The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 1 min 22 sec ago

We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics

Tue, 2023-09-05 10:30 +0000

Ever since Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his groundbreaking “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on Aug. 28, 1963, the Deep State has been hard at work turning King’s dream into a living nightmare.

“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.” — President Harry S. Truman

The end result of the government’s efforts over the past 60 years is a country where nothing ever really changes, and everyone lives in fear.

Race wars are still being stoked by both the Right and the Left; the military-industrial complex is still waging profit-driven wars at taxpayer expense; the oligarchy is still calling the shots in the seats of government power; and the government is still weaponizing surveillance in order to muzzle anti-government sentiment, harass activists, and terrorize Americans into compliance.

This last point is particularly disturbing.

Starting in the 1950s, the government relied on COINTELPRO, its domestic intelligence program, to neutralize domestic political dissidents. Those targeted by the FBI under COINTELPRO for its intimidation, surveillance and smear campaigns included: Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, the Black Panther Party, John Lennon, Billie Holiday, Emma Goldman, Aretha Franklin, Charlie Chaplin, Ernest Hemingway, Felix Frankfurter, and hundreds more.

In more recent decades, the powers-that-be have expanded their reach to target anyone who opposes the police state, regardless of their political leanings.

Advances in technology have enabled the government to deploy a veritable arsenal of surveillance weapons in order to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize” perceived threats to the government’s power.

Surveillance cameras mounted on utility poles, traffic lights, businesses, and homes. License plate readers. Ring doorbells. GPS devices. Dash cameras. Drones. Store security cameras. Geofencing and geotracking. FitBits. Alexa. Internet-connected devices. Geofencing dragnets. Fusion centers. Smart devices. Behavioral threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Contact tracing apps.

What these add up to is a world in which, on any given day, the average person is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

Consider just a small sampling of the ways in which the government is weaponizing its 360 degree surveillance technologies to flag you as a threat to national security, whether or not you’ve done anything wrong.

Flagging you as a danger based on your feelings. Customs and Border Protection is reportedly using an artificial intelligence surveillance program that can detect “sentiment and emotion” in social media posts in order to identify travelers who may be “a threat to public safety, national security, or lawful trade and travel.”

Flagging you as a danger based on your phone and movements. Cell phones have become de facto snitches, offering up a steady stream of digital location data on users’ movements and travels. For instance, the FBI was able to use geofence data to identify more than 5,000 mobile devices (and their owners) in a 4-acre area around the Capitol on January 6. This latest surveillance tactic could land you in jail for being in the “wrong place and time.” Police are also using cell-site simulators to carry out mass surveillance of protests without the need for a warrant. Moreover, federal agents can now employ a number of hacking methods in order to gain access to your computer activities and “see” whatever you’re seeing on your monitor. Malicious hacking software can also be used to remotely activate cameras and microphones, offering another means of glimpsing into the personal business of a target.

Flagging you as a danger based on your DNA. DNA technology in the hands of government officials completes our transition to a Surveillance State. If you have the misfortune to leave your DNA traces anywhere a crime has been committed, you’ve already got a file somewhere in some state or federal database—albeit it may be a file without a name. By accessing your DNA, the government will soon know everything else about you that they don’t already know: your family chart, your ancestry, what you look like, your health history, your inclination to follow orders or chart your own course, etc. After all, a DNA print reveals everything about “who we are, where we come from, and who we will be.” It can also be used to predict the physical appearance of potential suspects. It’s only a matter of time before the police state’s pursuit of criminals expands into genetic profiling and a preemptive hunt for criminals of the future.

Flagging you as a danger based on your face. Facial recognition software aims to create a society in which every individual who steps out into public is tracked and recorded as they go about their daily business. Coupled with surveillance cameras that blanket the country, facial recognition technology allows the government and its corporate partners to identify and track someone’s movements in real-time. One particularly controversial software program created by Clearview AI has been used by police, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to collect photos on social media sites for inclusion in a massive facial recognition database. Similarly, biometric software, which relies on one’s unique identifiers (fingerprints, irises, voice prints), is becoming the standard for navigating security lines, as well as bypassing digital locks and gaining access to phones, computers, office buildings, etc. In fact, greater numbers of travelers are opting into programs that rely on their biometrics in order to avoid long waits at airport security. Scientists are also developing lasers that can identify and surveil individuals based on their heartbeats, scent and microbiome.

Flagging you as a danger based on your behavior. Rapid advances in behavioral surveillance are not only making it possible for individuals to be monitored and tracked based on their patterns of movement or behavior, including gait recognition (the way one walks), but have given rise to whole industries that revolve around predicting one’s behavior based on data and surveillance patterns and are also shaping the behaviors of whole populations. One smart “anti-riot” surveillance system purports to predict mass riots and unauthorized public events by using artificial intelligence to analyze social media, news sources, surveillance video feeds and public transportation data.

Flagging you as a danger based on your spending and consumer activities. With every smartphone we buy, every GPS device we install, every Twitter, Facebook, and Google account we open, every frequent buyer card we use for purchases—whether at the grocer’s, the yogurt shop, the airlines or the department store—and every credit and debit card we use to pay for our transactions, we’re helping Corporate America build a dossier for its government counterparts on who we know, what we think, how we spend our money, and how we spend our time. Consumer surveillance, by which your activities and data in the physical and online realms are tracked and shared with advertisers, has become a $300 billion industry that routinely harvests your data for profit. Corporations such as Target have not only been tracking and assessing the behavior of their customers, particularly their purchasing patterns, for years, but the retailer has also funded major surveillance in cities across the country and developed behavioral surveillance algorithms that can determine whether someone’s mannerisms might fit the profile of a thief.

Flagging you as a danger based on your public activities. Private corporations in conjunction with police agencies throughout the country have created a web of surveillance that encompasses all major cities in order to monitor large groups of people seamlessly, as in the case of protests and rallies. They are also engaging in extensive online surveillance, looking for any hints of “large public events, social unrest, gang communications, and criminally predicated individuals.” Defense contractors have been at the forefront of this lucrative market. Fusion centers, $330 million-a-year, information-sharing hubs for federal, state and law enforcement agencies, monitor and report such “suspicious” behavior as people buying pallets of bottled water, photographing government buildings, and applying for a pilot’s license as “suspicious activity.”

Flagging you as a danger based on your social media activities. Every move you make, especially on social media, is monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line. As The Intercept reported, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies are increasingly investing in and relying on corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to identify potential extremists and predict who might engage in future acts of anti-government behavior. This obsession with social media as a form of surveillance will have some frightening consequences in coming years. As Helen A.S. Popkin, writing for NBC News, observed, “We may very well face a future where algorithms bust people en masse for referencing illegal ‘Game of Thrones’ downloads… the new software has the potential to roll, Terminator-style, targeting every social media user with a shameful confession or questionable sense of humor.”

Flagging you as a danger based on your social network. Not content to merely spy on individuals through their online activity, government agencies are now using surveillance technology to track one’s social network, the people you might connect with by phone, text message, email or through social message, in order to ferret out possible criminals. An FBI document obtained by Rolling Stone speaks to the ease with which agents are able to access address book data from Facebook’s WhatsApp and Apple’s iMessage services from the accounts of targeted individuals and individuals not under investigation who might have a targeted individual within their network. What this creates is a “guilt by association” society in which we are all as guilty as the most culpable person in our address book.

Flagging you as a danger based on your car. License plate readers are mass surveillance tools that can photograph over 1,800 license tag numbers per minute, take a picture of every passing license tag number and store the tag number and the date, time, and location of the picture in a searchable database, then share the data with law enforcement, fusion centers and private companies to track the movements of persons in their cars. With tens of thousands of these license plate readers now in operation throughout the country, affixed to overpasses, cop cars and throughout business sectors and residential neighborhoods, it allows police to track vehicles and run the plates through law enforcement databases for abducted children, stolen cars, missing people and wanted fugitives. Of course, the technology is not infallible: there have been numerous incidents in which police have mistakenly relied on license plate data to capture out suspects only to end up detaining innocent people at gunpoint.

Flagging you as a danger based on your political views. The Church Committee, the Senate task force charged with investigating COINTELPRO abuses in 1975, concluded that the government had carried out “secret surveillance of citizens on the basis of their political beliefs, even when those beliefs posed no threat of violence or illegal acts on behalf of a hostile foreign power.” The report continued: “Groups and individuals have been harassed and disrupted because of their political views and their lifestyles… Intelligence agencies have served the political and personal objectives of presidents and other high officials.” Nothing has changed since then.

Flagging you as a danger based on your correspondence. Just about every branch of the government—from the Postal Service to the Treasury Department and every agency in between—now has its own surveillance sector, authorized to spy on the American people. For instance, the U.S. Postal Service, which has been photographing the exterior of every piece of paper mail for the past 20 years, is also spying on Americans’ texts, emails and social media posts. Headed up by the Postal Service’s law enforcement division, the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) is reportedly using facial recognition technology, combined with fake online identities, to ferret out potential troublemakers with “inflammatory” posts. The agency claims the online surveillance, which falls outside its conventional job scope of processing and delivering paper mail, is necessary to help postal workers avoid “potentially volatile situations.”

Now the government wants us to believe that we have nothing to fear from these mass spying programs as long as we’ve done nothing wrong.

Don’t believe it.

As Matthew Feeney warns in the New York Times, “In the past, Communists, civil rights leaders, feminists, Quakers, folk singers, war protesters and others have been on the receiving end of law enforcement surveillance. No one knows who the next target will be.”

The government’s definition of a “bad” guy is extraordinarily broad, and it results in the warrantless surveillance of innocent, law-abiding Americans on a staggering scale.

Moreover, there is a repressive, suppressive effect to surveillance that not only acts as a potentially small deterrent on crime but serves to monitor and chill lawful First Amendment activity, and that is the whole point.

Weaponized surveillance is re-engineering a society structured around the aesthetic of fear.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the police state wants us silent, servile and compliant.

They definitely do not want us to engage in First Amendment activities that challenge the government’s power, reveal the government’s corruption, expose the government’s lies, and encourage the citizenry to push back against the government’s many injustices.

And they certainly do not want us to remember that we have rights, let alone attempting to exercise those rights peaceably and lawfully, whether it’s protesting police brutality and racism, challenging COVID-19 mandates, questioning election outcomes, or listening to alternate viewpoints—even conspiratorial ones—in order to form our own opinions about the true nature of government.


John & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Edelblut’s Decision Not To Run For Governor Reflects The Reality Of Blue Hampshire

Tue, 2023-09-05 01:30 +0000

So the GOP field for Governor in 2024 is … with the announcement by Frank Edelblut that he will NOT run … exclusively RINO. If you want to pretend that Kelly Ayotte and Chucky Morse are conservatives, have at it. I’m not pretending.

