The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 13 min 6 sec ago

Now That Trump and Biden Have Surpassed the Delegate Count to Secure “Presumptive” Nomination …

Wed, 2024-03-13 12:00 +0000

Yesterday was not Super Tuesday but was “super” for Joe Biden and Donald Trump supporters. Both candidates secured enough delegates to become the presumptive nominees of their respective parties. It looks like a 2020 rematch, but is it?

Nothing is guaranteed, of course. Delegates are promised in politics, and promises are easily broken. Biden, as we’ve frequently noted, will likely be sunsetted after yelling at Democrat delegates in his acceptance speech. I don’t think the DNC will do the deal then and there. A room filled with delegates at a nominating convention might think they have a voice. Silly Democrats. It would be easier to do afterward and just tell them who they want. That’s the sort of government they are fighting for, so no one has any right to complain.

On a related note, I predicted the same thing about Biden in 2020, and Joe ended up being the guy, so there’s that.


Donald Trump will continue to vacuum up delegates. At the same time, some of the Never Trump money that is no longer being spent to sell Haley is redirected toward making America Hate Trump Again. Ads will feature jilted Trump supporters opining on the reasons for their contentious political divorce.

“These are former Donald Trump voters. They supported him and his policies in the past. But now, they refuse to support him for president again. Watch them explain in their own words why they’re voting against their party to ensure that Trump never holds office again,” the website reads, with many of the individuals offering classic leftist-style critiques, pointing to January 6 and accusing Trump of wanting to be an “authoritarian.”

Same Never Trump shit, different election, but it works, so why give it up.

I’d like very much for The Donald to walk away from Warp Speed and any positive narratives about encouraging Big Pharma’s path to the thing we call the COVID Jab. Yes, he’s said he’d oppose any vaccine mandates in the future, even block them if he can, and not force jabs on kids or government employees. Still, many in his 2016 base and more than a few of his more recent detractors are irked by how he facilitated (or, at worst, was duped) into the initial response to COVID.

His campaign can’t expect them to hold their noses and pick him because Biden is a constitutional threat when the opening salvos against COVID led to brazen violations of constitutional rights. Health Care Freedom is important, and he needs to step into that lane in Trumpian Fashion. Every vote counts, and he can use his stage to let experts talk about what went wrong and how to prevent it in the future. His audience will love that.

I’ve heard Trump say the CDC and FDA need a house cleaning, but until he gets off the warp-speed bandwagon, more than a few Republicans aren’t going to believe he’s serious.

The Blob is going to suppress and pressure. DAs are going to keep indicting. Dems are going to do what they do in critical states and Republicans? Trump just pulled the flush handle at the RNC. Scores of staffers have been let go as leadership is replaced with Trump-friendly people. They’ve got seven months, and they’d best not spend it measuring for new drapes.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Secession or Statehood?

Wed, 2024-03-13 10:00 +0000

New Hampshire State Rep Jason Gerhard of Northfield sponsored Constitutional Amendment Concurrent Resolution CACR20, which is a proposed amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution. It will trigger the secession of New Hampshire from the United States when the national debt rises to $40 trillion.

The national debt, not counting unfunded mandates, is approximately $34 trillion. Mr. Gerard’s proposed amendment needs to get 60% of the vote in both the House and Senate. If passed, it goes to the New Hampshire voters in the next general election where it needs 2/3rd of the voters to approve it. Of course, in the very unlikely event that it would pass and be adopted, New Hampshire would have to deal with the federal government. We fought a war over states seceding from the Union back in 1861.

A similar proposal to secede was proposed back in 2022. It received a handful of votes, and the Left used this as a battering ram against the few House members who voted for it. I would think that members of the Left, who constantly tell us how evil, wicked, and racist the United States is, would love to secede from a country that they hate.

After watching Biden’s “Hate of the Union” yell fest, I can see why secession appeals to some. If I were a member of the House or Senate, I would not support CACR20. However, I would support statehood for Belknap County.

We want to thank Hal Shurtleff for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.


Article IV, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution is where we find the method of creating new states:

“New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union, but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two of more States, or Parts of States without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”

Three states have been added to the United States in this matter:

1792: Kentucky, which was once part of Virginia.
1820: Maine, which was once part of Massachusetts and
1863: West Virginia was once part of Virginia. Virginia had seceded from the Union, but most of those who lived in Western Virginia opposed secession and ended up creating their own state.

Over the years, there have been a number of proposals to create new states. They include The State of Jefferson, which would consist of Northern California and Southern Oregon, and the State of Liberty in Eastern Washington. So, why not the State of Belknap or, as I would call it, The Free Republic of Belknap? All we would need is a simple majority in the NH House, Senate, and Congress. With such a small population, we would have one seat in the House of Representatives but, like the other 50 states, two in the Senate.

The Opposition

By looking at his voting record, Congressman Chris Pappas represents the Democrat National Committee and the Biden Administration-not his constituents. His E-mails clearly demonstrate that he has no knowledge of Article 1, Section 8 of the US. Constitution, or he assumes that the majority of his constituents are ignorant of it. He recently voted for D.C. statehood because it would guarantee three far-left Democrats in Congress. Let’s see how he would spin his opposition to Belknap statehood.

Our two U.S. Senators are no better. They, like Chris, have voting records that indicate that they represent the Democrat National Committee, the Biden Administration, and the racist Planned Parenthood. They, like Chris, are seldom, if ever, seen in Belknap County. It would be refreshing to have members of Congress who actually represent the people who voted for them.

There would be well-funded opposition. Millions of dollars would be spent to hire lobbyists both in DC and Concord to oppose our statehood movement. Our “friends,” who started a now defunct or inert organization back in 2022, would be back in action, littering the roadsides with their obnoxious and inane signs. Let me give them a few suggestions: “Hate Has No Home Here And Neither Does Statehood” or “Statehood for D.C. But Not For Belknap”’ But we can counter with signs that read: “We Are part of the Lakes Region But Not The Swamp,” “Free Belknap-Vote for Statehood,” and People of Belknap: You Have Nothing to Lose but Pappas, Hassan and Shaheen.”

I would be honored to chair a committee to write our state constitution. I would propose Alton be the state capitol. We won’t need much office space. We can probably rent space in the town hall. I am hoping that my editor and the leader of the ever-growing Flatlander Party, Brendan Smith (I think it is up to three dues paying members) would get behind this campaign. We would have lots of fun voting on the state’s official bird, flower, fish, reptile, and ice cream. If I had my way at our state constitutional convention, we would be the 30th state to be a constitutional carry state, and the only one without any compulsory education laws, and mandate that all government schools have a warning sign in front of it which reads:

“Warning: This school is dangerous to the mental and physical well-being of its students. Alternatives are strongly recommended.”

We would bump Rhode Island out of the smallest state category and give Maine some competition by being the second state bordered by only one state and one up Maine by being the only state surrounded completely by another state. Fellow Belknapians: It is time that our voices be heard in Washington. It is time for statehood. Let’s make our beloved county a state. Statehood for Belknap now. Statehood for Belknap forever.

