The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 1 min 17 sec ago

George Stephanopoulos … It’s Not Rape, When The Rapist Is A Democrat

Fri, 2024-03-15 10:00 +0000

I am old enough to remember when George Stephanopoulos and the rest of the Clinton-Regime toadies attacked the women who came forward claiming that they had been raped and sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton. You can call Steph a hypocrite for rape-shaming Rep. Nancy Mace, if you wish. But it is NOT hypocrisy.

It is hierarchy, an element of communism.

Steph and the Left believe there are two sets of rules. One for them, the rulers, and another for those who don’t want Steph and his ilk to rule over them. Hence, the same rules do NOT apply to Bill Clinton and Joe Biden as they apply to Trump. The latter is a “rapist” because a kangaroo court in New York says he is. Clinton and Biden are pro-women and their accusers are trailer-park trash, etc., etc., etc..

But just keep pretending that we can find “common ground” with Communists like Steph and that Steph and his ilk do NOT intend to steal the 2024 election as they stole the 2020 election.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Liz Cheney, Worse Than Nixon

Fri, 2024-03-15 02:00 +0000

Richard Nixon left office over a cover-up and something called Watergate. Before the internet, spying on the opposition was more hands-on, but the media was the same. Get the Republicans, protect the Democrats. When the Left spied on Trump, they thought he deserved it, even after it was exposed as Watergate on Steroids.

Democrats persisted in that fantasy for years, creating others along the way, obscuring facts, and hiding the truth with the help of helpful idiot Republicans like Liz Cheney, who recently went on another rant about how dangerous Donald Trump is. Not long after that ode to Trump Derangement Syndrome, the committee investigating the J6 Committee released a report documenting several issues that show us how dangerous Liz is.

THE SELECT COMMITTEE DELETED RECORDS AND HID EVIDENCE – Reps. Thompson and Cheney failed to turn over video recordings of witness interviews and depositions despite using these recordings in their high-profile, primetime hearings. The Subcommittee recovered over one hundred deleted or password-protected files, including some files that were deleted days before Republicans took the majority. They also hid multiple transcribed interviews of witnesses who had firsthand knowledge of Trump‘s actions on January 6.

Liz is alleged to have helped hide and erase contradictory or exculpatory evidence (to their preferred narrative), which, as we know, is the foundation of any good democracy.

On that point,

Former Representative Liz Cheney noted in her memoir that the Select Committee decided that reading witness transcripts during their primetime hearings was “unlikely to be effective” and that instead they “needed the public to see” the witness on camera recounting their testimony. According to Representative Cheney, these video recordings were indispensable in the Select Committee’s efforts to convey their narrative.

Chaney and the J6 Committee decided not to archive recorded testimony (you decide why). She also failed to keep interview transcripts that might later come back to bite them in their collectivist ass.

In addition to these missing video recordings, the Select Committee also failed to archive transcripts from numerous transcribed interviews or depositions of White House and USSS personnel interviewed by the Select Committee. 101 According to the House Clerk, a committee record is “any document, regardless of format, that …Select Committee members create, receive, or maintain.”102 The House Clerk specifically notes that “records that should be archived” include “depositions” and “transcripts.”

Exculpatory evidence was suppressed, and transcripts and video testimony were lost or deleted. Liz Cheney was at the center of everything, but why wouldn’t she be? Cheney is a name with clout in the uniparty deep state. She was offered a spot on the committee by Democrats (Pelosi) and elevated to vice-chair for appearances. A starring role in the made-for-TV programming the J6 Committee was created to produce.

And the Democrats love her. She easily repeats their lies while pretending to be a bi-partisan voice, but don’t expect her to switch parties. She has more value with an (r) next to her name. Not to anyone who values truth and transparency, but as we’ve seen in recent years, those two things are declining in America.

Fifty years ago, Richard Nixon was driven from office over a few minutes of deleted “tape” tied to an election year office break-in—a Republican president implicated in spying on his Democrat Party opponents. Cheney was voted out of office for being the meat puppet of the Vendetta party and its crusade against a member of her party before anyone knew how much evidence she’d deleted.

She should be more of a pariah after this scandal than Nixon ever was.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Fri, 2024-03-15 00:00 +0000

A Christmas Story is a well known movie in my family. While it very much annoys my mother that anyone would watch the same movie more than once, my father and my sisters and I know it by heart. Readers might ask why I would think about such a movie in March and my answer is that Ed Mosca made me do it.

Ed is a seasoned expert at calling a spade a spade, telling it like it is, and giving politically asleep-at-the-wheel people a harsh wake-up call. One might argue that those qualities are not always endearing, but they are in the same category as that stickler coach, scoutmaster, or faculty department head. You must thank them with the same mindset as Prager U’s Jocko Willink.

I just read Ed’s newest article criticizing Kelly Ayotte and I happen to agree with it. While she has no shortage of critics, any criticism of Chuck Morse should not be taken as a Kelly Ayotte endorsement.  Let’s be clear on that.  And with that said, I want Chuck, a well-known dog person, to have some more cyber spotlight.

Chuck’s “fan club” includes many senators, including mine, and several reps, NOT including mine. Comrade Mrs. Newman voting for enemy camp scum in November is as guaranteed as death and taxes, but let’s not digress too far. I ran into Sharon Carson behind the state house on January 4 while wearing a “Chuck Morse’s voting record matters” shirt and holding my coat in my hands.  She called attention to it, and some polite talk about it followed.

What I took home from that unexpected encounter was the encouragement to raise my hand at the end of one of his stump speeches. With the primary in September, it’s just a matter of time before he stumps locally. He should consider himself warned, and I’ll make it known that I plan to be polite. Granite Staters deserve answers, but to the readers, I ask, “Why wait for him to stump locally?”  If you happen to run into known members of Chuck’s fan club from “either side of the wall,” approach them (politely) to ask what their thoughts are about his 11/19/21 vote, as seen in this video.

Remember that he’s a dog person, and I triple dog dare you.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Library Promotes Book That Teaches Kids to “Love Who You Choose”

Thu, 2024-03-14 22:00 +0000

In June last year, I found the book “Pride Colors” by Robin Stevenson on the Pride display in the Nashua Library children’s room. It’s a board book so it’s made for babies and toddlers. It has bright colors and adorable pictures of children. The book promotes Pride celebrations as wholesome affairs.

Related: Night Cap: Library Promotes Gender Propaganda to Toddlers

Anyone who has seen Pride events knows there are unsavory aspects like the very unwholesome “family-friendly” drag show at Nashua Pride.

The one thing in the book that is inexcusable is the page that says, “Be yourself. Love who you choose,” opposite a picture of two kids holding hands. As adults, we know what that means. It means it’s OK to be attracted to anyone – same-sex, opposite-sex, multiple partners, and could include adults being attracted to children. Is that appropriate for a children’s book? Why should toddlers even be thinking about attraction? This is yet another inappropriate book in the Nashua Library children’s room.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Grok Updates, Newsletter Success, Op-Eds, Upgrades, and Other Business

Thu, 2024-03-14 20:30 +0000

I caught some stomach bug that knocked the crap out of me for (going on) 36 hours, but things are moving forward anyway. The Newsletter is now delivered twice daily – splitting morning and evening content into separate emails (check them both). We are close to 100% compliant, so almost everyone who has signed up should be getting that.