Having prayed and counseled with many over this decision, I have decided that I will not be running in this cycle. Rather, I will continue to serve out my term as the commissioner of education.

While I believe Edelblut’s stated reasons for not running … primarily the opportunity to spend more time with his wife … his decision nonetheless reflects the reality that NO conservative will ever win statewide office in New Hampshire during most of our lifetimes. Indeed, after 2022 it is probably safe to say that NO conservative will ever win even Congressional District One … the supposedly conservative district … during most of our lifetimes.

Edelblut stood no chance. He would have gone down to a crushing defeat. The battle for New Hampshire has been lost. Any hope for a GOP resurgence was destroyed by “Republican” Governor Chris Sun-King Sununu, who passes on a MUCH bluer State than the one that existed when he was first elected.

Indeed, “NHGOP leaders,” such as the Sun-King, are at this very moment pushing policies that will help the Communists Democrats maintain and strengthen their political control of this State. I am referring, of course, to “affordable housing” … that lovely euphemism for apartment complexes. These GOP “leaders” see New Hampshire as an economy and their mission as providing businesses with labor. They’ve made their money; built their mansions and dachas; and won’t be affected in the least by turning Southern New Hampshire into an unbroken series of apartment complexes.

If living in a Red State is important to you … move to one. The best that you will ever be able to do for the foreseeable future if you insist on remaining in New Hampshire is … possibly … to create some islands of red in a sea of blue. That is, move to a red town and make it redder and take over local politics.

And if despite what I’ve written you still want “the plan” for turning Dartmouth and Exeter and Keene red, see a political alchemist.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Constitution Is the Solution!

Tue, 2023-09-05 00:00 +0000

Fixing America Starts With Education. Most Americans are not taught what’s in the Constitution, nor are they aware of its limitations on government that have helped make America great.

The John Birch Society has a new series of DVDs for you to learn how the Constitution was intended to secure rights, not to enable the federal government to infringe on those rights. You’re invited to attend a six-part workshop based on these DVDs that will provide you with a practical, common sense understanding of how the Constitution was intended to limit the government, not the citizens. This understanding will equip you to work with others to solve many of the problems Americans face every day that were created by Big Government.

Franklin was asked “Sir, what have you given us” at the end of the Convention in 1787.

Franklin said a “Republic if you can keep it”! The Constitution is the solution and Education is the key! The six part series will be held at the Marion Gerrish Community Center, 39 W Broadway Derry, NH each Wednesday from 9/6/2023 to 9/27/2023 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

Doors open at 5:30pm

More info: Call Matthew Rhodes at 207-391-0970

Yours for America’s Future,

The post The Constitution Is the Solution! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Research Meant to Fearmonger Arctic Ice Melt Accidentally Disproves Threat to Polar Bears

Mon, 2023-09-04 22:30 +0000

A bear perched precariously on a bit of ice snapped climate Cult twigs that sent us spiraling into a period of OMG, Ice-Free Summers, the Polar Bears will go extinct – and YOU DID THIS. Did you do it in the Early Holocene for 1600 consecutive years, 11 700 years ago?

Not likely. So what gives? There were polar bears but no ice during the summer. If that’s true, then the decades of endangered polar bear rhetoric is a bunch of bear hookey. Not that we were never suspicious, everywhere, all the time.  The Cult is good at only one thing. Making predictions that don’t come true. And while we enjoy exposing these systemic failures, we also like to buttress our positions with science.


New evidence indicates that Arctic areas with the thickest ice today probably melted out every year during the summer for about 1,600 years during the early Holocene (ca. 11.3-9.7k years ago), making the Arctic virtually ice-free.



The evidence comes from the linked report, “Seasonal sea-ice in the Arctic’s last ice area during the Early Holocene.”


Modeling studies suggest a transition from perennial to seasonal sea ice during the Early Holocene, a period of elevated global temperatures around 10,000 years ago. Here we show marine proxy evidence for the disappearance of perennial sea-ice in the southern Lincoln Sea during the Early Holocene, which suggests a widespread transition to seasonal sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean. Seasonal sea-ice conditions were tightly coupled to regional atmospheric temperatures.


It is worth noting that the linked research is very climate cult-friendly, with numerous references to anthropogenic warming. Under no circumstance was it intended to debunk the polar bear myth, but it must. The special with which we are familiar evolved about 10,000 years before the early Holocene.


Evidence from several sources indicates that the Eemian produced conditions even warmer than documented during the early Holocene and they lasted longer, as explained in the excellent summary by Leonid Polyak and colleagues (2010). During the early portion of the Eemian at least (ca. 130-120k years ago), summer temperatures were about 5–8 degrees Celsius warmer than today and the Arctic was virtually ice-free. At about 120k years ago, there is evidence from Finland and the Norwegian Sea off Norway that a cooling event lasting 500-1,000 years broke the long stretch of warmth (Helmens et al. 2015).

Not only did polar bear survive these two extended periods when ice-free summers prevailed, but the Eemian warm summers came only about 10,000 years after the bears arose as a unique species. This makes polar bear survival through the Eemian even more impressive than most scientists acknowledge. The polar bears’ ability to store excess energy as fat in the spring and metabolize it later when needed must have been fine-tuned by natural selection during this challlenging time (Crockford 2023).


Pro-Global-Warming-Rhetoric ice-melt “science” just disproved any threat declining ice represents to polar bears.

Nice work, “science.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Social Worker-Industrial Complex Has Gone WELL Beyond “Dispositions”

Mon, 2023-09-04 21:00 +0000

Well, after almost four months into this “gig”, I finally saw the breadcrumbs I expected to see.  Read on!

Yes, DCYF is still taking up the bulk of my time as I’m still having to “bird dog” all kinds of details for them (“the Division”) and the last of the School District in getting the Granddaughter registered for school.

SideNote: Yes, I read the District policies a LOT – and I would encourage ALL concerned parents to do the same thing.  For my situation right now, to that latter point I remembered that SAU73 (Gilford/Gilmanton) has a policy, JFABF, that details how the District is supposed to deal with DCYF entangled children (“EDUCATION OF CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE”). It describes that the District has, in that Policy, a part about “District Point of Contact with Child Welfare Agencies.”  Ergo, DCYF:

The Superintendent shall designate a staff member to serve as the District’s point of contact (the “Foster Care POC”) between the New Hampshire Division of Children, Youth and Families (“DCYF”), NHDOE, other districts, and other child welfare agencies. The main duty of the Foster Care POC is to facilitate the prompt and appropriate placement, transfer, and enrollment of students in foster care…

So instead of beating my head against the steel plate for the last couple of items, wasting gobs of time, I informed the FC POC designee that I was turning over all of the last remaining items and stepping out of the process:

If more information is needed by the District, given that you are the District’s DCYF POC per Policy JFABF, please contact <name redacted> at DCYF to finish the registration process.  I have no idea who to believe, <conflicting messages from an admin assistant or their information system). I have no idea what information is lacking.

Have at it.

So, back to DCYF taking up all my time which translates as taking “DCYF class” (online). TMEW and I have decided that since we are caring for a special needs child, we might as well “learn up” about some of her conditions (and some on the Grandson since he has his own issues, too), I’d take the suite of classes that certify us at a higher level than “general Foster Parents). And yes, showing out self-interest (which the Left continuously tries to slander as “SELFISH” when someone engages in Capitalism (which is what we are doing relative to DCYF). And for us, it means a higher level of compensation as our “skill set” has improved by said class (even as we have been raising special needs kids for 30-odd years (our two, the Grandson, and now the Granddaughter – we’ve had experience aplenty already).

So where is the post going (as Steve, Managing Editor, is already muttering (heh!)?  About the first class in the “Specialized” series. Yes, I passed and sent the results back to my “DCYF handlers” (nice women but sometimes don’t know quite what to make of me completely – yet).

Sidenote: At least they do one thing right. The material isn’t all that difficult in and of itself but this class was a lot about learning about Government programs to help Foster Parents – who, what, and where. However, a passing grade is 80% or better – this one had three short quizzes. I admit I had to go back through the material (“ok, I read that, but WHICH is the exact name in this pulldown list of that entity??”) as there seems to be a fair amount of overlap of those offering help.

Observation #1:

A few years ago, it seemed that the field of Social Work had this “thing” that every person in that field had to have a “Disposition” – a point of view that became MANDATORY for all students pursuing that field as a vocation. And students were being summarily ejected from their graduate classes if they espoused wrongthink:

It even intends to redesign its admissions process so that it screens out people with the wrong beliefs and values-those who it judges will not be able to be brought around to the correct beliefs and values of “cultural competence” even after remedial training.
the “Race, Culture, Class, and Gender Task Group” has proposed mandating certain beliefs and values—”dispositions“—for future teachers.

Here’s a couple examples from 2007 and 2009. Social Justice was just getting to be the rampaging bull in their china shop. And it migrated to Schools of Education.  And the classes I’m taking are from CWEP (Child Welfare Education Partnership, an offshoot of UNH – College of Professional Studies (DCYF outsources the classes I have to take). And

It seems, however, that Social Justice has morphed into Critical Race Theory and Gender Identity. Well, no, it hasn’t – just like Democrats and “Liberals” and “Progressives”, they’ve just changed the name and slightly changed to presentation of the underlying political philosophy to make the rest of us guilty in one way or another (Oppressors, Oppressed).  And one way to show that one isn’t one of the Oppressors is by use of your Gender Identity “pronouns”.

My instructor, in looking at all the people shown in my current class in Canvas (the Learning Management System used by UNH and the NH Community Colleges), was the only one that had this:

<Name Redacted> (She/her/hers)

Oh boy, there’s a flashing light, by gosh! Oh wait!

Observation #2:

After taking the End-Of-Course Knowledge Quiz, I was presented with a survey and I decided to ask a question just to see what the answer (reaction?) would be. Using Canvas’s internal email, I sent this to the instructor early on Saturday morning when I “took” this self-based class (emphasis added now – not in the actual email):

Good morning,

An inquiry, if I might.

Perhaps I am reading this wrong and perhaps it is because I am old school, but it seems that even though the Pre-Course Knowledge Check (that I ASSUME makes the assumption that I know nothing about the class content at all) is marked as non-graded, it does seem to be calculated as part of my final grade thus far (please see attachment).

So my questions are:

– Is it truly part of the final grade for this class?
– If it is, is it really “equitable” (as the end-of-class survey question noted, which also included “inclusive” and “respectful” to do include “non-graded assignments” into a final grade?

And the attachment:

So yeah, a bit of beef with the grading system in that it seems that one is supposed to know more than “diddly” to get a decent score. And I’m not clear on how the match is calculated – which of the “events” are used/counted and which aren’t. And shouldn’t “Non-graded” actually mean non-graded???

And 161.01/200 is 80.9%, if you were wondering.

