • This fabric is made with high breathability. So, you can use this fabric if you want proper breathing in your clothes.
  • This fabric is also used for its ability to absorb moisture. You can use it for its moisture-wicking abilities. They have high moisture absorbance because of their soft and woven fabric.
  • This fabric is made with high heat retention power. You can use this fabric during winter.
  • You will find this fabric stretchable. So, the flexibility and stretch ability of this fabric make it unique and useful.
  • This fabric is used for making bags, sails, tents, backpacks, shoes, and many other art supplies.
Importance of bulk canvas:

The use of bulk canvas has made it essential to get highly durable and long-lasting fabric for all things, especially for painting surfaces. If you buy them in bulk, then you can make shelters, tents, and much use out of this fabric. Their ability to resist water makes them good enough for outdoor use.

You will see that most of the wedding halls, theaters, and restaurants have their sheds made out of this fabric.


If you want to get a high-quality canvas at a minimal price range, then do not go for a second thought and get a bulk canvas for all the reasons mentioned above. Canvas is used by painters, artists, and art gallery trainers for its ability to easily dissolve the harsh line that is usually the result of painting brushes. So, if you are satisfied with all these reasons and benefits, then you should go for this bulk canvas purchase.

The post A Complete Guide To Bulk Canvas And Properties Of Canvas appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sunday Spotlight: A Delivery and a Voice From My Past

Sun, 2022-10-09 13:30 +0000

Each Sunday, I take a step away from daily politics and focus on someone who has done extraordinary things or who we may need to know a little better. This week’s focus is on The Eck, a man who played baseball well, could bring the most boring game to life with his voice, and was a genuine man….he never changed in nearly fifty years.

There are few men in sports that bridged my youth with my elder years. Dennis Eckersley was a new type of player in his time. Like Big Pappy defined the DH, Eck defined the closer. His windup and delivery were unique, as was his nomenclature when he moved to the broadcast booth. He made the most boring game exciting with his analysis of every at bat and his unlimited stories. He was a gift for fans for fifty years

One of only two pitchers in Major League history to have both a 20-win season and a 50-save season (John Smoltz is the other), Dennis Eckersley actually had two distinct careers in baseball. Splitting his first 12 seasons between the Cleveland Indians, Boston Red Sox, and Chicago Cubs, the hard-throwing righthander was an effective, albeit somewhat erratic starting pitcher who compiled an overall record of 151-128. After joining the Oakland Athletics in 1987, Eckersley evolved into one of the greatest relief pitchers in baseball history, revolutionizing the role of the “closer” for future generations.

One of my greatest memories of the Eck did not happen in a Red Sox uniform. It was in 1988 when he was a prolific closer for the powerful Oakland A’s. It was the first game of the World Series, and Eck just had to do his thing and close out the win. Uncharacteristically, he walked the tying run, and Tommy Lasorda, the legend manager of the Dodgers, sent the hobbled, almost crippled Kirk Gibson to the plate. This should have been a mismatch, but it may be one of the most incredible at-bats in history. It lasted nearly ten minutes as the count went to 3-2, and Gibson started fouling off Eck’s pitches. Finally, Eck let one pitch take too much of the plate, and Gibson gave it a weak swing but strong enough to put the ball into the bleachers for a game-winning home run.

The crowd went crazy, and Eck watched in disbelief as the ball entered the stands. It was a surreal moment in a hall-of-fame career. It was one of those moments that you always remember. Vin Scully and Joe Garagiola called the game. Two of the baseball broadcast giants. The stars were aligned for something special to happen. Unfortunately for Eck, he did not come out on the winning side of this battle. Eck went on to redefine the reliever role and ended his successful career in Boston. He then moved into the broadcast booth to begin his second career.

Eck was special. He started in the studio as an analyst but soon moved into the booth. A very popular Jerry Remy was having health issues, and Eck was the fill-in until he became the primary analyst in the booth. The Red Sox Nation embraced Eckersley, and he them. He always said he gave the job the passion that defined a city.

Dennis Eckersley is an emotional man and showed that side of him many times during his final broadcast. There were honors from the Red Sox, and halfway through the game, the entire Red Sox team came out of the dugout to salute Dennis Eckersley. The tears flowed, but so did the memories.

Thank you, Eck, for a career to remember, but thank you more for being the bridge to my youth when baseball and sports were more fun. Eck and I are the same age, but he seems bigger than life in many ways. He always found a way to earn that respect. Godspeed, Eck, and may your tomorrows be as fruitful as your yesterdays.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BlogHeadline of the Day – Seriously, Kvetching about Doing What You Boasted You’d Be Doing?

