The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 12 min 21 sec ago

Dartmouth College is One of The Worst Schools in the Nation for Free Speech on Campus

Fri, 2023-09-08 21:00 +0000

The Foundation for Individual Rights In Education has released its latest College Free Speech Rankings, and much attention is being paid to Harvard. It is, after all, Harvard. Out of 248 schools, it came in dead last for free speech, but Dartmouth College wasn’t much better.

The heart of Hanover notched an unrespectable 240th (out of 248).


  • 26% of students say shouting down a speaker to prevent them from speaking on campus is never acceptable.
  • 49% of students say they have rarely or never self-censored on campus.
  • 42% of students say they are not worried about damaging their reputation because someone misunderstands something they have said or done.
  • For every one conservative student, there are roughly 4.4 liberal students.


A quote from one student sums it up.


“there is no room for anything that doesn’t fall into the ‘hyperliberal’ category and people are not willing to see or understand other people’s perspectives.” – Class of 2025

This is not new or unexpected, but it is tragic. Dartmouth is an elite school and, as such, should honor the foundations of education, including debate. Suppose the only opinions anyone can express on either side of an issue (without fear) are the same. In that case, your graduates will be one-dimensional and ill-prepared for the real world.

Near the opposite end of the FIRE rankings is the University of New Hampshire. FIRE rated them at #72, making it a slightly more tolerable campus environment for opposing opinions, but not really. While UNH gets points for not going out of its way to suppress or oppress center-right opinion, it sounds like the student body and staff are allowed to do it anyway.


“In the past I was discriminated against by other students for having stickers on my laptop that expressed certain political ideologies. I was purposefully excluded from activities that occurred within class based on these stickers.” – Class of 2023


I’ve had past issues with FIRE’s favorable ranking for UNH, but likely because of things they are not measuring in their ranking. You have to choose what matters that can be measured across the board, so I don’t fault them for that – even though I think they have given UNH better grades than it deserved.

As for Dartmouth, they still have some work to do if they’d like to be the least tolerant campus in America regarding free speech. It shouldn’t be that hard. Hanover is filled with narrow-minded, intolerant leftists, and I feel confident they can get there from here.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Hunter Finally Becoming The Hunted

Fri, 2023-09-08 19:30 +0000

Many people have protected Hunter Biden, but it appears that the walls around the infamous First Son may be crashing to the ground. Hunter has had his Dad, the Senator, Vice President, and President, covering for the depravities of the Son. With what we knew and are now learning about Joe Biden, the Son has not fallen far from the tree.

Whether his years of drug use, pornography production, womanizing, denouncing his illegitimate daughter in Arkansas, his tax issues, or his illegal gun possession, he has always had his Father and the system to keep him from accountability. When the Arkansas court was looking to serve papers on Hunter for a paternity suit involving his ex-girlfriend and their daughter, Hunter hid in the White House for weeks to avoid being served.

When he did not pay taxes on millions of dollars of income for two years, he blamed it on the illness of his drug use. He had the help of the IRS, the Justice Department, and a friendly special prosecutor to drag the tax case past the statute of limitations. Hunter thought he had escaped the Federal gun charge last month when his plea deal fell apart. He had tried to get immunity for any future charges as part of the deal. A Federal judge said no way. Hunter Biden is now looking at being indicted on the gun charges by the end of September. And the long-told story by Hunter of one gun has actually been proven to be two illegal handguns. The penalty for his crimes could amount to ten years in prison.

Weiss, who crafted the original plea deal, has done a 180 and is now pressing the case against Hunter. Many see these actions as an effort to protect the President at the expense of Hunter. Hunter may become a sacrificial lamb in this sordid case of Biden corruption. Will Hunter play along or show his true colors and turn on “The Big Guy?” Time will tell, but maybe this is all part of a master plan by the Democrats to solve the issue of Biden’s age and mental health. It could be that the 61% of people who do not want to see a Biden second term are finally being heard, and a Hunter Biden conviction on a gun charge could end the team of Biden and Harris for 2024.

In addition to Hunter, two other lambs may be brought to the sacrificial table. Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas may also fall on the sword for Joe Biden. Both men have been proven to be a part of the Hunter Biden escape from justice. After decades of uselessness, Hunter may now serve a purpose, but only to his Father, The Big Guy. Hunter has to go down for this crime, or the Democrats will never be able to live it down. This scenario is a test for two of their biggest causes: gun control and equal use of the law. Maybe we can look forward to some of Hunter Biden’s best work from behind bars. Prison porn and lousy art are two of prison’s best products.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Atlantic Throws CAT 5 Hurricane Lee Toward the Eastern US

Fri, 2023-09-08 18:00 +0000

There are currently two storms making their way across the Atlantic. Lee (currently a CAT 5 hurricane) and Margot (Tropical Storm). The estimated track for Margo suggests she will wander north away from land, but Lee is headed straight for us.




NOAA has indicated that the continued track of this storm is unclear, and it is too early to project, but it is expected to slow down.




I’m no hurricane forecaster, but Lee looks like he’s headed straight for Georgia and South Carolina. But that’s not guaranteed. The storm could suddenly kick north or south and fool around for a bit before deciding where to go.

Whatever happens, stay tuned for the regularly scheduled climate hysteria. There’s no stopping that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Memestream News: Friday Edition

Fri, 2023-09-08 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Because, for the most part, people like living and interacting with those who are similar, not “diverse”.




One of the “old saws” of the anti-gun movement was that the Founding Fathers didn’t anticipate repeating firearms.  To which I respond with this video.


The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only?!



Unfortunately I’ve never had any anti-gunner take me up on my bet that repeating arms were in existence before the American Revolution – I’ll propose that before the video if I show them at all.  Maybe it’s the fact that I try to make a $10,000 bet?  They definitely don’t want to put their money where their mouth is.

Of course, my other reply – especially for people on the internet – is to tell them to put any further replies onto a hand-crafted piece of parchment, written in cursive with a quill pen, and have it delivered to me by a guy on a horse.














Margaret Thatcher DISMANTLES Leftist Ideology in Less Than 30 Seconds



Incredible woman.  Like Reagan was an incredible man.  It’s my impression, though, that both would get chewed up in today’s environment… maybe I’m wrong but back then, the vast majority of those on the Left had at least some honor and decency.  No longer.  Both Thatcher and Reagan would get chewed up by the mob.




Specifically on Covid / medical – because it’s that important to highlight:


Masks – They’re Back! – American Thinker




The real reason, of course.





Don’t forget this video – Pfizer and the FDA and CDC knew:



And here’s another safety signal – not just ignored, but silenced.

Viral RFK Jr. Video Gets Deleted By “X”: Here’s What They Didn’t Want You to See (





























Lest, in all of this, we forget the real Infection Death Rates.




Warning – OOH, this is about four minutes of your life you won’t get back.  OTOH, and IMHO of course, it needs to be watched.


That people can earn money doing sh*t like this, especially big money, tells me that – broadly – society is doomed.  Related:



Look, I appreciate needing to de-stress and relax.  I get it.  I understand the need for “mental bubble-gum”.  Again, I get it.  I also get the nostalgia for being a kid and not having a care in the world aside from whether your mother made casserole for dinner (yuk), or it was another pizza ordered (yum).  At one of my kids’ birthday parties I slapped on some roller skates – uh oh – and managed to do OK.  Fun.

But this is another step past that.

When adults with responsibilities attempt to completely disengage, that’s bad.  Being an adult – especially being a parent – is not easy nor is it meant to be.  IMHO, among other things, it is meant by Hashem to be a tempering experience to the steel of your soul.




Following up on my essay about depopulation is this bit of scholarship:

CHUDOV highlights the fantastic scholarship by Rintrah Radagast as it relates to IgG4 immune tolerance ‘class-switch’; can immune tolerance (Irrgang’s study) explain excess mortality tied to boosters? (

Remember the Cleveland Clinic study that found the more Jabs you take, the more often you catch it.  (And fascinating how many articles were up attempting to debunk this one; again – never believe anything until it’s been officially denied.)  And more:

Study: Boosted People Slowest to Clear COVID-19 (

All fairly technical but they all point to the same thing: the more Jabs you get, the more your immune system – ignoring all the other deleterious effects the Jab has on the immune system – gets trained to ignore the spike protein.  That’s double-plus ungood if that spike protein is attached to a live, wants-to-reproduce virus.