As of Sunday night as I write this, I haven’t had a response thrown my way. It may be interesting on Tuesday morning to find out how the math is calculated out.

It will ALSO (the main reason for this post) be interesting to see how “equitable”, “inclusive”,  and “respectful” pan out in all this.

Frankly, I think “respectful” covers the whole thing and the other two modifiers are irrelevant?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Toxic N95 Masks

Mon, 2023-09-04 19:30 +0000

In April of 2020, top coronavirus fearmongers, including Anthony Fauci and his coconspirators, turned on a dime from advising against wearing masks to protect against coronavirus to recommending that everyone wear masks for that purpose.

This major change in advice occurred despite the fact that there was no clear evidence that masks provided any such protection while there were known health problems caused by mask-wearing.

Early on, the “wear a mask” chorus hectored people to wear only cloth masks that were argued to provide protection. But, with time, Fauci and company increasingly encouraged people to wear N95 masks that they started arguing are more protective.

The mask-pushing was all shady snake oil salesmanship.

More and more dangers of masks, including N95 masks, are becoming widely understood. As with many other aspects of the coronavirus crackdown — including coronavirus “vaccine” shots promotion and mandates, suppression of early treatment, copious use of ventilators and remdesivir, and the isolation of people in hospitals and nursing homes from family and friends who could provide medical and emotional support — N95 mask wearing is increasingly recognized as a dangerous sham.

Among the expanding evidence of the danger of mask-wearing are medical study results released this year regarding how people who wear N95 masks are exposed to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals. A Sunday Daily Mail article by Emily Joshu discusses this and other medical studies indicating the dangers of wearing masks. Her article begins with the following:

The surgical N95 mask has been held up as the gold standard when it comes to protecting against Covid.

But a study quietly re-shared by the National Institutes of Health in spring suggests the tight-fitting mask may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals.

Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea looked at two types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several reusable cotton masks.

The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).

Inhaling TVOCs has been linked to health issues like headaches and nausea, while prolonged and repeated has been linked to organ damage and even cancer.

Yes, guard against inhaling TVOCs from N95 masks. Also, to protect your health and freedom, it is important to guard more broadly against inhaling the proclamations of “public health” charlatans like Fauci.


Adam Dick | The Ron Paul Institute

Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

The post Toxic N95 Masks appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Slippery Meet Slope: Canada Arrests Civilian for Infringing on its Medical Dying Monopoly

Mon, 2023-09-04 18:00 +0000

Medically Assisted suicide is trending in Canada, and it is mulling a revision change—an update if you like. Anyone with a mental illness will be eligible for state-sanctioned self-murder if passed. But not just anyone can assist them.

Related: Follow the Bouncing Ball: Canada Wrecks Health Care, Legalizes Assisted Suicide, Organ Donations Rise …

And someone has been nosing in on their monopoly.


At an August 29 press conference, York Regional Police Inspector Simon James said that [Kenneth] Law’s victims “range in age from 16 to 36” but that the police will “not be releasing any information regarding the identity of the victims in these cases.”

According to Wilson, Law is “accused of selling sodium nitrite and other dangerous materials to people at risk of suicide,”  …

The total number of suicides facilitated by Law may be over 100, according to CP24. Nunn says that “it was heartbreaking to learn of other deaths months and years” before her daughter’s, and that she “believes many lives could have been saved if authorities had acted earlier.” Indeed, CP24 reported that Law likely set up his sites in early 2020, and that when he was arrested, police said “they had tracked some 1,200 products to 40 countries.”


Canada must make an example of Kenneth Law while ignoring the mission creep we’ve been warning about – that the state will use its authority to relieve itself of members of the population it chooses, at first, in the name of empathy, and not long after for any reason at all. A day that is fast approaching in the Great White North.

The nation is about to allow “lethal injection solely on the grounds of mental illness.


Canadians suffering from depression, schizophrenia, eating disorders, or even anxiety will be able to use their diagnoses to insist on their “human right” to be killed by a doctor – to be assisted, in short, in committing suicide.”


This is one giant lead forward. The government of Canada can not only define what is a mental disorder but who has one and to what degree. Once diagnosed by the state, any patient could be encouraged by an army of therapists to commit suicide.

Not to beat a dead horse or be a broken record, but this seems a very convenient way to eliminate anyone who might speak up or speak out against anything that government does.

We’d have reached the bottom of the slippery slope in Canada, with US states like Hawaii and Oregon not far behind.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Memestream News: Monday Edition

Mon, 2023-09-04 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And don’t forget my latest essay, Depopulation Speculations.




Neil Oliver: ‘ULEZ & the state we’re in!’






As sent to me by a Telegram contact:

Genocide of Banu Qurayza by Muslims

For anyone who tells you Islam is a religion of peace or Muhammad is a messenger of mercy…ask them to tell you about the Genocide of Banu Qurayza.

And so this person does not make up stories that Muhammad delivered chocolates and flowers to them, you can read the story here:

In short, Muhammad had a peace treaty with several Jewish tribes, some kept it and some sided with the pagans during a battle. The tribe of Banu Qurayza, stayed neutral but after seeing how savage Muhammad was with the other Jewish tribes, Banu Qurayza who counted at best 2000 are no match to Muhammad’s army of nearly 40,000 – had tried to reach out for some aliance elsewhere – although they strongly denied that.

The reality is that Muhammad had already decided he wanted to clear Arabia of all none muslims in this hadith.

Sunan Abi Dawud 3030

Jabir bin ‘Abd Allah said that he was told by ‘Umar bin Al Khattab that he heard the Apostle of Allaah(ﷺ) say “I will certainly expel the Jews and the Christians from Arabia and I shall leave only Muslims in it.” (Graded Sahih)

What happened next stains the image of Islam and Muhammad forever. An absolute massacre. The tribe were attacked in the morning and they put up very little resistance. Muhammad accused them of treason for which they could not have any fair trial. Women and girls taken as slaves and sex slaves, men and boys killed. In one shocking incident presents in the Hadith, a mother pleads with Muhammad to save her boy who is only 13. Muhammad asks his men to strip him to see if he has a pubic hair (evidence that he is now an adult) and it turned out he has one single hair!!

The boy was slaughtered.

This was not just a policy against Banu Qurayza, this was standard policy of Muhammad against all the tribes as shown in the authentic hadith:

Can you not feel the love? Can you not feel the mercy of Islam?

So here’s a little more about that massacre:



I’d also strongly suggest understanding the Treaty of Hudaibiya.  Especially Jews who are feting the Abraham Accords.


Is Islam Religion of Peace? A Brief History by Brigitte Gabriel (heb sub)



Now, I was visiting a majority-Muslim country this summer.  While I didn’t wear my kippa – no point in being provocative where I don’t know the laws or language (and all I needed was one guy with a Jihad-mindset and a knife) – I was told by the local Chabad Rabbi that many of the Jews in his congregation do wear them out in public.  Interesting; then again, it’s not an ARAB country.  My wife, as I’ve said, is – nominally – a Muslim (in reality an atheist); our children are being raised as Jews and were converted in a Mikveh too.  Everyone there was friendly; one of my cousins-in-law drove me to that Shul for a Shabbat service to facilitate my going.

However, understand that anti-Semitism is hard-coded into the Koran.

Islamic Jew-Hatred – Geller Report

Antisemitism in the Qur’an – Winds of Jihad (

Do I hope Islam can be reformed in a large way?  Yes.  I know there are Muslims trying to push it.  Certainly I have no stomach for slaughter in a global jihad struggle.  Meanwhile, paging the “Co-exist” symbols, here are three versions of my own:





You could do far, far worse than to visit Political Islam and perusing to start learning about Islam.  Also, their resource store:

Products Archive – Political Islam

And definitely learn about the forms of Sacred Deception.  Two videos from Dr. Bill Warner:


Bill Warner, PhD: Sacred Deception — Taqiyya




Bill Warner, PhD: Deception in Political Islam



And more on the rolling Islamic conquest:

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: NYC mayor will allow mosque loudspeakers to blare

Along with a chilling video about Muslim demographics:





One of these sets of “bellwether counties” is not like the other.




EXPOSED: Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals Private Facebook Group Where MI Clerks Discuss STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud in 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore, Patty McMurray, and Jim Hoft

90 Miles From Tyranny : Mystery Swirls Over Batch of Thousands of 2020 Voter Registration Forms in Michigan (

Guaranteed it didn’t just happen in Michigan.













Paging a quote from Thomas Jefferson:

I have a right to nothing which another has a right to take away.











U.S. Cities Participating in Program to Eliminate Private Transportation and Dairy, Meat Consumption by 2030 (

I have this vision of a lava flow moving through a forest.  Slowly, but inexorably, consuming everything as it pushes forward.  That’s the image I see of the watermelon progress.  Still think you’re going to protest and vote your way out of this?



Just Living Your Life… Under the Watchful Eyes of the Swamp – Flopping Aces

Things get very much more difficult when you are surveilled 24/7 for wrongthink.  Meanwhile, back at the IRS:

Leo Hohmann: Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns? | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor





Covid and Medicine Related:



HERE WE GO: New Yorkers Told to MASK UP For Labor Day Due to New Covid Variant | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila






I’m torn.  Certainly, people who thought this way early on, I could forgive this.  But, as I asked a medical doctor I know who has awakened but said “How could we have known early on”?, my question was “Then how did I know”?  It wasn’t that the data weren’t there… it was that there was the fear porn, not to mention medical boards and enemedia, suppressing dissent and questioning.  Plus social pressure.  Plus the fact that the Jab made them feel like they mattered.

What I have to say is unprintable – Liberty’s Torch (


The Collaborators Will Kill Us All | Dr Vernon Coleman


NYC Migrants in Temp Shelters Still Don’t Need Vaccinations to Enroll in School (

But US citizens / residents will.  Reading between the lines, one could legitimately infer they want legal residents weakened or dead, to presumably be replaced by these illegals.

Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found ( (link in original):

A clever scientific study by Brogna et al., just published, detected the presence of spike protein in COVID-vaccinated people six MONTHS after vaccination – and excluded the possibility of cross-contamination of experimental data with wild-circulating COVID infections.

Let me repeat this.  They detected the presence of spike protein production SIX MONTHS after injection.  Raising the spectre of reverse transcription into DNA.  As I worried.

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

Also see here:



The Jab was pushed very hard in Israel, with many – including my friends and family – complying.  I think in part the uptake was so high because few Jews could envision fellow Jews knowingly doing something this evil to them.  Though on a call to a customer care center in Israel for something I was ordering from there, I was told that resistance and non-compliance was a lot stronger than was reported.  And this Rabbi captures a lot.





They lied.  Myriad lies by myriad liars.  Why do people believe them now?



Bet he’s a blast at parties.  He should go get another booster after taking choline supplements for 4-5 weeks.




More and more I am suspecting this is intentional.




