This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do. My last “normal” meme post. In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.
I attempt to populate each post with new material; thus, older posts have information that’s not in this one. If this is a topic of interest to you I strongly urge you to go back through and peruse my older ones. I do not focus on minute-by-minute updates but rather attempt to provide background and information relevant to this latest battle in a 1,400 year old war. Reverse chronological order.
Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok
Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok
Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok
Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok
Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok
Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok
With some Israel-related materials here:
Meme Overflow – Granite Grok
Post it, tweet & email it out, share it widely.
Yes, funny how – over years and decades – the only Arab deaths that matter to the world are those that Israel kills. Arabs oppressing and killing other Arabs? Crickets.
Yemen war deaths will reach 377,000 by end of the year: UN | United Nations News | Al Jazeera
And there are many, many other examples. And from the West? Crickets again. It’s almost as though those criticizing Israel don’t think that Arabs are “sophisticated” enough to be able to contain themselves, so therefore they shouldn’t try to hold them to account.
Racism by the oh-so-sanctimonious Left. I’m shocked, shocked!
Yes, Palestinian Arabs Overwhelmingly Support Hamas ( (link in the original; bolding added):
Fourth, numerous polls demonstrate that Palestinian Arabs in Judea/Samaria and Gaza overwhelmingly support Hamas’ “aspiration” to murder Israelis.
When the Palestinian Center for Polling and Survey Research in Ramallah’s (PCPSR) June 2023 poll asked: “What has been the most positive thing or the best thing that has happened to the Palestinian people since the Nakba?” (Israel’s rebirth 75 years ago), virtually every single “positive or best thing” that Palestinians and Gazans cited involved forming terror groups and murdering Jews.
Again… How do you co-exist with someone who denies your right to exist? More:
Who Says Hamas Does Not Represent The Palestinians? :: Gatestone Institute
And the problem is that Arabs can always count on the sentimental world to race to their rescue:
SHAMEFUL: UN General Assembly Passes Resolution for Ceasefire in the Israel Hamas War – Twitchy (bolding added):
Shame? How is it shameful to think Israel, who was abiding by the ceasefire until Hamas broke it, has the right to exist and defend itself? The shamefulness lies with those who refused to pass the part of the amendment condemning Hamas and with Hamas for taking 2 years to train in order to torture, rape, and kill without provocation. PERIOD.
Israel’s Gaza Ground Offensive Begins… in the West Bank? – PJ Media
The problem is that it’s total war, Islam vs. Jews, and that this is only the opening battle in a 1,400 year old war. From 2013:
Egyptian minister quotes Koran verse on killing Jews | The Times of Israel
Mosques in Jerusalem broadcast calls to kill Jews. Remember what Mohammed himself did to captured Jews who surrendered unconditionally:
The ‘Right’ to Rape and Enslave Non-Muslim Women :: Gatestone Institute (links in the original):
The ongoing narrative is that Islam means peace; what is not said is that this peace comes only after everyone enjoys the “peace” of being Muslim. Until then, what is often presented to hasten this result is the exact opposite: jihad, or violence in the service of Islam. Many Muslims, just want, of course, to live in quiet lives, have good jobs and enjoy the blessings of this life. Others however, such as Western converts to the “religion of peace” suddenly and inexplicably become terrorists.
So, not just a war against Jews. Against anyone non-Muslim:
‘Muhammad’ Is Taking Over the World ( (image from the link):
WARNING: Muslim Scholar Says We Will Conquer and Enslave you in 40-50 Years
Demographics is destiny:
Consider what happened to this Coptic priest (link in the original):
Another Coptic Christian clergyman was murdered in cold blood in Egypt today [this article was originally published on Thursday, April 7]. Local Christian media reported that, while walking in a crowded street of Alexandria with a group of church youth and his own family, Fr. Arsenius Wadid was repeatedly stabbed in the neck by an unidentified but bearded man, killing him.
One can cite more examples—in 2013, Coptic priest Mina Cheroubim was shot dead as he left his church in al-Arish, north Sinai—but the point of what happened to Fr. Arsenius, and why, should be clear by now.
See the next section for more examples of Jihad against non-Jews in modern times.
