The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 6 min 39 sec ago

Traditions, Troops, and Hoops

Fri, 2023-12-08 22:00 +0000

I recently received a text from an old Marine Corps buddy who now teaches history at Clemson University. “What’s up with the Celtics floor at the Garden? No more parquet?”

I hadn’t watched much early-season basketball, so I went to YouTube to check the look. Not pretty. Then I read a post by @SamLaFranceNBA.

For the first time in franchise history, the Boston Celtics will be playing some of their home games on a court that doesn’t have a parquet design … [earlier] the NBA officially unveiled the alternate court designs that all 30 teams will use for In-Season Tournament games. Boston’s design features a dark green paint job with a wooden-colored runway down the center. The “city edition” logo for the Celtics is featured at center court, on top of a painting of the NBA Cup trophy. In a statement, the NBA said that the alternate courts will be used for all group-stage and quarterfinal tournament games. The league added that the goal is to make it “instantly clear” to fans when they are watching an In-Season Tournament game.


The in-season tournament gimmick is grist for a different mill (i.e., material for another column), but the absence of the parquet is a big issue for many Celtic fans. You see, the Celtic product largely involves tradition—more so than any other NBA team.


Holiday traditions are especially sacrosanct. Detroit Lions home games on Thanksgiving. My mom’s Christmas popcorn balls. The Indy 500 on Memorial Day.

Don’t mess with tradition. Yankee pinstripes. Throwing hats on the ice for hat tricks. Cutting down the net. The seventh inning stretch.

And the Celtic parquet.

As Henry James said, “It takes an endless amount of history to make even a little tradition.”

As Winston Churchill said, “Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd.”

As Woody Allen said, “Tradition is the illusion of permanence.”

Tradition binds together generations, providing common experiences and shared imagery. Mess with tradition at your own peril. (Google “New Coke.”)

Our military services are dealing with terrific recruiting challenges. There are several reasons for this. But a significant cause for the recruiting crisis involves eschewing traditions. For example, Marine Corps female recruits no longer train separately from males. And when veterans no longer sense those traditional ties to the military, they’re less likely to encourage sons or daughters, nieces or nephews, friends or acquaintances, etc. to consider joining the military. There is great intangible recruiting value to honoring tradition.

The current presidential administration now imposes “woke” values onto our military. There’s less focus on warfighting and more focus on social justice. Now the Biden administration wants to use the military to fight “climate change.” No wonder Army enlistments fell 25% short of goals in 2022. Hopefully the next administration will return to celebrating traditional values relating to camaraderie, patriotism, and service as opposed to dreary and dubious woke values relating to “diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Our enemies must love seeing our military focusing so much time and energy on politically correct wokeness. It’s becoming a national security issue.


Consider the lyrics to that wonderful song from that that Academy Award winning film:

“Tradition! Without our traditions our lives would be as shaky as … a fiddler on the roof!”


So, may the Celtics bring back the parquet floor and may the military cut back the woke insanity.

Merry (traditional) Christmas!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Londonderry Needs a Town Manager That isn’t a Whiney Little Bitch

Fri, 2023-12-08 20:30 +0000

A judge’s recent decision on another Right to Know Lawsuit in New Hampshire could cost the Town of Londonderry a pretty chunk of change in Court and legal fees.

I only bring that part up because the case exposes for our amusement just how corrupt and contemptible a local government can be. While not the slimy cistern of obstruction we know as Nashua, Londonderry has been circling its own drain for years. And without getting into a debate about any war waged by its self-proclaimed political elite against Londonderry Times publisher Deb Paul, this case was indeed frivolous.

The Judge used the word repeatedly in the decision. Frivolous. The Town had no basis for refusing the RSA 91a request for the documents in question but having read them, I can see why there might have been some interest in hiding them. They make Town Manager Michael Malaguti looks like a whiney little bitch.

Malaguti filed a sexual harassment complaint (creating a hostile work environment) with the Town based on this exchange, publicly available from a public Town’sg on the Town’s website.


COUNCILOR PAUL: . . . I believe that’s conflict of interest with the Planner being in economic development. You have
somebody seducing businesses to come here and then looking at their plans. That’s not a conflict of interest? That’s not a setup for a law firm, a lawsuit? No.
CHAIRMAN FARRELL Ok, we don’t seduce anybody.
COUNCILOR PAUL: Well, entice, intrigue, convince, use a word.
CHARMAN FARRELL: We follow the guidelines and follow the laws of the State of New Hampshire.
COUNCILOR PAUL: It’s still a conflict for me.


No one in their right mind – and a keen observer might discern that Malaguit appears trapped in his Left mind – would construe that to be harassment implicit, explicit, inferred, backhanded, or otherwise unless they are fragile and ill-suited for the job of town manager … or vindictive.

And then deny access to the email and attached letter of complaint to the accused. Deb Paul had to sue the Town for refusing to cough it up, and the Court took the Town and Malaguti to the woodshed.


This case involves a frivolous complaint of sexual harassment, brought in apparent bad faith. The complaint was brought by the highest administrative officer of a town. He brought the complaint against an elected official to have her censured for what she said at an on­the­record, public hearing. The views she expressed, and the language that she used, was constitutionally and statutorily protected political speech. …

Make no mistake, Malaguti’s accusation of sexual harassment was frivolous. …

On the record provided by the parties, it is impossible to view Councilor Paul’s comments as sexual harassment, or as sexual anything, or as a comment on the gender of the Town Planner/Development Director. Malaguti’s complaint that Councilor Paul attacked the personal integrity of the Town Planner/Development Director is equally specious.


The Judge goes on to provide numerous examples in context, including dictionary definitions of the word ‘seduced’ that have no sexual connotation of any sort. It is embarrassing or should be, and (again) perhaps that is why Londonderry worked diligently to hide it.

So what is it that doesn’t offend them about Malaguti’s behavior? In his effort to smear her, Londonderry lost a bunch of money, damaged himself and the Town, and wait – why don’t I just quote him?



I’d be curious to know if people thought that the war raging against Deb Paul by the Town of Londonderry, represented by this completely fabricated sexual harassment fiasco – exacerbated by the absurd obstruction undone by the 91-a court case – is the sort of disparaging, discriminating, harassment, the Town of Londonderry should never tolerate.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Knowing the Christ of Christmas

Fri, 2023-12-08 19:00 +0000

Christmas is undoubtedly the most recognized and celebrated holiday around the world, and the owner of its namesake easily the most known human in all of history, and for good reason.  No human being has ever had the impact of Jesus Christ – alive or dead or resurrected.

For most people throughout history, Jesus was either an archetype or, for those of us since His resurrection, an almost mythical figure we try to know through stories and legend.  At Christmastime, we are reminded of His miraculous birth, immaculately conceived, heralded by angels singing to shepherds, and visited by star-seeking Magi from the Far East.  The story of His birth alone is larger than life and one that is known worldwide.  A birth so significant we set the human calendar by it (B.C. Before Christ, A.D. Anno Domini / “Year of the Lord”).

