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Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 19 min 2 sec ago

The Ratchet Effect and the Erosion of Liberty

Fri, 2023-08-25 01:30 +0000

The Constitution “is not a suicide pact,” said Justice Arthur Goldberg in the court’s opinion in the 1963 Supreme Court case of Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez. His statement highlights a fundamental truth: in times of crisis, governments often feel compelled to take extraordinary measures to protect their citizens and maintain order.

However, this desire to act swiftly and decisively can lead down a perilous path where the expansion of government power becomes a seemingly irreversible process. Welcome to the world of the ratchet effect.

What Is the Ratchet Effect?

This phenomenon gets its name from the mechanical device called a ratchet, which allows motion in one direction only. Just as a ratchet prevents backward movement, the ratchet effect ensures that government power advances inexorably, never retreating to previous levels.

The ratchet effect theory, as popularized by Robert Higgs in his book Crisis and Leviathan, refers to the tendency of governments to respond to crises by implementing new policies, regulations, and laws that significantly enhance their powers. These measures are typically presented as temporary solutions to address specific problems. However, in history, these measures often outlast their intended purpose and become a permanent part of the legal landscape.

The Ratchet Effect in Action

The USA PATRIOT Act, enacted in response to the 9/11 attacks, exemplifies this trend. Intended to enhance national security, it granted sweeping new powers to intelligence agencies, including authorizing “sneak and peek” searches under Section 213. These types of searches allowed delayed notification of search warrants, permitting law enforcement to secretly enter private premises without immediately informing the owner, raising Fourth Amendment concerns.

The act also greatly expanded the definition of “domestic terrorism” to include activities that seem intended to influence government policy through intimidation or coercion, without requiring evidence of actual violence. This broadened definition gave law enforcement enhanced leeway to investigate activist groups engaged in nonviolent advocacy and protest activities.

Yet, despite the lapse of two decades since 9/11, these provisions persist, normalizing extraordinary intrusions into privacy. This illustrates how emergency measures can become entrenched through the ratchet effect, as the ongoing fear of terrorism fossilizes exceptions to civil liberties into standard practice long after the initial crisis has passed.

Similarly, the 2008 global financial crisis prompted governments worldwide to impose rigorous regulatory frameworks on financial institutions. Although conceived as stopgap measures, these restrictions have proven remarkably durable, constraining economic growth and innovation. The specter of another devastating crash continues to justify the existence of these restrictions, disregarding the adverse effects on entrepreneurship and personal autonomy.

More recently, the covid-19 pandemic has brought the ratchet effect back into sharp focus. Governments have instituted a range of controls to contain the virus, from lockdowns and travel restrictions to mask mandates and vaccination requirements. While some of these measures—it could be argued—may have been appropriate in the short term, their prolonged implementation raises concerns about creeping authoritarianism. As fear and uncertainty persist, there is a growing risk that these temporary measures will become permanent features of our lives, further diminishing individual liberties.

It is essential to recognize the subtle yet pernicious nature of the ratchet effect. Each successive crisis creates opportunities for governments to consolidate their powers, often under the guise of protecting its citizens. However, this accretion of authority comes at a profound cost: the gradual relinquishment of fundamental rights and freedoms.

Looming Potential Crises: AI and Climate Change

As we reflect on the historical progression of government power during times of crisis, we must also turn our attention to the potential threats on the horizon that could further amplify state control. Two pressing concerns that warrant careful consideration are the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and the intensifying calls for action against climate change.

Advancements in AI technology present both extraordinary possibilities and daunting challenges. As AI integrates deeper into various sectors of society, governments might feel pressured to exercise greater authority to ensure public safety, data privacy, and economic stability. Fears surrounding job displacement and unpredictable moral predicaments could serve as justification for heightened supervision. Nonetheless, such interventions risk reinforcing the ratchet effect, culminating in an accumulation of AI-centric regulations that stagnate innovation and hamper economic progress.

The unfolding climate change crisis continues to dominate headlines, with mounting pressure on world leaders to take drastic measures to curtail emissions and transition toward renewable energy sources. Already, governments are responding to this crisis with sweeping policies aimed at mitigating the perceived threat. Yet, there exists a danger that emergency-driven actions will metamorphose into permanent features of the regulatory terrain. Opportunistic special interest groups may capitalize on the situation to promote their agendas, contributing to an enlargement of government influence that transcends the initial response to environmental imperatives.

The Quest for Liberty and Economic Implications

When crises strike, the instinctive reach for government intervention may provide fleeting comfort, but it often ignores the long-term consequences of empowering the state at the expense of personal autonomy. As the heavy hand of regulation descends, it smothers the entrepreneurial spirit, strangles innovation, and saps the vitality of once-thriving markets. The result? A sluggish economy, suffocating under the weight of bureaucratic red tape, and a citizenry increasingly beholden to an all-powerful government.

By embracing market-driven solutions, we can tap into the limitless potential of human ingenuity by creating new opportunities, products, and services that drive growth and improve lives. From cutting-edge technologies to innovative business models, the free market has always been the engine of progress, lifting billions out of poverty and connecting people across the globe.

Moreover, the pursuit of individual liberty and property rights is not only a moral imperative, it’s also a key driver of economic success. When individuals are free to pursue their passions and ideas without undue interference, they create value that benefits everyone. Conversely, when governments overstep their bounds, they stifle innovation, suppress entrepreneurship, and ultimately impoverish society.

Therefore, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to the principles of classical liberalism, rejecting the false promises of collectivist ideologies and embracing the spontaneous order of the free market. By trusting in the invisible hand, we can build a brighter future where freedom, innovation, and prosperity flourish.


The ratchet effect’s inexorable advance poses a constant threat to individual liberty and economic prosperity. History teaches us that emergency measures, however well-intentioned, tend to metastasize into permanent restrictions on our freedom. As we weather the tempests of crises, we must remain vigilant in defense of our fundamental rights and the engines of economic growth.

To succeed in this endeavor, we must cultivate a deep understanding of the ratchet effect and its insidious workings. We must recognize how seemingly innocuous measures, passed in the heat of the moment, can gradually accumulate and harden into oppressive systems. We must also appreciate the roles that individual initiative and entrepreneurial spirit play in fostering resilience and prosperity.

With this knowledge, we can chart a course that preserves the delicate balance between public safety and personal autonomy. We can design crisis responses that are surgical in their precision, minimizing the impact on our liberties while maximizing their effectiveness in addressing the challenge at hand. We can create regulatory frameworks that enable innovation to flourish rather than suffocating it beneath a blanket of bureaucratic red tape.

Ultimately, our success will depend on our ability to stay true to our core values of protecting property rights and preserving individual and economic freedoms. By remaining vigilant and committed to these principles, we can build societies that are both resilient in the face of crisis and prosperous in the long term. The ratchet effect may continue to exert its influence, but we can ensure that its grip remains loose and that our spirits remain unbroken.


Michael Matulef | Mises Wire Mises Wire We heartily encourage reprints and shares of Mises Wire articles. If you wish to reproduce an article in your blog, magazine, radio show, newspaper column, classroom material, textbook, discussion group, website, or any other venue, please do so. The original publication source must be included in an appropriate place.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our Governor wants NH to Sell Marijuana

Fri, 2023-08-25 00:00 +0000

OUR GOVERNOR has officially signed HB 611 to create a commission to study state-controlled sales of drugs. Marijuana and THC products, to be exact.

To quote Governor Chris Sununu, ”New Hampshire has an opportunity to safely regulate the sale of marijuana with a model few others can provide.” Does he realize that once he legalizes weed in New Hampshire, that is it; there is no going back?

As we know, policies change. Even if he gets a “model policy,” when he leaves office in December of 2024, the bill can be changed, and safeguards as written may be lost. Then, our new governor will have to deal with, and hopefully agree with, the policy as it is written. We will also have a new legislative body of representatives and senators who may be motivated to introduce new legislation with fewer restrictions.

States throughout the country that have legalized weed are a mess for countless reasons, and we certainly don’t want that in New Hampshire. So, compared to that, a state-run marijuana industry may sound like a great idea, but let’s be clear: once the genie is out of the bottle, there will be more marijuana on our roads, and child endangerment will increase, as will addiction.

Just because it sounds like a good idea doesn’t mean it is. New Hampshire, like several other states, continues to stop legalization from coming into our state because we have people who care. People have spoken up because they have witnessed the damage of this drug to children, families, loved ones, economies, cultures, and community safety.

The simple fact is that there is no safe way to increase access to a drug. When you increase access, you increase use. New Hampshire is already one of the highest-ranking states in the country for substance misuse. Do we want the distinction of being number one?

The New Hampshire prevention community provided hours of testimony from people who have seen and lived with the collateral damage of increased access to this harmful substance. Unfortunately, Gov. Sununu was not there to listen. If he heard the doctors, law enforcement professionals, parents, youth, substance misuse counselors, and countless others who took the time to speak about why this is such a bad idea, maybe he would have accepted the results of HB 639. Maybe he would have respected that New Hampshire does not want this in our state and communities.

What is even more difficult to wrap my mind around is that the very people whose job it is to prevent this from happening, substance misuse prevention professionals, are being told by the governor to make it happen. Their task is to come up with a model policy that has all of the safeguards in it. But the simple fact is that there is no perfect policy or safeguards when you are increasing access to a harmful, addictive drug.

How many times have we heard Governor Sununu say that now is not the time to legalize when people are dying and overdosing on drugs? Countless times. It was a very responsible position. What happened? AMR medics report historical overdose numbers in our two key cities, Manchester and Nashua. The highest since August of 2018. So, as citizens of New Hampshire, are we to believe that if we have a state-run model for marijuana outlets, these numbers will go down?

Can the governor tell us how a state-run model that sells marijuana and edibles will limit access? The whole idea of selling a product is profit, and this will most definitely increase access.

At a hearing this past spring in Concord, discussing HB 639, the New Hampshire Liquor commissioner gave testimony that he has conducted studies of what is being sold in our neighboring states, how much it is being sold for, and his plan for how the Granite State will undercut their prices and sell in much higher quantities. Does this sound like limiting access? Does this sound like we would be protecting children and families?

New Hampshire is known for its liquor sales and its significant profits. Do we really want to be known for being the marijuana market leader as well? Do we want to be a tourist destination for those looking to purchase weed and its many THC products? Do we want the people consuming these products driving on our roads? Will this action increase business development opportunities? Is this the New Hampshire we envision for our children and future generations?

There are so many questions, but the big one is this. Is this the legacy our Gov. Sununu wants to leave behind after eight successful years in the corner office?

Please reach out to the Governor or Senator Jeb Bradley with your thoughts on the state being in the business of selling marijuana.

