The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 19 min 59 sec ago

America isn’t “One Nation” and that Matters

Sat, 2023-08-12 12:00 +0000

The Pledge of Allegiance is wrong. These United States are not “one nation, indivisible.” They are a federation.

This may seem like semantical nitpicking, but it is an extremely important distinction that impacts how we understand the powers of the general government.

Black’s Law Dictionary explains the difference between a federal and a national government.

“A national government is a government of the people of a single state or nation, united as a community by what is termed the ‘social compact,’ and possessing complete and perfect supremacy over persons and things, so far as they can be made the lawful objects of civil government. A federal government is distinguished from a national government by its being the government of a community of independent and sovereign states, united by compact.”

James Madison made a similar distinction when he explained the nature of the constitutional system in Federalist #39.

It appears, on one hand, that the Constitution is to be founded on the assent and ratification of the people of America, given by deputies elected for the special purpose; but, on the other, that this assent and ratification is to be given by the people, not as individuals composing one entire nation, but as composing the distinct and independent States to which they respectively belong. It is to be the assent and ratification of the several States, derived from the supreme authority in each State, the authority of the people themselves. The act, therefore, establishing the Constitution, will not be a national, but a federal act.

“Each State, in ratifying the Constitution, is considered as a sovereign body, independent of all others, and only to be bound by its own voluntary act. In this relation, then, the new Constitution will, if established, be a federal, and not a national constitution.”

The most important distinction between a national and a federal system is where sovereignty lies. In a national system, sovereignty (final or supreme authority) resides in the nation as a whole. As Alexander Hamilton explained in Federalist #32, “An entire consolidation of the States into one complete national sovereignty would imply an entire subordination of the parts.” In other words, the states would be subservient to the general government and the powers left to each state would be subject to “the general will.”

But Hamilton went on to say that this wasn’t the plan of the convention that created the Constitution. Instead, the framers intended to create a “partial union or consolidation.”

“The State governments would clearly retain all rights of sovereignty which they before had, and which were not, by that act, exclusively delegated to the United States.”

In simplest terms, in a national system, the nation itself is the fundamental political society. In a federal system, each member state is an independent political society that retains its sovereignty and authority. They only give up the power they delegated to the general government. And ultimately, they can take that power back as well.


In practice, power is divided and wielded much differently in a national vs a federal system.

In a national system, power isn’t divided at all. The central government exercises total authority and control. Smaller political units such as counties or cities are subservient to the general government. They exist and operate only with the blessing of the central authority and can only exercise powers given to them by the national government.

In a federal system, each member state maintains all authority that wasn’t specifically delegated to the general government. The central authority exists and operates only with the blessing of the member states and it can’t exercise any power not delegated to it.

James Madison outlined the division of powers in the Constitutional system in Federalist #45. He said the powers delegated to the federal government are “few and defined.” Those remaining in the state governments are “numerous and indefinite.”

St. George Tucker wrote the first systematic commentary on the Constitution. He explained the division of powers this way.

“[Federal] jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects, only, and leaves to the several states a residuary and inviolable sovereignty over all other objects.”

In one of the first significant speeches in support of ratifying the Constitution, James Wilson emphasized the federated nature of the proposed system, saying that federal power would not come from “tacit implication.” Instead, power would be collected from “the positive grant expressed in the instrument of the union,” and he insisted that every power “not given” by the states to the general government would be “reserved.”

In practice, the federal government can only exercise powers listed in the Constitution. If a power isn’t on the list, the feds can’t exercise it. That power remains with the states and the people.

This division of power is implicit in the way the Constitution was drafted. The fact that they listed specific federal powers logically excludes any powers not on this list. This is a legal principle —Designato unius est exclusio alterius — meaning, “the designation of one is the exclusion of the other.”

Alexander Hamilton confirmed this reading of the Constitution in Federalist #83.

“This specification of particulars [the 18 enumerated powers of Article I, Section 8] evidently excludes all pretension to a general legislative authority, because an affirmative grant of special powers would be absurd as well as useless if a general authority was intended.”

People who fail to understand the difference between a national and a federal government will tend to assume the central authority has far more power than it does.


Mike Maharrey | The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

With Test Scores Falling, Is Less School The Answer

Sat, 2023-08-12 10:30 +0000

Test scores in our public schools have been plummeting for years. The COVID Pandemic and remote learning definitely exacerbated the rate of decline. The number of students graduating from high school reading at the elementary school level is embarrassing but also harmful to the future of these students. We are failing our students and, therefore, their future security and earning potential. We have failed ourselves.

This year will bring a new challenge to our educational system. Thousands of children of illegal immigrants will attend schools in every county nationwide. These children will be challenged by language and customs. They will have tremendous issues fitting into a foreign system, and they will be dragging down the results of the entire class. Frustration and failure will heighten the dropout rates, and many of these students will opt for gangs for their future. Nobody wins in this scenario.

Teacher shortages are at an all-time high, meaning classroom sizes need to increase, and students will get less individual attention. The quality of teachers is also lower as the pool of available teachers is too small to meet demand. Everyone that graduates finds a position whether they are qualified or not.

It gets worse. The federal government has lost over 85,000 illegal migrant children of school age. They came across the border and were processed. They were transported to the supposed sponsors’ addresses, which did not exist. They fell through the cracks of the bureaucracy and are now lost. They do not appear in the system. Many of these children will end up in the sex trade or be sold as cheap labor. There is nothing compassionate about the broken Biden Border. It does not exist.

The Teacher’s union’s reaction to this quandary is to ask for more pay and a four-day school week. There is no logic to these demands and their impact on the education process. These demands are the union seeing the shortage of teachers and seizing the opportunity to enhance their way of life and wealth. They do not consider the well-being of the students left behind. Nearly 900 school districts have shifted to 4-day weeks. Schools that have already moved to a shorter week have seen a disproportionate drop in scores. This model may be suitable for teacher recruiting, but certainly not for the students. Everyone would love more time to spend at home with their families, but we must remember that teachers only work 180 days per year. More time off is not what they need. It is all about power and opportunity.