Readers who would like a free pocket copy of the U.S. Constitution may contact me at; those who want a New Hampshire State Constitution should call one of their state reps to request a copy.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Porn Hub Helps Undermine the Argument for Sexually Explicit Material in Libraries and Schools

Wed, 2024-03-13 02:00 +0000

Porn Hub wants people to look at porn, so in the interest of its business model, it filed a lawsuit when Texas passed a law requiring online purveyors of pornography to do more (a lot more) to verify users’ age before allowing them access.

Self-verification, typing a date on a webpage that suggested you were 18 or older, was not enough. Porn Hub sued, and a lower court accepted PornHub’s First Amendment argument, but the Fifth Circuit, on appeal, disagreed.

Applying the lowest standard of review, called rational basis, the appellate court ruled that Texas’s interest in protecting its children from accessing harmful material was rational. And in possibly better news for the future, the three-judge panel went further, citing long-standing law for the general principle that the government has a rational interest in controlling certain kinds of materials for kids — in general.

Jeff Childers includes the Fifth Circuit’s justification for upholding the age verification portion of the law (wait for progs), citing Justice Ginsberg.

The decision in Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville, 422 U.S. 205 (1975), reaffirmed a robust reading of Ginsberg’s principle: “It is well settled that a State or municipality can adopt more stringent controls on communicative materials available to youths than on those available to adults.” Id.  Ginsberg’s central holding—that regulation of the distribution to minors of speech obscene for minors is subject only to rational-basis review— is good law and binds this court today.

In other words, it is not book banning or censorship for a state to take an interest in limiting the unfettered access of minors to age-inappropriate material. That then must include public schools or libraries.

“…Friday’s decision also delivered fresh ammunition to parents working to scrape obscene books and pornographic materials out of schools. If the state has a rational, constitutional interest in controlling minors’ access to obscene materials on the Internet, how much more obviously rational is the state’s interest in protecting kids the very same way in the school library?

Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville overturned a local ordinance restricting the content permitted on drive-in movie screens but recognized a State’s interest in protecting children from obscene “speech.” The Fifth Circuit has affirmed the state’s interest, but it is unclear whether Pron Hub is prepared to take the next step. To ask the Supremes for their thoughts.

Outside the Fifth Circuit, State interests are obvious. Every city, county, or state government has obscenity statues. Public decency. Nudity. The rejection of any number of challenges by the Free the Nipple folks. It is not new “news” that people and their governments have guardrails in place meant to manage minors’ access to a wide range of things, at least in public spaces.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t Public Schools and Public Libraries … well, public?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Neoliberals, Neoconservatives, And RINOs, They are All Whigs!

Wed, 2024-03-13 00:00 +0000

How did America go from the foreign policy Thomas Jefferson stated in his inaugural address of 1801, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none,” to Commodore Perry’s armed incursion into Japanese territory in 1853?

Unsurprisingly, wealthy people sought to have the federal government take action that would directly benefit their interests while the entire nation would bear the costs. Sound familiar?

We want to thank Kevin Tyson for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Who Were the Whigs?

The political party that represented the interests of those wealthy people was the Whig Party. The Whig party emerged in the early 1830s and was driven by several key motivations, including

● Opposition to President Andrew Jackson: The Whigs were formed as a direct response to the policies and leadership of President Andrew Jackson.
○ They opposed Jackson’s expansion of executive power, viz. dismantling the Bank of the United States.
○ They opposed Jackson’s spoils system, which rewarded political supporters with government positions.
○ Notably, they did not offer broad opposition to Jackson’s genocidal policies toward native Americans.
● Economic Development: The Whigs believed in a strong federal government role in promoting economic growth, and development.
○ They supported policies such as protective tariffs, internal improvements (building roads, canals, and railroads), and a national banking system.
○ The protective tariffs favored by the Whigs were a significant cause of the Civil War. The Whigs embraced industrialization and sought to protect American industries from foreign competition. Conversely, Southern agricultural interests opposed tariffs as much of their export-focused economy would suffer when foreign nations retaliated against American Tariffs.
○ The Bank of the United States was a private corporation with public duties; the bank handled all fiscal transactions for the U.S. government and was accountable to Congress and the U.S. Treasury. The battle over the national banking system was a key factor, among others, that caused the Civil War.

The Whig Party was not sectional. Meaning that there were Northern Whigs and Southern Whigs. While the tariffs appealed to Northern Industrialists, federally-funded economic improvements appealed to business owners in both the North and South. There were notable abolitionist Whig Party members, including John Quincy Adams during his post-presidential congressional career, William Henry Seward, Thaddeus Stevens, Charles Sumner, and Horace Mann. There were also notable pro-slavery Whigh Party members and pro-slavery advocates who enjoyed broad support in the Whig Party, including John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, and John C. Calhoun.

What Happened to the Whigs?

The Whig Party lasted from 1833 to 1856. Its power was at its height in the 1840s when it held the Presidency and majorities in both the House and the Senate. In 1852, the Democratic National Convention picked a pro-slavery candidate, New Hampshire’s own Franklin Pierce, who won the election and helped carry many of the down-ticket candidates. This loss happened as several smaller parties came into existence, including the anti-Catholic Know Nothing movement, which became the American Party,

Who Are The RINOs?

Republicans In Name Only, RINO, is used pejoratively to describe Republicans who are perceived to be insufficiently conservative. This term came into common use in the United States in the 1990s. Nikki Haley, who served under Trump as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is the current RINO poster child. RINOs are, generally, less likely to put the interests of the United States ahead of foreign interests. A reasonable person might ask, what distinguished them from neoliberals? The answer is not much. When Hillary Clinton, on June 3, 2011, referred to Iraq as a potential “business opportunity” for American businesses, she was pure Whig. Likewise, when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell argues for aid to Ukraine, he’s pure Whig. Even if we do not know the identity of their paymasters.

What Can We Do?

Whether you’re a rock-ribbed autochthonous New Hampshire conservative or a pot-smoking free state nudist, Whigs, be they RINOs, Neoliberals, or Neoconservatives, should make you wig out. Reject those politicians who would pauperize our progeny in support of their paymaster’s stock dividends. Follow the work of our representatives in Concord and let them know what you think, not merely at the ballot box but each week via phone calls, emails, and testimony.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cui bono? Who Benefits – It Looks Like DC In New Hampshire Part II

Tue, 2024-03-12 20:00 +0000

Cui bono? is a Latin phrase about identifying crime suspects. It depends on the fact that crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators, especially financially.

In New Hampshire, we only lend our Legislators the ability to govern us under the spirit of “common good,” provided they follow their oath of office and allegiance to the NH and US Constitutions. We reserve the right to take it away if they abuse that authority in NH Constitution Part 1 Art 10, provided we use all legal and available means of redress.

We did not authorize or forfeit our rights to any political party, private company, or federal authorities based on grant funding.

This is very difficult for me to admit. Looking back, I feel like a hypocrite and, at times, a coward. I did not start out this way, but over time, I fell into this trap. Legislators are surrounded and isolated in committees attended by few of the overworked general public yet overwhelmed by lobbyists.