Celeste Clark is the executive director of the Raymond Coalition for Youth.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Debate Takeaway … Trump Should Choose Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. For Vice President

Thu, 2023-08-24 22:30 +0000

First of all, the clear winner of the debate … DONALD TRUMP. As of 10:00 AM on August 24, his sit-down with Tucker Carlson has 185 million views:

The biggest LOSER of the debate was the voter who expected a serious debate. Instead, it was essentially a time-warp as Faux News tried to turn the clock back to pre-2016 GOP. Pathetic:

But if we have to name a candidate who came across as a loser, it’s got to be DeSantis. NOT strong, not decisive, not a leader … scripted and weak:

So … based on this “debate,” who should Trump choose as Veep? If the choice is confined to the debate stage, then Vivek. He was the only one who didn’t pander on “climate change” and didn’t cheerlead Blackrock’s war in Ukraine:

But this election should NOT be about Republican versus Democrat because it is NOT. It’s about the elites in both parties versus the rest of us. The Faux Debate offered NOTHING to working men and women. NOTHING. What Trump should do is ask Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to be his running mate:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cow and Horse Flatulence: A Farmer’s Comparative Environmental Assessment

Thu, 2023-08-24 21:00 +0000

The problem of horse flatulence is not often discussed, yet there are important lessons to be learned from equine methane gas (via flatulence or burp), particularly to demonstrate the fraudulent claims leveled against cows as major polluters.

Horses and cows impact the ecosystem differently, but the lies of climate alarmists about livestock remain the same.


Sequestering carbon while creating food with solar power: Jersey cows in Williamstown, Vermont


Because they only have one stomach and digest feed differently from cows, horses generally produce less methane gas per animal than cows. There are also far more cows than horses—some 94.5 million bovines, versus about 7.25 million equines. However, the methane produced by cows yields food: horses are a leisure interest. It is intriguing that climate alarmists would target food-producing greenhouse gas emissions as a priority over non-food-producing sources such as golf courses, downhill skiing, jet travel…. or dressage riding.

But even for cows, there are complex differences in methane production depending on feed: grain-fed versus grass-fed cows impact the ecosystem differently. Many who tout industrial agriculture as humanity-saving slander grass-fed cows as destructive, but the opposite is the case.

Grass-fed cows grow more slowly (naturally) than grain-fed cows, so they take about 6 months longer to reach finished weight for slaughter. Critics claim this longer life increases methane, and that grain-fed cows produce less methane than grass-fed. Both claims are true, but employed to obscure the greenhouse gas and pollution emissions emitted by the production of grains. Most grains fed to cows are GMO monocultures (soy and corn), in turn dependent on fossil fuels, glyphosate and other chemical adjuncts, pesticides, herbicides, and bee-killing neonicotinoids. The tractors used to grow grains compact the soil, increasing erosion, water run-off, and loss of minerals. The chemical applications destroy vital microbes, and tilling releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in massive quantities. Suppose these additional measurements were included to determine the total environmental impact of grain-fed animals. In that case, the folly of the industrial claims that bigger is better, and that unnatural grain feeding is less destructive to the environment than grass-fed, become glaringly apparent.

The same is true of solar panels and EVs. By excluding the externalized chemical and other pollution created by manufacturing solar panels (mostly with coal, in Chinese factories) and EVs (consider the lithium mines alone!), climate alarmists push technologies that do the opposite of what is claimed. Even if solar panels are net-zero for greenhouse gasses (a highly dubious assertion), they are not net-zero for carcinogens, or a myriad of toxic heavy metals, untested chemicals, and energy inputs spewed like an enormous plume of filth from those faraway factories. Climate alarmists display images of forests burned in the Amazon to grow crops, but poo-poo pictures of lithium mines, with lakes of toxic tailings leaking across third-world landscapes.


The author’s lambs feeding the soil and clearing weeds in Brookfield, Vermont


A critical thinker might also query how much concern humanity should hold for dogs and cats, which pass gas freely and now consume some 25% of all U.S. meat production (increasingly, of finer cuts for the gourmet market). Maligning millions of adored pets might be a problematic political pill to peddle, so the hapless, harmless cows—who have fed and clothed humans for tens of thousands of years—become the scapegoats. Pet rocks should be a Greta Thunberg favorite, yet no peep is uttered against canine/feline greenhouse gas pollution.

The attacks on cows are revealed as scandalously false when further comparisons are made. Consider the environmental impact of cow manure versus cow burps; and then the contrasts between that natural fertilizer and the synthetic industrial fertilizers that presumably will be applied to crops in lieu.

Gas v. Solid; Burps Versus Cowpies

When Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) created a stir by flapping her flatulent lips against cow gasses, the ignorance displayed was profound. For one thing, most bovine emissions (about 95%) are burped up: fermentation occurs in the rumen. For another, AOC falsely labeled a gas as a pollutant, ignoring the solid waste that is (100%) emitted from the cow’s derriere. That manure is what humanity has used for eons to improve soil fertility and crop yields, and prevent desertification. (Indeed, human excrement has a long tradition of agricultural reincarnation.)

Manure v. Synthetic Urea; Tracing Methane

Cows on pasture distribute their manure, fertilizing the land sans tractors or chemical factories. As cows have been consolidated into CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) their manure has been collected in lagoons, where it is then mechanically spread using fossil fuels and industrial equipment, inflicting yet more soil compaction and chemical pollution. Natural, soil-building manures have been largely displaced by synthetic fertilizers, of which urea is key.

Industrial urea is produced using natural gas, aka methane. AOC and the other cow-clueless leaders on environmental policy are advocating to eliminate cows because they emit methane gas, and then replace their manure with industrial applications that destroy soil life and pollute waterways, that are manufactured from methane gas, and distributed using fossil fuels instead of solar-powered (i.e., on grass) cows.

How are the cows proposed to be replaced, in the name of providing an environmental offset against humans who pollute with fireworks, lawnmowers, and jet travel (or horse-riding) without procuring an iota of food? Their milk is to be replaced with soy, almond, cashew, or oat milk, which absorb massive and unsustainable amounts of water: most are “farmed” using chemical applications and fossil fuels. Cows’ meat is to be replaced with synthetic (primarily soy) artificial Frankensteinian concoctions, all dependent once again on industrial chemicals, fossil fuels, and sparkling new high-tech factories protected by regulations and patent ownership, and funded by profit-hungry hedge funds. What could possibly be awry?


A cluster of Angus cows maintains this fabulous view in Chelsea, Vermont, little black specks near the top center of the hillside.


Grass-fed agricultural practices are healthier for farm animals, allowing them to roam rather than be locked in a concrete jungle. They are also much healthier for the humans who eat them, and the environment. Cows are our climate allies, not adversaries, yet cow attacks continue, employing lies that favor industrial, chemical-dependent monocultures and increasing dependency on patented, processed foodstuffs.

Whether it is cow plops or horse dung, manure is an asset for the land that far exceeds any putative harm attributed to methane from gaseous emissions from either end of that innocent cow. Cow critics might see this, if they briefly dismounted from their high horses.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sununu, Who Would Not Debate Republican Challengers in 2020 or 2022, Criticizes Trump for Dodging a Debate

Thu, 2023-08-24 19:30 +0000

Governor Chris Sununu is criticizing President Trump for not showing up at the first Republican Primary Debate last night. That’s a strange thing to say, considering he has refused Republican primary debates in his last two gubernatorial elections.

I can’t recall any debates with Sununu, in fact, since he got elected to the post. You’d think he would remember that but No Show Sununu felt good about saying this on national television.


“I honestly think he’s gonna regret it, I really do. You can’t say I’m going to lead the free world and not be willing to get up and talk to those who are going to challenge you and want the job. You can’t really do that. It’s not fair to the system. It’s not doing respect to the voters and your base,” Sununu said.


I guess the same concepts don’t apply to the Granite State, where you can say you’re going to lead and not be willing to get up and talk to those who are going to challenge you for the job.

Did I get that right?

Trump (naturally) had some thoughts for His Excellency, but sadly, they did not include Sununu’s absence from debates in successive governor’s races.





And for the record, Sununu knows exactly why he didn’t debate, and it’s the same reason Trump skipped it. There is no political advantage to it. You’re way ahead in the polls, and not being there is less of a risk to the campaign.

And as it turns out, the RINO patrol took most of their vehemence out on Vivek Ramaswamy, whom I read returned every volley. Will the first post-debate polls show his rise thanks to all the attention he got?

They may, but the better question is this. Does Trump gain or lose some advantage among Republican primary voters as a result?


HT | Washington Examiner

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hello, 911….Please Hold

Thu, 2023-08-24 18:00 +0000

Most Democrats, except for the Radical Squad members, have worked very hard to distance themselves from the Defund the Police movement that started back in 2017. In those early days, it was fashionable to call for not only defunding the Police but dismantling the Police forces in America.

According to the brilliant minds of Sandy Cortez, Tlaib, and Omar, our Police forces were racist, and their very existence prevented justice. Police forces were evil, targeted anyone of color, and only protected the white elite. They needed to be dismantled along with cash bail and indictments. With the help of large sums of cash from George Soros and now his son, any District Attorney who believed in the rule of law and incarceration was targeted to be replaced by Liberal thinking DAs who did not believe in indictments, incarceration, recidivism, or accountability in any form. The Democrat efforts have taken hold in many Blue cities like New York, Baltimore, Chicago, and Los Angeles, resulting in the demise of big cities in America. People and businesses are leaving these iconic cities in droves, and the city budgets will not replace the tax dollars heading out of town.

Austin, Texas, is not a big city on par with Los Angeles or Detroit, but they are feeling the effects of the Defund movement, and they are feeling the pain. Austin is a Liberal city in a still Red state. The town government got caught up in the Progressive vortex in 2017 and pulled the plug on the Police budget. Beginning in 2018, Austin has lost more officers through retirement or cutbacks than recruited, resulting in 800 fewer officers today than in 2017.

Obviously, this shortage of Police in the city has resulted in tremendous gains in crime and a drop in service levels. It is not uncommon for a one-hour wait for a response to a 911 call, and that is if the call is even answered. A shortage of 911 call operators also leaves many businesses and people in Austin feeling vulnerable. As has happened in the bigger cities throughout the country, more traffic is leaving Austin before entering the city.

One of the hidden problems with these Police forces going through restructuring is the loss of experienced officers. A retiring officer has far more knowledge and experience on the job than a recruit. This drop in the quality of the Police force only exacerbates the decline in numbers.

Add this shortage of Police to the bad decisions of city management, and you have a perfect storm for an increase in crime and violence. Chicago has negotiated a program with the gangs in the city to call for a moratorium on gang activity from 9 AM-9 PM daily. I cannot believe I typed that sentence, but it is true. Mayor Brandon Johnson is bargaining with gangs to give the people of Chicago a twelve-hour break from violence and killing daily. And we thought Lori Lightfoot was a whack-job. The people of Chicago have gotten what they deserve by going as far Left with their vote as possible.

Like 2024 is critical for the future of America with our choice of President, these major cities better get their act together, or anarchy will be the rule of law going forward. These big cities were once our prized jewels. Those jewels have been replaced with compost piles, and you can point to your favorite Progressive if you need to pin the blame.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Corrupt Enterprise That Is Worth Billions and Stretches Far Beyond the Borders of New Hampshire

Thu, 2023-08-24 16:30 +0000

For the last 29 years, Father Gordon MacRae has been denied justice, relegated to Concord men’s prison in New Hampshire. Despite an ex-FBI agent’s 3-year investigation, a Pulitzer prize-winning Wall Street Journalist’s expose, and even a current investigation into the police officer who framed him, nothing has moved the needle.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Finally, in 2023 the pieces of the puzzle have come together to explain why this might be: The New Hampshire Department for Children, Youth & Families (DCYF), New Hampshire Police, local attorneys, the “compliance officer” in the Diocese of Manchester and the Attorney General’s office have been involved in a racket. For Father Gordon MacRae to get justice, they would all risk being exposed in an organized crime to frame him in order to extort the insurance for the Diocese and trigger an expansion of business that spreads to the Catholic Medical Center, schools, nursing homes, daycare centers, clinics, addiction recovery centers, banks, insurance companies, and media.

