The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 14 sec ago

Nigth Cap: Fur Trapping to Save the Planet!

Sun, 2024-03-17 02:00 +0000

A recent study of beaver dams in northwestern Alaska concludes that the explosive repopulation of Arctic terrain by beavers is thawing large areas of tundra and releasing climate-destroying methane.

The purported negative climate impact of northern beavers regarding methane is the polar opposite of the vaunted benefits of southern beaver populations, which climate scientists have for years claimed sequester vital carbon and rescue humanity from climate change.  The dichotomy between the two beaver populations is paralleled by the tensions between animal rights activists’ views of fur trapping.

Is it O.K. to trap animals to save the planet?

The beaver problem in Canada and other northern climes is attributed to anthropomorphic causes – warming temperatures and reduced trapping.  Beavers are populating these areas in explosive numbers.  The resultant locust-like beaver onslaught has caused even the study’s authors to raise concerns about how to counter the beaver infestation and protect the planet.  This posture is reverse-mirrored by earlier laments that beavers were unavailable to save the Earth in North America because of European colonizers who trapped them to obscurity.  Trapping, like beavers, appears to be morally climate-binary: It is an “evil” practice against good climate beavers, a “good” practice against bad ones.

Equity and Beaver Fever

If equity is thrown into the mix, climate assessments get muddied into inscrutable darkness. Earlier beaver loss arguments scolded white people.  One glowing article titled “How the Eager Beaver Helps Protect the Planet” claimed:

Before the European colonization of North America, there were likely hundreds of millions of beavers. Many Indigenous communities revered them as keepers of water and some had strict policies against killing beavers. But the value of beaver pelts and oil—as fashionable fur hats and perfumes in Europe—lured trappers across the continent and beavers were nearly eliminated from the landscape as a result of heavy exploitation. In the process, our waterscapes became less complex, less resilient, and less able to support diverse plant, animal, and human life.

Now scientists allege that Canadians need lots of trappers ASAP to save the world from pesky beavers and suggest beaver meat will make good human food.

Perhaps the native Canadian tribes whose fur and trapping industry has been thoroughly throttled by progressive animal rights activists will thrive by reducing bad climate beavers.  If that solution is pursued, will white people be denied permits to hunt and eat beaver, or is the climate mission paramount?  Likewise, does putting a colored person on the moon help the environment (as NASA has proclaimed it will do), or are the jet fuels and other pollution colorblind?

This quandary highlights the unavoidable tension between histrionic social justice initiatives.  At times, humanity must choose between competing interests when they are not in accord, such as men’s “rights” to be women versus women’s identity in sports, bathrooms, etc.  As the social justice destruction of the world unfolds, social justice warriors fashioning their plans to create a true Utopia will continually run aground on these inconvenient truths.  Not all paths to “equity” and world salvation coincide.

Attempting to rewrite history on an oppressor-oppressed narrative fails epically every time.  The Cree Indians who depended (and still depend) on fur trapping used the profits to purchase goods from Europeans – apparently, it was bad for Europeans to trap, but good for Natives.  This patently racist conclusion eludes social justice warrior awareness because logic is not permitted to eclipse feelings.

The Canadian beaver infestation presents this awkward contrast in bold relief.  Shall trapping be encouraged to save the world from beaver methane, or shall the world perish, and all humanity (and beavers) die because crazed animal “rights” advocates lay on the road to stop “inhumane” trapping?  These are moral judgments emanating from a morally deluded cadre of agitators whose sole moral compass appears to be identifying something to attack and destroy.

The intersectionality of conflicting ideologies

Food was always the first priority for Native American tribes – periods of famine were common.  If cows are to be sacrificed to prevent climate change, society is valuing carbon dioxide levels above food (cows are not an environmental problem: their industrial confinement is).  Conflicting demands on resources and disparate outcomes based on resource and policy allocation mean that the social justice rainbow of causes will always be bleeding colors. Every intersectionality of supposed shared oppressions yields parallel divisions.

Many feminists are now outspoken against trans athletes in sports.  Sharp critiques by some gay members of transgenderism suggest maybe those QBGLT+ letters do not always accord.  Black women claim additional “lived experiences” of oppression beyond the ken of mere white girls.  The myriad of unfolding divisions transforms the Utopian Unicorn rainbow into a fractious, confusing kaleidoscope of pronouns, grievances, and mental illness.  Americans once rallied around shared challenges rather than splintering divisions.

Would animal rights activists approve of trapping and eating beavers to reduce methane levels in Ontario?  Perhaps they would instead relocate captured varmints to midwestern areas, dropped by helicopter into areas suitable for their dams to sequester carbon.

Wild Horses

Activists defending wild horses have created an environmental disaster: the number of feral horses in the United States increased from 17,000 in 1971, when the Wild Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act was enacted, to 225,000 in 2023. Killing them is illegal, but the ecosystem is at risk: what shall be done?

The Sierra Club alleges that wild horses are a problem:

Wild horses are reproducing at unsustainable rates; between 2007 and 2021, their numbers more than tripled. In their search for forage, wild horses are tearing up high-desert vegetation, degrading riparian areas, and trampling fragile native plants. Free-roaming horses and burros are a major cause of the destruction of biocrust—the top layer of desert soils, which has been shown to be an anchor of desert biodiversity.

Every climate conflict raises competing interests. Indeed, climate warriors insist regressive taxes on the poor to finance EVs, solar panels, and heat pumps for the middle class are justified…. to rescue the poor from climate change! Every crisis in social justice fantasy land is manufactured into the leverage of power and government control—even when the government seeds the crisis. The swirling dizziness of all the experts and technocrats saving humanity and Earth from ubiquitous social justice evils has become a senseless, vapid din.

Thus, the beaver trapping conundrum.  Is the trapping of animals immoral regardless of the purpose?  Does purpose determine ethicality?: Sport versus fur versus food versus saving the planet from imminent existential collapse?

If the world is truly at risk from carbon dioxide, and beaver numbers in the Alaskan wild actually impact such climatic forces, then surely trapping methane-spewing beavers for fun, fur or food will all be welcome -– world-saving! -– pursuits.  As for the horses….


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Nigth Cap: Fur Trapping to Save the Planet! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Legal Lad Lehmann Weighs in and It’s a Right to Know (91a) Jersey Barrier.

Sun, 2024-03-17 00:00 +0000

Frustrated by my inability to get the facts on the legal details of reps’ gmails, I’ve taken a few Plan B detours along the way. When I say “Gmails,” let it be known that I mean all emails used by members of the legislature that don’t end in “” due to my keystroke laziness.

If you want to refresh your memory on HB 1002, and my most recent article, click here (where many relevant links are included).

Since submitting my most recent article, I had the creative idea to light a fire under some Legislative Legal Lads in Concord by emailing the Senate Clerk’s office.  The senate clerk is a nice lady that I’ve always exchanged friendly greetings with in person upon seeing her, and she promptly did her job when I asked an RTK question about Ms. Maya last year, at this time when I was blocked on Twitter.

Attorney Lehmann professionally and expediently answered my question, so it stood to reason, based on personal observation, that finding information on the Senate side of the wall is a more user-friendly experience than its House counterpart. Let it be known, however, that the House clerk replied to my Monday email on Tuesday but did not answer my questions to my satisfaction, though his answer was polite. My email to the House clerk said the following:

“I am emailing your office as per 91A right-to-know to ask a 2 part question. The first one is whether an email address ending in “” exists for each of ALL 400 reps(less the two current vacancies), whether or not they prefer to use them. Secondly, if the answer to the first question is yes, please provide a list of email addresses for all the reps that do not display one with “” on their home pages.”

And his reply:

Good morning, Ms. Smith.

In answer to your first question, no, not all members utilize the legislative email system (which ends in In answer to your second question, all members who list their emails (in any manner) can be found on our Roster Download page available at (on the left hand side – you can download it is an excel file, word file, or .txt file).

I hope this helps.”

Rather than follow up and be THAT annoying person criticizing the House clerk, I figured that both chambers would have a mirror-image policy with regard to email issues, hence my decision to reach out to Tammy and elicit a response from Attorney Lehmann, whose response was prompt and professional and … answered my questions. Unfortunately, what he had to say was a disappointment, legally speaking.  I will share some of what he said that might be of interest to people passionately interested in truth-seeking.  I asked Tammy four questions, but the answer to the 4th question sadly rendered my first three questions moot.

What I find share-worthy is the following excerpt from Attorney Lehmann’s email:

“RSA 91-A does not apply to all legislator email, but it may apply to some legislator email.  I know that is not a particularly helpful answer, so I will try to respond in greater detail.  The Right-to-Know law has two main sections.  One section applies to public meetings, and the other section applies to governmental records.  Since you have asked about email, I will assume you are primarily interested in governmental records.

Governmental records can be records of a public agency or of a public body.  The definitions section of 91-A:1-a makes it clear that the general court (and its committees)  are “public bodies.”  Qualifying records of public bodies are, of course, available to the public.  However, individual senators are neither the “general court” nor are they committees of the general court. For this reason, the email of individual senators are not public records subject to RSA 91-A.

Although individual Senator’s emails are not subject to the Right-to-Know law, emails sent to a quorum of a committee are. Accordingly, emails received by a senate committee are subject to the Right-to-Know law, and are included in the bill folder for each piece of legislation considered by each committee.

This interpretation of the Right-to-Know law has been in place for as long as I can remember, and I started as legal counsel to the New Hampshire Senate in December 2000.  This interpretation has also been endorsed by the New Hampshire Department of Justice. An opinion of the former Attorney General from 2011 is attached for your convenience.”

This was in response to my 4th question, which was if 91a applied to ANY email to or from ANY member of the legislature involving “the people’s business.”

While it was not the answer I had hoped for, I wanted to thank Attorney Lehmann in the public square for his answer and remind everyone that HB1002 still has not yet received official Interim Study status from the whole House.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris “Biden-Boy” Sununu Says … You Should NOT Need An ID To Vote

Sat, 2024-03-16 22:00 +0000

I say SO WHAT? So what that New Hampshire’s Sun-King, Chris Sununu (a/k/a Biden-boy), does NOT support voter ID. So what if that means scores of illegal aliens and non-residents will be able to vote in New Hampshire in November? What’s that you say?

That the Sun-King’s opposition to voter ID helps Biden and the Democrats. That is the point, DUMMIES.

The Sun King has “paid his dues.” He did everything he could to help that empty-pantsuit, corporate-shill, donor-zombie Nikki Haley defeat Trump. He is the right kind of Republican. Don’t tell me otherwise. He’s got an “R” after his name … Republican, Republican, Republican.


That was sarcasm, by the way. And, I KNOW … “but he’s good on guns and taxes.” The Sun-King made sure Biden won New Hampshire in 2020 by instituting (with the assistance of many morons in the NHGOP) the same COVID-hoax voting rules as the Blue States. And … SURPRISE, SURPRISE, SURPRISE … he’s also rigging the 2024 election.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden Read Classified Government Intel to a Ghostwriter Who Then Tried to Hide The Evidence it Happened

Sat, 2024-03-16 20:00 +0000

My headline includes multiple crimes: VP Joe’s illegal possession of classified information, sharing it with a ghostwriter with no clearance, attempting to hide, erase, or delete evidence, and making eight million dollars on the book written using that information. It’s OK. They were Democrats, so no charges have been filed.

