The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 13 min 6 sec ago

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-11-03 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

And Thank G-d It’s Friday!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if that’s a topic of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



PLEASE NOTE: Due to commitments over this weekend there will NOT be a meme post Monday.


































39-Year Intelligence Analyst: ‘There WILL Be Multiple Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.’ (

File under DUH!

But be careful people.  Between this, and the risk of WW3, and terror cells already here, and liberal DAs letting criminals loose… going to get very precarious.


















Pick of the Post:





Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Dems SHOULD Write-In Biden – “Hunter Biden”

Fri, 2023-11-03 15:00 +0000

New Hampshire Democrat Colon Van Oscopy (Colin Van Ostern) sent an email out to his list last week in which he implored Democrat primary voters in New Hampshire to ignore the galactic-sized snub of their historic role in presidential politics and Write-In Biden.

Please pay close attention to the man (woman, whatever)  behind the curtain who robbed you of a 123-year tradition. When the Republicans – who kept their primary – go to vote, you should show up and write in Biden on the Democrat ballot.



I’m sharing this with you because I think this is a critical effort — for our democracy, for New Hampshire and our primary, and for 2024 and beyond.

Every NH Democratic State Senators, dozens of NH House leaders, current and former party leaders, business and cultural leaders, and both our great Democratic 2024 candidates for Governor are already on board.

It’s all hands on deck – please follow the link to below and add your name today.


There is a Democrat primary ballot for the First in the Nation Primary. It will have a list of democrat candidates’ names on it. Most are people no one has heard of, with a few regulars, but Joe Biden will not be on it. His first primary is in South Carolina. So, what should NH Dems do?

Everyone knows Joe’s son, Hunter. He’s a businessman with extensive international “trade” experience. He is alleged to have inside connections in both China and Ukraine (which the political left has been told to love). Hunter is also less likely to get lost on stage and – at least when sober – complete sentences in a language common not just to Earth but also to America. This not-so-big guy also supports legalized sex work, decriminalization of drugs, and sentencing and prison reform (mostly so he stays out of one). And he likes a good “party, especially at the White House.

Hunter Biden.

New Hampshire’s Dems should write in Biden. Hunter Biden. That would send a message to The Big Guy. You told us to stuff it, then sent your boot-licking lackeys to beg our forgiveness. All so you wouldn’t look bad.

How do we look, the Dems should say? Our entire congressional delegation and state party leadership was prostrate before the DNC, begging Joe not to take away their special place on the primary calendar. He did it anyway.

It is, of course, their fault. If they’d held primaries and promoted and voted for brown people, the DNC could have pretended to be appeased. Instead, the State Party kept pushing their pasty white delegation year after year. Even when a seat became available, we got Chris Pappas, who lands on the Benjamin Morre color palette somewhere between Timid White and Chantilly Lace. It’s almost as if they don’t like brown people.

The Democrats decide who is running and who wins the primary, then elect them. Democrats did this.

And, as I pointed out the other day, they should be proud to lose your primary.


The Biden write-in campaign, headed by long-time Dem party leader Kathy Sullivan – she who housed out-of-state vote stealer Jeff Wetrosky – will rally a lot of scribbles for Biden. She’s got this idea that he needs to win. Her State party can’t let it slide even when the National Party has moved forward and away from the Granite State.

And isn’t that what Democrats do? Every existing tradition and institution must be smashed. You need ashes before your utopian phoenix can rise. Joe Biden has done them a favor. He has lifted the rock of a 123-year tradition and pitched into the river. No longer burdened, Granite State Dems are free to salute the new primary order.

They’ve got a case of Primary Fundamentalism, and it is not very progressive of them.


So write in Biden. Hunter Biden. Who knows, maybe he’ll refuse to give him 10% of his delegates, as if that matters in a Democrat Primary for President. Joe will “get” the nomination regardless and then – as predicted on these pages – will be replaced by the DNC before the general election.

But writing in Hunter will send a message.

It would also be funny as hell.



The post NH Dems SHOULD Write-In Biden – “Hunter Biden” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Speaker Johnson Has A Chance To Change The Conversation

Fri, 2023-11-03 13:30 +0000

From the opening sentences of his first address to the House as the 56th Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson had a different tone, a refreshing tone that is welcome in a town where everyone has an edge.

I admit to no familiarity with Johnson until he took the gavel to lead the House, but I like what I hear and now know of the 51-year-old Representative from Louisiana. When asked about the Speaker, you listen to words not often associated with D.C. Soft-Spoken. Mild-Mannered. Humble, Kind, and a Raging Theocrat are some of the descriptive adjectives. The latter is the term that caught my attention.

Mike Johnson has no issue with being described as a theocrat. He readily admits that his spirituality drives and guides him. It is one of the reasons he cannot hold ill feelings toward his critics. His religious upbringing teaches him to love all and not harbor hate towards anyone. Johnson seems genuine and not just spewing words to mask the true man. Over the weekend, Johnson was compared to the Maine mass shooter by Bill Maher, and Jenn Psaki, the former Press Secretary for Joe Biden, said on her MSNBC show:

“Most Americans might not be able to pick Mike Johnson out of a lineup, but in reality he’s far from benign,” said Psaki. “It’s not just his political ideology that should scare us. Johnson is basically a Christian fundamentalist.”

This statement was part of her rant against Johnson and, by extension, anyone with a deep belief in God. I thought Maher was beginning to lean more toward the center, but his and Psaki’s comments were equally out of line.

We have heard much about hate speech and antisemitism in the last few weeks, but what is the difference between attacking Jewish people and taking shots at Christians? There is none, and we have to put an end to attacks on people based on their ethnicity or religion.

In an interview with Kayleigh McEneny of FOX News, Johnson brought her to the Congressional Prayer Room, where he said he would start each day as he meditates and prays for guidance in his duties and decisions. Speaker Mike Johnson is a marked man. Just like the FBI investigating Radical Traditional Catholics, this Administration and possibly Democrats as a whole see no value in religious beliefs in our politicians. These people worship the Green New Deal or Bidenomics. Religion would get in the way, as it would not allow them to propagate lies to the American people.

We are still unwrapping the gift from the Republican Party. The debacle from McCarthy being fired and the three-week process to elect a replacement was painful to watch and embarrassing as a Republican. If Mike Johnson is the real deal and can get Congress to cooperate and build a rapport with Chuck Schumer, then maybe every member of Congress should stop by the Prayer Room and kneel in front of the George Washington stained glass for divine inspiration.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Should Democrat Chris Pappas Give the Blood Money Back?

Fri, 2023-11-03 12:00 +0000

You need money to stay in Congress, so what’s a few grand from an anti-Israel member of the US House? I’m sure that’s what the Democrat’s DC ambassador to NH Congressional District-1 thinks. He got $8K from some anti-Semitic PAC, and everyone’s dander is up.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Build Our Movement PAC has been spreading the donations around, but she’s got some baggage that just got a lot heavier after Hamas invaded Israel. She got some pushback after calling Israel a racist state. Her response was to clarify who she thought the racist Israelis were. And in an Omar-esque “some people did something moment,” she referred to Hamas’ invasion of the Jewish State as an ongoing situation in the Middle East.

Pramila is good buddies with the infamous anti-semite Rashida Tlaib and is considered to be a member of The Squad, fitting nicely with their worldview about socialism, tyranny, and hating Jews. But Pappas is reportedly standing with Israel – probably because someone in leadership told him it was okay to do that, and it is his turn to feel a bit of the fire under his feet.

Candidate Hollie Noveletsky wasted no time taking a shot at Pappas.


“Since the horrific attacks against Israel on October 7th, Chris Pappas has stated his strong support for Israel. Yet he has no problem taking money from a PAC closely connected to anti-Israel Congresspeople like Ilhan Omar, Pramila Jayapal, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,” said Noveletsky. She continued, “Leadership is about actions, not just words, but it seems to be about political expediency for Chris. I sincerely hope he’ll return the money and condemn the blatantly antisemitic actions of colleagues in his caucus such as Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.”


Russell Prescott, another candidate running to replace Pappas in CD-1, was even quicker to call on him to apologize and return the funds.


Jayapal voted “present” on a bipartisan House resolution declaring support for Israel and condemnation of Hamas’ terrorist attacks that killed more than 1,000 civilians, including 30 American citizens. She has criticized President Joe Biden’s strong support for Israel and believes it will cause him to lose support from Muslim voters. Jayapal previously called Israel a “racist state” at a progressive conference before walking the comments back due to widespread condemnation.


We should expect that, but here’s the thing. Pappas gets all of his money (likely with rare exceptions) from Democrats, and only when publicly prudent will they openly support Israel. The Left’s support for Iran has amplified the perception that Democrats – not all of them, but as a party – hate Israel. The rantings of their ideological offspring, most visibly on College Campuses, amplify the impression much the way a child yelling f**k at a dinner table surrounded by friends suggests an abundance of loose language at home.

You say you support Israel, but what’s all this then? Your political machine and its indoctrination wings – especially at the elite schools – are churning out anti-semites faster than a Hitler Youth Camp.

Members of your party with a documented history of anti-Israeli dogma keep getting elected by rank-and-file Democrats to public office.

Pasty white Pappas from an unreligious state that is only 2% Jewish and less than 1% Muslim finds himself in a bit of a pickle. Does anyone aside from his likely opponents care if he receives money from anti-Semitic political PACs? I mean, do they really care? And what’s $8,000.00 in a campaign for Congress to an incumbent? He raised over 5 million for the 2022 contest, more than double his first race for a gig inside the Beltway.

In other words, he can give it back, or he can keep it with all the money he gets from every other Jew-hating Democrat PAC because it’s a big pile of money from a party and people who are only friendly to (or about) Israel when the need to stay in power demands it.

That is your answer. If Congressman Chris is convinced by someone in leadership that he needs to appear to care and that this empty gesture will do that, he’ll have someone in the campaign cut a check to the Build Our Movement PAC with a little yellow post-it attached. “Need to return this. Hope you understand. See you in January 2025 (?)”


Note: we added “the truth” to the resist shirt in the featured image.


HT | Daily Caller

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The True Cause of Failed Education in New Hampshire

Fri, 2023-11-03 10:30 +0000

First, let me say that I am writing this for all the right reasons and, likely, at considerable expense to myself. What I am about to tell you will not be received well by those with more power than me. I am not taking the typical political move of cowardly leaks and anonymity – I am putting my name on this.

I will not receive awards or promotions, and I suspect in the coming days and weeks, I am going to have a bad time.

I write this as I have taken every action available to me, and yet, I have not been allowed success in accomplishing a single reform to New Hampshire schools. It is my hope that you, dear readers, when armed with the truth, might make a difference here.