We have completely lost our way with our educational system. We know that the focus has been on indoctrination rather than education, and the falling test scores can quantify this. But the ruling class was not satisfied with indoctrination and wanted to take control of our children. Teachers should have been educators but instead chose to be mentors, and they did not want the parents in the conversation. They replaced the ABCs with CRT, BLM, LGBTQ, and ESG, none of which will prepare our children for their future.

Two things we can do to reverse this hellacious trend are to do away with the Department of Education and bring control of schools back to the local level. The other is to break up the Teacher’s Union. They have become dangerously powerful, and their focus is purely on the Teacher and not the student. This focus has to change before we lose an entire generation of children.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Everything You Need to Know About Walk-In Baths – and Why They Can Make Bathrooms Safe Again!

Sat, 2023-08-12 09:00 +0000

Everyone will agree that the bathroom is a place where safety should never be compromised! Traditional bathtubs can become a significant hazard for many seniors, people with mobility challenges, or those recovering from injuries. Enter the walk-in bath, a revolutionary solution that not only enhances safety but also offers a luxurious and relaxing bathing experience. But what exactly are walk-in baths, anyway? Here’s everything you need to know about walk-in baths – and why they can transform your bathroom into a safe and comfortable haven.

What are they?

Walk-in baths are specially designed bathtubs with a built-in door allowing easy entry and exit without needing to step over a high ledge. These baths have become increasingly popular due to their safety features and convenience, and they are equipped with features like non-slip surfaces, grab bars, and contoured seating to ensure utmost safety during bathing.

Enhanced safety for seniors and individuals with mobility challenges

One of the primary reasons why you should consider a walk in bath is the safety it provides, especially for seniors and individuals with limited mobility. Traditional bathtubs can be a breeding ground for slips and falls, leading to serious injuries. But walk-in baths eliminate the need for stepping over high barriers, significantly reducing the risk of accidents. With strategically placed grab bars and anti-slip surfaces, users can maintain stability and independence while bathing.

The therapeutic benefits

Aside from the safety aspect, walk-in baths also offer a range of therapeutic benefits. For instance, many models have hydrotherapy and air jets that provide soothing massages, alleviating muscle tension and promoting relaxation. These therapeutic features can be especially beneficial for individuals with arthritis, joint pain, or other physical ailments.

Space and style

Contrary to the notion that walk-in baths are bulky and unattractive, modern designs are sleek and sophisticated, fitting seamlessly into any bathroom décor! Manufacturers today understand the need for space optimization and offer various sizes and configurations to suit different bathrooms. In addition, walk-in baths are available in various materials and finishes, allowing homeowners to maintain their bathroom’s aesthetic appeal.

Easy installation

Some may worry that installing a walk-in bath requires extensive renovations, but the reality is quite the opposite. Most walk-in baths are designed to fit in the same space as your existing bathtub, making installation hassle-free. Professional plumbers can efficiently install the new bath, minimizing disruption and ensuring a smooth transition to a safer bathing experience for everyone in your family!

Financial considerations

While walk-in baths offer numerous benefits, some may be concerned about the cost. It is essential to weigh the expenses against the long-term benefits and increased safety they provide. Additionally, many manufacturers and organizations offer financial assistance or grants for home modifications aimed at enhancing accessibility and safety for seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Walk-in baths are an excellent investment for anyone seeking to create a safe and comfortable bathroom environment. With their emphasis on safety, therapeutic benefits, and space optimization, these baths can transform your bathing routine into a relaxing and secure experience. Whether you are a senior, a person with mobility challenges, or simply value safety in your home, a walk-in bath could be the perfect addition to your bathroom. So, why wait? Take the first step toward a safer bathroom and explore the world of walk-in baths today.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America IS Being Remade And Not In Our Founders’ Design

Sat, 2023-08-12 01:30 +0000

Almost as soon as Obama uttered those fateful words “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” we have been undergoing a cultural and political revolution without a shot being fired.  And most of us never knew what was coming – or did.

The phrase “Dense Pack” came into popular usage by us on the Right to describe how many things, via Executive Order and legislation passed by Democrat majorities in the US House and Senate, started to change not just our laws but our cultures as well. Obamacare was one, and the effective takeover of the automakers and dealers was another large item.

To me, we are approaching the tipping point; we haven’t already slid to the downside. Van Jones, Obama’s openly Communist friend, and advisor, infamously told us all what was going to happen: “Top Down, Bottom Up, and Inside Out.” And having lived through Obama’s two terms and now believing that Obama is the Puppetmaster behind the Resolute Desk’s chair, it’s clear that the Left hates the America founded by patriots that pledged their lives, honor, and fortunes.

We now see the New Left’s goal all along, in ruling vs. governing, was to destroy it. After all, that’s what the Left does – and too many people haven’t realized it yet.

Victor Davis Hanson, however, among the luminary thinkers on the Right, has a must-read column: “The Remaking of America (Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault).”

We are in the midst of one of the most radical revolutions in American history. It is as far-reaching and dangerous as the turbulent years of the 1850s and 1860s or the 1930s. Every aspect of American life and culture is under assault, including the very processes by which we govern ourselves, and the manner in which we live.

The Revolution began under the Obama administration that sought to divide Americans into oppressed and oppressors, and then substitute race for class victimization. It was empowered by the bicoastal wealth accrued from globalization, and honed during the COVID lockdown, quarantine-fed economic downturn, and the George Floyd riots and their aftermath. The Revolution was boosted by fanatic opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. And the result is an America that is unrecognizable from what it was a mere decade ago.

Here are 10 upheavals that the Left has successfully wrought.

And he goes on to list the ten items and why these are being turned into cudgels. I’ll list them here but suggest that you go and read the narratives for each. In the aggregate, it is a long read, but with the normal VDH delivery, it is chockful of items, even with his minimalist but plain-speaking style.  In order:

Free expression. In large swatches of American society—particularly the corporation, the media, the government, the public schools, and the university—it is suddenly dangerous to speak freely.