If anyone else (you, me, Eric Trump, The Donald) had shared these state secrets illegally obtained, the full weight of the US Government would have been upon them. Jail time would have been for everyone, but none of that happened. Everything else did.

[A]mong the more intense moments at the hearing, there was one electrifying series of questions where Congressman Jim Jordan prodded [Special Counsel Ben ]Hur into admitting that not only did Biden take classified documents — when he was just the vice president, with no presidential declassification powers — but Biden also disclosed official secrets to the guy who was ghostwriting Joe’s autobiography, a guy with no security clearance.

Joe then made $8 million bucks on the book deal.

Please move along, ladies and gentlemen, nothing to see here.

Other highlights of the hearing included Special Counsel clarifying that memory issues included in his report are there because Biden kept bring it up and then proving his own case, even when Democrats tried to get Hur to explain it away using other langauge.

Hur did not back down on his assessment of Biden’s memory, proclaiming that the “president himself” made it an issue. In one case, the president tried to deflect from his inability to recall an event by claiming his son had died in the same year. As Hur notes, Beau Biden actually died two years earlier, in 2015. The White House lied about that exchange in the initial aftermath of the report, claiming that it was the special counsel who brought up Beau Biden. The president repeated that assertion during a disastrous press conference. The transcript, which Hur had at the ready during the hearing, showed otherwise.

And it wasn’t just Democrats in Congress who were working to hide these issues from the public.

On that same topic, Hur was asked about whether the White House pressured him to change parts of his report to protect Biden politically. He confirmed that did happen, sharing details of a letter in which it was demanded that mentions of Biden’s failing memory be removed.

What do the White House and Joe’s Ghost Writer have in common? Obstruction of Justice!

Another incredible exchange came when Rep. Adam Schiff suggested that Hur should have released a sanitized version of his report so as not to make judgments about someone who wasn’t criminally charged.

Of note is that Schiff fully supported Robert Mueller’s special counsel report, which made all sorts of negative claims about Donald Trump despite the former president not being charged with any crimes. The California congressman also lived on television for several years, making all kinds of wild accusations involving Russian collusion, including claiming to have proof. For him to go after Hur for reporting the facts on Biden’s activities and testimony is the height of irony.

Nothing will, of course, come from any of this. No one charged, no indictments, no media circus, or 24/7/365 coverage with expert commentary. That’s for the enemies of the deep state. Actual crimes, no punishment. And they wonder why a growing number of Americans don’t trust any of these bastards. But this is all public now, so it has its uses.

You can use it to melt progressive snowflakes.

Prison would have been better.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ignore Voters, Dictate to Media, Threaten to De-Platform Republican Lawmakers

Sat, 2024-03-16 18:00 +0000

If Democrat Senators got an earful from their constituents about rising property taxes, rising crime, and the cost of housing while they were home, it was nothing like what they heard from Senate President Pro Tem.

Kicking off the “welcome back” Senate Democrat Caucus meeting on March 12, Philip Baruth (D/P-Chittenden Central) took the microphone for a five-and-a-half minute, action-packed rant that included telling his colleagues not to pay attention to constituent objections to their climate policies – they are passing these bills anyway! – instructed the media, if they were listening, not to report the costs of said policies, and threatened to take away Republican lawmakers’ “seat at the table” if they didn’t accept the premise that these ludicrous policies were legitimate.

Baruth complained, “Every time we come out with something to mitigate the effects of climate change or to slow the effects of climate change – and I’m talking about the Clean Heat Standard, the Renewable Energy Standard, which we are going to see a concerted campaign to kill, and this bill, the flooding bill, will also see a concerted campaign to slow it, alter it or kill it. And that is because, again, one of the major parties, and it’s the Republican Party in Vermont, has decided not to create policy to deal with this issue.”

Let’s take this whining missive one point at a time….

Yes, every time you come out with a plan to tax the living hell out of working people trying to heat their homes, drive their cars, do their jobs, etc., in a thinly veiled attempt to steer hundreds of millions of dollars to your political cronies, it tends to tick people off. And, yeah, it sparks some folks to start blowing the fiscal rape whistle in a “concerted effort” to stop your highly corrupt and worse-than-useless policy from happening.

As for noting the Republican party in Vermont has decided not to spend time and resources on schemes to alter the trajectory of planetary climate trends in order to affect the weather patterns in our tiny patch of New England landscape, of course, Republicans aren’t putting forward policy here. Why? because, despite the many shortcomings of the Vermont Republican Party, its members aren’t completely insane.

Anyone who thinks Vermont lawmakers can or will have any impact on the global climate or Chinese/Indian/Russian/etc. policies regarding same is, very politely speaking, a fool. And any parties—looking at you, Vermont Democrats and Progressives—that want to make such an utterly useless gesture the primary function of state government at a cost of multiple billions of dollars better spent on solving solvable problems are fools who also pose a serious danger to others. It’s time to take away the scissors.

Baruth goes on… “What they [Republicans] do is wait for us to offer policy in this space, and then they line up against it with whatever the best argument is. The two arguments we most often hear is that it costs more than a dollar, and it will disrupt a little bit to a lot.”  Well… yeah…. You’re reading this right: the Democrat/Progressive leader of the Senate is upset with elected officials who question the cost to and impact of a policy on their constituents and raise good arguments in regard to those policies.

Senator, the Republicans are not the problem here!

Baruth admits in his little speech that the cost and disruption caused by their plans to “remake an economy that runs on fossil fuels” requiring “huge systemic change” will require disruption and cost. Quite a bit of both! He warns his colleagues, “You will not receive kudos for your work [on the Renewable Energy Standard Bill, etc.]; you will receive sharp criticism, paid advertising talking about how you’re going to cost Vermonters money that they don’t have.” Note: you do not deserve kudos for these policies; they are unaffordable, ineffective, accrue no benefits, and take resources away from other crisis issues in our state. You deserve not just sharp criticism. You deserve to be fired for what you are doing.

Does Baruth think elected officials should listen to the concerns of the people who elected them? Oh no! He says, “We need to circle our wagons! We need to rededicate ourselves to getting these things through,” despite widespread public opposition.  This is what Democracy looks like?

Then Baruth goes after the media, “putting them on notice,” to use his words on how they should cover these issues. “I’m also talking to the Vermont media,” he says. “The way it works [now] is, when the Renewable Energy Standard comes out, the headline is, ‘Democrats propose comprehensive legislation; Republicans point out that it will cost X number of dollars, with a quote from Phil Scott right up front.’” Um…. Question! Isn’t that what good reporting should cover? Here’s the policy and what it would do; here’s what that policy will cost and who pays; and here’s what the top elected official in the state has to say about it so you, a member of the public, can craft an informed opinion. Not according to Phil Baruth, and since no one spoke up against his take, I guess every other Democrat senator did as well.

Instead, Baruth et al. say the headline should be, “Democrats propose comprehensive climate change legislation, Republicans don’t.” In other words, don’t discuss the cost of the program. Don’t discuss what actual impact the program will have on Vermont citizens or, for that matter, the complete lack of impact it will have on a changing climate. Don’t ask the governor what he thinks. Just run propaganda that casts Democrats as heroes and Republicans as villains for, you know, asking critical questions about transformative policy and attempting to listen to what their constituents actually have to say. The bastards!

He concludes, “We are going forward with these bills!” despite public opposition. And, “We are going to make it clear that if nothing comes from the Republican side, do they deserve a full voice in the argument?” Well, the people who elected them might say yes, they do, and you do not have a right to de-platform duly elected officials simply because you disagree with them about priorities and policy. But that would be if you truly believed in the democratic principles of truly representative and responsible government. Baruth and his entitled, dictatorial fellow Democrats clearly don’t.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rumor: Local Police Chief’s Policy Is to Prevent Officers From Enforcing Federal Immigration Laws or Detainer Requests!

Sat, 2024-03-16 16:00 +0000

SB 563, a ban on sanctuary cities, predictably advanced in a 14-10 roll call last week to Senate Finance, but not without the expected drama in the chamber.  You can click here and skip to 4:56:20 for almost a whole hour of debate, but you already know the outcome.

The “discussion” included lots of long and insufferable drivel and gaslighting by most members of the enemy camp.  As expected, senior swamp rat Lou D’Allesandro had to weigh in, mentioning several large cities by name (including mine) with police chiefs that allegedly want their cities to be a sanctuary.

But wait a minute, what about sanctuary TOWNS?  Not only is Merrimack a large town but there’s some stuff to know about it, in no particular order. The Everett Turnpike, which connects NH’s two largest cities, runs through several miles of Merrimack and has three exits there.  Merrimack has three places to vote, which differentiates it from other towns (such as Hudson and Bedford) large enough for more than the three usual number of rep seats.  Merrimack also has a police chief in support of sanctuary cities.

As to not get lost in the “he said, she said” wording, I’ll just quote what former Rep Max Abramson said on Facebook:

“Merrimack: I’ve been told repeatedly that there’s no remote chance that the town of Merrimack would ever be turned into a sanctuary city.  I literally just spoke with the police chief, and he said that his policy is to prevent officers from enforcing federal immigration laws or immigration detainer requests!

We need to stop kidnappers, murderers, and rapists from coming into the country illegally and kidnapping, raping, and murdering Americans.”

I was aghast to read that, especially coming from a reputable person like Max Abramson, who is seeking higher office, so I decided a little research was in order.  I haven’t gotten very far at this point, but it was a natural first step to want to learn the chief’s name: Brian Levesque. Of course, I couldn’t help myself and had to indulge in a silly thought about “you-know-who.”

I’ve been told that it’s the most common last name in Nashua, so I quickly moved on from that goofy moment to continue with my initial research.  According to my findings, Chief Levesque actually lives in Nashua!  There are a variety of ways to verify that, but I don’t want to be accused of doxing.  Do your own fact-checking as you see fit, but I personally find it disappointing that the highest law enforcement official of a large abutting suburb lives here in the city because that means his character lives here, also.  If I had to guess, he probably voted for our insufferable mayor instead of retired fellow cop Mike Soucy.  Remember that Nashua is a welcoming city, which is the bane of its existence.

I recommend that the Merrimack Town Council call him out on it. Unlike most other towns, Merrimack hasn’t yet had its local elections. As far as I know, the police chief is not an elected office, but voters and candidates for local office ought to know how Chief Levesque feels about sanctuary cities.

According to the town website, their elections are on Tuesday, 4/9/24, so there are less than four weeks to gather intel on the candidates running for offices that make decisions affecting their police department. If you have any ties with Merrimack, consider yourself alert and do what you see fit.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Ignores The Facts When Praising Bidenomics

Sat, 2024-03-16 14:00 +0000

If You look up Bidenomics in the dictionary, you won’t find the made-for-TV term. If it could be found, the definition would read:

Bidenomics Noun 1. A political term to define the state of the economy with total disregard for metrics or reality.

Biden and his team continue to brag about the impact of Bidenomics on the horrendous economy they inherited from Donald Trump. They continue fantasizing about how incredible Biden’s economy is today. They continue to explain the poor poll results are because people don’t understand how good they have it. None of the storylines the Biden Administration wants to hold up high are based on facts. These storylines are pure gaslighting, and the numbers are starting to stack up to a point where the legacy media cannot ignore them.