HB154 was the final straw for me (see Part I), the Health Care Bill “bait and switched” to a Voting Machine Bill. I learned from a source close to the Sec. of State’s office (aka Sec. Scandal) with the help of lobbyists crafted the language months before to be quietly inserted by the UNIPARTY favorite Senator Gray ( aka. Mitch McConnell) and Rep. Ross ( aka. ITL) Berry. Shame on all of you!

We want to thank Carmen Sense for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Is there a reason why nearly all of #127 of the House Democrats and most of the Republican Committee Chairmen #27 supported the dishonorable HB154 ( Rep Sanborn, Packard, and House Clerk Smith did not vote?) while the Honorable #162 of the rank and file Republicans revolted and voted in favor of the reconsideration? Is it a coincidence that many of the same committee chairmen are now supporting a specific person running for governor?

Speculation about SB154: Did the Democratic leadership get the needed $ $ from Sec. Scandal the HAVA [Help America Vote Act (aka) “Hack America Act] with lobbyist influence to expand the market for voting machines into the remaining 38% of the towns that Hand Count? Who wins the voting machine/ software company that ultimately picks the winners, with no true oversight by the citizens? Cui bono, not “The People.”

In turn, did the Republican leadership get to undo the past election transparency laws (exposed in Windham and Senate District 24 recount) as well as flexibility to change the rules as needed? Forcing language into RSA 656:40 that is repugnant to the NH Constitution. Canceling the term voting machines on a “Trial Basis” as well as forcing machine count towns to suspend hand counting of ballots. A violation of the NH Constitution Part II Art; 32  – Cui bono not “The People”.

Welcome to the Live Free or Die State – where no one is held accountable!

Why have the House / Senate Election Law, Ballot Law Commission, and the Attorney General not acted or supported legislative penalties for those town officials who consistently abuse best voting practices, policies, and procedures?  – Cui bono – The lobbyists that represent their associations – not “The People.”

Get your popcorn, grab a front-row seat, and get ready for some coming attractions.

Integrity, transparency, and the NH Constitution are about to be undone again.

  1. HB 1149, HB 1569 Fx -No restrictions on who can vote in NH – (National Democrat talking point)
  2. HB 1610 -Standardized testing for Home school students –( Teachers union)
  3. SB 453,HB463, HB447, SB489. Gives centralized voting power to one individual away from towns.

To none other than our Sec. of State, self-proclaimed champion for Voter Confidence.

  1. HB 1002 – Right to Know that limits and taxes citizens for access to their public information (Municipal Assoc.) Cui bono? Not the People. Follow the $$$ and the Power.

Wow the universe works in strange ways, I just realized in the background of my writing space is the music of Bob Marley song. Get Up Stand Up…Don’t Give Up Your Rights …. “You can fool some people some of the time but not all the time”….

History has taught us that the further we (in the administrative state) move away from the people – tyranny and revolution are sure to follow, and to my friends and non-partisan legislators who still believe in your oath of service to We the People. Let’s recommit ourselves to restore dignity, TRANSPARENCY and rebuild the Voter’s Confidence in us. As well as restore the principles of secure elections, where every vote is counted per our NH Constitution, not repugnant laws crafted by those who Cui Bono!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

9th Annual 2A FREEDOM RALLY – This Weekend!

Tue, 2024-03-12 18:00 +0000

This Saturday, the Women’s Defense League will hold its 9th annual Second Amendment rally at the State House in Concord—a perfect precursor to St. Paddy’s Day on Sunday!

The blog below mentions raffles and door prizes, but you HAVE to check out the firearm raffles they will be holding:

Courtesy of WDLNH Courtesy of WDLNH

From the Women’s Defense League:

The Women’s Defense League will be holding our 9th annual 2nd Amendment Rally on Saturday, March 16th from noon-2PM at the State House in Concord!

There are multiple gun control bills in the legislature this year. Out-of-state gun control organizations have spent over $1 MILLION to take your 2nd Amendment rights away. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD and show the legislature that Granite Staters will NOT tolerate losing our protected rights!

There will be firearm raffles, speakers, and door prizes! And, of course, pearls!!!

This is a family affair! You can even bring your beloved pet; just be sure they are leashed and get along with other dogs and humans :-).

If you would like to contribute to the raffles or help at the rally, please contact the League at

We also welcome other related organizations. You cannot sell items at the rally but you can have a table set up to provide information to like-minded people. If you’re interested, please email

9th Annual 2A Freedom Rally – March 16th. Image courtesy of WDLNH.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Is Alejandro Mayorkas Still Employed

Tue, 2024-03-12 16:00 +0000

A Few years ago, I watched as Lois Lerner was exposed for leading an IRS witch-hunt to penalize and effectively shut down as many right-wing groups and PACs as possible. The Obama Administration weaponized the IRS, one of the largest government agencies, against political opposition to the Left, and Lois Lerner was in charge of the effort. Lerner did not suffer any consequences for her actions. Instead, she retired with a full pension. I thought that I would never see such an abuse of government power and fraud of the American people. Then came the Biden Administration, and my hopes were shattered.

There are so many incompetent people in the Biden inner circle that I could focus on that are in place to fulfill the goal of the most diverse administration at the expense of a competent team. I watched dozens of YouTube videos of Biden Cabinet members testifying before Senate and House committees, and they all had one thing in common. These folks do not prepare for testifying, do not grasp the facts, and do not take these hearings, or their jobs, seriously. Buttigieg/Transportation, Yellen/Treasury, Granholm/Energy, Cardona/Education, Austin/Defense, and Blinken/State all suffer the same memory loss and refusal to answer a direct question when called to the Capital. It is embarrassing and infuriating, but nobody rises to the level of Alejandro Mayorkas/DHS. Mayorkas may have the most appearances before Congress, and each beckons the question, why? The only purpose of calling Mayorkas is to show his defiance towards Congress, especially Republican members.

We have been listening to the Mayorkas Doctrine for three years that the border is secure. It is anything but secure, as nearly ten million illegals have entered our country and are now somewhere in the country. DHS has no idea where they are, just like the 85,000 unattended children who are lost in the system. The Democrats used to claim the Trump administration was yanking children out of their parent’s arms. It was a lie, but these 85,000 are not a lie. They are lost and either in the sex or labor trafficking system. That is what Democrats describe as humane.

There is no sense of responsibility or accountability in this administration. I saw numerous examples of members of Congress citing letters sent to Cabinet members with no response. East Palestine, Ohio, Lahaina, HI, and St Louis, MO, are all waiting with bated breath for help from this administration. Fifty members of Congress have been waiting since last August for help with the Chinese Cartel. Still, DHS and DOJ are too busy letting millions in the back door, finding more January 6 insurrectionists, or looking for more domestic terrorists at school board meetings. This administration has mixed-up priorities but one goal: to destroy America. And they want four more years to complete their mission.