Christmastime is special for many reasons, however, it has taken on a parallel meaning for many.  Rather than a celebration of God’s gift of salvation wrapped in a manger, it has become a commercial festival of gifts wrapped by Amazon and under a tree.  Though the gift-giving and seasonal flavor are nice they pale in comparison to the real reason for the season, which is Christ Himself, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  The One who’s name is above all names and titles are above all titles because, He was not just the Son of God, He is God the Son, and there is an important distinction.

The title Son of God can often be construed as Jesus was somehow lesser than God, yet that is not the case at all.  He said so Himself, and Paul reiterates it in the book of Colossians:

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.  For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:15&16)

Consider again then why this time of year is so special and why our ancestors sought fit to reorient time itself to His birth.  Christ is God Himself come to dwell and reveal the God we all wonder about to us – Emmanuel i.e. “God with us”.  It’s in this very act we see the God of the Universe, creator of all things – Heavens and Earth – chooses to be known by us, not just believed in.  Again, He said so to the prophet Jeremiah:

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity.” (Jeremiah 29:11-14)

This seems to be the mistake so many people who wrestle with God fail to grasp, the full-hearted seeking of Him now that He chooses not to be physically with us.  This is the core of faith and also the way to build it.  It can almost seem like He’s playing an impossible game of hide and seek, but He isn’t.  He is there, and He wants you to know He’s there, and He’s given you the way to know it.

Many of us fail to seek with all of our hearts because we either believe our half-hearted attempts were good enough or we lose faith in world that falls so horribly short of even our minimal hopes and expectations we don’t want to suffer the thought God is the ultimate disappointment by not being real.

Even though our ancestors from all over the world changed times, penned scripture, faithfully shared their testimonies, wrote songs, and even made His word the best-selling and most-distributed book of all time, the worry that God won’t meet us in this life in a way that is meaningful and assuring is often too much to bear to risk putting our entire heart on the line.  The thought of the disappointment can be too painful, and for many who no longer believe they have walked through that pain sorely disappointed.  Why God?  Why haven’t you answered me?

I, too, was once in that place in life, ready to give up on any hope God was real let alone good or trustworthy. At perhaps my lowest point in life, which is often precisely where He needs you to be to cry out with all your heart, is when He met me for the first time in a way I couldn’t deny was Jesus, God the Son.

Despite my disdain for Christians and their book, I was so broken and lost I figured, “what did I have to lose?” having lost almost everything.  From a humble and contrite heart, I finally let go of my anger, bitterness, and resentment toward God for the horrible life I’d lived and asked Him for help.  More specifically, I asked Jesus, having learned from some Christians, to ask in His name as He says to in the gospel of John:

“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.  Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.” (John 16:24)

And I kept asking and kept talking to the Jesus I couldn’t see.  And He kept answering in ways I couldn’t deny – someone was listening.  Though I doubted at times and chalked it up to coincidence, I kept going back to the same well and asking again, in His name, always humble and always trusting the same Jesus would answer again.  He did, again, and again, and again.

It’s been twenty years since I started to seek Him with all my heart, and it’s been twenty years of a life punctuated by divine answers to my deepest needs and warmest desires.   I have come to know Him and, more importantly, come to know He knows me and my needs better than I know myself.  The comfort and peace that come with that are beyond description, but they are as real as the sun in the sky.

It was angels that knew God who broke into song that night, just like those who have known Him throughout history are compelled to do the same.  It’s in the knowing Him that our souls rejoice and are comforted to know the Christ of Christmas.  The one who healed the lame, gave sight to the blind, calmed the raging storms, and walked among mankind long enough to change the very way we view history and also how we consider eternity.

So this Christmas, I hope you stop and listen to the words and consider Who it is about which it is sung.

“Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let Heaven and nature sing!”

He is more than a song and a set of legendary stories.  He is the God who made you and wants to know you, and you to know Him, at Christmas and every day unto eternity.

Merry Christmas!


The post Knowing the Christ of Christmas appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-12-08 17:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


The day after, but critical to never forget:







That’s the problem.  All these things, whether the Jab / depopulation, or CBDC, or whatever… for the vast majority of people, it’s too big.

















The idea that the net could go down, or the power could be out for more than an hour or three, or that you might be targeted and frozen out for wrongthink literally does not cross the minds of the vast majority of people.





This is astonishing on so many levels I can’t fully wrap my mind around it.



I’ve never looked… but I did see one meme a while ago of a woman with a bathrobe open to her navel.  Former teacher.  Salary $40-something K per year.  Now, about that same amount per month.  While I certainly do not condone it, at all, I do understand the economic incentive.





What’s that conventional wisdom?  They who name a number first lose?






The lie is believed blindly because it makes people feel good about themselves.











This is something I never considered, but damn, that’s clever.



































Pick of the Post:


Now, I’m not saying the sun’s been engineered.  But… how utterly convenient the timing, no?





Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.





The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New Manhattan Island “Toll”

Fri, 2023-12-08 16:00 +0000

The goal is to get people to give up their mobility, which coincides both practually and culturally with the idea of freedom—the right to travel without papers anywhere in the nation. But if you want to enter Manhattan, it will cost you a lot more, thanks to a new mobility control plan.

New York’s Governor, Frau Hochul, she of the surveillance, child propagandizing, and public health detention state, has announced a traffic reduction scheme for the congestion zones on Manhattan Island.



The unicorn principle, the fantasy, is that this will reduce transportation emissions by forcing people to pay the city to use crowded, infection-spreading public transportation. What it will actually do is drive up the price of everything moved into the city every day. Not perhaps by a noticeable sum. A drink in Manhattan already costs more than twenty dollars. Everything is expensive. But adding to the cost of doing business always adds to the costs paid by customers.

For some, this might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. They didn’t move after the COVID tyranny. They’ve suffered through the exponential rise in crime and endured the burden of illegal immigrants and the swelling sea of homelessness. Perhaps this is that ‘one more thing,’ the result of which would be increased migration away from the Big Crapple and the State of New York.

Those who will leave are those who can. This typically means upper middle class and upper class. People of relative means who are not rich by modern standards but who represent the middle class. Not impoverished or poor. Not exactly blue-collar, though many blue-collar trades make what many would call rich man’s wages. And not the very rich who view the new sums as less than loose change.

We’ve seen it in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York. The true final form of the policies of the progressive project. A two-class system. The Elite and the dependent.

It will not be absolute, but these rising burdens will push the lower-middle class and the poor further down the economic ladder – widening the gap as those who can leave do. So, in a way, Hochul’s plan will work. There will be fewer cars and trucks in Manhattan, but with fewer dollars from tolls, fees, and taxes, there will also be less revenue. The new “traffic” tax meant to backstop infrastructure or other improvements – much of which will never reach a single bolt or shovelful of asphalt – will cost more in the long run.

Manhattan and New York will, ultimately, pay a higher toll, and they are just too damn ideologically captured by the lies they tell each other about the role of government and people to see it.

Or perhaps New Yorkers will find themselves a Republican Governor and Mayor who will walk the state back off the ledge.

