The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 19 min 48 sec ago

Statement of Consent Passport and Its Importance When Taking the Kids on Vacation

Mon, 2023-08-14 14:00 +0000

An important safety measure against kidnapping or custody disputes is the Statement of Consent. This safeguards the child’s well-being by confirming that both parents or legal guardians are informed of and OK with the passport application. In spite of the form’s seeming simplicity, careful attention to the guidelines supplied by the passport office or other applicable authorities is required. Use the original forms of identification if possible; get papers notarized if they are not in English; and follow any translation requirements.

In general, the Statement of Consent ( is an important part of the passport application process since it ensures children are protected and that all rules are followed. It reinforces security measures and safeguards the best interests of the child by emphasizing the need for parental or guardian approval when a minor applies for a passport.

Handling situations when a parent or guardian’s identification is not in English

If the parent or guardian’s official identification is not in English, a certified English translation should be provided as well. A properly translated version of the identity document may aid the authorities in processing the passport application. The instructions issued by the passport agency or authority should be strictly adhered to when translating papers. Important details to keep in mind:

  • An expert translator or translation service endorsement is recommended to guarantee the quality of the translated version.
  • The main source of information is the original identity document, regardless of language.
  • The translated text must be true to the source material and should not include any changes.
  • A notarized translation may be necessary to prove the accuracy of the text to certain authorities.
  • Additional evidence supporting the identity of the parent or guardian may be required in addition to the translated identification document.

Before submitting an application for a passport, make sure you’ve read through the agency’s or authority’s particular guidelines. Since the regulations of various government organizations might vary, it’s important to make sure you read and follow all of the instructions before applying for a passport.

Statement of Consent’s expiration date and its possibility to be used for multiple applications

The Statement of Consent required to get a passport is normally not time-limited. Until the kid becomes 16, it may be used for numerous passport applications. However, each passport application requires a new consent form that meets the requirements of the time. It may be necessary to get a fresh Statement of Consent if there have been any changes in the consent giver’s or child’s circumstances. In addition, the period of permission may be governed by local laws in certain nations; for the most up-to-date information, it is best to contact the appropriate authorities or the United States Department of State.

Photocopy or original parent/guardian ID?

The Statement of Consent required for a passport application cannot be completed using a photocopy of the parent’s or guardian’s identity. A genuine government-issued photo ID in its original form is required. This is done to stop fraud and guarantee the identity is genuine. When submitting the Statement of Consent, it is crucial to adhere to the precise guidelines specified by the passport agency or authority. This usually entails presenting an original, valid photo ID (driver’s license or passport) issued by the parent or legal guardian’s country of residence. To make sure you comply with all of the passport agency’s standards, you should always refer to the agency’s official rules and instructions.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cackling Kamala: The Key to Ending Gun Violence is Electing More Gun Grabbin’ Democrats

Mon, 2023-08-14 13:30 +0000

Kamala Harris, mumbling Joe Bidens “missing a step” Vice President, has a great idea for how America can reduce gun violence. Elect more anti-second Amendment Democrats to enact more gun control laws.


The simplistic beauty of this response is that we have a baseline for whether solution looks like, and it rhymes with Chicago. The Windy City has a long, uninterrupted history of anti-second Amendment Democrat rule. It is a gun-grabbing, red-flag-waving, ammo-taxing mecca that allows us to measure the success of Kamala’s off-the-cuff plan.

Hey, Jackass is the premier resource for crime data and crime data history in Chicago, so let’s see how electing more gun-grabbing dems (for longer) has impacted violence in the City.

First, the shot clock. In the time it takes you to read this, another person will get shot. Ten minutes from when you finish reading, another person will have been murdered. One every 13 minutes and 13 seconds.



Year to date (2023), in this gun-grabbin’ Dem-controlled Mecca, over 1900 of its citizens have been shot, more than 1500 of those wounded, with 366 of them killed.





The Dem Way has resulted in 405 homicides this year, not all of them gun-related unless, by that, you mean the criminal stabbing or clubbing, or beating of others by criminals who know their victims are disarmed.

And it’s not just 2023. These are the murder rates through August 11th for previous years.





405 Homicides through Aug 11th is a bit lower than average, but there is no evidence that what Kamala claims is true.

It is a sad tale of another Democrat policy priority that produces exactly the opposite result of the one advertised. What is sadder still is that this policy failure takes hundreds of lives in Democrat-run cities all across America annually and crime has been on the rise. Cities where Dems have had complete control of the government, school system, and police force for many decades.

It’s dysfunctional deception, and nothing about it works.

But that explains why Kamala thinks it’s a great idea. Elect people who will swear an oath to a Constitution she admits they intend to break, and if a few more people die, they are also the depopulation party. And they can blame it on white people or guns from other states, the pay gap, gender bigotry, systemic racism, or underfunded schools. Anything but the truth.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DCYF – So When You Demand That I Do Something Illegal, I’ll Make It Public. Part Two for Number Three

Mon, 2023-08-14 12:00 +0000

So, my previous post, the two Right To Knows for demanding the DCYF Organization Chart as well as the DCYF and Child Advocacy Centers’ Ethics Complaint forms, was setting the stage for this.

I don’t think I have to write much narrative in this post as in the previous one. I think the Background section of this third RTK says it well. You know, the part that goes boom! And additional emphasis this time around:

Right to Know demand per RSA 91-A: Ethics Complaint form

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive…The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government…


In order to hold such “officers of government are their substitutes and agents”, there are incidents of outright lawbreaking and incidents of ethics complaints by which normal citizens are held responsible to use to “at all times” keep such people “accountable to them.

During the June 22, 2023 meeting in which I brought <my Granddaughter> to the Laconia CAC, I was brought into a “pre-interview meeting” before the CAC, DCYF, and the Laconia Police Detective interviewed <my Granddaughter>. It’s purpose was to inform me what the format was to be and that I had to give my consent in allowing the interview to proceed.

And while THEY (Amy Fortin and Laurie Grant) know what I’m talking about, I will tell you all that in the second line of the form said “legal parent / legal guardian“. The time frame for this was just after I had to go up North and get her but before the final orders by the Judge had come out.  What DCYF and the CAC personnel wanted me to do was to sign that consent document while I wasn’t (and still am not) her parent and that I wasn’t (and still not) her legal guardian) simply to “move on” to “do their mission”. But there I was, in the CAC conferenceroom being the proverbial stick-in-the-mud and stickler for details for such purpose.

The more they became agitated about “you HAVE TO SIGN IT”, the more amused I became – and the more disgusted I became that these people are charging parents for malfeasance of the Law yet seem to be just dandy in drawing me into a legal trap – and operating contra the Law themselves. Is this the normal standard operating procedure for DCYF? For the Child Advocacy Center(s)  I do need to look into this even more.

Questions upon question but back to today’s business of making this RTK public:

I refused to sign as it was immediately clear that I was legally unable to sign such a document. I was told that I MUST sign it or “we cannot proceed to do our job”. My numerous responses were to the effect that I refuse to sign a document that would put me into legal jeopardy.

When I got up to leave, in disgust that Agents of the Government (Amy Fortin and Laurie Grant) were demanding that I break the Law simply to make their jobs easier, Amy Fortin called her office to “find a loophole in order to continue”.


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ) and without violating RSA 91-A:5 XII privileged attorney/client discussions, I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records for Citizen complaints against NH State Government staff members:

  • All communications between Amy Fortin and the person/people she called:
    • Names, title, organization
    • Documents referenced
    • The data element that was used to skirt the unsigned consent form.
  • Ditto for Laurie Grant.
  • Any logging of such communications for later reference (emails, paper copies, voice mails, recordings, et al) that were used to find said “loophole(s)” that allowed Ms. Grant, Ms. Fortin, and the Laconia Police Detective to do the interview of <my Granddaughter> that was presented to Judge Surber.