Sun, 2022-10-09 12:00 +0000

Heh! Pinning virtue-signaling to the door with a railroad spike:

MAY I REPEAT MYSELF? BUTCH IT UP, MARY: Sanctuary New York City Mayor Declares Emergency Over Migrants Taking Sanctuary In NYC.
Your mouth wrote the checks. You should pay them.

Lots of Democrat Big City Mayors (and Governors) have proclaimed themselves to be Sanctuary Cities where ALL are welcome. Yeah, that lasted only long enough until the Red State Governors whose taxpayers have had to foot the bill for Biden’s open borders policies, decided to go all in on “share the misery – and cost”. Chicago, NY City, San Fran, and others are now screaming like stuck pigs over the 10s of thousands of migrants WHO THEY VIRTUE SIGNALED over actually showed up thanks to buses and planes coming from those border states.

But once again, we see that when policies have consequences, Democrats either deny they had it (like “defund the police”), get someone else to pay for it, or denounce others for holding up their own words (like “sanctuary”).  It shows that they are just one long series of cons for which they never want to be held responsible.

(H/T: Instapundit)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont is About to Enshrine Reproductive Liberty into Its Constitution – Whatever That Means

Sun, 2022-10-09 10:30 +0000

Vermont has a measure on the ballot to amend its State Constitution. Prop 5 would ar article 22 on Reproductive Liberty does not include the word abortion, but advocates hope that what they wrote will mean that, and it has a lot of support, but not many people understand what it means.


The University of New Hampshire survey, commissioned by WCAX, found that 75% of respondents said they would support the measure, known as Proposal 5 or Article 22. Just 18% said they would vote against it and 6% said they were still unsure.

The amendment, which has been approved by the Vermont House and Senate twice over four years, would guarantee “an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy.” If approved by a majority of voters in November, it would become part of the Vermont Constitution.


With Vermonters poised to take this plunge, we should revisit some oddities that could arise. As noted here:

Article 22 starts with, “reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed.” Even prefaced as referring to reproductive freedom, a talented lawyer could leverage it to mean anything, including a constitutional right to refuse the latest vaccine if it might in some way infringe on that right.

[W]hat if a minor wants to get pregnant? Having survived the “right” to abortion and achieved an age where reproduction is possible, are they not entitled to their own reproductive freedom?

Or this,

What if the unborn are, in some future legal context, defined as people? Article 22 would provide the unborn with “an individual right to personal reproductive autonomy [that] is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course and shall not be denied or infringed.


And this all matters, but it doesn’t. In the same poll: “Only 45% of the voters polled said they fully understood the amendment’s wording, though another 43% said they understood it “somewhat well.” So, 75% favor a constitutional amendment they don’t exactly understand. In other words, no one knows what it means, but they feel like it’s a good idea.

It reminds me of the NH right to privacy that we added to our Constitution a few years ago. No one, to my knowledge, has invoked it in their defense, and we’ll never know until lawyers and judges argue it out.

The same sounds true for Prop 5, with 75% of Vermonters willing to pass something that 80% of them might or don’t understand, so that self-interested lawyers and our questionable judicial system work out what it means.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Look what Entrepreneurship has done for going to Space!

Sun, 2022-10-09 01:30 +0000

Just look at the cost of Government getting people and cargo into space versus Elon Musk’s SpaceX (which is doing double duty in helping Musk’s satellite communications company, StarLink, take over that industry sector as well).  Sure, in the early years, only Government (Russia, the US) had the resources to do the trailblazing at fast speeds. However, once that first “Space Race” (which was driven for military reasons – the “high ground” always wins in war), things languished until Musk came along.

Could Government have lowered the price of pushing 2.2 Lbs of cargo into space this fast at the rate of innovation and risk (“Fail faster”) that Musk has been driving?

(H/T: The Visual Capitalist)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote – It Is All about the Price!

Sun, 2022-10-09 00:00 +0000

Emphasis mine:

The number of technologically feasible ways to produce any desired good in a modern economy is virtually infinite, but the subset of these which represent production methods that are also relatively economical is much smaller. Without the benefit of a price system, decision-makers who are faced with the bewildering variety of technologically possible methods of production would hit upon a set of economically feasible methods only by the most bizarre accident. The likely outcome of production that is carried on in the absence of price guidance is that so little would be produced that society would revert to the simple methods of primitive societies.

