The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 13 min 6 sec ago

Some Thoughts on the Recent Arrest of Sheriff Brave

Sat, 2023-08-19 22:30 +0000

“The decision to charge an elected constitutional officer is not one that is made lightly,” said Formella into the WMUR mic. I certainly don’t remember our attorney general publicly weighing in on last spring’s arrest of Senator Murphy, another elected official.

We want to thank Julie Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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“In this state(NH), there will be equal justice under the law for every person, including public officials,” said Formella into the same WMUR mic.

So the question that the readers should be asking themselves is if Sheriff Brave will receive the same “equal justice” as Senator Murphy. They are certainly not receiving equal WMUR coverage. Is it because… I don’t think I have to say it, but after looking at both their pictures, you decide.

Another question worth asking is that once Sheriff Brave and Senator Murphy’s cases are processed through the system, will Senator Murphy have received the same “equal justice” as Sheriff Brave or the same “equal justice” as the nine executive council arrest victims? Remember that the latter was tormented with 20 months of lawfare until after His Excellency decided against a bid for the Oval Office.

And I leave you with a final thought. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others—a proclamation by the pigs who control the government in the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Doesn’t Have a Sales Tax Holiday Because …

Sat, 2023-08-19 21:00 +0000

With a few exceptions, there’s no sales tax in New Hampshire, so states like Massachusetts pretend for a weekend to try and recover some of the commerce lost to the Granite State. But Vermont doesn’t have one (Maine either), and here’s why?

According to the Democrats interviewed by the Burlington Free Press, they would have to propose one, and none of them have. Why not?

If we don’t collect taxes, then we have to cut services. It’s always difficult to give up revenue in the state.” – Sen. Ann Cummings, D-Washington.

Any lost revenue is a cut in services for Vermonters and needs to be replaced,” – Rep. Emilie Kornheiser, D-Brattleboro.

A dip in sales tax revenue would mean less money in the education fund, Cummings said. To compensate, Vermont would have to raise property taxes.

Kornheiser added research she’s seen suggests purported benefits of sales tax holidays, such as support for local commerce, in reality aren’t particularly helpful.

A sales tax holiday “shifts spending patterns but doesn’t increase purchasing,” she recalled reading.

It does shift spending patterns – from the hands of the Democrat legislature to the people who earned the money. God Help Us!

And no one is suggesting that if they took less from Vermonters that they might invest it in products and services with more value to them than to people hoarding political power.

What interests taxpayers is secondary to the Left’s party agenda.  The ridiculous obscene Heat Standard Bill is a great example of that. Vermonters didn’t want their energy to cost more or be less reliable, and neither did the governor. The legislature overrode his veto, and Vermonters got what they voted for. Democrat policy without regard to public input.

And there was public input; they just chose to ignore it.

There was one honest thing in that interview. When asked if anyone would propose a sales tax holiday, the answer was no. No,


“Given the present make-up of the Legislature, probably not,” she said, adding that she wouldn’t support creating a sales tax holiday in Vermont and her committee likely wouldn’t either.


The present make-up of the legislature is veto-proof Democrat majorities which means that if Vermonters want a break from rising taxes, any taxes, they will need to show up and vote for candidates who have at least an inkling of whose money they are spending and why they deserve to keep as much of it as possible.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Nashua Performing Arts Center: The Shiny Object That Snookered Taxpayers; Mayor Donchess Smiles

Sat, 2023-08-19 19:30 +0000

When Nashua residents look around town, one thing should come to mind – fraud – an act of deceiving or misrepresenting.  I say this because the Nashua residents have been boldly deceived by Mayor Donchess on the Performing Arts Center.

Nashua residents should not worry about the Performing Arts Center failing because the Nashua taxpayers will be paying rent in order to cover the costs that the Performing Arts Center has incurred on all their loans. This place will be well funded for 25 years with plenty of tax dollars.

I can say this because of the following:

  • Taxpayers took out $21,000,000 in bonds for the construction of the Performing Arts Center.
  • The City of Nashua gave the Performing Arts Center a loan of $7,108,850.
  • Performing Art Center took a NMTC loan of $9,555,000 with a guarantee from the City of Nashua.
  • Nashua Arts Community gave the Performing Arts Center $1,500,000 donation

The total price tag for the Performing Arts Center is $39,163,800, of which the City of Nashua taxpayers have guaranteed  $37,663,850

But taxpayers must remember we were told that the total construction cost would only be $15.5 maximum; however, as of December 31, 2022, the construction costs have reached $30,276,669.32, and that is not including any so-called “fees.”

Residents should remember that the “project” could not start until the city raised $4 million dollars in private donations.  The problem here is that the city could not raise the money.  So, the City sponsored a sketchy New Markets Tax Credit financing scheme to cover the $2.4 million dollars short in private donations.  Big mistake for Nashua taxpayers, but a win for Mayor Donchess. All this is done behind closed doors with closed meetings and minimal record access.

Most Nashua residents look around for bargains; however, Mayor Donchess did not do his diligence.  If Mayor Donchess did his diligence, he would have never gone to the New Market Tax Credit to get the $2.4 million dollars.  I say this because the mayor forgot to look at the fees that needed to be paid in order to obtain the NMTC. Total fees have come up to $1.714 million, and that is not including interest.

The most deceiving part of the financing of the Performing Arts Center is the fact that Mayor Donchess gave away the right of the taxpayer to review any information on the construction of the Performing Arts Center.  Mayor Donchess handed over $28,108,850 dollars of Nashua taxpayers’ money to a private corporation without disclosing this to the public. In fact, he told the public it would be run as a public business. This action, by far, was the most deceitful act that Mayor Donchess made.

First, Mayor  Donchess came up with this “Maximum Guarantee Price” of $15,500,000 for the Performing Arts Center.  Truly another big lie by Mayor Donchess, and I can say that because as of December 31, 2022, the construction bills have totaled $28,609,446.50.  How can Mayor Donchess say the construction will only cost $15.5 is easy.  That figure only represented Harvey Construction costs and none of his sub-contractors – ex Plumbers, Electricians, etc.  Talk about deceit.

