The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 3 min 59 sec ago

State Rep Damond Ford … You CANNOT Be Progressive And Pro-Israel

Thu, 2024-03-21 14:00 +0000

I previously posted about State Rep Damond Ford (Communist – Manchester) Comm-washing the history of slavery in order to indoctrinate schoolchildren: State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History. But there is more.

Damond Ford also has a problem with Israel. Indeed, he has declared that you cannot be a “progressive” (the American Communists preferred term for Communist) and be pro-Israel:

Given that this is what Damond Ford posts on his social media, just imagine what he says in private. Perhaps … “from the river to the sea?”

As I said in my prior post about Damond Ford, The only thing that really distinguishes Damond Ford and his ilk from Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc., is that the latter obtained sufficient power to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions. Pray that Ford and his ilk never obtain such power.

The post State Rep Damond Ford … You CANNOT Be Progressive And Pro-Israel appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It Hertz! – Rental Car CEO ‘Resigns’ After EV Fleet Fail

Thu, 2024-03-21 12:00 +0000

Hertz Rental Cars jumped the shark on EVs, going all in on fleet expansion, complete with ads featuring Tom Brady to promote the product. Not long after, Hertz discovered – you’d think they’d have done due diligence in advance – that EVs cost more, more to maintain, and are … unreliable. We knew this.

They could have asked, or they could have read a few articles on the subject from troubled businesses and nation-states around the world.

They cost more to buy, a lot more to insure, are expensive to repair, and, in many cases, are a total loss from what might otherwise be a minor accident. You can’t trust them indoors (or shouldn’t due to lithium battery fire risk). Their advertised range rarely meets expectations. Most EVs will never run on non-fossil fuel electricity, and their manufacture and disposal are less than green.

In the end, reliability and cost were their undoing. Hertz announced it would not buy another 100,000 and instead settled on a massive EV fleet reduction – followed just two months later by parting ways with its soon-to-be-former CEO.

Stephen Scherr will step down as Hertz Global Holdings Inc.’s chief executive officer and member of the company’s Board of Directors effective March 31, the company announced Friday. Scherr led Hertz for just over two years after spending nearly three decades at Goldman Sachs.

Scherr’s resignation comes as the car rental company struggles with the higher repair costs and low demand for EV rentals.

Scherr’s departure also follows the company’s biggest reported loss since 2020. We know why they lost money in 2020—someone unplugged the world and wouldn’t plug it back in. This time, the damage is self-inflicted. It is a rental cart before the horse situation or, if you prefer, a massive virtue signal gone sideways. Look at us. We are embracing the transportation future without any support infrastructure.

Let’s Go!

No one wanted to, even after Tom Terrific said he liked to do that (it was just a commercial). And I’m not sure if Mr. Brady even owns one of those EV lawn ornaments—he might. It makes you wonder if, back in the day, soon-to-be former CEO Scherr was in the Boy Scouts and fell victim to the snipe-hunting gag. And not just him, but the whole board, because this EV disaster didn’t happen without their buy-in.

Brady cashed the check and walked away. Hertz will be paying for this mistake for a while.

The post It Hertz! – Rental Car CEO ‘Resigns’ After EV Fleet Fail appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Riddle Me This: What Do Jan Schmidt and Kelly Ayotte Have in Common?

Thu, 2024-03-21 10:00 +0000

Let me start with a routine disclaimer that criticism of Kelly Ayotte is NOT an endorsement of Chuck Morse.  Never forget what he did on 11/19/21. With that said, I have a few observations about Kelly that I’d like to share, and I’ll get to Jan in a moment.

Based on looking at Kelly’s and Chuck’s Facebook pages, which either or both of them might or might not let a staffer manage, it appears that Chuck has been busy on the campaign trail, making multiple stops daily and proudly accounting for his activities and time spent. I am using the words “accounting for” rather loosely because we all know that there are many other things more significant to watch than social media alone. Consider it just a raw, unscientific observation of one microcosm.  The links provided are open to the public, so Facebook haters like me can “take a peek” without membership.

Anyone can go back in time further, but I find the past few days interesting.  Kelly was not at Saturday’s gun rally, but Chuck was.  I know what people are thinking.  Didn’t she vote for some red-flag bills in Washington?  That’s what I’ve heard, though I haven’t looked into it and have no reason to doubt it.  If true, I can see why she wouldn’t care to attend; a possible explanation rather than an excuse, but let’s move on.

I know it’s common for high-profile candidates to want to keep their social media active with daily entries.  I also know that being busy is often not as important as looking busy.  I won’t bore you with a detailed review of all of the recent entries of both because you can take a look for yourself.  Just take note that Kelly sure does post a lot of family memories, endorsements, opinions on current events, and pictures that might or might not be current.  I see nothing wrong with sprinkling a few of those things into one’s feed, but the dearth of current activity is on full display.  I also often see retooled posts, meaning a “double dipping,” if you will, of a campaign stop entry from days earlier.

As annoying as NH Journal is, I regularly check out what it says and happened to fall behind a few days.  The St P’s Day breakfast is a well-known Nashua event, and the Damn Emperor served as “Deputy Blarney Master.”

He even called attention to Kelly’s absence from the podium. We all know how much that narcissist loves attention, but we also know that Kelly Ayotte is his pick, and she’s also the only Nashua candidate running for governor.  The other three well-known household names were present despite being out-of-towners, and 2 of them were from the enemy camp!  Chuck was even photographed with the enemy camp’s unsightly Bette Lasky!

You can see that on his Facebook page, but if that causes eye damage, do NOT call her husband.  He’s an optometrist who steals political signs.  In fact, if Dr. Lasky was in attendance, Chuck and his staff ought to inventory his signs and report any missing ones, but back to Kelly.

So my question to all of NH, particularly the locals, is, “Where’s Kelly Ayotte, and is she ok?” Can someone account for her recent whereabouts and say under oath (to Leah Cushman or anyone else) how she’s doing?

The answer to the namesake question in the title, “What do Jan Schmidt and Kelly Ayotte have in common?” is that they’re both Ward 1 locals and public figures who are well-known to the rest of the city.  Remember when then-Alderman Jan parked in the handicapped parking behind city hall without properly displaying the required credentials?

A Grokster sounded the alarm, and a cyber-welfare check ensued.  Jan was kind enough to show her gratitude for such concern by filing a bill during LSR time (November 2019) titled something like “relative to stalking elected officials.”  Fortunately, it died either in the House or earlier in the process, but that wasn’t the end.  She tried to get the Grok kicked off their server but without success.

If Kelly, being the lawyer that she is, supports free speech as much as Professor Alan Dershowitz does, I expect her to respect MY 1A rights better than Jan has of everyone she disagrees with.

The post Riddle Me This: What Do Jan Schmidt and Kelly Ayotte Have in Common? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Interested in Running for Office?

Thu, 2024-03-21 08:00 +0000

Once again, we’re approaching the filing period for candidates to many elected offices, including State Representative. If you have ever considered running, we urge you to learn more and consider throwing your hat in the ring.

Our upcoming webinar is aimed at helping first-time candidates understand what’s involved in running for office and serving as a State Rep. What makes a good candidate?  How much effort is required to run?  What’s the time commitment if you win?  What should you be doing today to prepare, even if you’re just thinking about running?

You’ll also learn about resources that can help you run a successful campaign, including FREE training from the 603 Alliance. (SAVE THE DATES for our 1-day campaign training on April 27th, May 18th, or June 22nd.  Stay tuned for more info.)