We cannot allow them to have more time. It has to be one and done for Biden, and the thought of a Harris/Newsome ticket in 2028 makes my head spin. Nobody in this cabinet has been replaced this term, and there are plenty of reasons for any of them to be gone. The House has impeached Mayorkas but he will never be found guilty by Schumer’s Senate. He has to go. There is no member of this cabinet more dangerous to America than Alejandro Mayorkas.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Experts” Admit That Transitioning Kids Can Result in Cancer or Death

Tue, 2024-03-12 14:00 +0000

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health is a go-to resource for everyone promoting the gender surgery laundromat. They provide excuses for neutering kids and ruining their lives, giving them cancer or causing premature death. They don’t admit those risks in public, but they do discuss them in private.

Leaked internal communications show doctors who offer so-called “gender-affirming care” know that transgender hormones cause serious diseases, including cancer. ..

The “WPATH FILES” include emails and messages from an internal discussion forum by doctors, as well as statements from a video call of WPATH members. The files reveal that the doctors working for WPATH know that so-called “gender-affirming care” can cause severe mental and physical disease and that it is impossible for minors to give “informed consent” to it.

You can read Michael Shellenberger’s tweet here, but the gist is that “do no harm,” as we’ve all suspected—especially since COVID—shall not interfere with bloated bottom-line benefits, including those generated by certain elective surgeries—treatments and interventions whose consequences the “patient” is admittedly incapable of understanding.

Speaking of transitions, and I’ve mentioned this in the past, hop in the Wayback machine and jump to 2009. What were some of the chest-pounding progressive exhortations for justifying a massive public intervention in private medicine? Unnecessary tests, drugs, or procedures that drive up the cost of health care.

Democrats are not just the party defending that, on children, without fully informed consent and in the absence of the ability to give it. They bully anyone who dares to question the validity of the science (hard or soft), even though we know that 80-90% of kids who express any level of gender dysphoria will end up happy and alive, living without gender drugs or surgery.

We also know that transition does not improve mental health, likely makes it worse, and has no effect on suicidal ideation unless, by that, you mean it increases.

Given these admissions by the go-to experts on the topic, the only reason for chemical or surgical intervention (as opposed to care, concern, and perhaps therapy) is to make money.

Is it safe to assume that some of that money ends up in Democrat Campaign coffers?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Fair Share Surcharge

Tue, 2024-03-12 12:00 +0000

I recently saw a receipt from a restaurant in Los Angeles, which included a 4% surcharge labeled ‘Healthy LA’.  Presumably, it is supposed to pay for health care and other benefits for restaurant workers.

Apparently similar surcharges are being added in other California cities.

Now, this surcharge doesn’t appear on the menu.  You don’t know ahead of time that it’s going to be charged.  And it’s not clear what would happen if you just refused to pay it.

Instead of raising the prices of items on the menu, they leave those the same, and slap on the surcharge at the end.

Which made me think: Given how many times I heard President* Biden use the phrase fair share in his State of the Union address — always to spirited applause — maybe this points to a way to ensure that everyone does pay his fair share.

Imagine that you go to a restaurant.  You order a meal, you eat it, you signal that you’d like to pay.  The server takes your credit card, and comes back with a bill that includes a surcharge labeled ‘Fair Share’.

You have an average income, so the surcharge comes to 28% of the cost of the meal. Your $50 meal is now $64.

At the table to your left, the diners aren’t so well off, so their surcharge is only 10%.  Their $50 meal is $55.

At the table to your right, the diners are millionaires, so their surcharge is 200%.  Their $50 meal is now $150.

This is exactly the kind of thing that Biden is asking for, right?  It implements the first half of the classic definition of Marxism:  From each according to his abilities.

The rich should pay more simply because they have more.

How would such a surcharge be assessed?  This would have been impossible a generation ago, but now technology has made it easy.

As soon as your identity is established (from your credit card or, if you’re paying with cash, from a government-issued ID, like a driver’s license), a government database that knows everything about you (including the adjusted gross income from your most recent tax returns) would calculate the ‘fair share’ of the your income that you should be paying for that meal.

Of course, there’s no reason this would have to be restricted to restaurants.  Once the system is in place, a ‘fair share’ surcharge could be attached to every purchase, from Oreos to stereos, from cantaloupes to cars.

How do you suppose people would react to this?  How would you react to it?

I just ask because this is exactly what happens now with school taxes.  Different people, paying for the exact same thing (an educated citizenry), pay radically different amounts depending on how much their homes are worth.

And yet, people act as if it’s the most normal thing in the world, although, in any other context, they would regard it as insane.

What do you suppose might happen to our school funding mechanisms if people ever figure this out?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Yet More Evidence That “J6” Was Orchestrated By The UniParty

Tue, 2024-03-12 10:00 +0000

Nothing to see here. Just grab your ballot and vote Republican. The “libs” are the opposition. Anyone on the ballot with an “R” after his name is on your side. It’s “R” versus “D.” Go, team “R” go! The nothing-to-see-here is merely Liz Cheney, that “traditional” Republican, working hand-in-glove with the Democrats and the Deep State to foment the “insurrection.”

But the important thing is to not “mass up” New Hampshire. I know this because the NHGOP’s “leaders” tell us that. So ignore Kelly Ayotte’s NeverTrump pedigree. She’s got an “R” after her name. Go, team “R,” go!

The post And Yet More Evidence That “J6” Was Orchestrated By The UniParty appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Liberty Forum is This Weekend – Get Your Tickets Today!

Tue, 2024-03-12 08:00 +0000
Liberty Forum is an annual conference hosted by the Free State Project. It will take place in Nashua at the DoubleTree Hilton next weekend, March 15 and 16. This event draws thinkers from around the world and showcases New Hampshire’s growing, thriving liberty community.

This year’s keynotes include Tulsi Gabbard, VP shortlist candidate, on Saturday morning (GA ticket), two VIP dinners with economist Bryan Caplan on Friday night, and Knoxville Mayor Glenn Jacobs, AKA “Kane” (The Wrestler), on Saturday night.


At Liberty Forum, you will experience the world’s largest liberty migration movement firsthand. You’ll meet leaders of the Free State Project and fellow movers and shakers. Learn more about the FSP’s history and discover what’s being planned for the future. Don’t miss this incredible event.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The Police State Of America … A New Normal

Tue, 2024-03-12 02:00 +0000

Firefighters in New York City who expressed their disapproval of election-interfering Attorney-General Latetia James are to be sent to concentration camps … I’m sorry, I mean “education camps” … to be taught that you cannot fight back when the Left politicizes a ceremony by having an election-interfering, Trump-hating communist lecture the masses.

And Arguably, the worst aspect of this incident is that there will be those on the “right” … the same cowards and frauds who accept stealth quotas and discrimination against white males because “diversity is our strength” … will criticize the firefighters for “politicizing” the event. Dear dummies … the Left politicized the event by having the election-interfering, Trump-hating witch as a speaker. The firefighters were simply trying to fight back … something that is anathema to the cowards and frauds who supposedly are on “your side.”

The post Night Cap: The Police State Of America … A New Normal appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Before You Confirm Andrew Livernois, Please Investigate This!

Tue, 2024-03-12 01:00 +0000

After our original post on Gov. Sununu’s nomination of Andrew Livernois to the State Superior Court, a number of individuals commented on various aspects of what we’d reported. Along with that came what I can only call whistleblower accusations of suspicious conduct in Belknap County that Andrew Livernois would likely have had to have been aware of.