Thus the aid provided by prices is a reduction in the overwhelmingly numerous possibilities of production methods to a handful that appear profitable ex ante. Of course, only some of these will, as prices continuously change, actually prove profitable ex-post and thus survive through time as regularly employed habits of producers. But by reducing to a manageable size the mind-boggling variety of conceivable methods of production, the price system performs an indispensable service.

-Don Lavoie (“The Market as a Procedure for Discovery and Conveyance of Inarticulate Knowledge)

Prof Don Boudreaux adds the following concerning bureaucrats and politicians ignoring price and only considering “Industrial Policy” (as Biden and Congress have concerning semiconductor manufacturing) and again, like so many other countries “leaders”, they fall prey to the Great Mind Fallacy:

This reality is missed by advocates of industrial policy. By proposing to allocate large quantities of resources by diktat and, hence, in opposition to the manner in which those resources would be allocated by the price system, industrial-policy advocates imagine that, by some miracle, industrial-policy mandarins will somehow know how to allocate those resources in ways that result in better economic outcomes than are achieved by the price system. Industrial-policy advocates never tell us just how industrial-policy mandarins will obtain all the necessary detailed information and knowledge they must obtain in order that these mandarins might have some reasonable prospect of improving the living standards of ordinary people over time.

This is otherwise called Socialism and Communism where top-down decisions are often made for political reasons (or, at least underpinnings that have no basis in economics) thinking it will improve that country’s status in the world (and often never caring about the Individual).

The Price System doesn’t care about the micro or macro levels – it only cares about one small piece of data – what does an item cost to make or deliver, and how can an ROI be built into that price such that consumers will think it is a good value for them (either by a company or an individual) and pay for that item. This happens all up and down the supply chain.

Being a capitalist Society, price is everything and it has proven valuable, especially against those that don’t.

(H/T: Cafe Hayek)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What if You Held a Vigil…and Nobody Came?

Sat, 2022-10-08 22:30 +0000

I shouldn’t have to critique the story on the anti-hate vigil in Laconia (Laconia Daily Sun 10-4-22), but there are too many falsehoods. With apologies to Tom Lehrer: I just hate vigils like that.

On one hand, people can gather all they want. Enjoy the fellowship. On the other hand, the thought that these sorts of gatherings will actually accomplish something is mostly sad.

In addition to the swastikas at Opechee Park were words, faces, and genitals. So, of course, it was hate directed at Jews. Uh-huh. Thus the Human Relations Committee (HRC) swung into action, organizing a vigil to show support for the Jews in the area. A noble thought, unless it was used to tie the graffitists to the “extremists” in the Lakes Region. Of course it was.

Chair David Stamps repeated one of the most easily debunked lies about former President Trump’s comments on Charlottesville. His “there were good people on both sides” comment was directed to the pro- and anti-statue & park-renaming protesters, not the small group of violent actors. (Check YouTube). One protester caused the death of a protester on their side and is serving a life sentence in prison. Good enough? Apparently not. This lie will never die.

The history of the use of the hooked cross goes back perhaps 7,000 years, from “svastika”, which means “good fortune” in Sanskrit. Look it up. While, in modern times, it is most often associated with the National Socialist Worker’s Party (NAZI) and the racism so prevalent in the 1930s, I find it notable that its use is automatically linked with hate and the far-right. Another possibility could be that the symbol was drawn to elicit a reaction. (Success, there.)

I agree with John Moriarity of the Laconia library in that making a bigger deal than necessary would potentially encourage more vandalism. I am skeptical that this vigil will effectively send the message that “they’re not welcome in Laconia”. Is Mr. Stamps planning to run the vandals out on a rail? Tarring and feathering? Just asking.

Per the article, the president of Temple B’nai Israel told the HRC of people supposedly “walking in and out of [a Franklin restaurant] with guns on and that sort of thing”. I would ask what is inherently wrong with carrying a firearm and what other things were allegedly occurring? Funny that I couldn’t find anything online about this issue. One would think that if this was viewed as harassment that a story or two might have made it into area newspapers. Also, if the owner preferred not to allow customers to open carry, she could have easily posted her wishes on the door. It may be a surprise to many, but most lawful gun owners are very considerate.

The near-automatic assumption that gun carriers are “far-right” ignores groups such as: Pink Pistols (LGBT), John Brown Gun Club, National African American Gun Association, Huey P. Newton Gun Club (black), Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders Gun Owners (Asian) and Liberal Gun Club (obvious).