WHEN: Mar 27, 2024, 7 PM to 8 PM
WHERE:  Online, but advanced registration is REQUIRED

We hope you’ll join the 603 Alliance team for this 1-hour informational session.  Advance registration is required.  Click here to register.  You will receive a PERSONALIZED link after your registration has been approved.  We ask that all participants use their real name and contact information when registering.

If the link above does not work, copy and paste the following URL into your web browser:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Questions?  Contact us at


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: James F. McLaughlin and the New Hampshire Laurie List

Thu, 2024-03-21 02:00 +0000

I have followed various mailings, messages, and news articles regarding the NH Exculpatory Evidence Schedule (EES) (aka the “Laurie List”). Because I am a New Hampshire prisoner with no online access, I have been unable to respond to this matter, but I do so now with the help of an outside advocate.

From a contact at ACLU-NH, I became aware in late 2021 that former Keene, NH Detective James F. McLaughlin was briefly named on the public EES for a founded 1985 complaint of “Falsification of Records.” This was by no means the only EES misconduct by Mr. McLaughlin, but the public has been constrained from commenting by the years in which the existence of this list was kept secret and by the anonymity and judicial secrecy afforded to officers seeking removal from the list.

In a recent article by Damien Fisher at, “Judge Considers Releasing YDC Abuse Affidavit AG Wants Sealed,” I read a hopeful quote by Judge William Delker: “We don’t litigate in secret in this State.” With all due respect to Judge Delker, that is likely true in his Court but not entirely true throughout New Hampshire Courts.

We want to thank Gordon J. MacRae for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I am in my 30th year of incarceration, a result of what is commonly called a “trial penalty.” Pre-trial in 1994, I was three times offered in writing, a “plea deal” to plead guilty to charges orchestrated and investigated solely by Detective McLaughlin. The proffered deal was that I would serve a term of one to three years in prison if I would plead guilty. When I declined the deal, the offer was reduced during trial to one to two years. I declined again and was subsequently sentenced by Judge Arthur Brennan to a term of 33 to 67 years. Because the minimum term requires an admission of guilt, I am sentenced to 67 years.

It was a violation of Brady v Maryland that neither I nor my trial counsel were informed pre-trial that nine years earlier, in 1985, Detective James McLaughlin was cited for misconduct, “Falsification of Records.” This was by no means his only violation, as detailed below, but legal and judicial secrecy afforded to officers seeking removal from the Laurie List has effectively silenced most public input.

Various articles published at as a result of Freedom of Information Act requests cite instances of altered, erased, and missing evidentiary tape recording allegedly altered by Detective McLaughlin, as well as a number of other incidents of misconduct and challenged credibility. His handling of tape-recorded evidence and his proffered bribes to potential accusers have been primary concerns in his investigation of the case against me.

The following four links detail the misconduct leading up to my 1994 trial. They include documented allegations of falsification of records and evidence, witness tampering, attempted bribery, the subornation of perjury, and the use of police power to threaten a key witness into altering her testimony.

Most of these incidents and the signed statements of witnesses are cited in three of these links and were obtained by a former decorated FBI Special Agent who spent three years investigating this case. No New Hampshire judge would thus far allow this new evidence or testimony to come before any Court.

  • Gordon J. MacRae v James F. McLaughlin et al, USDC-NM 1504
  • Detective James McLaughlin and the Police Misconduct List
  • In New Hampshire Courts Police Misconduct is Judged in Secret
  • The Wall Street Journal on the Case of Gordon J. MacRae

My sincere thanks for your attention to this matter.

Sent on behalf of:
Gordon J. MacRae #67546
NH State Prison

The post Night Cap: James F. McLaughlin and the New Hampshire Laurie List appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Community Power” and “Vax Bills!” – Did That Get Your Attention?

Thu, 2024-03-21 00:00 +0000

Now that I have your attention, you will soon know why I put those two topics in the same sentence, but you will have to keep reading.

First, I will start with an old memory from around 2000.

While working in the Cablevision call center, I learned of Braintree Electric Light Department(BELD), another competitor for the cable TV market, but just in Braintree.  It was the same situation as with RCN; it was one of several towns where the caller ID said “competitive area” to alert the CSR that specially scripted talking points were to be used, when applicable.

Here it is, nearly a quarter of a century later, and Eversource has competition, but it’s sneaky!  More on that in a moment.  Last year was an election year in Nashua, and our mayor had nine ward “town halls” earlier in the year.  One of his David Letterman-style opening monologue talking points in his tooting-his-own-horn agenda was community power coming to Nashua.  There was a small handful of communities participating, and I didn’t pay close attention to who they were, but I thought they were cities because this kind of pilot project tends to be in customer-dense places in the infrastructure.

I had no idea that community power (or programs with similar names) was coming soon to smaller towns elsewhere until I watched a video by Nurse Terese, a Loudon resident, on recent town elections, warrant articles, and related matters. When she mentioned community power, it sent my mind back to last year, Punxsutawney Phil-style!

In Nashua, community power was such that one had to opt out, which I did the day I received the (probably mandatory) notice of its debut. I’ll let the accountants talk numbers, but my reason for doing so was that it was an election year, and I hate the mayor and will be darned if I do anything just because he wants me to. I would have to follow up with Terese to confirm, but I think she said Loudon has the same situation with them.

Why not make it opt-in?  You already know the answer as do all opposition members to bills on vax registry matters.  It’s the battle for customers/voters/consumers or whatever you care to name the population that’s asleep at the wheel.  THEY are the commodity both sides are fighting for.  It’s also eerily similar to some HR and benefits things during open enrollment time: passive vs. active enrollment. Too many people are too lazy to spoon-feed themselves, but the time is now for those to recognize the deadly sin of laziness when it comes to passive enrollment because it’s all by design.

A good bill idea might be to make community power programs (or whatever they’re locally named) opt-in.  My senator is the Energy chair and Terese’s is the vice chair.  The four of us should have a talk about this.

The post “Community Power” and “Vax Bills!” – Did That Get Your Attention? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

#WhereAreTheChildren – Child Trafficking is a Democrat Policy Choice

Wed, 2024-03-20 22:00 +0000

The Bidenitas are working diligently to hide their border malfeasance. Hard work the media is happy to help shoulder. But with a little bit of research and some time, it has proven (dare I say child’s play) to expose the deliberateness of their indifference, especially regarding “migrant” children.

Allison Dyer took to  Rumble to show us, in just a few minutes, referencing a handful of key players, how the Biden administration is responsible. They allowed child trafficking, knew it was happening, and did nothing to prevent it. Children are little more than an abused side-effect of a policy choice.

Someone should call Child and Family Services and tie these bastards up in family court.

Check this out.


!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4gvk7l","div":"rumble_v4gvk7l"});


The post #WhereAreTheChildren – Child Trafficking is a Democrat Policy Choice appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Becky Whitleys Are The “Dehumanizers”

Wed, 2024-03-20 20:00 +0000

This follows up on my Adam Sexton Thinks Speech Codes Are “Interesting,” which involved a Democrat Communist State Senator’s demand that GOP State Senators not refer to illegal aliens as illegal aliens. The Communist State Senator later took to X to Comm-splain that referring to illegals as illegals is “dehumanizing”:


What an opportunity for the GOP State Senators, which, of course, they missed and squandered. Comrade Whitley and her ilk are all about “dehumanizing” the roughly half of America that won’t goose-step to their hard-Left agenda. Has Comrade Whitley ever “fought” against her side’s “dehumanizing language”? Of course not. She’s a Communist. She does NOT have to play by the same set of rules that she demands her opponents (she would see them as enemies) play by.