I’ve mentioned Israeli journalist Efrat Fenigson before.  She’s going to a conference on fighting CBDC.



You’re The Voice | by Efrat Fenigson | Substack

She’s anti-CBDC, anti-Jab, and pro-liberty.












Assuming there IS a 2024 election… and assuming it’s fair (hah!)… if Hawaii still votes blue they deserve what they get.  Sorry, not sorry.








Look, I don’t want to pick on the guy specifically.  But as I said before, something strikes me as “not right” here.  So, in his favor:

Ramaswamy: Today’s Politicians Are “Hollowed Out Husks Serving As Puppets” To The Globalist Machine – Summit News

And disfavor:

WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Flip-Flops on One Issue After Another (

Let me be clear on something.  I don’t mind that people change their mind – but cite what changed it.  But then positive again:

Vivek Ramaswamy Pledges To Pardon Julian Assange, Anti-American Publisher of US Secrets (

And negative:

WATCH: Vivek Ramaswamy Rules Out Use of Military Force Against Iran (

No, I’m not itching for war with Iran.  But without that potential stick to compare against the carrot, there’s no deterrence.

Again, make up your own mind.  But something – again, just MHO – just doesn’t feel right.



Do consider the date on that.  In fairness, people can legitimately change their mind.  In this case, asking him if he’s changed, and why he changed, is fair game!









There Is No Going Back Home – According To Hoyt

RTWT.  But:

And no one can save us from what’s to come, no matter how “presidential” and “calm” he is. Nothing will make the democrats sane again. Not until they are deprogrammed from their cult, and the scales fall from their eyes. Or they die, which given the age of their leadership is not so far distant.

There is no perfect option.  There are no perfect men.  But at least Trump fights.




Memo to GOP Field: Does No One Have the Wit to Attack the Bossy State? | Power Line (

No.  They’re all too busy attending the “beautiful people” cocktail parties and feathering their nests at the taxpayer’s expense.  That’s why they won’t touch the Deep State’s pursuit of Trump with a 39 ½ foot pole.



Ruling Class Mulls Civil War Measures To Bar Trump From 2024 (

Is Trump perfect?  Far from it.  But when so many disparate forces want to find any pretext to keep him from even entering the fray, let alone be on the main ballot, I have to think they’re desperately afraid of him.  Related – FascistTube censoring the fact that Democrats questioned elections too:

YouTube Demonetizes Matt Orfeala’s Entire Channel For Making a Video Proving That Democrats Are Hardcore “Election Deniers” And Have Repeatedly Committed Insurrection – Flopping Aces

This is a good time to plug the Grok’s fundraising drive.  Please help support independent journalism.  Because the enemedia lies.  Lies like rugs they lie.

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next › American Greatness (




Money And The Processes At Work – Liberty’s Torch (

Today’s dollar is approaching complete worthlessness. If we use the price of gold as a measure, the dollar’s purchasing power is less than 2% of what it was in 1944, when the Bretton Woods meetings took place. This correlates well with other, more “relatable” commodities such as food, clothing, and automobiles. If we use single-family houses as the measure, the picture is even worse, though that’s partly because of the deductibility of mortgage interest and property taxes in one’s income tax calculations.

Bustednuckles sees the rampant inflation as a precursor to the “digital dollar,” which is likely to be correct. The masters of the Federal Reserve system are pushing hard for that change, and for the concomitant elimination of physical cash. No one I’ve spoken to is enthused about that, for a variety of reasons I need not repeat here. But whether or not the Federal Reserve manages to impose it on us, it’s likely to come up hard against a vital fact that overshadows everything else about money, currency, and banking:

— Not central bankers nor politicians —
Decide what is (and is not) money.


I remember, dimly, some (African?) nation that “fought” hyperinflation by issuing new currency.  But many people didn’t really turn in their old notes.  As this new currency also started to hyperinflate people went back to the old currency which – though not officially recognized – became the de facto currency by dint of its now-rarity.



I asked my financial advisor what he’s buying.  He said “Canned goods, guns, and ammo”.

Gas prices are soaring toward an all-time Labor Day weekend high | Not the Bee

Germany: Record Amount of Shrinkflation and Deceptive Packaging Helps Hide Inflation From Consumers



The dollar’s going to fall.














IIRC it was over $300 million in “royalty payments” to government officials who work / regulate Big Pharma that those officials didn’t need to disclose.






SHOCKING Body Cam Footage: School Board Calls Police on ‘Unrecognized’ & ‘Trumpish’ Citizens!





Pick of the post:



Another way to put it.  Does a person want to have a discussion or an argument?  In a discussion, you converse to learn what is right, and start out with the principle that there is a possibility you are wrong.  In an argument you each browbeat to prove who is right.

I’m willing to have discussions about what is right.  My claws come out when someone switches to arguing trying to prove they’re right regardless of what facts are.  Especially when they can’t present facts while I can.  (Surak once told me, in an email in which I cited chapter and verse on the Jab and its effects – something we agree on – that he’d hate to get into an argument with me because of my memory on things like this.  It reminds me of an argument I had with someone on gun control and whether it cuts crime.  Heh.  They ran.)




Collected links with commentary, no subjects (too much time in that):


What if the ‘out of Africa’ theory is wrong? | The Spectator Australia (

I don’t want to get into a Creationist vs. Evolutionist argument here.  (For the record I’m the latter.)  Rather, the point is that there needs to be free exchange and debate in a science – and the humility to admit that what’s known might need to be changed as new data come forth.  See my comment about discussions vs. arguments above.

The underlined above is sorely lacking in today’s “climate science”, as one example.

Court Denies School’s Attempt to Give Teachers Qualified Immunity To Escape Accountability With Parents – The Lid (

Like most leftists, they hate free speech and want the authoritarian power to control everything people do.

The leftist school district wanted qualified immunity to act with impunity to ban the free speech of parents and children alike.

In a nutshell (

Spicy time definitely approacheth.  Two embedded quotes:

That’s the discussion we’re having. The people Angelo Codevilla called the American ruling class, the hegemonic academic-political-media hive people, are now casually discussing Trump and Trump voters as a conquered people who have to be dominated and kept out of the system of self-government. Because Trump is a dangerous authoritarian, you see. 

And later (bolding added):

Let’s take the phrase “inexorably threatened” and parse it a bit. Per Merriam-Webster, “inexorable” means “not to be persuaded, moved, or stopped.” What he’s saying — the reason his handlers chose that descriptor — is that there is no longer any need to try to persuade the public of their climate change scam because the “deniers” are individuals who cannot be reasoned with. On a societal level, what does one do with an existential threat that cannot be reasoned with because words are meaningless to it? One goes to war with it.


Remember, I used to be a “climate alarmist” and changed my mind.

Do any of these steps sound familiar in light of what Kerry and others say about “deniers”?



Related to the first part of the above essay:

Poll: 30 Million Democrats Support Extreme Violence to Keep Trump from Winning in 2024 – The Lid (

A university poll finds that Democrats are a danger to the republic, as 30 million of them apparently feel that extreme violence to keep Trump from office in 2024 is justified.

Biggest Drone Attack On Russia Since War Began Destroys At Least 4 Military Planes | ZeroHedge

As the article notes (bolding and links in the original):

Crucially, Pskov is a mere 20 miles from NATO member Estonia’s border, which sparked internet rumors that Estonia could have been involved, also given the city of Pskov is over 400 miles from Ukraine itself. International outlets are citing Russia’s TASS to report that at least four military transport planes were damaged in the attack.

If – and this is IF – Estonia was involved, that’s casus belli from a NATO member.  If the Russians get evidence of NATO involvement in this… things could go sideways.  Fast.  Related:

Tucker: US in Hot War With Russia Within a Year – Summit News

Remember my contention – that the Globalists need to push the world into nuclear war for two reasons:

First, when nukes have flown, nobody’s going to care about bribery or corruption or anything.  Or how much of the world’s wealth they’ve already siphoned off.

Second, again after nukes, the catastrophic effects – direct and following – on populations will mask the coming Jab-pocalypse effect on the population and fertility.  (And any attempts to deliberately block the sun – because “global warming” – will be blamed on “nuclear winter”; it would not surprise me if they had the aerosol-laden rockets filled and ready, waiting for when people are too distracted by other rockets already flying.)

Related to world (in)stability:

The Rude Awakening – Vox Popoli (

Defending Pets (

FYI.  Now this is when the system / society is functioning.  In a SHTF situation, things are likely to be different.  When it’s a looting thug vs. your guard dog?  Related to self defense:

Why I dislike doors with windows. – Gun Free Zone

The Gun Blog Black List: Biden’s Proposed Rule Will Eliminate Private Gun Sales –



Iranian Immigrant Law Student Encounters America’s Own Revolutionary Guard (

The treatment she’s getting – i.e., SHUT UP – reminds me of the treatments refugees from Communist countries get by the blue-check Socialist nitwits.

‘Smart tattoos’ injected into the skin could someday monitor your health | CNN

Just. No.  Remember Yuval and his creeepy obsession with biometric surveillance under your skin.




Monday Music:


Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett – It’s Five O’ Clock Somewhere (Official HD Video)



RIP Jimmy.  Have a Hurricane in Margaritaville.  (Song chosen before he passed.)




Palate Cleansers:



A thief with honor.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.


The post Memestream News: Monday Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nazis For Biden

Mon, 2023-09-04 15:00 +0000

Sure looks like the FBI has planted scores of agents in a couple of NeoNazi groups that recently demonstrated in Florida. Problem for the Feds was the leader of one of these groups said on camera that he supports Biden because of Biden’s support for Ukraine. Needless to say, if you depend on the Regime-media for news, you have no idea. We later learned that one of the “Nazis” is actually a Nazi … he served in the Ukrainian Azov Brigade.


The post Nazis For Biden appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ivermectin Use Against COVID-19 Notches a Win

Mon, 2023-09-04 13:30 +0000

We’ve explained why Ivermectin had to be beaten down. The Public Health Industrial Complex could never have imposed the vaccine plan if it was a viable treatment. Two years later, the Davids continue to fight Goliath, and Ivermectin has notched a few wins.

Related: The Next Time Someone Accuses You of Vaccine Misinformation, Give Them a Dose of This Medicine


Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, one of three doctors who initially filed the charges, trumpeted the ruling as a victory for not only the truth, but patient rights.

“The FDA misled the public into thinking it has more authority than it does,” Dr. Bowden, a practitioner and founder of Coalition of Health Freedom, told The Epoch Times. “This decision confirms that the FDA is not your doctor and has no authority to tell doctors how to practice medicine.”

Judge Don Willett wrote for the three person panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.”

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise. The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to. As such, the Doctors can use the APA to assert their ultra vires claims against the Agencies and the Officials.”