Job Numbers: Biden loves to talk about the 13 million jobs he created, but the reality is that 12 million were people returning to their jobs after COVID. He also refuses to include that 60% of the new jobs created are government jobs, and of the remaining 4o% %, the bulk has gone to non-native-born Americans.

The other disturbing fact about job numbers is the habit of reporting bogus, inflated numbers and then posting the actual number weeks later. People pay attention to the first and never to the second. Eleven of the last thirteen reports were overstated, and the revised counts were down as much as 50%. In layman’s terms, that is called cooking the books.

Inflation: Biden claims that inflation is falling, but it is an outright false assessment (lie). The inflation rate is down, but the reality is three years of inflation gives us an overall increase in retail prices of 19%. That equates to the average household spending over $11,000 yearly for the same goods in 2020. That is not the result of a robust economy, but Joe says we have the best economy in decades.

Wages: Every American knows their dollar is not going as far as it did three years ago. This is contrary to the claims of Biden and Karine Jean-Pierre. The two of them tell us daily that wage growth exceeds inflation. It is simply not true, and the lagging wage growth is one of the reasons that Americans have grown credit card debt to over a trillion dollars.

The Biden economic team picks different time frames to make the numbers work in their favor. They compare wages today with pre-COVID wages of 2019, but when it comes to prices, they compare today with 2022, when prices were at their highest. The Biden team proves the adage that numbers don’t lie and liars use numbers. The American people are catching onto the Biden game of semantics and numerology, which is why the Biden approval numbers continue to fall.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was interviewed by FOX Business this week, and she was shown as the mistress of the non-answer. She says the inflation trend is clearly visible. She talked about the robust growth in EV sales and how more subsidies will continue that trend. She failed to acknowledge that American tax dollars are being used to lower inflated prices so the upper class can buy EVs. EVs are still far outside the reach of the middle and lower classes. When asked about the less-than-glowing inflation numbers of the last few months, she twisted the numbers to say that inflation is down two-thirds from the 2022 high. That is a number she cannot justify. It is a sound bite. She says Biden’s top priority is to lower costs, so he is putting pressure on the private sector. There is no place for the government to set prices for companies, but that is precisely what Biden is attempting to do. She wrongly stated that the most significant contributor to inflation was housing costs, totally ignoring energy, food, and gasoline.

Yellen reiterated that credit card numbers are not a problem, but she also said that our national debt is not a concern. Maybe not to her, but these will be huge factors for younger people unless she believes that they will be enjoying a government subsidy under the Socialist America she and her colleagues are pushing us towards.

Yellen’s interview is frustrating and infuriating, but it gives a clear image of the fantasyland this Administration is living in. Unfortunately, that is a luxury most don’t have, and we are forced to live in the reality of Biden’s America. That, too, is frustrating and infuriating.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UK Bans Puberty Blockers for Everyone Under 18 years of Age

Sat, 2024-03-16 12:00 +0000

Last week, the world’s leading authority on transgender treatment and surgery was caught with its non-binary pants down. Internal documents proved they knew hormone therapy in children could lead to cancer or death. Three days of mourning later, the UK’s health ministry and the NHS have banned them.

No one under the age of 18 years can receive puberty blockers from public health services, with one exception: clinical trials.

Following a four-year study, while gender dysphoria diagnoses multiplied like crazed rabbits by over ten times, the UK’s National Health Service finally issued new rules Tuesday. Trans activists were shocked and appalled that the NHS completely prohibited prescriptions for puberty blockers for kids under 18 (apart from in approved clinical trials). On top of that, British lawmakers introduced a bill law week that would even ban the private sale of puberty drugs.

So, no—Schellnberger’s WPATH files did not drive the decision, but it seems like the announcement release date was. They invested four years in research and review and just happened to have planned public notice three days after the UK Telegraph covered the WPATH Files expose.

A week earlier on March 4th, Twitter-files journalist Michael Shellenberger published a new 242-page report he called the ‘WPATH Files.’  WPATH — the World Professional Association for Transgender Health — is the ‘premier’ global, pro-trans nonprofit. It publishes an influential ‘transgender standard of care’ that has been adopted by most Western governments and key licensing boards like the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The side effects of the WPATH files may be far-reaching. Other European nations have considered limitations or restrictions for minors, as have several states in the US, as Forbes notes, “despite opposition by organizations including the American Medical Association and American Academy of Pediatrics.” I wonder what will next be their basis for opposition. Follow the science? WPATH is (or was) the go-to authority, and they’ve admitted to significant health risks, including death. That the therapy is not the panacea advertised that transition surgeries are dangerous, mutilating and neutering the patients for life.

WPATH member surgeons cheerfully discussed Frankensteinian techniques on kids to create freakish and unnatural results, like keeping both sets of genitals (the “phallus-preserving vaginoplasty”), gruesome nipple-erasing mastectomies, and worst of all, a grotesque “nullification” surgery, leaving no genitals at all, neither real nor fake ones, just smooth skin.

And now the NHS has stepped up, after conducting four years of scientific research, to say we’re not giving these drugs to children. It’s not … safe or effective.

Talk about an awkward transition.

The game-changing significance of the UK ban might not be completely obvious at first. Surgeries are nearly always reserved for older children, and usually require kids to have been taking hormone for months or years before the invasive medical procedures. And if kids aren’t taking early puberty blockers, normal development can occur, which often resolves the gender confusion. Stopping early puberty blockers shuts down the railroad to surgery.

Some US States will rightly use these revelations to advance protections for children but don’t expect any movement nationally. The drugs and the surgeries are big business, and the Democrats, along with bureaucrats in the public health industrial complex, are keen to keep that laundromat open for business. It also abets both cultural division and depopulation agenda.

Besides, if harming a few children were of real concern, no one would have approved the COVID Jab for anyone under the age of eighteen.

The post UK Bans Puberty Blockers for Everyone Under 18 years of Age appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Adam Sexton Thinks Speech-Codes Are “Interesting”

Sat, 2024-03-16 10:00 +0000

On March 12th (I’m writing this on the 14th), some Communist witch in the State Senate demanded that State Senators follow a speech code that would replace the term ILLEGAL ALIEN with woke-speak such as “undocumented.” What Communist BECKY WHITLEY was demanding is called a speech code or censorship, if you prefer.

And what did “journalist” Adam Sexton have to say in his “reporting” … not that speech-codes are un-American and used by Communists to control and indoctrinate? Oh no. Comrade Sexton found the proposal “interesting.”

The irony, of course, is that the Left is all about … to borrow a phrase from Communist witch Becky Whitley … DEHUMANIZING the opposition. Disagreeing with Whitley and her ilk is discrimination, extremism, hate, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera … and makes you a racist, an election-denier, a climate-denier, a white-supremacist, anti-choice, a fascist, an insurrectionist, a transphobe, a homophobe, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

Whatever the COMMUNIST accuses you of … it’s a sure bet that it is precisely what the Communist practices.

The post Adam Sexton Thinks Speech-Codes Are “Interesting” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: “Gay” Whales and The Queer Movement

Sat, 2024-03-16 02:00 +0000

Is it a bad day for your narrative when you have to stoop this low to justify a kink? We’re talking about whales. Male whales. One is reported to have attempted some form of whale-like penetration of the other, possibly without its consent. #MeToo? #BeleiveallWhales. Why bring it up?

Some goofy dude wrote a desperate article about it in The Guardian. It makes you wonder what they are guarding. How about same-gender whale rape.

Philip Hoare excitedly informs us that: “The first documented sex between two male humpback whales is just the latest challenge to our presumptions about sexuality.” (I myself didn’t have a huge number of presumptions about the sex lives of humpback whales, but alright.) This is leaving aside the fact that whale-to-human comparisons, which are always exceedingly tricky, are particularly so with this example. Hoare admits:  

In fact, one of the whales was ailing and there has been speculation that the encounter may not have been consensual or that the healthy whale was actually giving comfort to the other. Whatever the truth, such ‘flagrant’ acts also expose many of our human presumptions about sexuality, gender and identity.

Hoare spends several more paragraphs attempting to make the clumsy case that the “queer sea” should cause us to embrace gender fluidity, or something – he doesn’t mention that they have not yet discovered sea animals volunteering for castration due to identity crises, but I look forward to the inevitable and valiant effort. He does admit that “We cannot know how whales and dolphins themselves regard genital interactions,” which is a big admission, all things considered.  

Another big admission might be how big the oceans are and how few queer sea creatures last beyond their current generation, and how if that’s, in fact, normal, the mystery as to why the biosphere is trying to rid itself of them.

Humans are less a mystery, but why not muddy the sea waters with wild speculations about the wild time had by wildlife, consensual or not, as the template for human culture? Cross-species appropriation? Birds do it, bees do it, and male whales who like rape do it. Let’s do it; let’s end our genetic history. If that’s your thing, swim in the adult waters in which the two (or more) of you agree. Just leave the children and non-consenting mammals out of it and call it what it is.

Adopting a whale’s gay sex habits (if that’s even what this is) is a leap that Darwinists would label a failed evolutionary mutation. If ending your genetic posterity is who you are, accept that maybe that’s what the earth wants and be you. But there’s no need to justify it with a one-off event between two whales who’ve had the fortune not to get themselves murdered by offshore wind farms.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maine Doesn’t Enforce Existing Laws And Legislates Irrational Ones …

Sat, 2024-03-16 00:00 +0000

Maine has lost its moral compass. This past year, bills have worked through the legislature and been signed into law by Governor Mills, making Augusta seem like a foreign land.

Mainers have conceded Portland, Augusta, and Auburn/Lewiston to the Liberals. Unfortunately, the residents and their reps from these urban areas have become so powerful that they have set the cultural tempo for the entire state, even though rural Maine continues to be more traditional and conservative.

Some of the laws passed since 2019:

  • Expanding Child Care in Rural Maine
  • Making Absentee Voting More Accessible 
  • Create Online Voter Registration 
  • Ban Seclusion and Restraints in Maine Schools
  • Blocking the “School to Prison” Pipeline
  • Reforming Cash Bail System
  • Avoid Eviction Through Mediation
  • Increasing Racial Equity in Legislation
  • Payment for Unused Earned Vacation
  • Remove Time Constraints on Abortions
  • Establish Maine as a Sanctuary for Transgender Youth

Most of these new laws exhibit an overreach of government, the insertion of government in parental decisions, and easing controls on free and fair elections. At the same time Maine is creating more laws, Cumberland County DA Jacqueline Sartoris announced a policy change that will no longer see illegal aliens charged for specific traffic violations. These offenses encompass driving without a license, driving with a suspended registration, or driving an unregistered vehicle. Sartoris claims that her department does not have the manpower to enforce these laws and should concentrate on problem-solving and genuine public safety issues.

Correct me if I am wrong, but we are talking about people who have committed a crime by entering the country, have not shown the ability to drive a vehicle, and have not registered the vehicle. Are these people not creating public safety issues? I do not want to drive along Route 4 at any time of day with these folks behind the wheel. People will be hurt or killed by this lousy policy decision.