If not, check spam and whitelist it. And then click on the links and enjoy!

Updates on the next iteration of the website are in process, which means those things we need to fix or improve are getting some attention. As a reminder, when we launch the new site, DISQUS will no longer used for comment management. It will be the built-in WordPress comment system. The Ads that come with DISQUS should also go away (lost revenue, but we’ll have to fundraise the difference).

We are aiming for an Ad-free VIP version, better search, and a few other items on the bucket list. Once the new site is up and bug-free, I will reach out to a developer I have lined up to build that Grok App I’ve been talking about for longer than just about any other add-on or improvement. I’m still open to different vendors if you are an App developer. Nothing has been signed or sealed.

Before I got this wicked pissa tummy ache (fever, it was so much fun), I ran some more equipment tests on our new RODECASTER II Soundboard as an input to Riverside FM. This looks very promising as we continue to plot a return to podcasting (I know, I’ve said that 100 times, but no podcast). I’m working on it. I’m also working on a podcast category that could include non-grok content from around the state, Vermont, and Maine.

There should or will be a MaineGrok to go with VermontGrok as our liberty friends in Vacationland shout for backup.

One more thing. We have a surge in Grok Author content and more op-eds. This means that not every op-ed will get published (I have some thoughts to solve that, too, for later). Submission has never guaranteed publication, and most of you know that, but I wanted to drop a reminder. Please keep it coming.

There are days when I can’t get a thing written (stomach flu, for example), and having those is a huge help. We get a lot of great stuff and pride ourselves on being able to showcase it here, especially when your local paper might not. Keep them coming, please.

Finally, the 2024 fundraising is a bit on the underachieving side, which I get. The economy sucks. We appreciate every dime, dollar, or whatever you can spare.

‘Grok On!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind!

Thu, 2024-03-14 20:00 +0000

Since February 29, 2024, 10 whales have washed up on eastern seaboard shores. Two humpbacks in Virginia on 3/4, a Fin Whale in Rhode Island 2/29, a North Atlantic Right Whale, Juno’s calf 3/3. The calf was found dead on a beach in Georgia, a Minke Whale in North Carolina on 3/5, a Sperm Whale calf in Nags Head on 3/8, And on 3/8, another, to be identified south of Nags Head on Pea Island.

Plus, a Rosso in RI (not a whale but the largest member of the Dolphin family) on March 1, A 50 feet long and 50,000-70,000 pounds whale is stranded off the coast of Venice, March 10, the second Risso’s dolphin in the last ten days, on March 10. There is a barely alive whale directly across from The Tropicana Casino Hotel in Atlantic City that they are trying to help (March 11).

Where are the bullhorns with folks demanding justice for the whales? (See the list at the end for other reporting in 2023.) This is an unprecedented number of dead whales, and they seem to be multiplying as the construction of offshore wind farms increases while in Maine, a dead Right Whale washed ashore in February 2024. Its death was caused by a fishing net that received national attention and renewed an ongoing fight between Maine fishermen and whale advocates!

I first heard about the uptick in whales washing up from, of all places, a NJ comedians podcast. But this podcast was different. It wasn’t funny. Originally from New Jersey, Jim Breuer became aware, as most people who live along the NJ coast, that there’s an increase of marine mammals washing up dead!

NOAA only reports Humpback and Minke whales and has not posted any data for last year, and the data is not thorough. It does not go back long enough to accurately determine when and why so many have shown up dead in the water and shores in the past couple of years. Once an infrequent event, it has turned into a near-daily event.

I can’t finish this article before another is reported, and these are just the ones we know about.

Eighty-five washed up last year (data collected from local newspapers).

I’m always wary when Google queries say, “Offshore wind has NOTHING to do with whale deaths!” When you ask Google,” It says the ocean warming is causing them to come closer to shore for food!? This causes ships’ propellers to kill them, but the recent deaths are not from propeller strikes or fish nets! They wash up dead or nearly dead with no apparent disease or injury.

What does the necropsies tell us? We may never know.

Orsted (a Danish Offshore Wind conglomerate) and Eversource (Buyer of the electricity 52% owned by Blackrock) gave $1.25 million last year to Mystic Aquarium. Mystic Aquarium does the necropsies on the whales, including the ones just washed up in RI. Would they release any information that might link strandings to Orsted and other offshore wind developers?

Plus, the Risso found dead in RI was brought to the town dump for a supposed necropsy on March 1!

Hold my beer….

Part 1 of 4

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nothing To See Here … Just The UniParty “Transforming” America Before Your Very Eyes

Thu, 2024-03-14 18:00 +0000

The ten million ILLEGALS that the Biden-Regime has imported do not just represent 10 million votes for Biden in 2024 (and, by the way, tell me how many of these 10 million ILLEGAL voters are reflected in those wonderful polls you think show “we’re winning”).

If memory serves me correctly, they represent 13 new House seats for the Democrats once the ILLEGALS are counted in the next census, in addition to 13 electoral votes shifted from Red to Blue States.

They … the Democrats and the UniParty … are “transforming” America before our very eyes. At best, one-party rule. At worst (and probably much more likely), America will devolve into Haiti. But don’t get distracted by this unfolding destruction of America … focus on cutting taxes and workforce housing!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nashua Judges have to Stop Enabling Nashua’s Corporation Counsel Attorney Bolton

Thu, 2024-03-14 16:00 +0000

On February 28, 2024, Nashua Superior Court held a Motions hearing where a plaintiff was representing herself against the City of Nashua. Attorney Bolton appeared to represent the City.

The City moved to dismiss. The plaintiff believed part of the claim should survive the motion to dismiss. Judge English, after listening to both sides, requested that the parties discuss when a trial would take place and agree on a structure and conference order. The Judge instructed the parties to submit their agreement to the Court within thirty days. Attorney Bolton responded, “It’s difficult for me to deal with the plaintiff. I will attempt to come to an agreement on a structure and conference order.”

The Judge then conceded to Mr. Bolton’s “I can’t communicate with people” terms. She stated she would just make the ruling on the motion to dismiss, and if any claims remain, she would order the parties to submit competing proposed structuring orders as are permitted to schedule.

Judge English did not inquire into Bolton’s claim that the Plaintiff is “difficult to work with,” accepting his unwillingness even to discuss an agreement with the Plaintiff.

In an RTK hearing last year before Judge Colburn, Mr. Bolton got furious with a pro se litigant when she addressed the service of her summons to the City. He raised his voice to the Judge, aggressively arguing with her about the purpose of the hearing. The Judge quietly tried to calm Mr. Bolton. It was a tense occurrence for all in the Courtroom, particularly the lady seated before the Court in her first appearance.

