The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 7 min 47 sec ago

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-12-20 17:30 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, here is the overflow.  And the overflow-overflow expected on Friday should happen too!

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And if Israel is an interest, please do check out my Israel-focused post from yesterday.










Very true, sadly.  Remember this video:





How can this be exploited, whether on Israel specifically, or more generally in fighting the ideology of jihad in general?





It’s the ones that DO think that “white supremacy” and so on are the problem that concern me.







Poland was a barrier to globalism.  How could this POS win???  (At least, win legitimately?)



Awwwww, world’s smallest violin.




They say what they plan, and are protected from the public by mass disbelief that people could actually mean what they’re plainly saying.







NATO and the Globalists… willing to fight to the last Ukrainian.  More:



DO NOT DOUBT that as Ukraine runs out of, well, any warm body to put on the front line, that NATO – and specifically US – troops will be put in.







Many years ago I was vastly disappointed in Star Trek: Voyager when their head of security, Tuvok, was a black guy.  Now – the actor was great and portrayed the character very well; no complaints about him specifically.  No, I was annoyed that this alien race, Vulcans, had to have a black subcomponent to it.  Wokeness, insinuating its way in even then IMHO.








They made sure – by changing / broadening the definition of the word “vaccine” to include these gene therapies – to take advantage of the trust that word has for the general public.

Now, this change.

“Prevention injection”.  Call me cynical but I think the rhyme is intentional, to be mentally catchy.















Go get ’em Alex!



More psyop push polling / studies.






This could be over with two words: WE SURRENDER.







Some years ago, and this is going from memory, a shopkeeper was lamenting the fact that he had to have bars on his windows at all times, and a steel door that came down over his entire shop front at night.  Why?  All the crime that had just about driven him out of business.  It was heart-rending – “My shop, my beautiful shop…”









Pick of the Post:


In Monday Memes I discussed controlling the information flow.  Here’s a perfect example:



Control the information flow, control what people believe.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.







The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Four State Supreme Court Judges Who Voted to Keep Trump off the Primary Ballot Need to be Impeached

Wed, 2023-12-20 16:00 +0000

The US Supreme Court has been asked to weigh in on a Colorado State Supreme Court ruling. The Colorado Court’s 4-3 decision prevents Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s upcoming primary ballot based on a very unjudicial assumption.

Despite having never been convicted in any court in any state across the increasingly fruitless Plain, Colorado’s highest court finds him guilty of insurrection. At least, it seems like they must have without there ever having been a trial verdict. How else do you punish him on these grounds unless he has been found guilty? That suggests to me that someone must impeach or otherwise remove the four state supreme court judges who ruled based on the absence of crime or conviction.

You can hate Donald Trump and still agree with me.

There’s just no room for that thinking in any court, let alone a State Supreme one, to which we add, as Hans von Spakofky notes at The Daily Signal, election interference. It’s another unforgivable crime (unless it’s done to Republicans). He also reminds us that no other court confronted with ideological lawsuits to stop Trump, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, has passed judicial muster, nor should it.


First, Section 3 of the 14 Amendment applies only to individuals who were previously a ‘member of Congress,’ an ‘officer of the United States,’ or a state official. Individuals who are elected—such as the president and vice president—are not officers within the meaning of Section 3.

Second, no federal court has convicted Trump of engaging in ‘insurrection or rebellion.’ In fact, the Senate acquitted Trump of that charge in his second impeachment.

Third, some scholars assert Section 3 doesn’t even exist anymore as a constitutional matter after the Amnesty Acts of 1872 and 1898—a matter completely ignored by the court today.

Fourth, prior court rulings have held that Section 3 is not self-executing and Congress has never passed any federal law providing for enforcement, meaning that courts such as the Colorado Supreme Court have no legal authority to enforce Section 3.


That’s all well and good and fine and dandy, but the second point is the only one that matters. Whether it is actionable or not, relevant or not, the defendant has not been convicted. The Colorado State Supreme Court – all Democrat appointees, as if that should matter – has overstepped and may have derailed every other effort to keep the Trump Train from steamrolling itself into a Republican nomination.


“We conclude that because President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Secretary to list President Trump as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot,” reads the majority opinion.

“Therefore, the Secretary may not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him,” the order added, as Colorado state law does not permit write-in votes to be counted for ineligible candidates.

The ruling reverses a lower court ruling that President Trump was eligible to appear on the ballot because while he did “engage” in an “insurrection” on Jan. 6, 2021, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment does not apply to presidents. The Colorado Supreme Court was unpersuaded by both the lower court and President Trump’s arguments that Section 3 did not apply to presidents.

“Section Three encompasses the office of the Presidency and someone who has taken an oath as President. On this point, the district court committed reversible error,” the order reads.


Hans von Spakovsky insists Sec. 3 doesn’t apply to presidents. The Lower Colorado court agreed. The Colorado Supremes barely disagreed but put it in writing, so now the US Supreme Court may need to answer the question. I don’t see how it wouldn’t apply, and they may decide that it does, but it hardly matters. The Colorado State Supreme Court has denied Mr. Trump ballot access to which he qualifies under state law (this is election interference) absent his Fith Amendment right to due process and Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury (at least I think that may apply), acting with conviction in the absence of a conviction.

They have assigned guilt to justify a decision where none yet exists. This means that plaintiffs have no standing. There is no crime to measure against A14-3; the state, therefore, cannot disqualify the candidate. And these four judges who voted to punish him for that should be removed from office.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Making Informed Eating Choices in a World of Toxic Options.

Wed, 2023-12-20 14:30 +0000

Christians find liberation in Christ’s teachings, emancipating them from the stringent, legalistic dietary codes of Judaism. Jesus implored followers not to fret over food and drink (Matthew 6:25; Luke 12:22), emphasizing that true defilement does not stem from what enters the body (Mark 7:15). However, contemporary Christians navigate a distinct era, one marked by a cautionary awareness of a new age of potentially harmful food that challenges the sufficiency of God’s provision.

In the Genesis narrative, God explicitly outlines the toil required for earning sustenance, reprimanding Adam for partaking in forbidden fruit:

“Cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground,” Genesis 3:17-19, ESV.

Isaiah warns against the worship of idols crafted by human hands (Isaiah 2:8), while Revelation foretells the Black Horse of Famine (Revelation 6:5-6). Modern industrial agriculture presents a perilous pact of dependency and concealed toxins, prompting more Christians to recognize the spiritual dimensions of this nutritional challenge.

Unlike the pastoral world of Christ, deeply tied to farming and the soil, contemporary Americans often distance themselves from this connection. The result is a potentially perilous dependency, contrary to godly principles.

Instead of tilling the soil through thorns and sweat, modern society often opts for drive-through food services or fills grocery carts in national chain stores. Cultivating food awareness becomes a means of breaking free from dependency and promoting overall health. God’s provision of wholesome food serves as an antidote to the various health challenges afflicting this generation, including obesity, cancer, sterility, mental health issues, and the broader impacts of a food system gone astray.

“Forever chemicals” such as PFAS, which do not break down and accumulate in the human body, contaminate food and drinking water. Packaging introduces additional chemicals like BPA, phthalates, and endocrine disruptors that mimic estrogen, posing reproductive and gender function risks. Vulnerability to these health hazards is heightened in children and pregnant women.

Research indicates that “fast” food often ranks as the most toxic and least healthy option. While not everyone can afford organic alternatives, adhering to general guidelines becomes crucial. The Environmental Working Group’s annual “Dirty Dozen” lists produce most likely to be tainted with pesticides, recommending organic choices when possible. Conversely, the “Clean Fifteen” comprises fruits and vegetables with natural peels or shells, offering relatively safer options.

Navigating the confusing landscape of healthy choices requires discernment, especially given the deceptive practices of the food industry. Basic guidelines provide a starting point for informed Christian food choices, including avoiding high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, and other obviously unhealthy pseudo-food products. Achieving complete purity in dietary habits may be challenging in today’s world, much like the pursuit of absolute sinlessness, but minimizing exposure to toxins aligns with a healthier lifestyle. God desires healthy temples for His followers; therefore, moderation in all things remains a biblical principle (1 Corinthians 6:12; 9:25).