There are many procedural, ideological, and curricular causes to the current state of affairs in New Hampshire schools – so many, in fact, that it has been the subject of much debate in what order they should take priority. I tell you now that the foremost cause of the awful state of NH schools is none of these. It is not Critical Race Theory. It is not Gender (“Queer”) Theory. It is not Common Core. The foremost cause is not a theory, it is a man – a man with a name, a face, and a high-ranking position in government.

We want to thank Michael Belcher for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

First, you must understand that the Democrats cannot beat us – they simply don’t have the numbers. Yet, they achieve victory after victory regardless. You see, not every person who stands for election with an (R) next to their name does so in order to carry out the will of the Republican voters. It is perfectly clear that the will of Republican voters is to rid our schools of the social “theories” listed above, to gut the administrative bloat, to eradicate far-left indoctrination, to do battle with the corrupt teachers’ unions, to kick the federal government out, and to win this for them at any cost to us.

Some “Republicans” elected by these voters would prefer we not win. Some of those with an (R) next to their name run specifically to thwart the will of the voters and to betray the base. I was elected to the New Hampshire House for the first time in November of 2022 and appointed to the House Education Committee (“HEC” hereafter) by Speaker Packard in January 2023, where I have served since, and I came to win at any cost. This session (Speaker Packard) and the HEC (Chairman Ladd, Vice Chair Cordelli, Clerk Ford), have been under Republican control – Republican control, yet we keep losing.

Upon being appointed to the HEC, I attended an “orientation” session. Merriam-Webster dictionary offers the following definition for “orient”: “to direct… toward the interests of a particular group.” So, to what group’s interests was the HEC directed during orientation? Well, there were no representatives of private schools, nor charter schools, nor of homeschoolers, nor of parents. So, who did Chairman Ladd invite to orient us? He invited lobbyists from the teacher’s unions and the Department of Education. From day one, Chairman Ladd referred us to the unions and the Department of Education for policy and procedure, and he has been a staunch defender of the unions in the HEC every time they’ve come under scrutiny from true conservatives.

Rick Ladd of Haverhill, NH, has chaired the HEC for the majority of the last decade. He came to the committee after a career in teaching and as an administrator in public schools. He was trained as a “social science” teacher. For those uninitiated, “social sciences” came about in the mid 1900’s when socialists successfully attached the word “science” to their beliefs to get around anti-Communism laws, which they then started using to indoctrinate students in schools. During the time that Ladd has chaired the HEC, proficiency in math and reading has gone down by roughly 7%, incidents of violence are up 7%, cost per pupil has gone up by over 30%, and suicidal ideation and depression have increased by 9.4% and 17% respectively – notably, these are trends attributable to policies supported by Ladd.

This year’s record demonstrates that Chairman Ladd has no business in a Republican leadership position on, arguably, the most important committee in the House.

  1. He voted to allow men to use girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms.
  2. Ladd sponsored, voted for, and passed legislation to bring social media and digital badging into public school classes, with all attendant risks and harms of social media, and placing students under the 3rd party speech codes (terms of service) of social media companies that will silence dissent and create a quasi-social credit system in public schools. We received testimony from Concord Schools that teachers will instruct students on the speech codes and what ideas are not allowed in public.
  3. He demanded that Education Freedom Accounts, which allow students to leave failing government schools to attend a school of their parent’s choosing, not be expanded, and limited the increase in eligibility to a mere 16% (even less than what the governor had been publicly willing to sign).
  4. Ladd refused to consider adding Communist atrocities, such as the Holodomor and Mao’s Great Leap, to Genocide curriculum, stating that they are obviously too obscure to be taught because he doesn’t know what they are – he further demanded we kill a bill naming the “Armenian Genocide” after receiving a letter from the Turkish consulate based on his apparent fear of angering “those people.”
  5. He went back on his word after negotiating with committee Republicans a much-weakened Communism education bill only to kill the original bill with the amendment and then kill the newly amended bill as well.
  6. He negotiated directly with Democrats to kill many good Republican bills, and he did so without even notifying the Republicans whose bills were to be killed (by tabling) on the House floor, choosing to surprise them at the last moment and making it impossible to effectively resist his betrayal. One such bill would have eliminated “Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)” indoctrination in schools – a major source of our problems. I have it on good authority that he has already begun negotiating with Democrats to kill another round of Republican bills next session.
  7. Ladd runs the committee with a total intolerance of any dissent from the right, often not even allowing pointed questions to be asked by Republicans, while allowing Democrats nearly unlimited leash to attack Republicans, tirades sometimes extending tens of minutes, and even attacks on members of the public testifying.
  8. Ladd sponsored and passed legislation to circumvent privacy rights and provide NH data on children and their families to the federal government in exchange for a promise of marginally more federal money for schools.
  9. He pushed through an expanded “civics” education mandate despite knowing that the curriculum for this program will be provided by far-left organizations that teach the Constitution is to be reinterpreted however is useful, that the Supreme Court is the highest government authority, that America was inhabited by the ‘Noble Savage’ before western colonialism genocided them, and other such ahistorical myths and fictions.
  10. Ladd is pushing for the addition of “mental health” in schools by law, which is yet another method of indoctrinating students via Social-Emotional “wellness” practices and “empathy” training towards creating social activists, and further erodes parental rights by bringing the practice of healthcare into the classroom with no parental consent or knowledge.
  11. He is supporting a major overhaul at the Department of Education, bringing in “competency-based” education, where teachers become mere managers of the checklist while students learn from technology like artificial intelligence, and they’re not allowed to move on until they’ve mastered a “competency,” including “social and emotional competencies,” that include ideological viewpoints, i.e., students must adopt socialist ideology to pass.
  12. Ladd has been a major force behind expanding expensive “green” energy and pushed to further subsidize the industry by providing taxpayer-funded training of their workforce in NH schools for jobs that don’t even exist yet and probably never will.

Beyond all this, Ladd regularly betrays the Republicans on his own committee by outlining a Republican strategy in caucus only to abandon the strategy and join with the Democrats immediately. When he does this, he leaves the Republicans on the committee without any plan or leadership going into debates and votes, and it becomes impossible to mount an effective resistance to Democrats. There’s every reason to believe this is done on purpose to undermine us in favor of the Democrats – after all, Ladd argued more against other Republicans on the House floor this year than he did against Democrats last session.

The cost increases and money being shifted around in NH that is directly attributable to Chairman Ladd is staggering, and it would be well worth taking a very good look at where all of that money is being distributed – there’s an awful lot of lobbying done on his part to send more and more funds to specific places, including Manchester. He also has very close ties to the University System, served as a trustee, acts as their defender-in-chief on the committee, and was instrumental in killing a very popular bill requiring colleges to respect the First Amendment rights of students – a bill strongly opposed by UNH.

It is said that America is undergoing a Cultural Revolution. Many decades ago, China underwent its Cultural Revolution under Chairman Mao. Mao, before being Chairman, had pretended to be a member of China’s conservative party in order to destroy it from the inside and then radicalized the schools to produce a generation of revolutionaries who went on to murder millions. We in New Hampshire have our Chairman Ladd, likewise, pretending to be a member of the conservative party to destroy it from within while radicalizing a generation of students, and we have recently seen the fruits of such radicalization across the country in antisemitic, anti-white, anti-Asian, and anti-American violence.

Things don’t have to be this way. We don’t have to lose. We can win. The facts are on our side, and we are the good guys. We just need to start acting like we can win. I would ask that you consider contacting the office of Speaker Packard (603-271-3661, to request a new Education Chairman be named. The committee has, unfortunately, and significantly due to the influence of Ladd, been so thoroughly steeped in Progressive education ideology that it would be best if a new Chair were brought in from outside the committee. No reform of NH schools is possible until this happens. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your help.


The post The True Cause of Failed Education in New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: It’s Time to Recalibrate the Government

Fri, 2023-11-03 01:30 +0000

We have arrived at the dystopian future depicted in the 2005 film V for Vendetta, which is no future at all. Set in the year 2020, V for Vendetta (written and produced by the Wachowskis) provides an eerie glimpse into a parallel universe in which a government-engineered virus wreaks havoc on the world. Capitalizing on the people’s fear, a totalitarian government comes to power that knows all, sees all, controls everything, and promises safety and security above all.

Concentration camps (jails, private prisons, and detention facilities) have been established to house political prisoners and others deemed to be enemies of the state. Executions of undesirables (extremists, troublemakers, and the like) are common, while other enemies of the state are made to “disappear.” Populist uprisings and protests are met with extreme force. The television networks are controlled by the government with the purpose of perpetuating the regime. And most of the population is hooked into an entertainment mode and are clueless.

With Vendetta, whose imagery borrows heavily from Nazi Germany’s Third Reich and George Orwell’s 1984, we come full circle. The corporate state in V conducts mass surveillance on its citizens, helped along by closed-circuit televisions. Also, London is under yellow-coded curfew alerts, similar to the American government’s color-coded Homeland Security Advisory System.

Sounds painfully familiar, doesn’t it?

As director James McTeighe observed about the tyrannical regime in V for Vendetta, “It really showed what can happen when society is ruled by government, rather than the government being run as a voice of the people. I don’t think it’s such a big leap to say things like that can happen when leaders stop listening to the people.”

Clearly, those we appointed to represent our interests have stopped following the Constitution and listening to the American people.

What will it take for the government to start listening to the people again?

In V for Vendetta, as in my novel The Erik Blair Diaries, the subtext is that authoritarian regimes—through a vicious cycle of manipulation, oppression, and fear-mongering—foment violence, manufacture crises, and breed terrorists, thereby giving rise to a recurring cycle of blowback and violence.

Only when the government itself becomes synonymous with the terrorism wreaking havoc in their lives do the people finally mobilize and stand up to the government’s tyranny.

Acts of desperation and outright anarchy are what happens when a parasitical government muzzles the citizenry, fences them in, herds them, brands them, whips them into submission, forces them to ante up the sweat of their brows while giving them little in return, and then provides them with little to no outlet for voicing their discontent: people get desperate, citizens lose hope, and lawful, nonviolent resistance gives way to unlawful, violent resistance.

This way lies madness.

Then again, madness may be unavoidable unless we can wrest back control over our runaway government starting at the local level.

It is time to recalibrate the government.

For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption, and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the farce that is the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

We are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs.

We have lingered too long in this strange twilight zone where ego trumps justice, propaganda perverts truth, and imperial presidents—empowered to indulge their authoritarian tendencies by legalistic courts, corrupt legislatures, and a disinterested, distracted populace—rule by fiat rather than by the rule of law.

Where we find ourselves now is in the unenviable position of needing to rein in all three branches of government—the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative—that have exceeded their authority and grown drunk on power.

This is exactly the kind of concentrated, absolute power the founders attempted to guard against by establishing a system of checks of balances that separate and share power between three co-equal branches: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

Unadulterated power in any branch of government is a menace to freedom.