The Judge attempted to soothe Mr. Bolton’s emotions and console him for being “offended” by the Plaintiff and Judge.

At my first pro se Right to Know hearing with Mr. Bolton, he informed Judge Temple that he refused to communicate with me. He asserted I had offended him so he would not communicate. The Judge responded by stating that he would not dictate how the parties communicate. This proclamation enabled Mr. Bolton to simply refuse reasonable communication, force everything into emails that have long response times or go unanswered, refuse phone calls, and then publicly complain that I am running up City costs, wasting taxpayer dollars.

The above are instances of three different judges accommodating Mr. Bolton regardless of the burden his demands placed on plaintiffs and court time. It is puzzling why judges would enable Mr. Bolton by accepting his assertion that he would not communicate directly with opposing plaintiffs. If he could not, it would seem he was not capable of doing his job, as Court rules require parties to confer.  Judges send a strong message that pro se litigants are the “lesser party” with no legal experience; surely, the City Attorney is more credible.

Why does Mr. Bolton become enraged about working with those who seek adjudication? Notably, he especially appears to display confrontational bullying behavior towards women who question him. Mr. Bolton chose to become a municipal attorney, which requires him to work with all citizens in the City not just those who agree with him. The 100+ pages of multiple police incident reports that Mr. Bolton has generated over 20 years further document an angry, aggressive, out-of-control man.

Judges should stop coddling attorneys who cannot behave professionally with pro se litigants. Attorneys have a responsibility to communicate with all parties involved, regardless of their personal feelings toward them. Mr. Bolton shows he is unwilling to do so. The court needs to stop accommodating, comforting, and even enabling Mr. Bolton to conduct himself in an unprofessional manner. Judges in Nashua should cease tolerating Mr. Bolton’s unreasonable demands.

People questioning the government and seeking adjudication are not “problem people” who lose their right to communicate with municipal lawyers. Mr. Bolton’s behavior needs to conform to his professional standards, or he should be required to move on.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Civics is at it Again…Now They Want to Promote Group Therapy for Children in Public Schools

Thu, 2024-03-14 14:00 +0000

With the desperate call to improve Civics Education for students in New Hampshire, you would think one of the most prominent Civics organizations would be at the forefront of making sure our students are literate in this important subject.

Numerous bills have come before The New Hampshire Education Committees, where legislators listened to the poor state of Civics literacy among New Hampshire students.

NH Civics has been criticized for its political leanings, which you can read about here and here. One would hope that an organization like this would ignore the politics, and stick to promoting Civics literacy. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Their latest initiative seems to involve classroom management through mental health therapy. What does that have to do with Civics education? That’s a good question.

Why is NH Civics, promoting mental health therapy in the classroom?

NH Civics is providing Professional Development in Restorative Practices for educators, and those who attend will earn Professional Development Hours. In other words, taxpayers will pay school employees to attend this event which is supposed to better prepare teachers for the classroom. But does it help?

In this article from the Fordham Institute, the author is highly critical of restorative circles used in the classroom, and even calls them unethical: (emphasis mine)

In the past decade, the role of the teacher in schools has slowly shifted from pedagogue to therapist. Perhaps the most glaring example of this shift is the practice called “circle conversations.” These circles are cousins of the non-punitive approach to discipline called restorative justice, and are intended to be community-building prophylactics.

While the ritual—I mean classroom practice—can vary from school to school, it has a few common characteristics: students sit in a circle, pass around a talking piece, and discuss open-ended questions, often deeply personal ones. The NEA wrote positively of a school that incorporates them into classrooms weekly.

Take a step back, however, and these circles closely resemble group therapy.

Once again, we can see the shift away from educating students, to turning our local schools into mental health clinics. But does it work? Is it ethical? How do you educate and train a public school teacher to become a therapist in the classroom? What about privacy issues?

Vendors are lining up to sell schools therapeutic programs that address the mental health of students, but none of these people are educated or trained in the field of Child Psychology.

…Consider a few example questions that one author at Edutopia suggests:

How does the state of your mental health affect you as a person?
What do you do to relieve stress?
Who would you like to forgive?
And now compare those to a few recommended questions at a counseling center:

How do you think your negative thoughts influence your behavior?
What are some things that make you feel stressed? How are you coping with these things?
Is there anyone in your life you’re struggling to forgive? Why?

When did The New Hampshire legislature give authority to the schools to transition into medical or mental health centers?

Why are school administrators so heavily invested in turning their school into a mental health clinic? Think $$$$.

The federal government bypassed the Executive Council and the legislature and went directly to The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services with grant funding for the schools. Their vision is to turn the local public schools into the CDC’s (Center for Disease Control) model Community School. This is where public schools move away from teaching academics, and instead, become medical and mental health clinics.

Of course, that comes at a price to children who have had medical services administered without parental consent. Or in some cases, where school counselors shared personal mental health information on New Hampshire students without their knowledge or consent.  We’ve already had two students vaccinated in Rochester and Nashua against their parents wishes. It looks like NH Civics is getting into the game.

Who is paying WestEd to push this agenda in our public schools? And why does NH Civics think this area is something that they should be promoting? They are having enough difficulty selling everyone on the belief that they actually care about teaching quality civics content to our students.

The classroom is no place for group therapy, yet here we are, watching SEL delve into the area of treating anxiety in young children.  This document comes from SEL as taught in the Merrimack schools: (PAGE 5)

Newsletters (1)


This explains why, recently, a young girl came home from school to inform her parents that she believed she was depressed. She learned about it in school.

What can this do to your children? A lot, and it’s not good. 

Take a listen to this podcast from Honestly with Bari Weiss. Bari interviewed Abigail Shrier about her new book, Bad Therapy: Why Kids Aren’t Growing Up. 

Episode Description
American kids are the freest, most privileged kids in all of history. They are also the saddest, most anxious, depressed, and medicated generation on record. Nearly a third of teen girls say they have seriously considered suicide. For boys, that number is an alarming 14 percent.

What’s even stranger is that all of these worsening mental health outcomes for kids have coincided with a generation of parents hyper-fixated on the mental health and well-being of their children.

Take, for example, the biggest parenting trend today: “gentle parenting.” Parents today are told to understand their kids’ feelings instead of punishing them when they act out. This emphasis on the importance of feelings is not just a parenting trend—it’s become an educational tool as well. “Social-emotional learning” has become a pillar in public schools across America, from kindergarten to high school. And maybe most significantly, therapy for children has been normalized. In fact, there are more kids in therapy today than ever before.

On the surface, all of these parenting and educational developments seem positive. We are told that parents and educators today are more understanding, more accepting, more empathetic, and more compassionate than ever before—which, in turn, makes wonderful children.

But is that really the case? Are all of these changes—the cultural rethink, the advent of therapy culture, of gentle parenting, of teaching kids about social-emotional learning—actually making our kids better?

Best-selling author Abigail Shrier says no.

In her new book, , Shrier argues that these changes are directly contributing to kids’ mental health decline. In other words: all of this shiny new stuff is actually making our kids worse.