Closing: more about the culture of death emerging, e.g., in the UK:

British Court Rules That Competent & Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life-Sustaining Treatment Against Her Will | ZeroHedge

She’s conscious, she communicates… she wants to try an experimental treatment to try and save her life.  Doctors simply want her to “accept” her fate and die.

Former Google Exec Warns AI Could Be Used to Design ‘More Transmissible’ and ‘Lethal’ Pandemics (

As I understand it, they’ve already used AI to take the genetic sequence of the viruses to pull out what the spike protein is and how it looks.  Then used AI to “design” a modRNA sequence to – supposedly – force the cells to produce that structure.  So we’re already a couple of layers deep into AI use here.

This is WWIII – Vox Popoli (

Sadly, I think he’s right.

TREACHERY: Republicans Reject Motions to Dismiss Impeachment Articles Against Texas AG Ken Paxton – Geller Report

The GOP is playing tiddlywinks while the Dems are play grand master chess.










“Settled science” back in the day.












Too Late, Captain Buttmunch!





Pick of the Post:



I can cite chapter and verse on so many things, Covid-wise, including numbers and studies and researchers and such… I can explain the mechanism for how the LNPs get distributed, what cells they go into first (and why), how they trigger microclotting and the obvious necrosis that results, how CD8 lymphocytes attack infected cells, how they impact cancers and infection resistance, and more – but get told that everything I know is just conspiracy stuff and that I need to just trust the experts.  Same for climate change.  Same for gun control.  And many other Golden Calves.

Yes, I like learning details and having argumentation and all.  But what use is that when people are, literally, immune from any facts?




Collected links with commentary, very mildly organized:


Bayou Renaissance Man: Just a reminder about why you can’t trust the mainstream news media

What’s fascinating to me in this collection is the diversity of news stations all saying the precise same thing.  To the word.  I see CBS, ABC, Fox… surely NBC and others are there too.

If you want to know the truth about what’s happening in the world today, read widely, compare reports, and distrust sources that merely echo each other and parrot the “party line”.  Try to find those with a genuinely independent view of the situation, compare and contrast them to each other, and you’ll be much more likely to understand the situation.

I agree.  The problem is that this takes time.  A lot of time, and checking of notes and correlation.

Tulsi Gabbard: The AP has become ‘Associated Propaganda,’ is ‘completely aligned’ with the Democrat elite – LifeSite (

Control the information flow, control what people believe.




The Perpetual Lies of CNN



It isn’t Islamophobia when they actually are trying to replace you (

More broadly on the Great Replacement.  Video at the link:

The chilling “EUROPE IN 2029” video first hit the World Wide Web in 2009…now we are just 6 years away from it. (

Again, video.



“Renewables will be world’s top electricity source within three years” | Real Climate Science

Image from the above.  BWAAAA HA HA HA HA HAHA!



Also from that site:

The Safe Climate Of 1896 | Real Climate Science

Glacial Retreat Since The 18th Century | Real Climate Science

And in general, if you have to admit “the whole truth” to get published, then we have a problem in science:

Prominent scientist admits omitting ‘full truth’ from climate study to get it published (

Related to electric vehicles:

Trucker warns Biden’s EPA regulations would be ‘catastrophic’ for the American food supply | Fox News

They don’t care.  They’re in the grips of ideology and they don’t care a whit about it.  And fooooor the plaaaaanet maybe some of us just need to starve.

The disturbing truth about Just Stop Oil – spiked (

Shorting – Area Ocho

Another data point that a government engineered economic downturn is coming. Congressional finance committee members are shorting the stock market. They are buying PSQ, HDGE, and SH. All are funds that short major indices in the market. This indicates that Congressional Financial Committee members are anticipating an economic downturn.


Bank of England bond losses to cost government £20B more than expected (

Round-about related, to employment:

Humanoid Robots Are Coming For Warehouse Jobs (




Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today | Len Ber & Robert Duncan



Very long and, in full disclosure, I haven’t watched it yet.  But I’ve heard snippets on this subject from others.

Scary stuff if true.  But on the flip side, it would explain a lot.




Palate Cleansers:



I step outside and every biting insect within a mile downwind of me says Dinner is served.  I can’t walk to my car without being mobbed.  Not more than 20 seconds out the door and I’ve got an assortment of them buzzing my ears, and attempting to land.  Including one – not sure what it is – that seems oddly intent on diving into my ear canal.

I remember my late father telling me a joke about a camper in the woods hearing two mosquitoes talking:

“Do we eat him here or take him home”?


On that note, I’ll show myself out.  Have a great weekend.




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.


The post Memestream News: Friday Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our First Crack-Cocaine Fueled, Androgynous-Identifying President?

Fri, 2023-09-08 15:00 +0000

So Tucker Carlson recently interviewed a man who claims to have done crack-cocaine and had sex with Obama back in 1999. Here’s the interview. Make your own judgment. And an even more important thread, in my opinion, from Kyle Becker. Obama was a “Manchurian candidate” … he adopted Communism willingly and his mission was to bring down the American system. Americans, however, by-and-large refuse to accept this (like some in the NHGOP refuse to accept that New Hampshire is a Blue State and how New Hampshire became a Blue State (because that would mean it will take decades of hard work to turn the ship around)) and refuse to accept how successful Obama has been.



The post Our First Crack-Cocaine Fueled, Androgynous-Identifying President? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Zealand PM Chris Hipkins Gives a Master Class in How to be a Gaslighting A**hole

Fri, 2023-09-08 13:30 +0000

In the wake of the FDA’s insistence that it never told doctors not to prescribe Ivermectin or how their “not” doing that discourages patients from requesting or using it, New Zealand’s Prime Minister Chris “Resting Bitch Face” Hipkins may have gone and outdone them.


New Zealand PM Says the Government Didn’t Force Anyone to Take the Vaccine “In terms of the vaccine mandates, I acknowledge that it was a challenging time for people but they ultimately made their own choices. There was no compulsory vaccination. People made their own choices.”

You can watch as he delivers this bald-faced lie here.


While the Jab had scores of side effects, memory loss (apart from that which happens with incapacitation or death) was not one of them. Oh, and there’s that internet thing. COVID-19 “vaccines’ were mandated all over New Zealand. They were so enthusiastic about getting everyone jabbed that Chris Hipkins (himself) publicly stated that the government thought it so important that it would look for people who’d not been vaccinated to make sure they’d heard about how great it was and then get it, or else.



COVID-19 put the Zeal in New Zealand. They were earnest, eager, fervent fanatics. The government removed the requirement for a warrant to enter or search vehicles or premises in the name of public health, something New Hampshire’s dear leader, Gov. Sununu, did here in New Hampshire (not sure which came first, the Sununu or the New Zealand). The nice folks in NZ also had detainee centers and confinement facilities for the unvaccinated (they called it quarantine) and then ordered 500 members of their defense force to secure those areas so that no one would voluntarily sneak in (what other purpose could they have /snark!?).

None of which did any actual good, anyway. But according to Hipkins, it was always your choice (as in, you chose to be quarantined under armed guard?).

Like I said, gaslighting a**hole who will likely clarify his remarks at some point becasue we misunderstood what the word mandate means. Let me guess: it’s a nickname for a testicle? You were actually lobbing a gender slur about to lighten the mood in the detention centers and not insisting everyone receive an experimental pharmaceutical product with inadequate knowledge of its ingredients or side effects.

You could choose to get that vaccine or have all your liberties revoked—your choice.

Well, you got one thing right. Those were challenging times for the people.


HT | Newswars

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are You Ready for Project Blue Beam?

Fri, 2023-09-08 12:00 +0000

If you’re a regular consumer of mainstream news you will have noticed this past year has seen a sharp uptick in talk of alien craft littering the skies of the world, especially the western world.  Just this past month the United States congress held committee meetings to hear the testimony of government personnel, including military aircraft pilots, who offer detailed accounts of their observations.

Testimonies include seeing orbicular craft approach and turn at speeds that defy the laws of physics as we know it.  Some accounts having seen the craft speed into the ocean and disappear with nary a ripple. A growing body of personnel claiming to have suffered irreparable brain damage from close encounters has found its way into our court system.

What is going on?  Are we really being visited by beings from elsewhere in our galaxy or the universe?

Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence that Earth is likely the only planet in the observable universe able to support human life, the vastness of the cosmos leaves room for the possibility we aren’t alone.  As of late, the United States government has gotten a sudden crisis of conscience and decided to come clean with the people after decades of tightly guarded secrecy in the area of alien encounters.  Or has it?

Area 51 is one of the most guarded and tightly controlled military bases in the world.  Rumors have floated over the years that it warehouses alien spacecraft, alien bodies, and an underground network of tunnels that resemble a subterranean city where top secret meetings take place among visitors from another galaxy or even dimension.  A small cadre of military and government personnel are allowed to communicate with these “superior” beings and the secret consensus is the world is not ready to meet them as we are poorly evolved and need a spiritual upgrade to handle both their presence and technology.

Who knows really?  The level of security surrounding Area 51 is so severe the signs outside the base say you will be shot on sight if you breach the perimeter.  You will be met by armed guards if you so much as disturb the surrounding terra firma within a few miles.  Whatever is going on there is deadly serious to the powers who oversee our government.

Enter Serge Monast.  Mr. Monast was a Canadian born investigative journalist, poet and essayist now famous for publishing a book titled “Project Blue Beam”.  In the early 1990s he started writing on the theme of the New World Order and conspiracies hatched by secret societies.  Back then his theories sounded crazy.  His story ends tragically when his children are taken from him by Canadian authorities claiming he was abusing them by keeping them out of government schools.  He was also accused of involvement in “networks of prohibited information”. Shortly after they are taken he is jailed then dies suddenly of a heart attack after being released, despite having no history of heart problems.  He left behind a wife and two children. He was 51 years old when he passed.

Eerily his co-investigator of these government exposes dies of a heart attack within a week.  He too had no history of heart problems.

What is Project Blue Beam?

Monast tells us it’s a four phase operation intended to move the world to accepting a new one world religion that is vital to achieving a new world order.  The culmination of which includes a leader he says will be the Anti-Christ.

Phase one sees “hoax” natural disasters, such as earthquakes, accompanied by hoax discoveries that unearth new archaeological finds revealing our knowledge of current religions to be erroneous or misunderstood.  These “proofs” are intended to call Christianity and Islam in particular into question while pointing us to this new spiritual enlightenment.

Phase two involves the “big space show in the sky”, meaning sudden and pervasive encounters with alien space craft.  Monast’s claim is they are “three dimensional holograms” accompanied by sounds and laser projections made possible by using the “sodium layer” in the atmosphere about 60 miles above the earth’s surface.  This may explain why these craft appear to defy the laws of physics – because they aren’t physical.  Included in this claim he explains the Soviets had developed super computers, essentially A.I., where they can program the internet to receive the knowledge of the new world order “messiah”.

A darker capability he says they’ve developed is being able project and induce suicidal thoughts into people’s brains.  Though once the stuff of 90’s comedies like “Real Genius”, Monast says this is critical to shaping the behaviors of people around the world.  His claim is they can personalize these attacks by targeting and individual’s unique frequency using a variety of ELF, VLF and LF waves.  This phase three method will allow the controllers to send God-like messages to people intended to deceive them into hearing a voice of “God” convincing them it is time to embrace this new spiritual enlightenment.

Rather than the theoretical ramblings of a mad-scientist follower Monast provides receipts.  He cites multiple U.S. Defense Department publications: ‘The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Low Intensity Conflict,’ by Captain Paul E. Tyler,  Medical Commandant, U.S. Navy; ‘Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology Edict,’ by Lt. Col. David G. Dean, USAF.  Apparently a Gen. Leonard Perez was involved with major defense contractor Loral Electro-Optical System out of Pasadena, CA in actually producing this capability.

In addition to the ability to control minds he says the economies of the world will be forced into a collapse around the time paper money is moving toward a digital currency.  This collapse will be the perfect pretext to establishing one, such as the CBDC that is currently being tested by the Federal Reserve.  This will give them the ability to control movement and resources, which he believes is the ultimate end-game.

Phase four may be the most difficult to believe because it’s the most difficult to pull off.  Monast states the United Nations will be behind a false attack from these aliens who target major cities around the world.  This draws nations to activate nuclear warfare, which then leads to a disarmament by the U.N.  This will be coupled by a false rapture event.  What is the rapture?  The rapture is known to Christians as the moment when Christ removes His church from the earth prior to the great tribulation period of seven years whereby He judges those who remain for having rejected His offer of salvation.

Of note, the rapture has become a popular teaching over the past one hundred or so years however it is hotly disputed among the faithful with many saying it’s only recently been taught.  Coupled with Monast’s theory and it causes one to wonder if the rapture wasn’t introduced for this very end-times event reason.  Who knows?

What we do know is this investigative journalist was making claims about things in the early 90s that weren’t even on the horizon, yet all now suddenly emerging around the same time:

  • Alien encounters now affirmed by the government
  • The rise of digital currency
  • The advent of A.I.
  • ID chips in animals and people
  • An increase in mind control techniques known to governments
  • The term New World Order used by multiple world leaders
  • The rise of communism which states it’s goal is to replace Christianity & Islam as the world religion
  • An increase in suicides and people claiming to “hear God”
  • A push to abolish traditional families & national borders
  • A rise in the knowledge and activity of secret societies
  • An increase in apparently manufactured natural disasters (forest fires, Maui DEW, weather modification)

Surely Serge Monast sounded like a crank to most of the people who bothered to entertain his theories back in the 80s and 90s.  However, thirty years later are his detractors looking like the foolishly naïve?

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”
‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬-‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Masks Do Not Work, But Put It On

Fri, 2023-09-08 10:30 +0000

There is no evidence that masks work at preventing the spread of COVID. It does not matter if it is cloth or paper. No one can give you definitive proof that a mask covering your nose and mouth will insulate you from the COVID-19 virus, but put it on.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the man in whose hands we put our lives for the duration of the Pandemic, admitted there was never any evidence that masks prevented the spread of the Pandemic and is now concerned that people will not adhere to mask mandates. Where in God’s name is the logic here? Don’t waste your time looking. It does not exist.

Jill Biden tested positive for COVID this week, and the President immediately reached into the top draw of the Resolute Desk, pulled out his trusty mask, and put it on. What a brave example for America and the World. When your wife or loved one contracts a bug, throw on the useless mask. The irony is the mask the President wore yesterday appears to be cloth. We were told during the Pandemic that cloth masks were useless. Also, Biden awarded the Medal of Honor to an octogenarian veteran. During remarks, the President and Captain Larry Taylor wore masks while they were apart on the stage. When it came to the actual presentation and the two men were in close proximity, both removed their masks—evidence of the masks’ farce and the sham perpetuated by the President.

This situation with the President comes as more than 100 universities and some school districts have implemented Mask Mandates. Some elementary school mandates are for the next ten days with no explanation of the time frame. That lack of explanation is probably because there is no logical explanation. There is a buzz and fear in Washington that the President may parlay these circumstances into a reason for him to declare a National Health Emergency. This would be a gold mine of opportunity for the hapless President and give him powers far beyond his office. This may even include him continuing to try and push through his Studen Loan Forgiveness Program. The Supreme Court has already ruled his attempt unconstitutional, but an emergency may trump the SCOTUS decision.

There are no facts or data to justify rash decisions made by President Joe Biden, but going into a Presidential Election Year, Biden will pull out all the tools at his disposal to steal the election from the Republicans. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have deplorable approval ratings for themselves and their policies. Over 75% of voters think the President is too old and unsuitable for his office. This Executive pair has no chance of winning a fair election and will do whatever they can to secure four more years in the White House. Legalities be damned!



The post Masks Do Not Work, But Put It On appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is It too Soon to Report Even MORE Bad News About Electric Vehicles?

Fri, 2023-09-08 01:30 +0000

Before I impart the new bad news, yesterday, Rob Roper looked at Vermont’s ridiculous, misguided spending decisions regarding school buses. They don’t have enough drivers, so when they got some money, they ‘invested it’ in electric school buses (for whom they still don’t have enough drivers).

But Rob skipped or did not have room for a point I wanted to make here.