Some books on demographics and the stealthy invasion and informational jihad Islam is waging against the West:
While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam
Europe, Globalization, and the Coming of the Universal Caliphate
Remember what they say in their own words (bolding added):
The Deadly Wages of Western Secularism | Frontpage Mag
And not just restoration, but global dominance is Islam’s aim: “The last great Muslim empire may have been destroyed,” Efraim Karsh writes, “and the caliphate left vacant, but the imperial dreams of world domination has remained very much alive in the hearts and minds of many Muslims.” The jihadist aggression that created the Islamic empires, which once occupied two-thirds of the old Roman Empire, would also be the doctrinally sanctioned instrument of its recovery. This goal required that the Muslim faith and Islamic societies be purged of the infidel accretions from Western civilization.
World War III is Here and We’re Losing It | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):
Our unhealthy obsession with World War III has all too often blinded us to what is going on around us. We did not take Islamic terrorism seriously because our enemies seemed too small and backward. And we only view small wars in terms of their risk of exploding into big wars as if the only wars that really matter are the ones that might lead to the ‘Big One’.
IDF Puts Out Shocking Interrogation Footage of Hamas Terrorists Who Murdered Jews – PJ Media [Comment added in []. Bolding added.)
Several of the terrorists who were interrogated revealed they had been commissioned to take over and “cleanse” the kibbutz of Jewish people. Folks, that’s genocide. These are soldiers of Islam who, according to their religious tenets, were commanded to kill all of the Jews in a specific area. Islam states that any land previously believed to belong to Muslims is to be attacked over and over again until it is back under the control of Islamists.
[What have I been saying again and again? That any land, even a square inch, that once was held by Islam must – per Koranic command – be retaken.]
Again, this is not simply a political matter.
One of the terrorists described going on a shooting spree, mowing down innocent civilians, and burning houses down. Others were all too happy to inform the IDF how they slaughtered whole families, including women, children, elderly relatives, and even pets.
Israel, IDF Eyewitness Confirm Hamas Beheaded Baby – PJ Media
Here Are Just a Few of Hamas’s Atrocities Against Israel the Left Is Cheering – PJ Media
Strike terror into the hearts of the non-believers.
What does the Koran say about nonbelievers? – Stellar House Publishing
Good resource! Also, from here (and links in the original; italics replaced by underlining):
Why the Koran Is Responsible for the Slaughter of a Christian Priest | Frontpage Mag
Three Koran passages would seem to answer this question in the affirmative: 1. “Kill the polytheists wherever you find them (9:5); 2. “Fight the leaders of disbelief [kufr] (9:12); 3. “When you meet the disbelievers, strike [with your blades at their] necks (47:4).
There are other such examples. In 2013, Coptic priest Mina Cheroubim was shot dead as he left his church in al-Arish, Egypt. A botched attempt occurred in 2020: while traveling to his church in Alexandria, a Coptic priest was ambushed and “nearly murdered” by a Muslim parolee. According to the report, “the parolee, nicknamed Kareem Madi, has a history of attacking Christians—especially women and girls.”
As just two examples, in 2020 a Muslim man crept up behind a Christian woman walking home with groceries, grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, and slit her throat with a knife. Two days later, another Muslim man went for the jugular of a Christian man with a box-cutter; he only managed to sever an ear. On being questioned concerning his motive, this Muslim confessed that he did not know the Copt, but that he simply “hates Christians.” There are many more such examples from Egypt alone (to say nothing of the rest of the Muslim world); see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Such attacks are even spilling into the West. As one example, in 2016, two Muslim men marched into a church in France during mass and slit the throat of its 85-year-old priest, Fr. Jaques Hamil, killing him.
We’ve grown soft in the West. We simply cannot believe people would do this, and like Yuri Bezmenov said, once a people are demoralized you can shower them with testimony and pictures and videos and they won’t believe it.
KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov 1985 Interview. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion
Funny, I didn’t know she was Jewish? Oh, but she IS “just” a kaffir:
The Head of Shani Louk, the German Festival Attendee, Found in Gaza – Geller Report
Someone Needs to Tell Him: Wajahat Ali Doesn’t Get the Point of Killing Hamas Terrorists – Twitchy
Well, you see, Wajahat, the math here is actually pretty simple. If a band of murderers crosses your borders, rapes, tortures, and murders innocent people, and then hides like cowards, systematically killing them in their hiding places means they won’t be able to rape, torture, and murder Israeli civilians again.