Today: What’s gone wrong with American youth? What really happens to kids who get therapy but don’t actually need it? In our attempt to keep kids safe, are we failing the next generation of adults? And, if yes, how do we reverse it before it’s too late?

Schools need to return to teaching kids how to read, write, add, and subtract. Children who need mental health services need to find that help outside the school setting. Teachers can use assistance with techniques to address behavior, but this is not an open invitation to begin therapy in the classroom. This is unethical and can lead to bigger problems for your children.

So why is NH Civics involved in any of this? Was $$$ money involved?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

PETA Asks Dr. Jill to Make it a White House Potato Hunt This Easter

Thu, 2024-03-14 12:00 +0000

I’m unsure what my Irish grandmother would have said about it, but the alleged animal rights group PETA has asked the White House to change the traditional Easter Egg Hunt this year. Instead of chicken eggs, they are recommending dyed Easter … potatoes.

A potato won’t break like an egg if you step on it. You can also make Vodka with them (though perhaps not after dying). But you could erase Easter by combining it with St. Patrick’s Day. Drinking. Potatoes. None of that dead on the cross and rose bodily to heaven business. The Catholics are, after all, accused (by some) of hijacking Easter from the pagans (She was a goddess of spring pictured with eggs and rabbits), so it’d be one of those what goes around comes around things. Related: The New State Color Will Be Potato

Call it Social Justice.

And with St Patrick’s Day on the 17th and Easter on the 31st, you could turn it into a Spring Saturnalia. Two weeks of drinking and not thinking about Ukraine, the open US border, escalating drug deaths, crime and violence, or the fact that potatoes are cheaper than eggs in the Biden Economy. You can then rise from your alcoholic stupor, sunglasses over your eyes and a pounding ache in your head to set the screaming little leprechauns loose with their burlap easter sacks to collect the little spuds (undyed because I bet that stuff is terrible for the environment).

Just don’t use White Potatoes; that would be racist.

The post PETA Asks Dr. Jill to Make it a White House Potato Hunt This Easter appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is TikTok Too Big To Topple

Thu, 2024-03-14 10:00 +0000

In full disclosure, I am not a TikTok user. I refused to install it on my devices for fear of giving the Chinese access to my data. TikTok is owned by ByteDance. The execs at TikTok have testified before Congress numerous times and claimed that an American company owns them. Still, everyone knows that is a facade, and ByteDance, and by extension, the CCP is the owner.

TikTok in China is completely controlled by the Chinese government and is used as a teaching tool. In America, the CCP is using TikTok as a tool to control the young people of America. Like a drug, TikTok’s algorithm gets people addicted to its offerings very quickly.

When Congress announced last week that they would force ByteDance to divest and sell off the app to an American group, the users were urged to call their Reps and Senators and tell them to leave TikTok alone. With over 150 Million users, the switchboards lit up, and the calls poured in. Many of these callers probably had no idea who their reps were, but they called, threatened, and told that the person called. Some even said they would commit suicide if the app were shut down.

The Democrats will fight to keep TikTok alone. In the middle of this controversy, with all federal employees forbidden from having TikTok on government devices, the President starts using the app to reach young supporters. It was a very hypocritical act but a successful one. With Biden bleeding support in every other sector, he has to hold onto the young voters. So far, he is successful, but that support will be gone if TikTok is, too. All of a sudden, these kids are political activists.

There is too much money involved in Social Media, especially Instagram, Tumblr, and, of course, TikTok. Develop a following, regardless of talent, and influencers can make more money making 30-second videos than they ever dreamed possible.

Charli Grace D’Amelio is an American social media personality. She was a competitive dancer for over a decade before starting her social media career in 2019 when she began posting dance videos on the video-sharing platform TikTok. You probably never heard of her, but if you have children, they have. She has been on TikTok since 2021 and has 151 million followers. D’Amelio “earned” $17.5 million last year. Is it any wonder why there is no value in a dollar or no employees working at your favorite shop?

Should TikTok be dismantled? Absolutely, or at least assured, the Chinese have no stake in the app or business. The dangers of Social Media still need to be addressed, but the tentacles are in too deep. There has to be a concerted effort to break the dependence on cell phones for elementary-age children. You will not get them away from teenagers, but you have to break the funnel of new users.

Hearings start Wednesday in Congress on the future of TikTok. It will be a great study of money, power, and the impact of the youth on Congress. Washington loves lobbyists. Let’s see how they enjoy millions of kids strung out on TikTok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Thu, 2024-03-14 08:00 +0000

Just a meme about March 14.  3.14.  Pi Day.



BTW, fun fact.  The fraction 355 / 113 is as close to exactly pi as you will need in your life.

The post PI DAY! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: If Not For The Kids, Then What

Thu, 2024-03-14 02:00 +0000

This grand experiment has failed. Hillary Clinton coined the phrase “It takes a village,” and Joe Biden said, “They are all our children.” They were referring to the cooperative effort of parents, teachers, and the government in co-parenting our future generations.

Through gaslighting, they convinced parents the job of raising children was insurmountable for Mom and Dad, and schools and the government were ready, able, and willing to lend a hand. This wonderful gesture was far from sincere. The “village” approach was part of the century-long process to indoctrinate and control our future by programming young generations. The final grade is in, and this village gets an F.

From falling test scores to promoting transgenderism, there is nothing positive these folks can point at to give credit to their efforts. They have removed God, patriotism, and parents from the early stages of development because they were impeding the process. What we have for the decades of this effort are kids glued to electronic devices, unable to perform basic math skills or read at a high school level. We have children with escalating absenteeism and suicide rates, and Fentanyl poisoning is the number one killer of young people between 18 and 45.

We are spending more effort to pass legislation to legalize marijuana and keep sexually explicit books in elementary school libraries than to elevate the quality of education. Drag queens can host reading hours in schools, but Christian-based groups are forbidden from the same. During COVID, school boards and teacher’s unions were exposed for their efforts to actively remove parents from the education process, and they fought efforts to promote charter schools or home-schooling.

We insist on space-age car seats for infants and helmets for bikers and skateboarders, yet we allow young men who identify as women to participate on the playing field with young women. When local and state governments have an opportunity to protect these female athletes, they scoff at any issues and fail to keep these girls from harm.

The New Hampshire House Education Committee recently considered HB1205, Protecting Women’s Sports. HB1205 goes to the House with NO recommendation, as the committee voted 10-10 along party lines. One of the most outrageous comments during the discussion came from Rep. Linda Tanner (D), Sullivan District 5. 

RE: the discussion about girls getting hurt playing sports with transgender students:

“Injuries sometimes happen in sports; in fact, that’s one of the fun things about it: you test your body to the limits, you’re trying to be as competitive as possible, and sometimes injuries happen. There have been NO INJURIES directly related to a trans person actually causing that injury outside of what it normally would be in an athletic event”…..” I’m ashamed to be a part of this bill..”