Food for thought.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Am Vanessa Sheehan and I’m Running for Re-Election to the NH House on Nov 8th!

Sat, 2022-10-08 21:00 +0000

My name is Vanessa Sheehan and I am running for re-election to the NH House from Milford in Hillsborough District 43.  I am asking for your vote on November 8th!

My top issues, should I win your trust and your vote, are:

  • Economy– Preserve the NH Advantage and never support an income tax or sales tax. Continue the work Republicans have done over this last term to lower taxes, aid small business and maintain a responsible balanced budget.
  • Energy– Support policies to reduce energy costs for families and businesses.
  • Education– Expand educational choice and protect parents’ natural rights to control the health, education, and welfare of their children.
  • Liberty– Protect our Second Amendment rights and safeguard the rights of all people to life, property, freedom, and equal justice under the Constitution.

Voting for me would ensure conservative fiscal responsibility, the preservation of our freedoms and personal liberty, the expansion of school choice, and allowing parents to direct their child’s education (rather than bureaucrats).

Thank you for your time!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bouncing Back

Sat, 2022-10-08 19:30 +0000

Is it just me or are we starting to see the price of gas increasing again? Hope not but a couple of stations look like it. One thing is we can be happy we are not out in California where it’s at $6.00 or more but there is no reason it should be above $2.00 gal. around here. Biden (or whoever is actually in control) has only reduced prices enough, by raiding our Strategic Petroleum Reserves, to get through the midterms with as little damage as possible.  However, you can be sure if leftists get reelected prices will soar again.

I had a heating fuel delivery today, the cost was over $1,000.  Almost twice what it has been in years past and it’s not likely to go past December. This is looking like a huge problem for many people unless we have a very mild winter; I’m not holding my breath, though. With rents going up by hundreds per month, it may to come down to heating or eating for some. Another danger is auxiliary heating devices increasing risks of fires as some may resort to them in desperation.

Overall, our American standard of living is taking a hit. It’s not that the rich or politically connected care but the slide down can only be arrested if we replace the entrenched career politicians responsible with new blood, conservative candidates. Our four Federal representatives are all Democrats and three out of the four are long-term career politicians. None of the four have represented the needs of the people of NH. During their terms in office, our national debt has risen by trillions. Violent crime infests major cities and is expanding into the rest of the country. Drugs are killing hundreds of thousands flowing across our Mexican border while Leftist Biden administration refuses to enforce our laws at any and all levels. Armed drug gangs control and terrorize whole neighborhoods, fight each other, killing one another, and any innocent bystanders suffer. Local Democrat Mayors refuse to prosecute criminals or protect honest citizens but allow liberal prosecutors to try to railroad any lawful conservative gun owner defending himself from attack from criminals.

Antifa and BLM (the  former being real fascists and the latter are communists and Black Nationalists) are terrorist organizations that riot, loot, burn, and murder but are ignored by the media and even encouraged by these Leftist elected officials.

Universities allow professors to groom students into anti-American radicals and are subsidized by our government while doing so. What could go wrong with that?

If corrections are not made, starting this November 8th, our nation, our Republic, will fall within ten years and we citizens will become subjects with only the rights a totalitarian Leftist government allows. See Communist China, Russia etc.

Vote for correction now or forget crying later.

The post Bouncing Back appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What’s the Over/ Under That Citizens for Belknap Will Endorse Democrat Lisa Dimartino over a “Reasonable, Responsible Republican”?

Sat, 2022-10-08 18:00 +0000

The CfB already knocked out the most conservative Republicans in the Primary over most of Belknap County. It is clear that those it missed and survived their Primaries (as in Alton Barnstead – Paul Terry, Barbara Comtois, Peter Vadney) will be targeted again.

CfB is a Democrat-started, funded, and run Political Action Committee (even if the renegade Republican Brian Gallagher has shifted sides and is their Treasurer – you know, the guy that stayed on the Gunstock Area Commission even after he became ineligible – else, why did former Commissioner Gary Kiediasch spend a fair amount of Gunstock Area Resort (re: taxpayer money) on lawyers fees trying to keep him on the GAC?), it exists NOT to have “Reasonable, Responsible Representation” from a Republican standpoint…only Democrats can be reasonable and responsible when it comes to the endpoint – November 8th. Call it a “Revenge PAC” -how DARE those Conservative Republicans on the GAC and Delegation asking intrusive and uncomfortable questions of us – as they should.  WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS!”.