If this cannot be fulfilled within that 5 business day mandated window per RSA 91-A:2, II, please advise when the Responsive Record(s) will be made available.

And then the rest of my normal Right To Know boilerplate. However, given Ms. Fortin’s response (“it’s public and out on the Internet”) when I demanded DCYF’s standard operation procedures Investigative Manual (after all, that is supposed to strictly tell her how to do her job) and the Library Directors / Lawyers telling me “look <it | them> up yourself”, I have added a new clause to MY standard procedure:

Additional: It is not up to the Requester to be made to look up the subjects or materials that are the focus of this Right To Know (e.g., from the Respondent: “here’s the URL so do the search yourself”). It is the responsibility of the Respondent to fully supply all demanded materials.


Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Skip Murphy
Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

And so I wait for their answers.  However, fortuitous for me, another DCYF specialist (protecting the innocent here so no name) had emailed me about the same time concerning something else so I told her what had happened:

Well, what came up at the Laconia CAC was that I refused to sign the CAC Waiver form for <my Granddaughter’s> interview this afternoon.  The reason why, and I told Amy (Fortin), Laurie (Grant) (CAC) and the Laconia Detective was the wording in the waiver “for your child/ward“.

To my knowledge, I have not been given any information that <my Granddaughter> is my ward. No copy of a Judge’s order, no paperwork from DCYF; nada.  That could have been done yesterday. It could have been done over the last couple of weeks when the appointment was made. As I told Amy, that should have been done by DCYF if it was available – but wasn’t.

Ward” is a specific legal word that has grave implications. All that I and [TMEW] know is that we are providing care to our Grandaughter at the request of DCYF; that not’s a legal Power to sign such a document. So, not wishing to put myself or [TMEW] at legal jeopardy for signing something that I shouldn’t have, I demurred. I told all three that I Follow The Law. Amy started to call folks to get that permission and I left the room. It seems that permission was granted by some means as the interview happened. It would be nice to know how.

Thus, I need to understand what our current legal status is and if it is to be changed at some point to where we can sign such a legal document – or not.


And the response was something that told me that Amy, WHO APPEARED IN COURT as the lead DCYF person bringing the case, is either incompetent – or some other words I shouldn’t type.

You are correct that [my Granddaughter] is not your ward and that you are not her legal guardian.  Her mother still has her parental rights, she needs to sign any documents that need a guardian’s signature on them.


Here it is with my response:

AH!  So she IS a ward of the State! Amy should have known that. Glad that I didn’t sign the document because it would have been invalid.

So what’s the upshot of all this from my view? Fortin tried to use me as a pawn to cover up her incompetence and put the onus on me if things went sideways in court.  Now, was she informed about the above image and is “custody” sufficient?  Perhaps about the former but from my source, insufficient.  Read again:

Her mother still has her parental rights, she needs to sign any documents that need a guardian’s signature on them

My daughter-in-law, upon talking with me, assured me that she had signed no such documents thus confirming that Fortin was in CYA mode and I didn’t play along.

Yes, this post will be going to the lawyers.

DCYF is an agency of the State and Amy Fortin / Lisa Grant are its employees. There should be consequences.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Bikers Bail on BUD – Budweiser’s Sturgis Pavilion is Empty.

Mon, 2023-08-14 10:30 +0000

This year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally runs from Aug 4th to 13th. Over half a million folks attend this annual event, so it’s a magnet for everything commercial that might appeal to the crowd. Beer appeals, you’d think, and it does, unless it’s Budweiser.

Related: Bud Light “Stand” at Crowded Red Sox Game Has No Customers


From Twitter doing business as “X” (am I pronouncing that right?).


Here is some video from YouTube for those boycotting ‘X’ and Bud. (If you are boycotting both, we have a local copy.)




In at least one of these videos, there are two people sitting separately, but they look like older folks getting out of the sun, so the BUD umbrellas are good for something.

This is reminiscent of the video of the Bud vendor at Fenway with no customers, while every other food or beverage stop had long lines.

A sign that the brand has suffered irreparable damage. Those they have lost are not returning – but they didn’t lose everyone. I was at an outdoor reception the other day. A young couple recently married. A lot of younger people. There was Bud Light and Budweiser, and it was free, so maybe that was a factor, but folks were drinking it. When one of the older “friends” joked about the boycott over some girl with a d**k, I said, “You know it’s not about that, right?”

“Almost no one cares about an adult pretending to be a woman. The concern is that a large company chose some girl with a d**k to represent real women.”

He smiled, nodded, and appeared to understand or didn’t want to explore that further. Or maybe he was just happy to have the free beer.

I didn’t drink it. They had Coors. Not much of a step up but better than Bud.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Climate Scientist Blows The Lid Off The ‘Manufactured Consensus’

Mon, 2023-08-14 01:30 +0000

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus.”

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” says climate scientist Judith Curry in my new video. She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue “fame and fortune.”

She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change.

Media loved her when she published a study that seemed to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity.

“We found that the percent of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had doubled,” says Curry. “This was picked up by the media,” and then climate alarmists realized, “Oh, here is the way to do it. Tie extreme weather events to global warming!”

“So, this hysteria is your fault!” I tell her. (RELATED: DAVID BLACKMON: Is The Green Energy Transition Falling Off The Rails?)

“Not really,” she smiles. “They would have picked up on it anyways.”

But Curry’s “more intense” hurricanes gave them fuel.

“I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists, and I was treated like a rock star,” Curry recounts. “Flown all over the place to meet with politicians.”



But then some researchers pointed out gaps in her research — years with low levels of hurricanes.

“Like a good scientist, I investigated,” says Curry. She realized that the critics were right. “Part of it was bad data. Part of it is natural climate variability.”

Curry was the unusual researcher who looked at criticism of her work and actually concluded “they had a point.”

Then the Climategate scandal taught her that other climate researchers weren’t so open-minded. Alarmist scientists’ aggressive attempts to hide data suggesting climate change is not a crisis were revealed in leaked emails.

“Ugly things,” says Curry. “Avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests. Trying to get journal editors fired.”

It made Curry realize that there is a “climate change industry” set up to reward alarmism.

“The origins go back to the … U.N. environmental program,” says Curry. Some U.N. officials were motivated by “anti-capitalism. They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue to move their policies along.”

The U.N. created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“The IPCC wasn’t supposed to focus on any benefits of warming. The IPCC’s mandate was to look for dangerous human-caused climate change.”

“Then the national funding agencies directed all the funding … assuming there are dangerous impacts.”

The researchers quickly figured out that the way to get funded was to make alarmist claims about “man-made climate change.”

This is how “manufactured consensus” happens. Even if a skeptic did get funding, it’s harder to publish because journal editors are alarmists. (SUZANNE DOWNING: Biden’s Climate Change Fantasies Are Infiltrating A Key Government Department)

“The editor of the journal Science wrote this political rant,” says Curry. She even said, “The time for debate has ended.”

“What kind of message does that give?” adds Curry. Then she answers her own question: “Promote the alarming papers! Don’t even send the other ones out for review. If you wanted to advance in your career, like be at a prestigious university and get a big salary, have big laboratory space, get lots of grant funding, be director of an institute, there was clearly one path to go.”

That’s what we’ve got now: a massive government-funded climate alarmism complex.

Every Tuesday at, Stossel posts a new video about the battle between government and freedom. He is the author of “Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media.”


John Stossel | Daily Caller News Service


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Alternate Solutions to Neo-Liberal Population Control

Mon, 2023-08-14 00:00 +0000

Around the alternative media sphere, there is a lot of conversation about the events of the past several years, leading to the question, “Well, why is this happening?” Like “If COVID was planned, why?” or “What’s driving the gay bloc to push transgenderism and drag queens?”.

These are hot social issues in the USA and in many countries that have not specifically taken steps to guard their societies against such subversive ideologies and machinations. What is the ultimate cause of these ideas?