No, Ms Tanner, we are embarrassed you are a member of our state legislature. This statement is evidence of Representative Tanner’s irrational thinking and ignorance of the subject. Tell the high school volleyball player knocked unconscious when hit by a spike from a trans player on the opposing team that she was having fun. Months later, she is still plagued with migraines, dizzy spells, and blurred vision—such fun. Tell the three basketball players hurt in the first half of their basketball game when a trans player who was nearly a foot taller and fifty pounds heavier fouled them to the court and injured them-they were having a blast.

A transgender mixed-martial arts fighter who broke his female opponent’s skull is an intrepid hero who deserves to be celebrated as “the bravest athlete in history.” That’s the assessment of Cyd Zeigler, co-founder and blogger at Outsports, an LGBT-focused site that is part of left-wing digital media company Vox’s SB Nation network. You may have to read that twice to be sure you read it correctly. This trans-athlete issue goes beyond right and wrong and right to illogical and insanity.

If we cannot get a grip on this education system and government hee-bent on destroying our future, then we have no hope of saving this country. The country is in the hands of the young, and if those hands are busy holding electronic devices, the country will fall to the ground. The young people will hear about the demise of America from their favorite TikTok influencers.

The post Night Cap: If Not For The Kids, Then What appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Biden Gives Epic State of the Onion Address

Thu, 2024-03-14 00:00 +0000

Despite having lower approval ratings than people who club baby seals, Joe Biden faced the nation last week to deliver the annual State of the Union address.  After a lengthy wait for him to arrive at the Capitol, where many wondered if he might have fallen or gotten lost, again, the gamey 80-year-old entered the house to a cacophony of groans and forced adulation as he made his way to the dais.

Hearty greetings from California Senator Stu Sycophant and New York representative Jerry Diddler, as well as a series of the once culturally relevant practice of taking selfies, was stopped abruptly when Georgia’s Margorie Taylor Greene, clad in red MAGA hat and a blazer barely hiding her AR-15, confronted the old codger to “say her name.”  The normally nimble octogenarian looked as if he’d seen the Grimm Reaper, who stood only a few feet behind him, before dutifully repeating “her name.”  Despite utterly missing the point, his sea of congressional fans erupted into applause at his first of many elementary cognitive victories for the evening.

The rumor mill had it on good intelligence that his speech writers had been working hard for weeks to craft the most inclusive and uniting speech in the history of inclusivity.  After the one-sided applause died down, he addressed the crowd and got off to a good start by stating “If I was smart I would go home right now”.  This would be his only statement that drew unanimous praise, and yet in sticking around, he proved the point many assumed he was making – that he is not smart and likely doesn’t know how to get home.

As the potent cocktail of Adderall, amphetamines, and adrenochrome passed the blood-brain barrier, the most powerful man in the world morphed into a raging orator with the singular focus of a death star laser beam.  As he launched into his Hitlerain woke-handwerk, he reminded his listeners this was “no ordinary moment”, which any eighty-year-old hopped up on Class A stimulants instead of in bed sleeping at that hour is likely to believe.

“Freedom and democracy are under attack!” he reiterated as it came through the microscopic earpiece.  The roomful of secret pedophiles jumped up in raucous applause reminiscent of a high school pep rally.  No sooner were they seated when their dear leader slur-screamed another preferred phrase, causing them to hop up again, and again, and again in what appeared to be a game of stationary musical chairs that would qualify as leg-day for most Crossfitters.

“Stand with Ukraine!”and “No American soldiers!” followed by a quote from the Democrat’s favorite president, Ronald Reagan—“Mr. Grab-a-chair tear down this wall”—had the crowd so overcome with excitement that they wept like a room full of Adam Kinzingers as they chanted, “Four more years!”

Of course, no speech would be complete without a reminder of the massive threat posed by Donald Trump and his band of insurrectionists who made Pearl Harbor look like the Boston Tea Party on January 6th.  Democracy and history were anthropomorphized, both threatened and “literally watching” on this night.  Yet the crowd of highly paid and easily manipulated political puppets was overcome as their speaker continued to avoid stroking out despite multiple veins bulging from his head that were large enough to be seen from space by the naked eye.

Second only to the hatred of Trump is the hatred of unborn babies who dare to seek citizenship in these United States, which is why the president vowed to reinvigorate the War on Fetuses by making Roe v. Wade the law of the land again.  Even Senator Bernie Sanders couldn’t mask his excitement despite literally wearing a mask.

After quickly consulting his note card, the teleprompter synced back up to his hearing device, guiding him through a litany of the emperor’s new successes.  “Consumer confidence is at an all-time high” which could be taken to mean consumers are confident the products they want to consume are at an all-time high.  His next statement was difficult to make out other than “Buy American,” which must have been aimed at the Chinese to whom he sold much of our strategic oil reserve.  Not yet tired from the seemingly endless set of Roman Catholic-like sit-to-stand-and-clap sessions, the indefatigable room erupted as Mr. Biden took a hard stance on shrink-flation and vowed to get both Snickers and Doritos in his crosshairs.  Hardly a more American moment has happened within the confines of this hallowed building.

Somehow, in between naps and vacation days, he says he will:

  • Lower drug prices – both legal and illegal
  • Adopt housing tax credits
  • Lower rents
  • Give us the best education system in the world – yes us
  • Give every three and four year-old child a running start
  • Stand up for seniors (which the crowd was clearly already doing)
  • Get rid of junk fees – not junkees – sorry red team
  • Reduce credit card fees
  • Pass a border bill and create a surveillance state to capture fentanyl
  • Stop the banning of child porn books in school libraries
  • Raise the federal minimum wage
  • Get behind transgender people
  • Stop climate change dead in its tracks
  • Create a climate change youth army he will personally triple in a decade if it kills him, assuming he’s still alive.

Then, borrowing a page from Vladimir Putin, he gave a brief history lesson referencing his old friend and former Grand Dragon Edmund Pettus, over whose bridge crossed the venerable John Lewis on his way to vote Democrat in the South in perpetuity.  Ahhh, those were the days.

A brief humble-brag about violent crime falling to the lowest levels in fifty years thanks to aggressive non-policing and anti-prosecuting of criminals was ironically paired with the need for more community officers.  We’re guessing they will simply stand around and cheer on all of the non-crime not taking place in our cities.  Like Morning Cup-a-Joe Scarborogh said, if you don’t see the man is a genius then F-U.

The make-a-wish foundation speech meandered on and on like an old man lost in a garden but managed to find its crescendo when the cantankerous codger artfully referenced Martin Luther King Jr. with an air of world-class pandering.  His speech writers, most likely Harvard grads, literally para-plagiarized the “I Have a Dream” speech by simply re-phrasing it to “I see a future” as the pasty mostly-ninety-year-old magically turned black before our very eyes.  After which he headed over to the congressional gymnasium for a game of one-one-five against Byron Donald, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boobert.  The president won 11-0 after repeatedly dunking on the Republican team right in their faces.