We reported on Dr. Bowden’s lawsuit last October. “Defendant FDA has improperly exploited misunderstandings about the legality and prevalence of off-label uses of medication, in order to mislead courts, state medical boards, and the public into thinking there is anything improper about off-label prescribing,” AAPS writes in its amicus brief to the court. “Not only is off-label prescribing fully proper, legal, and commonplace, but it is also absolutely necessary in order to give effective care to patients.”


AAPS General Counsel Andrew Schlafly pointed out to the court that the FDA “has engaged in a campaign of interference with the proper use by physicians of ivermectin, which has long been approved as fully safe for human use.” He alerted the court that once the FDA approves a medication as safe, then physicians have full authority to prescribe it to treat any illness, particularly a novel virus like Covid-19.

When sued, the FDA tried to get out from under its heavy-handedness by insisting that “The cited statements were not directives. They were not mandatory. They were recommendations. They said what parties should do. They said, for example, why you should not take Ivermectin to treat COVID-19. They did not say you may not do it, you must not do it. They did not say it’s prohibited or it’s unlawful.”

A fine thing to say after the fact, but why then would the FDA do nothing to contradict the tidal wave of false reporting by the media, aped by public health officials, some of whom used the FDA’s “non-directives” to justify punishing doctors of pharmacists for trying to prescribe or fill orders for Ivermectin.

They took the FDA’s headline to heart: “Why you should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19.” Even the FBI took them seriously, working with Social Media to suppress narratives contradicting a wide range of “statements” from government agencies or officials.

And the FDA never said stop. It never stepped up to a podium bristling with press microphones to state that doctors could prescribe Ivermectin off-label to treat COVID for their patients. It couldn’t even be bothered to send an email saying Hey, we never said that, and if we did, that’s not what we meant… until they got sued.

The result?


A federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled on Friday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had overstepped its authority in their ruling that three doctors will be able to move forward with their lawsuit over the use of ivermectin off-label to treat COVID-19

That’s a win, but not the first. 


On Aug. 8 a lawyer representing the FDA confirmed that doctors were allowed to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.


Unless I missed it, there was no tidal wave of reporting regarding the August 8th statement, and the FDA does not appear to have done anything to ensure it was.


Dr. Bowden claims that despite the endorsement from the FDA, the practice of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for ivermectin continues.


It is not much use for the FDA to claim physicians can prescribe something pharmacists won’t fill while the media and the Public Health Industrial Complex have plenty of time to talk about COVID-19 vaccines, masking up, and boosters.

Ivermectin has won a few battles, but the war against it continues.



The post Ivermectin Use Against COVID-19 Notches a Win appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Should We Believe The Media Hype Linking Hurricane Idalia To Climate Change?

Mon, 2023-09-04 12:00 +0000

hurricane Idalia left a path of destruction across Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina this week. It was a big, impactful, dangerous storm that has negatively impacted thousands of lives, like so many big and powerful storms that have made landfall in the United States.

That said, as most of the legacy media continues to inundate Americans with all manner of hype and efforts to link Idalia to climate change, it also should be noted that there is nothing unprecedented or even all that unusual about this storm. It’s a big one for sure, but so were Hurricanes Harvey and Ike and Rita and Katrina and Ivan and many more storms that came before it.

One report on Twitter/X posted Wednesday by meteorologist Phillip Klotzbach says, “For the first time since 1950, the Atlantic has two 110+ mph #hurricanes in August simultaneously (#Franklin and #Idalia).” In response, another Twitter user noted 71% of industrial-age human-caused CO2 emissions have taken place during the period between 1950 and today.

Yet we are asked by our government to accept the notion that human CO2 emissions are the major cause of climate change, and climate change is supposedly creating increasingly powerful and more frequent storms. None of that science is supported logically or factually by that look back at history.

A look even further back through hurricane history reminds us that the Great Galveston Storm of 1900 remains the deadliest weather-related catastrophe in U.S. history. The 1900 storm inundated the entire extent of Galveston Island, bringing with it a 15-foot storm surge, taking the lives of an estimated 6,000 to 12,000 souls. Notably, that is the same level of surge created by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Visitors to Galveston can still observe the high water marks the storm left on buildings that survived the horrible storm. It is fair to note here that, again, according to scientists, the 1900 storm took place prior to more than 95% of CO2 emissions from the industrial era had come about. According to official data kept by NOAA, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 in 1900 was about 295 ppm compared to about 420 ppm today.



Well, what about hurricane strength and frequency, then? Data since 1851 kept by the U.S. National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane center shows no discernible upwards trend in either category over time. Indeed, the period from 1851 through 1900 was more active in terms of the number of hurricane strikes on the U.S. mainland than were the 50 years from 1971 through 2020.

In terms of intensity of the storms, the decade from 1941 through 1950 produced 10 landfalls by category 3 or higher storms, compared to just 4 such landfalls across the most recent decade of 2011 through 2020. In fact, that most recent decade produced the fewest intense storms on record since 1901 through 1910.



These are not opinions but simple, undisputed facts that are easily found by any curious person with access to a computer who knows how to conduct an Internet search. Do any of these facts mean that the scientists and media hype surrounding hurricanes and climate change are wrong? Not necessarily.

But they do mean that the reality we are able to actually observe is not in any real way conforming to the output of computer models the scientists invariably rely upon as the basis for their pronouncements that are eagerly parroted by cooperative, incurious media platforms.

Until such observations begin conforming to all the hype and fright rhetoric coming from the likes of Al Gore, John Kerry, and U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, a major portion of our population will remain skeptical that we are being told the truth about any of this. Americans are funny that way.


David Blackmon is an energy writer and consultant based in Texas. He spent 40 years in the oil and gas business, where he specialized in public policy and communications.

David Blackmon | Daily Caller News Service

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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The post Should We Believe The Media Hype Linking Hurricane Idalia To Climate Change? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont’s Culture – Or What’s Left of it.

Mon, 2023-09-04 10:30 +0000

Vermont once had, at least in my Normal Rockwell-esque memory, a sense of independence and a toe-hold on sanity. That place Calvin Coolidge called home. It is an image long since painted over by the political Left, replaced with a fawning portrait of Mao.

There were signs aplenty along the decline, from growing budgets to more restrictions on natural rights to infringement on energy freedom, education freedom, and health freedom. The embrace of the borderless society, allowing illegals to vote (Burlington), defunding police, and the rising crime that followed, and a descent into a malaise that strikes a people when confronted with a Democrat-Socialist culture that swears every vote matters but only ever listens to itself.

Porn in schools. Genderless bathrooms. A Narcan vending machine in Johnson, Vermont.

They are very excited.


Aug. 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day, and Vermont’s first naloxone vending machine is up and running in the village of Johnson.

The vending machine serves as the state’s latest step in ending overdose deaths.

“Every person in this community has the chance to live another day,” said Dawn Tatro, a co-founder of Jenna’s Promise.


Johnson, VT, has a population of approximately 3,491. It is quaint and picturesque, and it needs a Narcan vending machine.



The vending machine is outside of the Johnson Health Center and provides anonymous, 24/7 access to the life-saving drug naloxone, also known as Narcan.

“It’s [in] a central location; it’s going to be free to community members — no questions asked,” said Dr. Gail Rose with the UVM Center on Rural Addiction.

It’s the latest step for the community in fighting a problem that hits close to home for many.

“My daughter wasn’t [overdose death] 330, she was Jenna Tatro, 26 years old. And maybe, if we had something like this here, we could have prevented that,” said Tatro.

According to Wikipedia, it is home to Northern Vermont University, so that might mean something, but from 30,000 feet, should it? How does a small town in Northern Vermont find itself in such dire straights as to need a Narcan vending machine so randos can access overdose meds?

Narcan can save lives, so I’m not saying they shouldn’t have it, but isn’t the issue how or why you even need it? What circumstances led to this being necessary, and is anyone interested in reversing them? Why is this normal and acceptable?

Or is this how we deal with the decline of America in places like Johnson, Vermont? Watch it from a drug-induced haze, and if, by chance, we get carried away, perhaps someone will dose us with Narcan and drag us back to reality. Maybe plan ahead and get a free dose before you go off the reservation.

That’s how we live now?

Johnson is Vermont’s first. I tried to get a sense of how many of these there are in the US, and the best guess from May was about 200. I expect that there are more of them now. You could probably put 200 in Los Angeles or New York City and barely make a dent.

Isn’t that some sort of sign?

Hey, open borders goobers. Why not let cartels put Fentanyl machines near the Narcan machines? Or, ask them to hand them out when they deliver the drugs. Living addicts will make them richer than dead ones, and there isn’t much effort to stop the drugs.

Next door in New Hampshire, a increasingly shorter step to your right, a MA man was sentenced to five years for conspiring to move 20 pounds of Fentanyl.

People who walked into the US Capitol to take a selfie on Jan 6 face more time than that guy.





The post Vermont’s Culture – Or What’s Left of it. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tucker Believes The Biden-Regime’s “October Surprise” Will Be A Hot War With A Russia

Mon, 2023-09-04 01:30 +0000

Tucker makes an excellent point … when you start trying to jail your political opponents (the four bogus indictments of Trump), you have crossed a political rubicon. You cannot give up power because your opponents may do onto you what you did to them. So anything goes. Tucker, however, does not believe that Covid 2.0 will be what the Biden-Regime uses to maintain power. He believes that the Regime will “Tonkin gulf” us into a hot war with Russia in order to allow the Regime to use “war powers” to even further rig our already rigged elections.

I sure hope that he is wrong. The lunatics running the Biden-Regime’s military, cheered on and egged on by GOP lunatics like Nikki Haley, Mike Pence and Lindsey Graham, could easily cause a nuclear war and the end of humanity.

And just because I love to infuriate the GOP warmongers, here is Douglas MacGregor’s assessment of how we would fare in a hot war against Russia:


The post Tucker Believes The Biden-Regime’s “October Surprise” Will Be A Hot War With A Russia appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Look at the Human Cost of Net Zero and The Green Agenda

Mon, 2023-09-04 00:00 +0000

In 2016, the human rights violations in Africa fueling the technology future were well known and documented by none other than Amnesty International, which released a report on “the hazardous conditions in which artisanal miners, including thousands of children, mine cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Chinese mines in countries like Congo, Indonesia, and others have few, if any, environmental controls and little in the way of oversight, pay locals very little to work or collect Cobalt and other rare earth metals necessary for companies like Tesla, Apple, LG, Samsung, and others, who create the devices Westerners crave.

Things their societies won’t live without and are the backbone of the Left’s supposed Net Zero future.


UNICEF estimated in 2014 that approximately 40,000 boys and girls work in all the mines across southern DRC, many of them involved in cobalt mining. The children interviewed by researchers described the physically demanding nature of the work they did. They said that they worked for up to 12 hours a day in the mines, carrying heavy loads, to earn between one and two dollars a day. Even those children who went to school worked 10 – 12 hours during the weekend and school holidays, and in the time before and after school. The children who were not attending school worked in the mines all year round.