We must be plain and clear about it if we are going to find our way forward into the future with any sense of good. This is chiefly because applying strategies of biowarfare and sterilization to the human population is most definitely not good. It promotes death, illness, harm, and pain. No amount of pretzel logic can make a truthfully justifiable argument that these are ultimately beneficial ways to go about treading forward into the future.

Take the transgender issue as an example. What is going on there? A very deliberate process is being applied. It goes something like this:

Step 1. Encourage children to adopt gender fluidity mindsets. Make it seem totally harmless, fun, and accepted by everyone. It’s about love, inclusion, making people feel good, and other cushy ideas.

Step 2. Once children adopt the gender that is directly opposite of their birth sex, reinforce that mindset. Anyone who does not accept such psychological reinforcement must be prevented from influencing the children’s minds at all costs, even if it means disenfranchising or imprisoning the children’s very own parents.

Step 3. Encourage children to purchase puberty blockers in order to make sure that their physical body matches the gender they choose. These pharmaceutical products cause permanent damage to otherwise natural, physical, mental, and spiritual development.

Step 4. Encourage children to self-castrate. Provide free life-altering, life-shortening surgery. This prevents natural reproduction and ensures that the individuals will be addicted to pharmaceutical products for life.

Step 5. (optional) Use state power to remove children from parents’ custody if parents refuse to comply or attempt to reject the ideology.

This is a terrifying process. What is the purpose? It is, ultimately, population control. This is nothing new. Population control has driven many wars and social movements in the past. Sometimes it is naturally occurring. Sometimes it is implemented or engineered by humans against themselves. In the case of transgender ideology, it is humans encouraging other humans to adopt life-altering, life-shortening practices. When cells in the body damage and destroy other cells in the body like this, it is called cancer. In this sense, this expression of transgender ideology is cancerous.

I am not saying here that all transgender ideology is cancerous. Not all people are encouraging others to take puberty blockers and self-castrate. And above a certain age, perhaps 16, 18, 21, or something along those lines, such a decision is one that may derive from free will. For children under 21, and assuredly for children under 16, it is not free will. It is child abuse.

This is an example of neoliberal population control. People like the WEF’s Yuval Harari, Arizona Democratic Party member Brianna Westbrook, and US women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe have been figureheads of this movement, and there are many more. How many of them realize that the push for indoctrinating children ultimately leads to sterilization and is thus a form of population control? If you were to confront them and tell them that castrating children is not the best form of population control, they might look at you funny. It’s unlikely that they’ve made the link in their own minds between their seemingly compassionate political activism and the ultimate strategic political goal of the movement.

As a civilization, on the planetary scale, we are so obsessed with achieving results immediately in the present that we do not often consider longer-term solutions that might be truly compassionate. Such as incentivizing people to not have children– here’s a good one. Give people USD$33,000 for every year that they do not have a child. Ultimately, this also stimulates the economy, but it does not go directly into the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry. It also does not directly cause massive amounts of psychological pain and life-long trauma. This is a much more effective economic stimulant than encouraging self-castration, as it provides purchasing power directly to the citizenry and allows people to freely choose how they would like to build and lead their own lives.

Regardless of whether population reduction is necessary or what the actual carrying capacity of the planet is at our current level of technology, another idea might be to incentivize one child. China tried this in the 20th century with great failure, but it is not worth abandoning the idea totally. As financial technology develops, and with lessons learned from failed policy, continued tinkering in small populations might lead to a better, healthier result. For example, a married couple could be financially incentivized to have only one child. If they have only one child, and they voluntarily participate in an accountability program which permits limited surveillance to ensure that there is not a secret second or third child, then they become eligible for a yearly USD$20,000 stipend. The stipend would only kick in once the child is enrolled in an education system, public or private, providing further positive incentives. Every year that the couple verifiably proves that they only have one child, they receive the one child policy financial stipend. At least in this way, there is limited population replacement rather than guaranteed maximal lifelong trauma for a small minority.

The core of the issue of population control is reproduction. It is better to incentivize people to individually be healthy, happy, and whole than it is to physically prevent reproduction through permanent body alteration. It is better to incentivize people to have one child or no children at all than it is to make natural reproduction a physical impossibility. That is not compassionate, and it is not good. It is the exact opposite of good.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The REAL GOP Primary Begins In Two Weeks

Sun, 2023-08-13 22:30 +0000

The first 2024 GOP Primary Debate is less than two weeks away, which will be the primary season kickoff. All of the posturing to this point has been the pre-fight weigh-in and stare-off. It has not really meant too much.

The polls have been erratic, with many candidates flip-flopping around, except for one constant-Donald J. Trump is dominating the race. Trump has been as high as 61%, and that is in Michigan, where they are not supposed to even like Trump.

Though having a tough go of it in the early stages, DeSantis is holding onto second place but cannot cut into the wide lead by Trump. In every poll, Trump enjoys at least a 35-point lead, which widens with every indictment. In one of his many campaign spots, Trump says he is one indictment away from the Presidency. Whatever you think of Trump, you must admire his confidence and cockiness. The man has been indicted three times, has already spent $40 million on legal fees, and is beseeching them to bring it on. This man is going to break the Democrats’ spirit with his courage and determination.

Vivek Ramaswamy may be the wild card in this race. Young, energetic, charismatic, fearless, and absolutely brilliant. Vivek is everything you would want in a President, but he is an outsider. Like Trump in 2016, he is fighting the Washington establishment. I saw Ramaswamy in person in New Hampshire the week before he entered the race. He spoke about the WOKE, ESG Culture, and its devastating impact on America. He spoke confidently and without notes or a teleprompter. He had a total grasp of the topic. He took questions for forty-five minutes after his presentation, and there was no topic he shied away from. He will be a dominant force in the debates.

Then there is the rest of the field. Many have qualified for the debate but for what purpose? They do not have a snowball’s chance in hell with the nomination, but many have ulterior motives. Pence wants to have an opportunity to clear his name and distance himself from Trump on the big stage. Chris Christie wants a chance to sink Trump for his ego and sense of self-importance. Asa Hutchinson should have dropped out after his call for Trump to do the same. The remainder of the candidates, whether they will be on the stage or not, have no reason to remain in the race. They are garnering little attention and certainly not attracting any support. They should bow out before they embarrass themselves. Although, their poll numbers are no worse than Kamala Harris in 2015, and she managed to get one breath away from the Resolute Desk. This game of politics is unpredictable at best and depends solely on money in the bank. Support and momentum equals money.

It is time for Republicans to throw down their personal initiatives and unify their support behind whatever favorite emerges. If we do not beat Biden, Newsom, Whitmer, or whatever pawn emerges on the Left, none of the issues will matter. The future of this great country depends on the of the 2024 election. If the Left wins, the country loses. It is that simple.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Co-Founder of ‘Ready for Hillary PAC’ “Commits Suicide”

Sun, 2023-08-13 21:00 +0000

Not everyone is old enough to remember how many people in the Clinton orbit have died of mysterious circumstances. Jeffy Epstein is a more recent high-profile example, but people who knew things about the Clintons have been dropping dead for decades.

If you search Clinton Body Count, even the less Google-esqu first-page results include the words conspiracy and theory in that order. Face checkers, Snopes, pick your poison (the Clintons don’t appear to use it), and there’s nothing to see. Move along. And perhaps it’s an odd twist or coincidence, and given the number of people the Clintons know or who’ve been involved in their “business” dealings, it might just be bad luck.

And I mean, these days, who doesn’t know a few dozen people personally who’ve committed suicide? Nobody. Even in the age of overdoses and the rise of the era of mental health crises, no one knows as many suicide victims as Bill and Hillary Clinton. And that’s the gooey tack that should be applied to the question: why would you be their friend? If they aren’t catalyzing the act themselves – as in making murder look like suicide – what about them has resulted in this macabre wake of self-inflicted death?

The Clintons were at least as Corrupt as the Bidens but smarter, laundering as much or more money than Hunter and Joe through the Clinton Global Initiative for Buying Influence. Obscene wealth gathering requires associates, and sometimes those associates kill themselves.

