The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 15 min 1 sec ago

Bradley’s Burgess Biomass Boondoggle is Back in the News

Tue, 2023-10-31 12:00 +0000

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu and I agree on several things. Lowering taxes (or eliminating them) is good. Shoring up protections for the right to self-defense is critical. And refusing to fund Berlin’s Burgess Biomass boondoggle was the right thing to do.

Last week, the governor’s veto of another legislated Burgess bailout survived an attempted override. A bailout that was only made possible with Republican votes, so it wasn’t just Democrats doing us dirty. Sununu did us a favor, and the failure to override seemed likely. You only need a handful of ignorant Republicans in this legislature to promote a bad idea, but you need a lot more of them to make it stick the landing after a veto.

The override tried to vault the veto but failed to achieve the necessary height, what I’d call an example of the process working, and it has drawn a bit of ink in the media, local and national. Depending on what you think about it, you’ll agree or disagree with this take or that. But Burgess was never going to make money. It was a money pit (the rates necessary to show a profit the fiscal equivalent of gang rape). The jobs it creates destroy them elsewhere in the economy. Environmentalists don’t even like burning wood for power. Taxpayers and ratepayers would forever be bailing the thing out to pay more for their electricity.

You might as well burn money, which – given the trajectory of the Biden economy, may soon be cheaper, so – taking a hint from Grokster Ian Underwood – we’d suggest that anyone who feels that strongly about saving those jobs bail them out themselves.

Back in June, I explained how this might work. You could pay the employees to do nothing and save New Hampshire ratepayers and taxpayers millions more than trying to keep the facility online.


I don’t know what Burgess Biomass employees make or the five-score timber folks, but can we agree it’s probably less than 100,000 per year?

If we gave the Biomass folks each 60K to do nothing (which is the national income average), it would cost 1.8 million. Add the 200 timber workers, and that’s another 12 million. Paying them not to increase our electric rates would save New Hampshire ratepayers over 135 million dollars on top of the reduced cost of electricity from not having to pay higher rates.

We’d continue to save more, even if we had to extend the severance for several years, than if Sununu signed HB142.


When it costs less to subsidize inactivity, that thing you want has problems. Burgess biopower has problems.


The problem with building a business model on what amounts to a government subsidy is that one’s survival depends on favorable treatment by politicians. That’s never a good place to be.

Burgess wound up with a worse deal than it had initially anticipated. After ratepayers had been forced to pay it $100 million above market rates for electricity, any future payments above the market price had to be refunded. It hit that cap years earlier than expected, thanks to technological advances that lowered the price of natural gas. It then exceeded the cap, necessitating repayments to ratepayers, which it could hardly afford. 


We can probably agree that Democrats, by majority, are the more enthusiastic advocates for bailing out Burgess (along with Market Meddling Republican NH Senators Jeb Bradley and Kevin Avard – to name but two). From where I sit, neither has much trouble raising money to exercise political force to take ours. What if they just skipped the middleman and funded Burgess themselves?

It would never happen because people like that never throw “their” money down these holes. They run for elected office to use the force of law to feed these bottomless pits with the fruit of our labors. And while Burgess is in limbo today, Bradley and the Dems still have an itch in their green pants to get this done.

The Burgess Bailout will be back, and we’ll need Sununu to veto it again before he ends his service in the Governor’s Office.



HT | JBartlett

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nicaragua is Waging ‘Migrant Warfare’ Against the US – And Getting Rich in the Process

Tue, 2023-10-31 10:30 +0000


The American left clucked its collective tongue when Ron DeSantis sent illegal aliens to their Leftist sanctuary cities and states. DeSantis was forcing the Leftists to acknowledge the cost burden their policies impose on border states. DeSantis was correct to do so.

The Left howled about playing politics, using human beings as props, that his action was simply wrong, un-American, and reckless.  But did you know there are Latin American Marxist dictators doing exactly what DeSantis has done?

Who do you think is sending the illegal immigrants to DeSantis in the first place? He has to get them from somewhere before he sends them to their Leftist sanctuary cities and states. Why are they not howling about that? Why is it okay for Leftists to send illegals to our southern states?

Nicaragua’s communist leader is gathering people from Haiti and Cuba and flying them to Nicaragua.  From Nicaragua, he puts them on the Ortega Express headed to the United States.

Charter airlines have flown tens of thousands of migrants out of Haiti. Ditto Cuba. There have been 172 flights carrying tens of thousands of people to Nicaragua. Recently, local Nicaraguan media reported that 27 charter flights from Haiti landed in Nicaragua in two days.

Ortega is engaged in “migrant warfare.” It’s not my term, it comes from the Associated Press. The man Ronald Reagan dubbed “the little dictator” is dropping migrant bombs on America. And Ortega is making a pretty penny off his migrant express, working in bulk levels, focusing on quantity.

The AP spoke to three Haitian migrants who took the charter flights.  They doled out between $3,000 and $5,000 a seat to leave Haiti in hopes of reaching the United States.

Ortega has an opportunity to make a lot of money by increasing the number of flights as migrants fork over airfare for his charter flights while he satiates his desire to destroy the U.S. The point: There are state actors making money from Biden’s fecklessness, our open border.

Mexican and Colombian officials also make money – through bribery, extortion, and exorbitant travel prices.

Ortega et al. get the money personally from their human trafficking. We get flooded with illegal immigrants and their associated costs. And the political Left acts like it’s not happening.

Shouldn’t Biden be sanctioning Ortega et al.? Is this the future you support?  Was this what you voted for in 2020? Will you vote to stop it in 2024?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Does Anyone Trust New Hampshire’s Criminal Justice System Any More?

Tue, 2023-10-31 01:30 +0000

Logan Clegg was found guilty by a jury last week of multiple charges relating to the murder of Stephen & Djswende Reid. The trial was held in Merrimack County Superior Court, Concord, New Hampshire.

Juries are unpredictable. Would the jurors have come to this conclusion had they not broken for the weekend and potentially been susceptible to outside pressures from a community rocked by the murders of a couple and no known motive?

There are a lot of inconsistencies in the Logan Clegg case that make one wonder whether the Reids’ murder was an orchestrated hit job, whether Logan Clegg was a hired shooter, whether he acted alone or whether he was the wrong man but framed to bring about a fast conclusion to satisfy citizens of Concord. His defense attorney maintains they got the wrong guy. There are certainly indications that she might be right.

Does a community feel safer when someone, anyone, is locked up after a murder or a rape? Does a community actually care whether the right person has been charged and convicted?

In the 1980s, the Central Park Five were convicted of beating and raping a female jogger in New York. Donald Trump infamously put out ads in several newspapers asking for them to be killed and for the reintroduction of the death penalty.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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“At the time of their arrests, they were between the ages of 14 and 16 years old.