We’ve covered the issue a few times, but until this week, I was unaware of the Amnesty International report, which predates the Biden ramp-up, the piecemeal imposition of the Green New Deal, and the full-spectrum dominance approach to imposing environmental policy. It is proof that the offshoring of emissions, ecological devastation, and human suffering predates that ramp-up alongside mining operations that enrich China, a nation with an abysmal human rights record at home and a self-declared mortal enemy of the United States.

Any notion that China cares about African locals is absurd, but they do care about projecting power. Hence, they burn dirty coal to build green tech they then sell to the West that then ignores the short and long-term harm while laying claim to a greenwashed moral superiority.

But there is no energy future without fossil fuels.

You can’t make steel without coke from coal or energy-intensive aluminum.

80% of the sulfur “required for the production of phosphorus fertiliser and manufacturing lightweight electric motors and high-performance lithium-ion batteries” comes from the desulfurization of fossil fuels. Banning or reducing the use or access to fossil fuel-derived nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides will dramatically drop global food production, with some estimates suggesting that 40-60% of the world (mostly likely the third world) would starve to death.

Related: Not Even a Pencil Could Exist without Fossil Fuels

The Left likes to whine about Colonialism and Settlers wiping out societies in favor of their preferred lifestyles and livelihoods. What would they say about embracing an energy policy that results in 4 billion brown people starving to death?

Is it environmental justice when your programs are pogroms?

Children are dying, and entire ecosystems are being destroyed, so you can smugly attest to how much empathy you have for a planet your “planet-saving” priorities are destroying.


The post Another Look at the Human Cost of Net Zero and The Green Agenda appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

But Just Keep Pretending America Is Not A Police State … Part (I’ve Lost Track)

Sun, 2023-09-03 22:30 +0000

The most important issue that this country faces is its rapid spiral into a Police State. It’s far, far, far more important than inflation, the debt, Ukraine, etc., etc., etc.. For example, how are you going to get rid of DEI and CRT … the systemic brainwashing of America’s children in order to turn them into unwavering, unquestioning foot-soldiers of the Communists Democrats, the equivalent of Mao’s Red Guards … when the Communists Democrats make it a crime to criticize DEI/CRT? It can’t happen you say. You haven’t been paying attention.

For more than two years, the corrupt USDOJ … aided and abetted by corrupt DC  judges (including judges appointed by Trump) … has been conducting a Robespierre-like reign of terror against Trump voters, with the objective of making people afraid to criticize rigged-elections. In stark contrast, rioters who bombed, burned and looted cities during the 2020 “summer of love,” in order to turn voters away from Trump and to Biden, have gotten a comparative “slap on the wrist”:


Yet all we get from the GOP Presidential candidates is … at the most … some pablum about how he is going to somehow “end the weaponization of government.” And when the “GOP” House fully funds the corrupt USDOJ and FBI in the coming months, we won’t hear a word of criticism of Kevin at-best-useless McCarthy from these Presidential candidates.

The GOP, in the aggregate (there are some exceptions … for example, Julie Kelly has been exposing the J6 political-persecutios from the outset), just wants to pretend that it’s all somehow going to go away after the last J6’r is locked up. It’s NOT. The federal judiciary is packed with faux-judges nominated by Obama and Biden who have zero fidelity to the constitution and the rule of law, and total fidelity to their political ideology. And it’s only a matter of time until the Communists Democrats start using the State courts against their political enemies the same way the Biden-regime’s DOJ is using the federal courts to prevent Trump from winning the Presidency a third time. For example:


The post But Just Keep Pretending America Is Not A Police State … Part (I’ve Lost Track) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Politicians, Wind Power, and Another Hidden Tax

Sun, 2023-09-03 21:00 +0000

This week, the US Government held an auction for major wind projects in the Gulf of Mexico. There’s bad news: The US Interior Department tried to lease out three wind blocks in the Gulf of Mexico off the shores of Texas and Louisiana.  There were zero bids for the two wind blocks in Texas.

We want to thank Mark Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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There was one bid for the Louisiana wind block.

The Louisiana wind block went to a German company for about 1% of the normal offshore wind price.

  • Why would we sell our energy production rights to Germany?
  • Why would we do that for 1% of market value?
  • Why would we sell our sovereignty for any price?  Isn’t energy independence critical to national security?
  • Does national security matter?
  • What happens when you don’t have it?

According to a senior wind analyst at the energy intelligence firm Wood Mackenzie, the reason why the US Government got that paltry amount is that the wind doesn’t always blow and sometimes the wind blows too much.

That is especially true in the Gulf of Mexico. It’s also true the seafloor in the Gulf of Mexico is notoriously soft and silty which raises the cost of sinking wind turbines and keeping them in place.

If the Louisiana deal goes through, utility companies and residents in that state will be paying upwards of $150 per megawatt hour for this energy.   That is about double the average for similar offshore projects, according to the outlet Semafor.  This means offshore wind is around $75 to $100 per megawatt hour, give or take.

Now, compare that to nuclear at $60 or coal at $50 per megawatt hour.

If market forces were at play here, no off-shore wind projects would be built. We would not build off-shore wind projects because of how comparatively expensive they are.

So why is it that we are paying $75 to $100 per megawatt hour for the average wind power facility when we could be going with nuclear at $60 or coal at $50 per megawatt hour?  It sure seems like we would want to keep our electric bills down.

Well, here is one reason.  States like New York, Massachusetts, California, New Hampshire, and others mandate utilities serving their jurisdiction buy this expensive stuff.  The legislated mandates, followed by utility companies, are then passed off to you, the ratepayer, in your electric bill.

State and federal governments are forcing the economics of offshore wind to work. This is a masked use of governmental taxation power against you.  The government is forcing you to pay more for an essential good than you otherwise would be willing to pay.

This means your politicians, by subsidizing or mandating or both, are forcing the adoption of high-priced wind energy.  That is why there was one non-market rate bid for that Louisiana project.  That’s why, analysts say, the upcoming bids for offshore projects in Oregon and Maine are expected to do better.  How are you going to do any worse?

The states of Maine and Oregon, these states are Leftist controlled.  They have mandates and subsidies legislatively in place.  That means, eventually, the cost of those mandates and subsidies does get passed down to you, the electric rate payer.

Like it or not, your government is forcing you to pay more than is necessary for electricity.  Can you do without electricity?  So the next time you hear an offshore wind farm argument, keep that in mind. There is a lot of political funny business going on in the offshore wind power business, and you are going to be sent the bill for the decision-making that certainly should be controversial.

You are going to unnecessarily, “voluntarily,” have to pay exorbitant electric rates.  You are going to pay excessively for something you cannot do without.  Not only that, you will need more of it if you have an EV than you do today.

Leadership requires courage, commitment, communication, and competence.  It is being an effective communicator with a clear purpose, a well-defined role, a clear understanding of who you serve, what your values are, and authenticity in presentation. Who are your representatives working for?

Does political leadership today provide the best possible service at the lowest practicable cost… to you today? Why are your electric rates the highest in the nation?  Are you getting a competitive advantage from their actions?  What are these governmental actions doing to your future?

If you want to shiver in the dark because you cannot afford the electricity to light and heat your home, and you’re not going to work because you cannot afford to charge the car’s battery, our state and federal energy strategy is working.  Remember, if they sell it, you “will” buy it.  They do not tolerate debate.

The post Politicians, Wind Power, and Another Hidden Tax appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Affordable Housing Is NH’s Top Economic Problem, Leaders & Voters Agree

Sun, 2023-09-03 19:30 +0000

New Hampshire voters rank affordable housing as the state’s No. 1 problem, according to a UNH Survey Center poll released on August 28. State business and political leaders agree, saying housing affordability is the top problem holding back the state’s economy.

“Oh, it’s number one,” Gov. Chris Sununu told Drew Cline, president of the Josiah Bartlett Center, on the WFEA Morning Update. “The lack of housing for middle and lower-income families is absolutely number one because…. Without the housing, you don’t have the employees. Without the employees, the businesses can’t grow. If the businesses can’t grow, then economically everything becomes stagnation.”

In June 2023, housing affordability in the state reached a new record low for the second consecutive month, according to the New Hampshire Association of Realtors. With an affordability index of 61, the state’s median household income was only 61% of what’s necessary to qualify for the median-priced single-family home at current interest rates.

At the same time, median prices for single-family homes in New Hampshire hit their highest point ever at $495,000—an increase of $30,000 from the previous month’s record high. Condos notched a record median price of $400,000 in June too.

Rents are also hitting new heights. The median cost of a two-bedroom apartment soared 11.4% over the past year alone to $1,764 a month.

Despite New Hampshire’s growing economy—ranked fourth overall, third in economic growth, first in economic opportunity, and last in poverty rate by U.S. News & World Report—the state is 36th in housing affordability.

“I would rate housing affordability number one currently among issues or challenges impacting New Hampshire’s economy,” Michael Skelton, president and CEO of the Business & Industry Association (BIA), told the Josiah Bartlett Center.

“It’s unquestionably the single most important problem facing New Hampshire’s economy,” said Jason Sorens, senior research faculty at the American Institute for Economic Research and author of the Josiah Bartlett Center’s landmark 2021 study linking local land-use regulations to the state’s housing shortage.

Several leaders also agree that land-use regulations are a leading cause of the issue.

“Most of the affordability problem is due to local land-use regulations,” Bob Quinn, CEO of the New Hampshire Association of Realtors, concluded. “They increase development costs or eliminate the opportunity to build entirely.”

“Local land-use regulations are certainly part of the issue, on par with NIMBYISM [Not-In-My-Backyard-ism],” Keene Mayor George Hansel said.

It comes down to a problem of supply and demand: Limited supply of housing with steady or increasing demand leads to an increase in prices. By restricting what can be built and where, zoning laws are suppressing the supply of housing, resulting in New Hampshire’s current housing shortage, state housing experts and business leaders say.

“There is simply not enough housing for people to rent in New Hampshire,” Ben Frost, deputy executive director of New Hampshire Housing, said on WMUR.

According to the CATO Institute’s Freedom in the 50 States—an index of personal and economic freedom—New Hampshire ranks 40th in land-use freedom, a product of local land-use regulations obstructing supply.

These zoning regulations include minimum lot size, setback, frontage, minimum square footage, and design requirements, among others—all of which make it difficult to build and/or increase the costs of building.

“We know developers are interested in building more housing and there are generally financing options and capital available to do so, [but] the challenge they most often face is finding a place to build,” BIA’s Skelton observed. “Local land-use regulations and zoning (minimum lot size being the most prominent) and infrastructure (water/sewer, etc.) availability and requirements, to me, are the most significant local regulatory issues impacting what can be built and where.”