And on top of all this, Mayor Donchess has “guaranteed” all payments of bills by the City of Nashua taxpayers. But the mayor worked around that too by paying “rent” to the Performing  Arts Center to make sure that the taxpayers could cover the costs that the Performing Arts Center had to make on their loans. This rent starts at $500,000 a year and goes up to $670,000 over 25 years. Did anyone see that coming? How could you?

In reviewing all the documents, a resident can see that Mayor Donchess did not take into account the money coming out of the Nashua taxpayers’ pockets. Mayor Donchess chose to hide all this information from citizens, and that is fraud. As a matter of fact, the City of Nashua just actually put the loan of $7.1 million on the books in May 2023, 29 months after the city gave the loan. Deceitful.

One must also remember that in the “first” NMTC meeting in December 2021, led by Mr. Cannon, he stated that the NMTC loan was interest-free the first seven years.  In January 2022, Mr. Cummings told the Board of Assessors that the loan was forgiven in 7 years.  Talk about deceitful statements because neither of these two things happened and/or will happen.

I hope Nashua taxpayers remember these facts when they are casting their vote in November 2023 for Mayor.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Science Once Again Punches Net Zero In It’s Stupid Face

Sat, 2023-08-19 18:00 +0000

As Maine considers following Massachusetts and Vermont down the California EV, NetZero ***! Hole, the science, and a handful of people with some common sense have stepped in to say, slow the hell down. Electrifying trucks comes with some serious downsides.

The debate is about setting goals for Electric-only Trucks. Not pick-ups, they are already messing with those, and it’s not going well – but box trucks OTR freight lumber, and the rest.

This issue has local complications that go beyond the obvious. Being surrounded by states rushing forward absent common sense, infrastructure, materials, a recycling plan, or the electricity to feed demand are a few. Having to share a grid with those mindless sh!ts, is another. But even at its most basic, there are multiple points of failure when talking about EVs, especially electrifying freight vehicles.


The lack of a higher-voltage charging infrastructure for the amount of electricity needed to run a truck — it could take eight hours or longer to use an automobile charger — is only one challenge.

Limited driving range per charge, which is almost halved when temperatures drop below freezing, is another. With weight limits, trucks would have to carry fewer goods because batteries to run them contribute considerable weight. That could necessitate more trucks on the road to carry the same amount of goods at a time when Maine is trying to reach carbon reduction goals, trucking experts say.

“We travel long distances from our terminal and if you are limited on how far the truck can travel and you have to wait eight hours for a charge it’s a problem,” he said.


If we ignore the fact that there’s Net Zero need to reduce carbon emissions, the goal is still not practical.


“…electrified trucks might work for local deliveries and in ports. But they won’t work in northern Maine to move potatoes, broccoli or blueberries all over the East Coast, in the near term, he said. Many trucks use cranes, plows and other attachments that also require power to operate.”


It’s stupid. All of it is stupid and here are a few of those articles I mentioned that expose it for what it is. Stupid.


  • Net-Zero Reality: There Are Not Enough Resources To Make the Batteries and Replace Them Every Ten Years
  • Math is Hard But Net Zero Emissions Math is Harder – It Can’t Be Done by 2050
  • Oxford University Calculates That Achieving Net Zero Will Require Closing Airports, No New Construction, Food Bans …
  • The Left’s Net Zero Colonialism Will Kill Billions of Brown People
  • Anyone Who Supports Net-Zero Should Be Required to Address these Concerns (And Not Just Because they Can’t)
  • This Zero Emission Plan Doesn’t Zero Squat – It Offshores the Emissions to Other Countries


Not enough stuff, not enough time, no reductions in emissions, and significant harm to indigenous populations. And the left can’t get enough of any of that, it seems, because while it does nothing good and may be worse for the plenty, it’s good for central planning and global tyranny.

The Green Energy agenda strip mines the world’s population to fuel progressive power and influence, so nothing else needs to work.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is This the Least Important Part of the Constitution?

Sat, 2023-08-19 16:30 +0000

Most people are familiar with the Constitution’s preamble. A lot of people were required to memorize it in school. But while the preamble is arguably the best-known part of the Constitution, it is the least important. 

Like so many other parts of the Constitution, many people today believe that the preamble authorizes all kinds of federal power it never authorized in the first place. For all of its poetic beauty and the sweeping principles it highlights, the Constitution’s preamble doesn’t actually do anything. You could cut the preamble completely out of the Constitution and it wouldn’t change the makeup or operation of the federal government one iota. That’s because a preamble doesn’t grant, delegate or restrict any government power.

In a legal document, a preamble does not carry the force of law. Black’s Law Dictionary describes a preamble this way.


“A clause at the beginning of a constitution or statute explanatory of the reasons for its enactment and the objects sought to be accomplished.”


While they do not confer any power or carry legal force, preambles do serve a purpose. They act as “a key to open the mind of the makers.” In other words, the preamble is not a source of substantive rules, but a statement of assumptions and purposes that sheds light on the main body of the document.

In simplest terms, the preambles serve as a guide on how to read a constitution or a statute. They identify the parties to the legal document, recite crucial facts related to the document and explain its purpose. The Constitution’s preamble serves all three of these purposes.

While the preamble reveals the “why” of the Constitution — “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” — it does not tell us how the new governmental structure will accomplish these goals. And again, I can’t emphasize this enough – while the preamble outlines the broad objectives of the federal government, it does not confer any authority to the government at all.

The structure of the government and the delegation of powers follow in the various articles of the Constitution. For instance, Article 1 Sec. 8 assigns specific enumerated powers to Congress. Article II delegates specific powers to the president. Article III establishes the authority of the judiciary. Without the delegation of powers that follow, the preamble is nothing but a poetic list of objectives with no mechanism to carry them into effect.

Many Americans don’t understand this. They believe the preamble empowers the federal government to take any action conceivable to achieve the Constitution’s stated objectives. As a result, they point to it to justify all kinds of unconstitutional federal actions. They believe that the federal government can do anything and everything to “provide for the common defense,” to “promote the general welfare,” or to “secure the blessings of liberty.”