An enterprise that is worth billions and stretches far beyond the borders of New Hampshire across the US and internationally.

While Father Gordon MacRae has been incarcerated, New Hampshire has covered up horrific child sex abuse by its very own employees at the State’s Youth Detention Center.

The NH DCYF has failed multiple audits by the US Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General (DHHS OIG).

It has downplayed Medicaid fraud. Opioids and fentanyl overdoses have skyrocketed.

Children have died, children have disappeared, drugs have been trafficked, arms have been trafficked, money has been laundered, billions have been made, and a monopoly without accountability has blossomed. That monopoly is tied to the interests of the US Government and its three letter agencies.

Framing Father Gordon MacRae to get inside the Diocese of Manchester looks like it was a strategic plan that has had catastrophic consequences not just for MacRae but for anyone who has become a tool for, or victim of, the Government infiltration of Catholic organizations.

1994, the year that Father Gordon MacRae was prosecuted and convicted, is the year that the Clinton Crime Bill (authored by Joe Biden) was enacted. It is also the year that the Violence Against Women Act was passed, enabling $9 billion in grants from the Department of Justice to police, prosecutors, and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). Creating crimes that didn’t exist (while hiding those of state employees or friends of law enforcement and the courts) in order to access the grants has undermined the integrity of the state’s justice system.

“Justice for the Victim” has been a rallying cry in New Hampshire which has deliberately and consistently failed to ascertain the validity of claims of domestic & sexual assault, pre-determined who the victims and predators are without doing anything that could remotely be called due process.

Lots of people are denied justice each year, and decades later, a few of them go free after prosecutorial, police misconduct, or other flaws in the original investigations and trial are revealed.

Some years ago in Pennsylvania, a “Kids for Cash” scheme was unraveled. It involved police, prosecutors, judges, and private attorneys.

In California, a local journalist came across a series of gatherings in which judges, prosecutors, private attorneys, and the media conspired to rig cases in civil, family, and criminal courts.

What has transpired in New Hampshire bears all the same markings as these. A few breadcrumbs here and there have provided clues to an epic scandal that has been carefully hidden from the public for decades – in large part due to a small “club” who are vested in the profits from it. That club comprises law enforcement, non-profits, local councils, DAs, elected representatives, justices, other members of the NH Bar, and certain media outlets. They figured out that by controlling the news, they could control the narrative. And by controlling the narrative they could leverage the outcomes of criminal trials and civil suits.

Father Gordon MacRae is a victim of this corruption which even includes local “investigative” reporters who have no critical thinking skills but are determined to reinforce the court corruption in their coverage – presumably due to the sponsorship of their outlets.

In 1995, a prosecutor in New Hampshire failed to let the defense know that a police officer who arrested the man on trial for murder had a dishonest track record. The state dropped the case. The defendant’s name was “Laurie.”

The 1963 US Supreme Court case Brady v Maryland requires the prosecution to provide any and all exculpatory evidence to the defense in a timely manner before trial. Somehow New Hampshire ignored the rule, and for decades judges and prosecutors have been ok with that. Most likely because there isn’t really a division between police, prosecutors, judges, and media in New Hampshire. So a lie that works for one finds its way up the ladder to work for all.

Elected DAs who have challenged the ethics of this have been voted out from office (Robin Davis, DA of Merrimack County) or have been undermined by the AG taking over prosecutions (Michael Conley, DA of Hillsborough County). It is easier in New Hampshire to promulgate a lie than it is to defend the truth because there’s a waterfall of money to be made in the lie – federal grants, civil settlements, contracts, promotions, and rewards.

In June 2018, the police detective who investigated Father Gordon MacRae in the late 1980s had his name added to the list of corrupt police officers – the “Laurie” list – also known as the Exculpatory Evidence Schedule. James F McLaughlin, New Hampshire’s top child sex crimes detective, was brought out of retirement in 2017 to work on a Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School following the framing of scholarship student Owen Labrie by Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin. Attorney General Gordon MacDonald brought him onto the investigation to supervise Detective Julie Curtin and Lieutenant Sean Ford.

The report into the school and alleged cover-ups of sex abuse from 2009 to 2017 was completed in August 2018, and a settlement agreement was reached with the school in September 2018 requiring a “compliance officer” and a contract with victims advocacy organization the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence (NHCADSV).

The agreement mirrored one that had been entered into in 2002 after James F McLaughlin’s investigation into Father Gordon MacRae triggered the circumstances for a Grand Jury criminal investigation, a “compliance officer,” and settlement with the Diocese of Manchester.

The NHCADSV had brought on board Brian Harlow of SNAP in 2012. He had been one of the original “victims” to come forward for the Diocese of Manchester investigation in 2002. NHCADSV wanted him to help them expand their business, and they had a contract with the Department of Defense as well as with the University of New Hampshire which had a strategic agreement with the White House 2014 “Not Alone” task force to combat sexual assault on campuses. The Chair of the University System in New Hampshire is Alex Walker. He just so happens to be the CEO of the Catholic Medical Center and the Diocese of Manchester as well.

Alex has been actively involved in the community for many years. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the University System of New Hampshire and on the New Hampshire Business Committee for the Arts. In 2019 and 2020, he co-chaired the Bishop’s Charitable Assistance Fund with his wife, Lisa. He was Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Palace Theatre and past Chairman of the Board of Directors of Granite United Way. He has also served on the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Board of Governors, the New Hampshire Supreme Court’s Access to Justice Commission, the Board of Directors of City Year—New Hampshire, the Board of Directors for the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, and Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors where he served as Chairman of the Board in 2011.

Alex Walker provided counsel to the Diocese alongside Nixon Peabody, which was formed in 1999 in Boston and Manchester. Gordon MacDonald, an attorney at Nixon Peabody, became Attorney General and is the current New Hampshire Supreme Court Chief Justice. Before he took office as AG, he successfully managed to block an audit of his client Purdue Pharma.

New Hampshire’s opioid crisis has been one of the worst in the country. Catholic Medical Center was fined $3.8 million recently for a kickback scheme. The Boston Globe has exposed cover-ups of medical malpractice by CMC’s administrators, headed by Alex Walker. Curiously however, the Boston Globe Spotlight team, which covered the Catholic priest sex abuse scandal, is only interested in exposing a portion of the story that benefits ambulance-chasing civil attorneys and is guilty of removing comments under articles that smack of the newspaper’s own compromised position, preventing its journalists from seeking the real truth as opposed to the monied subjective “his/her/their truth.”

With the addition of James F McLaughlin to the Laurie list, AG Gordon MacDonald was suddenly compromised. He’d hired James F McLaughlin because of his history with the Diocese, and now he had to hide the fact that he knew he was dishonest in the middle of the investigation into St Paul’s School, which he had ordered. Instead of coming clean, Gordon MacDonald kept McLaughlin’s dishonesty secret because he was part of the club that had profiteered from James F McLaughlin’s misconduct. His success as an attorney is deeply tied to his representation of the Diocese of Manchester.

The “compliance officer” in the Diocese was Father Edward Arsenault, who became a Monsignor before being defrocked by the Pope after he pled guilty to defrauding the diocese, a dead priest’s estate, and the Catholic Medical Center in 2014. Among the expenses Edward Arsenault had clocked up using church funds were the purchase of cell phones, computer equipment, trips to Boston, meals out, and work with journalists as well as travel expenditures on his teenage lover.

Recent articles in the last few weeks have revealed that the FBI had planned to infiltrate and undermine the Catholic Church. Christopher Wray, head of the FBI, has tried to toss this off. But the case of Father Gordon MacRae and those of the police officer, James F McLaughlin, and Monsignor Edward Arsenault should force a wider inquiry into the Government’s involvement in Catholic Institutions going back to the 1980s when Sylvia Gale made up the rumor about MacRae and shared it with McLaughlin.

I have long suspected that Edward Arsenault was never really a priest but actually an FBI operative who got inside the Diocese of Manchester to increase the business of Catholic Risk Management and Catholic Charities in such a way that they would become intertwined with Maximus Inc – a for-profit enterprise acting on behalf of the Government for the People. His background is in accounting, and he also seems to be heavily involved in big pharma-adjacent enterprises: health/mental health non-profits.

Around the same time (1975) that the Senate “Church Committee” Inquiry revealed the CIA’s work with 186 educational institutions and non-profits for MK Ultra experiments, Maximus Inc was founded by a Vietnam vet involved with DARPA: David Mastran. Since then, Maximus has grown to become an enormous outsourcing company for the Governments of the US, Canada, Australia, the UK, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Its tentacles have reached into pretty much any Government program you can think of, from the IRS to Medicaid, from Student loans & to Title IV funds, from Department of Defense contracts to Covid vaccination tracking. To all intents and purposes, Maximus has taken over where the CIA and FBI left off when their clandestine and abhorrent human experiments got exposed by the Church Committee. It would be hard to imagine that the CIA just stopped its experiments in its tracks with so many organizations involved.

In the 1980s in Keene, New Hampshire, Sylvia Gale, an employee with Catholic Children’s Services & DCYF, created a rumor about Father Gordon MacRae. She told Keene Police Detective James F McLaughlin that Macrae had been involved in a crime involving sex abuse and murder in Florida. Sylvia Gale cited that the source of the fake Florida murder molestation that became McLaughlin’s “probable cause” was Msgr. John Quinn who was at the time Director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Manchester.

The crime didn’t exist, and Father Gordon MacRae had not been in Florida. James F McLaughlin was known in 1985 for dishonesty, but for some reason, it took until June 2018 for his name to appear on a State list kept by the AG and until December 2021 for his name to appear publicly on the “Laurie List” for a few hours before it was removed. Whether Sylvia Gale knew of McLaughlin’s dishonesty when she spread this rumor will forever be an unanswered question, but since there were rewards being bandied about by McLaughlin, I believe she probably did know, and that money was involved as a reward to her as a “witness” for creating the rumor.

In the time frame from 1985 -2018, James F McLaughlin rose to be New Hampshire’s most revered child & internet sex crimes investigator who instructed others in his tactics which included making false statements, procuring and coercion of “victims,” deleting exculpatory evidence, working with media to shape the message, federal entrapment (sending unsolicited images of minors), working with civil attorneys and non-profits/victims rights advocates in kick-back schemes. He was given a lifetime achievement award in 2016. At the same ceremony, Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin was given an award for her work in investigating St. Paul’s school, singling out and framing Owen Labrie, and working with domestic and international agencies to censor social media for the “victim” who had been recruited in June 2014 for the latest sick experiment. She was carrying the McLaughlin torch forward while he was supposed to retire.

James F McLaughlin’s crooked enterprise yielded millions in grants, increases in police budgets, non-profit budgets, and grants for the DCYF, UNH, and other affiliated agencies. What did it matter if a few people had to be framed when so much money could be extorted, and former federal prosecutors working at Nixon Peabody are on the side? The law firm’s business grew, turning it into a giant in representation for the healthcare industry. Particularly that tied to Catholic healthcare institutions and the opioid industry. Nixon Peabody represented Purdue Pharma when it was sued by New Hampshire. Creating sex offenders, extorting Catholic establishments, creating drug addicts, and claiming Medicaid for medical treatments and facilities has been a sustainable business in New Hampshire for over two decades.