While all five had initially confessed to participating in the Central Park attacks (confessions from Wise, McCray, Santana and Richardson were videotaped), the teens and their attorneys insisted they were coerced by investigators into giving false statements during interrogations that lasted hours.

In a 2016 op-ed published by The Washington Post, Salaam claimed the interrogators deprived him and the other teens of food, drink and sleep for over 24 hours.”

“Despite maintaining their innocence, the Central Park Five’s contention that their confessions were coerced didn’t gain credibility until June 2002, when Matias Reyes claimed sole responsibility for raping and beating Meili.

Reyes, a convicted murderer and serial rapist, was serving a minimum 33-year prison sentence when he confessed to the crime. His DNA matched genetic material found at the crime scene and he provided details of the assault that led investigators to take his claim seriously.

Reyes also committed a similar assault on a woman in Central Park two days before Meili was found.

The NYPD and Manhattan District Attorney’s Office then began separate reinvestigations of the Central Park jogger case.

Reyes, meanwhile, could not be tried in the case because the statute of limitations had expired.”

Thirty Four years later, the tables of justice have turned. Now, the Central Park Five are victims/survivors of wrongful convictions, and Donald Trump, who spent tens of thousands on ads seeking for them to be executed, is facing over 90 charges.

Elsewhere, Anthony Broadwater insisted for decades that he was innocent of the rape of “The Lovely Bones” author Alice Sebold. She described the crime in her memoir “Lucky.” Anthony Broadwater spent 16 years in prison, denied parole at least five times because he wouldn’t admit to a crime he didn’t commit. He passed two lie detector tests, all to no avail. The New York State Supreme Court Justice Gordon Cuffy only vacated the rape conviction and other counts related to it after a producer who was going to adapt “Lucky” started to question the narrative:

Part of the reason Broadwater’s attorneys, J. David Hammond and Melissa Swartz, got involved in the case is thanks to Tim Mucciante, who was involved in a project to develop a film adaptation of “Lucky.”

Mucciante “had doubts that the story was the way that it was being portrayed in the film,” said Hammond, which led him to hire a private investigator who is associated with their law firm.

I have questioned the criminal investigation and trial of Owen Labrie (held in the same court as NH v Logan Clegg — Merrimack County Superior Court, Concord). I have provided ample material evidence of police and prosecutor malfeasance to the New Hampshire Attorney General and others which demonstrate that Owen Labrie was framed and that there were attempts by one of his accuser’s/state witness’ attorneys to bribe him in order to extort millions from St Paul’s School.

My research led me to discover the criminal investigation and 1994 trial of Father Gordon MacRae, who is still in Concord Prison 30 years later. He claims he is innocent, too. Wall Street Journalist Dorothy Rabinowitz and former FBI agent James Abbott also concluded that he is not guilty.

New Hampshire courts have ignored the exculpatory evidence just as they’ve ignored looking at the malfeasance (now documented with the US Senate Judiciary Committee) in the Owen Labrie trial. Malfeasance was a factor, I believe, in the decision for former NH AG Michael Delaney to withdraw from consideration for judgeship on the First Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this year. (He was accused of tampering with state witnesses, about which the prosecutor was informed but ignored and allowed them to testify).

Police officer James F McLaughlin was known well before Father Gordon MacRae’s arrest and prosecution for his dishonesty and misconduct, but New Hampshire & the players in its judicial system have protected him. Not only was McLaughlin protected, but he was given a lifetime achievement award in 2016 while his protegé (PD Julie Curtin), who framed Owen Labrie, was recognized for her work in “justice for the victim,” which included creating a dishonest narrative, hiding exculpatory evidence, witness tampering and helping so-called “victims advocates” and local attorneys profiteer and racketeer.

Does anyone really trust New Hampshire’s criminal justice system any more?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Never Let A Mass Shooting Go To Waste …

Tue, 2023-10-31 00:00 +0000

Somebody needs to tell the truth. Democrats Communists see mass shootings as opportunities. Opportunities to disarm law-abiding Americans. Of course, they lack the courage to say so expressly.

Instead, the Democrats Communists tell us we need to “do something,” “take action,” “show courage,” blah, blah, blah … and needless to say, their solutions would NOT have prevented the mass shooting, but would prevent law-abiding Americans from defending themselves.

The recent mass shooting in Maine, like other mass shootings, involved an individual suffering from mental illness and advice to law enforcement:

According to information apparently supplied to Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office by the Maine National Guard, the man spent 14 days at a psychiatric hospital in July before being released.


Nevertheless, here is the leader of the Democrats Communists in the New Hampshire House doing what Democrats Communists always do after a mass shooting … exploiting it to further their agenda of disarming law-abiding Americans. Matty Wilhelm and his ilk are despicable.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kamala, It Is So Weak Just To Say It Is Broken

Mon, 2023-10-30 22:30 +0000

Kamala Harris appeared on 60 Minutes this week—another campaign appearance on what used to be a News show. After the last two weeks of Joe and Kamala appearing on the Sunday night show, CBS should announce the Biden/Harris re-election campaign has bought the News Magazine.

The softball questions in both interviews were pathetic and showed how far the media has fallen. Granted, most of the 60 Minutes staff are former journalists if they ever were. They have lost any integrity and are now just tools of the Left, or in this case, the White House. 60 Minutes should be forced to offer equal time for Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr.

The Southern Border questions emerged, and the Vice President went simultaneously into defensive and offensive mode. She did not address the 7 million unvetted illegals but immediately went after Congress and the broken immigration system. First, what is happening in remote areas of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California has nothing to do with our immigration process. The people crossing illegally into our country, with or without Cartel assistance, have no interest in legal immigration. The legal process takes too long for these folks, and crossing the Rio Grande is a more expeditious method.

Next, Vice President Kamala Harris was given the project of solving the Southern Border situation nearly three years ago. She has not brought one solution to the table. Harris has yet to visit the Border. She made cursory visits to Texas and California but has yet to present a remedy or solution to Congress. As a function of her job and as President of the Senate, she can convene the upper House of Congress to debate and formulate a plan to correct immigration. It is far easier to criticize the efforts of Congress, and as long as they are doing nothing on the problem, she has an automatic answer to anyone who broaches the subject. Deflecting is more effective for the Vice President than solutions. That is why she has an approval rating in the 30s.

She was asked a fascinating question on the 2024 race. Ben Whitaker asked the VP why Biden is running against a former President with over 90 indictments and is virtually tied. You and President Biden should be up by 30 points. This underhand softball question was from a news journalist or someone posing as one. Kamala responded that as we get closer to the election, people will start to pay attention to the details and that she and Joe will have a significant victory.