Conniving politicians take advantage of this ignorance.

In fact, politicians began abusing the words of the preamble to justify federal actions almost before the ink was dry on the Constitution. Defenders of the Alien and Sedition Acts appealed to the preamble, claiming it supported federal laws that criminalized criticism of the government, ignored due process, and assumed power over immigration that was not delegated. James Madison dispensed with their arguments in the Report of 1800.


“They will waste but little time on the attempt to cover the act by the preamble to the constitution; it being contrary to every acknowledged rule of construction, to set up this part of an instrument, in opposition to the plain meaning, expressed in the body of the instrument. A preamble usually contains the general motives or reasons, for the particular regulations or measures which follow it; and is always understood to be explained and limited by them. In the present instance, a contrary interpretation would have the inadmissible effect, of rendering nugatory or improper, every part of the constitution which succeeds the preamble.” [Emphasis added]

The preamble is like the introduction to a book. It gives you a general idea as to what the book is about. But you would never write a book report just by reading the introduction – that is, if you care about getting a decent grade.

Anybody trying to justify this or that federal action through the words of the preamble almost certainly hopes to expand government power beyond its constitutional bounds. The preamble tells us a little, but it doesn’t reveal a lot. People need to keep those well-known words in their proper context.


Mike Maharrey | The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s NOT Republican vs. Democrat … It’s The Rich Men North of Richmond Versus Us

Sat, 2023-08-19 15:00 +0000

Unite behind the nominee!!! Vote Republican up and down the ballot!!! I am mystified and mortified that people still actually believe this pablum. If you really believe that things are going to change under a President Christie, Haley, Pence, Scott … YOU ARE DELUSIONAL. Same goes for replacing Schumer with McConnell or one of the other McConnell-bots. What has the GOP House actually done? Talk and talk and talk and talk … but NEVER any action.

It’s not about Republican versus Democrat. We should have learned that after 2016 when we saw Republican “leaders” Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, and their minions and wannabes, work hand-in-hand with Democrats to block Trump. It’s the Rich Men North of Richmond … some with the “D” after their name; some with the “R” after their name … versus everyone else.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Crime of Unlawful Possession

Sat, 2023-08-19 13:30 +0000

Having reviewed his Sherlock Holmes cases using Inspector Clouseau’s investigative practices, Columbo, having been hired by Jill Biden, has finally solved the crime of unlawful possession of the white substance in The White House.

We want to thank Charles Bradley III for this Op-Ed. Please submit yours to

Jill informed Columbo that the FBI and the CIA were clueless concerning the identity of the perpetrator. Columbo, understanding the importance of circumstantial evidence, knew that thousands of tourists entered our White House every day. Columbo reasoned either that explained why white powder was reportedly found in four different locations or indicated a degree of incompetence by the FBI and Secret Service, which Columbo believed incredible.

Columbo also knew from a Secret Service confidential source that the Biden’s son, Hunter, was a cocaine addict, videotaped himself romping with the fairer sex while on cocaine, left firearms in a public place, and forgot the incriminating Hunter Biden videotape at a computer repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware. Columbo also had inside information that the FBI has the technology to extract fingerprints from plastic but had inexplicitly lost the plastic bag.

Despite this overwhelming circumstantial evidence, which has convicted and imprisoned many for serious felonies, Columbo could not bring himself to believe or conclude that the DOJ, FBI, or Secret Service had become so corrupt as to allow a President and his son to defile the White House. Therefore, Columbo decided to advise Jill the white powder must have been from tourists eating white powdered-coated donuts from the Donut Shop in Lafayette Square.

Unfortunately, even with direct evidence, our top Federal criminal investigation services look the other way when it comes to protecting the Obama/Biden catastrophe. I guess if they can fool Columbo, they think they can fool all of us!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Billy Busch Offers to Buy BUD Back

Sat, 2023-08-19 12:00 +0000

An heir to the Anheuser Busch Beer dynasty is unhappy with the direction global brand pirate InBev has taken his family’s legacy. Billy Busch is prepared to make an offer to buy it back if InBev will part with it.


“When InBev bought the company it was a ship and it was rolling down the ocean at full speed doing great and all of a sudden they come out with this kind of woke culture, a political agenda to push down people’s throats, and the beer drinker obviously doesn’t relate to that kind of advertising so they boycotted it,” Busch told Lahren. … “If they don’t want that brand any longer, sell it back to the Busch family. Sell it to me. I’ll be the first in line to buy that brand back to me and we’ll make that brand great again.”

He promised no more woke garbage and a commitment to the consumers and America.

That sounds nice, but I doubt InBev is interested in selling. Despite the downfall of the Queen of Beers (Bud Light), the overall AB brand is making money for InBev globally. BUD showed a respectable profit over the last quarter, and even though AB is shedding some brands, and Bud Light may never recover the customers it lost, that business is not in danger. You don’t typically sell something that is making you good money, and most of the bad PR has blown over.

The damage is done, and people have chosen to stick with or abandon the brand. Further attrition seems unlikely, and as long as Mulvaney leaves it alone, it is probably watery beer under the bridge.

Billy Busch can probably take a seat, but stranger things have happened. If InBev finds itself with another BUD problem, it might do something other than shed bad decision-makers, but I can’t see that outcome from here. And it might just be elitist enough to think – like politicians – that what it needs is different customers.

But isn’t that what Bud Light was trying to do with Mulvaney; and look how that turned out.


HT | NewsWars

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bumbling Joe Is At It Again

Sat, 2023-08-19 10:30 +0000

Someone, please tell me it isn’t so! Reports say that Joe Biden wants to send 3,000 reservists over to Eastern Europe. Now, I’m not too opposed to sending some money and relief supplies over, even some weapons, to help Ukraine defend itself from Putin’s invasion – but our troops?

I think that’s a bad idea, but Joe has done lots of questionable things in the past couple of years.