So, what can we do to wrest back control over a runaway government and an imperial presidency?

It won’t be easy.

Freedom—or what’s left of it—is threatened from every direction.

We are—and have been for some time—the unwitting victims of a system so corrupt that those who stand up for the rule of law and aspire to transparency in government are in the minority and often find themselves treated as the enemy. This corruption is so vast it spans all branches of government—from the power-hungry agencies under the executive branch and the corporate puppets within the legislative branch to a judiciary that is, more often than not, elitist and biased towards government entities and corporations.

We are ruled by an elite class of individuals who are completely out of touch with the travails of the average American. We are relatively expendable in the eyes of government—faceless numbers of individuals who serve one purpose, which is to keep the government machine running through our labor and our tax dollars.

The predators of the police state are wreaking havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government doesn’t listen to the citizenry; it refuses to abide by the Constitution, which is our rule of law, and it treats the citizenry as a source of funding and little else.

Bottom line: nothing has changed, and nothing will change unless we insist on it.

How to do this?

Turn off the televisions, tune out the politicians, and do your part to stand up for freedom principles in your own communities.

Use your power—and there is power in our numbers—to nullify anything and everything the government does that undermines the freedom principles on which this nation was founded.

Don’t play semantics. Don’t justify. Don’t politicize it. If it carries even a whiff of tyranny, oppose it. Demand that your representatives in government cut you a better deal, one that abides by the Constitution and doesn’t just attempt to sidestep it.

That’s their job: make them do it.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart, The Erik Blair Diaries, all freedoms hang together. They fall together, as well.



John & Nisha Whitehead | Rutherford Institue

The post Night Cap: It’s Time to Recalibrate the Government appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Meteoric Rise of Homeschooling in America

Fri, 2023-11-03 00:00 +0000

We can give you plenty of reasons why you should find a way to homeschool your children, not the least of which is so they learn to read. The public school experiment has failed, and while there’s room for reform, more parents are taking matters into their own hands.



Home schooling has become — by a wide margin — America’s fastest-growing form of education, as families from Upper Manhattan to Eastern Kentucky embrace a largely unregulated practice once confined to the ideological fringe, a Washington Post analysis shows.

The analysis — based on data The Post collected for thousands of school districts across the country — reveals that a dramatic rise in home schooling at the onset of the pandemic has largely sustained itself through the 2022-23 academic year, defying predictions that most families would return to schools that have dispensed with mask mandates and other covid-19 restrictions.


The Post admits that numbers are likely more significant in some locations because reporting is unnecessary. Parents can school kids at home without having to ask permission or notify local districts or authorities—a thing the Education Industrial Complex and its Democrat Union leadership decry as irresponsible.

It is a strange position to take.

Proficiency scores were tumbling long before COVID lockdowns and lockouts. Add the mandates, scaremongering, partisan screeds, indoctrination, and now grooming, and if you have parents who are paying attention, they are looking for ways to get kids out of that failed system.

The Market has responded to the demand. Private charter schools, homeschool groups, there are even turnkey businesses to start a home school, and apps to help parents and homeschool educators connect and coordinate subjects and schedules. Literal and virtual one-room schools where kids of different ages get individual attention and help from older students.

What used to be a parent and their kids has become a network of individuals working together to teach children to read, write, and do math. A village to borrow from Hillary Clinton, though not in the Marxist sense she intended. This is free market learning where parents can move kids tomorrow if the fit is not right without interfacing with a bloated, incompetent, and uncaring bureaucracy.

The Political Left and their Union dogs don’t care for it, but the solution to their problem is to improve the public product. Instead of dumbing down standards and then teaching to those minimal goals or running your school like a gender transition facility, make some changes. Gut the bloated administrative overhead and go back to basics—math, reading, writing, history, critical thinking. And it is in the teacher’s best interests to get this done. When taxpayers can no longer justify the excessive spending for such poor results, the first thing they cut will be teachers and programs, not bureaucrats. And kids will suffer all the more.

You’d think career Democrats would know that, and maybe they do and don’t care. The system has, after all, long been little more than another way to convert tax dollars into campaign contributions. To fund “grassroots” activists (teachers and staff) who regularly violate electioneering laws while pouring progressive drivel into the minds of other people’s kids.

Children have already suffered. The system’s response is to graduate them even when they can’t add or read.

It’s unsustainable, and the Dems know it. Why else would they work so hard to protect a system that does such a poor job? Homeschool parents aren’t donating to Democrat campaigns, holding signs, or knocking on doors.

And the political left will do anything to preserve this lousy institution. No matter what it costs you. And more parents are beginning to see that.


The post The Meteoric Rise of Homeschooling in America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’

Thu, 2023-11-02 22:30 +0000

President Joe Biden announced last week that the United States would be funding – and possibly fighting – three wars in three different parts of the world at the same time. It is an ambitious foreign policy for a president who doesn’t even seem to be able to express a coherent thought without the help of a teleprompter.


Nearly every word of Biden’s speech was untrue, including the preposterous suggestion that “American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us, America, safe.”

US interventionism in Ukraine for over ten years and in the Middle East for decades has brought those two regions to the brink of an explosion unlike anything seen before. And if that is not enough, Biden’s neocons are also determined to take us to war with China over Taiwan. The world is literally falling apart in front of us as Biden claims we are the only thing holding it together!

After a brutal attack on Israel by Hamas earlier this month, Israel declared war not just on the terrorists who attacked its territory, but on the entire population of Gaza itself. Israel’s policy of collective punishment – razing Gaza to the ground – has inflamed Muslims from the Middle East to Asia to Western capitals. The anger rages more fiercely than we have seen in decades, perhaps since the founding of Israel in 1948.

Yet instead of trying to help facilitate a ceasefire and a peaceful solution, Biden has poured gasoline onto the fire, sending two US carrier groups and at least 15,000 troops, while threatening war on Lebanon, Iran, and Syria if they intervene in Israel’s war on the Palestinians. What might Russia do if the US attacks Russian forces in Syria or Russia’s allies in Tehran?

Biden also repeated the line that “Israel has the right to defend itself.” While that may be true, it is not Israel defending itself. It’s the US government intervening to defend Israel. And as the entire Muslim world rages against Israel over the destruction of Gaza, how do we think they will feel about us as the financiers and facilitators of that destruction?

By dragging the United States into this war, President Biden has planted the seeds of innumerable 9/11-style blowback attacks on the US. Yet he has the audacity to claim that all of this is keeping us safe.

Recent polls show that most Americans disagree with Biden. A CBS/YouGov poll taken last week shows that the majority of Americans oppose sending weapons to Israel. His Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen assured us that “we can afford” to finance two wars because the US economy is doing “exceptionally well.” Maybe the American people know something Yellen and the elites do not.As Biden demands another $105 billion to fund the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, and Taiwan, his speech seemed to have a touch of campaign rhetoric in it. “I’m told I was the first American [president] to enter a warzone not controlled by the United States military since President Lincoln,” he said in his speech. The statement is blatantly false, but he must believe it gives him an air of bravado.

They say that it is advantageous to be seen as a “wartime president” when elections roll around, but Joe Biden may have miscalculated the level of support he will get for being a “World-War-Three-time president.”

Ron Paul | Ron Paul Institute Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

The post Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mitch McConnell And “Republicans” Like Him Are The Problem

Thu, 2023-11-02 21:00 +0000

The new Speaker of the House wants to (1) decouple aid to Israel from aid to Ukraine and (2) offset the aid to Israel by reducing spending. Guess who this makes irate. If you guessed Mitch McConnell … that’s a BINGO.

The Speaker’s proposal is politically brilliant. Is an IRS crackdown on the middle class more important to the Biden regime than funding Israel?


But that makes Mitch mad. You don’t embarrass Mitch’s BFF, Joe Biden. And worse you don’t miss an opportunity to pour even more money into the already brimming pockets of the military-industrial complex. Mitch and his ilk are NOT the opposition. They are enablers. On issue after issue after issue, they are on the same side as the Biden-regime and against Republican voters.

The post Mitch McConnell And “Republicans” Like Him Are The Problem appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Elected Governor … Joyce Craig Promises to Come For Your Guns

Thu, 2023-11-02 19:30 +0000

If you were not sure whether Manchester mayor Joyce Craig was a typical, rubber-stamp Democrat without an original policy idea in her head, this should help clear things up. After the Lewiston, Maine shooting, she did what every Democrat does. She announced a comprehensive plan to reduce gun violence …

 … filled with things that have never reduced gun violence.


Like Maine, New Hampshire has some of the weakest gun laws in the entire country, making it easier for dangerous individuals to acquire guns and cause harm to our communities. Common sense gun safety legislation such as universal background checks, requiring permits to carry a concealed gun, and extreme risk protection orders are necessary steps to prevent gun violence and limit the potential for a devastating mass shooting in our state.


Is there a web page for Dems with templates where you write in your name and ta-da? Or maybe Mayor Joyce is plagiarizing because not one single thing she suggests – the entire list is below – is original, nor will do any of the things she claims—quite the opposite.

We Need More Armed Citizens

Earlier today, I shared some thoughts about the shooting in Lewiston that relate to Frau Craig’s incremental tyranny. “The shooter knew where to find people who the state of Maine had disarmed. Call me a Second Amendment purist, but the most common factors in every mass shooting are the absence of equal or greater force and the ability of the allegedly mentally insane to know this.”

These people are crazy enough to know where the gun-free zones are.

Nothing Crazy-Legs Craig suggests can be proven to reduce shootings or any violence of any sort. There’s no there-there, but she also left out some critical truths related to New Hampshire’s weak gun laws. The Granite State is consistently one of the safest in the nation. Low crime, low violent crime, low murder rates, and, as I pointed out here, other factors matter, which Democrats are guaranteed to screw up given the opportunity.


Gun restrictions can’t prevent homelessness, indiginacy, fentanyl, and human trafficking, or an impossible swell of illegal aliens who have no connection to the culture or language. Progressive states can’t even teach American kids to read English. Their welfare systems see more people slip through the cracks into poverty. Unemployment programs support listlessness. High minimum wages prevent skills acquisition by the untrained. It is a system designed to fail where people find the only way to get a hand up is to lift a hand  (knife, bat, or gun) and take something from someone else.

Disarming the law-abiding citizens who might otherwise try to help people outside the failed system is going to produce victims by encouraging criminality.


The very existence of Joyce Craig and the Democrat party will lead to far more violent crime and shooting deaths than New Hampshire’s lack of a license requirement to carry a concealed firearm. Remember, the Lewiston shooter knew where to go to increase the odds he would have the greatest force advantage.

Related: Vermont as Example of How More Gun Laws Lead to More Crime and Violence

Gun grabbers like Joyce Craig make that possible.

