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Monday • September 16 • 2024


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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 6 min ago

Biden Admin: So, About that Student Loan Forgiveness Thing …

Sun, 2022-10-02 18:00 +0000

The Biden administration has altered the student loan forgiveness plan. Pray, they don’t alter it any further.


The Biden administration quietly issued an update to its student loan forgiveness plan on Thursday, drastically scaling back eligibility on the same day that six Republican-led states filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden, claiming his student loan forgiveness plan is illegal.


There is some confusion about what the law might allow if anything. The Republicans say the deal is illegal. Biden Dems say that a provision of a 2003 law permits them to use the pandemic as a vehicle for student loan forgiveness.


White House officials have argued that Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan is legal under the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 (HEROES Act), which grants the Department of Education the authority to cancel so much debt for so many people because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


New Hampshire is not one of the states challenging the move.


The states of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and South Carolina, in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Missouri, claimed that the move is illegal.


If you were not aware, the governor of Kansas is a Democrat who also opposed private business vaccine mandates and Biden’s OSHA mask mandate. That makes this a bipartisan rejection of the Biden mid-term vote-buying bailout plan, which they say is illegal.


The Biden administration itself concluded in a legal opinion (pdf) that any cancellation must be “structured to put loan recipients back into the financial position they would be in were it not for the national emergency” and limited only to the harm that has a relation to the borrower’s federal loans, “no matter how much [total] financial harm a borrower may have suffered because of a national emergency,” the suit states.

“The Biden Administration’s Mass Debt Cancellation does not even attempt to meet these requirements.


I think the Bidenistas know it’s illegal but don’t care. It is a calculated win-win for Dems, in their eyes. If it flies, they can buy “friends” and votes through loan forgiveness (and consolidation) at taxpayer expense. If it falls out of the sky, they can blame Republicans for burdening millions with excessive student loan debt (even if it is illegal).

And isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? The Left has spent so much money that people not yet born will be paying taxes on the debt created y elected officials for whom they did not vote.




HT | Epoch Times

The post Biden Admin: So, About that Student Loan Forgiveness Thing … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Sun, 2022-10-02 16:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well.




First, a PSA about internet “s*xtortion”:

4 Common Sextortion Questions (How to Get Your Life Back) (




What will it take to make us us cleanse our society of this filth?

A society that does not protect its children is set for collapse.  And deserves collapse.  Related:

Fay and Fluffy want to groom your children – American Thinker

So, The “Community” Admits It Wants Children to Have Access to Gay Porn – Granite Grok

Newsom Signs Bill Making California “Sanctuary State” For Children Seeking ‘Gender Affirming’ Surgery – Without Parental Consent

Brave high school girls’ volleyball players who object to trans teammate using their locker room now reportedly under investigation by school: ‘My mom wants me to do this interview to try to make a change’ – TheBlaze

Library Says Kids’ Book About Masturbation Will Stay On Shelves (

Alabama middle school teacher’s survey asks students about their gender identities and parents’ political beliefs – TheBlaze

City school board member Andrea Alvarez told 1819 News, “It was a mistake made by a new teacher and handled within 1 hour of the Superintendent being notified.” She continued, “Unfortunately, the parent decided that social media needed to find out before the school.”

They’re not sorry.  They’re just sorry they got caught.

Related, a good and hard-fighting group: MASS RESISTANCE




Top of the fold:

Against The Anti Brigades – Liberty’s Torch (

If we are to save our heritage of freedom and optimism, entertainment must be regarded as a major battlefront. Perhaps it’s even the critical one, without a victory in which no enduring progress is possible. Under no circumstances can we abandon it to the enemy. If we can’t counter-infiltrate the existing bastions of entertainment, we must erect, fund, and pursue our own.

If Breitbart’s analysis, “Politics is downstream from culture” is correct, and IMHO it is, then very often culture is downstream from those who create and curate the entertainment and information flows.

12 myths about the terrible “Inflation Reduction Act,” refuted (

The Left spins fairy tales, the enemedia repeat them, and it becomes The Narrative… and for too many, the only information they hear.

What could possibly go wrong? (

Diversity will be a strength.  Whether you want it or not.  And people are not wanting it:

First HUNGARY, AUSTRIA, SWEDEN, then ITALY…will SPAIN be next to vote in anti-mass Muslim immigration conservatives to take back the country? (

Let me be clear on something.  I know there are Muslims for whom their religion is personal, and have no desire to go and conquer.  They, like all people able to live at peace with others, are fine.  It’s those – whether by race, creed, religion, etc. – that want to destroy and conquer that I have a  problem with.

Anti-Globalism Is Going Mainstream – Which Means Engineered Disaster Is About To Strike | ZeroHedge

Of course, when criminals feel like they are being cornered they will sometimes set fires and take hostages in a last ditch effort to stay alive and slip through the net. I believe we are closing in on that stage of this terrible drama. It’s important to accept the conditions of the battlefield as they are and not underestimate the enemy. The truth is, globalists have extensive means at their disposal to wreak havoc and they have already set some of these disasters in motion.

I think their own arrogance – their own hubris – has brought this.  I believe they truly thought we’d just accept the Jabs wholesale.  Many did, but many did not.  I truly think they didn’t expect that.  Or for the internet to offer such information-sharing capabilities that we’d get around the enemedia Narratives to learn what they didn’t want us to learn.  And so, they’re panicking.  In our benefit, for panicked people make mistakes.  The problem is that they may go scorched earth on us.







Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival (just added)


Specific, one-up articles:

Here Are Some Big Stories That Nobody is Talking About (

M4S 064: Coping and Managing Stress with PTSD (

What Survival-Themed Series Should You Binge-Watch? The Organic Prepper

18 Survival Uses For Super Glue – Ask a Prepper

What Are Preppers Prepping For? 5 Reasons People Prep (

12 Bad Strategies That Will Get Preppers Killed – The Organic Prepper

Should you build a SHTF team or go it alone? (

As Famine Looms, Should You Hide Your Stored Food? (


Related to Spicy Time:



Our Prelude

When Communist attempted to take over Spain in the 1930’s, they dug up the corpses of Priests and Nuns and publicly desecrated them.

This is our Prelude. Brought to us by a modern “artist” publicly desecrating a national treasure.

Every conquering power attempts to wipe out and denigrate the prior power.  Just look at the destruction of historic statues.  The erasure of civilizational great literature and art in favor of junk and demeaning drek.  It’s why Islam builds mosques on top of the ruins of other religious sites (like the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount).  It’s why Christianity adopted many pagan holidays and co-opted the date to override the pagan belief.  And so on.



A critical question:






I am the son of a legal immigrant.  I am the husband of a legal immigrant.  The key word is LEGAL.  We need time to assimilate the ones we have, and a political class that is willing to do what’s needed to make that happen… and that is willing to stop the illegal flood.  The problem is that the draw of new voters is strong to the Left, and the draw of cheap labor is strong to the Right.




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?







Foraging: One-up articles

None found this week.

Note that I am starting to take note of edible plants that I recognize as I drive around.  I should get a map of my city / area and start notating where things are.  There’s one person whose rose bushes are laden with rose hips a few miles from my house, and I will drop off a note this week asking if I can harvest them.  Speaking of rose hips:

The Ultimate Survival Food You Can Only Harvest This Winter – Ask a Prepper

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):



Not immediately.  Not until he’s been squeeeeeeezed to find out what plans he and his fellows had and still have, and those remaining fellows rooted out.

They’re coming for you

If it weren’t for the Second Amendment, the DNC would be rounding me up and pushing me into a cattle car right this moment.  And they would be doing the same for you.

The FBI refuses to stop known terrorists who end up shooting up schools, but they’ll go after a guy who prays outside an abortion clinic.

This is who they are.  Don’t ever think they won’t do the same sh*t to you.

I would argue that if this started happening en masse, even many normies would wake up.  That’s another reason they’re not doing it.  Yet.  More on this case, and others too:

When Tyranny Is No Longer In Dispute – Liberty’s Torch (

Echoing the above:

THIS IS NOT THE AMERICA I KNOW: Dozens of FBI Agents Raid Home of Catholic Pro-Life Activist as Children Scream in Terror – PJ Media

In other words, the raid on Mark Houck was not a one-off. Joe Biden’s weaponized DOJ could be coming for any one of us. If you are a conservative and express your views by protesting in any way, you need to have a talk with your family—today—about what to do in the event of an FBI raid and what your contingency plans are in the event you’re arrested. Biden has made it clear that dissent won’t be tolerated, and they’re rounding up people like Mark Houck to send a message: comply or you’ll pay. These are very scary times.