And why reserve troops? Can it be the military just can’t fill its recruitment goals? Being big on Transgenderism and Wokeness, how come these folks aren’t rushing to their local recruiters after all the support Joe has given them? Lack of gratitude runs strong among the free stuff crowd I suspect. Oh sure, they will rush to vote themselves more freebees but anything else stretches their limits.

Guess we (the US) are running short on weapons and ammo, and no wonder – we’ve already sent aid to them to the tune of $80 million. Oh wait! I think that’s Billions in equipment that was left behind in Afghanistan, too!  Replacement costs for both will be triple that but the Left wants its (our) money spent on anything other than national security or public safety. The Green New Deal was thankfully killed because it had more pork than green in it yet in their never-ending quest to spend taxpayer money on anything, including illegal immigrants (breaking federal laws and violating our Constitution), still hasn’t dampened their enthusiasm in spending one bit.

Speaking of breaking laws, Ole Joe is a past master of that but to hear him and his crowd tell it, there is no evidence of that. Sure, his own recorded admission of demanding that a former Ukraine President drop an investigation against a company Hunter worked for, investigations into the Hunter laptop scandal, or whistle-blowers testimony’s indicating Joe (the big guy) was fully involved in Hunter’s corruption, is damning. Add to that, payoffs from China is very strong evidence of being factual and provable – how is this not evidence?

That’s why the entire Leftist establishment is doing everything possible to railroad President Trump  – and it’s all phony. Trump is the biggest threat that The Swamp has ever faced so they are pulling out all the stops. It will be up to every Patriot to become a supporter and an activist in the coming elections if we are to have any hope of turning back the Marxist tide.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Law Perverted

Sat, 2023-08-19 01:30 +0000

I ask the reader, have you ever wondered why that over the past half-century, the purpose of so many of our institutions so vital to liberty has been gradually turned upside down? Today I read the  true  purpose of law enforcement on a plaque at the Merrimack Police Station: “protection of Life and property.”

This is but one example of the specific trend of law enforcement changing from its proper purpose. However, It is not the fault of our police forces but the politics behind them that was so evident in the summer of 2020.

Unfortunately, the gradual change from the protection of life and property has accelerated into high gear over the past two decades, and that graduated to anarchy in hundreds of cities. In those areas where politics trumped the Law, I’m reminded of Frédéric Bastiat”s prophetic words from in his 1848 book: “The Law,” which I call the antithesis to the Communist Manifesto:

The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law becomes the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself is guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!

Author of 7 books and speaker throughout the nation, James Perloff in his PowerPoint presentation, will reveal the power and dark money that has ruled over and above “law” to force their agenda with the true purpose, the “ultimate change,”  American freedom into slavery. Come and see Perloff’s presentation:


He is an excellent speaker and will provide you with the facts. You be the judge.


Register Here:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dear Respected Texas Senators

Sat, 2023-08-19 00:00 +0000

Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, the left and a few Republicans have lost their collective mind. They have gone into a stage of sheer lunacy and have not returned.

The sham impeachment against Attorney General Ken Paxton, led by fellow Republicans, is a testament to the misguided actions of some within our party. We must rally behind Paxton, highlighting his exemplary record. As the impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Ken Paxton loom, a glaring truth emerges: this is another politically motivated fraud reminiscent of the baseless impeachment attempts against former President Trump.

It is no coincidence that Paxton, hailed as one of the most conservative Attorney Generals Texas has ever seen, finds himself in the crosshairs of fellow Republicans who are determined to silence his unwavering support for President Trump.

Undoubtedly, the political terrain of our esteemed state has been experiencing a notable metamorphosis in recent years. This transformation is propelled by the dynamic currents of conservatism and the unrelenting endeavors of those who remain steadfast in their commitment to preserving the core principles that define our party. It is with a sense of duty and concern that I address you today as we stand on the precipice of a critical decision regarding the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.

The political climate in the aftermath of the 2016 and 2020 elections has been nothing short of tumultuous. The deep divisions that have emerged within our nation have also permeated the very fabric of our party. While unity and shared values have been our strength, they are now being tested by what can only be described as a misguided and politically motivated impeachment effort against one of our most moral leaders.

Attorney General Ken Paxton has been a stalwart defender of conservative principles throughout his tenure. His commitment to the Constitution, his unwavering defense of individual rights, and his tireless efforts to uphold the rule of law have garnered the respect and admiration of many Texans. Because of these qualities, he is attacked from some quarters within our party.

The impeachment proceedings against Paxton are reminiscent of the unjust and baseless attempts to impeach former President Donald Trump. Forces seek to undermine and silence those who have boldly supported President Trump’s vision for our nation. Ken Paxton’s vocal and unapologetic advocacy for our former President has made him a target for those who wish to stifle conservative voices and maintain a stranglehold on the Republican Party.

As representatives of the people, we must remember our duty to uphold the principles that our party was founded upon. We must stand united against any attempts to undermine the integrity of our elected officials through politically motivated actions. The impeachment of Ken Paxton would set a dangerous precedent, signaling that internal party politics can be weaponized against those with differing views. This is not the path we should be treading.

The state of Texas has always been a beacon of conservatism, a stronghold for principles that reflect the heart and soul of our great nation. The rising tide of conservatism in Texas has resulted from dedicated individuals, conservative activists, and organizations working tirelessly to advance our shared values. Ken Paxton has been a champion of these values, and we must protect and support him, just as he has watched and supported the rights and freedoms of Texans.

Impeaching Ken Paxton would not only be a disservice to him as an individual but also undermine the will of the people who elected him to serve as Attorney General. The consequences of such an action would extend far beyond his tenure, sending a message that party politics and personal agendas take precedence over the principles and ideals we hold dear.

Therefore, dear Senators, I urge you to consider the long-term ramifications of your decision. Upholding the values of conservatism, unity, and fairness means standing by those who have remained true to these principles. Let us not allow our party to be divided by internal strife, but rather let us come together to support Attorney General Ken Paxton and reject the politically motivated impeachment efforts against him. By doing so, we can ensure that Texas remains a beacon of conservative principles and a shining example for our nation.