A regular diesel school bus, the extended version you typically see, weighs 15,000 pounds empty and about 30K full (give or take). An Electric school bus weighs 33-36 thousand pounds … empty and presumably 40-45K loaded. The wear and tear on roads and bridges will be greater, and while I’m not familiar with all the roads and bridges in Vermont, there are likely a few of them you could not legally cross in an EV school bus becasue of the weight.

What’s the answer to that? If I had to guess, our V-bros to the Left would want to spend millions to rebuild any bridge or road that can’t manage the weight. I’m unsure how they plan to do that without fossil fuels, but that’s not my problem. But I bet they’ll find an excuse and no mention whatsoever about the other shortcomings like EVs not being green, reduced range in the cold (and it gets cold in Vermont), as well as other issues like fire risk, battery life, replacement cost, end-of-life carbon footie prints, and so on – to which we can add this.


An electric vehicle abruptly stopped in the middle of a busy road near Salisbury, England, and remained immovable for most of the day, causing a nine-hour traffic bottleneck. …

A team of workers was unable to move the stranded EV because “the handbrakes of electric cars, and some other modern cars, are controlled electronically, unlike those of traditional petrol and diesel cars which are mechanical,” the report said.

“This means that the handbrake often locks when the power fails and the car cannot be pushed or towed,” it said.


One hefty 75,000.00 Dollar brick. Heavy as hell and stuck. This one blocked traffic for nine hours before they managed to get it out of the way, which – if I had to guess – resulted in a ton of unnecessary emissions from the backup. Another win for team green, to which we can add – don’t damage the thing while you’re trying to move or tow it. The slightest dent or damage could result in a costly repair.

My second “Is it too soon for a bit of bad news about EVs?” is this.


25 refrigerators.

That’s how much the additional electricity consumption per household would be if the average US home adopted electric vehicles (EVs).

Congressman Thomas Massie—an electrical engineer—revealed this information while discussing with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, President Biden’s plan to have 50% of cars sold in the US be electric by 2030.

The current and future grid in most places will not be able to support each home running 25 refrigerators—not even close. Just look at California, where the grid is already buckling under the existing load.


That’s a lot of additional electricity that no one can deliver. We lack the generating capacity and the transmission infrastructure, but hey – 2030 is six years away (plus a few months). Why should we doubt that the same people who can’t get anything else right will have it solved in time? Because they won’t or can’t, and they probably know that too.

It’s like that other EV fail we discussed last year (Hurican Ian) that showed its ugly face again as hurricane Idalia drifted across the American Southeast. Lithium Car batteries do not respond well to being drenched, be it seawater or freshwater incusions. They can corrode quickly, fail, catch fire, or explode.


Electric vehicles catch fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia

“Saltwater exposure can trigger combustion in lithium-ion batteries. If possible, transfer your vehicle to higher ground,” the Palm Beach fire department wrote in a Facebook post.

Two electric vehicles in Palm Beach, Florida caught fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia, according to reports.

Officials from the fire department said that both cars were Teslas and stated that the rechargeable car batteries might combust if exposed to saltwater.

“If you own a hybrid or electric vehicle that has come into contact with saltwater due to recent flooding within the last 24 hours, it is crucial to relocate the vehicle from your garage without delay,” the department wrote in a Facebook post. “Saltwater exposure can trigger combustion in lithium-ion batteries. If possible, transfer your vehicle to higher ground.”

The warning also extended to other vehicles with lithium-ion batteries such as electric golf carts, scooters and bicycles.


As I noted ironically in 2022, how do they plan on classifying forest fires started by compromised EV batteries, regardless of the cause? Lithium batteries burn hot, fast, and furious, igniting everything around them. And how planet-saving is it when every time you have suitably inclement weather, every shoreline-loving prog (despite the threat of catastrophic sea-level rise) has to drive their EV (in an EV exodus traffic jam becasue all their neighbors are greenwashing along with them) to higher ground to ensure it doesn’t ignite and emit tons of toxic metals into the fragile biosphere.

Do we need special parking? Will they have to park 15 feet apart to avoid igniting nearby vehicles? And how will they get home and then back to the EV after the storm, and how much CO2 will that emit?

And how amusing it is that the solution is to buy a cheaper, increasingly more friendly combustion-engined vehicle.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

My Laundry List of Reasons to NOT Vote for Vivek Ramaswamy

Fri, 2023-09-08 00:00 +0000

With our First in The Nation Primary a few months away, inundated as we are with campaign events for, and emails from, various candidates for the Republican presidential nomination, this writer, initially a Ramaswamy supporter, thought it might be useful to examine some of the statements and positions taken by one of the so-called “leading” candidates, Vivek Ramaswamy.

Unfortunately, the result has been a laundry list of reasons NOT to vote for him, as follows:

It seems that he lacks any meaningful understanding of the Mideast- equating Israel with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman & Indonesia. He says that he wants to cut previously promised aid to Israel and make sure that the surrounding Arab countries (and Indonesia) are given the same level of US foreign aid. But he fails to recognize that Israel was promised the level of US aid it receives to induce it to give up to Egypt the Sinai Peninsula and its revenue-producing oil wells. And make no mistake, the Islamic and highly anti-Semitic regimes of Saudi Arabia (the country of origin of most of the 9-11 terrorists), Qatar, Oman, and Indonesia are not real friends of the US and should not be “equated” in any way with the only US true friend in the Mideast, the State of Israel.

Ramaswamy’s insipid attempt to walk back his policy statement on Israel’s aid in an interview was so weak as to be pitiful.

It is a mystery why he would, in essence, provide Communist China (our greatest adversary in the world today) with a timetable under which it could try to take over Taiwan without US interference. Some might call this an unforced error on his part. It is completely unnecessary and actually quite dangerous.

Why would a serious candidate, the youngest in the current field, turn his back on young voters aged 18 to 24 by proposing to raise the voting age to 25? There is no realistic chance that the voting age will be increased to 25. Again, a completely unforced error indicative of a lack of thought.

In the same vein, why would a serious candidate propose requiring the passage of a citizenship exam for younger voters in order to qualify to vote? While it might be a good idea for anyone to have to pass such an exam in order to be eligible to vote, it is not going to happen, whether for young people or anyone else. Another unforced error. And such an exam requirement might actually be unconstitutional, sort of like a poll tax.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Call to Unmask the Modern Comintern

Thu, 2023-09-07 22:30 +0000

For any intelligent, clear-thinking US citizen, the very definition of an authoritarian society is along the lines of hell on Earth. In the history of the country, citizens have waged an incessant war to make certain that their children do not have to live in such a way— that the republic is kept.

Tens of thousands have migrated to the US to escape from the horrors of socialism.

This is not a partisan political statement. Whether or not you are one party in the USA or another does not change the reality of how a government functions. A republic is characterized by a parliamentary or legislative assembly governing affairs, as opposed to an autocratic or monarchial system where there is only one individual, a specific family, or a small group of oligarchs. The distinction to recognize is not by political affiliation but by knowledge and understanding of civics— regrettably, this field has been thrown under the bus. Present generations in many states lack an understanding of how to engage positively in society.

Hayek, in the early 1940s, wrote Road to Serfdom, a pivotal text in terms of economic and political understanding. In it, he argues that socialist systems inevitably gravitate towards increasingly totalitarian decisions unless the society is intentionally and directly steered back towards free market, democratic norms. Everything is subverted by the powers that be in their attempts to enrich themselves and maintain their power. These ideas are very relevant today.

Look no further than Deep Blue cities in the USA— these are places where one-party rule has been permitted to sustain for decades. Neither citizens nor the federal government have provided the necessary oversight to check a seemingly deliberate slide into a socialist hell. San Francisco, Chicago, and New York City have reached such a state of tyranny that basic necessities at CVS are kept under lock and key. This is no joke.

US citizens in these jurisdictions might argue it is necessary for this reason or that. It doesn’t matter what the reason is. The reality is as it is. This is no way to live. The drug epidemic in the rotting urban cores of these cities is similarly extreme. Needles litter the sidewalk, and intoxicated homeless vagrants stumble around in a zombified stupor. But who are the zombies— the addicts or the citizens who have allowed this reality to be manifested? The everyday citizens distracted by their screens and social circles must try very hard to remain ignorant of the increasing decay and rot.