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Klaus Schwab Vaxxmas Hits!

Wed, 2023-12-20 13:00 +0000

From the World Enslavement Forum, it’s Klaus ‘The Situation’ Scwab and Vaxxmas Hits! Listen to all your favorite Globalist Seasonal Classics while you enjoy a holiday feast of mealworms and crunchy crickets!

Or sumsing…



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NYTimes Tried To Blame Men For One Woman’s Sad Life. But It Doesn’t Add Up

Wed, 2023-12-20 11:30 +0000

There is a stark difference between the way the Left and Right talk about love, marriage, and children. While neither side is going to agree the other is correct, progressives are so blinded by their hatred for the right they seem incapable of understanding who we are talking to when we preach about reclaiming femininity and motherly virtues.

This was the issue with the guest essay published in The New York Times’ opinion section in November, “Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like.” It was a predictable read. The author, Anna Louie Sussman, gave the typical progressive argument that male behavior is responsible for the rise in singleness while targeting the Right’s messaging to young women about marriage as joyless.



The essay focused on single mother Sarah Camino, claiming she “checks all the boxes of the demographic that has been targeted for advice in recent months by an array of columnists and authors who have argued for the promotion and prioritizing of marriage.”

But what Sussman fails miserably to understand is although Camino’s story deserves sympathy, she is not the demographic the Right is trying to reach with their argument. A 37-year-old beautician without a college degree is not the target audience conservatives are focused on when debating against the Girlboss lifestyle. Conservatives want to stop the next generation of women from becoming corporate robots devoid of fulfillment — this means young women looking at college or just embarking on their working careers. (ROOKE: ‘Conservative Woman’s Guide To College’ Offers Up The Right’s Answer To Destructive Feminism)

While Camino is a tragic reminder of what happens when you live life as if there aren’t consequences for your actions, Conservatives are hoping to reach women trading motherhood for a self-absorbed existence.


Sussman claimed Conservatives will push marriage on women “sometimes for the sake of overall happiness but more often for the sake of children’s well-being.” This is another example of how the Left can’t fathom why people would view protecting vulnerable children as an admirable endeavor, especially in the event it causes the parents personal suffering. Progressives find it shocking the Right would push for marriages to stay together because our modern world enables selfish behavior that hurts children for the sake of saving the adults’ pain.

She sees this as the Right “harping on people to marry from high up in the ivory tower,” claiming the Conservative argument for marriage “fails to engage with the reality on the ground that heterosexual women from many walks of life confront: the state of men today.” (ROOKE: There’s A Good Reason Trad Wives Can’t Stop Telling You About Their Sex Lives)

Camino had apparently been dating a man for over two years before he cut and ran. During that time, are we to believe there were no signs he lacked integrity? The entire time she was consensually engaging in sexual activities with her boyfriend, she never thought to herself: “What happens if I get pregnant? How will he respond? Would he be a good father?”

The Right sees just as clearly as the Left that Camino’s child deserves to have both parents in the home, providing love and protection. Her deadbeat boyfriend is a loser for leaving her and their child. He’s the worst kind of man. The problem begins when Sussman makes the gigantic leap that Camino’s experience is indicative of the behavior of all men.

Her evidence came from a study done by Daniel Cox, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, that “found that nearly half of college-educated women said they were single because they had trouble finding someone who meets their expectations, versus one-third of men.” She adds, “It seems that by the time men begin dating, they are relatively ‘limited in their ability and willingness to be fully emotionally present and available,’” as the pinnacle of proof that men are to blame for why women aren’t married.


The conclusion ignores important findings in the same study: “Thirty-six percent of single adults say that having more important priorities is a major reason they are not currently dating. Single women are much more likely than single men to say this is a major reason they are not dating (45 percent vs. 29 percent, respectively).”

The reality is there are more men than women looking for relationships, and Sussman inadvertently showcases why Progressive women stay single. Conservatives are asked to take the experiences of single women seriously. Still, when Sussman’s example, Camino, is asked what kind of man she is looking for, she timidly proclaims her dream is to find a “feminist.”

Good men and Feminism are not compatible.

The Left will scoff at the idea men hate Feminism, but they do. The emasculation that comes with denying their inherent goodness all the time in order to uphold the female empowerment storyline is making them recoil away from society. They want to protect and lead but are taught from childhood their instincts are toxic.

Men don’t want to marry a single mother who doesn’t view masculinity with respect. He is expected to love and care for her and her child with his life for the rest of his days. What does he get in return? When Camino claims to want a male feminist, good men will understand that as a signal to stay away from her.

Mary Rooke | Daily Caller

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline, and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Two More Pieces Of Maine Pot Puzzle

Wed, 2023-12-20 02:30 +0000

I want to write an article about the Chinese Cartel Pot Farm situation in Maine and report the steps taken to rectify the matter. I want to say the State and Federal Governments were working in unison to get these 200 illegal operations that have popped up in Central Maine shut down.

I cannot write the story I want because the Maine State Government is taking steps to make matters worse for the good people of Maine and better for the illegal Chinese operators. It is very difficult to ascertain the logic of the state legislature as you would think they should have the best interest of Mainers in mind. They do not. Let’s look at two bills working their way through the system.

The first is extremely puzzling. As I wrote about last week, Senator Collins and Representative Golden have been working to get the assistance of the Department of Homeland Security to work with local and State Police to shut these pot farms down. At the same time, the Maine House defeated a bill that would have given law enforcement more power to combat illegal growers and distributors. Those who voted against this bill do not have the welfare of Mainers in mind. Who are they working for?

The second bill to be considered shortly would delete the term Marijuana from Maine’s Criminal Code. This means that Marijuana will have the same status as a cucumber. It is a simplistic analogy for a confusing situation. This bill will make any situation involving Marijuana legal and expunge any Marijuana related conviction in Maine’s history. Would this make these illegal Chinese Pot Farms legal? I cannot fathom that scenario. Are these State Reps choosing the Chinese over the residents? What a mess. I am having a difficult time with this topic as it defies logic. It is tantamount to opening the Border and letting an unlimited number of unvetted aliens in without vetting but telling the American people the Border is secure.

Two weeks ago, the former Bass Shoe factory in Wilton, Maine, was raided, and over $1 Million worth of pot plants were confiscated and destroyed. Ownership of the building is being investigated, but the Asian Transnational Criminal Organizations (ATCOs) that operated the Bass Shoe site are also suspected of running several more illicit drug houses in Wilton and surrounding towns. The authorities have already seen people, presumably workers of Asian descent, returning to the building. Police estimate the yearly income from this operation to be between $12-$15 million. Pot from these illegal shops does not stay in Maine but is transported to every state on the Eastern Seaboard.

We were in the acknowledgment phase when I have written in the past. In a few short weeks, we have entered the enabling phase. We have a terrible situation in Central Maine that is creating a safety and health issue for the residents, and the politicians are making it much worse. The elected officials in Maine are not serving Maine and are acting against the will of the people, as they recently did passing an abortion bill against the desires of 80% of voters. In that case, Planned Parenthood owned these politicians. In the Marijuana case, it is the Chinese. What will be the next case and special interest group? Stay tuned.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your Breath is Destroying the Planet!

Wed, 2023-12-20 01:00 +0000

When scientism coughs up “research” suggesting that your exhaled breath is not a negligible contribution to man-caused climate change, your first thought should be, where can I buy a firearm?

After the rise in government-encouraged assisted suicide, public policy that drove people to actual suicide, an engineered virus spread across the globe, followed by a “cure” that was more dangerous than the virus (and the orchestrated fear campaign that got it into billions or arms) – firearms is what you need.

Especially if you were not, until now, certain that they were coming for you.


The new study was led by Dr Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh.