The Weaponization of Justice. …But in the last decade, the Left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party—whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends…

The Attack on the Supreme Court. Once the Court achieved a more or less predictable conservative majority, the Left sought to diminish it in a variety of ways…

The Media-Democratic Fusion. …In sum, for the first time in American history, nearly all the major communication and journalistic networks have been fused with a political party. They believe the new role of the media is to advance a shared…

The Destruction of Common Law. By defunding the police in major cities, and by showering leftwing district attorney candidates with millions of dollars in campaign funding, the Left systematically eroded the law as we know it in our major cities…In sum, in blue states and at the federal level, leftwing prosecutors and justices decide to enforce or ignore statutes, pile up or reduce indictments, increase or decrease punishments not on what the law entails, or evidence directs, but on the race, class, or ideology of the perpetrator, usually in connection with the particular status of his victims. If asymmetry in race, class, or ideology is suggested, then the law must modulate in redistributive fashion to contextualize the crime and criminal as a victim rather than a victimizer. The result is the veritable destruction of law and order as we once knew it.

The Erosion of the Military. Rarely has the American people polled so little confidence in the U.S. military. It perceives the Pentagon mission largely one to greenlight social change through the rapidity of the chain of command, not necessarily to maintain deterrence, much less to win all its wars…

Sexes. The heterosexual male and female, marriage, and the nuclear family are all to be suspect. There are three sexes or perhaps still more. English language pronouns are inadequate to reflect sexual diversity.

Race, Not Class. Racial inequality and lack of parity are due to “whiteness.” Racial quotas, segregated dorms, graduations, workshops, and safe spaces are exempt from civil rights statutes given they are necessary to achieve equity…

Debt is a Construct. Modern monetary theory proved that annual deficits and national debt are just a state accounting challenge. So printing more money is an act that properly diminishes the value of existing capital improperly horded by parasitic profiteers…

Universities. …So the role of a university is to create a brief safe space in which graduates can leave with proper training about the terrible history of the United States and the ways in which it must be dismantled and then be rebuilt by the properly trained experts from the ground up. Counterrevolutionaries or deluded liberals and their quaint adherence to a racist and archaic Bill of Rights have no place on these islands of progressive resistance.


None of the above was true at the millennium; all are now—with more still to come.

And they are succeeding using their foundational tactic – “Don’t like the results, change the game.” Often this means redefining our common language – certainly, our norms and mores have been attacked. After all, when the Left can get a substantial minority (perhaps, soon, a majority??) to believe that sex can be anything you want, severing it from Reality, we’re goners.


(H/T: American Greatness)


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Polar Bears than you Can Shake a Hockey Stick at ….

Sat, 2023-08-12 00:00 +0000

The list of things that consensus experts on climate got wrong continues to grow, and it’s gotten so bad some of them can’t bear it. Polar bears, actually. Back when it was global warming, they were doomed, and it was your fault. Guess what?

Related: The Polar Bear Population has Increased 600% Despite Mann-Made Al-Gore Warming

The only polar bears you can’t find are the ones they used to put on cans of Coca-Cola. The real deal is not only doing fine; they are thriving regardless of how much sea ice there is or its thickness.

If you recall, thinning ice – which has also been a consistently inconsistent loser of a prediction for the Consensus Cult – was a predictor of doom for the polar bear. Progressives from every corner declared them endangered, and the climate criers went out among the people. You did this and must repent. No modernity for you. We will take your cheap energy and your right to travel and reduce you to huddled masses yearning to be free.

The bears, they just kept doing their thing, which has been going on a lot longer than the politicization of the weather. If you recall, we’ve shared reports of extreme warmth, little ice, and even arboreal forests in northern Greenland, all throughout Earth’s not-that-distant history. None of that had anything to do with you, and the polar bears, wherever they were, didn’t give a damn, so neither should you.

Or maybe it did.

What if increased CO2 and less dense sea ice or its absence is actually good for polar bear populations?  Or was it opportunists using fraud to enrich themselves and attract undeserved attention?


” … far from being “accidental”, polar bear specialists (and Ian Stirling in particular) used the fledgling global warming agenda for their own ends: they employed emotionally manipulative narratives about starving and dying animals to boost funding for their field and ensure their job security. Polar bear specialists fed the climate change beast by providing it with an icon, and then sat back to reap the rewards. I have no doubt Ian Stirling knew exactly what the media and climate activists would do with that short documentary for the CBC back in 1999.”


So, consensus scientists are really just politicians and should be treated like them with the understanding that they are more difficult to dislodge, especially when actual politicians keep giving them a platform for their fraud because it advances a particular agenda.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – Mark Roper Decides To Re-Engineer A Whiffle Ball to Beat The Pros

Fri, 2023-08-11 22:30 +0000

I can’t remember that far back as to when I last played whiffle ball. I do remember, vaguely, that I wasn’t enamored with it – I wasn’t all that good at it.  So normally when a video of guys playing whiffle ball shows up in my feed, it’s swipe left. However, Mark Roper as you can see above. It’s always about the over-engineering to either prove a point or just have fun (and usually both).

You can go to 11:57 if you’re a bit short of time to see how he did the work displayed above. Watching the previous video shows him reliving his “youngster whiffle glory days” only to become completely humiliated when he decided to take his boasting to a Pro Whiffle Ball game and step into the box and onto the mound (yes, there is a “professional league”).

And that meant that a whole bunch of engineering (and the application of my maxim of “Learn the System, Exploit the System) that brought me a bunch of chuckles!

(H/T: YouTube)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Warns Residents About Flood-Related Scams, Fails to Mention Its Own Fraud

Fri, 2023-08-11 21:00 +0000

The people who would use a disaster for their financial advantage are not very different from those who do the same from elected office. The latter has a police force, a flimsy claim to a popular mandate, and pays lip series to justice, but the criminality isn’t much different.

So, I was amused when I read this headline from the Bennington Banner: “State: Beware flood-related scams and frauds.”


The Department of Financial Regulation (DFR) warns consumers to be on alert for potential insurance-related and investment frauds and scams following the recent flood event in Vermont. Natural disasters like floods can give rise to financial scams because bad actors take advantage of times of vulnerability. Vermonters should be on the lookout for opportunistic financial scams and report any suspected or known fraud to DFR as soon as possible.


You should beware but don’t limit yourself to scams running outside the so-called halls of climate justice. Blue Vermont is top-heavy with Climat Cultists running scams at taxpayer expense. Millions are laundered out of working-class pockets by progressive politicians to replace affordable modernity with a subsistence lifestyle akin to second or third-world nations.