The EC vote is tomorrow, so this is a bit last minute, but if any part of what the whistleblower infers is true, that vote should be delayed if not rejected.

We have attempted to confirm the whistle-blowers’ claims and are awaiting references for many of them, but the individual who claims to represent others in this declaration assures me that their “research” will prove accurate.

We are publishing a portion of it based on the intricate nature of the accusations. Something is up, and it needs to be worked out, as does any implication that Andrew Livernois was connected to or directed any portion of the circumstances as outlined.

We suggest only that the confirmation vote be delayed until these statements can be investigated and confirmed or denied.


Belknap County is ordering pre-trial and convicted individuals to attend any one or more of the following services/therapy conducted exclusively by a provider that is approved by the Laconia Probation/Parole office. The services are … Anger Management, Batterers intervention, domestic violence intervention, group therapy, individual therapy, and psychological evaluations.

Laconia Probation and Parole is exclusively requiring those “clients” to seek services with Mr. David Garbacz from Granite State Domestic Violence Intervention Services LLC, registered as PO Box 47 Silver Lake NH, 03875. Previously registered as 278 Pleasant St., Concord, NH, which is Riverbend Community Mental Health’s address, and another location of 90 Airport Rd, Concord, NH, Suite 18.

As such, individuals have reached out to Riverbend, which denies that Mr. Garbacz ever worked there, nor did they grant him permission to use their address.

If you do a Google search, several sources still cite Garbacz as working for Riverbend,


The email goes on to suggest the services were cash only, occurred via telehealth, no insurance, and that Garbacz was not properly licensed in NH at the time, but that a significant sum in payments for services moved through Garbacz’s hands.

The whistleblower suggests that hundreds of clients were handled annually, many meeting with Garbacz in large online groups, making actual “therapy” unlikely or impossible.

We were told that the full statement and other evidence had been sent to the Executive Council. The email we received closed as follows.


Mr. Livernois is responsible for the reincarceration of those defendants who do not comply with unethical orders that he and his staff are requesting of defendants, which violates the state and US Constitution for the right to seek a provider of your choice for cash, insurance, or other payment. Not with a cash-only business that isn’t actually providing the service they are selling. This is why insurance won’t pay for the service because none of it is legit.


We neither affirm nor deny these statements and welcome evidence confirming or refuting any or all of them, including links, written testimony, or other eyewitness statements. We hope, at the very least, that the confirmation vote can be delayed while these allegations are investigated if the nominee is not simply rejected by the Council by a majority vote tomorrow.


The post Before You Confirm Andrew Livernois, Please Investigate This! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Well, Of Course, Maine Dems Are Using a Shooting to Grow Government and Oppress Natural Rights

Tue, 2024-03-12 00:00 +0000

Democrats are nothing if not predictable. In the wake of Robert Card’s shooting at a crowd of disarmed Mainers, the solution is to disarm them further and grow the government.

Legislators have introduced a handful of bills that you can probably work out without me naming them. They include more money for mental health and restrictions on firearms (waiting periods and enhanced background checks). Maine would also embrace federal regulations and definitions for certain types of firearms.

  • LD 2238, “An Act to Address Gun Violence in Maine by Requiring a Waiting Period for Certain Firearm Purchases.”
  • LD 2086, “An Act to Amend the Law Governing the Disposition of Forfeited Firearms,”
  • Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross has offered LD 2237, “An Act to Strengthen Public Safety, Health and Well-being by Expanding Services and Coordinating Violence Prevention Resources.”
  • Gov. Mills’ legislation also extends background check requirements and strengthens the existing protection order process in Maine.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

The one thing they all have in common is that they do not work. Government interventions and restrictions on the Second Amendment right to self-defense lead inexorably to more crime, from property to violent. There will be more burglaries, muggings, rapes, assaults, and murders, at least in the bigger cities. Most of Maine’s rural landscape, which is enormous, will present opportunities for criminality but only among those who disarm, which is less likely.

Not that the State of Maine won’t try. Democrats are, as I noted in the opening, predictable. And you can’t get where they want to go politically if people are armed. Related: Lessons from Lewiston Maine

But, just like Washington State or Oregon or even California or Illinois, they do not have enough voters in the hinterlands to stop the Dems from following the same failed, bloodstained paths as progressives who have gone before.

Much like Vermont, they are in blue waters and swirling the bowl, making the same mistakes because voters fail to believe the threat or understand the risks of long-term Democrat rule.

Robert Card’s despicable and gruesome success is a result of disarming citizens and a culture that opposes the right to self-defense. That teaches and encourages individuals to not jut give up the right but to fear it.

The further along that road they go, the worse it will get for everyone except criminals whom the same party, Democrats, think better of than law-abiding citizens.


The post Well, Of Course, Maine Dems Are Using a Shooting to Grow Government and Oppress Natural Rights appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Warning to Moms – Part 2

Mon, 2024-03-11 22:00 +0000

Erin Friday lives in California and has written checks to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood in accordance with her dutiful liberal worldview.  She is also the mother of a seven-year-old daughter who she witnessed get sucked into the orbit of the new gender ideology movement.

It began with her daughter sitting through five hours of sex education at her public school.  One entire hour was dedicated to gender selection, where she learned she could be any of a number of identities.  How Erin found this out was when her daughter had friends over, she listened to them choosing identities, including pansexual, lesbian, polyamorous, and non-binary.  At this time, her daughter was eleven.

Similar to January Littlejohn’s daughter she would be heavily influenced online during the COVID lockdowns.  Her natural discomfort with her growing body, instead of normal, was evidence she was trans per her online grooming community.  Reiterating her sexual education, she was mis-assigned at birth and needed to be proactive about embracing her true identity.  Erin discovered this by overhearing teachers referring to her daughter with a male name and male pronouns as she schooled from home on her iPad.  Thus began the nightmarish journey for her and her family.

Despite subtle clues, such as cutting her hair, wearing oversized and boyish clothes to cover up her body, and general despondency, Mrs. Friday took it as normal adolescent development. It wasn’t until she heard her child’s assumed name and pronouns that she realized something seriously wrong was going on.

How wrong?  Her school knew about it for quite some time before she did and never bothered to contact her.  Angry, she contacted the school only to have them define themselves as “the safe space” for her daughter, who was also not able to define safe space when she asked them what that meant.

She found her child’s online homework had been given with her new name and pronouns for some time before Mrs. Friday found out.  Yet another subtle but effective way these groups use apparent authority channels to deceive children into believing their identity crises is being handled by professionals.  Since this was during COVID, it all happened online and by teachers who had never met the daughter in person since she was new to the school.

After another phone call where they parroted their “safe space” status and again couldn’t define what they meant, Erin stated, “Well then, I must be unsafe?” Rather than engage her, she was visited by Child Protective Services and the police days later at the urging of the school.  They claimed to have seen her daughter looking up “how many Monster drinks to kill a girl,” though they couldn’t produce proof of this claim.  Positioning themselves as saviors, in reality, they were spying on her child through publicly funded devices using public safety to intimidate a tax-paying parent.  Rather than schools, these parents are financing the cult-rape of their families.

