The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 13 min 39 sec ago

Mao’s Agrarian Reform – Agenda 30 – The Great Reset

Wed, 2023-11-01 18:00 +0000

Mao’s Agrarian reform, growing into Klaus Swab’s WEF, Great Reset, and the UN Agenda 30 plans, will control every aspect of our lives. The Harold Ware Communist Party Cell planted in the Agriculture Department in 1933 sprouted the American “War on The Farmers.”

Soviet agent Alger Hiss started his career of espionage there; later becoming Roosevelt’s Advisor at YALTA and co-authoring the UN Charter. Hiss’ policy of paying farmers not to grow crops puts farmers on welfare, which has far-reaching consequences to this day.

Today, the war on the food supply is on steroids, with our farmers feeling the impact of Karl Marx’s plan to destroy private property. Forced property surrendered under the banner of eminent domain is authorizing Carbon Capture pipelines to ruin countless acres of rich agriculture in the heartland. A few days ago, the John Birch Society (JBS) Leadership Conference in Des Moines, Iowa (see link below), revealed an international scam called “Carbon Capture.” Navigator CO2’s application to implement a Carbon Capture pipeline was denied by the South Dakota Public Utilities, thanks to the JBS. Several weeks before, Summit Carbon Solutions’ application for the pipeline was also denied by the North Dakota Public Service Commission.

In contrast, a public hearing before the Iowa Utilities Board to investigate a similar process in Iowa was met with a kangaroo court atmosphere. Officials simply did not listen to the opposition. The pipeline company even hired security personnel to intimidate and harass the opposition. Why would other states deny these applications to infringe on private rights while Iowa’s process ruled against the farmers? Because members of the Iowa Utilities Boards are appointed by the governor. Other states continue to prove the power of the people is superior to governors appointing bureaucrats who promote job security with no vested interest in protecting personal property rights.

Usurpation of power by governors appointing commissions to destroy property rights must be stopped! This scheme is based on fraudulent science that claims the opposite of our Creator’s balance in nature. Digging ditches all over America’s heartland to store carbon below the earth amounts to promoting doom and gloom environmentalism for profit.

While power and money cabals hype up their cause to save the earth, don’t forget that all the foundation pillars that have made America great are at stake. Environmentalist utopia is control over every aspect of your life. Don’t let them take your property! Biden’s Green Power Executive Order has usurped congressional power. Don’t let them continue to cower in silence while the “Great Reset, Build Back Better, Karl Marx’s dream” destroys our liberty. Demand your Senators and Representatives stand up and do their job.

See the complete JBS event that covers multi-aspects of this imminent tyranny creeping, now swiftly upon us at Warning: Google doesn’t like the truth! Download DuckDuckGo to reach this link.


The post Mao’s Agrarian Reform – Agenda 30 – The Great Reset appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-11-01 16:30 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








The frog-boiled-slowly analogy applies.








The more I learn about 2020 and 2022, the more I am convinced that election fraud has been there for decades.  It’s just that Trump’s appeal so overwhelmed “the machine” that they didn’t plan to cheat that massively in 2016.  Assuming there’s an election in 2024 I will vote… but I expect it to be stolen again.  And that’s the last time I’ll vote.  And I say this with enormous regret, but I expect that most voting will be “rooftop Korean” style very soon.  No, I don’t want that… but I do expect it.

















IIRC the official definition of “mass shooting” is four-plus victims.  Therefore, if an armed citizen stops one before then, then it’s not a mass shooting.








It boggles my mind that there are really people this stupid in our society.




















Who wants to tell her?









Pick of the Post:



It’s the only language much of the world understands.  Alas.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.







The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The 1.5 Million White Slaves in North Africa

Wed, 2023-11-01 15:00 +0000

When I was in public school, the education industrial complex was well on its way to becoming the cistern it is today, and every now and then, I am reminded of the stench. Yesterday, I stumbled upon this bit of history, which I cannot recall anyone in all the years I was subjected to it – teaching.

After watching it, I can see why we were never taught this bit of history.




To be clear, I knew the Quran gave them permission, and I’ve read histories of Islamic conquest. And slavery was common everywhere, no less so in lands occupied by the followers of Isalm. The culture demands classes of citizens with no rights who are not technically slaves.

But centuries of white slavery running parallel to the black Atlantic slave trade might be one of the most underreported or undiscussed facts of history…in history.


The Barbary pirates were known to have demanded tributes or ransoms from American and Swedish vessels in the Mediterranean Sea or attack European and American ships, especially in Baltimore, Ireland, and Devon and Cornwall, England. Their captives ranged from fishermen, sailors to coastal villagers and were mostly Christian and from impoverished families. But historians are careful to note that, “slaves in Barbary could be black, brown or white, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Muslim”.


Slavery has, of course, existed everywhere among every race, where they enslaved each other. There has been no period of human existence on Earth without it. Even today, there are nations with slaves. A term softened in some instances and repackaged as human trafficking and sold as property.

And slaveholders have sold slaves to anyone who wanted to buy them, then or now. That has not changed, nor have the efforts of Western intellectuals to insist that European slavery of Africans in the Americas was somehow unique. A ploy whose only purpose is to redistribute wealth. Western intellectuals do not care at all for the plight of slaves or their descendants. They only care about their ideological leanings, not that this would protect them from the ultimate goal of progressivism. To turn all of us into slaves of a tyrannical state. One where neither our labors nor our accomplishments are our own (you didn’t build that). Where we exist only to support the whims of our political masters.

No one dares call it slavery, but if what you do can never be yours, and your life is forfeit at their discretion, what else is it?


The post The 1.5 Million White Slaves in North Africa appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Absentee Ballot Fraud Is Real! (When It Happens to a Democrat…)

Wed, 2023-11-01 13:30 +0000

Connecticut Democrats weren’t thrilled at the idea of a convicted felon (and, LOL, seven-term incumbent) winning their primary for the city of Bridgeport’s mayoral race. They were relieved when going to bed on election night that challenger John Gomes appeared to have pulled off a 487-vote victory.

But in the wee hours of the morning, the corrupt felon/incumbent Joe Ganim somehow (this author now scratching head, rubbing chin, and peering side-eyed up at the sky) managed to nearly double the challenger’s tally of absentee ballot votes to come out on top by 251.

Now a host of — shall we call them “Democrat election deniers,” or would that be unfair? – are hurling allegations of absentee ballot fraud, and it looks like with pretty good reason. A (actually another) major investigation is now underway.

Related: Democrats Stuffing Ballot Boxes to Steal Elections From Democrats

Like Vermont, Connecticut has, shall we say, extremely lax laws regarding the use and abuse of absentee ballots. In the Gomes/Ganim case the principal target of the investigation is Wanda Geter-Pataky, who is both a city employee and vice chair of the Democrat town committee. Geter-Pataky is also facing charges in an investigation into the misuse of absentee ballots in 2019 where, so the story always seems to go, Ganim lost on election night only to be declared winner when the absentee ballots came in overwhelmingly in his favor.