So, with the election still to come, and the lingering question of whether or not black people will figure out how to vote, the president would like to remind you if you have a problem knowing whether to vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden then you ain’t….

The post Bananas: Biden Gives Epic State of the Onion Address appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Deep State Wants to Control TikTok

Wed, 2024-03-13 22:00 +0000

I know we have much, much, much more important things to worry about … like secession (that was sarcasm, for those of you who actually believe that secession can and should take the form of resolutions, etc. from State government).

But maybe you might want to take a few minutes to read this post from Sean Davis about the bill to “ban” TikTok that does no such thing. Instead, the bill allows the Deep State through its Big Tech proxies like Mark Zuckerberg (the Tech-tycoon who helped rig the 2020 election for Biden) to control TikTok.

On the other hand, if you refuse to believe that America is a corrupt empire in a precipitous and irreversible decline, despite all the evidence in plain view, don’t read it. Slava Ukraine!


The post The Deep State Wants to Control TikTok appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH AG Didn’t Sign on To A Letter Calling Out Maine’s “Extraterritorial Bullying” [Update: Kidnapping/Child-Trafficking]

Wed, 2024-03-13 22:00 +0000

Maine has legislation in the pipeline that would enshrine a right to puberty-blocking and transgender surgery. Maine can do what Maine wants to do, but according to Tennessee AG and fifteen other AGs, it ‘creates a private right of action for damages against law enforcement, prosecutors, and officials in other states.

As currently drafted, LD 227 violates the United States Constitution and flouts the federalist structure that allows each of our States to engage in self-government responsive to the will of our citizens. The Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause, and federal statutes implementing it, mean no state cause of action should ever accrue from a different State lawfully enforcing its own permissible laws or executing valid judgments.

LD227 is titled “An Act Regarding Health Care in the State,” but I was unable to locate the full text of the bill, so we will have to take those sixteen AGs at their word. And it seems appropriate given their concerns. What is being sold as a way to protect “rights” appears to deny them to other states and those in these states tasked with enforcement of laws in those states.

According to sixteen state AGs, as written, Maine’s legislation infringes on other states’ rights and sets the table for regulator civil war.

From a practical perspective, LD 227’s ill-considered attempt to influence and intimidate officials in other States could also trigger a rapid tit-for-tat escalation that tears apart our Republic. One could easily envision a First Amendment Protection Act that creates state law liability for people, even people out of state, who seek to suppress purported hate speech, or a Second Amendment Protection Act that creates liability for those who seek to regulate firearms, or laws that impose harsh penalties on people who express support for one side or another in the war between Israel and Hamas. If one State does not like another State’s regulatory regime with respect to cars, or food, or alcohol distribution, or whatever else, it could create a tenuous jurisdictional hook to allow the same sort of extraterritorial bullying attempted by LD 227. State officials would be dragged into legal battles in far-flung jurisdictions, thwarting their ability to focus on protecting their own citizens consistent with their own duly-enacted laws.

We also know that New Hampshire’s AG, John Formella, is not concerned enough to add his name to the letter. None of the other New England states is represented, either. I guess they are okay with interstate bullying. Is that because they have plans to do something similar, they don’t see it surviving, and it is therefore not a threat? Are they fine with Maine infringing on the rights of residents in other sovereign states, or is it because they would like to legitimize puberty-blocking drugs and surgeries that even transgender advocates admit can lead to cancer or death?

Update: A reader sent me an infographic on LD227 that clarifies what it permits—child transition trafficking/kidnapping across state lines.

The Letter from the 16 AGs is below.


pr24-26MaineLetter transgender surgery

The post NH AG Didn’t Sign on To A Letter Calling Out Maine’s “Extraterritorial Bullying” [Update: Kidnapping/Child-Trafficking] appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Even More Thoughts on Reps’ Private Email Accounts

Wed, 2024-03-13 20:00 +0000

With the Right To Know Tax, aka HB 1002, awaiting its big day in the House, many readers have already seen my first piece on private email addresses being used by members of the legislature for public business and my follow-up piece. As a result, there has been some discussion, which I’m pleased to say has been thoughtful and civil so far.

Many thanks to those who have weighed in, both private citizens and the elected. One rep, whose name I’ll withhold due to not having sought permission to quote, said the following:

“For what it is worth, I forward 100% of my Legislative email to my Gmail account. I do this because I’d much rather use Gmail to manage email, then the house email server program/app.”

Many use private emails. In some cases like mine, it is just not as obvious. I do not think it is malicious in nature to not want to use the state house email servers/app. The other valuable thing is that you get to keep the email if you don’t run or lose an election.”

So, I can’t blame decent people in the legislature for feeling that way, and those are excellent points. It inspired me to clarify my own position because I happen to very much like many members of the legislature who prefer Gmail or other private email accounts, so let it be known that I am NOT attacking any member for that reason alone.  It is important to make that clear, but with that said, I want to share some data that any reader is certainly welcome to do the grunt work of verifying, if desired.

While I’m not a professional statistician by any stretch of the imagination, consider my findings raw observations in which you can put your critical thinking cap on and do with what you will.

Out of the 63 rogue Rs that voted for HB1002 2/1/24, 19 of them display on their House home pages a private email address RATHER THAN a “” address—more on the “rather than” in a moment.

The House has 24 standing committees, and the chairs of 14 of them use their own email. The vice chairs of 10 committees also do. Of the 24 aforementioned leadership people, six chairs and six vice chairs voted for HB 1002 on 2/1/24.

I have not counted the number of non-leadership Rs who voted correctly in that roll call and use private email, nor have I looked up non-leadership Dems to count the number of private email users. Someone else certainly can, if desired, but it would be time-consuming. Again, this is not a professional report but rather an observation, so about that “rather than.”

When a rep displays a personal email RATHER THAN and instead of ‘in addition to’ a “” address, the member of the public or the ill-intentioned agent alike do not have the opportunity to get their initial attempt at communication on record in the government server. That’s a problem when you’re “building a case,” which Judge Lynn, Attorneys Cianci, and Lehmann, and the fine gentlemen of Senate Judiciary ought to appreciate. Hence my desire to have my most recent email to the latter answered soon.

I could get long-winded here by pointing out a variety of situations as to who emailed whom and who replied to whom, using public or private emails, like the way a geneticist does a Punnett square, but I won’t.  For now, I won’t.  What I’d like to do next is find out if a government email account does exist for every rep, whether or not it’s preferred or even displayed somewhere in NH dot gov.

I can’t picture a law forcing reps to check their emails often or even at all. However, I would like a bill that requires each rep to display a “” email address on their home page.

What are your thoughts? Please post them in the comments.


The post Even More Thoughts on Reps’ Private Email Accounts appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Secondary to the 2024 Election

Wed, 2024-03-13 18:00 +0000

The socialist’s grab bag, leading into this 2024 election, is just jammed full of sound bites for their mindless minions. Conceding that they must and will finally select the most plausible empty suit to run against Trump, their next trinket is twofold: furthering their promotion of democracy along with their drum beating about the supposed negatives that our Electoral College system represents.