Their thievery knows no bounds, while their solutions create more problems and solve none unless the goal is theft of your labor, its fruits, mobility, and freedom. And you can kiss reliable heat, light, and comfort goodbye.

It is one of the biggest scams in human history.

Don’t get me wrong; you need to be aware and alert daily for dirty tricksters, but the best of them run for and get elected to public office, using natural cyclic events to advance a restrictive political agenda that is dangerous to your well-being and liberty.

It is the biggest scam of all.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Another Example Of Why The NHGOP Is LOSING

Fri, 2023-08-11 19:30 +0000

When the Communists Democrats get power, they use it. When the Republicans get power, they DON’T (except for things that matter to the GOP-ruling class: business tax cuts, multi-family-housing, etc.) .

As a result, the Communists Democrats are able to advance their agenda, while the Republicans are always on the defensive. Here is a great example.

The Communists Democrats went unhinged because the state Board of Education was considering adding a video series on financial literacy from PragerU to the Learn Everywhere program:



From the linked article:

“We have approved charter schools with strong left-of-center perspectives, we’ve approved schools with strong DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) components, and no one complained about that. We’re not trying to impose a political view on students; we’re trying to create options for students,” [Drew] Cline said.

Why is the State Board of Education approving DEI schools? To get a pat on the head from the Communists Democrats? To avoid being criticized by the Communists Democrats? Whatever the reason … approving DEI schools is the political equivalent of unconditional surrender.

Cline has NO IDEA what he is talking about when he says that DEI is apolitical. It is totally political. It is part of the Communist Democrat gospel. Cline is aiding and abetting the Communists Democrats indoctrinating children, and growing a new generation of  Communist Democrat voters.

This is why the NHGOP loses. Unlike the Communists Democrats, its leaders don’t know how winning is done.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Good Morning, Frank, and Happy Friday!

Fri, 2023-08-11 18:00 +0000

I was unaware of this current event until I saw you and Ryan on TV yesterday. I definitely support the Prager U class for a variety of reasons. Through much talk with JJ Valera, I assume you are completely familiar with all the content in the Ian Underwood books.

I’ve read them all and have to say that I’m totally on board with all his talking points regarding education. And I think the Prager U material is an excellent resource. I say that not just as a Prager U fan but as a daughter of a retired accountant that served on a school committee in Massachusetts.

And if I’m not mistaken, Garland’s son-in-law is the founder of Panorama Education, a Marxist software company contracted by government schools. So if the enemy camp is to oppose Prager U because they dislike the way of life that it promotes, the material associated with the Garland family should be opposed with equal fervor.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-08-11 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Really good book on Che:

Exposing the Real Che Guevara by Humberto Fontova: 9781595230522 | Books

And his buddy Fidel:

Fidel: Hollywood’s Favorite Tyrant: Fontova, Humberto: 9780895260437: Books



Yet they keep trying.







And then the enemedia wonders why we don’t believe them.






Are you diabetic?  I am – found out that I am last year.  I’m on insulin… which, parenthetically, makes my likely lifespan in SHTF a lot shorter than I had thought just a couple of years ago.

So I’ve been paying particular attention to the possibility of mRNA, etc., in injectables.  After all, the Globalists are hot-n-bothered to eliminate 95%+ of us, and who better to start with than those of us with medication dependencies?

Now, this:

Darkfield Microscopy of Lantus Insulin Shows Self Assembly Hydrogel (

This is one data point.  Worrying, yes, but in the words of magician and paranormal debunker James Randi:

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

I’d want to see this verified / validated by other researchers.

Still, heads-up people.  More on the Jab / Covid:





I’d bet they had this in the works in some form long before they had a clue about the technology necessary to do it.






The Horror of Having Children


















Scientist admits the ‘overwhelming consensus’ on the climate change crisis is ‘manufactured’ (







Remember: wind is driven by the sun.  Waves are driven by wind… driven by the sun.  Block the sun and the power fades in a “renewables” world.  Now, imagine you’re living in THE LINE when the power goes out – or at least becomes unreliable.


NEOM | What is THE LINE?






Problem – Reaction – Solution.




Pick of the Post:


In my mind, a three way tie.  All made me LOL.







A MAJOR Recession Is ‘Just Around The Corner’ (Says HSBC)





Economic Collapse: ‘All Banks To Fail’, Fed’s Powell To Resign | Peter Schiff & David Hay



IMHO, a crash is coming “whether you want it or not”.  (See what I did there?  Xref to my last meme post.)




Palate Cleansers:





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Visits Grand Canyon, Winks At Russians

Fri, 2023-08-11 15:00 +0000

Joe Biden visited the Grand Canyon on Wednesday and showed his lack of concern for America and his loyalty to Russia once more. Some may view his visit as an outstanding President committed to fighting Climate Change and preserving one of our greatest natural landmarks.

If you are one of these people, the President duped you once again. This visit was a well-orchestrated trip filled with plenty of ulterior missions. Of course, it started with opening messages from Biden that he either messed up or his writers are idiots. He proclaimed the Grand Canyon as one of the 9 Wonders of the World. A grade school student knows or used to know there are only 7 Wonders of the World, and the Grand Canyon is not one of them. But this is from a man who does not know if he has six or seven grandchildren.

He then had a one-on-one interview with a member of the media. Not a hard-hitting journalist from a news agency that might ask him tough questions about his true intent for the trip or about his Crime Family. No, he answered questions from a softball-throwing employee of The Weather Channel. Biden could not have had an easier session if he had met with one of the costumed characters from the Disney Channel. And let’s point out that Left-Wing Mega-Donor, Byron Allen, owns The Weather Channel. He was definitely in safe hands.

Biden was at the Canyon to declare the area a National Monument. By signing a national monument designation for the Grand Canyon, turning the decades-long visions of Native American tribes and environmentalists into reality, Biden sold out our National Security and took care of his friends, the Russians.

By designating the Canyon and the surrounding one million acres a National Monument, he shut down any mining activity on that land, and this was the true mission for this charade. Biden effectively closed the vast majority of our Uranium mines under the guise of protecting the climate and maybe our greatest national treasure, The Grand Canyon. Biden pleased the Native Americans and the Environmentalists. He secured worldwide Uranium dominance for Russia. He again turned on America and made us a weaker, more vulnerable country. It was quite a day for the President, who is obviously committed to destroying this country.