Maine has also gotten the attention of many other states in the union with their lawmaking. A letter spearheaded by Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti and signed by 15 AGs could face lawsuits from other states if it adopts the proposed statute LD 227. The letter’s signers referred to the bill as an attempt to impose Maine’s views onto the remainder of the country.

LD 227 aims to protect medical professionals who perform “gender affirming” medical care and medical professionals who perform late-term abortions on women from states where such procedures would be illegal. They claim this bill would set up Maine to be a destination for so-called “abortion tourism.” This bill would undoubtedly redefine Maine’s motto of “Vacation Land.” LD 227 also protects people who transport minors to Maine to obtain an abortion, sex-change hormones, or sex-change surgery. This law would make Maine a magnet for young boys and girls from all over the country who want gender-affirming care, possibly without the consent of their parents.

This is the second time Maine has drawn national attention in recent months. The first instance was when Maine attempted to remove Donald Trump from the primary ballot. These far-left progressive proposals do not endear Maine to the rest of the country. Maine is on track to replace California, Oregon, and Washington as the most Progressive state in the country. That is not an honor worthy of celebration.

The post Maine Doesn’t Enforce Existing Laws And Legislates Irrational Ones … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Fri, 2024-03-15 22:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.




Final run up to Purim – please consider a donation to get an IDF soldier a Purim basket.  (Steve – last notice!)

PURIM | connectionsisrael

Thank you.  This picture is a unit to whom I donated a couple of years ago:



Just 250 more baskets to reach the goal!




Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok




Israel has deep roots.  The Arabs… not so much.

Were the Arabs Indigenous to Mandatory Palestine? :: Middle East Quarterly (

Supporting the above argument is this video about Arab last names in Israel.  (Link only.)



Another bit of history:



It’s not Israel that Palestinians have a problem with – it’s with Jews.

Remember 2:191.  “Drive them out from where they drove you out”.  It’s ALWAYS been a religious war (short video):

always been a religious war




The Incredible Hunger in Gaza (

Not just the subject matter, but the fact that all the videos have been censored by Microsoft.



Also see some about this in the PALLYWOOD section.  While I can’t say this looks like the greatest of meals, that doesn’t look like “famine”:


And notice his shopping in a marketplace – with lots of stuff available?

Anti-Israel protests organized by Muslims in New York City aren’t only meant to vilify Israel’s retaliatory war against terror group Hamas (

This is total war.  War is not just flying munitions, it’s information and economic and political.  Total war needs to be waged in return:

Political Conflict in the Age of Psychic Warfare (

Warfare is fundamentally about breaking the enemy’s will to fight. This can be done with violence, or without it – before the fight even starts, through raw intimidation.

Broad and long essay, but for my purposes the above quote sums it up.  Part of that is refusing to use the enemy’s language.

House bill calls for US to refer officially to ‘Judea, Samaria,’ not ‘West Bank’ –

Related, from a while ago:

In the Middle East, You Win with Fear :: Middle East Forum (

This post:

• Main source of data is Gaza Health Ministry which reports more than 30,000 dead
o Their claim is that a majority are women and children

• White House has affirmed numbers through SecDef Lloyd Austin (over 25k) and President Biden (over 27k)
o Both statements were marginalized by later clarifications

• Problem #1 – Linear nature of casualties
o Daily casualty figures hold steady at 270, plus or minus 15%
o However, this number should vary greatly depending on level of military activity

• Problem #2 – Non-Linear nature of women/children casualties
o Because women and children are typically found together, the ratio of women-to-children casualties should remain fairly constant
o However, the ratio of women-to-children casualties varies greatly

• Problem #3 – Non-Linear nature of women/men casualties
o Because of natural ebb and flow of warfare, there should be a correlation between casualties of women and men
o However, not only is there no positive correlation, there is a strong negative correlation between the two

• Problem #4 – Counting errors and illogical numbers
o There are days when the numbers imply that some people “came back to life” because of counting errors
o The three days with the highest number of women casualties occur when the men casualties are near zero, which is an improbable and illogical scenario suggesting arbitrary totals

• Problem #5 – Casualty numbers not tied to real world population
o The claim is that 70% of casualties are women or children, far higher than in any previous Israeli conflict
o Based on the casualties of combatant men, for the percentages and numbers to work there could be only a few, if any, noncombatant men killed thus far

• Actual numbers cannot be determined right now
o Israel estimates at least 12,000 Hamas fighters have been killed
o If 25,000 casualties is accurate, that would imply between a 1.4-to-1 and a 1-to-1 noncombatant to combatant casualty rate, which is remarkably low in a modern urban warfare situation where combatants have intentionally embedded themselves amongst civilian populations

“Trusted media sources:” More proof that Hamas lies in its Gaza casualty statistics ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Many UN agencies keep pretending that false Hamas casualty statistics are from other UN agencies ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

As I’ve said before and will continue to say… this is an information war as much as anything else.  And it’s information warfare with a specific aim – affect US policy (video at the link):

Nasrallah reveals EXACTLY how the Hezbollah and Hamas strategies rely on the pressure put on a WEAK US PRESIDENT!

“We must thank the many who are protesting today in the US and congratulate them whether they are Arabs or Muslims or non-Muslims, Christians and others in the Democratic Party who wrote to Biden – we are not obligated to vote for you – they are very influential at this stage. This is the most important pressure point on the Biden administration.
Biden is not afraid of the world, nor of the international community, nor of Allah, nor of the history books, nor of anything.
Biden is now afraid of only one thing: that his policy and conduct in Gaza will lead to his loss in the presidential elections, and therefore he is debating… and resisting… and playing… if this pressure and this opposition in the US continue – then this gives an opening for hope”



Israel haters really are master propagandists ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

And they aim at emotions.






Iran-backed Hezb’Allah (Party of Allah) Launches Massive Rocket Attack Against Israel From Lebanon – Geller Report

When will war end?  Among other things, when Iran’s ability to fund it is stopped.  Related to Iran:

IDF warning: Iran arming Venezuela with weapons ‘very capable of hitting U.S.’ (

Related to Iran:

‘Bibi, We Are Ready’: An MEF Initiative Inspires Opposition Activities in Tehran :: Middle East Forum (

Who bells the Persian cat? – American Thinker

A sign of hope here:



WOW: Israeli Bedouin Muslims celebrate Ramadan while waving the flag of Israel!

Israel is where Jews, Christians and Muslims can live side by side in peace and security.

Gaza War is Only the Harbinger of a Bigger War to Come (

Do not be surprised if this starts and then Jordan and Egypt also pile in.  Islamic hatred for Jews is eternal.

Accelerating Palestinian Statehood Would Be Dead Wrong :: Middle East Forum (

Politicians are addicted to this.  It’s been offered multiple times, and rejected as many times.  Because – and get this to your core – Islam brooks no rivals.  Like Gandalf’s warning to Saruman in Lord of the Rings about Sauron, Islam does not share power.  More:

Sorry, but There Is No Two-State Solution – Tablet Magazine

To be sure, the two-state solution was a noble dream. But it turns out it always was just that—a dream. What enabled those who clung to it long enough to continue sleepwalking through the wrecks of exploding buses, the bodies of slain civilians, the constant wild calls for violence against us, the massive efforts to build terror infrastructures under our noses and on our borders, was our own tendency to imagine Palestinians in our own image. For all the fashionable talk of diversity, we too find it hard to imagine a people that is not like ourselves. Knowing our own striving for self-determination, we assumed that the Palestinians, too, want above all to be masters of their own fate in their own sovereign state.

But that is not what they want. The huge amount of international aid Palestinians have received since 1948 was never used for nation-building. It wasn’t used for building houses and roads or for planting orange groves. It was harnessed to one overarching cause: the destruction of the Jewish state. This is what the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) does: subsidize and shield Palestinian terror infrastructure. This is what the PA does with its pay-for-slay salaries—underwritten by the U.S.—to the families of terrorists. And this is what Hamas was able to do as a result of the billions invested in Gaza: It bought weapons, trained terrorists, and built a sprawling network of terror tunnels—and not one bomb shelter for civilians.

In Gaza, as elsewhere, aid missions are dangerous for soldiers | The Times of Israel

“In a split second,” he told The Times of Israel, “chaos can ensue and you don’t have the normal tools to try to control both the threat to your life, but also the chaos around you.”

He said that the deadly melee around the aid convoy in northern Gaza “brought back a lot of scar tissue,” the memories of his own fraught aid missions in Iraq.

“You have thousands and thousands of people who won’t listen to orders, which are an attempt to help keep control — form a line, don’t approach the security personnel,” said Spencer.

“In the snap of a finger, it can turn into complete chaos, where everybody is threatened,” he repeated.

“Detached reflection cannot be expected in the presence of an uplifted knife”.

This is how you WIN a war: by crushing the enemy and making them understand THEY LOST.

Daniel Pipes on the Israel Victory Project :: Middle East Forum (

A New Strategy for Israeli Victory – Commentary Magazine

From here.


Because at this point, IMHO, it’s safe to say – and I’ve already said it – that there are NO INNOCENT GAZANS.  Not even children:

Children’s song in Gaza: “Palestine is our country and the Jews are our dogs.”


OUTRAGEOUS: Israel’s Lotar Unit finds Hamas’ weapons under beds and rocket launchers by schools in Khan Yunis.


Palestinian Female TV Host: “It’s Beautiful. We Give Birth To So Many Children So We Can Push Them to Death” – Geller Report

Biden’s Middle East Is a Fantasy World – WSJ

Most of the article is behind a paywall.  But stolen from here:

Biden’s Middle East Is a Fantasy World
He imagines Palestinians are eager for peace and Israel’s government is at odds with its people.