The most recent is.


Democratic megadonor and noted Houston trial lawyer Steve Mostyn [who] died Wednesday after “a sudden onset and battle with a mental health issue,” his wife, Amber Mostyn, announced Thursday.

Mostyn’s suicide at age 46 shocked legal and political circles, with friends and supporters recalling his passion for taking on large insurance companies and corporations, his advocacy for children with special needs and his generosity toward philanthropic and political causes.


The guy is obscenely wealthy, well regarded on the Left, gives millions to Democrats and their Causes, and was the Co-Founder of the “Ready for Hillary PAC.” Is that close enough? And how does this guy suddenly suffer from mental health issues? The COVID vaccine? Or did something happen that involved threats to his family (the sudden crisis) that could only be resolved if he ended his own life -taking with him everything he knows?

It’s a tale to fit the narrative, but the beauty of it all is that we’ll likely never know any truth other than this. The dude tied his horse to the Clintons and is now dead.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Special Elections puts Republican Control of the House in Question

Sun, 2023-08-13 19:30 +0000

Undoubtedly you now have your eyes fixed to the horizon on which the 2024 election rests. I can’t blame you given the gravity of what we face: an impending imprisoned ex, and perhaps once more, President, infighting, and burgeoning totalitarian tyranny from the regime are all occupying your thoughts.

Will crime boss Joe be impeached? Will Hunter go to prison, and if sentenced, will he be pardoned? Will Trump even be a free man by the general?

The unfortunate fact is that you can do very little about any of that. You don’t wield power in Washington. You don’t have those kinds of connections. What you do have, however, is the ability to influence the direction of this small but mighty state of New Hampshire, where each State Rep represents only a few thousand citizens.

I won’t sugarcoat the results of the last legislative session. It was a bad deal. We failed to live up to our party platform as Republicans, and we failed to adequately fight on your behalf. You are owed apologies – not the least of which from leadership, but for my part, I do, in fact, offer an apology.

I don’t offer such an apology for lack of trying – I certainly did try. I offer my apology because, despite my efforts, I and we failed. We failed, and the buck stops with us – no participation trophy is going to make up for the fact that we are spending 20% more of your money, further isolating your children from you in government (re)education centers, thumbing our noses as the very concept of justice across the board, and failing to uphold your rights in the face of a totalizing federal Executive. You should never simply accept that from us as politicians. You have the right to expect more. You should demand it.

Now, with all that said, I do have to submit that it could have, and might have, been a fair bit worse. Had Democrats had the numbers such that they (openly) controlled the speaker’s office, the rules committee, and finance, you can be certain that not only would we have failed to make things better, but your life would be noticeably more awful. None of us want to see that. Yet, that is the prospect we face right now – not in the election of 2024, but in the special election of 2023.

A special election is due to occur in Nottingham and Northwood that puts Republican control of the House in question. Should this election go to the radical Democrat, we would lose our House majority, the speaker’s position would likely be vacated, a new Democrat speaker elected, and new Democrat committee chairs named for this coming year. I do not want to see this happen.

Those who have come to know me know that I don’t offer my support to politicians lightly. I tend to dislike politicians. I don’t like lies, or the liars that speak them. I don’t like dialectical games and alchemy. I don’t like a lot about what it is that I’m currently involved in, if I’m honest, but it is necessary, so here I am.

Allow me to tell you what I do like, or, in this case, who I like: James Guzofski. James is the Republican candidate in the special election. James is also a man of God, an unapologetic rightist, and a man I want to see join us in the capital. I don’t get the slightest whiff of controlled opposition or “GOPe” (Republican establishment) from him. If I did, I would not offer this endorsement.

You have the opportunity to personally help steer this state away from the cliff. We do, in fact, need your help. Democrats are going to dump tens, and probably hundreds of thousands into this election. They’re going to spend innumerable man-hours, and they may well try to cheat.

We need to make sure we achieve turnout. This election is far less about convincing voters of our position than making sure those already convinced show up. So, I’m going to do what I seldom do, and ask that you consider personally getting involved. That might mean talking to neighbors, making calls, driving people to the polls on election day, or simply helping to fund our efforts. Talking about this is of utmost importance. Word spreads. If we can make this the talk of the town across NH we can be sure the good people of Rockingham district 1 will be talking too.

It honestly feels unpleasant asking you for help and money after the minor catastrophe we just inflicted on you in last years session, but this is a chance to tilt the scales. Not only would a win help us to retain our majority, but putting a staunch rightist in during a tough election would send a message to everyone that we don’t need to keep electing squishy centrists who betray us – you can be proud to be a right-wing Republican and win an election on traditional principles. That’s a big deal with the Governorship open for the first time in recent memory. James’s winning would shift the Overton Window. So, please, consider volunteering or donating here: Elect House Republicans, and follow James on Twitter here: James’ Twitter Profile.

The election will be held September 19th.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Reminder that the Southern Poverty Law Center Has Labeled us as … Americans.

Sun, 2023-08-13 18:00 +0000

You may not know if you are not a regular reader. Earlier this year, the partisan whackjobs at the Southern Poverty Law Center added us to their Hate map. Not for hate. They claim we are anti-government, which – in truth – makes us Americans.

True Americans are the only real resistance there’s ever been. Opposition to “big government” is how the county got its start. Job one was separating the men (and women) tasked with representing us from too much authority. Tyranny was a known quantity. Being American was about preventing it.

Millions left their homes, sometimes with nothing, to come here to escape heavy-handed governments. They arrived in search of lives they could build and control themselves with all the risk that entails. Not everyone would make it, but they embraced the concept and opposed government interference in people’s daily lives. The more the state intervened, the more likely it would become the things they thought they’d escaped.


The creators of the U.S. government did not intend for people to trust them or their successors with anything – no matter how well the federal government functioned. After all, they gave their own population the means to shoot them. And living today, we can see why. Trusting our government has yielded a war-hungry military-industrial-political complex that uses a professional army to create conflicts and instability abroad to justify a slo-mo totalitarian clampdown here. Or as James Madison put it, “liberty everywhere [is] crushed between standing armies and perpetual taxes.”


They were right, and so are we, and so our you. Look at what, if not trust in government, our ineffective multi-generational effort to constrain it has wrought. Corruption at the highest levels and a nation with two sets of laws. One for the elites and one for their enemies – which, if you’ve not figured it out yet – is anyone who dares to question their motives or their results regardless of race, gender, occupation, or even political Party.

Free Speech, constantly under attack because no one in power who is up to no good wants anyone to have the liberty to report it, hangs on by a thread (easily cut if you have a few more liberal justices).

The Party of bodily integrity (Democrats) abandoned everyone, especially women, when it went to war with anyone who thought they had a right to know what the government wanted to put into their bodies—fooling themselves and everyone else by passing constitutional amendments to protect reproductive freedom when the Jabs they tried to mandate interfered chemically with that very right.

It has only gotten worse. Governors are asking or pondering how to house all the illegals the Democrats have let into the country. The Third Amendment of the Constitution prohibits housing members of the military in private homes but what about military-aged foreign invaders?

Much like reparations, the Democrats who aided and abetted it should pay the price first. You wanted an open border and defended the practice and the politicians who made it happen. You first. And why not. You can ensure they get a driver’s license and show up to vote for the same folks who put them in your home and robbed you of your other rights.

It’s a mess, and historically, it is the practice of Americans to resist government overreach. Not resist in the progressive sense – a few radicals looting and burning, looking for ways to vent their unstable hatred for life and liberty as mob justice on private citizens. We’re talking about talking. Writing, emails, phone calls, showing up, standing up, speaking out, not acting out.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

He Didn’t Drain the Swamp!!!