Coming off an extended vacation at his Delaware beach house, the President looked old and rusty. His voice was more slurred than usual. His thoughts and answers to questions wandered. Our weak and failing chief executive cast a contrasting shadow across the mighty Grand Canyon. The Russians were smiling down on Biden on this day.

By cutting off the Grand Canyon mines, along with the recent coup in Niger, which is now falling under Russian influence, two of the more prominent sources of our Uranium have been cut off. Uranium is critical to our Nuclear Defense, medical testing, and any future expansion of a nuclear energy program.

Dressed in his casual attire and donning a baseball cap, Joe Biden may have looked like the great protector of our natural landscape, but in actuality, he was securing more power for Russia who probably just made another multi-million dollar deposit into one of Joe Biden’s many off-shore bank accounts. On Tuesday, Joe Biden showed again why we must open an impeachment inquiry into this corrupt and ruthless President.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Libertarian Gun Buy-Back Offers Gift Cards and Doughnuts For Surrendered Police Weapons

Fri, 2023-08-11 13:30 +0000

Government gun buybacks have a great reputation for accumulating unwanted or dysfunctional firearms in exchange for easy cash with zero evidence they reduce violent crime. That’s no reason not to embrace them for a more meaningful purpose.

Related: Gun Buybacks Don’t Work, but Kamala Harris Would Make Them Mandatory

Several libertarian activists gathered in Manchester recently for a “gun buyback” event where they attempted to persuade Manchester police to trade their guns for $25 gift cards. Organizers and attendees said they wanted to bring attention to police violence and “qualified immunity” which protects officers from responsibility for their actions. Kudos to Justin O’Donnell for being there and getting video:




No weapons but plenty of awareness which is always a good thing.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Christianity Ended Slavery

Fri, 2023-08-11 12:00 +0000

Remember this about slavery and racism: As of 300 years ago, slavery had been a normal practice nearly worldwide throughout human history. In the U.S., free Blacks, as well as whites, owned slaves (e.g., in 1830, about 3,770 blacks owned slaves).

What changed the worldwide attitude toward slavery? Christianity: the Christian principle that all men are created in the image of God and, therefore, slavery is a sin.

Christians began arguing about slavery in Roman times. In the late 18th and early 19th century, Christians who favored abolishing slavery gained enough power in Great Britain to begin the effort to abolish it. Following Britain’s lead, other European powers joined, fought, and eliminated slavery in their empires by about the end of the 19th century.

It was European (white) Christians who provided the military power and paid the great human and financial cost to change the worldwide attitude toward outlawing and abolishing slavery; it wasn’t Africans or Asians or any other religion that led the fight and paid the cost to eliminate slavery.

Some say that all white Americans benefit from slavery; that’s ridiculous. In the Civil War, hundreds of thousands of wives and children lost their husbands, fathers, and main providers. Most formerly rich slave owners became destitute, having contributed their fortunes to the war effort and had their formerly valuable slaves (some worth $40,000 each) freed without compensation.

Since the Civil War, Democrats have been dividing Americans by race while blaming Republicans for the problems that Democrats themselves create.

The U.S. outlaws discrimination on the basis of race. The only obvious, apparent systemic racism against Black Americans is in the bad schools, dangerous neighborhoods, government abuse, and the poor jobs, housing, and other services provided in Democrat-controlled cities.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Education Choice will Save Public School

Fri, 2023-08-11 10:30 +0000

CONVERSATION about choice in education generally centers on the positive effect such programs have for students. From academic gains to improved student mental health, the overwhelming research consensus is favorable.

We want to thank Commissioner Frank Edelblut for this Contribution – Please direct yours to

EdChoice publishes a report, The 123s of School Choice, that consolidates research in this area. Out of 187 research studies of school choice, 84% show a positive effect.

The benefits of education choice for students are borne out by decades of research. But choice can do even more. It can be the driving force that saves public education.

Demographic changes have significantly affected public education. Public school enrollment in New Hampshire peaked in 2002. Since then, the public schools have lost 46,000 students. This trend is negatively affecting both K-12 and post-secondary education systems. It is not expected to reverse in the foreseeable future.

As enrollment has declined, schools have experienced rising costs. A 22% decline in the number of students calls for savings, which isn’t always easy to achieve. Trimming costs in a dynamic commercial industry is tough enough. Trying to accomplish that in a public-sector industry is even tougher. The result is escalating costs that far outstrip inflation and strain the ability for citizens to support the school system.

We know that 2022 and 2023 have been filled with unsettling news that student performance is not where it should be. While everyone acknowledges the negative effect of COVID on student academic outcomes, as well as mental health, COVID made these declines worse. But it didn’t cause them. As the National Assessment Governing Board recently reported: “The pandemic worsened a pre-pandemic trend in math and reading among fourth graders.”

The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA), an assessment company used by many schools, reported this month that despite unprecedented additional funding to schools ($190 billion in COVID aid) and the efforts of educators across the country, accelerated student learning has not occurred. Fortunately, New Hampshire is bucking this trend, though student performance still falls short of our aspirations.

COVID highlighted another concern as well. During COVID remote instruction, many parents observed their children’s classroom instruction for the first time. This led to calls in New Hampshire and nationwide for greater transparency and greater input by parents into what their children are learning.

Today, parents and taxpayers are demanding unprecedented levels of flexibility, transparency and accountability from our public schools. The schools should be able to offer what parents want, but the system isn’t designed to be as responsive as parents rightfully insist that it be.

Here in New Hampshire, we’ve worked hard to make the system more responsive and flexible. We’re expanding public charter schools so that more parents will have a local public school alternative available for their children. We’ve created Innovation Schools, which allow public school districts some of the same flexibility charter schools enjoy. We created Learn Everywhere so students can get high school credit for learning that takes place outside the classroom. And we created Education Freedom Accounts so that lower-income parents can shop for the best available education for their children.

Critics claim that creating more options for parents will harm public education. On the contrary, giving families more choices will be the catalyst that helps public education satisfy all students’ needs.

Public education is filled with individuals who are smart, motivated and deeply caring. Educators want to serve children, and they’re not opposed to embracing innovative approaches and methods. But too often the system lacks the sort of flexibility that allows the private sector to respond more quickly to changing consumer demand.