This interview was designed to bolster the status of the Vice President, who many claim is dragging Biden down and should be replaced on the ticket. The criticism that Harris is receiving today shows the interview backfired miserably. Whether on the Border, Israel, Ukraine, gun violence, or the 2024 election, Kamala Harris responded with indirect monologs that showed her weakness on every issue. Joe Biden may have passed her prime. Kamala Harris showed America on Sunday night that she has no prime. Harris is the poster child of the mediocrity of the Biden Administration.

The post Kamala, It Is So Weak Just To Say It Is Broken appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Some Restaurants Have Begun Adding a Carbon Footprint Fee to Customer’s Checks

Mon, 2023-10-30 21:00 +0000

Having worked in every sort of restaurant, I am very forgiving. I get it. Full service, fast food, delivery, I’ve done it all. I also tend to tip above average even though I live a modest lifestyle because I get it. Even subpar service is worth something. But on Saturday, our server plumbed new lows.

After the worst service I have ever received anywhere, I tipped 0.30 cents. It wasn’t good. Not even worth that 0.30 cents, bad. We couldn’t beg our server to pay attention to us. Our food went to someone else, so dinner took forever to arrive. Our server never told us or apologized. She was AWOL. We only knew because my wife overheard a different server at a table next to us mention they’d been given the wrong order, which they’d started to eat.

It was ours. Okay, crap happens. I have been there and done that. But no sign of our waitress. I could see her across the room, waiting attentively on others, but I could not get her attention.

When she first brought our drinks, we asked for water. Our late food arrived before we saw a glass of water, and we had to remind her when she finally swept by on her way – I can only assume – to help someone else. You guessed it – she did not bring out our late food. And it was easily 30 minutes to get the water. She never apologized for late food, late water, or ignoring us and was effectively MIA the entire time we were in the restaurant.



We eventually got her attention to ask for take-out containers, and she forgot. I flagged her down, and by the time we got them, it had been 15 more minutes since we’d asked. She did apologize for that, but it was too little too late especially when every other server was buzzing about checking nearby tables often while she was missing most of the time.

Maybe it was me, but that’s not how this works. Even my wife was displeased.

My food was delicious, and the drinks were fine, but everything about how we were served was worse than lousy.

We paid cash and rounded up to the nearest dollar, took our leftovers, and went home. I feel bad about that, but there was no other way to send a  message. You do not get rewarded for something like that.

Her loss of income was deserved, in my opinion, but servers typically deserve a decent tip, certainly in this economy. So when I see things catching on that will likely detract from that, it gets my attention. This story was from the UK, but it is apparently a thing in California (and very likely other liberal ghettoes), and I can see it catching on with the climateers as a way to assuage their guilt at the expense of others.

That is, after all, the game.


Customers have reported charity donations for a scheme called Carbon Friendly Dining being added to restaurant cheques, on top of service fees.

The scheme, an initiative backed by retail consultancy Lightspeed, aims to tackle global warming by charging each cover £1.23 to pay for fruit trees to be planted in developing countries.


You can ask to have the fee removed, which most may not bother to do, and maybe they should. Carbon Offset schemes are money laundering confidence scams. Much like how the emissions and pollution created by green energy are greater but offshored to the third world countries where carbon-friendly dining says it will plant some trees.



So, trees are good for the planet again? Is there a consensus, or is this just some more green wool you can pull over people’s eyes?

And how much is left for trees after you pay the people who run it and other operating costs? Assuming it plants anything. As noted, carbon capture forestation is often reimagined as cutting down fewer trees than initially planned – if even that.


The forest carbon offsets approved by the world’s leading certifier and used by Disney, Shell, Gucci and other big corporations are largely worthless and could make global heating worse, according to a new investigation.


Whether you think the add-on is helpful for the planet or not, it increases the cost to the consumer. Many will not care (and should), but somewhere, that fee will – I suspect – eat into the server’s gratuity.

Most waitstaff bust their ass in a job that is typically entry-level, low wage, with high turnover. Now and then, you get a professional who has done it for years and likes the job. They are amazing and rewarded for providing exceptional service. And, of course, everyone has an off day. But adding charges is never a great idea, and in the end, I suspect this will affect tips, not because of the service but because of the unnecessary added cost.



The post Some Restaurants Have Begun Adding a Carbon Footprint Fee to Customer’s Checks appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Thanks Mike Pence … You Lost Gracefully

Mon, 2023-10-30 19:30 +0000

The real “leaders” of the NHGOP … the lobbyists, the consultants, the GRIFTERS … don’t want to win. They want to make money. It’s clear that the issues that are important to GOP voters matter little to them as they pontificate and advise us while raking in the cash from their ivory tower dachas.

Open borders to them means desperately needed new, compliant workers for the globalist corporations they serve. Criminalization of political dissent is what GOP voters deserve for having the temerity of not bending the knee but instead continuing to support Trump.

So it’s no surprise that they are proud of Mike Pence for LOSING … because Pence, like these NHGOP “leaders,” didn’t give a damn about actual GOP voters. He was running to keep their grift going:


The post Thanks Mike Pence … You Lost Gracefully appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why NH Democrats Should Be Proud to Lose Their Primary

Mon, 2023-10-30 18:00 +0000

New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary is a shallow pool with deep meaning, and a lot of folks like to dip their toe in that water. The ballot is often long on names no one knows. This year will be no different, but then it will.

The Democrats don’t have a primary, but then they do.

Democrat candidates are still registered to be on the primary ballot. Joe Biden is not one of them. He changed the schedule. They kicked New Hampshire to the curb. He is “The first sitting White House occupant in history not to appear on the primary ballot of his party in New Hampshire.”

It has got people yapping about how bad the idea is. He’s left himself open to the very embarrassment he was hoping to avoid, hidden behind the lie that New Hampshire is not diverse enough. He’s doing South Carolina first becasue NH doesn’t represent the Democrat party, and he’s blaming the DNC.


The president’s reelection campaign informed New Hampshire Democrats Tuesday in a letter obtained by CBS News from Biden campaign officials that while he’d like to appear on the ballot, Mr. Biden “is obligated as a Democratic candidate for President to comply with the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention” set in motion earlier this year.


Biden told the DNC – as its deranged muppet leader – to change the schedule. They did. And now “the buck stops here,” Biden is passing it like he always does. It has unnerved the local Marsixts. They are organizing a write-in campaign.

Related: 3,542 Democrats Switched to Independent So They Could “Interfere” in the NH Republican Primary

Why? Biden could still lose New Hampshire, and that’s not good for incumbents. And there are other names to choose from. Names no one knows. But they will be on the ballot.