James F McLaughlin’s enterprise is reminiscent of that of Tom Coleman, aka “T.J. Dawson,” the Police Officer in Tulia, Arizona, who built a business, with accolades along the way, framing members of the black community for drug offenses they didn’t commit. Drugs would be planted on unsuspecting targets. Instead of drugs, for James F McLaughlin, it was sex crimes. He would fabricate whatever story he could pull off to get plea deals and convictions. In New Hampshire, it was easy because the statutes for sex crimes require no corroborating witnesses or evidence. Add qualified immunity for police officers to that and sovereign immunity for prosecutors, judges, and non-profits tied to the courts such as CASA, NHCADSV, or agencies such as DCYF, and they had the perfect racket: collect the federal grants; fabricate the crimes; hide the exculpatory evidence; train the witnesses; use media to garner public outrage to leverage civil settlements with attorneys at the ready to profiteer and non-profits to train victims & write impact statements. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Gordon MacDonald, now New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Chief Justice, has a lot to thank James McLaughlin for. He joined Nixon Peabody to represent the Diocese of Manchester in the early 2000s. Together with his partner David Vicinanzo (a former federal prosecutor for Massachusetts who’d spent time working in the NH AGs office), they settled dozens, if not hundreds, of claims against the Diocese of Manchester. Monsignor Edward Arsenault was the appointed compliance officer – nominally. Actually, he was in charge of the financial affairs of the Diocese and increasing its reach. He had a business to run, a business to grow.

Meanwhile, James F McLaughlin’s father had been a member of the City of Concord Council for 25 years. The Council approves the budget for police investigations, including the payments of witnesses for Grand Juries. Although Concord only has 43,000 residents, it is the capital of New Hampshire and is home to the 2nd largest Statehouse in the US after DC and the 4th largest in the world. There are 400 elected representatives. It’s an important first stop for any presidential candidate, making it a magnate for dark money and a perfect place for three-letter agencies involved in clandestine operations to experiment.

Concord Police are not accredited. The current police chief, Bradley Osgood, stated that his department didn’t have the time or the resources to get accredited. The cost is under $20,000. Bradley Osgood was trained in Virginia by the FBI. His predecessor, Timothy O’Malley, left the job to join Vanguard Securities in the fraud department. Dartmouth College and other institutions have accounts with Vanguard Securities. These institutions also have accounts tied to the “Pandora Papers,” as does Maximus.

In 1996 Maximus went public. It was the same year that Father Gordon MacRae was denied his appeals. Bill Clinton was in office. He and Hillary were friends with Jeanne & Bill Shaheen. AG Phil McLaughlin, who ordered the investigation into the Diocese in 2002, had been appointed by Governor Jeanne Shaheen, who achieved her position with the help of the Clintons.

John Sununu, the father of current Governor Chris Sununu, was close to George Bush senior and worked in his administration. The State opened a “Youth Development Center” named after him. Youths in the detention center were subjected to sexual, physical, and mental abuse. The state has hidden millions of documents pertaining to this abuse. Maximus and DCYF are front and center of this, but local news organizations have not scrutinized this relationship or that of Catholic charities and New Hampshire’s police department.

In 1999, Nixon Peabody formed in Boston and Manchester, New Hampshire, bringing together a law firm comprising 450 attorneys across New England. The Diocese was their client, and Maximus was a generous donor to Catholic Charities and started to get contracts with Catholic institutions. But Maximus was a for-profit wing of the federal government that was now weedling its way into the vast array of businesses that fall under Catholic charities.

Edward Arsenault headed up the Catholic insurance wing for these: Catholic Risk Retention Management. David Vicinanzo had been a federal prosecutor who joined Nixon Peabody. Vicinanzo & Nixon Peabody were thus connected to the FBI, and so, by association at least, was Edward Arsenault and the Diocese of Manchester, Catholic charities & their insurance.

The Diocese refers children to the Children’s Trust Fund nowadays for claims of child sex abuse by priests. Children’s Trust Fund shares the same address as Maximus and Virtus LLC, founded in 1999 by Edward Arsenault. Virtus is owned by Catholic Risk Retention Management Group. Also located at 10 Ferry Street is Policy Studies Inc, which Kathleen Kerr (on the board of Maximus) joined after she received a letter from US DHHS regarding the failures of NH DCYF in 1999. She was legal counsel for DCYF and was there for 12 years before she segued into Policy Studies Inc and Maximus, which bought it after it was taken over by Veritas. She would have been working with DCYF when the MacRae case took place involving members of the DCYF and their families.

Coincidentally, Sylvia Gale, who created the rumor about Father Gordon MacRae back in the 1980s, successfully appealed a complaint against her for conflicts of interests that arose between her work for the Nashua DCYF and other non-profits. Sylvia Gale died in 2020 and left behind a legacy for her work in children’s advocacy, judging by the reports on New Hampshire’s Youth Detention Center, Foster Care System, failures of the DCYF, and drugging of children in care. I’m not sure that’s a legacy to be proud of. It was her colleague Patrica Grover (who’d adopted eight children) whose son Thomas Grover became a drug addict before he was convinced by James F McLaughlin that he could make some money if he agreed to be a witness/victim of Father Gordon MacRae. The Diocese coughed up $200,000. Years later, he admitted he was bribed.

A therapist sat at the back of the courtroom, motioning for him to cry during his testimony against the priest.

The Catholic links of Maximus go all the way to the Vatican. Edward Arsenault appears to be the conduit between the Diocese, the FBI, and the Vatican.

When he went to jail in 2014, Assistant Attorney General Jane Young shook his hand. She even allowed him to continue consulting from behind bars. He was sentenced to prison, but he never made it there because he was released on home confinement. Ultimately he had the remainder of his sentence vacated, and his restitution paid off in full. And he appeared with a new name: Edward Bolognini. This time, he claimed he was married – to Francesco Bolognini-Arsenault. They own a Sicilian ceramics import shop together, a luxury condo, and he works for ReServe non-profit, which received a $10 million contract from New York during the pandemic. His current boss doesn’t seem remotely bothered that he had defrauded another non-profit before joining ReServe. Is he just the FBI infiltrating/controlling another business related to the Government? Does his sales pitch include promises to increase profits and provide access to Catholic charity databases in return for immunity for his own crimes?

In September 2018, Laura L Dunn, an advisor to the White House “Not Alone” task force, which was partnered with the University of New Hampshire and the NHCADSV, tweeted congratulations on the settlement agreement reached by AG Gordon MacDonald (David Vicinanzo’s ex-partner from Nixon Peabody) with St Paul’s School following the grand jury criminal investigation. She’d actually been introduced to the trial of NH v Owen Labrie by James F McLaughlin’s protegé, Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin, sometime between June 2014 and March 2015, five months before the high-profile high school sexual assault trial. Laura Dunn had lied about her own case on NHPR in 2010, but the White House, Vice President Joe Biden, the DoJ, and DoE didn’t mind. She was a useful tool. She helped plant the Rolling Stone UVA “A Rape on Campus” fake story by Sabrina Erdeley, who’d previously written a story about a Catholic priest’s sex abuse – which also turned out to be untrue.

The settlement agreement was identical to the one arranged for the Diocese of Manchester in 2002. David Vicinanzo commended the Judge on keeping it private. His client, the NHCADSV, got a contract out of it, and the AG got to install a “compliance” officer (ex-police officer) at the school’s expense. News surrounding this arrangement was lauded by the NHCADSV and others. Allowing the Government to get inside a private Episcopal School was praiseworthy and novel. It would set an example for other private schools around the nation.

The compliance officer implemented a behavior reporting software called which has been criticized by many as being something the Stasi would have approved of. AG Gordon MacDonald knew that James F McLaughlin was on the dishonest police officer list when he was carrying out the grand jury criminal investigation into the school, but he never revealed that knowledge to the public. Instead, he released the settlement agreement just hours after Owen Labrie’s first supreme court appeal was argued and later denied. In September 2019 – the same month Judge Richard McNamara ruled that St Paul’s report should remain private, the NHCADSV published a report which asserted that Gordon MacDonald wanted to increase the number of prosecutions for sexual assault.

Gordon MacDonald also knew about a thriving false accusations industry for lawyers in New Hampshire because, according to Father Gordon MacRae, he’d asked the priest to confess to the sexual assault of males he’d never heard of nor met just so Nixon Peabody could reach a quick settlement.

In November 2019, I ran into S. Daniel Carter, who had been a partner with Laura L Dunn in her non-profit SurvJustice tied to the White House “Not Alone” task force. He admitted to me that the real interest in NH v Owen Labrie was in St Paul’s School as opposed to the framed scholarship student himself. The real interest was in the Diocese of Manchester, not Father Gordon MacRae. Both cases were about power, money, control, and politics.

On reflection, with the news regarding the FBI’s memo about its plans within the Catholic Church, I believe the real goal behind NH v Gordon MacRae and NH v Owen Labrie was a Government goal to get inside the Catholic and Episcopal Institutions. To undermine their religious principles and force them to be subjected to corrupt and greedy Government operatives hiding behind NGOs or Maximus for-profit enterprises. The police didn’t bother going after the State employees at the Youth Detention Center. They didn’t bother going after sex abusers in local public schools. There was no money in those, and they were already under Government control, whereas the private institutions weren’t. But Government-tied extortionists wanted a piece of those pies.

The FBI in Bedford, New Hampshire, and Boston, Massachusetts, seem none too bothered by the extortion rackets of these institutions. Why would they be? Their members might even be complicit in them. Robert Mueller was head of the FBI in 2014 when St Paul’s School was targeted, and Owen Labrie framed. He’d expanded the definition of rape in 2011. He also happened to be an alum of St Paul’s School in the same class as Senator John Kerry.

Neither the Diocese of Manchester nor St Paul’s School seem to have benefitted from the fake “independent” compliance officers who are actually spies. Donald Sullivan, the current compliance officer at St Paul’s School, wrote in a recent report that the information from on student conduct is now entering the ‘analysis phase.” The information is shared with RAINN, which has a contract with the Department of Defense, as does the NHCADSV. It is also shared with the AG’s office. Data on kids in a private religious school. Not exactly what anybody might be interested in except the FBI, the DoD, and the DOJ?

Virtus LLC, started by Edward Arsenault, is used in every Catholic institution for “Protecting God’s Children,” and yet priests undergoing the training program are instructed not to report the use of pornography by other priests. Are the Government’s MK Ultra programs still alive and thriving behind Maximus, Virtus,, and “compliance” officer police state spies?

Thomas Grover was offered financial rewards to accuse Father Gordon MacRae. He was a drug addict, and he was the son of a DCYF employee.

Chessy Prout was offered financial rewards to accuse Owen Labrie. She’d taken “health” leave for downing nail polish remover in an attempt to self-harm.

Like Thomas Grover, she was coached in the courtroom. Useful and malleable tools to frame disposable assets to get at the money and control of Catholic & Episcopal institutions.



Joe Biden & the Crime Bill:

Violence Against Women Act:

VAWA $9 billion in grants:,and%20legal%20assistance%20to%20victims%2C%20among%20other%20programs.