Education is filled with creative and innovative entrepreneurs (edupreneurs) who are already responding to the changing education marketplace. New Hampshire has created the tools to empower public education to compete.

That’s why we must encourage public education to harness the same market forces that will create a vibrant, dynamic, and highly adaptive education economy.As we’ve seen, too many families are fleeing the system in frustration. Why not encourage the system to use the tools that it has and offer them more flexibility and more options so they don’t have to leave the system to get the education they seek?

Efforts to enhance public education have been with us for decades. Some of these innovations survive, but parents are saying they’re tired of waiting for results. Why make them wait for decades more? By then, how many more will have left?

No matter the industry, competition improves services and lowers costs. It can do the same for public education, but only if we free our educators from the bureaucratic shackles that make it hard for them to compete. Give them the same incentives that education entrepreneurs already have and look out. They’ll dazzle parents. We just have to encourage them to do it.

Frank Edelblut is commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education. He lives in Wilton.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Millennials and Veganism: A Generation’s Commitment to Ethical Eating

Fri, 2023-08-11 09:00 +0000

The Millennial generation, born between 1981 and 1996, has become a driving force behind the vegan movement, prioritizing ethical, health, and environmental considerations. The rise of veganism among Millennials reflects a deeper change in attitudes towards food, animal welfare, and sustainability. Let’s explore the factors that have motivated this generation to embrace a plant-based lifestyle.

Ethical Considerations

At the heart of many Millennials’ decision to go vegan are ethical considerations, with animal welfare taking the top spot. For many, the treatment of animals in industrial farming practices simply does not align with their personal values. Documentaries, social media influencers, and increased awareness have fueled a growing compassion for animals, leading to a rejection of products associated with cruelty, and a surge in alternative, plant-based products such as vegan ice cream.

What’s more, the Millennial generation is acutely aware of the environmental impact of their choices. They recognize the extensive resources required to raise livestock and the corresponding carbon footprint. As such, veganism is often an active choice to reduce one’s environmental impact.

Health Awareness

The connection between diet and wellbeing is no longer a novel idea for many Millennials. Armed with a plethora of information and a desire to live a healthier lifestyle, many are choosing plant-based diets for their potential benefits in disease prevention, weight management, and overall wellness.

For some, the move to veganism is a necessary response to food allergies or intolerances. As more people become aware of their bodies’ needs and reactions to different foods, veganism often emerges as a viable option for dietary comfort and balance.

Accessibility and Convenience

In 2023, veganism is no longer a fringe movement confined to health food stores. Today, you can find vegan options in almost every mainstream supermarket, restaurant, and even fast-food chains. For Millennials, this has made the transition to a vegan lifestyle more feasible and enjoyable.

Along with this, technology has made going vegan even easier. From apps that help locate vegan restaurants to online communities offering recipes and support, technology has played a key role in facilitating the growing Millennial adoption of veganism. The digital era has made information and resources readily available to those interested in making the shift.

Cultural Shifts

The Millennial generation has created a sense of community around veganism. Online platforms and social media channels have created spaces for sharing, learning, and encouragement, turning a dietary choice into a shared cultural experience.

What’s more, popular influencers and celebrities who are openly vegan have significantly impacted the views and choices of many Millennials. Not only have they made veganism trendy, but they also provide validation and inspiration for those considering the change.

Conscious Consumerism

Millennials are not only influencing food trends but also shaping the market through their purchasing decisions. A preference for ethical and sustainable products among this generation has led to a surge in demand for vegan-friendly goods.

Brands and companies are responding by expanding their vegan ranges, recognizing that ethical consumerism isn’t just a trend, but a growing force in the market.

The rise of veganism among Millennials has had a ripple effect, shaping markets, influencing policy, and perhaps most importantly, inspiring future generations to think more consciously about the food they consume.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

COVID Vaxxed Kids That Recovered from Myocarditis are Getting It Again

Fri, 2023-08-11 01:30 +0000

Even if you are a total COVID vaccine homer, the data never justified giving it to anyone under twenty, but parents and kids were frightened, cajoled, or coerced into getting it, and some were harmed. And not just once. Myocarditis in teens can recur.

And that is not some right-wing anti-vaxxer conspiracy – not that they’ve not been more right about it than the consensus left. This comes from Science

Note the opening sentence. It has become a staple of researchers who want to do science but fear losing funding if they don’t tithe (at least verbally) to the COVID Cults gods.

But don’t stop there. What follows is alarming (reformatted).


Whilst there has been significant public health benefits associated with global use of COVID-19 spike protein vaccines, potential serious adverse events following immunization have been reported. Acute myocarditis is a rare complication of COVID19 vaccines and often it is self-limiting. We describe two cases experiencing recurrent myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine despite a prior episode with full clinical recovery. Between September 2021-September 2022 we observed two male adolescents with recurrent myocarditis related to mRNA-based-COVID19 vaccine.

During the first episode both patients presented with fever and chest pain few days after their second dose of BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine (Comirnaty®). The blood exams showed increased cardiac enzymes. In addition, complete viral panel was run, showing HHV7 positivity in a single case. The left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was normal at echocardiogram but cardiac magnetic resonance scanning (CMR) was consistent with myocarditis. They were treated with supportive treatment with full recovery.

The 6 months follow-up demonstrated good clinical conditions with normal cardiological findings. The CMR showed persistent lesions in left ventricle ‘s wall with LGE. After some months the patients presented at emergency department with fever and chest pain and increased cardiac enzymes. No decreased LVEF was observed. The CMR showed new focal areas of edema in the first case report and stable lesions in the second one. …

More efforts are necessary to depict the underlying mechanisms of myocarditis after SARS-CoV2 vaccination to understand the risk of relapsing and the long-term sequelae.

Key takeaways. The myocarditis followed injection with an mRNA COVID vaccine. The heart was damaged, but they clinically recovered. Some months later, they had a second incidence of vaccine-induced myocarditis and no one knows what’s going on.


Studies have shown myocarditis requiring hospitalization may occur in as many as 1 in 3,000 teenage boys or young adult men who receive a Covid jab, with the highest risk after the second dose. Many studies show Moderna’s shot, which has more mRNA than Pfizer’s, has a higher risk.