The Mountain of Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become (

Video, 36 minutes.  And more:

New York Times: We Should Criminalize Speech Like Germany | Frontpage Mag

A company that used to make its living with free speech… until it found it was better to be captive to TPTB.  More on free speech:

In the UK, you don’t dare call an illegal alien an “illegal alien.” But now, you can’t even call them “migrants” (

GERMANY, the gestapo lives! (

The End of Debate – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Compare with my piece:

The Right to Disagree – Urban Scoop

“Why the middle class is being destroyed”

Throw some sand and grit in the progressive gearbox.  It’s fun!

From the same site:

US used auto sales crash – more confirmation

Green Concerns Cited: Third of French Women Do Not Want Children Ever

Remember what was said in 2015 at a conference in Malaysia about the “New World Order”… prevent them from giving birth.

WARNING: FEDS WARN OF ELECTION DAY VIOLENCE – Is Stasi FBI Plotting Their Next Assault on the American People?

False flags being planned, doubtless.  In fact, I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction about which I hope I’m wrong.  Please take note and record this.  Again, I pray I’m wrong.

If the early returns are showing a massive Red Tsunami, as revealed by counting / tracking before polls are closed, there will be “events” – and both numerous and big enough that the enemedia will start blazing about how the entire election should be considered illegitimate.  Dem pols will start to come out in the midafternoon also saying some form of “The disruptions and violence we’re seeing from the MAGA Republicans has so disrupted the voting we cannot be sure that the vote and 2022 election should be considered a legitimate expression of The People…”



National Security (specifically):



Rep. James Comer: Hunter & Joe Biden were working to sell natural gas & drilling assets to Chinese

If the GOP gets the House and Senate, and doesn’t immediately start impeachment proceedings, then TINVOWOOT for sure.

Xi Whiz – American Thinker

China plays the Long Game.  And Biden’s been bought, and has stayed bought.

NATO Working With Arms Industry To Ramp Up Production Amid Depleting Stockpiles | ZeroHedge

Sending so much to Ukraine that the cupboard is bare.



Shortages (broadly):

Biden’s America: Retailers Opt for Empty Shelves To Prevent Theft (

A society that is this low-trust cannot survive for long.





If there is CBDC and no cash, they own you.  Marry that to a social credit score, then if you don’t obey, you don’t eat.





WaPo Columnist Jen Rubin Writes There’s No ‘Need For False – PJ Media

What stage of genocide is this again?



NBC’s ‘Law & Order’ Paint Pro-Lifers as Violent Murderers | Newsbusters

Breitbart accurately said that politics is downstream of culture.  And culture is often downstream of the enemedia.



Economy at large:

They’re Redistributing Wealth, Not Fighting Inflation – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

The Biden administration isn’t fighting inflation, it’s deliberately increasing it even as its cronies in the Federal Reserve hammer home new interest rate hikes to force the economy into a recession. This two-step dance destroys savings, wrecks investments and allows for a massive wealth transfer to Democrat donors, special interests and voters. The more that the Democrat majority spends, the worse inflation gets and the more justification there is for higher rates.

If a recession arrives, there’ll be even more justification for government wealth transfers.

Cloward-Piven.  More:

Our Economic Misery Isn’t an Accident, It’s the Plan – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

Too many Republicans are failing to hold the Left accountable by refusing to state what is going on. Hanlon’s Razor, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” is fine when it’s not being applied to an ideology that is achieving its objectives through its actions.

If Americans don’t understand that our misery isn’t an accident or incompetence, but part of a plan then the downward cycle will continue to play out with increasingly worse outcomes.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Bonds at 49-Year Low – Stocks Having Worst Year Ever! (

“We’re Living In Alice In Wonderland” – Dallas Fed Survey Slumps Amid “Irresponsibility Of Biden Admin”

BIDEN ECONOMY: Stocks Endure Worst September Since 2002 in the Worst Year for the Markets Ever!

Europe’s Bear Market Just Getting Started

Perspective… | ZeroHedge

BIDEN ECONOMY: Housing Market is in a Recession – Geller Report

Why the Stock Market Crashed This Week (

The Local Real Estate Market Is Cratering As I Type

Unpayable Debt & Vax Causing Hell on Earth – Ed Dowd | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

On the economic front, Dowd says, “I have talked about this extensively, and a sovereign debt collapse is inevitable.  The way you know it’s occurring is watching the U.S. dollar index.  That is accelerating to the upside, and the dollar is going to fail up.  They will eventually try to introduce a new currency.  It will be central bank digital currency or something.  The dollar is 113 on the U.S. dollar index, and it was 104 this summer.  So, this is a big, big problem.  It’s causing debt defaults globally.  It’s causing margin calls.  I think we are seeing the greatest ever margin call ever seen in the history of the world unfolding before our eyes.  What I have been telling people since January and February is we are going into a global economic death spiral.   I told people to raise cash in their portfolio . . . I also think gold should be a good part of your portfolio, but don’t have all your eggs in one basket.”

In closing, Dowd warns, “80% of the country thinks everything is fine.  It’s not fine, and the global crash is already in progress.”

Surprise! The Economy Is Even Worse Than You Thought (



Inflation (specifically):

Misery Index: Bidenflation Remains Sky-High, And Americans Aren’t Fooled

But enough are fooled.  I still hear lib callers on a local talk show saying it’s “transitory” and not so bad.  Because Orange Man Bad.

Dutch Inflation Soars to Unprecedented 17.1%, 10 Eurozone Countries in Double Digits

Inflation Rose More Than Expected in August, Federal Data Shows

Inflation Soars to 10% in Europe – Euro Zone Inflation Doubles in First 9 Months of 2022… And It Will Likely Get Worse



US Stability (broad catch-all):

THIS is why those who question the 2020 election are being attacked as criminals – Flopping Aces

It also brings questions about the 2020 election. “Programming errors” and “technical issues” are all too easy to create, especially in the middle of the night. There are many who have concerns about the 2020 election and are being criminalized by the Biden regime. Without a doubt it is being done intentionally to intimidate those who might question human error, future programming errors and technical issues into being afraid to raise their voices. The stage is being set.

Paper ballots are the only way to go.


Rob Reiner conveniently forgets how many times HE claimed the 2016 election was stolen so HERE’S a bunch of his own tweets to REMIND him –

10 STRAIGHT MINUTES of Every Prominent Democrat Denying the Election Results in 2016 – Hypocrites Caught on Video

‘Fundamentally Transforming’ America Into a Communist Hellhole | Frontpage Mag

What’s going on is a multi-step process and has been well under way for decades now, but it kicked into high gear with the election of a barely concealed Marxist in 2008. The current administration is nothing more than a front, a convenient collection of useful idiots and Marxist allies for the one elected back in 2008.

And worldwide, for over a century.

Democrats Block GOP Attempt to Get Tougher on Fentanyl Trade As Fentanyl Deaths Explode – Geller Report

More interested in new voters than in saving Americans.  Related:

Listen: Fentanyl Is Killing Kids In More Ways Than You Realize – Granite Grok

Thanks for nothing, John Durham – American Thinker

Distractions & misdirection for Conservatives.  The swamp plans ahead.  And this is why America will fall – our public institutions serve themselves, not The People.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Regarding Putin and his nuclear threats, think the unthinkable, and prepare – American Thinker

I am not sure I agree.  But presented for information’s sake.  I do go with one of the commenters about a greater likelihood of a FF detonation.  Another take:

Why Russia Won’t Use Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine – American Thinker

Now, if Russia itself is threatened, all bets are off.  And given the annexation, those territories are – in Putin’s mind if not accepted by the world – Russian territory.

There’s a major reason why the world in 2022 is like the world in 1939 – American Thinker

WAR DRUMS: China Using Civilian Ships To Enhance Navy Capability, Reach – Geller Report

Michael Yon: Globalists Driving ‘Pandemic, Famine, War’ — ‘Triangle of Death’ (

And all engineered.  Speaking of planning:

“Globalists Are Marching Us Relentlessly Toward This Nuclear Armageddon” – EXCLUSIVE with Retired Colonel and Former Virginia State Senator Richard Black (

Lindsey Graham Urges Biden to Treat Attacks on Ukraine as Attacks on NATO, Even Though They’re Not a Member (

And if not nuclear war, famine & death:

Bayou Renaissance Man: “The Death of Germany, and Europe”

BALTOPS 50 Site For Experimental Mine Hunting Equipment > United States Navy > News-Stories

Gee, what could this be repurposed for?



Let me be clear.  I do not KNOW the US did it.  But qui bono – who benefits?  Don’t forget Biden’s statement about ending Nord 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine.  Related:

It’s more likely than not that Biden blew up the Nordstream pipline

It’s Not Crazy To Think Biden Sabotaged Nord Stream To Deepen US Involvement In The Ukraine War






Specific to energy:

Here’s How Dems’ Permitting Bill Could Help Nationalize The Power Grid | The Daily Caller

Bite by bite, they want the whole enchilada.