‘Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,’ Dr Cowan and colleagues say.

‘We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.’


I’d expect this new narrative to have legs as other “scientism” experts ape it, duplicate it, and then form a confirmation bias circle-jerk to justify the validity of their findings. It fits too nicely into the ongoing overpopulation narrative echoed across the party of death depopulation agenda.

Yes, you are the carbon they want to reduce. And it’s not just CO2!


Plants essentially soak up all the CO2 that’s emitted in human breath, so ‘CO2 contribution in human breath to climate change is essentially zero,’ Dr Cowan told MailOnline.

The same cannot be said for methane and nitrous oxide, as plants don’t use these gases in photosynthesis.



We shared numerous links and things about CO2 being an insignificant bit of the Earth’s atmosphere, which it is. But what about methane, fart breath? It’s new boogeyman of the Climate Cult.

Some thoughts from WUWT.


The role of anthropogenic methane (CH4) in global warming is exaggerated.  The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), as measured at Mauna Loa Observatory (MLO), is above 420 ±0.7 ppmv (parts per million-volume) and is increasing about 2.8 ppmv annually.  CH4 has a concentration of about 1.9 ppmv and is increasing about 0.014 ppmv annually.  The anthropogenic contribution to the annual CH4 increase is a fraction of the total, probably about one-third, albeit the official estimate was increased in recent years.  CH4 has more potential for warming than CO2, but it is effectively gone in about a decade, having a commonly cited long-term impact that is only about 32X that of an equal weight of CO2.  Accounting for the CO2 warming equivalence on a mole-fraction basis reduces the equivalence factor to less than 12X.  It is the long-term impact we need to be concerned about because of an arbitrary temperature threshold claimed to be threatening our survival after 2050.  With CO2 being more than 200X as abundant, even with the greater potential impact of CH4, the Global Methane Pledge will, at most, achieve a 0.58% annual decrease in CO2-equivalent CH4.


A lot of nothing, which is what we’ve found from the climate cult time and again.

You can read more on the methane research here.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NHFRW Members Take Stand Against Hypocritical Double Standards

Tue, 2023-12-19 23:30 +0000

Hampton, NH – New Hampshire’s oldest Republican women’s club and largest NHFRW club chapter, Seacoast Federation of Republican Women, expressed call for the resignation of former NHFRW President Elizabeth Girard as a Director of the state board following hypercritical and self-serving behavior:

“Seacoast Republican Women reiterate their commitment to a non-endorsement policy in Republican primaries. We express deep disappointment in the actions of Elizabeth Girard, our NHFRW President and a member of our club, for abandoning the policies she has strictly upheld until they conflicted with her own personal agenda,” stated Seacoast Republican Women President Sayra DeVito.

“Our organization aims to empower conservative women in the Granite State. Regrettably, Elizabeth’s pursuit of power and relevance has led to the exclusion of prominent women for purportedly violating the same policies she chose to disregard. While we appreciate her resignation as NHFRW President, her behavior warrants further action.

“We hereby request Elizabeth’s immediate resignation from her future role as NHFRW Director. While we appreciate her volunteerism, her long-term ambitions have compromised her ability to impartially lead our organization in any capacity.

Former NHFRW First Vice President Kim Rice echoed these concerns:

“I find it disheartening that a sitting state president of the NHFRW would blatantly disregard National policy on endorsements,” added Hon. Kim Rice. “As a former NHFRW First Vice President, I knew to resign my position before endorsing so as not to violate policy, as it was made very clear to us.”

In Liberty,

Sayra DeVito
Seacoast Republican Women

Media Contact:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

COP28 Ends With A Gush Of Hot Air

Tue, 2023-12-19 22:00 +0000

The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly known as COP28, was the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, held from November 30 to December 12 at Expo City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

COP28 has a name as long as the climate change movement itself and is the perfect example of its true purpose. Like everything the Progressive Movement does, COP28 is not about the climate but control. The Progressives are a misnamed group, as there is nothing about progress in their thoughts or deeds. The Progressives are about power and control. They need power to stay in charge; control is the tool they use to ensure power. By repressing minorities to ensure their dependence on the ruling class and limiting the options of the middle class to enjoy their freedoms and opportunities, a more appropriate name might be the Repressives. They are a dangerous group that has mastered the delivery of their message, distorted as it may be, by controlling the media, education, and entertainment so that they can manipulate the masses through methodical indoctrination. It is a slow and steady process that has been successful.

COP28 was a meeting of the elites and enabled who have risen to their respective levels of self-importance. John Kerry was our primary envoy to the conference, and his story is a prime example of my assessment. John Kerry returned from Vietnam as an activist against the government and war machine. He built his reputation through public speaking to the impressionable youth of America and built a coalition that got him elected to the Senate from Massachusetts. Kerry had a mediocre stint in the upper chamber and failed at his attempt to become Commander in Chief. He was named Secretary of State and appears to have parlayed that job into a lifelong appointment as America’s energy and climate czar. It is an unofficial position that wields tremendous power with no accountability.

Kerry and the rest of the COP28 delegates gathered in Dubai for two weeks to develop their strategy to strip the world of fossil fuels as quickly as possible. This process is disingenuous at its root. First, we know our climate is changing. It has been for all time, but there is little data on what these rash decisions and actions have to reduce the change rate. These elites also think they can control a select group of countries and allow others to go unchecked and affect results. For example, India and China are the biggest abusers of the environment. Both took part in COP28, but it was a token gesture as neither will take the steps to control carbon emissions. China is putting a new coal-burning energy plant online every two weeks. There is no stoppage of fossil fuels in China’s future.

At home, Kerry and Biden have been on a mission for three years to restrict or phase out our cars and every appliance of convenience we use daily. Their plans have no option, and it is a gross overreach of power that is probably unconstitutional when challenged. But their plan only works if we allow it to. The EV policy is already backfiring. Thousands of dealerships have said they will no longer be ordering EVs. Their lots are full of electric cars that have not sold in months. That is dead inventory tying up capital. Manufacturers are starting to lay off workers in their EV plants. Americans are not buying into the Green New Deal. The people still have power, and we can beat back bad policies if we unite and don’t bend.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Guy Who Denied Parents’ Rights Takes Out Full Page Ad Claiming He is a Parental Rights Advocate

Tue, 2023-12-19 20:30 +0000

Laconia Republican* Mike Bordes is not the best Republican. You could do better. His NH House Republican Alliance Score is 78%. His NH Liberty rating is a more disappointing 66%. In other words, he’s not the best Republican, but that’s not what concerns him.

He’s worried that you might find out and, come the next election, choose someone a bit more Republican than Mike Bordes. That would not be difficult to do, so to push back, he has taken out a full-page ad in the Laconia Daily Sun to tell you how some shady third-party activism has misrepresented him.



It almost seems like he’s trying to overcompensate for something. I wonder what that might be. Perhaps a proposed amendment to the parental rights bill attributed to Bordes and the anti-parent ilk in the NH House, which denied parents specific rights as regards their children. Skip wrote about it when it surfaced. The amendment would have stripped a few things from the bill they didn’t want parents doing.

  • If parents dared ask if the school is using some other name for their child than the one they gave them (like Danielle instead of Dan), teachers and staff could lie to parents.
  • If parents dared ask teachers and staff if they referred to their child by a gender other than the one at birth, the amendment would have allowed them to lie to parents.
  • If parents dared ask if teachers or staff were engaged in any intervention to affirm that different gender, they could lie to parents.

I’m not saying that teachers never lie to parents about their children or that they do lie, but they could. And have: “School District Lied* to a Mom About Turning Her Daughter Transgender So She’s Suing Them.” Or, “Florida father sues school after daughter’s suicide attempts, says gender counseling hidden from parents.”

And every public school pedophile ever arrested for grooming or abusing students lied quite a bit, I bet. Given the rise in grooming literature (at almost every grade level) and the shift in focus from badly run academic establishments to poorly managed gender/mental health facilities –  “schools” working to deny parents this information if they asked seems like something other than common sense.