In this case, according to the CT Mirror, “The State Elections Enforcement Commission… received at least four complaints from citizens and two referrals from the Bridgeport Police Department regarding possible misuse of absentee ballots, including their distribution at senior housing complexes.” At the heart of the investigation is video of Geter-Pataky allegedly stuffing multiple drop-boxes with multiple absentee ballots on multiple occasions.

The way Geter-Pataky’s fraud scheme apparently works is she targets vulnerable citizens, such as the elderly and disabled and those on a rental rebate program, using city-owned lists and the personal data contained in them that should have been restricted, according to the woman who runs the rental rebate program. Geter-Pataky then requests absentee ballots for these voters, conveniently shows up to “help” fill out their ballots, and, oh so courteously saving folks a stamp, returns the ballots to a drop box.

Investigators have since discovered that in several instances, “voters” did not exist at the addresses where absentee ballots were sent and returned from. But perhaps even more damningly, there was one instance where the absentee voter did live. According to the CT Mirror,

“Denise Solano, a candidate for the Bridgeport city council in the 133rd District, filed one of those complaints with the SEEC. In it, Solano alleges that while she was door-knocking, a woman named Elease Lowery told the Gomes team she had already voted. That complaint further alleged that Lowery told her Wanda Geter-Pataky had already picked up her ballot.

‘She always comes and fills it out for me, and actually I always call my neighbor and she fills it out for the both of us and takes them with her,’ Lowery allegedly told Solano.”

Solano’s complaint further indicates that this elderly voter is under the impression that this is the proper legal procedure for voting: someone comes to your door, fills out your ballot for you, and takes it away. She was, therefore, surreally “grateful” for being made complicit in an election crime.

What does all this have to do with Vermont, you ask? Vermont’s election system is even more vulnerable to this kind of cheating than Connecticut’s, and, as such, absentee ballot fraud is more likely to be occurring here and even less likely to be detected.

In Connecticut, a voter has to request an absentee ballot. In Vermont, “live” absentee ballots are sent to all voters regardless of request. So, Vermont’s versions of Geter-Patakys don’t have to bother with the trouble of committing the illegal act of filling out thousands of fraudulent absentee ballot requests. The state now takes care of that step for them!

This means there are thousands of unsupervised ballots floating around with no voter “security check” in place. Someone who never requested an absentee ballot isn’t likely to report that it’s gone missing. If they do, it isn’t likely to be chalked up to fraud.

In Connecticut, someone who moved away isn’t going to request an absentee ballot be sent to an old, incorrect address, but under Vermont’s laws, ballots are sent to non-residents at old addresses all the time. Anyone can fill out those “extra” ballots and send them in with virtually zero chance of the fraud being detected and an absolute zero chance of getting caught, even if it were.

In Connecticut, the law limits who can return absentee ballots on behalf of other voters to family members, police officers, local election officials, or someone who is directly caring for someone who is ill or physically disabled. In Vermont, anyone can return anyone else’s ballot. The law limits this kind of “ballot harvesting” to twenty-five ballots per fraudster, but since we have unsupervised drop boxes and the USPS as options for returning fraudulently filled-out ballots, there is no real enforcement mechanism for this already lax provision.

The suspicious actions that led to the deeper investigation of Geter-Pataky were related to video of her turning in multiple ballots for which she was allegedly not legally allowed to do so. Since there are no such safeguards in Vermont, not even a requirement for video surveillance of drop boxes, someone in Vermont somehow getting “caught” doing what Geter-Pataky was doing would not generate any criminal charges or spark any further investigation into the nature of how he or she got all those ballots. Nothing to see here, folks! Move along.

Vermont lawmakers have created an election cheater’s paradise: No voter ID of any kind, a blizzard of unclaimed, unsupervised absentee ballots floating around the countryside, voting is increasingly removed from election officials’ oversight, you get a full forty-five days of early voting in which to organize and round up as many unclaimed or unwanted ballots you can find and fill out, and almost no means provided for election officials to detect that your fraud has taken place. If they somehow do, there’s no way to trace the fraud back to you. Let the games begin!

At this juncture, having pointed out all the above, Vermont fraud deniers will argue that people are honest, I’m horrible for suggesting otherwise, and this sort of thing just doesn’t happen here. HA! While I agree most people are honest most of the time – though politics does not generally bring out the best aspects of human nature — as this latest event in Connecticut illustrates, it doesn’t take many bad apples to spoil a full barrel of ballots. In this case it appears it took just one to flip the results of an election in which nearly 8200 ballots were cast.

Next, the fraud deniers will defiantly state that there is no evidence of absentee ballot fraud in Vermont, which is true. But not because it’s not happening; because our lawmakers have made any potential evidence of fraud impossible to detect, trace, or prosecute. Why do you think that is?


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

COVID Tyrant Begs for Forgiveness He Does Not Deserve

Wed, 2023-11-01 12:00 +0000

An NYU Professor went on Bill Mahr’s show to talk about who knows what, but the clip we have is him trying to beg forgiveness for the unnecessary nightmarish policies imposed by him and others. He admits he was wrong in hindsight, and now he’s looking for something he never gave us.

“We were all operating with imperfect information and we were doing our best.”

I beg to differ. There was a wealth of data, collected and crunched by every state, that made it clear very early on that there was no risk to kids in public schools or their teachers.

“I was on the board of my kids’ school during COVID. I wanted a harsher lockdown policy. In retrospect: I was wrong. The damage to kids of keeping them out of school longer was greater than the risk. But here’s the bottom line: We were doing our best. But let’s give a little grace and forgiveness for the shit show that was COVID.”


But Scott Galloway, NYU professor, is asking that we learn from it, hold each other accountable, but bring a little grace and forgiveness into the sh!t show…”

How about, F*** Off, Scott, you tyrannical piece of garbage. You don’t get to be the way you were and act like you spilled a glass of milk – from ZeroHedge.


The question that we need to ask Galloway is:  How forgiving was he when confronted with people who opposed his authoritarianism?  Galloway was rabidly pro-mandate.  He consistently called for harsher punishments for people refusing to comply and he demanded that the unvaccinated be treated as second tier citizens banned from places of business.  As he argued in his blog titled ‘Half Of America Has Its Head Up Its Ass. It’s Time For A Vaccine Mandate’:

“Enough already. Federal law should require any citizen who wants to cash a government check, use public transport, or enter a place of business to show proof of vaccination…”

Galloway cited the ever present inflated CDC data on covid deaths in America as the justification for his authoritarian position.  Of course, data was available not long after the spread of covid indicating that the Infection Fatality Rate of the virus was a tiny 0.23% and that 99.8% of the population (including the unvaccinated) had nothing to fear.  Not only that, but the CDC has recently and quietly published information showing that around 95% of people who died with covid also had one or more comorbidities and 75% had at least four – Meaning, if you did not have multiple comorbidities your chances of dying from covid were incredibly small.

To summarize, we did learn from it. COVID was a test. You failed. Not just you. Millions of people with power and influence were too eager to abuse power and stomp on people’s rights.

