The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 8 min 43 sec ago

Flushing Your Money Down the Toilet on Professional Development for Teachers

Sat, 2024-03-23 10:00 +0000

As an education researcher, I’ve been hearing about wasteful spending on teacher professional development for decades. Teachers do value quality professional development, but some will privately tell you that it can be a waste of their time, and taxpayer dollars.

It wasn’t that long ago that SAU21 brought the far-left political group Seacoast Outright to train teachers. What could have helped teachers in the classroom, instead time was spent indoctrinating the staff with a one-sided view of transgender issues. There is a debate going on politically on whether a child should receive hormone therapy or even receive drastic mutilation by removing their sex organs. I asked that the presentation to the teachers at least include other medical viewpoints, but Superintendent Nadeau refused my request.

De-transitioners are blowing the whistle on the severe trauma they are now dealing with because, as children, they wanted to transition to the opposite gender. Some of the de-transitioners are suing their medical providers for agreeing to these barbaric surgical procedures now that they are adults.

Professional Development (PD) can support teachers in the classroom by making sure teachers know the academic subject, and the best way to deliver the instruction to students. But when PD becomes a lesson in political biases, not only are you wasting valuable tax dollars, you are missing an opportunity to help teachers succeed in the classroom.

Recently, the Sanborn staff was subjected to a dose of biased information during a professional development day at school. Several staff members were bothered that the information provided was politically biased and possibly violated their civil rights. After requesting information on the presentation, I decided to speak up on their behalf with this email to the Superintendent and School Board Members.  I thought you should know about it:

Superintendent Ambrose and members of the Sanborn School Board:

Thank you for providing the information from the recent professional development offered to the school staff.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from teachers is that sometimes professional development is a waste of money. It’s also interesting to note that when Massachusetts drove their academic achievement to where their students were finishing at the top nationally, they focused on PD. But focused on academic content during PD.

Massachusetts students were able to compete with students at the top on international tests of math and science. They focused on improving their academic standards, tests, and made sure PD was academic based. This helped teachers in the classroom, and it helped their students academically. Parents could see that their public schools were the best in the country, and they supported them.


What you presented during PD did not sit well with some who attended this presentation. I can’t blame them. It was one-sided.

For instance, there was no balance to anything that was presented based on what you sent me.

In Dr. Parker’s bio, it says:

Dr. Don Parker is a transformational keynote speaker and professional development provider. He specializes in SEL, supporting teachers to build trusting relationships with students, restorative practices, trauma-informed practices, and improving the culture and climate of schools to enhance students’ and teachers’ feeling of belonging.

How is Dr. Parker a specialist in SEL? SEL programs tend to be developed by individuals who have a mental health background. These programs are now group therapy in the classroom. This is why I have teachers privately expressing concerns that they are not qualified to subjectively grade their students’ behaviors. They are not qualified, and they are concerned about where this sensitive data is shared. SEL is now a product to sell, and vendors profit off of this latest fad.

There are no privacy protections when SEL data is uploaded to a database, they are considered as part of the “exceptions” in the FERPA law. SEL Vendors do not have foolproof privacy protections for your students. I was told that Dr. Parker didn’t mention any of that, and I didn’t see that in the materials you sent.

Restorative practices have been criticized as unethical, and they have no place in the classroom.

In the past decade, the role of the teacher in schools has slowly shifted from pedagogue to therapist. Perhaps the most glaring example of this shift is the practice called “circle conversations.” These circles are cousins of the non-punitive approach to discipline called restorative justice, and are intended to be community-building prophylactics.

While the ritual—I mean classroom practice—can vary from school to school, it has a few common characteristics: students sit in a circle, pass around a talking piece, and discuss open-ended questions, often deeply personal ones….

From what I was told, Dr. Parker didn’t mention any critical thought on this latest fad.

Trauma informed practices should come directly from a student’s therapist or mental health provider. Dr. Parker has no background in the field of Child Psychology. Why are you looking to an educator for this information?

Based on some of the books that are now available to children to read in the school library, many children are reliving trauma. It’s one of the worst things you can do to a child who has experienced abuse.

Improving culture and climate can be handled by exit interviews with families who are removing their children from the public schools. I don’t believe he mentioned that in his presentation. I do understand that the federal government has prioritized culture and climate, but one of the most important discoveries to make is why families choose other education options for their children. I just provided you with free advice; hopefully, you will act upon it.

I was told that research from this author was included. Zaretta Hammond is focused on implicit racial bias. Is racism a problem among the Sanborn staff? Implicit racial bias means that everyone is inherently racist. Is this a message important for the Sanborn staff to hear? Would this kind of message be considered a violation of their civil rights? Would this violate their rights under the anti-discrimination law in New Hampshire?

Feeling of belonging is certainly a worthwhile goal. How are you helping your religious families feel welcome? One of the biggest complaints among religious families today is, the public schools have made it a hostile environment for their children.

I wanted to take this opportunity to offer you some critical analysis on this chosen speaker. I did not see any documentation on how this would result in improving literacy in the core academic subjects.

The self esteem movement has been tried, and there wasn’t much success with it back in the 80’s. Teachers and public school supporters are desperate to get back to academics.

Successful leaders look at the good and bad in order to make an informed decision. They do not just surround themselves with “yes-men.” Those who are successful want to know ahead of time if what they are doing will have positive or negative consequences. I think your staff deserves that.

They were subjected to a slick salesman selling them the latest fads in education, and many people in the audience saw right through it.

Ann Marie Banfield

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire Right to Life Urges State Senate & Governor to Oppose Assisted Suicide, HB1283

Sat, 2024-03-23 08:00 +0000

The New Hampshire House passed HB1283, also known as Assisted Suicide or Medical Aid in Dying, by a 179-176 vote this afternoon[0]. New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) and a broad coalition of other organizations[1], staunchly oppose this legislation and call on the NH Senate and Governor to reject it.

Jason Hennessey, President of NHRTL, emphasized, “As a society, we should promote a culture that values and safeguards all human life, rather than using death as a solution. Legalized assisted suicide with HB1283 undermines our efforts to prevent suicide and support those who are suffering with compassion, care, and dignity. Furthermore, it opens the door to elder abuse, to devaluing the lives of those with disabilities, and allows insurers to prioritize death over coverage for costly care, creating a horrific conflict of interest. NHRTL urges the NH Senate and Gov Sununu to uphold the sanctity of life and oppose HB1283.”

NHRTL believes Rep Terry Roy summarized the issue best during the House floor debate when he asked the question “Are we a culture of life or a culture of death?” [1] at 5:15pm.

NHRTL also highlights that in other states, patients have been denied potentially life-saving healthcare and instead given information on Assisted Suicide[2,3]. Assisted suicides have also taken place in other states for mental health issues like anorexia[4].

A 2015 study examining states that had legalized Assisted Suicide found an increase of 6.3% in the overall suicide rate, and a 14.5% increase among individuals over the age of 65 [5].

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and longest-standing organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.

0: Bill: House Debate: @ 4:15pm
1: Some other organizations opposing HB1283 include: the many members of the NH Coalition For Suicide Prevention (including Disabled American Veterans of New Hampshire, State Veterans Advisory Committee, United Spinal Association New Hampshire Chapter, Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire, ABLE New Hampshire, and Not Dead Yet) NH Cornerstone, American Academy of Medical Ethics, Catholic Diocese of Manchester, and Americans United for Life.
5: [full paper]

Jason Hennessey
President, New Hampshire Right to Life

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Illegal Immigration … The Magic Carpet

Sat, 2024-03-23 02:00 +0000

In 2020, during what passed as the Democrat primary, Joe Biden pledged that he would open the border. If … IF … you really cared about protecting America from an illegal immigrant invasion, you would have gotten 100 percent behind Trump. Did Ayotte? Did Sununu? Did Mikey Graham? NO, NO and NO. Just the opposite.

They stealth-supported Biden.

These three and their ilk are such phonies. Their sudden interest in and opposition to illegal immigration is because they see illegal immigration as the magic carpet that will transport Ayotte into the Governor’s office. This is the same Ayotte who supported AMNESTY as a U.S. Senator: Will History Repeat Itself … How Ayotte Flipped On Illegal Immigration After Being Elected Senator.

Sadly and tragically, Republicans as a Party have sat on their hands for three years. Our country has already been transformed … 10 MILLION ILLEGALS have invaded under the Biden-Regime. One-Party rule isn’t coming. It’s here. Some clarity from Tucker:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Ad I’d Like to See

Sat, 2024-03-23 00:00 +0000

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had occasion to watch Robert F. Kennedy Jr. give testimony before Congress.  Most recently, he was trying to explain why a hearing on censorship should not itself be subject to censorship.

That’s worth watching for the content alone. But in addition, it’s been so long since we’ve had a presidential candidate who could accurately be described as ‘presidential’ that it’s good to be reminded of what one looks and sounds like.

Although we disagree on some policies, I think he and I share one of our deepest beliefs:  If we’re ever going to get anywhere worth going, we need to start having better conversations.

Towards that end, I tend to focus on things like making sure we agree on the meanings of the words we’re using, avoiding common logical fallacies, agreeing ahead of time on what kind of discussion (moral or cost-benefit) we’re going to have, and so on.

He tends to focus on things like mutual respect and freedom from censorship.

I want people to stop having the wrong conversations. He wants people to start having the right ones.

But we’re after the same thing—making public discussions more like conversations and less like sporting events.

So, given that he’s currently one of the most censored people in the world, how can we get people to listen to him defend the importance of speech that is both free and collaborative, even on topics that people  are divided on?

A good ad can go a long way towards that.  Do you remember the famous 1984 ad that Apple ran during Super Bowl XVIII?  If you haven’t seen it, take a look now. (It’s hard to believe that it was made 40 years ago.)

What I’m imagining is a variation on this theme.

You start by seeing two groups instead of one, each facing away from the other, listening to two different demagogues rant on two giant screens about how the people facing the other way are ‘the biggest single threat to our way of life’ or something like that.

Both screens are plugged into a single outlet. You see a hand reaching towards the plugs and hear RFK Jr.’s voice saying, ‘This has to stop.’  The hand pulls out both plugs.

Cut back to the original view.  The screens are blank and quiet.  The people are looking around in a daze as if just awakened from a dream.

We hear RFK Jr. ‘s voice saying, ‘We have to start talking to each other as neighbors, treating each other as human beings, respecting each other as fellow Americans. We have to stop reflexively viewing each other as existential threats. We have to start talking to each other instead of about each other.’