The underlying reason that the mRNAs cause myocarditis – and why it seems to affect young men more than anyone else – remains a mystery.


Young Americans who, while not at risk of COVID infection or transmission, now live with a chronic debilitating condition that could recur randomly. That sounds like a public health emergency.


As the connection between the mRNAs and myocarditis became more clear, they downplayed its risks, calling it mild and transient.

But studies from South Korea, Qatar, and the Tokyo medical examiner’s office have proved that mRNA myocarditis can kill and has led to dozens of sudden deaths of young adults in those countries. The link to the deaths was generally discovered only after autopsies or medical record reviews of deaths within days or weeks of vaccinations.

The United States and most other mRNA vaccine countries have not conducted similar reviews, so the total post-jab myocarditis death toll remains a mystery.


And now a question I have asked often during the COVID era.  I’d say after the COVID era, but I’m not convinced our global masters agree it is over. How many need to die, or who has to die?  We have kids entering into their early adulthood handicapped by bad public health policy and thr sad answer is it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter to them who dies.

We had a young nephew of a Congressman die, very likely from an acute cardiac incident at a local swimming hole after COVID vaccination. He died, and the first instinct of the Jabbernaughts and the media was nothing to see here. Tragic, but oh look, Ukraine, Aliens, Gas Prices, another Trump indictment, election deniers, climate change, abortion!

Yes, that was an abortion in his 60th trimester. And he’s not the only one.

One more point. In May, we reported a 151% spike in myocarditis in the US military. Since then we’ve discovered that the European Journal of Heart Failure has looked at post-COVID-vaccine-induced myocarditis (local copy).


  • None of the participants with elevated markers of myocardial injury related to mRNA vaccination had a history of cardiac disease
  • our findings confirmed the study hypothesis. mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons.
  • systemic reactogenicity (fever, chills, body aches), and chest pain occurred with comparable frequency in participants with versus without mRNA-1273 booster vaccine-associated cTnT elevations.
  • mRNA-1273 booster vaccine-associated myocardial injury occurred significantly more often in women versus men(3.7% versus 0.8%).
  • [The] median age of participants developing mRNA-1273 vaccine-associated myocardial injury was 46 years.


And it looks like it could recur at any time. What’s safe about that?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Write Off Ron DeSantis Just Yet

Fri, 2023-08-11 00:00 +0000

<edia talking heads eager for another four years of Donald Trump scandal stories have been quick to dismiss the prospects of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis since he officially entered the contest for the Republican presidential nomination barely two months ago.

Recent polls, both national and from early primary states, show DeSantis trailing former President Trump by double digits, and a staff shakeup within the DeSantis campaign has driven speculation among donors that DeSantis is struggling. His critics even pointed to a DeSantis motorcade fender-bender as evidence that his campaign lacked momentum.

The great DeSantis pile-on has been going on since the Florida governor won re-election by a landslide last year and became the presumptive candidate to beat for the GOP nomination.

It’s pretty tricky to write Gov. DeSantis’ obituary before the race officially starts, but that’s what the media and Trump’s allies appear to be trying to do. (RELATED: CHRISTIAN WHITON: Ron DeSantis Will Revive The Middle Class. Here’s How)

It’s not that national polls in a primary contest don’t matter, it’s just that they don’t matter much. Data on where the conservative base of the Grand Old Party stands compared to donors is interesting, and it’s certainly a warning that the populist wing and the party elites aren’t fully aligned. But that’s not exactly breaking news, and it’s not a determinate factor in a nominating contest that’s decided at the state level.

Former President Trump may still have an iron grip on the populist base of the Republican Party, but he’s not invincible — and he knows it.

The Republican presidential primary is a complex and drawn-out process of barnstorming early states to woo GOP voters and delegates until one candidate has enough support to earn the nomination at next summer’s Republican convention in Milwaukee. The process can be chaotic, but it’s designed to allow a broad field of hopefuls to make their pitch to Republican voters, avoiding an undemocratic coronation by party insiders.

Trump and his allies know — and the latest campaign finance reports confirm — that he doesn’t have the resources for a protracted primary fight. Trump needs to end challenges to his primacy over the GOP quickly.

According to the media’s analysis of campaign finance disclosures, Trump’s network of political committees has paid roughly $60 million in legal fees since he lost the 2020 election. Trump may dominate the Republican primary field today, but he’s bleeding cash at an unsustainable rate, and his legal troubles are not going away anytime soon. The longer the primary drags on, the weaker the former president becomes.



In the dash for cash, DeSantis and his allied campaign committees are by far the frontrunners, with nearly $120 million in the bank. The Trump campaign has about half that amount between his fund-raising committees and super PAC. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott is in third place with roughly $40 million.

As far as the polls go, Iowa’s January 15 presidential caucus is the first real test of the nomination battle, and Trump’s showing in polls in the Hawkeye State differs from his performance in national surveys.

A recent New York Times/Siena College survey of the Iowa caucus highlights Trump’s weakness at the state level. While he leads DeSantis 43 percent to 20 percent with likely caucusgoers, he’s still below 50 percent. With nearly five months before the Iowa caucus, there’s time — though not a lot — for Trump’s challengers to close that gap.

A win in Iowa for Trump would undoubtedly be a major blow to DeSantis and the rest of the field of hopefuls. But Trump’s support is softer than the oft-quoted 37-percent floor. The base is with him, but even the most hardcore conservatives are leaving the door cracked to other options. However, those voters can’t be expected to jump ship until they know they have a winning alternative. And that’s where the primary process comes in. The base like the former president but also wants to start winning again. DeSantis and the other challenges must demonstrate to voters during primary season that they can deliver on that promise.

A consensus alternative to Trump may not have emerged yet, but DeSantis is by far the closest out of the pack of hopefuls. He is the only other candidate polling in double digits. His favorability has remained consistent despite daily attacks from Trump and critiques in the media — the next most popular candidate is Sen. Scott, who has yet to break the 10-percent ceiling — and he has the war chest to go all the way to the GOP convention.