Remember, it’s from a Democrat standpoint and they’ve taken a year-long campaign to do it.  This has been the end goal all along and we’ve Republicans, scared of not being re-elected, either all in on the deal or willing to “ride the strong horse” set up by the CfB months-long Public Relations smear.  I do need to do a fuller post on this but let me get to the point.

Here in Gilford, the Citizens for Belknap successfully knocked out Norm Silber and Glen Aldrich both of whom had excellent House Republican Alliance and NH Liberty Alliance scores meaning true fidelity to Republican values of the NH GOP Platform and the US and NH Constitutions (which this Democrat PAC called “Extremist” – we know that Democrats hate those and thus labeled them “extremists” just like Biden and other top Democrats have been doing for well over a year in shaping the political battlespace. They even canned Gregg Hough who, even being a Republican, did their bidding. I guess his time of being “useful” was over.

I have noticed, in my town, that the remaining CfB signs still standing (many have been taken down, given their purpose of knocking off Republicans is over) are surrounded NOT by the Democrat endorsed Republicans (except for Tim Lang running for NH State Senate) but by Democrats. ALL of them running in Gilford.

Like Lisa DiMartino’s signs. I’ve posted about her earlier. Years ago, how she threatened, at a School District Deliberative Session that if the Town folks didn’t give higher raises, she used her disabled child as a political pawn and declared that she’d want the District to send him to a place similar to Crotchet Mtn for care costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. In layman terms, that is called extortion.

More recently, I posted about her voting record in the NH House (“Gilford Democrat Lisa Dimartino Is Campaigning as a Moderate but She’s Really Not“). This was sent in by a loyal reader and if she gets in, this may well be the result:

So here’s the question: which of the remaining Gilford Republicans that the CfB “supported”, are now going to get it in the neck when their next “Scorecard” comes out?  Certainly they are not going to stay with the four Republicans they endorsed (upper left hand corner):

Citizens for Belknap RINO Report

To make way for DiMartino or the other three running Democrats, will it be incumbents Russ Dumais or Harry Bean (who, in breaking the RSA 91A and RSA 24:9-d laws in calling for the Aug 1st illegal Belknap County Delegation meeting) who get knocked off? Or first timers David Nagel or Richard Beaudoin?

I’m betting that DiMartino is going to be “endorsed” over either the latter two as their usefulness will be completed.  I’m also betting that Dumais will be shoved aside as well just because NOT DEMOCRAT!

Harry Bean’s position is harder to figure – he’s still “useful” as the CfB and allied Republicans forced Mike Sylvia out of the Chair and he has a LOT of family in Gilford to vote for him. The question becomes which Democrat becomes the odd man out because Bean has become co-opted (or captured, if you wish).  Doubt me?

Which Conservative do you know is really going to say they are going to work with hard Left Democrats, like DiMartino, when the respective principles of each Party are totally orthogonal to each other?  He wrote:

I would like to take a second to thank everybody who voted in the primary Sept. 13, especially those who put their confidence in me, and to remind you to vote at the general election on Nov. 8. It is very important to all of us to get out and vote. I believe that if the Republicans, independents and Democrats work together, we should be capable of coming to a compromise on most issues. Communication is a must.

Rep. Harry H. Bean

He knows what the Democrat voting record is in the NH House so this gives me cause for great concern? Tell me Harry, have you even thought that out?  Tell us how you would compromise on the income tax that ALL Democrats want to put into place here in NH?  What’s the compromise on the Second Amendment where the Democrats want to put stringent restrictions on citizens bordering on complete civilian disarmement (think David Meuse) – how many of your firearms are you willing to compromise on?  How about Parental Rights – both Democrat Congresstwits Kuster and Pappas just voted down legislation, sponsored by Republicans, that would put Parents TOTALLY back into control of the education and health concerns of their children. Do you agree that children, when in schools, are now the property of the State?  Democrats do, Harry.

And of course, all of the Tim Lang gang (Tim Lang, Mike Bordes, Travis O’Hara, Doug Trottier) took Union money filtered through the Common Sense PAC (Brodie DeShaies, chair and treasurer) – what is the compromise, Harry, where Republicans want anyone to have the freedom to work where ever they want (Right To Work) and Democrats want to continue to lock people out of those jobs via Union demanded “closed shops” (and vote against Right To Work, like the Lang Gang)?

Abortion, Harry?  Republicans just start the first steps of saving the lives of unborn children – not a single Democrat voted for that. They insist on abortion right up until birth – and some even afterwards (remember Democrat Virginia Governor Northam advocating for what is infanticide – “just walk away from the baby” – and there are some here in NH that would agree.