With great appreciation, very best wishes, and respect.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Prosecuting Donald Trump Is The Left’s Version Of Election Interference

Fri, 2023-08-18 22:30 +0000

That tearing sound you heard on Monday was Fani Willis doing her best impersonation of Nancy Pelosi after a State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, what Mrs. Willis was shredding was not a speech by Donald Trump, but due process in this country and the United States Constitution.

It has become undeniable that in the Democrat’s desperation to remove former President Trump from the 2024 presidential election, the left has resorted to an unprecedented tactic of lawfare. Can’t beat him at the ballot box? Just make sure you get enough lawsuits and indictments in as many activist courts as possible.

In the early afternoon of August 14, the Fulton County Court posted on its website an indictment against President Trump and eighteen other defendants even assigning it a case number and a court.  The problem was that the grand jury had not even convened to finish listening to witnesses or even begin deliberations.  Made aware of their unmasking, they quickly took down the posting.  However, no amount of fact checkers are going to be able to explain this one away.

But this is just the left’s latest attempt. Beginning in Sept. 2022, New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a $250 million suit against the Trump family and top Trump Organization executives two months before President Trump even announced he was running again in 2024. AG James claims that the defendants artificially inflated real estate values to induce bank loans. Never mind the facts. Not one bank claims it was not paid in full in a timely manner or that banks routinely order independent appraisals on real estate by law when property is used for a loan.

To spur along the effort, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland sent top Biden Justice official Matthew Colangelo to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office. Magically, the first ever criminal indictment of a former president appeared in April.  The crime here?  The felony of a businessman settling a nuisance claim.  In this case as well, no victims have been proffered in the charges.

Apparently, this was not enough as the New York Times reported that President Biden complained that AG Garland needed to “stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action” on President Trump, and that Biden believed Trump was a “threat to democracy.”  Well Garland must have got the message loud and clear as, if on cue, Jack Smith was named special counsel.

If Jack Smith’s name sounds familiar, it is because he has a history of ruthlessly prosecuting Republicans, including a conviction of the former Republican Governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell. However, that conviction was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court, which also rebuked Smith noting  “the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.”  Seems like the perfect man for Biden’s job.

Jack Smith has now infamously brought indictments for President Trump in Florida because apparently Smith has never read the Presidential Records Act.  However, Smith was obviously not pleased with the court assigned to this case and so he then filed charges in Washington, D.C. for the heinous crime of not agreeing with the official narrative that the 2020 election was free and fair.  He also made sure that this time he got exactly the judge he wanted in political activist Tanya Chutkan.  If anyone questioned the show trial nature of these proceedings, one only had to look at the previously unheard of other federal judges sitting in the audience to witness President Trump’s arraignment, including D.C. District Chief Judge James Boasberg and Judge Amy Berman Jackson.

Which leads to Willis’ most recent actions because obviously four trials at once were not enough. And in what can undeniably be the Biden version of “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime,” conveniently Willis already had the indictment prepared for the grand jury.


The left can not seem to stop overplaying their hand.  Another apparent truth is that the Constitution has been eviscerated by this regime and the country has descended to a banana republic. At least we are not at the level of the original true banana republic, Ecuador, where they just assassinate the leading opposition candidate.

The left claims to be concerned with voter suppression, but true to form they offer confession through projection. They are trying to remove the clear Republican presumptive candidate against the apparent will of the people. However, there is hope. As a nation, we have one opportunity to set things right and restore the country back to We the People on November 5, 2024.  We need to all turn out and vote as if our lives depend on it — they actually might.

John C. O’Shea is an America First businessman from Fort Worth, Texas running for Texas’ 12th Congressional District.


John O’Shea |The Daily Caller News Service

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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The post Prosecuting Donald Trump Is The Left’s Version Of Election Interference appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden’s Ukraine First Agenda

Fri, 2023-08-18 21:00 +0000

Joe Biden has figured it all out in the fifty years he has sucked off the dole in Washington, D.C. He knows there is more money to be made, more corrupt money, that is, outside America’s borders. He knows if he keeps sending our money to places like Ukraine, the kickbacks will keep coming back to Joe. Joe Biden does not care about Americans or America. America is a tool for Biden to use to fatten his family’s financial coffers. Joe Biden made a number of erroneous claims in a speech he gave this week in Milwaukee, but one of his lies summed up Joe Biden’s purpose for being President.

He pulled out a story he has used dozens of times about a supposed call he received from his wife, Jill. She called to confirm a story run in the daily paper claiming that Joe Biden was the poorest member of Congress. He, of course, had to admit it but does not go on to explain how this poor Senator went on to become a multi-millionaire on his Government salary. Biden doesn’t go on to explain his two mega homes in Delaware that he managed to buy on a $174,000 salary and his wife as a public school teacher. Because if Joe did have to explain his current wealth, he would have to divulge the illegal means he employed to acquire his incredible wealth. Joe Biden is an American success story on how to build wealth illegally and not pay your fair share while squeezing every cent he can for every American. Joe Biden is a con.

But the story today is not about Biden’s wealth. It is about his misguided principles to make countries like Ukraine richer by giving them our money and then costing Americans more money every day to fund his agenda.

During his two-plus years in office, Biden has already committed over $113 Billion to Ukraine. We know that Ukraine is one of the countries funneling monies back to the Biden bank accounts. This fact explains why Biden is directing Congress to send another $24 Billion to his friend, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. At the same time, Biden wants to give each family impacted by the fires in Maui a check for $700. Our citizens in Hawaii who have lost everything are to receive a one-time payment equal to 10% of the average monthly cost of living in our 50th state. These folks in Hawaii will not share any of that $700 with Joe like his buddy, Zelenskyy, will. Biden knows where his toast is buttered.

This scenario shows how out of touch Joe Biden is with America. Bidenomics is costing Americans $700 a month more than two years ago. Let’s say an average family earns $50,000 a year. With inflation costing that family $8,400 a year, they are actually making $41,600 or nearly 17% less than when Donald Trump was our President. That is the real story of Bidenomics. Every American family suffers while the Biden family gets richer. That is the Biden Dream and the American Nightmare, and I don’t have to whisper to make my point.