Sun, 2023-08-13 16:30 +0000

There are many legitimate criticisms of Trump. (My sincerest (not in the least) apologies to the certain (not all) Trump-supporters who believe that the man actually can walk on water, BUT Trump, just like everyone else is human, which means he has flaws and weaknesses and makes mistakes.)

But “he didn’t drain The Swamp” is not a legitimate criticism.  The Swamp was and is too powerful and too pervasive. For Trump to have had a shot at actually “draining the Swamp,” he would have needed the cooperation of Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate President Mitch McConnell. Ryan and McConnell, however, were and remain “the Swamp.”  Many … I don’t know exactly how many, but many … members of Congress with an “R” after their name do NOT want to drain the swamp. They’re voting to increase the funding of the very agencies they go on Fox News and denounce.

Check out this timeline of what Trump was up against:

The permanent government in DC is totally corrupt. And the permanent government in DC is just part of the bigger “System,” “Regime,” whatever-you-want-to-call it … Blackrock, Chase, the Regime-media, Big-Tech (with the exception of Twitter) … that actually controls this country.

You think you are going to vote your way out of this in 2024? How is the GOP-nominee … Trump or anyone else … going to win Pennsylvania when the Democrat-nominee will have banked … I’d say … 2 million votes from Philadelphia within days of  the start of “election month? Wisconsin … where a Communist-majority State Supreme Court is going to allow early-voting by “drop boxes”? The GOP has no hope, no chance, no ability to win ballot-harvesting contests … and that is what elections in the “swing-States” that determine the Presidency have become.

You want to tell me that 2024 is all about “electability”? Fine … then tell me what’s your plan for winning Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, etc.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

PCTSD – Post Covid Traumatic School Disorder: Public School Attendance Collapses

Sun, 2023-08-13 15:00 +0000

The Teachers’ Unions wanted smaller class sizes, and they got them, but was this what they were after? Post-COVID, parents are keeping their kids home more than ever because of how Schools have changed and changed their kids.


Parents were no longer allowed in the building without appointments, [Rousmery Negrón] said, and punishments were more severe. Everyone seemed less tolerant, more angry. Negrón’s son told her he overheard a teacher mocking his learning disabilities, calling him an ugly name.

Her son didn’t want to go to school anymore. And she didn’t feel he was safe there. …

Across the country, students have been absent at record rates since schools reopened during the pandemic. More than a quarter of students missed at least 10% of the 2021-22 school year, making them chronically absent, according to the most recent data available. Before the pandemic, only 15% of students missed that much school.

All told, an estimated 6.5 million additional students became chronically absent, according to the data, which was compiled by Stanford University education professor Thomas Dee in partnership with The Associated Press.


The reader who sent me this sees it in their schools in New Hampshire.



They don’t want to be there, and this is not the normal “I don’t like school thing.” The schools have also put such fear into parents about being sick. Any kid with a sniffle now stays home. They don’t want to be there anyway. Parents fear that if the school finds out the kid has a belly ache, they’ll be called out of work and made to get the kid- then be required to deal with the pain in the ass that taking them to the doctors is so they don’t send them at any signs of trouble- which w kids is A LOT.

The schools are so mean and ugly now. There is violence now that I’ve never even heard of in our schools. A lot of vaping and drugs. It’s a nightmarish experience that many kids are struggling to survive. My daughter has a friend that  suffering from really bad anxiety. She’s overwhelmed with fear of all sorts of stuff at school. She misses a lot because she has panic attacks – and this issue is not uncommon.

What has gone on since Covid is that the kids’ spirits have just been broken when it comes to school.. they go through the motions- at best. Climate Change fear has them all thinking the world is going to end anyway. The kids are in a state of post-[traumatic] stress disorder as they react to trauma day in and day out. This mental crap makes them physically sick often.


It is likely happening everywhere the public health industrial complex held or had sway where CRT discriminates against white kids for the alleged original sin of slavery for which there is no savoir or repentance. Unable to find a bunker or foxhole to hide from the cultural carpet bombing of the LGBTQ agenda, with no air or ground support.

Then there’s the political climate—the blatant liberal bias.

Public school was hard enough when all you had to do was navigate growing up and trying to learn math, science, and history in a building full of kids and mostly left-leaning admin and staff. You must know the approved science and history; questions can become landmines.

Thinking you have a right to an opinion outside the approved dogma will get you institutionally and socially excommunicated, with few adults on site to support you because they’re keeping their heads low to keep their job.

The system says it opposes bullying, but the system is the bully.


In seven states, the rate of chronically absent kids doubled for the 2021-22 school year, from 2018-19, before the pandemic. Absences worsened in every state with available data — notably, the analysis found growth in chronic absenteeism did not correlate strongly with state COVID rates.

Kids are staying home for myriad reasons — finances, housing instability, illness, transportation issues, school staffing shortages, anxiety, depression, bullying and generally feeling unwelcome at school.


Which means the system has literally let them down. “Absences were more prevalent among Latino, Black, and low-income students, according to Dee’s analysis.”

These kids are not likely to get home-schooled during absences because their single parent might be working one or more jobs to keep them from starving or living on the street.

We used to be one of the most literate countries in the world. These days, our education system is more interested in indoctrination than education, and it has undermined entire generations.

And I’m not convinced that isn’t what the teacher’s unions wanted.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Bizarre Appointment of David Weiss as Hunter Biden Special Counsel

Sun, 2023-08-13 13:30 +0000

At long last, Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a Special Counsel into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings. The problem is his choice: U. S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss, who has already been investigating Hunter Biden for the past five years to no avail.

Congressional Republicans have accomplished more in a year than Weiss and the Department of Justice have in five.

This designation of Weiss seems politically expedient to take the heat off Garland and provide political cover.

More importantly, however, it is contrary to the terms and spirit of the Special Counsel law and further undermines the public’s trust in the Department of Justice.

The point of the Special Counsel is to address a conflict of interest in DOJ’s investigation and prosecution of a crime.  Here the conflict of interest relates to Hunter Biden, the son of the President, with allegations that directly implicate President Biden.  This presents a direct conflict for the Justice Department, which is led by the Attorney General, a Biden appointee.

Accordingly, the applicable law specifies that the Special Counsel “shall be selected from outside the Government.”  Weiss is the U.S. Attorney.  He is not “outside” the Government.  Regardless of his personal integrity or the fact that he was appointed by then President Trump, he now works for Biden and is part of the same DOJ that is the precise focus of the conflict of interest at issue.

Evidence from witnesses before Congressional committees indicates Hunter was engaged in a scheme of influence peddling – selling the Joe Biden brand – earning millions and evading taxes.

Evidence indicates that Joe Biden knew of and participated in business meetings in person and on the phone with Hunter and his business associates for this purpose, and lied about his knowledge and involvement to cover up the wrong doing during the 2020 presidential election and thereafter.

An investigation into Hunter and any related involvement by his father, the President, relating to these serious allegations, requires the independence that can only be achieved by a qualified attorney from outside DOJ.

Garland also announced that Weiss will continue his duties as U.S. Attorney.  This means he is not truly independent. He is still functioning in his role with DOJ. No man can serve two masters. Indeed, this only further intensifies the conflict of interest.

It also means he may not be able to devote his full time to this critically important matter that implicates the President of the United States in an investigation of allegations relating to corrupt foreign influence peddling involving millions of dollars in payments from Chinese and Ukrainian businesses.  The current investigation by Weiss has been ongoing for five years.  Given the severity of the potential wrongdoing both legally and politically, the appointed legal team must be devoted full time to the investigation and operate on an expedited timeline.

Finally, the Special Counsel from outside the Government is warranted to address extraordinary circumstances and to best serve the public interest.  It is difficult to conceive more extraordinary circumstances than the allegations involving Hunter and Joe Biden.

Moreover, and most importantly, a Special Counsel from outside the Government is especially critical to restore public trust in the integrity of the investigation of the Bidens given the appearance of a two-tiered system of justice that seemingly favors the Bidens.