These Clues Suggest We’re Headed For a MASSIVE Global Energy Crisis (



Gardening, animals, etc.:



How To Tell Which Hens Are Laying Eggs – The Happy Chicken Coop

From the same site’s sidebar:

The Pros and Cons of Getting a Second Bird 

Setting Up the Bird Cage: A Step-By-Step Guide

Helpful Tips on How To Choose A Bird Sitter

How to Tame a Bird — A Taming Guide for Scared Avians

Common Parasites in Ducks

I remember an article from years and years ago that ducks, especially Muscovy ducks, can eat oodles of flies.  Good for fly control if you have that problem.

10 Foods You Can Grow In Your House Or Garden (

What You Need to Know to Start a Fall Garden – The Organic Prepper


Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

If you see others, tell me in the comments.

Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables



Big Tech in general:

India Flips COVID Contact Tracing App into WEF-Style ‘Sophisticated Surveillance System’. (

MY TAKE: Any tech can be subverted to a Globalist purpose.

How to scrub your phone number and address from Google search – Tatum Hunter (

“Gone In 30 Minutes” – Next On Europe’s Doomsday List: Collapse Of Cell Phone Networks | ZeroHedge

With rotating blackouts, this seems inevitable.



Self-defense & Hunting:



Why “Gray” Is the New Black: Assessing Baseline and Blending In (

On a tactical level, being gray is a good plan, especially in person.  On a strategic level, do not doubt you have cross-hairs on you.  You will NOT “gray man” your way out of this…

GOOD training

AR-15 related.

Firearm Background-Checks Now Report Home Addresses Of Gun Owners | ZeroHedge

HEADS UP!  Dammit, I’m looking at 1-2 more acquisitions.  Maybe not, now.



Catch-all miscellaneous:

What are ultra-processed foods? What should I eat instead? – Gretchen Reynolds (

I have been trying to only eat what I cook from scratch.  Unfortunately so many of the foods my fickle & finicky kids will eat are processed.



Wrap-up commentary if I am moved to do so:

Democrats are in far, far more trouble than you think – HotAir

There is lots more to chew on in the poll, but the TLDR is very clear: Democrats can look forward to drowning in a tsunami this November unless something dramatic changes the dynamic.

If 2020 was vote fraud dialed to “11” then 2022 will be dialed even higher.  They CANNOT afford to lose the House and Senate and they know it.  So , despite these red tsunami predictions, I’m predicting off-the-charts late night vote dumps and other skullduggery (love that word!), and that’s assuming they don’t false flag us into “temporarily” pushing the election back altogether (see my prediction above).  Consider the panic over Italy’s election:



And remember the EU President discussing “measures” if Italy chooses poorly.





Graphic, one of two at this post by Surak, on the dangers of the Jab.  Note that the Y-axis is not a linear scale.  With a linear scale the blue line would not be visible at all, so great is the harm done by the Covid shots. Quote (bolding added):

I have circulated a document summarizing much of this CoVID injection research to various friends, rabbis, and doctors. It is swimming in dozens of footnotes, including many primary sources such as peer-reviewed journals. The reaction has been mostly stony silence, with the exception of a few people who were already aware of the dangers. Everyone else steadfastly refuses to look at the evidence, in the same way that Church leaders refused to look through Galileo’s telescope to see for themselves the truth of his astronomical claims. I call this phenomenon “a conspiracy of willful ignorance”.

I have, and have read, that document.  It’s CHOCK FULL of info and references.  IMHO nobody who reads it honestly can come away still 100% convinced of “safe and effective”.  Dare I say there’s a curious lack of curiosity?

A Curious Incuriosity – Granite Grok

A Curious Incuriosity 2 – Granite Grok

Yuri B. was right:





Palate cleansers:




Lastly, daddy’s home!  Beautiful on so many levels:






The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rep. Cortez Claims Poor People Need Abortion

Sun, 2022-10-02 15:00 +0000

Many will not know her name, Rep. Cortez, but I refuse to use her three letter moniker. No matter what you call her, Representative Alexandria “Sandy” Cortez is an embarrassment to Congress and the people of New York she represents. Unfortunately, they will probably return her to Congress in November, which does not say much for these folks.

These folks deserve what they ask or vote for.

Cortez has been in the House for four years. She has yet to have a bill she authored passed, which is just part of her impact. Her most significant action was to block Amazon from building and staffing a major distribution center in her district. This center would have created thousands of high-pay jobs, but since Cortez did not understand the economics of tax credits, she blocked the effort.

Just a quick aside to explain what she did to Amazon. They were looking for a tax credit to aid in the construction of a major facility. A tax credit is a reduction in local taxes for a specified number of years. This is common with every corporate construction project everywhere in the country. Cortez thought New York would have to cut a massive check to Amazon, so she squashed the deal. Her ignorance cost thousands of her constituents good-paying jobs in the future. They should not reelect her but run her out of town.

What she did to get herself in the national spotlight this time was to make some ludicrous comments after a committee hearing in the House regarding abortion rights. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., argued Thursday that access to abortion should be treated as an economic issue because policies that force women to have children and also force them to work so they can afford to raise those children, which she said was a form of economic conscription.

“Forcing poor and working-class people to give birth against their will, against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child, is a profound economic issue and it’s certainly a way to keep a workforce basically conscripted to large-scale employers and to employers to work more against their will, to take second and third jobs against their desire and their own autonomy,” she said. What does that word salad even mean? Like Vice President Harris, Cortez must feel if you cannot form a coherent thought, then just throw a bunch of words together and bore or confuse your listeners.

It gets boring and insulting when people like Cortez and Harris, who have shattered racial barriers, cannot see others do the same and therefore resort every ill to race. Harris has already done this with Hurricane Ian and the devastation in Florida. She claims that although black and brown communities have suffered the most, which they did not, these ethnic groups will be the last to see relief. That is nonsense, and she has no facts to support her ignorant claim.

It would be refreshing to see these women do something of merit to show they deserve their position, but I guess that makes me a racist. Anyone who reads my posts knows I call out anyone who does not do their job and praise anyone who does. Truth has no color, it just has facts, and the facts show these two individuals do not merit our respect nor the fruits of their jobs.


The post Rep. Cortez Claims Poor People Need Abortion appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Maggie Hassan Voted AGAINST Securing the Border

Sun, 2022-10-02 13:30 +0000

Citizens for Sanity has taken another ad out in the Union Leader.  This time the ad exposes both Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Maggie Hassan (up for re-election) for voting AGAINST securing the Southern Border from Biden’s Border Invasion.

There were three measures that were meant to help curb the millions of illegals crossing the border, yet Shaheen and Hassan voted against all three of them.

Hassan has blood on her hands

According to the ad, the first was to hire thousands more Border Patrol Agents.  Agents have been absolutely overwhelmed since Biden took office, with almost 4 million illegals crossing the border to date, and those are only the ones we know about.

Another measure was to “remove illegal immigrants with felony criminal convictions.”  Yes, you read that right, and yes, both Shaheen and Hassan voted AGAINST this measure. They voted to KEEP illegal felony criminals in the United States. Illegal crimaliens who have been known to commit crime after crime be sent back to their own country and then come back to commit more crimes.

The final measure that would have helped curb Biden’s Border Invasion was to stop the ‘catch-and-release’ program that currently exists. This forces Border Patrol Agents to release illegals into the country after they have been caught entering the country illegally. Illegals are given a court date to appear to see if they qualify to receive asylum.  These illegals then go to wherever the hell they want, U.S.A. Immigration courts are so backed up that it often takes an average of 5 YEARS before an illegal even has a court date. Shaheen and Hassan vote AGAINST the measure to end this policy.

Not only is there a crisis at the border, built by Democrats, but because of the crisis, Americans are dying from Fentanyl. Not just drug addicts, but regular, everyday TEENAGERS who take a pill thinking it’s for something else, and it ends up being Fentanyl. Americans are literally dying from Biden’s Border Invasion, and our NH Senators voted AGAINST doing anything to stop it.  Both Shaheen and Hassan have blood on their hands.

Shaheen can’t be retired for a couple more years, but Hassan is up for re-election this November. It’s time Granite Staters elected someone who actually represents them. Granite Staters are DYING thanks to Democrats, it’s time for a change, and it can’t happen soon enough.

Democrats continue to ignore Biden’s border invasion but remember, Hassan voted to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, who will indeed be coming after YOU.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

M&M Mars Introduces Inclusive Purple ‘Character’ And I have Questions …

Sun, 2022-10-02 12:00 +0000

In January, M&M Mars announced that it was changing things up in the name of inclusivity. It would make the iconic candies different shapes and give them personality disorders – which might reflect reality in the front office of the MARS Wrigley global conglomerate.

Or maybe they wanted “fat” M&M’s to make obese people feel better.

And why not. Body positivity means it’s okay to let yourself be at high risk for heart disease and diabetes, and if you eat enough M&Ms, you’ll get there in a #woke heartbeat, and now we have the new Ms. Purple.