 Check Out The  Cool Tech You Didn’t Get for Christmas (Yet!)

It is certainly not pro-parental rights—quite the opposite.

Absent an amendment that removes these rights, the other way to ensure teachers and staff can lie to parents is to vote against the unamended Parental Bill of Rights, which Mike Bordes did. He helped kill it.

Feel free to dance around that issue, but Bordes is covering for in-school activism that deliberately directs children to question their sex and then, under the cover of a safe space, hide that subterfuge from parents and taxpayers despite the real risks to the child’s mental and physical health, not to mention government employees teaching children to lie to their parents.

Mike Bordes isn’t just anti-parental rights; he’s anti-public health, anti-mental health, anti-child, and anti-family, and he’s going to need a bigger newspaper to try and whine-wash all that away.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Warmonger Nikki Haley Parrots Democrat/NeverTrump J6 Talking Points

Tue, 2023-12-19 19:00 +0000

Nikki Haley is “acceptable.” What does that mean? It means that she gives the illusion of being a Republican, the illusion of being something different from Biden … when, actually, she is no different.

Here she is on ABC News parroting the Democrat/NeverTrump talking points on J6. Not a mention of the horrific, inhumane conditions in the DC-jail, or the police firing rubber bullets and tear gas into a peaceful crowd, or the police thereafter opening the doors, or that the vast majority of the tapes of J6 still have not been released, or that the FBI, etc., still refuse to say how many government assets were in the crowd, or that the DC “judges” overseeing the trials of J6 protesters have/are conducted/ing kangaroo-courts, or that Trump called for a peaceful protest, or that the protesters were let into the building before Trump’s speech ended, etc., etc. etc.. Nope … Nikki says only and exactly what the UniParty wants said.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Tue, 2023-12-19 17:30 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic Jew hate and why that matters to today’s events.


Brigitte Gabriel on polls of Palestinians


And a graphic:



When a supermajority of people living near you support murder and terror of your people, just what are you going to negotiate?



Note that these posts do not repeat information – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok



True.  But IMHO also true for any legitimate government / leadership.  If your people and national territory are threatened, it is your right and your duty to respond and defend the people and the land.

The IDF located in the home of a senior member of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Jabaliya area, suitcases of terrorist funds worth approximately NIS 5,000,000.



Note:  5,000,000 NIS is almost $1.4 million dollars.  Cold, hard cash.  Who would have thought being in an “open air concentration camp” paid so well.  More on this:

Suitcases with Millions in Cash Found in Home of Senior Hamas Member – Geller Report

Related IMHO:

Gaza Woman Denounces Hamas for Stealing All the Aid | Frontpage Mag

Caught on video:




Two videos you need to watch – first one is short, a little over 10 minutes, the second pushes the limits at an hour and a half.


Three Quran Verses Every Jew Needs to Know




The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS | Robert Spencer | #SangamTalks







Lies about civilian casualties –

Stop Lecturing Us on Palestinian Civilians | Frontpage Mag

A day does not go by without some politician or talking head demanding that Israel worry about killing fewer Palestinian civilians. Sorry, while we do not wish for human suffering, the Palestinians have brought upon themselves everything they are currently suffering.


No, There Has Been No Sixteen-Year Israeli Siege of Gaza | Frontpage Mag

Hamas Top Dog Yahya Sinwar: If Not for Iran’s Support, We Would Not Have Our Missile Capabilities – Geller Report

As if this is a surprise.

Speaking of, here he is in 2008 being treated for cancer that saved his life.  And terror is how he repaid Israel:


An Israeli hostage is not so lucky… and related (from Telegram):

An interview with the family of a Palestinian terrorist who killed a Jewish woman and her two young daughters.

This is before October 7.


Also, I put it up on Rumble.

Interview with Palestinian family – BEFORE Oct. 7, 2023 (


Is Hamas Really Islamic? Is It ‘Extreme’ by Muslim Standards? :: Middle East Forum (

Note the Hamas leader quote from 2015:

“The so-called peace process is futile. There is no peace. Only the path of jihad, sacrifice and blood.” – Hamas leader Khaled Mashal, 2015

Once more, from Elie Wiesel:

When someone says they want to kill you, believe them!






Palestinian poll: Support for Hamas has tripled in Judea and Samaria – Geller Report

Latest Survey Reveals Arabs in the Territories Live on a Different Planet | The Jewish Press – | David Israel | 3 Tevet 5784 – Thursday, December 14, 2023 |

This does not bode well.

I had a conversation with a good friend of mine over there recently.  He said that it’s looking like they need to drive the Arabs out entirely, which will ignite things everywhere.  But there’s some Biblical wisdom here:

But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

This is Nablus.  Nablus is in the “West Bank”.  Notice what they’re saying?  Allahu ackbar.


Enjoy: IDF Soldier Says Shema Israel over Jenin Mosque PA System | The Jewish Press – | David Israel | 2 Tevet 5784 – Thursday, December 14, 2023 |

Before you have the vapors over this, remember how many churches and synagogues and temples Islam has converted to become mosques over the centuries.  Turnabout is not just fair play.  To win a war you need to prove to the enemy they’ve been defeated.

IMHO the court martial of the soldier that did this was utterly wrong.

Excessive Force and the Israel-Hamas War | CAMERA

Important perspective on Israel’s actions related to others in similar situations.  More:

Biden regime National Security spokesperson: Israel taking steps to protect civilians that US might not have taken (

There is no such thing as a war without collateral damage.  It. Cannot. Be. Done.

Gallant to Sullivan: Israel needs many months to destroy Hamas –

Gallant told Sullivan that Hamas “is a terrorist organization that built itself over a decade to fight Israel and built infrastructure under the ground and above the ground, and it is not easy to destroy them. It will require a long period of time; it will last more than several months, but we will win, and we will destroy them [Hamas]. So thank you once again for coming to Israel, for helping us and for supporting us.”

Wars are not fought on a schedule. — This war could be over now.  Two words.  “We surrender”.





Entirely consistent with the Treaty of Hudaibiya and the principles of Sacred Deception.  That, plus 2:191 – “Drive them out from where they drove you out”.

Hamas Fired 116 Rockets from Humanitarian Zone Since Oct. 7 | The Jewish Press – | Hana Levi Julian | 2 Tevet 5784 – Thursday, December 14, 2023 |

In Islam there is only Jihad.







Rape, Torture, Mutilation and Murder by Hamas Nazis – of Both Men and Women | Frontpage Mag

Horror upon horror.

Hamas’ Lust for Mutilation, Murder & Sexual Atrocity | Frontpage Mag

The propaganda strategy portraying Palestinians as helpless victims against Israeli aggression is calculated to evoke deep-seated feelings of humiliation and shame that prompts violence. The Palestinians, similar to many other Muslim Arab males, belong to what is referred to as an ‘Honor – Shame’ culture, in which men are in a constant struggle with fear of dishonor and maintaining “reputation.” Emotions of weakness, helplessness and shame are always just below the surface, triggered by a hypersensitivity to any real or perceived act of humiliation. Honor and reputation are everything and can only be restored through violent bloodshed which washes away the insult.

Revisiting this excellent essay about the shame culture:


These next images are of victims – never forget, Hamas and the Gazan civilians killed people hiding in their homes.  Links only; be warned – gruesome.

Atrocity 1

Atrocity 2

Atrocity 3

Atrocity 4

Abusing the dead

Eyewitness testimony: Rapes and executions on 7 Oct. (

Video.  About one minute on my Rumble channel.  Related:

When is Israel finally going to show the world the thousands of photos of Israeli women who were sexually violated, brutally gang-raped, and genitally mutilated by Hamas? (


More Hamas child abuse (

Short video with this text:

It was 2 am and IDF soldiers noticed some suspicious movements in the horizon. In a time of war, that would generally mean to open fire. But the IDF, being the IDF, waited and then noticed it was a kid, a 4 year old girl.