Craig’s plan would result in more soft targets (Prohibit Guns in K-12 Schools), leave women unprotected (Implement Three-Day Waiting Period for Gun Purchases), deny law-abiding citizens due process rights (Pass an Extreme Risk Protection Order Law), and a host of other useless Left-Wing gun grabbing that, when implemented elsewhere, has resulted in loss of rights and rising crime—property crime, assault, rape, robbery, manslaughter, and murder.

Joyce Craig is dangerous to the public safety of New Hampshire’s citizens, who need a protective order from her policies so New Hampshire can continue to be one of the safest states in the nation.

Don’t believe me? Compare what she wants to what Democrats are doing in Vermont. It went from one of the safest states to nearly tripling its annual homicide rate almost overnight. That is Joyce Craig’s promise to New Hampshire.

Here’s Craig’s plan.

Joyce Craig for Governor Gun Violence Prevention Plan


The post If Elected Governor … Joyce Craig Promises to Come For Your Guns appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dr. David Martin and Rasmussen Poll Reveal COVID Crimes Against Americans

Thu, 2023-11-02 18:00 +0000

A newly circulating video presentation given by Dr. David E. Martin in the European Union in Brussels on May 3, 2023, at the 3rd International Covid Summit is not only raising serious questions regarding the handling of the COVID pandemic both here in the states and the rest of the world but goes into precise detail uncovering the history of the SARS coronavirus dating as far back as the 1960s.

The relatively brief presentation includes both timeline and citations proving Pfizer, the CDC, and its leaders like Anthony Fauci, not only lied to the people of Vermont and the world but openly declared their desire to deliver a global vaccine, evidence of harm be damned, and the willful use of media to manipulate both a purposely panicked public as well as attracting investors to make massive profits.

The implications are that we just witnessed not the crime of the century but the greatest crime ever perpetrated in human history, with those responsible still walking the streets of America and elsewhere yet to face criminal charges.

Related: David Martin – The CDC Bribed the US Patent Office to Own the SARS Coronavirus Genome (Then Patented its Detection)

Dr. Martin begins by pointing out the irony of having sat in the same chair speaking to the same parliament ten years prior, warning them of what was coming, namely a pandemic as we saw from COVID. The nature of that meeting was whether Europe should allow, as the United States had, the patenting of biologic materials that could be weaponized against humanity.  His warning then, as now, was to consider the dire consequences.  The consequences we now see in hindsight include:

  • Mask mandates harming children’s literacy and development
  • Vaccine mandates causing loss of freedoms, job loss, injuries, and death
  • Media messaging deliberately designed to propagandize Americans to fear and submit tyrannical measures such as lockdown
  • Media used to hype the pandemic creating a false narrative also used to attract investors
  • Medical doctors targeted and suppressed by Big Pharma, Government and Social media for speaking in favor of alternative treatments to the vaccine, such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.
  • The rise of the “died suddenly” footage and testimonies from around the western world
  • The largest transfer of wealth in human history at the expense of small business while benefiting the largess of already massive companies like Amazon, Wal-Mart and Pfizer

Who is Dr. David Martin?  The answer is given from the Totality Of Evidence website:

“Dr David Martin is the founder and owner of the company M-CAM International, which has provided research and corporate advisory services to over 160 countries, and he has personally served as an advisor to the World Bank and many governments. Dr. Martin first came to the attention of the world when he was featured in the August 2020 documentary by Mikki Willis called Planandemic Indoctrination.

Dave wrote his first classified briefing about bio-weapons corruption in 2001 and has been presenting lectures at bio-weapons conferences since then. He has been tracking Dr. Anthony Fauci’s spending and notes that Fauci has authorized $191 billion in funds for the bio-weaponization of viruses against humanity.”

Reading from his personal website, we learn:

“His first invention was a laser-integrated system to target and treat inoperable tumors. His mathematics helped unravel the way the human body processes hormones and led to the detection and treatment of many diseases. His observation of human behavior led to his development of technology, which deciphers the intention and motivation of communication – a technology that has impacted and saved the lives of billions.”

Clearly, this man is an actual scientist with entrepreneurial genius intended to save lives, which explains his disposition toward the weaponization of biologics against people.

His warnings began back in the early 2000s when he was still sought for his expertise on such cable networks as CNBC and Bloomberg, both of which have since cut ties with him as a result of his exposing the many big names and players complicit in the details that follow.

The timeline begins not in 2019, as we were told, but as far back as the early 1900s.  The Chronicle ran a piece questioning the similarities of COVID to the misnamed Spanish Flu of 1918, which featured many of the same players and features, such as the Rockefeller family, German pharmaceuticals, the American military, global masking, and an experimental vaccine.

Fast forward to 1965 when SARS coronavirus was first isolated, and Dr. Martin illustrates the knowledge of its highly mutating nature gave it the ability to be manipulated in humans as a pathogen.  In 1966, the virus was part of a trans-Atlantic (US & UK) data-sharing experiment for the purpose of studying its efficacy in this capacity.  He pauses to state, “I hope you’re getting the point of what I’m saying.  This was not an overnight thing but something that was long in the making.”

“I want that to chill with all of you,” he says before asking, “Where were we when we allowed in violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties…where were we when we thought it was acceptable to take a pathogen from the United States and infect the world with it?”

The 1970s saw the coronavirus as a “chimera” relegated to the title of the common cold, however, it was tested in animals throughout the decade.  From the 1980s to the 1990s, it was found to have industrial implications in dogs and pigs.  Reports of it causing gastrointestinal problems in both became the basis for Pfizer patenting its first vaccine patent for spike-protein in 1990.

Not 2019, like we were led to believe, thanks to Operation Warp Speed…1990, nearly thirty years earlier.

He goes on to describe in detail the machinations and citations within the government and Big Pharma industry that were covered up while the world suffered this manufactured crises.

Just recently a Rasmussen Poll revealed the following data after surveying Americans regarding their experience with COVID and the vaccines:

  1. 47% personally know someone who was killed by the COVID virus
  2. 24%personally know someone who was killed by the COVID vaccine.
  3. 42% said it was somewhat likely or very likely they would join a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects. That would make it the largest class action in US history by a long shot.


Steve Kirch’s article estimates a conservative “500,000 Americans die” at the hands of government and Big Pharma with nary a word from the same media used to generate the deliverable agent responsible.

His final take?  “Heads should roll, now.”


The post Dr. David Martin and Rasmussen Poll Reveal COVID Crimes Against Americans appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary

Thu, 2023-11-02 16:30 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

I attempt to populate each post with new material; thus, older posts have information that’s not in this one.  If this is a topic of interest to you I strongly urge you to go back through and peruse my older ones.  I do not focus on minute-by-minute updates but rather attempt to provide background and information relevant to this latest battle in a 1,400 year old war.  Reverse chronological order.

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Post it, tweet & email it out, share it widely.





Yes, funny how – over years and decades – the only Arab deaths that matter to the world are those that Israel kills.  Arabs oppressing and killing other Arabs?  Crickets.



Yemen war deaths will reach 377,000 by end of the year: UN | United Nations News | Al Jazeera

And there are many, many other examples.  And from the West?  Crickets again.  It’s almost as though those criticizing Israel don’t think that Arabs are “sophisticated” enough to be able to contain themselves, so therefore they shouldn’t try to hold them to account.

Racism by the oh-so-sanctimonious Left.  I’m shocked, shocked!



Yes, Palestinian Arabs Overwhelmingly Support Hamas ( (link in the original; bolding added):

Fourth, numerous polls demonstrate that Palestinian Arabs in Judea/Samaria and Gaza overwhelmingly support Hamas’ “aspiration” to murder Israelis.

When the Palestinian Center for Polling and Survey Research in Ramallah’s (PCPSR) June 2023 poll asked: “What has been the most positive thing or the best thing that has happened to the Palestinian people since the Nakba?” (Israel’s rebirth 75 years ago), virtually every single “positive or best thing” that Palestinians and Gazans cited involved forming terror groups and murdering Jews.

Again… How do you co-exist with someone who denies your right to exist?  More:

Who Says Hamas Does Not Represent The Palestinians? :: Gatestone Institute

And the problem is that Arabs can always count on the sentimental world to race to their rescue:

SHAMEFUL: UN General Assembly Passes Resolution for Ceasefire in the Israel Hamas War – Twitchy (bolding added):

Shame? How is it shameful to think Israel, who was abiding by the ceasefire until Hamas broke it, has the right to exist and defend itself? The shamefulness lies with those who refused to pass the part of the amendment condemning Hamas and with Hamas for taking 2 years to train in order to torture, rape, and kill without provocation. PERIOD.

Israel’s Gaza Ground Offensive Begins… in the West Bank? – PJ Media

The problem is that it’s total war, Islam vs. Jews, and that this is only the opening battle in a 1,400 year old war.  From 2013:

Egyptian minister quotes Koran verse on killing Jews | The Times of Israel

Mosques in Jerusalem broadcast calls to kill Jews.  Remember what Mohammed himself did to captured Jews who surrendered unconditionally:




The ‘Right’ to Rape and Enslave Non-Muslim Women :: Gatestone Institute (links in the original):

The ongoing narrative is that Islam means peace; what is not said is that this peace comes only after everyone enjoys the “peace” of being Muslim. Until then, what is often presented to hasten this result is the exact opposite: jihad, or violence in the service of Islam. Many Muslims, just want, of course, to live in quiet lives, have good jobs and enjoy the blessings of this life. Others however, such as Western converts to the “religion of peace” suddenly and inexplicably become terrorists.

So, not just a war against Jews.   Against anyone non-Muslim:

‘Muhammad’ Is Taking Over the World ( (image from the link):



WARNING: Muslim Scholar Says We Will Conquer and Enslave you in 40-50 Years



Demographics is destiny:


Consider what happened to this Coptic priest (link in the original):

Another Coptic Christian clergyman was murdered in cold blood in Egypt today [this article was originally published on Thursday, April 7]. Local Christian media reported that, while walking in a crowded street of Alexandria with a group of church youth and his own family, Fr. Arsenius Wadid was repeatedly stabbed in the neck by an unidentified but bearded man, killing him.

One can cite more examples—in 2013, Coptic priest Mina Cheroubim was shot dead as he left his church in al-Arish, north Sinai—but the point of what happened to Fr. Arsenius, and why, should be clear by now.

See the next section for more examples of Jihad against non-Jews in modern times.

Some books on demographics and the stealthy invasion and informational jihad Islam is waging against the West:

While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within

The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate

Remember what they say in their own words (bolding added):

The Deadly Wages of Western Secularism | Frontpage Mag

And not just restoration, but global dominance is Islam’s aim: “The last great Muslim empire may have been destroyed,” Efraim Karsh writes, “and the caliphate left vacant, but the imperial dreams of world domination has remained very much alive in the hearts and minds of many Muslims.” The jihadist aggression that created the Islamic empires, which once occupied two-thirds of the old Roman Empire, would also be the doctrinally sanctioned instrument of its recovery. This goal required that the Muslim faith and Islamic societies be purged of the infidel accretions from Western civilization.