The post Joe Biden’s Ukraine First Agenda appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

US Media Getting “Desperate” for Any Hurricane – How About in California?

Fri, 2023-08-18 19:30 +0000

It’s far too early in the season to be worried about whether we’ll have a hurricane or three to grease the gears of the global warming fear machine. But the media is getting desperate. They are grasping at anything they can find to scare you.

At least one ABC News affiliate I saw was gah gah over two storms that have drifted off the West Coast of Africa, and they are likely, not alone. Scary weather is good for click and hits, and NOAA has updated its forecast, increasing the number of named storms and actual expected hurricanes.

The media is acting like an excited 5-year-old at the sight of the magic kingdom. But is it exciting? According to NOAAs national hurricane center…not yet. But there are two systems with a 40% chance of becoming cyclones in the next 48 hours. Invest 98L and Invest 99L


NOAA NHC 8-17-23


Radar 8-17-23


All that warm water, global boiling... One report I read was trying to sell how active the Atlantic season has been so far. Sorry, we’ve been watching. It has been a dud so far despite the bath water in the Atlantic.

The Pacific, however, has been busy. They’ve got Hurricane Hilary headed toward Southern California, Tropical Storm Fernanda (eastern Pacific) following behind Tropical Storm Greg (Central Pacific).



Hurricane Hilary 6 AM MDT Thu Aug 17 2023 Position 15.2 N 107.1 W Maximum Winds 65 mph Gusts 75 mph Movement WNW at 11 mph Minimum Pressure 982 mb



I’m sure they’ll find time to blame this on you; it is, after all, a trillion-dollar global scam industry they are protecting.

And the next six to eight weeks are a sweet spot for the Atlantic Hurricane Season. If the bath water is going to help crank up some climate fear, this is the time.

And that’s likely why the media is getting excited.

Thunder, Lightning. With my media spear and magic helmet, I will call down storms from the heavens and crash them upon your eastern shores.

Then blame your SUV.

It’s coming.


The post US Media Getting “Desperate” for Any Hurricane – How About in California? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The GOP … All Bark, No Bite

Fri, 2023-08-18 18:00 +0000

The GOP in a position to actually fight the Police State are sitting it out. All we get from them are tweets pointing out the “hypocrisy of the Democrats,” or appearances on Hannity pointing out the “Left’s double standard,” etc., etc. etc. But not a single impeachment. Not one.

Not a single State prosecution. Not one.

The Left wants to put Trump in prison for the rest of his life. They would be overjoyed to see him die in prison. Pointing out the “hypocrisy of the Democrats,” the “double standard,” etc., etc., etc. does NOTHING to stop that.

What might stop it, what might make the Democrats back off is to fight fire with fire. For example, indict Stacey Abrams and everyone parroting her claims for the same bogus “crimes” Trump has been indicted for. But don’t hold your breath … the “Republican” Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp views Trump as the enemy every bit as much as the Left views Trump as the enemy.


The post The GOP … All Bark, No Bite appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-08-18 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





Following up on the Meme Overflow section on internet censorship:



The Shadowbanning of the United States Internet – The Last Refuge (



Why, it’s almost as though the Ruling Class doesn’t want us to see what’s going on, and that there’s a secret cabal attempting to keep us from seeing it.





















Whether you call it the Great Reset, or Agenda 2030, or whatever, it’s been in the works for a long time.  From here and note the date:



And a video from the comments:


Democrat Carbon Footprint Philosophy



Know your enemy.  Speaking of depopulation, my four essays:

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

Here’s Pelosi in 1992:


Understand what they’re planning and what some of their phrases mean:









The pieces are set, the game is in motion.  Once things truly start it’s going to happen fast before people can say Wait, what?



Remember how they admire China?

  • To start your own car in China, you need to scan a QR code with the app.
  • By law, facial recognition and ID check & phone number are required for accessing Vehicles.
  • Fail to identify yourself to authorities will result in getting locked out of your own car.


Don’t forget the facial recognition, even here in the US:


And even your photos aren’t really yours any more (at least on your Apple phone; I’m waiting for this to happen to my Android – currently I do NOT put my photos onto Google’s cloud archive):










Unfortunately, my “precise” tribe – American Jews well to the Right of center – are few and far between, it seems.





Help your friendly neighborhood meme poster out.  Buy 10 of these and hand them out to friends.



Build Back Better – the hidden message Bumper Sticker | Zazzle




Hawaii Fire Related


A journalist could likely – at least in theory – win a Pulitzer for finding out who cut the water off that residents were using, apparently with success, to battle the fires.  I recall somewhere reading that person’s been identified.  Here:




Oprah silent amid Maui fires as desperate Hawaii residents beg celebrity billionaires with homes on the island for help (





I’ve seen some pictures… funny how those hot winds that charred metal and cooked animals to literal charcoal seem to have completely bypassed all those mansions and their grounds.  Kind of like this:






And lastly:


The puzzling fire of Maui





Covid and broadly-related:


Lockdowns, mask mandates, and Covid passports failed miserably.

  • Sweden didn’t do anything
  • Israel was the most vaccinated
  • Canada had the most draconian Covid passports


1 in 35 (2.8%), yes, 1:35 had myocardial injury after the mRNA technology based gene injection vaccine; this Mueller et al. Swiss study was profound yet swept under the rug; booster vaccination- (

What Happens to Vaccine Clinical Trial Participants? (

How Corruption Dictates the Practice of Medicine (

Experts urge more testing as new COVID-19 variant emerges | Euronews

UK Gov’t Admit COVID Jabs Causing ‘500 Excess Heart Deaths Every Week’ – The People’s Voice (




Speaking to the Dead?



Something incredibly… creepy about this.

I miss my father who died in 2002.  I miss my mother who died about a decade later.  I miss my grandmother.  I miss other people who have passed from my life, including a close friend from high school – a contemporary – who passed away earlier this year.  But I could not imagine dishonoring their memory by having such a… ghoulish is the only word that comes to mind… simulacrum of them.