Five years of Weiss’s investigation produced a plea deal that imploded in federal court, the lapsing of the statute of limitations relating to two years of tax evasion charges against Hunter –such a lapse in private legal practice would be gross legal malpractice – and testimony from IRS whistleblowers before Congress that their investigation into Hunter’s alleged tax crimes was directly thwarted by DOJ attorneys.

It is certainly beyond time for a Special Counsel, but Garland should have appointed a qualified attorney from outside DOJ – an appointment that would have better assured independence and public confidence in the outcome. Weiss’ appointment is an obvious attempt to check the Special Counsel box, without providing the level of independence that will ensure a fair, robust investigation in accordance with the law and the facts.


Michael Clancy | Daily Caller News Service

Michael Clancy is a lawyer, member of the Federalist Society, and a frequent contributor to The Daily Caller on Constitutional law and political issues. Follow him on Twitter @MikeClancyVA.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NOAA’s Temperature Anomaly Data for July (Science) vs. Boiling (Science Fiction)

Sun, 2023-08-13 12:00 +0000

NOAA’s Temperature Anamoly Data for July (Science) vs. Global Boiling (Science Fiction)

NOAA is not an honest broker when it comes to the question of climate science. Historical data is tampered with constantly – either massaged or disappeared. So let’s look at the July update of the Contiguous US temperature anomaly with that in mind.

Remember, July 2023 was the hottest month ever everywhere or something, so you’d expect an upward spike in the norm.



This is every month since July 2005, ending in July 2023.

There’s nothing there. It’s not even remarkable. If the media weren’t dancing widdershins around a false narrative for weeks, the outside observer would see nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing hyperbolic. Unless you’d like to remark on how many months prior had more noteworthy shifts.

And this is NOAA. Many of its climate stations are compromised. They adjust their data in favor of their preferred outcome. And still no there, there!

We can see a continuation of eighteen years of flat or slightly cooler average anomalies with a few wild swings but nothing crazy.

Not to worry. We will not see any headlines undermining the consensus cult.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DCYF – So When You Demand That I Do Something Illegal, I’ll Make It Public.

Sun, 2023-08-13 10:30 +0000

Because that’s what I do. Heck, and it isn’t just singling out that agency – I am a universal hater of folks that either 1) don’t follow their own policies (hmm, I have another set of RTKs to follow up on), or 2) deliberately don’t Follow The Law. It’s just isn’t DCYF – they’re just the topic du jour for me. Not to worry, someone else will screw up and we’ll write about them too. It’s what we do. After all, for right now, I was informed that, in part, a DCYF worker was overheard stating “I think we picked on the wrong family”. Heh! Remember, I’m just a lowly blogger.

Perhaps that last part is really true. What is true is that I’m just an ordinary schlub from central New Hampsha (and I’m stickin’ to it). But it seems that  a couple of lawyers are now reading GraniteGrok, searching for breadcrumbs from what I’ve been told. And I really do like Clair Best’s series on Family Court, DCYF, and about some of the lawyers feeding off of both. And let’s not forget about the Child Advocacy Centers (“CAC”)to boot!

Anyways, I’m digressing. Can I blame in on raising my two ADHD sons? It’s probably, ya know…after all, there’s that old saw “Insanity is hereditary – you get it from your kids”. Move on, Skip.

So I’ve launched a few more Right To Knows. This post summarizes three of them where:

  • Number one – if I’m going to be launching shoulder-mounted rockets, I should know where and at whom to direct them
  • Number two – is a signal that something awful is heading someone’s way (actually, two people)
  • Number three – that special stuff found with in the nose cone or just after it that carries out the mission.

So what am I talking about? So while an event happened back in June in which I had the hankering to write about it then but the typical “Skip gets hit by the usual “Life Tsunami” again. But, better late than never and it still is important in recording how some in the DCYF / CAC environs operate. In this case “our mission takes precedent over Following The Law?” kind of vignette. But first – where’s the target? I asked:

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records:

  • The complete organizational (hierarchical) structure of DCYF to include:
    • Name of a given staff member
    • Title of that staff member
    • Name and title to whom they report (as applicable)
    • Name and title of those staff members that report to that given staff member (as applicable).

And it was sent to Amy Fortin, DCYF Investigative Specialist, yesterday. It’s always better to know what the terrain is when trying to hold people accountable. And make no mistake, there are some that hate being held accountable: almost all politicians (for their votes and the policies/mayhem they met upon the rest of us because “it’s good for you and you chuckleheads don’t know what’s good for you”), journalists (who proudly proclaim that they hold people accountable (effectively, only those that aren’t Democrats) but HATE being held accountable by others, especially we peons), and lastly, bureaucrats (who seem, especially of the Progressive persuasion, that they were born to laude over the rest of us). So the above is to let me know who they are.

And to Number Two – the flare that list up part of this battlespace (and also advances this storyline). This time, a bit more of the RTK that was sent to DCYF’s Amy Fortin and to Laurie Grant of the Laconia Child Advocacy Center:

Sidenote: Oh, for those on the Left (and a few with an axe to grind against me/GraniteGrok), ALL RSA 91-A / Right To Knows, once sent, immediately become Government records. In fact, I have done RTKs to see what RTKs an agency or government worker has received. It was rather interesting to find out who thought was interesting or needful to know from our Government. So,I’m not doxxing anyone.

Right to Know demand per RSA 91-A: DCYF Ethics Complaint form

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive…The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government…


In order to hold such “officers of government are their substitutes and agents”, there are incidents of outright lawbreaking and incidents of ethics complaints by which normal citizens are held responsible to use to “at all times” keep such people “accountable to them.


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records for Citizen complaints against NH State Government staff members:

  • Ethics Complaint form(s) used by the Division of Children, Youth and Families
  • Ethics Complaint form(s) used by the NH Division of Health and Human Services.
  • Ethics Complaint form(s) used by the Laconia Child Advocacy Center / Granite State Children’s Alliance

In addition, I am demanding:

  • A copy of the release form that is presented to legal parents / legal guardians in giving DCYF and the CAC permission to interview a child presented to DCYF / CAC upon the demand by DCYF.
  • The name and title of the Laconia Police Detective that was present at the meeting on June 22, 2023.

Yes, I am convinced that what they did was wrong. Perhaps illegal – that’s part of why I’m doing this. I don’t know for sure but I certainly get more information.

Oh, and Number Three? Next post (going to start working on it right now) but I’ve gone long again. Steve, our Editor, is long-suffering with me with my penchant for “writing long”.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why the Left and Right Coasts “Swamp” Fly-Over Country in National Elections

Sun, 2023-08-13 01:30 +0000

I have seen the “equalization maps” of voters before that show the boundaries of equal Left Coast/Right Coast vs. the Middle – of the number of voters.

I think this shows the absolute density of voters just in LA County versus, pretty much, the sparseness of people in the rest of the country.




Yes, pretty much; only six states have larger populations than LA County does (or seven if you count the rest of California).

I’ll have to find one of those other maps and update this post later.


(H/T: Acid Cow)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Groomer Lit (101) – A 2023-2024 ‘Pubic’ School Year Primer for Librarians, School Boards, And Superintendants

Sun, 2023-08-13 00:00 +0000

As the debate over inappropriate content rolls forward into the 2023-2024 school year, porn advocates continue to push back against efforts by parents and taxpayers to address access to content that may be inappropriate for kids.

Sexually explicit material that adults cannot legally read or show at public meetings (or to other people’s children without ending up on the sex offenders registry) continues to be accessible in print and online with the blessing of taxpayer-funded institutions.

Defenders of the access cry book banning and censorship in response as if the same content is not privately available to everyone everywhere else. The same could be said for the mountains of content not available at these libraries or through taxpayer-funded online portals. How many titles might that be? Million or just hundreds of thousands?

Are those banned books?