The old adage of boiling frogs is terrifyingly accurate. The lived experience of US citizens has increasingly worsened, but at such a pace and in such a way that most Americans do not take action to stop it. They don’t see how bad it actually is and do not think of solutions. They are happy to think that there are no solutions at all. When turning off the fire is as simple as collectively organizing to revitalize municipal legislative bodies, taking the reigns of power away from the stupifying forces of the Democrat Party’s ideologues, citizens have largely balked in favor of attempting to carry on chasing dollars, swiping at their screens, or everything but engaging with their governments. The water is boiling and the frogs comment that it’s nice the place has been turned into a hot spring. They are unable to see, for whatever reason, the reality around them.

Socialists’ final grab for power before they are destroyed is always the lurch toward killing off all opposition. When it becomes apparent that they have lost public support and the people who are not in power turn against them, the answer is war— first attempts to conscript civilians into fighting in faraway battles where they are out of the way; then civil war to attempt to remove them from the picture entirely. The socialists lose because there are too few of them and enough of everyone else to ensure others endure to the next generation of leadership.

The workaround, again, is collective action. The caveat to remember is that these socialists are not simply a faction of US citizens. It is a global clique— a cabal— who have abused political angst to pull levers of power. The Comintern— the Communist International. A loosely affiliated group of similarly minded folks in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, Beijing, London, and a handful of other cities. It is, in many respects, forces outside the USA that are acting to install incompetent or intellectually subverted individuals in government positions.

That is why it is of paramount importance that in the USA, citizens work together to identify and restrict individuals associated with the modern Comintern. Those communists, as we can call them, do not have US citizens’ interests at heart. They only want to enrich themselves and their networks, typically at the expense of everyone else. They want to destroy everyone else’s prosperity so that they can prosper.

The modern Comintern represents a US national security threat. It must be exposed, and its members clearly shown for what they are on the public stage. There are better ways to manage progress so that everyone can prosper, not just that group of looters, warmongers, and robber barons.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Private Citizen’s View of the Late Mr. Clegg

Thu, 2023-09-07 21:00 +0000

Not very long after the famous 10/13/21 executive council arrests, I was spending lots of time at the state house and met Clegg in person for the first time. I was in the dining room, and he walked in from the kitchen, wearing the orange lobbyist nametag.

I recognized him from his picture(s) before reading his nametag and greeted him. I was already angry at Wheeler.

Non-constituents of Wheeler might not know that the 2020 executive council primary was extremely contentious and perhaps used up more trees in daily junk mail than that of many high offices. Perhaps it was partly due to Wheeler having some kind of Kinko-like home office print shop business. (citation needed) Steve Negron’s campaign office was local, and while spending much volunteer time there preparing mailers, I asked him about that race and why it was the way it was. I remember his answer having to do with being two gun club guys who disagree with each other, but I never explored the matter further. I just wanted Pignatelli gone and preferably deported to her native NJ along with her influential lawyer husband. Wheeler won the primary, and it would be another year before the executive council would become a squatter in my mind.

Back to Clegg, my first conversation with him was a complaint against Wheeler, which he handled gracefully and stuck with gun stuff. I didn’t want to talk about gun stuff as the nuts and bolts of it were beyond my level of understanding. I wanted to talk about the arrests, the governor, the dirty money, and other related stuff. Nurse Terese, the most famous arrest victim, was with me the day we met, and it became a 3-way talk as soon as she exited the kitchen and joined us. Then I became a passive listener for the rest, and he gave her his card.

Many, many times following that day, I would run into him at the state house, usually in the kitchen and usually within the hour from its opening time. Oftentimes, he would already have a seat-mate at what I later named “Clegg’s Favorite Table,” the one closest to the kitchen entrance. Tammy, the senate clerk, and various others I had met for the first time while they were dining with him. A generous guy, Clegg sometimes paid for my Diet Coke when I was in the chow line behind him. I learned all kinds of stuff talking to him, and this message could get very long, so I will cherry-pick a few highlights.

I learned about senate staffers, how their pay is decided, and other related minutia. 2 enemy camp minions, one of them being Ava Hawkes, had entered the kitchen and exchanged warm pleasantries with Clegg. When they were out of earshot, I said, “Wasn’t that one Sharon’s secretary last year?” He paid her much praise and gave me a summary of how she was lured away with higher pay(wouldn’t any worker want that?), followed by how such dynamics worked. This was one of many times I walked away from the state house, knowing more than when I had entered hours earlier. I always learned something new with each state house visit, usually from Clegg or gift shop, tour guide, and history guru Virginia.

Being a construction/building industry and OPLC expert that he was, we have had many discussions about related content and bills that were of particular interest to me. Having combed through the thousand LSRs that were not yet in complete bill number form, I was regularly pestering Senator Gray’s secretary for developing details and venting to Clegg. He was a wealth of knowledge and brought to my attention an important bill, sponsored by my own senator, that I had overlooked! He quickly gave me the committee hearing date and encouraged me to speak, which I did. Clegg was “the closer,” to use bullpen language, at that hearing.

And lastly, for the sake of keeping this from getting too long, I will add to what many signers of his obituary guest book have said. He always had something nice to say about everyone, including people that I despise! I will share a few examples because you can’t make this stuff up.

I complained about the mayor, how much he sucks, and how Laurie Ortolano has been treated, among other complaints. He replied, saying, “Donchess is actually a pleasant and friendly guy in a social venue when he’s not under attack,” to which I retorted that he’s not my friend and I didn’t vote for him.(even though he had no opponent in 2019)

I don’t remember if it was Twitley or RPK, but it was one of the looney lawyer Rebeccas in the Senate. She walked by while we were at his favorite table, and I made a snarky yet founded comment, and he replied with something nice to say about her. It was something like her being agreeable on something and, therefore, easy to work with. The message I received from Clegg was that he was happy to have found some common ground. I will concede that RPK introduced a budget amendment that I supported, which was not successful.

Another time, I was complaining about senior House swamp rat Jeff Goley. Clegg called him trustworthy and I asked how that adjective can be attached to a Democrat. His response was that he never had to follow up when Goley said he would do something or not do something; it was reliable, and therefore, the trust had been earned. I still couldn’t resist the urge to point out that he and D’Allesandro have taken turns over the years, um, decades, in sponsoring the “boat tax.”

And one last example is when Lucy Weber walked by in the kitchen. I said, “I wish Walpole would replace that annoying swamp rat ringleader.” Clegg said, “Believe it or not, she’s an amazingly kind woman,” to which I said that’s fine for her family and friends, but I’m more interested in her voting record, which I despise.

So, to summarize the “seeing ‘good’ in everyone” trait, Clegg was a master practitioner. Since I have only known him personally(meaning just talking to him at the state house and nothing beyond that) for less than two years, what I have to say is hardly qualified compared to the squadrons of people, both current or former elected officials, and private citizens alike, I wanted to share my thoughts with the Grok readership.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

WalletHub Ranked Maine Dead Last for Climate Disasters – I Guess They Didn’t Consider the Rising Tide of Democrat Control

Thu, 2023-09-07 19:30 +0000

Maine is a beautiful state, but as it leans increasingly left (politically) before long, “pretty” might be the only thing it has going. That, and they don’t appear to suffer from a lot of natural disasters (again, assuming increased Democrat control of government does not qualify).


According to an article I was reading in MaineBiz, it was recently revealed that the popular site ‘WalletHub’ had created a list from 1-50 of states in the USA that are the safest from natural disasters.

The information looked at things like tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and even earthquakes. And what they found is that Maine is actually a pretty safe place to be when avoiding a natural disaster. How safe, you might be asking? Well, Maine came in at the very bottom. Yup, number 50. Maine is THE safest place to be if you’re looking to not be un-alived by natural disasters. ..


Safe from climate chaos but not the progressive policy based upon it, needed or not. Recent legislatures have gone from pale to dark blue, followed by the usual cavalcade of Democrat-Party-Priority nonsense. Talk about Maine-caused disasters. Declining gun rights and parental rights, rising budgets and spending, an effort to socialize the energy sector, dancing with the EV devil, anti-religious liberty, and the rise of the Rainbow Guard.

They even harassed doctors over how they treat COVID patients.

But Maine is a pretty state.

And, since you’ll likely wonder,


When it comes to the rest of the New England states, they did pretty well on the list, too. Remember, this is a list where being number 1 (Mississippi) isn’t good, but being dead-last (Maine) totally is.