For example, if you mention any of the obvious ways the 2020 election was rigged … you are an election denier. If you question any of the climate-“science”, you are an election-denier. If you question the efficacy and safety of the COVID “vaccines,” you are a vaccine-denier. The point of this language is to make you the equivalent of a Holocaust denier. You are a NAZI if you don’t march in goose-step behind Whitley and her ilk.

If you don’t believe in abortion-on-demand through nine months -if you support even the most minimal restrictions -that makes you anti-choice. This from the people who wanted you to have NO choice about shooting up with an experimental drug (the COVID-“vaccine”) by having that be a condition of your employment. See how this works yet? Support a ban on abortions after six months and you are anti-choice. Support the de facto forced injection of an experimental drug and you are not anti-choice … you are a “public health expert.” One set of rules for them. Another set for us.

I could go on and on and on. As I wrote in the initial post: Disagreeing with Whitley and her ilk is discrimination, extremism, hate, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera … and makes you a racist, an election-denier, a climate-denier, a white-supremacist, anti-choice, a fascist, an insurrectionist, a transphobe, a homophobe, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. It is not “dehumanizing” when Comrade Whitley and her ilk use this language. But it is “dehumanizing” to refer to illegals as illegals.

One set of rules for them. Another set of rules for us. It’s classic Communism. And our wonderful GOP State senators need to see it for what it is and grow the testicular fortitude to call it what it is.

The post The Becky Whitleys Are The “Dehumanizers” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Books: ‘Stay Safe’ by Michael Lacoy – A Dark Comedy Set During a Global Pandemic

Wed, 2024-03-20 18:00 +0000

Stay Safe by Michael Lacoy is set in the make-believe town of Beauville, New Hampshire, and features characters who fit into any number of pandemic archetypes. You’ll recognize them and associate them with people and behaviors experienced after the world was turned upside down in the spring of 2020.

The story begins with Cole Perrot, wearing a Pq32 respirator face mask and N16z face shield, as he drives his reluctant young daughter (also masked and shielded) to the clinic to get ‘vaccinated’ against the SPAARZ virus. The ‘vaccine” has been approved for the 12-year-old, and Cole can’t wait, even if Rosa isn’t so sure.

Only his son has refused, pushing back against his father’s (and much of the world’s) easy embrace of government mandates and media narratives and the Karen-like behavior that came with it.

Cole Perrot—a frustrated college administrator who spends most of his time on social media—ferociously loathes his next-door neighbor, Tyce Creamer, an internet celebrity and the very embodiment of “toxic masculinity.” Unfortunately for Cole, his wife Oona feels differently about Tyce, as do Cole’s teenage son and young daughter. Sensing a threat to his progressive values, not to mention his hold over his family, Cole secretly declares war on his “redneck” neighbor. What follows is a series of events that are by turns shocking, hilarious, absurd, and perfectly of our present moment.

Set amid a global flu pandemic, the novel chronicles the unraveling of both a man and a country in a time of heightened fear and deep social division. Mixing comedy, tragedy, and blistering satire, Stay Safe amuses and terrifies in equal measure.

It’s all in there, along with a cast of what I can only call Pandemic Era Archetypes.

Stay Safe offers a light-hearted opportunity to revisit the madness as an observer of players whose lives are forever impacted by the decisions they make during this unusual time in New Hampshire and the world.

And at 275 pages, it was a breeze to get through.

Check it out.


If you’d like us to review your book, email

The post Books: ‘Stay Safe’ by Michael Lacoy – A Dark Comedy Set During a Global Pandemic appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2024-03-20 16:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Please do recall – most memes are posted in order of download.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





“The ultimate authority … resides in the people alone. … The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation … forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any…” – James Madison (1788)



Available here (though you have to adjust filter settings from SAFE to PG-13):

Show why you own guns! They’re TYRANT VACCINE. Bumper Sticker | Zazzle











And this is why the Dems seem so desperate to pass it – and doubtless a lot of the GOP as well.  Call it Silencing of the critics.




Not just that, but if you were injected pre-1986, you were getting vaccines that were subject to liability suits and, therefore, theoretically more watched for safety issues than today’s stuff.



Fire up the woodchippers.




Inspected by WHO in… ENGLAND???







Embedding two of my essays from my old blog.  Apologies for the somewhat cumbersome reading; I PDFed them off to preserve them as I closed the blog down.  Links don’t work, alas.  But hopefully the text carries through well enough.

The first, on humans being hardwired for faith.


E Hardwired for Faith


The above applies to Climate Change, and also The Jab.



The second, about elections and how we need to make a clear differentiation between us and the Left.


E Ethnic Food and Elections
















Nothing to do with her body being dangerous.  It’s the potential accusations coming from her mouth that are the problem.  For all that I now despise Mike Pence, his rule about not having a one-on-one meal with a woman, any woman, makes sense in these times.




When I started working professionally, it was a 40 hour week, with more hours if there was a genuine need for that.  Nowadays, it seems like 50 is the new 40, with 12 hour days not unheard of as a normal thing.




America’s and Europe’s output could fall to flat-out zero, not “net zero” but actually zero – and it wouldn’t make any difference.










Read these.  And then ponder: do you REALLY think you’re going to vote your way out of this?  Spicy time approacheth.  Find your steel; the avalanche has started.










Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Dr. David Martin: Almost 20 years ago the spike protein was known to be bioweapon – The Expose (

They’ve been planning this for a long, long time.  Related:

Both Pfizer and GSK (Glaxo Smith) RSV vaccines now shown to be linked to Guillain-Barré Syndrome; SHARYL ATTKISSON’s report is shocking “CDC Preliminary Analysis: RSV vaccines for seniors linked to (

Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines (

IIRC he died within a few months of this speech.  How… conveniently coincidental.

COVID-19 injections can damage your heart, your brain, your reproductive tissue, and your lungs.” (

Stunning claims of whistleblower need to go viral (

Though – details omitted – a Telegram contact said he was FOR Jabs and claims that it was only after the “tides had turned” that he switched.

CDC Not Investigating Chronic Disease Epidemics Linked to Childhood Vaccines (

Video, about 7 minutes.  Absolutely criminal.

Australia Signs WEF Treaty To Close ALL Major Banks and Switch to Fully Cashless Society – The People’s Voice (

Open for discussion: how to resist this?

Poll: Almost a Third of Americans Say the First Amendment Goes ‘Too Far’ (

When freedom dies, it will die with cheers.

Media Tries To Start Race War Over Cops Killing Black Kid Swinging a Shovel (

No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it isn’t enough.  Enemedia related:

The fake news about Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ speech – spiked (

Media Runs Hoax Trump Said There Would be a “Bloodbath” if He Loses Election – modernity

Tim Young on X: “Here’s 2 straight minutes of leftists using the term bloodbath… I guess they’re all threatening political violence.” / X (

The Media’s BLOODBATH HOAX Is Their BIGGEST LIE YET! | Larry Live! (

Control the information flow and control what people believe.

Our Invisible Chains, Our Stolen Vote (

Anatomy of the 2022 Steal, Part 2 – by elizabeth nickson (

More and more I am concluding TINVOWOOT.  Now, if there actually is an election – and honestly I’ll be surprised if there is – I will vote.  But I don’t expect it to actually amount to anything.  TPTB will work to make sure Trump doesn’t get in, one way or another.  Related:

Welcome to 2024: The Last Year of America? (

“I’ve Changed My Mind”: Swedish Open Borders MP Makes Complete U-Turn – modernity

OOH, better late than never.