Designed to represent acceptance and inclusivity, our newest member is known for her earnest self-expression. Keen self-awareness, authenticity and confidence are the driving forces behind Purple’s charm and quirky nature. She joins the legendary cast of M&M’S characters, who recently were given a refresh with updated looks and more nuanced personalities back in January.

“Mars is thrilled to debut the newest member of the M&M’S cast of characters to the world. There is so much about our new spokescandy that people can relate to and appreciate, including her willingness to embrace her true self – our new character reminds us to celebrate what makes us unique,

First, I’d like to complain about them gendering “her.” And while we’re being ridiculous, is she chocolate identifying as vanilla (or the reverse)? How dare we even suppose (maybe she’s both!).

And it’s rude to even suggest it because there’s nothing quite as inclusive as forcing others to embrace the fantasy inside your head and getting mad at them if they refuse to play or follow along.

Related: US Govt. Plans to Use Drones to Fire Vaccine Laced M&Ms Near Endangered Ferrets?

Is she even purple? And is that a good look?

Prince was purple, deliberately overdosed on Fentanyl, and no one burned down any black businesses or shot any people of color. George Floyd – who may or may not have listened to music by Prince, died of an accidental Fentanyl overdose and America burned all summer. So, maybe Ms. Purple is a drug addict? An anti-Semitic leader of BLM? An addicted anti-Semitic leader of BLM (there’s room for a B and an L on that shell if you try, and isn’t it racist if you don’t)?

A BLM&M would be “inclusive.” But she’d have to live in a mansion in a predominately wealthy white neighborhood for it to be true to life. Speaking of which, there’s been an exponential rise in drug abuse and overdose deaths (from Fentanyl) since M&Ms started getting #woke, so Ms. Purple as a drug addict, works.


Our purpose story is just getting started and the introduction of our newest M&M’S spokescandy is the next chapter, as the brand continues to delight fans with fun in a way only M&M’S can.”


So there’s room for that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Where Is Jackie?

Sun, 2022-10-02 10:30 +0000

The new normal. The obviously mentally-incapacitated … and obviously President in name only … President of the United States giving a shout out to a dead person:

Biden obviously is NOT running the country. Somebody this mentally-incapacitated couldn’t run a ghost-town, never mind a country.

The questions are: (1) Who is? … (2) Why aren’t the GOP “leaders” demanding to know who is actually calling the shots? The answer to the second question may be more frightening … and enlightening … than the answer to the first.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Women in Biden’s White House Make Less Than Men

Sun, 2022-10-02 01:30 +0000

When he said the buck stops at Joe Biden, he was lying, or maybe he was talking about the so-called gender pay gap. A survey of salaries in Biden’s White house revealed that men make 16.5% more than women. The buck stops at Joe’s gender.

Related: If Gender is a Social Construct, Then So Is The Gender Pay Gap


Female employees in the West Wing earn a median salary of $83,467, more than $16,000 less than the median salary of $100,000 for male employees, an analysis of a White House salary disclosure found. The 16.5 percent wage discrepancy tracks almost perfectly with the national gender pay gap, according to President Joe Biden’s own proclamation on Equal Pay Day in March, which stated that women across the nation make 17 cents less per dollar than men.


And since the Left is about equality of outcome, not opportunity, all that chatter means but one thing. They don’t practice what they preach. Women working for Biden, just like Obama, are underpaid compared to men. They make less. Not that it truly matters. Gender is a social construct. If gender is made up, then so is the pay gap.


[Megan Rapinoe]  is a very talented millionaire female athlete who has complained for years, despite her success, that she gets paid less than men for doing the same job. That’s the gender pay gap. Or is it? Rapinoe’s success did not come from playing against men. It results from being better than most other women in her chosen profession.

If forced to do the same job – compete professionally against men – Rapinoe doesn’t make the cut.


Maybe the men are doing jobs requiring more hours, stress, risk, or responsibility. In other words, what if the women are not doing the same job – like Megan Rapino – so they are not entitled to the same pay?

Megan, of course, led her coven of wealthy but discontented women (whatever those are) to an agreement with the world soccer people. They got a base pay deal on par with the men with whom they could never compete. Perhaps the Women of the White House could rally a similar deal.

Or, given the state of the economy, could they get the men paid 16.5% less?

It’s not like anyone there is doing anything that could be confused with good work. Most of what they’ve done is causing our dollars to be worth less and do less, forcing us to be less.

And since this is about equality, at least on paper, not a body in that building should be making more than $63,214.00. That’s the average individual wage in the US in 2022, down about 5K from when Trump was the guy sitting behind the Resolute desk. The median income under Biden is only $44,225.00.

The problem, if there is one, is that people in government make more than the people who pay them, including the women.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Orwell’s 1984 and Sandy Hook. An Open Letter to the Great Nine

Sun, 2022-10-02 00:00 +0000

Dear Nine American Justices, I’ve been told that you have before you a very modest case in which the Petitioner/Defendant, who was entitled to have a jury trial, now asks for your help. All that is required is that you send it back to the lower court for a trial.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

The case involves a conspiracy theory, but that need not play any part in your judgment. Not at all. The case is about a simple matter of procedural justice, to which each of us Americans is entitled at all times.

What this man is asking is that he be given a chance to fight for recognition of reality. The alternative is that he be forced to cave in to the 21st Century trend of treating reality as unimportant. I believe we are all under great pressure to cave in to that trend these days. Therefore, your decision on this case could be wonderfully historic. Or, it could be devastating.

This afternoon (September 30, 2022), I pulled out my old copy of the ‘novel’ 1984, written by George Orwell in 1949. I was reminded that a main plot of that book is Winston Smith’s desire to re-discover a hidden past, the real past. In Winston’s society in London, set in the 1980s, a totalitarian government, led by “the Inner Party,” deleted the past from the record.

As everyone knows, many of Orwell’s predictions are coming true in the United States. To name just five: 1. The government pushes propaganda more overtly than it used to. 2. Many people consider the government tyrannical. 3. A variety of techniques of mind control have come into use.4. Dissidents get bumped off. 5. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. And Orwell’s concepts such as the Two Minute Hate, and “Room 101” (Gitmo) are visible to us.

The book 1984 starts with Winston Smith, age 39, working for the Ministry of Truth. His job is to receive old publications, such as from The Times, in order to make a correction if the content no longer accords with officialdom’s current truth. When he writes the new version, it gets printed and made to pass for the original. He dutifully sends the original down the memory hole (which goes to a furnace).

Until Winston acquires a girlfriend (Julia), which acquiring is criminal itself, he is very alone. There’s no one he dares speak to. So we, the readers, get to listen to his private battling with questions, which can be roughly paraphrased as “What was the real past like?”, “If the current reality (the Party’s lies) are not true, must I make my emotions conform to them?”, and “Is life worth living if we’re all forced to be fakers?”

I will quote verbatim, to give the flavor. This is from Orwell’s 1984, copyright Harcourt 1949, copyright renewed by Sonia Brownell Orwell, 1977. Page numbers are from Penguin’s Signet Classics edition. The headings were inserted by me.

Making “Truth” (The Party announces that we are at war, against Eurasia.) pp 34-35:

“The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth…. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. ‘Reality control’, they called it….

“[Winston’s] mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, … to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, … to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed…. [ultimately] to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed.”

The Defamation Lawsuit

I [Mary Maxwell] interrupt Orwell here to describe the case — Fetzer v Pozner — that is before you, O Great Nine. I mean it’s in a pile of cases waiting to see if four of you will agree that it move to the much smaller pile of those that will be ruled on this term. It was initiated as a lawsuit by Leonard Pozner, and went before Wisconsin Judge Frank Remington, who made a summary judgement in Pozner’s favor. It fits into Orwell’s theme about reality.

In short, Prof Fetzer published a book in which he said that the death certificate of Pozner’s little boy Noah is phony. Fetzer believes that the Sandy Hook school massacre never actually occurred (he thinks it was a drill). Fetzer hired two top forensic examiners of documents to look at the death certificate. He submitted their affidavits but was not allowed the normal ‘Discovery’ process. The judge closed the case.

To many people, including myself, the reality of the child’s death certificate sort of stands for the reality of the massacre. But the authenticity of the document itself is all that’s in the case submitted to you. Pozner sued for defamation on the grounds that Fetzer had in effect called him a liar. Fetzer is now required to pay $450,000 to Pozner. Justice has not been done.

Here is the conclusion of one of the forensic experts, Larry Wickstrom:

“From my examination of the documents which were presented to me electronically and by US Mail, I make these determinations.

1. That the 132KB, JPEG imaged Certificate of Death, for Noah Samuel Pozner age 6, (CoD1) as examined is an altered and unreliable document image. No determination of
originality, or intentional act of forgery, can be supported due to the multi generational
copy degradation of printed image and the low resolution of the captured image.

2. That the obviously altered in shape and content, 1.7MB, JPEG imaged Certificate of
Death, for Noah Samuel Pozner age 6, (CoD 2) is a forgery.