As the New Hampshire Zoning Atlas demonstrates, single-family housing is allowed by right on 90% of the state’s 3.6 million acres of buildable land, yet most municipalities don’t allow single-family homes on small lots (less than one acre).

In fact, homes on lots of less than one acre are permitted on only 16% of the state’s buildable land.

The median lot in New Hampshire is 49,223 square feet, according to the Angi U.S. Lot Size Index. This is the second-highest in the country.

In New Hampshire, minimum lot size requirements can exceed dozens of acres. Districts in Groton, New Boston, Peterborough, and New London require lots to be a minimum of 25 acres (1.089 million square feet).

Zooming in on the Greater Manchester Area, 89% of the buildable land in the city and surrounding towns (Auburn, Bedford, Goffstown, Hooksett, Litchfield, Londonderry, and Merrimack) allows single-family housing, but only 33% of that buildable area is open to new single-family homes (after accounting for existing development, vacancies, and growth potential).

Just 21% of Greater Manchester’s buildable land allows single-family homes on small lots. This drops to merely 7.8% when considering only vacant or underdeveloped space.

“It’s not the only factor, but it’s the predominant factor, and it’s easily the most important factor we can actually do something about,” Jason Sorens, the principal investigator on the New Hampshire Zoning Atlas, noted about local zoning laws.

“We can’t do much about steep slopes and poor soils, and expanding sewer and water service takes time and expense. Growing the construction workforce is another lever, but that will take a long time. Local land-use regulations drive at least 50% of the affordability problem, and we can change them,” Sorens added.

Multifamily development is heavily restricted as well. While housing for five or more families is permitted on 44.2% of New Hampshire’s buildable area, only 21% of this land allows these large-family developments on smaller lots.

Reforming a city’s zoning regime can be quite an undertaking. “Keene has dramatically streamlined and rewritten our land-use codes in the last three years,” Mayor Hansel said. “This was an expensive effort, costing more than $500,000 on top of internal staff time devoted to the rewrite effort. Smaller communities, without full-time planning staff, would have a hard time tackling something like that.”

Though some communities might want to avoid a full rewrite, smaller changes such as reducing minimum lot sizes, eliminating overlay districts (zoning districts that overlap original zoning districts), and increasing density limits (how many housing units can be built in a given area) would have significant impact.

Mayor Paul Callaghan offers Rochester as a model for other municipalities looking to make quick progress on this front.

“In 2018 we increased the density allowance in and around our three urban centers (East Rochester, Downton Rochester, and Gonic) to allow for more density (and therefore less cost to developers),” Mayor Callaghan said. “And then in 2019 we did away with density requirements altogether in Downtown Rochester and allowed for some residential units on the ground floor level.”

“The system really works when it’s clicking, and the number one thing holding it all back…is housing,” Gov. Sununu told Cline. “And it isn’t, ‘Well, the government needs to build more housing.’ We’re investing more in housing than we ever have.”

In fact, the 2024–25 state budget spends a record $25 million for the affordable housing fund.

“But the locals need to permit it,” the governor continued. “Local, even small towns, need to talk to their businesses who are struggling to find employees and say, ‘Maybe if we just put five units up here or we let a small multifamily complex with seven, ten units go over here,’ that in itself can just be a game changer for a lot of small businesses in town to make them more economically viable.”

Capturing the full economic extent of the challenge, the governor added, “Everything moves positively when you have the housing and you can bring in the employees.”


Mitchell Scacchi | Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy


The post Affordable Housing Is NH’s Top Economic Problem, Leaders & Voters Agree appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Black Lives Mattered They’d Be Demanding Reading Proficiency not Reparations

Sun, 2023-09-03 18:00 +0000

Ian Underwood has a great article on education priorities. He talks about the goals for which schools and their advocates (parents, lawmakers, taxpayers, society) should strive. That if you teach kids to read, they can then learn anything.

He writes,


‘This state should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of bringing 95% of students to a 12th-grade level of proficiency in reading.’

Note that in achieving this goal as a society, we would position students to achieve their own goals as individuals: To create their own bright futures. To attend college, or train for a career, or start a business. To learn more about whatever they want, whenever they want, for the rest of their lives. To be active creators, rather than passive consumers, of public discourse on subjects like tolerance and inclusivity — or taxes, public health and safety, criminal justice, welfare, or any other matter of public policy. They would be able to participate intelligently in the political, economic, and social systems of a free government. And in doing so, help preserve a free government.


There is no truer statement you can make about education. A school system that fails to teach reading has failed at everything if education is the point of the exercise. It is the foundation of something I say often: teach them how to learn, not what to learn for which reading is fundamental.

If you can’t read or read well, that system is bankrupt, and declining proficiency scores, especially in inner-city schools, is the greatest crime against minorities.

Black Lives Matter famously grew fat, attaching its name to protests in the interest of minorities, but, in the end, only a handful of them benefited: the organization’s leadership got filthy rich while the lives it claimed mattered found themselves worse off. Black-owned businesses burned, and lives were lost as crime skyrocketed in the wake of direct action in honor of a career criminal who overdosed on Fentanyl.

The Democrat party, and anyone afraid to disagree, lionized George Floyd in the name of making Black Lives Matter, but did any black lives get better? Other than Patrice Cullors and her family, I don’t think they did. But no one was marching to make black lives better. If you wanted that, you’d invest every dime and bit of energy into solving the problem of illiteracy.

The single biggest injustice heaped on any class or race of people anywhere is funding an education system that can’t even teach a kid to read, but that is what has happened, and to hide their failure, they graduate them anyway. And it is not the product of white supremacy, whiteness, or white fragility. It is a direct result of the cabal of Democrat-run cities and teachers’ unions, many of whom, in these places, are minorities who can read.

The face these same people run the police department some claim are so oppressive should not be lost in the debate, but the answer to their failure is to hand you someone else money, but that’s not going to save you from the social cage in which you are kept. Reparations, welfare, free housing, or health care make you slaves. Learning to read can set you free.

And there is indeed no shortage of people who can read and have failed in life (or perhaps have not exactly succeeded). It is also true that we each have our own concept of success and failure. But few, if any, illiterates free themselves from poverty or dependence, not in this generation or the next. It begins with the ability to read.

Given the amount of money or resources directed at public education, there is no excuse for a student with poor or limited reading ability, and this not only continues to be the case, but illiteracy is on the rise.

If you want to protest something and demand change, you should start with the waste, fraud, and abuse of a public education system that spends obscene amounts of money but has denied students the one thing they need more than any other to succeed—the ability to read.



The post If Black Lives Mattered They’d Be Demanding Reading Proficiency not Reparations appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Depopulation Speculations

Sun, 2023-09-03 16:30 +0000

This started out as an entry in a meme post, but it got long enough – and a truly serious enough topic with a lot to discuss – that IMHO it’s worth making a standalone post.  But first, please do recall my four essays on depopulation:

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (

Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? – Granite Grok

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop

To be read in your “copious free time” of course.







In this vein, understand that the central meme of this post, the one that inspired it, just below. is anonymously sourced and unvetted.  Almost by definition considering what it says, I am hoping that this prediction does not come true, and that it is a fabrication.

So here’s that central meme, courtesy of the RebuildNH Discussion Group on Telegram:



I suggest you read it a couple of times.  In vino + cocaine, veritas?



Now first, two assumptions:

1. That this is an actual and accurate account of a real event / conversation

2. That the coming events discussed are, in fact, in the works and being launched later this year

For the purposes of this essay – again, even as I hope that they’re not true – I’m going to assume the above two things are true.  So the first thing is to note, as Surak often noted back when he was active: They really do want you dead.



We don’t have to wonder if they want us dead.

WEF-Infiltrated Dutch Gov’t Begins Euthanizing People With Autism, Disabilities, and Alcoholism – The People’s Voice (

Euthanasia Is Now A Leading Cause Of Death In Canada, And Ethicists Are Freaking Out | The Daily Caller

We now have suicide pods.

Introducing Modern, High-Tech, Self-Assisted Suicide Pods – Yes, They’re Serious – Granite Grok

Inventor dubbed Dr Death unveils grisly ‘suicide booth’ the Sarco Pod that asks three questions before suffocating user | The US Sun (

And overall a culture of death not valuing human life at all.

‘Somewhere around 10am or 11am she went to an apartment complex on the west side of Dothan and placed a live newborn in a trash compactor,’ he added.

He said officers later found the baby’s remains still in the unemptied dumpster at a landfill site, wrapped in a mattress protector inside a zipped duffel bag.

We see rising “died suddenly” counts with excess deaths being at unprecedented levels.  We know that birth rates are dropping with the Jab having horrific effects on women’s fertilely; sperm counts are falling globally and have been for decades – whether intentionally or purely “serendipitously” (I’d argue both).  Our sedentary lifestyle doesn’t help, when rigorous exercise is a testosterone-production stimulant.  Multiple things seem to be aligning to drop the growth rate of population and – likely – turn that growth negative.  Remember, they want a less populated world.


Scientist Given Award, Standing Ovation after Anti-Human Diatribe – The Heartland Institute

Much less.



Certainly fewer surviving children because of the Jab’s effect:

Safe and Effective® – Small Dead Animals

If people choose to have them at all, assuming they’re able to.

My vote is for the lunatics to not have children, that way they are not bringing kids who will be turned into complete mental messes from the scary cult propaganda.



IgG4 antibodies in particular.  Now there are myriad sites defining them, mostly in highly biology-jargon terms, but my understanding from conversations with a couple of people deep into immunology – one with a PhD in it – can be put this way in my layman’s analogy, which they said was accurate:

Imagine you’re in a strange town, you’re hungry, and there’s a crowded-lot tavern that looks appealing.  You go in, and it’s a “bad” bar.  Bikers – real bikers, not the weekend-warrior type.  Other thug types.  They’re all looking at you and all reaching for weapons.  Standing up.  Not a good thing for your long-term health and well-being.

But suddenly an arm descends on your shoulders, and a guy who is clearly known to the crowd says “Hey, don’t worry, this guy’s cool”!  Everyone relaxes.  You go on in and nobody harasses you.

That’s the IgG4 antibody.  Among other factors, it’s why our immune systems don’t go after allergens.

(If I’m wrong in any of the above and someone can point me to correct information, I’ll welcome it.)

But IgG4 antibodies don’t just prevent reactions to allergens like peanuts or pollen – a good thing.  IgG4 antibodies create immune tolerance of the spike protein.  And now, not only do we know that the spike protein is, itself, toxic and immuno-suppressive:

“To that question as well, the immune suppression because of the spike [protein], because of the pseudouridine, it changes patterns of receptors on cells,” said Cole, adding these receptors could enable T cells to fight off all kinds of viruses.