Connecticut came in at number 34, Massachusetts at 41, Rhode Island at 42, Vermont checked in at 43 and New Hampshire came in a couple spots below Maine at 48.

New Hampshire has clung bitterly to at least some semblance of its state motto, but it is a tenuous hold. If you read Ed Mosca, it’s all over but the funeral dirge. I’m a bit more optimistic, but he’s not wrong. Things are precarious, but hey, at least it’s pretty here, too, and we’re 48 out of 50 on the list of places that get the worst natural disasters.

Here’s to hoping we cling to a Republican Governor who vetoes the worst of the left’s totalitarian itches after Mr. Sununu retires from the post.

And yes, I have my doubts about the legislature, but 2024 is a presidential year, and it would be a welcome natural disaster for Demcorats if they paid a political price down-ticket for what Biden and Harris – and everyone pulling their strings – have done to America since 2020.



The post WalletHub Ranked Maine Dead Last for Climate Disasters – I Guess They Didn’t Consider the Rising Tide of Democrat Control appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Right to Be Let Alone: How to Safeguard Your Freedoms in the Face of the Government’s COVID-19 Power Grabs

Thu, 2023-09-07 18:00 +0000

Editor: Given the current arc of Fall 2023 pandemic-response rhetoric, it seemed suitable to revisit this March 2022 article and report from The Rutherford Institute.


Coinciding with the two-year anniversary of the COVID-19 outbreak, The Rutherford Institute has issued an in-depth follow-up report on the impact of the nation’s response to the pandemic on civil liberties.

The 2022 report, “The Right to Be Let Alone: How to Safeguard Your Freedoms in the Face of the Government’s COVID-19 Power Grabs,” posits that the government’s response to the pandemic has become a massively intrusive, coercive and authoritarian assault on the right of individual sovereignty over one’s life, self and private property. As such, concludes John W. Whitehead, these COVID-19 mandates have become the new battleground in the government’s tug-of-war over bodily autonomy and individual sovereignty.

“Right now, COVID-19 vaccines are the magic ticket for gaining access to the “privileges” of communal life,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “Having already conditioned the population to the idea that being part of society is a privilege and not a right, such access could easily be predicated on social credit scores, the worthiness of one’s political views, or the extent to which one is willing to comply with the government’s dictates, no matter what they might be.”

“The Right to Be Let Alone: How to Safeguard Your Freedoms in the Face of the Government’s COVID-19 Power Grabs” examines the far-reaching ramifications of how the pandemic has impacted the legal, moral and political debate over who gets to decide what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials. As the report warns, “This merely pushes us one step further down that road towards a total control society in which the government in collusion with Corporate America gets to decide who is ‘worthy’ of being allowed to take part in society.”


The Rutherford Institute, a nonprofit civil liberties organization, provides legal assistance at no charge to individuals whose constitutional rights have been threatened or violated and educates the public on a wide spectrum of issues affecting their freedoms.

The post The Right to Be Let Alone: How to Safeguard Your Freedoms in the Face of the Government’s COVID-19 Power Grabs appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Google is Trying to Put the ‘Men’ In Menstruate.

Thu, 2023-09-07 16:30 +0000

The menses are blood and cellular debris from the uterus. Menstruation is the process of discharging that debris. You need one to have the other and a uterus for both. But according to Google, anyone can do it or have it (menstruation), which is silly, but that’s the world we live in now, right?


The answer comes from a page on TransHub, an Australian website dedicated to “all trans and gender diverse (TGD) people in [New South Wales], our loved ones, allies and health providers.” TransHub is an initiative of the Australian pro-LGBT “health” group ACON.

As still recognized by the National Library of Medicine, the menstrual cycle is a natural biological process unique to women, as part of the female body’s preparation for potential pregnancy (which is also unique to women). The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ online informational resources on menstruation are (for the moment, at least), still hosted with the HHS Office on Women’s Health.


“For the moment,” but does it matter? Google doesn’t present those sites near the top when queried. You have to hunt them down yourself, which implies you know the truth or are not interested in the lie. But how many people will do that, especially as you delve down into the younger ages? None, which is why Google does the dance it does. The reconfiguring of the collective consciousness. And while it makes no sense, the same brains that won’t dig deep are also spending obscene amounts of time on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

If you’d like to save the future, unplug those two. Then, turn off the TV news regardless of the device.

It’s not enough. The public schools are captured by the same insanity that tells us, “Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of all genders menstruate, including non-binary people, agender people and even plenty of men! Menstruation doesn’t change anything about your gender, it’s just a thing that some bodies do.

They’ve taken a topic generally considered private – unsuitable for most public conversations – and tied it into the notion that your sexual identity is the most important thing about you. A thing you can adjust like “volume” on an audio device, which is an apt comparison. The further from normal they go, the louder and more obnoxious they get.

And it’s a dead end becasue age will deprive you of whatever reality you create for yourself, just like it will menstruation, which ends after menopause.

Do we have to wait forty years before Google claims men (or anyone) can go through menopause (even though they can’t), or is it something we have to embrace today (but won’t)?

How far do you have to search to find the story about the man who had genital mutilation surgery and is in so much pain he wants to kill himself (but Canada won’t let him)? A sad tale that tells us how transplanting a uterus into a man will likely end. The surgeons and hospital get buckets of money, and the guy who needed therapy, not surgery, will need both if the procedure didn’t kill them.

And I’m not saying you can’t pretend if that’s what works for you or your friend group, but if you were not born a woman, haven’t you appropriated more than their mannerisms, dress, and culture? Aren’t there consequences to be paid to the angry secular gods?

If you don’t want to wait, might I suggest discussing how men can menstruate to a woman while they are menstruating and see how it goes?



HT | LifesiteNews

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vivek Ramaswamy Vaults the Polls to National Prominence

Thu, 2023-09-07 15:00 +0000

When the first Republican primary debate ended people knew things were never going to be the same again. The exact time it happened cannot be pinpointed but the onstage career politicians had figured it out. Something dynamic had happened.

We want to thank Jim Betti for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

With his fresh energy and youth, Vivek Ramaswamy announced his presence to the political world, and people liked what they saw. Sensing that not taking Ramaswamy’s candidacy seriously was a huge mistake, the Republican establishment candidates lashed out.

Emboldened by his 2015 takedown of Sen. Rubio, former Governor Christie tried to use his New Jersey crassness to take out the newcomer, but Vivek was no scripted Senator from Florida, and he easily parried the ill-conceived onslaught. Leaving Christie looking small {no easy feat} and irrelevant.

Former Governor Haley gave it her best shot at arguing for the endless funding of the Ukraine war. Failing to mention why massive funds {arguably enough money to solve America’s healthcare crisis and border crisis} have been spent {borrowed against our grandchildren’s future} without America’s vital interests ever being defined.

Instead of proposing answers to America’s many Biden-induced problems former Vice President Pence attacked Ramaswamy as a rank amateur.  Pence came off as just another Republican Bush-like candidate, and folks could sense if elected Pence did not have what it takes to rein in the lawless progressive and the deep state bad actors.

The smartest of the establishment politicians was Governor Ron DeSantis. He knew enough to stay out of the fray, get his well-rehearsed talking points said, and was the only establishment candidate to leave the debate in a better position than he arrived.

Donald Trump has approximately 50% of the Republican primary vote and Ramaswamy around 8-10%. If anything happened to Donald Trump his support would overwhelmingly transition to Ramaswamy and Vivek would become the odds-on favorite to be the Republican Presidential nominee. Vivek Ramaswamy already has captured the respect of the MAGA voters, but he also has the capacity to broaden the Republican tent; energizing a new generation of conservative youth and win over the middle-class suburbanites who have abandoned the Republican party. And if Vivek is the nominee, he just might deliver the landslide victory needed to right America’s floundering ship. The Deep State, Republican/Democrat power grabbers along with a corrupt media would lose a lot of their influence.

Imagine a brilliant Raegan-like president with traditional values and youthful ideas, powered by the energy and the knowledge to make them happen. America would finally turn the page on the baby boomer generation and the transition 2025 White House would be reminiscent of John F. Kennedy’s Camelot.

It is said you can tell when you are over the target because the antiaircraft flak gets intense.