Mixing the enthusiasm of a pre-adolescent gazing up at a T-Rex likeness and the happy warrior joy of his political hero Hubert Humphrey, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) let out back-to-back “wows,” signed his declaration of candidacy and paid the $1,000 to appear on New Hampshire’s presidential ballot. …

“I learned to love my country right here in New Hampshire,” Phillips said, recounting to the photographers, reporters and state officials cramped into the Secretary of State’s capitol office his summers spent at a camp in the White Mountains. (The camp is technically in Maine though along the New Hampshire border, as the Union Leader reported.) He also revealed his inscription on the paperwork: “I love New Hampshire.”


Phillips has vowed, if elected, to return the first Democrat primary to New Hampshire. That will attract a few jilted lovers to his altar. But not likely enough. The Biden write-in campaign, headed by long-time Dem party leader Kathy Sullivan – she who housed out-of-state vote stealer Jeff Wetrosky – will rally a lot of scribbles for Biden. She’s got this idea that he needs to win. Her State party can’t let it slide even when the National Party has moved forward and away from the Granite State.

And isn’t that what Democrats do? Every existing tradition and institution must be smashed. You need ashes before your utopian phoenix can rise. Joe Biden has done them a favor. He has lifted the rock of a 123-year tradition and pitched into the river. No longer burdened, Granite State Dems are free to salute the new primary order.

They’ve got a case of Primary Fundamentalism, and it is not very progressive of them.

You’re not conservatives. Let it go.



HT | Politico

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2023-10-30 16:30 +0000

And so another week begins…

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***












Speaking from strength.






Green is the new red.

Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children’s Future





You cannot coexist with those who deny your right to exist.



Case in point.



Not just Gaza.  The entire enemedia is one deception after another.  After all, when you control the information flow, you control what people believe.  We found that out – in spades – in the Covid scamdemic.



The truth about Saint Floyd of Fentanyl is out… not that it will make any difference to the Faithful.








Why, it’s almost as though they knew something was coming.



In case you are curious.  Here.




Operation Sea Spray, and many others.









IIRC PA showed Trump ahead over a half million votes.  Overwhelming lead.  Overcome.  Impossible.







But… but… but that can’t happen here.






Gag me, no.  What concerns me especially is that there will be a push to have this be the standard… and not tell anyone.





Pick of the post:



Many good ones but this one struck me.  We have – or are about to have – FOUR carrier groups in the Middle East theater.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From Classroom to Leadership: The Doors a Master’s in Education Can Open

Mon, 2023-10-30 15:30 +0000

The world of education is vast and intricate. While many educators enter the field with the primary objective of imparting knowledge to the next generation, the sector itself offers a range of opportunities for career growth. One of the most impactful ways an educator can propel their career forward is by obtaining a Master’s in Education. In doing so, the world of educational leadership, with its myriad of opportunities, beckons.

Deepening Expertise

A significant benefit of pursuing an online Master’s in Education is the deepening of your academic expertise. As students of this advanced degree, educators delve into the intricacies of pedagogical theories, explore novel teaching methodologies, and develop a more profound understanding of curriculum design. With this specialized knowledge, educators don’t just teach; they also influence how education is delivered in contemporary classrooms.

Becoming an Educational Leader

Many educators have the desire to shape not just individual classes but entire institutions. With a Master’s in Education, you are well-prepared to step into roles like educational coordinator or principal. These positions are pivotal in setting the tone and direction of schools, ensuring that every student gets an opportunity to thrive. With a firm grasp of both the theoretical and practical aspects of education, graduates can lead with confidence and vision.

Curriculum Design and Development

The education sector is not static; it evolves with societal changes, technological advancements, and the ever-shifting needs of learners. A master’s degree often provides educators with the tools to participate actively in curriculum design. They get to shape what and how students learn, ensuring relevance and engagement. By having a hand in creating the roadmap of education, they can ensure a more tailored and effective learning experience for all students.

Policymaking and Advocacy

Beyond the confines of the school or college, there’s a larger stage where the direction of entire educational systems is determined – the realm of policymaking. Graduates with a master’s in education frequently find themselves in roles where they advise on or craft educational policies. Their insights, based on rigorous training and first-hand experience, are invaluable in framing rules and guidelines that can shape the future of education.

Training the Next Wave of Educators

Every year, a fresh batch of aspiring educators enters the field, eager to make a difference. Those with a master’s in education often find roles as teacher trainers or college professors. In these capacities, they get to mold the next generation of educators, passing on their expertise and ensuring that the legacy of quality education continues.

Exploring Educational Technology

The digital age has brought a wave of technological tools tailored for the educational sector. From advanced learning management systems to AI-driven educational apps, there’s a lot happening. A master’s degree equips educators to understand, evaluate, and integrate these tools effectively, ensuring that students benefit from the best of both traditional and modern educational practices.

The decision to pursue a master’s in education isn’t just about adding a qualification to your resume. It’s about embracing the multitude of opportunities the field offers. For those with a passion for education and an aspiration to lead, this advanced degree can be the key that unlocks several doors.

The post From Classroom to Leadership: The Doors a Master’s in Education Can Open appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Groktoberfest was a Success!

Mon, 2023-10-30 15:00 +0000

We sold plenty of tickets. We had a lot of vendors. And the day was beautiful, hovering around 80 degrees with the occasional breeze. It didn’t go as planned, but it went well despite the last-minute “changes.”

We will – at some point – have some video to share, but for the moment, thanks again to everyone who pitched in, helped out, and showed up. We had a few folks pay at the door, which was fine, and a few who left me messages that they couldn’t make it after the fact—still a great day.

Two of our announced speakers never showed up, but Hal, Ian, Jeff, Corey, Mike, myself, and Skip filled in the time.

We had music and video, but for reasons only the gods of tech know, there were issues (there are always issues), but no one minded or cared except perhaps myself and Skip – trying to make it work despite the challenges.

Our apologies for sucking up four hours of what would have been a great range day, but folks were shooting before we started and after we were done.

I’m still waiting on the final numbers, and it will be a few days, but the event was a great success. We raised over 1,000.00 dollars on the gun raffle alone. (Thank you, Nancy, and everyone who participated). And a special thanks to Diane Bitter and Fran Wendelboe, who did a lot of the heavy lifting logistically.

A lot of people meet folks they know online but not in person, and I got to meet several Grok authors whom I’ve never seen in person. And there were a few surprises I can’t mention yet, but you’ll find out soon.

Did we reach our fundraising goal? Not yet, but this event wasn’t meant to do that. The idea was to get together, have fun, make connections, and raise awareness about Independent media and Granite Grok’s unique place in that environment.