And people start crossing the aisle warily at first, but shaking hands, introducing themselves, and easing into civil conversations with each other.

Because his voice is so distinctive, you wouldn’t even have to identify this as an ad for RFK Jr.  I mean, except for all those laws… made by Congress… abridging freedom of speech.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Freedom Of Speech And Thought Is On The Block

Fri, 2024-03-22 22:00 +0000

The recent unfortunate event in New York City, which honored the promoted FDNY members, poses many questions about rights and decisions. As does the outburst by the Gold Star father who shouted down Joe Biden as he delivered the State of the Union address.

Freedom of Speech is paramount to a free society, as is decorum and respect for those around us. It is a balancing act, but Freedom of Speech is protected in the Constitution. I do not think decorum appears in that incredible document. The incidents at the NYFD honor ceremony and the Joe Biden State of the Union may be guilty of lacking decorum, but they should be protected speech.

The incident at the FDNY event would never have happened if anyone else had been at the microphone other than New York Attorney General Letitia James. You have to ask if she was on the program before or after the ruling in the Trump v. NYC fraud case. Either way, she had no connection or place at this ceremony. That is how the firefighters in the audience saw her appearance. As soon as James was introduced, the boos rang down from the rank and file. The boos quickly evolved to calls for Trump. The audience’s actions embarrassed James, and her ego will not allow that insult to her highness to go unchecked. There is an investigation into who was chanting with the threat of disciplinary action for anyone not coming forward to confess. The AG and the Fire Department are using the fact these folks were on the clock and, therefore, guilty of insubordination. That is pretty lame.

The gentleman with the loud voice at the SOTU was Gold Star Father Steve Nikoui, who lost one of his sons during the botched evacuation of Afghanistan in 2021. The heckling was a reference to an attack at the Abbey Gate of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Afghanistan that occurred during the evacuation. Nikoui was further devastated in 2022 when he lost another son to suicide. His son was unable to get over the loss of his brother. Life circumstances do not, and maybe should not, be an excuse for a person’s actions. But under the circumstances, most people feel that Nikoui should be given some leniency, for he has already paid a huge price that will continue for the rest of his life. For nearly two weeks, the charges remained on the books until Tuesday night, when the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia — which is under the direct supervision of Attorney General Merrick Garland, announced the charges against Nikoui had been dropped. This is a decision most people can support.

These are two examples of the existence of a microscope we all live under in this new world order. If what you say merely offends someone or a party, you are guilty, and we will find a charge to fit. Free Speech to Democrats is an inconvenient right that needs to be controlled. That control is in the form of political persecution. Other examples are people praying outside of abortion clinics, conservative speakers on American college campuses, or the practice of avoiding coverage of any Donald Trump speech, calling them all misinformation.

The rules have changed, and we no longer need debate or a vote to make those changes. The Democrats. who used to say they were the Party of the People, are now the Party of power and self-preservation.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

House Passes Renewable Energy Standard Amidst Cloud of Baloney

Fri, 2024-03-22 20:00 +0000

This week, the House voted in favor of H.287, an act relating to the Renewable Energy Standard, by a vote of 99-39, with eleven members absent. Even with a half-dozen or so Democrats joining all of the Republicans in voting NO, it looks like the Democratic Party leadership has twisted enough arms, if everyone were present, to override a gubernatorial veto. Here’s to hoping Senators have more common sense.

The overall issue with this bill is that, by some estimates, it will cost electric utilities an additional $1 billion to purchase power over the next decade. When fully implemented, this means as much as an additional $192 will be tacked onto the average Vermonter’s annual electric bill. This is on top of other factors leading to higher costs, such as increased demand, inflation, etc.

The added cost in H.289 comes largely from the fact that lawmakers are forcing utilities to buy more in-state renewable energy from companies that are, coincidentally, major donors to their campaigns and causes. The utilities themselves and the Department of Public Service backed another plan to meet the Net Zero emissions goals for a fraction of the cost by allowing the utilities to buy clean power from any available source. But this bill isn’t really about emissions, it’s about cronyism.

So, what do regular old Vermonters get for this added expense? Not a damn thing!

This point was made clear in a floor debate exchange between Representatives Gina Galfetti (R-Barre Town) and Laura Sibilia (1-Dover: pictured above). Well, clear despite the rhetorical smoke screen of jargon and obfuscation (that’s a polite term for the fecal waste of a male bovine) thrown up by Sibilia, which was truly monumental. Let’s analyze!

Here’s Galfetti’s question, “Scientifically speaking, what impact will moving the RES target up by two years and increasing the mandate from [75] percent to 100 percent renewables, as S.289 would have us do, have on future climate trends and extreme weather events in Vermont?” Pretty straightforward. Could answered with one word: none.

Instead, after re-stating the question a couple of times Sibilia starts spewing the kind of word salad non-answer to a simple question that she is, hat tip, the master of. I’ll interject my thoughts in brackets and italics as they occur.

SIBILIA: “One of the important factors of the work that Vermont has done around climate change is committing to the Paris Accords. Why is that important? [It’s not. Particularly in regard to the question? But do go on….] That is important because there are other much larger countries, much larger states, that are also committed to the Paris Accords and to reducing carbon emissions. Why does that matter for Vermont? [It doesn’t. You’re presenting something irrelevant as if it were a relevant point in order to avoid answering the question.] We – and as someone who lives in rural Vermont I feel acutely – we run the risk if we are not keeping apace of falling pretty far behind and falling behind pretty quickly [Now, here’s an opening for Galfetti to ask, okay, what are the consequences of ‘falling behind’ in terms of impact on future climate trends and extreme weather events in Vermont? Answer: none, unless you count Vermont ratepayers saving a billion dollars as a consequence.], and our most vulnerable will be subjected to that falling behind. [Another opening to ask really? How so?] We’ve seen this with the transition —

At this point, Representative Joe Parsons (R-Newbury) called for a point of order, stating what should have been obvious to any rational person in the room: “I’m hearing a speech and not an answer. I don’t think she’s giving an answer; I think she’s just giving a speech.” Yup! But Speaker Jill Krowinsky (D-Burlington), of course, ruled that Sibilia’s “answer” was just fine. Let’s get back to it….

SIBILIA: “We frequently have this debate here when we are talking about the energy transition: ‘This is not going to fix the climate here in Vermont.’ And we are not an island here. [No, we’re not. Without China, Russia, India, etc. on board doing these same things – and they are emphatically not on board — our efforts here are entirely wasted. So how is this worth an extra billion dollars on your constituents’ electric bills?] So, what is the effect that this Renewable Energy Standard is going to have on the climate here in Vermont? It’s the same that it will have across the United States. [Yes, none. Why can’t you just say that? NONE!]

It’s not going to stop the impacts of climate change we are seeing and feeling right now here. What it will help with is allowing more distributed energy, more renewable energy in our state and gives us greater resilience for stronger storms and more frequent storms which we are seeing in Vermont. You know, some of our utility folks let me know whenever there are hurricane force winds now just because it’s pretty wild that that’s a regular occurrence and causing damage.

Okay, stop the tape! This is just absurd. How is more renewable energy – wind and solar – which are, in the best of circumstances, intermittent, non-baseload power – going to make us more resilient in the face of hurricane-force winds, etc.? The most wind-resistant wind turbines automatically shut down – stop producing any power whatsoever – when wind speeds hit 55 mph – 18 mph, LESS than when hurricane-force winds kick in at 72 mph. And since more rain means more clouds, which means less efficient solar generation, if we are really experiencing hurricane-force winds and the cloud cover that generally accompanies more flooding as a regular occurrence, mandating more reliance on in-state wind and solar is the last thing we should be doing.

What H.289 does is add the injury of making us LESS RESILIENT in the face of extreme weather to the insult of having to pay a billion dollars more for less reliable power. Sibilia is just flat-out lying here. Call her out!

But back to the debate…. Galfetti asks, “Okay, so I just want to be clear. Basically, ratepayers are going to have to purchase carbon [Renewable Energy] credits [or RECs] in order to not be able to measure any impact on climate change in the state of Vermont. I want to be sure that’s correct.” And here, Galfetti falls into the trap you have to be wary of when dealing with someone educated in the Bill Clinton School of It Depends on What the Definition of ‘Is’ Is.

SIBILIA – Rate payers are not required to purchase credits. None of our utilities are required to purchase credits, and when they do it is usually to maintain rates and to manage rates…. So, RECs are typically a means of keeping rates low. Low-er.

Again, stop the tape! No, ratepayers don’t ‘purchase’ RECs directly, they are forced to pay the cost of them in their electric bills. Sibilia knows this. No, utilities aren’t ‘required’ to purchase RECs if they can get all of their power from sources deemed renewable by the RES, which happens never. Sibilia knows this. That’s not what Galfetti was getting at, and Sibilia knows that too. And to insinuate that the government forcing utilities to buy RECs – an artificial cost placed on top of the actual cost of the power — to utilize certain sources of power is somehow a tool for lowering electric rates for customers is at best a grotesque attempt to mislead people.

Even so, the REC discussion was an unnecessary rabbit hole to open up and get dragged into. Who buys RECs, and a detailed discussion of how they work is at best tangential to the main point: H.289 raises the cost of electricity by as much as a billion dollars, and Vermonters get no benefit from that added expense. Ergo, there is no good reason to vote for this bill.

The floor debate over H.289 went on for roughly four hours – largely like this (I watch this stuff so you don’t have to…). And this post covering about seven minutes of it is already getting long, so I’ll wind up with one more whopper told by Laura Sibilia:

Is that [the RES] going to fix the climate in Vermont? It’s not going to fix the climate in Vermont, but it’s going to help fix – it’s going to help slow the climate change impacts globally. [Emphasis added.]

Good grief! The follow-up question to that is, “Really? By how much?” Answer: By no detectible amount. And, “Is that worth another billion dollars coming out of already struggling Vermonters’ pockets?” I’ll answer more succinctly than the Representative from Dover. “No.” It is not.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Must Watch: Climate the Movie – The Cold Truth

Fri, 2024-03-22 20:00 +0000

Thanks to everyone who sent me links to this, and it was several of you. To what? Climate The Movie -The Cold Truth. I had not set time aside to watch it but several readers were quite excited and adamant that I watch it sooner rather than later.  I did.

It was worth the time and effort. Here’s a bit from the description.