OTOH, the damage is done.  These invaders will not go quietly.  But they do need to go.

More on migration / borders:

Supreme Court Extends Freeze of Texas Law Authorizing State Police to Arrest Illegal Aliens | National Review

The Forgotten History of the World’s First Trans Clinic | Scientific American

This is a very uncomfortable subject, because under normal circumstances I decry even the idea of burning books.  But I’ve been learning about the sexual degeneracy of the Weimar Republic after WWI.  And this perversion prompted a backlash among the normal German peoples under a strongman who promised to clean up the filth.  Those books that were famously burned were LGBTQP stuff from that first transsexual clinic.

Sexual Restraint Helps Cultures Flourish, Immorality Brings Decay, Researchers Find (

Fascinating.  But it makes sense to me.  And, shamelessly, here are three essays that – together – cover the above and more.  From my old blog:


Ignoring Hashem’s Wisdom parts 1-3


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 1


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 2


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 3


And I prominently mention my essays “Cultural Ion Thrusters”; there are four of them  If people comment YES, I’ll include them in Friday’s post.










There are some that are conservatives but still skeptical about Trump.  That’s fair.  But… short of armed revolution (which may happen anyway, alas) what’s the alternative?



One of the biggest tools in a con, insofar as I have studied it, is to make the mark feel special and unique and superior.  Sounds like, for example, the Jab and making people feel superior and pro-science and all for taking it.






It truly amazes me how people who have never known actual hardship in their lives can so diss people who grew up in Communism and know what it actually is.





And I think that’s one of the issues: people don’t really want to think their fellow man is capable of that any more.














On the plus side, many are Jabbed and boosted.



Used to have his autographed picture.  Can’t find it. 










Pick of the Post:



Damning if you think of it.  NOTHING says “Safe and effective” like avoiding an independent review and evaluation of your product.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Public Library Promotes Children’s Book Celebrating Violent Action Against Police

Wed, 2024-03-20 14:00 +0000

For at least two years, the Nashua Library has displayed the book “What Was Stonewall?” in the children’s room during June. This book is about the history of the treatment of lesbians and gay men in the US, and it is for children ages 8 to 12.

Related: Library Promotes Book That Teaches Kids to “Love Who You Choose”

These are impressionable young children without much experience of the world, and I am alarmed by the violence that is celebrated in this book.

The first alarming item in the book is an account of the horrific abuse of gay men in the past, including lobotomies and castration. Do kids this age need to know about this? Even adults will find this difficult to read. Sadly, this reminds me of what is happening today to too many young men who are confused about their gender identity and are castrated while under the delusion that they can become a woman.

In the account of the Stonewall Riots, the author celebrates violence against the police. After the police announce they are going to arrest people at the Stonewall Inn, the rioters yell slurs at the police. They proceed to throw bottles, rocks, and bricks, rock police cars, and slash their tires. The police officers were forced to retreat into the Stonewall Inn. The rioters broke the windows and ripped a parking meter out of the sidewalk, and used it to bash in the door. The police officers had to barricade themselves in. The rioters then threw Molotov cocktails into the building and pushed a burning trash can in through the window.

This is a dangerous situation where many people could have been seriously hurt and killed. It is not something to celebrate. The author minimizes it:

By now, the crowd numbered more than two thousand. The officers used a fire hose to put out the flames and disperse the mob. Outside, people laughed.  The water probably felt good on such a hot night!

These were serious crimes, and it is ludicrous to make light of it, most especially for impressionable children.

This is a far cry from the non-violent civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King that continues to be an inspiration to everyone. This is a story of out-of-control miscreants wantonly destroying property in the process of trying to kill police officers.

It is also concerning that the book’s resources include the website for The Trevor Project, which has drifted from its original mission of protecting gay youth from suicide. Read “Why does the Trevor Project want to separate kids from their parents?” and “Trevor Project in crisis amid financial woes, staff dissension, ‘union busting’: sources.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You Should Support HB1414 to Audit Gunstock Resort … Because They Don’t Want to be Audited

Wed, 2024-03-20 12:00 +0000

Two years ago, we discovered something interesting. If you ask too many questions about Taxpayer-owned Gunstock Resort, huge sums are spent, and pressure is brought to oust anyone in elected or appointed office who asks those questions. Suspicious?

It is, and we won’t get into the weeds, but Gunstock Mountain Resort is the property of the people of Belknap County and New Hampshire. It is a government organ, and when the people’s representatives began questioning its motives and integrity, the mere idea of impropriety became a third rail.


A bi-partisan cabal of advocates for keeping whatever goes on hidden are also enthusiastic about making it more difficult and expensive for citizens to file right-to-know requests of this government entity or anyone familiar with its workings (HB1002).


The current Gunstock Commission and County Delegation, which rose to replace those asking uncomfortable questions, oppose HB1414. They don’t want it audited (they have oversight, you see).


The Gunstock Commission does not want to record public meetings or keep meeting minutes, and they do not want a forensic financial audit of Gunstock Mountain Resort (which HB1414 requires). Related: Gunstock- The Home of No Financial Controls?


This majority came into power in part because of a well-funded campaign to ‘Save Gunstock.’ The implication was that the resort was in danger, but the only things they saved Gunstock from were transparency and accountability. It worked in 2022. Will it work again in 2024? Will Gunstock Resort dodge operational and financial scrutiny yet again?

What are they hiding? Why didn’t they want a financial audit? Why doesn’t a majority of the Commission or the Delegation want one, either? Don’t Taxpayers have a right to know?

We cannot guarantee that HB1414, should it pass the House, will survive the State Senate or Sununu’s gubernatorial veto pen (Gunstock insiders did illegally donate taxpayer dollars to His Excellency’s campaign not once but twice), but that’s no reason not to try.

Something stinks at Gunstock, and the people who don’t want you to find the source of the odor continue to spend a lot of time, energy, and money making sure you don’t or can’t.

If that isn’t the best reason to ensure they get audited (and) regularly, I’m not sure what is.

Support HB1414, and perhaps we’ll see what it is they don’t want you to know.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Have We Reached The Point Of No Return

Wed, 2024-03-20 10:00 +0000

There is a rhythm to politics, but we usually live in the middle of the spectrum, leaning one way or the other. Barack Obama made the Progressive Radical Left popular, and for the last sixteen years, we have been pulled out of the middle to the more Socialist Left. The previous four years have been highly volatile, even on the state level.

We had a short reset period at the beginning of the Trump Presidency, but COVID stopped that. Biden, who had been a man of the middle for nearly fifty years, decided to drop to his knees and bend over backward to the Radical Left of the Democrat Party. America may never recover from the damage he has inflicted on her.

That sounds like hyperbole, like the senseless rhetoric of the Greenies. But if you look at the compilation of the activities of the Federal Government and some of the more active Blue States, we have taken strides with issues that cannot be reversed when adults move back into power.

Democrats still lament the overturning Roe v. Wade, but we have Blue States like New York and Maine that have adopted new laws that allow for abortions up to the crowning of the baby’s head at its mother’s cervix. Though still illegal at the Federal level, states have begun to legalize Marijuana for recreational use and have backed their decisions with ludicrous comments like there is no proof that Marijuana can harm the user or the distributor. The poisonous chemicals discovered in the legally grown weeds are enough to hurt or kill the users.