“It happens all the time in our state” she warns the interviewer.  Children are being pulled out of class by administrators and counselors who then march them down the path of gender-identity struggle, building a crisis in the child’s life without the parent’s knowledge.

Knowing the public school was the problem, Mrs. Friday immediately removed her and opted to try a Catholic school instead. Despite the better environment, she soon found out that even the Catholic school had been infiltrated with the new ideology.

Believing she’d been born in the wrong body, her daughter sunk into a deep depression convinced her only recourse was to take hormones and remove body parts.  As the writer of this article and father to five, I can hardly believe I just typed that, so one can only imagine the rage the Fridays were dealing with while trying to counsel their school-aged daughter, who was now getting an education under-duress.  Duress caused by the educators and during incredibly vulnerable years.

Similar to the Littlejohn’s, her daughter was being coached online that her parents didn’t love her and to reject them as parents.  She began to call her mom Erin instead of “mom.”  This is an essential step in cult psychology formation designed to give greater control to the indoctrinators by alienating essential family bonds.  This is not science or sociology; this is cult grooming.

Of course, no grooming is complete without actual separation, which her online handlers were urging her to do – leave her family.

Similar to January Littlejohn, Erin Friday was awarded volunteer of the year and drove children on field trips. She ran the walk or jog event and was essentially as involved as any parent could be in their child’s scholastic life. She also checked her child’s phone, only to find out her child had fake accounts where she could communicate in secret. She warns parents, including those highly involved, that it can happen to any of you.

Friday also notes she has a son two years younger and they would do life as a family.  He was never drawn into this web.  Yet despite her apparently stellar parenting efforts these manipulators have developed strategies incorporating the ease of social media communication to subvert even the most astute parent.

“Had I known what I know now, I never would have given her an iPhone.  I would not have put her in public school.  I never would have let her go through sex ed. Those are things I should have done – in hindsight, I would have.”

Echoing Littlejohn, she warns parents the clock is ticking if they suspect their child is susceptible to trans grooming.  By the time they turn eighteen your opportunities to protect them reduce dramatically.

The combination of compassion, love, and asserting one’s parental power to guide your child along a path of health and well-being is available, but it takes the courage to reject the new cultural zeitgeist and not be swayed by the pressures of political correctness.  Both fear of cultural pushback and that of one’s child not liking you is no reason to keep from setting healthy boundaries and relying on the love lying deep within your child for their parents to overcome these dogmatic activists who live to add to their numbers.

However, the cult is not the only perpetrator of this predation.  When considering the “why” of her daughter’s gender malaise, she recalls finding violent pornography on her phone.  Among her discoveries were images and videos depicting women being physically abused and subjected to degrading sexual treatment.  She believes it caused her daughter to want to shun womanhood, believing this was part of her future.  Again, access to this is the click of a button away from today’s children.

To watch her interview, click on this link.



The post Warning to Moms – Part 2 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

School Board Discusses Warrantless Searches on Homeschool Families

Mon, 2024-03-11 20:00 +0000

Homeschooling is this awful, terrible thing where parents and guardians remove children from the failed public school experiment and (drumroll) teach them how to read and do math. A State’s AG has suggested allowing unannounced warrantless searches of homeschoolers… in the name of public safety.

We don’t have the entire conversation (below), but this clip of the Michigan State Board of Education discussing the question is enlightening. The matter at hand appears to be an issue with kids in foster care who are not in public schools, presumably homeschooled, and potentially subject to …safety issues or abuse. The idea is that either the kids or the homeschools need to register so they can be randomly audited or (my words) swatted if the state receives a complaint that there may be abuse occuring.

In other words, the State Justice Department wants to run random warrantless raids against anyone with kids at home who are not attending public schools, probably at the behest of teachers’ unions and the Democrat politicians they bought.

The board members who speak are not only clearly against this idea but for all the right reasons.

The first speaker sets up the discussion and enumerates several problems with the idea. The last (the clip is just under 8 minutes) knocks that pitch out of the park, which is not what I expected when the clip landed in my digital lap.

A few teasers.

  • ‘Public Education is not safer than homeschooling.
  • Public education safety needs a complete overhaul before we can claim that homeschooling leaves students more vulnerable.
  • They are making specific choices to not be in public education so that they can access a curriculum we are not choosing to administer to them…and there’s nothing wrong with that.

As you watch it, ask yourself if the idea of warrantless searches of homeschools is something that could or does happen in your state and whether your school board(s) would condone it. And if it did, what would you be prepared to do about that?

Note: There is a meme circulating that has the warning (warrantless searches) without any of the good stuff from the actual video circulating the internet).

Note 2: I wrote this long before I saw the meme.

Here’s the clip.

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v4fzyjt","div":"rumble_v4fzyjt"});

The post School Board Discusses Warrantless Searches on Homeschool Families appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Two Dubious “Extremely Rare Occurrences” in Windham’s Elections

Mon, 2024-03-11 18:00 +0000

The Windham Incident on November 3, 2020 that produced the largest numerical discrepancy in the history of NH between an election day result and a subsequent recount exposed over a hundred violations of election laws and procedures by Windham’s election officials.

Since then, Windham’s election officials have continued to violate election laws and procedures in the subsequent federal election cycles. Those violations are identified in multiple reports that were written by the NH AG, NH SOS, the NH Deputy SOS and NH Assistant SOS.

20220107-Joint Letter-NH-AG-SOS
Official Response 2022 Complaint
2024 Windham Election Monitor Report – January 23, 2024 Presidential Primary

Related: BREAKING: NH AG ADMITS to ANOTHER Seriously Flawed Election In Windham

But instead of taking responsibility, Windham’s election officials and their friends falsely claim they are the victims of baseless attacks, and counter with nasty character assassination attacks against those who simply want accurate elections that follow the laws.

The inability of Windham’s election officials to follow election laws during the November 3, 2020 election led to the dubious distinction of having an election monitor appointed for the September 13, 2022 primary. According to Secretary of State William Gardner, “the appointment of an election monitor to oversee an election in this state is an extremely rare occurrence.”

The violations of election laws in that election led to yet another election monitor appointed for the January 23, 2024 presidential primary election.

With the continued inability of Windham’s election officials to follow election laws in subsequent elections, Windham has now had an unprecedented two “extremely rare occurrences” by having election monitors appointed in two consecutive federal election cycles – and Windham’s election officials still failed to follow election laws and procedures in both of those elections.

The Government Integrity Project ( put together three full page ads (here, here and here) and a direct mailer to inform Windham voters of the recurring failures of Windham’s election officials as identified in the multiple reports mentioned above. Election officials and their friends falsely call them lies and a smear campaign. Honest people know it’s the truth.

Every Windham voter should download and read the reports written by NH’s highest ranking law and election officials regarding Windham’s elections in 2020, 2022 and 2024 from the NH AG’s and SOS’s offices and decide for themselves who is telling the truth… and then cast an informed vote.