By Amit Segal
March 13, 2024 at 3:02 JERUSALEM
When Joe Biden ( and officials in his administration talk about the Israelis and the Palestinians, they describe two peoples that don’t exist in reality. According to the White House, the Palestinians aspire to peace, reject Hamas and are ready to make painful concessions.
A week after Hamas attacked Israel, Mr. Biden said ( in an interview on “60 Minutes”: “Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people.” National security adviser Jake Sullivan said: “The many, many Palestinians who have had nothing to do with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas—the vast majority of the population of Gaza—they deserve dignity. They deserve safety and security.”
In reality, according to a November survey ( by Arab World for Research and Development, affiliated with Ramallah-based Birzeit University, 59% of Palestinians “extremely support” the Oct. 7 massacre, and another 16% “somewhat support” it.
When Mr. Biden refers to the Palestinian Authority as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, he ignores that its president, Mahmoud Abbas, was last elected 19 years ago to a four-year term, and that the last time the Palestinians went to the polls, in 2006, they voted for Hamas.
The Israeli people as the White House envisions them are also different from the real thing. Vice President Kamala Harris ( this week uttered a statement ( about Israel of the kind typically reserved for dictatorships: “It’s important for us to distinguish or at least not conflate the Israeli government with the Israeli people.”
Some of Mr. Biden’s supporters have suggested he address the Knesset, going over the head of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and speaking directly to Israel’s purportedly moderate population. The president seemed open to the idea in an MSNBC interview this week, though he later disavowed it ( ( If Mr. Biden engages directly with the Israeli people, he’ll be surprised by what he hears.
Yes, there is a significant disparity between Israel’s leadership and its citizens—but it’s the opposite of what people in Washington assume. The Israeli public is far more “right-wing” than the policies of its government. While Mr. Netanyahu has previously voiced support for a Palestinian state, a February survey conducted by Midgam for Channel 12 News found that 63% of the Israeli public strongly opposes such a state under any circumstances. While the cabinet implicitly agreed that a renewed Palestinian Authority would control Gaza, 73% of those who expressed an opinion in the survey opposed it.
Minister Benny Gantz has hosted Mr. Abbas in his home, yet Israelis haven’t forgotten Mr. Abbas’s brazen lies about the Holocaust. The Israeli government has been providing humanitarian aid to Gaza, but a January survey ( found that 72% of the public opposes such aid until all hostages are released. Mr. Netanyahu has officially repudiated the ideas of renewing Jewish settlement in Gaza and direct Israeli control over the strip, but two-thirds of his voters support such moves, according to the Midgam/Channel 12 survey.
The Israel Mr. Biden knows—the one that supports deep withdrawals, settlement evacuations and the two-state solution—ceased to exist two decades ago during the second intifada. Savage Palestinian violence at that time indiscriminately claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis, including babies, women and the elderly. That massacre was led by Fatah “moderates” rather than Hamas extremists, and the slaughter unfolded in slow motion over three years rather than eight hours. Those bloody events occurred months after Israel’s prime minister offered the Palestinian leader more than 90% of Judea and Samaria, the evacuation of thousands of settlers, the division of the Old City of Jerusalem, and Palestinian control of the Temple Mount.




We Are the Victims and Everything We Do is Justified (

Mohammed himself did this; provoke, provoke, provoke… and when the backlash came cried VICTIM!

From here:

It’s not Israel that Palestinians have a problem with – it’s with Jews.

“5000 Arabs Battle Jews” Cover from December 1947 (The Sun), before the reestablishment of Israel.



And a little more history:

Historic proof Jews bought the land at high prices (

And another video (anyone know who this is?):

History – another video about Jewish land purchases pre-1947 (


Understanding Islam



And one more article, based on Islam’s history:

How Carnage and Atrocities ‘Heal Muslim Hearts’ – American Thinker

Planning to slaughter kaffirs around the world.  Never forget what Islam is:

The Greatest Murder Machine in History – American Thinker




Troops of the elite LOTAR counter-terrorism unit located a weapons depot adjacent (

Right next to a school.

October 7th: A Day That Will Live In Infamy – Geller Report

Lots of links.

From here:

The cold blood murder of the female Israeli soldiers by Hamas at the Urim SIGINT Base on October 7th.
We will never forget!!’

Women soldiers executed 1

Women soldiers executed 2

Executing unarmed people, even soldiers, is a war crime.  Related is this video, from here:

“I see two girls, two teenagers, I guess 13 or 14 years old. One is lying on the floor. One is lying on the bed…her pants are pulled down towards her knees…and there’s remains of semen.”

22 weeks ago today, Hamas perpetrated the most horrific crimes imaginable against Israeli girls.


Release the 47 minute tape!


Images from October 7. A Gazan man (no military uniform) abducted the beaten, lifeless body of an Israeli civilian and drove him into Gaza where civilians cheer and celebrate. Do not for a moment forget how this war started.

Also note how all the Gazan men there do seem to be cheering.



Report: The six aid trucks that went directly to northern Gaza were hijacked by terrorists ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Stealing from their own people.




Israel – and more broadly Jews – have many enemies.  But none are so deadly as the “self-hating Jew”:

‘And To The Slanderers Let There Be No Hope;’ Or, The Problem Of Anti-Jewish Jews – American Thinker

Like this one, below.  Understand I gag having to post it, but just as we must know our Islamic enemies, we must also understand those nestled among us.

Judith Butler, kapo (

Trying to please your enemies – in this case, by excusing their actions – does not turn them into friends.  She would be gang-raped, shot in the genitals, etc., just like other women were.  Because she’s a kaffir, and in particular because she’s a Jew.

Condescension and Virtue Signaling Don’t Help Palestinians :: Middle East Forum (

Why Are We Surprised that Mobs of Hamas Supporters Disrupt Our Lives and Spread Hate? :: Middle East Forum (

And when they’re done with Israel, they’ll turn on the nations they’re in anyway.

From this channel:

Seen in NYC. The pro-Hamas mob has put rape back on the table.




“Rape is resistance” – Allowed.
“Babies are occupiers!” – Allowed.
“Israel must be destroyed” -Allowed.

A man holding a sign “Hamas Are Terrorists” – Arrested on the spot.



For all those who think the SJWs can be appeased… you’re deluding yourselves.  Nor can the Arabs be appeased.






Auschwitz was a concentration camp.  Not Gaza.


Those ‘Genocidal’ Israelis (

Do you now see the Israeli treatment of prisoners in a different, much more favorable light? Here is one prisoner, Azi Nafa, who is serving a 20-year sentence for ramming his car into a crowd of IDF soldiers at a checkpoint, who will be granted his request for elective surgery to improve his appearance. It will be performed by Israeli doctors, and paid for by Israeli taxpayers. And here is another, prisoner, Iham Kamamji, who was convicted of having taken part in the murder of an Israeli teen, but was allowed while incarcerated to take courses on the Internet and to receive, a college degree.


‘Israel Has Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Military in the History of War’ (

If Hamas continues to exploit the factor of time to blacken Israel’s image (as it has just done with the more than 100 deaths in northern Gaza when thousands of Gazans, in a stampede for food, crushed one another, that have been blamed on Israeli gunfire), and Israel succumbs to the immense pressure on it to agree to a permanent ceasefire, Hamas could still, despite its terrific losses in manpower, weaponry, and tunnels, be left standing, and that would be hailed as a victory all over the Arab world.

In the last post I discussed this and MHO that the “civilian” massacre was staged to tug at Western heart strings.  More on that:

West Point Professor John Spencer on Hamas Tunnels, IDF Warnings (

And in general about emotional manipulation:

How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers



“Apartheid state” – they don’t know what they’re talking about:


Repeating these two videos:

Does Israel Discriminate Against Arabs? (

A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid (

Remember, War is deceit.  From here:

You will not see this on the mainstream media: The real story behind the viral image of a Gazan child.

Contrary to claims, Israel isn’t starving children.

Meet Yazan al-Kafarna, a brave little soul battling cerebral palsy, a condition that makes normal eating impossible. His struggle is not due to a lack of food but a need for specialized care and nutrition.

Let’s spread the truth and support for children like Yazan facing real challenges. #TruthMatters



From this post:

Nusierat and Al-Maghazi markets in Gaza today, Mar. 11. Does it look like hunger to you?



That’s “starvation” and “near-famine”… a video from Gaza:


And compare and contrast last year’s Ramadan in Jebalia vs this year:



Wow, the above sure looks like an open air prison, doesn’t it? /sarc



F*ck around and find out.

Reuters Report on Killing of Journalist in Lebanon Tells Only Half the Story | HonestReporting

Why was Hezbollah omitted from the maps in Reuters’ investigative report and hardly mentioned in its coverage of the final findings?

Why was so much work invested in telling only half the story?

And why does Reuters seem to have different reporting standards when it comes to Israel?

Because they’ve taken sides.




Muslim Brotherhood Leader: Oct. 7 Paves Way for Conquest of Rome (

It’s not about oppression. It’s not about “open air concentration camps” or any of the other lies. It’s about the Islamic manifest destiny of conquering the world and subjugating all non-Muslims.

Istanbul is viewed as a model for the conquest of Europe. Islamic leaders dream of turning Rome and every non-Muslim city into another Istanbul.

That is what Oct, 7 was really about.

That’s why it’s important to understand that Israel is the current front line, and the West feeding Israel to the Islamists will NOT result in peace, but will encourage them to think the West is weak.


Muslim Brotherhood Leader: Oct. 7 Paves Way for Conquest of Rome (

It’s not about oppression. It’s not about “open air concentration camps” or any of the other lies. It’s about the Islamic manifest destiny of conquering the world and subjugating all non-Muslims.

Istanbul is viewed as a model for the conquest of Europe. Islamic leaders dream of turning Rome and every non-Muslim city into another Istanbul.

That is what Oct, 7 was really about.

They want the whole world.  They say so openly.  Tweaking the old saying…

When someone says they want to conquer and enslave you, believe them.

Glazov Gang: Meet the Terrorists Entering the USA (

Video.  Already here:

NY: Muslims Take Over Times Square to Pray In the Street – Geller Report

CANADA: Pro-Hamas supporters stand outside synagogue and call for genocide of Jews (

LEVY: Some Canadian university professors are “openly supporting Hamas,” report finds | True North (

Video.  And not just in Canada:

Netherlands: Hamas Supporters Violently Attack Holocaust Museum Opening, Targeting Jews (Video) – RAIR (

DISGUSTING! 58 Christian graves, a church door, and war memorial in France covered in Islamic supremacist graffiti, including “France is already Allah’s” (

FLORIDA Islamic cleric, in a recent sermon, told his congregants that the “Nazi Zionists and their Zionist supporters in Washington are worse than Hitler and should be annihilated” (

Too many people in the West, and particularly in America, have stability privilege:


When Islamization Deniers Celebrate Islamization | Gates of Vienna

Are Ramadan Jihad Cells Already In U.S.? (

I am truly torn.  OOH, of course, I don’t want to see “events” in the US specifically, or the West in general.  But OTOH, maybe seeing your friends / family shredded by nail bombs or shot down by someone screaming ALLAHU ACKBAR! might get you to wake up.

And not just Islamic groups – their Leftist allies are gearing up too:

Anti-Semitism Poses Dangerous Threat to States with Largest Jewish Populations | Frontpage Mag

The left-wing activists who have embedded themselves in America’s schools with the goal of overhauling our education system in the name of social justice have found common cause with the anti-Israel movement. They view Israel as an example of colonialism in action that must be extinguished, regardless of the lives lost in the process.

Pro-Terror Jew-Haters Block Terminal at San Francisco Airport – Geller Report

These people are fanatics.




Jewish Group Slams Biden for Ignoring Antisemitism in SOTU (

How does a Jew who still remembers Jerusalem still vote “D”?  Related:

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP’s incredible speech at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention (NO Teleprompter needed) (



Biden regime to vote for UN resolution demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza of at least six weeks’ duration (

Biden Admin, Like Obama Before It, Has Found An Enemy It’s Willing To Fight: Bibi Netanyahu (

Biden Caught On A Hot Mic Talking Sh*t On Israel’s Prime Minister [VIDEO] (

Biden Regime Officially Turns on Israel (

After this things are only going to get worse. The Israeli government erred in the same familiar way by thinking that if it did everything possible to meet the demands of D.C., it would be allowed to fight the terrorists.

That was always a mistake. And it was a mistake this time.

Instead of finishing quickly, Israel assumed that if it focused on avoiding civilian casualties and harm, it would retain the support of the White House. But that support was always going to go away. The government now has a limited window in which to finish the job before the combination of political, economic, and even potentially military pressure makes that prohibitive.