“This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It shows that mainstream studies and official data do not support the claim that we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather events – hurricanes, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and all the rest. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. On the contrary, it is very clearly the case, as can be seen in all mainstream studies, that, compared to the last half billion years of earth’s history, both current temperatures and CO2 levels are extremely and unusually low. We are currently in an ice age. It also shows that there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed many times) has ever ‘driven’ climate change in the past.”

The beauty, I think, is in how this film explains things calmly and sanely using experts who explore the issues surrounding the topic of weather and climate, history, CO2, the consensus, as well as the climate alarm industry, cash cow, and the politics.

We hope you can find time to watch it and share it.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republican Enemies of Transparency

Fri, 2024-03-22 19:00 +0000

I’m going to call a spade a spade.  There will be no sugarcoating and no special treatment for any reps that I once liked and respected, so let’s get started. Consider me the National Transportation Safety Board examining the wreckage.
88 Republicans voted the wrong way on HB 1002, making them enemies of Nashua’s citizenry. And 51 Republicans voted to indefinitely postpone HB 1414, making them enemies of transparency for Gunstock Mountain Resort.

If you’re not up to speed on HB 1002, click here, and here, for HB 1414.

These two bills were in the House today, the first being the RTK Tax and the other being a full audit of Gunstock.  It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t expecting any shenanigans at the podium in an effort to defy the Judiciary Committee’s recommendation to refer HB 1002 to interim study.  An amendment was introduced, and the bill passed, much to my disgust, as about 20+ more Rs voted incorrectly than on February 1.

And I was appalled to see certain people on the list of rogue voters to banish HB 1414 to the same fate that as SB 272 (Indefinite Postponement) in the House last year.  You can visit NH dot gov, pull up the docket, and click on the pie charts to see who voted what way on any bills that have roll calls on the record, which I’ll leave you to do as you wish.

However, I compiled a cross-referenced list of “double offenders” as there are 31 of them and I’ll point out again that I’m giving special treatment to nobody.  The list is the list just like the truth is the truth. Don’t these reps want transparency?  It is, after all, an election year, so without further delay, here is the list.


And lastly, regarding the Corner Office, I leave you with two suggested questions for Chuck Morse, in addition to asking him about his 11/19/21 crime against NH.

They are what he would do if HB 1002 or HB 1414 made it to his desk.

Kelly Ayotte already answered my question, saying she wasn’t a fan of HB 1002 on February 8 while stumping at Sky Meadow, but she needs to be asked what she would do with HB 1414 (or the new number of the next attempt at it) upon its arrival at her desk.

The post Republican Enemies of Transparency appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

American Democracy Died SIXTY (60) Years Ago

Fri, 2024-03-22 18:00 +0000

The level of DENIAL on the Right in America is breathtaking and pathetic. It is undeniable that the 2020 election was RIGGED. Yet the bitter-clingers on the Right believe that somehow 2024 will be different … even as they watch the FakeNews (I’m writing this on March 20th) run with yet another BIG LIE, the “bloodbath” hoax.

I tell people that in 2016 the world changed because it became manifest that we have a permanent government that does not care about elections AND many (not all, but many) of our supposed “representatives” represent the permanent government and NOT the voters that elected them. The permanent government, aided and abetted by the UniParty, engaged in a soft-coup against Trump from the moment he won the 2016 election … the same people who are now telling us that Trump, NOT them but Trump, is a threat to democracy.

While the non-democratic nature of America’s democracy may have become apparent in 2016, democracy’s demise really began no later than 1963 when the permanent government assassinated JFK:

But just keep pretending that democracy is alive and well in America. Ignore sound advice like the following from Jesse Kelly. Keep playing by the rules they demand you play by. Just lose gracefully.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-03-22 16:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  And if you really like the Grok, please drop them a contribution of support.

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







One of the big complains I had, and heard too, back when I was single was that women played games.  They also sent out “signals” that they thought were clear – saw a video about that, and one woman said her coy looking away and back couldn’t be clearer.  What most women do not realize is that men do not have that level of insight into human body language.





Yes, it does.  The problem is they’re not going to give up their ambitions.  Ever.












When the currency of academia is papers, you publish.










However much you hate the enemedia, you don’t hate them enough.













From here:

A Lebanese Hezbollah TERRORIST, Basel Bassel Ebbadi, was captured at Texas border!

During his interrogation he said “I’m going to try to make a bomb & set it off in New York.” He said he trained with Hezbollah for 7 years.

Border control is not political – it’s about securing America’s future!



Not IF, but WHEN, terror cells get activated.  Avoid crowds.  Head on a swivel.  And start profiling.  It’s a matter of survival now.











One of the women who cared for my now-late mother was Haitian.  Wonderful woman with a heart of gold.











Judging by the behavior of police in Covid, and now, I am starting to view all police negatively.  Understand that I don’t want to do this.  But increasingly, they’re choosing their paychecks above the people they swore to serve.





IGg4 antibodies anyone?






Answering the 7.3 billion person question.

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (











Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

LOTS of links this time.  New developments are brewing up very quickly.  Apologies, but information that’s not controlled by The State is life now.  Pick and choose, but share what piques you widely.


Watch: CBS Reporter Horrified When Black Former Democrats Say They Will Vote Trump | ZeroHedge

Assuming they stick to it, and others do make that switch as well, this is huge.  The Dems “only” need to lose 25% of blacks to lose big.

mRNA Experiments Have to Be Done Directly Inside the Cells of Animals. Guess Who the Animals Are? (

Note the last sentence in particular.

Canada rolling out social credit system, citizens’ bank accounts linked to obedience scores –

Chinada.  And double-jeopardy there now too:

Canadian facing trial again for “hate speech” after acquittal (

Liz Warren And Socialist Pals Want To Normalize Confiscation Of Assets With ‘Ultrarich’ Tax | ZeroHedge

Ultimately they want to confiscate everyone’s assets.

The need for a remote cache. – Gun Free Zone

Not just for guns.  If, at this late hour, I could figure out how to cache six months of dehydrated food, medicines, other supplies… AND guns & ammo… I’d do it.

In the latest Meme Overflow I had two articles on v0te frawd by this woman.  Here’s another one:

What happened in Nevada? Arizona? Upstate NY? This: (


The Dominion voting machine are NOT secure, and software on the machine can be used to make the “election” results anything they want:

I hope we’re all prepared for what’s coming at us. Assuming we even HAVE an election, if Slo-Joe “wins”, we all KNOW it was rigged, and then we need to decide what to do with an illegitimate government.  But if President Trump manages (by some miracle) to win with enough margin to overcome the cheat, there will be riots, lawsuits, and all kinds of BS happening between the election and the swearing in ceremony on January 20th.  I expect the Dems in Congress will refuse to certify the vote (especially since the sitting VP presides over this), and who will call them out?  Or, the TLA may decide to use the “JFK” solution.  Some on the left are ALREADY calling for that!  Which only proves how much they fear Trump getting back into the White House.

Most of us know that there is not much we can do to change what happens in Washington, DC.  However, we should all get involved in local politics, as we MAY be able to change things locally.  Here’s a good article about this from BRM:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Local, local, local

Research is showing that mRNA from the Covid-19 “gene therapy” shots actually ARE getting into the DNA of cancer cells.  Gee, who could have predicted that MESSENGER RNA (that’s what the “m” stands for) would help slip DNA sequences into other DNA?  This may be the cause of the “turbo-cancers” we’ve been hearing about.  The real kicker is this:  Will it get into OUR DNA, and if so, what mutations will it cause?  And will the “jabbed” pass the mutations on to their children?:

At the risk of a two-year-old “I told you so”… boy, do I hate being right all the time:

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

More on vaccines and the Jab specifically:

COVID jabs unleashed 12 sigma mass death event * * by Noah

In the latest judicial insanity, a Federal judge has ruled that illegal immigrants are allowed to carry a firearm.  Yes, you read that correctly.  So in many places we have “gun control” that thwarts American citizens and makes it very hard for them to get and/or carry a gun, but now it’s OK for illegals to carry.  This is definitely clown world stuff:

In order to buy a firearm (legally), I first have to go to a firearms dealer who has a Federal Firearms License (FFL) and choose a gun from them.  Then fill out a Form 4473 stating that I’m not a criminal (and it’s a federal crime to lie on that form [unless you are Hunter Biden]), get a background check to verify that I’m not a criminal (or otherwise not legally allowed to own firearms), then the government “gives permission” for the FFL to sell me the gun.  But this illegal immigrant, who did NOT fill out any forms, or get a background check, and bought the gun illegally from “somewhere”, is being told “That’s OK”.  Why should we even have to bother filling out a Form 4473 ever again?  Once again, the illegals are being giving WAY more leeway than the citizens of the country.

Added: My last purchase, there was a new 4473 form with spaces for the details of the firearm being purchased.  Now remember: when a gun shop closes, all those forms get sent to DC.  So when the shop closes, now they not only know you purchased, but what you purchased.

A comment about the clown world we live in (from Dave Ramsey, via X):

Former President Obama was just sighted going into 10 Downing Street to meet with the Prime Minister of the UK.  Pretty sure it’s not just a social call.  But since he (officially) has no power, I wonder why this meeting, and what they plan to talk about?:

The Calvin Coolidge Project on X: “New: Former President Obama has arrived at 10 Downing Street for a private meeting.” / X (

Victor Davis Hanson on the reasons people who are cynical about our legal system got that way:

Guilty!—But Not Really Guilty? – Victor Davis Hanson (

More by VDH:

Doug Ross @ Journal: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: From Russian Collusion to “Bloodbath”—A Decade of Toxic Hysteria (

After 3 years of FOIA requests, the CDC finally released the 148 page report on heart issues with the COVID-19 vaccine.  It’s pretty easy to read, though, because the ENTIRE document has been redacted!  Every. Single. Page.   What are they hiding?

And a good question:

In a recent substack titled “Cui Bono? What if?” so in essence, who benefits? The key issue I remind you is this (go back and read it), they tried to sell to you that COVID virus emerged all over the

Syrian Writer Wafa Sultan delivers a scathing rebuke of Muslims & their “peaceful” ways on Al Jazeera:

It’s been four years since the government said “15 days to bend the curve” (remember that?).  And the results were years of lockdowns, masking, threats of (and actual) job loss, de-platforming of anyone who didn’t spout the narrative, 2-3 year educational loss for millions of children, etc.  And even after we found out just how much they were lying to us, and how bad these policies were, NO ONE YET has been punished for this.  NOT. ONE. PERSON!  So tell me again why they won’t do it again?

Four years on, COVID damage remains while Fauci & Co. pay no price (

SCOTLAND: The most draconian anti-free speech laws have been enacted under a Muslim First Minister who loathes white people (

The Globalists really, really, really want to shut you up.