How about charter schools? Republicans are about freedom for education instead of stuck in a given zip code. Tell us, Harry, what is the compromise where ONLY Public Schools are possible with Democrats.

I could go on for issue after issue – what you NEED to tell us how, in concrete terms, how your “compromise” would be achieved in this “political chasm” environment.

You’ve helped the CfB in their aims, knowingly or unknowingly.  They call me an Extremist for simply holding Republican positions. You’ve known me for YEARS, Harry, and you know I have the same principles that I did when we met on the Gilford Budget Committee – its called being Consistent.  Do you consider me to be an Extremist now?  You certainly didn’t when we served together. In fact, you were quite complementary – do you remember what you said back then?

No, Harry, either what you wrote was election pandering or you have no clue (even having spent multiple sessions in the NH House so I know it isn’t the latter). But this is why they MAY endorse you – but I won’t be surprised if you get the shaft in that next “voters guide”.

So, to square the circle – I will be very surprised if DiMartino isn’t endorsed. I won’t be surprised if they give all four of the Republicans running in my District the heave ho.

And you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves

The post What’s the Over/ Under That Citizens for Belknap Will Endorse Democrat Lisa Dimartino over a “Reasonable, Responsible Republican”? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Defund-The Police Sanctuary City Has to Pay State Troopers Overtime to Patrol Downtown

Sat, 2022-10-08 16:30 +0000

After basking in the fiery glow of BLM Summer, the geniuses running the city of Burlington, Vermont, defunded their police force. The 30% budget cut had two immediate effects. Crime rose, and they had trouble hiring police officers. But they’ve decided on a temporary solution.

Related: Burlington Police Chief Lacks Manpower to Investigate Murder-Suicide Because BLM-Appeasing City Council Defunded Them


Mayor Miro Weinberger’s office said the patrols would begin as soon as this week and confirmed that the city will pay the expense out of the police budget. The troopers will be paid at their overtime rate plus travel expenses, according to Silverman.

“Despite all the steps that we have taken to expand our public safety resources in the downtown since the spring, it is clear that we need to do even more until the current climate improves,” Weinberger said in a statement.


The overtime is voluntary, probably because the state of Vermont, a larger reflection of progressive Burlington, is having trouble hiring state troopers.

Burlington has offered a 15,000.00 dollar signing bonus, but this pro-defund, sanctuary city, authorized for 87 police officers, only has 62 – roughly 30% fewer staff (irony alert!).

The Vermont State Police is authorized for 333 Troopers but is down about 50 officers.

Related: Keep a Close Eye on the (National) Socialists Running Burlington, Vermont…


State troopers can take shifts during evening hours from Wednesday through Saturday, according to state police spokesperson Adam Silverman. They will not be responding to 911 calls unless called for backup. He said the elective overtime comes after a request from the city and is expected to last for 30 days.

“Our directive is to conduct high-visibility patrols only,” Silverman said.


So, the defund-the-police-democrats admit that an elevated police presence will do what? Give assurance to non-criminals that the city is doing something. Convince people they are not high on crime and low on peace and order. Shore up their standing as competent city managers?

Will the progressives in Burlington care? I know business owners are outraged at the rise in property crime, but this city “legalized” human sex trafficking and allows illegal aliens to vote in local elections.

Related: 2021: New Hampshire Ranked Safest State in America Again, While Vermont Begins Liberal Slide…

The Democrat agenda is sunning it into the ground in real-time while we watch. The same unpleasant end that has dominated cities like New York, Chicago, Baltimore, and Washington, DC.

And that brings us back to Mayor Miro Weinberger, who said, “Despite all the steps that we have taken to expand our public safety resources in the downtown since the spring, it is clear that we need to do even more until the current climate improves.”

Are they truly this stupid?

The only thing that will fix the problems in Burlington are voters who stop casting ballots for Democrats and elected officials who don’t have their heads up their asses. And I don’t think that cesspool of progressives has it in them.



HT | Vermont Digger

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Electric Vehicles Are Exploding From Water Damage”

Sat, 2022-10-08 15:00 +0000

In a delicious irony, the greenies that thought they were outsmarting and healing mother nature got laughed at last as Hurricane Ian tragically tore through swaths of Florida and crippled electric vehicles.

Now, this isn’t to say we celebrate their destruction and temporary immobility, but it is absolutely worth pointing out that humanity’s existence on planet earth will continue to be a fight for survival. Sometimes the best teacher is hard knocks.