Appeasing Biden will no longer work. He’s under too much domestic political pressure. The time to finish the job is now. There will be no later.

Biden Regime Poised To Give Iran 10 Billion – Geller Report

Biden Actively Seeking to Overthrow Israeli Gov to Save Hamas | Frontpage Mag

US Senate leader calls for ‘new election’ in Israel – Insider Paper


What Kind of Risks Are Americans Facing in Building the Temporary Gaza Port? – PJ Media

Interesting perspective.

UK: Government commits over $150,000,000 to protect Muslims, $89,000,000 to protect Jews (

Like in the US, it’s about votes and future demographic expectations.

Holocaust Survivor Crushes Left-Wing Jew Jon Glazer’s Refuting His Jewishness on Oscar Stage – Geller Report

For most proud Jews, Jonathan Glazer’s “refuting his Jewishness” on the Oscar stage showed the world, all at once, what proud Jews like me have been dealing with from leftwing ‘Jews’ the past twenty years.

Left-wing Jews aren’t Jewish. Their religion is their politics. And they are fanatical in their worship.

You can’t compare the monstrous betrayal of these left-wing Jews to kapos. Kapos had a gun to their heads.

Glazer’s refutation of his Jewishness is empirical proof of all that I have written and spoken against these many years. These traitors have plagued my people since time immemorial.. The same traitors who built and worshiped a golden calf when Moses went up the mountain to receive the tablets (Jewish law), the same Jews (of the ‘Twelve Spies) who were dispatched by Moses to scout out the Land of Canaan (Israel) for 40 days as a future home for the Jewish people, during the time when the Israelites were in the wilderness following their Exodus from Ancient Egypt. .Ten of the twelve spies (the same ratio of Democrat Jew to Republican Jew) they slandered the liand’of milk and honey  As a result, the entire nation was made to wander in the desert for 40 years.




Candace Owens Apologizes to Muslims for Post-9/11 ‘Islamophobia’ (

In general I’ve liked Candace and her #blexit movement; I still support the latter but increasingly cannot support her.  And let me be clear: I do not expect everyone to agree with me on everything.  But it’s unfathomable to me here how she is so wrong on this.

Repeating this good site:

Take Back the Narrative




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee






Palestinians celebrate at Damascus Gate



And from this article:

The video of revelers cheering 9/11 that no one got to see (

Not only, obviously, a discussion of them celebrating 9/11, but something else – the lengths they’ll go to in order to manipulate the information flow.




And from here, note how young these kids are:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mid-Vermont Christian School Fundraising Dinner and Silent Auction This Saturday

Fri, 2024-03-15 20:00 +0000

The Mid-Vermont Christian School is having its annual silent auction with dinner fundraising event this Saturday at the Firestone Inn in West Lebanon, NH.

Dinner typically includes your choice of beef, chicken, seafood or vegetarian entrée.  The large banquet room at the Firestone Inn will be set up with large auction tables covered in a wide variety of items for silent bidding.  Past years have seen everything from local hand crafted products to works of art to golf foursome packages and timeshare vacations to Myrtle Beach.  Bidders fill out cards for the items they are interested in which each card having a minimum starting bid.

During the dinner guests will hear from school administration, students and alumni in regard to their desires for the direction of the school as well as personal experiences encouraging attendees to support the school either with donations, scholarships or sending students there.

The tiny private school located in Quechee, Vermont has been in the national news cycle for over a year following their courageous stand to keep their girls varsity players from having to play against a biological teenage boy presenting as trans.  Their principled stance has received high praise from around the world with the likes of Dr. Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan mentioning support for their bravery on social media.  They are currently embroiled in a legal battle with the Vermont Principals Association over the controversial matter.

The event starts at 5:30pm and is scheduled to end at 9pm.  Tickets for the event can be obtained via Eventbrite online by going to this link.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-14-2024 [Update]

Fri, 2024-03-15 19:00 +0000

If you missed Rep. Aron’s excellent report from the State House this morning, please save it for later. We also publish Rep. McGuire’s detailed State House newsletter, which is worth some time if you want or need to dig into the weekly legislative weeds.

We also share which Republicans missed how many votes in the NH House each week, to the dismay of some and the revelation of others. One Rep. writing here admitted that he should not get too uppity about not having a perfect attendance record. Things come up, and you will miss some votes. That has been our position from the beginning of this project and a point made in every installment.

The citizen legislature is not a paid gig. You are entitled ot have a life that infringes on your ability to be present for every vote. Not everyone thinks these disclaimers are adequate, and some have claimed that we are causing harm to Republican Reps with this sort of reporting. You are entitled to your opinion, and if you feel strongly enough, send an Op-Ed making your case, and we’ll publish it.

I am happy to give you access to the same audience, and perhaps they will agree. Our purpose is not to besmirch good reps but to set a fire under the ones that can get there but don’t. We watched the first two months of a razor-thin majority do what it could on its own and found it lacking. If this offends you, then it does.

No one disagrees that elected Republican reps should be available on session day or that some needed a bit more encouragement. If this causes some measure of anxiety, your constituents might say that is good—with the understanding that perfect should not be the enemy of good. 

If you are contacting a rep about missed votes, be polite. Most will have a legitimate reason, but a few can’t be bothered—these are the session-long serial offenders (on this weeks list)

Here is a link to last week’s installment and the year-to-date attendance percentages from the week before.


Missed roll call votes for 3-14-24 – UPDATED to show the total roll call votes missed this week and, for context, the total roll call votes missed all year. All future reporting will be delivered this way.

3/14 YTD
28 Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford) 139
28 O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont) 98
28 Gould, Linda (R, Bedford) 85
28 Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont) 70
28 Tierney, James (R, Northumberland) 51
28 Tenczar, Jeffrey (R, Pelham) 41
28 Coulon, Matthew (R, Pike) 28
28 Summers, James (R, Newton) 28
20 Piemonte, Tony (R, Sandown) 77
20 Pitre, Joseph (R, Farmington) 21
9 Infantine, William (R, Manchester) 20
4 Guthrie, Joseph (R, Hampstead) 25
3 Bordes, Mike (R, Laconia) 24
3 Panek, Sandra (R, Pelham) 13
3 Walsh, Lilli (R, Hampstead) 3
2 McLean, Mark (R, Manchester) 25
2 Roy, Terry (R, Deerfield) 3
1 Lundgren, David (R, Londonderry) 29
1 Vandecasteele, Susan (R, Salem) 25
1 Foote, Charles (R, Derry) 19
1 Packard, Sherman (R, Londonderry) 17
1 Hobson, Deb (R, East Kingston) 8
1 Walsh, Thomas (R, Hooksett) 6
1 Osborne, Jason (R, Auburn) 6
1 Berry, Ross (R, Manchester) 6
1 Coker, Matthew (R, Meredith) 5
1 Lascelles, Richard (R, Litchfield) 3
1 Cordelli, Glenn (R, Tuftonboro) 2
1 Ankarberg, Aidan (R, Rochester) 2
1 Notter, Jeanine (R, Merrimack) 1
1 McCarter, Nikki (R, Belmont) 1
1 Potenza, Kelley (R, Rochester) 1
1 Aures, Cyril (R, Chichester) 1
1 Durkin, Sean (R, Northumberland) 1

The post NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-14-2024 [Update] appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Whistleblower: VA Hospitals Can’t Hire Staff But They Have Money for This!

Fri, 2024-03-15 18:00 +0000

One whistleblower has a way of encouraging others, and we’ve had several reach out regarding VA facilities in New England. Our Manchester VA whistleblower inspired this latest report from a new whistleblower who says they are sick of the poor leadership.

The New England VA appears to be spending your money on “gatherings” when it has more pressing issues.

Currently the entire VA is basically insolvent. VA Maine has a deficit of $7M, Manchester $22M. White River Junction $48M. VA Boston $95M. VA Bedford $13M. Hiring is at a standstill as the VISN director tries to figure out how to find the money to solve the deficit. Veterans are being sent to the community for care. And where are the VA Hospital Directors and over 100 Nursing leaders today and tomorrow? They are all at a retreat in Portland Maine burning taxpayer money that could be used for veteran care.

“Today” was Thursday, and ‘Tomorrow” is today (Friday, March 15th).


It is cute how they ask you to keep the travel costs down, which reminds me of something I like to say when someone in my family says they can get 30% off some purchase. I know how you could save another 70%.

If you’d like to put that into perspective, we (as a nation) are spending billions to fly illegal aliens into the country and then house them in hotels that many of us might not be able to afford to stay in ourselves for more than a few days.

We are sending tens of billions overseas for every manner of so-called national interest, but housing and caring for veterans take a back seat to these priorities.

No one reading this is likely surprised by the news, so the question has to be, are we so used to it that we are numb?

The contact stated that they also have monthly leadership meetings at your expense in Portland, Maine, or in Portsmouth, NH.

How does this square fit with VA guidelines for necessary travel?


More from our latest VA whistleblower:

The issue isn’t whether the travel is legal. Maybe it meets the criteria, but when hospitals aren’t hiring first-line nurses, clerks, and doctors, the optics of a couple of hundred “leaders” making a retreat in Maine is bad.

It does look bad. It is also how government-controlled health care looks. To which they’ll say, well – we have to have these meetings to fix all the problems. I’m sure this isn’t your first such gathering, so how has that worked out for Veterans and taxpayers?

Zoom meetings, anyone?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-03-15 16:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








That and a spine transplant to the GOP squishes.





I suspect this is one reason why so many Covidians simply refuse to see.  If they consciously acknowledged this, they’d have to acknowledge the danger they’re in… and the fact that they let it happen to them, even were rejoicing in the Jab at the time.






I may NEED a doctor from time to time, but I no longer TRUST them like I used to.




I know so, so, so many libs who – when SHTF and they get robbed and/or worse, will state they had no clue things like this were coming.  Note that I read, a few years ago, that if the power goes down the real festivities start at about Day Three.





For this, at least… we should be like France.






I can’t stress this enough… to my knowledge the 100% censoring of a document related to public health has never happened before.





IIRC the late Walter E. Williams said something like this.



That’s the problem with human nature; it’s not just enough to succeed, which is a good thing.  It’s that most people feel the need to tear others down.




The US is my home.  I was born here, grew up here, live here, and expect to die here.






Understand that I don’t want WWIII, but I would find it the height of irony if WWIII results in a full on exchange… and all those pushing for war and the resulting arm sales get flash-fried.





Weep for the children.  And weep for our civilization that we have this happening and don’t stop it BAMN.









Weimar hyperinflation incoming.  Not IF but merely WHEN.







But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that there’s no war on white people.









So even kids at no risk are now mandated to have that.











Personally, I vote for a short drop and sudden stop.









I once emailed my local school board with multiple videos showing how air inside masks alarms-out on OSHA air quality meters.

Precisely. Zero. Impact.  I mean none.






Like these PSAs that tell you to put “something important” in your car’s back seat so you don’t forget your kid.






Flip it.  Imagine if a man said this about a woman.







Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


GA: Bill Would Make Property Owners Liable For Injuries In Gun-Free Zones | Jews Can Shoot

Excellent idea.

Biden Proposes Largest Spending Package And American Taxpayer Burden In US History | Armstrong Economics

Crash incoming.  As I understand from here & there, fewer and fewer are willing to LOAN to us, so that means… running the presses!