In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok (

Moonbat Justice Jackson Upset 1st Amendment Could “Hamstring Government” – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

And their footsoldiers really want to destroy America (and more broadly, Western Civilization).  And all White people.

The Failed Promises We Made To The Youth | Armstrong Economics

We’re supposed to make civilization be an upward curve.

Bidenomics: People Draining Their Retirement Accounts To Survive – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Larry Summers: Inflation Much Worse Than Government Says – HotAir

Home Foreclosures Soar Nationwide – Geller Report

The economy – our nation – has been betrayed.

Mayo Clinic Out With Some Interesting Parameters for Nursing Applicants – HotAir

Don’t get sick or hurt.

Truth or no consequences – American Thinker

When did we become a nation of cowards who are unwilling to take responsibility for our actions? I’m afraid that I cannot pinpoint a moment in time because we’ve been at it for so long. All I know is that we are living in a society that appears to be bereft of any modicum of blame and doesn’t seem to value accountability, or if it does, it sees it as something that is negotiable and fungible.

New Biden regulation will make gas cars effectively illegal by 2030 – American Thinker

The Founding Fathers would cringe at the level of power the executive branch has these days.  Judicial too.  Related:

Biden’s Treasury Dept. Endorses Debanking Conservatives Over Transgenderism – The Lid (

Joe Biden’s Treasury Department has apparently endorsed the policy of financially destroying anyone who would dare disagree with the extreme transgender agenda.

According to Just the News, the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network has decided to treat funding of terror networks exactly the same way they treat those who would oppose transgendering small children.

Homeowner Arrested For Trying To Move Into Her Own Property – Louder With Crowder

A woman in New York got arrested because she tried to change the locks on her own home after a group of people broke into the house and moved in.

Biden’s America: Venezuelan Tik-Tok Influencer Coaches Illegal Aliens on How to Invade American Homes and Invoke Squatter’s Rights | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Douglas Andrews: NYT Laments Losing the Disinformation War | The Patriot Post

However much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.

‘Shark Tank’ Star Kevin O’Leary Blasts CNN Over Their Glee About Sizing Trump’s Assets – The Lid (

Every Alone Show Winner Had This in Their Backpack – Ask a Prepper

Good lessons here IMHO about survival, especially if SHTF.  From the same site:

If You Grow This in Your Garden, You Will Never Starve – Ask a Prepper

Read This Now, Thank Me Later – Ask a Prepper

Hidden Weapons in Your Supermarket – Ask a Prepper

We Need Chinese Products to Fight a War With China | Frontpage Mag


Hunter Biden is trying to have a judge declare that his laptop is “off limits” so that no evidence found on the laptop can be used against him (or anyone else in the Biden family).  Also, he wants anyone who published it online to take the information down.  Of course, this would throw a major monkey wrench in several court cases and impeachment proceedings.  But luckily for the Biden family, the case got “steered” to a judge who donated to (and voted for) Slo-Joe, and was appointed to the bench BY “president” Biden just a few months ago.  What a coincidence!

UPDATE: Operational Lawfare Targeting Marco Polo, Garrett Ziegler and the Biden Laptop Dossier Directly Impacts Biden Impeachment Inquiry – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

A good video (about 11 minutes) that lays out how the National Police Association is pushing back against the Illinois Supreme Court (which recently upheld the massive ban on pretty much any semi-automatic firearm):

Michigan lawyer Stefanie Lambert went to a DC court to show absolute evidence of the Dominion voting machines being rigged.  She was asked to stay after the court adjourned, and then SHE was the one they arrested:

Michigan Lawyer Stefanie Lambert Arrested by US Marshals in DC Following Court Appearance — After Submitting “Evidence of Numerous Crimes” | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

General Flynn, Ron Paul, and several other “pretty savvy folks” are predicting a major “Black Swan” event before the elections.  Have cash, food, meds, shelter, and ways to defend all of that on hand:

Former National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn Predicts a ‘Black Swan’ Event Before 2024 Election (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


WORLD WAR III and BLACK SWAN EVENTS: “Avoidable” by Description, “Unavoidable” by Design – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

This is an article about a “gaming app” made by a retired Air Force Colonel who has a strong intelligence background.  It games out what will happen in the United States on our way to the 2024 election.  Something to note:  Over 80% of those who finish the “game” feel that a civil war or major breakup of the US is coming, and it may start even BEFORE the election.  Keep your head on a swivel, folks:

Some more “upsetting, but not surprising” news about the Covid shots.  Looks like they can create prions, which cause encephalitis (and Mad-Cow disease).  What’s REALLY worrisome is that these prions are through-the-air transmissible.  Of course, if the whole point is to kill off billions of people, this is a feature, not a bug…

Could The Clot Shots Unleash Prion Disease? (

I’m very privacy minded, so I’m looking at the UP Phone from, as it’s a secure smart phone.  Full disclosure:  I have no financial interest in this, I just thought it was cool

The new narrative is that because of his “bloodbath” comment a couple days ago, and the fact that he “owes” $455 million in fines, Trump is now a national security risk: — The First Amendment is hanging by a thread as SCOTUS seems to be leaning toward supporting government censorship of any information that they deem “not acceptable”.  If this government is given the OK by SCOTUS to censor social media, the First is done, and with it, the United States of America: — My friend concludes: Folks, I hope these are helping people to wake up, because just pulling this together is depressing.  Frankly, I’m very upset that the country I served # years in uniform for is almost unrecognizable anymore.  Find your “tribe” (people you can trust), and work with them to help each other.




Pick of the Post:



The federal government collected $271 billion in February, but spent $567 billion. This means that America is spending twice as much as it earns, according to the US Treasury Department. The cost of servicing the US national debt has already exceeded $1 trillion on an annual basis, and the country issues $1 trillion worth of Treasury bonds every 100 days to keep the government running.
Which brings to mind this essay I did on my old blog: E I Feel Like Sarah Connor The Coming Financial Collapse


Collapse is coming.  It can’t be stopped.  It can’t be avoided.  More importantly, understand that it’s been planned, and for a long time.

Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS)




Palate Cleansers:



I’ll show myself out.




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

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The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Process is the Punishment

Fri, 2024-03-22 14:00 +0000

So, what happens if the Trump verdict in New York is overturned or if the fine is reduced to a more reasonable value? (Which — given that normal procedures were followed, and no one was harmed — would be around $10 at most.)

Is Letitia James going to use the power of the state to reverse the sales of all those buildings and business holdings that she seized or forced him to sell to pay his bond? Or can she just get away with saying, ‘Oops, my bad?

This is what it looks like for the process to become the punishment in itself:  The government, with virtually unlimited resources, can make bankruptcy the cost of defending yourself against charges that don’t have to have any basis in fact or law.

The point of an appeals process is that judges often don’t get it right. Decisions are overturned on appeal all the time. But more tellingly, we see split decisions, where a panel of judges looks at the same facts and law and comes to opposite conclusions.

This happens in about 2/3 of SCOTUS rulings. So right now, the odds are 2-1 that at least some Supreme Court justices would regard half a billion dollars as an ‘excessive fine’ for a conviction where there was no actual crime.  There’s a better-than-even chance that a majority would agree.

But even if Trump wins, he still loses if he has to liquidate a business empire to post a bond against a fine that should never have been handed down as the result of a conviction that should never have happened, which is itself the result of charges that should never have been filed.

The only winners are the ones who understand that these kinds of games are won simply by prolonging them.  They are wars of attrition.

And it’s not just individuals that can be punished.  It’s entire countries.

Isn’t this what’s going on at the border?  It may be years before the courts get around to declaring that states can enforce their own borders with foreign countries if the federal government declines to do that.  Will the federal politicians and bureaucrats who have allowed millions of people to cross the border in the meantime be able to get away with just saying, ‘Oops, our bad’?

Isn’t this what happens in asset forfeiture cases? Isn’t this what happens when the government decides to ‘search’ an innocent person’s car by tearing it apart because he’s got the wrong sticker on the bumper or seize all the records and electronic devices from a journalist who has been publishing the wrong kinds of things? Isn’t this what happens when a candidate is removed from a ballot because of an allegation for which he’s never been formally charged, let alone convicted?

This has become so common that it’s got a name:  lawfare.  It’s using the legal process itself as a form of punishment.

‘Sentence first–verdict afterwards!’ said the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.  As they’ve been saying lately about George Orwell’s 1984, it was supposed to be fiction, not an instruction manual.

The post The Process is the Punishment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maybe Hodor Works at the CDC

Fri, 2024-03-22 12:00 +0000

The latest outrage from the CDC is a redacted 148-page report on myocarditis. There’s nothing there. Every page is blank. The research is nothing but textless pages. They don’t even show the word myocarditis. There’s nothing to see here; move along, please.

No, I don’t think that’s going to fly.

There’s obviously something very damning that they’re trying to hide. Dr. @P_McCulloughMD says we’re witnessing an “active cover-up” of a “colossal consumer product safety debacle.” “Pfizer recorded 1223 deaths with their product within 90 days of release. People were calling Pfizer in desperation, watching their family members die after taking the vaccine.” 

I had some thoughts about what might, in fact, be there were the pages not redacted, the research not censored.

Hodor.  Hodor Hodor. Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor. Hodor. Hodor, Hodor – Hodor – Hodor Hodor.

And so on for 148 pages.

I know, there’s no reason to redact that, but you get the point. They could have replied with 148 pages of Hodor to the same effect.

Can we quote you?


Thank you.

There is (of course) a deep and significant meaning behind Hodor’s impairment, and if you do not know the story, I won’t ruin it for you. The CDC, however, is unlikely to have any honorable moments to define why it released a report with nothing in it. What it does demonstrate is a new level of arrogance. Maybe not that new.


The post Maybe Hodor Works at the CDC appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-21-2024

Fri, 2024-03-22 11:00 +0000

It was another week of wins and losses at the NH State House, and Transparency lost big time. You can get more details on that here if the urge strikes, for or purpose is different. We bring you news of Republicans who missed Roll Call votes and how many.

Reporting on attendance can sometimes rub people the wrong way, so last week, our data guy provided more context. We are providing two bits of information. Who missed roll call votes this week (at yesterday’s 3/21/24 session), and how many Roll Call votes they’ve missed all year?

Missing votes or having to be absent for a day is part of life, and constituents shouldn’t get too wound up about it. After all, if it’s that important, you should run and then get there for every vote. Missing a lot of votes is a … systemic problem.