She was walking around aimlessly without shoes and with multiple wounds.

The IDF soldiers took her to the field doctor, they treated her wounds and helped her in every way they could.

After they treated her, they brought her to the humanitarian corridor so they can try to locate her family and care for her.

Turns out, the child was sent by Hamas into the heart of a war zone to see if the Israeli soldiers were up and alert.

Their cruelty knows no bounds.

(Hillel Fuld)

From a Telegram group I’m in:

New documentation of the abduction of Joshua Mollel , a 21-year-old student from Tanzania, from East Africa.  Joshua was an agronomy student who came to study in Israel.

This week it was confirmed that he was murdered by Hamas, and that his body is still being held in Gaza by the terrorists.

Joshua abduction

Joshua executed




OK, so look what this Imam says about exception to having sex with married women – normally forbidden.  But if a married kaffir woman is captured in jihad, it automatically annuls her marriage to her infidel husband, therefore she’s fair game for sex slavery!  What a “convenient” revelation from Allah…



Jewish student says this elite college is looking the other way on hate crimes



Any other group – racial, sexual, etc., the whole student body and school administration would be up in arms about it.

Incidentally, I’ve seen multiple op-ed pieces and letters in the newspapers of the various colleges I’d attended – all screaming for a CEASEFIRE and castigating Israel and/or those pesky Jews, etc.  I comment.  And I’ve noticed that my comments are now not just not approved, but comments I’d made in the past that had been approved and visible have been disappeared – on every article on which I’ve commented, systematically and across the board.  Same for my emailing the authors of such pieces.  I recently sent a polite email, complete with links to posts supporting my argumentation; no reply.



And in the tone of those pieces to which I respond, whether by comment or by emailing the authors, I see the wisdom of Thomas Sowell here:





Understand the hierarchy of victimhood.  You women, you’re not high on the list… and in Islam, you’re pretty much not a human at all.  See this video (link to my Rumble channel):

Muslim woman laments being a woman under Sharia (

Hamas Nazis and Western Feminists | Frontpage Mag

Where’s the outrage by Planned Parenthood? The Women’s March? National Organization of Women? Emily’s List? Two months after Hamas’ massacre, NOW released a statement with this headline, “NOW condemns the use of rape as a weapon of war.” No mention of Hamas. No mention of Israel.

Israeli survivors and first responders described the horror. A survivor said: “He didn’t pick up his pants. He shot her while inside her.” An Israeli medic said: “There was a liquid on her back that looked like semen. She was shot in the back of the head.” Another first responder witnessed “a naked woman with a sharp object stuck in the intimate area of her body.” A morgue worker said, “We saw many women with bloody underwear, with broken bones, broken legs, broken pelvises.”

Can someone please square the circle on how women can support Muslims?  Or is this the same N-dimensional thinking that permits the LGBTQP+ crowd to support Gazans…



Hey, Muslims around the world, where WERE you? (

Video by a Yemeni Arab.  Excellent points.



Accusing Israel of Genocide | Frontpage Mag

The number of Arabs who remained in Israel after the War of Independence has grown from 200,000 in 1948 to more than 2 million today, representing an increase of more than 1,000 percent. This is “genocide”? Seriously?

The one thing to which I object here.  While it was horrific, and IMHO differentiated from other genocides in history insofar as the Germans “only” wanted the Jews dead, not necessarily land or wealth or power or anything.  But… Communism has murdered far more:


Why Isn’t Communism as Hated as Nazism?



Victims of Communism | Keep the flame of liberty alive

Again, not to detract in any way from the Shoah, but let’s not diminish other genocides.




Media Fabricate Palestinian Deaths To Push ‘Settler Violence’ Smear | HonestReporting

Errors and Distortions Slant NY Times Gaza Casualties Piece | CAMERA

How Hamas Fiddles with the Figures on Casualties (

The Battle Over Casualty Counts in Gaza | HonestReporting

It never ceases to amaze me how, despite evidence upon evidence of how Islam uses deceit in war, people accept the casualty figures and other information without question.

Errors and Distortions Slant NY Times Gaza Casualties Piece


Video: Another ‘Palestinian’ civilian casualty succumbs (

Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show. And note the presence of the media, ready to record it as an authentic incident.

Notice just how fast photographers are on scene.  IMHO this was completely staged.  Also, that ambulance was RIGHT THERE just waiting.  Watch this, which I’ve posted before; again, notice how quickly an ambulance is there, just waiting for a photo op of someone “needing” medical care.





I understand: this is an information war.  But despite evidence after evidence after evidence that many of these things are faked… how is it that so many people eat it up so readily?  Do they not think “little brown people” can be this shrewd?

No, There Has Been No Sixteen-Year Israeli Siege of Gaza

There has been no 16-year “siege,” but only a narrowly-tailored blockade of “dual-use” materials, such as cement and steel rods, that can be used to build tunnels and bunkers. The fact that there is not enough work in Gaza is hardly Israel’s fault; it is due entirely to the corruption and mismanagement by Hamas itself, three of whose leaders (Khaled Meshaal, Mousa Abu Marzouk, Ismail Haniyeh) have stolen from the aid meant for Gaza the colossal sum of eleven billion dollars.

Speaking of misuse of construction materials, take a look at the construction materials… for a 4 km tunnel capable of car traffic:




IDF reveals largest Hamas tunnel discovery –

And a video about it at my Rumble channel:

IDF reveals Hamas terror tunnel video – 4 KM long tunnel (

Look at how much material went into that.  Think about all the labor and money that took.  All to KILL JEWS rather than better their own people.  Over 50 meters down under the earth.




Coming?  No, here.  From Tommy Robinson’s Telegram channel:


Pro-Hamas protesters threaten to kill Jewish attendees as they leave the Israeli Embassy’s Hanukkah ceremony in Washington, DC. Watch as a woman screams, “We will kill you all, occupiers.”

We’re seeing this the world over, and it never makes the headlines.

Still think this is just about Palestine?

Nor is this Palestine.  This is in the UK:


In Oslo, Norway:



Hamas Senior Official Urges Muslims: “We Need Violent Acts” Against America “Everywhere” | Frontpage Mag

When Abu Zuhri says “nation”, he doesn’t mean the “Palestinians”, he means the Islamic nation. This is a call for a worldwide Jihad against America. That’s a bit redundant considering all the previous calls for Jihad against America. But it’s an important reminder that supporters of Hamas are all potential terrorists who are a national security threat to the United States.

Hamas Calls for Violence Against Americans — and So Does This Michigan Imam | Frontpage Mag

Netherlands raises terror alert to second highest level because of jihad threats, Qur’an burnings and Oct. 7 (

BREAKING: EU TERROR PLOT FOILED, Hamas plot to carry out terror attack on Jewish institutions in Europe is foiled as arrests are made in Germany and Holland – after similar raids took place in Denmark (

Think for a minute.  They destroy national flags, destroy property, vandalize churches and synagogues and temples (e.g., India)… but if someone burns a Koran, they go ballistic.

Pro-Hamas demonstrators increasingly target Christian symbols (

And then it will be outright attacks.  Related:

UK: London cop tells protesters to take down Israeli flag after repeatedly allowing Palestinian flag to be flown (

They’re “just following orders”…  what was it Churchill said about feeding the crocodile?





Biden Declares War on the Netanyahu Government | The Caroline Glick Show In – Focus



I saw a post somewhere to the effect that the US administration were saying Israel is not committed to the two-state solution.  How many times do the Arabs have to demonstrate they’re not interested in co-existence before the US chattering class gets it?  But they won’t.  They’re determined to repeat the Sudetenland mistake hoping to appease the crocodile.  Related:

BREAKING: Biden trying to hamstring Israel again, tells Netanyahu to end large-scale ground campaign within three weeks – The Right Scoop

Biden: Israel Losing World Support, Must Embrace Two-State Solution | The Jewish Press – | Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) | 2 Tevet 5784 – Wednesday, December 13, 2023 |

Bernie Sanders calls on Joe Biden to cut U.S. aid to Israel by $10 billion and accuses him of being ‘complicit in carnage’ as Democrat split over Gaza deepens | Daily Mail Online

How Biden Undermines Israel’s War Effort | Frontpage Mag

How many times have they been OFFERED the Two-State solution and rejected it?  And yet my fellow American Jews will, despite all this and more, likely still vote “D”.