Pictures and video to follow, so check back for more details. And thanks again to everyone who bought tickets, donated their time and money, and continue to read and support



The post Groktoberfest was a Success! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Detransitioner Sues American Academy of Pediatrics for Fraud and Conspiracy

Mon, 2023-10-30 13:30 +0000

A detransitioner who, as a 14-year-old girl, was coerced into taking testosterone that left her with vaginal atrophy, weak bones, and possible infertility is suing the experts who harmed her for malpractice, civil conspiracy,  and fraud.

Among the defendants are the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Jason Rafferty, MD. Rafferty allegedly ignored her history of PTSD from a sexual assault and her hope to have children later in life and pushed hormones as the only treatment for her gender distress.

Rafferty is the primary author of the AAP’s gender care policy. This policy asserts that the only treatment for gender distress is to immediately affirm gender identities through social transition, puberty blockers, and hormones.

The suit states that the AAP’s policy is fraudulent because its authors made false and unsubstantiated claims, such as puberty blockers are safe and reversible and that the authors ignored overwhelming evidence that if unaffirmed, most children will outgrow their distress.

Rafferty and his colleagues also allegedly invented information to support their position that it’s dangerous to first treat underlying mental health disorders while waiting to see if children learn to be comfortable with their bodies.

The suit filed by Campbell, Miller, Payne, a law firm that specializes in helping detransitioners find justice, states:

Defendants ignored and continue to ignore the scientific and evidence-based criticisms of the gender policy statement, have attained a windfall of prestige and profits because of the gender policy statement, and continue to perpetuate the conspiracy.

According to the lawsuit, the plaintiff, Isabelle Ayala, who had been sexually assaulted when she was seven, met Dr. Rafferty while she was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts. She told Dr. Rafferty that she thought being a boy was the only way she could treat her mental health struggles. She also told him that she might like to have a baby when she grew up. Based on that one meeting, Rafferty concluded that she was a candidate for hormone therapy.

Two months after starting testosterone, Isabelle presented with “profound depression with intermittent suicidal ideation.” Rafferty’s colleague, Gillian Morris, MD, tripled her testosterone dose.

Six months later, she met with Dr. Michelle Forcier, the physician who asked Matt Walsh, “Do chickens cry?” in his documentary, “What is a Woman?” Isabelle told Forcier that she had been increasingly suicidal and depressed, but Forcier did nothing to decrease the testosterone dosage. Rafferty continued the high dosage even after Isabelle was hospitalized for attempted suicide. 

After Isabelle moved from Rhode Island to her home state of Florida, she quit taking testosterone and became more comfortable with her female body. She realized she could never be a boy. She came to understand that her confusion was a result of her PTSD and other mental health problems that had never been treated.

Now, in addition to the irreversible physical changes and permanent damage to her health, she lives with the regret and anger of having been taken advantage of, according to the complaint.

The complaint notes that Rafferty went from being an obscure physician completing his residency to being considered a leading authority on gender because he drafted the AAP’s ideologically based policy.

Dartmouth Health physicians have repeated the AAP’s claims that puberty blockers are safe and reversible and that social and medical transitions are the only accepted treatments for gender dysphoria in their public testimonies, op-eds, and professional articles.

Related: Trans or Die: The Ideological Blindness of a Dartmouth Health Endocrinologist


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Watch: Donald Trump Impersonates Joe Biden Getting Lost on Stage …

Mon, 2023-10-30 12:00 +0000

What could be more amusing than watching Joe Biden trying to figure out where he is or where he is going? How about Donald Trump impersonating Joe Biden, trying to figure out where he is or where he’s going?

It’s damn funny, and his supporters love it. And we should feel bad about it, but Biden’s handlers are the ones guilty of elder abuse.

Here’s the clip.



I know. No other candidate would ever do something like that, would they?

Maybe they should.


HT | Daily Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Anti-Israel Demonstrations Say Much About American Higher Education

Mon, 2023-10-30 10:30 +0000

Higher education in America has been a misnomer for some time. As tuition rates have outpaced inflation by many times, the quality of education has proportionally fallen. The government has been complicit in the rising cost of a college degree, making student loans easy to get regardless of the amount.

It is not unusual for a student to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree and a student loan balance of over $250K. That is a difficult position for someone to enter adulthood and their earning years looking ing at a mortgage size note. This dilemma is compounded when your choice of study is Studio Arts. Making the wrong choices can be costly and a burden for years.

It has become painfully apparent that higher education in America is an extension of the K-12 indoctrination that is the primary purpose of the Department of Education. Our children are no longer taught to be independent thinkers but disciples of the Woke philosophy. That philosophy starts with dismantling any love or allegiance of and to America. Students are convinced that America is an evil country built with slavery on the graves of Native Americans. These beliefs led to demands for Student Loan Forgiveness and Reparations for Blacks and Native Americans. They are also taught the myth that Capitalism is wrong and favors the upper class, and Socialism is the way of the future. That economic model worked so well for Venezuela and Cuba. By giving these students a tainted view of history and the inability to self-think, these students lap up this left-wing rhetoric like mother’s milk.

The anti-Israel demonstrations and protests have shown how low these students have fallen. They are showing how ill-informed they are and how susceptible they are to becoming sheep or lemmings in the Leftist movement. Anti-Israel and pro-Palestine demonstrations and walk-outs are forming at major colleges and universities across the country. The irony about the theme of these demonstrations is there is no country called Palestine. There are Palestinians who live in Gaza. This point shows the ignorance of these students. The second is the absence of anger at the brutality and sub-human behavior by Hamas when they invaded Israel on October 7. The rape and killing of women, the beheading of children, the vicious killing and hostage-taking of the elderly, and the burning alive of families do not seem to be a problem with these mindless students. Still, the retaliation of Israel on Hamas in Gaza is tantamount to war crimes. It makes no sense and defies logic.

Usually, this behavior by college students gets attention, but there are no ramifications. Not this time. Student protestors are finding job offers rescinded, and schools allowing these protests are feeling the pinch. Long-time donors have notified the schools that the money will no longer be coming. This action by corporations and donors is a massive swing of the pendulum. The actions are also an indication of a tonal change in the country. Woke may be experiencing a slow death, but it is clear the party is over for far-left thinking. Thank God.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Is Vermont Becoming The Land of Suspicious Deaths?

Mon, 2023-10-30 02:00 +0000

Troublesome Creek has blue-skinned people. Kentucky has Blue Grass. There are Blue mountains in Oregon, but no one is turning blue faster than Vermont. In a few short years, the political Left has taken the state on a ride to hell.

They drank the blue Kool Aid®.

Vermont is not there yet, but as I observed on Right Side Up radio a few weeks back, and on occasion on these pages or over at VermontGrok, we can watch the descent in real-time. Vermont is falling like leaves from trees in autumn, a chorus of told-you-so’s on the wind in their wake.