You can’t just come back from that and say sorry.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

14 Year Old Shoots 14-year Old and I have Questions

Wed, 2023-11-01 11:30 +0000

Property crime has been on the rise in VT for years, but since 2021, murders have nearly tripled. The latest involves two 14-year-olds, one with a loaded gun and the other in the front seat of a vehicle when the weapon discharged.

According to the State Police,


The teenage victim was identified by police as 14-year-old Madden Gouveia, of Shelburne. An autopsy is expected to be conducted this week to determine the cause and manner of death.

State police announced Tuesday morning that they have arrested 14-year-old Hussein Mohamed, of Burlington, on a charge of second degree murder in connection with Gouveia’s death. He is being charged as an adult and is scheduled to be arraigned at 1 p.m. in Vermont Superior Court in Middlebury.

According to their investigation, Mohamed was in possession of a handgun around 7:20 p.m. Monday while sitting in the rear passsenger side seat of a vehicle parked outside a home on North Street in Bristol when the handgun discharged, striking Gouveia as he sat in the front passenger seat.


Inquiring minds, anyone?

Where did a 14-year-old from Burlington get a firearm? Why were they in the passenger seats of a car sitting on the road at 7:20 at night? Why was Hussein Mohamed carrying its loaded gun, safety off (assuming it had one), with his finger on the trigger, pointed toward the front seat of the vehicle?

Whose vehicle was it? Vermont is getting sloppy, but they aren’t giving 14-year-olds driver’s licenses even if they identify as 26-year-olds, but that day might be coming.

Did someone drive it to the location of the shooting? If so, who? If not, why were they in a parked car that wasn’t going anywhere (with a loaded firearm)?

Were they waiting for someone, and what about the waiting required a 14-year-old with a gun?

Clearly, we have a juvenile delinquency problem on top of a gun safety delinquency problem. Do we also have a citizenship problem as well? Hussein is from the sanctuary city of Burlington, where illegals congregate freely – many after passing through or being trafficked from Canada.

If he is being tried as an adult, will we be privy to more details about his ‘circumstances’ and those of the evening leading up to the shooting?

Who was Hussein planning to shoot, if not Madden Gouveia, and did Madden Gouveia also have citizenship issues?

The one thing I can guess is that the Vermont Legislature – already drooling over the tragedy in Lewiston, ME, will be chomping at the bit to pass more gun restrictions on law-abiding citizens, especially after a shooting involving two potential non-citizen minors with no concern for the law. At the very least, one minor with no respect for the law.

But worry not, intrepid Vermonters. “Police believe this was an isolated incident, and there is no danger to the public. Detectives don’t believe there is a link between this shooting and any other recent homicides or suspicious death investigations in the state.”

There were eight isolated homicides reported in the month of October, if I have the math correct. That is almost as many homicides as Vermont had in all of 2021. And while I’m no crime scene expert, these deaths are all related – to the rise of Democrat leadership and the policies that follow.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Under Attack From Both Sides

Wed, 2023-11-01 10:30 +0000

Reference any of the Amendments of the Bill of Rights, and you can maybe find one that the Left has not shredded in three years, eleven if you include Obama’s crew. I think the Third is the only one unscathed, but instead of housing the Military, we have made them homeless.

The efforts of the Left are not even subtle. They are thrashing our rights, and the populace is rolling over with no fight. Before I proceed, I have to admit that I took a knife to the Second Amendment last week after the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine.

My concession that the Second Amendment is not absolute is based on mental illness being a common denominator in mass shootings in this country. Anyone who can kill someone, let alone the killing of a large group of anonymous people, is suffering from a defect in their mental makeup. Gun ownership comes with responsibilities that you must be a clear thinker to understand. If we can stop the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by suspending gun ownership for anyone proven to have mental challenges, then I think it must be done. It pains me to say it, but the Second Amendment may not be absolute.

This week, I have rethought my support of the First Amendment. I am not talking about censorship by an individual, company, or organization. I am certainly not talking about the government colluding with the press, media, or social media to influence content in any fashion. When the government restricts free speech to enhance their positions, you have lost your free country. These types of violations of the First Amendment can never be allowed.

The big “but’ is when the speech we are looking to protect is Hate Speech, and it is supporting and encouraging the death and extermination of a group of people. That group may be a nationality or a religion, but there has to be some provision to protect them from the actions motivated by the words of antagonists and protestors. We’ve talked about the college protests, and I contend many of these students are ignorant of the facts of the Israel/Hamas conflict. At Cornell, a professor is on leave after he riled up a crowd of students with his exhilaration watching Hamas butcher Jews in Israel. Leave of absence? Why is he still employed?

Jewish students who commingled with their fellow students are now feeling unsafe and threatened on American campuses. These protestors are a small percentage of the base, but how many does it take to harm a young Jewish co-ed? Look at the group of rioters in Russia going through a terminal looking to gather up Israelis who may have landed on a jet from Tel Aviv. God only knows what a hyped-up gang would have done if they found their prey. Thank God they came up empty.

Our Justice Department and FBI had no issue going after parents at school board meetings, calling them Domestic Terrorists. Where are those agents now when real terrorists are traumatizing American campuses? These protests and riots are not Free Speech, but Hate Speech and we cannot condone their rhetoric in the name of First Amendment rights. It hurts me to go after another Amendment, but it will be more painful if one Jewish student is injured or killed.


The post Under Attack From Both Sides appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The Death of “Couldn’t Be More” Vaccinated Matthew Perry

Wed, 2023-11-01 01:30 +0000

When celebrities who have supported The Jab die, many are inclined to assume that their addiction to the covid vaccine narrative ended them. Perry was very vaccinated. He couldn’t be more vaccinated. But he was also the other sort of addict, and dying from a heart attack at 54 is not uncommon.

I had my heart attack at 54. I wasn’t lounging in a jacuzzi. I don’t have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. I was walking my dog and figured it out before the big one, at which point I was already under medical care and observation. Perry might have been having pain for months or years. Mild cases of angina. Shortness of breath. Unexpected fatigue. Muscle pain at strange times. Or maybe not.

Being very vaccinated has a history of killing men who should not be old enough to die.



The initial reports were that the death was not suspicious, and no drugs were present. Today, the cause of death is under investigation. It was not ruled death by a heart attack. Not publicly. Despite another early guess that he drowned in his hot tub, the corner has not listed this as the cause of death.

Did he leak confidential DNC emails? Was he murdered? There’s a new narrative developing that Paerry was done in because he wanted to expose the Hollywood pedophilia addiction.

It might have been aliens.

Some reports have claimed he did have drugs on the premises. Antidepressants. So he may have accidentally killed himself, passing out and drowning, but again, drowning was not listed as the cause of death, nor was suicide. Nor was cardiac arrest.

Why should we care? Because Perry says he couldn’t be more vaccinated. It might have been what killed him. And while that might seem like a distraction, Matthew Perry advocated getting The Jab and encouraged it for others. He’ll have, without ever knowing, contributed to vaccine injury and death in numbers that we’ll never know because,  like Perry’s cause of death, the same system that pushed The Jab will control what we know.

And that’s the mystery we need to solve.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is America On Life Support?