Jewicidal Yidiots.

Having said that, in the long run, for a whole host of reasons I’d like to see Israel weaned of US aid.






Hamas Killed Iran’s Middle East Surprise Attack (

Video, almost an hour long… and intriguing if true.

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: After October 7, some leftists hopefully changed their view of Muslims

While it’s good to know she’s changed her mind about what people like her still call a “palestinian people”, it remains to be seen if any of these presumably no-longer-peace-activists recognize that Islam played a very horrific major role in the bloodbath of October 7. And what would Lahav say if “settlers” of background more religious than hers were the victims? Lahav should publicly renounce all associations with anyone who until now supported Islamic savages. And she’d do well to consider how many women in Europe, in example, have fallen victim to Islamofascism as well. Many on the left now owe a serious apology.

I, too, want to see the good in people.  But sometimes Pollyanna views like this result in bitter lessons.




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee




If you read my MEME posts you know that laughter and humor are often better ways to get through to people than hammering them with raw – and sometimes brutal – facts and evidence and logic.  So, this is almost certainly a fabrication… but nevertheless, entertaining.



An Israeli Sense of Humour at United Nations set the record straight.  An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly and made the world community smile.  A representative from Israel began:

“Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Moses.  When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, ‘What a good opportunity to have a bath!”

Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.  When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished.  A Palestinian had stolen them!

The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, “What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren’t there then.”

The Israeli representative smiled and said, “And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.”

And humor about the UN and other things:








Very often small bits of truth, wrapped in something funny, get through peoples’ mental barriers as what I call Thought Splinters.

The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont Will Have Fewer Gun Deaths in 2023 But The State Did Not Get Safer

Tue, 2023-12-19 16:00 +0000

We won’t have exact numbers until next year, but Vermont had a significant number of homicides in 2023, many of them gun-related. Unless there is a late December holiday shoot-out, however, there will be fewer gun deaths in 2023 than in 2022. But Vermont didn’t get ‘safer.’

The State reported seven such deaths in 2021 and twenty in 2022. A 183% increase. This year, the number has climbed into the teens and should land at nearly double the 2021 total, but the year is not over and the State Police have not revealed their body count to date, but a majority of this crime is occurring in (you guessed it) Burlington.


“Vermont is experiencing many drug-related issues. Fentanyl is a huge problem for this state and the country, for that matter,” said Birmingham. “Our overdose death rate is climbing every year, which is a problem and something that should be on everybody’s radar.”

Statewide, Vermont’s homicide rate last year was about 3.9 per 100,000, compared with Los Angeles at 3.1 and New York City at 2.3 per 100,000, Loan said. Burlington’s rate was 11.2 per 100,000, exceeding the rates in Philadelphia, Phoenix and Springfield, Massachusetts, according to Loan.

Culture and Crime

Democrat’s open borders policy combined with Vermont as a sanctuary state has shifted Burlington’s demographics. The city allows illegals to vote in municipal elections, while the city council fell all over itself in a rush to defund the police in 2020. They’ve “legalized” prostitution (it’s not legal, but you can’t prosecute it). The state and city engage in corrosive tax policy, anti-liberty agendas, and more onerous anti-gun laws. Increased spending. Decreased value.

You don’t need to be an expert on public policy, a fan of studying history, or even intellectually agile to understand how these policies evolve on the ground, in the real world. You get Burlington, which is on its way to being a tiny Vermont version of places like Chicago, Baltimore, Atlanta, and DC.

Check Out Cool Tech You Might Want for After Christmas

Like its bigger Democrat-run brethren, it will forever struggle with drugs, crime, and violence. And you’d be right to think they knew what was coming because both the city and the State will use this predictable byproduct of their priorities as the reason to make matters worse. Budgets will continue to burst as services and safety decline. Schools turn out imbeciles who can barely read, which they will blame on white privilege, which is only overcome with fertility-destroying puberty blockers, cutting off sex parts, or burning down minority businesses in the name of minority rights. Probably all three.

Vermont Democrats will build on the success of 2023 (twice the gun deaths of 2021 but fewer than 2023) to impose more firearms restrictions, and like those other places I mentioned, assaults will rise (all types), more guns will be fired, and more people will be robbed, burgled, injured or die. More property will be stolen or damaged. Businesses will flee. Taxes will rise. Education outcomes will decline further.

None of this is difficult to predict, but the progressives will continue down the same path as if, this time, they’ll arrive at a different outcome but never do.

The only people who can slow or stop that decline are voters who, in the upcoming election (at least in Burlington), get to choose between a socialist and a Democrat socialist as their next mayor. Does anyone believe that will make things better for the citizens?  Ideologically disabled democrats will and then act surprised when matters get worse, but no one else should be surprised.

The post Vermont Will Have Fewer Gun Deaths in 2023 But The State Did Not Get Safer appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

After Bruen, How Does This Still Happen?

Tue, 2023-12-19 14:30 +0000

A guy in Massachusetts has been arrested for the mere possession of firearms without a license… at the same time, he was notified that his license had been revoked.

(“We know you had a license to possess and carry firearms, but we revoked it before coming here, so now you don’t have it, which means that the firearms that were legal yesterday are illegal today. Surprise!”)

Apparently, the license was revoked for no reason other than he was suspected of possessing some firearms, all of which appear to be in common use — no machine guns, no SBRs, nothing for which a federal tax stamp would be required — but some of which the Commonwealth doesn’t like.

Oh, and he had ‘thousands of rounds of ammunition’, which for many people seems really scary, but for some of us seems like a good weekend of recreational shooting.

Kudos to Justice Thomas for eliminating the second-class status of the Second Amendment, but I’d kind of like to slap him around a little for his ‘two-part test,’ i.e.,

      1. Is the activity in question protected by the plain language of the Second Amendment?
      2. Does the law being challenged have a ‘historical analog’ from the time of the founding?

Why not just stop after the first test?  The second test encourages states like Massachusetts to simply ignore the first test… in much the same way that, for decades, states (and local jurisdictions) ignored the main clause of the Second Amendment by obsessing over the subordinate clause, mentioning a well-regulated militia.

So, instead of seeing rulings like

Is the defendant a person?  Is the item in question an arm?  The conviction is reversed, and the law is unconstitutional.

we’re seeing rulings like

There are historical analogs (from the 20th century… which isn’t that far from 1791, right?) for preventing people from carrying arms in ‘sensitive places,’ and while a public park doesn’t qualify as a ‘sensitive place,’ a playground does qualify.  And we’ll get back to you on whether bus stops, train stations, movie theaters, and places like Times Square are sensitive enough.

I’m sure the Massachusetts legislature believes that there are similar analogs that would allow them to prevent people from owning even the most common types of firearms.  And the Massachusetts Attorney General is happy to prosecute people under laws that are clearly unconstitutional by the Bruen standard.

Because, why not?  In a world where words no longer really mean what they have for centuries, why pretend that laws, which are made of words, place any requirements on anyone, especially government officials?

By the way, everyone has more or less forgotten the Miller case, but we shouldn’t.  In that case, SCOTUS sent the case back to the lower court because it couldn’t be sure that a short-barreled shotgun had a legitimate military use — the implication being that if any weapons are protected, it’s so-called ‘weapons of war’, and not ‘arms suitable for sporting use,’ as many politicians and pundits would have you believe.

It’s going to take a long time, and a lot of cases, for the Supreme Court to clean up the mess it’s made.  In the meantime, people like this guy in Massachusetts are going to have their lives ruined by government officials who simply refuse to believe that a constitutional provision can mean what it says if it says something they don’t like.