Sorry. Just having my own little unicorn moment.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pay-and-Pray Funding

Fri, 2023-12-08 14:30 +0000

Imagine that you go to a mechanic because you have a problem with your car. He says:  Give me several thousand dollars up front, and leave your car.  And when you come back for it, maybe it will be fixed.  Maybe it will be in worse shape, although that doesn’t usually happen.

In either case, you can’t get your money back, but you can try again later if you’d like.

You might think:  I’ll find another mechanic! But because of the laws enacted by the legislature and the regulations promulgated by the Department of Mechanics, all mechanics work the same way.

You pay, and then you pray that you’ll get what you paid for.   And if your prayers aren’t answered, too bad for you!

But I’m just kidding around, right?  No one could get away with operating on this model for very long.

Unless we’re talking about schools.  Because the pay-and-pray model is exactly how schools operate.

You send your kid off to a school like Newport.  The school has an impressive-sounding mission statement,

The mission of the Newport School District is to inspire, prepare and challenge all students with a relevant, rigorous curriculum, driven by outstanding instructional leaders in partnership with our families, businesses, and community, consistent with our core values.

and budget to match — about $21,000 per student.

And yet, only about twelve percent of the kids in Newport schools can read at the most basic level of proficiency.  This is the kind of performance we expect from schools in Baltimore or Chicago.

But it is rare to find a school district in New Hampshire where more than half the kids can read proficiently.

So, on the one hand, it seems natural to ask:  Why don’t schools do better?  And many people do find themselves asking this question.

But there’s an even more natural question that hardly anyone ever seems to ask:  Why should anyone expect schools to do better, when we make it abundantly clear that they don’t need to?


The post Pay-and-Pray Funding appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hunter Biden’s Indictment – I Predict a Different Sort of Show Trial

Fri, 2023-12-08 13:00 +0000

It is almost impossible at this point to let Huter Biden walk away without a rhetorical public flogging for his complicated lifestyle. Drugs, hookers, drugs, baby mamas, hidden assets, and all the access for income ‘deals’ of which he was a part.

But, when it comes to the Department of Justice, the latter is little more than small talk. Cocktail party rumor no one they need not pursue. How Hunter got the money and where it went is not an object of concern. It is his failure to tithe to the IRS gods that is problematic. Despite being surrounded by patriots, Hunter did ot give The State its fair share of his ill-gotten gains. But rather than charge him for the methods by which he acquired his wealth, they are more concerned about their cut.

The IRS is not that different from the Big Guy.


Instead of paying his taxes, Mr. Biden “spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes,” reads the indictment.

According to Mr. Weiss, the charges include three counts of failure to pay taxes for the years 2016, 2017, and 2019, and three counts of failure to file tax returns for the years 2017 and 2018.

“The Defendant spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle at the same time he chose not to pay his taxes,” reads the indictment.

A Trial for Show

Whatever passes for a trial should be political theatre of little consequence from which Hunter will be expected to apologize, pay fines, and perform some community service, as if selling access to a Vice President to enrich his family is not a public good. A show trial but not the sort engaged in by the J6 committee. This could ease Hunter’s current public image from a reckless son of the elite to a repentant advocate for reform. He could not just seek rehab for any of his indulgences but become a champion of it.

Drug abuse and overdose are a hallmark of Democrat rule in this century. What better poster child for another money laundering scheme than Hunter and a charity through which he can pretend to care about the other addicts enabled by Oval Office policy almost as loose as Hunter himself?

A show trial. As in, for show. Nothing terrible will happen to Hunter unless someone believes he can be leveraged against someone of actual value in the manifold of Democrat Party Demigods. If that were the case, they’d put him in lockup (overnight without bail), have someone shiv him, and then use the family’s grief to fast-walk Joe from the political stage at some point before the November 2024 election.

If This Were Westeros, They Could Send Him to The Wall

I’m spit-balling. A lot of scenarios come to mind. A toothless verdict. Mistrial. A presidential pardon. But with Joe having long since mentally passed his use-by date, even as a Muppet, Hunter isn’t good for much but causing trouble for the people in power.

Pedo-peddler of the elites, Jeffrey Epstein didn’t hang himself. DNC email leaker Seth Rich wasn’t murdered in a robbery gone wrong. I find it unlikely Mark Middleton killed himself with a shotgun with a power cord noose around his neck (just in case the Biden Boomstick didn’t do the job). And Jill Biden isn’t Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton. Hunter is a deadweight the Media Industrial Complex had managed to protect because of his father, but Joe’s utility is due to sunset.

Perhaps the show trial is a means to distract from his other sins on the way to making him a martyr.

It’s the only punishment he’s likely to suffer, and if he can’t talk, everyone who benefitted from his “business dealings” can breathe a little easier.

Or not.

The post Hunter Biden’s Indictment – I Predict a Different Sort of Show Trial appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Fri, 2023-12-08 11:30 +0000

A group of nuns has filed suit to force Smith & Wesson to stop manufacturing AR-15 rifles. The basis of the suit, according to the nuns, is that these rifles have no purpose other than mass murder.

Is that why the police have them?  So they can commit mass murder?

If the answer is yes, then the police should stop carrying AR-15 rifles and, for that matter, any other semi-automatic weapons.

If the answer is no, then this suit is ridiculous on its face since it is based on a demonstrably false claim.

Which is it?

And will Smith & Wesson countersue for court costs when the suit is tossed?  I hope they will – to set a precedent for anyone else who might contemplate trying this in the future.


The post Nunsense appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap – US Climate Assessment Report: Dogma Over Truth

Fri, 2023-12-08 02:30 +0000

A new crescendo in histrionics was evident in the latest National Climate Assessment Report released on November 14. As energy prices rise and global efforts to dominate fossil fuels, food production, and international travel are embraced by the Biden administration, the credibility of the climate change narrative is wobbling, and for good reason.

What is increasingly clear to many is that even if humanity is warming the globe, the renewable energy “solutions” on offer are ineffective, if not counterproductive.

Bogus Climate Report

The recent Fifth National Climate Assessment Report strains credibility in two particular spheres: making broad claims attributing meteorological events to climate change that may likely have different causes and peddling renewable energy technologies while avoiding their manufacturing contribution to pollution and warming. The report states that the US must achieve “net zero” carbon emissions in order to avert certain catastrophes and that inadequate progress has been achieved:

While US greenhouse gas emissions are falling, the current rate of decline is not sufficient to meet national and international climate commitments and goals. … US greenhouse gas emissions decreased by less than 1% per year on average between 2005 and 2019.

Chinese Pollution?

This analysis raises an important question: If the US decreases its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 1% per year and China’s increases by 2% or more, is there a “net zero” impact on the planetary climate? This issue is often raised as a “hands tied behind our back” rationalization for why the US must not unilaterally compromise its economy to save the planet when other economies are not. But it highlights a much more important inquiry: How much of China’s increase in GHG emissions is attributable to the renewable technology products or components (e.g., solar panels, EVs) manufactured there and shipped to the US?