World War III is Here and We’re Losing It | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):

Our unhealthy obsession with World War III has all too often blinded us to what is going on around us. We did not take Islamic terrorism seriously because our enemies seemed too small and backward. And we only view small wars in terms of their risk of exploding into big wars as if the only wars that really matter are the ones that might lead to the ‘Big One’.



IDF Puts Out Shocking Interrogation Footage of Hamas Terrorists Who Murdered Jews – PJ Media  [Comment added in [].  Bolding added.)

Several of the terrorists who were interrogated revealed they had been commissioned to take over and “cleanse” the kibbutz of Jewish people. Folks, that’s genocide. These are soldiers of Islam who, according to their religious tenets, were commanded to kill all of the Jews in a specific area. Islam states that any land previously believed to belong to Muslims is to be attacked over and over again until it is back under the control of Islamists.

[What have I been saying again and again?  That any land, even a square inch, that once was held by Islam must – per Koranic command – be retaken.]

Again, this is not simply a political matter.

One of the terrorists described going on a shooting spree, mowing down innocent civilians, and burning houses down. Others were all too happy to inform the IDF how they slaughtered whole families, including women, children, elderly relatives, and even pets.

Israel, IDF Eyewitness Confirm Hamas Beheaded Baby – PJ Media

Here Are Just a Few of Hamas’s Atrocities Against Israel the Left Is Cheering – PJ Media

Strike terror into the hearts of the non-believers.

What does the Koran say about nonbelievers? – Stellar House Publishing

Good resource!  Also, from here (and links in the original; italics replaced by underlining):

Why the Koran Is Responsible for the Slaughter of a Christian Priest | Frontpage Mag

Three Koran passages would seem to answer this question in the affirmative: 1. “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them (9:5); 2. “Fight the leaders of disbelief [kufr] (9:12); 3. “When you meet the disbelievers, strike [with your blades at their] necks (47:4).

There are other such examples.  In 2013, Coptic priest Mina Cheroubim was shot dead as he left his church in al-Arish, Egypt.  A botched attempt occurred in 2020: while traveling to his church in Alexandria, a Coptic priest was ambushed and “nearly murdered” by a Muslim parolee. According to the report, “the parolee, nicknamed Kareem Madi, has a history of attacking Christians—especially women and girls.”

As just two examples, in 2020 a Muslim man crept up behind a Christian woman walking home with groceries, grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, and slit her throat with a knife.  Two days later, another Muslim man went for the jugular of a Christian man with a box-cutter; he only managed to sever an ear.  On being questioned concerning his motive, this Muslim confessed that he did not know the Copt, but that he simply “hates Christians.” There are many more such examples from Egypt alone (to say nothing of the rest of the Muslim world); see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Such attacks are even spilling into the West.  As one example, in 2016, two Muslim men marched into a church in France during mass and slit the throat of its 85-year-old priest, Fr. Jaques Hamil, killing him.

We’ve grown soft in the West.  We simply cannot believe people would do this, and like Yuri Bezmenov said, once a people are demoralized you can shower them with testimony and pictures and videos and they won’t believe it.


KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov 1985 Interview. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion



Funny, I didn’t know she was Jewish?  Oh, but she IS “just” a kaffir:

The Head of Shani Louk, the German Festival Attendee, Found in Gaza – Geller Report

Someone Needs to Tell Him: Wajahat Ali Doesn’t Get the Point of Killing Hamas Terrorists – Twitchy

Well, you see, Wajahat, the math here is actually pretty simple. If a band of murderers crosses your borders, rapes, tortures, and murders innocent people, and then hides like cowards, systematically killing them in their hiding places means they won’t be able to rape, torture, and murder Israeli civilians again.

It’s not that hard to figure out.


Remember what I said in the last post: dying in Jihad against the unbeliever is the highest goal to which a Muslim can aspire.  The. Highest. Goal.

Rabbi Claims That Hamas Has ‘Perverted Islam.’ Alas, No. – PJ Media(bolding added):

It is unpleasant, but nonetheless true: neither ISIS nor Hamas originated these ideas. They are all rooted in core Islamic texts. The justification for suicide bombing is in the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam: “Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (9:111) This is the only promise of paradise in the Qur’an, but one can take hold of that promise by being killed while killing unbelievers.

Al-Aqsa is like Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a great cathedral converted into a mosque as a sign of Islam’s victory over Christianity and its superiority to it. It is also like all the mosques in India that were built over the ruins of Hindu temples the jihadis destroyed. This is, in other words, an extremely weak foundation for interfaith harmony and an appeal to those true Muslims who detest all this jihad terrorism, about whom we hear so very much from non-Muslims and so very little from directly.



Europe Facing Civil War? :: Gatestone Institute

Broadly, yes.  And specific to Gaza, remember some recent history (links in the original)

Let us look at a few facts: In 2005, seeing that the peace process had reached an impasse, Israel forcibly expelled 8,500 Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip and bulldozed all their homes and communities. From that day on, there was not a single Israeli foot on Gaza soil and Gaza was “free.” Now, with not one Jew there, the Arabs of Gazan finally had total control of this beautiful land on the Mediterranean coast and could build the “Singapore of the Middle East“. A group of Americans even donated $14 million to buy 3,000 greenhouses from the expelled Jews and donated them to the Palestinian Authority (PA) to ensure that the Gazans could start with businesses there. Within days, they all had been looted and destroyed.

In 2006, elections were held in Gaza; the majority of Gazans voted for the totalitarian terrorist organisation, Hamas, whose openly stated goal was — and still is — the total destruction of Israel and the eradication of the Jews (Articles 7, 32).

Mohammed, You’re Fired | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):

But let’s return to sympathy for the “suffering” Palestinian Arabs. It cannot be overstated enough that all this suffering is self-inflicted.  It is self-inflicted because of the evil of Hamas using its own civilians as human shields, and robbing them of any opportunity for prosperity as billions in cash and tons of supplies have been used to build up its war machine rather than investing in the well-being of average Gazan Palestinian Arabs.

But let’s also be clear about one more thing. A majority of Gazan Palestinian Arabs, 57 percent, actually support Hamas,  according to a recent poll by a respected Arab pollster.  Many more support other even more extremist groups (if that were even possible). So, before anyone turns to blame Israel for any of their suffering, let them look into the mirror, and let the rest of the world hold their lies under a microscope on full view for all to see.

Mohammed, I’ll miss your visit and talking about our families. I’ll regret that you may now have less food for your family without the few 100-shekel bills I used to pay you for your work. I am sorry for the situation, really, because I saw our relationship as a microcosm of what could be. But now, I am not willing to take any risks for my family, even at the consequence of you and your family suffering.

Whatever peace that might have existed, whatever mutual understanding that could have developed over years of contact and conversations, has been irrevocably shattered.

In reference to the above excerpt’s statement about diverting resources, here’s a senior Hamas official talking about their use of tunnels to attack:



Hamas Official: Tunnels Built For Fighters, Not Civilians | MEMRI




Poll shows alarming support for Hamas but likely understates the problem (

In my last post – and others – I mentioned “Stealth Jihad”;

Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs

Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrating American Colleges

I.e., the ideological subversion of the school systems particularly to start slanting the minds of children from very early on.  Just as the LGBTQP+ crowd targets children, so do the Jihad advocates.  But then, two different Socialists on the “wisdom” of targeting children early:



(Link to AZ Quotes per their policy)


And lest anyone scream “But Hitler switched”… I’ve addressed that:

Hitler’s Missing Speech – Liberty’s Torch (



Harvard Jew-Haters Finding Out the New #Rulez Suck – HotAir

Poor entitled, not-overly-bright, Jew-hating Harvard students are having a hard time coming to grips with the big, fuzzy, wet camel’s nose of reality bustin’ through the side of their privilege tent. They thought those walls were sacrosanct and like BatFink’s shield of steel wings – nothing and nobody to get at them through them, no matter what the over-indulged little vermin did or said.

A funny thing happened on the way to the cocoon, though. The right has discovered how to use the new, progressive #rulez laid down with emphasis during such terrifying circuses as the Kavanaugh hearings and the Dobbs decision. One of those #rulez is that a home is no longer a castle, whatever the niceties of political combat and policy disagreements used to be.

Cancel culture works both ways, assh*les.  How’s that taste?  Related:

‘Just Like Nazi Germany!’ Wait, What? The Left Loses its Mind Over Arrests of Leftwing Jewish Protestors – Twitchy





Welcome to ‘Pallywood,’ Where Crisis Actors, Fake News, and Media Lie About the Israel/Hamas War – PJ Media

(Behind paywall.)  Remember, deceit is ingrained in Islam:

Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam (

For the most part, accurate.  I remember multiple articles showing how Jews attempted to be exceedingly above-board on buying land.  Precisely to avoid charges they stole it.



There was an article – I don’t have the link as it was a couple of computers ago – that documented the extraordinary lengths immigrating Jews went to in an attempt to legitimately purchase land.




‘Never Again’ Is Right Now as Missing Posters Are Defaced in NYC – PJ Media

It’s here.  Now.  More:

Teen screams ‘I will kill you Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground (

Poll shows alarming support for Hamas but likely understates the problem (

‘Never Again’ Is Right Now as Missing Posters Are Defaced in NYC – PJ Media

What’s next? Painting store windows with the word “Jude?” or forcing people to wear gold Stars of David? Before you think that such things could never happen here, perhaps you should remind yourself of what has already happened here in the last three years, or, for that matter, the last three weeks.

Something Awful Is Brewing ( (bolding added):

And the President sits unwilling to close the wide-open border, allowing tens of thousands of military-aged young males to enter our nation weekly with nothing more than a ticket-to-appear as their punishment.

EXCLUSIVE: 100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden’s Open Border in October, Says Source ( Again, how’s that whole “Welcome the stranger” thing working out?

Things are getting stupid – Gun Free Zone

This are getting stupid fast and it’s only going to be a short matter of time until ot goes from threats to violence, because the threats are not being dealt with seriously enough.

Related: Violence Breaks Out at Genocidal, Pro-Terror Riots in Downtown Chicago, Illinois – Geller Report LONDON: Massive Genocidal Death March Against the Jews: Chanting “O Jews, The Armies of Muhammad are Coming!” – Geller Report




On Israel, Biden Picks Up Where Obama Left Off (

Like Obama, Biden offers just enough lip service about Israel’s right to defend itself to placate Jewish donors and voters. Every action of the president – even his supposed morale-lifting trip to the country–is meant to inhibit Israel from winning. Democrats are open to helping Israel defend itself but unopened to the prospect of destroying those who seek its end.