Wed, 2023-11-01 00:00 +0000

I have always been an ardent believer in democracy–The dictionary defines democracy as the rule of the people. Even at its best, “democracy is the worst form of government except for all the rest,” according to Winston Churchill. Is democracy a terrible form of government?

Does it hold the threat of destroying humanity’s most precious right – liberty?

In the so-called democratic societies, a semblance of democracy hobbles along with fits and starts, always on the verge of complete subversion and collapse. For instance, Western democracies are representative democracies where ordinary citizens do not rule. A representative democracy is, in effect, a plutocracy where money, people, and powerful interest groups lead.

The society’s rulers form a pyramid. At the base of the pyramid, we have the closest thing to democracy. The individual citizen has some sway over the locally elected officials such as the sheriff, the mayor, the city councilman, and the like. As we go up the pyramid, the voice of the individual citizen diminishes while the influence of money and power groups expands. It is a fact that, without funds, one cannot even run for the city’s animal control officer. At the very least, the aspiring candidate needs money for posters or handbills to make himself known to the electorate and argue why they should elect him, not his opponent.

The point is that it takes enormous amounts of money to become a part of the pyramid. And not everyone is a billionaire with a bottomless pocket and the willingness to tap it. Bottom line: If you aspire to become a part of the ruling pyramid, you require funds commensurate with the position you seek.

The US Constitution does not use the term “democracy. The United States is a representative republic. A republic if we can keep it, said Benjamin Franklin. It is a republic in which the people do not openly elect the president.

But as the recent events unfolded, I couldn’t help but feel like the system I had once held in such high regard was crumbling around me. The naked truth is that many politicians are paid agents, dancing to the tune of lobbyists and special interest groups. It is a harsh realization, and I am disillusioned and annoyed.

Democracy is the guardian of liberty. Embedded in a democracy are provisions that can make it implode from within. Democracy also has its guardian: A resolutely vigilant, proactive, and ethical citizenry.

Money’s influence in politics was deeply entrenched, and it would take years of continued effort to root out corruption and restore our democracy to its proper form.

Reflecting on my journey, I realized that being an ordinary citizen did not mean I was powerless. I learned I could make a difference by shining a light on the dark corners of our political landscape and supporting those willing to stand up for the people.

Ultimately, the naked truth was that our democracy was a fragile and imperfect system, but it was also a resilient one. It could withstand the onslaught of corruption and greed if enough of us were willing to fight for it. I hoped that others would join the cause and that more ordinary citizens would rise and hold their representatives accountable.

So, I leave you with a call to action. If you, like me, are disillusioned with the state of our democracy, don’t despair. Get involved in politics, demand transparency, and hold your representatives accountable. The power to shape our nation’s future lies in the people’s hands, and it’s time we took it back from the puppeteers of democracy.

What do you think can be done? Is there a way of resisting and reversing the imminent assault on our most cherished right of liberty? Here are some suggestions.

  • Become an active worker of liberty instead of passive, non-caring devil-may-care nihilists.
  • Use the political process while it is still responsive to the demands and wishes of freedom-loving people by supporting laws that guard freedom and reject those that infringe on liberty.
  • Actively support political candidates who are deeply committed to freedom.
  • Run for office, any office. Please encourage your friends and other liberty advocates to pitch in and help in any way they can.
  • Hold to account those politicians who sell themselves to lobbyists and special interest groups.
  • Be an active educator by informing others about the creeping danger of Marxism.
  • Resist any WOKE philosophy in schools and the workplace.
  • Contribute money, small or large amounts, to causes and individuals who are fighting to preserve liberty. As the old saying goes, freedom is not free.

In short, liberty is our most prized possession, and democracy is the shield that protects it. Yet, this shield of democracy is vulnerable and needs to be repaired and strengthened regularly. I am calling on you, the individual freedom-loving person, to play your part in the defense of freedom, not only for your own sake but also for mine and all others who cherish this precious blessing of life and generations to come.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The post Is America On Life Support? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Overwhelmed NYC Offers “Migrants” Free One-Way Plane Ticket to Anywhere

Tue, 2023-10-31 22:30 +0000

If you were thinking about traveling the world. Eric Adams and New York City have opened their own travel agency. An opportunity to get a one-way ticket to anywhere in the world as long as you don’t come back to New York City.


The city has been sending migrants who were booted from city shelters to a Manhattan “reticketing” office devoted to booking plane tickets to anywhere in the world. Some migrants have chosen to fly to destinations like Colombia or Morocco.

“With no sign of a decompression strategy in the near future, we have established a reticketing center for migrants,” City Hall spokesperson Kayla Mamelak told Politico. “Here, the city will redouble efforts to purchase tickets for migrants to help them take the next steps in their journeys.”


It is an interesting idea. Claim you have no room (and maybe you don’t). Offer them a spot in a Bidenville refugee camp. Or – would you like to fly to some other location on planet Earth? My question? Doesn’t that add to the problem of global warming?

And how do you prevent randos who speak a foreign language from showing up in the Big Crapple and acting like illegal aliens? They act like foreigners until they get shuffled off to the reticketing office, where they will give you a ticket to any destination. You just have to pay your way back, assuming you want to come back. And perhaps you don’t.

Biden and the Democrats have treated America like a rental car. It’s in terrible shape. And while the rest of the world isn’t that different, you might be able to find somewhere else to hang out until the world is done burning.

Or is this plan one that should be adopted everywhere? Too many illegals?  Offer them plane fare to someplace else. Share the wealth. Spread the love.

We are the world. We are the people.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Events: “Protect the Children Rally” in Concord NH

Tue, 2023-10-31 21:00 +0000

The 2010s and 2020s will undoubtedly be known as a tumultuous (to say the least) period of history for children. Somehow, we as a society have normalized treating children as some sort of material item to be exploited for our own gain.

Whether it be monetary, for likes and views, or to make ourselves appear in a certain way, it seems to have become an accepted part of life.

For one such example, in the late 2000s, a man named Shay Butler started off what would become a huge, money-making phenomenon known as family vlogging. He has his own legal troubles associated with his YouTube fame, but there is a more recent example of which we can take note. Ruby Franke from Utah was arrested in late August after her child escaped – yes, you read that correctly and alerted neighbors to their situation. Police found two children bound, malnourished, and locked in a safe at her colleague’s home.

Franke and her sisters all have had a hand in family vlogging, amassing a fortune off of the exploitation of their children even before birth. They have admitted at times that they bribe their children to be on camera, but more often than not, it seems that family bloggers, in general, assume their children will simply play the role day to day. They are filmed potty training, bra shopping, in doctors’ offices and hospital rooms, and sometimes their parents even resort to mockery – telling their children they can do something they want if they lick their mother’s armpit on camera.

So, using this family vlogging fame and fortune as an example, is it any wonder that so many don’t even seem to think children have their own autonomy? That they simply exist for their parents’ pleasure and personal gain? We see parents jumping on the newest bandwagon with their children all the time, whether it be for something superficial or something irreversible. One might wonder if they pause to consider if that’s really what their child wants/needs or if it’s just what will get them extra likes and followers on toxic social media.