It’s not that hard to figure out.
Remember what I said in the last post: dying in Jihad against the unbeliever is the highest goal to which a Muslim can aspire. The. Highest. Goal.
Rabbi Claims That Hamas Has ‘Perverted Islam.’ Alas, No. – PJ Media(bolding added):
It is unpleasant, but nonetheless true: neither ISIS nor Hamas originated these ideas. They are all rooted in core Islamic texts. The justification for suicide bombing is in the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam: “Indeed, Allah has bought from the believers their lives and their wealth, because the garden will be theirs, they will fight in the way of Allah and will kill and be killed.” (9:111) This is the only promise of paradise in the Qur’an, but one can take hold of that promise by being killed while killing unbelievers.
Al-Aqsa is like Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, a great cathedral converted into a mosque as a sign of Islam’s victory over Christianity and its superiority to it. It is also like all the mosques in India that were built over the ruins of Hindu temples the jihadis destroyed. This is, in other words, an extremely weak foundation for interfaith harmony and an appeal to those true Muslims who detest all this jihad terrorism, about whom we hear so very much from non-Muslims and so very little from directly.
Europe Facing Civil War? :: Gatestone Institute
Broadly, yes. And specific to Gaza, remember some recent history (links in the original)
Let us look at a few facts: In 2005, seeing that the peace process had reached an impasse, Israel forcibly expelled 8,500 Jews from their homes in the Gaza Strip and bulldozed all their homes and communities. From that day on, there was not a single Israeli foot on Gaza soil and Gaza was “free.” Now, with not one Jew there, the Arabs of Gazan finally had total control of this beautiful land on the Mediterranean coast and could build the “Singapore of the Middle East“. A group of Americans even donated $14 million to buy 3,000 greenhouses from the expelled Jews and donated them to the Palestinian Authority (PA) to ensure that the Gazans could start with businesses there. Within days, they all had been looted and destroyed.
In 2006, elections were held in Gaza; the majority of Gazans voted for the totalitarian terrorist organisation, Hamas, whose openly stated goal was — and still is — the total destruction of Israel and the eradication of the Jews (Articles 7, 32).
Mohammed, You’re Fired | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):
But let’s return to sympathy for the “suffering” Palestinian Arabs. It cannot be overstated enough that all this suffering is self-inflicted. It is self-inflicted because of the evil of Hamas using its own civilians as human shields, and robbing them of any opportunity for prosperity as billions in cash and tons of supplies have been used to build up its war machine rather than investing in the well-being of average Gazan Palestinian Arabs.
But let’s also be clear about one more thing. A majority of Gazan Palestinian Arabs, 57 percent, actually support Hamas, according to a recent poll by a respected Arab pollster. Many more support other even more extremist groups (if that were even possible). So, before anyone turns to blame Israel for any of their suffering, let them look into the mirror, and let the rest of the world hold their lies under a microscope on full view for all to see.
Mohammed, I’ll miss your visit and talking about our families. I’ll regret that you may now have less food for your family without the few 100-shekel bills I used to pay you for your work. I am sorry for the situation, really, because I saw our relationship as a microcosm of what could be. But now, I am not willing to take any risks for my family, even at the consequence of you and your family suffering.
Whatever peace that might have existed, whatever mutual understanding that could have developed over years of contact and conversations, has been irrevocably shattered.
In reference to the above excerpt’s statement about diverting resources, here’s a senior Hamas official talking about their use of tunnels to attack:
Hamas Official: Tunnels Built For Fighters, Not Civilians | MEMRI
Poll shows alarming support for Hamas but likely understates the problem (
In my last post – and others – I mentioned “Stealth Jihad”;
Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs
Stealth Jihad Phase 2: Infiltrating American Colleges
I.e., the ideological subversion of the school systems particularly to start slanting the minds of children from very early on. Just as the LGBTQP+ crowd targets children, so do the Jihad advocates. But then, two different Socialists on the “wisdom” of targeting children early:
(Link to AZ Quotes per their policy)
And lest anyone scream “But Hitler switched”… I’ve addressed that:
Hitler’s Missing Speech – Liberty’s Torch (
Harvard Jew-Haters Finding Out the New #Rulez Suck – HotAir
Poor entitled, not-overly-bright, Jew-hating Harvard students are having a hard time coming to grips with the big, fuzzy, wet camel’s nose of reality bustin’ through the side of their privilege tent. They thought those walls were sacrosanct and like BatFink’s shield of steel wings – nothing and nobody to get at them through them, no matter what the over-indulged little vermin did or said.