Kids For Cash Scandal:

California Bench, Bar, Media Scandal:

Article mentioning the “club” in New Hampshire’s Bar/judiciary from 1999:

Controlling the Narrative: “Pretrial Publicity Friend or Foe: Advice from the Experts Amanda Grady Sexton (NHCADSV, City of Concord Council member) & Steve Kelly Esq – lead attorney in multiple Does v St. Paul’s School suits & Rappuano & Does v Dartmouth which yielded $14 million of which the NHCADSV was a financial beneficiary to the tune of $2.865 million)—pretrial-publicityfriend-and

Laurie List –

Brady v Maryland/Brady Rule:

Robin Davis:

Michael Conley:

James McLaughlin caught in lies

Records Show Keene Police’s Famed Ex-Detective Caught in Lies

Diocese of Manchester & St Paul’s School Agreement mirror each other:,%E2%80%9Call%20sorts%20of%20false%2C%20damaging%20and%20one-sided%20information.%E2%80%9D

White House strategic partnership with UNH for “Not Alone” task force

Alex Walker tapped as Chair of New Hampshire University System

Alex Walker tapped as University System of NH board chair, new trustees named

Gordon MacDonald defended Purdue Pharma

$3.8 million CMC Kick-back scheme fine

Boston Globe exposes CMC cover ups for medical malpractice

FBI targeted Catholic Church & Christopher Wray lied about it

Maximus Inc

Edward Arsenault – defrocked former priest

Senate Church Committee


James F McLaughlin


Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin receives award

Tulia Drug Bust Revisited

The Tulia Drug Bust revisited

Diocese of Manchester pays for dozens of claims

Dark Money in NH Politics

AG Phil McLaughlin, mentor to Jeanne Shaheen

YDC Abuse Lawsuits survive State’s attempt to dismiss

Attorney who represented church abuse victims (Chuck Douglas) defends State’s YDC settlement plan

Attorney who represented church abuse victims defends state’s YDC settlement plan

10 Ferry Street

More Information for you on Child Trafficking In New Hampshire

1999 US DHHS OIG complaint sent to Kathleen Kerr at NH DCYF

Maximus links to the Catholic Church

Laura L Dunn

Laura Dunn Is an Evil Liar

NH v Owen Labrie Stasi like

Virtus LLC

UPDATE: VIRTUS® same-sex porn encouragement? That would be right.

David Vicinanzo: WASHINGTON (June 5) — Attorney General Janet Reno announced Friday career federal prosecutor David Vicinanzo of New Hampshire will head the Justice Department’s campaign finance task force.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Oliver Anthony – New Song: “Brink of War”

Thu, 2023-08-24 15:00 +0000

Oliver Anthoy’s online viral success must be driving the progressive elites out of their collective mind. Some hick ginger singing about rich men and sh!t wages and how the system doesn’t give a damn about what it’s doing to regular folks. They thought that was their message.

But the last decade, give or take, has seen a paradigm shift. Republicans once thought to be the party of the rich (and still are if you ask your average woke white privileged, latte-drinking, Ivy League liberal), have become the working-class party. It’s awkward, like puberty, but Donald Trump set a flag in the ground when he took trade by the throat and shook it until he’d managed better deals with a few of our “partners.” Made some recalcitrant allies pay their fair share. He kept us out of any new wars the working-class folks pay for with more than just their hard-earned dollars and brokered peace deals instead.

The result was a surge in optimism, jobs, and rising wages across the board. Kids, minorities, women, and even the evil white guys caught a break.

The Democrats dismantled that with their all-in support for COVID fearmongering because politics and power are more important than people, and Donald Trump threatened their machinations. The fallout of Biden’s ascension and the renewed top-down meddling continues to rob everyday Americans of their quality of life, and Oliver Anthony seems to have tapped the vein. Rich Men North of Richmond rocked the internet and the music world (it’s closing in on 40 million views), but Anthony continues to cling to his simple life, at least for now. And maybe that’s for the best. He appears poised to be the voice of a generation, and his most recent release, Brink of War, won’t hurt that ascension one bit.


Well, if it won’t for my old dogs and the good Lord
They’d have me strung up in the psych ward
‘Cause every day livin’ in this new world
Is one too many days to meSon, we’re on the brink of the next world war
And I don’t think nobody’s prayin’ no more
And I ain’t sayin I know it for sure
I’m just down on my kneesBeggin’, Lord, take me home
I wanna go home
I don’t know which road to go
It’s been so long
I just know I didn’t used to wake up feelin’ this way
Cussin’ myself every damn day
There’s always some kind of bill to pay
People just doin’ what the rich men say
I wanna go home

Now four generations farmin’ the ground
Grandson sells it to a man out of town
And two weeks later the trees go down
Only got concrete growin’ around

And I wanna go home
I wanna go home
I don’t know which road to go
It’s been so long
I just know I didn’t used to wake up feelin’ this way
Cussin’ myself every damn day
People have really gone and lost their way
They all just do what the TV say
I wanna go home

If it won’t for my old dogs and the good Lord
They’d have me strung up in the psych ward


The post Oliver Anthony – New Song: “Brink of War” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe and Jill Went Down To Maui – Many Wish They Hadn’t …

Thu, 2023-08-24 13:30 +0000

The President and Dr. Jill interrupted their second vacation this month to travel to Maui to witness the devastation caused by the wildfires two weeks ago. Since the fires, Biden has drawn much criticism for his lack of compassion and interest when asked for comments on the loss of life.

His response of “No Comment” when boarding Marine One on his way to vacation in Delaware drew the ire of many. When he arrived in Maui yesterday, he was met by many lining the streets with “No Comment” signs to echo his words. The residents of Maui were also upset it took two weeks for the President to visit and the lack of Federal response and aid. Biden and his FEMA Secretary claimed every asset available was sent to Maui, but this was rebuked by officials and residents on the island.

Joe made some comments to the media and residents, and this is when he may have gone off script and got himself in trouble with the victims. These people have lost everything, their city reduced to ruins, over 100 confirmed dead, and still hundreds are missing, so the last thing they needed to hear was one of Joe’s fictional stories of personal woe. But that is what he gave them.

Nearly twenty years ago, Biden’s home in Delaware was struck by lightning. A small fire ignited in the kitchen area. Firefighters responded, and the fire was extinguished in twenty minutes with no individuals ever in harm’s way. There have been many Biden iterations of this story over the years, but none come close to the real story.

He attempted to identify with the Maui victims by telling his tragic tale. In his version, the house was nearly burned to the ground, he almost lost his wife to the flames, his cat was nearly killed, and the clincher, his ’67 Corvette, was practically destroyed. But apparently, Joe keeps his beloved Vette in the kitchen along with boxes of Confidential documents!

Even this exaggerated version does not equate to the losses incurred by the residents of Lahaina. Many of these people still await word on missing loved ones, and hearing Joe’s cat was in danger was not comforting. Nor were the comments that he wished he had worn boots as the heat from the charred turf was burning through his shoes.

Joe and Jill are now back at Lake Tahoe to resume their vacation. Many in Maui wish the President had given them the same treatment he gave to East Palestine or our Southern Border and stayed away. Their fear is this was a photo-op for the President and not a serious mission to see the damage and commit federal aid to get these people’s lives back in order. They cannot replace the lost property and are still wondering about the extent of lost lives, but they know the $700 per household promised by the President better not be his best effort at aid. That is not aid but an insult.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karen Covidiot Has Returned and They/Them are Coming to Mask You

Thu, 2023-08-24 12:00 +0000

As you ponder why they expect you to get “vaccines” for fast-mutating COVID variants that will make them as equally ineffective as previous “strains” of vaccine, Karen Covidiot is also raising the specter of mandatory back-to-school masking.

Rutgers has a mask and vax mandate for the fall, and others are certain to follow. They can’t help themselves.

Mask-mandate fever has also struck Hollywood, which has no writers, so I guess they need to pretend at something, and it is a progressive  “virus” that will spread.


Lionsgate is requiring employees who physically work at its headquarters in Santa Monica to wear masks at all times when in the building, effective immediately, except when alone in an enclosed office or large open workspace. In addition, employees are required to submit to daily COVID testing and to report the results to the company, according to an internal memo obtained by Deadline.


Before we get too far down the rabbit hole, is this a good time to ask Governor Sununu to take a break from trying to narrow the Republican field for President to draft a few Emergency orders? He was fast and loose with the things when they took rights away; this might be a good chance to repair some of that damage. Leave office looking like a Republican instead of some left-wing fear-mongering stooge.

Prohibit mandatory masking statewide.

Sadly, that won’t happen. His Excellency will lean on his very selective local control narrative to avoid controversy, and since you can’t get the AG or a judge in this state to put your constitutional rights above the collective power of COVID mob rule, places like Hanover (Dartmouth), Durham (UNH), Plymouth (Univerity of) and Keene (State College) will line up to follow Rutgers.

A mind of your own is, after all, a terrible thing.

I’m sure there is a plethora of hand-wringing and chin-stroking underway as the fall semester looms. How many masks should they wear?

Hospitals, which control nearly every corner of Health Care in the Granite State, and possibly your state too, will embrace the fear and mandates (if they ever gave them up). Casual office visits from primary care to specialty and even dentistry will require your embrace of pandemic virtue signaling. No mask, no service.

Biden Inc. is printing another billion or two to pay for “free vaccines” that the Public Health Industrial Complex has had to admit are not effective (like masks aren’t either), but money doesn’t launder itself.

On a brighter note, booster uptake had declined precipitously, and if you’ve been out and about, the number of masked outlaws decreased to perhaps less than one percent. You still see the odd elder or dopey young person wearing them in the summer heat, no less, but they are few and far between. The side-effects of policy are still, if not fresh, lingering as less than happy memories. It won’t be as easy as the first time, but admissions by experts of policy and prescriptive failures will be quickly swept under the nearest rug when the time comes.

And you won’t get much help from the machine media. They’ve got very little in the way of actual truth in their archives or an inclination to share it. Most of them were too busy cashing ad checks to do any real reporting, but you’ve got options. We’re still here, and “old Satan Claus, Jimmy, he’s out there.” And he’s just getting stronger. Be prepared.

Election integrity is the thing they want to mask, and they mean to do it.



The post Karen Covidiot Has Returned and They/Them are Coming to Mask You appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: DOJ Announces New Training Efforts Following WH Cocaine Debacle

Thu, 2023-08-24 10:30 +0000

After a lengthy and thorough investigation of the mysterious bag of cocaine found at the White House the Department of Justice has fallen under scrutiny for their lack of success in finding either DNA or fingerprints on the contraband.

The “dime bag” of narcotic substance was found in a “non-working” area of the White House that has been under construction for some time.  After discovering it during a routine sweep of the area the Secret Service immediately inspected the bag for identifying markers.  Initial lab reports came back positive for cocaine hydrochloride, however the plastic bag it was contained in yielded neither finger prints nor any traces of DNA.

“It must have fallen out of the sky” asserted long-time Secret Serviceman Stevie Wondersaloud.  After several hours of investigating the theory it was concluded the roof of the White House as well as the first, second, and third floors along with the basement ceiling in the room where it was found make it physically impossible.

Another of the agents suggested an examination of that day’s five hundred visitors to see if any were named Tony Montana, Michael Irvin or known Pixie’s.  After their new $4.5 billion A.I. robot ran through the illegal database developed by the National Security Agency for spying on Americans yielded no results the world’s finest and most well-funded investigative apparatus was dumbfounded.