My children’s generation will have many stories to tell, I fear.

If you are someone who sees the issues that children today face, please stand and advocate for them. They need someone in their corner who is willing to speak up.

If you would like help with getting started, please stop by the Statehouse in Concord on Saturday, November 4th at 11 a.m. to hear a handful of speakers discussing firsthand knowledge of grooming, abuse, indoctrination, and more. Children are the future! Let’s come together and do what we can to protect them.

Protect the children rally in concord

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Evening with Detransitioner Katie Anderson

Tue, 2023-10-31 19:30 +0000

Katie Anderson never felt comfortable being a woman or with the idea of becoming one. It was something she would outgrow, but not before the internet and the system convinced her she could be male.

Katie shared her story last night at the Mountain Base Brewery in Goffstown to a crowd and curious room—the journey of a confused young woman who went from hormone therapy to gender surgery and back.



Katie says she never felt like she never fit in growing up, had little interest in boys, and had always been a classic example of a tomboy. At one point in high school, she took what she called the lesbian test. She said it had one question. Would you have sex with any of the boys in the room with you? Her answer was a resounding no, which was not clinically relevant. The test was oversimplified and rigged, but she assumed she was a lesbian.



After spending a bit too much time seeking affirmation on YouTube (these days, it’s TikTok or Instagram) and trying to address her growing discomfort with her sexuality, she began a social transition. She started dressing like a boy, asking her friends and family to refer to her as such, and using a boy’s name she’d chosen. This led naturally to thinking she could or should become one, and she started testosterone treatments.

It all affirmed her idea about her identity, but she did mention how the path to regular testosterone self-injections was too easy. The system never challenged the idea, and maybe it couldn’t or didn’t want to. There was very little in the way of therapy or mental health analysis; they just took her at her word and pushed forward. They taught her how to self-inject the hormones.

And the drugs made her feel happy. Happier than she could remember being. As it turns out, testosterone will do that, and the happiness is not real. But after a year of treatment, she pursued the physical transition. She got top surgery first, a double mastectomy, which further affirmed the identity she had chosen. But there was a new problem. Pain.

The testosterone had weakened her uterine muscles, and she was in constant discomfort. This was normal, they said, the cure for which could have been to stop taking testosterone, but no one appears to have suggested that. Instead, she signed off on a hysterectomy, and why not – she was a boy, after all, which the doctors then screwed up. She almost died from internal bleeding but survived and seemed content with the outcome.

One day, however, at some point after that, she suddenly felt like she was supposed to be a woman and decided to detransition.

Katie talked about the various steps in transition and how each one created a high that ended as if it were an addiction. One that, after all the treatments and surgeries, stopped giving her that affirmation. She would plateau, take it to the next step, and plateau again. There was nothing else to do to keep the high going.

Alluding as well to the high rate of suicide for transitioners and perhaps how hitting that wall drove them to try and kill themselves. Especially if you begin to have doubts, it is easier to contemplate suicide than detransitioning.



Not only is it physically and emotionally demanding, but there is no medical or mental health support, and the community turns against you immediately. Being you is not what they support. They want you to be them.

Katie stopped taking testosterone after “the haircut,” and saw a doctor, and started taking estrogen. She wanted to be and feel like a woman again.

She talked at length about how there are medical codes for transitioning but none for detransitioning, so there is no reliable data on how many detransition. Many stop taking hormones or choose to behave socially as their birth sex. No doctors or clinics are involved in that process, and it is unclear what details they’d collect or share if you did.

Katie also noted that social media is one of the biggest problems with confusing kids about sex and gender issues. That the community is very one-sided in its support. And that health care focuses more on transitions than detransition.

I’d agree. In New Hampshire, it is illegal to counsel anyone away from transition. You can only affirm a  patient’s curiosity even if they want help being comfortable with their birth sex.

That’s not therapy. It doesn’t help. And it is why so many who stumble into the gender sphere end up trying to kill themselves. The so-called support of the community is tenuous and inadequate. Having others affirm your choice to be like them does not provide long-lasting comfort. The difficulties of chemical and surgical transition can be a burden, as is knowing that if you think you made a mistake, you might be on your own for the return journey.

Katie also reminded us that she began her journey as an adult but that these days, there is a lot of pressure on parents and children to transition, to which she objects.

I also agree. Adults who want to take this journey can consent to the consequences. Children have no idea what those are, nor can they adequately be made to understand. Parents who accept or encourage this are guilty of child abuse. Generally speaking, until more people bring lawsuits against therapists, doctors, and hospitals that push kids into these unalterable changes, the practice will continue to be profitable enough to assume the risk.

Make it too expensive, and it will stop.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Three -Year Long Challenge of New Hampshire’s Electronic Voting Machines Makes It to The NH Supreme Court

Tue, 2023-10-31 18:00 +0000

Auburn, NH – On Monday, October 30, 2023, the New Hampshire Supreme Court, on their own initiative, scheduled oral arguments for November 29, 2023, at 9 a.m., in a highly-anticipated election law case of Daniel Richard vs. Governor Chris Sununu, et al.

Involving the executive and legislature branches of government repeatedly violating the voting rights of Mr. Richard and the people of this State by altering the mandatory election provisions of the Constitution of New Hampshire established by the people by legislative fiat. This case poses the following questions.

  • Who is qualified to voter in New Hampshire?
  • Who is qualified to vote absentee in this State?
  • Who is required to “sort,” “count” and certify the votes in the towns and cities?
  • Are voting machines constitutional in N.H?
  • Can the legislature delegate its law-making power under the State and U.S. Constitutions to an unelected body of bureaucrats (the NH Ballot Law Commission) to make election laws (including voting machine laws), and the ability to suspend State and Federal election laws?
  • The use of vote tabulation equipment to conceal the counting of un-verified and uncertified absentee ballots and the illegal certification of the election results.

Daniel Richard, a constitutional scholar from New Hampshire, has brought a case against the state, which claims that N.H. election laws have been illegally altered by the executive and legislative branches of the state government over the years without the consent of the voters, thereby making the legislature’s actions unconstitutional.

Richard contends that the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, section 4, delegates to the legislatures of the several states the duty to establish the time, manner and place for holding federal elections. The United States Supreme Court’s recent opinion decided June 27, 2023, in Moore v. Harper, 600 U.S.___ (2023) now reinforces Mr. Richard’s case, as Moore v. Harper is now a binding precedent on all election law cases in the 50 states.

“Nothing in [the Elections] Clause instructs, nor has this Court ever held, that a

state legislature may prescribe regulations on the time, place, and manner of

holding federal elections in defiance of provisions of the State’s constitution.”

Cited from Arizona State legislature v. Arizona independent redistricting

commission, 576 U. S., at 817–818 (majority opinion) Pg. 18… Moore v. Harper, 600 U.S.___ (2023)

More from Daniel Richard on GraniteGrok

Reformatted for readability.