Given this line-up, the fake news can’t wait!

Forget their empty suit impasse. Any suit will garner the votes from their clueless base. And while their jumbo prize of turning America away from her Constitutional Republic, for the chaos and tyranny of democracy would wrap up their revolutionary aims, that will also have to wait. More attractive is supposedly the elimination of the ‘College.’

I recently stumbled upon an older article from almost twenty-five years ago that recounted a few of the media’s tag lines attached to several incriminating ‘College’ pieces. I imagine that they were previously attributable to arousing the public’s ire against another so-called Founder “relic,” which was eliminated with the Seventeenth Amendment’s passage!

Our Founders were wise in creating a Constitutional Republic rather than instituting the emotional guidelines of a democracy. Their efforts included balancing the States with equal representation and authority. This was their reasoning behind the Electoral College so that the smaller States would not become dominated by the larger States. Today, this precaution is also applicable to the sparsely populated “flyover” States.

However, fairness is not the object of a popular National voting system. In fact, contrary to its public lure of simplifying the election process, it’s merely a tool to manage and control the public’s vote, which is largely assured through today’s persuasive methods for swaying public opinion.

This article was from a time when Hillary first ran for a Senate seat, and in doing so, she stated that one of her aims was to support an amendment endorsing a “direct election” when selecting the President. Also, Illinois Rep. Durbin publicly stated that the College was a “Constitutional dinosaur!” His Illinois Republican cohort, Rep. LaHood, also called for its termination and stated in part that, “The way things get changed is if there’s a calamity in the country, where
somebody were to get the popular vote but lose the electoral vote.” While that “calamity” has come and gone, their unrelenting anti-College crusade continues.

In addition, the League of Women Voters defamed the Electoral College as a “horse-and-buggy” election system. Also, USA Today ran an op-ed from John B. Anderson, a former Presidential candidate and head of the World Federalist Association, who commented that “’ Majority rule’ is a basic tenet of democracy. The Electoral College…fails this test.”

It certainly does! However, in addition, it also provides the proof that our Founders did not create a damn democracy but rather a Constitutional Republic! This fool didn’t realize that in his attempt to denigrate the ‘College,’ he affirmed that America is not a democracy.

This January 2001 piece also cites Rep. Delahunt, D. Mass., with his attempt to sway the public’s interest and probably in the same manner
which no doubt led to the public supporting the Seventeenth Amendment’s passage when he labeled the ‘College’ “…a compromise that reflected a basic mistrust of the electorate.” No doubt, this was typical of that long-ago pro-17th Amendment chorus imploring that it would provide a more direct public voice when selecting Senators.

The bottom line is that America was blessed with a galaxy of Founders who not only understood human nature and various past governing forms but were also willing to sacrifice for and serve the country they loved. I would venture to say that this is kind of reminiscent of someone running today.

Finally, those who discredit our original design, and I do mean original, are the least capable of challenging the thinking of that August gathering in 1787. To do so only validates their evil ambitions since they, more than anyone else, are well aware of their lack of knowledge and personal limitations.


The post Secondary to the 2024 Election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2024-03-13 16:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Growing up the only time this ever happened was Halloween.  Not a regular school day.







Let’s DO include the time and effort and cost of developing and bringing it to market.  Nevertheless, not a good look.  And I say this as someone who takes Insulin.







The entire process is set up to channel monies, and to avoid those who want to stop it from being able to do so.



Oh, slightly ignoring the fact that the Founding Fathers wrote the thing!




Pretty much.  And universal, across the world.



Not content to kill off all the Ukrainian men, they’re working on the women too.





Again, I cite Bismarck:




Promote a culture of casual, even anonymous sexual contact, and then act surprised at the results.












Buried Project Veritas Recording Shows Top Pfizer Scientists Suppressed Concerns Over COVID-19 Boosters, MRNA Tech | ZeroHedge

Understand, your health and even your life are not concerns – just how much they can pump into you and how much profit they’ll make.  And the government is absolutely willing to cover up for them too:



How… how… HOW does anyone trust the government at this point?




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


America’s Destructive Education System – American Thinker

I compare my – admittedly sketchy – memories of what I was learning “back then” with what I observe now in my kids’ classes and homework.  Frightening.

When I was in fifth grade I was reading and analyzing/critiquing Lord of the Rings.  Now?  Don’t ask.

At a recent promotion ceremony for the new New York City Fire Commissioner (Laura Kavanagh), Attorney General Latitia James spoke.  This is the same Attorney General who recently railroaded President Trump with fake “fraud” charges to the tune of $455 Million.  During her remarks, she was roundly booed and pro-Trump chants broke out.  Now the new Fire Commissioner has ordered those firefighters who spoke out to “surrender” & answer for their behavior, or they will be “hunted down” and “re-educated”.  Wow!  Fascist much?


Updated:  Turns out this was NOT an official event, as the firefighters were not required to be in uniform.  Which makes the witch hunt even more egregious:

Biden et. al. want to crush the 2nd Amendment with a passion.  Now they are flat out inventing lies to continue their draconian policies:

Nobel Economist Reverses His Support for Migration (

Actual change of heart?  Or just CYA?  Related:

Good News: Violent Venezuelan Gang Present In U.S. Thanks To Biden’s Open Border – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Moonbattery in Maine:  The DA of Cumberland County (which includes the Greater Portland Area), will NOT hold illegal aliens accountable for traffic violations (including DUI), because “they can’t get a drivers license”.  Again, the US citizen is supposed to obey all the laws, but the lawless illegals get a free pass.  We have to get our country back!

Off shore wind turbines are causing more and more environmental havoc, as the sounds generated by the giant blades are driving whales mad (and the blades are killing a lot of birds).  So now there is a huge fight between “green energy” groups and environmental “save the animals” groups.  Get your popcorn:

This is an EXCELLENT rebuttal from a Godly student to his liberal professor when the professor tried to ridicule God (X, formally Twitter, I know, but still worth it):

In France, teachers are now getting death threats from Muslim men.  This is because France passed a law to outlaw abayas (the complete head covering for a Muslim woman), and teachers are enforcing the law in the schools.  However, even though multiple reports of these death threats are being made to the police, the police have done nothing.  It’s only a matter of time before this boils over.  And right now, France is only 10% Muslim.  What happens in 10 years, when the Muslim population is predicted to be 25% (maybe more)?:


Apparently we’re not the only ones that think the Three Letter Agencies (TLAs) will be very active in “selecting” the next president.  Looks like 52% of the people in America expects this to happen.  Which means we no longer have a legitimate government (and we should be withdrawing our consent to be governed):

One in the “Win” column:  Arizona passed a law that you must show proof of American citizenship to register to vote.  Predictably, the Feds sued to have it struck down.  However, a federal judge just upheld it, so MAYBE, Arizona elections will be a little less fraudulent this year.:

A couple in the “Maybe a Win” column:

The EU is starting to wake up to the fact that EV’s are NOT “earth friendly”, and EV mandates are just making China stronger:

Fani Willis is already on the hot seat for LOTS of issues, but her whole RICO case may get thrown out because (as it turns out) the original phone call that was recorded between President Trump and Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was recorded ILLEGALLY, which means it cannot be used in court!