Vermont Dems are making all the same mistakes Democrats do. They opened the progressive playbook and chanted scripture and verse, and you can see the decline with your own eyes.


In 2021, the state had nine homicides. In 2022, that number jumped to 25. As 2023 winds its way through autumn, the State Police have a number that could be as high as sixteen—the result of seven suspicious deaths in October alone.


Hunters on Friday afternoon discovered a body in a remote area in Plainfield, and Vermont State Police say the death “occurred under suspicious circumstances.” It marked the second time this week that hunters found a body in central Vermont.

Since Oct. 5, Vermont State Police have reported seven deaths considered to be suspicious. By comparison, there were only nine reported homicides in the state for all of 2021, although that number spiked to 25 reported homicides in 2022.

No arrests have been made in any of the seven recent cases.


With two months left to 2023, there’s plenty of time for hunters to find more bodies, and you can’t discount the way the Left has set the table in the rest of the state. The road to utopia is always paved with the dead.

They could still come under the 2022 number, but another seven suspicious deaths in either November or December will put them close to a new trend; I’d bet that’s more likely the case. Vermont has been set up to fail, and fail it will.

The solution – at least to the rising number of murders –  is not as complex as they might imagine, but progressives are probably working on the wrong solution as you read this.

If they ban hunting, people will be less likely to find the bodies.


The Night Cap might become a daily piece—a quick snapshot of an issue or some opinion at the end of the day.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Greenwashing: The Lies We Tell of Recycling and the Climate

Mon, 2023-10-30 00:00 +0000

In gauging the promises of climate rescue by corporations and non-governmental organizations, citizens must reflect upon the track record of past technological projects peddled as the cure to all that ails us. EVs, wind turbines, and solar panels are touted as absolutely necessary to save the planet.

Yet the boondoggle of the ethanol “industry,” the “cash-to-clunkers” program, and other much-ballyhooed technological solutions reveal a history of big promises concealing negative returns. So when The Lego Group abandoned its efforts to make its best-selling toys from recycled bottles recently, we wondered if perhaps the vaunted recycling industry is over-promising and under-delivering as well.

Americans widely assume the plastics, glass, metal, and other waste products they discard are recycled and reused. Unfortunately, this is often not the case: Major problems continue to prevent most of these substances from being efficiently recirculated. Since “green” construction, EVs, windmills, and solar panels all contain these same materials, the issue of reuse via recycling relates to their sustainability.

The United States has failed to achieve the high rates of recycling of some products attained in Europe. Europeans pay more for landfill disposal and have widely adopted bottle deposit and multiple-stream collection practices that improve consumer compliance and sorting at the source. The United States has lagged in these areas, but also faces problems moving recyclables long distances, a lack of industry consolidation, and weakening market demand for recyclables. These industry challenges are not diminishing but increasing.

Glass, plastics, and metals are chief categories of recycling opportunities. Each presents unique problems, yet all encounter shared hurdles of economic efficiency that have stalled American recycling programs to the point of near irrelevance.


Glass is arguably the easiest substance to reuse, as it can be processed into “cullet,” a crushed-glass product mixed with virgin glass to manufacture new bottles. Yet glass also poses unique challenges. It gets shattered during collection and transport, which contaminates other renewables such as cardboard, as well as the glass itself. Glass is quite heavy, making trucking costs (economically and environmentally) high. Glass is hard on equipment, increasing plant and machinery costs. Only about 40% of glass in single-stream recycling collections is recycled. A mere third of all US glass is recycled, with some ten million metric tons of it being dumped into landfills annually. Glass is also less environmentally destructive on disposal because it is inert and does not produce leachate (chemicals that leach from landfills) or methane. So it’s often cheaper to just landfill glass rather than recycle it.


Metal recycling focuses mostly on aluminum, steel, and copper, and presents its own challenges. Appliances and other products must be dismantled to meaningfully extract recyclable materials, especially the burgeoning volume of electronics such as discarded cellphones and laptops. Virtue-signaling corporations publicly proclaim recycling commitments, but there is insufficient capacity to meet those goals. Only about 19% by volume of durable goods were recycled in 2018. Only 30% of aluminum cans were recycled. Many cities do not implement expensive Materials Processing Facilities (MPFs) and find it cheaper to simply landfill cans collected from consumers.

Plastic Rates of plastic reclamation are so low globally that the phrase “plastic recycling” is essentially oxymoronic. The problems with recycling plastic have long been known – many companies have been accused of “greenwashing”: misleading the public into believing their products are recyclable when they are not. There are thousands of different kinds of plastic in use, and they can’t be mixed when remelted. Plastics degrade after one or two uses, and new plastic is cheap and easy to manufacture. The plastics industry proposes to triple production by 2050, but less than 5% of plastics are remanufactured into new products. Greenpeace presented a study that found that the more plastic is reused, the more toxic it becomes – to marine and human life, in food and water as well as landfills. Renewable Energy, Isn’t Into this chasm of failures now leaps the hasty, climate-urgency-fueled push to manufacture whole new waste streams of unrecyclable manufactured junk, falsely labeled “renewable energy products.” Wind turbines, EVs, biodigesters, solar panels, and other techno-gadgets touted as climate-saving all end up in the dumpster. Manufacturing inputs for these goods include coal energy, mined metals, and numerous pollutants, all of which are simply ignored by proponents. Similarly, the externalized costs of disposal are simply dumped on future generations to sort out.

This is more than just a recycling issue: It is extremely costly to shift inefficient technologies and infrastructures once they are implemented, as is demonstrated by single-stream collection methods and the shortage of large processors of glass, metal, or plastics. What are the pollution costs of installing electric charging stations for EV cars, changing the grid to accommodate surges of energy demand when solar panels or wind turbines are offline, or shifting an entire industry to ethanol production? What are the economic and environmental costs of transforming those failed systems after they are hastily implemented?

Recycling Boondoggles These different recycling industries share common economic hurdles: a lack of market, limited processing facilities, high transportation costs, a need for capital-intensive technological investments, and insufficient large-scale processors. They also share in the illusion that waste products are being reused. Promises made politically, unachieved, are then left for the next generation to figure out. The hucksters for climate technology are off and running, seeking bigger and better technological promises to break. John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Free And Brave? Maybe Neither

Sun, 2023-10-29 22:00 +0000

Americans have always prided themselves on living in the land of the Free and the Brave. It has a great sound, but does it ring hollow in the 21st century? We are not far from a two-year period where the government locked us down, forced us to vaccinate with untested pharmaceuticals, wear masks unless sleeping, and not to question a single facet of the COVID plan.