3. That the State of Connecticut, Registrar of Vital Statistics, has issued two different and
certified as true versions (CoD 3 & 8) of state file number 2012-07- 078033, a Certificate
of Death, for Noah Samuel Pozner age 6.

4. That for reasons disclosed and undisclosed, the content of state file number 2012-07-
Case 2018CV003122 Document 178 Filed 06-07-2019 Page 7 of 22 Page 8 078033 has been digitally and physically altered.

5. That until such time as the State of Connecticut addresses and rectifies the conditions that
allow this kind of record manipulation, any ‘true copy of a record filed’, certified by the
Seal of State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health, should be considered suspect
and treated as unreliable.”

[Now I will get back to Orwell, to discuss Newspeak, thought control, and lying about statistics.]

The Limiting of Language (This is Syme, a co-worker, lecturing to Winston.) pp 52-5:

“You haven’t a real appreciation of Newspeak, Winston… In your heart you’d prefer to stick to Oldspeak, with all its vagueness and its useless shades of meaning. You don’t grasp the beauty of the destruction of words. … Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”

“Even now, of course, there’s no reason or excuse for committing thoughtcrime. It’s merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control. But in the end there won’t be any need even for that. The Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect. Newspeak is Ingsoc [English socialism] and Ingsoc is Newspeak… Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?”

p 41: “Statistics … a great deal the time you were expected to make them up out of your head. For example, the Ministry of Plenty’s forecast had estimated the output of boots for the quarter at a hundred and forty-five million pairs. … Winston, however… marked the figure down to fifty-seven millions, so as to allow for the usual claim that the quota had been overfilled… Very likely no boots had been produced at all. … And so it was with every class of recorded fact, great or small. Everything faded away into a shadow-world in which, finally, even the date of the year had become uncertain.”

Emotions and Humanness

I [MM] will now move to Orwell’s tie-in of the Party’s mind-control policy with the control over one’s humanity. Winston kept puzzling over the way that the government wanted to take away our natural emotions by, say, eliminating love and family loyalty.

(My point in bringing this up, in connection with Sandy Hook, is that the Wisconsin court may have been under pressure from “the Party” to cancel out the reality of what happened in Newtown CT on December 14, 2012. A summary judgment blocking inquiry would have the ‘desired effect’ of sparing any fraudsters from exposure. And — I argue — if there is a tie-in, as Orwell claims, between reality control and the curtailing of love, we ought to blow this open. Giving up our humanness is ridiculous.)

Marriage and Sex. p 65

“The aim of the Party was not merely to prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to control. Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act. Not love so much as eroticism was the enemy, inside marriage as well as outside it. All marriages between Party members had to be approved by a committee… permission was always refused if the couple concerned gave the impression of being physically attracted to one another. … There were even organizations such as the Junior, Anti-Sex League, which advocated complete celibacy for both sexes.

Love and Privacy, pp 166-167 (Conversation between Winston and Julia):

“[Julia]: ‘Everybody always confesses. You can’t help it. They torture you.
[Winston]: ‘Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter: only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you — that would be the real betrayal.’
She thought it over. ‘They can’t do that,’ she said finally. ‘It’s the one thing they can’t do. They can make you say anything — anything — but they can’t make you believe it. They can’t get inside you.’
‘No,’ he said a little more hopefully, ‘no; that’s quite true. They can’t get inside you. If you can feel that staying human is worth while, even when it can’t have any result whatever, you’ve beaten them’.”

Remembering his Mother and Tragedy, p. 30

The thing that now suddenly struck Winston was that his mother’s death, nearly thirty years ago, had been tragic and sorrowful in a way that was no longer possible. Tragedy, he perceived, belonged to the ancient time, to a time when there was still privacy, love, and friendship, and when the members of a family stood by one another without needing to know the reason. His mother … had sacrificed herself to a conception of loyalty that was private and unalterable. Such things, he saw, could not happen today. Today there were fear, hatred, and pain, but no dignity of emotion, no deep or complex sorrows.”


Orwell’s very widely-read 1984, has in it a great concern for the role of truth as against an arrogant, and plainly insane, set of bosses. That book should have been the nail in the coffin for totalitarianism, but instead we see an ever-growing police state in America. No one seems to know how to stop this.

Oh really? Yes we do know — by applying the law. In regard to the Sandy Hook controversy, a proper trial in which the authenticity of the Pozner death certificate (and thus the financial liability of James Fetzer) can be resolved, is simply the basic requirement. The Seventh Amendment (“In suits at common law… the right of trial by jury shall be preserved”) is not mocked.

If we don’t interpose now, things can only get worse; the problem of reality control can’t just fade away. As Orwell said, on pages 80-81:

“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later…. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. ”

There are various Orwellian examples running rampant through our society, but Professor James Fetzer’s plight is the only one that I know to be before you, O Justices. A decision for the Petitioner that you will take this case would send a message to the Party (and its complicitous media) that you are willing to confront them when you are called upon to do so.

Thank you for considering this.

Yours very respectfully,

Mary Maxwell
Concord NH 03301 USA

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is This Why Mitch McConnell Won’t Support Blake Masters?

Sat, 2022-10-01 22:30 +0000

Blake Masters thinks that it should be possible to maintain a family on one income. That is heresy … real Spanish Inquisition stuff … to the globalists and corporatists.

They believe that Americans should be working for the big corporations, not raising their children themselves … that’s part of why we import so many illegals, to serve as nannies while mommy and daddy serve their corporate masters.

Perhaps this explains why Mitch has gone all in on Don Bolduc, even though Blake Masters’ race is much more winnable:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Electric Vehicle Mandates “Interview” Never Asks the Only Question That Matters …

Sat, 2022-10-01 21:00 +0000

Vermont has locked in on the California Cobb up-the-backside Electric Vehicle/emissions reduction plan. By 2035 you won’t be able to buy or register a new gas-powered vehicle in the state. All new vehicles will be electric which is a problem for a host of reasons.

Related: A Reality Check For Electric Vehicles in the Real America

You’re not cutting emissions. You are offshoring them. EVs are too expensive. Electricity is too expensive. And we’ll need a lot more power we don’t and won’t have (hello rationing!), but when Mitch Wertlieb was talking with Vermont Public climate and environment reporter Abagael Giles that never comes up.

Ignoring the “Green” Gorilla

Mitch and Abagael discuss where the Vermont rules come from (California) and how it will affect buying and registering a vehicle. Is there a market for EV’s, they wonder, and what are the incentives? It’s a quaint little chat, but no one asks or explains the disincentives like where all the electricity will come from or how the inevitable spike in price will crush lower and middle-class Vermonters, small businesses, farms, and the state economy.

Sorry, not just the Vermont State Economy.

As I noted here, New Hampshire is stuck on the same grid. If Massachusetts (another CA EV stooge-state) and Vermont mandate electric vehicles, the cost of electricity will have to rise exponentially, crushing us.

Related: Winter is Coming: Is It Time for New England to “Pay” the Green Energy Piper?

There isn’t enough of it now, and this would escalate demand into terrorism no one, including Mitch and Abagael, wants to discuss. To put it into a simple picture, we’re being told to dive into a pool with no water, and no one cares that there’s no hose.

Why isn’t anyone asking that question? Where is this electricity coming from? Shouldn’t we answer that question and have a plan that adds up before we commit to mandating a product that can’t run without it?


Unlike US dollars, you can’t “print” electricity into existence. Even if wind and solar were not dirty, inefficient, and expensive, there is not enough surface area in New England or offshore to generate the electricity needed to feed current needs, and all the cars people will be expected to buy and drive.

And it’s not an insignificant problem. Without the electricity planned to scale, you are forcing manufacturers, dealers, and citizens to embrace something with a significant carbon footprint and a high risk of catastrophic failure that will cost more and do less. Maybe nothing.

The poster child for this dumpster fire has already told EV users not to charge their vehicles because there isn’t enough juice. And they’ve probably got more rooftop solar than nay state in the country, not to mention wind and solar farms.

Related: Trying to Replace Fossil Fuels With Solar Will Require Burning a Sh!tload of Coal

But that’s the Democrat party. Expensive and wasteful, the plan contradicts the stated goal, and failure is a feature. But it’s not just elected Democrats. New Hampshire will pay the price because Vermont and Massachusetts are all-in on planned failure, and as far as I can tell, the NH plan is to sit on our hands and watch it happen.






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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden-Regime To Distribute Hurricane-Aid Based On Skin Color

Sat, 2022-10-01 19:30 +0000

You don’t need to take my word for it. Here’s Kamala announcing that federal aid for Hurricane Ian will be distributed based on skin color:

One of the nefarious goals of the Biden-Regime is turning America into an apartheid society. These people are evil.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Female Volleyball Players Punished for Being Modest, They are No Longer Allowed in the Female Locker Room

Sat, 2022-10-01 18:00 +0000

Let’s make sure that this goes VIRAL. 