The US government has issued what appears to be a massive Climate Propaganda Report. Completely ignoring the GHG emissions of products manufactured to reduce GHGs is a dangerous game. It is increasingly obvious that burning coal to manufacture solar panels and digging mines to excavate lithium for EVs generate enormous quantities of GHG emissions – much of it in China and other nations abroad – that create further environmental damage. And yet energy consumption and toxic pollution are systematically excluded from consideration of the “net” impact on the environment of these technologies.

When these additional costs are factored in, it becomes immediately clear that 1) the net impact of solar panels and EVs on the environment is still destructive, perhaps more than current consumption practices, and 2) there are not enough physical resources on the planet to replace existing energy technologies with renewable alternatives.

These facts are ignored by self-anointed “climate warriors” who appear more interested in fighting ideological battles than they are in waging war against pollution. There is astronomical money to be made in manufacturing government-subsidized, government-mandated products, whether those products are solar panels or EVs. This is a terrifying moral hazard: a collusion of government and corporate interests.

Targeting Profits Over Carbon

The federal government is not out to ban NASCAR racing – what is its environmental impact? How about lawn-mowing, golfing, or downhill skiing? If saving the world is at stake, why are these industries ignored while cows are targeted, and solar panels are subsidized on the backs of the poor? Perhaps the answer has more to do with power and money than saving the planet.

This answer explains the other fatuous shortcoming of the report: It links everything to climate change. Canadian and Maui wildfires? Not human mismanagement of forests but humans’ carbon dioxide. Diminishing groundwater supplies in the Midwest? Not human pumping of ever more groundwater to irrigate almond and wine plantations, but humans’ carbon dioxide. Vermont’s record flooding and cool temperatures while the nation was in a heat wave? Well, climate change of course: no actual evidence required.

An Ideological Scam

It may be that humans are warming the globe, but not as fast as those who are exploiting the situation claim. Cash-to-clunkers was a scam that retired functional vehicles early while boosting new car sales with government subsidies (as intended). Ethanol as fuel is a joke, both environmentally and as a source of energy security. People’s ears may be itching to hear false hopes, but the sad truth is that these are all demonstrable scams.

The report states: “Across all regions of the US, people are experiencing warming temperatures and longer-lasting heatwaves.” This is not entirely true: Mount Washington set a national record low in February, and Vermont saw several record low-temperature days as well as a very unseasonably cool summer. But since it is presumed a priori that all weather patterns prove the theory of GHG impacts, there is no hope for “real science.” If it gets warmer, it is human-caused; if it gets colder or wetter, it is human-caused. As with social justice ideology in general, all roads lead to the party line.

Climate Facts

That party line is crumbling under the weight of human need and science – the science of measuring the full costs of manufacturing fancy EVs, both in regressive wealth transfers from the poor to the rich and in assessing the externalized costs of manufacturing (and disposing of) EVs, solar panels, and windmills. The name “renewable” is a deliberate misnomer: The report seeks to disconnect US-generated carbon dioxide from Chinese emissions, yet US consumption of renewables is inseparable from Chinese pollution. There is no net zero in our backyard when the costs of production of renewable energy gadgets – at home or abroad – are accurately calculated rather than externalized to China. They are instead deliberately avoided. Climate change orthodoxy is about power over other humans, not power to save the planet. Next thing you know, Biden et al. will be chastising China for its GHG and pollution emissions – the ones it generates by making piles of cash selling polluting “renewable” technologies to Americans.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.


The post Night Cap – US Climate Assessment Report: Dogma Over Truth appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Review of: Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up

Fri, 2023-12-08 01:00 +0000

Ever wonder if you were living in the Dystopian States of America? Senator Rand Paul’s Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up, published October 10, 2023, does not disarm those haunting feelings.

This book is not for those who wish to place everything we have learned during the covid-19 control program in a memory hole. To the contrary, Paul is encouraging those who would pursue the truth to join him in confronting the difficult questions this period raises, including the origin of the covid-19 organism: did it arise naturally and spill over from an animal into the human species, or did it emerge as an accident from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). He further asks what our government has done to conceal its possible funding of the WIV “gain-of-function” research that was being done there. He explores the tangential issues of the nature of the organism’s transmission and the efficacy of such measures as masking, social distancing, and the selective shutting down of the United States economy and the nation’s educational systems.

Is all of this significant? Certainly, if we accept that a million Americans lost their lives to covid-19, along with five million worldwide.

Senator Paul’s opening salvo is aimed at how the covid-19 organism arose, making a serious case for its having escaped the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s laboratory where Dr. Shi Zhengli had gained an international reputation as the “bat scientist.” Because the book is primarily chronologically oriented, describing Senator Paul’s efforts to get at the truth about the covid-19 pandemic, the reader does not at first learn who the first three victims of covid-19 were. Toward the end of the book, however, we learn their identities. All worked in the WIV, and one, Ben Hu, was a “gain-of-function” researcher and a colleague of Dr. Shi Zhengli.

Was the federal government somehow involved in funding this dangerous gain-of function research? If so, was Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022, somehow involved? The book is full of formal interchanges between Senator Paul and Dr. Fauci. If it served no other purpose, reading these exchanges makes Deception an excellent intellectual investment. The reader should be able to determine who is telling the truth.

Likewise, Deception shines a light on the reaction of the mainstream media to those raising questions about the covid-19 control program. How many people have already forgotten the incessant drumming of the party-line message originating in the government—that the virus had jumped from animals in the Wuhan “wet market” to the human population but that Operation Warp Speed would protect Americans by cutting through the bureaucracy and unnecessary prehuman testing to give them a safe and 95 percent effective vaccine against this new pathogen? Also, what did 95 percent effectiveness mean if not that getting the shots would immunize us and prevent transmission in ways that herd immunity could never achieve without a devastating increase in deaths and hospitalizations?

Deception reminds us that there were attendant social actions, either voluntary or coerced, that were promoted as necessary to slow the transmission of the disease. Masking was one of those measures, something visible that separated those socially responsible from those who would recklessly expose their fellow humans to such dangerous pathogens. If one cloth mask was not totally effective, perhaps two would finally trap those nasty viruses. To be really safe, sanitize every surface touched by those disease-transmitting humans with Clorox.

Never mind that the medical profession already knew that surgical masks were ineffective as barriers against the transmission of viral aerosols. Deception reminds us of the basic math that was being ignored, that the pore size of those masks was six hundred times the size of a covid-19 virus organism. Picture taking a handful of dried peas, throwing them against a chain-link fence, and then counting the number that make it through. Deception identifies masking as nothing more than theater.

Deception also reminds us of the lockdowns that were implemented by governments, including our own but excluding Sweden, which chose to keep its economy and schools open with apparently no ill effect. The book emphasizes the critical loss of education and how forced homeschooling differentially affected families. Those that had an adult at home to monitor the homeschooling survived, but what about the many households where this resource did not exist? Were these families that could afford to fall further behind in education?