A funny thing happened on the way to the cocoon, though. The right has discovered how to use the new, progressive #rulez laid down with emphasis during such terrifying circuses as the Kavanaugh hearings and the Dobbs decision. One of those #rulez is that a home is no longer a castle, whatever the niceties of political combat and policy disagreements used to be.
Cancel culture works both ways, assh*les. How’s that taste? Related:
‘Just Like Nazi Germany!’ Wait, What? The Left Loses its Mind Over Arrests of Leftwing Jewish Protestors – Twitchy
Welcome to ‘Pallywood,’ Where Crisis Actors, Fake News, and Media Lie About the Israel/Hamas War – PJ Media
(Behind paywall.) Remember, deceit is ingrained in Islam:
Taqiyya: Deception and Lying in Islam (
For the most part, accurate. I remember multiple articles showing how Jews attempted to be exceedingly above-board on buying land. Precisely to avoid charges they stole it.
There was an article – I don’t have the link as it was a couple of computers ago – that documented the extraordinary lengths immigrating Jews went to in an attempt to legitimately purchase land.
‘Never Again’ Is Right Now as Missing Posters Are Defaced in NYC – PJ Media
It’s here. Now. More:
Teen screams ‘I will kill you Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground (
Poll shows alarming support for Hamas but likely understates the problem (
‘Never Again’ Is Right Now as Missing Posters Are Defaced in NYC – PJ Media
What’s next? Painting store windows with the word “Jude?” or forcing people to wear gold Stars of David? Before you think that such things could never happen here, perhaps you should remind yourself of what has already happened here in the last three years, or, for that matter, the last three weeks.
Something Awful Is Brewing ( (bolding added):
And the President sits unwilling to close the wide-open border, allowing tens of thousands of military-aged young males to enter our nation weekly with nothing more than a ticket-to-appear as their punishment.
EXCLUSIVE: 100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden’s Open Border in October, Says Source (
Again, how’s that whole “Welcome the stranger” thing working out?
Things are getting stupid – Gun Free Zone
This are getting stupid fast and it’s only going to be a short matter of time until ot goes from threats to violence, because the threats are not being dealt with seriously enough.
Violence Breaks Out at Genocidal, Pro-Terror Riots in Downtown Chicago, Illinois – Geller Report
LONDON: Massive Genocidal Death March Against the Jews: Chanting “O Jews, The Armies of Muhammad are Coming!” – Geller Report
On Israel, Biden Picks Up Where Obama Left Off (
Like Obama, Biden offers just enough lip service about Israel’s right to defend itself to placate Jewish donors and voters. Every action of the president – even his supposed morale-lifting trip to the country–is meant to inhibit Israel from winning. Democrats are open to helping Israel defend itself but unopened to the prospect of destroying those who seek its end.
David Mamet: No ‘cozy mystery in antisemitism of Democratic Party’ – (italics replaced by underlining):
But there is “no more cozy mystery in the antisemitism of the Democratic Party,” he wrote, with Democratic Socialists and pro-Palestinian Democrats “calling for the end of the state of Israel—that is, for the death of the Jews.”
“Democrat representatives repeat and refuse to retract the libel that Israel bombed a hospital, in spite of absolute proof to the contrary, and will not call out the unutterable atrocities of Hamas,” he added. “The writing is on the wall. In blood.”
In the 1930s, many German Jews “ignored their brothers and sisters to the East, and later died with them.” Born right after the Holocaust, Mamet’s generation wondered, “Good God, didn’t you see what was happening around you? Are you literally willing to die rather than admit you were mistaken?” he wrote. “The answer, today, to many liberal American Jews, is ‘Yes.’”
That’s because TIKKUN OLAM is their faith.