If the determining factor is electability next November — and I would argue it is — then Gov. DeSantis is the clear choice for GOP voters. (RELATED: DAVID S. JACKSON: Trump Backers Are Smearing America’s Best Hope For Real Conservative Change)

DeSantis is promising to put Republicans back in a position to lead the country out of the swamp of the Biden administration. The new economic independence plan that DeSantis rolled out last week shows he wants to move the nation forward and get back to the things that matter most to American voters.

Dan Eberhart; DeSantis donor, chief executive officer of Canary, LLC, a Denver, Colorado-based drilling-services company, and managing partner of Eberhart Capital, LLC.

Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.


Dan Eberhart | Daily Caller News Service

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Is The Puppeteer For The Mainstream Media

Thu, 2023-08-10 22:30 +0000

I am a news junkie. I am not ashamed to admit my addiction. I enjoy watching the four-square view on YouTube TV to see what FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, and the BBC are covering simultaneously. It is amazing to not only see what they are reporting, but more telling is what they are choosing not to cover. Though these networks are not affiliated, they are definitely being orchestrated. The stories covered, the talking points, and the video clips are all too synchronized to be by chance. This is not a case of one network reporting a story and the others jumping on. All of the mainstream media outlets are choosing what their viewers will not see. This media collusion could be used for an anti-trust case against ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and their internet partners.

You can see an extension of this malpractice when you observe a White House Press Briefing. Where are the probing questions from the mainstream or print journalists? Where is the curiosity for the rest of the story? When will we see these reporters and outlets perform the function they were given their Freedom of Press by the Constitution? These people and outlets were to be the government’s watchdog on behalf of the people. These networks and print media are not watchdogs but patsies for the President, his administration, and his family. The conspiracy is so apparent it should be an embarrassment to their reputation. They do not seem to care.

The dichotomy that makes their actions so obvious is the rabid enthusiasm they give to any of the negative stories about Former President Donald Trump versus the total avoidance of similar stories involving Biden, et al. In the five days after the release of the Devon Archer interview with Congress, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN gave the story zero minutes-not a mention of Devon Archer and his damaging testimony about Hunter Biden and the connection between Hunter and Joe Biden. Only MSNBC touched the story but for only 3 minutes and 45 seconds. This sanitizing of the news is why such a high percentage of the population has not a clue about the happenings of Biden, Hunter, the money, and the criminal empire built by Joe and Hunter Biden.

I spent time last night with two women who were totally ignorant of many of the subjects I attempted to touch on with them. One was a young professional woman in her twenties, and the other was a retired school administrator. The young lady had no idea of the Biden money laundering scheme or, even more alarming, the Fentanyl crisis and deaths in America. The former assistant high school principal was equally unaware of the nearly $20 Million extorted by the Biden Family uncovered so far by House GOP Congressmen or about CRT and the WOKE culture. This is incomprehensible and a small sampling but indicative of the ignorance of the facts by the majority of Americans thanks to this concerted effort by the Left Wing media.

I do not profess to a guess of the person, or persons, pulling the strings of the media, but they are doing a tremendous disservice to America. Their work may even be criminal. We must be thankful for the efforts of FOX News, The New York Post, Newsmax, and even Australia’s SkyNews. Fortunately, these outlets dominate their respective markets and touch a good percentage of the public. Their viewership and readership prove there are Patriotic Americans with a quest for the facts and the truth.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Canada Passes Far-Reaching Internet Censorship Law

Thu, 2023-08-10 21:00 +0000

American progressives always sound better in the original Chinese, but perhaps some Canadian English will do. Canada has just passed C-11, a regulatory package that gives the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission control of the internet.


C-11 has given the government the ability to regulate user content on social media, it has given itself the ability to censor content that it doesn’t like, but, more importantly, it has given itself the ability to control every aspect of your online experience. We are potentially moving from the open and rambunctious world wide web to a controlled online experience where we can access what the government allows us to access.


We watched as Canada censored, silenced, arrested, and even demanded banks freeze the accounts of people protesting its policies. It became clear it was willing to do almost anything to end protests and objections to its behavior. How would this not be worse when it comes to streamed internet content?


Given that radio stations are required to ensure that 35% of the popular music they play is Canadian content, how far-fetched is it that this will be the case for Canadian consumers of Spotify, Apple Music or Amazon? What about a CRTC decree that Netflix or Paramount Plus must stream a certain amount of Canadian content to be allowed to operate here in Canada? …

We have entered the great unknown for the future of the online world in Canada. All the major platforms that we use each and every day are now regulated by the CRTC.


Not long ago, Canada was prosecuting so-called hate speech laws in kangaroo courts, so what are the odds they’ll abuse this? I’m going with “inevitable.” As soon as the regulators can get their feet underneath them, they’ll be trampling on people’s rights as quickly and as often as possible.

American progressives will be jealous.

They have been pining for something like this here, but that’s a tougher row to hoe. America’s free speech protections are unique in the world. Even the FBI is in trouble for colluding with social media platforms to interfere in elections and censor content to which the political elite object.

The American left may have to console itself with the knowledge that the Canadian government can and will censor content from the US in Canada.

Exit question(s): Is C-11 incentive enough for whiney progs to actually move to Canada – like they promised, knowing they would not be subject to speech they oppose? And how long before they realize what that truly means?

Put another way, are they stupid enough to believe that they will never disagree with the government or that – once given free rein – it would never censor them?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nikki Haley … Abortion-Queen

Thu, 2023-08-10 19:30 +0000

The Biden-regime believe that one of the imperatives of the federal government is to promote abortions. Indeed, the Biden-regime is using military-funding to help pay for abortions. Senator Tommy Tuberville has blocked promotions in order to force the regime to stop. Nikki Haley thinks that’s “shameful”:

… Tuberville placed a hold on military promotions when the Defense Department implemented a new abortion policy allowing servicemembers three weeks of paid leave and travel in pursuit of the deadly procedure. Federal law prohibits U.S. tax dollars from funding abortion. … Haley railed against Tuberville’s move to rip the Pentagon out of the abortion business as “shameful” and tied the senator’s effort to the military’s recruiting crisis.

Nikki says it is “totally wrong” for the Defense Department to fund abortions. If you believe that Nikki would, as President, actually fight for any of the things GOP-voters believe in … then your level of gullibility is, to borrow a phrase, “shameful.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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