David Mamet: No ‘cozy mystery in antisemitism of Democratic Party’ – (italics replaced by underlining):

But there is “no more cozy mystery in the antisemitism of the Democratic Party,” he wrote, with Democratic Socialists and pro-Palestinian Democrats “calling for the end of the state of Israel—that is, for the death of the Jews.”

“Democrat representatives repeat and refuse to retract the libel that Israel bombed a hospital, in spite of absolute proof to the contrary, and will not call out the unutterable atrocities of Hamas,” he added. “The writing is on the wall. In blood.”

In the 1930s, many German Jews “ignored their brothers and sisters to the East, and later died with them.” Born right after the Holocaust, Mamet’s generation wondered, “Good God, didn’t you see what was happening around you? Are you literally willing to die rather than admit you were mistaken?” he wrote. “The answer, today, to many liberal American Jews, is ‘Yes.’”

That’s because TIKKUN OLAM is their faith.

On the ‘Tikkun Olam’ Fetish | Frontpage Mag

Nowhere in Judaism are Jews commanded to restructure or re-engineer the societies of nations. Jews have a certain obligation to participate in the Jewish community and to assist other Jews, especially Jews living in hardship, including through charity. Even within the Jewish community, there is no religious imperative or justification for coerced schemes of income or wealth redistribution, aside from payments to the Levites and priests. And while there is no prohibition against Jews using their resources to assist the downtrodden among the non-Jewish nations, there is also no Judaic imperative to do so.

Indeed, the very notion that Jews are so ethically superior that they are entitled to instruct non-Jews in ethics is completely foreign to Judaism. The self-image of Jews in the Torah is that of a group of people awash in their own moral failures and foibles, from the Golden Calf to the paganism of the era of the kings of Judah and Israel. The moral imperative of the Torah is for the Jews to improve and reevaluate their own behavior, not to pretend to have the moral superiority to preach to the entire non-Jewish world.

This is echoed here:

Judaism under attack: the Orwellian hijack of tikkun olam ( (Italics replaced by underlining; Neumann’s book like added as a URL on his name):

Neumann’s devastating insight is that the social justice movement has reversed this process. “Tikkun olam is not about turning Jews into Marxists. It’s about rebranding Marxism as Judaism.”

As Neumann has it, American Jews have been led to believe that “the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God”.

As he asks: “Isn’t it just a little bit incredible for the teachings of the ancient faith of Judaism to happen to comprise without exception the agenda of the liberal wing of today’s Democratic Party?”

Incredible indeed – because it isn’t true. Remorselessly, Neumann charts the way in which progressive American rabbis have grossly misinterpreted or distorted the ancient faith of Judaism, both its religious texts and rabbinic sources, in order to claim falsely that maxims which are in fact hostile to Jewish precepts represent Jewish moral and ethical teaching.

Closing with this Rabbi’s comments:

Tikkun Olam Being Misused and Hijacked by the Political Left | Aryeh Spero | The Blogs (











You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

I’ve contributed to them for almost 20 years.  And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.



In a prior post I’d had this to say about this war – this existential war between Islam and, well, everyone – and how it could be won.  (All formatting and the links in original, added thought in [])

Gather experts like Jihad Watch founder Robert Spencer, Political Islam founder Bill Warner, [scholars like Raymond Ibrahim,] and doubtless many others… and develop a way to meme / Thought Splinter ideas into the Islamic world that will undermine the anti-Jew / anti-Kaffir message / pro-conquest message.  Difficult, I know.  But until and unless we actively fight the ideology of Islamic jihad, not just militarily, we can never truly make headway.

I want to expand on that thought.  But first, here’s an Arab-Israeli IDF soldier with a message to her fellow Arabs:


Hamas is a terrorist organization and they must be stopped.



Now, IMHO it’s a good message but she says something in passing that caught my attention: that Hamas’ actions were a violation of Islamic law.  Now, taking a step back in context of everything I’ve posted about past Islamic actions against enemies, this seems odd – so I would be fascinated to learn just what she is claiming is a violation of Islamic law.  But taking her statement as an optimistic and face value statement, does that not leave precisely a wedge opening akin to what I proposed?

If there is, or can be developed, wedges to insert into Islamic dialog that such actions as we saw in Israel recently, and more broadly how such actions around the world over decades are violations of Islamic law, let’s do this.

To truly win a war with an enemy committed to dying in this fight – because their greatest reward possible is to die in the fight – one must, in turn, figure out how to demoralize them and someone remove that impetus.  If, for example, it can somehow be shown that terror and kidnapping and so on is against Islam, then that can push a drive to reconsider these things.  So, too, can a “new interpretation” of what awaits the martyr in the afterlife:



Or is it really 72 raisins, as some have suggested the text truly says?

I’ve also read that in Islam, a soldier killed by a woman can’t get to paradise.  I wonder if that’s true.  If so, good news:

Female Battalion of IDF Eliminates 100 Terrorists | Frontpage Mag

And don’t forget to give killed terrorists the Jack Pershing treatment:

How American Soldiers Used Pig’s Blood and Corpses to Fight Muslim Terrorism | Frontpage Mag











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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Muslim Immigrant is Running Against Ilhan Omar

Thu, 2023-11-02 15:00 +0000

The Democrat Party’s expert on Jewish outreach, Ilhan Omar, is back in the news. Her anti-semitism, support for terrorist organizations, and calls for insurance companies to pay families of terrorists have earned her an opponent for her Congressional seat.

A Muslim woman who says, “We are not like her.”


“… al-Aqidi speaking from Israel, said she traveled there three days ago to “show my support and solidarity with the Jewish people,” declaring that the people of Minneapolis – where Omar was raised – support Israel.

“We are not like her (Omar). We support the Jewish people, and we are fighting the same fight,” she told host Ainsley Earhardt, explaining that Omar’s district has become “ground zero for antisemitism” under her leadership.”


Muslim immigrant Dalia al-Aqidi is a Minnesota Republican, so it seems unlikely she will unseat Squadrat Omar. Her district is not exactly a toss-up or even leaning anywhere but left. And while Democrats have had to come to terms with their party support for “Palestine,” alongside rumblings of a split in the party over Israel, at the end of the day, two-thirds of the voters won’t have an opinion and will not have followed any storyline.

In other words, this won’t make any difference.


“I’ve seen the houses, the burnt houses. You can smell it. It’s a place of destruction. And whoever says that Hamas, that these people are freedom fighters, no, freedom fighters don’t do that.”

Al-Aqidi said the reports were accurate about the atrocities committed by Hamas against women, children and the elderly.

“Freedom fighters don’t hunt kids, don’t hurt women and the elderly from house to house and room to room. I’ve seen it. I bear witness to what happened in the kibbutz. So, that’s why I’m here to say, no, this is not fake news.”


Omar’s ground game is well-established. She’s got vote-buyers and ballot box stuffers, and nothing on the Republican side could compete, even if the RNC thought they could take the seat, which they do not.

Democrats have had a lock on the 5th Congress District since 1963. It votes 75-25 for Democrat presidents in this century. Butchered and burned Jewish children are not going to move progressives away from Omar, even though her district is nearly 64% white.

But it does deserve our attention. We have a Muslim woman, Republican, pro-Israel, who appears to fit the definition of one of those moderate followers of Islam—reformed, perhaps, which makes me wonder if any of the terrorists Omar supports will feel the need to remove her from the board.

She might want to hire some security.


The post A Muslim Immigrant is Running Against Ilhan Omar appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas Halloween Activism Spooktackular!

Thu, 2023-11-02 13:30 +0000

It was an odd year for Halloween here in Vermont.  Typically Halloween is used as an opportunity to either conjure up the dead or celebrate those who’ve passed on into the great mortuary in the sky.  In contrast to our banal day-to-day lives Halloween gives us a chance to play the impish tricksters or treat our neighbors to the fright of their lives.

In order for Halloween to be effective, it helps if one can make the night scarier than the day, however, a quick glance at the headlines in the news and you realize it’s an uphill task here in the Green Mountain state.

With all of the talk in the news about the failing status of American education, some activist friends of mine and I decided to use this Halloween as an opportunity to supplement the education our kids seem to be missing out on in public schools. 

This means I had to retire my typical Banana Hammock costume, an oversized banana-shaped hammock that can hold an easy quarter-ton of candy, in favor of trying to blend in so as not to rile my edgy neighbors.  It was also forecast to be windy, and I didn’t want to end up trapped upside down in a Box Elder tree like what happened a few years ago when my hammock turned into a sail.  Rather than help me down, the neighbor kids thought I was a piñata and beat the Reese’s Pieces out of me.  When I tried to describe my attackers, the police-woman laughed so hard she accidentally tazed her partner.  Even if they were “only children,” my town is known to have some of the finest little leaguers in the state, and I had the compound fractures to prove it.  In my town, justice is blind and dumb. 

Given this economy, where I just paid $60 to do five loads at the local Laundromat, my other issue was price.  Most of the costumes for fully grown men who want to participate in a children’s activity are ridiculously expensive gowns with sequins and fishnet stockings that require hours and hours of make-up and wig preparation, not to mention high heels that are patently unsafe to walk the semi-maintained roads of small-town Vermont.  As much as I wanted to help children learn to read gooder I just couldn’t justify the expense.

So, in keeping with my budget and our mission, I borrowed a doctor friend’s white jacket and scrubs and fashioned an oversized syringe out of taped-together two-liter bottles with a screwdriver sticking out the end and wrote “vaccine” in oversized letters on it.  On my backpack, where I kept the evening’s haul of sweets, I wrote “puberty blockers” in glo-in-the-dark lettering, and, well, the fun just created itself!

Thankfully some of our townsfolk take Halloween more seriously than a pre-mature case of myocarditis, so I was able to stand statue-like in someone’s front yard make-shift cemetery replete with more skeletons than a politician’s closet.  As the children walked by in their sweet little princess and pumpkin costumes, the audible cries of “Don’t make me go up there, Mommy!” were worth every bit of low-grade neuropathy I could feel settling into my toes. 

Our other Halloween radical went as Donald Trump, which seemed like a stroke of genius for the obvious terror factor, until he was shot at multiple times, caused at least two car accidents, and one lady fell into cardiac arrest after opening her door.  He ran past me at one point, followed by an angry mob chasing him at low speeds because most of them were overweight moms dragging their little ones as fast as their tiny legs could go.  Luckily, he found safe haven at the Jake’s gas station on Route 5, where a group of Trump supporters were so convinced it was the real Don they wouldn’t leave until he vowed to throw crooked Hillary in prison with Creepy Joe.