Contact Information:
Daniel Richard
95 Rockingham Road
Auburn, New Hampshire
603-315-5755 direct

Release Date:
October 31, 2023
For Immediate Release

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Groktoberfest Is Coming To Vermont

Tue, 2023-10-31 17:00 +0000

The site of this year’s Groktoberfest was the Londonderry Fish & Game Club, situated on the outskirts of suburban Litchfield, NH, located a few miles from Manchester.  The surprisingly warm weather hosted a not surprisingly resolute group of faithful conservatives in the outdoor environs where the live free or die crowd was surrounded by a cavalcade of patriotism and purpose aimed at preserving America and its values.

Situated under the club’s conference-sized veranda were many attendees there to raise funds for New Hampshire’s most read and distributed conservative publication, GraniteGrok.  What is a Grok, you wonder? Grok is a neologism coined by American writer Robert A. Heinlein for his 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Used colloquially, it means “to understand profoundly through intuition or empathy.”  Granite Grok is the brainchild and labor of love of its founder, Skip Murphy, who started it as a blog only to see it grow in popularity.  It is now the most-read conservative publication in New Hampshire, with many millions of views and readers from around the globe.

Co-owner and editor of the Grok is Steve McDonald. Steve is an award-winning blogger, Managing Editor, and owner of He serves on the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance and is a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, was a founding member of the New Hampshire Republican Volunteer Coalition, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

The Master of Ceremonies for the event was Jeff Chidester, who set the tone by speaking eloquently about the call for action fulfilled by the Grok and its contributors and supporters.  The purpose of the event, beyond raising funds to expand the capacity at the Granite Grok, was largely to gather like-minded culture warriors as brothers and sisters in arms.  The irony of many conservatives is the desire to be left alone, however, that inclination is largely responsible for our current situation, where we see red states turning purple and bluer by the day.

Among the many vendors in attendance were representatives for the Donald Trump and Vivek Ramaswamy campaigns.  Many of the kiosks offered free literature on the Constitution, concern for protecting children in schools, and the rising trend of Marxism in American politics.  Such groups as Camp Constitution, run by one of the day’s speakers, Hal Shurtleff, sat alongside like-minded activists from the NH Constitution Party, the Free State Project, Back to Basics LLC, Defend Our Kids, and the John Birch Society.

The keynote speaker for the event was former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.  Mr. Lewendowski rolled into the event in Trumpian fashion behind the wheel of a sleek black Shelby Mustang accompanied by one of his sons. After listening to several speakers raise awareness of the various concerns their organizations focus on, Mr. Lewandowski, a former NH police officer, took to the dais and reminded the crowd what was at stake and who they were up against.

Reminding everyone of his candidates’ unlikely win over “crooked Hillary” and controversial defeat at the hands of “the Biden regime,” he shared a variety of stories from the campaign trail, including his role in helping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu secure his most recent term in office.

The overriding tone of his speech was to reiterate what has become obvious to anyone following American politics from the right.  We are facing an opponent who is not beholden to American values as we know them, including honesty in reporting (the media) and the recent weaponizing of institutions of power from law enforcement agencies to rogue judicial officials bent on activism rather than protecting citizens’ constitutional rights.  He concluded by reminding everyone the next election is the most important election we will ever face, which he admits is a cliché thing to say at political gatherings, however, his tone was unmistakable.  Perhaps it was that he included “we won’t have a country” if we lose the next one.  Was this hyperbole to hype the crowd, perhaps?  Only if you’ve not been paying attention to the realities he’d already covered.

After a few more speakers, both Skip and Steve McDonald addressed the crowd, thanking them for all of their support and reiterating the words of the previous speakers.  They also cast a vision about the future of the Granite Grok, which now includes a VermontGrok looking to galvanize their friends to the west.

Sadly, we were also informed that Skip is stepping down in his full capacity to deal with family matters that are more important than his political activism.  Steve is more than capable of steering the helm of this ship. However, Skip has long been the soul that guides its conscience. As a matter of conscience and in spirit with true conservatism, Skip isn’t in the game for sport but for the love of all he holds dear – human freedoms, civic liberty, God, country, and family.  To use another cliché – he puts his money where his mouth is.

Speaking of money, if you’d care to join the cause, you can support the Grok in a variety of ways by volunteering to help contribute articles, covering your local politics, working phones, going door-to-door for Grok-supported candidates, as well as donate financially via their website.

The Chronicle would like to welcome the Groksters to Vermont, where we have more than enough “green” mountains to climb as a body politic.


The post Groktoberfest Is Coming To Vermont appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

VT Energy Policy: Saving the Planet, or Feathering Nests?

Tue, 2023-10-31 16:30 +0000

The Renewable Energy Standard Group Committee met again on October 25 to hash out what next year’s laws regarding energy policy will be, and again, utilities managers questioned the ulterior motives behind how some of the proposals seem to be favoring certain actors. And this crony favoritism, they say, will come not just at greater expense to electricity ratepayers but also at the expense of the very climate-related goals the Standard is supposed to be about.

Bill Driscoll of Associated Industries of Vermont told the group, “In order to be achievable while minimizing costs and maximizing reliability [of electricity service], you really need to have as much flexibility as possible [in where you source generation]. You really need to have all the tools on the table…. The more you constrain that – in other words, ‘it doesn’t just have to be clean, it has to be renewable, or it has to be small renewable, or new renewable, or in-state’ – the more you’re going to introduce the risks of increased costs and also the potential for reliability issues without making a difference in the climate goals.”

While everyone in the room seemed on board with reaching a 100% clean energy goal for the state, not everyone seemed to be as interested in meeting those goals as quickly and as cost-effectively as possible. Rather, the agenda of some, the utilities managers strongly implied, was to steer purchasing, construction of new energy sources, and subsidy dollars to “certain people,” even if that means more cost to ratepayers and taxpayers while making the state’s greenhouse gas reduction targets harder to meet.

As Driscoll concluded, “The concern is, the more you do that, the less this is a climate policy and more… a policy that benefits a smaller and smaller group of interests in terms of developers…. In fact, if anything, the more restrained you make it, it’s more expensive and more challenging to meet those climate goals.”

Ken Nolan of VPPSA had similar concerns, stating, “As we break down into tiers and say only certain resources qualify here or there, we’re actually picking winners and losers, and we’re diverting technologies to certain technologies and certain people. That makes it more expensive and harder to manage, and significantly more overhead for the utilities to meet our compliance and the regulators to make sure we’re meeting our compliance.”

There’s a tendency in Vermont in the legislature for ‘command and control,’ said Nolan. “That we have to tell people what to do, or they’re not going to do it. And I think we do a disservice to the ratepayers when we dive into the weeds and try to get very specific in how we define things versus, to some degree, relying on the market.” [Side note: ‘command and control’ government is another way of saying ‘authoritarianism.’]

Senator Chris Bray (D-Addison) questioned Nolan, “Is the current RES a command and control piece of legislation, or is it creating a target and letting utilities choose their own path?”