Just a Thought


I was saying the Shema the other morning – sometimes I have time to don my tefillin, sometimes not, this time I did – and when I came to the part that says (bolding added):

You shall love the L-rd your G‑d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you today shall be upon your heart. You shall teach them thoroughly to your children, and you shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road, when you lie down and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for a reminder between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and upon your gates.

I always pay attention to the sensation and presence of the two phylactery boxes, one on my arm and one around my head with the box on my forehead..  And it hit me: where, per the New Testament, is the “mark of the beast” to go?  On your hand or on your forehead.

So if Hashem is commanding us to inscribe His laws on our hand and between our eyes (in my interpretation, on what we do and what we have in our mind), then Satan’s mark is superimposed on those divine reminders to supersede and supplant them.  It’s the practice of conquering religions to co-opt and supersede the places and rituals and such of the religions they subjugate.  Supporting my long-held contention that this isn’t a political war we’re in, but a spiritual & religious one.




Pick of the Post:







EXCLUSIVE: 40K Migrants Apprehended Along Southwest Border in First 10 Days of August (


Those are some very penetrating questions and observations.

And seen somewhere else… remember that every Chinese person getting to the southern border had to leave China.  Where you need a sufficient social credit score to do so (unless by hook or by crook you can get smuggled out).  So who, really, is coming in, if those Chinese we’re finding can get out?




Palate Cleansers:





The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Let’s Take a Look at NH’s Record Low™ July 2023 Unemployment

Fri, 2023-08-18 15:00 +0000

The dirty secret of politicizing employment numbers is that you can get to zero unemployment. If the labor force participation rate is zero, so is unemployment. Everyone who wants a job (no one) has it. Ta-da! Record Low

That’s how the numbers game works, so consider that as you wade through the preliminary release from New Hampshire’s Office of Employment Security.

First, the Granite State’s economy is in good shape, and employment overall is excellent, but the seasonally adjusted 1.7% July unemployment rate you’ll be hearing much about – if you’ve not already – has a few strings attached.


Seasonally adjusted estimates for July 2023 placed the number of employed residents at 747,200, a decrease of 1,760 from the previous month and a decrease of 2,570 from July 2022. The number of unemployed residents decreased by 360 over-the-month to 13,100. This was 6,430 fewer unemployed than in July 2022. From June 2023 to July 2023, the total labor force decreased by 2,120 to 760,300. This was a decrease of 9,000 New Hampshire residents from July 2022.


1,760 fewer people in the Granite State had jobs in July compared to June, while people without jobs who were identified as unemployed declined by 360 from June. Sounds strange, yes, but it was an improvement of 6,430 from the year before.

And 2,120 fewer people looked for work in July compared to June, but a year ago, that number was much higher.

What does it all mean?

Not a lot, unless you are looking for work and can’t find something you like.

In contrast, in October 2019, NH’s labor force peaked at 784,414. The March 2020 lockdowns dropped it to 747,950, a difference of  25,822. Employment declined from 753,809 to 628,133, a difference of 125,676 for a government-forced unemployment rate of 16%.

747,200 employed is still 6,809 fewer than in March 2019 before the two weeks to hide mandates and 37,214 less than the labor force peak in October of 2019.

The number of folks employed in July 2023 is estimated at 698,000, but the adjusted unemployment rate is 0.9% “Better” than the accompanying 2.6% pre-pandemic number.

See what I’m saying?

Keep that in mind as pols and pundits take 1.7% out for a victory lap, and remember, it’s not just them. Every other state and the Feds do the same thing every chance they get, but without context, it doesn’t mean a damn thing.

Now, non-seasonally adjusted NH employment for July 2023 is probably around 740,000, with the workforce closer to 760,000, which looks better, but again, what does it mean?

Whatever they need it to mean, and the NH economy is doing better. Employers are looking for more employees. Starting part-time rates are often over 15.00/hour for unskilled labor and 20+ if you have some skills. But the labor force isn’t cooperating.

The number can or could be a lot better and actually be better.




The post Let’s Take a Look at NH’s Record Low™ July 2023 Unemployment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bureaucrats ‘Foster’ Anti-Religious Bigotry

Fri, 2023-08-18 13:30 +0000

Throw out logic and reason, and you can begin to understand the rules of the new Woke world—case in point. A couple in Massachusetts has been denied the right to foster a child because of their Catholic beliefs and views on the LGBTQ lifestyle. 

Michael and Catherine “Kitty” Burke began the monthslong application process with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to foster or adopt a child in 2022. This process involved numerous interviews with DCF bureaucrats who would determine the couple’s ability to properly raise a child in today’s WOKE society. It is no longer enough to be good people willing to take on the responsibilities of raising a child needing a home. Today, you must convince the elite that you will raise the child within the guidelines of the warped Progressives worldview.

The Burkes have filed a complaint this week with the Massachusetts DCF. 

Following their interviews, a social worker issued an “approval with conditions, specifically around religion and LGBTQIA++ related issues.” The complaint states that the department’s Licensing Review Team later denied their application. The report attached to the complaint said the couple was asked how they would feel if a child in their care identified as LGBTQ or struggled with their gender identity. Kitty Burke said, “Let’s take the “T” out of it,” and called gender-affirming care “chemical castration,” according to the report. Their beliefs were not what DCF wanted to hear from the perspective of foster parents. Although the transgender community apprises only 1-2% of the population, DCF cannot ignore this powerful group of individuals. They must yield to this small minority or be called on the carpet and canceled or ostracized for life.

One of the Burkes’ attorneys, Lori Windham, senior counsel at Becket Law, a nonprofit legal group focused on religious liberty, told NBC News in a statement that the couple was “shocked” when their application was denied. 

“The Burkes were devastated to learn they were denied a license to foster or adopt any child in the Massachusetts child welfare system. They are asking the court to get rid of that discriminatory denial so that they will not be barred from fostering or adopting children in the future, in Massachusetts or elsewhere,” Windham said. 

The DCF wanted to deny their current application AND blackball the Burkes from any future attempt to adopt or foster in Massachusetts. Clearly, this agency has gone off the rails.