In New Hampshire, you can go back to when the Democrats and Governor Chris Sununu signed the law that added “Gender Identity” to the protected class under the anti-discrimination law. 

Now parents are left having to fight against biological boys in the restroom with girls. We are now also seeing biological boys competing with girls in sports, and taking their scholarships for college. It sure sounds like a war against females, doesn’t it? 

What’s next? This story out of Vermont may answer that question. 

While I’m sympathetic to children who are experiencing gender dysphoria, and the peer pressure from some of their peers to transition; the fix is not to turn this into a war against girls and women. Unfortunately, that’s what this is becoming.In Vermont, a courageous girl revealed that she and her teammates have been banned from the girls locker room for feeling uncomfortable changing with a biological boy who identifies as a girl.

Make note that in this story, the transgender student made “an inappropriate comment” while the girls were changing. I think many girls are now concerned that boys will use these policies to access the girls locker room for nefarious reasons. Did the school administrators allow the sexual harassment of girls in an area that should be their “safe space?”  Also in the story, administrators are alleging that the transgender student was harassed. Let’s hope that they get to the bottom of all of this, but in many ways, this WOKE policy is not going to work well.  We can see that now in one of the most WOKE states in the country, Vermont.

The school administrators are now conducting one of those “investigations” in the school. Who actually thinks that’s going to produce anything meaningful?

It will take public pressure and electing legislators and school board members who reject this WOKE agenda in the public schools to really make a difference.  All children should be safe and treated with dignity while they are in school. Opening up the locker room to children who are the opposite sex does not respect the modesty of the girls who attend this school. A transgender student may also need a space where they feel comfortable changing, which may require problem solving skills that take all parties into consideration.

Many parents instill virtues in their children, modesty being one of them. There are boys and girls who are not comfortable in the restroom or locker room with a member of the opposite sex. Should children be punished for feelings of modesty now?  That seems to be the message from the co-principals Caty Sutton & Lisa Floyd. Get over it girls!

Good for Blake Allen and her MOTHER who made this public. 


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Hurricane Ian Wrecked The Climate Cult’s Dire Predictions Business

Sat, 2022-10-01 16:30 +0000

The left is promising that they can stop Hurricanes or something, but that’s not even close to true for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is they (and their experts) can’t even tell us where one will be three days from now.

When Ian was creeping around the Caribbean, the projections said he would make “landfall” in the Florida panhandle and then head up into Georgia.



That was wrong.



When they decided landfall would be around Tampa, they projected Ian would stroll over to the east coast of Florida and hook back in at the Georgia- South Carolina border.


That was wrong.


Ian went straight across the peninsula back into the Atlantic for a bit and then headed up to South Carolina.

Not very good predicting, and to be fair, the climate is incredibly complex. But that’s not just true for hurricane Ian, and if you live in New England, you’ll know what I mean.

The dry, sunny forecast you woke up with is no guarantee. It might rain or snow depending on the season that same day. In other words, even with all that technology, models, experts, and some of the best guessing they can manage, they get it wrong the same day. They get it wrong a few days out.

The further out we go, the greater the errors are likely to be, which means long-term predicting is almost impossible with the tools and talent at our disposal. The climate is far too complex.

Pshaw, say the Marxist Dems, we may not know sh!t about economics, but we can prevent storms like Ian, which is about the stupidest hail-Mary mid-term BS throw I’ve seen in a while. They can’t predict today. The so-called consensus they rely upon can’t predict the track of the hurricane that’s right in front of them.

We appreciate you trying, and don’t stop but let’s admit that there are limits.

Speaking of Limits

These are the same people who estimated an above-average hurricane season in 2022 that never materialized. We are about to leave the busiest month for hurricane landfills in the US (September), and there are zero disturbances in the Atlantic aside from Ian. None.

Related: NOAA Predicted Above Average Hurricane Season so How’s That Working Out?



We are not seeing more storms or more severe storms making landfall, not that you could predict them if you tried. You can’t get anything right, and now you’re going to run on that?

I’m inclined to let you, but I can’t let this epic level of stupid go unreported.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Portrait of a Learner in SAU21: More Data Mining Your Child’s Mental Health for $$$

Sat, 2022-10-01 15:00 +0000

Many schools across the country are developing something called Portrait of a Graduate. At the elementary level, this is called Portrait of a Learner. SAU21 just put out a notice to parents that they will be discussing this program on Tuesday October 4th at Winnacunnet High School.


So what will be discussed? Will they tell you that Portrait of a Graduate is a national program created by an Ohio-based company called Battelle for Kids? Portrait of a Graduate is being used to fundamentally transform the purpose of US education.

It shifts curriculum, assessment, school accountability, and data collection away from academics and toward Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

Battelle for Kids was created by Battelle, an applied science and technology company that uses technology to track behaviors. The program was incentivized through policies and grants in the 2015 federal education law the Every Student Succeeds Act ESSA. ESSA replaced No Child Left Behind and was signed into law during the Obama administration with bi-partisan support. These policies are an extension of Common Core reforms.

Some of Battelle’s strategic partners that direct states’ adoption of Portrait of a Graduate are CASEL (Watch the video where Tim Shriver admits teaching academics is no longer important), Aurora Institute, ExcelinEd <JEB BUSH (who profits off of his online Charter Schools) and KnowledgeWorks. These companies are working towards mass data collection of children’s values, attitudes and behaviors (aka..mental health) with a company called the Data Quality Campaign. 

The Data Quality Campaign was instrumental in developing states’ State Longitudinal Data Systems. So, Portrait of a Graduate/Learner is, essentially, a program to expand New Hampshire’s State Longitudinal Data System, and start tracking children into all sorts of social services including health services, and into the workforce. You can read more about that here from the Parent Coalition for Student Privacy. Here are the data elements you should be concerned about. 

Every few months, more data elements are “defined” and added to the CEDS, so that more information about a child’s life can be easily collected, stored, shared across agencies, and disclosed to third parties. You can check out the CEDS database yourself, including data points recently added, or enter the various terms like “disability,” “homeless” or “income” in the search bar.

In relation to discipline, for example, CEDS includes information concerning student detentions, letters of apology, demerits, warnings, counseling, suspension and expulsion records, whether the student was involved in an incident that involved weapons, whether he or she was arrested, whether there was a court hearing and what the judicial outcome and punishment was, including incarceration.

This type of information is obviously very sensitive and prejudicial, and often in juvenile court, records are kept sealed or destroyed after a certain period of time, especially if the child is found innocent or there is no additional offense; yet all this information can now be entered into his or her longitudinal record with no particular restriction on access and no time certain when the data would be destroyed.



In the final scheme of things, Portrait of a Graduate/Learner is the backbone for Social Credit Scoring and ESG scores for children.

New Hampshire

As the leader in implementing competency education, New Hampshire recognized the need for a state data system that was better equipped to communicate with district systems and provide necessary supports. The Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence reduces the burden on schools and gives information back to schools based on regularly collected data to encourage student achievement through rigorous data use and analysis.

By encouraging states to develop data systems with complete information, the Data Quality Campaign has been essential to the first step of creating meaningful data systems across the country. With data collection getting better and better, the next step must address the use of this data. Collection and compliance alone have not and will not support students in reaching their full potential.

KnowledgeWorks is a Gates-funded organization (also based in Ohio) that the State Boards of Education paid to facilitate the districts’ adoption of Battelle’s SEL framework. (Pilot programs and legislation for Competency-Based Education will align “competencies” to those in Portrait of a Graduate) Local teachers are brought into the process to determine competencies, but only for show. In actuality, they are being shifted into becoming facilitators of the SEL system, and, over time, the entire system will be geared toward SEL.

Here are some resources:  

• Battelle’s website where they show that they are driving the work of states and districts across the US:

**KnowledgeWorks’ explains their work in New Hampshire: Policy Conditions in Action: Comprehensive Supports for Educators and Leaders in New Hampshire. In 2011, a group of postsecondary leaders in New Hampshire formed the IHE Network to influence policymakers and engage practitioners to promote innovative programs and policies that link educator preparation, new educator induction and ongoing professional development in the state.


  • President – Kristen Downey, Upper Valley Educators Institute
  • Vice President – Nick Marks, Granite State College
  • Secretary – Dale Boyle, Franklin Pierce University
  • Treasurer – Nick Marks, Granite State College

• KnowledgeWorks’ explains that they are replacing academics with competency-based learning which they see mirroring the “anti-racist” work of Marxist Ibram X. Kendi:

• KnowledgeWorks says our Constitution is racist and that education has to fix that:

• Panorama Education’s website shows how they use Portrait of a Graduate to build their behavioral surveys and data collection. (Panorama was founded by US AG Merrick Garland’s son-in-law….the reason that Garland went after parents that oppose Critical Race Theory at local school boards).