20220107-Joint Letter-NH-AG-SOS
Official Response 2022 Complaint
2024 Windham Election Monitor Report – January 23, 2024 Presidential Primary

Here are the ads that were posted in the local paper.


The post Two Dubious “Extremely Rare Occurrences” in Windham’s Elections appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2024-03-11 16:00 +0000

And that downer, Monday, makes an appearance again.  Hope these lift you up!

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***











It doesn’t matter.  The Potato could sodomize and cannibalize a living infant, on video in front of a live studio audience, and 90% of his fans wouldn’t care.  Because he’s not Orange Man.  That’s all that matters to these people.



WWIII incoming.




I’ve said before that the virulent anti-White racism that is in our society, recognizing it, was one of the biggest and most bitter pills I’ve had to swallow.  See “Pick of the Post” as well.




I’ll chip in for a gallon.





Theft and arson charges I can see… but in this day and age where people steal and burn American flags and get off with no punishment, that tells you who you aren’t allowed to criticize.



I suspect these were trial-balloon essays to see what might pass.






















Look, I understand the appeal.  Back in my younger (single) days I’d occasionally go to, um, “Adult Entertainment Cabaret” locations.  And drop a not-trivial amount of money each time.  The dancers, of course, would clear hundreds every night in cash.  Over time I got to be friendly – not friends, but conversational-level friendly – with some of the dancers and they’d confided in me that on good weekend nights they’d clear well over $1000 in tips.  That’s 30+ years ago.  That’s some serious money.  Carefully managed and laundered, that’s a nice nest egg.







Whether you want it or not, CBDC is coming.  The only question, at this point, is how many we can wake up to the danger so that WHEN it is implemented, masses and masses simply don’t comply.








On a local, small-scale level, windmills and solar and such have an appeal and function.  A friend of mine has a remote cabin and it’s all solar powered.  Good stuff.  It’s the plan fact that you cannot power an industrial civilization with this that’s critical point.






I was reading that in the UK kids dying of cancer could not see both parents at the same time.















People fear uncertainly and chaos far more than the absolute level at which they live.  People will endure much hardship if it’s consistent.










But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that the Great Replacement is a myth.




Jury Nullification.









Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

Georgia Bill Makes Property Owners Liable for Injuries in Gun-Free Zones (

Give them a skin in the game of disarming their customers.

Former CIA Director John Brennan Says Intel Community will Withhold Key Information From Trump’s Security Briefings This Summer (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Who the living F is this traitor to be predicting what will happen?  What influence does he still have and, more importantly, why does he have it?

The CDC Ignores the Causes of Syphilis – American Thinker

Thus proving that Hashem’s wisdom of being abstinent until marriage, and faithful once married, is the best policy.

Idaho library managers & staff quitting after new Board’s bold action (

A win!

House passes the ‘Schumer minibus’ spending bill, and Thomas Massie finds something very interesting buried in the text – American Thinker

Interesting indeed.  NO MORE OMNIBUS BILLS.

The left goes bonkers after Biden calls accused killer of nursing student Laken Riley an ‘illegal’ – American Thinker

So the killing of a college student by someone who doesn’t belong in this country doesn’t bother the left as much as Joe Biden’s use of the word ‘illegal’ to describe him.



SHOCKING: Oklahoma school students suck and lick toes for charity in more disturbing videos | The Post Millennial |

In OKLAHOMA????  Related to our society’s degeneracy in general:

‘Pizzagate Is Real’: Former UN Executive Director Drops Bomb on Global Elite – The People’s Voice (

Due to “bail reform” criminals, EVEN THOSE ON MURDER CHARGES cannot be held in NY.  4 “suspects” in a gruesome dismemberment attack were allowed to WALK FREE:

Ain’t Reform Great? When the Bodies Hit the Floor…You Won’t Need Bail Money If You’re in New York – HotAir

This article from American Thinker really brought home to me WHY the globalists hate rural America, and why it’s so important to keep doing what we’re doing (living our lives, pointing out the absurdities, worshiping God, etc.) :

The FBLie ordered the arrest of Steve Baker (a journalist for The Blaze who reported the January 6th protest honestly), then “perp walked” him IN CHAINS before a judge, all for 4 misdemeanor charges!  His “real” crime:  Exposing the Fed setup on January 6th, and calling out (with evidence) the government involvement in the set-up.  But the “real” message is to anyone who continues to expose government involvement in the “Fed-surruction”, and the “message” is this:  “Don’t cross us, or we’ll make your life VERY hard”.  Folks, this is banana republic stuff!

Now the National Science Foundation has been caught using AI and millions of taxpayer $$$ to censor opposing viewpoints.  I thought “science” was supposed to be objective and open for debate, but not anymore, it appears:

Team Biden has decided that they want to look at everything that American’s invest in, so they can see if you are being a “good little leftist” or putting your money into things like guns and beef.  This couldn’t possibly be abused now could it?  And what about that pesky 4th Amendment?  That doesn’t matter, right?:

A warning from Elon Musk:

Bayou Renaissance Man: A warning from Elon Musk

Here is Senator Ron Johnson (on video) with the highlights of the “Covid cartel” (about 15 minutes):

Senator Ron Johnson on X: “For those who can’t spend 4 hours watching the full roundtable event – Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding – here is a 14-minute edited version that captures many important points.” / X (

The WEF is planning a major Cyber attack, possibly in the fall, to disrupt the 2024 elections.  Listen how “thrilled” Klause Schwab and his cronies sound when they are laying this out:

WEF Insider: Imminent ‘False Flag’ Cyber Attack Will Disrupt 2024 Election – The People’s Voice (

Listen to how they are talking about literally being connected to the net 24/7/365 in order to survive in society.  Those not connected will be allowed to starve, or outright killed.

Remember what happened in Maui?  Many, MANY people questioned how fires could be so precise as to completely melt down the aluminum in a car, and yet leave a palm tree just a few feet away untouched.  One possibility is a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), but the government pooh-poohed that.  However, Slow Joe may have slipped up and let the cat out of the bag:

Did Joe Biden Just CONFIRM Maui Was Hit By DEW Strikes? * * by Noah

The Deep State globalists cannot let Trump win; they have too much at stake.  If (by some miracle) Trump pulls it off a win by such a large margin that they have to concede, THAT’s when their “backup plan” of a REAL insurrection will kick in:

If Trump wins in November, expect a real insurrection from Democrats – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

The ‘Can We?’ and the ‘Should We?’ of Science – American Thinker

Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

The Benefits of World Hunger

The WEF deep-sixed this.  Good think that it was grabbed.  Also see my note about other WEF essays in this post.

The State of the Union – Surak substack blog

Surak weighs in on SOTU.




Pick of the post:



I was raised on the “mother’s milk” of MLK Jr.  I believed it most of my life, I still want to believe it – at least, the whole judging by the content of an individual’s character.  But increasingly pasty-white me is feeling very targeted by the open anti-white rhetoric (let me not get started on the reverse discrimination I experienced as I graduated from college and was looking for a job).  I echo the above; I do so with regret, but I cannot be color blind again.  Note that this doesn’t mean there aren’t non-whites in my circle; recall I’m married to a non-white person.  But it does mean that – yes – in the words of George Clooney’s character in one of his movies, I AM going to stereotype at first sight, not only by race, but by outfit and in-public actions and attitudes.