A member of the press suggested the cocaine perhaps belonged to one of the residents, son of the current President and long-time cocaine user, Hunter Biden who was living there at the time.

When asked “Has anyone thought maybe Hunter might have left it there?” White House press talker-person Karine Jean-Pierre answered ironically “That is an irresponsible question that I won’t dignify by answering”.  She then defended the first family by pointing out they were away the day it was found and remained on vacation the three days thereafter in order to pad Joe Biden’s lead for most vacation time taken by a sitting president.

Thinking outside of the box of normal ethical practices has become a calling card of the current DOJ, which is why they decided to ask Hunter Biden directly if in fact it was his cocaine.  After snorting some of the sample offered to him by the agents he assured it absolutely was not his cocaine as it was clearly cut with baking soda, not the pure Colombian Bam-Bam he buys, and they should “go see Shady Pete on 17th and Commerce street who is known for pulling that crap.”

Incredulity from the press, politicians and the public mounted as they pointed out the intelligence communities ability to find Osama Bin Laden in the nether regions of Pakistan, can contact trace a virus in a third grader on their way to piano lessons, and use camera footage to find every suspected insurrectionist at the January 6th stolen-election party.  One person who pointed out there are security cameras in every room in the White House was told they were the same ones used by the Manhattan prison where Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

In an effort to redouble the department’s investigative efforts the DOJ has announced they will be requiring all personnel to commit to weekly training videos featuring “Where’s Waldo” “Dora the Explorer” and old episodes of “The Pink Panther”.


The post Bananas: DOJ Announces New Training Efforts Following WH Cocaine Debacle appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

To the Special Commission Regarding Mandating Electric Vehicles (EV’s) In Maine.

Thu, 2023-08-24 01:30 +0000

First, let me say that this is not a decision for an unelected body. This is a decision to be made by the citizens of the state of Maine in a state-wide referendum.

We want to thank Howard Coffman for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

This issue is so critical that not even the governor or legislature should make the final decision. This issue deserves to be decided by Maine voters, who will have to live with the consequences of their decision. Government should then implement the will of the people.

As a Maine resident, taxpayer, and property owner, I am completely opposed to both of these proposals. I chose to live in Maine because of its lifestyle. I didn’t come here to be told what technology my vehicle has to use.

I wonder if you realize that you are being used as political bait, as someone who is expendable, disposable, and considered collateral damage by the self-serving people who placed you on the commission. A quick observation: in life, as in film, all bait is either discarded or eaten.

Politicians and bureaucrats have granted themselves “plausible deniability” and “arms-length” involvement in the decision-making process because of your participation, goodwill, and intent.

They will now say, “The Commission recommended it. I am only following their lead.” In this way, they will experience minimal political consequences and let the expendable commission members suffer the guaranteed-to-be consequences. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished.

Elected officials have indemnification against acts they perform in their official capacity. I know this to be true from my time serving on a school board. I introduced the standardized and commonly used policy myself. It was one of the few unanimous votes our board ever had.

I am not sure if indemnification extends to you as a commission member. I encourage you to personally verify how limited your exposure is politically, legally, professionally, and financially.

You do realize that whatever your decision, it will likely be litigated, and you will become involved in a time-consuming and expensive legal process. Just ask Trump!

Your best choice is to deny the proposals for the many safety reasons cited below.

Your smart and best political choice that protects your integrity and credibility is one that recommends no action until a ballot question is decided by Maine voters. I ask that you enable our democratic process and not allow the clever use of a citizen petition process to force another lifestyle mandate upon the citizenry. Mandated EVs are not in Maine’s best interest.

Here are my seven reasons why I am opposed to mandatory EVs in Maine.

1. The existing regional grid cannot support the existing electrical load,

– let alone the substantial increase in demand required by EVs. Without significant investment in electric power generation capacity, any mandate to EVs will fail.

Living in rural Maine as I do, I have found the existing electrical service lacking in reliability. So much so that I have had to purchase a standby generator. Just two weeks ago, my generator must have engaged two or three times in one day. This was in the summer, not after a major snow or ice storm that often causes infrastructure damage. Outages of two or three days are common.

Power grid failure results in a loss. Combined with proposals to prohibit the use of wood stoves, oil, natural gas, and propane, these increasing and substantial demands on the electric power grid will collapse the infrastructure. People will die, property will be damaged, businesses will fail and people won’t be able to work, and schools will be closed – again.

2. Maine is a very large state.

Piscataquis County, where I live, is larger than the State of Connecticut! Such a large area cannot be served by battery-powered vehicles. Just about everything up here is transported via diesel-powered trucks. The engine torque required to haul equipment, logs, and food simply cannot be accomplished with battery-powered vehicles, especially given the differentiating elevation and topography. Life, as we know it, will end.

This situation further degrades in cold weather when batteries simply cannot maintain their charge. This has been a long-term issue with any battery. The colder it is, the less time the charge is maintained, and the sooner the battery, in this case, a vehicle, loses power and stops.

The following article was published on Saturday, August 19th, 2023. The beginning of the article is below. This article highlights the reality that Ford electric pickup trucks, as currently built, are inadequate to replace their gas-powered predecessor vehicles. Here is the link to the full article.

3. The dirty little secret about EVs is that they rely on fossil fuels for their electricity.

While EVs claim to have no tailpipe emissions, the fact, and dirty little secret, is that the electricity they consume is generated by fossil fuels, hydropower, or nuclear power. A grid powered by solar and wind is still in its infancy and is not reliable, especially here in Maine.

Texas wind energy producer article on massive price increases due to low wind conditions.

Nebraska solar farm destroyed by a hailstorm.

4. Electric Vehicles are not safe and at high risk of fire and extensive property damage.

EV fires are not easily extinguished and can start in stationary or moving vehicles at any time.

The batteries used in EV’s are lithium-based. Essentially there is a lithium solution contained in each battery cell that makes up a battery. Depending on the battery capacity, there could be 2,000 individual cells in a single battery.

If one cell leaks, ruptures, or gets damaged, the risk of fire is extremely high. If the vehicle is involved in an accident, there really is no way of knowing the extent of damage to the battery.

The Felicity Ace was the first cargo ship carrying EVs that caught fire in February 2022. It was intentionally sunk to put out the fire. The cargo ship and its cargo were a total loss. How do you measure the environmental impact? The monetary loss was 500 million dollars.

In July of 2023, a second ship transporting electric vehicles caught fire.

I can tell you, as a volunteer firefighter who has been briefed on lithium battery fires, that our policy is to contain the fire and prevent the fire from spreading and let the vehicle burn. Towing companies don’t want to transport EVs because of the risk of the fire restarting.

EV fires require an enormous amount of water to contain. And even when you think the fire is out, they are at risk of burning again without warning, even days later.

For perspective: our fire truck is called a “pumper.” We bring approximately 1,000 gallons of water to every fire call. This sized truck is typical for rural volunteer fire departments as they can navigate two-lane and dirt roads. The pumps can move 1,000 gallons a MINUTE! Without a steady supply of water, they empty very quickly and put the entire area at risk. It’s the brush/ground fires that rural firefighters fear the most. An EV fire on a remote road away from water presents a catastrophic situation for any fire department.

Here is an article that states up to 30,000 to 40,000 gallons of water are needed to put out a burning Tesla automobile in a parking lot. That is the equivalent of 40 truckloads of water to a remote road.

Why would anyone mandate electric vehicles knowing that this is likely to happen based on documented past experience? It makes no sense to require EVs, especially in rural areas.

In a training session, we were shown a video of an e-bike parked in a garage that burst into flame from likely being overcharged. The entire house was engulfed in flames in just about two minutes. This was an e-bike battery, not an electric vehicle or truck, which could start a fire of a much larger scale, especially in a garage, shed, or under an inhabited space.

Here is a video of an e-bike fire in The Bronx, New York.



5. EVs cost more to buy and insure compared to equivalent gas-powered vehicles.

Consumer Reports published this article in April 2023.

The higher insurance cost is largely due to the expense of battery replacement which causes the vehicles to be considered total losses and deemed not repairable. EV’s also take longer to repair and therefore have hight labor costs for repairs.

6. EV battery disposal and recycling is not an easy task and has the likely consequence of severe environmental impact.

Unlike lead-acid batteries, the chemistry and components of EV batteries differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. This presents a complex recycling situation. It gets more complex if an EV battery is damaged and at risk of fire.

The following article in the Washington Post of June 18, 2023, discusses this issue.

7. Lithium is the new oil and is subject to political and economic issues and the inherent instability that goes with it.

Here is an article that addresses the impact in Latin America.

This article addresses the lithium mines in China and their local environmental impact. It should also be noted that mining lithium is similar to open-air pit mining of coal. Huge holes in the ground are constructed, and the earth is hauled away for processing. Lithium shares similar environmental issues to coal mining.

In closing, the decision to mandate EVs will change our way of life. It will fundamentally alter our economy, but not for the better. The risk of a car bursting into flames will be next to you in a supermarket parking lot. Not a good idea. What could go wrong? We already know the answer!

I moved here to enjoy the four-season experience in Maine. I came here to retire and live a life in a remote area without a dense population and government overreach. The 2020 census in my town was 132 people.

I can tell you that a decision to mandate EVs will cause many to leave the state, myself included. Your decision will force me to alter my retirement plans and negate the investments I have made in my property and my community.

EVs are not ready for prime time. To mandate them is to doom the future of Maine for our children and their progeny.


Howard Coffman
Bowerbank, Maine

The post To the Special Commission Regarding Mandating Electric Vehicles (EV’s) In Maine. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“How Coffee Shops Track Customers and Employees

Thu, 2023-08-24 00:00 +0000

There are times when I wander around some non-political sites just to see if I can find anything interesting to use here. Most of the time, actually the vast majority of the time, it’s a resounding “No!”.

However, this caught my interest as who would have thought that a rather low-tech establishment would be using high-tech to surveil its customers and employees?

A loop:



I’ve known that high-tech firms will monitor keystrokes and screen flips, time on the phone, time on other sites, and watch web traffic, but I never knew that they would use such to count coffee cups.

And those pesky customers like right in front of the coffee prep area – an hour and a quarter sipping a cup? OK, I know – I’m assuming that which is not in evidence. But what happens when it goes to 2 hours – a James Bond-style ejection seat? The bottom half of the electric chair?  After all, this seems like a rather small shop from this angle, and that’s several “turns” that the owner will never get back.  Is this like the overweight dude that stays at the local buffet for four hours?

I do wonder, however, how the employees get “jump-started” at the start of a shift. Do they have to stare up into the camera so that the system gets its “morning fixation,” Or do their lovely name badges now have RFID chips? Or just some guy marking a screen and then letting the system do the later heavy lifting? It’s hard to tell which but it is clear that the employee movement is being tracked carefully.

And do the employees know it? And are the customers giving their consent

(HT: 9Gag)


The post “How Coffee Shops Track Customers and Employees appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Are Watching the First Republican Debate …

Wed, 2023-08-23 23:30 +0000

I’d rather eat glass than sit through a debate, so I won’t be providing cutting-edge commentary on tonight’s circus. I will, however, be happy to post your thoughts and comments if you send them to me.

Short, long, send an op-ed, or just a quick email. Let me know how you’d like to be identified in your email, or I’ll just use your email handle (nothing after the @).