Voting the wrong way on key votes is also a problem but that is not the purpose of this update. We’re looking for serial offenders and there are a handful.

Roll Called votes missed yesterday are on the left. Total Roll Called votes missed all year, on the right. The list is sorted by missed votes this week (on the left) so, for example, Travis O’Hara only missed ten roll call votes this week but has missed over 100 this year. He’s a bit further down the list as is Tony Piemonte (only missed 7 yesterday but 84 YTD).

3/21 YTD
28 Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford) 167
28 Coulon, Matthew (R, Pike) 56
28 Pitre, Joseph (R, Farmington) 49
28 Panek, Sandra (R, Pelham) 41
28 Proulx, Mark (R, Manchester) 35
28 Andrus, Louise (R, Salisbury) 28
28 Mooney, Maureen (R, Merrimack) 28
28 Murphy, Michael (R, Gorham) 28
28 Prout, Andrew (R, Hudson) 28
19 Durkin, Sean (R, Northumberland) 20
12 Fedolfi, Jim (R, Hillsborough) 18
11 Guthrie, Joseph (R, Hampstead) 36
10 O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont) 108
10 Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont) 80
10 Varney, Peter (R, Alton) 54
10 Beaudoin, Richard (R, Gilford) 30
10 Wolf, Dan (R, Newbury) 29
10 Harley, Tina (R, Seabrook) 17
10 McCarter, Nikki (R, Belmont) 11
10 Brouillard, Jacob (R, Nottingham) 10
10 Cambrils, Jose (R, Loudon) 10
10 Cushman, Leah (R, Weare) 10
10 Gerhard, Jason (R, Northfield) 10
10 McMahon, Charles (R, Windham) 10
9 Lundgren, David (R, Londonderry) 38
9 Thackston, Dick (R, Troy) 31
9 Brown, Carroll (R, Bristol) 15
9 Hunt, John (R, Rindge) 12
9 Bernardy, JD (R, South Hampton) 9
7 Piemonte, Tony (R, Sandown) 84
5 Infantine, William (R, Manchester) 25
2 Crawford, Karel (R, Moultonborough) 43
2 Bordes, Mike (R, Laconia) 26
2 Berry, Ross (R, Manchester) 8
2 Terry, Paul (R, Alton) 7
2 Comtois, Barbara (R, Center Barnstead) 2
2 Potucek, John (R, Derry) 2
1 Bickford, David (R, New Durham) 12
1 Smith, Steven (R, Charlestown) 5
1 Layon, Erica (R, Derry) 3
1 Ammon, Keith (R, New Boston) 2
1 Connor, James (R, Rochester) 2
1 Aylward, Deborah (R, Danbury) 1
1 Turcotte, Len (R, Barrington) 1

The post NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 3-21-2024 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/21/24)?

Fri, 2024-03-22 10:00 +0000

We learned that it took from 10 am until 8 pm, with an hour break for lunch, to get through 44 bills, their amendments, and all the various motions. It was a very long day, but we got some good work accomplished. I won’t go through everything, but let’s review some highlights.

We learned that HB1528 passed on a voice vote. This amended bill will ensure adequate reporting and police protocols are in place so that the governor and the legislature will receive the information they will need to properly fund the new Northern Border Program.

We also learned that a bill that would have added transparency to Gunstock operations was Indefinitely Postponed 230-143. HB1414 died after a tabling motion failed 45-329. I don’t understand why a forensic audit would be considered a bad thing. Would sunshine melt the snow?

We learned that women’s sports in NH had a win today! HB1205, the “Fairness in Women’s Sports Act”, passed 189-182 on a roll call vote. This bill as amended applies to school grades 5-12 and prohibits biological males from participating on biological female sports teams. New Hampshire schools would need to classify their sports teams as either female, male, or coed. The bill also provides for a cause of action if a student is deprived of athletic opportunities, is subjected to retaliation, or suffers any direct or indirect harm. The bill seeks to protect biological female athletes from physical harm as a result of competing with biological males who are physically taller, stronger, and heavier than biological females. Science has proven that there are physical advantages that biological males have over biological females. This bill protects women’s sports and truly levels the playing field.

We learned that HB1654, another attack on the successful Education Freedom Accounts, was Indefinitely Postponed with a roll called vote of 191-183. We also killed HR30 with the same tally of 191-183. That bill would have made a resolution to urge a robust climate education in schools including current environmental and economic information. How about we concentrate on teaching kids to read and write and do proper math instead of propagating “Climate Change Anxiety” and foisting upon them the notion that we have a “disastrous anthropomorphic climate emergency” while teaching them to hate business and industry?

We learned that we dealt with a number of election law bills. HB1098 passed 192-175 which allows town election officials to deliver and assist with the distribution and processing of absentee ballots to residents of eldercare facilities. We also passed HB1119, with a vote of 282-92, which consolidates the reasons a voter may request an absentee ballot on the Monday before an election that may be impacted by an impending severe weather concern (ex: snowstorm). We killed HB1149 with an Indefinite Postponement vote of 190-184. That bill would have brought us back to the “honor system” days when you didn’t need an ID to vote and we took people at their “pinky swear” word that they lived in the district, and voter fraud was as easy as can be. We tabled a bill, HB1099, with a vote of 188-186, which would have enabled specification of party affiliation in school district elections. Rep. Robert Wherry (R-Hudson) channeled Lesley Gore this week with his entertaining rendition of “It’s my party and I’ll vote how I want to, I’ll vote how I want to…”

We learned that the annual Democrat attack on Columbus Day failed yet again. HB1135 was the 7th time that the attempt to remove or rename Columbus Day has come to us. This bill died 331-42 on a roll called vote. It would be nice if they didn’t waste our time with this nonsense.

We learned that HB1683, relative to coverage of circumcision under the state Medicaid plan, was tabled 188-187. There were concerns regarding Jewish ritual circumcision being denied, but the reality is that that is done on the 8th day, at home, with a privately hired mohel (rabbi). No Medicaid money is paid for that. Circumcisions done in the hospital are elective surgeries that really do not need to be paid by Medicaid. In any case, Rep. Paige Beauchemin (D-Nashua), who laid out all of her important nursing credentials, seemed to have talked forever, and we wish that had been cut off instead. That being said, Rep Emily Phillips (R-Fremont) reminded us that “foreskin is not a birth defect and no one wants less penis.” I’ll just leave that there.

We learned that the ghost of HB1002 (the fees placed on the Right To Know Law) paid the House a visit again, coming back from the Judiciary Committee after the House sent it back to them on 2/8/24 with a recommit motion. Today, the Interim Study motion on this bill failed (105 Yes-266 No), and then an amendment was offered. Members of the Judiciary Committee worked hard to craft an amendment (2024-1173h) that would only charge for electronic communications (emails, texts), and only after the first 250 of those, plus the time it takes to redact them. There are exemptions to the fees if you’re poor or information disclosure is in the public interest – although media requestors are not exempt. The amended bill ultimately passed with a roll called vote of 268-106. Now, it will be taken up in the Senate.

We learned that HB1115, relative to the termination of tenancy at the expiration of the tenancy or lease term, passed 194-180 on a division vote. This bill adds the expiration of the term, of the lease or tenancy if over six months, as grounds for eviction. A contract should be as the contract states. As the law stands now a landlord can’t evict someone at the end of their lease because of a bad ruling in 2005 by the NH Supreme Court. They decided that the end of a lease does not constitute “good cause” for evicting a tenant. What part of “end of lease” did they not understand?

We also learned that last week, HB1336 was tabled by a voice vote. Today it was removed from the table with a vote of 189-183. An amendment was offered (2024-1271h) which changed the bill to make it allowable for an employee to keep a loaded firearm in his personal locked vehicle while at work at a publicly funded business. The premise being that a publicly funded business would have to support Constitutional rights. The bill would also still remove any civil liability on the part of the employer should there be an illegal use of that firearm by a third party – as in if the car or firearm was stolen from the parking lot. Of course, our “firearm worry wort” colleague Rep. David Meuse (D-Portsmouth) had great concerns that a child would escape from a daycare center and somehow get into a locked car in the parking lot and get a hold of a firearm and “something bad would happen”. One has to wonder where he dreams up these scenarios. But he also invoked the Constitutional rights of the business owner. Rep. Terry Roy (R-Deerfield) commended Rep. Meuse on his newfound love of the Constitution, and Rep. Jennifer Rhodes (R-Winchester) said, “A child in daycare has more chance of being harmed by an elected official” (a reference to past Democrat Rep. Laughton and Tyngsborough daycare in June 2023). Nuff said.

Additionally, we learned that HB1283 – the assisted suicide bill – ultimately, after many motions and an hour and a half of floor speeches, passed OTP/A 179-176. I think they were trying to talk us to death. It is interesting that the breakdown of the votes was that the 179 Yes were comprised of 36 Republicans and 143 Democrats, and the No votes were comprised of 142 Republicans and 34 Democrats. Prior to the OTP/A vote we tried to Table the bill – that failed 155-217. We tried to Indefinite Postpone the bill – that failed 150-212. All votes were roll called so you can check it out. This bill will now go off to the Senate. Perhaps they can assist in the bill’s suicide there.

We also learned that the bill that would give the Commissioner of the Dept. of Education subpoena power, HB1353, was Tabled 293-58 after the amendment died 169-178. Seeing as we didn’t have the votes to pass it, it was decided tabling would be better for now.

We further learned that HB1664, relative to legal remedies for individuals who receive medical detransitioning, was Indefinitely Postponed 181-164 (181=R:8 D:173). This was a tough one to lose as the day wore on, and Republican numbers began to dwindle. This would have established standards for a cause of action to recover damages for injury caused by gender transition surgery, the administration of puberty-blocking drugs, and/or the administration of cross-sex hormones. A 3-year time limit of action would be established, and informed consent is a concern. This bill was important because many who have transitioned are now regretting it, especially as health problems emerge, and they are now seeking detransitioning services. Permanent injury is a real thing.