Our children were locked out of schools, forbidden from interacting with each other, and not allowed to participate in indoor or outdoor sports. We were not allowed to go to Church or a gym but could go to Walmart or Target. We were not allowed to visit the sick in hospitals or the elderly in nursing homes. We were restricted in how and when we buried our dead. Does this sound like a free country? Does this sound like a brave populace? I don’t think so.

Fast forward to 2024. The restrictions may not be as obvious, but those subtle restrictions still infringe on our Constitutional rights. Today’s edicts do not impact both sides of the aisle similarly. Joe Biden has weaponized his Justice and Intelligence Departments against political foes and their followers. The FBI has been found to infiltrate Catholic Churches seeking “Radical Catholics” who may be threats to Democracy. By the way, what is a Radical Catholic? I was born when masses were celebrated in Latin, and I still believe in the old ways of the Church. Does that make me a Radical? You will have to ask Joe and his FBI for the answer. The Justice Department is still protecting school boards and departments from “terrorist parents” who are concerned with graphic pornographic books available for elementary school children.

The White House and Social Media are continuing to work together to censor the information available to the public, and the CDC is pushing a new round of “magic” vaccines. The President is doing all in his power to thwart efforts by Robert Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson from challenging him in a Democrat Primary. These efforts are how Democrats envision Democracy. People who trespassed into the Capital on January 6 are serving 18-year prison sentences while murderers and rapists are released early or serving time for reduced charges.

One of the greatest shows of Government abuse of power is what is being done to Donald Trump. The former President has been charged with nearly 100 indictments in multiple jurisdictions in a blatant attempt to keep him off the 2024 ballot. Trump’s poll numbers rise with every new charge, showing the Democrat tactics are backfiring. Their effort to break Trump and destroy his business empire should terrify every American. If Biden and his administration can do this to a former President, their most powerful opponent, and a Presidential candidate, they destroy any one of us. Is this what happens in the country of the Free and the Brave? It is in today’s America, under the power of Democrats. The Party of the People wants the people under its thumb.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Battling Beasts and Bureaucrats: Naomi Wolf and the American Medical-Government Police State

Sun, 2023-10-29 20:00 +0000

Naomi Wolf was, until the covid era, “a well-known feminist nonfiction writer for thirty-five years . . . privileged to be part of the cultural ‘scene’ made up of influencers on the progressive Left.” With great courage, she rejected the masks, lockdowns, and vaccines urged upon us by the state, viewing them as totalitarian impositions upon us. Her heroic stance turned her into a “nonperson”: her friends and associates on the left shunned her.

As a result, she has rethought her political alliances and now finds herself in the company of conservatives and libertarians. In what follows, I’d like to discuss some of her insights about covid and then to focus on how she sees the world.

Her study of English literature, in which field she holds a doctorate from Oxford, led her to challenge masks and lockdowns:

I knew from having read my way, as a former graduate student, through many of the last 400 years’ words of English memoirs and novels, that waves of infectious diseases, ranging from yellow fever to typhus to cholera, had passed over both Britain and America, but that these diseases had never been treated as we were treating this purportedly serious infectious disease, COVID-19. Never had multiple generations been advised to crowd together into closed indoor spaces, only to be denied light, air, and exercise, during an epidemic. Indeed, from Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War to the reformers of the Progressive Era, health pioneers knew well that doing this was, in fact, deadly.

The vaccines were even worse, and Wolf views them as genocidal in that they adversely affect women’s reproduction. A group of 3,250 doctors, scientists, and other experts organized by Wolf analyzed documents secured by court order from Pfizer, one the two main producers of the covid vaccine, and the findings are devastating:

I am not saying that this is exactly like finding evidence of Dr. Mengele’s experiments. I am saying that now, with these findings, the comparison is not excessive. These anti-humans at Pfizer, speaking at the WEF; these anti-humans at the FDA, knowing what they knew—targeted the miraculous female body, with its ability to conceive, gestate, birth, and nurture life. They targeted the female body’s ability to sustain a newborn human being with nothing but itself. . . . They targeted the human fetus’ very environment, one of the most sacred spaces on this earth, if not the most sacred. And they knew it.

How was Wolf able to arrive at these insights, when many other well-educated and informed people failed to do so? A vital clue to answering this question, surprisingly, lies in what she says about color perception:

Our western modern culture insists that only phenomena that we can see and explain are real, and that human perception must be contiguous and must universally be the same. But what if that is not true? . . . Could people have actually seen differently than we do, in former times? Cognitive scientists are confirming that this different color palette could be a real thing, and caused by differences in language practices: they are finding that if a culture does not have language to describe a thing, the brain does not perceive it as clearly, or sometimes not at all. (emphasis in original)

Wolf has unusually keen powers of perception, and she is able to perceive things most others are not:

Ever since I was first conscious, I was aware that I perceived some things differently than did many of those around me. In kindergarten, I realized (without, of course, having the word for this) that I had synesthesia—the condition in which one sense spills over into another: people with this form of perception hear colors, or taste sound, or in other ways activate different senses at the same time. . . . Though I managed to censor my synesthesia, my awareness as a child that perception was fluid, and that currents of all kinds were continually flowing around us all—and that the physical world was illuminated and glowing and magical, but also that it contained dark and scary forces—could not be suppressed.

We are now in a position to grasp the relevance of these philosophical considerations to Wolf’s account of covid. She senses that a cosmic struggle is occurring, and it is essential to take sides in it. This she has certainly done:

I reluctantly concluded that human agency alone could not coordinate a highly complicated set of lies about a virus and propagate the lies in perfect uniformity around an entire globe, in hundreds of languages and dialects. Human beings, using their own resources alone, could not have turned hospitals overnight from having been places in which hundreds of staff members were collectively devoted to the care of the infirm, the prolongation of human life, the cherishing of newborns, the helping of mothers to care for little ones, the support of the disabled—into killing factories to which the elderly were prescribed “run-death-is-near” (remdesivir) at scale.

Is she correct in her account of the world? I do not presume to say. To skeptics, the attitude that Immanuel Kant took to the visions of Emmanuel Swedenborg may come to mind; but Swedenborg is not without his eminent defenders, and Wolf’s vision of the world has certainly energized her for battle. Even those who do not accept it must recognize her solid empirical work she has about the dangers of the vaccine.

She stirringly calls us to battle:

Freedom is not free, as many veterans have said. I never understood what that meant except superficially. But you don’t get freedom back so easily if you yourself committed massive crimes. Freedom is not free. You don’t get to take away the freedom of others and enjoy it, without penalty for yourselves. The people you harmed, the parents of the children you burned—they are coming. Not violently, not vengefully, but with the righteous sword of justice in hand. Don’t rest too easy, leaders who did wrong, in this bright American sunlight. You don’t get America back as if nothing had happened.