The post After Bruen, How Does This Still Happen? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Maher’s Excellent History Lesson

Tue, 2023-12-19 13:00 +0000

Bill Mahr and I disagree on a lot of things, and he wouldn’t know me from Adam, but we do agree on some. Free speech. That’s a big one. He’s no fan of so-called right-wingers, but he defends their right to disagree with him. We have a similar policy.

We think Progressives should talk a lot. Often. And be open and honest about their ideas and where that leads us. What does the evidence of those priorities look like in the long term? Few of them are or do dare to do that, but we’ll never suppress their speech or try to silence or censor them, regardless. We want them to speak. It’s good for business, and if you listen, it is great for the liberty side of everything.

Bill Maher is back, but he’s not here to talk about Free speech. He’s come to deliver a reality sandwich to his audience, which leans a bit left if you know what I mean. He’s done that very thing on speech, the transgender agenda, and now Israel and the Middle East.

A history lesson. A look at human interaction and conflict. It’s so damn good it should probably be required viewing for students, the Campus outrage crowd, and maybe everyone.



The post Bill Maher’s Excellent History Lesson appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RDP and VPS Integration: Optimizing Remote Desktop and Virtual Private Servers

Tue, 2023-12-19 12:00 +0000

Experience the perfect synergy of Remote Desktop (RDP) and Virtual Private Servers (VPS) through our optimization solutions. Whether you aim to buy RDP for individual or business use, the platform ensures a smooth experience, allowing you to harness the power of using RDP via browser.

Understanding the Basics: RDP/VPS

RDP/VPS may look the same, but actually, they’re not. A VPS is a private server with its own features that guarantees stable access to crucial data and services. Conversely, the use of RDP via browser grants secure access to a separate computer, making it feel like another machine is right in front of you.

Remote Desktop and VPS Optimization

Optimizing your remote desktop VPS is essential for improving productivity. Here’s how MyForexVPS comprehensive optimization process benefits you:

  • Optimizing the usage of RDP via browser allows you to secure the funds stored in your trading account. The platform offers specialized solutions for traders interested in executing transactions and having constant access to essential tools, up-to-date information, technical analysis results, and more.
  • You have an opportunity to use RDP via browser for other business processes or personal purposes. When needs such as high-quality service, security, and tailored packages come to the forefront, VPS optimization and RDP in browser become the best practical solutions. Integrate advanced software to enhance resource allocation, ensuring optimal disk space, RAM, and efficient system updates. Your trading processes won’t pause after you buy RDP. Enjoy swift access to critical programs, minimizing downtime and maximizing your workflow efficiency.
  • You can allocate resources for optimal performance, ensuring seamless multitasking and a responsive system using RDP via browser.
Unlocking RDP via Browser simplifies the usage of RDP via browser by enabling access via a browser. By navigating it and making minimal configurations, users can seamlessly utilize RDP via browser, enhancing flexibility and convenience.

RDP via Browser and VPS: The Integration Process

Getting started is easy: you only need a login, password, and IP address. Follow the provider’s instructions to connect to the virtual server via remote access. The streamlined design ensures you get all the benefits quickly, saving time and increasing the productivity of your business. Boost convenience and productivity at home and at work, in trading or business – RDP/VPS will be a reliable assistant on your path to success.

The post RDP and VPS Integration: Optimizing Remote Desktop and Virtual Private Servers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Daily Caller Movie ‘Rigged’ To Expose Fallout Of The 2020 Election

Tue, 2023-12-19 11:30 +0000

For nearly three years, former President Donald Trump has infamously touted how the 2020 election was rigged. He has discussed voter fraud, ballot tampering, and irregularities in the counting process — some combination of which he believes resulted in millions of fraudulent votes for Joe Biden.

While it truly beggars belief that Biden’s “Weekend at Bernie’s” campaign won him the most votes of any candidate in American history, the sad fact is that Democratic operatives didn’t need to tamper with ballots so brazenly. The election was rigged long before Election Day.

The Daily Caller’s latest documentary, “Rigged,” debuting this January, will explore the decades of election challenges and interference that brought the country to where it is today.

We will delve into the history of challenged elections and the ongoing effort to secure election integrity. From Al Gore to Stacey Abrams, claims of stolen elections are nothing new in American politics. But the establishment, corporate media, and all of our elite institutions only decided to care now that it’s Trump making the accusations. The sad irony is that all of those who joined the #Resistance to call Trump an illegitimate president immediately turned on a dime to decry anyone who questioned election outcomes.

Democrats may not have stuffed millions of ballots in the middle of the night, but the fact remains that 2020 was not a regular election — and many questions remain unanswered. Three wild abuses stand out, which together made it all but impossible for Democrats to lose the 2020 election.

How exactly did mail-in voting and other procedural irregularities build Democratic advantages into the system? How did widespread censorship and propaganda shape the way Americans voted? What would Democrats do to hold onto power  — or better yet, what wouldn’t they do?

The three-step outline of how Democrats rigged the election is clear. But many details remain hidden or unclear. With the support of our dedicated Patriots subscribers, we will leave no stone unturned in pursuit of the truth.

First, Democrats secured changes to long-standing voting procedures in key battleground states that ensured a systemic advantage far before Election Day.

A 2018 study showed that increased voter turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin would have been enough to shift the election in favor of Hillary Clinton. COVID-19 provided a convenient, if specious, excuse to change voting procedures in these states and others. Despite being constitutionally dubious, an army of well-funded Democrat lawyers ensured the changes held up in court. Wealthy Democrat donors then poured money into “election administration” to boost turn-out in Democratic districts. For voters who made “errors” casting their vote, officials went door-to-door “curing” their ballot after the fact. But in Pennsylvania, this was carried out disproportionately in Democratic districts.

The corporate media cast this as an effort to “expand voter access” or “fight voter suppression,” but it was no attempt to stimulate a more vibrant democracy. Rather, it was a cynical ploy to harvest votes from low-information voters who would not usually bother to cast a vote — all while making our elections less secure.

Having made voting virtually effortless, step two was to make it thoughtless as well. A barrage of corporate media propaganda framed the election as a battle between good and evil, making it clear there was only one legitimate choice in the 2020 election. Meanwhile, social media banned and censored conservatives en masse, aiming to delegitimize every conservative position from COVID to Hunter Biden’s laptop as disinformation. Corporations reinforced this through their virtue signaling and willingness to cancel anyone who stepped out of line.

In the run-up to the election, all of American society seemed to ask the question: “Do you want to brand yourself a hateful bigot, to destroy your reputation and career, to become an outsider in your own country? Or do you want to vote for Biden?” Those politically unequipped to see through the ploy can be forgiven for choosing the latter.

Media lies also set the stage for step three — the rolling left-wing riots that torched American cities for the months leading up to the election. Democrats and their allies unashamedly pushed the lie of systemic racism, providing a moral justification for the riots. This “Summer of Love” was not an organic protest against injustice but a heavily organized and orchestrated attempt to beat those still-undecided voters into submission — in some cases literally. It was effectively a state-sanctioned campaign of political violence meant to prove the country was ungovernable under President Trump.

Combined, all of this created a massive structural advantage for Biden, as Democrats consolidated their control over the election and made themselves the arbiters of legitimacy. The cost? Severe damage to trust in our elections, a loss of credibility among all our leading institutions, and a vicious polarization that has still yet to abate. More than ever, Democrats feel they have a right to rule.

That is why it’s so important to uncover the truth — we must find out exactly what happened in 2020 if there is a chance of preventing it again in 2024. Without answers, our elections will never be the same again.



Gage Klipper | Daily Caller


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The Economy and Our Freedoms Are Not To Be Abused, but That’s Exactly What Joe Biden Is Doing

Tue, 2023-12-19 02:30 +0000

This Green Wave led by Biden, Kerry, Yellen, and anyone else who has bent at the waist in front of Xi Jinping is not only about taking our beloved gas-driven vehicles from us but more about controlling us like a good Border Collie controls sheep.