I’m sure it’s going to be great fun, but I have a burning desire to descale my Keurig, and I have a feeling that’s going to take a while.

I look forward to your observations, which we’ll publish together, assuming anyone sends them.

Maybe you’d rather eat glass, too.

Note: Post-debate commentary on post-debate commentary is something I will do if I feel compelled to do so.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The GOP-Swamp Cares ONLY About Destroying Trump

Wed, 2023-08-23 22:30 +0000

Here is what should be obvious … painfully obvious … by this point. The GOP-swamp, the GOP-elites, the GOP-establishment … whatever you want to call them … have much, much more in common with the Biden-regime than they have in common with GOP voters. Stated slightly differently, the GOP swamp-creatures … Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Sun-King Chris Sununu, Kelly Ayotte, etc., etc., etc. … despise, detest, loathe GOP voters just as much as the Biden-regime does. THEY HATE TRUMP BECAUSE THEY HATE US.

The GOP-swamp’s imperative, mission, cause is wresting control of the GOP from Trump (and thereby from us) and returning it to themselves. So they can return to their grift. Defeating the Biden-regime with “their” nominee is merely extra icing on the cake.

But just keep pretending that we are all on the same team. Keep pretending that there are only two parties … when the reality is there are three because the GOP is really two parties: the GOP-swamp and the GOP voters.

The post The GOP-Swamp Cares ONLY About Destroying Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Outside Money and Influence in the Rockingham Dist. 1 State Representative Special Election?

Wed, 2023-08-23 21:00 +0000

I was sitting at home Sunday afternoon with the TV on while preparing my Sunday sermon to be uploaded onto our church’s YouTube channel. Then all of a sudden, I see Hal Rafter, my Democratic opponent on my TV screen.

I did a double take, and sure enough, it was a political commercial addressing our General Election on Sept. 19th. During the next round of commercials, sure enough, Hal was back on, and this time I was able to record it on my phone. Let me share with you this, and I quote:

“All the issues that you care about are on the ballot: reproductive choice – climate change – and education. We came within ten votes in November, so every vote really does count.”

What I find concerning about this ad, and it should also concern the voters of Northwood and Nottingham, is this. Nowhere in this ad does Hal say that he wants to represent the people of District 1 at the State House in Concord. Hal’s implication is that he will represent a political agenda in the State House rather than the people of our great community of District 1. I am committed to representing the principles and values of the fine people of our community. I will be YOUR voice at the State House in Concord.

Yes – I am pro-life, and “reproductive choice” is not on the ballot. There is already a law on the books concerning abortion. I am against the “new green deal.” I do not believe all of our vehicles ought to be electric, and we need to remove our gas stoves and heating systems from our homes. I believe our educational dollars ought to follow our children, and parents have “rights” concerning the education of their kids. I also believe these are the common-sense values and principles held by those who reside in Northwood and Nottingham. It is clear from this ad that Hal Rafter will support a political agenda and not the principles and values of our community. I do agree with one thing Mr. Rafter said – every vote will count on September 19th. I want to remind our Northwood residents that our polling location has changed for this election. Northwood’s voting location will be the Town Hall in the main hall. If you are unable to vote in person, please get an absentee ballot from the Town Clerks’ office.

Are outsiders trying to influence our district’s election? Well, if you are a resident of Northwood, you may have received political postcards from New Jersey and Georgia. One of the fundamental principles of an election is that the people of that district get to choose a local resident to represent them. For too long, outsiders have been trying to impact and sway our district’s election. It is time we all stand up – get out and vote – and elect a representative of and for the people. I would consider it an honor to serve and represent you as your next State Representative for Rockingham District 1.
James Guzofski

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Transgender Policy JBAB Hunt: This Time, It’s Milford

Wed, 2023-08-23 19:30 +0000

Someone asked me to look into this a bit ago – another School District believing it could override the US and NH Constitution and numerous court decisions. It’s the same problem I fought for over two years and finally won in having my School Board.

That they couldn’t simply do what some Transgender Activists groups (The Trevor Project and GLSEN) demanded and make people “accept and confirm” their sexuality as adults and indoctrinate children as young as kindergartners.

Seriously – kids who are still potty-training in some cases and the Trans-Authoritarian set want to sexualize them at the K-3 ages? That’s grooming – and complacent school boards appear no longer willing to protect the innocence of the children placed into their care by unsuspecting Parents.

So, another Right To Know was launched based on the same Principle: where, in Law, can they do such things?

August 22, 2023

RE: Right to Know Request per RSA-91A: Legal basis for Milford’s Policy JBAB

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive…The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government…


In order to hold such “officers of government are their substitutes and agents”, there are incidents of outright lawbreaking and incidents of ethics complaints by which normal citizens are held responsible to use to “at all times” keep such people “accountable to them.

It is clear that SAU40’s Policy JBAB ( is unconstitutional and illegal in two areas:

1) IV. GUIDANCE C. Names/Pronouns

“A student has the right to be addressed by a name and pronoun that corresponds to the student’s gender identity.”

2) IV. GUIDANCE A. Privacy

School personnel should not disclose information that may reveal a student’s transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation to others, including parents and other school personnel, unless legally required to do so or unless the student has authorized such disclosure.

New Hampshire is a Dillon’s Rule State as opposed to a Home Rule State. The latter means that a subdivision of the State, in which a school board is a mere subdivision of the State, can enact rules, regulations, and ordinances as long as they don’t violate any State or Federal laws.

The former, however, strictly proscribes what a subdivision of a State can or cannot do. Thus, a subdivision’s actions must comport with enumerating / authorizing Laws duly passed by the State. Multiple court cases have affirmed this point of Law.


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records for Citizen complaints against NH State Government staff members:

  • To Item #1, above, that declaration concerning compelled speech, can be translated as:

In this Dillon’s Rule State, where does this mere subdivision of the State gain the Power (governments have Powers, Individuals have Rights) to grant a new Right to a minor child to coerce the speech of others and that it has the Power to subvert the First Amendment’s Freedom of Speech as well as the NH Constitution’s Article 2

Thus, given that many of the District’s other Policies cite specific NH State Statutes (“RSAs”) and/or Department of Education Rules (having the force of Law) and that your Policy JBAB has no such citation(s) allowing this Dillon’s Rule State subdivision to act in such a manner, produce such Governmental records (e.g., RSA(s) supporting the District’s actions in this matter.

  • To Item #2 above, given that a “lie” can be accomplished either by commission (deliberately stating an untruth to deliberately mislead others) or by omission (withholding information so as to mislead others), Item #2 can be translated as:

In this Dillon’s Rule State, where does this mere subdivision of the State gain the Power to force/mandate that its Staff either directly lie (“commission”) to its students’ Parents about their child’s gender dysphoria/transgender status simply to make the Board members feel good about themselves? Or by withholding information (“omission”) so as to deflect, misdirect, or misinform a student’s Parents?

Thus, given that that your Policy JBAB has no such citation(s) allowing this subdivision to act in such a manner, produce such Governmental records (e.g. State RSA(s) supporting the District’s actions in this matter.

If this cannot be fulfilled within that 5 business day mandated window per RSA 91-A:2, II, please advise when the Responsive Record(s) will be made available.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption (RSA 91-A:5) used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Additional: It is not up to the Requester to be made to look up the subjects or materials that are the focus of this Right To Know (e.g., from the Respondent: “here’s the URL so do the search yourself”). It is the responsibility of the Respondent to fully supply all demanded materials.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such Responsive Records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails, query files, policies) which may have been deleted from respective local hardcopy or software systems but are still available on the applicable servers or in application or archival system(s) either in-house or hosted.

Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at If the volume is turns out to be substantial, I’ll be happy to supply a backup drive sufficient to hold all of your responsive records.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy

I really hope that this isn’t going to take another two years but, you know…


The post The Transgender Policy JBAB Hunt: This Time, It’s Milford appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Really Care About Donald Trump, Don’t Let Him Be the Republican Nominee

Wed, 2023-08-23 18:00 +0000

Many Donald Trump supporters I have had conversations and interactions with share an intense feeling of being cheated over what took place in 2020 that can only be assuaged by running – and this time winning – a Trump/Biden rematch in 2024.

While I share the anger and frustration stemming from the multiple injustices inflicted on the former president (and Republicans in general) over the past seven years, I respectfully disagree as to that remedy. A Trump candidacy in 2024 is not the best thing for the country, the Republican Party, or, for that matter, Donald Trump.

In order for justice to be meted out, Republicans need to re-claim all of the internal administrative levers of power necessary to reform the DOJ, the FBI, and other problematic areas of the federal bureaucracy, as well as, from the former president’s perspective, having someone in place to pardon him should that become necessary. This, of course, requires winning the presidency.

And let’s be honest, a man who is a 100 percent known commodity, who the voters have long ago made up their minds about, who lost his last bid for the same office, who is spending all of his campaign donations on legal expenses instead of campaigning, who has an approval rating in the 30’s, and a recent poll showed 53 percent of voters would not vote for him under any circumstances does not represent our best chance to win the upcoming presidential election.

Moreover, in addition to the presidency, Republicans must win back the Senate (as well as increasing – and not losing — their bare majority in the House), which is critical for confirming key presidential appointments, controlling the committees that have the power to investigate the crimes and potential crimes that have been perpetrated over the past several years, and passing any kind of a conservative legislative agenda.

And, again, let’s be honest. Donald Trump does not have a stellar track record when it comes to picking winning candidates and/or helping others win elections. With Trump as the head of the Party, Republicans lost the House in 2018, lost the Senate and the presidency in 2020, and in what should have been a wave Republican year in 2022, woefully underperformed, especially in Senate races. Another round of Hershel Walkers, Blake Masters, Dr. Ozs, etc. would be a disaster for the Party, the country, and the former president.

In 2020, Republicans lost the Senate largely because Donald Trump allowed his feud with the Georgia governor and secretary of state to overshadow, spill into, and negatively impact the two special runoff elections we needed to win to keep the US Senate in Republican control. The consequences of that failure were humongous.

It delayed, for example, any serious investigations into the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and hence the Biden family bribery scandal by two years until the Republicans were able to re-claim a house majority – barely – in 2022.

It also killed any chance of investigations into the very voting irregularities Trump was upset about to begin with, as well as the “Russia-gate” fraud, censorship of conservatives by social media companies, etc. It made it impossible for Republicans to stop the Biden Administration and the Democrats from passing their own devastating slate of legislative priorities, such as extended Covid lockdowns, the fraudulently named Inflation Reduction Act, and undoing Donald Trump’s own positive legacy on issues like border control and energy independence.

Too often the man gets in his own way and is his own worst enemy. Trump did, after all, appoint Christopher Wray to run the FBI taking advice from Chris Christie, no less! If there is any evidence that he has learned from these mistakes, that his judgement has improved, or that he has grown more disciplined as a result, I have not yet seen it.

I want to see the people who have abused the law and our institutions to mistreat Republicans, our agenda, and our country brought to justice. But, like the lawyer who has himself for a client, I am not convinced at this point in time Donald Trump is the right person to do this job.