90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer • Children’s Health Defense (

And because of a loophole, it can pass GMO labeling.  More from them:

BREAKING NEWS: 10 Year Old Girl Dies Following HPV Vaccine | Childrens Health Defense

Pediatrician has started to “recommend” this for the girl.  Related:

Plasmid DNA replication in BNT162b2 vaccinated cell lines (

Wait, what did I predict?  (Third of my Depopulation essays.)

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

And round-about on Jabs and Trump, which I echo enthusiastically:

President Trump – Can You PLEASE Stop Promoting the Poisons Your Base Hates! (

‘Follow the Money’: D.C. Billboard Truck Hits Biden for ‘Blood on His Hands’ as ‘America Is Burning’ at the Hands of China (


Now here’s a question for you.  We KNOW that massive amounts of fentanyl have been seized – amounts capable of wiping out every living person here.  So what about the amounts not seized?  At what point does that get loosed on the population here?

Bidenflation Resurgent: Consumer Prices Rising Faster Than Expected (

“Unexpectedly”.  More:

Biden Trots Out Policy To Deal With High Housing Costs – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Becoming Haiti: How Biden Is Transforming America Into a Gang-Infested Wasteland – The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

A crime-riddled, desperate wasteland is what the Dems want.

I Live, I Fight, I Win : Rules of Life In War (

This is long but worth bookmarking and sharing, anticipating spicy time.  Related:

Matthew Bracken on Gab: ‘This feral race-hate violence occurs while all sys…’

Video at the link.  Yes, get out of the Blue Hives.  This is what they do with the power ON.

A Theory for Gender Differences in Variability

I understand that this is a sensitive subject, but reality is about dealing with what IS.  From the intro where I got this from:

[I]n 2017, two scientists by the names of T. Hill and S. Tabachnikov submitted an article to the the (sic) New York Journal of Mathematics titled “A Theory for Gender Differences in Variability”. The article proved that there was higher variability in intelligence in men compared to women, meaning while there are more male idiots than female idiots, there are also more male geniuses.

The article was then accepted and published. Feminists however, did not like the idea of most geniuses  being male, no matter how true it was. So they started pressuring the journal into removing the article. One feminist activist, in an act of ultimate femininity, nagged her influential scientist husband into denouncing the journal. These tactics worked, and the journal removed the article. This was the first time a journal had arbitrarily removed an accepted article, without there being any scientific justification.

Reminds me of “The Bell Curve” controversy.  And this:

“I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard….” – Geller Report

England Bans Child Puberty Blockers | The Daily Caller

Good.  More:

Irish Voters Reject Leftist Effort to Change Definitions of Women and Family – The Last Refuge (

Like the EU referendum, don’t be surprised if it comes back with an admonition to “Vote correctly this time”!



Trial of Dr. Charles Hoffe – UPDATE (


Hoffe is where I learned about the D-dimer test.

Nonsensible Shoes: Tax the billionaires! Wait, what?

As Sowell said, the wealthy will always find a way to protect that wealth.  It’s the middle class that can’t do it.





Bound and determined to poke poke poke until it all lights off.

Poland’s foreign minister says the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine is ‘not unthinkable’ | AP News



“Women+”  WTF?



If someone did something, and I were on the jury, I’d accept the Southern Defense.




Hashem only knows that I’ve become far, far, far more inquisitive about the ingredients in everything I buy.





I remember some years ago, a German woman who was raped by a migrant and penned an open-letter apology to him for “provoking” him.







Ami Horowitz: Do Voter ID Laws Suppress the Black Vote? (







Did her cat army have any role to play?





This is the language app I’m using.  And I noticed this, perhaps a year or so ago.  How stories (Spanish) might have a woman waiting for “her wife”.  Other very subtle things slipped in.  Even my son noticed these – good, he’s aware.

But this is the nature of the fight we’re in.  These people are MISSIONARIES.




“D” vs “R” of course.




Create a narrative, then report on that narrative.














Pick of the Post:



James Woods for the win!




Palate cleansers:



Burn.  Ouchie!




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.






The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hard To Believe George Stephanopoulos Has Daughters

Wed, 2024-03-13 14:00 +0000

I have never been a fan of George Stephanopoulos (GS) since his beginnings in the Clinton White House. I have always thought he was one of the most biased members of the legacy media. But what he did to Representative Nancy Mace on his supposed news show this weekend was disgraceful. Disgraceful may be too kind.

It was shameful, dishonorable, disgusting, and worthy of ABC’s disciplinary action. What he did cannot be assuaged by an apology. He deserves to be terminated, and if the women of ABC have any guts, they will be insisting he be removed.

It is unclear why Mace was on the show This Week, which is supposed to be highlighting the week’s events. Stephanopoulos (GS) ambushed Mace by referring to her rape in her teens to her support of Trump, who GS incorrectly labeled as twice found libel of rape. Let’s unpack that statement.

First, Mace quickly claimed that her rape was not a topic to be discussed when she was booked for the spot, and she promptly let GS know that she would not be subject to his shaming her over being raped. The insensitivity of GS didn’t stop, and he went on to make the same incorrect statement about Trump at least ten times. When he finally gave up that he would not bait Mace into tearing down Trump, he segued to January 6. Did someone explain to George that his show was about the week’s events and not 2021 or Mace’s teen years? Tim Russert must be spinning in his grave at the caliber and quality of today’s weekly news shows.

The reason I referred to Stephanopoulos’ daughters is that he should be ashamed of his conduct toward them and every woman. I hope nothing ever happens to his two girls, but what he did to Nancy Mace should never happen to any woman. This sordid situation is exactly why women are hesitant to come forward when assaulted or raped at any age, let alone as a teenager.

Nancy Mace (R-SC) is a third-rail politician. I am not sure if that is endearing or insulting, but what I mean is Mace is not afraid to speak her mind and usually without a filter. She appeared at the State of the Union dressed in Trump regalia and gave the President a pin urging him to say the name Laken Riley. She went on to confront Biden during his speech, which forced him to address the killing of Laken. Biden compounded his reluctance by calling her Lincoln. But it has gotten worse for Joe. He referred to Laken’s killer as an illegal and has spent the last few days backtracking. He ticked off a few with his original remarks but has angered half the country by apologizing to the killer, whom he now calls undocumented.

This interview, or assault of Mace, maybe the first volley of the campaign. If so, the bar has been set very low for the Democrats. Michelle Obama once said when they go low, we go high. It was a meaningless sound bite. If Stephanopoulos showed us anything, there is no depth too low for the Democrats. We better develop thick skin as we will all need it for the next eight months. As for George Stephanopoulos, may he rot in hell for what he did to Nancy Mace.

The post Hard To Believe George Stephanopoulos Has Daughters appeared first on Granite Grok.

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