We also learned that HB1479 was ultimately Indefinitely Postponed 211-129. This was the bill that would have prohibited the use of federal, state, and local funds to pay for lobbying activities. Organizations that offer lobbying services would have to separate the lobbying activity and fund it differently than with public money. Rep. Gregory Hill (R-Northfield) offered an amendment (2024-0982h) which he deemed, “If you like your lobbyist, you can keep your lobbyist”. Among other things, it allowed for town officials to choose services that organizations may provide, including lobbying activities. That amendment failed 135-207. Then Rep. Josh Yokela (R-Fremont) offered another amendment (2024-1160h), which allowed towns to vote via warrant article for whether they want to use tax money to pay for lobbying activities or not. That amendment failed 117-224. A Table motion also failed 135-205. There are other issues with this bill, as well as current law and how it is or is not being adhered to. At the end of the day, we did not have the votes to keep tax money from being used to pay lobbyists. By the way, we also saw firsthand how lobbyists lobbied our constituents to ask us to vote against the bill, and the misinformation that was spread about the bill was pretty incredible.

We learned that as the hour began to get late, around 6 pm, our House Speaker’s office brought us all snacks to enjoy in the back anteroom: fruit, cookies, granola bars, and there was coffee too. Soon after that, NH Democrat Party Chair Ray Buckley sent his Democrat House caucus many boxes of pizzas for them to enjoy in their ante room, and we heard that it came with instructions not to share with Republicans. Just so you know.

We learned that when speeches are done and voting is ready to begin you cannot enter the House Chambers…Even if you are Speaker of the House. Yes, while Deputy Speaker Steven Smith was presiding, our House Speaker Sherm Packard was locked out of House Chambers. I guess he’ll have to make it back in quicker time next time.

We further learned that HB1584 passed on a voice vote after an ITL motion failed 159-167. This bill would alleviate the daycare crunch by allowing unlicensed daycare operators to care for four kids versus 3. Of course, Rep. David Paige (D-Conway) painted this grim picture of some rural, unlicensed, unqualified, ill-equipped daycare provider living in a firetrap and unable to evacuate four kids from a fire in her home. He must get worry wort training from Rep. Meuse (see above). The Democrats just spend their days thinking up worst-case scenarios for every bill that tries to do good and solve problems, especially if that bill was not written by them. Republicans, on the other hand, understand unmet needs and balance access and affordability while maintaining quality and safety in this day care issue. We understand truly what is good “for the children”.

We learned that Democrats want to solve the childcare crisis by throwing money at it. HB 1611 died 163-162 along complete party lines (163 R’s 162 D’s). They wanted to set up a childcare workforce fund – non-lapsing and continually funded. This would be overseen by the Dept. of Health and Human Services and money would be distributed as “grants” to employers and given to eligible child care providers. Wait… I thought Democrats were vehemently opposed to public money going to pay for private services (like EFA’s)… I am so confused.

Finally, we learned that Rep. Joe Sweeney (R-Salem) has a new name: Rep. Indefinite Postpone, since he’s always up to making that motion. Good one, thanks to Deputy Speaker Steven Smith!

There’s more to come next week, so stay tuned! There will be two new Democrats seated in the House as a result of special elections, so that means there will be a slimmer majority of House Republicans, and Ray Buckley has two more mouths to feed.

The post So, Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (3/21/24)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: You Are Not Saving the Planet, but You Are Ruining Life on It …

Fri, 2024-03-22 02:00 +0000

Every spring, no matter how soon or how late it arrives, we have frogs and the things frogs eat. We have the things that eat frogs and that eat them, and so on—the circle of life. Everything eats something else.

Every year, no matter the winter, the weather, or the ranting of greedy politicians, climate cultists, or their media allies, it all just keeps happening. And that will continue, warm or cold, wet or dry, even if Joe Biden manages to start World War III. Some years after a long planetary sigh, with or without us, the things we see now, this year, and every year will happen again or things very similar to them. We can’t wreck the world. We can only wreck our world.

The Earth is a greater god than even you. It will recover. We may not. And perhaps that is what you mean, but if it is, why then do you do so much to make the world so miserable a place?

Are you compelled to be the gods you denied exist? To fill the hole created by your secular humanism. Some fill it with sports teams, hobbies, exercise, book clubs, being an insufferable busybody, short-term relationships, drugs, alcohol, gambling, or causes. Gangs, violence, or politics (apologies if I’m being redundant).

The problem with secular humanists playing god is that they don’t imagine they need to beg for forgiveness from anyone or anything while life seems certain. Their pleasure comes from pretending they are doing good, no matter how much harm it causes, regardless of how wrong their prophesies are or how corrupt or demented their leadership.

I can assure you that you are not saving the planet, but you are ruining life on it for the people who are here now for reasons that mean nothing to the Earth in the grand scope but everything to the partisans, politicians, and despots raping it and us today.


The post Night Cap: You Are Not Saving the Planet, but You Are Ruining Life on It … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Need An Adult To Intervene In New York

Fri, 2024-03-22 00:00 +0000

We need someone to step up in New York City to end this childish play for attention by corrupt, power-hungry State Attorney General Letitia James and the cartoon figure Judge Arthur Engoron. This mockery of justice has gone on too long and is now a threat to future businesses operating in New York or even this country. Who would want to invest their good money in a cesspool, lawless New York City? Certainly, nobody who sees options elsewhere, like Tennessee, Texas, or Florida.

James made no secret of the fact she was hellbent on destroying Donald Trump, his family, and his business empire. She openly campaigned and promised New Yorkers that if elected, she would spend every waking minute finding a crime that she could charge and prosecute Donald Trump. James had no evidence of a crime, which didn’t stop this deranged individual. If she could not discover an actual crime, she would fabricate one, and that is precisely what she did with this fraud case.

James filed the charges, then found herself a made-for-TV Judge in Engoran, who was as driven as James to make history by charging Trump for a crime without a victim and then handing down the largest judgment against an individual in the State and Nation’s history. Trump is on the clock to raise $454 Million just to be able to file an appeal against this absurd judgment. The evil Letitia James is salivating, hoping Trump cannot raise the funds so she can start seizing Trump’s property, beginning with the Trump Towers. James thinks it is funny when she says she looks at the building on 5th Avenue and anticipates putting the padlock on the front door.

Letitia James is an evil, ugly person. Not ugly physically, although she is that, too, but hideous in that she is motivated by the destruction of a family that has been an icon of New York City. However, Trump is guilty of one thing: his politics is adverse to AG Letitia James’s.

At this point, James and Engoran have nothing to lose. They are in for a penny, in for a pound. They have already exposed themselves as Democrat hacks who conspired to use the law to violate an individual’s Constitutional rights. They have violated the Eighth Amendment, which was written to protect someone from excessive penalties. The Constitution does not get in the way of people like James and Engoran, even though both took an oath to uphold the most extraordinary document ever written.

If the Appellate Court will not step forward in New York because they are as political and corrupt as the State Courts, then Trump has to get a Federal Judge to put a stay on this foolishness. Foolishness is a kind word for this fiasco. James will not stop. She is drunk on power. You could see that in her eyes every day as she sat in the courtroom, ecstatic to see her plan come to fruition. She will not entertain any request to delay the judgment or reduce the exorbitant penalty. She is going to sleep every night with visions of a homeless Donald Trump, but the final joke may be on her when Trump’s next address is 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The post We Need An Adult To Intervene In New York appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Public Infestation at Work

Thu, 2024-03-21 22:00 +0000

Since this President is intent upon re-election, his choice of politics over country for his State of the Union speech was a no-brainer given the opportunity of a rare national audience. However insulting this was to House members, it’s merely one Biden incident.

That which follows is more incriminating and thus should justify the public’s condemnation.

Two needless American tragedies, one after Biden’s election but prior to his inauguration while the other just recently, have sadly but appropriately framed his dreadful time in office. While separate and unrelated, most disgraceful has been both Biden’s insulting insults and indifference to each victim!

If only due to the elapsed time, Ashli Babbitt’s murder has become well known to many, but can you believe, still not all? As a January 6th unarmed protestor, this American veteran and successful business owner was shot by Michael Bryd, a Capital Police officer who owned a spotty police record. In fact a record which includes his police authority being revoked on more than one occasion, including one violation for unjustified use of force.

As stated, Babbitt didn’t present a threat and was unarmed, yet Officer Bryd shot and killed her. To this day, our Justice Department has yet to file charges, and also to this day, Biden has yet to officially recognize her killing or even to confer with her family. At the very least, Biden’s conduct shows a lack of common decency!

More recently, Laken Riley, a nursing student out for a morning run, was mugged and murdered in the most gruesome manner by an illegal alien who was arrested. This occurred during the week prior to Biden’s political speech to Congress and the nation; the one in which he also chastised Supreme Court members.

Finally and after being prodded by a Congressional attendee, Biden finally uttered her name, “Lincoln” Riley incorrectly. The next day, Biden’s shame reached new heights when he was criticized for identifying Lincoln’s alleged murderer as an “illegal alien.” He apologized for the use of the term “illegal alien” on live TV!

America has a problem, and it’s homegrown. In essence, our people’s sagging ethics and morality have enabled our political machines at local levels to have an easier task of picking the next pliable candidate to elevate to the state or Federal levels. As the public succumbs to this anti-American depravity, few candidates of worth become available or even are willing to serve.

Presently, we as a people are witnessing the horror and general disbelief of a society that has come to prefer the easy and uninhibited rather than the normal exertion of effort for supporting an orderly and moral community. Such is the case when two young flowers of American womanhood are lost without a public outcry, much less without any official criminal charge!

From all the nightly political pundits and endless blather over incidentals, only one network devoted ample time and appropriate regard to both ladies. Directly on the heels of Ms. Babbitt’s murder, this empty-suited President failed as a Commander to give appropriate recognition to the military sacrifice, which was directly attributable to Biden’s defeatist orders. As the flag-draped coffins were carried from the plane, Biden had the audacity to check his wristwatch with a show of impatience!

As much as Biden is a disgrace, he reflects a society in which too many are following in his footsteps! Our entire system has slowly but consistently been inverted to the point that now seven and eight-year-olds are questioned about their birth genders! This example of societal decay and inversion includes school officials intent on replacing parents and family as today’s generation’s caretakers! Say what? Further incriminating is that all this is taking place within a Christian-based nation!

In recent times, we have all heard that each election is the most important. However, given the above cited events and non-actions, 2024 is not just an important date, it just might be our last election! Today, it’s past debating whether the communists have infiltrated. It began long before any of us were born. However, this is our time, our calling, as was another time roughly 250 years ago. Our Founders reacted and sacrificed for a belief, whereas our calling is for survival. When comparing the difference of actions taken then and being required now, ours is doable, expected as citizens and devoid of that previous sacrifice. All that’s needed today is to vote for the preservation of freedom and for the protection of the country we love!