How many ways will we be harmed by the 10 million illegals that have invaded our country under Joe Biden? Many cities and towns have been forever harmed in the name of importing enough people to ensure Democrat Blue states forever. We will lose over 400,000 young Americans to Fentanyl during Joe Biden’s Administration because Biden does not have the spine to stand up to China. We have a DOJ and intelligence community that has been weaponized against the Right by a frightened Left that has destroyed the non-political position of these agencies forever. Our educational system has been proven to be more about indoctrination than education and has been strengthened and bolstered under Biden. We have developed a generation that is so confused about the gender they are supposed to be, rather than that they were born, that they are seeking drugs and surgeries to destroy their God-given bodies.

These bizarre, illogical, and unAmerican philosophies cannot be reversed by winning elections. These are irreversible for our existing generations. Barack Obama told us he would fundamentally transform America. He didn’t tell us that Joe Biden would put the exclamation mark on the work started by Obama. We did not need a foreign country to invade us and take control of our Republic. The people we elected to represent us did it without firing a shot. We can elect Republicans in November to put a halt to the destruction, but I fear the job has already been completed. America as we grew to know and love no longer exists.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Novel Lithium Extraction Method Unveiled in Utah

Wed, 2024-03-20 02:00 +0000

A revolutionary new technology to extract precious lithium from brine water is poised to be deployed in the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The element lithium is essential to electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing, for batteries and eventual grid storage capacity.

Precious mineral resources will grow in economic importance for many nations, yet their mining and disposal are increasingly proving a tricky political problem.

Revolutionary Extraction Method

The surge in EV production caused lithium prices to soar, boosting many mining industries and attracting venture capital globally. Most of the world’s lithium is mined from underground brine that is pumped to the surface and then stored for months in toxic lakes that evaporate the water and concentrate the lithium for extraction.

An American company has patented a novel extraction process that eliminates evaporation ponds with reusable ceramic “beads” that absorb the lithium. Waterleaf Resources, a subsidiary of Lilac Solutions, is constructing a facility at Utah’s Great Salt Lake, which it expects will produce 20,000 tons of battery-grade lithium annually. The company’s “proprietary ion-exchange media (IXM)” employs “holy grail” technology in its “mission to scale global lithium production to support the electric vehicle industry and energy transition.” Lilac’s process is far more efficient than conventional methods, returning processed brine water to the Great Salt Lake.

Lilac Solutions’ innovative technology promises a sweet-smelling answer to the significant environmental problems of traditional extraction of lithium from brine, especially in the Great Salt Lake, shriveled by years of severe drought. Waterleaf Resources plans to pump 80,000 gallons of briny water per minute from the lake, all of which will be recirculated back following lithium extraction. No massive lagoons are required.

Some environmental groups, however, have complained that the company’s planned drawdowns of 20,000 gallons daily of additional fresh groundwater positions Waterleaf ahead of farmers and other local land uses.

The China Connection

Lithium price volatility has revealed the seismic economic forces unleashed by the mass production of EVs. China is constructing coal-fired plants to smelt aluminum for EVs and expanding its rare earth mining operations both domestically and abroad. As America is denounced for past colonization, Beijing is securing massive supply lines that permit it to feed its industries, threatening global hegemony in multiple markets.

The largest traditional lithium producers are China, Chile, Australia, and Argentina, while the largest importers are China, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. The Lilac Solutions technology opens the door for national security protection for the United States rather than continued dependency on overseas markets strangled by China. The precious metals nickel, cobalt, and lithium are all vital inputs for the world’s military complex, including the territorial ambitions of China and Russia.

By subsidizing domestic lithium production, China drove up production and thus inventories. As EV sales slid, the price of lithium plummeted some 80%, a drop so precipitous as to make domestic mining and steel operations in Australia unprofitable. Warned the Australian Strategic Policy Institute: “Far from a hypothetical, Beijing has already used its near-monopolistic global supply-chain control of (rare earth elements) to strategic advantage against the US and Japan.” Jamie Seidel at reported:

“Beijing’s willingness to subsidise every step of production and bear the environmental fallout of chemical and energy-intensive processes means it’s now the source of about 80 per cent of the rare earths processed worldwide. That includes 90 per cent of lithium, 70 per cent of gallium, and 70 per cent of germanium.”

China does not hesitate to flex this economic muscle to protect its interests – it imposed export restrictions on Australia when that nation called for an international investigation of the source of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conversely, China’s allies will benefit economically from rare material supply lines. Even as American lithium production firms Albemarle Corporation and Piedmont Lithium are laying off workers, Zimbabwe has attracted more than $1 billion in investment from Chinese mining companies to develop its hard-rock reserves.

Recent surges in EV sales in China point toward the eventual absorption of existing lithium stockpiles. The depressed global market has caused production slowdowns and delayed mining expansion, reducing future lithium supply lines. Such pressures suggest Lilac Solutions and its industry-transforming technology will be smelling like a rose. However, potentially intractable problems of EV battery disposal persist.

Disposal Problems Mount

Discovering innovative methods to harvest precious elements does not abate the daunting environmental disasters of EV manufacturing that include coal-fired plants to smelt aluminum, innumerable chemical inputs for car amenities, and disposal of toxic batteries. A 2020 Institute for Energy Research commentary claimed:

“It is estimated that between 2021 and 2030, about 12.85 million tons of EV lithium ion batteries will go offline worldwide, and over 10 million tons of lithium, cobalt, nickel and manganese will be mined for new batteries.

“Environmentalists expressed unfounded concerns about fracking, but they need to be worried about replacing fossil fuels in the transportation and electric generating sector with electric vehicles and renewable energy where lithium, cobalt and other critical metals are needed to produce these technologies.“

The world has so far “electrified” an estimated 3% of its global vehicle fleet – there is a mountainous amount of mining and manufacturing urgently required to achieve “net-zero.” The manufacturing demand is never-ending, but not costless. Solar panels and EVs have temporary “useful lives,” their obsolescence is inevitable, if not planned. Recycling and disposal of aging solar panels are environmentally nightmarish; EV batteries are worse.

‘Clean Energy Storage’ Is Filthy

Batteries labeled “clean energy storage” are anything but clean. Diverse battery designs and chemical composition combined with strong glues eliminate uniformity in processing. Like stalled recycling efforts of plastics, metals, and glass, there is currently no system to recycle precious metals from most batteries efficiently. Pyrometallurgy burns spent batteries into a slag to extract desired materials. Dissolving batteries in acids is called hydrometallurgy. Neither is cost-competitive with newly minted batteries.

Neither scientists nor politicians have ensured efficient battery recycling on any scale. It may be decades before the world resolves the hurdles – if ever. IXM technology that filters lithium from brine water in the Utah desert does not address the future environmental liability of toxic chemicals from the renewable (“clean”) energy industry. Ion-exchanging ceramic beads may be the Holy Grail for lithium mining, but regressive EVs and their intractable battery disposal problems are not panning out to be as eco-salvific as advertised.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Night Cap: Novel Lithium Extraction Method Unveiled in Utah appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Thousands of People, Several Communities, and Millions in Public Funds Are Affected.

Wed, 2024-03-20 00:00 +0000

Dear Merrimack County Attorney Paul Halvorsen, with Youth Detention Center civil and criminal cases on the horizon consuming over $100 million in public funds in addition to the costs of court time and resources in both criminal and civil procedures, I urge you to serve the public interest and investigate the concerns I presented to you last year.