On the ‘Tikkun Olam’ Fetish | Frontpage Mag
Nowhere in Judaism are Jews commanded to restructure or re-engineer the societies of nations. Jews have a certain obligation to participate in the Jewish community and to assist other Jews, especially Jews living in hardship, including through charity. Even within the Jewish community, there is no religious imperative or justification for coerced schemes of income or wealth redistribution, aside from payments to the Levites and priests. And while there is no prohibition against Jews using their resources to assist the downtrodden among the non-Jewish nations, there is also no Judaic imperative to do so.
Indeed, the very notion that Jews are so ethically superior that they are entitled to instruct non-Jews in ethics is completely foreign to Judaism. The self-image of Jews in the Torah is that of a group of people awash in their own moral failures and foibles, from the Golden Calf to the paganism of the era of the kings of Judah and Israel. The moral imperative of the Torah is for the Jews to improve and reevaluate their own behavior, not to pretend to have the moral superiority to preach to the entire non-Jewish world.
This is echoed here:
Judaism under attack: the Orwellian hijack of tikkun olam ( (Italics replaced by underlining; Neumann’s book like added as a URL on his name):
Neumann’s devastating insight is that the social justice movement has reversed this process. “Tikkun olam is not about turning Jews into Marxists. It’s about rebranding Marxism as Judaism.”
As Neumann has it, American Jews have been led to believe that “the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God”.
As he asks: “Isn’t it just a little bit incredible for the teachings of the ancient faith of Judaism to happen to comprise without exception the agenda of the liberal wing of today’s Democratic Party?”
Incredible indeed – because it isn’t true. Remorselessly, Neumann charts the way in which progressive American rabbis have grossly misinterpreted or distorted the ancient faith of Judaism, both its religious texts and rabbinic sources, in order to claim falsely that maxims which are in fact hostile to Jewish precepts represent Jewish moral and ethical teaching.
Closing with this Rabbi’s comments:
Tikkun Olam Being Misused and Hijacked by the Political Left | Aryeh Spero | The Blogs (
You can’t go wrong with a donation here:
Connections Israel
I’ve contributed to them for almost 20 years. And please share this post far and wide. There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.
In a prior post I’d had this to say about this war – this existential war between Islam and, well, everyone – and how it could be won. (All formatting and the links in original, added thought in [])
Gather experts like Jihad Watch founder Robert Spencer, Political Islam founder Bill Warner, [scholars like Raymond Ibrahim,] and doubtless many others… and develop a way to meme / Thought Splinter ideas into the Islamic world that will undermine the anti-Jew / anti-Kaffir message / pro-conquest message. Difficult, I know. But until and unless we actively fight the ideology of Islamic jihad, not just militarily, we can never truly make headway.
I want to expand on that thought. But first, here’s an Arab-Israeli IDF soldier with a message to her fellow Arabs:
Hamas is a terrorist organization and they must be stopped.
Now, IMHO it’s a good message but she says something in passing that caught my attention: that Hamas’ actions were a violation of Islamic law. Now, taking a step back in context of everything I’ve posted about past Islamic actions against enemies, this seems odd – so I would be fascinated to learn just what she is claiming is a violation of Islamic law. But taking her statement as an optimistic and face value statement, does that not leave precisely a wedge opening akin to what I proposed?
If there is, or can be developed, wedges to insert into Islamic dialog that such actions as we saw in Israel recently, and more broadly how such actions around the world over decades are violations of Islamic law, let’s do this.
To truly win a war with an enemy committed to dying in this fight – because their greatest reward possible is to die in the fight – one must, in turn, figure out how to demoralize them and someone remove that impetus. If, for example, it can somehow be shown that terror and kidnapping and so on is against Islam, then that can push a drive to reconsider these things. So, too, can a “new interpretation” of what awaits the martyr in the afterlife:
Or is it really 72 raisins, as some have suggested the text truly says?
I’ve also read that in Islam, a soldier killed by a woman can’t get to paradise. I wonder if that’s true. If so, good news:
Female Battalion of IDF Eliminates 100 Terrorists | Frontpage Mag
And don’t forget to give killed terrorists the Jack Pershing treatment:
How American Soldiers Used Pig’s Blood and Corpses to Fight Muslim Terrorism | Frontpage Mag
The post Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.