What does this mean for the children in SAU21? MASSIVE data mining of your child’s behavior, attitudes, values, etc. (aka..their mental health)


What will this be used for? Good question but many of the researchers say for Social Credit Scoring and ESG scores for children.

Once the data on your children is collected, stored and sent who knows where, you no longer control it.
Parents are looking for ways to avoid all SEL (Social and Emotional) screenings, assessments in the schools because of the data mining. While SEL may sound good, it’s the data mining that is the biggest threat to your child’s future.

In SAU21 they will be using the PEAR screening on your children for SEL purposes. While they will be required to obtain parental consent, here is what PEAR says about sharing information with parents:

Will PEAR have access to your child’s sensitive information?

What is one of the biggest reasons parents are withdrawing their children from public schools? DATA MINING.

So what is the big deal about SEL in our schools? I think Nancy Bailey summed it up perfectly in this article titled: Social Emotional Learning: The Dark Side. Who is Nancy Bailey? First she’s NO RIGHT WINGER. She describes herself as:


EVERY parent should scroll through her list of problems with SEL. Pay close attention to what she lists here:

SEL and Social Impact Bonds and Pay for Success

School districts are encouraged to use SIBs or Pay for Success to fund programs. Schools get money for students based on their social and emotional skills. Upon student improvement, companies get back their contribution with a profit.

For example, SEL is listed in the U.S. Department of Education (DeVos)  Pay for Success Feasibility Tool Kit: Considerations for State and Local Leaders to increase kindergarten readiness (p.6).

Before anyone still claims this is a conspiracy make note that the union AFSME opposes the use of SIBs too.

This isn’t about right vs left on SEL. This is about standing against Corp. profiteers who will capitalize $$$$ on all of the data and products they now sell to our schools. This is also about social control through Social Credit Scoring and ESG scores for children. Wall Street investors will profit off of the SIBs, Ed Tech and vendors will profit off of schools that purchase these products that data mine your child’s mental health information.

What do I advise parents to so when it comes to SEL: AVOID SEL at all costs. NO screenings, assessments, treatment, or anything else. Unfortunately they are now embedding SEL into the curriculum. That makes this task challenging for sure.

In NH parents do have the right to opt out of objectionable material, but this could get complicated if it’s embedded in the curriculum.

What do you get? 

It’s not “improved academics,” that’s for sure.
My advice? AVOID SEL and AVOID this screening for your children.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Summer is Over: So, How’d That ‘Ticks All Year’ Thing Hold Up?

Sat, 2022-10-01 13:30 +0000

I am happy to say we have concluded our white dog summer research project. The object was to test a progressive premise established in May that “tick season” would be all year round ‘cuz, Climate change. The final results?

It was bullish!t.

If you’ve been following the “research,” you will know that my yellow lab – which has very white fur – is an excellent test subject for gauging the tick population. In the spring, it was awful, as it always is; we were pulling two to four or more off the dog every trip outside.

Many a blood-sucking parasite met an unpleasant end, burial at “sea,” immolation (sacrifice to the angry democrat gods), crushing hazards. We’re not kind to those little bastards, but they keep coming back for more. But not as predicted by the “experts.” The perception was that climate change had messed everything up, and it looked like we’d have no summer hiatus from ticks.

And then we did.

It was like every other year except for a very impressive heat wave. Heat, warming, CO2, but no ticks. What gives?

The white dog spent as much or more time in the yard as any other year, but through July and August, not one single tick was spotted on Cosmo. And none on us either. So, what about September?

One tick, but not until after summer was over. I found one tick on the white dog a few days ago and none since.

Not only did we not have ticks all year, we have a slow start to the autumn tick season (which is good), but then, that heavier-than-average hurricane season we were promised has been no less disappointing for the Climateers (Also good).

We had no named storm in July or August and nothing that hit land until the last week of September. And then, only one.

Just like the ticks.

Will someone suggest ticks and … never mind.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Generational Theft Machine

Sat, 2022-10-01 12:00 +0000

Deficit spending and inflation are a tool by the government to freely spend while simultaneously eroding our wealth. Did you know the Constitution protects us from this tactic initiated through the Federal Reserve (FED) in 1913?

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

Sole power over money is given to Congress in Article I, section 8: “To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin.” Since 1913, Congress unconstitutionally transferred this power to a Board of Governors and twelve privately chartered regional banks. The formation of the FED was a major step to tyranny right out of The Communist Manifesto: “Centralizing credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank.“

What has happened since the FED implemented the Marxist, Keynesian economic system in 1913?

Fiduciary currency backed by lawful currency, silver or gold, was outlawed in 1971. Each time the FED creates more dollars by printing or digital clicks, dollars become worth less. There is no limit on the quantity created out of thin air.

Observing this habitual spending of other people’s money, it becomes obvious to me why in the 1940s my dad paid a nickel for a cup of coffee, and bread in the 1950s was two loaves for 29 cents. As money loses its value, it takes more dollars to buy the same item. Ignorance is not bliss; it’s expensive.

The national debt in 1913 was 1 billion. Today it’s over 30 trillion.

In 1913, again right out of the Communist Manifesto, Congress also passed the XVI Amendment: “A heavy or progressive income tax.”Article I, Section 8, gives the power of taxation to Congress but stipulates that taxes shall be uniform throughout the United States, which eliminates progressive taxes. Because of ignorance of the supreme law of the land, citizens and officeholders failed to uphold the Constitution but rather accelerated economic suicide. Keynes was correct when he prophetically stated his economic system would be the“ euthanasia of capitalism.”

The failures of the past do not have to direct our future. Thomas Jefferson gives us the remedy for this severe lack of knowledge about our Constitution:

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”

An uninformed electorate is an enemy of liberty and the best friend of tyrants. Again, ignorance is not bliss, it is expensive and the most powerful weapon our enemies have. Citizens who love their liberty need to search for the power of true knowledge that has been purposely denied them for generations.

A good place to start is to contact The John Birch Society Field Coordinator Matthew Rhodes at 207-391-0970 about “The CONSTITUTION IS THE SOLUTION,” a seven-week seminar now going on several places in New Hampshire.”



The post Generational Theft Machine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, The “Community” Admits It Wants Children to Have Access to Gay Porn

Sat, 2022-10-01 10:30 +0000

The latest front in the culture war has taken an interesting turn. Mostly Democrats and members of various LGBT identity groups have decided there should be no discussion about the appropriateness of books that depict children performing gay sex acts.

The mere mention of it has been described as book banning.

The tip of this “spear” is a book called Gender Queer, which includes a cartoon depiction of a child performing fellatio on another kid. By all legal definitions, this is kiddie porn. If you handed it to a random kid on the street, you could be arrested, convicted, and added to the sex-offender registry for life. But daring to suggest it might not be appropriate to let anyone of any age grab it off a public or school library shelf is considered intolerant.

Speaking of intolerant, there are plenty of books, both graphic novels, and text only, that depict or describe sex acts, so are these banned too?

No Hentai in the school library but Gender Queer needs to be there.

How about any of the dozens, if not scores, of “periodicals” or other material depicting nudity or sexual acts in print? Are we okay with gay porn only, or is heterosexual porn acceptable? Can we have a debate about “banning that?”

It’s not a Ban

Leaving them out of the school library is not “book banning.” It is a choice about taxpayer-funded access based on age, maturity, and a general sense of public moral interest, but since we’re here. Is anyone who wants that material available to minors in public or school libraries advocating for children’s access to porn?

Is there some other explanation? It’s pornographic. You want them to see it. You do not want to debate it. And whether you are an elected official, school administrator, librarian, parent, teacher, neighbor, activist, or member of an identity group, your objection to the conversation says one thing. You believe children need to see this.

You think children need to be sexualized, and your vector of preference (in this case) is gay porn. And if possible, without further discussion, as evidenced by the town council in Rochester this past week.


(Couniclor Jim) Gray had tasked Blaine Cox, the city manager with sitting down with the city’s chief librarian, Marie Lejeune, and getting her take on the appropriateness, or inappropriateness of the above-referenced images in Gender Queer.

But the City Council chose to short-circuit the discussion by removing the agenda item using a rarely employed – at least with this body – Robert’s Rules of Order codicil that voids the agenda item with a two-thirds vote. The council voted 12-1 to remove it, with Gray the lone nay vote.

The vote robbed Cox of doing his job. In fact, we don’t know if he ever sat down with Lejeune or not.


The Rochester City Council banned debate, so we presume their position is no different than those in the LGBT community who showed up to defend the book; your kids have a right to access taxpayer-funded gay kiddie porn, and objecting to that is the equivalent of book banning, even though the book is readily available not just online but in print to anyone who wants it.

I guess what I’d like to know, and perhaps any number of taxpayers and parents as well, is why do you, as an adult, want children to access gay porn but not all porn?