The lockdown mentality seemed to bring the authoritarians out of the woodwork, but the most damaging of these authoritarians were the state governors wishing to build an image of being tough on disease. Senator Paul notes that these were primarily Democratic governors, but elsewhere, he finds fault with Republicans who were part of the hysteria. He specifically notes how President Donald Trump—who unleashed Operation Warp Speed, which led to the destruction of supply lines—promoted “stimulating” the economy by sending out substantial checks to virtually everybody. Of course, the federal government had no real wealth to disperse so the ongoing effect was inflation and a significant increase in the federal government’s debt.

Deception is not easy reading. There are parts where the average reader will need to work through medical terminology such as furin cleavage sites. This should not deter the typical reader from getting a sense for these concepts and how they fit into the bigger picture. It is the flow of medical logic that matters.

While Deception may be the most comprehensive view of what might be called the covid-19 control program, it is missing the piece about the Nuremberg Code. The Nuremberg Code arose out of the post–World War II decision to convict the Nazi doctors who were guilty of unethical human experimentation. Seven of these individuals were executed for “crimes against humanity.” A thorough comparison of that code with what might be called the covid-19 control program should reveal that all ten items in the code have been violated under the latter control program. That Deception does not address this important piece in understanding the covid-19 years is no criticism of Senator Paul, who has covered so many of the relevant questions from a critical scientific and political perspective.

Although government officials have announced that the covid-19 pandemic emergency is over as of May 11, 2023, we are still living with the aftermath of the pandemic late into 2023. During the emergency period, we have seen the degree of authoritarianism, disinformation, and hysteria that was unleashed for this one pathogen alone. In an essay from the Institute of Medicine Forum on Microbial Threats, Mark Woolhouse and Eleanor Gaunt of the University of Edinburgh warn that “ongoing global ecological change will continue to produce novel infectious diseases at or near the current rate of three per year.”

Do the math. If we accept that the government can declare medical emergencies at will, then we acknowledge that the government is empowered to eliminate our liberties at any time. This is a power even greater than that enjoyed by Adolf Hitler as he rose to become the absolute dictator of Nazi Germany in 1933. If we accept this, we fail to remember the lessons of history.

That, I believe, is Senator Rand Paul’s contribution to liberty. He won’t allow us to forget.

Phil Duffy is a regular contributor to WFYL’s We the People, the Constitution Matters, a lifelong student of history, and the author of the forthcoming A Tale of Four Cities, an investigation about who really wrote the first modern text on economics and why it matters today.


Phil Duffy | Mises Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

AG Garland Ignores Maine’s Cry For Help

Thu, 2023-12-07 23:30 +0000

Merrick Garland is the United States Attorney General and heads up our Justice Department, which includes 115,000 employees. Garland is obviously a very busy man working with Joe Biden and Christopher Wray to find ways to target and harass people with a Conservative ideology.

He also is too busy and understaffed to respond to an urgent letter of request sent to him in August from a United States Senator and Congressman. For five months, Senator Susan Collins and Congressman Jared Golden have been waiting anxiously to get at least a response from Garland, but their wait continues. I can guarantee that Randi Weingarten doesn’t have to wait five months for a response.

Collins and Golden reached out to Merrick Garland for help with the growing problem of illegal, Chinese-owned pot farms that have popped up in Central Maine. These farms are causing fear, anxiety, and health hazards to the residents of rural Maine by a group of Chinese Nationals that many have claimed are more ruthless than the MAFIA. Collins and Golden’s cry for help has remained unanswered.

Maine is a large rural state with a very low population density. Besides a few large city areas like Portland, Augusta, and Auburn/Lewiston, the state comprises small towns with limited law enforcement resources. The State Police is understaffed and stretched across the state. Real estate is relatively cheap, and all of these factors lead to Maine being a target for the Chinese Cartel’s illegal marijuana farms popping up throughout central Maine. There are as many as 200 of the “farms” identified, but the Maine Congressional Delegation cannot get a response from the Justice Department.

Maine State Reps. Mike Soboleski (R-Phillips) has sponsored L.R. 2903, “An Act to Provide Investigative Authority to the Maine State Police, Sheriffs, and Local Police Regarding Maine’s Recreational Cannabis Laws and Ordinances to Ensure Proper Enforcement,” so we can tackle this crisis head-on and take back our land and protect our Maine way of life,” he said.

The fate of L.R. 2903 will hinge on Thursday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, where the bills that will be considered next year will be decided by legislative leadership. Democrats control Maine’s state government, and it will be interesting to see if this Bill sees the light of day. Democrat Governor Janet Mills refused to comment on this developing situation in her state.

We know the Biden Administration is in bed with the Chinese Government, but does this influence extend to our Justice Department? If Washington can turn its head and ignore 100,000 annual deaths caused by Chinese Fentanyl, is it surprising they have no concern over 200 Chinese Nationals turning Maine homes into Pot Farms? The people of Maine cannot let this effort to get help die, nor can the thousands of people who own seasonal homes in the Pine State. We must support Senator Collins and Representative Golden in their efforts and force Governor Mills out of her silence and into action.

I have written about the current state of Maine and the frustration many of us have over the liberal Marijuana and Abortion bills recently passed. Faced now with a severe safety issue facing their constituents, the politicians have gone underground. This situation is a failure of the Government to do the primary job they are tasked with: to protect the people. It is a shame that these shortcomings are forgotten as we go to the polls, and these inept individuals are rewarded with reelection.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Donald Trump Isn’t Worried About ‘Neocon Nikki’

Thu, 2023-12-07 22:00 +0000

In the 2024 Republican presidential primary, there have been rumblings outside the massive 46.3-point advantage held by former President Donald Trump. A surprise contender, former ambassador Nikki Haley, is making strides in the polls.

There are two factions inside the Republican Party: one supporting Donald Trump and his America First agenda, and the other supporting the globalist, neocon, establishment, business-as-usual agenda.

The business-as-usual Republican crew is seeking a candidate to defeat Donald Trump, who poses an existential threat to their agenda. The noble horse they chose to gallop toward triumph, Governor Ron DeSantis, unfortunately, has slowed to a crippling halt.

The DeSantis disaster has set off a wild race among establishment donors and political operatives as they desperately search for a new horse to bet on. Among all the candidates in the contest, Haley has the most in common with the swamp GOP establishment, which makes her an ideal fit. Nikki Haley is an unrepentant neoconservative who has no shame in her game when it comes to opposing the America First agenda. (RELATED: DEROY MURDOCK: Donald Trump Looks More Electable By The Day)

In 2017, during her tenure as US Ambassador to the United Nations, Haley was an aggressive warmonger. Despite President Trump’s clear demands to pivot away from Bush-era neocon policies, Haley wanted US military intervention in North Korea, Iran, and Syria. In 2021, Haley opposed the US withdrawal of troops in Afghanistan.

“Our enemies have always hoped this day would come,” she said. “They know from history that when America retreats, freedom falters.” It comes as no surprise that after her tenure as the warmongering UN Ambassador, she was rewarded with a cozy paid board position at Boeing.

When it comes to trade, Haley is a globalist and “no fan of tariffs” against our enemies like China — even though they work.