The pat answer is, of course, no, you knuckle-dragging right-wing extremist. People can still buy those books. We simply don’t have room to carry them in the school library, which is correct. You chose those books instead of a mountain of others. You made deliberate decisions on the content for which you’d make space, some of which would get a father arrested if he read it to his neighbor’s son or daughter – perhaps even his own. Put another way, if you wanted to groom a child for sexual abuse, those are the books you’d choose. They are books for groomers. Groomer Lit 101. Sexually explicit “literature” with heterosexual adult-child sex, sexual abuse, rape, gay sex, and drug use. Content that normalizes the sort of behavior necessary for an adult to take sexual advantage of a kid.

If you are not a groomer or claim you are not, you are either lying, aiding and abetting groomers (child molesters), or bat-shit stupid.

You are (in your own comparative parlance) the bartender who kept serving the drunk who killed a visiting family from Kenosha on the interstate—the firearms dealer who sold a rifle to a mass shooter.

You are complicit in grooming, or you are a groomer.

Thus endeth the lesson.


The post Groomer Lit (101) – A 2023-2024 ‘Pubic’ School Year Primer for Librarians, School Boards, And Superintendants appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is DCYF Guilty of Running a Stealth Gun Registry? It Certainly Seems So …

Sat, 2023-08-12 22:30 +0000

I’ve barely been posting much lately because of our latest “DYF entanglement.” While I am not under any gag order (which is usually the case with such Family Court business as DCYF cases), much of our time (TMEW and I) has been spent either taking care of our granddaughter or doing a lot to fulfill upgrades to our home.


Sidenote: I found some WONDERFUL contractors, FMS Landscape, Honey Bee Electric, and No Limits Metalwork, that responded quickly based on tight DCYF mandated upgrades. Given the ghosting I’ve had from others, once they heard about our DCYF entanglement, they were very responsive and got the jobs done right and quickly.


Taking care of the paperwork, having arguments with DCYF over that paperwork and what information I’d be willing to provide (Article 2-B, baby!), and the major hassles in finding the CWEP classes that we have to take. A lot of time, energy, and time away from blogging. Oh yeah, and shuffling the Grandson and Granddaughter to two sets of summer school on two different schedules three times a week.

Speaking of “arguments over that paperwork,” I ended up having a DOOZY of one. Actually, several pieces of information they wanted us to do, and I rebelled. Cantankerous, if truth be told. Absolute refusal in a couple of them (as in, “Why should I have to do a credit report on my dime and time simply to give it to you? Pull it yourselves”.)

And a financial statement.

In a roundabout way, it was leaked to me that my old entanglements, going back from before dealing with them over the Grandson, was still in their computer system, Bridges; look it up. Want pictures? When you come out, take them yourself.

I have grown tired of the busy work simply, in my humble opinion, DCYF has had such high-profile cases (like Harmony Montgomery), it’s asking WAY more than in the past. Sorry, I’ve successfully navigated three previous times, I’m not going to do anything stupid – but don’t push me.

Well, they didn’t get the message. And they did. Here’s a copy of the form that was sent to me to fill out.  See anything wrong with it? I did – right off the bat.

DCYF Form 1723 Insurance & Safety Verification

If you missed it, here’s where it went sideways – the “Safety Information” top of this abstracted image:




Yep, the part about firearms.

So the Post Title says a “stealth gun registry,” and if you look at the PDF, it has the family name and address text fields in it. If someone checks NO but DCYF finds out later that someone does, that can land them in legal trouble later. If someone says YES, there’s a Gun Registry record. Sure, to be sure, it would be incomplete in that they don’t ask for, nor is room provided for, the number of guns, types of guns, and calibers of guns. It also doesn’t ask about ammo, either.

But do they need more? There have been rumors for years that new or renewed NH Pistol Revolver licenses have a habit of remaining around for years – and in different localities. And I’m quite sure that any such information will stick around in DCYF’s BRIDGES info system:


Another Sidenote: Note to self – how far back and how much? That would be an interesting experiment, wouldn’t it?


So I refused to give it. After a long discussion, I told the specialist that I already had a Right To Know ready, and that all I had to do was hit SEND. A compromise was reached in that I could blank out that section and submit it. A temporary waiver is in place now until the RTK gets a response. Its payload:

Given that NH is a Dillon’s Rule State, Executive Branch agencies and other subdivisions of the State are strictly restricted to actions specifically enumerated in bills crafted by the NH Legislature. Thus, pursuant to the NH’s Right to Know Law (RSA 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within five business days, to the below enumerated governmental records:

  • Pertaining to Form 1723 and DCYF] Rule He-C6446.09:
    • Provide the NH RSA and the relevant clause(s) that allow DCYF to create its own “unofficial” gun registry contra:
      • US Constitution, Second Amendment (re: “infringe”)
      • Federal Laws: (National Firearm Act 1934, Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993)
      • NH Constitution, Article 2-a

Which, I can tell you after talking with Grokster (and lawyer and active Second Amendment defender) Norm last night, as I was traveling to a meeting, they will have a hard time justifying. Norm sent this to me this morning (emphasis mine):

Attached is a copy of RSA 650-C:1.  Highlighting by me.

Note that is absolutely nothing in that statue that requires or even suggests that your ammunition must be kept separate from the firearm.

My interpretation is that the DCYF can ask whether you have guns in the home and you can answer that you do and that “they are kept locked up without any access by any minor who may be on the premises, all in accordance with RSA 650-C:1.”

I might also add that “in accordance with the provisions of RSA 650-C:1, the location and status of any ammunition is a private matter and is irrelevant and immaterial and should not require an answer to comply with your duties.”

And I read the RSA 650-C (emphasis mine):

650-C:1 Negligent Storage of Firearms. –

I. Nothing in this section shall be construed to reduce or limit any existing right to purchase and own firearms or ammunition,
or both, or to provide authority to any state or local agency to infringe upon the privacy of any family, home or business except by lawful warrant.

I’m not a lawyer, but I can lean on Norm that this is a “No means NO!” bit. DCYF is an agency in terms of the law. It is a STATE agency. RSA 650-C, on my reading, seems to be a wall fencing DCYF from interfering with us (just as the Constitution is supposed to wall off and constrain the Government from meddling with us).  Thus, this will be interesting in their response.

After all, Article 2-b, right?

The post Is DCYF Guilty of Running a Stealth Gun Registry? It Certainly Seems So … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

One More Awful Thing NH Hasn’t Joined that the Rest of New England Has ..

Sat, 2023-08-12 21:00 +0000

The Granite State continues to be an island of sanity in a sea of blue politics, but only barely. Despite Republican governors and legislative majorities at the state level, we keep sending Democrats to DC. It doesn’t make sense. But some things do.

We’re the only state cutting taxes. We’ve got the lowest total tax burden in New England, lower poverty rates, better health outcomes, and a long list of positives that recur year after year. We were the first to say no, we’re not joining the Transportation Climate Initiative, and we are neither a sanctuary state nor embracing California Style vehicle standards on the road to Net Zero, and not just because it’s impossible to get there from anywhere, least of all here.

We’re also not handing over our election data to the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). It’s a left-wing funded “non-profit membership organization created by state election officials to help improve the accuracy of state voter rolls and register more eligible Americans to vote.”

Judicial Watch did some research on ERIC, and the results are less than stellar.

  • [O]ver the past year, seven states have pulled out—Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, West Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, and Iowa—citing concerns over data security and the left-wing orientation of the organization.
  • Florida withdrew in March, saying the group had rejected proposals that “would have eliminated concerns about ERIC’s potential partisan leanings, and made the information shared with ERIC more secure.”
  • ERIC does not actually require that member states “remove ineligible voters from their registration rolls.”
  • “[S]tates that do not participate in ERIC had a higher rate of identifying and removing from voter registration rolls individuals who relocated out of a jurisdiction than ERIC member states.”
  • ERIC was founded by left-leaning attorney David Becker with $157,000 in grants from the George Soros-funded Pew Charitable Trusts.
  •  In September 2020, CEIR received a $70 million grant from the Zuckerberg philanthropies for “voter education programs.”
  •  “The large amount of sensitive data provided to ERIC by its member states and the role of the organization in maintaining voter rolls may violate a number of federal statutes,” the JW study notes.