My concerns are about fraud by members of the Merrimack County District Attorney’s Office upon Merrimack County Superior Court.

Also, regarding former Attorney General Michael Delaney, who is one of several attorneys general under whose leadership, youth detention center victims were ignored. They also concern the NHCADSV who are involved in criminal and civil procedures.

There is a pattern of legitimate concerns being ignored by the Attorney General’s office: FRM Ponzi scheme complaints being a prime example.

There is a pattern of legitimate concerns being ignored about the NHCADSV and their conflicts of interest. When a member of the NHCADSV is also on the City of Concord Council serving as Chair of the Public Safety Committee and on the Rules Committee, questions on self-serving by members of the City of Concord Council with the help of Merrimack County District Attorney’s Office should not be ignored.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

You were on the City of Concord Council, and you were a juvenile prosecutor. As such, you would also have been involved in prosecuting children and sending them into facilities that were torturous environments endangering children. Many of those children came out of the state youth detention center facilities only to become adult criminals or labeled as criminals.  They are now in the state’s prisons and jails.

If fraud upon the courts didn’t exist, would these children have been subjected to such abuse, and would they have become adult criminals? Are your court personnel criminals who create criminals of citizens by leading dishonest criminal procedures due to the economic benefits for Merrimack County?

I wrote to your office seeking an investigation and answers in response to New Hampshire State Witness/Complainant Chessy Prout’s letter to United States Senator Dick Durbin of the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding former NH AG Michael Delaney in his capacity as legal counsel for St Paul’s School during the criminal trial of State v Owen Labrie which took place in Merrimack County Superior Court. This is the court that serves as the criminal trial court for the Capitol of New Hampshire: Concord. Concord serves as the home to the populations of several state and private schools. Its public agencies interact with the populations of these schools. Those public agencies also interact with the Merrimack County District Attorney’s Office and Merrimack County Superior Court. If dishonesty on the City of Concord Council is protected, dishonesty of police officers for Concord and Merrimack County protected and dishonesty in your own office protected then what is the public service your office provides?

Michael Delaney withdrew his application for consideration on the First Circuit of Appeals following the statements made by Chessy Prout to the US Senate Judiciary Committee and the answers he submitted on the questionnaire supplied by the Committee. He is still a member of the NH Bar.

Chessy Prout stated that prosecutor Catherine Ruffle was informed by Amanda Grady Sexton (of the City of Concord Public Safety & Rules Committees, Governors’ Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence & Stalking, NHCADSV, Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s Re-election Campaign Committee) of Michael Delaney tampering with state witnesses in the presence of Sandra Mathieson from the Office of Victim/Witness Assistance.

Sandra Mathieson wrote one of the endorsements for Michael Delaney for the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

Chessy Prout stated that prosecutor Catherine Ruffle allowed these tampered state witnesses to testify. Trial records confirm this. They also confirm that Ruffle and her cohort Joseph Cherniske blocked the cross-examination of one of these witnesses, who was the son of Governor Maggie Hassan’s legal counsel, Lucy Hodder Esq.

Lucy Hodder was also on St Paul’s School Board of Trustees and, therefore, a client of Michael Delaney, who was legal counsel for the school. Lucy Hodder had evaded deposition by being out of the country, according to . Lucy Hodder had also worked in the AG’s office – possibly at the same time as Michael Delaney and Jim Rosenberg, who was legal counsel for her son Andrew Thomson. Jim Rosenberg is currently a partner at Shaheen & Gordon which is legal counsel to Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV.  David Vicinanzo is also legal counsel to the NHCADSV. He requested the $100 million and is representing victims of YDC abuse who were referred to the NHCADSV by AG Gordon MacDonald. Gordon MacDonald had ordered a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School but dismissed plaintiffs of YDC abuse as “victim negligence.”   David Vicinanzo receives 30-40% of each settlement for his clients claiming YDC abuse. Records show that the NHCADSV also receives a percentage of civil settlements. Yet these kickbacks do not go back into the public purse despite the fact that the NHCADSV’s budget is paid for by the public and approved by the Governor.

According to records that were unsealed several months after the trial of State v Owen Labrie, Prosecutor Catherine Ruffle admitted to Judge Larry Smukler that a deal had been made with Lucy Hodder’s son – Andrew Thomson. She retracted that statement when the records became public. Members of the NH Bar including you, have failed to investigate what appears to be serious fraud upon the court. You have a duty to the public because you are an elected official. Additionally, you have a duty to the integrity of your profession and, I believe, the National Association of District Attorneys.

Catherine Ruffle is now the Clerk of Merrimack County Superior Court. She has access to every record coming into and out of the court. If she allowed state witnesses to testify in a criminal trial after she had been informed that they had been tampered with and if she told the judge that she knew of a deal for one of these but then allowed that witness to testify, what are the standards of your court? What should the public, jury, complainants, witnesses, and defendants expect in your court?

Catherine Ruffle and her co-hort, Joseph Cherniske, reported to your predecessor, Scott Murray. Scott Murray became a US Attorney for New Hampshire and is now a Federal Prosecutor for New Hampshire.  The only trial on his bio as US Attorney is State v Owen Labrie – “a victory for victims’ rights”.  If the trial was so important to him and there are allegations of witness tampering in it by a former Attorney General, the implications are serious and they have consequences for other trials in your court and every other court in New Hampshire.


Why has there been no investigation into Catherine Ruffle, Amanda Grady Sexton, or Michael Delaney?

Does the Merrimack County District Attorney’s office abide by the rules laid out by the National District Attorneys Association and National Prosecution Standards? If not, please explain to everyone copied on this letter so that all journalists are aware of the standards followed by New Hampshire District Attorneys.

What rules do you follow in Merrimack County Superior Court? What rules do you and current council members follow on the board of the City of Concord Council?

Whether or not the YDC criminal cases will be tried in Merrimack County Superior Court under the jurisdiction of other District Attorneys’ courts in New Hampshire, the public, plaintiffs, and jury must have answers. As an elected official, do you think the public will pay $100 million plus for a system of Kangaroo Courts? It is a yes or no answer, and an answer is due. It does not depend on the circumstances.
Please answer the question.

Amanda Grady Sexton is Chair of the City of Concord Public Safety Committee and on the Rules Committee. The budget for Concord Police investigations and payments to witnesses is approved by the City of Concord Council.  You were a member of the City of Concord Council. Endorsements for you included your ability to budget.  Does the City of Concord and Merrimack County Superior Court rely on Kangaroo procedures for City or State budget goals?

If State Witness Chessy Prout’s statements to the US Senate Judiciary Committee regarding witness tampering in a criminal trial are correct, then it is your duty to investigate and to act accordingly, including prosecution. Witness tampering is a federal crime.

If State Witness Chessy Prout’s statements to the US Senate Judiciary Committee regarding witness tampering in a criminal trial are not correct then I believe it is also your duty to investigate a witness the State had relied upon for prosecution that was tied to millions of dollars in federal grants for the State of New Hampshire from federal agencies, Government contracts, changes in laws.

Millions were made in civil suits following State v Owen Labrie (relying on testimony in the trial). These suits benefitted the very same attorneys and NHCADSV, who are now set to benefit from settlements for plaintiffs in the YDC Cases, including Chuck Douglas, David Vicinanzo, Shaheen & Gordon, and the NHCADSV.