Donald Trump stands in stark contrast to Nikki Healy. Trump chose to meet with Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, and forge a peace deal rather than intervene militarily. He de-escalated the evident start to World War III when Iran retaliated for the assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Also, Trump pulled US troops out of Syria. There were no new foreign wars under the Trump presidency.

The United States trade strategy under Trump was the most successful in recent history, particularly in terms of leveling the playing field with China. The Phase One China Trade Act required China to purchase $200 billion in US products and services, which would have decreased the trade deficit to $167 billion dollars. Trump was a thorn in the side of the neocons and globalists; Haley is their silver lining. (RELATED: RASHEED WALTERS: The Case For Donald Trump)

According to Gallup polls, Republican support for the Ukraine war has withered since the start of the conflict. Republican voters have had enough of war, particularly when it comes to Ukraine, which serves as a litmus test for any Republican candidate seeking office and aligning with neoconservative principles.

Contrarily, Haley believes it is the duty of the United States to support Ukraine financially so that they may promote “freedom and democracy” and undermine Russian President Vladimir Putin through proxy. “When you see a freedom-loving country trying to protect their own turf, we should give them every ounce of ammunition they need,” Haley said in 2021. Her words in April 2022 must have made her friends at the military-industrial complex lick their chops, anticipating the hefty profits coming their way.

The American people deserve a president who isn’t in bed with special interests, particularly the military-industrial complex and has no desire to sacrifice American lives for the sake of lining their buddies’ pockets. We yearn for peace and prosperity, a path that can solely be paved by the reemergence of an America First Donald Trump presidency.


Rasheed Walters is an entrepreneur, political commentator, and historian who resides in Boston. Follow him on Twitter @rasheednwalters.

Rasheed Walters | Daily Caller

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Girls, You Need To “Learn To Lose Gracefully” To Males

Thu, 2023-12-07 20:30 +0000

Matthew Graves is the Biden-Regime’s DOJ’s top persecutor of J6 protesters. His wife is Fatima Gross Graves. They are both COMMUNISTS. They and their ilk are a permanent ruling class, while the rest of us are a permanent underclass that serves their needs and whims.

Anyone who doesn’t like this arrangement is an insurrectionist, treasonous, blah, blah, blah. Here is Fatima telling Congress that female athletes need to “learn to lose gracefully” to males. But just keep pretending that the Democrats aren’t Communists and that we can coexist with them.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New Face Of Feminism Is Conservative

Thu, 2023-12-07 19:00 +0000

The new face of feminism is conservative.

How do I know?  Not ONE democratic congresswoman voted for the Congressional H.R 734 “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023.” (The vote was straight down party lines with all 219 Republicans voting for the bill.) Think about that! How could any elected woman not vote to support, in essence, an amendment to Tile IX, the wildly successful law enacted by Congress 50 years ago that transformed women’s athletics at all levels of competition? The amendment states, “sex shall be recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.”

It is hard to believe that in 2023 there is controversy about the definition of one’s sex. Confusion about the scientific definition of sex reflects a society with an abundance of mental health issues or just too much privilege and time on its hands. Dress however you want, identify however, but Title IX was in part enacted to provide equal opportunity for female competition, which in effect provided some safeguards from injury. (RELATED: KENDEL EHRLICH: The Government Is Totally Botching Its Most Important Job)

So, where are the likes of Gloria Steinem, the bra-burning leader of the feminist/sexual revolution in the late 60’s and early 70’s? Where is Hillary, the women of the View, and The “Squad”? Nowhere to be found.  Those of us who have been paying attention know the hypocrisy of the feminist left. Their religion is not so much women’s rights as “Democrat.” They never support or have a kind word for Republican women, especially those who have dedicated themselves to their families and communities.

Today, however, we find Riley Gaines and Sarah Huckabee Sanders leading the charge to protect women’s rights.  Sarah ran for governor of Arkansas, so she asked for the responsibility; but Riley Gaines became the new face of feminism because she faced an injustice she never dreamed of.  As a young girl/woman, she put in hundreds of hours of practice swimming against other women, working to achieve ribbons and medals while competing against other females.  And then it all changed:  Riley was forced to swim against a biological male.

How did this happen? How could the NCAA sanction such unfair competition?   It made no sense. Yet, the NCAA did nothing except encourage competitors to keep their mouths shut! This is akin to encouraging domestic violence victims NOT to testify.

It seems that each week brings a new, shocking story about a transgender male competing and winning in women’s sports.  One of latest horror stories is about a biological male playing field hockey at a high school in Massachusetts.  He flung the ball in the air so hard it knocked the teeth out of an opposing female player. (RELATED: BOB EHRLICH: The Sky Is Blue — Believe It)

And now there is a new twist to the horror. A transgender male soccer player threatens to sue rivals for discrimination because the opponent/girls refuse to participate in games against the biological male. Note: one girl has already suffered a broken knee while attempting to block the biological male’s shot.  So where are the parents of these transgender males competing against women?  Are they celebrating their son’s achievements, clapping loudly at the medal ceremonies? Do these parents have daughters who are athletes? Please, SOMEONE make this stop!

Today, Riley tours the country speaking to organizations, campuses (that don’t cancel her), and association meetings that understand the significance in protecting the “woman” part of women’s sports.  Thank you. As for Governor Sanders, she signed an executive order eliminating “woke” language from state documents that attempts to eradicate biological differences.  For example, in Arkansas, the terms, “pregnant people,” “birth giver” and “laboring person” will not appear in state documents. The Governor called those terms “nonsense.” Per “Concerned Women for America, Legislative Action Committee,” 21 states have enacted laws to protect female athletes from unfair competition in sports.  This list includes Arkansas, signed by Governor Sanders’ predecessor, Governor Hutchinson. Let’s keep it going.

These are the new faces of feminism: women who actually support women.  Who would have thunk!

Kendel Ehrlich is the former First Lady of Maryland, a former prosecutor, former Deputy Director of ONDCP, former Director of SMART and former Acting Director of BJA.


Kendel Ehrlich | Daily Caller

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Time To Rethink Our Investment In Higher Education

Thu, 2023-12-07 17:30 +0000

You might be hard-pressed to find an argument that our College and University system is failing America. Secondary education is where the indoctrination of American students began, and that poisoning of our children’s minds has finally reached pre-school.

The process is complete, and an entire generation has been indoctrinated from K-16. Let’s get simple. These kids are brainwashed, and higher education has never returned so little for the record high cost. Tuitions have far outpaced the cost of living, and as long as students can secure loans to pay these exorbitant amounts of money, the tuition will continue to rise. It has become a game with these institutions to continue to raise the ceiling while students and society are the losers. Students and their parents are strapped with high-balance loans, and society is burdened with poorly educated students and a generation that hates America and its history. It is time to rethink the economics of higher education.

The protests on campuses against Israel and in support of Hamas and Palestinians have awakened a lot of American minds to the poisonous atmosphere in American colleges and universities. In the spirit of Free Speech and the First Amendment, these institutions refused to shut down the protests that the masses saw as hate speech. The actions of many against Jewish students have instilled a fear that many say brings back memories of 1939. Many of these students have bravely come forward to tell their stories and describe their fears. These institutions are not doing enough to protect these students with Jewish lineage. Many high-level donors are reacting by notifying their Alma Matas they will not be seeing any further donations.