“Now, you don’t have a defense system. This cancer cell can invade over the wall. This pathogen can invade over the wall because your immune system has been suppressed to a degree that allows that to happen. When does that stop? We don’t know. How do we reverse it? We don’t know. Is it happening to everybody? No, thank heavens. Is it happening to a degree that’s alarming? You bet.”

It also appears that people are being found to be producing it over six months after they’ve been Jabbed.  And from the article – RTWT and shudder – this about igG4 antibodies specifically – echoing the above:

Immune tolerance is perfectly acceptable for allergens, irritants that do not replicate and exist persistently. Ignoring allergens, instead of suffering from annoying hay fever, is why immune tolerance is a good response to such environmental irritants as pollen or dust.

However, immune tolerance is deadly when it comes to resisting live, replicating pathogens!

So, do you see how high, permanent levels of IgG4 antibodies related to the Covid virus and its spike protein might not be such a good thing?  Having your immune response downgraded, if not turned off, by igG4 antibodies that this non-sterilizing Jab creates in your body?  Never mind all the other damage we know the Jab and spike proteins do to your immune system?

And what did that meme talk about?  IgG4 antibodies in high density, in a large swath of the population.

Check.  That corroborates.  More importantly, that’s a highly-specific claim that corroborates; after all, how many people even knew what an IgG4 antibody was, let alone knew of its existence, before the above?  I’m a curious, wide-reading sort, and I didn’t know about them until less than a year ago.



Geert Bossche: Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccination (Open Letter to WHO) (

Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, is a vaccine research expert. He has a long list of companies and organizations he’s worked with on vaccine discovery and preclinical research, including GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization).

He is board-certified in Virology and Microbiology, the author of over 30 publications, and inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines. He currently works as an independent vaccine research consultant.

Sounds like a knowledgeable person who would know, right?  So what has he said about this non-sterilizing “vaccine”?  From that same article:

He claims his beliefs are basic principles taught in a student’s first vaccinology class – “One shouldn’t use a prophylactic vaccine in populations exposed to high infectious pressure (which is now certainly the case as multiple highly infectious variants are currently circulating”).

He states that to “fully escape”, the highly mutable virus, “only needs to add another few mutations in its receptor-binding domain”.

He’s not alone in sounding this warning.



More on that warning:

Luc Montagnier: “They are not vaccines, they are poisons” – Speech to the Luxembourg Parliament • Soul:Ask | Unlock your mind and soul (

(For a little broad history, look at the “conventional wisdom” and how it fared against a Smallpox breakout – and how going against THE SCIENCE was what ended it.  This history aligns with Bossche’s warning about not trying to vaccinate your way out of a pandemic.)

So as an analogy consider chickens and Marek’s disease – a disease for which there is a vaccine, but it’s leaky and non-sterilizing.

Leaky Vaccines Enhance Spread of Deadlier Chicken Viruses (

This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous | PBS NewsHour

Chickens with the vaccine don’t get sick, but they still spread the virus; they still carry a viral load (sounds familiar).  Meanwhile, the virus evolves fast; getting around any protection the vaccine creates and in the process often become more lethal in that local cluster.

Is the Covid Jab leaky and non-sterilizing?  Yes, to both.

As to fast evolution, in the below video Dr. David Martin talks in front of the EU and says that from 1990-2018 it was universally known that it was fruitless to attempt to create a vaccine against Coronavirus because it mutates too quickly and escapes the ability of a vaccine to block it.  (Watch the whole thing.)


David E. Martin talk in the 3rd International Covid Summit | European Union May 2023



So, in the Jab, we have a non-sterilizing agent that is driving a highly mutable virus’ evolution to evade it.  Paging a human-version of Marek’s disease analogy, anyone?  Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has predicted:

Is Geert’s Deadly Prediction About to Come True? (

Repeated COVID Shots Driving Dangerous Variants, Turbo Cancers • Children’s Health Defense (

These in turn have subclasses, and one that is central to Geert’s concern is one of the SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific IgG subclasses called IgG4.

So that seems to align with the meme too.  Again, take this with as many grains of salt as you like.  But while I find the prediction outlined above in the “loose lips” meme likely, again, I hope not.  But it would not surprise me if it did happen.  Pray for those you love who have taken The Jab.



So whether by design or accidentally – and I firmly believe it’s by design – we have billions of people whose immune systems are not just compromised in general through immune disregulation, as Dr. Ryan Cole states:


but have been “set up” to not react to the Covid virus by IgG4 antibodies specifically.  We also know, through the analogy of Marek’s disease and and natural effects but also, potentially, through possible deliberate engineering (one example) that it’s only a matter of time before a variant emerges that fully escapes the immune response of whatever protection the Jab gives.  This variant, again through both observation of multiple epidemics in humans and animals in the past, will rip through the population.  It will likely have immense virulence – whether through natural reasons or engineering – again, based on history and medical experience.

Billions.  They’re talking billions.  So let’s assume that the three billion estimate is about right.  That’s over one third of the human population right there, dying in such numbers and, presumably, with such a velocity that it will be impossible to keep up with the deaths in an orderly manner.  Captain Trips in real life.  So, too, is the conjecture that with that many people dying in such a short time, many others dependent on a functioning society will also die.  Look left, look right, look in the mirror.  Statistically, one of you three isn’t going to make it.

That aligns with the meme too.  And if it really is deliberate to create death on such a scale?  Chaos will reign.  And into that chaos, hunger, uncertainly, and desperation will step the “benevolent hand” of the Globalists, promising order, stability, and predictability, with just a small little price:


(Link to AZQuotes per their policy.)


Logic, again, agreeing with the meme.  After all, never let a crisis go to waste.  And, parenthetically, how much more chaos if the news gets out that world governments knew?  If you thought people were chaotic and panicked beforehand as they see people dropping across the world, imagine adding in the idea that their governments had known this was possible and had still pushed forward with multiple Jabs.  Panic, rage, betrayal trauma, and revenge rage.  Politicians being murdered (no great loss IMHO), but also doctors, nurses, pharmacists – you know, the people who we’d need to try and combat this.

We know that there have been forces at work for decades trying to slow down and reverse population growth.  For example, while Dr. Rima Laibow initially struck me as loonie-central when I first saw her, she’s been consistent on this for years and years:


Dr Rima – The Globalist Agenda: The Great Culling



This would definitely fulfil her warnings about the “new aristocrats” wanting to cull the Useless Eaters.  After all, the supposed conversation partner spilling this is one of the uber-rich.  Another checkmark.

We have legions of statements from all sorts saying they want to depopulate the planet.  Paging Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel:

When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.

Especially when they have the means and motive to do so as well.

And one other implication.

If this is being done by design, and there are videos and speeches and text aplenty of people saying we need to reduce the population drastically, this speaks to a genocide on a scale absolutely unheard of save by natural disasters like the Chixalub extinction or, even larger, the Permian extinction.  Except unlike those, this is done knowingly and deliberately, and focused on one species only.  And it speaks to two things:

First, an absolute amorality on the part of those doing this.  Whatever the belief driving it – it could be fear of cliiiiimate dooooooom, or just wanting to get rid of those pesky peasants so the “royalty” have more, or some other reason – it takes a dead soul to be willing to murder, let alone murder on such a scale.  Those people ruling over an abattoir planet would not have human souls, not by any measure I hold dear.  Just remember that they believe they’re doing good.

Second, and I’ve commented on this before, this has been decades and decades in the works.  Countless millions of experiments.  Thousands of scientists over the years, tens if not hundreds of thousands of technicians and lab assistants.  Has nobody broken ranks at a sudden realization of what the end goal is?  If not, why not – what possible hold could be over so many?  Or is it simply that such a thing has been exposed time and again by people who connect the dots, smuggle data and pictures out to blow the whistle, but this happens?



Certainly, in the main, when I try to talk with people about even a shadow of a scintilla of this I get dismissed with some version of Oh that’s just not possible.  Twenty-niners, all of them (bolding in the original).

Hence my term, “Twenty-Niners”.  People who cannot grasp that anything that could radically change the situation in which they live are actual possibilities, and completely dismiss concerns that others present even when backed by evidence.

Yuri Bezmenov was right.




If, as predicted by the end of 2023 / start of 2024, we’re seeing people dying by the bushel, rushing upwards towards three billion dead from a virulent Covid strain, with doubtless billions more dead as the world falls apart, we’re in trouble.  As an example, recall the Deagel report.  That the US will lose over 200 million of its population by 2025 (though admittedly it doesn’t say HOW – the looming threat of a radioactive-hot war with Russia also plays into consideration)… and it does beg the question of whether this is a prediction or a goal.  Regardless, 100 million Americans was 1914-1915.  We had a functioning country then and – absent other factors – I’m sure we’d pull it together given time.  It’s the getting down to that level – plus inevitable outside machinations – that would be the issue flummoxing the regaining of stability.  But society in general would be wounded spiritually from enduring that.

Also consider that, OOH, the Globalists want us to be pure renewable, but OTOH want to block out the sun because of cliiiimaaaaate doooooooom, so there’s no reliable electricity (as if it’s able to power civilization now) – let alone if they do block the sun there’s unreliable farming or even plant growth.  Imagine the surviving Millenials, etc., trying to cope with the loss of the grid & internet?   Let alone having to forage, farm or – gasp –  milk a cow?

But broadly, there goes America.  There goes Western Civilization and all the others too.

Pray this is not going to happen.  But in vetting and investigating, a great many of the pieces in that meme do line up with outside information.  Enough to worry me greatly.

Prep.  No, you may not survive… but go down trying.


I’m not afraid! You will be



The post Depopulation Speculations appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Andy Sanborn – Scandal, or Normal?

Sun, 2023-09-03 15:00 +0000

It may be the case that Andy Sanborn applied for COVID relief money for a business that was not eligible for relief and lied on the application in order to get the money.  If true, that would be scandalous.

Having received money that he didn’t need, he had more money available for personal desires, such as sports cars.  That’s a separate issue, and it is not scandalous at all.  It is the kind of thing that well-to-do parents of school-age children do all the time.

For example, we have a woman in Croydon who owns at least five properties.  How did she pay for all those? Well, every year, the town pays more than $30,000 in tuition for her children — money she could afford to pay but doesn’t. As a result, every year, she has a pile of extra money to spend on her personal desires.

She spends the money on real estate rather than on sports cars, but the principle is exactly the same:  When the government buys something for you, the money you didn’t have to spend — on your employees, on your kids — is yours to do whatever you want with.

Taking money from your fellow citizens under false pretenses?  That’s wrong and illegal.

Forcing your fellow citizens to buy something for you that you could afford to buy for yourself?  That’s wrong, but legal.

Spending the money freed up by government largess on luxuries?  That’s just normal behavior in modern America.  One wonders why it’s taking up so much space in news reports on Sanborn’s activities.

Maybe he should have spent the money on real estate instead.


The post Andy Sanborn – Scandal, or Normal? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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