“I would say Tier 1 is much more choose your own path,” replied Nolan. “Tier 2 is very specific. It has to be less than five megawatts, connected to the distribution system, built after 2015. If I’m GMP, that is probably not very onerous because I have a huge territory. But if I’m Orleans or Hyde Park… that’s a pretty high bar. And it drives you to make certain decisions and work with certain people. And I don’t know that it brings any additional benefit to the climate conversation.”

Driscoll called out the group, “If this is going to be a portfolio that is intentionally designed to benefit specific technologies or scales of development or whatnot, then I think we should be open about that.”

He’s exactly right, but this group is not going to be open about that. An easy and obvious question for any of the four elected lawmakers on the committee would be, “Who are the people we’re forcing you to work with?” but they’re not interested in that level of transparency.

As detailed in my earlier article on this topic, Conflicts of Interest in the Renewable Energy Standard Working Group, the members of VPIRG, The Sierra Club, The Conservation Law Foundation, and Renewable Energy Vermont all represent directly or indirectly the very “people” the law is steering resources to. It is a true scandal that legislators allow lobbyists for politically connected special interests (in many cases, big donors to those legislators and/or their Party) to sit on these committees and write policy.

Nolan questioned, “How much command and control do we really need versus simplifying this conversation and getting to the meat of what are we trying to accomplish? If it’s climate change and greenhouse gas reduction, then let’s talk about the resources that qualify for that and let the utilities figure it out.”

Of course, the problem for the special interests on the committee is that allowing the utilities to figure out on their own the most cost-effective and reliable way to meet the clean energy goals of the state would likely mean bypassing the higher cost, less reliable products produced by their financial benefactors. And we can’t have that! Even if it means Vermonters pay more for our electricity, are more likely to suffer blackouts, and are less likely to meet the target dates for greenhouse gas reduction, which, by the way, puts taxpayers on the hook for multi-million dollar lawsuits that will be brought by some of the same special interest groups sitting on this committee writing the law.

This folks, is your government at work.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nikki Haley Is An IDIOT

Tue, 2023-10-31 16:30 +0000

The more Nikki Haley speaks, the more you understand that she really is NO different than the people running the Biden regime. Her latest, (Ukraine and Israel are equivalent), is exactly the argument the Biden regime is making.

NO, Nikki, Ukraine, and Israel are NOT equivalent.

Ukraine is a despotic, oligarchic corruptocracy, not a democracy. Zelensky has outlawed political opposition, taken over the media, imprisoned priests, and he and his cronies have made themselves rich(er) with American aid. Yet here is Miss Nikki telling us that if we don’t support Zelensky and his ilk, we are on the side of evil:



And, by the way, contrary to what Nikki and her UniParty pals have been telling us, Ukraine is losing … BADLY:



The post Nikki Haley Is An IDIOT appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republican Presidential Primary Candidates Think Sununu’s Endorsement Will be a Game Changer?

Tue, 2023-10-31 15:00 +0000

Chris Sununu has been shepherding various Republicans (not named Trump) around New Hampshire. Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis are two examples. And the buzz is that these candidates are vying for an endorsement as if that will help them in the NH primary.

Do they know how much Mr. Sununu likes microphones and cameras in his face, especially from the national press? Ooh, they are paying attention to me! Aren’t I special? And what if  I endorse someone?


“If I make an endorsement, I make an endorsement. Don’t put too much stock in my endorsement,” Sununu said while praising Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), whom he is campaigning with on Tuesday. A town hall in Seacoast will feature both DeSantis and Sununu this evening.

“The race is actually wide open. I think there’s three or four candidates that are clearly surging ahead. There’s six or seven, I don’t even know how many we’re counting at this point in the race,” Sununu told the Messenger during a campaign stop in Londonderry alongside the Florida governor.


I can read a poll, so I can’t say exactly who it is Sununu thinks is surging. And the race is not wide open unless by race you mean for second place, the handful of pigeons picking at Trump’s primary crumbs.

To be clear, and I’ve said it many times, I’d like it to be closer. We get more from everyone when we have an actual contest, but the current lay of the Republican Primary land has the former President as far ahead today as he was several months ago. In some cases, further. The more we see of his challengers, the better it has been for his polling.

Related: DeSantis PAC Defending Sununu Is NOT Going To Win Him Republican Primary Support in NH, and Here’s Why?

So, I’m not sure what a Sununu endorsement does except shine more attention on Chris Sununu.


Although primary ballots won’t be cast for months, Sununu’s endorsement could help close the gap in the polls that Republican candidates are striving for as Trump holds a massive lead. The latest poll from USA Today, the Boston Globe, and Suffolk University showed Trump at 49% with New Hampshire voters, with former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley at 19%.


Haley is no closer than DeSantis a few months back before he had a campaign collapse, retool, and reemergence. He’s done better since then, and he’s got impressive roots and tips. His supporters show up. They make noise. It’s exciting, and he’s got a decent record and says all the right things.

I haven’t seen Haley on the campaign trail (yet), but she was the best UN ambassador in my lifetime. That works internationally, but what about domestic bliss? I’m not sure she’s there yet.

Chris Christie is less electable than Trump if you play that game, especially in New Hampshire. He is unpopular with Republican primary voters, and there is no getting around that.

As for Sununu, a few months ago,  he said his mission was to beat Trump, and part of that task meant he needed to convince some of these candidates to get out. Mike Pence dropped out over the weekend, but he’s only giving up 1-4 points to someone who is not Donald Trump, and they – whoever they are – need something closer to 30 points to make it enjoyable.

I like interesting. It is better for the debate. But if anyone thinks Chris Sununu’s endorsement will stir things up in New Hampshire, they should be prepared to be disappointed unless he endorses Trump. As I noted here,


[I]f they want Trump to lose, Sununu needs to endorse him. Sununu endorsed Chuck Morse, and he lost, then supported the guy who beat Morse – Don Bolduc – who lost.

Sununu endorsed Geroge Hansel in the NH CD-2 primary, and he lost.

Sununu endorsed Matt Mowers, he lost.

Chris Sununu even endorsed people we thought would be good, like Rich Girard and Victoria Sullivan. They both lost. So, you see my point?


Governor Chris won’t be endorsing Trump. New Hampshire’s five families and the GOP DC establishment would divorce him. But I can’t see him not endorsing. He’s gotten too familiar with the idea of being invited on Corporate media talk shows to miss the opportunity to do it again.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Left’s Green Dreams Are Going Up In Smoke

Tue, 2023-10-31 13:30 +0000

One of the textbook marketing flops of all time was the Ford Edsel sedan, which was heralded as the hot new car in the late 1950s. All the automotive experts and Ford executives said it was a can’t-miss. Henry Ford (the car was named after his son) guaranteed hundreds of thousands of sales.

But one big thing went wrong. Nobody ever bothered to ask car buyers what THEY thought of the new car. (RELATED: DAVID BLACKMON: Energy Companies Are Laughing At Predictions Of ‘Peak Oil’)

Turns out they hated it. So, instead of sales of 400,000, Americans bought 10,000, and the model was embarrassingly discontinued.

The obvious lesson for the industry: you can’t bribe Americans to buy cars they don’t want. Given the all-in approach mentality for EVs at Ford and GM, it’s clear that Detroit never got this message.