Our other friend decided to go as Robert Kennedy Jr., who would take each door knocking as an opportunity to educate the neighbors about “agency capture” and the failings of “crony capitalism” but was repeatedly chastised as an “anti-vaxxer” to the point he even had used needles thrown at him as he passed a homeless encampment.  Talk about ironic, Alannis!

In a daring move, yet another one of our friends went as Justin Trudeau dressed in black-face, which admittedly could get you strung up in my town – not for being black but for cultural appropriation of a protected class – however, he made up for it by dressing as Thomas Sowell and saying things like:

“Racism is not dead, but it is on life support  – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers, and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racist’”


“There is usually only a limited amount of damage that can be done by dull or stupid people.  For creating a truly monumental disaster, you need people with high IQs.”

Needless to say, he was a HUGE hit with the kids and, at one point, received a standing ovation from a group of teens dressed as a herd of cows.  Not gonna lie. I got a little choked up.

Last but certainly not least was our friend, who dressed up as Senator Bernie Sanders who seated himself in a lawn chair with mittens and a mask.  This iconic image was so attractive to Vermonters that he was constantly surrounded by large groups, and as the children would gather with their parents, Uncle Bernie would have them pour their bags of candy onto the ground and then redistribute the goodies until

 everyone had the exact same amount.   Despite being wildly unpopular with the harder-working children, it served as a powerful lesson about economics and the blessings of socialism. 

Sometimes, it pays to actually feel the Bern kids.

The post Bananas Halloween Activism Spooktackular! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Lessons from Lewiston Maine

Thu, 2023-11-02 12:00 +0000

Rick Moran, writing at PJ Media, thinks it is time to do something about mental illness and observes correctly that we’ve gotten away from institutionalizing people who need it. That Lewiston shooter Robert Card’s red flags should have ended with him disarmed and in a facility.


Despite red lights flashing continuously, Robert Card was allowed to walk freely. No one thought to take his firearm from him — a move Second Amendment purists would have opposed. No one suggested that he be readmitted to the inpatient mental health facility he stayed in for two weeks last summer.

I’ve seen my share of notions about Lewiston. How the “authorities” knew the shooter, had been in contact, or how he had a history of mental illness and no one thought to keep an eye on him. Maybe they were too busy spying on parents who opposed explicit sexual material in grade schools or engaging in witch hunts against doctors who treated COVID patients the wrong way. So many distractions. Whatever the issue, the system that insists it will protect us where we are unarmed failed to do that in Lewiston, which is a point left out of many discussions.

The shooter knew where to find people whom the state of Maine had disarmed.

Call me a Second Amendment purist, but the most common factor in every mass shooting is the absence of equal or greater force and the ability of the allegedly mentally insane to know this.

Robert Card could have picked a gun range, a gun show, an NRA event, or any number of public or private locations where Mainers – who can still conceal carry without a permit – might be armed in numbers, someplace where it would be a challenge to shoot let alone kill more than one or two people before there was return fire.

Getting shot at changes your priorities and, in that situation, likely ends with the shooter dead. No statewide manhunt is needed. No suspicious suicide days later. He’s bleeding out on the floor of the first building he entered.

I’m not saying Card wasn’t another poster child for why you should separate the mentally ill from weapons, but that’s not what the gun grabbers are trying to do. They want to strip due process protections and property rights on a whim. Their goal is to disarm people who follow the law. It is also (IMO) why they have opposed institutionalizing those who have severe mental illness against their will.

Crazy people shooting up the world helps the Left advance their agenda, the same as letting criminals wander free. Chaos leads to disorder, which lends itself to totalitarian interventions. If you do it right, a once proudly free people will beg for it.

The more straightforward solution is to end gun-free zones.

Mr. Moran never mentions this or the absence of return fire. It may be on his mind, but it is not the object of his attention in this piece.


No one likes the obvious solution — locking the mentally ill away to protect society from their predation. But the courts have decided in their infinite wisdom that mentally ill people should roam our streets freely unless they demonstrate the danger they pose to the rest of us.

Locking them away will prove to be a problem because we’ve been tearing down mental health facilities — including hospitals and long-term care facilities — at a record pace. Maine may be a typical state as far as mental health services go.


He’s not wrong. The shift in focus from confinement and treatment is a problem. Robert Card needed help. He was sending all the signals. But no one could be bothered to pay attention – even chat over coffee – until he found a place and a way to get our attention. And regardless of your take on the problem, if even a few of his victims had been armed, he’d have gotten a lot of attention the minute he showed up armed and shooting.

Robert Card would have likely died there and then, and plenty of other people might still be alive, their natural rights and liberties intact. Not a conclusion I’d expect from Democrat Gov. Janet Mills’s newly announced “independent commission” to probe the Lewiston shooting, but it should. And we could still have the conversation about mental health without robbing law-abiding citizens of their right to shoot back when attacked.


The post Lessons from Lewiston Maine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Shut The Door On Your Way Out, And Take Mayorkas With You

Thu, 2023-11-02 10:30 +0000

FBI Director Wray has claimed that the biggest threat to America and Americans on our home soil is a terrorist attack possibly influenced by Hamas. Not Climate Change, not MAGA Republicans, not Radical Catholics, not even mentally deranged individuals buying their first AR-15. No, it is a terrorist attack on our soil.

On Tuesday, Director Wray was in front of Congress to testify on the FBI’s status for domestic safety when he commented above, but I hope the mainstream media will give this hearing some airtime. We need to provide the obviously ignorant populace with a dose of reality. It is not the temperature or the height of our tides we need to be concerned about, but the gang running towards us waving the Palestinian flag.

Not once in his remarks did Wray talk about the failure of the Biden Administration to secure our Southern Border. Nearly seven million illegal, unvetted aliens from over 150 countries have crossed our Border, and it should not take a genius like Wray to think there are no terrorists that have crossed the river and now live in a neighborhood near you. We have apprehended individuals who are on the terrorist watchlist as they try to cross into America, so we know that some have made it through the gates. The odds are with them.

Mayorkas is not worth discussing. He should have been impeached already by Congress for not protecting America and putting us in jeopardy with his Border policies. He has lied to Americans for three years with his patented claim that the Border is secure.

Director Wray has denied in the past that he knew about the surveillance of Catholic Churches and school boards but had to admit FBI involvement when caught. Where are he and his troops now as Jewish students are afraid to go to class or have received death threats? They are nowhere to be found. It is high time for Wray and Mayorkas to bid a fond farewell. Our major cities are becoming ghost towns as businesses and people exit in fear for their lives or welfare.

In the vacuum left by the exiting throngs, we have crime and decay. If we do not act quickly, these cities will go the way of Baltimore, a city with much to offer but now not safe enough for habitation or visitation. These large cities rely heavily on the dollars brought in by tourism, but nobody wants a bus tour through a deserted ghetto. These men and their departments are operating at the will of the President. Removing them from their positions will shoot a flare over the White House and wake the President. At some point, Biden must make a course correction if he wants any chance at a second term. Wray, Mayorkas, and even Harris are heavy weights for the President, and heads must roll because of poor leadership. There has been minimal turnover in the Biden Administration, and that is not because of the numbers or good game plan but because of poor management. Poor management is something the Biden Administration is flush with, but that is not a favorable flush.

The post Shut The Door On Your Way Out, And Take Mayorkas With You appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Battle Of The Best: Is It Hard To Start A Business In 2023?

Thu, 2023-11-02 09:00 +0000

The entrepreneurial spirit is as vibrant as ever in 2023. As we continue to move through the decade, more individuals are attracted to the idea of starting their businesses. But how easy or challenging is it to venture into the entrepreneurial world this year? This piece delves into the intricacies of starting a business, the prevailing challenges, and the resources available for budding entrepreneurs.

Financial Challenges And Capital Acquisition

Arguably one of the most significant concerns for any new business is securing the required funds. In 2023, while there’s a plethora of crowdfunding platforms and venture capitalists ready to invest in promising startups, the competition is fierce. Obtaining financial backing is contingent upon presenting a well-researched, innovative, and scalable business idea. Moreover, with interest rates fluctuating due to global economic conditions, securing loans can be a challenge.

Some entrepreneurs find themselves bootstrapping their startups, relying on personal savings or funds from friends and family.

Regulatory Hurdles And Bureaucracy

Every nation boasts its unique set of regulations for startups. In some regions, it’s relatively seamless, while in others, it’s akin to navigating a maze. Despite the digital transformation and a general push towards streamlining bureaucratic processes, some countries still require numerous licences, permits, and inspections. Entrepreneurs need to be well-versed in their country’s regulatory landscape to prevent costly mistakes and potential legal complications.

Market Saturation And Unique Value Proposition

The digital age has democratised the process of starting a business. Consequently, many markets are crowded, making it imperative for new entrants to distinguish themselves. Successful startups in 2023 often hinge on a strong unique value proposition (UVP) that not only addresses a gap in the market but does so innovatively. Conducting thorough market research, understanding consumer pain points, and iterating solutions are critical.

In a saturated market, brands that can convey their UVP effectively often enjoy a competitive edge. Tailored marketing strategies, leveraging customer testimonials, and showcasing tangible benefits further amplify this advantage. The current business environment demands adaptability, and startups that can swiftly pivot their UVP in response to market feedback are more likely to thrive.

Furthermore, building brand loyalty and ensuring repeat business often depends on how consistently a business delivers on its UVP and exceeds customer expectations. In this sea of sameness, it’s the nuances and genuine value additions that elevate a business above its competitors.

The Power Of Networking: Events And Business Growth

One cannot overemphasise the role of networking in the growth and success of a business. In 2023, in-person events such as trade shows, business conferences, and networking events have become pivotal platforms for budding businesses. They offer entrepreneurs a chance to rub shoulders with industry leaders, potential investors, and collaborators.

Attending such events provides a dual benefit: learning from industry best practices and showcasing one’s business to a larger audience through planning expertise from brands like These platforms are especially beneficial for B2B startups, where forming strategic partnerships can fast-track growth.

With the global economy gradually moving towards normalcy post-pandemic, these events are witnessing a resurgence, offering tremendous value.

The Role Of Technology And Adaptability

While technology has streamlined many business operations, staying updated can be overwhelming. The rapid technological advancements demand businesses to be adaptable and forward-thinking. A tech stack that was relevant a year ago might be obsolete today. Ensuring the business is technologically aligned not only enhances efficiency but also helps in offering a competitive product or service.

The constant cycle of tech innovation means continuous learning and adaptation, with training sessions and workshops becoming invaluable. Implementing the right technology also necessitates discerning investments; it’s not just about having the latest tools but the most suitable ones for specific business needs.

Starting a business in 2023 is no walk in the park. It demands financial acumen, an understanding of regulations, a clear differentiation strategy, strong networking efforts, and technological prowess. Additionally, an entrepreneur must foster a culture of innovation within the organization, encouraging teams to be on the lookout for technological solutions that can provide that all-important edge in the market.