United Airlines reports fifth incident in over a week as US-bound flight returns to Australia (

One can make a good case, I think, for this not just being a result of DEI and profit-above-all, but a deliberate attempt to turn people off flying in general.  For the planet of course.

WATCH: Boeing Factory Exposed * * by M Winger

Boeing Security Camera Footage Of Work Done On Plane With Blown Out Door Plug ‘Overwritten’, NTSB Says * * by Danielle

And from my friend:

The Boeing executive turned whistle-blower that revealed a plethora of quality issues being covered up was preparing to go to court & testify.  A couple days ago he was found dead with a “self-inflicted” gunshot wound.  How…. convenient:

Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead of ‘Self-Inflicted’ Gunshot, 787 Suffers Another Mishap – PJ Media


What Kind of Feminist Wants Rapists in Britain? | Frontpage Mag

So why, in a case in which male sex-criminals pose a threat to women in their communities is Harper far more concerned for the perpetrators’ safety than for that of their actual and potential victims? What kind of feminism is this?

Speaking of crime:

Moonbattery Toronto Police: Leave Out Keys for Car Thieves – Moonbattery

NBC’s Main Concern About Cannibal Gangs in Haiti is Conservatives Saying There Are Cannibal Gangs in Haiti – modernity

Hey, cannibals… most journalists live in NYC and are unarmed.  Related:

BOOM! JORDAN SCHACHTEL drops the motherload in his piece “Western societies are being replaced by people who hate Western civilization”; he is being NICE, let me break it down, we are being f*cked & (

We Are in Trouble

As the border collapses, a measles cluster is growing at a migrant shelter in Chicago (

WWIII: Poland Hints At SEISMIC Escalation In Ukraine * * by Vince Quill

Who actually wants WWIII?  More importantly, WHY?  MHO?  They know the Jab and its effects are about to make a breakout into the at-large public awareness.  Related, at least to me:

The U.S. Navy’s Aircraft Carriers Would Be Useless in a China War | The National Interest

Shrinkflation or economic reality: who you gonna believe? – American Thinker

Your wallet or your lying TV?

The Persecution of Donald Trump Means Turning Ordinary Activities Into Crimes – Flopping Aces

We WERE the land of the free.  Soon to follow Canada, no doubt:

Canada’s Fast March to Totalitarianism – small dead animals

The blueprint for democrats stealing the 2024 election – Flopping Aces

Multi-axis attack.

JPMorgan To Roll Out Controversial Biometric Payments (

And it will be “voluntary” of course.

West Point Removes ‘Duty, Honor, Country’ from Mission Statement Values – Slay News

The United States Military Academy in West Point, New York has caused outrage with a new super-woke update of its mission statement.

Superintendent Lt. Gen. Steve Gilland has announced that the institution has removed “Duty, Honor, Country” from the key values in its mission statement.

This is a fairly long video (1 hour 10 minutes), but absolutely fascinating.  This woman runs a group that is serving various county and school boards with writs that prove they are illegally running the country, and they can be held PERSONALLY responsible.  Once the board members know they can be held personally responsible, & that they can be sued for $$$$, they start seriously looking at their actions.  It’s showing how effectively this works.  I watched it tonight, and I plan to hand this on to others, as it’s very powerful.  It’s the first thing I’ve seen in a LONG time that actually makes me feel like we could take our country back WITHOUT a civil war:

The City Of Pittsburgh does not have enough police officers to man 6 stations during the night, so they’ll just shut down.  How’s that “defund the police” working out for you now?  Guess you’re on your own.  Criminals need to understand that the police are there to protect the CRIMINAL’s rights.  Armed citizens, when faced with potential severe bodily harm, we’ll just shoot and ask questions later.

Steve Gruber on X: “Welcome to the purge! Pittsburgh police won’t send officers to specific emergency calls. No officers will be available between 3am to 7am at the 6 stations throughout the city.” / X (

For my Jewish friends:  An excellent take-down of the “anti-Jewish” Oscars by a Holocaust survivor:

Holocaust Survivor Crushes Left-Wing Jew Jon Glazer’s Refuting His Jewishness on Oscar Stage – Geller Report

James O’Keefe and his O’Keefe Media Group are doing some really good undercover videos that expose the mindset of the people who are running the government.  Here’s a senior DOD staffer openly saying that they want to pack the Supreme Court, ban guns (and have the National Guard do a house to house search to take them away), all to make sure that the government has a monopoly on violence.  Gee, fascist much?.  Oh, and the boarder should be open to anyone; it’s just a waste of resources to guard it:

Related to taking guns away, the powerful in government are trying to make SURE they have a monopoly on violence by stopping any “non-approved” training of a “para-military” type.  They have recently introduced a bill to outlaw all para-military activities that do not receive government permission.  This outlaws teaching about firearms, military tactics, drilling, or practicing pretty much ANYTHING that is not a state sanctioned military (like the National Guard).  You could get arrested for teaching your children to shoot safely.  Or how to use camo effectively.  Heck, even the Boys Scouts could be in trouble for training to earn the Rifle & Shotgun merit badge!    The whole point of the 2nd Amendment is so WE THE PEOPLE can form Militias which are NOT under government control.  As far as I’m concerned, this bill is blatantly unconstitutional, but when has that stopped the Deep State?.  There are actually two bills, one in the Senate & one in the House, but they are basically identical.  If they can get this to pass, they have effectively gutted the 2A, as (in their eyes) there is no longer a reason to “bear arms” for a “well regulated militia”.

Senate Bill:

House Bill:

As an aside, I wonder if they would apply this to Antifa or BLM?  Somehow, I think they would get a “permission slip”.

Lastly, the esteemed Victor Davis Hanson with an excellent summation of how the left treats “Democracy”:

The Anti-Democratic Democratic Left – Victor Davis Hanson (


The Rutherford Institute :: The State of Our Nation No One’s Talking About | By John & Nisha Whitehead |




Pick of the Post:



It’s been done before, step by step, multiple times.  And yet those who have experienced it, those who warn about it, are dismissed.




Palate Cleansers:



I’ll show myself out.  TGIF!




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire Bill Would Protect Young People From Modern-Day Lobotomies

Fri, 2024-03-15 14:00 +0000

NH Senator Kevin Avard filed bill SB304 to create a cause of action for medical injuries resulting from medical gender transition. I submitted the following testimony in support of his bill to the NH Senate Judiciary Committee. It is the personal and tragic account of a young detransitioner from Massachusetts who tweets at

My name is Sam. I started identifying as transgender as a teenager, which would eventually lead me down the path of cross-sex hormones and irreversible surgeries. By the time I was 21 years old, I had completed my medical transition which included having my penis and testicles amputated, a decision that I now deeply regret. 

I was formally diagnosed with gender dysphoria by two qualified psychologists, both of whom recommended sex reassignment as a solution to my gender dysphoria. During both of my assessments, few attempts were made at understanding the underlying etiology of my gender dysphoria or the underlying motivations that led me to identify as transgender. I was treated based on the affirmation model of care, where therapists are discouraged and sometimes even prohibited from attempting to question or challenge the decisions and beliefs of their clients. 

A balanced approach to treatment for young people who experience gender dysphoria should include a differential diagnosis and explorative therapy to address comorbid psychosocial conditions before escalating to drastic and irreversible measures like a gender transition. There is limited evidence that suggests that sex reassignment procedures produce desirable long-term outcomes, and many young people who undergo this process will come to regret it. 

A notable study of adolescents with gender dysphoria concluded that most adolescents who experience gender dysphoria will grow out of it by the time they reach adulthood. I would eventually grow out of my gender dysphoria by the time I was 22 years old, but by that time my reproductive organs had already been amputated. 

A medical doctor who supports the decision of a patient to have their arms amputated would be met with disgrace and would have their fitness to practice questioned. Why is this not the case when the patient demands to have their reproductive organs removed?

In retrospect, as I reflect on my journey, I now recognize that I was immature and lacked the wisdom necessary to understand the long-term implications of my decisions. I feel that I was misled to believe that I was born in the wrong body and that gender reassignment was a solution to my discomfort, and subsequently subjected to a medical experiment that reminds me more of a modern-day lobotomy than evidence-based healthcare. 

I hope you will make the right decision to promote patient safety and protect young people from being irreversibly harmed by irresponsible practitioners.

Related: A Bill To Protect Citizen’s Sexuality From Abuse and Negligence by Their Doctors

The Senate Judiciary Committee is still accepting testimony for SB304. Contact them and ask them to vote Ought to Pass to protect vulnerable young people from these horrific experiments.

Watch Senator Avard read Sam’s story below.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Should Call EV Owner Anxiety Electric Vehicle Dysfunction (EVD)

Fri, 2024-03-15 12:00 +0000

The acronym E.D., which I have long referred to as Electile Dysfunction – the inability to overcome any number of voting-related irregularities needed to elect good candidates, is more commonly associated with erectile dysfunction, and to be honest, that almost seems like the same problem.

Whatever it is, you can’t get it up or keep it up. Solving this problem is big business. Sectors of the economy have devoted themselves to the project. Email marketers have a field day coming up with subject lines that will get men (and maybe women) to open themselves to whatever possibilities lay inside.

You’re not a man if you can’t (you know), but we’re here with a sure-fire solution that will get you back in the saddle overnight—a money-back guarantee. No salesman will call.

Did you know there is a similar anxiety among electric vehicle owners? A majority of them, having spent large sums (even after taxpayer-backed incentives and bailouts) to acquire these forms of transportation, are anxious about whether they’ll be able to find a place to charge them.

Great mileage, but...

More than 90% drivers worldwide report feeling “anxious” about finding somewhere to charge away from home, according to a survey of 5,454 motorists worldwide, including 2,225 BEV owners conducted by Parkopedia. …

Other key findings of the survey: 44% of BEV drivers have reported that they have run out of charge and 22% found themselves stranded multiple times. Globally, 92% of BEV drivers flagged how they struggled to locate charging points away from home.

And there we have the answer. You’re not supposed to leave home. Your Electric Vehicle is meant to sit in your driveway (assuming you’ve paid your rain tax) as an ornament or monument to the revolution. A world where behavior is manipulated toward dead ends. You bought this costly thing, and we’ll assume that made you feel good about how (you thought) other people would feel when they saw what you did. But using it was prohibitive before you bought in, and I can’t think of a better metaphor for Democrat rule.

A big shiny thing full of promise that, in reality, will become an impractical anchor on your freedom. You bought a boat in the middle of a desert, and the cure for this is not to make other people pay to bring in water. Trade in the boat for a camel. It’s the sort of thinking that might help solve a few other problems, as well.


The post We Should Call EV Owner Anxiety Electric Vehicle Dysfunction (EVD) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/14/24)?

Fri, 2024-03-15 11:00 +0000

We learned that the House needed a lesson on microphone etiquette. The General Court Technical Services (GCTS) Team came to work on the microphones prior to the House session and shared some tips and techniques with our House Clerk, Paul Smith.

Our House Clerk walked us all through proper distancing microphone techniques for when we come up to speak at “the well.” Now, we can all hear those floor speeches that go way past three minutes and lose everyone’s attention much better.