The response of these donors should be a blueprint for what our Government should do. All schools enjoy a tax-exempt status, but to go one more step, Washington gives more than $100 Billion of taxpayer dollars yearly in the name of aid. The other side of that equation is the endowments held by secondary schools. Current estimates have this fund at a balance of $807 Billion. We people claim every day that the rich in this country should pay their fair share in taxes. When an entity has nearly $1 Trillion in the bank, should they be considered wealthy? Should an entity with that kind of surplus be given money from American taxpayers, many of whom are living paycheck to paycheck? Should this entity be exempt from paying taxes when the Government taxes seniors who live on $2,000 a month from Social Security? The obvious answer to all of those questions is a resounding No, but all of these scenarios exist, and nobody questions them.

These institutions have not earned nor deserve our hard-earned money. They have chosen to participate in the reformation of our country and not in the education and preparation of our children to be the next generation of leaders. They have turned out a generation that condemns our past and chooses to tear down our great country. Their option is to replace America with a new socialist alternative, but that should never happen and not on our dime.

The tax-exempt status should be the first tradition to fall. If they can save billions, they can pay taxes. If they can accumulate billions, they do not need tax subsidies. This is not about being fair but about righting a wrong. Colleges and universities have been a party to creating a WOKE society; to me, the party is over.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will Manchester Waste More Money on Professional Development for Teachers?

Thu, 2023-12-07 16:00 +0000

Manchester teachers are getting a new contract. It calls for four more days of professional development. While PD can be beneficial to teachers, taxpayers should be looking at what teachers will be doing during every professional development day.

Several years ago, I attended a presentation by Manchester Proud. The presentation showed everyone how the district would be implementing the fads put forth by education reformers. None of these people had any record of success in improving academic outcomes, but that didn’t matter. People just want to be told that the district is doing something with their tax dollars.

While I was seated for this presentation, I struck up a conversation with a Manchester teacher who had taken the day off of school to attend this event. She told me she was using a professional development day so she could attend. She also mentioned how kids were graduating from the district but didn’t know basic math. There was no mention at this event about ways to improve math education in the district. It was more smoke and mirrors explaining how new education fads would be added.

This is an example of how money spent on professional development can be wasted. PD used to help teachers become better at teaching math or other core subjects will benefit the teachers and students. But as you can see, the taxpayers in Manchester just flushed more of their money down the toilet by paying this teacher to attend an event that would never help her in the classroom.

PD should be scrutinized by the school board and community every year. Money spent to improve the quality of teachers serving in the district could be beneficial to your children.  But as you can see, some of those valuable resources can. be wasted, too.

Four more days to PD is a lot to add to your school budget. Someone should be asking for details and scrutinizing PD every single year.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Semi-Autos Are So Dangerous? It’s the Gas!

Thu, 2023-12-07 14:30 +0000

In a recent op-ed, Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico explains what makes semi-automatic weapons so dangerous:

AR-15s—the weapons used in a number of mass shootings—aren’t dangerous because of how they look. They are dangerous because they use expanding gas to simultaneously fire a bullet and reload the next round while staying steady on target. The weapon’s primary limitation is how quickly a shooter can pull the trigger.

I wonder if he’s ever actually shot an AR-15 or if his are just nicer than mine, because mine don’t ‘stay steady on target’ between rounds.  Mine recoil, requiring me to reacquire the target before pulling the trigger again.

I think perhaps he’s confusing the use of gas to cycle a round with the use of gas to help a compensator reduce muzzle flip.  In which case, perhaps what he really wants to ban are compensators.

When I teach people about gun safety, I show them how a semi-auto pistol works, and how a revolver works.

First, I point out that with the pistol, each pull of the trigger causes the gun to fire and then load another round:  Fire, load.  Fire, load.  Fire, load.

Next, I point out that with the revolver, the order is different.  Each pull of the trigger causes the gun to load a round and then fire it:  Load, fire.  Load, fire.  Load, fire.

Finally, I ask:  So you can see why a semi-automatic (which fires and then loads) is so much more dangerous than a revolver (which loads and then fires), right?

After twenty years, I am still waiting for someone to say ‘No!  It’s the same thing!’

How fast can you fire a revolver?  Take a look, and then decide for yourself whether Heinrich has any idea at all what he’s talking about.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The ‘Mother’ of All Wars on Women

Thu, 2023-12-07 13:00 +0000

The Democrat’s war on women began before they accused Republicans of it, but more recently, there have been direct assaults and flanking maneuvers to take everything from them, from privacy and safety to awards and accomplishments, and – the CDC didn’t want to be left out.



The CDC has wiped references to ‘pregnant women’ or ‘pregnant woman’ in vaccine guidance and replaced them with terms like ‘pregnant people’ and ‘pregnant parent’ in an effort to become ‘gender neutral’.

Other gender-specific terms such as ‘she’, ‘her’, and ‘mother’ have also been resigned to the dustbin of history by the CDC.


As part of the reordering of the common-sense universe, the National Medical Establishment’s broken leadership wanted to ensure that women who think they are men are not sent into a tizzy over the prospect of being reminded they are, in fact, women.

Men are incapable of getting pregnant, but women who think they are men – lacking surgical intervention to prevent it, could. This is what is meant by the dystopian left when they say, MEN CAN TOO GET PREGNANT, PFT! Yes, the same way a rock can swim. You just have to call what’s happening something else and then demand everyone else believe it. Sometimes, under legal threat of punishment if you dare refuse.

There are words for that. Tyranny for the latter and Insane to both, which is a terribly un-PC thing to say, but pandering to the inmates at the asylum never finds its way onto the day’s to-do list. Pity, that. As is this, at least for the super-spreaders at the Center for Woke Disease Transmission.


“All pregnant persons are women. A trans man is a woman who is trying to alter her body to resemble a man’s,” [Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of AAPS] said, adding “She is endangering her baby’s health if she is taking testosterone. The CDC ought to be warning about that.”


Not likely, but we are happy to warn anyone who reads this about the CDC. Not that there’s a need. All that COVID business appears to have established where the crazy people are and why – in the best interests of public health – we listen politely when they speak and then laugh amongst ourselves and walk away (maybe write a blog post) – but here’s the rub. When the CDC talked during the ‘pandemic,” state and local public health officials and far too many politicians danced to their tune without question.

Will they be following the Centers for Democrat Control on the question of erasing women and mothers?

And what, exactly, are you prepared to do to prevent that?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAU4 Parents Say NO to the CDC Take-Over of their School

Thu, 2023-12-07 11:30 +0000

Parents in SAU4 serving the communities of Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Danbury, Groton, Hebron, Hill, and New Hampton, spoke passionately against the CDC wellness policy proposed for their school district at a recent school board meeting.