The post A Public Infestation at Work appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Thu, 2024-03-21 20:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok

And here are four pictures from pre-Oct 7.  Wow, that’s some concentration camp:






‘Death to Jews’ Is Still Super-Popular With Gazans Getting Their Butts Kicked by Jews – PJ Media

Israel, it turned out, was far too lenient in its treatment of Gaza since abandoning the strip almost 20 years ago. Allowing aid to pour in, cities to be built, making medical care and jobs available in Israel for those who wanted them… all that kindness brought was an even greater determination among the people of Gaza to murder more Jews.

They asked for a pounding on Oct 7. They ask for it still.

Give the people what they want, good and hard.









I would SO laugh if these “useful idiots” got shredded by a nail bomb planted by a Muslim.






The problem is this: BY DESIGN these people now have their identity.  OK, it’s a fabricated identity, but it now exists nonetheless.  Scolding them that their world view is based on a total fabrication will NOT win them over.  Myth has tremendous power.










Biden’s ‘Trojan Pier’ for Gaza – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

The Biden administration is creating a gateway to Gaza that Israel isn’t supposed to control.

The Trojan pier is not only about bypassing Israel, but also Egypt. The administration’s vision is that the new arrangement will allow it to directly move materials into Gaza without having to get permission from either Israel or Egypt. And that’s a major victory for the terrorists.

Thanks, But No Thanks: Israel Replacing US Assault Rifles with Locally Made Arms | The Jewish Press – | David Israel | 26 Adar I 5784 – Wednesday, March 6, 2024 |


American money – and aid – comes with too many strings attached.  Whether Israel or any other country, they really need to examine their priorities and work to wean themselves of American largess… which is fickle at best and subject to the vicissitudes of politics.

Have Gazans Learned Nothing? – PJ Media


Now, I want to post two multi-part essays from my old blog about this.  The first two, specifically, address Israel and the Arabs.


E Israel and the Palestinians Hard info and a harder question 1


E Israel and the Palestinians Hard info and a harder question 2


The second describes, among other topics, the power of political myth – including the “unique” identity of the Palis.  Yes, I know that only in the 1960’s did the idea of “Palestinians” as a specific entity come about.



The issue is, it’s been 60 years since then.  Multiple generations have grown up with this belief, taught it from the day of their birth.  We will make no progress if we just scoff and say that they never existed.  Denying and mocking a central part of a person’s identity is not a worthwhile exercise.

Note, these next three essays encompass much more than the Israel situation but delve into other things – hopefully enlightening, but understand they’re broad essays, not focused solely on the situation vis a vis Israel.


E The Power of Political Myth 1


E The Power of Political Myth 2


E The Power of Political Myth 3


Israel’s hasbara problem: Where is the messaging falling short? ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

I keep saying: Israel needs to release that full 47 minute tape.




A woman who grew up as the Palis took over her country tells Israel to finish the job:


You need to read her book BECAUSE THEY HATE.  One of the things that I did not know, per her book, is that they will find a gay Arab and threaten to expose him unless he becomes a suicide bomber.  Same with women who, again per her, they will rape – and then threaten exposure of her with the related shame to her family… unless she do the same.  Related, understand that shame-based culture:


Bleeding-heart American Jews like the one discussed here are not helping:


Pleasing your enemies, even taking their side, does not turn them into friends:




SO NOT A SURPRISE! Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer’s ‘rabbi’ is a far-left, anti-Israel activist who protested against the war on Hamas (

About that:

The west’s abandonment of the Jews – Melanie Phillips (

Far worse, though, was Glazer’s abuse of Judaism and the Holocaust to claim that Israel had hijacked both. He implied that Israelis were like Nazis and that their behaviour went against Jewish principles.

This to describe a war caused by the worst atrocities against Jews since the Holocaust and Israel’s attempt to ensure that a second Holocaust does not happen again.

The obscenity of Glazer’s comments can scarcely be exaggerated. The belief that demonising Israeli Jews somehow represents Jewish values is, however, a pathology that has twisted the minds of many liberal American Jews. It is being fed by a venomously distorted presentation of Israelis as child-killers in Gaza that’s being ruthlessly pumped out by western media.

In Shift, Israel Engaging Palestinian Authority on Governing Post-War Gaza | The Jewish Press – | Baruch Yedid / TPS | 4 Adar II 5784 – Wednesday, March 13, 2024 |

So, the very people who ally with Hamas, you’re going to talk with and “engage” with?

While the far-left, Hamas-sympathizing governments of the West turn on Israel… (

When someone says they want you dead, believe them.  From one of their own:

Prager U Video: Arab Palestinian Warns the World about Hamas | Frontpage Mag

Suicide by Irresponsibly-Imposed Two-State Delusion | Frontpage Mag



(HT this post at Elder of Ziyon)

Rewarding terror.

The Civilizational Masochism of the West | Frontpage Mag




Khaybar is a key event in Islam’s conquest, first of Arabia.  Understand what it means to them:

Genocidal ‘Khaybar’ Chant Sounds Again in London | Frontpage Mag

Search at Jihad Watch:

Search Results for “khaybar” (

And a video at my channel:

Understand what the cry KHAYBAR means to a Muslim (

And here’s a WOMAN Egyptian lawyer, in 2008:

Egyptian Lawyer Nagla Al-Imam Suggests Arab Men Should Sexually Harass Israeli Women and Declares: Leave the Land So We Won’t Rape You | MEMRI

A Muslim speaks on history:


And I do find something deeply ironic in a (former) porn star supporting Gaza, when that profession would have earned her a rather painful execution in the place for which she advocates.




Imagine the anguish of that dad on that phone call:


23 weeks ago terrorists brought RPGs into sleepy Israeli towns and fired on (

Isn’t deliberately targeting civilians a war crime?

No one denies Hamas was hiding in Shifa Hospital. And no one is condemning that violation of international law. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

So Hamas is free to commit war crimes and war crimes.  Israel sneezes and the world looks at it and screams.  Israel double-standard time.




Bravo to this Mizrahi Jew at Columbia University calling out the university and students:


Also in New York:


Berkeley Is a Safe Space for Hate – Tablet Magazine

Not just Berkeley.  Pretty much all college campuses at this point.  And the danger and calls for murdering Jews are getting more pointed:


How does any feminist support Hamas?


While the far-left, Hamas-sympathizing governments of the West turn on Israel… (

Video.  There is NO moral equivalence.  None.




Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History | Opinion (

In fact, as someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We keep hearing about famine and such in Gaza.  Based on the pictures below, from here, I do not think that means what they think it means.  Fruits & veggies, pastries, canned / carton goods.  Perhaps not haute cuisine, but at the same time – NOT starvation.

Market today in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.
There is no hunger in the Gaza Strip!





And from the same channel – lights, camera, editing… propaganda:


Back to conditions on the ground:

This is the Rafah market in the Gaza Strip last week.  Doesn’t look like “genocide” or “occupation” to me.


Well, unless it’s Hamas shooting at the people they’re supposed to be protecting:


And from here:


1⃣ 80% more food trucks are now entering Gaza compared with before Hamas declared war. Before 10/7, UN figures show only 70 food trucks entered Gaza every day. Since March 1, it’s a daily average of 126.

2⃣ Over 9,500 trucks with 200,000+ tons of food have entered Gaza since 10/7.

3⃣ Israel places zero restrictions on the amount of food entering Gaza and in fact encourages donor states to send as much as they want. It remains committed to ensuring as much aid as is needed enters Gaza.

4⃣ Hamas is hijacking and hoarding aid, while UN agencies turn a blind eye and on some occasions actively cover up its large-scale theft of aid.

5⃣ The United Nations has confirmed a “significant scale-up in humanitarian efforts… facilitated by the Israeli authorities across Gaza”, involving WFP trucks and Israeli cooperation with the Gazan private sector.

6⃣ Israel is facilitating aid deliveries into Gaza by air, land, and sea, with the creation of a new maritime corridor, airdrops to hard-to-reach areas, and the opening of a new gate in the security fence.

7⃣ Israel has expanded the Jordanian route, adding capacity at the Allenby Crossing for the inspection of humanitarian aid trucks to go straight to Kerem Shalom.

8⃣ The UN is failing to distribute aid at the pace Israel is facilitating its entry, with trucks piling up on the Gazan side of the crossing. The UN attributes this to a “breakdown of law and order”, i.e. disappearance of the “protection” of Hamas gunmen who escorted the convoys.

9⃣ Israel’s assessment is there is a stable food supply in the southern Gaza Strip, where markets are evidently bustling and stocks are piling up in aid agencies’ warehouses. It is taking proactive measures to expand delivery efforts in the north, where only 10-15% of the Gazan population remains despite evacuation orders.

The IPC report, which quotes Hamas figures uncritically, claims to be a projection but admits that it “does not take into account the latest developments on the ground”, including major humanitarian initiatives in the last week. As such, it’s a bad assessment, based on an out-of-date picture that cannot provide a meaningful projection of future trends

And from here:

Israel facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid via land, air and sea in accordance with international law. We have placed no limit on the amount of food that can enter the Gaza Strip.

Watch the full statement by COGAT’s spokesperson for international media, Shimon Freedman.


Hillel Fuld post on LinkedIn – with pictures

Yes, thieves in Gaza are stealing food at gunpoint ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

It’s a win win for Hamas.  They intimidate and even starve their captive population, make money off of selling the aid that was donated, and the enemedia runs with everything as a misdeed by Israel:

Hamas battle strategy (

Israel’s strategic game of survival – Flopping Aces

“Their only goal is to survive. … It’s all about time. They want to survive Israel’s attack against them, which gives them immense political power. If they survive in any way, they have strategically won the war,” said Spencer.

Hamas didn’t invent this strategy. This has been the Palestinians’ strategy for defeating Israel since at least the 1982 war in Lebanon. In that war, the PLO relied on the United States to force Israel to permit the PLO to survive to fight another day, by evacuating to Tunisia.

The Palestinians clearly identified Israel’s greatest strategic vulnerabilities and built their strategy around them. Its first vulnerability is its Jewishness. Israel is the Jew of the international community. As such, it is continuously scapegoated, just as Jews have been scapegoated throughout history. The United States is the only powerful nation that has ever been willing to stand up to international bigotry against the Jewish state. So the only thing needed to collapse Israel’s international position is for America to turn against Israel.

This goes double for military capabilities. Since 1973, Israel’s ability to maintain its war effort militarily has dependent on the U.S. resupply of arms during the course of war. By the Palestinians’ line of reasoning, if their many friends could convince Washington not to supply Israel with weapons in wartime, then they will survive.

Since all the Palestinians need to do to win is survive, their strategic aces in the hole are antisemitism and time.