ERIC may have run afoul of other laws at both the federal and state level, which could include- if we were a member – our constitutional right to privacy here in New Hampshire. Thankfully we are not presently at risk for that from them. But we’re the only state in New England that has not hitched its wagon to what looks like another progressive-funded sketchy GOTV effort.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Information for you on Child Trafficking In New Hampshire

Sat, 2023-08-12 19:30 +0000

I apologize in advance for filling your inbox. But child trafficking is something everyone must be alarmed about, and it is in your collective power to do something about it if you have the information.

You may have read Nancy West/In-Depth News Article on the two New Hampshire teens subjected to trauma in a facility in Tennessee. That facility is a DBA for “Youth Opportunities Investment,” which started in 2009 and has facilities around the country.

This is the description of the treatment advertised at Bledsoe, the Youth Opportunities Investment program in Tennessee.

The logo for “Youth Opportunity Investment” is remarkably similar to that of CASA/CASA NH (which may be coincidental or may not be).

Caroline Delaney filed a statement of financial interest in CASA NH. Caroline Delaney was (is?) the legal counsel for the Department of Revenue. She is also on the CASA NH team. The statement of financial interest lists McLane Middleton (Michael Delaney’s law firm).

Michael Delaney (a former AG who allegedly allowed police officers to be paid in cash and who was very involved in promoting “Children’s Advocacy Centers” whose board members are Police, Prosecutors, DAs, and Andrew H Crews of Autofair/Granite One Health/Primary Bank/NH Lottery)  represented Judge Julie Introcaso for her plea deal for whiting out judicial documents and ordering GAL Kathleen Sternenberg to be paid using Apple Pay.

McLane Middleton has a Government Policies and Strategies company registered to it since 2012 or so.  The law firm also received several millions more in PPP loans than any other law firm in New Hampshire.

Michael Delaney was nominated for the position of the First Circuit Court of Appeals by Senators Shaheen & Hassan. The First Circuit covers NH, Mass, Maine, Rhode Island, and Puerto Rico.

The IRS is alleged in this article to be a privately owned Puerto Rican Trust.

Maximus is tied to the IRS. Maximus became a public company in 1996. It had its first no-bid contract in NH for Medicaid in 2004.

Maximus is listed with dozens of accounts in the “Pandora Papers,” and so is Autofair (Andrew H Crews). New Hampshire has the largest amount of any state in the US in Pandora Papers, with $932.5 billion. McLane Middleton sponsored the podcast about it (which to me smacks of a Sam Bankman-Fried move to give $5 million to ProPublica or sponsor Semafor)…especially because McLane Middleton has advertised their ability with foreign, family trusts, etc., in NH.

Kathleen Kerr of NH DHHS/DCYF (for 12 years) received complaints in 1999 from US DHHS OIG regarding failures of NH DCYF, outsourcing of contracts, failures in accounting, etc.

She left to join Policy Studies Inc, which then became Veritas and got purchased by Maximus, and she has been on the board of Maximus since her position for NH DCYF  & Policy Studies Inc.

Maximus, Policy Studies, Virtus, and Children’s Trust Fund are all registered at 10 Ferry Street, Concord, NH, which is the address that was reported to Boston FBI for suspected Child Trafficking in 2016.

If you look at the reports below, you will see that New Hampshire has consistently failed audits by US DHHS for DCYF and Medicaid.  In fact, Lori Schibinette handed in her resignation six days after a US DHHS audit on NH Medicaid showed that the state had double-billed and owed US Gov $7.9 million.

Anna Carrigan (who brought the whistleblower suit Anna Carrigan v NH) documents the failures of NH DCYF here.

CASA NH has in its documents a desire to refer as many children as possible to CASA.

CASA NH was dropped as a defendant by a judge in a sexual assault case involving two teenagers that was brought by their grandparents.

Maximus’s documents show that children can get referred to their services by teachers, caregivers, etc.

Maximus’ contract with NH (including with DCYF, Youth Detention Center, etc) appears to be tied to NH’s contract with Tennessee, where the Bledsoe Academy is.

Maximus is a key player in how child trafficking and child abuse are allowed to happen.

Lastly, you will notice that in the case against Adam Montgomery over Harmony Montgomery, NH prosecutors dropped welfare fraud charges against Kayla Montgomery. I suspect (but don’t know, so it is a hypothesis) that the State does not want discovery on this that could expose state fraud (as in the Medicaid overbilling that came up in the US DHHS OIG report just before Lori Schibinette stepped down).

Follow the money, and please ask the Executive Counselors and the Governor why financial interests tied to CASA, Maximus, etc, supersede the interests in child welfare. The State collects federal money for the welfare of children. That money is being misused to profiteer and make money off the abuse and trafficking of children. What is NH Treasury, Executive Committee, and Judiciary interest in Maximus, CASA, and Youth Opportunity Investment?

As Richard Bergeron, in citing corruption of the courts in New Hampshire, quoted Aldous Huxley: “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

Child abuse and child trafficking in New Hampshire are intertwined with court corruption and abuse of federal funds.  It can be stopped, but it requires your collective attention and action.

In California, a Public Protection Act bill is being proposed.  Perhaps New Hampshire should consider the same:


1. Proposal Summary:

“This “Public Protection Act” proposal addresses systemic failures of governance in the State Bar of New Hampshire (“State Bar”) to sustainably restore public trust and reduce disparate impacts upon marginalized communities within family, civil, and criminal justice systems.

2. Problems
Public corruption adversely affects marginalized communities the most (See DOJ Archives). Expert Robert Klitgaard says it follows a simple formula: Corruption = Monopoly – Accountability. …….

The model for an act exists. Why would it not be in everyone’s interests to sign such an act so children can be safe from state exploitation?

Thank you for paying attention. Child abuse and trafficking can be fixed but you have to follow the money to get to the route of the problem before you can fix it. The corruption that is the monopoly without accountability must be broken for the future benefit of all.


Email recipients:

To: Mary Ann Dempsey <>
Cc: Parental Equality NH <>, Robert Mittelholzer <>, Diana Dowd-Werry <>, “” <>,, Lorrie Platt <>, Kathlene Cleveland <>, John Formella <>, Anthony Galdieri <>, Zachary Wolf <>, “Jimenez, Dan” <>, “DOJ: Invest Info” <>, Fbi <>, “James S. Scully Jr.” <>, “” <>, “Joseph D. Kenney” <>, Cinde Warmington <>, Janet Stevens <>, Ted Gatsas <>, David Wheeler <>, “Richard W. Head” <>, Governor’s Commission <>, Mary Krueger <>, Danielle Snook <>, Andrew Livernois <>, Alyssa Kuehne <>, Lyn Schollett <>, Angela Wilkerson <>, Dianne Martin <>, Ann Landry <>, Jodi Nelson <>, Sharon Carson <>, Chief David Hobbs <>, Chief Janet Bouchard <>, “Dr. Scott Hampton” <>, Abbey Simon <>, Robert Quinn <>, Andrea Bonito <>, “Hon. Edwin Kelly” <>, Mark Pearson <>, Marjorie Smith <>, Joe Alexander <>, Dana Albrecht <>, Lorie Ball <>, Katelyn Kuttab <>, Charles McMahon <>, Alicia Gregg <>, Judi Lanza <>, Patrick Long <>, Rebecca McBeath <>, Christina Dyer <>, Sherman Packard <>, ~House Special Committee on the Family Div Circuit Court <>, “” <>, “” <>, ~House Criminal Justice and Public Safety <>, Robin Partello <>, Timber Post <>, NH Advocates for Parental Equality <>, Kevin Landrigan <>, Representative Chris Pappas <>

The post More Information for you on Child Trafficking In New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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