Last week, Honda and General Motors announced an end to their two-year collaboration in building a platform for lower-cost EVs. Honda execs said it was “too hard.”

Amazingly, less than 10% of all new car sales are EVs over the last two years. This is despite the fact that the U.S. government is writing a $7,500 check to people for buying an EV, and some states are kicking in $5,000 more.

The Texas Policy Foundation calculates that all-in EV subsidies can reach $40,000 per vehicle. It would practically be cheaper for the government to purchase a new gas vehicle for every American car buyer.

Meanwhile, the news is even worse for wind and solar power. The Wall Street Journal reported last week that “clean energy” investment funds are tanking, with some down as much as 70% in recent months. Solar has been one of the worst-performing industry stocks this year.

This collapse is happening right when Exxon and Chevron have engineered a combined $110 mega — acquisition to expand oil and gas drilling in the Permian Basin in Texas — one of the biggest oil fields in the world. They both just reported their largest profits ever.

They and their investors are looking at the real-world data, not green energy propaganda. In 2023, the world has used more fossil fuels than any time in human history, even as the developed countries spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to stop oil, gas, and coal.

All of this is to say that there in NO “global energy transition” going on. If there is one, it’s away from green energy, not toward it.

Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and chief economist at Freedom Works.  

Stephen Moore | Daily Caller News Service


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The post The Left’s Green Dreams Are Going Up In Smoke appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bradley’s Burgess Biomass Boondoggle is Back in the News

Tue, 2023-10-31 12:00 +0000

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu and I agree on several things. Lowering taxes (or eliminating them) is good. Shoring up protections for the right to self-defense is critical. And refusing to fund Berlin’s Burgess Biomass boondoggle was the right thing to do.

Last week, the governor’s veto of another legislated Burgess bailout survived an attempted override. A bailout that was only made possible with Republican votes, so it wasn’t just Democrats doing us dirty. Sununu did us a favor, and the failure to override seemed likely. You only need a handful of ignorant Republicans in this legislature to promote a bad idea, but you need a lot more of them to make it stick the landing after a veto.

The override tried to vault the veto but failed to achieve the necessary height, what I’d call an example of the process working, and it has drawn a bit of ink in the media, local and national. Depending on what you think about it, you’ll agree or disagree with this take or that. But Burgess was never going to make money. It was a money pit (the rates necessary to show a profit the fiscal equivalent of gang rape). The jobs it creates destroy them elsewhere in the economy. Environmentalists don’t even like burning wood for power. Taxpayers and ratepayers would forever be bailing the thing out to pay more for their electricity.

You might as well burn money, which – given the trajectory of the Biden economy, may soon be cheaper, so – taking a hint from Grokster Ian Underwood – we’d suggest that anyone who feels that strongly about saving those jobs bail them out themselves.

Back in June, I explained how this might work. You could pay the employees to do nothing and save New Hampshire ratepayers and taxpayers millions more than trying to keep the facility online.


I don’t know what Burgess Biomass employees make or the five-score timber folks, but can we agree it’s probably less than 100,000 per year?

If we gave the Biomass folks each 60K to do nothing (which is the national income average), it would cost 1.8 million. Add the 200 timber workers, and that’s another 12 million. Paying them not to increase our electric rates would save New Hampshire ratepayers over 135 million dollars on top of the reduced cost of electricity from not having to pay higher rates.

We’d continue to save more, even if we had to extend the severance for several years, than if Sununu signed HB142.


When it costs less to subsidize inactivity, that thing you want has problems. Burgess biopower has problems.


The problem with building a business model on what amounts to a government subsidy is that one’s survival depends on favorable treatment by politicians. That’s never a good place to be.

Burgess wound up with a worse deal than it had initially anticipated. After ratepayers had been forced to pay it $100 million above market rates for electricity, any future payments above the market price had to be refunded. It hit that cap years earlier than expected, thanks to technological advances that lowered the price of natural gas. It then exceeded the cap, necessitating repayments to ratepayers, which it could hardly afford. 


We can probably agree that Democrats, by majority, are the more enthusiastic advocates for bailing out Burgess (along with Market Meddling Republican NH Senators Jeb Bradley and Kevin Avard – to name but two). From where I sit, neither has much trouble raising money to exercise political force to take ours. What if they just skipped the middleman and funded Burgess themselves?

It would never happen because people like that never throw “their” money down these holes. They run for elected office to use the force of law to feed these bottomless pits with the fruit of our labors. And while Burgess is in limbo today, Bradley and the Dems still have an itch in their green pants to get this done.

The Burgess Bailout will be back, and we’ll need Sununu to veto it again before he ends his service in the Governor’s Office.



HT | JBartlett

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nicaragua is Waging ‘Migrant Warfare’ Against the US – And Getting Rich in the Process

Tue, 2023-10-31 10:30 +0000


The American left clucked its collective tongue when Ron DeSantis sent illegal aliens to their Leftist sanctuary cities and states. DeSantis was forcing the Leftists to acknowledge the cost burden their policies impose on border states. DeSantis was correct to do so.

The Left howled about playing politics, using human beings as props, that his action was simply wrong, un-American, and reckless.  But did you know there are Latin American Marxist dictators doing exactly what DeSantis has done?

Who do you think is sending the illegal immigrants to DeSantis in the first place? He has to get them from somewhere before he sends them to their Leftist sanctuary cities and states. Why are they not howling about that? Why is it okay for Leftists to send illegals to our southern states?

Nicaragua’s communist leader is gathering people from Haiti and Cuba and flying them to Nicaragua.  From Nicaragua, he puts them on the Ortega Express headed to the United States.

Charter airlines have flown tens of thousands of migrants out of Haiti. Ditto Cuba. There have been 172 flights carrying tens of thousands of people to Nicaragua. Recently, local Nicaraguan media reported that 27 charter flights from Haiti landed in Nicaragua in two days.

Ortega is engaged in “migrant warfare.” It’s not my term, it comes from the Associated Press. The man Ronald Reagan dubbed “the little dictator” is dropping migrant bombs on America. And Ortega is making a pretty penny off his migrant express, working in bulk levels, focusing on quantity.

The AP spoke to three Haitian migrants who took the charter flights.  They doled out between $3,000 and $5,000 a seat to leave Haiti in hopes of reaching the United States.

Ortega has an opportunity to make a lot of money by increasing the number of flights as migrants fork over airfare for his charter flights while he satiates his desire to destroy the U.S. The point: There are state actors making money from Biden’s fecklessness, our open border.

Mexican and Colombian officials also make money – through bribery, extortion, and exorbitant travel prices.

Ortega et al. get the money personally from their human trafficking. We get flooded with illegal immigrants and their associated costs. And the political Left acts like it’s not happening.

Shouldn’t Biden be sanctioning Ortega et al.? Is this the future you support?  Was this what you voted for in 2020? Will you vote to stop it in 2024?


The post Nicaragua is Waging ‘Migrant Warfare’ Against the US – And Getting Rich in the Process appeared first on Granite Grok.

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