Most rational people recognize one of the best tools in this man-versus-nature struggle has been fossil fuels in the last one hundred years, as it has enabled massive exploitation of travel, heating, cooling, and comfort. Maybe a few more folks will wake up and stop jumping on the eco-communism bandwagon.

Electric vehicle batteries are already under fire for the way lithium is mined, and how they don’t last for nearly as long as advertised, among other things, and now Florida’s top fire marshall pointed out one more:

There’s a ton of EVs disabled from Ian. As those batteries corrode, fires start. That’s a new challenge that our firefighters haven’t faced before. At least on this kind of scale.

Good grief. Patronis later followed up with a second tweet saying: “It takes special training and understanding of EVs to ensure these fires are put out quickly and safely. Thanks to [North Collier Fire Rescue] for their hard work.”

It that tweet, Patronis added several videos of firefighters dousing flaming EVs with special retardants and safely ending further threats:

Another commenter on Twitter took the battery fire issue to the next level, which would once more be a cataclysmic irony in the midst of our insane green push.

I keep waiting for them to start forest fires in California, Oregon, and Washington. I wouldn’t want one parked in my garage – and some public parking lots are refusing to allow them. Can’t blame them.

Fox News added that it was unsure of just how many vehicles were impacted by the storm, though it did note the issue comes just as Joe Biden is ramping up efforts to move away from gas-powered cars:

The Biden administration has also taken a number of steps to incentivize Americans to shift to EVs. The president signed the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that included a provision that awards Americans a tax credit worth $7,500 per EV purchase, into law in August, and the Department of Transportation has worked to create a federal EV highway charging network.

However, critics have blasted the administration for giving a “false impression” about EVs, noting that they are expensive and often unreliable.

“[The EV push] is really kind of a con job,” Myron Ebell, the director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, told FOX Business in July. “It may be a good deal for some people in some places under some circumstances. But by-and-large right now, it’s not a good deal.”


Hailey Sanibel writes at The Blue State Conservative.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Director of BLM Manchester “Allegedly” Doxxed a Manchester High School Kid

Sat, 2022-10-08 13:30 +0000

I’m looking for some help on this story. A student at Trinity High School did something stupid and was punished for it, but that wasn’t enough. The guy leading BLM Manchester is alleged to have published personal information about the student to their army of Marxist haters.

I need screen grabs, links to reports, and details of any kind if you have time or can find some.

This is what I’ve got to work with so far.


Black Lives Matter NH has just initiated a doxing and harassment campaign against a minor attending a NH high school.

The uproar appears to be over a racially insensitive (and stupid) poster the kid made. It seems the kid received discipline for it already at school – appropriately I think.

The UNH law student who runs BLM put this kids face out to an army of bloodthirsty Marxists. I fully expect him and his family are going to get death threats, and require protection over this.




Manchester Black Lives Matter viscously went after a Trinity student. What he did was stupid. His apology was not enough. He has been doxxed and threatened because of her. When I tried to say that Trinity did in fact take it very seriously but this kid has now been threatens, this was her response.

Of particular interest are any comments by NH Democrats in support of doxxing, which is illegal in New Hampshire.

One individual informed me, “This kid had his life ruined tonight, and Jan Schmidt and Rep. Chretian are celebrating. They all make me sick.”

Jan Schmidt was the prime sponsor of HB1159, which would have created a special carve out for state reps and their family members, allowing them to pursue lawsuits against anyone whose speech hurt their feelings by defining it as doxxing or cyberbullying.

Imagine our surprise to hear that a Democrat interested in protecting certain people from cyberbullying or doxxing supports whatever the head of Manchester BLM has done to cyberbully and doxx a high school student and their family.

Trinity High School has received threats of violence in the wake of this and canceled all activities for the weekend.

And the title says allegedly because I don’t have any physical evidence of this, but I would like some. I’m swamped this weekend and don’t have a lot of time to research to put more meat on this story. If you can help, I appreciate that.

You can email it to me at


The post Director of BLM Manchester “Allegedly” Doxxed a Manchester High School Kid appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Greenland Counselor Misleading Parents on SEL/Psychological Profiling ?

Sat, 2022-10-08 12:00 +0000

It is amazing how school officials are SELLING parents on submitting their children to psychological practices and evaluations in school. Do they receive training on how to sell snake oil?

I wouldn’t let my children participate in any of this Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) which is code for gathering mental health data on your children to build psychological profiles on them!