1-1.6 Duty to Respond to Misconduct
A prosecutor is obligated to respond to professional misconduct that has, will, or has the potential to interfere with theproper administration of justice:

a. Where the prosecutor knows that another person associated with the prosecutor’s office has engaged, or intends to engage in professional misconduct that could interfere with the proper administration of justice, the prosecutor should address the matter in accordance with internal office procedures.
b.If the office lacks adequate internal procedures to address allegations of professional misconduct, a prosecutor who learns of the misconduct may,in the first instance,request that the person desist from engaging in the misconduct.If such a request is, or is likely to be, futileor if the misconduct is of a sufficiently serious nature, a prosecutor should report the misconduct to a higher authority within the prosecutor’s office.
c.If, despite a prosecutor’s best efforts, no action is taken in accordance with the prior procedures to remedy the misconduct, a prosecutor should report the misconduct to appropriate officials outside the prosecutor’s office(to the extent permitted by the law and rules of ethical conduct of the state).
d.A prosecutor’s failure to report known misconduct may itself constitute a violation of the prosecutor’s professional duties.

A timely response is appreciated. Thousands of people, several communities, and millions in public funds are affected.

I have been cyber-stalked by Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV. I have had my letter to the LEACT commission regarding the coercion of minors in criminal investigations intercepted, posted on social media in posts in which I was doxxed, and my family smeared.  I have been threatened with a defamation suit by Shaheen & Gordon on behalf of the NHCADSV and Amanda Grady Sexton. I have been told that David Vicinanzo has said I just make things up, that I’m a liar.

I am not a liar. I am not going to be subjected to criminal defamation by one of the attorneys who will receive millions from YDC settlements or Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV, who I believe are also financial beneficiaries.

Just because I speak up about what appears to be an extremely serious racketeering enterprise that has defrauded the public and harmed lives does not excuse anyone for criminal defamation or witness intimidation who is involved in that enterprise.  The receipts are all there, and District Attorneys who chose to turn a blind eye become complicit in the crimes as members of the Banking Commission did in the FRM Ponzi Scheme. Ironically, Michael Delaney also had a hand in that.

You are the District Attorney for the State Capitol’s Superior Court.  You lead by way of example.


Contributors’ views and opinions are those of the author and may not reflect the opinions or positions of Grok Media,, its authors, advertisers, donors, or sponsors.

The post Thousands of People, Several Communities, and Millions in Public Funds Are Affected. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s a Ban TikTok, Biden, Weapon Sales, Censorship, Bloodbath Palooza!!!

Tue, 2024-03-19 22:00 +0000

Republicans in the US House have become Energizer® Bunnies for censorship, pushing a Biden bipartisan bill to ban TikTok, which has more secrets than Pfizer vaccine trial results. The bill is alleged to include vague provisions that empower the government to ban just about anything online it decides is dangerous.

To them.

I’ve not had time to dig deep into that last claim, but there’s something else going on. According to Sen Rand Paul, who appears to have actually looked,  only 20% of TikTok is owned by the two Chinese guys who created it. Another 20% is employee-owned (including at least 7,000 US employees), while international investors comprise 60%. The CEO isn’t Chinese, and you’d be right to wonder where all the communism is hiding, given we’ve got more communists on the average School Board than TikTok has in ownership.

They’ll have to censor that; we wouldn’t want anyone getting factccinated against another approved uniparty narrative, like the one that broke this week when the Statist National Beta Boys and Mean Girls Media Choir decided to sing; Trump is promising us a bloodbath. Russel Brand had a field day with that reporting (see the clip below) to which he included details of over 100 secret weapons sales by the Biden administration to Israel after October 7th.

I wonder what the government of Israel might be doing with those weapons Joe Biden secretly sold to them? Using them in Gaza perhaps, which Brand also notes, is something TikTok users have in common. There are folks on TikTok who do a bit of reporting and commentary about the goings-on in Gaza, with many supporting the residents. But that can’t be it. We’re looking for Chinese Communists in the TikTok bushes. The answer has to be to behave like the Chinese and ban and censor stuff!

Side note: Rand Paul mentions passing a 20% foreign investment threshold, which got me thinking that if that were true, we could ban Joe Biden.

Then there’s the thing in Ukraine, where there has been a good bit of blood spilled (enough for a bath)  with the help of Joe Biden, who has asked for and sent tens of billions into the hands of weapons manufacturers whose tanks and their bombs, and their bombs and their guns, went from here to there.

The Afghanistan exit was something of a bloodbath by all accounts, as has been Biden’s open borders policy allowing drugs, gangs, criminaliens, and likely terrorists into the country.

In other words, why is almost everyone in the government so keen to silence a social media platform they don’t control instead of focusing on all of Joe Biden’s actual bloodbaths as they do on TikTok (answers itself, yes)?

Check this out (watch for the media faceplant at the end).

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4hnjot","div":"rumble_v4hnjot"});


And if you’d like to see the whole Tucker Rand Paul Interview …

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4h2h7r","div":"rumble_v4h2h7r"});

The post It’s a Ban TikTok, Biden, Weapon Sales, Censorship, Bloodbath Palooza!!! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Deceit Necessary To Pass Bills?

Tue, 2024-03-19 20:00 +0000

The Maine Legislature is helping to increase Mainers’ distrust and skepticism of their elected officials. The Democrats are using “placeholders” to hide the true intention of a bill and buy time to finalize the details of the legislation.

Take “An Act Regarding Health Care in the State,” filed earlier this year. The title seemed harmless enough until the actual details were released. The bill concerns abortion rights, but to this day, you cannot find the details on the State of Maine website. But you can get close if you examine the 620 pages of testimony generated by the committee.

It is a deceitful practice used by bill sponsors who know it will not be popular with the people to minimize interference from public activists who would descend upon the statehouse in protest.

Concept bills are sometimes filed without an outline and just a title. About 250 of these pesky concept bills have been submitted in 2024, which is 25% more than in 2023 and more than four times the number from 20 years ago, attracting bipartisan support to stop the practice of concept bills. Sen. Rick Bennet, R-Oxford, and Rep. Anne Perry, D-Calais, are both veteran legislators and are taking action to reform and stop the use of concept bills. They recognize these are being used to deceive the public, which should never be the goal of legislators. Concept Bills accounted for 11% of all bills introduced in 2024. That is double the number in 2015, and that is not a trend the Democrats should be proud of. House Speaker Rachel Talbot-Ross, D-Portland, defends the concept bills as invaluable tools. In a statement of pure Democrat word salad, she said these concept bills are essential and problematic.

Nicholas Jacobs, an assistant professor of government at Colby College, says using concept bills can make divisive ideas even more divisive. Rep Perry is finding out just how true the professor’s words are. Though Perry has voiced reservations about concept bills, she is using the practice with L.D 227, which would safeguard gender-affirming and abortion care from out-of-state laws, basically making Maine a sanctuary state for both services. The bill was filed as a concept bill, which may have avoided public interaction, but Perry had no issue seeking the help of Planned Parenthood to draft the legislation. Perry’s experience with L.D 227 has taught her a painful lesson, which has given her the impetus to be an advocate to eliminate the process.

It might be helpful to their cause if the Democrats were not so hypocritical on this subject. Sen Craig Hickman, D-Winthrop, agrees that granges are needed, but not before he uses the concept or placeholder bill to rewrite cannabis laws for Maine. These Democrats who acknowledge change is required recognize it will not happen for this session, so they are making the best of that and using the concept bill process to the max. This legislative session may be the most negatively transformative in Maine history. The question for the future will be when the Republicans regain power, and it will happen eventually, can they reverse many of these atrocious and radical bills, or is the damage to Maine permanent?