Since the debate, the knives have come out. The WSJ editors have figured out that Vivek Ramaswamy is not going to be their protégé and have penned multiple negative editorials. Liz Peek, George Will, and the usual suspects, all piled on. As if on cue Trump antagonist Karl Rove joined the establishment chorus. The mainstream media has sensed their biggest nightmare, that Vivek Ramaswamy is a baggage-free young version of Donald Trump, and they too are in attack mode.

Vivek Ramaswamy is just getting started. The 10 Commandments of Vivek Ramaswamy’s campaign are resonating. 1. God is real, 2. There are only two genders, 3. Human prosperity requires fossil fuels, 4. Reverse racism is racism, 5. An open is no border, 6. Parents determine the education of their children, 7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of government ever known to man, 8. Capitalism lifts people from poverty, 9. There are three branches of government, not four, (the deep state and media), 10. The United States Constitution is the greatest guarantee of freedom in history.

Vivek absorbs information/experiences, learns from them, and assimilates the data. He will get stronger as the primary season moves on and become sharpened to a fine edge.

Soon he will need to contrast himself with Donald Trump. Although President Trump’s term was the most successful {think results not personality} since Ronald Reagan there were several issues that he failed to resolve {every other modern President has also failed}. Our national debt is destroying our grandchildren’s future and President Trump was a big spender {Biden is much worse}. Healthcare expenditures are out of control and Trump failed to repeal and replace Obamacare. If Vivek Ramaswamy steps up to these issues, the country will follow, and he could overtake Trump. He is the candidate with the brains, energy, and courage to take on these issues, succeed where all the others failed, and give future generations desperately needed hope.

Donald Trump’s presidency had many similarities to the Old Testament’s Moses. Trump’s 2016 election was only a bit less of a miracle than Moses parting the Red Sea and Trump did lead the American people back toward greatness. Moses made a few mistakes and God determined he would see the promised land, but not enter it. Perhaps a flawed Donald Trump is destined for the same fate.

If Vivek Ramaswamy plays his cards right, he can take the baton from Donald J. Trump and use his “Ten Commandments” as a guide to unite the nation and lead America back into the promised land of prosperity. A land of common decency, structured under the United States Constitution, with equal justice for all.

America so desperately needs real leadership and Vivek Ramaswamy checks all the boxes!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Bud Light About to Have A Bill Gates Moment?

Thu, 2023-09-07 13:30 +0000

They say Bill Gates isn’t into beer, but he is a big fan of social engineering, viruses, farmland, lab-based meat, burying trees, and being a billionaire—oh, and “updates.” So the question of the day is, what inspired a nearly 100 million investment in Bud Light beleaguered Anheuser Busch?


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust purchased 1.7 million shares of Anheuser-Busch, the parent company of Bud Light, worth around $95 million, according to a recent regulatory filing and TipRanks. Reports indicate that Mr. Gates purchased the shares in August, or months after a boycott was initiated against Bud Light after it decided to engage in a promotional campaign with a transgender activist.


The stock has been up and down and is about ten dollars lower per share today than when Dylan Mulvaney’s “endorsement” began tanking the brand. Ten bucks more times 1.7 million shares are still couch cushion money to Gates, but even Bill’s couches need more “loose change.” The problem, however, is that the late March peak was a peak, not the rolling average price of the stock. Today, it is at 56+/-, but a year ago, it was at 44+/-. It hasn’t managed to get anywhere near its pre-pandemic peak in 2019 of just over 100.00 per share, and the recovery climb -what of it there was – was interrupted when Mulvaney’s face canned the brand.

Is interest from the Gate Foundation good or bad for Bud? The Street has a cheeky bit about the buy titled, “Bud Light has a new celebrity fan it might not want.”


Anheuser-Busch (BUD) has a new supporter, and the beer producer, which has been trying to run away from politics, might not be thrilled at who it is.

Microsoft (MSFT) founder Bill Gates has become a villain to the right-wing community, which mistrusts his global charity efforts. He was accused of all sorts of villainy when it came to covid vaccines including using them as a way to implant tracking chips in people’s bodies.  …

A spokeperson for Cascade Asset Management, which manages the investments of Gate’s foundation, sent TheStreet a statement on the purchase after this article was originally published.

“As Chief Investment Officer of Cascade Asset Management Company, Michael Larson oversees the investment decisions for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust. Bill Gates did not purchase shares of Anheuser-Busch InBev nor did he participate in the investment decision of the Trust. Cascade, which manages the assets of the Trust, sees value in BUD at recent prices,” he shared.


So it wasn’t Bill? Well, guess what? It wasn’t BUD either. Most of Anheuser Busch had no idea (allegedly) about the move to use Mulvaney to broaden Bud Light’s brand, which we now know meant kill it. And no one knew the Foundation was going to buy in with the close to 100 million investment, but is his name (or his Foundation’s name) going to push more people away?

No one who thinks what Bill Gates does matters will start drinking Bud or Bud Light. At the same time, how many Bud (family) drinkers will be put off by Bill’s new association? Aren’t they likely to be the same people who bailed on Bud ‘cuz Mulvaney?

The Gates move could inspire other investors to drop a dime or two on the stock, which might bring it back a bit, but absent rising real-world sales (and value), it would be an empty gesture and a bad investment. Not that Bill (sorry, his Foundation) couldn’t dump the shares in another gesture called profit-taking if the price bumps a bit. They could use the extra dough to fund more of those lab-leaked variants we wrote about yesterday.



The post Is Bud Light About to Have A Bill Gates Moment? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You Are Living In A Police State … Part (Who Knows At This Point)

Thu, 2023-09-07 12:00 +0000

A big part of what has turned America into a creeping Police State is the acquiescence/participation of the “private sector.” Here we have a “private company” complying with … rather than challenging … a subpoena. Now all the System needs to do is find an Obama/Biden judge and whatever you thought was safe and secure belongs to the System … NOT TO YOU. You will own nothing, and be happy.

And the Regime continues to engage in political persecutions of Trump-voters, which the NH-NeverTrump LOSERS myopically and self-servingly claim is part of a conspiracy to make Trump the GOP nominee. NO, LOSERS, it’s an undeniable sign that America is a creeping Police State:

The post You Are Living In A Police State … Part (Who Knows At This Point) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When They Come for You, Don’t Back Down – Expose Them

Thu, 2023-09-07 10:30 +0000

I must, unfortunately, take a moment away from drafting important legislation (which will be objectively beneficial to my constituents) to address an incident of information warfare attempting to find a chink in my armor.

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At the very least, this will be useful in helping you to understand how these operations work. This happens to be a very good example to use, as it was such an inept attempt.

Anyone who follows my political career or writing knows that I’m controversial – not merely for the sake of controversy, but because the good, correct paths we must forge through this madness have been rendered “controversial” by extremist leveraging of the Overton Window that has now normalized truly radical leftist ideology. The rampant indoctrination, sterilization, and mutilation of minors are about as good of an example as I can reckon on the spot.

That said, I’ve experienced surprisingly few (but very non-zero) attempts at public cancellation and struggle sessions. Perhaps this is because the opposition knows their ideology is indefensible when dealt with using correct terminology, and the moral authority clarity of language confers. So, here, we will see a burgeoning attempt to “cancel” me based on entirely magically, alchemically constructed fiction.

There is a significant corruption scandal plaguing the ranks of the NH House regarding allegations of fraud. None of it has anything to do with me, of course, and I do, as a Representative, have some responsibility to hold accountable violations of the public trust within our ranks. But none of that has anything to do with what you’re about to read.

You see, the way the leftist political warfare machine operates is along mass-line narratives. A corruption scandal provides a good opportunity to weaponize a mass line along such a narrative and attempt to cleverly direct such a weapon at anyone considered a useful target. I am, in fact, a useful target. I am an effective opponent to the leftist machine – as well as their GOPe allies – in my strategies, legislation, and my own political warfare on behalf of the good people I represent.