In Greenland, here’s the sales job they provided to parents from the school counselor:

The school counselor providing mental health services to your children, without telling you that’s what she’s actually doing, is supposed to be exciting?

Here is what is posted on the website:
Kimochis for Mental Health Professionals:

The Kimochis® Feeling Pillows Guide: Activities for Mental Health Professionals to Help Children Process and Regulate Big Feelingselevates the feeling pillows to a therapeutic intervention that provides novel ways to help children ages 5-12* process and regulate BIG emotions.

Created through the collaboration of a clinical psychologist, educational director and Kimochis® co-founder, and tested by child therapists around the country, the 49 activities provided in this guidebook will lead children to:

  • Actively communicate feelings with more showing and less talking
  • Build the mind-body connection which underlies the belief that ‘feelings fuel behavior’
  • Confront hard to have feelings by being physically able to hold, move, sort, hide and throw them around
  • Nurture compassion for self and others

*Everyone has feelings and these activities are easily adapted for children of all ages, working one-on-one and in groups. Adults too can benefit from having feelings they can see and touch!

Nothing in her email to parents says anything about mental health services through this “for-profit” vendor. SEL providers need to be clear and honest with parents when it comes to SEL programs they will be using in the classroom. Since when do all children need mental health services through a school counselor? Shouldn’t this be reserved for children who may need extra support in the classroom? With INFORMED consent by parents and guardians ?

If you were to take your child to a Child Psychologist who is trained and educated in the field of Child Psychology, your children would be receiving treatment by a professional that must follow a strict code of ethics. You would know that your child is being treated and assessed on their mental health, and their privacy would be protected.

SEL vendors do not provide privacy protections for children. All you have to do is look at the vendor’s privacy policy, it’s NOT private.

This is not just about their grades or attendance records. This is about their mental health. That data is used to build a psychological profile on your children. Not only will they mine this sensitive data on your kids, but they can also share it too.

The laws that govern your child’s privacy were gutted in 2011 by Presidents Obama. There used to be a provision that included the restriction on sharing student information without parental consent. That is no longer in place for these vendors. You can read about that here.

Fortunately there is one law in place that requires schools to obtain parental consent on mental health assessment and treatment. You can bet the Ed Tech Vendors are NOT happy about this because they will not be able to mine as much data from families who refuse.

Here is the federal law. It’s important that SEL is not part of your child’s program at school without your explicit approval:



Nothing in the notice asks for consent from parents.  If you have not consented to have your child participate in this kind of SEL mental health therapy, there are a few things you can do.

1) File a complaint with the New Hampshire Department of Education
2) Check the license of the school counselor, file a complaint with the licensing board
3) Talk to an attorney to see if this is a violation of federal law and file a lawsuit
4) Take all of this to the school board so they know what is going on

You can now see that this kind of mental health treatment in schools are being sold to parents. The problem isn’t about helping to make the classroom more cohesive or promote better behavior, that can be done without the data mining. The problem is that once your child’s mental health data leaves the district, you have no idea where it goes from there.

This program, used by mental health professionals in practice outside the school, may find this to be an effective tool. The difference is, an educated and trained professional in the mental health field would be assessing and treating children who need extra mental health support. They would be required by license, to keep your child’s mental health information private and it wouldn’t take away from time that should be spent on education.

Kimochi references their “five core social and emotional competencies as outlined by the Collaborative for Academic and Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL).” What they don’t tell you is that CASEL no longer supports focusing on academics in the classroom. They talk about that here:


SEL turns public schools into mental health clinics. This shifts focus away from academic excellence, and is sold to you as something  “exciting.”

As children get older, this will continue, but more data will be mined. Here is how this snake oil was sold in SAU16 & SAU21.

The mental health of our children is extremely important, but remember these are the same people who locked kids out of school creating a mental health crisis among for many of these children. Now they are tasked with treating your child’s mental health?

The best thing to do is say NO to SEL. No to the assessments OR treatment. DO NOT CONSENT.

School administrators need to go back to making sure the schools are providing a joyful environment. If they can’t provide that, then they shouldn’t be working in the schools. This isn’t rocket science.

For the children who need additional support, that should only be provided by PhD Child Psychologists who must follow a strict code of ethics. Your children need their mental health information protected, and parents need to be told the truth about what is going on with your children.

This email does not provide you with the necessary information, and there is nothing about what will be collected on your children, and shared.


The post Greenland Counselor Misleading Parents on SEL/Psychological Profiling ? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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