Increasingly, given the anti-white violence we see, it’s not a racism thing.  It’s a survival instinct thing.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire State Rep Wants Christians To Shut Up and Stay out of Politics

Mon, 2024-03-11 14:00 +0000

In March of 2023, I was part of a group of Republicans in Nashua Ward 7 that organized to hand out fliers promoting Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) to our local public elementary schools, Dr. Crisp and Sunset Heights. Dr. Crisp has been recognized as one of the lowest-performing five percent of all schools in the state for the second year in a row. At Dr. Crisp, the vast majority of the parents are poor immigrants, and we wanted to provide these families an opportunity for their kids to escape from their failing school.

The Children’s Scholarship Fund organized a parent information night about EFAs in Nashua. We printed fliers for the event and handed them to the parents as they picked their kids up from school. We were delighted to help the NH Department of Education and the Children’s Scholarship Fund get this information to parents.

In December 2023, our Ward 7 state rep Catherine Sofikitis filed CACR18, a constitutional amendment to remove the tax-exempt status of churches and religious organizations. When she presented the bill to the NH House Ways and Means Committee on January 9, 2024, she testified that she was upset that churches were promoting EFAs, which she believes are harmful to public schools.

There were no churches involved in our promotion of EFAs, but she has fallen victim to the Democrats’ reliance on stereotyping their political enemies with the Alinsky rule: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it” to win political victories without having to do the hard work of understanding those on the other side. She is so immersed in a political bubble that she doesn’t understand who the political opposition is.

She assumed churches are behind all the conservative politics in New Hampshire and wants to strike at the heart of that. She doesn’t realize that conservatives are diverse in New Hampshire. They are Christians, blue-collar workers, small business owners,  immigrants from communist countries and other totalitarian countries, former Democrats fed up with the extremism of that party, and many other categories. We come from all walks of life. It would be impossible to shut us all down. But she is so frustrated that she feels she has to do something.

In her testimony, she said that Christians should not be in the public square.

the churches shouldn’t be meddling in the government’s stuff. It’s just you know you stay in your church. You pray and you do what you do, you do you, and the government will do the government

 Not because I don’t understand and respect what faith-based groups do in the state of New Hampshire but I just want people to stay in their own sandbox and stay in their lane

She accused us of telling parents that their children attend a “nasty school, a failing school.”

And at the polls and at other times when we have meetings up at that school people who are of the homeschool crowd and the ones who want the public school vouchers tell all the parents this is a nasty school, it’s a failing school, and I want you to know where you can get free money and you can take your children out of this failing school.

We don’t tell parents that. The parents know well the problems at their children’s school and the test results prove that Dr. Crisp is a failing school.

She complains several times in her testimony about people in her ward who aren’t being represented.

And I’m not here to disrespect anything and I know that my knowledge of these things is not deep but it’s just my feeling that since I’ve got to Concord seven years ago that it seems to me that my people in my district are not being represented here. And so this is just an ask that we all consider that people who have words that divide us are very hurtful to people who don’t have the political power to speak for themselves.

But her Democrat voters have her as representation. Republicans in Ward 7 are the ones lacking representation. Nashua Republicans don’t have any political power in the NH House. All of our 27 state reps are Democrats. Ward 7 has a Democrat state senator as well.

The irony of the following statement caught my eye in regards to the time she called Moms for Liberty “Assholes with casseroles, Taliban in a minivan.”

I made an obscure comment about Moms for Liberty. I had hate mail from Florida. And I just want people to stop. You know if your first reaction is something from your stomach out through your mouth then this is not a policy thing. It’s an emotional thing.

She is the one who is not controlling her emotions.

In her testimony, she states, “Stop dividing us up, and let’s all get along for the people that we were elected to represent,” but she is one of the reps who kneeled for the national anthem during a House session. That is extreme divisiveness. 

At a previous committee hearing, she said, “I want to be brutally frank. There is not one person of color on this committee — not one. Racism matters,” but she fails to acknowledge that she and her fellow Democrats were successful at keeping Avalon Lewis, a black immigrant from Barbados, from being elected as a state rep from Ward 7. He could been the person of color on that committee that she complained was missing.

Related: That Racist You Are Looking For Might Be In Your Mirror

CACR18 was voted 20-0 by the Ways and Means Committee as inexpedient to legislate, put on the consent calendar, and killed by the NH House. Good riddance to her attack on churches and religious organizations.

There is a whole lot more in Rep. Sofikitis’ testimony that is troubling. Read her testimony here and watch it below.


The post New Hampshire State Rep Wants Christians To Shut Up and Stay out of Politics appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Shoplifters Are Stealing More Than Merchandise

Mon, 2024-03-11 12:00 +0000

A WaPo media machine stenographer has decided to float this trial balloon. All that shoplifting that’s been going on shouldn’t be upsetting middle-class, white-bread supremacists. After all, their descendants stole all this land from someone else.

And if theft is a moral and historical tradition…

Do you know what the problem with capitalism is? It doesn’t want to sell stuff to people. Calling it “a late-capitalism horror story,” the Washington Post’s Maura Judkis might have just written the stupidest possible piece about Blue America’s state-sponsored shoplifting craze.

“Besides, there’s a Robin Hood mentality,” Judkis wrote, that allows thieves (and politicians and well-to-do white progressives) to “assume that a massive corporation can absorb the losses of petty thefts. Some shoplifters view it as a form of anti-capitalist social activism.”

Of course, Robin Hood stole from the government, so there is that (which WaPo’s scribblers would never condone). Still, a better point would be that this behavior, legalized by Democrat DAs, is doing as much or more harm to minority neighborhoods and the community than the Left’s white supremacy narratives. They squeak with pride about social justice, but in practice, the policy creates more crime and leaves the people they claim to protect with less of everything, including access and opportunity.

Blame Democrats

Democrats robbed them of an education and blamed white people. They defunded their police forces, and when crime rose, they blamed white people. They legalized theft, and when it drives businesses out of minority neighborhoods, they blame white people in cities with hives of oppressive, racist police officers whose leaders have been Democrats for so long that few, if any, living can recall it ever being any different.

Blame white Democrats for that, but not just. Many urban plantations have significant blocks of minority voters (mostly Democrats) and minority elected officials (also Democrats), and things have not improved. Some might say they’ve gotten worse with more drugs and violence.

Sure, you can steal stuff, skip bail, and not go directly to jail. You can get a job working for a gang or other organized crime, lifting sums just large enough to keep you under this soft-on-crime reparations radar, but there’s still a price.

Unlike most who live there, the local pharmacy can leave when unprosecuted crime becomes untenable. That business lost a lot of merchandise, but the community lost jobs and convenient access to everyday needs.

The only tradition anyone needs to consider is that, alongside all the other troubles, Democrats are responsible for that, too.


The post Shoplifters Are Stealing More Than Merchandise appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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