So, despite there being no link between myself and any real or contrived corruption scandal, there is an attempt to make me a target of it. This begins with complicit media reaching out for “comment.” In this particular case, a self-described “columnist” for the Conway Daily Sun, Quddus Snyder. Several days ago, this gentleman reached out with the following message:

“Hello Michael, my name is Quddus Z. Snyder of Eaton. I am a columnist for the Sun and in a forthcoming column I intend to call for Rep. Sanborn’s full resignation from the House. Will you go on the record as supporting a call for her resignation? Cheers, Q”

Now, I absolutely hate empty politician speak, and I genuinely dislike saying “no comment” unless I legitimately have no comment to offer. I think my constituents deserve better. To that end, less than 30 minutes after receiving the above inquiry, I replied to Mr. Snyder the following:

“I have not yet had time to review the circumstances and hear arguments for or against – my understanding is the parties have publicly expressed innocence. The nature of the allegations are certainly alarming. If they are, in fact, true then it would seem appropriate to resign or face action in the House.

Mike Belcher”

You will note that I answered the only question posed fully – I offered my belief that such a crime would be cause for resignation or even expulsion from the House should it prove true. I also suggested that I do not yet know the truth of the matter – we certainly do not live in a time in which all allegations can be simply assumed true.

There is no better answer to the question posed than one of the sort I gave. It would be irresponsible of me as a lawmaker to simply assume guilt or innocence without having any relevant and specific background knowledge. But none of that matters. The point of the question wasn’t a good faith attempt to inform my constituency of my thoughts – it was a setup to begin the enforcement of a mass-line narrative (a technique developed by Mao Zedong). Despite my answer being delivered within 30 minutes of the question – 4:56 pm and 4:27 pm, respectively – I received no further inquiries or responses until 8:20 am the next morning, as below:

“I reckon the people deserve to know whether you find it acceptable that (a) Rep. Sanborn has regulatory oversight power over her husband’s casino, and (b) whether you believe it is acceptable to fraudulently procure government loans and use taxpayer dollars to buy Porsches and Ferraris? Your silence on these questions has been noted and on behalf of your constituents, you’ll be invited to answer.”

Well, that’s quite the response. Here, I was accused of refusing to answer two questions the “columnist” never actually asked me. It is further implied that I am complicit in some sort of fraud and that he somehow has special knowledge of the guilt or innocence of the parties involved (none of which are me). Despite my holistic and measured response being given in a timely manner, he notes my “silence” and appears to threaten to hold me to account to “answer” on behalf of my “constituents.” What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is the makings of a hit piece.

So, the obvious question turns to, “Who is Quddus Z. Snyder?” A quick search yields numerous academic papers published, all appearing to center on something he calls “Liberal systemic theory,” which appears to be a method of analyzing geopolitics through the lens of neo-Marxist (neo-Kantian, more specifically) “socialization” at the state level. According to the website I browsed, he achieved no citations of his collected academic publications. He did, however, rate a 3.1 on, where he was described as “hippy-ish,” and the general sentiment was that of an easy professor to pass with a high grade.

Moving on, however, it gets quite interesting.

The Concord Monitor and Conway Daily Sun report an incident of internet infamy wherein Mr. Snyder lewdly bared his backside towards Republicans in 2020. Further reports of Mr. Snyder seeking to supplant the American flag with the Pride flag on Independence Day, all the while shaming his local private citizens as a “columnist” with the Sun for flying their own flags on their private property, that he doesn’t agree with should give some idea of his ideological leanings.

The final tell should be the fact that he wrote at least one column in 2022 expressly supporting Democrats – specifically, my opposition – while borderline slandering the Republicans in the race. So, who is Mr. Snyder? He’s an ex-academic of little-to-no note and a sloppy, small-time Progressive political warfare operator who bit off more than he can chew this time.

There is nothing I could find on the Conway Daily Sun website acknowledging its severely tilted, Progressive bent and activism. There’s little more damaging to this State or this nation than the capture of media institutions by neo-Marxists parading as “unbiased” and “neutral.” The fact that a left-wing zealot with a recent history of public lewd behavior towards his political opposition is employed as a “columnist” for our local “press” is a disgrace to the profession and a disservice to the public. My constituents deserve better than Mr. Snyder’s drivel masquerading as “fact.”

I’ll now return to drafting legislation attempting to prevent this disastrous Biden regime from conscripting our young men (or women) to service to fight in an incipient hot war with Russia, to empower our Sheriffs to protect our citizens from the overreaches of the FBI and DOJ, fixing education by removing circular and subjective pseudoscience, and much more.

When they come for you, don’t back down – expose them.



The post When They Come for You, Don’t Back Down – Expose Them appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Is Congress Doing on the Budget?

Thu, 2023-09-07 01:30 +0000

When Congress comes back from recess, it will talk about money.  DC is going to take up funding the federal government before the October 1st deadline.  Let’s be clear: there is no spending fight that’s going to happen.  Both sides want as much spending as they think will play well on the campaign trail.

What we are going to watch is an open display of the policy-setting priorities of the Parties.  Congress has delegated the power of the purse to the executive branch agencies for all but “discretionary spending”.

Understand what you are looking at.  The Biden administration is pushing a radical Leftist, unsustainable economic agenda.  It is dropping America’s borders.  It is weaponizing federal agencies and departments to go after YOU both literally and from a policy perspective.

Part of the American dream is the promise of economic opportunity.  The American economy is made possible by the broad assurance that economic freedom will be protected.  If you work and save, you will eventually come to be able to afford to purchase a home, choose what car you want to drive, and build some savings; you may acquire security for a rainy day.

Make no mistake about it; “Bidenomics” is that rainy day. It’s washing away the American dream for far too many Americans with the intention that it will never return.  Since Biden came to power, his regressive economic agenda has delivered decline and failure, not the economic “relief” it campaigned on.

America was sold a bill of goods.  Think about it.  Wages are stagnant, costs are up, and economic uncertainty is high. We know the federal government has money for Ukraine, but is it taking care of American states?  The economy is just not good right now.

Federal spending is out of control.  It has accelerated post the 2020 election.  What is called the “covid era” spending was excessive and wasteful.  Much of it should be repealed and rescinded.

This spending created inflationary pressure which is eating away at fixed incomes, and punishing the 61% of Americans who live paycheck to paycheck.  This is an intentional erosion of the American dream.  Do you want the American dream for your family, children, and grandchildren?

Conservatives understand we must get inflation under control.  The first thing this requires is that we control spending.  Current spending levels are excessive spending levels.

It does not matter who started the overspending.  It matters little why they did it.  We know pumping money into the economy has devalued the dollar.  This must be first stopped and then reversed.  Our nation depends on it.

That is why Congress must cut spending to fiscal year 2019 levels.  Congress must do this to rein in the size and scope of Government.  This discussion about spending priorities needs to be seen in the context of the D.C. failures.

It’s ignorant for Congress to expect Americans to support more spending for failing programs.  There are real issues remaining unaddressed.  The border is open; it is under the control of Mexican cartels. If you are going to tax Americans, the Americans you tax deserve a solution to national security in exchange for their tax dollars.

Since January 2020, over 7 million illegal migrants have crossed our nation’s borders from over 160 countries. That’s over 2 million per year.  In the last month families illegally crossing the border reached an all-time high.  The issue is; we are losing control of the rate of influx.  It is showing in our cities.

There was a recent story of a human smuggler with ties to ISIS being caught smuggling Uzbeks into the United States. The smuggler was arrested.  Those he snuck in have not been located.  It is unclear how many have entered the country illegally.

It is only logical to expect there are many, not just one of these human smuggling operations.  Our border has collapsed.  The result is needless national security risks.  Disease, drugs, and terror are just places to start in listing the concerns our open border creates.

Conservatives must insist the Left’s infiltration and weaponization of federal departments/agencies come to an end.   Biden’s DOD has circumvented Congress.  It is illegally starting to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions for service members.  They are providing the travel and lodging necessary to acquire one.

Recent reporting indicates a quarter of active-duty service members suffer from food insecurity. We can afford abortions but only at the expense of food?

A reason for this is the lack of sufficient pay to cover necessary expenses.  Instead of paying people of our military a living wage to defend our freedoms, Biden priority is terminating the lives of future Americans in the womb.  Budgets are about priority setting.

No federal spending plan should be passed unless and until border security provisions are included.  No federal spending plan should be passed unless and until the situation with abortion and military pay is resolved.  No federal spending plan should be passed unless and until we eliminate the deficit and begin to pay down our debt.

These things can only be done by limiting the size and scope of the federal government which requires cessation of weaponization of our government agencies against the citizenry.   Wake up America.  It is slipping away to the totalitarian Left.

The post What Is Congress Doing on the Budget? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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