The Strategy of Atrocity in the Gaza War :: Gatestone Institute

More than half, and maybe as many as 75%, of Gaza deaths are Hamas terrorists. Here’s why. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News



Israeli military tells Gazans to evacuate Al-Shifa hospital – Insider Paper

Why would a military bent on “genocide” tell people to leave a potential combat zone?




That’s a nice looking suit for an oppressed and downtrodden people.

BBC Journalists ‘Like’ Videos Celebrating Hamas Terror Attacks – The Daily Sceptic

I wonder what would happen to a journalist that liked a KKK or related video.

More Pallywood:


From here:

A Gazan woman is complaining about the situation in Gaza; you know the usual BS, “Everything is ruined, no food.” pay attention to her makeup, manicured eyebrows, and her neat apartment. But “Gaza is starving,” they tell us. The lies never end.

(Abu Ali)


And from here an exposure of how Hamas is an expert at Pallywood:

Hamas spins agitprop to appeal to western sensibilities (

Another video on the Apartheid charge – and a real case of it:


I thought this was interesting.  Truth, from a child…

It warms the heart seeing Al-Jazeera blunder on live television. A reporter describes the difficult situation in northern Gaza, particularly the meager rations available during Ramadan. A child photobombs the broadcast and says they are all liars.




Not sure where this Imam is, but… understand their mentality re non-Muslim women:

If you want to understand why it’s not Hindus, Sikhs, jews, kidnapping and torturing children across our country.

Rotherham, Oldham, Telford….

Just listen to this and understand why, their sickening mentality.


They’ve already been at it all over Europe, and now too many want to bring them to the US.  And those in the US preach this:

Sermons By California Imams In Support Of October 7th Attack | MEMRI

WATCH: Michigan Imam Calls for Slaughter of Jews | United with Israel

From here:

This is happening in Canada.

Radical Islamist Imam’s hate speech targets Zionist Jews, compares them to apes and pigs. Pure antisemitism.

We cannot allow this blind hate. Jews must be safe wherever they are. #StopHateSpeech


Illegal alien from Lebanon caught at Southern border admitted he’s a Hezbollah-trained terrorist hoping ‘to set off a bomb” in New York City (

And who is coming in?  Who is already here?  Open borders have consequences, and we won’t like them one bit.  More:

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: October 7, 2023 massacre by Hamas could be a prelude to what could happen in the rest of the world

First Saturday, then Sunday.

The Islamist Transformation of Ohio in One Video | Frontpage Mag

Demographic transformation.  And conquest by migration is a real doctrine in Islam.  If you watch this video, and don’t have a shiver run up your spine, IMHO you’ve lost your survival instinct.





US will only support ‘small-scale’ Rafah op – Report | World Israel News

Biden Admin Turns Up Pressure On Israel Not To Capture Hamas Rafah Stronghold, Arms Supplies Reportedly At Risk (

Biden Offers Israel a ‘Deal’ That Sounds Like a Threat – Commentary Magazine

The US is, apparently, bound and determined to not let Israel win.  Why?

Biden is throwing Israel under the bus to appease genocidal antisemitic voters – American Thinker

From here:

Nasrallah marks the key to the influence on Israel: continued pressure on the US

Nasrallah, in his speech this evening on the occasion of the month of Ramadan, emphasizes: Biden can stop the aggression in Gaza and Lebanon with the wave of a pen.

Here is the translation of the attached distilled minute from Nasrallah’s speech this evening:

“We must thank the many who are protesting today in the US and congratulate them whether they are Arabs or Muslims or non-Muslims, Christians and others in the Democratic Party who wrote to Biden – we are not obligated to vote for you (Nasrallah means the “white ballots” in the Michigan primaries ) – they influence Very much at this point. This is the most important pressure point on the Biden administration.

Biden is not afraid of the world, nor of the international community, nor of Allah, nor of the history books, nor of anything.

Biden is now afraid of only one thing: that his policies and conduct in Gaza will lead to his loss in the presidential elections, and therefore he is debating… and resisting… and playing… if this pressure and this opposition in the US continue – then this gives an opening for hope (that the war will stop – AA) ”

(Abu Ali)

Blinken: Israel’s ‘job No. 1’ is protecting, aiding Gazans –

Israel’s job is protecting Israelis.

Will the Biden Regime order a military attack on Israel next? (

Wouldn’t surprise me.

I don’t recall which military branch / unit has the motto “No better friend, no worse enemy”.  Increasingly, as we’ve seen over the last decades, the US can be described as “No worse friend, no better enemy”.

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki: Chuck Schumer Is A “Court Jew” Pushing Progressive Ideals – “What He Did with Israel is a Disgrace” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Yes, Schumer is a “court Jew”.

Schumer Warns Israel to Spare Hamas or Face Sanctions (

SELF-HATING, ISLAMIC TERRORIST PANDERING JEW, NY Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, threatens Israel with crippling economic sanctions if they don’t stop the war against Hamas (

Schumer’s Shame | Frontpage Mag




A Gaza children’s book that glorifies a murderer for killing a Jew ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

What a wonderful children’s book.  Not.




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MUST-SEE VIDEO: Netanyahu concisely describes Israel’s accomplishments, goals, and commitment – American Thinker

This is an existential war.  Not only for Israel, but for Western Civilization.  Islam has always said First Saturday, then Sunday.  First the Jews, then the Christians.  Support for Israel doesn’t just come from my Jewish heart, but my love of America and Western Civilization.

If Israel falls, if the West feeds Israel to Islam in appeasement, it will only steel the resolve of Islam to continue its advances.

This is the danger we face.  The line must be drawn.  Here.  Now.  Or this will turn into Shiite Islam’s wet dream – a global conflagration that precedes – in their view – the coming of their version of the Messiah.  Hence, to the Iranians at the back of all this, WWIII is not a bug but a feature.

The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Will Be Your Hot Button Issue In November

Thu, 2024-03-21 18:00 +0000

The candidates will make promises until they are blue in the face. This election cycle will be different than any of our lifetimes. You have to go back to 1956 when President Eisenhower defeated Adlai Stevenson in a rare rematch of the 1952 election. This was the last of six such rematches in history and the last until 2024. It will be the first time since Grover Cleveland that a former President ran for a second term.

Biden and Trump will have much to say as we progress towards November, but they will have to run on and be judged for their record as President. On the surface, in a battle of records, I would think President Trump would have the upper hand, but as the Republican, he has to battle Biden, the legacy media, and the swamp that is Washington, D.C. That levels the battlefield for Biden.

The orchestrated effort by the legacy media to blow the comments of Donald Trump about the auto industry entirely out of context is evidence of their collaboration with Biden. They took a snippet of Trump’s comments where he was talking about the “bloodbath” that EVs are causing in the auto industry and gaslighted America to think Trump was calling for violence. It did not matter who you listened to or which network. Every talking head appeared to be reading from the same notes.

There is no consensus or popular candidate in this race. Throw Robert Kennedy Jr or Jill Stein into the conversation, and the race gets even more divisive. This election will be about issues, and each side has the same topics on the board, but for far different reasons. Each voter must reconcile these hot-button issues and which impacts them or their family the most. The next step is to match your views with a candidate, and hope they are solid in their principles and will not flip-flop after Election Day. Nobody will give you good odds on part two working for you.

Every key issue we face has polar opposite views, and none show any signs of compromise bringing them towards the middle.

Economy: The Democrats have two data points to measure the economy. One is how high they can raise taxes before the revolution begins. The other is regulation. Biden continues to claim he is building the strongest economy in history from the middle. Unfortunately, Biden’s policies to date have all but eliminated the middle class.

Though the Democrats will not admit it, Trump showed us a better way, and by dropping tax rates and eliminating unnecessary regulations, he grew the economy, dropped unemployment numbers, and raised the average American’s salary.

The Border: This one is straightforward. Biden and the Democrats want no border and a never-ending flow of immigrants. The Republicans want a secure border, letting in only those who have proven they qualify for asylum.

Abortion: It is a shame this issue determines a Presidential choice for some. There is so much misinformation about the Supreme Court striking down Roe V. Wade. They returned the abortion to the States. Some states have adopted the most progressive abortion laws imaginable, while others have outlawed abortion completely. This is the beauty of the Republic. You have the liberty to live in whichever state matches your political views. The problem over the last fifty years, is people migrating to another state want to change the new state to conform with them. Assimilation is a foreign concept with too many people.

There are other issues, such as LGBTQ rights, immigration, crime, foreign policy, and education, but the three I highlighted are the top 3, in varying order, on virtually every voter’s list. Take a break from the candidate rhetoric, do some self-analysis of where you stand, and then see which former President deserves a second term.

The post What Will Be Your Hot Button Issue In November appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Irony Alert: Congress Wants to Ban a Platform Doing More to Protect Free Speech Than They Do

Thu, 2024-03-21 16:00 +0000

The Congressional TikTok Ban is a bad idea, and Republicans promoting and advancing it make it worse. We can wonder why they are helping Biden’s agenda but a greater issue is wanting any president to have the ability to censor any social media platforms at an executive whim.

I mentioned it here, but several readers suggested that it deserves more focus.

To be fair, there is some debate about definitions in the bill that are purposefully vague, which, to my mind, is rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. There should be no bill and no definitions, certainly not vague ones. That wiggle room means the ability to act first and answer questions later in court. A backdoor enforcement mechanism to shut down large platforms – maybe near an election, for example – because those in power decided they presented some sort of threat.

How long before that applies to any website of any size if this passes?

Not Your Job

Funny thing about free speech. That’s the point. Open, unencumbered debate is meant to threaten the status quo—directed at officers, politicians, and institutions to ensure they do not become too comfortable. There are no circumstances under which the US Government should ban, censor, silence, mute, manage, or manipulate public debate—ever. The public has first dibs on that through more speech and debate.

We also have rules for incitement that are purposefully tricky. Legal measures are in place to police legitimate threats, which, by the way, do not include violating every other form of speech in which that person(s) might engage.

The TikTok ban is a bad idea, not just because, as written, it might empower Executive Office abuses but also because it seeks to silence a platform that ironically is doing more to protect the First Amendment (at least in America) than the government trying to suppress it. A government that spies on its citizens and scrapes their data for nefarious purposes—and we’re not talking about China.

This is America trying to be more like the thing they claim to oppose, crafting laws in an attempt to make it legal.


The post Irony Alert: Congress Wants to Ban a Platform Doing More to Protect Free Speech Than They Do appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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