The post Is Deceit Necessary To Pass Bills? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Before You Put NH on the Assisted Suicide Slippery Slope (HB1283), Please Read This!

Tue, 2024-03-19 18:00 +0000

States that open the door to medically assisted dying on the argument that it is compassionate are being used to leverage empathy for the terminally ill to advance a completely different agenda.

Every progressive leap of this sort results in a trip down the same slippery slope, in some instances more quickly than others, toward a culture that encourages ending life to relieve itself of the burden of … people.

Imperfect children, depressed adults, long wait times for procedures, the homeless and economically challenged, mental health patients, those without enough insurance, drug and alcohol addiction, the list gets longer everywhere it gets a foothold. Every inch of mission creep increases the loss of the productive lives of people who are neither in chronic physical pain nor terminal.

I don’t mean to sound cruel or unsympathetic, but as I’ve said more than once, the question isn’t whether someone has the right to die if they want (as a sovereign individual, they must). The issue is government regulation that devolves into policies of deliberate depopulation for political convenience.

I have witnessed chronic pain in a terminal family member, and as horrible as that is, once open, this door never closes, and it leads inexorably to an incompetent and uncaring bureaucratic state that recommends (encourages) suicide for productive people rather than help or heal them. A state that may be in part responsible for the circumstances leading to this final diagnosis.

If you’d like to explore the slippery slope, I’ve assembled a list of content on the topic from the past few years in no particular order. Please take a moment to (at least) skim all the titles and click on a few to unpack what’s inside.  I think you’ll find this not a path on which we should step, no matter how we think it will make us feel (or look) today.


  • Slippery Meet Slope: Colorado Assisted Suicide Bill Drops Wait Time To 48 Hours
  • Slippery Meet Slope – Doctors Recommend Assisted Suicide to Woman Paralyzed by COVID Jab
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Medically Assisted Suicide Could Save Millions in Health Care Costs
  • Oregon’s Slippery Slope – Nearly 80% Of Assisted Suicides Are People on Government Health Insurance.
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Wait Six Months to Get Health Care or … They Can Help You ‘Kill Yourself’ Next Week!
  • Slippery Meet Slope: More Evidence The System Will Try To Convince You to Kill Yourself
  • Slippery Meet Slope: When You are Worth More Dead Than Alive
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Doctor Suggests Medically Assisted Dying for Children and Babies
  • Follow the Bouncing Ball: Canada Wrecks Health Care, Legalizes Assisted Suicide, Organ Donations Rise …
  • Slippery Meet Slope: “15 to 20 Percent of These People are Dying by Euthanasia.”
  • Slippery Meet Slope – Allowing Drug Addicts to Request Medically Assisted Dying
  • Slippery Meet Slope: When the State Decides That it is in Your Best Interest to Die
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Doctors in The Netherlands Are Euthanizing People with Autism
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Woman Asks for Help with Suicidal Ideation, Her ‘Therapist’ Recommends Euthanasia
  • Canadian “Coloring Book” Normalizes Assisted Suicide for Children
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Hawaii Reduces Waiting Period for ‘Assisted’ Suicide to Five Days or Less
  • Slippery Meet Slope: Canadian Euthanasia Deaths Up 35%
  • Oregon Makes Assisted Suicide “Legal” For Everyone
  • Introducing Modern, High-Tech, Self-Assisted Suicide Pods – Yes, They’re Serious
  • Gov. Run Health Care Lesson from Canada – Won’t Pay for Treatment, Will Pay for Assisted Suicide
  • Draft Legislation Would Put New Hampshire on the Slippery Slope of Medically Assisted Death
  • Assisted Suicide Legislation Takes New Hampshire In The Wrong Direction
  • NH’s “Assisted Suicide” Bill is Alive. ALIVE!


The post Before You Put NH on the Assisted Suicide Slippery Slope (HB1283), Please Read This! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Want to Change the Right to Know Law, Give Citizens More Power, Not The Government

Tue, 2024-03-19 16:00 +0000

I have been in court for over three years, arguing for transparency in Nashua’s public records. The experience has been profoundly disappointing. The courts are overburdened and under-resourced and often appear aligned with the city.

In a Right-to-Know hearing last May, Judge Colburn ruled that the claims regarding record requests to various Boards and Committees were “moot.” Her order was likely based on the City’s responses to the Judge’s inquiries about its record-keeping procedures. The city’s response was not wholly truthful, as can be demonstrated by its post-court inaction. Now that ten months have passed, an objective assessor would likely conclude that changes have been made to further restrict access to public reports.

Nashua has been embroiled in Right-to-Know litigation since 2020, and no court order has resulted in meaningful changes. Judges must put too much faith in Nashua’s attorneys to implement what they state in court. The result has been that pro se citizens continue to be treated as ‘Barbarians at the Gates’. Why are Nashua’s attorneys so willing to ignore both the RTK law’s intent and the Court’s urging to get their house in order? I suspect that the city attorneys know the judges will align with the city, and the court will do its utmost to accommodate the city.   This might be a reasonable approach if the City were dealing in good faith and honoring their words stated in court.  Yet, the City maintains its rigidity and fights change, understanding the Court is overburdened and unable to expedite these cases. It is nearly impossible for Citizens to win in a stacked and sluggish Court.

What is missing to correct records problems:

  • a RTK page on their website with instructions on filing
  • a Board/committee contact list so that citizens can reach the public body
  • written policy on handling email requests and reasonable, timely redacting methods
  • a City RTK policy that states the duties of the RTK administrator and the record handling policies.
  • Open and unlock city departments so citizens can speak with employees who are most knowledgeable about pertinent records.
  • An accessible RTK Administrator located in the Clerk’s Office rather than in an unmarked, locked office with no office hours or phone number to reach him. Could the City be any more non-transparent than hiding the RTK Administrator?

Attorney Rice provided common-sense input at the Nackey Loeb Sunshine Week Panel forum on March 11, 2024. She focused on the need for open communication between the departments and the citizens. She stated, “Emails are awkward,” and they are ineffective at getting to the records citizens seek. Nashua now operates only through emails, subjecting certain citizens to a more burdensome process. Further restrictions have been made to impede citizens from interacting with city officials.

Nashua attorneys appear to have a strategy to delay while playing the virtuous victim, playing the blame game, and marginalizing citizens rather than respecting the intent of the RTK law, acting as leaders, and instituting necessary improvements to curb litigation. Hence, lawsuits continue.

Citizens should not be blamed for this RTK litigation. The Court should examine the Nashua City Attorney’s behavior in the RTK cases. Also, might there be court process improvements to address maneuvers that impede timely resolution?

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

The post If You Want to Change the Right to Know Law, Give Citizens More Power, Not The Government appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manchester School District Misleads Parents on Personal Privacy Protections

Tue, 2024-03-19 14:00 +0000

As I’ve been warning about, there is no real privacy protections anymore in our public schools. Even when they say that privacy protections are in place, don’t believe it. The federal law that is supposed to protect student privacy has exceptions which opens the door for tech vendors to amass all kinds of personal information on students.

The Manchester School District recently sent out a parent survey. As Jon DiPietro noted in an X post:

This is why it’s important to understand that your children’s personal information is not private, and you need to be extra cautious about what information you allow the school to collect.

The post Manchester School District Misleads Parents on Personal Privacy Protections appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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