The environment is the reason they are using, but getting us into Electric Vehicles is their way of reversing a trend that has been in play since the end of WW II. They want Americans to leave the suburbs and return to the cities. If they can herd us back into the hubs our parents escaped, they can eliminate our freedom of mobility and confine us to urban life. This will allow them to control our homes, jobs, schools, and voting patterns. The land left behind will be annexed by the government and turned into massive solar farms. It is estimated that the land needed for solar farms to replace fossil fuel-generated electricity in the Country is the size of Texas. Since over 90% of land in America is privately owned, the government will have to buy it, take it by eminent domain, or scoop it up after we abandon it. Is the picture coming into focus yet?

Remember, it was Barack Obama who promised to fundamentally transform America, and in his third term using the puppet, Joe Biden, you can see it all coming to fruition.

Nothing has been done with the infrastructure to support EVs, even though Biden and Blue States have started the clock ticking to the end of gas vehicles. No effort can be seen to replace our favorite filling station with charging stations. Nobody has explained how the supply chain will survive ditching diesel-powered 18-wheelers and their 2,000-mile range with EV trucks that must be charged after 200 miles. Tell me who has articulated the conversion of giant agricultural vehicles or land movers. That silence is because there is no plan, and America is flying solo in this folly to be an EV country and economy in less than ten years. Imagine the size of the batteries necessary to get a jumbo jet across the ocean. Rest assured that Mayor Pete is in some basement bunker with a yellow pad working on the problem.

The entire Electronic Vehicle policy has been as knee-jerk as any of the other policies of this Administration that show no thought, plan, or endgame other than saving the planet. I do not understand why the policies on EVs, gas stoves, dishwashers, washing machines, etc., have not been challenged in court. Where in the Constitution is the President given the power to make such mandates? You will not find it. But that doesn’t stop this President. Just like the Student Loan Forgiveness, he keeps pushing. The Supreme Court ruled he did not have the authority, and he did it anyway. These unreasonable and ill-conceived policies must be thwarted.

The economy, not to mention our freedoms, are not to be abused, and that is exactly what Joe Biden is doing.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH’s “Assisted Suicide” Bill is Alive. ALIVE!

Tue, 2023-12-19 01:00 +0000

In early October, we alerted you to a service request from a New Hampshire legislator for a proposed Assisted suicide bill. Marjorie Smith was fishing for co-sponsors for her “ACT relative to end-of-life options,” and she found some.


The bill includes protections for everyone involved and details an extensive list of rules for qualifications, including mental capacity and a terminal condition with six or fewer months to live. If you wanted to step onto the slippery slope, this is what you’d use to do that. Legislation focused on end-of-life care (compassion) with many guardrails that can, over time, be taken down as they have in every State or country where Medically Assisted Dying has become law.


The LSR has been given bill number HB1283.


SPONSORS: Rep. M. Smith, Straf. 10; Rep. Dutzy, Hills. 6; Rep. D. Paige, Carr. 1; Rep. Haskins, Rock. 11; Rep. Woodcock, Carr. 1; Rep. Phillips, Rock. 7; Rep. Lynn, Rock. 17; Rep. Wolf, Merr. 7; Rep. Bolton, Graf. 8; Sen. Altschiller, Dist 24

This bill establishes a procedure for an individual with terminal illness to receive medical assistance in dying through the self administration of medication.  The bill establishes criteria for the prescription of such medication and establishes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance.


And so it begins.

The final version appears different from the draft we shared previously, but it still includes stipulations to which I’ve previously objected.

137-M:9 Prohibited Acts.

I.  Nothing in the chapter shall be construed to authorize a physician or any other person to end an individual’s life by lethal injection, mercy killing, or euthanasia. Actions taken in accordance with this chapter shall not be construed, for any purpose, to constitute suicide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, mercy killing, homicide, or adult abuse under the law.


In my previous piece, I noted that the,


“…prohibition against designating this death as assisted suicide – an affectation that, in years to come, could protect the State from having to accept its role in the rising number of deaths resulting from the inevitable widening of permissions that may result in the state assisting people toward “medically assisted suicide.”


They did nix a suggested preamble (you can read it here). And it is still a felony to ‘interfere with, or prevent a qualified individual’s death against the qualified individual’s wishes,” including,


(a)  Altering, forging, concealing, or destroying a request for a terminal prescription without the qualified individual’s authorization.

(b)  Concealing or destroying a withdrawal or rescission of a request for a terminal prescription without the qualified individual’s authorization.

(c)  Concealing or destroying a qualified individual’s terminal prescription without the qualified individual’s authorization, or preventing a qualified individual from self-administering the terminal prescription.

(d)  Coercing or exerting undue influence on a qualified individual to request or to self-administer a terminal prescription for the purpose of ending the qualified individual’s life.

(e)  Coercing or exerting undue influence on a qualified individual to prevent the qualified individual from requesting or self-administering a terminal prescription.


My objections here are also the same. Item (e) can easily be misconstrued. “Loved ones who object are likely to do so in a manner that could be mistaken for a violation. Neither undue influence nor coercion for the purpose of the legislation is defined, leaving it open to abuse, not that describing it would not do the same.” Though I suspect these terms are defined elsewhere in statute or law, abuse seems likely, especially from a government that seeks to euthanize its citizens as outlined in one or more of my previous outings on the subject of Medically Assisted dying.

I advise the General Court to assist in the quick legislative death of HB1283.

It is not uncompassionate to accept that this slippery slope inevitably leads to misuse and abuse to cull populations within a society. And this might sound crass, but the terminally ill are still free to find painless ways to end their lives by other means if that is their desperate wish.

I’m not saying it would be neater or cleaner, but what if the terminally ill could commit suicide without the help of the government or the public health apparatus and retain by law at least a minimum of death benefits from their insurance company when they might otherwise have been denied? It would keep the state from getting involved in an act that recent history assures us will be a justifiable end to a growing list of ‘conditions,’ including those resulting almost entirely from direct government action (as policy).

I don’t want New Hampshire on that slippery slope. If you agree that this abuse is inevitable, the only sure way to prevent that is to kill HB1283.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

See “What I Want You to Know” – Free Documentary Screening This Week!

Mon, 2023-12-18 23:30 +0000

During the tour around the state to gain support for HB229 (Defend the Guard Act), I spoke in front of the State Veterans Advisory Committee. The chair heard my criticism of the US foreign policy with regard to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and linked me up with Catie Foertsch, the director of a new documentary film entitled “What I Want You to Know.”

She gave me a private screener, and I was blown away.

Veterans from both wars, across all the branches and from lowly enlisted to high-ranking officers, gave their perspective of the conflicts in a sobering way that resonated with me on a deeply personal level. As a two-time Iraq war veteran, I could relate to the stories the men and women told –from going through the motions day to day to keep yourselves and your squad mates alive to how there was no clear mission besides feelgood slogans like “win hearts and minds,” whatever that meant.

I’m honored to work with the director to bring this movie to New Hampshire!

I have secured a public screener for this amazing film and am hosting it this Thursday, December 21st, at 6:30 pm at 8025 South Willow Street, suite 205, Manchester. There will be a short discussion afterward about three bills I’m sponsored on that granite staters can rally behind to ensure the next generation does not live through the mistakes of the last:

HB229 – Relative to requiring an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire National Guard. (Defend the Guard )

HB1247 – Relative to requiring the display of certain information concerning Selective Service registration. (Transparency in military recruiting)

HB1338 – Relative to New Hampshire’s enforcement of the Military Selective Service Act. (Selective Service Sanctuary.)


Tickets are free but limited. Please RSVP here at Eventbrite.


Here is the Teaser Trailer:



Tom Mannion

State Representative
Hillsborough 1 – Pelham

The post See “What I Want You to Know” – Free Documentary Screening This Week! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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