We also learned about the good work accomplished by Rep. Sharon Nordgren (D-Hanover), who passed away on February 10, 2024. Rep. Mary Jane Wallner (D-Merrimack) shared memories about Rep. Nordgren, and the House welcomed family members attending in the upstairs gallery.

We learned that we covered a lot of ground this week with 40 or so bills and lots of motions to vote on. So let’s get into it.

The House agreed to expand the area in which law enforcement would need a search warrant. HB1204 and its amendment protect privacy from government intrusion outside of the home on the person’s property. If the property is posted or has “No Trespassing” signs, then law enforcement would need to obtain a warrant. The bill passed 228-139. Now, get off my lawn.

HB1276 passed 198-175. This bill repeals the prohibition on the sale and possession of blackjacks, slung shots, and metallic knuckles… except to minors. Rep. Dennis Mannion (R-Salem) explained how these small, lightweight self-defense tools are useful for people like joggers who are out running or others who may be hiking out in secluded areas. Of course, Rep. David Meuse (D-Portsmouth) believes that every school child will get one of these items and crack open someone’s cranium and that there will be a big rush to the slung shot store, resulting in everyone engaged in crime and street fighting after passage of this bill.

We also learned that a voice vote tabled HB1336. There was just too much controversy regarding making it allowable for an employee to keep a loaded firearm in his personal locked vehicle while at work. The bill would also remove any civil liability on the part of the employer should there be an illegal use of that firearm by a third party – as in if the car or firearm was stolen from the parking lot. This was where 2nd Amendment rights interfered with property rights. While 2nd amendment rights should not be infringed, we also cannot dictate to a property owner/employer what he can or cannot allow on his business property (parking lot).

Additionally, we learned that the bill that House Democrats filed, HB1162, to try to repeal the prohibition of Critical Race Theory (CRT) (and similar curriculum) from being taught in our schools (RSA 193:40) was Indefinitely Postponed with a vote of 192-183. House Democrats wanted to repeal laws that prevent any public employee from teaching, advocating, or advancing that people of one age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, and more are inherently racist. They wanted to repeal provisions in the law that grant the right of freedom from discrimination in public workplaces and education. They kept trying to say that teachers can’t teach about the Holocaust or Jim Crow Laws, etc., but we all know that is not true at all. Since RSA 193:40 was enacted in 2021, the teaching of history hasn’t changed at all. The truth is that it is one thing to teach ABOUT hate and a completely other thing to teach kids HOW to hate. Teaching kids HOW to hate is what CRT (and curriculum like it) does. House Dems apparently are good with that.

We learned that HB1305 ultimately passed with its amendments (206-169) after some brilliant strategy by Rep. Jason Osborne (R-Auburn). This bill was all about securing freedom of speech on our college campuses. After the motion to pass the amendment 2024-0654h failed (181 Y-182 N) because House members had left the chamber and could not vote, Rep. Osborne called for Reconsideration, at which point members had returned to the House Chamber. Reconsideration passed 189-183 and then the Amendment was voted on again where it passed 192-182. Another amendment, 2024-1094h, also passed 197-175, and then the bill passed OTP/A. It is important to note that this was a bi-partisan vote, and members Rep. Jonah Wheeler (D–Peterborough) and Rep. Valerie McDonnell (R-Salem) both spoke in favor of the bill and the importance of free speech on college campuses. The big take away was in order to get good bills passed, members must remain in their seats and not wander off to practice their free speech in the ante room..

We further learned that a bill that should have died, but didn’t, was HB1311. This bill requires school districts to adopt policies for library collection development that would prohibit forbidding acquiring or prohibiting materials based on an author’s “protected class.” It would also allow the administration to reject parental complaints about inappropriate materials. An attempt to Indefinitely Postpone this bill failed (185 Y-190 N) even after Rep. Rick Ladd (R-Haverhill) said, “If I know it’s time to clean up our libraries, I would press green”. Then, after that vote, House Democrats and 8 Republicans voted Ought To Pass on this awful bill (194 Y-180 N). It appears House Democrats are hell-bent on keeping age-inappropriate materials in our schools because they feel it allows our children to “explore and expand their minds.” So when it comes to pornography and graphic violent material …. “it’s for the children.”

HB1312 passed 186 Y-185 N. This bill requires parental notification of student health or well-being and certain curricula by school districts. More robust opt-out procedures and advance notice were included, along with prohibiting a district from adopting a policy that prohibits school personnel from answering parents’ questions about their child’s physical, mental, or emotional health, sexuality, or changes in related services. All House Democrats and 3 Republicans voted against this pro-parent bill. It was roll called so you can see who supports parents.

There were two attacks against the Education Freedom Account program in the form of HB1512 and HB1594. Both were Indefinitely postponed 187-185 and 189-184, respectively. One bill tried to limit the budget allocation of the EFA program, and the other tried to establish an annual review of eligibility qualifications for EFA families. Annual changes in income might have created the possibility of kids becoming “yo-yos” as they could be tossed in and out of the program based on annual changes in eligibility. All Democrats voted in lockstep to try to undermine this successful and nationally acclaimed school choice program…. Because you know, “it’s for the kids”.

We learned that a number of good election law bills passed: HB1146, which allows a voter to remove themself from the voter checklist – like when they move out of town or out of state. That passed 186-183. Then HB1348 passed 191-183 with an amendment. That bill allows for a candidate to apply for a recount if the total count of ballots exceeds the total number of registered voters. The HB1369 passed 191-181, which allows for verification of voter rolls every four years. We also passed HB1370 254-120 which would require plastic durable containers to be used, instead of cardboard boxes, to store ballots. Rep. Robert Wherry (R-Hudson) lauded the use of sturdy plastic containers and implored everyone to “save the trees.”

The House killed HB1557 by Indefinite Postponement 189-185. This bill would have required the Secretary of State to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). ERIC is hailed as being a secure, bipartisan, long established, reliable, fiscally responsible, nonprofit association of states working together to improve the accuracy of voter checklists. The major problem is that ERIC requires that you share private voter information, like social security numbers, date of birth, driver’s license number, and other sensitive information with an outside organization, which violates Part 1 Art. 2-b of the NH State Constitution… and individual’s right to privacy. Florida, Missouri and West Virginia already revoked their membership to ERIC over privacy concerns. The NH House made the right vote on this one. You can’t spell “Privacy Concerns” without “ERIC.”

That another election law bill, HB1569, passed 189-185. This was a huge win for voter integrity as it eliminated the affidavit process (i.e., voter identification “exceptions”). 189 House members said “enough” with allowing people to vote without proper identification, even if they put their vote aside and hope they come back with proper ID. Let’s face it; nowadays, you need ID to do so many things: buy cold medicine, board a plane, drive a car, drink at a bar, open a bank account, rent a hotel room, pick up packages from USPS, enter certain government buildings, buy a firearm, and so on. Rep. Robert Wherry (R-Hudson) invoked “The Who” as they were correct in asking, “Who Are You?” and that song should apply to voting in NH. Same-day registration is fine… just prove you are who you say you are, and we’re all good. Now, between “We Didn’t Start The Fire” and “Who Are You?” are there any bets on what musical hit we’ll be referencing next week?

A fast tracked Senate Bill, SB395, passed 213-136. This bill will statutorily establish the position of assistant commissioner in the Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food. It was budgeted for, but never had a formal job title slot in state statute. So if you’re looking for a new gig, the salary range is $87,373-$121,751.

HB1231 passed 294-66. This bill allows qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate cannabis for therapeutic use. If you’ve got a qualifying health condition and meet other criteria, and you’re into gardening, you can possess 8 ounces of usable cannabis, three mature plants, three immature plants, and 12 seedlings.

We also learned that HB1156 was Tabled. This bill would have provided preemptive protection against extranational organizations—like the World Health Organization—from attempting to impose binding health policies onto Granite Staters via overreaching international protocols.

We learned that HCR9 passed OTP/A via voice vote after an ITL motion failed 238-128, and then an amendment was passed 209-161. This House Concurrent Resolution proposes the rescission of HCR40, adopted in 2012, requesting Congress call an Article V Constitutional Convention to propose an amendment to the Constitution requiring a Balanced Budget Amendment. Proponents of this bill understand that a Con Con will not be restricted to a particular topic and can open up the US Constitution to all manner of amendments. Plus, it is unclear who and how delegates to this convention would be chosen/appointed, and with monied interests lurking about what kind of influence to such a convention could be bought.

That HB1244 was ITL’d 188-171. This bill would have prohibited smoking in your vehicle if persons under the age of 16 are passengers. It was another bill that’s “for the children”… and, on its face, may sound like a good idea if you can’t open a window… but the question remains as to what else the government is going to tell you that you can’t do in your own vehicle. As Rep. Ted Gorski (R- Bedford) said, “Tell Big Brother to stay out of the cars of NH citizens.”

We also learned that HB1332 was ITL’d on a voice vote after the OTP motion failed 145-221. This bill would have prevented Electric Vehicles from parking in parking garages. The premise is that they are very heavy and can be fire hazards. It was noted that a parking garage in NYC collapsed due to an EV fire. Well, it looks like EV owners won’t have to waste electric energy circling the block a few more times looking for a parking space.

Finally, we learned that HB1254 was Indefinitely Postponed 195-171. This bill would have allowed municipalities, like Conway and Portsmouth, to tack on an additional fee of up to $2 (public safety assessment) to room occupancies in order to pay for municipal services. The premise is that people vacationing in an area should have to pay for the extra municipal services needed to deal with them vacationing there. Tourism has an impact on the area that the locals either are unable or unwilling to absorb. The problem with this is because municipalities decide on the fee, it can create a checkerboard of different fees across the state, and it really is a new tax in “tax-free NH.” It might be better to figure out a more equitable way to divvy up the rooms and meals tax or find some other way for the municipality to deal with the impact lucrative tourism has on them. Perhaps the hotels can put a voluntary tip jar at their concierge desk.

Read more next week and see how House Democrats will continue to fight to restrict your rights, keep age-inappropriate materials in our schools, push their expensive green agenda, kill successful education programs, and support illegal aliens and criminal activity in our state as we convene on March 21st!

The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/14/24)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

George Stephanopoulos … It’s Not Rape, When The Rapist Is A Democrat

Fri, 2024-03-15 10:00 +0000

I am old enough to remember when George Stephanopoulos and the rest of the Clinton-Regime toadies attacked the women who came forward claiming that they had been raped and sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton. You can call Steph a hypocrite for rape-shaming Rep. Nancy Mace, if you wish. But it is NOT hypocrisy.

It is hierarchy, an element of communism.

Steph and the Left believe there are two sets of rules. One for them, the rulers, and another for those who don’t want Steph and his ilk to rule over them. Hence, the same rules do NOT apply to Bill Clinton and Joe Biden as they apply to Trump. The latter is a “rapist” because a kangaroo court in New York says he is. Clinton and Biden are pro-women and their accusers are trailer-park trash, etc., etc., etc..

But just keep pretending that we can find “common ground” with Communists like Steph and that Steph and his ilk do NOT intend to steal the 2024 election as they stole the 2020 election.

The post George Stephanopoulos … It’s Not Rape, When The Rapist Is A Democrat appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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