However, while challenges are numerous, so are the rewards. With the right approach, adequate research, and persistent effort, the entrepreneurial journey, albeit demanding, can be incredibly fulfilling. The key is to stay informed, be adaptable, and continuously seek growth opportunities. In the entrepreneurial battlefield of 2023, those who are well-prepared and resilient stand tall.


The post Battle Of The Best: Is It Hard To Start A Business In 2023? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The 1st Amendment does Not Protect Exposing Children to Explicit Material

Thu, 2023-11-02 01:30 +0000

The “banning books” bullies, by whom I mean the groomers ranting about how trying to keep kids away from porn is banning books, might want to lawyer up. A case in New York has brought an unpleasant truth to the head of the line in this debate.


“In August of this year, one of our clients brought to the school board’s attention that books – five specifically – containing obscene, sexually graphic content were widely available to minor students in the school libraries. These five books contain, among other things, graphic accounts of sexual encounters between minors as well as the rape of a minor child by an adult. To say that the content is revolting is an understatement. It is stomach-churning and abhorrent that any material of this nature would purposefully be made accessible to children – especially by the very people who are tasked with protecting children. When the board’s attention was initially drawn to this matter, it responded correctly by voting to restrict the access of minor children to these books by having them removed from the school libraries,” the ACLJ reported.


Your school library may have more than five books of this nature, as may the children’s section of your local public library. It will also have library trustees or school board members who fold under the slightest pressure from the groomers. In the case above, the board backtracked and returned the books to the shelves. Their excuse: “It agreed with a parent contending that the First Amendment gives children the “right” to access “pornographic and sexually graphic content.”

It does not. The Constitution, the First Amendment, does not give children the right to access this material.


“[T]he Supreme Court’s ‘First Amendment jurisprudence has acknowledged limitations on the otherwise absolute interest of the speaker in reaching an unlimited audience where the speech is sexually explicit and the audience may include children.’ The Court has also made clear that ‘in addressing the question whether the First Amendment places any limit on the authority of public schools to remove books from a public school library, all Members of the Court, otherwise sharply divided, acknowledged that the school board has the authority to remove books that are vulgar.’

The court has recognized “the obvious concern on the part of parents, and school authorities acting in loco parentis, to protect children – especially in a captive audience – from exposure to sexually explicit, indecent, or lewd speech,” the ACLJ said.


Before you object, groomers, we have age restrictions on smoking, drinking alcohol, being in bars, attending adult entertainment venues, gambling, and a long list of other limitations based on age, from marriage to driving to getting a license to practice a profession.

Movie theaters are not permitted to sell tickets to kids for certain forms of entertainment.

You even have to be 35 years old to be president.

There are age limits on handling or owning a firearm. We have laws to dissuade adults from having sex with children or encouraging them with sexually explicit material, behavior not protected by the First Amendment.

And you cannot ban something readily available to anyone of majority, nor should you be allowed to expose children to explicit material without legal consequence.


“There is absolutely no educational interest in exposing children to gratuitous and graphic sexual content such as is contained in the books the school board allowed to remain accessible to minors – including descriptions of the rape of a child perpetrated by an adult. Even if – and there is not – some educational interest in exposing children to that material, it is greatly outweighed by the grave harm that such content has upon children, including grooming children to believe that such conduct is normal or okay,” the legal team explained.


Advocates would have you believe that we must expose all children to this material in the event that the few who might suffer from gender dysphoria could benefit. But there is no precedent, be it legal or cultural, for approaching potential mental health distress in this manner.

There is also the matter of the Bruen decision. The history of law and morality in America leans heavily in favor of blocking any access by children to explicit material, from explicit lyrics to pictures that are still or moving.

There is, of course, a separate problem. While we have laws that forbid it, and there is a precedent that the exposure is not protected, you need a government willing to prosecute the law.

I’m not sure what it is like in your state, but in New Hampshire, no one charged with executing or enforcing the law has any interest in protecting children from explicit material.

Parents and taxpayers are going to have to find a way to get it done, which includes replacing local officials who make excuses for grooming in public schools and libraries.




The post Night Cap: The 1st Amendment does Not Protect Exposing Children to Explicit Material appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kendi’s Critical Race Theory Is a Failed Marxist Doctrine

Thu, 2023-11-02 00:00 +0000

Ibram X. Kendi, the controversial author of How to Be an Antiracist, has been revealed as not only a hustler of horrid ideas but also a poor businessman. Kendi was appointed the head and founder of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research in 2020 following the aptly named “summer of love,” which saw riots in most major cities over calls for “racial justice.”

Now, Boston University is committing mass layoffs of employees, as the Center has lost the $43 million that was donated to it at its opening. There have also been several complaints about management practices. The Center is laying off much of its staff as it switches to a new model that it hopes will keep it alive. It is another profound case of fiat academia being inefficient and unproductive, as well as peddling half-baked, half-dead ideas.

Kendi is not an original thinker so much as a wannabe philosopher who repaints bunk ideas to drum up societal conflict. Kendi’s general philosophical thesis could be summed up simply as “Everyone is racist, and that extends to all of society. History can be understood as a white supremacist culture getting better at hiding its underlying racism.”

Kendi and other critical race theorists theorize that, throughout history, so-called advancements in the welfare of racial minorities are merely a white supremacist culture’s success at better hiding its racism. One can summarize it best with a quote from the thriller The Usual Suspects: “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”

The devil, for Kendi, would be “white supremacy” in culture. Every so-called advancement—from the outlawing of slavery to the end of Jim Crow laws—is simply this devil getting better at hiding itself.

This is not an original idea on Kendi’s part in any respect. One can trace these ideas back to the philosophical ancestor to critical race theory: Karl Marx. When one analyzes critical race theory, it becomes abundantly clear that it is a portrayal of Marxist conflict and power theory but with the dimensions of race applied rather than class. Rather than the bourgeoise class oppressing the proletariat, it is the white class oppressing the nonwhite classes of society.

A fundamental aspect of Marxist theory is that of the substructure, or base, and the superstructures of society. Marx posited that the fundamental relations in society are economic ones, between the working class and the exploitive capitalist class. The base creates the superstructure, which includes art, politics, religion, and other social relations that supposedly exist to reinforce the base. This is where Marx’s famed line “Religion is the opiate of the masses” comes from. Religion, as an aspect of the superstructure, exists to draw eyes away from the social relations that matter in the minds of Marxists.

The critical race theory about the “white supremacy inherent in culture” is much the same. The base for the theorists is race relations. These theorists believe that the oppressive white class has constructed society to necessarily maintain a power dynamic over the nonwhite classes. Political achievements, no matter how much they may benefit racial minorities, belong as part of the superstructure, and thus they must be some protective shell over the true social dynamics.

The Emancipation Proclamation, for example, would be seen as a means of preserving the base of society. Any and all political results short of revolution against the base are simply adaptations of the superstructure to protect the base. Kendi’s ideology ultimately becomes a revolutionary one. There cannot be a true advancement against “white supremacist culture” unless there is a true revolution, according to the critical race theorists.

Kendi posits that the solution to racism is “antiracism,” or active discrimination against the “oppressor class.” This reeks of Joseph Stalin’s extermination of the kulaks or of Maoist reeducation. Mao Zedong’s goals may be the most aligned to the goals of Kendi. “Diversity, equity, and inclusion” seminars, taught for much the same reasons as Kendi’s “antiracism,” reek of Maoist struggle sessions.

The modern kulaks of Kendi’s Marxist revolution are the “white supremacists.” According to Kendi, discrimination is needed to overthrow the base structure. The ideas of Kendi and the critical race theorists boil down to Marxist power dynamics, with a mixture of gnosticism and postmodernism. It is violent egalitarian ideology that attempts to paint history under one dynamic. It turns out that history is far more complex than that.

So, one should not be surprised at the squandering of millions of dollars by Kendi and his “antiracist” center. Marx has been repudiated by economists, philosophers, and history itself. All the critical race theorists seek to do is repaint Marxist power dynamics under a new lens. There is no sound backing to their ideas so it is no wonder they continue to fail, even in academia.

Kendi laments in a March 23 article: “The traditional construct of the intellectual has produced and reinforced bigoted ideas of group hierarchy—the most anti-intellectual constructs existing. But this framing is crumbling, leading to the crisis of the intellectual.”

Marxism can be best understood as the unproductive of society demanding a place at the top of a new hierarchy. They prey upon the productive members of society and redistribute the success of others to themselves through violent revolution. It is an ideology of envy and failure. Kendi is one such unproductive citizen, one who would have no reinforcement in any sane “marketplace of ideas.” It is no wonder at all that he has failed even in fiat academia.


Contact David Brady, Jr.

David Brady is a Catholic libertarian and economics and finance undergraduate student at Florida Southern College. He is a co-host of the “Econphonics” podcast and a Mises Apprentice.



David Brady, Jr. | Mises Wire

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The post Kendi’s Critical Race Theory Is a Failed Marxist Doctrine appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

According to the EPA. Global Warming … Results in Less Flooding

Wed, 2023-11-01 22:30 +0000

With hurricane season over, the cult will need to find something else to worry us all about. Wildfires weren’t as bad as predicted, nor were tornadoes or any other natural phenomenon. Flooding was crazy in the spring, especially around here, but did you know it’s been in decline?


According to the EPA, flooding magnitude and frequency have both declined in the US since 1965. Increased flooding frequency has occurred at 186 locations and decreased frequency at 295 locations.


The EPA, which has been tracking river flooding since 1956, has a map that documents the trends. As noted, fewer rivers are flooding compared to data from nearly sixty years ago. I can only assume this means that “global warming” reduces river flooding.


One comment at RCSB pondered the proximity of increased frequency or magnitude to urbanization.


It appears that the flooding increases are mostly in urban areas, which is more an indicator of impervious build out over the land with inadequate water take away. Is it possible that government engineers failed to recognize the difference between the percolation of soil versus asphalt?

The climate guilt club is fond of imposing stormwater runoff rules while simultaneously insisting that we all need to pack ourselves together into their paved urban paradise even when these heat islands of theirs skew the temperature record.

Another commenter.


Isn’t it then even more strange that the predicted AGW-caused increase in floods(and droughts) is not happening? Despite all the additional land that has been ‘sealed’ and made waterproof by asphalt, concrete, etc, the number of floods should be rising instead of going down.


Cities are much bigger and more numerous than in 1956. Their asphalt footprints are huge in some cases. Almost as big as their aspirations for human control of the weather. Why don’t we have more flooding?

Because these are the same people who don’t know what bathroom to use or what a woman is.





The post According to the EPA. Global Warming … Results in Less Flooding appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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