Close to 10,000 children are awaiting foster or adoption in Massachusetts and over 100,000 nationally. These numbers are obviously on the low side as they are given by our government which has lost 85,000 immigrant children in the system. Yet these bureaucratic hypocrites claim they are looking out for the children’s best interests when they deny parents for being too religious or against chemical castration. You can add DCF to the other alphabet-soup agencies in this country that have grown too powerful and beyond repair. The latest stats show that 800,000 government jobs are “non-essential”. Eliminating these positions would be an excellent place to start government reform and shake up the remaining federal workforce. It also would help solve the labor shortage in the private sector. We need someone with a spine at the top to pull the plug on the system, and that is why the system wants to see Donald Trump in jail and not the Oval Office.

The post Bureaucrats ‘Foster’ Anti-Religious Bigotry appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Concrete Block for 2024: At Least Nothing Will Get Any Worse”

Fri, 2023-08-18 12:00 +0000

Every presidential campaign season, we get a handful of side candidates. Some are real sides (never contenders), others less so: like SMOD, the Sweet Meteor of Death. Grokster Kimberly Morin likes to announce how her dog is running. But how about a concrete block? N.S. Lyons has the press release.


ALPENA, MICHIGAN – These years of upheaval are trying times for our nation, and painfully uncertain for American families. In this moment what America most needs is steady, unwavering leadership. Which is why I am pleased to transmit the official announcement of and offer my personal endorsement to the candidacy of Concrete Block for President in 2024.

Concrete Block, known simply as Block to many many friends and colleagues, promises solidity and stability in radically unstable times. Block is down-to-earth and in touch with reality.

Block will remain completely independent, unswayable by lobbyists, the Deep State, or foreign interests. Concrete Block is incorruptible. Block does not have any degenerate family members who can be bribed or cause any scandals. Nor does Block have anything to hide. Block does not creepily sniff children’s hair or do anything with interns or models.

Concrete Block will absolutely not be a transformational president. In fact, Block promises to change nothing whatsoever. Concrete Block absolutely will not raise your taxes. Or impose new regulations, or remove them. Block is committed to limited government. In fact Block will not be hiring or nominating any staff whatsoever.

Concrete Block knows complex infrastructure inside and out, but won’t waste any of your tax dollars attempting to build any. Concrete Block is pro-construction, however, and believes in a ‘YIMBY’ regulatory agenda that will allow for new housing for all if people want to build that stuff for themselves.

There is more if you are so inclined.

The post “Concrete Block for 2024: At Least Nothing Will Get Any Worse” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

With Overwhelming Evidence and a Little Common Sense, You Don’t Need a Smoking Gun

Fri, 2023-08-18 10:30 +0000

According to one recent survey, 53 percent of Americans now believe that Biden family members were paid by foreign nationals to influence policy decisions. That’s called bribery. It’s an impeachable offense under the Constitution, and if those respondents are right, if Joe Biden has been selling out our country for personal gain, it’s the biggest scandal in our history. It would be tantamount to treason by an American President.

It was simply overwhelming evidence, together with innate common sense that convinced them. Many are now calling for immediate impeachment proceedings, while others are taking a more measured approach, demanding that that the allegations at least be thoroughly investigated.

Yet still others, a shrinking minority, refuse to acknowledge what is so obvious to everyone else. Influence peddling? Quid pro quo? Bribery? Not honest Joe! Those loyal followers generally fall into one of two categories.

Either they’re hopelessly obtuse, close-minded Democrats, committed idealogues who buy into their party’s new radical agenda, wherever it takes them, no matter how divisive and destructive it may be. They’re dye-hard progressives who would sooner cut off a right arm than sit through a conservative news show or listen to any opinions that contradict the party line. They’re obsessed with destroying Donald Trump and are blinded to blatant misconduct in their own party.

Or they, themselves, are the propagandists, the liars and hypocrites – the abettors. They don’t care if Joe Biden is compromised and corrupt as the day is long. They’re willing to sell their souls to protect him and promote his agenda.

They are the 51 former intelligence “professionals,” who lied to the country, falsely claiming that Hunter’s laptop was a product of Russian disinformation. They’re the liberal news media who claim to report all the news that’s fit to print, who sanctimoniously proclaim that democracy dies in darkness – the same media that suppressed any and all news associated with the Biden scandal. And they are the devious Democrat politicians, who try to pin everything on Hunter. Politicians like Jamie Raskin, who continue to argue that “President Biden was not involved in his son’s business dealings.” Or the ones like Dan Goldman, who expect the public to believe that, even if Joe Biden did participate in Hunter’s business conversations, he was just there to discuss the weather.

They’ve all closed their eyes to Hunter’s emails referencing a cut for the “big guy” and his texts incriminating his father. They refuse to listen to the sworn testimony of credible IRS whistleblowers telling of DOJ efforts to quash their investigation when it began to focus on the president. They have no interest in the testimony of former business associates explicitly detailing Joe’s participation. And they categorically reject the money trail established by Jim Comer’s investigation and all the other incriminating evidence. To them, there is no smoking gun. There will never be one. If Comer were to present them with a personal check, payable to Joe Biden, and signed by Xi Jinping, they’d find some way to dismiss it.

But in fact, there’s no need to show any money going directly into Joe’s pocket. The criminal code for bribery applies to any public official who “accepts or receives anything of value personally or for any other person or entity.” That would include Biden’s family members.

The evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption is infinitely stronger than the contrived evidence used to impeach his predecessor. If proven, Biden’s exchange of geopolitical favors for personal gain would be abhorrent, and the potential impact on our country could be catastrophic. For the good of the country, congressional Republicans must press forward with public hearings.

They’ll never have the unanimous support of the country, but as more information is revealed about this scandal, maybe it will expose more of those collusive liars – the abettors. Maybe it will even enlighten some of those uninformed ideologues. Perhaps it may even help restore some of the reason and common sense they surrendered in exchange for party loyalty.

The post With Overwhelming Evidence and a Little Common Sense, You Don’t Need a Smoking Gun appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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