Or do you want that too?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Could Have Just Summed It Up, “NEA Is Shutting Down Explorations of Safety: Attacking 2nd Amendment

Sat, 2022-10-01 01:30 +0000

NH State Rep Melissa Litchfield is being attacked by the NEA for suggesting an LSR (a precursor / placeholder for an actual bill) that would allow a School District, as she states below, to allow school staff to be trained to handle firearms and then District to store “First Responder” firearms to use in case of an emergency where someone is (or trying to) kill students or staff (emphasis mine):

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Melissa litchfield<>
Date: On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 8:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: LSR# 2023-0212, NEA-2nd Amendment
To: Melissa litchfield <>

LSR that I have put forward…

In response to LSR# 2023-0212, the NEA has come out condemning it- this is just an LSR- bill has not been written and there is no official language.

Here is a link to what the NEA put out there last week:

Reproduced in full below.

Here is my official response:

Surprisingly, the NEA has chosen to oppose LSR# 2023-0212, which they have never read.  I say that they’ve never read it simply because no one has ever read it – the final draft won’t be available for at least another week.  While terms, such as “weapons of war” or citing surveys about feelings, rather than data, may help them fight their own “culture wars”, they do very little to explain the actual bill.

Not surprisingly, their solution is to hire more dues paying members for their organization.  The NEA is, after all, a labor union, with one of their main purposes being lobbying and advocating for educators – not students.

To clarify this proposal for people, I’ll introduce two concepts which were not addressed by the NEA:  Student safety and facts.

The origins of this bill came about during my almost ten-year tenure on school boards, including our local Safety and Security committee. During this time, the idea of school safety was (and still is) a major concern.  I was able to work with and receive suggestions from law enforcement, Homeland security, and educators.  All of these groups suggested the idea of letting teachers have the ability to protect their students. The bill is not intended to have teachers carrying guns around schools or to be forced into harm’s way.

The bill allows for small firearms to be securely stored on campus.  The only people permitted near these are staff members who have volunteered, trained and had background checks done on them.  While every local law enforcement officer would race to a school with an intruder, they couldn’t get there as fast as someone already inside the building.

While it’s very easy to exaggerate the specifics of any proposed bill, this bill, as with all proposed bills, is subject to hearings with input from all sides involved.  I invite the NEA to attend these hearings.

On a personal note, I also had to look at this bill as the mother of four school aged children.  Hopefully, nothing ever happens in our schools.  If it does, I would want the quickest response possible, whether it’s law enforcement or teachers who have volunteered, been vetted and properly trained.

I could have just summed it up, “NEA is shutting down explorations of Safety: Attacking 2nd Amendment


Rep Melissa A Litchfield

Our Kimberly Morin, also of the Women’s Defense League of NH (which also happens to have a Teachers Discount!) has a post on all the Gun Control LSR that have been filed by the Democrats.  Each one of them reduces your Constitutional Right to self defense.  The one that sends my ire rising is the last one:

LSR 2023-0069   Relative to possession or is charge of a firearm in a school zone.

There’s no underlying text associated with it yet but it is targeting LAWFUL gun owners. The current Federal Gun-Free Zone law has exceptions in it for carrying on school property – here’s the one that Steve Shurtleff is targeting (pun intended):

(ii) if the individual possessing the firearm is licensed to do so by the State in which the school zone is located or a political subdivision of the State, and the law of the State or political subdivision requires that, before an individual obtains such a license, the law enforcement authorities of the State or political subdivision verify that the individual is qualified under law to receive the license; [So if you have a concealed carry permit, license, or another official document which permits you to possess the firearm assuming that there is some qualification standard in order to receive that permit/license.]

It’s Revenge Legislation as most Democrat legislators / Governors / Mayors around the nation are reacting in various and sundry ways to “work around” the Supreme Court Bruen decision that has made it really hard for Progressives/anti-Constitutionalists from imposing restrictions on the “keep and bear arms” of the Second Amendment. This and the others Kimberly listed would most likely be ruled unconstitutional and rendered void (maybe the Red Flag/EPO one, LSR 2023-0042, might pass muster).  It would also affect me as someone with a valid NH Pistol/Revolver license signed by my local law enforcement.

It may become “interesting” if the Democrats regain the Majority in both the House and Senate and the Governorship.

NEA-NH Condemns Rep Litchfield’s Bill to Arm New Hampshire’s Educators
Posted on September 22, 2022 Posted in NH Public Education

Teachers should be teaching, not acting as armed security guards, or receiving training to become sharpshooters.

Why not? They are legally first responders if they suspect that a child is being abused (physically, emotionally, sexully), right?  How much more sever can abuse get “above” killing a student by an armed intruder bent on creating mayhem and murder?

CONCORD, NH – SEPTEMBER 22, 2022- The very last thing our schools need right now is to bring more weapons into them. But it appears that is exactly what Rep. Litchfield wants to do with her proposed legislation to arm New Hampshire’s teachers. Her legislation is extreme, out-of-step, and dangerous.

Sure, it’s only the gun-free zones that seem to attract the crazed armed intruders, right? Makes PERFECT sense to keep students and staff being sitting ducks. And I just LOVE this next strawman argument:

Arming teachers and other school personnel does nothing to prevent gun violence. In fact, a nationwide NEA survey found quite the contrary; educators would feel less safe if school personnel were armed.

No, NOTHING is going to “prevent” gun violence crime (there, I fixed it for you) as those crazed armed intruders will always have a weapon when they want one. This would be a deterrent (hopefully but not 100%) and a first responder capability.  What, the NEA WANTS to see dead children if the police can’t get on site fast enough? And I seem to remember a situation where the police did get on site fast enough, and then dithered…or am I misremembering?

“Most of us want the same thing – strong, quality public schools that give every student the freedom to reach their potential,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President.

Yeah, but that potential goes to zero if someone can’t arrive fast enough to stop the gunman.  Are you telling us, President Tuttle, that you’d rather see people be killed instead of eliminating a current and existential threat?

“Representative Litchfield’s bill ignores the needs of our students, their parents, and educators and instead tries to distract us by dragging right-wing culture wars into our community’s classrooms at a time when our students need our support the most.”

You REALLY want to go there, Tuttle?  Transgenderism? Critical Race Theory?  Social Justice, SEL?

Tell me this, what is the overall percentage of the students, that your teachers are supposed to be training, actually proficient in English and Math here in NH?  Is it 95%? Perhaps lower: 90%?   How low do I have to go to show what your union members are accomplishing?  I dryly note not one word on that score, right?

“We all agree that there are too many shootings in our nation’s schools, which is why New Hampshire’s elected officials should prioritize the safety of students and work to keep weapons of war out of our schools, not put our children at risk by bringing loaded guns into classrooms and hallways,” said Tuttle.

Weapons of war – your own Progressive ideology is showing.  And oh, by the way, why is the NEA in favor of canceling our Freedom of Speech and having teachers lie to parents??

And I’m betting she has no clue as to what a real weapon of war is, either.

Parents and educators understand that the biggest challenges facing our students and our public schools are getting students the one-on-one support they need, addressing educator shortages, and ensuring students have the mental health services they need. They want legislators and candidates to address these issues and not bring political culture wars into classrooms just to score points with their base.

No, the biggest challenge is having responsive school board member and then teachers teaching the basics such that ALL students are reaching proficiency in all subjects.  Which is not being accomplished across NH (and it isn’t because of money or staff – there a case to be made that the phrase “Go Woke, Go Broke” can be applied to the current warehouse system of education as well).

How about doing that FIRST and then we’ll talk about your Left-wing issues.

And remember, it doesn’t take much to see where the union dues go in supporting elected representatives in elections – what a phony

The post I Could Have Just Summed It Up, “NEA Is Shutting Down Explorations of Safety: Attacking 2nd Amendment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, What’s up with You Folks as Summer Has Departed? Ready for Fall?

Sat, 2022-10-01 00:00 +0000

Your thread, your time!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Listen: Fentanyl Is Killing Kids In More Ways Than You Realize

Fri, 2022-09-30 22:30 +0000

Grace Curly had Derek Maltz Sr on her program to discuss the fentanyl crisis. Derek is a retired DEA special ops guy that wrote an article in the New York Post on cartels using open-border policy to kill more Americans than any terrorist organization.

That’s a bold way to put it, but it is not incorrect. The cartels have been running fentanyl into America thanks to Biden’s borderless America policy and Obama’s open-border policies before that.

Only during Trump’s administration did this begin to slow down.

As we’ve pointed out, the result is a massive pile of bodies from drug and overdose deaths, and elected Democrats are responsible for these deaths.

Rather than address the problem, they use the crisis they created to grow the government but not in any meaningful way – like border enforcement or supporting Immigration enforcement officers or the rule of law. They add funding for progressive NGOs or therapists or crisis or suicide helplines.

But that is only part of the story. Derek has some details we’ve not covered that you’ll never see in the local media, which he shares with Grace in this segment.


Grace Curly Show

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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