We owe a great debt of gratitude to this heroic fighter for freedom.

David Gordon is Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute and editor of the Mises Review.


David Gordon | Mises Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ABC News – Getting the Flu and COVID Shots Together Increases Risk of Stroke

Sun, 2023-10-29 18:00 +0000

I’m not sure what intrigues me more. That the FDA funded a study that produced these results or that ABC thinks this is news. The Study? “Evaluation of Stroke Risk Following COVID-19 mRNA Bivalent Vaccines Among US Adults Aged ≥65 Years.” The result?


Older adults who received last year’s COVID booster and a high-dose version of the flu vaccine in the same visit may have a potential increased risk of stroke, according to a new FDA-funded study.

Experts urged that the results were preliminary and may be explained by other factors such as the fact that older adults are already at a higher risk for stroke due to their age.


The media and Medical Industrial Complex like to portray us as idiots. The slow kid upon whose face you can watch the struggle to comprehend even the simplest ideas. Look at those rubes and their whacky conspiracies aided and abetted by the highly credentialed experts we’ve been trying to boot from our professions.

Crazy dopes and their medical misinformation.

Oh, and by the way, they were right again.

No, neither ABC nor the FDA is admitting anything of the sort. In fact,


“There is no need for panic, and emphatically no need to stop giving COVID and flu shots at the same time to older adults,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious diseases specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, while he reiterated that more research is needed.


More research is always needed, especially since they stopped doing any as a condition of producing or approving a pharmaceutical product for the public. Everything is warp speed, and the FDA isn’t even a speed bump on the way to human testing, which is a live test on actual patients who have been told the same lie they got when their do-no-harm medical professionals were – like Gregorian monks – singing the safe and effective chant.

I want to think that some increased number of people have had a road to Damascus moment as regards public health’s chain of information custody, but not nearly enough. The CDC and FDA fart and – with few exceptions – the public health apparatus from DC to your plucky Berg takes it without question. Physicians, family or otherwise, get lectured to by their hospital overlords with the same messaging, and if you want to keep your job or license, let’s ensure we’re all repeating the same story.

Then, people die. They die after receiving injections that don’t prevent infection or transmission and may make you more susceptible to both.

We find no satisfaction in being right or sharing the correct opinions (research or data) when lives are lost becasue someone didn’t hear it or get enough of a clue to ask questions or challenge the orthodoxy. It’s a strange thing to say when you consider how the left, the media, and too many Republicans view us as ideologically immovable objects when it is we who challenge the systemic dissemination of a position and question the establishment dogma.

On that point, the ABC News piece is loaded with some great suggestions.

“There was about a 20-35% increased stroke risk in older adults that received both shots in the same visits, according to the study.”

“Additional data are needed,” and “Ultimately, we need ongoing data… to inform best practice,” he added.”

So you’re not telling people not to get them together even though the risk of stroke is more significant than their risk of death from COVID. And it’ll be great when we have more data.

It will. It would be better if you had more data before you released guidance on giving older folks both at the same time, but the CDC is not changing its recommendations. Keep the double tap and wreck a few lives while we figure out how to spin this. Sorry, they meant to say do more research they should have done beforehand.

Oh, and if anyone cares, Transgender Hormone Therapy Increases the Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke.

Puberty blockers and hormone therapy are all the rage among the woke-a-saurs despite the increased risk of death from the drugs, mental health issues, or the exponential increase in likely suicide. Now the American College of Cardiology has more bad news.

In the study, people with gender dysphoria who had ever used hormone replacements saw nearly seven times the risk of ischemic stroke (a blockage in a vessel supplying blood to the brain), nearly six times the risk of ST elevation myocardial infarction (the most serious type of heart attack) and nearly five times the risk of pulmonary embolism (a blockage in an artery in the lung), compared with people with gender dysphoria who had never used hormone replacements.

So there’s that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Defender Of The Second Amendment, But…

Sun, 2023-10-29 16:00 +0000

Second Amendment proponents, of which I am one, will say that gun rights and ownership are absolute. That there should be no infringement under any circumstances. These people will go to the mattresses (a mafia term for newbies) before they will yield on any changes to the Second Amendment.

People opposed to guns and the Second Amendment would like to go to the extremes of Beto O’Rourke and confiscate every gun owned by a private citizen. There is a reason that Beto does not hold office at any level, especially in his home state of Texas.

The events of the last two days in Lewiston, Maine, have given us a look at a flagrant flaw in gun ownership that most people on both sides agree needs to be addressed. Guns do not belong in the possession of an individual who has threatened individuals with death and is diagnosed with severe mental issues. This solution seems obvious, but because of the division between the two sides of this issue, it has never been brought to the table.

Let’s look at the case of Robert Card. Card is a forty-year-old man from Bowdoin, Maine. A 20-plus year member of the National Guard, a gun instructor, and a firearms expert, Card went on a shooting rampage in Lewiston, Maine, on Wednesday night, killing 13 and wounding over 25. There was no apparent motive, and Card shot people in two different venues. He served two weeks of psychiatric evaluation after threatening to shoot up the barracks at the National Guard Armory. On Wednesday, he snapped and gathered his guns and ammunition and set out to harm and kill strangers. We must find a balance between protecting the public from someone with mental health issues, possessing weapons, and their Constitutional rights.

Most states already have laws on the books to identify people with mental challenges. Most states have Red Flag Laws where family, friends, and people with first-hand knowledge can report an individual for evaluation and determination of the ability to possess weapons. Maine has Yellow-Flag Laws that allow the police to make the determination. These laws are only effective if utilized. In Card’s case, there were Yellow-Flag warnings on record that were not acted on. He is also a member of the National Guard and was in a military hospital for two weeks for evaluation. There was no procedure for cooperation and communication between the National Guard and local law enforcement. What needs to happen is the laws need to be implemented, and there must be action when someone fits the criteria of a danger to others.

The balance must be between suspending the right of someone identified as unstable or threatening to have access to their weapons and the right to own weapons granted by the Second Amendment. We are great at forensic autopsy after a mass shooting, and often, people will come forward with information about the perpetrator that, if known and acted on, we could save lives. This suspension of the right to own guns does not have to be permanent but should be subject to review by law enforcement and a review board that needs to be established. This process will need to be consistent and processed with care. We are modifying an individual’s constitutional rights, which should never be taken lightly, but the public has a right to safety and protection from those who would harm them.

The bottom line is we must be proactive and not reactive to situations. 13 people in Maine should be alive today. These folks went bowling or for a pint at their favorite pub and did not come home. Thirteen families are forever impacted because a person with mental issues had weapons and killed innocent people.

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