After discovering the proposed changes to their Wellness Policy, parents rejected accepting the CDC model policy that would turn their school district into a mental health and medical clinic.

This is the current Wellness Policy:

JLCF Healthy School Wellness Sue

This is the proposed change to the CDC model policy: 
NASD Wellness Policy 2023 (final draft)

We’ve already noted big problems within the schools that have implemented some of these changes. For instance, school districts that implemented the Multi-Tiered System of Support with Social and Emotional Learning are sharing personally identifiable mental health information on their students with Keene State- BHII. Parents and students had no idea that personal mental health information would be shared with anyone. Not only is this unethical, it violates the student’s privacy rights based on The New Hampshire Constitution.

This year, two young New Hampshire students were vaccinated against their parent’s consent. That’s what happens when you bring a vaccine clinic into the school when parents are not present. Parents in Rochester and Nashua found out their children were vaccinated after they sent strict notification not to vaccinate their child this year. Mistakes are going to happen when parents are not present.

Recently, in Maine, a father was shocked when he found a small bag of pills that were given to his daughter at the school based medical clinic. The parents of the 17-year-old were not aware that their child was prescribed Zoloft,  a medication that causes suicidal thoughts. He then began questioning how this could happen without his knowledge or consent. It happened because the school district agreed to incorporate the CDC model by including a medical clinic at the school.

How did they treat and prescribe a medication without his knowledge or consent? The clinic says they don’t need parental consent because the Federal Government funds them. The CDC model is void of ethics or any respect for parental rights.

After the father in Maine discovered his daughter was put in danger, he withdrew her from the district. It gets worse–he was then visited by Child Protective Services who finally determined there was no problem with the parents. From the outside, it sure looks like he was retaliated against by someone either in the school or working at the school clinic.

Parents in SAU4 are now educating their board members that they don’t want any part of this. They value their God-given rights to parent their children. But school board members are too quick to chase federal dollars without any critical analysis of what it means for the families they are supposed to serve. People who run for school board need to do their due diligence on everything that comes before them.

Parents and residents made the case that they want the district to focus on academics.

No one mentioned the lack of education and credentials by those assessing and treating the students for their mental health. Many of the people working in the district do not have the education or credentials to treat a child’s anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts. These are extremely serious mental health problems that deserve expert care from a Ph.D. Child Psychologist who is licensed and follows the APA Code of Ethics. Parents would then get the best mental health care for their children, be included in the decisions with the doctor, and their child’s privacy would be protected. That’s not what parents will get with the CDC model.

After the parents and residents spoke, a student representative serving on the board went in the opposite direction, and supported all of these changes to the school system. Citing the importance of a child’s mental health, the child argued that turning the district into the CDC model would be good for children. But this is a child who has no idea how children have been physically harmed, and how students have had their privacy rights violated. I’m going to guess she has no idea where any of the sensitive personal mental health data on her peers has been sent.

Maybe this student and all of the board members should be aware of an incident that played out in East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania years ago when the 6th grade girls were rounded up in school, and then forced to undergo vaginal exams. Parents in PA were not notified, nor did they consent to forced genital exams on their 6th grade daughters. I wonder if the student representative serving on the SAU4 board would be so open to school based clinics if she knew the trauma that the girls in PA had to endure. This is what happens when parents are discarded by those who think they know better:

Parents were outraged that the exams had been performed, allegedly without their knowledge.

“It was horrible,” one of the girls testified Tuesday. “It hurt physically. But it really mentally hurt knowing that somebody was doing this to me when I didn’t want them to do it.”

The girl, now 15 and the trial’s first witness, wiped away tears as she described the exam. During her testimony, the physician, Ramlah Vahanvaty, was sitting 30 feet away at a defense table.

In the back of the courtroom, the girl’s father and other parents dabbed at their eyes with tissues. Her mother, who is seriously ill, was not in the courtroom.

The genital exams were performed during the overall medical checkups required by the state for sixth- graders.

No one in the audience at the school board meeting disputes the importance of good medical and mental health care for children but that’s not the mission of public education. The district is struggling to meet its own mission of providing a quality academic education.  How does anyone think they will be able to meet the child’s medical and mental health needs? They are already proving they are incapable of taking on these tasks because they are not hiring the best qualified individuals, following ethical guidelines, or providing the privacy protections students deserve.

The school board should reject the revised wellness policy, and the wellness committee shut down.  There is enough evidence to show that school districts are not the place to provide these services.


The post SAU4 Parents Say NO to the CDC Take-Over of their School appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

6 Ways to Calm Anxiety

Thu, 2023-12-07 10:00 +0000

Anxiety, a prevalent mental health issue affecting millions worldwide, can be debilitating. However, advancements in alternative medicine have introduced unique methods to combat anxiety, including the use of fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). This article explores six ways to calm anxiety, with a focus on innovative and natural approaches.

1. Microdosing Fly Agaric (Amanita Muscaria)

Recent scientific research has shed light on the potential benefits of microdosing certain mushroom species, particularly Amanita muscaria. Microdosing involves consuming small, sub-perceptual amounts of a substance to experience its benefits without significant psychoactive effects. The OM.SHROOM company, a pioneer in this field, offers Amanita muscaria in various forms, including dried caps, powder, and capsules. These products are carefully prepared to ensure safety and consistency, providing a novel way to alleviate anxiety symptoms.

2. Regular Physical Exercise

Engaging in regular physical exercise is a well-known method to reduce anxiety. Physical activity releases endorphins, natural mood lifters, and helps in maintaining a balanced mental state. Activities like jogging, yoga, or even brisk walking can significantly lessen the intensity of anxiety symptoms.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can significantly calm the mind and reduce anxiety. These practices help in focusing on the present moment and in reducing the overthinking that often accompanies anxiety. Techniques like deep breathing, guided imagery, and mindfulness meditation are effective in managing stress and anxiety levels.

4. Balanced Diet and Hydration

A balanced diet plays a crucial role in mental health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and walnuts, and those high in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, can enhance brain health and mitigate anxiety. Staying hydrated is also essential, as dehydration can worsen anxiety symptoms.

5. Adequate Sleep

Poor sleep patterns are closely linked to increased anxiety. Ensuring a regular sleep schedule and creating a calming bedtime routine can significantly improve sleep quality. Practices like limiting screen time before bed and creating a comfortable sleep environment can foster better sleep, thus reducing anxiety.

6. Professional Counseling

Seeking professional help is vital, especially for chronic or severe anxiety. Therapists and counselors can provide personalized strategies and support. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is particularly effective in treating anxiety by changing negative thought patterns.

In conclusion, while traditional methods like exercise, diet, and sleep are foundational in managing anxiety, emerging approaches such as microdosing Amanita muscaria offer new hope. The OM.SHROOM company provides a range of products, including dried caps, powder, and capsules, for those interested in exploring this option. For those considering this route, it’s worth noting that fly agaric for sale are available at, ensuring accessibility and convenience. Remember, addressing anxiety is a multifaceted approach, and what works for one individual may differ for another. Always consult healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment.

The post 6 Ways to Calm Anxiety appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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