So, as the other Republican candidates take the stage tomorrow night, I will be looking to see, first and foremost, who has the potential to appeal to a majority of American voters and win. Additionally, who has shown the ability to bring coattails to elections and help other conservatives win as well. Who can think and operate strategically not just for themselves but as the leader of a team. Who has a vision for the country that will turn us back toward small, constitutional government, and the managerial abilities to execute this vision through a series of policy successes.

Too much is at stake for this election to be about anything other than winning a broad mandate for a conservative policy agenda. If Republicans lose the House and fail to win the Senate in 2024 because the nominee for president drags down the ticket, all the investigations into the crimes of the past seven years go away, probably forever, and justice will never be served. Worse the agenda our country needs to heal itself will never have a chance to be implemented. In fact, quite the opposite — as we have witnessed over the past three years.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank.

The post If You Really Care About Donald Trump, Don’t Let Him Be the Republican Nominee appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-08-23 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And there will be a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





From a Telegram contact:

German advertising billboard reads: “Future or climate killer?”

They’re encouraging the native to stop breeding and importing millions of third world men.

You still think it’s all a “conspiracy theory”?



More on the Great Replacement and migration in general:



About Sweden in particular:

Swedish rape crisis – INSANE court ruling! (



It was observed that this girl may also be an illegal.  That doesn’t mean she deserved to be raped or murdered.  MHO?  Execute this vermin by decapitation, then mount the skull on a pike at the border.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Until there’s a forest of skulls, gleaming in the sun blindingly, as a lesson to the next illegals what happens when you break our laws to come in.  And MHO again?  Add in the skulls of the government officials and NGO staffers that are aiding this.  And a personal request: Can I please please please be the one who “does” Barbara Spectre?



My reaction when I first heard her words here.  And my taking my fellow Jews to task on their pro-migration stance:

An Open Letter to Pro-Migration / SJW Jews – Urban Scoop

A little more about Spectre (bolding added):

If she’s a Leftist, then her work for multiculturalism won’t really be done as a Jew; but as a Leftist or Left-Liberal. Most Leftist Jews are not Jews in a religious sense or in a cultural sense. And, obviously, they aren’t pro-Israel either. Thus they are only Jewish by blood — just like Chomsky. And if blood doesn’t matter, as Leftists claim, then they have no right to speak for Jews, when they talk about Israel. They are contradicting their own anti-racism and their criticisms of other people’s focus on race or blood. Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are no more or less Jewish than George Bush or Mike Tyson. Most Leftist/Marxist Jews have rejected — despite what the Nazis claim — just about every aspect of Jewish culture, religion, and history, as well as Israel.

IF she’s a Leftist?  I’ll bet every penny I have that she is.

And while this article is from 2019, the comments are spot-on: Jews helping to import people from anti-Semitic parts of the world.  Jewicidal Yidiots!


Immigration has to stop!









If Hawaii, which typically votes “D”, continues to do so – you get what you deserve IMHO.




Already writing The Potato out of the script, I see.  And this is an interesting take on the Dem future:

WaPo columnist: If Biden retires and Harris doesn’t get nominated, watch out – HotAir





So what to make of this shipping bottleneck?

Huge backlog of 200 ships are stuck trying to enter the Panama Canal as they wait WEEKS amid slowed traffic due to drought: Delays set to wipe $200M off profits and cause spike in US grocery and parcel prices | Daily Mail Online




Back in the 2007 time frame I was at a NH GOP event with Dr. Paul as one of the candidates, with him actually present.  Now let me state that from an ideological standpoint I like him a lot, though I do believe the capital-L Libertarian doctrine is more than a little naïve in terms of national defense, for one example.  But he failed to say even a single word of reproach to his enthusiastic fans who were loud & quite frankly quite boorish, interrupted other speakers, etc.  From that I came away as distinctly uninterested in him politically – can’t even control a small group who would have listened to him with rapt attention.






Are you to the Right of Stalin?  Understand that the Left views you as an enemy… and potentially soon, an enemy to be harassed and punished by the legal system.

MSNBC Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: “This is an indictment of the people who voted for Trump” – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

This is saying to you Americans “vote the way we tell you or face the consequences. If we can come after a former president this hardcore, we could come after you, and you stand no chance.”

The Trump Indictments Are Blunt Demonstrations Of Power (

This is about power — who has it, and who doesn’t. The people at the top are trying to tell you, the masses under them, that they can do whatever they want to you, at any time, and there’s nothing you can do to fight back. Just look what they’re doing to Trump, a former president. If they can do that to him, imagine what they can do to you.

Why do the words of JFK Jr. come to mind as the Left systematically thwarts millions of people from having a say?



Now understand, I am not advocating violent revolution.  I just fear that – more and more – it’s becoming inevitable.  The switch is getting close to being thrown…



And for no other reason than because we all wanted to be left alone, and they said no.



Actually, it’s not just being left alone.  They really do believe themselves to be on a higher level, made from “finer clay”, and thus entitled to tell us what to do.



Remember how easily the sheeple turned on you because you didn’t wear a face diaper or refused an experimental gene therapy.  They’ll do the same once you are tarred with “MAGA”.
















And we STILL don’t have the manifesto from the Nashville shooter made public.




Sorry if this is a bit of an “eye chart” – I’ve got it as big as it gets.



Well played, that last one!




Covid, Jab, etc.:


Requirement to wear masks in hospitals may have had little impact on COVID-19 transmission during omicron wave (

Don’t forget the 2 boys (Gill et al.) who were found dead in their beds, 3 & 4 days after receiving 2nd dose of Pfizer’s mRNA technology COVID vaccine; “Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in 2 (

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse?  ⋆ Brownstone Institute




Why so hard to resist?  Dopamine and the pleasure hits you get when you comply.

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop







On this last one, also a video:


With the text from the Telegram channel where I got this saying (bolding added):

The promotion of the new 793 variant of CONvid is gaining momentum across the planet. The number of publications on this topic has been growing exponentially in recent days. Information appears on the network that new lockdowns and other “sanitary measures” are waiting for Europe in mid-September. The population of the planet will again try to intimidate with a runny nose so that it agrees to put on muzzles again and stay at home. And when we remember that in less than a week (August 25) the law on disinformation on the Internet comes into force in the EU, which will oblige the media, social networks and platforms with video content to remove all publications that contradict the main narrative, we can conclude that we are waiting for a new rich round of intimidation and propaganda. As the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed.

On that last… another Telegram contact told me that a bitchute channel they regularly follow – they’re in Europe – is now blocked.  Only by VPN setting to the US can they see it.

So, basically, prepare to be bombarded endlessly about the need for more Jabs, and masks, and lockdowns… and depending where you live, anything you post to the contrary will be removed by force of law.  And now, consider one variant’s name:



They NEED chaos to hit, and hard – whether a virus, war, economy, etc.  For only then – desperate and starving – will these words be prophetic:


(Link to AZQuotes per their policy.)



Don’t just have another Jab.  Get two for good measure.  And eat a choline-rich diet for at least a month before you do.  Better: take choline supplements too.




Plopping Jews





The Coming Tyranny / Great Reset (Broad) – links and memes




UK government’s nefarious chemtrail programme EXPOSED – The Expose (

How to Prep for a Cyberattack (


Avoiding a cashless society



I make it a point to pay cash whenever possible.  The only time I use my card is when I don’t plan well and run out.  Speaking of CBDCs:

The Brazilian Central Bank Goes LIVE with a CBDC (


“It’s absolutely catastrophic. Nobody ever voted for this. People are not allowed to use their cars outside of their 15 minute ‘zone’ more than 100 times per year. The idea is essentially to stop you travelling wherever you want.”

Red Meat Allergies from Tick Bites Are on the Rise (

How… convenient.  Do not doubt me on this: maggot burgers, cricket chips, and sustainable algae cakes – not to mention their 3D-printed lab-grown tumor meat – will not be affected by this new “allergy”.





“Climate Change” – links and memes



Note the date.  Don’t forget the CNN guy caught on secret camera saying that “climate” would be the next scare.  And now…





This one is important.  It shows how measurements are differing from models.  And I remember – but alas didn’t save – a NASA scientist saying that the data needed to be tweaked to make it comport better with the models.

No.  No no no no no.  That’s not how science works.  Observations trump models.  Period.

Also note the start date.  The earth was noticeably cooling from the 1930s (very high points in the data) to the mid-1970’s.  So they’re starting the graph precisely when the decline in temperatures turned around and started up again.















Pick of the post:


Many good ones this entry, but this is the winner IMHO.



They never think it will come for them.  Until it does.  This happens time after time after time in history.




Larry Elder SCHOOLS Woke Liberals | Larry Elder



And another by him (link only):

Debunking The ‘Trump is a Racist’ Myth | Larry Elder – YouTube




Palate cleansers:



The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Erased The Border And Sold The Wall

Wed, 2023-08-23 15:00 +0000

We still believed in sovereignty and securing our Borders when Donald Trump was President. The equipment was purchased to build a Border Wall, the materials were delivered, and the contracts were signed. Illegal Border crossings were at an all-time low, and the Border Patrol and ICE Agents were respected.

Then came January 20, 2021, and President Joe Biden took office and began to dismantle America. One of the first actions by President Biden was to stop the construction of the Wall and cancel the signed contracts. The materials were stored in the Texas Desert to rot, and the locks were taken off the locks to open the floodgates of millions of illegal immigrants. On his first day, President Biden canceled our sovereignty and dashed the future hopes of most Americans.

Texas Governor Abbott has been evaluating all possibilities to ease the pressure and danger of illegal immigration on his state and residents. One of his options was to purchase the abandoned equipment from the Federal Government and for Texas to complete the Wall. It seemed like a good idea for all. The equipment would be used. The Federal government would recoup their expense, and the Border would be recovered. To which the President cried out, Not so fast there, folks. I’m having a flea market sale this weekend and selling all that surplus material.

The House of Representatives and the State of Texas are working on a transfer of the equipment and Texas cash so Texas can resume the Wall construction. Biden is selling off the abandoned fence components for pennies on the dollar as a preemptive move. If the material disappears, then no entity will be building the Wall, which is precisely what Biden and the Democrats want. The geographical Border states are under attack, and they have the right, and the obligation, to protect their territory and people.

One of the tools used by Governor Abbott is the floating fences running down the middle of the Rio Grande. These large armored rubber “balls” create a barrier above and below the surface, making them very effective in preventing illegal river crossings. These effectively prevent illegals from physically touching Texas/United States land. This tool works for Texas, so the Biden Administration is suing Texas for illegally blocking territorial waters. Texas must stop using this floating barrier and remove all existing sections if successful.

Can it be any clearer that Joe Biden and most Democrats do not want a secure Border or any obstacles preventing illegals from entering the United States? Like the bogus Inflation and Employment numbers, Joe Biden is manipulating the Immigration numbers. Biden claims there has been an enormous drop in crossings since the death of Title 42. It is a lie. The Biden Administration implemented a phone app that migrants could use to register before they reach the Border. Anyone who successfully uses the app is given unrestrained entry and is not included in the illegal entry count. They are still entering our country. They are just not counted in this sham former Southern Border.

Cities and states impacted by Biden’s immigration policies must band together and sue the President and the Federal Government for not protecting America’s Border and damages for the billions of dollars cities and states are spending to house and educate illegal immigrants landing in their area. The legal path is the only way to divert Biden’s effort to saturate our country with unvetted, unchecked, and unvaccinated people worldwide.

The post Biden Erased The Border And Sold The Wall appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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